The predators vs. the people |
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The Predators versus The People, a new downloadable book by Meeuwis T. Baaijen, really is essential reading for anyone (and this should mean everyone!) who wants to understand the world we live in.
The breadth of his take is staggering, his clarity is refreshing and his determination to take his analysis right through to its logical conclusion is laudable.
Having already conducted research into some of the issues concerned, I immediately recognized the picture Baaijen paints as a true one, supported by evidence with which I am familiar.
And I was delighted to find that, when he explored questions I had not addressed in detail, his conclusions very much confirmed my provisional suspicions as to what was involved.
There is nothing more important to communicate to our fellow human beings than the hidden reality that we are ruled by a global criminal mafia – Glafia as Baaijen calls it – or the “criminocracy” in my own terminology.
Such is the threat posed by this entity, which aims to “steal our planet, freedom, and future” as the book’s subtitle rightly warns, that large-scale resistance is urgently required.
But how can people be expected to fight against something which they don’t even know exists and whose suggested existence they have been brainwashed into regarding as a figment of deluded or ill-intentioned thinking?
The Predators provides a solid platform for spreading awareness of the stark reality of the sociopathic Glafia and its domination project.
Its overall vision provides a framework in which other researchers can investigate the thousands of threads that make up the worldwide web of corruption, without ever losing sight of the Big Picture.
And this framework of understanding can be the basis of a new movement of international resistance that will go beyond merely identifying the criminocrats and aim to bring their odious rule to an end.
Foreword … i
Overview of the book … ii
How to read this book … iii
Introduction … iv
Disclaimers … x
Part A Globalism: The Real Story (c.16 stands for 16th century)
A1 From the Big Bang to 1522
A1.1 In the Beginning
A1.2 Prehistory: life in the natural world
A1.3 Early civilizations
A1.4 The globalized world of 1522
A2 c.16 Mediterranean capitalists start plotting
A2.1 The first thread: the city-states of Genoa and Venice
A2.2 The second thread: ex-Iberian Jews
A2.3 Entwining the Italian and Jewish threads
A2.4 Sidelining Catholic Spain, toward Protestant empires
A3 c.17 Going Atlantic: propping up the Dutch & Brits
A3.1 The soaring career of the Dutch empire
A3.2 The English Revolutions: grooming the next hegemon
A3.3 The East India Companies: private colonization tools
A4 c.18 Making Perfidious Albion rule the waves
A4.1 The take-off of the Brutish Empire
A4.2 The American Revolution: a charade
A4.3 The French Revolution: another foreign-managed event
A5 c.19 Anglo-American proxies prepare Eurasia's conquest
A5.1 New leaders for an old banking cabal: the Rothschilds
A5.2 Toward the USA: robber barons, civil war, and a bank
A5.3 Spanish America "freed": revolutions precede investments
A5.4 Planning The Great 20th Century Slaughter of Eurasia
A5.5 Building up the Axis powers: Germany, Italy and Japan
A5.6 Ideologies: the new opium of the people
A6 c.20 The Good Guys stage The Slaughter of Eurasia
A6.1 Staged massacres: the 30-year War to conquer Eurasia
A6.2 Russia's Cursed Course
A6.3 The Tragedy of Germany
A6.4 The sky-rocketing career of Communist China
A6.5 Fake de-colonization: from visible, to invisible
A6.6 The Cold War: another Strategy of Fear
A6.7 1971: the year that (music) changed everything
A7 c.21 End Game: Global Digital Prison, Glafia goes East
A7.1 9/11/2001: the End Game Overture
A7.2 The long planned financial crisis
A7.3 Covid: Glafia's umpteenth protection racket
A7.4 The Great Reset: welcome to the Global Digital Prison
A7.5 The Great Shift: after 500 years, Glafia goes East
A8 Discussion and Conclusions (A&B)
A8.1 Discussion: The Predator theory of history
A8.2 Our Past: The Great Deceit
A8.3 Our Present: The Great Reset
A8.4 Our Future: The Great Freeset?
Epilogue Our future is human
Part B Globalism: 46 Highlights
B1 The Mystery of the Universe
B2 The Arch-Fascists: a global monster with age-old roots
B3 A brief history of China
B4 A brief history of Russia
B5 A brief history of the USA
B6 A brief history of Europe
B7 A brief history of the Middle East
B8 A history of the Jews, and their Phoenician brothers
B9 Who's who in Glafia?
B10 Revealing the truth: support from official historians
B11 Capitalism: it’s NOT the economy, stupid!
B12 Communism: an unexpected Glafia success
B13 (Fabian) Socialism: elite wolf in sheep's clothing
B14 Nazism: definitely, another Glafia project
B15 Zionism: just an incident of a far reaching plan
B16 Anti-Semitism, and the "real operators"
B17 Nationalism, Populism, Conservatism, the Right
B18 Cultural Marxism: the planned subversion of the West
B19 The spiritual war, from shamanism to transhumanism
B20 Global Money Control: usury and debt slavery
B21 Global Mind Control: Plato’s Cave
B22 Predictive programming: prepping us for staged events
B23 Methods for world domination
B24 Protection rackets: a Glafia specialty
B25 Assetization: stealing the global commons
B26 Agriculture: scapegoat or savior?
B27 Wooden evidence: the Tree Trunk Truth on global warming
B28 Ukra-Kabuki: yet another staged war
B29 Sex and gender in the age of wokeism
B30 Culling the herd: the depopulation agenda
B31 Migration: indeed, a replacement agenda
B32 The Five Horsemen of the End Game
B33 The multipolar trap: the old gangsters, in new suits
B34 Pharmafia: The New Merchants of Death
B35 LaLaLand: missing trillions, hypersonic missiles & UFO’s
B36 Menticide in Totalitaria: the land that kills the free mind
B37 From chattel to cattle slavery
B38 Gatekeepers, wherever you go
B39 Snow is Black: media and education
B40 Geo-engineering: The Earth, Glafia's ultimate weapon
B41 Thoughts on the essence of life
B42 The Real Story: a summary
B43 The Real Story: a timeline table
B44 Twelve Theses, to nail on the fridge door
B45 My little crystal ball
B46 What are we to do now?
Recommended sites and reading
List of abbreviations
To all brave people
who tried to denounce
The Predators.
To my beloved Mom and Dad,
who knew we're from Above
(my T. stands for Theodoor).
To brothers lost,
and brothers found.
To my wife of 50 years,
for all her love and patience.
To all the good friends
who gave me help and advice.
To all the birds that sang for me
during this project.
by Jim MacGregor
Meeuwis Baaijen’s first visit to my home in Scotland some 7 years ago was to discuss my research and writing on the First World War. A warm and lasting friendship developed between this rather dour Scottish family doctor and the warm and genial veterinarian and deep thinker. The hand harmonica playing Dutchman and his wife have lived in several parts of the world, working many years in Africa and Latin America as a veterinarian (he) and physical therapist (she). Finally settling on a small farm in Costa Rica, they are now homesteading and sharing the organic fruits of their labor with friends and neighbors, in the age-old bartering way.
Meeuwis' work changed my life for the better and on reading his book, it will change yours too. It is an important book, a deeply researched and epic account of the terrible mess our beautiful blue planet is in thanks to the appalling legacies, over many centuries, of rich and power crazed individuals.
Meeuwis takes us back 500 years to trace the development of a criminal oligarchy - an all- powerful "Global Mafia" or Glafia - that operates behind the curtains in our world. Today, that oligarchy controls the international banking system through its control of the central banks in each country, and organizations such as the World Bank and International Monetary Fund based in Washington DC, and the Bank of International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland. It is vital to understand that these banks are owned and controlled not by nations or their citizens, but by these powerful individuals, and family dynasties that go back centuries. Meeuwis explains how, through control of money, this group controls not merely the banks, but the World Health Organization, the United Nations, NATO, and much more.
And through their control of the central banks and money supply in each country, the bankers and oligarchs are able to control politicians and politics in almost all parts of the world. Such political control does not arise by accident but by design. Promising young politicians are pre-selected, groomed for power, and rendered beholden with promises of rich rewards when they retire from the pantomime that is politics. As the recent Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell scandal clearly demonstrated, many politicians are also rendered beholden to the Money Power through luxurious trips abroad in private jets and the provision of sexual encounters with young people, including children.
The Predators Versus the People contributes new insights to our understanding of a centuries old conspiracy and is a powerful message of warning. It reveals the grim reality in well researched detail, and how these rich and ruthless individuals have, over the centuries, been directly responsible for the colonization of the Third World and the major wars to gain control of Eurasia, including both the First and Second World Wars. For bankers and the military-industrial complex, nothing is more lucrative than war, and the bigger, the longer and bloodier the war, the better.
This book sheds a bright, penetrating light on conspiracy facts, not on fake theories, and shows how our world is really run.
Dr Jim MacGregor, author and co-author of: The Iboga Visions;
Hidden History, The Secret Origins of the First World War;
Prolonging the Agony, How the Anglo-American Establishment Deliberately Extended WWI by Three-and-a-Half Years.
After Covid, millions of people understand one thing: they've been fooled. Yet they are still wondering WHY all these strange things could happen. Many have already figured out that it's very difficult to find the answer on the internet or in books. That's because only a wide and deep analysis of global history can give us the Big Picture of the past, as the necessary framework for a proper understanding of what we go through today, and what we may expect to come.
The Predators versus The People, a clear and engaging book with a deep and independent analysis of history, explains why so many strange things are happening now. It's an honest, logical and no-nonsense narrative of global history, counter to the false official version we've all been spoon fed almost every day of our lives. Currently, the book is split in two parts, Globalism: The Real Story (Part A), complemented by Globalism: 46 Highlights (Part B), a reference work with 46 brief essays on crucial topics. Improvements and additions will be forthcoming.
The Real Story starts with an overview of early global history, including the falsified scientific foundations of the origins of the Universe, Life and Man. It then focuses on the umpteenth attempt for the domination of the world, this time by a Global Mafia, or Glafia. This group of dynastic banking families, not bound to any nation, religion, race, or ethnicity, is here named The Predators. Their Plot took shape around 1522 and was the first based on the power of CAPITAL and DECEIT. Now, five centuries later, it's nearing completion with the WEF’s The Great Reset.
Based on a large body of converging evidence, a good part from highly respected historians, this work provides the burden of proof that the main global events in the last five centuries were driven by these Predators. From the start, Glafia has operated this enormous project through proxies. It made Europe's upcoming "sovereign" nation states its first proxies, which it controlled via usurious central banking and bribery (capital), and fake democracies (deceit). These European proxy states were then tasked and financed to colonize the "low- hanging fruit", the lands and people in the Third World. Centuries afterwards, Glafia organized their fake decolonization.
Eurasia's empires, the "high-hanging fruit", were the hardest nut to crack. A large operation of wars, crises and revolutions was prepared far in advance. It became The Great 20th Century Slaughter of Eurasia, with 200+ million deaths. All bogeymen in its many protection rackets - communism and Hitler included - were set up by Glafia's UK/US/Zionist proxies. Yet, through deceit by treasonous academia and media, Glafia’s British and American inciters of The Great Slaughter are still feted as the greatest liberators ever, while its Zionist proxies still pose as the greatest victims ever. The West was also used as an incubator for advanced science and technology.
During a centuries long confidence game, Glafia corrupted and captured all our 193 fake sovereign and fake democratic governments, which are now acting as "traitors within the gates", with Covid as proof of the totalitarian pudding.
With ALL LANDS under Glafia control, their aim for the 21st century is to control ALL PEOPLE individually, via The Great Reset / IVth Industrial Revolution, the End Game to install their Global Digital Prison (with CBDC, UBI, carbon budgets, etc.).
After earlier cycles of this domination project with Spain, Holland, England, and the USA as Western hegemons, Glafia's new global leader states China and Russia, both groomed since over a century, are now taking the baton over for the fifth cycle. The current shift, the first from the West to the East, is carried out under the cover of military and germ wars, and a new “benevolent multipolar world order”, while the still deceived and dormant West is being demolished.
The explosive revelations about the hundreds of millions of victims in the ruthless Predator projects to colonize the globe, and in the many horrendous wars, revolutions, crises, and other atrocities which they staged and still carry out, are shocking. But that isn't all: their hidden spiritual war on "WE, the People", an Endarkenment masked as the Enlightenment, alienated humanity from Nature and the Universe (God, Tao, Allah), especially in the West. That's why a rediscovery of the essence of life is the revolution WE need.
Please save yourself the huge and confusing hassle of figuring it all out on your own! With the peace of mind which this book brings, you can turn your attention to finding ways to regain our stolen planet, freedom, and future.
Presently, this book has two parts: Globalism: The Real Story (Part A), complemented by Globalism: 46 Highlights (Part B), a reference work with brief essays on crucial topics. This way, the story lines of the chronological narrative in A were separated from the descriptions of the tools and methods used by history's big players, in B. In other words, a part of the trees in the great, dense jungle of history was removed to Part B, so you can clearly see the Big Picture in Part A, as lanes crossing the woods. Thus, The Real Story is literally told in a clear-cut way, as you may note by gleaning the Table of Contents.
Part A, The Real Story, is largely chronological, but some forward and backward jumps are made to show the dynamics of the story lines. It has eight chapters, numbered A1 to A8, and the first section of chapter A1 is numbered A1.1 etc, which keeps the many cross references in the book as concise as possible. A brief Discussion and Conclusions on our Past, Present and Future, and a short Epilogue complete Part A.
The reader of the narrative told in Part A is often referred to the 46 essays of Part B, numbered B1-B46, which is the primary reference work for Part A. That also works the other way round, from B to A. Part B's Highlights, of about 1200 words each, expose the essence of important topics in history, science, business, and ideologies and other methods used in the domination project. The Highlights also contain two summaries of global history, one descriptive and the other a timeline table with 26 important aspects.
The 46 essays of Part B provide rather dense information, not meant for continuous reading. On the flip side, any highlight can be read on its own and in its entirety when you have little time available.
There is a helpful degree of redundancy between the parts, as Part A weaves several threads into one Real Story, while Part B's Highlights focus on one thread or theme at a time. Any person with high school level education should be able to read it, although a little effort will be needed: it's not a book of leisure, but of study.
How to navigate this book
To make the navigation in this large pdf file a breeze, we have installed five types of hyperlinks, most shown in blue:
- In the Click-Table of Contents, be it the numbers of chapters and sections, or the names (where they have no number, e.g., Introduction).
- Many cross references in the text (e.g., A1.4, B23), to chapters and sections.
- In each chapter heading, a click on the red TOC “button” brings you back to the
- Several cross references to a few quotes and the one figure in the text.
- Many hyperlinks to articles and books on the internet.
When you hover the cursor over the hyperlinks or cross references, a little hand appears.
The past is never dead. It's not even past.
William Faulkner (1897-1962), American writer
If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, Infinite. For man has closed himself up, till he sees all things through narrow chinks of his cavern.
William Blake (1757-1827), British artist, The Marriage of Heaven and Hell
The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.
Attributed to George Orwell, I’m pretty sure he would have endorsed it.
We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis, and the nations will accept the New World Order.
David Rockefeller (1915-2017), international banker, Glafia leader, in 1994
Most people are not just comfortable in their ignorance, but hostile to anyone who points it out.
Plato (+/- 428-348 BC), The Allegory of the Cave
Almost 2400 years ago, the Greek philosopher Plato described in an allegory how the common people were living as prisoners in a dark cave, where “reality” is projected as a shadow play on the wall by artists in the pay of the prevailing regime. A prisoner managing to escape is left in shock:
Slowly, his eyes adjust to the light of the sun... Gradually he can see ... the people and things themselves. Eventually … he can look upon the sun itself.
The astonished escapee returns to tell his fellow prisoners about the truth he's found, but they believe he’s gone mad and kill him.
If you've heard about cognitive dissonance, well, this is it, described thousands of years ago.
Westerners consider themselves the most well-informed and free people ever. Yet for a long time, hundreds of prominent scientists, analysts, politicians, and a few journalists and artists, have tried to warn them that they are in fact watching a mass-mediated fake reality controlled by very powerful people – an illusion, or a theater, just as in Plato's Cave. Other metaphors are Punch's and Judy's puppet theater, or Kabuki theater (Japan), where hidden puppet masters make their puppets follow a script. The term Matrix is also used, derived from the Wachowski brothers' fiction film series, with the famous red and blue pills, where taking the red pill will reveal the truth, while taking the blue one will leave the matrix unchanged.
For many people in the Soviet Union, it was crystal clear that they were living in Plato's Cave. They knew that Pravda and the Party told them lies, or propaganda at best. Several anecdotes relate how they were always stupefied and laughing hard when Westerners told them that contrary to Pravda, Western media were always revealing the absolute truth.
Prof. Karel van Wolferen commented on the Japanese situation, where the newspapers reveal tatemae, the official reality, and where honne, the substantial reality, is known by certain journalists but not published due to self-censorship, to prevent career suicide or worse. A similar split exists in Latin America, where I have spent 36 years: ask any of the many streetwise people, preferably in a bar, which families are governing the country from behind the scenes, and they will eagerly tell you the details, although you won’t find that information ever on TV or in newspapers.
In response to the strange policies around the Covid “pandemic”, Dr. Kees van der Pijl, a distinguished political scientist who specialized in international relations, published his book States of Emergency: Keeping the Global Population in Check. Van der Pijl affirms that the official Covid measures to control the virus are a pretext for the implementation of a digital population control system, imposed by a criminal oligarchy.
Already in 1970, Zbigniew Brzezinski, National Security Advisor of the USA, wrote about such a digital population control system (in Between Two Ages: America's Role in the Technetronic Era):
a more controlled society ... dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values ... [with] almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain[ing] up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen ... subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities.
As to Van der Pijl, the increasing awareness and resistance of the populace, now much better informed through the internet, is feared by these extremely rich and powerful “elites”. They are especially afraid that modern IT technology will be used to create innovative systems of direct digital democracy. That way, these “elites” could be forced to share their often illegally obtained riches with most of the people, and to hand in all their privileges.
You might argue that you have never heard of such a criminal oligarchy with global powers as explained by Van der Pijl, not in school, not in books, and neither in the cinema, the newspapers or on TV. Now that’s easy to explain, because if there really was such a sophisticated Global Mafia - much more powerful than the common Mafia – then they would obviously cover their tracks and stay out of sight and above the law.
But wouldn’t some brave journalists or scientists have denounced them and revealed their secrets? In fact quite a few just did that, but havegone largely unnoticed because their publications are always severely suppressed. Such authors are ridiculed, ignored, stigmatized, harassed, threatened, attacked, diagnosed with a mental illness, or even killed or “suicided”. Isn’t that exactly what you would expect when dealing with a sophisticated Mafia?
One of our sources, the remarkably well written and referenced book Hidden History, the Secret Origins of the First World War by Gerry Docherty and Jim MacGregor, has not been given any reviews in the official media. Its literary agent, with forty years in the publishing business, remarked that he had never experienced such determination by the mainstream media to suppress a book.
Guido Preparata’s brilliant thesis Conjuring Hitler: How Britain and America made the Third Reich (also an important source for the present book) suffered the same fate. On the contrary, the many clueless books and fake histories about the World Wars receive huge attention by the mass media, e.g. The Sleepwalkers by Christopher Clark. Prof. Carroll Quigley’s seminal book Tragedy and Hope (1966), in which he revealed a centuries old conspiracy by internationalist bankers, mysteriously disappeared from the shelves of bookshops. Quigley had his even more important first book published after his death in 1977: The Anglo-American Establishment (1981). No mainstream academic historian has ever written a review of this stunning work, in which he named the names.
Similarly, Stanford University prof. Antony C. Sutton wrote several important books on the creation of communism, socialism and Nazism by the Money Powers of Wallstreet and The City, London. Not once were his data or arguments challenged. Yet in his own words, he “was squashed, threatened, harassed, and discarded — for whose benefit?” Insiders surmise he was murdered by the same Mafia. Similarly suspect murder cases are known, officially classified as suicide, yet often described by insiders as “the victim was suicided”.
In addition, numerous respected individuals have left us thousands of warnings about “the elephant in the room”, i.e.: the criminal oligarchy behind a global domination project. You will find many examples in the present book, in which we call this Global Mafia simply Glafia. That's to honor Confucius, who famously said:
Above all it is essential to refer to things by their correct names. If things are not referred to by their correct names, then our language will not reflect reality. If our language does not reflect reality, then our actions will not reflect reality, and will be exercises in futility.
This is about a hidden, inter-generational and criminal organization, and their project is indeed a very old conspiracy. On reflection, this is not surprising, because thousands of years ago, empires like Babylon, Athens, Rome and the Mongols tried to dominate the then known globe, as your history professor will have told you. The main difference is that the earlier attempts were always in the open, while this time its operations are hidden and, in good Mafia style, always “by proxy”, using front organizations (governments, media, institutions, corporations, NGO's, think tanks, etc.).
In fact, in our since long globalized world, with its highly advanced sciences and technologies (transportation, communication, production etc) and the enormous concentration of wealth in a very small number of people, the absence of a global domination effort would be both amazing and illogical. Almost 50 years ago, the dissident French thinker Jacques Ellul foresaw what the inescapable result of unlimited technological development and endlessly concentrated power would be:
In truth, there is one way, but only one: the most totalitarian global dictatorship that could ever exist.
Yet we’ve been spoon fed all our life with the official, traditional view of history: in democracies, people elect their governments which then promote people´s interests (albeit imperfectly). All problems the world faces or has faced were due to our own or our politicians’ stupidity, or to accidents, bad luck, unhappy coincidences, etc. There are no hidden hands, no puppet masters, no scripts, no plans, and no context! It’s all a random process! The past could have taken any turn! Tomorrow everything can be different! Confucius would probably have called this the cock-up version of history.
The great influencer Albert Einstein most probably tried to reinforce this accidentalist view of history when he said: "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." There’s also a more critical version of the traditional view, which admits that elected governments can be influenced or bribed by powerful corporations or other players, to act against the common people’s interests.
However, the official narrative of history strongly denies the possibility of the existence of organized, long term global crime: apparently, rich and powerful people never conspire! As president George W. Bush said two months after 9/11: “Let us never tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories!” In their faked naivety, official historians lean heavily on documents - which sophisticated criminals of course avoid like the plague. Most of these “court” historians consider present documents more important than past occurrences.
As an example, when the Swiss historian Daniele Ganser wanted to study the secret Gladio operation by CIA and NATO, a version of state terrorism which after WW2 committed false flag attacks all over Europe causing hundreds of fatalities, his professors strongly discouraged him because of the lack of documents: no documents, no narrative. Fortunately, Ganser persisted, and his 2001 dissertation provided deep insights in this Glafia operation (not his term). His work proved very helpful in the analysis of the 9/11 event that same year, which had a signature suggestive of Gladio’s.
Although he supported the official narrative, the following Einstein quote explains that any prejudice on how the world is operating will necessarily lead to erroneous conclusions: “Whether you can observe a thing or not depends on the theory which you use: it is the theory which decides what can be observed.” The result of such “narrative fixation” (a term by prof. Edward Fullbrook) by official historians is “fake history”.
For a deeper dive on this subject, see fake history by MacGregor & Docherty.
In the conspiracy view of history, important members of governments and institutions are secretly preselected and groomed (e.g., as WEF “Young Global Leaders”), and then elected or appointed, to work for the aims of the power elite. This way, nations become pawns on the global chessboard (see Lord Curzon’s quote). In the early 1990's, three men took part in a US training course for global leaders: Nicolas Sarkozy, Gordon Brown and Jan Peter Balkenende. Fifteen years later, all three were (s)elected as prime minister in their respective countries: France, the UK and Holland.
The common people are “mind controlled” to believe the official narrative: also called “manufactured consent” by Noam Chomsky, or “perception management”. The conspiratorial analysis of history is indeed more complicated, as it factors in the crucial role of hidden powers, which covertly direct the global puppet theater, using countries and institutions as their Punch’s and Judy’s, or chess pieces.
Cover-ups are a standard part of the operations of these powers, including the destruction of documents and other evidence. During the serious food scarcities in Europa, right after WW1, that happened on a massive scale, when Glafia agent Herbert Hoover (later rewarded with the 31st presidency of the United States) removed many shiploads of documents from all European countries, including Germany and Russia, in exchange for food (all these countries were starving). This document harvest ended up under lock and key in the newly created Hoover Institute at Stanford University, USA.
Were critical documents pertaining the true origins of WW1 destroyed in the process? Nobody knows. Likewise, millions of WW1 documents are still classified in the UK, and gradually disappearing, it seems. To protect whom, more than a century after the war, we might ask? The fact that no official historian has ever protested such bizarre measures is self-explanatory: an independent analysis of these hidden documents would probably contradict the official version of history.
The received history is thoroughly contaminated by the ruling oligarchs, see Quigley's Tragedy and Hope. Russia’s top-intellectual, Andrey Fursov, states that our scientific institutions are similarly shackled by a global Mafia:
I would like to remind you about the research by Andy Coghlan and Debora MacKenzie published in October 2011 on the site of the New Scientist. This group of scholars showed that 147 companies, 1% of all companies, controlled 40% of the world economy. This is very indicative. This means that the modern economy, whose basic unit of analysis is the market, conceals more than it shows. Politics and the nation-state are fading away, and this means that political science, with its basic units of analysis - politics and the state - not only cannot adequately conceptualize, but cannot even merely depict real power relations, especially on the global level.
Secondly, there is another serious problem with political science. Real power is usually secret or semi-secret, shadow power. Conventional political science has neither concepts nor methods, to analyse this type of power. The more democratic the facade of the western society was becoming in the 19th and 20th centuries, the less real power it had. This power was channelled into closed clubs, super-national structures, etc. What I am saying is banal and trivial, but political science in its present condition cannot analyse real power relations.
So, a new social science is needed, studying the real world, and not that which professed scholarship defines as real. A new social science with new disciplines, new concepts, a social force which will be able to create such a new type of scholarship, has the best chance to win in the 21st Century.
In the meantime, power and capital have been concentrated even more (see documentary Monopoly by Tim Gielen), but Fursov’s proposal for a “new social science” has never been implemented in any institution.
Yet far before Fursov proposed it, several brave professional and amateur historians (some already mentioned above) have been using his method. They were often retired, because still employed researchers who dare to touch “the third rail” often find their careers suffering or blocked (“career suicide”): “You may rock the boat, but not the ocean.”
The analysis of conspiracies is a combination of historical research (mainly based on primary evidence: documents) and detective work. To solve a crime, detectives normally don’t concentrate on documents - as there often are none - but on secondary or circumstantial evidence: Cui bono? (Who benefits?); the money trail (“follow the money”); and motive, means and opportunity. These analysts are also alert on cover-ups, pitfalls, falsifications, and false tracks, including “false flags attacks”.
In my initial research on centuries long conspiracies and serial crimes, I mostly leaned on “controversial” or “unconventional” authors. Authors whose work, as explained above, is almost always heavily suppressed by the mainstream media including Wikipedia, or classified as “looney conspiracy theories” or “racist” or “anti-Semitic” (see also Disclaimers). Yet in the last years of my 10-year study, I discovered several highly respected mainstream historians who basically supported the same thesis, although in very different terms, which results in a “convergence of evidence”. Eight of these historians are mentioned in B10.
The resulting book is a counter-narrative to the official lies as told in Plato's Cave. It is based on thousands of books and articles, interviews, and documentaries, analyzed during 10 years of more than full-time research. Its sources are high quality, but as an old Soviet joke goes: “The future is certain; only the past is unpredictable”. The past can never be replayed, but patterns can be discerned. And ideally, a solid, coherent, and logical framework can be formulated in which past and present event can find a place. In this case, that's The Predators theory of history, see A8.1. It's the antithesis of Marx' class struggle, and of capitalism's fake “free trade and competition” theory, and also of the WEF's “Great Narrative”.
When I started this long and winding journey into the discovery of history, I had not the slightest idea where I would end up, and that so many nightmares would be mine. I simply went where the evidence was leading me. My only interest was finding out the truth on how the world really works. And especially, how 9/11 - the event that had triggered me - could have happened.
As a trained veterinarian, I had learned to systematically observe the symptoms of a sick animal or herd, to then examine it methodically. With the preliminary results thus obtained, the veterinarian or medical professional doesn't jump to a diagnosis, but first formulates a list of hypotheses on the possible cause of the ailment: the differential diagnosis. To sort out the final diagnosis, additional examinations are often needed.
My initial differential diagnosis of global history had many hypotheses: Illuminati, Skull & Bones, the Vatican, the Jesuits, the Jews, Phoenicians or Canaanites, Nazis, Freemasons, banksters, but David Icke's aliens and shape shifting reptilians didn't make it to my list. Yet as Poirot concluded in Murder on the Orient Express, “there were too many clues”. As it turned out, Lord Acton had formulated the correct diagnosis already 125 years ago:
The issue which has swept down the centuries and which will have to be fought sooner or later is the people versus the banks.
Acton was seen as “one of the most learned people of his age, unmatched for the breadth, depth, and humanity of his knowledge,” and “one of the most articulate defenders of religious and political freedom” in the 19th century. In brief, it's the globalist banker dynasties plotting to steal our planet, freedom, and future, which they do by proxy, or in other words, by deceit. The others on the list above are just that, their - always exchangeable - proxies.
The intentions of these bankers are the same as those of the Greeks, Romans and Babylonians who established enslaving empires by blunt force. But their methods are far more sophisticated: by proxy, by stealth, and now combined with advanced technology and a 100% coverage of the globe. Their national proxies are people we trust, who behave and speak and look and smile and dress like us, because we elected or appointed them in our “democracies”. Very clever indeed!
On several occasions, I discussed my findings with other independent amateur researchers, all of them retired, over 70, bright, honest, and with a sense of humor and their two feet firmly on the ground. Each one has spent over 25 years undertaking similar studies.
This group comprised: Jim MacGregor, a former NHS General Practitioner in Scotland who grew up at a home for war veterans of WW1 and 2, and who published two important books on WW1; a former Silicon Valley computer expert who was triggered by George Bush Sr. talk of a New World Order on September 11th, 1991; a descendant of an ancient Genoese family who as a financial analyst managed large investment and public funds for major participants in US financial industries; and a close friend who worked at CEO level in technology industries in Latin American countries, where he encountered anomalies which set him on a similar path of study.
Between the five of us we share well over a hundred years of independent historical analysis. Miraculously, from the start there was a large agreement in our findings, which are here presented under the title:
The Predators versus The People.
Born (in 1952) and still a boy, raised under sea level in simple-life rural Holland, I went on to train as a veterinarian. For the last 47 years I have lived and worked in 7 countries on 4 continents, becoming fluent in 5 languages. These experiences of international living have enormously enriched our lives, a perspective further deepened by my wife’s dedication to Taoist Tai Chi. We are now long-time immigrants in Costa Rica, with our own organic homestead.
Our main conclusion is that all humans are spiritual beings, just as my father the Reverend told us: “We’re all children of one [divine] Father.” And our only race is the Human Race. According to National Geographic, my own genes are 16% West Asian (Phoenician? Babylonian? Jewish?), 36% Mediterranean (what's in that mix? Phoenicians for sure), 46% North European and 2% Neanderthal.
Strange? Not at all, this is fairly typical for Dutchmen, Germans or Brits. And where did those North European genes come from? Indeed, from the Middle East, surely again with a good sip of Phoenician and Jewish genes.
Accusations of anti-Semitism are often a trick to shame and discredit truth seekers. “We use it all the time”, said Israeli minister Shulamit Aloni. UNESCO is now expanding “the trick”, in a joint campaign with the European Commission, Twitter and the World Jewish Congress, Think Before Sharing: “… to identify, debunk, react to and report on conspiracy theories to prevent their spread ... to help spread the word that facts matter, and no one is to blame." See also Why was the conspiracy myth created.
Naming - alleged - Jews (see Revelation 3:9) as the Rothschilds or George Soros, or the State of Israel, in an honest historical analysis, as in this book, is now enough to be accused of antisemitism. Obviously, this is part of the cover-up of the Jewish proxy role in Glafia’s domination project. But please, a word of warning to avoid an exclusive focus on the Jews: all nations, political parties, NGO's, colors, sexes, genders, religions and ethnicities now play a proxy role in The Predators.
Eurocentrism sees Europe “as the primary engine and architect of world history, the bearer of universal values and reason, and model of progress and development”, at least for the last 500 years. Many books on this period are Euro- or USA-centric. Here we provide a counter-narrative: Glafia’s global domination project is not European, neither American nor Jewish.
Of the many people and countries Glafia duped, bribed, or forced to become its proxies, the first were indeed Europeans, later also Americans, and yes, many proxies were Jews. They all committed horrific crimes, as will be explained in The Great 20th Century Slaughter of Eurasia (A6).
But with Glafia’s End Game now set in motion, subordinate elites in ALL countries (“we penetrate zhe cabinets everywhere”, Klaus Schwab - WEF) are serving this Evil Power and betraying their own people. If we let that happen, this time we will all be colonized and enslaved.
Left / Right
The author of this book set off on the Left. Actually, I worked for many years as a leftist volunteer, almost one year on the socialist Cooperativa Primero de Mayo in Avis, Portugal, and for over seven years under “Scientific Marxism-Leninism” in Sao Tome y Principe, and in Mozambique (where I narrowly escaped an ambush during the civil war).
Today, with a few exceptions, there’s nothing left of the Left. Most Left leaders sold their souls to the Devil in the recent course of the old Glafia project, as many of the leaders of the Right did earlier on.
During the ten years of study for this book I discovered that “divide and rule” has been a very successful tool of all empires. I also learned that all people, Left or Right, have important things to say. And that we all have blind spots too.
Cognitive infiltration
A recent article by Ron Unz shows that “Cognitive infiltration”, suggested by Cass Sunstein to combat “conspiracy theories”, could be affecting truthers by spreading “false truth” to them – to then accuse them for using it.
This quote, allegedly by George Orwell, may be an example: “The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.”
It seems to have appeared recently, all over the internet. Orwell would certainly have endorsed it, but apparently these aren’t his words. I was going to quote it unreservedly, thus risking an accusation of misquotation by Glafia paid fact checkers. In this one-man book it’s impossible to check everything on such a detailed level. In any case, there’s a large body of evidence for the thrust of The Predators versus The People story told here.
This writer is the only seer, all the others are blind
This book refers to many highly respected people who warned for Glafia's domination project. Even so, it took this not untalented, relatively well-educated author 10 years of continuous hard work at a mature age (60-70) to understand how this stealthy and shrewd domination project really works. Still, in the process of writing this counter-narrative of history, I (a veterinarian, cheese maker and homesteader) had to lift far above my weight.
What I found out is that there is a miraculous "creative process" that assists devoted truth seekers (which, by the way, has long been known in Eastern wisdom such as Taoism). Once a person has a strong intent to find out the TRUTH - any truth, about history, about self-reliance, about alternative money and so on - original ideas will come up out of the blue. Not from the realm of mere matter, as materialist scientism alleges (Harari: "the times of the free will and the soul are over"). Nobody has shown how ideas are generated by molecules or atoms, and thus they can only originate in the realm of the "spirit" (further discussed in A1.1 and B1).
Once you've given such an idea form - in writing or any other way - space is created for receiving newer and even better ideas. Synchronicities will start to appear: like a friend giving feedback or suggestions, an unexpected meeting, happening upon an important book that you had overlooked for years, or a recent article that confirms your thesis: all signs that "the universe agrees". That's why conscious humans don't need Artificial Intelligence or Metaverse: in our connection to the universe, we've always been "transhuman"!
This book is the result of such a co-creative process in partnership with universal wisdom. Its form is a compromise between a scholarly text and a popular work: I simply cannot render the thousands of references in an academic way. Most external references are shown as hyperlinks, and many internal hyperlinks are in place to facilitate navigation.
Biography of the author
Meeuwis T. Baaijen (1952) was born and brought up in simple-life rural Holland, where he developed strong ties with nature. As a veterinarian and later also entrepreneur, he worked in 7 countries on 4 continents, which allowed him a direct experience with different cultures, political systems, languages, and above all, people. His international background served him well when he decided to dig deep into global history, to write his first book, The Predators (and its six translations).
After 50 years as an atheist, this study convinced him that the Enlightenment was in fact an Endarkenment, to alienate us from Nature and the Universe, from which we derive our power to move mountains.
909 B111p
Baaijen, Meeuwis T.,1952- autor(a)
[recurso electrónico]
The predators versus the people / Meeuwis T. Baaijen
– Primera edición –
San José, Costa Rica : M. Baaijen 2024
1 recurso en línea (479 páginas) : pdf ; 869 Kb
ISBN 978-9968-03-700-6
1. Historia Moderna.
2. Globalización - ensayos
3. Guerra Mundial I, 1914-1918.
4. Guerra Mundial II, 1939-1945. II. Título.
A time is coming when men will go mad, and when they see someone who is not mad, they will attack him, saying: You are mad, you are not like us.
St. Antony the Great (251-356)
History is the lie commonly agreed upon.
Voltaire (1694-1778), French philosopher
The falsification of history has done more to mislead humans than any single thing known to mankind.
Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778), French philosopher
I confess that [countries] are pieces on a chessboard upon which is being played out a great game for the domination of the world.
Lord George Curzon (1859-1925), British politician, Vice Roy of India
The great ability of those who are in control in the modern world lies in making the people believe that they are governing themselves.
René Guénon (1886-1951), French philosopher, in The Crisis of the Modern World
None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free. The truth has been kept from the depth of their minds by masters who rule them with lies. They feed them on falsehoods till wrong looks like right in their eyes.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832), German poet and writer
The greatest challenges facing mankind are distinguishing reality from fantasy, truth from propaganda.
Michael Crichton (1942–2008), American science fiction author
For the great majority of mankind are satisfied with appearances, as though they were realities, and are often more influenced by the things that seem than by those that are.
Niccolo Machiavelli (1469-1527), Italian philosopher
Is there not ... an insidious law giving power to the few? An irritating law, it must be said, since the reasons for it are not obvious. And yet, this is a stubborn fact... We cannot argue with it; all evidence agrees.
Fernand Braudel (1902-1985), Civilization and Capitalism: The Wheels of Commerce.
Be resolved to serve no more, and there you are, free. I do not want you to push him or topple him, but merely no longer hold him up, and you will see him, like a huge colossus with the base taken away, collapse under his own weight and break up.
Etienne de La Boétie (1530-1563), French writer
It has always happened that tyrants, in order to strengthen their power, have made every effort to train their people not only in obedience and servility toward themselves, but also in adoration.
Etienne de la Boétie
When one traces things back to their causes in the superficial easy-going way that modern history largely employs, one comes to positive absurdities. Ultimately, one would have to come to the opinion that the greatest part – perhaps even the most widespread part of what happens – owes its existence not to sense but to absurdity.
Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925), German philosopher, in a lecture given in October 1916
The eye sees only what the mind is prepared to comprehend.
Robertson Davies (1913-1995), Canadian writer
Let’s start “In the Beginning …”, because the generally accepted scientific theories about the foundations of the Universe and Life are an important part of our Plato's Cave, as shown below.
The official history of the universe and our planet, also told in Yuval Harari’s book Sapiens (see also, financed by Bill Gates), is that some 13,7 billion years ago, from a tennis ball sized piece of extremely dense matter, the Universe banged spontaneously into being. Yet we are kept in the dark as to where that small piece of matter came from. Then our solar system formed 4,6 billion years ago, and our Planet Earth 4 billion years ago.
Supposedly 3,7 billion years ago the first undisputed organism appeared on Earth, while the standard genetic code for life on earth has been set in stone for some 3 billion years. The Cambrian explosion of complex and varied life forms took place about 500 million years ago. Primate apes appeared 14 million years ago, primitive humans over three million years ago, and modern humans living as hunters-gatherers about 300,000 years ago.
The invention of agriculture and livestock farming, which ended our long stay in the Garden of Eden, supposedly took place only 12,000 years ago, about 6,000 years later followed by the development of grand civilizations and empires. That culminated in our present, highly technified and globalized world, although admittedly still with a few problems.
But further improvements in 1) technology (“The Fourth Industrial Revolution” of robotics, Artificial Intelligence and transhumanism), and in 2) the free market and its stakeholders (“The Great Reset”) will soon solve all our troubles. That’s according to the World Economic Forum (WEF), a United Nations allied club of over a thousand of the world’s biggest and dirtiest corporations (each over $5 billion sales/year), all shrouded in green robes and waving rainbow flags, committed as they've always been to the downtrodden and the environment.
And if we may believe the WEF's key advisor Yuval Noah Harari (“Agenda Contributor” of the WEF, while being promoted heavily by the WEF Book Club), singularity champion Ray Kurzweil and the lovely WEF founder Klaus Schwab (who in 2015 said that we would all have brain chips in 10 years), through improved gadgetry and genetic hacking we will soon be transhuman gods, happily fused with hi-tech black boxes, living in eternal bliss in the Metaverse, Amen!
Yuval Harari even makes this baseless claim:
"Bodies and minds are going to be the two main products in the next industrial revolution. That will make the present humans useless".
See also Harari: What Do We Do With The Useless Eaters? 1:58 minute. Few people dare to critique Harari, but Darshana Narayanan has the balls to state that he sacrifices science for sensationalism, and that his work is riddled with errors, see The Dangerous Populist Science of Yuval Noah Harari.
The official history of our planet can also be described as the result of two random processes, both in nothing other than matter, as that's all there is. The first took place in the natural world, the second in the civilized world.
The random process in the natural world
According to scientism, this is how that random process occurred in nature: consisting solely of matter (atoms), the natural world organized itself with a Big Bang, to become the Universe. This theory has been defended for decades as an indisputable truth by most cosmologists. However it has been shattered by the Cosmic Microwave Background data derived from the Planck satellite (elucidated by W. Smith in his new book Physics...) and recent observations of NASA's James Webb Telescope, which found structures older than the Big Bang. But the scientific community and the media are totally silent about this revelation (for the cover-up, also check the Wiki page on the Big Bang). The 10-minute YouTube video on the proven invalidity of Einstein's relativity theory (in satellite GPS systems), Wolfgang Smith on the mendacity of science, is highly recommended viewing.
Back to the official narrative: amazingly, after the Big Bang, the newborn Universe possessed at once all its extremely fine-tuned laws of physics as well as its mathematical foundations, in such a way that life could appear on Planet Earth, and 13.5 billion years later, conscious and intelligent human beings too. What's more, these accidentally popping up humans were so bright that they even succeeded in unraveling a great part of the foundations of the Universe. Seemingly a miracle, if not for the fact that miracles don't exist, as "97% of scientists" claim that only matter exists. And if there's "scientific consensus" then that consensus equates truth, in this corrupted world!
However, the approximately 200 laws of physics that control the universe and our solar system are so precise that they can’t be the product of a random process. Variations of one billionth in any of them would blow up the whole universe. Even the late Stephen Hawking sounds confused when he states, in The Grand Design:
“Because there is a law such as gravity, the Universe can and will create itself from nothing. Spontaneous creation is the reason there is something rather than nothing, why the Universe exists, why we exist.”
Unfortunately, Hawking did not explain who made and installed the law of gravity, and the many other laws, along with the extremely fine-tuned relations between all those laws and the elementary forces. And secondly, he obscured the improbable fact that Planet Earth happens to possess all the twenty or more “Goldilocks” conditions necessary to support living organisms (temperature, air pressure, gravity, magnetosphere, atmosphere, sunlight, elements like carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, water, etc.).
Some “scientists” consider our Universe to be part of a multiverse. Yet by definition, we cannot observe anything outside our own universe. So that’s just another “semi-scientific theory”, a lazy patch, invented to get away with the awkward question of the improbable fine-tuning of the laws that govern our Universe.
But let’s keep “following the scientism”: by chance, a primordial soup formed on our planet, luckily with all the necessary ingredients for the first "primitive" life form - which is still amazingly complicated and based on a highly sophisticated coded information system (DNA), of which science only understands a very small part. Officially there is no doubt that it was just another series of unguided quantum, atomic or molecular accidents that spouted Life on earth, in which unintelligent dead matter turned itself into the first living, self-sustaining, self-reproducing and intelligent organism, with hundreds or even thousands of sensors to check its outer and inner environments, and the ability to react instantly to changes.
But scientism does admit that this probably took hundreds of millions of years to conclude, because of a little complication: the soup didn’t provide any memory or log, so all re-trials, each probably containing hundreds of thousands or more steps, had to restart from zero. That's supposing that all the necessary ingredients were still there and in the right concentrations – yet all these molecules are organic and easily decompose into bad smelling stuff.
So the very long time required in this evolutionary theory involving random processes is in fact working against the soup theory, which is as improbable as the ancient theory of spontaneous generation: i.e., in a grain barrel, mice appear out of nowhere. For more details on the enormity of nonsense these theories entail, see the compelling arguments of the brave Dr. James Tour (one of the 50 highest qualified scientists in the world), We need science not soup, on UKColumn.
The design paradox
After Darwin, all mainstream scientists concluded that the highly complex, specific, structured, self-correcting, self-duplicating, self-steering information systems with the most densely packed information in the known universe, found in even the simplest living cell, can only be the result of random interactions between dead matter.
After a shipwreck, one of those mainstream scientist lands as the only survivor on an uninhabited island. One day, on a sunny beach, (s)he sees a very simple shelter offering a delicious shadow: a forked branch stuck in the sand, supporting half a dozen large palm leaves. He/she will immediately conclude that they’re not alone anymore: this simplest of all structures must have been designed and made by another intelligent human being (and not by random interactions between the sand, wind or sea).
In any case, according to scientism, three billion years ago one of the earliest surviving organisms had already contained everything within it to be the source of all incredibly varied and marvelous life forms on Earth, past and present: plants and animals, and highly intelligent human beings included. Because in scientism’s logic, it was a mindless process in matter that in the end produced the great minds of humans.
Scientism's hope was to confirm this "tree of life theory" by DNA studies. That effort proved a disappointment, because comparative genomic studies do not show a coherent pattern of common ancestry (see A primer on the tree of life), but an absolute mess, with contradictions at every turn. So, there's nothing like a unified evolutionary history, where new species develop gradually from earlier ones through a combination of random mutations (known to be almost always degenerative and leading to gibberish or death) and natural selection (survival of the fittest), as Charles Darwin allegedly had proven. Yet nobody dares to doubt such sacred truth, still taught as law in almost all Western schools and universities.
Here’s another argument (and there are many more) that completely thrashes Darwin’s theory: we now know that the genetic DNA code system at the basis of all life on earth is Complex Specified Information (CSI), and that such information cannot arise from accidental or random interactions between matter, or by natural means. In plain English, information cannot be created in a naturalist way, it must be designed by a conscious and intelligent mind (a term used by Max Planck, B3). That was proved in William Dembski’s mathematical theorem: The Design Inference, Eliminating Chance through Small Probabilities (2023). Try applying this theory to software: just introduce random mutations (= errors) in any software, and observe whether it creates improvements, including completely new and innovative products (= new species)?! For a more extended discussion of this topic, see Darwin Revisited, a book by Peter Borger.
Mathematician David Gelernter (see Giving up Darwin) explains this further: to randomly create a functional, very simple protein containing just 150 amino-acids, the chances are 1 in 1077 (1 with 77 zeros), which is basically zero. The number of atoms in the universe is estimated to be 1080. In other words: at an absurdly fast rate of just 31 seconds per trial, or 1,000,000 trials/year (106), it would take 1071 years to try out all options, an improbability of astronomical proportions, as the earth is “only” about 4x109 years old.
Proteins, comprising chains of electrically charged “beads” (consisting of 20 different amino acids), will fold into a desired, movable form only if the beads are placed in the exactly right order; note also that recent research shows there are additional mechanisms to assist the folding, which complicates matters even further, for the Darwinists, that is. Proteins are primal to life, and even the simplest cell contains hundreds of complex proteins, incomparable to the simple protein in the above example.
Human DNA, present in each of the roughly 30 to 40 trillion cells of a human body, carries codes for about 20,000 proteins (just as in most higher organisms). In each cell thousands of simultaneous processes based on proteins are going on, all harmoniously coordinated during most of the time. You may compare it with an immense 24/7 orchestra with trillions of musicians playing the most sophisticated music ever while rarely hitting a false key, many years on a row.
Besides, all information for the development of a human being - the fantastically complex construction project from embryo to adult organism, based on the information in some yet unknown building plan - and its functioning (the immense orchestra) comes from a female egg cell fertilized by a male sperm cell, both microscopically small.
All these miraculous feats are carried out without a conductor known to science - because nobody understands the secret of life. For a conceptual framework of the Mystery of the Universe and Life, see B1, where a very different explanation is given.
The random process in the civilized world
Officially, the random process in the natural world was followed by a second, civilizational process carried out by humans. Humans descend from apes and therefore represent just another purposeless, material element of the natural world. According to this reasoning, we can be seen as “advanced meat robots”, a concept now taught in most Western high schools and universities. Harari even states that "humans are hackable animals” (and I must admit that he looks like one).
Thusly, according to materialist science, all developments created by humans are the result of autonomous and random processes between matter, made up of nothing but quantum particles/waves. As described by
“Materialism, in philosophy, is the view that all facts (including facts about the human mind and will and the course of human history) are causally dependent upon physical processes, or even reducible to them”.
Thusly, chemical or physical accidents within the brains of human meat robots created all our advancements: the fine arts, the amazing architecture of the great (often religious) buildings of this world, crafts, science, culture, religions, laws, agriculture, technology, industry, organization of society and so on. As WEF pawn Harari states:
“Human history is the next stage in the continuum of [materialist] physics to chemistry to biology”.
By Harari's standards, humanity's achievements are very poor. He probably never visited a great cathedral, museum or temple, or raised a baby or cared for a puppy, so he proposes to implant hi-tech gadgets in human bodies and to hack our genes, to crank us up a bit. That such "transhumanism" would make us 100% dependent on technology and electricity - and probably 100% controllable - is never mentioned. What will happen when the plug is pulled out of the socket, or if the regime changes? What if a great war should break out? In the latter case, who would survive: the few remaining hunter-gatherers, or the brain chipped and hacked transhumanists?
The civilizational process supposedly started in a very late stage, about 6,000 years ago, when large civilizations with stratified societies and cities with specialized professionals arose. Civilization's early center of gravity lay in Asia, especially China (B3). Via India, Persia, Mesopotamia, Arabia, Phoenicia, Athens and Rome, this led to the 18th century Enlightenment movement in the West, which would bring enormous scientific and technological advancements, also called The Great Progress or Modernity. Wiki: “The Enlightenment was marked by an emphasis on the scientific method and reductionism, along with increased questioning of religious orthodoxy”.
Reductionism (derived from scientific materialism) considers that a whole, be it a uni-cellular organism, a plant, an animal, a human or the cosmos, is just the sum of its material parts, and thus fully comparable with machines solely built from dead matter; in exactly the same way as the parts of a car explain all aspects of its operation and functionality. As summarized by Francis Crick, the co-discoverer of the DNA molecule:
“You, your joys and your sorrows, your memories and your ambitions, your sense of personal identity and free will, are in fact no more than the behavior of a vast assembly of nerve cells and their associated molecules.”
A car, and machines and technology in general, can be seen as mechanical systems: the more you study them, the greater your understanding will be. With a good understanding of physics, you can predict how these mechanical systems will perform. This is in fact the level of modern science, or scientism.
Yet living organisms, even the simplest one-cell bacterium, are infinitely complex systems: the more you study them, the less you'll understand them. That's in part because complex systems do have non-material elements (which is precisely why the whole is more than the sum of the material parts), for which scientism has no research tools, and no understanding at all (B1). It can't read this information because by its nature, it's illegible.
And that's exactly why scientism irrevocably runs into trouble when it goes deep, for example in the quantum measurement enigma in physics, or the "hard problem of consciousness" (see below). Let's face it: the plain truth is that the mystery of life is still entirely incomprehensible to materialist scientists, although official science pretends otherwise. To paraphrase Isaac Newton: "Known is a drop, unknown is an ocean". However, traditional metaphysics does understand complex systems, as explained in B1, The Mystery of the Universe.
In conclusion, while pretending to comprehend it all, scientism only studies the material subsystems of complex systems, and not the whole, also called the meta-system. Thus, when such partly blind scientism intervenes in a subsystem, that will inevitably lead to damage in the larger and highly complex - and mainly unknown - meta-system which it can't see or read.
Yet many sorcerer’s apprentices are already manipulating the basics of life, as in Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs are presently used in almost all soy and maize production in the US, Brazil, Argentina...); lab originated Frankenfood, via cultures of GMO cancer cells or GMO bacterias or fungi, both apparently completely unregulated - what could possibly go wrong?; and now also in the Covid and other mRNA jabs.
Note: this is also why the arguments that CRISP-R gen modification technology (also called precision breeding) is precise and won't cause harm is incorrect, a fact proven in several experiments.
It's this reductionist and in fact rudimentary approach that is exactly “the science" promoted by the WEF/UN/WHO and all related organizations. Apart from the just described metaphysical problem, official science is also heavily corrupted by the Glafia project (B26, B27, B29, B34), and military (B40 on geo-engineering), which often turns it into a deadly weapon. Yet the UN claims that "they own the science". And "the Real Dr. Fauci" even claims that he “is science"! And woe to those who do not follow this totally distorted and corrupted science!
The randomness religion
Let’s now try to summarize these "official" versions of our “random” natural and civilizational history. According to modern science, the Universe and we humans are just “atoms in the void”, as Democritus, a Greek philosopher, said about 2300 years ago. There is no design, no purpose, and no meaning in the whole multi/universe, according to materialist science! Consequently, free will, morality, truth, natural law or human rights, and even beauty, are just a myth, an illusion, a social construct, or “fiction” (Harari's preferred term). The fact that even wild animals show fairness, morality, cooperation, empathy and justice doesn't seem to matter (see for example Wild Justice: The Moral Lives of Animals).
There's still a little unanswered question though: how do those quantum particles, atoms, molecules or cells produce our perception, thoughts, feelings, awareness, emotions, sense of morality, empathy and creativity? This is called “the hard problem of consciousness”. Mainstream science has NO valid explanation for it, absolutely NOTHING. Rien. Nichts. Nihil. Nada.
We can only conclude that official science firmly believes in miracles, to a point where it can indeed be considered a religion, with its allegations of a Big Bang, multiverses, or even an extra-terrestrial lab generating “baby universes” (according to theoretical physicist Avi Loeb, a respected fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences), and its denial of the validity “not just of the ancient worldviews, but of all worldviews” (Wolfgang Smith).
Furthermore, the scientific basis for all the promises of transhumanism is completely absent. There is no (materialist or reductionist) scientist in the world with even a primitive understanding of how the continuum between mind and body works, let alone how to change or improve it. Without such an understanding, the project is technically unfeasible, and many expensive projects have already failed. Another case of the emperor’s new clothes then! See also the interesting articles What is transhumanism? and Why artificial intelligence will never rule the world on
Seeing Truth as an illusion or social construct is very dangerous, as it would allow those with the most power to construct the “best truth”. In the end, this leads to the conclusion that "nobody is to blame" (see Disclaimers) and that any complot is impossible (Harari, NYT 2020; see also A8.1), because people have no free will (Harari) and all human actions are the result of random interactions in brain matter. Such conclusions can then be displayed in Plato's Cave, where the mass media pushing our pseudo-democratic countries toward totalitarianism can create “the ideal subject of totalitarian rule ... people for whom the distinction between true and false no longer exists” - Hannah Arendt.
Materialist scientism is also the reason why relativism and nihilism rule our modern world, just ask Richard Dawkins and his atheist allies, or the postmodernist followers of Derrida and Foucault, or “Davos man” Harari. This nihilistic “godless” culture is arguably a contributor to the modern-day mental health crisis in the West, with the incidence of depressions at an all times high.
The religious nature of scientism is also evident in its reactions to critique: any criticism is treated as heresy. The defenses to such critiques are always directed at the critic (ad hominem), and rarely contest the actual idea, as if scientism doesn't have hard, scientific arguments to refute non-materialists with. Such paradoxes raise several suspicions:
- Why are so many scientists holding on to theories that are contradicted by the facts, or not falsifiable?
- And, whose interests does this serve?
For further explanation, see B1, The Mystery of the Universe, and B19, The Spiritual War.
A few more moons, a few more winters, and not one of the descendants of the mighty hosts that once moved over this broad land or lived in happy homes, protected by the Great Spirit, will remain to mourn over the graves of a people once more powerful and hopeful than yours...
And when the last Red Man shall have perished, and the memory of my tribe shall have become a myth among the White Men, these shores will swarm with the invisible dead of my tribe... The White Man will never be alone. Let him be just and deal kindly with my people, for the dead are not powerless.
Dead, did I say? There is no death, only a change of worlds.
Chief Seattle, of the ancestor worshipping Suquamishs, at his surrender in 1854
Natural life is spiritual life
I don’t think it’s controversial to say that the humans of prehistory lived in a spiritual world or were immersed in a spiritual realm. They experienced the world in a direct, non-mediated, hands-on and “soul-in” way, often aided by an experienced leader or shaman. Today, shamans would probably get the label schizophrenic; for example, see this fascinating story by a father about his schizophrenic son:, A mental disease by any other name.
Direct experience still prevailed over ideas on the workings of the world or cosmos. In Biblical terms, prehistoric people like Adam and Eve “walked with God”. A fact that can still be observed today in some remaining communities which live as hunter-gatherers or subsistence farmers, about the belief that all aspects of the world – humans, animals, ancestors, spirits, trees, rocks and rivers – are interrelated parts of a dynamic, integrated whole (for Spanish speakers, see El Abrazo de la Serpiente by Ciro Guerra).
Hallucinogenic drugs like ayahuasca, peyote or iboga - now forbidden in many countries - are still part of the shamanistic experience, but transcendent experiences can result in many ways. A shamanistic guide from Guatemala told me that his sensitive daughter had been doing drug-less out-of-body trips from age 12, together with a girlfriend of the same age, while sitting quietly and hand-in-hand under a tree in the garden. Their minds were open to the experience, not yet damaged by "education", and so they could experience and enjoy it.
With the arrival of revival techniques in modern medicine, many people have “returned from death”, and many near-death experiences have been registered. These show a remarkable degree of similarity to shamanistic out-of-body experiences (with or without drugs), or to the mystic experiences of Christians in the Middle Ages, or to the effects of transcendental meditation, yoga and Tai Chi and other methods. But also, to the experiences of jet pilots under strong G-forces, and even after brain trauma (see acquired savant syndrome, sometimes occurring after traumatic brain injury or illness).
In all these instances, the blood flow to the brain is reduced, which leads to the hypothesis that under normal conditions, the brain actively maintains "the doors of perception" closed. We know indeed that all hallucinogenic drugs deactivate the brain. See for example Bernardo Kastrup's Why materialism is baloney on YouTube.
Many more examples of the power of the mind could be cited, including placebo and nocebo effects (indicative of the power of the mind over the body) and the question of creative genius. Please ponder that Mozart –along with many other artists - heard his compositions before he made them, he only had to write them down. Some composers hear their upcoming compositions in their dreams, like child prodigy Alma Deutscher. See for example Alma's Piano Concerto in Carnegie Hall (YouTube, 3 minutes).
For the materialist scientist, this would have to be the result of a series of accidents between quantum particles, atoms, molecules, or cells in the brain, randomly forming a kind of "flash mob" that somehow presents itself in a dream, and always manages to deliver a new piece of music, in the same great style as the previous works of the still dreaming composer. Or was Goethe right when he said:
“The artist alone sees spirits. But after he has told of their appearing to him, everybody sees them.”
In short, spiritual experiences are a worldwide phenomenon occurring at all times in recorded history and have many aspects in common: such as great intensity, harmony, beauty and happiness, the fading away of time, comeback of forgotten memories (from where, if you happen to be out-of-body?), perception into the future, or encounters with late ancestors or friends. And testimony of such spiritual experiences is often followed by a great impact on the personal life of the individual affected.
In fact, humans were totally familiar with the spiritual realm during 99% of time they walked on this planet. All that time, even children knew that all humans had a soul, and that the souls of the ancestors were still around. And indeed, for almost all common people the spiritual dimension of life is still essential, although often unwittingly. Who welcomes a newborn baby, or any other human being, as another accidental meat robot leading a completely purposeless life? Who falls in love with an attractively looking bunch of quantum particles? Who treats even a pet dog or cat as if they were just biological robots?
Only psychopaths or sociopaths can treat humans or animals as if they were soulless, mere matter. Not by coincidence, such deviants are over-represented in Glafia, and several of them feature repeatedly in this book (Klaus, Yuval, Justin, Bill...). For a 2-minute hair-raising video (edited) figuring Yuval Harari, see Humans Are Now "Hackable Animals.
Fast forward: the attempt to "disenchant the world"
About 300 years ago in Europe, during the so-called Enlightenment, a belief in a spiritual or religious realm or dimension was declared a superstition, “anti-scientific”, an illusion, or a product of hallucinations. Overturning the previous religious worldview of many millennia, scientists decided that all such mental experiences, since they cannot be measured by their materialist school of science, do not therefore exist.
Ever since this time, Glafia's academic proxies have pushed hard to “disenchant the world”, a term coined by Max Weber in 1917. In this tunnel vision, random interactions between matter - purposeless chemical, physical or biological accidents - are the only causal explanation for ALL phenomena in the universe. In Sapiens, Harari politely uses the term fiction for all experiences and creations of the mind, including the immaterial world of thought, ethical norms, morality, religion, culture, beauty, and also truth:
“The truly unique feature of our language is the ability to transmit information about things that do not exist at all... Only Sapiens can talk about ... entities that they have never seen, touched or smelled. This ability to speak about fictions is the most unique feature of Sapiens language ... fiction has enabled us not merely to imagine things, but to do so collectively. [Such collective fictions allow us] to weave common myths such as the biblical creation story … and the nationalist myths of modern states. Such myths give Sapiens the unprecedented ability to cooperate flexibly in large numbers … That’s why Sapiens rule the world.”
We're getting a little ahead of ourselves here, but in these quotes, Harari almost gives away the great spiritual war that the Global Mafia launched on us several centuries ago (addressed in B1, B19, B36, B41).
Natural life is liberté, égalité, fraternité
There was no need for a French revolution in the Garden of Eden because liberty, equality, and fraternity were already there. The small communities of hunter-gatherers (50-150 persons) were not ruled by somebody with power over others (as Harari erroneously suggests in Sapiens) but led by a person chosen for his or her wisdom and leadership qualities, often an elder willing to serve the community.
Through mutual aid and consensus, there was a free society, where force played no important role. In other words, it was a direct democracy, where everybody had a say. And it was in fact the only period in history that we lived under a real democratic system: after we left Paradise, hierarchies would always rule us, even when we were told that our society was "free and democratic" (See also the historical timelines in B43).
Mutual aid
During pre-history, mutual aid was the key to survival, not competition as Darwin stated. Yet the boys probably competed in storytelling, hunting or dancing, to impress the girls (hopefully this sentence will get past the gender censor!). Only recently, several studies have concluded that back in hunter-gatherer days, humans evolved a set of social responses including empathy, altruism and fairness. But we may ask the question: did this evolve, or was it innate? Because more and more studies in social animals come to similar conclusions: even animals have morality and rather strict behavioral or “ethical” codes (see the book Wild Justice).
In his book Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution (published in 1902), Petr Alekseyevich Kropotkin wrote:
"I failed to find, although I was eagerly looking for it — that bitter struggle for the means of existence, among animals belonging to the same species, which was considered by most Darwinists ... as the dominant characteristic of struggle for life and the main factor of evolution."
Kropotkin concluded that “under any circumstances sociability is the greatest advantage in the struggle for life”. Today, any person with experience in organic agriculture or permaculture knows that the main principle of nature is cooperation. Plants cooperate intensively with soil organisms, for mutual benefit, and the intestinal microbiomes of animals and humans are not only essential for the digestion of food, but also play important roles in the immune and nervous system of the host. Even predators “cooperate” with their prey: they not only strengthen the herd by culling old and diseased animals, but also keep the herd size down so enough feed remains available (prevention of overgrazing), helping the system to remain in balance.
Based on their insights in mutual aid, Kropotkin and later also Murray Bookchin proposed anarchist, self-governing and self-sufficient communal solutions as the best option to organize society. They considered the protection by the state was not necessary. Because, as Bookchin noted, “every state, although necessarily a form of government, is a force for class repression and control.” How true! Journalist Albert J. Nock used even stronger terms when he compared any state to a professional-criminal class (see A8). And we will soon see how others came to very similar conclusions about the real nature of the state (A1.4).
The state as instrument of suppression
I dread government in the name of science … that is how tyrannies come in. C. S. Lewis (1898-1963), British writer, in 1958
In the next chapters I will argue that the state became the main instrument for Glafia's domination project. And it still is. Over the ages we all transitioned from a free and independent life in the natural world to a more and more controlled and dependent life in nation states, where we gradually lost those early traditions of mutual aid, community consensus, self-reliance and self-responsibility (see also the table in B43). And in this 21st century, we are risking losing a lot more, including humor, as will be explained in B23.
About two centuries before Darwin, in his famous book Leviathan, Thomas Hobbes (1588- 1679) wrote about life in the natural world as “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short” and “a war of all against all”, that could only be avoided by a strong, undivided government. Hobbes happened to be a "court scientist" with shares in the Virginia company (financed by The City=Glafia) which colonized a part of North America. It wouldn't surprise me if his plea was part of a subsidized campaign for strong nation-states, something Glafia's bankers are so fond of, to play with on their global chessboard (see Lord Curzon’s quote).
During Hobbes' days, another pro nation state effort was launched at the Westphalia Peace Treaty in 1648. Yet as we will see later, the much-acclaimed, autonomous, sovereign nation- state in reality never existed and was always a front for Glafia: during their formation in the past centuries, all nation-states were either quickly infiltrated by Glafia, or rebuilt to fit its wishes (B23).
In very broad terms, since the last Ice Age, about 12,000 years ago, we went from (often nomadic) hunting-gathering to agriculture in villages, cities and feudal lands. The received wisdom is that this was then scaled up to hereditary kingdoms, and later, about 6000 years ago, to large empires. This established narrative is rejected though by David Graeber and David Wengrow in their book The Dawn of Everything: A New History of Humanity. On their part, Graham Hancock and Michael Cremo contend that human civilization is much older than the 6,000 years claimed by orthodox science, and the recent excavations at Gobekli Tepe in eastern Turkey by the German Archaeology Institute certainly bear this out. Discussion of these alternative theories is beyond the scope of this book, however.
The early empires, like those of China, India, Babylon, Phoenicia, Persia, Greece, Rome, Byzantium, and the Americas, all had a religious mythology integrated in their power structure, symbolized by the divine powers of the emperor, which inspired yet also controlled the people. These empires often strived to prevent wars and were not necessarily malevolent. Eventually they broke down, with China as prime exception (until 1912).
During the Middle Ages, new sea and land empires were formed, respectively by the Ottomans (in the Middle East), the Mughals (in India), and since 500 years, also the European countries forming sea empires (in the Americas, Africa and Asia), as well as Russia (which incorporated the whole of Siberia, numerous southern territories and then Alaska, which it later sold to the US).
As we'll see later, the brutish Western colonization project (A3.3), and the later de-colonization projects (see A5.3 on Latin America, and A6.5 on the rest of the world), were important spearheads of Glafia's domination project, and certainly not benevolent.
Globalization started far before our time
For many thousands of years (5,000 according to Andre Gunder Frank), an Afro-Eurasian world system has been developing, with a global exchange of merchandise, knowledge, inventions, culture, religions and technology between distanced civilizations. A network of maritime trading cities stretched "like a string of pearls" along the coast of the Indian Ocean, from Africa (Sofala, Zanzibar, Sudan...), Egypt, Arabia, the Middle East, India, Indonesia and China to Japan, and later also in the Mediterranean and further north into the Baltic Sea area.
In the tenth century, the parrots of the Tenasserim port of Kalah (in present day Thailand), which was trading with China and Arabia, talked in Persian, Arabic, Chinese, Indian, and Greek! "Demographically, even 2,000 years ago the effectively integrated part of humankind encompassed 90% of all the world population" (Grinin & Korotayev). Thus, global trade and exchange, and multiculturalism, are nothing new, as many people mistakenly believe. Even the idea that globalization has been going on for 500 years is totally Eurocentric: the first European traders and colonizers of Asia and Africa found the long established and thriving trading networks described above often dominated by wealthy Muslim traders and sultanates.
Maritime trading had many advantages over land trading: on the free seas there are no tolls, taxes, or prohibitions to trespass. But pirates were always a menace - as were bandits on land routes. Ship building and long-range navigation developed first in Asia, probably 10,000 years ago (Buckminster Fuller, Critical Path). Phoenicians, and later Venetians, used the same timber joints (the locked mortise and tenon technique) as the ancient Asian ship builders, and some traditional Asian builders still do today. Maritime trade developed also in the Mediterranean basin, especially since the emergence of the Phoenician Empire about 3,000 years ago (see below, and B8).
Long distance overland transport in Asia, Africa and the Middle East was by camel caravans. E.g., the Silk Route was an ancient trade network that connected China and the Far East with countries in the Middle East and Europe. For most of the time, until 1850, China held the lead in shipping and navigation technology; production of steel, paper, ceramics and silk garments; book printing, etc. The ships used in Admiral Zheng’s “charm offensive” in the 15th century which visited India, Arabia, Egypt and Africa were up to 4 times bigger than the European ones of the time (see also B3 on China's history). In one of those, Zheng transported an African giraffe to China. However, China was not interested in Western products or domination of the world.
In this dynamic ancient world system, many currencies (often gold or silver coins) emerged to facilitate the exchange of goods and services. People with lots of money started to loan it out, charging an interest. It was then discovered that even a small percentage of interest applied over a few years would quickly multiply a debt, e.g., a 10% loan will double in 7 years.
To illustrate that continuous compound interest is "the strongest force in the universe" (Einstein): had Jesus left one dollar on the bank against 5% annual interest, the present worth of his savings would be something like the Earth’s weight in gold. As much as that is a mathematical certainty (just check it on a spreadsheet) it’s also a physical impossibility. And that’s precisely why usurious money is sometimes compared with alchemy: making something out of nothing, which then can destroy or create anything.
Usurious banking practices were first documented 5,000 years ago in Babylon (on clay tablets in Sumer, today's Iraq), where the priest class got involved in banking and temples were used to safeguard the deposits. In those times, periodic debt cancelations were applied to prevent social collapse. The Phoenicians probably brought Babylon's usurious banking to Greece and Italy around 800 BC, but the periodic debt cancelations got lost in the transfer, and social problems arose (see Michael Hudson: Did the Phoenicians introduce the idea of interest).
During their exile in Babylon, the Jews (who, interestingly, share their ancestry with the Phoenicians, B8) became familiar with banking. After their return to Palestine in 538 BC, their Temple in Jerusalem began gradually to assume the function of a national bank. The ancient knowledge of the wreckage caused by usury, capable of destroying the fabric of any egalitarian society, led to its prohibition in the three Abrahamic religions: Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. But in the latter the prohibition didn't apply to non-Jews, and Jews would become major financial players, on a global scale.
In the Middle Ages, Europe was overtly ruled by a landed aristocracy, which kept rural people in feudal serfdom, obliging them to deliver part of their harvest in exchange for protection. Catholicism, the dominating religion, forbade usury (although "Christian" moneylenders were active in Northern Italy, yet maybe they were "conversos” - Jews who converted by force or convenience to Christianity).
Yet there was a high demand for money lending, and Jews were often permitted to do so. They were among the few people skilled in writing and accounting, and through their agile networks large amounts of money could be lent to high-placed debtors. Lending was a very lucrative business, but also risky as guarantees were often feeble. Taxing of the debtors' subordinates was commonly used to solve the problem. This unpopular task was often left to the Jewish money lenders, and such tax farming activities often made them hated by the people, which would lead to their expulsion in many countries.
Today, usury is still (officially) forbidden in Islam. However, the religious prohibition didn't stop the proliferation of banking in Europe, and the first and very severe international banking crash took place in 1345, when the Bardi and Peruzzi banking houses of Florence collapsed. For an insightful article on this collapse, see Gallagher. It quotes the famous French historian Fernand Braudel, "one of the most important historians of the 20th century" (B10), on the role of Venice (one of the early players in the later Glafia Plot) in provoking the collapse:
“Venice had deliberately ensnared all the surrounding subject economies, including the German economy, for her own profit; she drew her living from them, preventing them from acting freely ... The Fourteenth century saw the creation of such a powerful monopoly to the advantage of the city-states of Italy ... that the embryo territorial states like England, France and Spain necessarily suffered the consequences.”
See also A crucial lesson of history: why do we have usury? For the modern usurious money system, a key tool in Glafia's domination project, see B20.
Only recently has the great importance for our present Western world of the Phoenicians, also called Canaanites, been recognized, see John C. Scott The Phoenicians and the Formation of the Western World; and also B8):
"Well before classical Greece and Rome [around 1200 BC], there arose macro-trends associated with Phoenicia: globalization, capitalism, and multinational corporations. In The Origins of Globalization, Moore and Lewis observe that the achievement of Tyre (and Carthage) was to expand world trade and at the same time to shift the center of finance and high culture westward.
Larry Neal ... cites the primacy of Phoenicia’s market-driven capitalism and long- distance trade reaching the Atlantic. Moore and Lewis, in Birth of the Multinational, hold forth that the merchants of Tyre created the first multinational business organization on an intercontinental scale. These trends originated in Mesopotamia, yet it was the commercial activities of the Phoenicians that laid the economic and cultural bases of the Western world."
The Phoenician merchants, always aided by their navy, even settled on the Atlantic coasts of Europe, including Scandinavia, Britain, and Northern Germany. The Vikings descend from the Phoenicians, and they too had an expansive period, although much later. The construction of Viking ships was very similar to the earlier Phoenician ships, which originally came from Asia.
Recent linguistic investigations (Mailhammer & Vennemann) show that the Runic script which was used by Germanic peoples of northern Europe, Britain, Scandinavia and Iceland is derived from the Punic script, named after the Punic Empire of Carthage, a North African part of Phoenicia. They conclude that the Phoenicians settled as aristocrats in Northern Europe and influenced the language, culture and writing - that they had done so in Mediterranean Europe was already known.
The later Greek, Hebrew and Latin alphabets are also derived from the Punic alphabet. The alphabet solved the lifetime learning problem of traditional scripts such as the Chinese, which may use up to half a million different characters, by reducing the learning period for writing and reading to just weeks or months.
There’s also evidence that the Phoenicians were important ancestors of the Venetian (Venetia = Phoenicia) and European aristocracy, the latter also called “black nobility” (because of their black deeds; also called Guelphs, B6, later often acting as Glafia proxies). Even common Italians have on average 20% Phoenician genes. The European use of the coronation stone stems from the Phoenicians, and King Charles sat on one (with quite a history) during his 2023 coronation, in Westminster Abbey.
Around 64 BC, the Phoenician maritime empire was terminated by the Roman empire (510 BC-476 AD), initially a land empire, which mainly fed on plunder and slavery. The Roman empire was highly centralized, with an attendant high cost of military power, which finally led to its overstretching and collapse.
However, soon after its ending, Phoenician methods, trade, tools and descendants would revive in two very similar sea empires, Venice and Genoa, as explained in A2.1.
After 1522, they would start a decentralized empire, with seemingly independent nations as their covertly operating proxies. The first of these proxies would be Spain, followed by Holland. This new scheme was probably more akin to the way the Phoenicians had managed their empire:
"Profit rather than plunder was their policy”.
The Roman Empire, based on primitive, blunt force, which finally led to exhaustion and decay, in fact interrupted this much more cunning Phoenician plan that meant profit for the collaborators and deception for the common people. After the fall of the Roman Empire, the Venetians and Genoese continued it again - and it's still in effect today, now everywhere on earth.
Picture the prince, as most of them are today: a man ignorant of the law, well-nigh an enemy to his people’s advantage, while intent on his personal convenience, a dedicated voluptuary, hater of … freedom and truth, without a thought for the interests of his country, and measuring everything in terms of his own profit and desires.
Desiderius Erasmus (c.1466-1536), Dutch philosopher, describing an oligarch
The following 500 years old quotes are by Italian author Niccolo Machiavelli (1469-1527):
The end justifies the means.
Always assume incompetence before looking for conspiracy.
One who deceives will always find those who allow themselves to be deceived.
The promise given was a necessity of the past: the word broken is a necessity of the present.
Power is the pivot on which everything hinges. He who has the power is always right; the weaker is always wrong.
One of the great secrets of the day is to know how to take possession of popular prejudices and passions, in such a way as to introduce a confusion of principles which makes impossible all understanding between those who speak the same language and have the same interests.
You know better than I that in a Republic talent is always suspect. A man attains an elevated position only when his mediocrity prevents him from being a threat to others. And for this reason, a democracy is never governed by the most competent, but rather by those whose insignificance will not jeopardize anyone else's self-esteem.
Anno 1522: the year of Magellan
In 1519, the Spanish crown outfitted a fleet of five ships, under the command of Portuguese captain Ferdinand Magellan, to find an Atlantic route to the East Indies (or Asia; the Caribbean islands were called the West Indies). It was there where the spices were produced that were in such high demand in Europe, generating profit rates comparable to today's drug trade. He found a route, via what was later called the Strait of Magellan, which crosses Tierra del Fuego, the southernmost tip of the American continent.
Magellan then arrived at the Philippines, where he was killed in a battle. In 1522, the only surviving ship returned to its Spanish port of departure - Seville - thus completing the first circumnavigation of the globe. The news of this startling feat was interpreted as proof that the Earth is spherical. Around 300 BC, the Greek philosopher Eratosthenes had already calculated the earth's circumference with remarkable precision. A spherical earth is finite, and this realization triggered certain people interested in world domination: if that was your goal, you should better act quickly. The earth had to be inventoried, and the newly discovered land declared private property of the discoverers. How they organized this enormous operation is explained in the next chapters.
The world system in 1522
Before 1492, the world system of commercial, cultural and other exchanges consisted of two parts: the Western World and the Eastern World. The Western World had two maritime systems, the Atlantic (from the Baltic Sea to Gibraltar, the West coast of Africa and the Atlantic islands West of it) and the Mediterranean system (including the coasts of southern Europe, of the Ottoman Empire in the East, and of Northern Africa). The Eastern World, from East Africa to Arabia, India, China, Japan, Siberia and Alaska, was interconnected by the Indian Ocean. In the early 16th century, Portuguese chronicler Tomé Pires noted that 84 different languages were spoken in Malacca, in today's Malaysia.
In Italy, the Renaissance revival of the arts and sciences was probably at its height, in no small matter due to the blooming of city-states like Florence, Genoa and Venice. Leonardo Da Vinci had died in 1519, but Michelangelo (1475-1564) was halfway through his career and had just finished the impressive paintings on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican.
During many centuries before Christ, the "rich" trade (the long-distance trade in bullion, slaves, spices, ceramics, silk, etc.) between the Western and Eastern system was controlled by the Phoenicians which made them extremely wealthy. This trade had to pass the Near/Middle East via land routes, which Phoenicia also controlled. The Phoenicians were substituted by the Roman Empire. After its collapse, Genoa and Venice took over this rich trade, and in turn accumulated large capitals.
However, since 1453 these land routes were controlled by the newly established (Muslim) Ottoman Empire, which had taken over Constantinople (today's Istanbul), and later the whole Byzantine Empire. That complicated the rich trade, which led Genoese bankers to finance Spain and Portugal to seek alternatives routes. Technological and scientific developments and exchanges between the East and the West had allowed improvements in ship building and navigation, map making, food preservation, weaponry and finance (bills of exchange, double entry bookkeeping...). That enabled trans-oceanic transport and the discovery, colonization and administration of faraway lands.
As discussed in the next chapters, that project would finally lead to the colonization, by Glafia-financed and steered European countries, of the Americas, Africa and Asia (A3.3). With it, the center of gravity of the world economy moved from Asia to Europe, first to the Mediterranean basin, and later to the Atlantic coast. Much later, in the 19th century, it would start to move to North America: the USA. And now, in our 21st century, it's being moved back to Asia (A7.5), by the same, and still largely hidden, perpetrators.
Columbus and the Americas
After Columbus' voyage of discovery, the Americas were quickly included in the world system. But note that thousands of years before Columbus landed in October 1492 on American soil (in the Bahama islands), there had already been an ancient intercontinental trade connecting the Americas with Africa and Asia. One proof is the finding of cocaine in Egyptian and other mummies.
During his first voyage to the Americas, Columbus found Spanish cast iron cooking tools on one of the Caribbean islands. And centuries before 1492, maps showing the American east coast were circulating in the West. The famous Piri Reis map, published in 1513, is a synthesis of older maps. Miraculously, it shows the coastline of the Antarctica continent fairly accurately – which has been hidden under thick ice for millions of years, according to modern scientists.
It is very probable that Columbus and his Genoese backers had a copy of such a map, and that his goal of finding a new route to India was a cover story. One of the great strengths of the Venetian and Genoese oligarchs was their global intelligence network. They most probably knew that there was a great New World with a high colonization potential. Was Columbus' voyage the opening act for an already long planned exploitation of the Americas? See also B5, on the history of the USA.
Moreover, "that epoch-making expedition of 1492 was as a matter of fact very largely a Jewish, or rather a Marrano [or "converso"] enterprise", according to Cecil Roth in A History of the Marranos. For the role of conversos, see A5.3 on the decolonization of Latin America: to be sure, by the 1850's, the whole American continent was under Glafia control and happily collaborating with this highly criminal organization. And today, that's the case in the whole world.
Back to Columbus: he was probably Jewish too, and born in the village of Cuba, in Portugal's Alentejo province, where there is a statue dedicated to him. He spoke and wrote no Italian but Portuguese and Spanish only, and gave the name Cuba to the Caribbean island, while about 40 islands located around Cuba-the-island carry the names of Alentejan villages located around Cuba-the-village in Portugal (see documentary The Columbus Enigma: Who Really Was The Legendary Explorer?). If true, the Columbus case is one of thousands - continuing in our times - of people from blue blood, Jewish, Phoenician or peerage families, often with faked biographies, often alleging that they are of humble and poor backgrounds. Yet many have played big roles in the worldwide domination project.
And by the way, the red crosses adorning the sails of Columbus' expedition ships corresponded not only with the flag of Genoa, but also with the banner of the Knights Templars who had financed and protected the Crusaders. Indeed, Genoa, and Venice too, were headquarters of the Templars during a good of part of the Crusades. They probably learned quite a bit about international banking from the Templars. Since 1863, a red cross is also on the emblem of the International Red Cross organization, which has been used for several of Glafia's undercover operations, including the start of the Bolshevik Revolution. Note: The Christian crusades to free Palestine and its Christian holy places from the upcoming Muslim Turks sure served the purpose of the Venetian and Genoese merchants well, by keeping the passages for their rich trade with Asia open (the lands between the Euphrates River and the Mediterranean Sea).
Why did Europe take the lead?
A big question, on which many books have been written (some mentioned under A8.1), is WHY the Europeans would take the lead, to become the “monstrous shapers of world history” (Fernand Braudel). Around 1500 AC, the world system had achieved sufficient dynamism to permit, in many lands, large accumulations of capital in the hands of merchants and bankers involved in the “rich trades”. As Braudel stated:
"Everywhere, from Egypt to Japan, we shall find genuine capitalists, wholesalers, the rentiers of trade, and their thousands of auxiliaries – the commission agents, brokers, moneychangers and bankers. As for the techniques, possibilities or guarantees of exchange, any of these groups of merchants would stand comparison with its western equivalents... There were even, in medieval times, merchant kings in Cairo, Aden and the Persian Gulf ports."
Historian Janet Abu Lughod (in Before European Hegemony: The World System A.D. 1250–1350) also stressed that there were enormous similarities among Asian, Arab and Western forms of capitalism during this period. Where differences existed, these were often in favor of the East, where credit transactions, techniques for pooling capital and spreading risk were more advanced. China's Tang Empire managed paper money several centuries before Europeans discovered that money need not have any commodity value ("fiat money").
However, Braudel did point out that Europe became the “monstrous shaper of world history” after “a series of stages and transitions, the earliest dating from well before what is usually known as ‘the’ Renaissance of the late fifteenth century.” As just explained, the reason for this series of transitions was not the emergence of capitalist enterprises across Europe, because that had happened everywhere in the world system.
It was Braudel's pupil Giovanni Arrighi, a "renowned authority in the fields of world systems analysis" (B10), who in his spectacular book The Long Twentieth Century: Money, Power, and the Origins of our Times (1994) finally formulated a coherent explanation for Europe's role:
"Nowhere, except in Europe, did these elements of capitalism coalesce into the powerful mix that propelled European states towards the territorial conquest of the world and the formation of an all-powerful and truly global capitalist world-economy. From this perspective, the really important transition ... is not that from feudalism to capitalism but from scattered to concentrated capitalist power. And the most important aspect of this much neglected transition is the unique fusion of state and capital, which was realized nowhere more favorably for capitalism than in Europe."
In plain English, concentrated capitalist power means a private banking and corporate system in the hands of a few very powerful people, which I have named Glafia, and which would soon become a large global monopoly by which the nation states were to be controlled to a high degree. At first this extended only to European states, today it is all of them.
By pooling capital on an ever-bigger scale, ever-bigger global projects could be financed, like 1) the discovery of the unknown, and colonization of the known world, 2) great wars and great revolutions, and later also 3) spectacular industrial, infrastructural, scientific and technological developments. Through these activities, apparently sovereign - but highly dependent on bankers' capital - states were "built", in compliance with the wishes of the ever- growing criminal banking system.
Braudel described capitalism (B11) as the “anti-market, where the great predators roam and the law of the jungle operates" and situated it at a level above the ordinary market economy. He warned that capitalism is neither an economic (market or production) system, nor competitive as Karl Marx falsely claimed (B12) and we all incorrectly learned in school. Capitalism is just the fig leaf of "the great predators", here called Glafia, a mere shield, and the bankers are never happier then when Marxists fiercely attack capitalism (presently with Greta, XR and BLM in this silly role). This is because, thusly, all attention is merrily diverted from the real problem that humanity unknowingly suffers, the undercover global domination project.
Braudel had made another very important observation:
"Capitalism only triumphs when it becomes identified with the state, when it is the state. In its first great phase [here called the first cycle of the Glafia project], that of the Italian city-states of Venice, Genoa and Florence [and Spain], power lay in the hands of the moneyed elite. In 17th century Holland [the second cycle of the project] the aristocracy of the Regents governed for the benefit and even according to the directives of [largely foreign] businessmen, merchants, and moneylenders. Likewise, in England [the third cycle] the Glorious Revolution of 1688 marked the accession of business similar to that in Holland."
But we are getting ahead of ourselves, as these cycles will be discussed in the next the chapters. Braudel's and Arrighi's views are fully supported by Charles Tilly (B10), "the founding father of 21st century sociology" and "one of the world's preeminent sociologists and historians". He argued that to analyze Western countries over the last few hundred years, one must take into account two interdependent master processes:
- The creation of a system of powerful, connected national states.
- The formation of a worldwide capitalist system.
Tilly goes even further:
"... war making and state making ... qualify as our largest examples of organized crime... For the European experience of the past few centuries, a portrait of war makers and state makers as coercive and self-seeking entrepreneurs bears a far greater resemblance to the facts than do its chief alternatives: the idea of a social contract ... an open market ... [or] the idea of a society whose shared norms and expectations call forth a certain kind of government."
John A. Hobson (1858-1940), who once was very influential through his classical anti-imperialist work Imperialism, a Study (1902), would probably have agreed with Tilly. He once wrote that:
"The most important lesson of modern warfare is the fact that a knot of financiers and profiteers, per medium of their politicians and their pressmen, can capture the mind of a nation, and in the name of patriotism impose a policy of slavery."
If you look around you today, nothing seems to have changed. Covid germfare and Ukraine warfare, anybody?
Robert Kennedy Jr., candidate for the US Presidency elections in 2024, just said the same as the authors who were mentioned above: our greatest problem is the merger between corporations [capital] and the USA government [and it's now the same in all other nation states].
The words of Lord Acton, one of the most articulate defenders of freedom in his time, also bear repeating:
"The issue which has swept down the centuries , and which will have to be fought sooner or later is the people versus the banks."
Over the last 500 years or so, humanity has erected an 'endless growth' civilization premised on a particular patchwork of ideological worldviews, ethical values, political and economic structures, and personal behaviors. This is a paradigm that elevates the vision of human beings as disconnected, atomistic, competing material units, which seek to maximize their own material consumption as the principal mechanism for self-gratification.
Nafeez Ahmad (1978-), British author
The real important transition … is not that from feudalism to capitalism but from scattered to concentrated capitalist power.
Giovanni Arrighi (1937-2009), The Long Twentieth Century
For our own time, it is hard to imagine the construction of any valid analysis of long-term structural change that does not connect ... to the two interdependent master processes of the [modern] era: the creation of a system of national states and the formation of a worldwide capitalist system. We face the challenge of integrating big structures, large processes, and huge comparisons into history.
Charles Tilly (1929-2008), Big Structures, Large Processes, Huge Comparisons (1984)
The currently ending 500-year cycle in European history ... [was] determined by the emerging conflict between the two leading forces within European culture during that century. On the one side, there were the forces of the Golden Renaissance, centered around such figures as Cardinal Nicolaus of Cusa and the 1439-40 Council of Florence. On the opposing side, was the re-emerging power of the Venice-centered European aristocratic and financier oligarchy.
All history since the Fifteenth century, within Europe and globally, has been dominated by the cultural conflict between the radiated influence of the Renaissance and the opposing, Venice-launched force of the so-called ‘Enlightenment'.
Lyndon LaRouche, (1922-2019), The Coming Fall of the House of Windsor
The grand story initiated by Genoa and Venice is about an impressive 500-year-old private project for world domination. It would be a brilliant and epic story, yet the main actors aren't compassionate heroes striving to save the planet and its inhabitants, but sociopathic villains who use any criminal means to attain their end of total domination of the globe and its inhabitants: wars, genocide, revolutions, financial control, ecological crises, theft, extortion, bribery, blackmail, murder, social and geo engineering, perversion of religion, falsification of science, mendacity in the mass media, etc.
Their covert methods are so deceptive that even today, "well informed and well-educated" people still believe that a conspiracy at global level is impossible: "The eye sees only what the mind is prepared to comprehend". The usual reasoning in the "free West" is that our honest media and independent scientists - our democratic watch dogs - would have discovered such a project long ago and blown the whistle, while our democratic governments would have joined quickly to stop their tyranny.
Due to the astoundingly sophisticated yet criminal achievements of the perpetrators, acting as a Global Mafia, we named them Glafia. Initially, the Glafia project was woven with just two threads, one Venetian/Genoese (this section) and one of ex-Spanish and Portuguese Jewish merchants and bankers (A2.2). Over the course of five centuries, many other threads were spun or picked up, and interwoven. Some were dropped, like the Soviet Union. As we will soon see, today all countries, all big corporations and all important national and international institutions are part of the fabric of the Glafia project.
After Columbus' 1492 discovery of the Americas, Spain established one of the vastest global empires ever, mainly in large parts of the Americas (North, Middle and South), and from 1565 on also in the Philippines (named after the then reigning King Philip II of Spain). It also controlled vast European territories in Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Italy and Portugal. Habsburg Spain was the greatest political and military power in Europe and the world for much of the 16th and 17th centuries.
Yet it wasn't Spanish but Genoese bankers who controlled the finances of this great power, which protected them in return. After 1492, their main banking service was to provide the Spanish King, who received a very irregular flow of silver from his American colonies, with a constant stream of gold to all corners of his Empire, so he could pay his expensive armies and public servants, who only accepted wage payments in gold.
But how had little Genoa become involved in the great Spanish Empire? In the 9th century, Genoa was still a small Mediterranean town, with a slowly growing merchant fleet. From the 13th century on, the “rich" long distance trade bloomed (bullion, Asian luxury products, slaves in multicolor...). Thus, the skillful merchants of Genoa, now with large fleets and colonies in the Mediterranean and Black Sea, were able to accumulate huge capitals, which allowed them to become bankers. In the 14th century, the long-distance trading conditions became more and more difficult for Genoa, due to increasing Venetian and Turkish power and competition.
The rich Genoese bankers then looked West for opportunities to invest their idle capital and found a destination in nearby Eastern Spain. When a banking crisis hit Barcelona in the 1380's, they promptly seized the opportunity to become the most important financiers in the Iberian region, which gradually included Spain's central Castille province and Portugal. That prepared their future participation in the lucrative trade between Seville and Castille's colonial Empire. During the 16th century, these Genoese bankers became the most powerful class in Europe (remember it was Genoese/Jewish bankers who financed Columbus' voyage from Seville).
While in Iberia, the Genoese bankers also instigated and underwrote the expensive explorations and colonizations by Portugal and Spain into Asia and Africa. Portugal had taken the lead in 1415 with the conquest of Ceuta on the North African coast, at a strategic position - for the West African gold trade - on the opposite side of the Strait of Gibraltar. Portuguese ships arrived in India in 1498, in Brazil in 1500, in China in 1517 and in Japan in 1542.
Through Portugal’s new routes around Africa, the "rich" European-Asian trade wasn’t dependent on the Silk Route anymore, or on the other overland routes between the Mediterranean Sea and the Indian Ocean (via the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf). These land routes had come under the firm control of Muslim rulers, who would take their share in the gains of passing trades or would block the passing altogether. By 1517, all land routes in Syria, Palestine, Egypt and Arabia were under control of the Ottoman Empire.
Reputed historians Braudel and Arrighi called the Spanish-Genoese collaboration the first stage of the capitalist world system - which on these pages is called Glafia's domination project. It would soon be developed hand in hand with the creation of a system of powerful, connected national states, as we already saw in the closing paragraphs of the previous chapter (A1.4).
According to Arrighi (1994), the world capitalist system developed in four cycles, led by respectively the Genoese/Spain, the Dutch, the British, then the United States. Each cycle was divided into three phases: a merchant or accumulation phase, a phase of industrial expansion (excepting Genoa), and finally a period of financialization, dominated by the banking sector (the early merchants, turned into bankers).
This last phase is "burning hot and then fading away" or as Braudel called it, “a sign of autumn”, where not only the finance era runs its final course, but also the leader state. The demise of one cycle would become the birth of the next, on an ever-grander global scale. For the present hegemon, the informal empire of the United States of America, the closing phase started around 1971 (A6.7). Soon, China (B3) and Russia (B4) will be the new horses pulling Glafia's chariot, this time not in a uni-, but in a multi-polar world (B33).
The Genoese bankers were extremely successful. It is estimated that about 30% of the enormous quantities of silver that Spain stole after the colonization of the Americas (financed by the Genoese) ended up in their vaults. Had Spain's own bankers won this struggle for its finances, then Spain would have become the global leader of the capitalist system (J.H. Elliott, 1970). Or maybe, no European-led capitalist world system would have evolved at all (G. Arrighi, 1994)! To prevent such a danger to Glafia's project, Spain was sidelined (A2.4).
The successful domination of the Spanish empire by foreign, mostly Genoese bankers would become the template for Glafia's domination project. That template would include new rounds of colonization, of which the bankers would again profit immensely.
Contrary to earlier attempts at world domination using violence by the Romans, Greeks, Mongols and others, CAPITAL, its accumulation, concentration, mobilization and investment by the banks of the state leading the cycle of Glafia's capitalist world system would be the key factor in world domination. That's why investor rights, the rights to private property and to usurious banking would become enshrined in the laws of the many states that emerged during the Glafia project. First in the leader states and their colonies, thereafter in connected states, often after a war, sometimes after a regime change via staged revolutions, coupes, or covert pressure. Today all states are included in this system.
War making was always an important criminal lever in this process, as Charles Tilly (B10) emphasized. Once the bankers pool their capital in the leader state, it's used to build up a strong army. That threatens neighboring or even far away states, who will start to compete for capital from those same bankers, to build up their own armies. The bankers will of course seize the opportunity to demand banker-friendly policies and legislation, and other favors from the debtors: economic threats can be used in the same way. Once they've fallen in the debt trap, the debtor states can easily be managed, as the debt will always continue to grow. Cynically, this process was called state-building.
Venice was the greatest commercial success of the Middle Ages - a city without industry, except for naval-military construction, which came to bestride the Mediterranean world and to control an empire through mere trading enterprise. In the fourteenth century she was in the ascendant to her greatest periods of success and power.
Fernand Braudel
As a sample of its great power and means, during the Fourth Crusade (1202-'04) Venice equipped a fleet of 1,200 ships carrying 4,500 horses, 9,000 horsemen and assistants, and 20,000 foot soldiers. On the way, Venice made a surprise deal with the Crusaders (who were highly indebted to her), to make a joint, treasonous attack on Constantinople, the capital of the Byzantine (or East Roman) Empire, with which Venice had a long relationship. At the same time, the Venetian oligarchs were involved in state-building, in their own city-state Venice and their colonies, to profit from public-private partnerships. There is nothing new under the sun!
At the start of the 16th century, the world benefitted from numerous innovations. The improvements in ship building, mapmaking and navigation have already been mentioned. Important developments had also been going on in military technology, based on the Chinese invention of gunpowder. The printing press, originally developed in Asia, centuries before its adaptation in Europe, would soon enable “conquest by the word”. In the 1490's, Venice had already become the book-printing capital of Europe. By the middle of the 16th century, about 20,000 titles had been marketed, quite a few on Martin Luther and the Reformation.
It is interesting to note that after 1517, Luther made a career as best-selling author, aided by Georg Spalatin, Luther’s Saving Grace (handler) since 1514, who was in contact with Venice.
Venice also controlled the bullion trade (gold and silver, see Gallagher) in the Mediterranean, and the multi-color slave trade, which comprised mostly white Slavs - which gave their name to all slaves - from lands around the Black Sea, sold to Muslims in North Africa and the Near East.
But clouds soon appeared in the Venetian skies. The Most Serene Republic, as it called itself, became infamous for its ruthless and treasonous methods. Behind its colorful masks and romantic scenery, the complete oligarchic infrastructure of financial and military power, control, infiltration and subversion, corrupted science, death squads, intrigue, manipulations and secret services, as we know it today, had come into being (see also Financial Vipers of Venice by Joseph Farrell, and Webster Tarpley’s e-book Against Oligarchy).
One reason could be that the Venetians were survivors of the Roman and/or the Phoenician empire, who had found a hiding place in Venice. Venetian evil became proverbial, and Pope Pius II (1405-1464) had this to say on the subject:
"... among the human beings the Venetians are the least just and the least capable of humanity... They are hypocrites. They wish to appear as Christians before the world but in reality, they never think of God, and except for the state, which they regard as a deity, they hold nothing sacred, nothing holy... All law and right may be violated for the sake of power."
In 1508, the League of Cambrai was formed, the first military coalition in Europe, with the goal to terminate the Venetian Republic for once and for all. France, Spain, England and the Holy Roman Empire (roughly Germany, Austria, Switzerland) joined with the Pope, and attacked and almost destroyed Venice in 1516. It only escaped because it was able to bribe the Pope into leaving the coalition.
Another probable reason is that since 1453, the Ottoman Turks had occupied Constantinople and later Syria, Palestine and Egypt, and Venetian trade in Asian products had consequently suffered. In the meantime, the Portuguese, sponsored by the Genoese, were sailing directly to Asia and taking over part of the spice and other trades.
Thirdly, the Venetians, with their large intelligence network, understood very well that the Americas were a new and very large continent, with great future promise as a market and even as a world leader (The financial vipers of Venice, J. Farrell). And also, that after its discovery, the center of gravity of European trade and power would shift to the Atlantic coast, which would make their base in the northern Adriatic Sea obsolete. Besides, many of the Jews banned from Spain and Portugal had settled in Antwerp, in the Southern Provinces of Holland, which was becoming a competitor for Venice.
For these reasons, around 1522 a group of Venetians (the "Giovani" faction) was on the lookout for a new base of operations, this time on the Atlantic coast of Europe. They were a small group, so the way they saw it, partners in crime would be a welcome addition. They had many contacts with the British, the Germans and the Dutch - and with the Jews. Venetian ships had sailed to London and Bruges since the 13th century.
England was their best bet, with its island ("offshore") status and ports as essential strategic advantages, and a population of about 5 million, however it was still Catholic: it was in 1517 that the monk Martin Luther had nailed his 95 theses to a German church door (see B44 for twelve theses you can "nail" on your fridge door). Like most of Europe, England was also traditionalist and aristocratic, which meant averse of commerce and anti-capitalist. Besides, there was an interesting detail in England: a formally independent commercial and banking area, The City of London - which would become a major hub for the Glafia project.
Since 1290, Jews had been officially banned from England, although there still lived some conversos. The Venetian oligarchs were very familiar with the Jews, literally because of their shared ancestry with the Phoenicians (B8), but also because Jews, and their capital and networks, played a very important role in Venice, especially after their expulsion in 1492 from Spain, and a bit later, from Portugal. Cecil Roth, in The History of the Jews in Venice (1930), states:
"The trade of Venice was overwhelmingly concentrated in the hands of the Jews, the wealthiest of the mercantile class."
Their Venetian heydays were indeed in the 16th and 17th century. It would take the abolition of the Catholic Church in England and the English Revolution (1640-1660), led by Oliver Cromwell yet covertly financed by European Jews, to install a more capitalist friendly regime, and to officially reopen England to the Jews (A3.2). In the meantime, the Low Countries (Holland) offered an interesting alternative solution for the second systemic cycle of the Glafia project (A3.1). In 1688, they would be used as a springboard to England.
Apart from capital and expertise, another Venetian specialty, materialist philosophy, would play a very important role in Glafia's domination project: the instigation of the Enlightenment and the following "disenchantment of the world" (please see How the Dead Souls of Venice corrupted Science). This philosophy would be further developed in Holland and England, and later everywhere in the West.
The wealthy Jews rule the world. In their hands lies the fate of governments and nations.
They start wars between countries and, when they wish, governments make peace. When the wealthy Jews sing, the nations and their leaders dance along and meanwhile the Jews get richer.
Theodor Herzl (1860-1904), Deutsche Zeitung newspaper, on theodor-herzl
Trade and Industry are wholly at the mercy of the world's money controllers. By means of the monopoly privileges accorded to the banking profession, these men exercise a greater influence over economic conditions than any potentate, ruler or government. They are the world's real autocrats.
Werner Sombart (1863-1941) in The Jews and Modern Capitalism, 1911
A brief history of the Jews is provided in B8, which I recommend you to read first. One striking aspect of ancient Jewish history is the common ancestry, language, culture, and religion (until about 270 BC) of the Jews and the Phoenicians. During the first millennium BC, the latter had a large sea empire in the Mediterranean basin that extended to Europe's Atlantic coasts, including Germany, Scandinavia, and the British islands, where they became founders of the European aristocracy.
Another remarkable aspect is the compelling evidence that the Hebrew Bible was created in Egypt around 270 BC, not by a grassroots movement but by a committee of well-read scholars under Royal Egyptian sponsorship (see also B8). These scholars used Greek philosopher Plato’s recommendations for a model government as the template for the Jewish theocracy, the first religion/mythology ever based on a book, i.e. the Hebrew Bible. A book that implanted in many Jews the delusion of being the only chosen people of their jealous god Yahweh, to rule the world someday by conquest and deceit, from Jerusalem.
There was once, at least in Germany and Holland, a universal version of Judaism, as related by the late Hajo Meyer, who barely survived a German concentration camp as a boy, and later became a brave Dutch activist for the Palestinians. That universal version of Judaism was based on Leviticus 19:33-34:
"When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them. The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt".
But with the dominant “cult of the land” brought by Zionism (Moshe Menuhin, B15), this version seems to have vanished.
In his explosive book Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of 3,000 Years (1986), Jewish scholar and survivor of the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, Israel Shahak, describes classical Judaism as a totalitarian scheme to benefit a few very wealthy Jews (on From the second century until roughly the eighteenth, Jews were under the heel of their rabbis and wealthy leaders.
They lived in “a closed society… one of the most totalitarian societies in the whole history of mankind.” Judaism was enforced by physical coercion, and also by creating ghettos. Rabbinical courts ordered fines, flogging, imprisonment and even death for Jews breaking any of the hundreds of Talmudic laws governing every aspect of daily life. These are two examples from Spain in Shahak’s book (Ch.4): “Jewish women who cohabited with Gentiles had their noses cut off by rabbis … In religious disputes, those considered heretics had their tongues cut out.”
Shahak also exposes the pernicious attitudes and practices against non-Jews enshrined in Talmudic and Rabbinical laws. He provides many racist quotes by the famous Chabad Lubavitch Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, such as "The entire creation exists only for the sake of the Jews." According to Shahak, elite Jews often had a symbiotic relationship with the governing class (often of Phoenician origins, B8). The Jews would “administer the oppression” of the masses, for example by tax farming to collect the money which the ruler owed them, and by monopolies on credit and alcohol.
In return, the governing class would protect the Jewish leaders and force ordinary Jews to obey them, which often meant rabbi-ordained living in ghetto's: "sometimes a pogrom would do the trick." Shahak observes how this regime has been reinstalled in Israel, which uses the IDF (Israeli army) and religious Jews against the Palestinians. One wonders why Hanna Arendt, famous for her analysis of totalitarianism, never mentioned these worrying aspects of Jewish history.
Shlomo Sand’s book The Invention of the Jewish People (2009), translated into more languages than any other Israeli history book, criticizes the Zionists for spreading the myth that the Jewish People are an ancient race. Sand, a professor of history at Tel Aviv University, states that the Muslims and Christians of Israel/Palestine are closer genetic descendants of the original Jews than the Ashkenazim (East European Jews), a majority in Israel, who probably descend from the non-Semitic Khazarian people who long ago converted to Judaism (in the 8th century, in what is now Ukraine). Many Zionist founders and historians have asserted much the same.
The Khazars were defeated by the Russians in 969 AD. Some people interpret the Russian Revolution and the following genocide of Russians as a Khazarian vengeance (A6.2), while others suspect a Khazarian link with the present war in the Ukraine (B16). Unfortunately, such a possibility cannot be ruled out. Sand also claims that the expulsion of the Jews in 70 AC by the Roman Empire, the alleged start of the diaspora, is a myth with a complete lack of historical evidence. For more details, see Beware Mythistory.
There are many reasons to believe that the Jews had been cosmopolitan far before 70 AC, probably in the tracks or ships of their cousins, the Phoenicians. The first community of Jews in India (named Cochin) arrived as early as the 10th century BC (C.G. Kaufman). In 1066, Jewish moneylenders from Normandy financed William the Conqueror's takeover of England. This first Jewish settlement in England was protected by the new King William. A century later, through usury (see A1.3), Aaron of Lincoln was richer than the King. From Jews in Thirteenth Century England:
"Because they were not allowed to own land, Jews were often forced into doing jobs that were prohibited for Christians such as being moneylenders and bankers, enabling them to make interest [usury] from loaning money and indebting many English Christians in the process."
Resistance and aversion built up, to culminate in the Edict of Expulsion on July 18, 1290. That became the usual template elsewhere, and during the Middle Ages expulsion of Jews took place in dozens of European countries. In England, the reversal came after 365 years, in 1655, by bribing Oliver Cromwell (A3.2).
The peninsula of Iberia (Sepharad) was a preferred destination for Jews, probably since 400 BC. Says Wiki: "Spanish Jews once constituted one of the largest and most prosperous Jewish communities in the world. Spain was the unquestioned leader of world Jewry." Spain's large Sephardim community was noted for its richness and virtuosity. However, the influence of the approximately 200,000 Jews in Spain became so great (also through "conversos" within the Catholic Church and the army), that they began to be seen as a danger and were expelled (from Spain in 1492, and Portugal in 1496).
Columbus, whose voyage under Spanish charter was financed by "converso" Jews, some from Genoa (Cecil Roth), wrote:
"In the same month in which Their Majesties issued the edict that all Jews should be driven out of the kingdom and its territories — in that same month they gave me the order to undertake with sufficient men my expedition of discovery to the Indies."
Thereafter, many rich Sephardic Jewish merchants and bankers went to Portugal (whence they were expelled in 1496), and where they were on the lookout for new careers in the newly discovered countries, where the Sephardim "formed one of the two mainstreams of Jewish life - it was they who founded the first Jewish settlements in America, and they played an important role in colonial society." For the sake of completeness, we should add "including the African slave trade" to this last quote.
Jane S. Gerber, in her book The Jews of Spain, noted: “In defiance of all conventional logic and expectation, [the expulsion] became an occasion for renewed creativity.” Yet a better explanation might be that many of the banned Sephardim became leaders, or proxies, in Glafia’s project, as we will soon see. In the 17th century, they would be joined by Ashkenazi, or Eastern European, Jews.
In Braudel’s, Arrighi’s and Tilly's work (A1.4) we found that the key to the unparalleled Western success in world domination was the fusion of the capital and expertise of certain "elites", with the machinery of state of certain carefully selected Western governments. This process had started in the small 14th century Italian city states of Genoa and Venice, where as we just saw, merchants and bankers had accumulated great wealth, especially in the multi- color slave trade, the spice trade and the bullion trade.
The Venetians had become experienced in all kinds of intrigues and manipulations, while the Genoese had become very well versed in managing a very powerful global empire, Spain, through the "remote control" tools of finance. A series of wars between Genoa and Venice led to the Treaty of Turin (1381) and a de facto merger of Venice and Genoa. When at the start of the 16th century, a small group of Venetian oligarchs decided to change their base to the Atlantic coast of Europe, they very well understood that a capitalist world system was developing, and that they could eventually lead it, partly due to the weaknesses of Spain (A2.4).
The fact that they sent an envoy, Francesco Zorzi, to the English court as early as 1529 (who built up an important party of followers: the nucleus of the modern "Venetian Party" in England, the Whigs), is a clear indication of their interest in penetrating the English political sphere. Zorzi became an influential adviser of Henry VIII. His mission would finally lead to the abolition of the Catholic Church in England and Scotland (see The Venetian takeover of England: a 200-year project, and Zorzi: Venetian Sex-Advisor to King Henry VIII).
The Italian oligarchs certainly understood that they were a small force starting a war on much bigger ones, even on humanity as a whole. They had also learnt the lessons from the struggles and collapse of the Roman Empire, and of the many costly but useless and exhausting wars. And about the use of divide-and-rule, the many problems of imperial overstretching, etc. After all, Machiavelli had written his famous book The Prince in 1513, which circulated in small elite circles (surely including Venice as the center of book printing) before publication in 1532, with advice for those in power, such as:
“Never attempt to win by force what can be won by deception.”
“Everyone sees what you seem to be, few know what you really are; and those few do not dare take a stand against the general opinion.”
“The promise given was a necessity of the past: the word broken is a necessity of the present.”
At that time, Sun Tzu’s now 2,500 years old wisdom was not yet known in the West, the first (French) translation of his book The Art of War appeared in 1782. Yet his advice runs along the same lines:
“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.”
“The greatest victory is that which requires no battle.”
“So in war, the way is to avoid what is strong, and strike at what is weak.”
“The whole secret lies in confusing the enemy, so that he cannot fathom our real intent.”
The universal key method in both is deception, a soft power that's often more effective - and much cheaper - than brute force or hard power (see also B23), and easier to spread amongst a large population. To deceive, you just must be shrewd and dishonest, and such a mindset comes naturally to power greedy oligarchs. It’s worth noting that, according to Victor Ostrovsky, Mossad’s motto is:
"By way of deception, thou shalt do war".
For the Venetian plan, the expulsion of the Jews from Spain was a godsend, and it's certainly not impossible that the Genoese bankers had something to do with it. With the participation of the ex-Iberian Jews, lots of capital, expertise and networks could be added to the project. The Venetians already had a longstanding working relationship with "their" Jews, who in the 16th century were the major brokers of bills of exchange in the Venetian empire. The Venetians, whilst running a successful empire, controlled the flows of bullion (silver and gold) on a European level. Both had extensive international networks, not only for trade, but also for intelligence.
Both were also extremely ambitious, and the Jews naturally wanted to take revenge on Spain, where they had gained, and then lost, their wealthy positions through substantial control over finances, academia, the church, and government. They were now eagerly looking for new opportunities.
Naturally the Venetians and Jews joined forces, although the evidence for this is circumstantial. The Venetian-Jewish coalition had the motive, the means and the opportunity, and with hindsight, we must conclude that they did indeed ally and become uniquely successful. The early Jewish participation led to the large-scale international engagement of many elite Jews in the global domination project. At a much later stage, that also lead to the establishment of the Zionist state of Israel (B15).
In 1516, the Jews got their own ghetto in Venice. That's often seen as a discriminatory measure by Venice but note that many if not most ghettos were ordained by rabbis, to ease their totalitarian control over the herd (I. Shahak). In 1550, the Jews were banned from Genoa and Venice. Was this just theater for public consumption, to prepare for the Dutch project? Strangely, that same year Spain also prohibited their residence in Antwerp, which moved them to leave for Amsterdam. That suited Glafia very well. Do these incidences bear the fingerprints of the Genoese bankers, again?
In the end, the Glafia coalition used a very simple and logical formula to get a basis on Europe’s Atlantic coast, with which they had lots of experience: you bribe the ruling class into selling their soul to the devil, you make the country thrive, and everybody applauds. While England was their head prize, it wasn’t until 1694 that it came fully under Glafia's control, through the foundation of the Bank of England, in the City of London (more in A4.1).
In the meantime, Holland served their purposes very well (more in A3.1), with the Bank of Amsterdam established in 1609, modeled on a Venetian bank. Thus, the center of European finance, and indeed of commerce, economics and power, moved from Venice and Genoa to Amsterdam, then later to London.
Not by accident, both in Holland and England the Catholic churches were substituted by Protestant ones. As it turns out, the villainies of the Venetian thieving system had a heavy hand in the “grassroots” Reformation movement, and later also in the (Catholic) Counter- Reformation! And the Jews were of course very happy to support the Reformation, to weaken the Catholic Church which had persecuted them so severely in Spain. As the Protestant religions were more usury and capitalist-friendly by design, a strong Jewish participation in Glafia's English and Dutch projects became feasible.
The illustrative case of the Sephardic Warburg family
Sometime after 1492, a very wealthy Sephardic family, led by Anselmo and Abraham de Palenzuela (later called Del Banco), arrived in Venice from Spain. In 1513, they were granted a charter by the Venetian Republic permitting the lending of money with interest. They soon left for Bologna and then Germany, where they adopted the name Warburg (and Kassel in another line). They established a very important German banking house, from some point in the 19th century, in association with the Rothschilds.
Already in 1619, the Bank of Hamburg had been established, in which more than forty Jewish families held shares. After the Thirty Years' War (which had started in 1618, and severely debilitated the Habsburg Empire, the enemy of Venice), the Warburgs moved to Altona near Hamburg.
In the 20th century, the brothers Max and Paul Warburg became essential spiders in Glafia's web, as mentioned elsewhere in this book. Paul's son James became immortal with the words he spoke in Washington, DC, in 1950, to a Senate Committee:
"We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or by consent."
For more details see Jim and Gerry and this short article: Sympathy for the Devil, the Warburgs and the Ruin of the West.
The 15th and 16th century marked the transition from feudalism to capitalism in Europe. In feudalism there were two, often competing, power centers: the Catholic Church and the Aristocracy. Merchants and money lenders existed but had no or little political power. By contrast, in Italian city-states like Genoa and Venice, which called themselves Republics, a new elite of capitalist oligarchs (merchants and bankers) held most political and economic power.
During their global domination project, Glafia would gradually outsmart and incorporate both the Catholic Church and the old European aristocracy. At the start of the project, the latter was still dominated by the powerful empire of Habsburg Spain (1516–1700). Under its Habsburg kings, Charles V (reigning until 1556, and also named Charles I of Spain,) and his son Phillip II (until 1598), the Spanish Empire reached its zenith. During its Golden Age, Spain controlled territories in five continents including the Americas, the East Indies, the Netherlands (North and South), and parts of today’s Italy, France, Germany, Austria, Bohemia, Hungary, as well as the Portuguese empire (1580-1640).
Spain had many strengths, in favor of a future role as a global empire. Its location was ideal, with Atlantic ports like Seville and Mediterranean ports like Valencia and Barcelona. In fact, Spain, with its large and economically active Jewish population and their international networks, seemed pretty invincible. But in 1492, Spain had exiled its Jews and auto inflicted a deep wound on its economy and finances (this was too good to be true for Glafia's project, did the Genoese bankers influence the Inquisition? See B16).
Around 1600, Spain had a sizable population of 10 million (Portugal included). France had 16-M, but its financial means were inferior to Spain’s. England and Wales were smaller with 5-M, and Holland had only 2-M. Spain’s American colonies provided large amounts of bullion (after the early gold bonanza, mostly silver). Although most Jews had left, the volume of Spain's transatlantic trade increased eightfold between 1510 and 1550, and tripled between 1550 and 1610.
Spain had also important weaknesses. Its famously slow and incompetent bureaucracy was continuously overstretched because of the many colonies and territories. The fact that its vacancies were sold to the highest bidder, as with noble titles, didn't help either. Officially, the auto-destructive move to drive out the Jews was caused by religious motives. That moved the Jewish economic activities to several countries not under control of Habsburg Spain, including Portugal (which expelled them a few years later), the Ottoman Empire, Venice, Greece and Germany. The arrival of Jews in Antwerp – still controlled by Habsburg Spain - stimulated its economic activity greatly, and 16th century Antwerp became a world class metropolis, “the loveliest city in the world”.
Another weak point of Spain was that its finances depended highly on foreign bankers, especially the Genoese. The greatest increase of Genoese influence occurred shortly after the colonization of the Americas, between 1500 and 1530, in Seville. By the middle of the century, the Genoese "largely controlled the American trade and exerted a powerful influence over the economic life of Seville." King Charles' expensive wars with France (and later England), for the control of Europe, often fought out in Italy, brought Spain to bankruptcy in 1557 (note that the Italians had played a critical role in the election of the over-ambitious Charles as king, in 1519, and later in financing him).
After 1557, Charles' son Philip II declared bankruptcy three times. Spain's dire financial situation strengthened the grip of the Genoese bankers, especially between 1580 and 1620. Braudel's "age of the Genoese" ended in 1627 when they withdrew their capital from Spain, which had again declared bankruptcy. He commented that the role of the Genoese had been "a rule so discreet and sophisticated that historians for a long time failed to notice it", which reminds of the stealth role which the Bank of International Settlements in Basel (B32) has played in the global financial system during the last 90 years.
In the end, 30% of Spain's silver ended up in Genoese banks, which had underwritten the earlier Spanish and Portuguese discovery and colonization efforts. Spain's final weakness (for Glafia) was that its traditional aristocrats had an aversion and contempt for commercial activities. They preferred to invest their capital in a life of leisure, in expensive palaces or estates, with music, dance, hunting parties, elaborate meals and religious ceremonies. While they and the Church were dominant, no capitalist Spanish world empire could arise. Anyways, Spain had fulfilled its main Glafia tasks of discovery and colonization of important parts of the world and could be ditched. In our times, the same process is being carried out with the USA and Europe.
The 1517 Reformation, covertly hijacked and steered by Venice, finally led to the Eighty Years' War (1568-1648) in which the Dutch gained independence from Spain. Another consequence was the Thirty Years' War (1618-1648), also influenced by Venetian intrigues, which decimated the German population and debilitated the Catholic Habsburg Empire (which the Venetians feared, as it was on their northern border and had attacked Venice in the early 1500's, with the coalition of Cambrai). The Venetians also assisted in the Protestant transformation of England and Scotland where the "Venetian" (capitalist) party, operating under the Whig banner, became very strong. In the wars with the new Protestant English Kingdom (1585-1604), Spain lost a good part of its costly Armada.
How an unlikely candidate won the race: by being pushed
According to Immanuel Wallerstein’s influential book The Modern World System (1974), in the chapter From Seville to Amsterdam:
“The European world-economy in creation was a great prize, and it is understandable that men should seek to control it ... Many dreamed of the possibility. The Habsburgs under Charles V [whose election was influenced by Genoa and Venice] made a [too] valiant attempt to absorb all of Europe ... By 1557, the attempt had failed. And Spain steadily lost not only its political imperium but its economic centrality as well. Many cities aspired to be the hub of the European world economy. But in fact, it would be Amsterdam, an unlikely candidate in 1450, which by 1600 had achieved preeminence.”
The official narrative of history has no good explanation for this improbable outcome, in which tiny Amsterdam defeated the great Spanish Habsburg Empire, like David smashed Goliath. Around 1522, Spain was the prime candidate for a world empire, but as a monarchist, feudal and traditional Catholic power, it would have been an empire on a tributary basis (a system of taxes), as the Church did not permit usury.
Yet Glafia's new monied merchant and banking elites wanted a world empire on a capitalist basis. One without negative interference by the Church or aristocrats, and without restrictions on usury, where they could invest and withdraw their mobile capital when and where they wanted, and bend all states to their wishes. Today, five hundred years later, we find ourselves in the End Game of that plan.
The further course of Spain and Portugal
Seemingly, Spain and Portugal continued outside the world capitalist system, which invested its mobile capital elsewhere, and gradually lost influence. In the early 1800's, Glafia was behind the "independence" of Spain's Latin American colonies (A5.3), so the British and future American hegemons could start investing there and gradually tighten the reins of their new subordinate elites in the "USA's backyard".
Spain seemed to survive in some forgotten corner of the world, until a revolution ravaged the country in 1936. That's a very nasty story, for which we do not have space in this book. It fully fits the pattern of early 20th century Red Terror Communist/Jewish revolutions though, which is briefly discussed in A6.3. It certainly was part of Glafia's "series of Revolutions" mentioned by Disraeli Sr. (A3.2), which had started in England under Oliver Cromwell. And it wasn't the last in the series: see all the recent regime changes and color revolutions, and the End Game (A7) in which we are living now.
Portugal would be the last country in the world to let its African colonies go (remember that global decolonization was a Glafia plan, A6.5). That happened in 1974, after the socialist Carnation Revolution, which as an exception wasn't an undertaking steered by Glafia, but by "o Povo" (the people). At least, that was my opinion until an ex-secret service officer told me that this event was applauded by the BBC and other mainstream media. In my experience, that's 100% diagnostic for a Glafia operation!
Thus, within a few years and by design, the socialist experiments in Portugal were gradually strangulated and abandoned (I volunteered in one, the agricultural cooperative First of May in Avis, Alentejo, of which I have warm memories). Portugal quickly went back to a "normal" country, where the old oligarchy, overseen by Glafia, had let go of the reins for a while, to achieve their goals via a "socialist project."
The rise of the Dutch can only be explained by the decline of Venice.
If one were to lead a stranger through the streets of Amsterdam and ask him where he was, he would answer 'among speculators,' for there is no corner in the city where one does not talk shares.
Joseph de la Vega (ca. 1650-1692), philosopher and poet, in Confusion de Confusiones
With the national debt arose an international credit system … Thus the villainies of the Venetian thieving system formed one of the secret bases of the capital-wealth of Holland to whom Venice in her decadence lent large sums of money.
So was it with Holland and England. By the beginning of the 18th century … Holland had ceased to be the nation preponderant in commerce and industry. One of its main lines of business, therefore, {became} the lending out of enormous amounts of capital, especially to its great rival England.
[And the] same thing is going on to-day [1860's] between England and the United States.
Karl Marx (1818-1883), Das Kapital (1959 ed., 755-6)
... the United Provinces [of Holland] became hegemonic by leading a large and powerful coalition of dynastic states towards the liquidation of the medieval system of rule and the establishment of the modern interstate system.
Giovanni Arrighi
In the 16th century, as explained in the previous chapter, Venice, assisted by Genoa, made an informal alliance with ex-Iberian Jewish bankers and merchants, to influence, infiltrate and groom both Holland and England to become Protestant, capitalist, usury friendly, and Glafia controlled nation states (A2.3). The key to unlock Holland - by liberating it from Spanish dominion - would be the Venetian fondi (oligarchic family capital) and Jewish capital, or in Arrighi's terminology, mobile capital.
When Karl Marx wrote that "the Venetian thieving system” formed one of the secret bases of the capital-wealth of Holland" (full quote on previous page), he didn't name Jewish capital, but that was without doubt the other "secret base".
While England was the grand prize for the Venetians and Jews, for the time being the Low Countries (also called Holland, or The Netherlands) offered an interesting, although temporary solution. By the end of the 16th century, Holland had a large and thriving commercial and fishing fleet, served by the deep water port of Amsterdam, for which the Baltic trade in grain and timber was the "mother" trade. It had a rather small population of 2 million, but a diverse migrant labor force for military and shipping operations was available. And it could serve as a spring board to nearby England, but that spring - a Royal one - would be realized much later, in 1688 (A3.2).
Since 1482, Holland had been part of the Habsburg Empire, which had fused with the Spanish Empire in 1516 to become Habsburg Spain, a world power controlling territories in five continents. Since 1568, Holland's Protestant northern provinces were at (intermittent) war with Catholic Spain (the 80 Years War), which had violently suppressed the Protestant movements, of which there were various. After the 1580's, due to serious troubles with badly paid, mutinying Spanish troops in Antwerp (something the Genoese may have manipulated), many rich ex-Iberian Jewish refugees from Antwerp had been admitted into nearby Holland, where they were already dynamizing its economy and supporting its resistance to Spain.
Amsterdam: the overnight leader of the world
Ask any Dutch(wo)man what caused their sudden Golden Century, 400 years ago, and they will proudly respond: Wij, natuurlijk! - We, of course!
While some historians admit that the Jewish immigrants had a positive effect on the economy, the large Venetian influence - well known to Karl Marx and modern scholars like Braudel and Arrighi - has since long been airbrushed from Dutch history. Nederland en Venetië, a forgotten book (1852) by MJC de Jonge, mentions the diplomatic relations that existed since 1596 between both Republics, the recognition of the Dutch Republic by Venice in 1609 (a first for Europe) and the Venetian financing of the supposed liberation in 1622 of the city of Bergen op Zoom, where my paternal family then lived (B31). A recent book, Trading Places (by Maartje van Gelder) describes how in the early 17th century, several Dutch merchants were living and working (semi-) permanently in Venice.
In general, the shrewd Venetians were very reluctant to formalize their relations with the Dutch (on the whole, organized crime avoids paper trails), and official trade agreements were never signed. But on the last day of the year 1619, an alliance was signed for mutual assistance in case of an attack. It seems that the Venetians were also reluctant to make official payments to the Dutch: what happened behind the scenes is hard to figure out, but the large amount of one million ducats is mentioned in the literature.
In any case, it is known that the fondi left Venice, which then started to decline, and that large investments were done in The Netherlands, which then started to rise. Liquidity is normally low during an investment phase, but the Dutch merchants were famous for their liquidity: they even preferred to pay their suppliers in advance.
High liquidity - and soaring careers - are a typical feature of Glafia projects and careers: in 1917, the "grassroots" Bolshevik revolutionaries were swimming in German and American gold; once Hitler was appointed as chancellor in 1933, Western, often "Jewish" (Rev. 3:9), bankers supplied him all the money he wanted. Recently, many Billlinda-billions were pumped into the development of mRNA Covid "vaccines" and propaganda campaigns; and at least $200 billion were pumped into the Ukraine, just in the first year of the 2022 proxy war (note that a British general just admitted that it is a proxy war, which is probably the first such admission from a military official in British history).
The same applies to Glafia-sponsored personal careers, often of previously unknown people, first spotted by Glafia's headhunters, who then suddenly appear in very important positions. The list is very long, and a few examples of such spectacularly soaring political careers are Woodrow Wilson, Herbert Hoover, General "Ike" Eisenhower, Obama, Macron, Greta Thunberg, Justin and Jacinda Ardern. The same applies to many artists. Very often, they are from elite, Jewish, or peerage families, although they pretend to have humble origins. Frequently, there's something wrong or lacking in their biographies, and as a rule there's something in their record which makes them blackmailable ( has unmasked dozens of such cases).
The phenomenon of the simultaneous decline of Venice and the rise of the Dutch would repeat itself during the next cycle changes (from Holland to England, from England to the USA, and presently from the USA to China), each time on a grander scale, as described in detail by Arrighi. Another occurrence during the cycle changes is war. After the Eighty Years' (1568-1648) and the simultaneous Thirty Years' (1618-1648) wars, Habsburg Spain lost its primacy and Holland became the regional and then global leader, with Amsterdam as the financial capital of Europe.
And so it was that during the 18th century, Holland had to gradually relinquish its primacy to England, which ended when it came under French occupation during the Napoleonic wars. Thereafter, The City of London became the new financial center of the world. In the first half of the 20th century, the World Wars would seal the fate of the British Empire, and the USA would take the baton and become the new creditor of the world, with Wallstreet and the FED dominating global finance.
The war in Ukraine (B28) is presently marking the change from a uni- to a multipolar world order (B33), which is the fourth change of cycle in the Glafia project, now from the USA to China/Russia. The American dollar is still the main reserve currency, but the timer attached to the bomb under it is ticking fast.
Whilst I am writing these words, ever more such signs are appearing: Britain declared that its army is hollowed out and short of ammunition, and can't fight against Russia (if so, why would they make it public?). Germany has just made a similar declaration, which would mean that NATO is a farcical force. While the cracks widen and deepen and start to show a very ugly reality, the dementing US president - Ol' Joe – tells he's never been more optimistic than now, and is still bragging about progress, growth, strength, freedom, unity, we-the-people, and “possibilities”: until the last Ukrainian soldier, it seems.
Meanwhile, the US hawks seem to be set on provoking a war on a second front: with China. Recently, the Heritage Foundation rated the U.S. army as “weak” and unsuited for just one major regional conflict. What could possibly go wrong, if your aim is to collapse the West by bringing in the Seven Plagues of Egypt?
The birth of the Dutch oligarchy
After Luther nailed his 95 theses on a German church door in 1517 (see also B44, with twelve theses to nail on your fridge door), many strains of Protestants - some violent, some parading nude in the streets of Amsterdam (the Anabaptists) - drove profound divisions into the originally Catholic populations in Europe, especially in France and the northern countries of the Spanish Habsburg Empire, the Low Countries of Holland, and Germany. Many killings and burnings of Protestant people by the Catholic Inquisition, and wars were the result. On Bartholomew Day, 8-24-1572, about 70,000 Protestant Huguenots were killed in France.
In England Henry VIII, under constant advice from Venice, abolished the Catholic Church around 1534 and seized all its highly valuable properties. He became head of the new Church of England. In Holland, Protestantism was suppressed by the Spanish rulers and violence spiraled. The idea of independence came up, but Holland was a total underdog, while Spain was a world power, like the USA today. England, now Protestant and interested in weakening Spain, had offered the Dutch military protection, but strangely enough, they refused. Why would they turn down such a good deal?
The only logical explanation is that the Dutch had already found secret backers. It's not a wild speculation to assume that these backers contacted and then "contracted" William, the Prince of Orange and Nassau (respectively a fiefdom in Southern France he had inherited, and the German duchy where he was born). The Prince was a servant of Spain's King Phillip II. Even in those days he was considered a controversial, selfish and opportunistic person. Yet he would become the "Vader des Vaderlands", the national champion of freedom of conscience, amongst other mythologies and superlatives to be spun about him.
Few historians ever touched the theme of Jewish influence in the Dutch affairs, yet in 2018 in Amsterdam, an exposition on The Jews and the Orange family: 400 eventful years, fell out of the blue. In a letter to Oliver Cromwell, Rabbi Menasseh Ben Israel had bragged about the great influence of the Jews in the Dutch colonial and financial projects. Arrighi commented on the relation of the House of Orange with the new (since 1609) Dutch Republic:
"The essential feature was the provision by the Dutch merchant class of liquidity, business knowledge, and connections, in exchange of the provision by the House of Orange of war-making and state-making capabilities, particularly in the organization of protection on the land. The result was a governmental organization that fused the advantages of capitalism [Glafia's bankers and merchants] and territorialism [the land protecting aristocracy] far more effectively than any of the northern Italian city-states, including Venice, had ever managed to do."
In the terminology of the present book, the House of Orange became a proxy for Glafia, certainly with abundant financial and other support. That would make the Oranges very rich, later also through colonial projects, including cocaine production in Indonesia and a cocaine processing plant in Amsterdam.
A few sidenotes: the highly profitable global drug trade has been under Glafia control since at least two centuries, see Dope, Inc. on The much-hyped US War on Drugs was just to control the competition.
Secondly: I haven't read yet Occident et Islam Tome II, where according to a review, scholar Youssef Hindi explores medieval Jewish esoterism, explaining how Sephardic merchants like Amsterdam based Rabbi Menasseh ben Israel, conducted their usurious, exceptionalist and actively messianic business rituals overtly, opening the door almost immediately to the vigorous financing and boosting of European colonialism and the transatlantic slave trade.
Finally: I lost the source for this excerpt, which I copied and belief is correct: "The Netherlands, having an efficient Navy, were elected to replace the Portuguese. The Dutch were easily inflamed with the idea of creating a great Netherland Empire. Just as the Spaniards and Portuguese had done, they supplied soldiers, sailors and ships between 1603 and 1640; they drove out the Portuguese from all their positions at Goa, in the East Indies, Ceylon and Java. Jewish trade went on unhampered under the new nominal owners, but it was diverted to Amsterdam and Antwerp."
Queen Juliana of Orange (who ruled The Netherlands from 1948 to 1980) was considered the richest woman in the (public) world. Together with the Rothschilds she was a major shareholder in the Shell oil company, and likely in many others too. The present Queen, the lovely Maxima of Argentinian descent, has been promoting Glafia projects such as microcredits in the third world (which brings poor people into the official - control - system) and more recently, CBDC, an essential part of the Global Digital Prison (A7.2).
Around 1620, the Dutch Republic was already a full-blown banker/merchant oligarchy in which the nobility simply played along. In 1602, the private Dutch East India Company (VOC) had been established (A3.3). The New Bourse (exchange) opened in Amsterdam in 1608, quickly followed by the public Bank of Amsterdam (Wisselbank), however controlled by an oligarchic elite, which also controlled the government's finance policies (for a parallel case, see Iain Davis on The private Bank of England construction). This fusion of the state and capital owners was later spread everywhere and is now the hidden norm in all countries.
Arrighi commented that "the Dutch capitalist oligarchy was in important aspects a replica of the Venetian capitalist oligarchy." And Braudel remarked:
"In 17th century Holland the aristocracy of the Regents governed for the benefit and even according to the directives of [partly foreign] businessmen, merchants, and moneylenders. Likewise, in England the Glorious Revolution of 1688 marked the accession of business similar to that in Holland."
For the many ex-Portuguese Jews in Holland, the VOC was just a new shipping line for their lucrative Asian trade activities, which formerly made use of Portuguese ships. And while at war with Spain, Amsterdam wharfs still made ships for it. Little has changed: before and even during part of the Second World War, American companies established in Germany, together with large supplies of oil and raw materials from Stalin's Soviet Union, were essential for the build-up of the Nazi war machine (Charles Higham, B14).
And in the present war in the Ukraine, the West condemns Russia and Putin on a daily basis in the most derogatory terms - but behind the scenes, essential business deals with Russia's Rosatom (the world's leading nuclear technology corporation) and joint space projects are proceeding as usual. Recently, reports appeared that Zelensky is buying large quantities of diesel from the Russians to keep his army going. As "Shakespeare" wrote centuries ago:
"All the world’s a stage."
For a fascinating and more detailed description of the Venetian and Dutch oligarchy, from the school of Lyndon LaRouche, see Robert Ingraham's The Modern Anglo-Dutch Empire. Larouche and his followers (G. Edward Griffin, Webster Tarpley, and others - presently Matthew Ehret is the most productive one) were right on many things, and very wrong on some others, such the treasonous and corrupt role of president F.D. Roosevelt (revealed by John T. Flynn) and the malignant nature of the USA, while fully obscuring the Jewish role in world events. Leading Russian historian Andrey Fursov comments:
“What does LaRouche tell us? Simple things: that the real power is secret power, and that many secrets of our time go back to the turn of the 15th-16th centuries; that there are certain supranational organizations, which guide the historical process or, at minimum direct it. LaRouche absolutely correctly identifies the role of Venice and the East India Company in the development of the modern world and its ruling groups.”
Here's an excerpt from The Modern Anglo-Dutch Empire:
"The practices of the Bank, the Bourse, and the East India Company, were all Venetian in origin, but the sheer size of the new financial, political, and military capabilities involved was beyond anything seen before. As in Venice, and later in London, an oligarchical system produces an oligarchical culture. The Dutch Empire, based on looting, speculation, and slavery was no exception. By 1630 almost all of the wealthier classes [many ex-Iberian Jews] were involved in East India trade, or finance speculation, or both, and by 1650 the Netherlands had been transformed largely into a rentier economy."
In the following decades, Amsterdam would gradually lose trade activities, as many other countries started to compete. The capital surpluses accumulated in the gigantic Dutch global trade would be partly invested in art (Rembrandt, etc.) and real estate in The Netherlands, but also in international banking: that became the financial - and last - phase of the Dutch cycle. Around the 1720's, large amounts of money started flowing from Amsterdam to London, to enable the next cycle of the domination project, in which the British Empire would become Glafia's new hegemon. Although the Dutch Golden Age had ended, The Netherlands kept ranking high in financial assets and wealth, even today.
The late 19th and early 20th century's social victories for democracy and general voting rights in Holland and elsewhere in the West were Pyrrhic: the oligarchy and its aim of totalitarian control never went away. The Dutch state was permanently infected, and the Covid phenomenon must have eliminated all doubts, in the mind of any critical observer, as to the degree of worldwide control a tiny oligarchy possesses. Glafia saw democracy based on political parties as the best temporary control, system for the modern West: politicians can be bought cheaply and political parties are ideal for divide-and-rule, and for endless discussions on minor issues which distract from the real questions. And between the arrival of the welfare state and the bloom of the internet, it was still easy to manufacture public consent.
In the 21st century, Holland is the best-behaved kid in the Glafia class, eagerly licking the heels and kissing the asses of the WEF, UN, WHO, NATO and the USA, "the most warlike nation in the history of the world" (former US president Jimmy Carter). It's getting stinky now and only 100 miles separate Flushing from Dover, so let's use the Dutch jumping board.
Between 1200 and about 1600 AC, the world center of gravity for the cancerous forces of oligarchism was the oligarchy of Venice. Toward the end of that time, the Venetian oligarchy decided for various reasons to transfer its families, fortunes, and characteristic outlook to a new base of operations, which turned out to be the British Isles.
The old program of a world-wide new Roman Empire with its capital in Venice was replaced by the new program of a worldwide new Roman [Phoenician seems more appropriate here, MTB] Empire with its capital in London—what eventually came to be known as the British Empire.
Webster G. Tarpley, Venice's war against Western Civilization,
Archibald M. Ramsay, a British military officer and public figure, opened the first chapter of his book The Nameless War (1946) as follows:
"It was fated that England should be the first of a series of Revolutions, which is not yet finished - with these cryptic words, Isaac Disraeli, father of Benjamin Earl of Beaconsfield [British Prime Minister Disraeli], commenced his two-volume Life of Charles I, published in 1851."
Ramsay was a strong opponent of World War II, which cost him four years of imprisonment. Disraeli Sr. was referring to the English Revolution (1641-'60) under Oliver Cromwell, as the first in a series. As we will soon see, the second would be the Glorious Revolution of 1688, in which the Dutch Prince William III of Orange was hoisted on the throne of England. Many more revolutions would follow, but not in Britain, as will be explained below.
The Nameless War affirms that all these revolutions, from the English Revolution to the abortive attempt against Spain in 1936, are related. That includes the American, French, Russian and other revolutions, as well as the First and Second World War. All are seen as integral parts of a single master plan - which is the same thesis as you'll find in this book. Ramsay ran into deep trouble when he stated that international Jewry was behind this plan, to pursue an age-old messianic project of supranational world power.
He fell right into the anti-Semitism trap, and he can't be blamed: many of the main actors indeed pretended to be Jews. B16 highlights this trick, and explains how these alleged Jewish actors were liars (Revelation 3:9) who saw no bone in perverting Jewish religion (Rabbi Antelman's books), or having their lesser brethren killed on a massive scale (in WW2, Rabbi Shonfeld, B14), or leading millions of Jews into a country that they had secretly predestined for WAR, where the common Jews would never have a day of peace (B15). And neither have the original inhabitants, the Palestinians, whom the now de-humanized Jews (a term used by Dutch Holocaust survivor Hajo Meyer, B16) are still trying to de-humanize and throw out, more than 70 years after Israel's founding.
But let's go back to 16th century England, where the biggest change had been the abolition of the Catholic Church, under Venetian influence, by Henry VIII, aided by Thomas Cromwell (not Oliver) in the 1530's. Later a man from Wales, Richard Cecil, shared in the plunder of the monasteries and other Church properties. The Cecil family soon rose to prominence, to become nouveau riche, nobility of money, and later official aristocrats in the best of Brutish traditions.
The wealth of the Cecils also stemmed from the enclosures of common lands that were often associated with the downfall of the Church, forcing poor farmers and their families into the towns, where industrial workers were needed. Webster Tarpley considers Thomas Cromwell and the Cecil family as the main agents of Venice in England. The Cecils - much later called "The Cecil Block" – certainly would play a leading role in the destiny of England and the British Empire (for more details, see The Cecils, Father and Son).
After Henry VIII's reign as king and head of the official Protestant church, and a short reign by a Protestant son, his Catholic daughter Mary (by Henry's first wife, Catherine of Aragon) reigned for a brief period of 5 years, until 1558. She earned the nickname "Bloody Mary" when she started to persecute Protestants, in an attempt to restore Catholicism. Under her reign, 283 Protestants were burned alive. Yet her Protestant half-sister Elizabeth (supposedly also fathered by Henry) would be her lawful successor. She would reign for 45 years, until her death in 1603.
"Elizabeth depended heavily on a group of trusted advisers led by William Cecil" (Wiki), from the highly influential and Venice-linked family mentioned above. Historian Albert Pollard commented this on William Cecil: "From 1558 for forty years the biography of [William] Cecil is almost indistinguishable from that of Elizabeth and from the history of England." This was a critical time, with the Venetians actively infiltrating into the English state and its economy.
After Elizabeth's reign, the troubles around the English kingship were far from over. A big victory for Protestantism (the Puritan version, with a strong Jewish influence) came with Oliver Cromwell, according to Wiki:
"... a leading advocate of the execution of king Charles I in January 1649, which led to the establishment of The Protectorate, he ruled as Lord Protector from December 1653 until his death in September 1658. Cromwell nevertheless remains a controversial figure in both Britain and Ireland, due to his use of the military [in the English Civil War] to first acquire, then retain political power, and the brutality of his 1649 Irish campaign."
What Wiki doesn't tell you is that Cromwell's cruel New Model Army was financed by Dutch and German Jews, whose names are specified in several studies, such as the one by Ramsay and Sombart's work, The Jews and Modern Capitalism. When his campaign was successfully finished, Cromwell re-opened England to the Jews, 365 years after the ban.
When Catholic clouds again started to appear in the English skies, the preparations for a new operation were started. A marriage was arranged between the Protestant Dutchman William III, Prince of Orange and a Glafia proxy, and the daughter of King James II. A group of powerful aristocrats, aligned with the endeavor to maintain England as Protestant and make it more capitalist, contacted Prince William and invited him to become King of England.
A large and expensive army - financed and equipped by Dutch Jewish bankers and merchants, but also by the States of Holland - with 13,000 men and 260 transport ships, carrying thousands of horses, "invaded" England, which was fully prepared to receive them. After this "Glorious Revolution", orchestrated by the English "Venetian Party", puppet William was hoisted on the English throne, and he would also become King of Scotland and Ireland. The new English king had one little problem: he refused to speak English.
To make a long story short, six years after the "revolution", the Bank of England was in place (of course situated in The City of London), as a private national bank with a monopoly on the emission of money "created out of nothing" as interest-bearing debt (explained in B20). Very quickly, the war-eager William got the State highly indebted to the new Bank. At the same time, tax laws were installed to guarantee the repayment of loans by the State and to eliminate the risk for the bankers.
Of course, the State could have emitted its own money without having to pay any interest or tax its people. It had indeed done this for centuries through the interest-free tally stick system. Note that it did so too in 1914 with the Bradbury pound,. But the corrupt governors and their bankers were obviously not interested in such interest-free solutions.
In his first 1952 book on The Secrets of the Federal Reserve, about the private USA central bank (the FED) established in 1913 with the same aims and methods as its English precursor, Eustace Mullins, a pioneer in the unmasking of the Glafia project, wrote:
"As King of England, William signed a Declaration [Bill] of Rights on February 13, 1689, which ended the king's power to suspend Parliament or to dispense with its laws. England was now a constitutional monarchy, a form which has endured to the present day. This agreement placed the monarchy on an annual salary, which had to be voted on by Parliament. The purse strings were now firmly in the hands of the legislators."
The talented and versatile French-English writer Hilaire Belloc grasped the essence of the Glorious Revolution very well:
"As an ultimate result of the Reformation the Kings were broken and replaced by a Governing Class, of which the House of Commons was the organ... What had come, in the place of kingship, was an Aristocratic State, a State governed by an Oligarchy indeed, but by an Oligarchy which received the permanent and carefully preserved respect of its fellow-citizens."
French historian François Furet, in his book Penser la Révolucion française, concluded much later: “Modern Democracy is based on a hidden oligarchy, which is contrary to its principles, but indispensable to its functioning.” In plain English: “Modern democracy is based on a big lie." To which Hilaire Belloc added: "And you cannot build upon a lie". But that's what happened. And just as it was centuries ago, today it is still built on that same big lie. And unfortunately, most people still aren't aware that the State, which pretends to protect them from cradle to grave, has been a willing participant in Glafia’s brutish, organized crime syndicate, for centuries.
The fabulous outcome in England - a fake democracy and a usurious money system, in a budding British Empire under their control - was the golden crown on Glafia's undercover endeavor that had started almost two centuries earlier in northern Italy. Glafia's bankers were now the de facto rulers of England, and soon of the world. But for the first time in history their usurious and other criminal practices were largely invisible to the common people, hidden behind a facade of pseudo-democracy.
The great deceptive and controlling power of the Money Masters behind the scenes is best illustrated by the incredible fact that until very recently, almost nobody ever questioned this usurious money system: neither economists or historians (Come on Piketty and Harari, did you really never see the elephant in the room?), nor investigative journalists or political parties, not even the most die-hard socialists or Marxists.
And neither all those lovely people who strive so hard for green and rainbow flag adorned sustainability, without knowing that it is fully incompatible with our present usurious money system (as explained in B20).
When around 1500, the Portuguese mastered navigation of the Indian Ocean, both in East-Africa and Asia they found long established and well-developed trading networks, often dominated by wealthy Muslim traders and sultanates. Instead of engaging competitively in these networks, they used their military might to achieve a dominant market position and to colonize areas of interest, often by destroying Muslim trading posts. Did they feel superior due to their Catholic faith, race or their better weapons? Did greedy Genoese or Jewish financiers and spice traders behind these voyages order them to perform their tasks with brute force and violence? Note that during the earlier Reconquista, Portugal threw out its Muslims.
Genoese/Jewish bankers had also financed Columbus’ 1492 voyage to the Americas (a Glafia project? See B5 and A1.4), and many of the later expeditions and colonizations in the Americas (and other parts of the world). With this first round of colonization in the 15th and 16th century, the Genoese bankers, as the main financiers of Spain, became filthy rich.
Yet this scheme had a problem: the aristocratic and Catholic Spanish Empire was hostile to capitalism and usury, and to Jews - Jews had been banished from Spain in 1492, and a few years later also from Portugal. Thus, Glafia used several intrigues to prevent this European Empire from becoming the global leader (A2.4). Instead of the great Spanish Empire, an improbable candidate, tiny Holland, was groomed and turned into Glafia’s global hegemon (A3.1). In the meantime, England, bigger and safer than Holland, was being groomed to become the next and more powerful hegemon (A3.2).
As Karl Marx observed (the Venetian thieving system), Glafia’s mobile capital (Venetian fondi and Jewish capital) was sent to the Atlantic shores, where it first helped finance the - capitalist and Jew friendly - Dutch in their war for independence. While the Dutch and British states were still in diapers, metaphorically speaking, powerful and ruthless private joint stock corporations were given the task of colonization: the British (1600) and the Dutch (VOC, 1602) “multinational” East India Companies (EIC), mostly owned by Glafia or Glafia-affiliated shareholders.
Later, EIC's were also established by French, Swedish, Spanish, Russian front men - eight EIC's in total. This privatized Glafia-controlled colonization often meant violent and murderous theft and control of lands. After World War II, all remaining colonies would be turned into Glafia-controlled "independent" states (A6.5). In The Anglo-Dutch Empire, Robert Ingraham comments on the Dutch and British EIC's:
"The Dutch East India Company (VOC) created the greatest maritime empire the world had ever seen, and it was not until the late 18th century that the British East India Company surpassed it. The VOC dominated the Asia trade for almost two centuries. To compare, consider that between 1602 and 1795, the VOC send 4,785 ships to Asia, and carried more than 2.5 million tons of Asian goods. During the same period, the British East India Company sent 2,650 ships, and carried only 500,000 tons of goods. The Dutch began their empire by either destroying or taking over almost all of the Portuguese colonies in Asia. From there, they moved to seizing new ones.
The Christian[/Jewish] Dutch methods were beyond brutal. In 1621, for example, the natives of the island of Banda refused to give the Dutch a nutmeg monopoly. In response, the VOC Governor General Jan Pieterszoon Coen gave orders to kill the entire native population. The order was carried out, the population was exterminated, and slaves brought in to work the Dutch plantations."
The British colonization of North America waited until 1607, when the Virginia Company founded Jamestown. Like the EIC's, the Virginia Company was a joint-stock enterprise financed by private investors, this time from The City of London, a Glafia hub. Note that the American Revolution was also financed by EIC, London (see B5, A brief history of the USA).
Apparently, Glafia wanted to conclude the colonization of Africa and Asia before their grand 20th century Eurasian offensive, because in 1884, a conference was held in Berlin to assign all uncolonized territories of Africa to the European powers. Bismarck led it, and we know that he was a Glafia pawn (A5.5). By 1914, the "Scramble for Africa" and colonization of the rest of the world's "low hanging fruit" was completed.
By a "little coincidence", in the same year, Glafia's biggest operation, the subjugation of Eurasia's 13 empires, the "high hanging fruit", was started by its American-British-Zionist proxies: The Great 20th Century Slaughter of Eurasia. All the above-mentioned efforts of discovery, colonization and wars were crucial in bringing ALL LANDS under control of “normalized” nation-states (B17, B23): a major goal in Glafia's control project which was recently completed through the War on Terror.
From then on, Glafia's focus has been on "normalizing" ALL PEOPLE, by a surveillance system detecting and deterring dissent, which means the development and implementation of a totalitarian digital control system, for which you and I haven't been asked permission.
But if you observe the world with attention, you'll see that this project is in full swing.
All great events have been distorted, most of the important causes concealed… If the history of England is ever written by one who has the knowledge and the courage, the world would be astonished.
Benjamin Disraeli (1804-1881), twice Prime Minister of Great Britain
So you see, my dear Coningsby, that the world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.
Benjamin Disraeli
Governments do not govern, but merely control the machinery of government, being themselves controlled by the hidden hand.
Benjamin Disraeli
There is no act of treachery or meanness of which a political party is not capable; for in politics there is no honor.
Benjamin Disraeli
The purpose of the British Empire is: Gain and hold territories that possess the largest supplies of the basic raw materials. Establish naval bases around the world to control the sea and commerce lanes. Blockade and starve into submission any nation or group of nations that opposes this empire control program.
Benjamin Disraeli
Britain is the slave of an international financial bloc.
David Lloyd George (1863-1945), British Prime Minister 1916-1922
It is the destiny of the pure Aryan Anglo-Saxon race to dominate the world and kill off or else reduce to a servile status all other inferior races.
William Allen White (1868-1944), American writer and Progressive Party politician
The first British Prime Minister of Jewish origin, Benjamin Disraeli, who lived in the 19th century, was also a novelist, a rare combination. And what's more, his novels contain many revelations. In A3.2 we already mentioned the cryptic words written by his father, obviously also a person with insider knowledge: "It was fated that England should be the first of a series of Revolutions, which is not yet finished".
In the quotations above, Disraeli Jr. mentions "distorted great events", "causes that are concealed", "unknown personages behind the scenes", "control by the hidden hand", "acts of treachery and meanness by political parties", and "the absence of honor in politics". As Disraeli already let loose a lot, I'll take up his challenge to write a real history of England, which may "astonish the world", but not those who've read the previous chapters.
Previously, we saw that Venice and Genoa were governed by a class of ruthless oligarchs, with the goal to dominate the world. And also, that in the early 17th century, that same oligarchic Venetian system with the very same aim was transplanted to Holland, with the collaboration of ex-Iberian Jews. Further, a very similar process was carried out in England through two revolutions, one around 1650 under Oliver Cromwell and the other, the "Glorious Revolution" in 1688, as we saw in A3.2.
Via the new Bill of Rights, the "Glorious Revolution" introduced a constitutional monarchy, which established a fake democracy controlled by a partly visible (such as the Cecils and other national aristocrats), and a partly secret oligarchy (the international bankers, mostly of Italian or Jewish origins). The whole system was secured by the foundation of the private Bank of England in 1694, which would control the issuance of the now usurious national currency (B20) and the ever-growing national debt.
Thus, the government would gradually lose its sovereignty, while the dominance of the bankers in The City of London would be strengthened. On the one hand, the Central Bank facilitated financial stability (from now on no longer by indebting the King, but the people), and on the other it enabled the financing of otherwise impossible projects: big wars and colonizations, and large scale actions to accelerate trade, economic growth and the manufacturing sector, and soon the Industrial Revolution. That was the Big Carrot for the middle class, with the crumbs falling off the table for the working people.
On the other hand, the wealth of the nation would be perpetually siphoned off into the vaults of the bankers, through usury, but also via taxes, especially on the common people and the less productive sectors of the economy. Soon the servicing of the English government debt to the Bank would rise to 75% of the total public budget. Such was the deal between the Whig (or "Venetian") party and the national oligarchy on the one side, and their banker backers on the other:
- To build up the state, its economy and its (sea) power to never before seen heights, to become Glafia's British global hegemon while satisfying the greed and power lust of Whig and other national oligarchs and their servants.
- To increase the long-term national debt and taxes to to never before seen heights, as to fit Glafia's dual purpose of filling its vaults and controlling the British state, from now on complicit in Glafia's high crimes.
During the 18th century, that deal enabled the surge of the British Empire, which at its peak would cover about a quarter of the global landmass and population. And, as Prof. Usher (in Pan Germanism, 1913) noted, it also ruled the global waves:
".. to retain that complete control and hegemony over all the seas of the world, which was acquired by defeating the allied fleets of its only real rivals, France and Spain, in 1805; and which is artfully and subtly called The Freedom of the Seas."
On this great British Empire, Terry Boardman comments:
"By 1760 the British had defeated their new rivals the French, in both North America and India. The British Empire was becoming a global fact. Three years after the outbreak of the American revolution in 1775, the Industrial Revolution was getting underway in Britain with the construction of James Watt’s first steam engine and the world’s first all-iron bridge.
Within 50 years the British had become known as the engineers, shopkeepers, traders and financiers of the world; they were seen in Europe as the masters of the material world and were now in the self-satisfied habit of regarding themselves as such. It was then this British society and culture of the 18th century, with this history behind it, stretching back to Roman Emperor Hadrian’s Wall and beyond, that spawned the USA. No wonder that the young [USA] Republic’s dreams soon became expansionary and were seen in terms of the Manifest Destiny of a Chosen People."
In his 1946 book, E.C. Knuth called it The Empire of The City, and he explained it as follows:
"The bulwark of the British financial oligarchy lies in its ageless and self-perpetuating nature, its long-range planning and prescience, its facility to outwait and break the patience of its opponents. The transient and temporal statesmen of Europe and particularly of Britain itself, who have attempted to curb this monstrosity have all been defeated by their limited tenure of confidence.
Obligated to show action and results in a too short span of years, they have been outwitted and outwaited, deluged with irritants and difficulties; eventually obliged to temporize and retreat. There are few who have opposed them in Britain and America, without coming to a disgraceful end, but many, who served them well, have also profited well."
The British Empire would lose its primacy in the first half of the 20th century, but it's still a major global player today. After WW2, a distinguished professor of Georgetown University, Carroll Quigley, was given access to the archives of the international bankers. One of his conclusions was (in The Anglo-American Establishment, written right after WW2 but published after his death, for his fear of reprisals):
"The powers of financial capitalism had a far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent meetings and conferences."
Can we agree that there are no essential contradictions between the visions of Knuth and Quigley? And neither with the authors mentioned in the previous chapters: Fernand Braudel, Giovanni Arrighi, Charles Tilly and John A. Hobson, although these latter authors use different and often vaguer terms? We can also add several authors of the Lyndon LaRouche school to this "converging consensus".
There is of course much more to say on the British or Brutish Empire, but in essence it was - and still is, under new names as the UK, Canada, New Zealand, Australia and the USA - a prime tool of Glafia. In other words: an instrument in the hands of the genocidal criminals who want to turn our God-given and divine planet into their private Farm Earth, and to convert all of humanity into their private herds of tagged and jabbed cattle, whatever the Farm Owners deem right.
While violating their own - fake - humanitarian, democratic, libertarian and Christian rules in the bloody colonial conquest and rule of the Third World (called "white man's burden" in their propaganda), since about 200 years Glafia's Anglo-American-Zionist proxies have been parading as heroes of freedom and democracy, and as liberators from slavery, and later Nazism and Communism - which they themselves had staged and financed.
In our time, they are posing as heroic fighters against unholy terrorists "who hate our freedom", and despicable autocrats like Putin who are "killers devoid of a human soul", or against a "pollutant" (CO2) that is in fact essential for life on earth, and against "deadly" germs, all to protect "we, the people". In the next chapters we will see how ALL these enemies are bogeymen created by the very same Glafia and its proxies: indeed it's nothing more than the old Cosa Nostra trick of the protection racket (B24), but on a global scale.
I must add in the previous condemnations, I am of course not alluding to the common Anglo-American-Jewish people or the brave Anglo-American and other soldiers who were forced to fight and die in Glafia's dirty wars, but to the oligarchs, robber barons and all the other "traitors within the gates", in science, politics and media, who wittingly sold their soul to the Devil.
It really is high time to throw this awfully profane fake narrative - dictated by Glafia's lying court historians and spread by its dishonest global presstitutes - in the dustbin of history, and to rewrite and spread the true history of our world (attempted in this and other books).
And that goes much deeper than worldly events. It also concerns the distortion, by the same forces, of our worldviews and priorities in life: the alienation and disempowerment of humanity, especially in the West. For a brief explanation of this "Endarkenment", see B1 on the Mystery of the Universe, and B19 on The Spiritual War, and B41 Thoughts on the essence of life.
Once we and our children have learned why and how we have all been fooled, we can start to work on effective solutions to achieve a world free of these nefarious forces, for which the adjective "Satanic" is no exaggeration.
Please have a look at the brief history of the USA presented in B5 before you continue. There you'll find out that the US has been a Glafia project since its birth in Jamestown, 1607, and possibly earlier, since Columbus' voyage. The American Revolution was the third in a series, which was announced in a somewhat cryptical manner by insider Disraeli Sr. (A3.2).
Wikipedia is of course silent about any broader context, and in fact states that it was a local occurrence:
"The American Revolution was an ideological and political revolution that occurred in British America between 1765 and 1791. The Americans in the Thirteen Colonies formed independent states that defeated the British in the American Revolutionary War, gaining independence from the British Crown and establishing the United States as the first nation-state founded on Enlightenment principles of liberal democracy."
Highlight B5 shows that international Freemasonry and the British East India Company, both Glafia proxies controlled by The City of London, were major actors in molding the US. Coincidentally or otherwise, it was in the early 18th century that the first secret societies of Freemasonry had been started in Europe and the USA. They were clearly Glafia tentacles to organize the local Whig and other elites against the Christian religion and the monarchies, and for world government, and the coming revolutions and wars to bring it in.
But there's more. The Belcher Foundation gives us some of the English Whig (or Venetian) party background to the American Revolution. As it turns out, the Whigs had international political connections outside of Britain, maybe through these Freemasonic societies?
"The circle of Whig oligarchy was cemented together at the highest levels – even introduced into France – and formed a truly cosmopolitan society during the eighteenth century, possessing Anglo-Dutch, Franco-Dutch, and Anglo-French connections which transcended national and political boundaries. Really, these officials operated at the highest level above national political boundaries."
During the 1776 American Revolution - a charade according to Jerry Fresia's book Toward an American Revolution (B5):
"Radical elements of the British Whigs demonstrated support for Washington and his armies in the field, without experiencing official penalty or sanction. These Whigs adopted as their party colors buff and blue, and would wear pieces of cloth in that color visible on their person. Buff and blue, of course, were the colors of Washington’s army uniforms during the Revolution."
Again, little has changed, but today the same kind of people use yellow and blue, with Boris and Rishi taking the pantomime leads. The paradoxical behavior of the British Whigs certainly contradicts the official version of the American Revolution and lends credibility to the facts exposed in B5. Besides, from 1782 to 1794 bankers from Glafia-controlled Holland lent the Americans $12 million for their struggle, a huge amount in those days, while Dutch ships provided a large part of the US war supplies (S. Schama; G.M. Welling).
The split with Britain was planned as temporary, to aid in the preparation of the new hegemon, through another "Republican" experiment, after the ones in the Italian city states and Holland. The Dutch quickly recognized the new USA Republic, paralleling Venice’s quick recognition of the Dutch Republic in 1609. As mentioned in A3.1, earlier on the Venetians also financed the Dutch struggle for independence. In the late 19th century, the US/UK split would be mended (A5.4), to construct the large joint force necessary for The Great 20th Century Slaughter of Eurasia (A6).
So, the same patterns of the English revolutions appeared again in the American version: Glafia controlled foreign involvement and financing, and the installation of a fake democracy. But why did the Glafia-controlled central bank not quickly arrive at the American scene? That's in part because the Americans were greatly appreciating their "colonial scrip", an example of “honest”, interest-free fiat money, according to a quote ascribed to (Freemason) Benjamin Franklin:
“In the Colonies, we issue our own paper money. It is called Colonial Scrip. We issue it to pay the government's approved expenses and charities. We make sure it is issued in proper proportions to make the goods pass easily from the producers to the consumers …. In this manner, creating ourselves our own paper money, we control its purchasing power and we have no interest to pay to no one.”
The private Bank of England of course sought to end this honest money, because nothing reached their vaults. Yet for more than 130 years, the newly formed federation fiercely resisted Glafia’s many attempts to establish a foreign-controlled private central bank, see Thomas Jefferson’s remarkable and prophetic words, which after 200 years, now have come true:
“I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies, if the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency ... [these banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered ... The issuing power of currency shall be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.”
Yet in 1913, after several failed attempts, enough people were finally bribed and blackmailed (and by another coincidence, some opponents drowned with the Titanic) to allow for the foundation of a US central bank: the private Federal Reserve Bank (FED), largely controlled by Glafia's “international bankers” (see the documentary The Money Masters for more on this). Already in 1952, Eustace Mullins commented (in his book The Secrets of the Federal Reserve):
"The Federal Reserve System is not Federal; it has no reserves; and it is not a system at all, but rather, a criminal syndicate".
By a little miracle, the FED was set up just in time to back the financing of the mutual destruction of many European states in World War I. That war initiated Glafia's Great Eurasian Slaughter project (A6.1), necessary for the elimination of the 13 Eurasian empires still left, to "level the playfield" for the bankers. And also, to facilitate the fast rise and short-lived rule of Glafia's American hegemon, presently already in severe decline, as symbolized by its President Ol’ Joe and his Cackler-in-Chief, Kamala.
The appalling thing in the French Revolution is not the tumult but the design. Through all the fire and smoke we perceive the evidence of a calculating organization. The managers remain studiously concealed and masked; but there is no doubt about their presence from the first.
Lord Acton, English historian and writer, in Lectures on the French Revolution
Analyzing the French Revolution, and the Napoleonic wars that followed, turned out to be one of the toughest jobs in the preparations for this book. As I found out, in a sense this revolution is comparable with 9/11 (A7.1), which was a - very complicated and confusing - inside job under foreign leadership. In both cases, the official narratives are filled to the brim with inconsistencies and absurdities.
As an example regarding 9/11, none of the allegedly four hijacked airplanes, some supposedly flying for hours, were intercepted, which is a 15-minute standard procedure which supposedly had never failed before. During the French Revolution, an army of 20,000 men was stationed at a very close distance from the government in Paris, yet it never was ordered to defend the city.
In The Nameless War Archibald Ramsay stated:
"The French Revolution of 1789 was the most startling event in the history of Europe since the fall of Rome... Never before had a mob apparently organized a successful revolution against all other classes in the state... Never before had any one section of any nation conquered all other sections; and still less swept away every feature of the national life and tradition.
The main discovery ... is this fact: the revolution was not the work of Frenchmen to improve France. It was the work of aliens, whose object was to destroy everything, which had been France... This conclusion is borne out by the references to "foreigners" in high places in the Revolutionary Councils, not only by Sir Walter Scott, but by Robespierre himself."
In the Introduction of this book, we already quoted Lord Acton (1834-1902), "one of the most learned people of his age", on that Big Global Issue, "the people versus the banks". He became very famous for his words: "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." Lord Acton (see quote above) also saw a clear pattern in the French Revolution: "a calculating organization" with "studiously concealed and masked managers."
His view confirms Ramsay's theory (A3.2) that the French version was also a top-down, and not an autonomous or "grassroots" movement, and part of the series of revolutions announced by Disraeli Sr.
Even Wikipedia admits that its main players were Freemasons (= Glafia proxies), just as in the third, American, Revolution. The rhythmic and rhyming motto liberté, égalité, fraternité certainly gave the impression of a "grassroots" event. That was even more alluring than "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness" and "We, the people", the slogans of the 1776 United States Declaration of Independence (A4.2). Such attractive veneers are typical in the propaganda campaigns and smokescreens that surround most Glafia projects.
In our times, these techniques have been perfected to a very high level, with sophisticated psychological operations, some under military supervision, surrounding the 9/11, CO2, Covid and Ukraine protection rackets (B24).
Jeffrey Steinberg, in his article "The bestial British intelligence of Shelburne and Bentham", confirms that British agents played a major role in Lord Acton's "calculating organization with concealed and masked managers", which unleashed the Jacobin Terror against France during the bloody aftermath of the Revolution:
"From the outset, the Jacobin Terror was a British East India Company - British Foreign Office - orchestrated affair. The bloody massacre of France 's scientific elite was systematically carried out by French hands, manning French guillotines, but guided by British strings. Jacques Necker, a Geneva-born, Protestant, slavishly pro- British banker, had been installed through the efforts of Shelburne's leading ally in France, Philippe Duke of Orleans, as finance minister...
Although Necker had failed to block France from allying with the Americans during the American Revolution, [in the run up to the Revolution] he did succeed in presiding over the depletion of the French treasury and the collapse of its credit system. Economic crisis across France was the precondition for political chaos and insurrection... Speeches were prepared by Bentham and transported to Paris, where leaders of the Jacobin Terror, Jean-Paul Marat, Georges Jacques Danton, and Maximilien de Robespierre delivered the fiery oratories.
Records of East India Company payments to these leading Jacobins are still on file at the British Museum."
However, earlier publications about the role of the Bavarian Illuminati by Abbé Augustin de Barruel (Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism, 1798) and John Robison (Proofs of a Conspiracy against All Religions and Governments of Europe, 1797) may also contain a core of truth. But it is suspect that both wrote their works in Britain, and that the British government of the time promoted their ideas - to divert attention from its own involvement? In any case, the Bavarian Illuminati, as well as its offspring (like the Skull and Bones Society at Yale University, US) and many of the other secret societies, were never part of Glafia's core, although they were often used as proxies.
Many historians, especially the Marxist ones, view the French Revolution as a bourgeois revolution, in which capitalism triumphed and the feudal aristocracy was defeated by the bourgeois class, the newly emerged nouveau riche of merchants and bankers. Marx's Communist Manifesto states: “The French Revolution ... abolished feudal property in favor of bourgeois property.” But the Marxists always kept silent on the hidden oligarchy behind it.
Indeed, just as the English revolutions before it did, the French Revolution had eliminated many great obstacles - the traditional aristocracy and the Catholic Church with its opposition to usury - to make place for a fully "market-based society", the euphemism for a usurious money system and an economy covertly led by local oligarchic bankers acting as Glafia proxies. We already quoted French historian Furet in A3.2, who commented on the French Revolution: “Modern Democracy is based on a hidden oligarchy". From the arguments presented above, we may conclude that through the French Revolution, Glafia brought another nation state under its full control.
Napoleon (1769-1821) is often described as anti-banker, partly based on this quote:
"Money has no motherland; financiers are without patriotism and without decency: their sole object is gain."
And it is often said that he took power in 1799. Yet already in 1800, he decreed the foundation of the independent - which means private - Banque de France, with "founding shareholders Napoleon Bonaparte, members of his family, and several leading personalities of the time". The Banque de France became firmly established and is now part of the European Central Bank. A researcher wrote:
"When the revolutionary violence got out of hand, they [the bankers] orchestrated the rise of Napoleon, whom they regarded as the restorer of order. As a reward for their support, Napoleon gave the bankers a monopoly over French finance by giving them control of the new Bank of France."
So, Napoleon didn't take the power, he was given the power. That's very similar to Hitler in 1933 (B14), who hadn't won the elections, but was appointed by German elites - who quickly provided him with banker Hjalmar Schacht, a true Glafia proxy - to assist him in Germany's finances. Just as Oliver Cromwell had done in England, Napoleon also emancipated the French Jews. In both cases, large Jewish bribes were used to achieve this.
The French Revolution and Napoleon are still seen as saviors by some, but radical critic of the state, Gustave de Molinari, in his work on the Great French Revolution of 1789, eviscerated the founding myth of the French Republic. France had been proceeding gradually and organically towards liberal reform in the later 18th century; the revolution put an end to that process, substituting it by an unprecedented expansion of state power and a generation of wars.
Just as Glafia had orchestrated the fake democracies in England and the USA, the French so-called democracy, with its self-proclaimed liberal parties of the 19th century, also became (according to Ralph Raico,
"... a machine for the exploitation of society by the now victorious predatory middle classes, who profited from tariffs, government contracts, state subsidies for railroads and other industries, state-sponsored banking, and the legion of jobs available in the ever-expanding bureaucracy".
An interesting comment, now disappeared from the internet, offers an identical conclusion to Raico's:
"A re-occurring pattern and implacable logic has systematically been perceivable in the history of revolutions for over two centuries: when the most powerful financial player, i.e. the international bank, ends up achieving the creation and control, in the country undergoing revolution, of the biggest wealth creation device imaginable, namely the central bank and the creation of money, the revolution ends. The French Revolution was no different."
In stronger wordings, the French Revolution and Napoleon were used as a front for Glafia's global domination project. You may argue that Napoleon left quite an important legacy in the administration and standardization of European countries, and even the abolition of serfdom, which he did. For example, Napoleon mandated that everybody should have a first name and a surname. Yet this kind of "normalization" is exactly what Glafia has been striving for (B24), and today that is culminating in the digital ID as the “tagging” basis for our prisoner status within a Global Digital Prison.
The game for world leadership
Quite a few Frenchmen had participated in the American war for independence against the British, of whom the Marquis de Lafayette (another shady figure) is the best known. Even the French King had supported American independence. The fact that it weakened the British will certainly have played a role in his stand: during the 18th century, and at many points before that, France had been the main rival of the British. In the Seven Years' War of 1756-'63, Britain had stripped France of its formidable maritime capacity and most of its colonies in both North America and India.
What was at stake was world leadership, and Napoleon understood this, and tried in vain to attain it via French hegemony. But Glafia had another plan, which destined the British Empire as its global hegemon for the coming 19th century, where it could be joined again with the USA (A5.4), for their 20th century Anglo-American project to subdue Eurasia (A6). Logically, their strategy was to weaken and stifle potential competitors as France and other European countries. Napoleon's wars would overstretch the French Empire and lead to its downfall. Never again would it rival the British Empire, but the Anglo-Americans would succeed - in a good part due to the French Revolution - in making France their ally in their Eurasia project.
During the Napoleonic wars, Holland was occupied by France, which definitely ended its world hegemonic status. Coincidentally or not, Napoleon's army also went against Spain, which accelerated the "independence" of Spain's American colonies, to become the fifth revolution in Disraeli's series, in the early 19th century (the US revolution was the fourth). The new "independent" Latin American countries (A5.4) would become significant markets for British products (railways and much more) and investments in the second half of the 19th century, which would further strengthen the British hegemon.
A very similar strategy was later used in the 20th century, to convert the USA into Glafia's global hegemon, when the fallen empires of China (B3) and Russia (B4), both potential competitors for the USA, were maneuvered into the communist "fridge", to facilitate the rise of the "free" USA (B5). And today we can all observe how the West is being weakened, to give way to Glafia's newest hegemons, China and Russia.
After the French defeat, the Rothschilds tried to install a supra-European body, at the 1815 Congress of Vienna, which failed. Yet it was a big success for all participants, who were courted during three months with an abundance of delicious food, drinks, women and hunting parties. The Rothschilds then started to push for a central banking system to secure their control over Europe. That will be addressed in the next section (A5.1), on the new financial stars in the global firmament, the Rothschilds.
Propaganda must become as natural as air or food ... The individual is then able to declare in all honesty that no such thing as propaganda exists.
Jacques Ellul (1912-1994), French philosopher
World events do not occur by accident. They are made to happen, whether it is to do with national issues or commerce; and most of them are staged and managed by those who hold the purse strings.
Dennis Healey (1917-2015), former UK Minister
General Serpukhovskoi: There aren't any communists. But scheming people must invent some malignant dangerous party. It's an old joke.
Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910), famous Russian writer, in Anna Karenina, Part III, Ch. XXI
But they that will be rich fall into a temptation and a snare, and into many and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition. For the love of mammon [money] is the root of all evil.
Bible, Timothy 6:9-10
Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.
Henry (born Heinz) Kissinger (1923-), American "diplomat", in reality a Glafia gangster
Rothschild, the lord and master of the money markets of the world, and of course virtually lord and master of everything else... Governments do not govern, but merely control the machinery of the government, being themselves controlled by the hidden hand.
Benjamin Disraeli, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (1874-1880)
Does anyone seriously suppose that a great war could be undertaken by any European state, or a great state loan subscribed, if the House of Rothschild and its connections set their face against it?
Every great political act, involving a new flow of capital, or a large fluctuation in the values of existing investments, must receive the sanction and the practical aid of this little group of financial kings.
J.A. Hobson (1858-1940), Imperialism: A Study (1902)
Let us control the money of a country and we care not who makes its laws.
Supposed maxim of the House of Rothschild
The few who understand the system will either be so interested in its profits, or be so dependent upon its favors, that there will be no opposition from that class, while on the other hand, the great body of people, mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantage that capital derives from the system, will bear its burdens without complaint, and perhaps without even suspecting that the system is inimical to their interests.
The Rothschild brothers of London, writing to associates in New York, 1863
As we have seen in the previous chapters, Glafia's global domination project was for the first time in history based on the control of money and finances, in countries with a basic organization. The first two requirements for this template were formal nation states with a corruptible government (which they all were), and private central banks. A fake representative democracy, controlled from behind the scenes, was a third aspect of this domination project. Through control of a nation's finances, war making could easily and always be added to Glafia's tool kit. It would soon become the bankers' most profitable activity. And of course, finance also controls trade and industry, and infrastructural, scientific and technological developments.
At the start of the 19th century, central banks - and associated Glafia control - existed in Amsterdam (since 1609), Hamburg (1619), Stockholm (1668), London (1694), Madrid (1782) and France (1800). The USA was also part of the project, but due to political resistance, its Glafia controlled central bank, the FED, wasn't founded until 1913. Most Glafia-controlled central banks were established in the first decades of the 20th century, after the ravages of WW1 and the great, banker-caused 1930's financial crisis ("We did it", FED director B. Bernanke). However, the majority of countries were already under solid banker control before that, see Alexander Powell's quote below. The founding of a private central bank, which controls the state's finances and issuing of money, just sealed the deal.
Given the above, Glafia's enormous challenge was to organize the whole planet into (covertly compliant) nation states (B23) with legally protected, Glafia-controlled central banks, for which two colonization projects were developed:
- Colonization of the Third World, where the smaller and easier to colonize territories were located (A3.3).
- Elimination of all 13, still relatively autonomous Eurasian empires, the hardest nuts to crack.
In the latter case, a special operation was necessary, which had to wait until the 20th century, although the preparations started halfway through the 19th century (A5.4). The colonization of Asia and Africa, often privatized via the British, Dutch, and other East India Companies (eight in total), was delegated to the European sea powers already under Glafia control (A3.3).
The colonization of Northern America was of course left to the USA, which had been under Glafia control from its conception in 1776, and even earlier (B5). Latin America had already been colonized by Spain in the early 1500's (as well as Brazil, by Portugal), and the Philippines in 1565, all financed and co-directed by the Genoese bankers, who were co-founders of the Glafia project. India was made to suffer heavily under British colonization.
The later de-colonization was a joke, as all ex-colonies were immediately transformed into proxies for Glafia's American hegemon. See A5.3 for the deceptive de-colonization in Latin America, and A6.5 for the rest of the world.
To manage these enormous and long-term projects, Glafia needed a strong and continuous - in this case dynastic - leadership. That presented itself by coincidence (in this case a genuine one, I believe), in Frankfurt, Germany, as the Rothschild family of Ashkenazi (Eastern European) Jewish bankers. Ancestor Mayer Amschel Bauer (1744-1812) showed great intellectual capacity from a young age, and his five sons, born between 1773 and 1792, were also very clever. By the 1820's, the Rothschild Banking House had established branches in London, Paris, Vienna and Naples, which soon became leading banks in each country. From that time, it also managed the finances of the Vatican.
Naturally, the Rothschild family became the leader of the informal syndicate of the - mostly Jewish - banking families around the world. They all must have understood the immensity of the challenge to control the whole globe through banking while buying up all governments, and the need for a strong, centralized and permanent leadership of the banking syndicate.
The ever-growing Rothschild dynasty would make many business associations with the other banking families. However, to consolidate their relations, they would often intermarry with them too, and also with non-Jewish "peerage", aristocratic or banking families participating in Glafia's project. As an example, Glafia stooge Lord Rosebery (1847-1929), Prime Minister of the UK (1894-95), would marry Hannah de Rothschild.
In 1909, US journalist E. Alexander Powell would call this syndicate "The Unseen Empire of Finance". In his view - with a significant blind spot for his country of birth, the US - the European nations had already completely lost their sovereignty:
"The European peoples are no longer under the Governments of their respective nations. They have passed under another scepter. They have become the subjects of another Power — a Power unseen but felt in palace as in cottage, in Russia as in Spain, by every parent and child, by every potentate and every laborer. No nation on the European continent has any longer an independence that is more than nominal. The political autonomy of every one of them has been surrendered to the will of a [Rothschild led] despotism before which every kingdom and empire and republic fawns in the most abject subserviency."
For their enormous Eurasia project, the now Rothschild led banking syndicate - a fresh embodiment of the old Glafia, anno domini 1522 project - required a very large and strong proxy force. Firstly, the British Empire had to be strengthened further and prepared for war. Secondly, the USA, with its tremendous potential, had to be prepared to become Glafia's fourth hegemon in the 20th century, but that wouldn't suffice. After the planned, temporary split in 1776, the USA had to rejoin forces with the British Empire.
While reinforcing the proxy powers just mentioned, at the same time the great Eurasian land empires (Ottoman, China, Austria, Russia) had to be pre-weakened. For more details on the planning, see A5.4. Then, the territories of Germany and Italy were still ununified and had to be consolidated as "normalized" Glafia states, under banker supervision. Japan, still closed to foreigners in 1853, had to be opened and to be armed, to be used as Glafia's battering ram in Asia (see A5.5 for the projects in Germany, Italy, and Japan).
And during all these 19th century preparations, Europe had to be kept as quiet as possible, through the "balance of power", discussed below. But in 1848, the tranquility was broken by "the most widespread revolutionary wave in European history to date" (Wiki), which affected over 50 countries. The words of Lord Acton on the French Revolution probably apply here too: "The appalling thing is not the tumult but the design." Without having dug deep into it, it likely was a - failed - Glafia experiment with revolutionary communism (their pawn Marx stood on the 1848 barricades), and also an attempt to frighten the governments of Europe into a closer collaboration with the new leaders of the old banking syndicate, the Rothschilds.
The Congress of Vienna, and the Concert of Europe
After the defeat of France and Napoleon in 1815, the Rothschilds invited all European rulers to assemble at the Congress of Vienna. They presented a plan for a supra-European body, to prevent the rise of another European power, by creating a “balance of power”, sometimes called the Concert of Europe. Any power revolting against the new order – controlled by the British Empire and the Rothschild-led banking syndicate - would be attacked by all others. And of course, the ever-growing debt of the European nations could be used as a lever.
The plan failed because Tsar Alexander I of Russia saw through it (there's a rumor that the Rothschilds became so angry that they vowed to destroy the Tsar’s whole family, which indeed happened through Jewish hands, in 1918). Already in 1815, Russia created a Holy Alliance with Prussia (pre-Germany) and Austria, which was renewed by Bismarck (leader of Prussia/Germany), in 1871. So, a more radical approach was needed. The only “solution” would be a big war: a world war, which was going to be staged by Glafia's Anglo-American-Zionist proxies.
That project would be ignited by the First World War. In great Glafia protection racket style, that global war problem - prepared by Glafia - would be used to convince the people that they needed a global peace solution: The League of Nations - also prepared by Glafia. In the end The League failed, but after the next war, the Second World War, the trick would be repeated, and finally succeed: in 1945, the United Nations was established in New York. The UN would be an essential Glafia instrument in the fake post-WW2 de-colonization process (A6.5). Presently it's one of the Five Horsemen playing an important role in Glafia's End Game (B32).
Back to the 1815 Congress of Vienna: it declared that Switzerland would be a neutral country during all future wars. From the isolated Swiss Alps, the funding of both sides in the coming Great Wars could be continued secretly, undisturbed and with impunity. In 1930, just in time for Glafia's upcoming Hitler project, the private yet immune Bank of International Settlements (BIS) was established in Basel, Switzerland. It is now the apex of all the world's central banks, and one of the Five Horsemen in Glafia's End Game (B32) (see also Patrick O'Carroll, Neutral Switzerland).
The Swiss government and banks would of course be richly rewarded: behind their tidy and cozy appearance, with cowbells ringing and lovely Dirndl girls singing in the distant hills, the Swiss elites have been Glafia's faithful helpers in some of the worst global crimes.
America is ... the most murderous, anti-democratic, terrorist nation the world has ever known.
Attributed by some to George Orwell
I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country... corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed.
Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865), 16th President of the United States
A power has risen up in the government greater than the people themselves, consisting of many and various powerful interests, combined in one mass, and held together by the cohesive power of the vast surplus in banks.
John C. Calhoun, U.S. Vice President (1825-1832) and Senator, speech on May 27, 1836
Please read highlight B5 on US history before you continue here. It mentions General Cornwallis' mysterious words spoken in 1781, after the British surrender in the war for American Independence:
"... and in less than two hundred years, the whole nation will be working for divine world government. America will supposedly be the citadel of freedom, but her millions will unknowingly be loyal subjects to the Crown".
To which he added: "That [world] government that they believe to be divine will be the British Empire.” I don't think Cornwallis had prophetic gifts: it's more logical to suppose that he had foreknowledge of a plan. You'll find more cases of it on these pages (see also Predictive programming, B22).
Just as Cornwallis had foretold over two centuries ago, so it happened. In broad strokes: the USA was made Glafia's fourth hegemon, and just before 1900 it would join forces with the departing hegemon, the British Empire, to execute the Glafia ordained and financed task to subdue Eurasia, on these pages called The Great 20th Century Slaughter of Eurasia (A6). In this section we will analyze how, during the 19th century, the USA was groomed and prepared for that task - and for the many other projects that would follow, presently with the people of the Ukraine and Gaza on their chopping block.
The American Robber Barons
According to Giovanni Arrighi, the "Long 19th Century" of the British Empire ran from about 1760 to 1940. Its "autumn", the financialization and final phase of this third Glafia cycle, started around 1870. A few decades earlier, the "Long 20th Century" of the American hegemon began to be developed. Its scale would be much larger, but its duration shorter. Its autumn started already in 1971 (A6.7).
And although the USA's definitive end hasn't arrived yet, many analysts agree that it is near. Most bets are on 2030, also the year of Glafia's UN 2030 Agenda. With Creepy Joe as the ''I've never been so optimistic" US President, and US banks starting to fail as I write this, for sure the ground feels shaky.
During the government of Andrew Jackson (the seventh US President, from 1829-1837), a banker caused crisis "broke out" (all these crises are of course planned). Jackson was so enraged that he said:
“You are a den of vipers. I intend to rout you out and by the Eternal God, I will rout you out. If the people only understood the rank injustice of our money and banking system, there would be a revolution before morning.”
Jackson didn't succeed. During the planned crisis, American Rothschild agents bought up many US businesses on the cheap. Gradually the flow of British capital into the USA increased, with a steep peak after the Civil War. In the 1860's, Karl Marx, while writing his book Das Kapital, was able to observe this:
"Venice lent large sums of money to Holland. So was it with Holland... lending out of enormous amounts of capital to its great rival England... [the] same thing is going on today between England and the United States" (see the complete quote of the Venetian thieving system).
Such flows of (mainly Rothschild) capital had to be sent to trusted agents, and the Rothschilds had built a network of them in the USA. Banker August Belmont (born Schoenberg, in Germany), who arrived in 1837, was part of this network. Two other agencies were private banks that the Rothschilds had taken over: Kuhn-Loeb and J.P. Morgan.
After the Civil War (see below), Jacob Schiff and Paul Warburg, both German-born Jewish bankers and Rothschild-associates, also settled in the USA, and gradually increased their control over its banking system. In 1913, the actions of the Rothschild's US network would culminate in the founding of a private central bank, the Federal Reserve Bank (FED): the milestone which definitively sealed the move from fake democracy to oligarchy. The American FED was essential in backing up the European banking system, to finance the coming World War.
British, but in fact City/Glafia capital, also flowed to large American companies owned by the Rockefellers, Carnegies, Harrimans, Duponts, etc. They would in turn create new banks, one even called Citi (= The City) Bank, which were then integrated in the same Rothschild-led system. By their ruthless and monopolistic methods, these fake "capitalists" (see B11), all criminal Glafia proxies, would earn the nickname Robber Barons.
In The Venetian Black Nobility and the Concept of Oligarchy, Webster Tarpley and Charles Higham comment:
"By the end of the 1890's, Morgan and Rockefeller had become the giants of an increasingly powerful Money Trust controlling American industry and government policy... Some 60 families [America’s Sixty Families, Ferdinand Lundberg, 1937] formed a close network of plutocratic wealth that manipulated, bribed, and bullied its way to control the destiny of the United States. [These] families, through dynastic intermarriage and corporate, interconnected shareholdings, had gained control of American industry and banking institutions."
The book The Great Red Dragon or the London Money Power, by L. B. Woolfolk (1890), presents conclusive proof, solidly based on historical facts and economic data, that the financiers of The City spread their tentacles deeply into America - and around the world. Woolfolk proves that the great "American" fortunes were actually "British [= The City = Glafia]" fortunes behind the American facades of the banks and robber barons. He also believed that the Rothschild family represented a much larger syndicate, as I argued in A5.1.
According to Michael Rectenwald, in The Great Reset, Corporate Socialism or Capitalism with Chinese Characteristics, old John D. Rockefeller and his fellow robber barons were convinced of one absolute truth:
"... that no great monetary wealth could be accumulated under the impartial rules of a competitive society. The only sure road to the acquisition of massive wealth was monopoly: drive out your competitors, reduce competition... and above all get state protection [Braudel's point in A1.4!] for your industry through compliant politicians and government regulation. This last avenue yields a legal monopoly, and a legal monopoly always leads to wealth. This robber baron [oligarchic] scheme is also, under different labels, the socialist plan [in China and Russia]."
Grand Duke Alexander, brother-in-law of Russian Emperor Nicholas II, stated after a visit to the USA in 1913:
"As a matter of fact, there was one startling change which seemed to have escaped the attention of the native observers. The building of the Panama Canal and the stupendous development of the Pacific Coast had created a new form of American pioneering; their industries had grown to where a foreign outlet had become a sheer necessity.
Their financiers who used to borrow money in London, Paris, Amsterdam had suddenly found themselves in the position of creditors. The rustic republic of Jefferson was rapidly giving way to the empire of Rockefellers, but the average man-in-the-street had not yet entirely caught up with this new order of things."
Unfortunately, today most people in the West are still in Plato's Cave, where they haven't caught up yet with "the 1913 order of things", and still support "the most warlike nation in the history of the world" (former US President Jimmy Carter), now dedicated to the bloody destruction of the Ukraine. As always under the guise of fighting for "freedom and democracy". While the West's military-industrial complex is raking in super profits and happily getting rid of all its obsolete equipment, its Big Business Vultures are already circling above the Ukraine, itching to buy it all up on the cheap and to win the mega projects to rebuild it.
The sale of the US to the devil provoked a drastic change in its course, on which J.A. Hobson commented in 1902:
"Here is a country which suddenly breaks through a conservative policy [of isolation], strongly held by both political parties, bound up with every popular instinct and tradition, and flings itself into a rapid imperial career for which it possesses neither the material nor the moral equipment, risking the principles and practices of liberty and equality by the establishment of militarism and the forcible subjugation of peoples which it cannot safely admit to the condition of American citizenship."
President McKinley’s (1897-1901) recommendations for a permanent increase in the standing army and the American War in the Philippines were evidence for the USA's sudden "imperial career". That horrible war, in a country where the freedom preaching Americans had no business meddling, may have cost the lives of over one million Philippinos. Please see this 5-minute YouTube video: The Philippine American War - The Shocking Truth.
Under the false pretext of self-defense (after the U.S.S. Maine sank from an internal explosion), the US also seized Guam, Cuba, and Puerto Rico from the Spanish Empire (see also The New American). "This war of aggression and occupation, like so many U.S. interventions since, was preceded by a media campaign of whipping up public hysteria and war fever" (Prof. John McMurtry).
In the meantime, the British were also training their army for the planned Great War of Eurasia, in the horrible Boer War in South Africa. There they pioneered the use of concentration camps, where over 20,000 Boer women and children died of famine and disease, much more than Boer men died in the field.
The American Civil War: the same "foreign" influence, again
In the previous chapters we have seen a now familiar pattern, never mentioned by the mainstream historians: the foreign influence, by Glafia's international bankers, in important national events like wars (e.g., the Dutch and American wars for independence) and revolutions (such as in England and France). The American Civil War (1861-1865) was no exception.
Officially (just look it up in Wikipedia), the cause was a dispute about slavery between the American North and the South, respectively the "Union" and the "Confederacy". The violence and destruction were enormous: with the same mortality rate in today's America, over 3 million people would die .... for a dispute about slavery? Were the Northern bankers and robber barons suddenly worried about the downtrodden? Certainly not, and don’t forget what Noam Chomsky said: "The USA is based on the principle of genocide".
Note that in the late 19th century, from the original Indian population of North America, estimated at between 5 and 15 million in 1492, only about 200,000 remained.
Here's an alternative explanation for the Civil War: according to Count Cherep-Spiridovitch, German chancellor Otto von Bismarck (a Rothschild pawn, A5.5) confirmed that the Rothschilds, who already controlled Europe, were afraid that the United States would become too independent of them if it remained one strong nation. Through their US network (see above), Rothschild agents sowed division, to provoke the secession of the South. As planned, that triggered the horrendous war.
Once the South was separated from the North, the two rival nations could be managed in the European style of "balance-of-power." Official Rothschild biographer Niall Ferguson noted indeed a suspect “substantial and unexplained gap” in private Rothschild correspondence between 1854-1860, the years before the Civil War. According to D. Henderson, all copies of outgoing letters written by the London Rothschilds during the Civil War period “were destroyed at the orders of successive partners”. Yet there are two major problems with Bismarck's explanation: the split didn't happen, and it doesn't fit in the logic of Glafia's cycles, where the next cycle is always led by a much larger nation: why split it?
I found the final explanation in the 2006 book Blood Money: The Civil War and the Federal Reserve, by John Remington Graham (for an interesting discussion of Blood Money, see Paul Craig Roberts Did bankers foment the civil war, which also explains that the book Uncle Tom’s Cabin was a heavily subsidized part of the bankers' campaign to sow division). Graham's explanation fits the thesis of the present book like a glove:
“The divisive antagonisms between the North and the South, finally erupting in the spring of 1861, were not unfortunate historical accidents... Those antagonisms, rather, were deliberately agitated during the 1850s by great international banking houses with a preconceived motive of provoking secession. And secession was to be used as a pretext for a bloody and expensive war of conquest...
The war was planned as a brutal slaughter, as it tragically became. The war was planned [by private interests] to generate a stupendous national debt, mostly represented by bonds, and such a national debt was in fact generated... And those private interests fully succeeded in their sinister program and set up a huge financial empire centered on Wall Street from which they have ever since governed the United States from behind the scenes.”
Much earlier, in 1912, Gustave de Molinari (1819-1912), a Belgian economist, had drawn a very similar conclusion:
"The American Civil War had not been simply a humanitarian crusade to free the slaves. The war ruined the conquered provinces, but the Northern plutocrats pulling the strings achieved their aim: the imposition of a vicious protectionism that led ultimately to the regime of trusts and produced the billionaires [robber barons]."
Glafia probably had another motive for its instigation of the Civil War: to pass its upcoming hegemon through an "initiation ritual" for de-humanization, to make it a ruthless and extremely violent proxy.
But you may still wonder why, in the fall of 1863, Czar Alexander II of Russia sent his warships to New York and San Francisco, in support of the North, to ward off the expected interference by France and Britain (instigators of the Crimean War against Russia, a few years earlier). France had recently even sent troops to Mexico. Was it because Alexander - and maybe Lincoln too? - had been duped into thinking that the bankers wanted to split the USA?
Had Glafia pawn Bismarck deliberately spread a false rumor?
The Latin America colonies of Portugal and Spain deserve a special mention. Officially, the Spanish colonies were overseas provinces of Spain (la España Ultramarina). They had been established in the early 16th century, and were also the earliest European colonies to be formally ended, in the 1810-20's.
We already saw how Catholic Portugal and Spain were sidelined from their global roles (A2.4), which was undoubtedly related to their expulsion of the large numbers of Jews at the end of the 15th century, and more generally, to their anti-capitalist and anti-usury stance. That's why Glafia chose to go ahead with the Protestant (Jew- and usury-friendly) Dutch and Brits.
The American Revolution (started in 1775), and later the French (started in 1789), both with heavy but covert participation of Freemasons (= Glafia fronts), had caught the world’s attention. The influential pamphlet Common Sense by Freemason Thomas Paine, which had inspired the North American patriots, was also known by Latin America’s criollos (locally borne Spaniards). In 1811, a Spanish translation was published in the US, to gain support for independence from the indigenous and mestizo populations. It was widely read in Latin America.
In the aftermath of the French Revolution (the fourth revolution in the series announced by Disraeli Sr., A4.3), Spain was at war with Britain (1798-1808), and the British Navy cut off Spain's contacts with its American colonies. Much of their trade with Spain had to be suspended, so nationalism could be practiced. The colonies even set up temporary governments.
When France under Napoleon also made war with Spain (1807-'14), an even stronger power vacuum was felt in the American colonies. Finally, in a series of revolutions from 1808 to 1826 (the fifth in Disraeli's series), Spain lost all its American colonies, except Cuba and Puerto Rico. Portugal's largest colony Brazil became “independent” in 1822, but its African colonies had to wait until 1974.
The role of the conversos
Officially, it was the criollos, supported by the (poor) native people, who spontaneously led the quest for independence in Latin America. The real story is that all "revolutionary" leaders of independence, Bolivar included, were wealthy "conversos" - Jews pretending to be Catholics - who spent years preparing these events. These conversos didn't fall from the skies: Spanish and Portuguese conversos had been present in the colonization effort from the start. The ships of Columbus (A1.4) were owned by conversos, and his voyage was financed by conversos (Prof. Elías Barrocas; Cecil Roth).
Most of the converso leaders of Latin American independence, like Simon Bolivar, were also Freemasons (like the Founding Fathers in the US, and many of the perpetrators of the French Revolution). They often showed a visceral hatred for the Spanish, which was unusual in the criollo population, but the norm for Jews. In many cases they collaborated with the British empire, where the Rothschilds pulled the strings.
As a quick aside, one wonders what Hugo Chávez knew, when he called his Venezuelan movement the Bolivarian Revolution, and when he associated with Glafia pawn Fidel Castro?
The above assertions are based on the work of Argentinian Prof. Federico Rivanera Carlés: La Historia Ocultada Los Conversos Y La Independencia De Hispanoamerica (, YouTube). He studied the genealogies of all Latin American independence leaders and has only doubt in the case of one of them. This can't be a coincidence, so it must have been part of a plan. So, whose plan was it to own the whole planet by creating nations and then controlling them via proxies?
Officially, North American and British sympathy for an independent Latin America was grounded in the belief that "the wars of independence reflected ideals of freedom and liberty". Please allow me a loud "ha, ha"! The newly independent nations in Latin America, instead of provinces of the still strong Spanish empire, would not only create many commercial benefits for the US and UK: by ending Spain’s trading monopoly, secure investments and the extraction of wealth would suddenly become possible.
It would also allow the recently independent USA to organize its southern "backyard", by installing subordinate elites who would be paid off richly for selling their countries' resources cheaply to the US. And so it happened: the much-hyped independence was simply an informal neo-colonization. In the 20th century, that would also become the fate of all African and Asian ex-colonies (A6.5).
Both Britain and the US worked against Spain, also through the US Monroe doctrine (1823) which forbade all other countries to mingle in Latin America. Hereafter, the US had no bones about stealing large territories (California, Texas) from independent Mexico. All in the pursuit of happiness and freedom, of course.
After the "independence" of the Latin America countries, the UK and later the US became important investors. Glafia's UK hegemon just happened to be in its financialization phase, looking for opportunities to invest its idle excess capital, a mere coincidence of course. It focused on Argentina with its many resources and was one of the first to recognize that country's independence. Wiki:
"English arrivals and investment played a large part in the development of Argentine railway and tramway lines, and also Argentine agriculture, livestock breeding, processing, refrigeration and export. At one point in the 19th century, ten per cent of British foreign investment was in Argentina, despite not being a [formal] colony. In 1939, 39% of [foreign, I suppose] investment in Argentina was British."
During the World Wars, Argentina would feed Europe, including Germany in WW1, through the Glafia-organized Belgium Relief scam (from Prolonging the Agony, by Docherty & MacGregor).
Right after the Napoleonic wars, the Rothschilds started planning for the 19th century, as we saw in A5.1. Already in the first half of the 19th century, the planning for the 20th century must have started. Not by national governments (who as a rule only plan up to the next election), but by the same intergenerational banker syndicate - Glafia - now led by the Rothschilds, in cahoots with their British, and later American, hegemon.
It's important to note that the Rothschilds are generally seen as Jews, but mind Revelation 3:9, about "false and lying Jews", fully quoted in B8 and B16.
I had gradually developed this hypothesis about the early planning, when I unexpectedly found the 1853 book The New Rome that confirmed it, more about that below.
The geopolitical situation around 1850
In Europe, Glafia (the Rothschilds) already had excellent control over Holland, England, France, Sweden (via the Wallenberg family), Austria, Switzerland and some smaller countries. Spain and Portugal had been sidelined and practically neutered two centuries earlier (A2.4). The territories of Germany and Italy were still ununified as nation states and had to be consolidated as "normalized" Glafia states, under banker supervision and financing (A5.5).
ln the 1850's, the colonization of Africa and Asia was still incomplete, but the 1884 Conference in Berlin led by Glafia pawn Bismarck (A3.3) would help to solve that. Just in time, the "Scramble for Africa" was finalized in 1914. Japan was small enough to be dealt with in a way similar to the English and French revolutions. It would be forcibly opened in 1853, and "revolutionized", "democratized", "modernized", and of course financed and controlled, to become Glafia's battering ram in Asia, as explored in A5.5.
In the Americas, Latin America had just been de-colonized (with an important role played by Glafia-controlled Freemasonic societies), or in more correct terms, brought from weak Spanish rule to stronger and stronger Glafia control via manipulations by the British Empire, and later also by the USA (A5.3).
The United States of America (B5), which was since its Declaration of Independence (in 1776) in a temporary rupture with the British Empire, was already being groomed and prepared for its future role as Glafia's 20th century global hegemon (A5.2). In the late 19th century, the split would be mended to construct the large joint force necessary for Glafia's biggest operation yet, The Great 20th Century Slaughter of Eurasia (A6), to end all its 13 empires.
More than 300 years after Glafia's initial meddling around 1522, most of Eurasia was still under control of highly sovereign empires: China in the East, Russia and the Ottoman Empire in the center, and in the West Austria-Hungary, the remnant of the Holy Roman Empire, since the 15th century called the Habsburg Empire. All these lands held vast untapped resources and great economic potential which could not be exploited the way the bankers wished to. The Russian, Chinese and Ottoman Empires were too strong, too big and too complex for a direct attack, and an initial destabilization would be necessary.
These empires were thus seen as obstacles which had to be leveled out, which was successfully achieved. The 19th century was used to pre-weaken and destabilize these great Eurasian land empires. Different means would be used: some based on hard power such as wars (China and Russia), including the forced introduction of opium in China as payment for its exports to the West; and also soft power: the introduction of revolutionary ideologies.
In Russia, Glafia would introduce Communism and Zionism (A6.2). After the unexpected success of the Bolshevist Revolution in Russia, a Communist Revolution would be repeated in China, via Mao Zedong, who had been groomed by "Yale in China" since 1919 (an outpost of US secret services, see B3). Indeed, they leave very little to chance! As part of the weakening, Christian Russia was betrayed by the Christian West (France, Britain), in the Crimean war (1853-'56). Later, in 1902, it was attacked by Glafia's recently developed Asian pawn Japan (see below).
Then, in numerous countries, secret and subversive societies were set up by the British: e.g., the Young Turks and the Young Italians, see Lord Palmerston's Multicultural Human Zoo. And during all these 19th century preparations, Europe had to be kept in equilibrium, through the "balance of power", exercised by the British/Rothschild Empire (A5.1).
Predictive programming
A typical aspect of Glafia operations is predictive programming (B22). It is a cat-and-mouse game, but it also prepares the people’s minds to accept, or even to ask for, great societal changes or big operations or events. Already in 1853, 60 years ahead of WW1, the book The New Rome (US) outlined that:
- The center of power of the British Empire would move to the US.
- A future cooperation between England and America was to take place.
- A “world’s war” would be unleashed by an Anglo-American front to conquer Germany.
- A global struggle between the United States and Russia for world supremacy would occur.
At the time, Germany was not yet a political or economic danger (although it was a spiritual opponent to British and American materialism), but under Glafia pawn Bismarck, the bankers would pump it up (A5.5) in such a way that it was seen by the British as an economic and military threat: a justification for war. Exactly a century later, a similar trick would be pulled on China, which is now coming to harvest. The biggest difference is that Glafia earmarked Germany for total and utter destruction, and China for full blooming, as Glafia's new global hegemon.
In London of the 1880's, Lord Salisbury was imagining war and revolution for Russia over 30 years ahead of these events. In 1893, insider C.G. Harrison spoke in London of “the next great European war” and how the Slavic peoples would “carry out experiments in Socialism ... which would present innumerable difficulties in Western Europe.” That became the First World War and the Bolshevik Revolution, which planted the Soviet Union, "one of the boldest and bloodiest politico-economic experiments in human history” (Terry Boardman).
The Zionists, whose project was "but an incident of a far-reaching [Glafia] plan" (Louis B. Marshall, see B15 on Zionism), also had foreknowledge. During their 1903 congress, co-founder of the World Zionist Organization Max Nordau said:
"Let me tell you the following words as if I were showing you the rungs of a ladder leading upward and upward: Herzl, the Zionist congress, the English Uganda proposition, the future world war, the peace conference where, with the help of England, a free and Jewish Palestine will be created."
This 100% correct "prophecy" was pronounced 11 years before the “future world war”, a class of events the world had never seen to that date. The “help of England” would be formalized 14 years later via Balfour's letter to Baron Walter de Rothschild, and the “peace conference”, where “a free and Jewish Palestine” would be promoted, was held 16 years later, at Versailles in 1919.
Mystical clairvoyance, or simply foreknowledge of a hidden agenda? In the latter case, who could have had the power to assure the realization of this wild Zionist plan? Because against all odds, it would become reality, and even a critical part of Glafia's 20th century Great Eurasian Slaughter operation.
Programming the hegemons
For their enormous Eurasia project, Glafia's banking syndicate required a very large and strong proxy force.
Firstly, the British Empire had to be strengthened further and prepared for war. In their book Hidden History, the Secret Origins of the First World War, Gerry Docherty and Jim MacGregor strike the final blow to the false claim that Germany was to blame for WW1, and convincingly detail the British conspiracy to stage WW1. Suspicions on the leading role of the British had already been described previously by other authors. This is Docherty and MacGregor's main conclusion:
“A secret cabal of immensely rich and powerful men – the Secret Elite – was formed in England in 1891 with the explicit aim of expanding the British Empire across the entire globe. They planned a European war to destroy Germany as an economic, industrial and imperial competitor and, to that end, drew France then Russia into an alliance termed the Entente Cordiale”.
The goals of this “Secret Elite”, in our terms the British Glafia proxies - always in cahoots with the Rothschilds, who were part of Glafia's core (B9) - were at the same time criminal and genocidal: the planned destruction of Germany through a staged world war would result in 17 million deaths and 20 million wounded, often severely mutilated. This “Secret Elite”, based on Cecil Rhodes' secret society, was led by a banker, Lord Alfred Milner. Although Milner coordinated the Boer war, the First World War and several related Glafia operations, Docherty and MacGregor wrote:
“Yet he is virtually unknown to all but a few academics, deliberately airbrushed from history, hidden from unwanted intrusion and from those who still seek to know and understand the First World War."
In 1884, a British elite had founded the Fabian Society (B13), a think tank, to infiltrate the upcoming British socialist movement (from 1906 called the Labour Party), with the ultimate goal of a Socialist World Government, in covert support of Cecil Rhodes' plan. The Fabians often assisted Glafia’s Milner Group, for example, the preparations for the later League of Nations and the 1917 Balfour letter, which supported "a Jewish homeland" in Palestine.
The British Empire was also strengthened by intensifying the exploitation of its colonies, of which the most important was India. A shocking article by Ben Norton, British empire killed 165 million Indians in 40 years, also gives estimates of the billions of dollars that were extracted from India. An analysis of India's history is not within the scope of the present book. It was probably India's diversity and religiosity, in combination with the early infiltration of China by the American Rockefellers (India's colonization was a British affaire), which held Glafia back from using India as their hegemon.
Secondly, the USA, with its tremendous potential, was being prepared to become Glafia's fourth hegemon in the 20th century (see A5.2), but that wouldn't suffice.
After the planned, temporary split of 1776 (B5), in a third project, the upcoming American hegemon would again have to join the forces with the gradually declining British hegemon. It was concluded with a secret agreement in 1897 (G. Usher, Pan Germanism; E.C. Knuth, The Empire of The City). The secret coalition had overwhelming power and aimed at a “special relationship” between the Anglos and the Americans, to carry out the gigantic project to subdue and colonize Eurasia. Two of its later offshoots were the Round Table (1909) and its US twin think tank, the Council on Foreign Relations (1921): both are still highly influential.
To increase informal contacts and exchange between the British and American elites, immediately after the death of Rhodes in 1902, the Pilgrim societies of the British and American elites were founded (see ISGP Studies). Then, Rhodes left a fortune of about $150 million to the Rhodes Foundation, which financed the Rhodes scholarships. One of its purposes was "creating in American students an attachment to the country from which they originally sprang". One Bill Clinton - then bearded and long-haired - became a beneficiary, and certainly not the only Rhodes scholar to rise to a high place in the USA: Rachel Maddow, Pete Buttigieg, Jake Sullivan, Chrystia Freeland, Susan Rice, Naomi Wolff, and Richard Haass also were recipients.
Another element of British/American collaboration project was the import of 300 lovely, high class American young ladies to the British "high society" marriage market. One of its adorable fruits was Winston Churchill (1874-1965), son of American born socialite Jenny Jerome and wife of the British Lord Randall Churchill, a great friend of the Rothschilds.
It's a small world, isn't it?
In the second half of the 19th century, Germany, Italy and Japan would be molded and prepared for the coming wars and world order. That process included hidden corruption, and open modernization and industrialization, as bait for "the traitors within the gates"; as well as heavy financing and control, via indebtment and infiltration of the government by Glafia's banking syndicate. As a result these countries became easy to handle chess pieces on Glafia's chessboard. It was insider Lord George Curzon (Vice Roy of India around 1900) who confirmed that countries "are pieces on a chessboard upon which is being played out a great game for the domination of the world."
During the Second World War, Germany, Italy and Japan allied and were called the Axis Powers. But during the First World War, Italy and Japan were still in the other camp, that of the Allied Powers.
Setting up Germany
The German Saxons are the main ancestors of the Anglo-Saxons - and of many Americans too - who shaped England after conquering the Celts, 1400 years ago. The British Royal Windsor family is also of German descent, from the Duchy Sachsen(=Saxon)-Coburg und Gotha. However, during the First World War they were pressed to drop their German family name.
The German lands and people had suffered enormously under the Thirty Years' War (1618-1648). Thereafter, the control of the Habsburg Empire over them gradually faded. Until the 1860's, Germany had been a collection of peaceful central European princedoms and duchies, with a highly spiritual culture, and the birthplace of many poets, composers and scientists.
So why did a secret society, set up by diamond magnate and Rothschild associate Cecil Rhodes in 1891, with the aim of realizing his dream of a World Empire under Anglo-American leadership, pit itself against (Saxon) Germany, and not France or any other country? And why was it that Glafia's bankers, aided by their very capable pawn Otto von Bismarck, used their capital and expertise to convert the German statelets quickly and energetically into the mighty, industrialized and centralized German Empire of Kaiser Wilhelm II? With its high-quality industrial products (Made in Germany), it soon became a strong competitor in the world market. And according to British propaganda, it had become a danger for the balance of power in Europe, and even the world.
One of the answers to the above questions is geopolitical. In 1904, British geopolitical expert MacKinder revealed his Heartland theory, about the feared association of Germany and Russia - which would then form the invincible Heartland of Eurasia. That would be the only power able to defeat the British Empire, and even the coming USA empire. In a surprise admission in 2015, George Friedman, director of STRATFOR, frankly admitted that MacKinder's theory had been the main reason for the US participation in the World Wars and the Cold War (full quote in B14). But wait a minute, weren't we always told that all these wars had been fought for "freedom and democracy"??
I contend the present Ukraine war for "freedom and democracy" is about this same MacKinder theory, to – once again - create a wedge between the two Central European powers. But this time it will be the last attempt of the USA under MacKinder's old paradigm, although the Ukraine war isn't necessarily the USA's last war, but perhaps the first in a new series.
That's because of a paradigm shift: Glafia has since long decided to go East (A7.5). Unofficially, it declared the "autumn" of the USA already in 1971 (A6.7). And for the first time in history, Russia now has an alliance with China, and they're both stronger than ever - built up by Glafia's hegemon, the USA. These factors will determine the fate of the Ukrainian conflict in their favor.
But let's go back to the end of the 19th century when a fresh thorn started pricking the British side: the German Bagdad Bahn railway project. It would have supplied Germany with oil from Mosul (discovered in 1908) and other areas in the Middle East. As a sea power, Britain could not prevent this Eurasian overland project. But why prevent it, when the friendly Germans had invited the British to participate? The British had however declined the offer.
Because despite this generous gesture and all those family ties, Germany had to be destroyed anyways, for geopolitical, commercial, and other reasons, as determined by Glafia. And let's not forget, to start a Great War to subdue Eurasia, a Great Enemy was needed anyway. With their choice of Germany as bogeyman, they had good hopes that the planned war could culminate in a future, mutual war of destruction with Russia, killing two birds with one stone.
If you're not convinced yet that the Anglo-Americans and their banker backers are the Arch-Fascists (B2), then think again!
Another correct answer to the above question "why Germany" is also that it was to make the many Glafia-associated bankers and industry owners, involved in the effort to build up Germany – with the aim to then destroy it - filthy rich. All Germany's Big Industries go back to this project: Krupp, Bayer, IG Farben, Hoechst, the HAPAG shipping line, etc. But that's just Glafia's standard Big Carrot trick, which they always use to accelerate their projects, you can observe it in any war. Their present protection rackets (B24), the Ukraine, CO2 and Covid are no exception.
There's also an explanation for Germany's fate at a spiritual level. Germany, with its highly developed culture of poets, composers, scientists and philosophers, was an antagonist to British materialism. In a 1940 letter, Glafia pawn Winston Churchill, the “Greatest Briton of All Times", wrote that:
“Great Britain was fighting not against Hitler, and not even against National Socialism, but against the spirit of the German people, against the spirit of Schiller, so that this spirit would never be reborn.”
That's the spirit of Bach, Beethoven, Goethe, Humboldt, Max Planck and so many other great German artists and scientists!
Highlight B14 on Nazism briefly describes how the British succeeded in changing the German culture and spirit in such a way that Nazism could develop and flourish. Nazism was indeed a very successful social engineering experiment for Glafia. If you had your eyes wide open during Covid, you will have observed that totalitarian Fascism can quickly be induced everywhere, to everyone: Germans or otherwise (B36). Hitler's aid Hermann Göring supposedly said, during the Nuremberg Trials after WWII:
"The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked [by an enemy or a virus] and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country."
Another important reason for targeting Germany certainly was that it had been, and probably still is, the natural leader of Europe. Under the Duke of Swabia, Frederick I von Hohenstaufen, better known as Barbarossa (1123-1190), an attempt was made to unite the whole of Europe, and especially Germany and Italy, in one Empire, so the constant "civil" wars between its Christian entities could be prevented (see B6, A brief history of Europe). Hitler knew about this effort, and 800 years later named his grand attack on the Soviet Union "Operation Barbarossa."
For public consumption, the British propaganda spread the false rumor that Germany wanted to dominate the world through their navy and army. The book The Americanization of the World by William T. Stead (1902), shows that already since 1888, Germany's Kaiser Wilhelm II had been aware of an external danger, not British, but the "Americanization of Europe" (Bismarck also knew this). The Kaiser tried in vain to convince his nephew, the Tsar of Russia, to support his cause against it. He was certainly one of the very few European leaders with this view, which time proved to be correct.
In 1897, the Foreign Secretary of Austria-Hungary made a plea in support of the Kaiser's vision, for Europa to organize against "transoceanic" competition and aggression. Yet no significant measures were taken. Indeed, 1897 was also the year in which Britain and the USA made a secret agreement to carry out the gigantic project to subdue and colonize the whole of Eurasia (A5.4).
When the German Emperor visited London, he even explained that the German fleet could be seen as an addition to the British Navy, to help defend Europe from economic and eventually military aggression by the "new barbarians of the Western World". The "blue-eyed" Kaiser wasn't aware yet that the biggest danger for Germany and Europe, and in fact the whole of Eurasia, was being prepared secretly in British (and American) Arch-Fascist circles - although calling themselves democrats - where his trusted nephew was King.
W.T. Stead adds that around the same time, a representative of the German industries argued that a European Union, including England and in collaboration with Russia, could perfectly well be independent of the American market, to which their access was anyways very restricted, due to the USA's protective measures. That view confirms MacKinder's argument. It was a very logical idea - in a hypothetical world without Glafia - but in the real one, not allowed to happen. Rather, the world was being steered into a very different and much darker direction.
Another factor was that the Kaiser's government was highly infiltrated with Glafia pawns, just as had happened in other countries that came under Glafia control. Max Warburg of the famous Jewish banking family (A2.3) was an important player in the German web of government, banking and big business. Theobald von Bethmann-Hollweg, of the Frankfurt banking dynasty Bethmann, who was appointed chancellor in 1909, caused a scandal when he told the world that the British guarantee to protect Belgium against an attack was a mere "scrap of paper". In 1917, he approved the transit of Lenin and other Bolshevik revolutionaries to Russia, of which the Kaiser was only made aware after they got through. Foreign secretary Arthur Zimmermann also became suspect when he sent a ludicrous telegram to Mexico in 1917 that handed the US on a silver plate the excuse to enter WW1, which they did five weeks later.
As previously mentioned, Germany’s build up was orchestrated by big banks and big industries, all controlled by the Usual Suspects, and coordinated by the very able Otto von Bismarck, with his permanent Glafia handler Baron Gersom von Bleichröder, a German-Jewish banker and Rothschild-associate. Several details on Bismarck's relation with the Rothschilds can be found in Arnold Leese's (a veterinary colleague of mine!) book Gentile Folly (1940), on page 11 (free on
There's also Fritz Stern's Gold and Iron: Bismarck, Bleichröder, and the Building of the German Empire (1979), which mentions that Bleichröder became a major target of antisemitic propaganda, a symbol of Jewish financial domination and the "Jewish international plot”. As explained on these pages, I agree with "The Plot", but not with "Jewish". That's because of the absolute and deadly contempt the Glafia core has shown for the common Jews, as explained in B14, B15 and B16, as well as other suspicious events, such as the banning of Jews from Spain and Portugal in 1492; the financing of false Messiah Sabbatai Zevi who almost brought down Judaism in the 17th century; the recent, hasty Covid jabbing of Israel's common people, and so on.
As Russian historian Nicolai Starikov explained, Bismarck never erred, because of his powerful and experienced Glafia advisors. Putin seems to enjoy the same privilege! And, says Starikov, Bismarck knew that he had sold his soul to the devil, and that war was the price Germany would have to pay: he tried to explain it to the Kaiser, who only understood it when it was too late.
My cynical gut feeling is that Putin's deal with Glafia's stooge Henry Kissinger was almost identical: he would be richly rewarded, and Russia would rise, but a staged war was the price Putin and Russia would have to pay. The Ukraine war will not decide anything: Glafia's decision to abandon and demolish the West has been taken long ago. French President Macron, a Glafia stooge "invented" and groomed by Rothschild associate Jacques Attali (B30), confirmed this in his 2019 speech to an assembly of ambassadors (, where he made this amazing admission, or should we call it predictive programming:
“We are undoubtedly experiencing the end of Western hegemony over the world.”
As you may have expected, the mainstream press didn't cover it. Pretty soon, the course of the war will confirm Macron's - in fact the Rothschild's - words. All Western leaders know it and can't do anything about it. But before they leave the scene, they do want to make a big profit from it, test new weapon systems, dump all old equipment, and complicate life for many people, Ukrainian and their own.
It's probably also to empty large parts of the Ukraine, for new (agro-industrial) projects, but maybe also for an Israel 2.0 project (B16)?
Unifying Italy
Under Frederick Barbarossa (see above and B6), but also at later times, parts of Italy, including the Vatican, were governed by the Holy Roman Empire, later called the Habsburg or Austria-Hungarian Empire. From the 16th century, the wealthy city states in Northern Italy (Genoa, Florence, Milan...) were big prizes, highly sought after by both Spain and France. Just as with Japan and Germany, Italy would be consolidated and developed by Glafia related bankers, especially those of Genoa, the "main sponsors and beneficiaries of the political and economic unification of Italy" (G. Arrighi). A British-led Glafia pawn, Giuseppe Mazzini, played an important role in this chaotic process (for details on the incredible meddling and intrigues by the British Empire in the 19th century, in Italy and many other countries, please read this very interesting article by Webster Tarpley Lord Palmerston's Multicultural Human Zoo).
In the First World War, Italy fought against Austria (which was allied with Germany), in the hope of recovering some lands. After this disastrous war, in which Italy lost 1.5 million men, Mussolini stepped in - or was brought in, just as Hitler, Obama, Macron and so many other Glafia pawns have been? - to lead the country on a course very similar to that of Germany under Hitler. Both would receive Glafia's (silent) applause and secret but heavy financing.
Breaking Japan open
If you look at a map of the greatest landmass of the world – Eurasia - you'll see a symmetry between its eastern and western coasts: the British and the Japanese isles. Both countries achieved a high level of wealth through industrialization. But Japan's rise began much later, in the 1890's, after a long period of self-isolation, when Britain, then Glafia's global hegemon, was already entering its "season of autumn".
In 1853, the isolated and still feudal Japan was opened by force, literally at cannon point, by US Commodore Perry, who was linked to the British Rothschilds. The British and Americans had already successfully attacked the much weaker China for the same reason. That was through the Opium Wars, to achieve "Open Doors", or "free" trade, that is, trade forced on them by the West. So, the Japanese, who didn't have a strong army either, quickly caved in to Perry's threats.
In the 1860’s, the shrewd British found a way to corrupt Japan's Meiji oligarchs, which led to the fall of the Japanese government in 1867 and to the restoration of the Meiji Empire. Subordinate oligarchs, yet again! British and US (Glafia) capital and expertise started to "modernize" Japan, and under their tutelage "political and administrative power shifted to a group of younger samurai who had been instrumental in forming the new system and were committed to modernizing the military."
"The new rulers introduced drastic changes, which cleared the way for the development of modern, European-style armed forces” (Terry Boardman, in Britain and Japan: Between Two Islands; see also mileswmathis on Japan). And just like England and France after their Glafia-staged revolutions, Japan now got an elected fake parliament, with the Meiji oligarchs pulling the strings, and Emperor Meiji (1852-1912) as a divine, but powerless symbol.
Japan set out to "gather wisdom from all over the world" and Japanese "learning" missions were received in the West. As you may already suspect, it was Glafia which had an interest in converting the - until recently isolated – Japan into a "modern nation-state and major world power”, so it could serve as their proxy in Asia and as a battering ram for the coming conquest of Russia and China.
And Glafia's banks would of course also penetrate Japan:
"As part of the 1902 Anglo-Japanese agreement, 300 British-trained Japanese bankers set up the Japanese banking system, a structure that then began creating devastating hardships requiring loans from the international banking cartel."
Attentive readers may already expect the usual trick, the founding of a Central Bank. It was established in 1882, to seal the deal, just as it had been in Holland, England, France, Sweden (and today, everywhere). With it, Japan could be ticked off from Glafia's list of yet to conquer nations.
In the early 1900's, US banker Jacob Schiff lent Japan $200 million, a gigantic amount in those days, mainly for war-making. In the 1904-'05 Russo-Japanese war to weaken Russia (a British/US/Glafia goal, A5.4), Japan emerged as the victor, largely due to the financial, military and intelligence support from the British and the Americans. In 1895, Japan started to colonize islands in the Western Pacific and areas in mainland China.
In that same year, the extremely influential Cecil Rhodes formulated his ideology of the British Empire as including, as well as North and South America, the Holy Land, Indonesia and the Philippines, and the seaboards of Japan and China, which Glafia proxy Japan was already undertaking. Within half a century of Perry's gunboat visits, peaceful Japan had been transformed into a Glafia-steered aggressor state with strong colonial aspirations in Asia. Glafia's conquest of the much bigger and stronger China had to be left to the 20th century (A6.4).
During WW2, Japan was lured into the Pearl Harbor trap (see Day of Deceit, by Robert Stinnett), and then pushed into the German camp, just as Italy was under Mussolini: these three would be called the Axis powers in the Second World War. During the First World War, Japan and Italy were still on the side of the Entente Powers, Britain, the USA and France.
The development of Fascist ideologies in the three Axis countries is certainly not a coincidence: all three had been corrupted, financed and developed by the Arch-Fascists, Glafia. And neither is the fact that two British brothers Chamberlain, Houston Stewart and Basil Hall, worked for decades in Germany and Japan respectively. Houston helped prepare the Germans for the coming period by making them "Jew-wise" and is even nicknamed "the British architect of German Nazism" (B14). His brother in Japan was supposedly teaching Japanese, but is suspected to have played a similar "ideological" role in preparing Japan's imperialism.
The common Japanese people paid a very high price for the treasonous adventures of the Meiji oligarchy. In WW2, the Americans, who had engendered the new Japanese Empire together with the British, firebombed 66 Japanese cities with wooden houses, often with paper divisions. That Great Inferno killed probably close to a million innocent civilians.
Then, without any military reason, in August 1945 the US threw atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, in which about a quarter of a million people died instantly, and many more afterwards (some very well-informed people state these weren't atomic bombs yet, but I can't address that here). In any case, both are genocidal war crimes, and further proof of the thesis that Glafia's American proxies are Arch-Fascists (B2). Yet we still serenade them every year as our liberators, without any mention of these and their many other criminal and genocidal deeds.
After WW2, Japan became - or more correctly, was made - a total vassal of the USA, and its imperial army was abolished. When the freedom loving Americans thought it convenient (related to the coming build-up of China as their successor hegemon), they allowed Japan's industry to bloom and turn out beautiful cars, cameras, and many other high-quality products for the West. Yet this privilege was granted to Japan on the secret condition that its trade surpluses had to be largely invested in American government bonds.
In other words, the hard-working Japanese were forced to lend out their profits to the lazy Americans. Presently, the US are setting Japan again on their military track, and again as their battering ram against Russia and China, exactly as 120 years ago. Regrettably, history can repeat itself because it has been expertly obscured and distorted, by you-know-who.
The late ex-Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe surely knew The Real Story, and maybe would have opposed the recent militarization of Japan, but he cannot tell it anymore.... During a street speech in July 2022, he was killed with one shot. The shooter used a primitive handmade weapon, so he was of course a "lone wolf". Yet the coroner found two bullets. Anyway, the case was closed.
For a very interesting, deep analysis of this case which you won't regret reading, see this article by Emanuel Pastreich.
You can't convince a believer of anything; for their belief is not based on evidence, it's based on a deep-seated need [of all humans] to believe.
Dr. Arroway, in Contact (1985), by Carl Sagan (1934-'96), American scientist
Religion is the opium of the people.
Karl Marx (1818-1883), German economist
In previous chapters, we have looked at some of the tools used in Glafia's domination project, such as state making and war making under a private and usurious Glafia banking system, and the installation of fake representative democracies, as well as colonization of faraway lands. Here we take a look at their use of ideologies.
Note: Highlight B19 on the spiritual war has a shorter version of this theme, while B21 places ideologies in the bigger context of Glafia's global mind control program.
The disenchantment of the world
Once upon an ancient time, our egalitarian ancestors lived in a spiritual, shamanistic world – of wonder, mystery, magic, sacredness – where the supernatural and spiritual were understood to be real (A1.2). Later, but still thousands of years ago, hierarchic civilizations rose and these “primitive pagan myths” were quickly erased by official religions, designed to please and support the new rulers. Their churches or temples were often built on pagan holy places, to lure in the people. Priests would mediate the reality of the common people, often in such a way that they were easier to control by the new worldly powers.
In yet another turn of history, around the 17th century the so-called Enlightenment arrived in the West, seemingly under its own propulsion. Well, there was in fact more than a little help from the Usual Suspects, first in Venice, than in Holland and England, and later almost everywhere (see How the Dead Souls of Venice Corrupted Science, by W. Tarpley).
The Glafia steered Enlightenment ended the dominant role of the Christian religion and ethic in the West, allowing the modern worldview to take over, whereby the supernatural, the spiritual and the religious realms are considered mere fantasy, ancient superstitions, hallucinations, or fiction. As Yuval Harari says: "The idea of a soul, free will - these are over". In 1917, Max Weber formulated it this way:
“The fate of our times is characterized by the rationalization and intellectualization and, above all, by the disenchantment of the world”,
The modern disenchanted version of science, here called "scientism" or the "Endarkenment", is materialistic (atheistic, anti-spiritual) and reductionist. It reduces the cosmos and all living creatures to mere matter: mechanical machines driven by random interactions between particles, atoms, or molecules (A1.1). By promoting atheism, and later nihilism and relativism, there is no mystery, no purpose, no meaning, and no moral framework left anymore: both in the cosmos and in human life (see also B41 Thoughts on the essence of life). In Karl Marx's understanding, religion was "opium for the people," probably for making them uninterested in, and unsuitable for his proposed communist (materialist and atheist) world revolution.
Since the start of their global project, our Global Masters have known very well that all humans are born with “the need to believe” (a term by Carl Sagan, see quote above). And also, that in a disenchanted and non-religious world, a void is formed in each person, which is also called the "God-shaped hole". It was soon discovered that this void can easily be filled with ideologies: i.e. ideas that characterize a particular political, economic, or cultural system. For example: capitalism, communism, socialism, and presently Critical Race Theory, climatism and wokeism, can be considered ideologies.
What’s more, since about 500 years ago Glafia has made unrelenting efforts to create such voids, initially by dividing, perverting, or eliminating religions, especially Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. This is all about covert manipulation, social engineering, and psychological operations, and even about (black) magic (see Culianu, in B19 on the spiritual war), and of course also about divide and rule.
The book Fire in the Minds of Men: Origins of the Revolutionary Faith, suggests that the violent revolutions in France and Russia grew out of a faith in spontaneous secular ideologies, as surrogates for religious belief. That most of these ideologies were not spontaneous but created by our Global Mafia is defended in the section on ideologies, in Part B of this book. Such ideologies still have a rationale, but the thriving ones always feature strong pseudo-religious elements and often include occult symbolism. "Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws", as Confucius said.
A recent example is Barack Obama's 2008 campaign, in which he himself became the symbol. Tens of millions of people in the USA around the world got inspired by a totally unexperienced politician who could boast as principal assets: a big smile, charisma, and a brown skin, and who proclaimed only one vague message: HOPE.
Apparently, none of them could see him for what he really was: the umpteenth treasonous captain on the bridge of the "most warlike state in history" (former US President Jimmy Carter), based "on the principle of genocide" (Noam Chomsky), while waving the flag of HOPIUM, as the filler of the god-shaped hole in each of his tens of millions of ignorant supporters.
Some Glafia-created or supported ideologies
The Portuguese poet Fernando Pessoa bluntly declared “All is Religion”. He was cited in Guido Preparata’s book Conjuring Hitler: how Britain and America made the Third Reich. Preparata concluded that semi-religious elements were essential in the success and fervor of Nazism (B14). Both Hitler’s and Mao’s "Jugends" and other groups were instilled with ideologies possessing such a “religious” fervor. And in present times, a Swedish Joan of Arc put the Climate "Jugend" under a similar spell. Journalist Cory Morningstar has sharply filleted Greta's set up by Glafia actors, in The Manufacturing of Greta Thunberg, and the same goes for Extinction Rebellion. Meanwhile, at the age of 20, Greta has amassed an $18 million fortune. See also this page with many links to articles dissecting the climate hoax.
For practical purposes, if your discussion partner doesn’t want to hear your arguments, let alone weigh or discuss them, you’re probably wasting your time with a believer. A few of my atheist brothers and old friends (some of 50 years duration) have thrown me out of the window (see the dedication of this book), just because I don't believe in the theory of human caused global warming. They refuse to consider my arguments based on "wooden evidence", exposed under B27, in about a thousand words. That's because human-made global warming is their new "religion", wherein you are saved by riding a bicycle or electric car.
Most people see capitalism as the ideology of the Western elites, or in fact, of all Western societies. That's not true, capitalism is just a totally opportunistic and temporary "facade", or brand, or even fig leaf, see B11 titled Capitalism: it’s NOT the economy, stupid!
Communism (B12) and Socialism (B13) are often seen as spontaneous "grassroots" ideologies opposed to capitalism. Yet, a key factor to our understanding of history is that since the 19th century, all important ideologies have either been hijacked and co-opted, or created by Glafia. As Oswald Spengler wrote: “Every Socialist outbreak only blazes new paths for Capitalism.” The term astroturfing, derived from Astroturf, a brand of artificial lawn, is increasingly used to expose such fake grassroots movements.
Understandably, for many people this is difficult to grasp. For now, just consider the fact that the main “enemies of capitalism”, communism and socialism, were both openly set on a big role for governments in organizing society, and on world government, which are exactly Glafia’s main, but hidden, goals. All three are globalist! Just as the newer versions, wokeism and climatism, are too.
Likewise, Glafia (more precisely, the Rothschilds) jumped on the Zionist bandwagon (B15) as the then best available vehicle to create their Forward Operation Base in the Middle East: WAR state Israel. Against the advice of all sensible people, in May 1948 the Zionists got their colonial settler state established, after a heavily subsidized struggle of only 50 years: full of deceit, intrigue, bribery and murder, while violating all principles of the upcoming UN Declaration of Human Rights in December 1948 (see Against Our Better Judgement, in Suggested reading). That incredible feat was only possible due to the hidden and heavy support of Glafia, and it has certainly worked out well for them. Yet ever since, the unfortunate Palestinian and Jewish people living in the new state haven’t seen a day of peace.
In the same opportunistic vein, upcoming Nazism led by Hitler (B14) was seen as the best solution for Glafia’s project to control Eurasia, destroy Germany and to severely damage the Soviet Union. Glafia's US and UK proxies made critical contributions to its ideology (racism, eugenics, geopolitics, and occult aspects), carefully selected and groomed Hitler, and diligently guided the whole process, all under lavish financing by The City, incl. the Bank of England and Wallstreet. More enthusiast collaboration came from the Soviet Union (see Treaty of Rapallo) and many large US corporations, many of whom operating in Germany.
Cultural Marxism (B18) is also on the Glafia menu of ideologies, a version of communism expertly adapted to the West. Basically, Marx's original idea of a struggle between the property-owning class and the common working people has been substituted for a struggle between white and colored people, or men and women, or straight and queer persons. The totally absurd Critical Race Theory claims that the amount of pigment in your skin defines whether you are a racist oppressor (white) or a peace-loving victim incapable of racism (any other color).
One of the obvious reasons for it is to scapegoat the common (white) people of the West, which has fulfilled its Glafia ordained tasks and is now being demolished and ditched. Breaking the resistance of the Western people to the coming Global Digital Prison is another ground for the introduction of wokeism, climatism and transhumanism, all based on Glafia-corrupted science.
Lastly, according to Kevin Barrett, all modern ideologies have something in common, which chimes in nicely with the message of destruction of all traditional values and the old order by Nahum Goldmann, in 1915 (B18):
“This unquenchable thirst for destruction—call it nihilism if you will—is the engine of all post-religious political ideologies, be they of the left or right. Socialism, anarchism, communism, fascism, Nazism, woke-ism: all share a barely concealed urge to blow up the inherited social order, ostensibly to rebuild it as some sort of nebulous paradise on earth. But all those rebuilding plans are just window-dressing. It’s the destruction, only the destruction, that counts.”
The end of all ideologies?
Glafia's spreading of ideologies and related experiments (e.g., MK Ultra, a CIA operation) contributed greatly to its knowledge of psychological operations, social engineering, terrorism, and totalitarian systems (B36, Menticide in Totalitaria). This expertise is now used in their innovative 21st century End Game, which started with 9/11 (A7.1), the War on Terror (now out of the picture), the War on Climate Change, Agenda 2030, the War on Covid (literally executed under military command in several G7 countries), The Great Reset, and the "brave" fight of the Good West "for freedom and democracy" in the Ukraine.
During these recent Glafia protection rackets (B24), our liberties were quickly reduced, to break our resistance to the coming final blow - which will only arrive if we don't wake up and prevent it. The Glafia core and proxies are of course exempt from these measures and continue partying, as we have already observed under the Covid regime.
Since long ago, in some cases since centuries, governments, corporations and relevant institutions on earth are - wittingly or unwittingly - collaborating with the largest organized crime syndicate ever, Glafia. Covid has just shown that there are virtually no exceptions to this rule. Thanks to this incredible achievement, Glafia's present End Game can be concentrated on the implementation of a system for the individual control of all human beings, this time by technology (A7.4).
Glafia’s technocratic hope is that control by ideology will gradually disappear, by implementing Digistopia's new and simpler, and extremely effective totalitarian system, that is supposed to drastically detect and eliminate all dissent, and thus the need for any ideology.
But that will only happen if we allow them to do so.... please spread this call for awareness!
The hope for the twentieth century rests on recognition that war and depression are man-made, and needless.
Carroll Quigley (1910-1977), in Tragedy and Hope
Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I'm proud of it.
David Rockefeller (1915-2017), international banker, Glafia leader, in his Memoirs
The constitution that replaced feudalism was democratic; the form of rule is plutocratic. Today democracy is the facade of plutocracy... In republican as well as in monarchical democracies, statesmen are puppets, the capitalists [are] masterminds: they dictate the guidelines of politics, they dominate the electorate by buying up public opinion, and the ministers through business and social relations.
R. N. Coudenhove Kalergi (1894–1972), Austrian politician, founder of PanEuropa
In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1882-1945), 32nd President of the United States
The real violence exerted by propaganda is this: by means of apparent truth and apparent reason, it induces us to surrender our freedom and self-possession. It predetermines us to certain conclusions and does so in such a way that we imagine that we are fully free in reaching them by our own judgment and our own thought. Propaganda makes up our mind for us, but in such a way that it leaves us the sense of pride and satisfaction of men who have made up their own minds.
Thomas Merton (1915-'68), influential American Trappist Monk, killed by Glafia
Silence in the face of evil, is itself evil. God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer, German Lutheran minister, ultimately put to death by the Nazis
Why the hope for the 20th century was lost
At the start of the 20th century, the outlook for a peaceful and wealthy century seemed brighter than ever. Futurists imagined that the new century would lead to a leisure economy where machines would do most of the work. In the West, technical and scientific advancements were leading to modernization in many fields: the industrial revolution and capitalism had brought electricity to buildings, streetlights and trams, while telephony and telegraphy were rapidly expanding. A revolution in transport was going on worldwide, with the installation of tens of thousands of kilometers of railroads for steam-powered trains. Steam-driven ships and self-propelled vehicles with electric or combustion engines were becoming commonplace, and even the first airplanes appeared.
After Glafia's infiltration and capital injections (A5.2), the US had become the trailblazer of these modernizations and economic development, the latter not through free trade, but via protectionism and external Glafia financing.
It is worth noting that in the 1870's, the American hegemonic cycle was still in its accumulation phase and needed foreign loans and protection of trade, while the British had just entered the financialization phase, and needed foreign projects to invest in, and free trade - in both cases purely for opportunistic reasons.
Naturally, in the second half of the 19th century, politicians, businessmen and intellectuals in Germany, but also in Russia, China and Japan, had become inspired by the role model of the US. At the same time, democracy was progressing in the West and social improvements were on their way – or so it seemed. With hindsight, we now know that it was just a confidence game, valid for as long as the West was needed by Glafia.
The capitalist US corporations and robber barons were not particularly interested in allowing the rise of strong competitors in large, free and democratic countries, to say the least. So, they were happy to cooperate in Glafia's unscrupulous schemes to bring these countries under control - by destroying them through Glafia-staged and -financed wars and revolutions, under the same mendacious pretext as always, to "defend freedom and democracy".
Note that this completely annuls the thesis of the benevolent 19th century American System as promoted by LaRouche followers.
Therefore, toward the 20th century's end a book would be written by F. William Engdahl under the title A Century of War: Anglo-American Oil Politics and the New World Order. It starts with this phrase: “This is a story about power, power over entire nations and continents”. The century of peace was never to be: instead, with a “power over entire nations and continents”, Glafia's internationalist bankers, had decided that the promising Old Order had to be destroyed for the delivery in blood of a new order, their New World Order.
Sovereign nations or empires - with an independent national economy and well protected wealth, proud cultures, millenarian religions, and strong family and other traditions - were seen as obstacles for American hegemony, just as the American Indians earlier on. These nations and empires had to be substituted by more malleable schemes which would fit better in Glafia's global domination project. How they planned to reach that goal was explained in A5.4.
After a century of fear and destruction through wars, revolutions, financial and moral crises, unpayable debts (B20), cultural and spiritual subversion (B18, B19) and other methods of domination (B23), the Old Order would definitely disappear. With that operation finished, ALL LANDS would be under Glafia's control, be it under capitalist, or (preferably) communist governments.
When that goal was very near, probably in the 1960's, the first plans were made to "normalize" ALL PEOPLE and bring them under individual control (B24) via technology, as confirmed by Zbigniew Brzezinski in his 1970 book Between Two Ages: America's Role in the Technetronic Era.
"Last minute" preparations for WW1
The First World War, coldly prepared by Glafia's Anglo-American-Zionist proxies, marked the start of the bloody slaughtering campaign to gain control over all of Eurasia. But before anything else, a crucial fact must be mentioned: none of the countries participating in WW1 could have gone to war without copious financing by their great friends, the internationalist bankers. For a simple reason – most were nearly broke. And never before was a war going to be so immensely costly.
It seems far from a coincidence that the war “broke out” shortly after the establishment in 1913 of the private US Federal Reserve Bank (FED). J.P. Morgan's and Kuhn & Loeb's banking houses - both Rothschild front organizations - together with the Rockefellers and other Robber Barons, were the motors behind the treasonous Federal Reserve Act. Officially, the FED was founded as a central bank of last resort for other private banks, to prevent bank crashes. But in reality, it was and still is a key tool for economic and political manipulation on a global scale by Glafia's internationalist bankers, as has been shown in numerous publications (on the banking system, see B20 and A7.2). Congressman Louis T. McFadden (1876-1936), understood that well, and said in a speech on June 10, 1932:
"When the Federal Reserve Act [1913] was passed, the people of the United States did not perceive that a world system was being set up here… and that this country was to supply financial power to an international superstate ... controlled by international bankers and industrialists acting together to enslave the world for their own pleasure."
Woodrow Wilson was an important Glafia chess piece brought into position in 1913, as President of the USA. Wilson's meteoric career was no coincidence. The same goes for the careers of Bernard Baruch, Herbert Hoover, the Harrimans and the Dulles brothers, Dwight Eisenhower, Henry Kissinger, the Bushes, the Clintons, Soros, to name just a few. A leading American Zionist, Rabbi Stephen Wise, told a New Jersey audience in 1910:
"On Tuesday Mr. Woodrow Wilson will be elected governor of your State; he will not complete his term of office as governor; in November 1912 he will be elected President of the United States; [in 1916] he will be inaugurated for the second time as president".
This was no clairvoyance, as further research showed that Rabbi Wise had it from "Colonel" House! House, and banker Bernard Baruch, both Glafia pawns, had financed and organized Wilson's improbable career - from university professor to president of the world's mightiest country in just two years. House controlled Wilson on a daily basis, including by blackmail. Some of Wilson's quotes seem to be his making a dig at the powerful men that duped and blackmailed him into this position of power, which would cost him his health and life:
“Some of the biggest men in the United States are afraid of something. They know there is a power somewhere, so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.”
An overview of the World Wars
Richard K. Moore described WW1 clearly and succinctly in his article A brief history of the New World Order:
“The First World War was the epochal event that began an identifiable program toward a new world order, a single global hierarchy under the control of elite financiers… Britain was no longer the obvious choice, as the base for a global power grab. So the decision was made to shift hegemony from London to Washington… WWI was the making of America, as a world power… While Europeans and Brits were being slaughtered in their millions, Americans were experiencing boom times, leading into its golden age of the roaring 1920's … allies were encumbered by astronomical debt to the American Treasury and to the banking elite …
We could say that America won WWI, and all of Europe lost — and lost big. The Europeans were bound to pay America huge sums for the privilege of having devastated one another… Britain had won the battle for Europe, for a while; America had won the battle for strongest nation, for a longer while — but it was the banking elite who won the war — for discretionary power over the future course of world affairs”.
Important WW1 conspiracy facts reported by Docherty & MacGregor (in Hidden History of the First World War) include:
- Should the Sarajevo trigger fail, then a backup scenario was ready: the sudden find of German weapons, which the British members of the "Secret Elite" had previously smuggled to Ireland.
- The Rothschild and Rockefeller controlled oil companies could have shut off Germany and its war machine at once, but that never happened. The same applied for other essential resources.
- In 1915, when a food shortage would have forced Germany to stop fighting, the bankers quickly guaranteed them a massive food supply through the sham naval blockade and the fake Belgium Relief Commission, the latter led by their agent and “philanthropist” Herbert Hoover – later to become US president. And so the slaughter could go on, with four million people dying each year.
- The Zionist project also prolonged the war considerably, see Prolonging the Agony, by Docherty and MacGregor.
- After the war, thousands of agents were used in a massive cover-up operation, again directed by Herbert Hoover who filled his new Institution at Stanford University, USA, with shiploads of documents from all corners of Europe. No claims have ever been made to prove Germany's guilt, based on these papers, as there were none.
Through WW1, the Bolshevik Revolution, and the Balfour letter supporting a "Jewish homeland in Palestine" (the latter two in the same week of November 1917), Glafia's bankers greatly increased their control of the USA, Europe, the Middle East, Russia and China. Deliberate debt bondage and moral crises through the death and mutilation of millions of mostly young people were also important methods of domination. Many observers of the Versailles "Peace" Conference, held after WW1, were convinced that the war hadn't ended. French general Ferdinand Foch, the Supreme Allied Commander during the First World War, noted:
"This is not a peace. It is an armistice for 20 years."
Below are some excerpts on the Second World War, from Richard Moore's article:
“WWI had been such a successful project that planning began immediately for a grander sequel, another giant step toward a new world order. In the early 1920´s, still in the days of the Weimar Republic, a team of Krupp engineers were secretly tasked with a project: come up with designs for a line of military equipment suitable for a war twenty years from now. Thus were conceived the advanced weapons that served the Reich so well when the time came. Even though Germany was destitute, and treaty-bound not to rearm, someone knew, and told Krupp, that all this would change - and within the designated timeframe…
Hitler was a project of the Anglo-American bankers. His charismatic brilliance was noticed early [1922, B14] … and immense profits were made by investing in the German rearmament process [often carried out by US corporations, but Stalin also provided important support]. The WWII project achieved all of its objectives admirably.
While having fought only marginally and suffered negligible casualties - in comparison with the other major combatants - the US emerged with an intact infrastructure, 40% of the world's wealth and industrial capacity, control of the seven seas, a monopoly on atomic weapons, strategic footholds in the Middle East oil sheikdoms, and general popular acclaim as the heroic champion of democracy. Quite naturally, the world's eyes turned to Washington for leadership in shaping the postwar world.
And America was ready with a blueprint. The bankers had selected a committee, from their Council on Foreign Relations, and sent it over to the White House to design the postwar architecture. America was now secured as a hegemonic base of operations, more viable for that role than Britain had been, and it was time to move forward with the next phase [or hegemonic cycle] of the new-world-order project. Thus were launched, promptly after the war ended, the Bretton Woods globalist institutions - the UN, IMF, and World Bank - the early foundation stones for an eventual one-world government.”
The "Hitler project" and the role of the international bankers in it has been convincingly revealed in several very well documented publications, e.g., Conjuring Hitler: How Britain and America made the Third Reich by Guido Preparata, Wallstreet and the Rise of Hitler by Antony Sutton, and in articles by Nicolai Starikov. See also B14 on Glafia's umpteenth protection racket, Nazism.
One goal of the World Wars was to demoralize the masses, by ravaging their countries, as to make:
- World government and regional blocks like the European Union acceptable to the common people. They were set on the false argument that nationalism (B17) had been the cause of all the misery, and that only globalism could save them. In this sense, the World Wars were typical Glafia protection rackets (B24).
- These wars were also staged to establish the Zionist State of Israel (see B15 on Zionism).
- Another important purpose was to destroy Germany (A6.3),
- This in turn would favor the expansion of Glafia's favorite, Communism (B12), in Russia, Central Europe and Asia.
Hitler well understood the latter point, and when the German Communists refused to make a joint front against Nazism with the Socialists, he must have wondered if he had fallen into a trap. For the Fascist Glafia, the Soviet Union was an even more attractive control model than the fake democratic West. That's why they orchestrated that many central European nations, including split-off East Germany, were given away to Stalin at the Yalta Conference (on the Crimea Island, 1944); and also that China, North Korea and Vietnam came in Communist hands (B3, A6.4), via operations coordinated by the treasonous Glafia pawn General George Marshall, the name giver to the Marshall Plan. Again, Senator Joseph McCarthy was right: General Marshall deliberately advanced communism in Asia.
Ike's dirty war role
The American Glafia pawn General Dwight (Ike) Eisenhower was charged with the European military operation. He had been spotted and mentored by the very influential, but little known, Jewish-American banker Bernard Baruch. Baruch, an "early version of Henry Kissinger”, advised numerous US presidents. He also had a key role in the US war effort during WW1, in which he personally gained $200 million. That same war made over 20,000 Americans millionaires, who couldn't wait for the “outbreak” of the next war: Glafia's Big Carrot trick again. Baruch catapulted Eisenhower over a long queue of much more capable people in the career waiting line, to land him as Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces in Europe.
Toward the end of the war, Eisenhower purposely slowed his armies down to allow the Soviet Army to occupy Eastern Europe and a part of Germany and Berlin. The sabotage of the Battle of Arnhem in September 1944 (Operation Market Garden) was part of it (with a traitorous role for Prince Bernhard and the spy "King Kong", both of The Netherlands). That gave the German corporations, all co-owned by Glafia, the nine months of time they had asked for to evacuate (this period had been determined in a meeting in Switzerland between the big German corporations and Hitler's principal aid Martin Bormann, also a Glafia pawn).
Thus, the liberation of Europe was purposely delayed until May 1945, which had of course many detrimental effects. One was that the Dutch (and many others) had to go through the "Hunger Winter" of 1944. My mom, then a beauty in her early twenties, was sent out in the freezing cold on a bicycle with wooden tires, to buy food from far away farmers. Toward the end of that winter, for many Dutchmen bad tasting tulip bulbs was the only food left.
Ike also played a dirty post war role: he was responsible for the horrible death of over one million German Prisoners of War, see The Tragedy of Germany (A6.3).
Like traitor Herbert Hoover, Ike was also (s)elected President of the USA (in 1952). Both made an excellent fit for "a country based on genocide" (N. Chomsky). Despite his high treason and his being responsible for the unnecessary destruction of millions of lives, he managed to go down in history as a highly ethical and patriotic statesman. That was through his 1961 Farewell Address to the Nation, a publicity trick in which he warned against the growing influence of the corrupt Military Industrial Complex, in which he himself had played such a key dirty role.
Decades later, Arch-Fascist Madeleine Albright played a similar trick: she wrote a book titled Fascism: A Warning.
In her mother tongue, that's called Chutzpah.
For a brief overview of Russia's history, see B4. The biggest event in Russian history was the Communist or Bolshevist Revolution. We all know its official narrative: a grassroots movement of discontent Russian citizens directed by idealistic leaders Vladimir Lenin and Leon Trotsky removed an obsolete, suppressive, and backward regime. A Marxist government was then installed, a “dictatorship by the proletariat”, as the great antagonist to Western capitalism. Like in the French Revolution, this quickly became a horrible carnage ending in a Civil War, with about 7 million deaths in the first three years. And that was only the prelude to the tens of millions of deaths through violence, torture, gulags, and famine, in the decades that followed.
However, for at least 50 years convincing evidence has been available that Glafia's internationalist bankers were the main organizers of this devastating, “anti-capitalist” episode, the "Curse of Russia". And that “revolutionary leaders" Lenin and Trotsky, behind their idealistic veil, were lavishly financed mercenaries of these bankers, who after their great victory amassed millions of dollars in foreign bank accounts.
It was the extremely well evidenced researcher Antony C. Sutton who followed the money and business trails to Bolshevism in his book Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution (1974). In Prolonging the Agony, Docherty and MacGregor further documented that the bankers staged the Revolution (see The Rape of Russia). It's only due to consequent and systematic suppression by the mainstream media and the neglect by the “official” historians that this knowledge never became public.
The crushing of the Tsarist Russian Empire by Glafia's bankers – cunningly cloaked as an anti-capitalist revolution - to replace it with a banker-friendly regime, had a long preparatory period, as indicated in the previous chapter. As Nicolai Starikov explains:
“As in all other empires, Russia had many problems due to its history, geography, and ethnic composition. British intelligence jabbed all of these pressure points. Do not think that Russia collapsed overnight. Subversive activities accumulated against it over the course of months or even years. The work was long [about 100 years], methodical and slow in nature. It began just after the defeat of Napoleon Bonaparte, when Russia became the strongest power on the European continent and ended with the February and October revolutions and the Russian Civil War”.
Banker Jacob Schiff of the Kuhn, Loeb & Co bank: a rich man, US Jewish community leader and "philanthropist" (like Rockefeller), oversaw a good part of the preparations for the revolution. Docherty & MacGregor mention him as a collaborator of the Secret Elite (Glafia proxies), and a friend of the Rothschilds; he was born in their house in Frankfurt, but became a citizen of the US in 1870. Already in 1890, Schiff organized and financed training for Jewish "revolutionaries" from Russia. It was B'nai B'rith, the Jewish Masonic organization where Schiff played an important role, that prepared the instructions for those training courses. Schiff's public justification for his anti-Russian activities were the allegedly terrible pogroms and suppression of Jews in Russia.
Indeed, in 1881-'82 about 250 pogroms had taken place in Russia, but mainly in the context of a popular movement largely directed against Jewish properties, indicative of economic causes, such as the monopolizing of the alcohol trade and of land leasing by Jews. In these pogroms, in total about 25 Jews perished, whilst regrettable, this was a relatively small number in a country of 170 million people. Professor of Hebrew and Jewish Studies at University College London, John Doyle Klier, in his 2005 work, Russians, Jews, and the Pogroms of 1881-2, asserts that “contemporary research has dispelled the myth that Russian officials were responsible for instigating, permitting, or approving the pogroms”. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, in his suppressed work Two Hundred Years Together, Russo-Jewish History, also supports this conclusion.
In 1904, Schiff had openly financed the Japanese Empire with 200 million dollars to debilitate Tsarist Russia via the Russo-Japanese War. John Hays Hammond commented:
“Mr. Jacob H. Schiff has done more to accentuate the troubles of his [Jewish] co-religionists in Russia than any other one man, because of his boastful statement that the money of Jewish bankers had made it possible for Japan to wage a successful war against Russia.”
The logical anti-Semitic reaction in Russia then provided Schiff the justification for unlimited immigration of Russian Jews into the US, with refugee status. In this period Schiff also financed his agent George Kennan (1845-1924), an American journalist, to indoctrinate 50,000 Russian soldiers imprisoned in Japan with revolutionary anti-Tsar propaganda: they became “50,000 seeds of liberty” for Russia, about a century earlier than George Bush Jr.'s “seeds of democracy” for Iraq.
At the same time, Schiff tried to block all US credit for Russia. During the Russo-Japanese War, Schiff and Paul Warburg (brother of Max, who would stay in Germany until 1938) were also involved in financing and organizing Trotsky and his revolutionaries, for the first serious but failed attempt at a Russian revolution, in 1905. In 1913, Schiff founded the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) as a branch of the (Jewish/Masonic) B’nai B’rith society in the United States of America. ADL's perceived task was, and still is, to classify all critique of the bankers and their tentacles as anti-Semitism.
In that same year of 1913, Schiff's collaborator Paul Warburg achieved the foundation of the Federal Reserve Bank System – an essential Glafia instrument for the planned World Wars, in which the USA would become creditor. In March 1917, when Russia was significantly debilitated by WW1, Schiff successfully organized a revolutionary coupe with Alexander Kerensky (a Russian Jew). Schiff communicated afterwards that “Russian democracy has become victorious, and thanks are due to the Jews that the Russian revolution succeeded”.
Kerensky's government happened to pardon all political exiles and thus gave the green light for the return to Russia of banned "revolutionaries", including Lenin and Trotsky. Later, as one of the many bankers at the Versailles "Peace" Conference, Schiff was anxious to secure recognition of Bolshevist Russia. K.R. Bolton compares Schiff with George Soros – also a Rothschild protegee - who is financing very similar "color" revolutions. Bolton also gives a good overview of the Bolshevist revolution in the New Dawn Magazine.
As it turned out, the decisive strike - the October Revolution of 1917 - would be led by Lenin and Trotsky, but they were still in Europe and had to be brought in. The Lenin operation was coordinated by banker Max Warburg in Germany (a most influential advisor to the Kaiser and agent for Kuhn, Loeb and Co. in Germany), with Lenin and his followers traveling from Switzerland to Russia, via Germany (in the famous sealed train) and Sweden.
The German government was (co)financing Lenin with large amounts of gold marks (probably 50 million). It had most probably been persuaded by Max Warburg to make this secret – and extremely risky - deal with Lenin in exchange for taking enemy Russia out of the war - which happened - and to guarantee postwar commercial relations.
The Trotsky operation was financed and organized from New York by Max Warburg's brother Paul, in coordination with Jacob Schiff. According to his grandson, Schiff supplied $20 million in gold to Trotsky, while more money would be transferred via Nyebank in Sweden and other routes. Trotsky sailed from New York to Europe with a few hundred Jewish mercenaries (trained at Rockefeller premises in New York) to complete the "revolution" in Russia.
Trotsky's American passport was obtained through pressure the bankers applied via "Colonel" House on the Wilson administration. American support for the revolution and the consequent loss of ally Russia certainly was of significant detriment to the Allied war position and can be considered as an act of treason which cost many Allied lives. For some details on the Warburg family, see the last part of A2.3.
When the revolution was accomplished, "Colonel" Edward Mandell House, the bankers' agent who acted as presidential advisor and handler, instructed President Wilson:
"...that literally nothing be done further than that an expression of sympathy be offered for Russia's efforts to weld herself into a virile democracy and to proffer our financial, industrial and moral support in every way possible".
President Wilson's War Message in 1917 obediently included a tribute to the Communists in Russia:
"Assurance has been added to our hope for the future peace of the world by the wonderful and heartening things that have been happening in the last few weeks in Russia. Here is a fit partner for a League of Honor".
Notes on the Jewish role in the Bolshevist Revolution
Caveat (see also Disclaimers): the thesis of this book is that all governments of the world, and all significant corporations, media and institutions have been captured by Glafia, and many for some considerable time (see also B9, Who's who in Glafia). That includes the state of Israel and many Zionist Jews (B15), whom Glafia often places in highly visible posts because of their "natural immunity", via the "anti-Semitism trick" ("We do it all the time", Israeli minister S. Aloni, B16).
The revolution led by Lenin and Trotsky took place in the same week of 1917 as the delivery of the Balfour letter declaring British support for a "Jewish homeland in Palestine" (shortly thereafter, Jewish/Russian leader Kerensky retired as a millionaire in New York). This coincidence may well have been planned, as both the Zionists and the great majority of Communists had their roots in the same milieu, and were under the same leadership of Glafia's Jewish bankers. According to Zionist leader Chaim Weizmann, later the first President of Israel, they were like twin movements, and his mother would say:
“Whatever happens I shall be well off. If Shemuel [the Communist son] is right, we shall all be happy in Russia; and if Chaim [the Zionist] is right, then I shall go to live in Palestine”.
In February 1920, Winston Churchill wrote an article for the British Illustrated Daily Herald on these political twins, entitled "Zionism versus Bolshevism":
” … the schemes of the International Jews ... This movement among the Jews is not new. From the days of Spartacus-Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, and down to Trotsky [Russia], Bela Kun [Hungary], Rosa Luxembourg [Germany], and Emma Goldman [United States], this world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization ... has been steadily growing ... It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the Nineteenth Century; and now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads and have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire”.
Theodor Herzl, and after him Chaim Weizmann - who during the first half of the 20th century exercised “irresistible pressure” on many countries as a brave civil fighter for Zionism - had often threatened opponents with “a destructive power which will overthrow the world”. And indeed, this Jewish destructive power was unleashed in Russia, exactly in the week of the Balfour Declaration. Long ago, the bankers had hijacked Marx and Marxism, and for this revolutionary occasion they had contracted a large group of Russian Jews, partly Russian residents and partly immigrants in Europe and the US.
The mostly Jewish Bolshevists considered the mostly Christian Russian bourgeoisie or intelligentsia (the middle class, in today´s terms) as the greatest threat to their dictatorship, and slaughtered them by the millions, to leave an easier to control “proletariat” of peasants and laborers. But even they weren't spared, and numerous peasant uprisings and labor strikes were brutally suppressed, and many of them were executed as “counter-revolutionaries”.
As confirmed by Nobel Laureate Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (in his suppressed book Two Hundred Years Together), and by Rabbi Yosef Tzvi ben Porat (an 8 minute must see YouTube video) and others, the fact that the victims were almost all Christians and the perpetrators almost all “internationalist” Jews has been carefully brushed out of history. In Men Who Are Making America, B.C. Forbes quoted Schiff as stating: "The Russian revolution is possibly the most important event in Jewish history since the race was brought out of [Babylonian] slavery".
That certain Jews could be duped to carry out such a destructive and bloody operation is probably due to their interpretation of the Talmud and Torah, wherein “God's chosen people” have the right to exploit non-Jews, or even to destruct them (B8). “The entire creation [of non-Jews] exists only for the sake of the Jews” is just one of many supremacist phrases in the teachings of Rabbi Schneerson, the late leader of Chabad Lubavitch (presently the largest Jewish organization in the world), who was officially honored by the US government. In the last decades, most leading US neocons and war mongers such as Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, and Douglas Feith came from Chabad.
In contrast, Rich Forer (author of the book Breakthrough: Transforming Fear into Compassion - A New Perspective on the Israel-Palestine Conflict) found in Jewish teachings that Jews are chosen to bring blessing to the world, to make the world a “dwelling place for the Divine”, dirah betachtonim in Hebrew. Few Palestinians will agree, and neither Moshe Menuhin (father of renowned violinist Yehudi Menuhin), who observed that through Zionism, the Jewish culture and religion had degenerated into a “cult of the land” (in his book The Zionist Betrayal of Judaism).
Such totally opposing interpretations within Judaism led British journalist Douglas Reed to entitle his important book on the world wars and collateral operations The Controversy of Zion (finalized in 1956). Reed saw through the official narrative and understood that the "Money Power" was behind the World Wars, Hitler, Zionism, Communism and the installation of a World Government. In the early 1930's, he started to warn against Hitler, which was a risk for Glafia's Hitler project, so he was fired by The Times, a Glafia outlet like all mainstream media. Reed criticized Zionism, not the Jews as such, yet he was conveniently labeled and sidelined as an "anti-Semite".
The buildup of the Soviet Union
Between 1968 and 1973, researcher Antony C. Sutton revealed in several books, with copious supportive documentation, how since the Bolshevist Revolution, the USA had supported the build-up of Soviet Union: Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development in three volumes, and The Best Enemy Money can Buy.
Sutton proved the existence of a long-term partnership between (Glafia's) international monopoly capitalism and international revolutionary socialism. He also uncovered (in State Department files) the “after-sales” role of US bank Kuhn, Loeb & Co. as the financier of the First Five Year Plan for the Soviet Union, prepared by the Detroit-based firm Albert Kahn Inc. In Czarism and the Revolution, General Arsène de Goulévitch states that between 1918 and 1922, the Bolsheviks transferred 600 million rubles in gold to Kuhn, Loeb & Co in the US.
Sutton saw communism (B12) as the greatest hoax of the 20th century, a fabrication by the bankers. Bankers who even financed Marx, as shown in the corresponding chapter of his book The Federal Reserve Conspiracy. As planned, major Western corporations invested in the creation of this new totalitarian state with its enormous resources, to bring about a large captive economy which could be exploited without competition - a wet dream for "free trade capitalists".
Subsequently, they kept this great potential Soviet competitor down ("in the communist fridge") to enable the meteoric rise of the US in the 20th century. Sutton's conclusions were undeniable, but totally ignored by academia, politicians, and the press. Not once were his data or arguments challenged. Yet in his own words, "he was squashed, threatened, harassed, and discarded — for whose benefit”?
With the Soviet Union, the bankers also created an important power to assist in the planned future destruction of Germany, and the perfect pretext and fear mongering tool for the yet to come Glafia projects such as the Cold War and the Union of European states (more in B4 and B6). Certainly, the bankers also used Soviet Communism as a large-scale social experiment for a 1984 or Brave New World style totalitarian regime (both books were co-inspired by the events in Russia).
According to Soviet Union dissident Vladimir Bukovsky in 2006, the heritage of the Soviet experiment can be found everywhere in the organization and structure of the European Union. It becomes easier to see that he was right with every passing day.
At some point a merger between the US and the Soviet Union (A6.6) was considered, as Norman Dodd found out during his time as director of the Congressional Special Committee to investigate tax-exempt foundations - also referred to as the Reece Committee. He interviewed the director of the Ford Foundation, Alan Gaither, who told Dodd in 1954:
"… all of us who have a hand in the making of policies here, have had experience operating under directives, the substance of which is, that we use our grant-making power so as to alter life in the United States that it can be comfortably merged with the Soviet Union".
The (supposed, see A6.6) failure of the merger plan, the birth of the Global Digital Prison plan (Brzezinski's 1970 book Between Two Ages), and Glafia's decision to go East, made the Soviet experiment obsolete, and Glafia pawn Gorbatsjov finished it off in 1991. Soon thereafter, Glafia's CIA top agent in Cuba, Fidel Castro said: “The next war in Europe will be between Russia and Fascism, except that Fascism will be called Democracy.”
Again, no prophesy, just insider information, on the newest Glafia-staged war, in the Ukraine. Fidel probably also knew that Russia was going to be built up (under Glafia pawn Putin, see also Iurie Rosca, The fall from liberalism to global technocracy), and that the announced war was the price Russia would have to pay.
By the way, Putin was selected and prepared in the early 1990s (when he still worked temporarily as a taxi driver in Moscow) by Henry Kissinger and a second man from the US, probably Herman Kahn - but the link to that information online has been removed, as so often happens now. An important purpose was to make Russia a worthy partner for China, Glafia's designated hegemon for their multipolar world order plan (in Prospect for America, courtesy of Henry Kissinger), as defined by the Rockefellers in 1961 (B33).
Does Glafia ever fail?
By now you might wonder how the bankers could plan such so many such complicated operations, with so many risks involved, and succeed? Apart from a centuries-long experience, a well-designed master plan, lavish financing and personal assistance on the spot (e.g., US Morgan banker William Boyce Thompson's “Red Cross” mission to Russia during the Bolshevist Revolution; and mastermind and midwife of the Ukrainian revolution Victoria Nuland "passing out cookies" to anti-government demonstrators at the Maidan square in Kiev, 2014), they have shown time and again an enormous flexibility and capacity for improvisation. Pawns are easily moved to new positions, taken out or added to a game.
Their original plan for Russia was most probably to have Trotsky lead it into permanent wars, officially for the sake of a “socialist” world revolution, but in reality to weaken Russia further. Soviet Russia indeed attacked the West in 1919 but was stopped by Poland. However, Lenin, and after his unexpected death Stalin, decided to go for nation building, and apparently couldn't be controlled sufficiently. Starikov describes how, each time as bankers' pawn Trotsky lost terrain in Russia (from where he was finally banned in 1929 by Stalin), pawn Hitler was advanced in Germany, from where he would someday have to attack the Soviet Union on behalf of the bankers.
In any case, Stalin cooperated in many ways with Glafia (Guido Preparata), including in the build-up of Nazi Germany, since the 1922 Rapallo Treaty between Germany and the Soviet Union. The last Russian cargo train with products and raw material for Germany's war machine passed the border on the day before Hitler's Operation Barbarossa. Probably on Stalin's instructions, the German communist party didn't make a front with the socialists to stop Hitler. Similar suspicious events involving Communist parties in other European countries occurred after WW2 (G. Preparata). Today, Glafia's bankers still rule Russia, like they rule the rest of the world, see B4 on Russia's history and B28 on the staged war in the Ukraine.
Please remember that from the 1870's, Glafia's bankers had built up Germany (A5.5) in such a way that Glafia could use it as their bogeyman in their great 20th century protection rackets (B24), which are usually called the World Wars.
The First World War could happen because the German Kaiser was deceived. He took the bait and fell into Glafia's Machiavellian trap. After the war, Germany had to take all the blame and was severely humiliated. Yet not one Allied shot was fired on German territory, but many young Germans died on foreign battle fields. Of the 40 million civil and military casualties in WW1, about 4 million were in the Central Powers, of which about half were Germans. After the war, many German children died from famine due to the unnecessary and criminal continuation of the Allied blockade of Germany's ports.
The Second World War could happen because the whole world was deceived. Hitler wasn't the madman the Western press described him: he was duped to be Glafia's bogeyman in another global protection racket (B24), their WW2 project (see B14 on Nazism). The instigators of this horrible project were Glafia's US, British and their Communist/Zionist proxies. The USA and Britain came out of WW2, which they themselves had staged, as the greatest liberators ever and world champions of freedom and democracy. The Zionists came out of this racket as the greatest victims ever (see B15 on Zionism, "a convenient peg on which to hang a powerful weapon").
Revolutions in Germany
The need for a second world war was easily identified after the first: not one Allied shot was fired on German territory. The following quote from Winston Churchill is a clear indication that this was not the way it had been planned:
"But all that happened in the four years of the Great War was only a prelude to what was preparing for the fifth year. The campaign of the year 1919 would have witnessed an immense accession to the power of destruction... Thousands of airplanes would have shattered their cities. Scores of thousands of cannons would have blasted their front. Arrangements were being made to carry simultaneously a quarter of a million men, together with all their requirements, continuously forward across country in mechanical vehicles.... Poison gas of incredible malignity, against which only a secret mask (which the Germans could not obtain in time) was proof, would have stifled all resistance and paralyzed all life on the hostile front”.
After four - and not five - years of war, in November 1918 a Communist-Socialist revolution “broke out” in Germany, and the Germans were forced to surrender in WW1. According to Nicolai Starikov:
“So why did the revolution take place? Because it was set in motion. The same forces that brought down the Russian Empire in February and October [1917] were now ready to bury their second geopolitical rival – the empire of Kaiser Wilhelm. And bury they did! The artificial collapse of Germany created fertile ground for the Nazis.”
The communist November Revolution ended the German Empire, and the Kaiser fled to Holland. In its place came the Weimar Republic. Many honest, brave and peace-loving people outside Russia had become ensnared in the bankers' communist trap, especially Jewish people. In Germany, Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht come to mind, who had fearlessly opposed the entrance of Germany in WW1 - for which Luxemburg was jailed three times. Two months after the November Revolution, they led the communist Spartacus uprising, and were allegedly shot. As so many others, they were deceived into believing that Communism would bring justice to the workers and peace to the world.
Note: Four months after the November Revolution, in March 1919, Bela Kun, a Jew, led a successful coup d'état in Hungary, forming the Hungarian Soviet Republic. It became another horrible Red Terror regime and received direct orders from the Kremlin. It collapsed after 4 months. In 1936, a very similar communist revolution "broke out" in Spain, with the same horrible Red Terror. It became the Spanish Civil War and only ended in 1939. The US ambassador to Spain called it a "dress rehearsal" for the coming World War.
Only a few years after the November Revolution Hitler declared openly: “I am telling you that when I come to power by legal means, we will create a Nazi court and will avenge the November revolution, and many heads will legally roll from shoulders”. At the Versailles “Peace” Conference in 1919, Germany had been forced to take all the blame. The large crowd of Glafia related bankers which dominated the Conference basically guaranteed debt repayment and the conditions for their next project, WW2, where the plan for Germany's massive destruction, as mentioned by Churchill, would be largely fulfilled. According to Starikov:
“After Versailles Germany was, in fact, under a quiet American occupation. Germany’s [Weimar Republic] independence at that time was as illusory as, for example, that of Iraq today. A government, flag, and national anthem all existed, but not the capability to devise independent solutions. England and the US could do as they pleased in Germany, and we can see the result: unending elections, Hitler’s early release from custody, and then his appointment as chancellor [in 1933]. Nothing that happened in Germany between 1918 and 1933 occurred at the bidding of the Germans themselves.”
Rathenau's brave, but brief role
Just after World War I, the prominent business and statesman Walther Rathenau, Foreign Minister of the Weimar Republic (established after the "Peace" Conference in Versailles), expressed a widespread sentiment of the many assimilated German Jews: “I am a German of Jewish stock. My nation is the German nation, my fatherland is the German fatherland, and my faith is the German faith, which transcends the various confessions.” In December 1918, in an open letter "to all who are not blinded by hate", he wrote that he was convinced that the war on Germany had not been ended:
“He who visits Germany twenty years hence, Germany which he had known as one of Earth's fairest lands, will feel his heart sinking in grief and shame... The German cities will not be precisely ruins; they will be half-dead blocks of stone, still partly tenanted by wretched, careworn beings... The country will be trodden under foot, the woods hewn down, the fields scarce showing their miserable crops; harbors, railways, canals, will be in ruin and decay, and everywhere will stand the mighty buildings of the past, crumbling reminders of the age of greatness...
The German spirit which has sung and thought for the world will be a thing of the past, and a people still young and strong today, and created by God for life, will exist only in a state of living death”.
Had Rathenau got access to inside information on the plans for a second world war? A few years later, in the Wiener Presse, he made another insider's statement on a secret elite (Glafia):
"Only 300 men, each of whom knows all others govern the fate of Europe. They select their successors from their own entourage. These men have the means in their hands of putting an end to the form of State which they find unreasonable".
Exactly six months after this publication, on June 24, 1922, a group of "nationalist conspirators" assassinated Rathenau. In that same year, the American intelligence service interviewed Hitler several times and decided that he was their man for their WW2 project (B14).
"Other Losses" in Germany, after WW2
During WW2, Germany and the common Germans suffered heavily. The criminal bombings on civilians were coordinated by Glafia pawns Winston Churchill and Prof. Lindemann. Both were genocidal war criminals who escaped justice: on their orders, not the plants of the war industry, co-owned by USA's robber barons and Glafia's bankers, were bombed, but the cities, where 2 to 4 million civilians died horrible deaths in fire and other bombings. But the power of Glafia's media is such, that Winston Churchill was voted “Greatest Briton of All Times". The destruction of the German people would continue long after the war, as described below.
In his 2010 German book England, die Deutschen... about the perfidious strategies of the British Empire, Peter Haisenko estimates that at least 14 million German civilians died after the War, both in Germany under the occupation by the Allied Powers, as well as in the many areas in Eastern Europe where Germans had lived since centuries. In Germany, millions of men were kept in Eisenhower's improvised concentration camps (see below) and thus unable to produce food. Yet about 6 million German refugees had arrived, which increased the demand for food.
Of the about 14 million Germans "disappeared" in Europe, 6 million civilians died in Germany, mostly through famine, orchestrated by the Allied Forces. Food stocks were deliberately destroyed, fishing boats forbidden to fish, while there was no shortage of food in the world market. In 1947, child mortality in some German regions was 65%! All mainstream historians have been completely silent on this genocide, and any investigation is "verboten".
Ike's dirty post-war role
In A6.1, we already analyzed Ike's dirty war role. Yet after the War, Ike (Glafia stooge and Supreme Commander General Eisenhower) staged another Great Slaughter, this time on German Prisoners Of War (POWs). Straight from Wikipedia:
"In Other Losses (1989), James Bacque claimed that Allied Supreme Commander Dwight Eisenhower policies caused the death of 790,000 German captives in internment camps through disease, starvation and cold from 1944 to 1949. In similar French camps some 250,000 more are said to have perished. The Red Cross was refused entry to the camps, Switzerland was deprived of its status as "protecting power" and the Prisoners of War were reclassified as "Disarmed Enemy Forces" [a trick] to circumvent recognition under the Geneva Convention on wars.
Bacque argued that this alleged mass murder was a direct result of the policies of the western Allies, who, with the Soviets, ruled as the Military Occupation Government over partitioned Germany from May 1945 until 1949. He laid the blame on Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, saying Germans were kept on starvation rations even though there was enough food in the world to avert the lethal shortage in Germany in 1945-46."
After the War, the US army under Eisenhower kept more than 5 million German POWs in open air "cages" (barbed wire fenced paddocks without buildings, in Germany), in horrible and inhumane conditions. Haisenko estimates that at least 2 million of them died and is convinced that this was a deliberate policy by the (Glafia controlled) US government, in which President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and his Jewish Secretary of Treasury Henry Morgenthau - both men greatly hated the Germans - played key roles. Any investigation into this drama is prohibited by the German government, a US vassal.
Morgenthau had developed a plan to set Germany back to the stone age by destroying all its mines and industries, which in the end didn't succeed. According to Wiki:
"An investigation by [Glafia stooge] Herbert Hoover concluded the plan was unworkable and would result in up to 25 million Germans dying from starvation. From 1947 [the start of the Cold War], US policies aimed at restoring a "stable and productive Germany", soon followed by the Marshall Plan."
However, the real reason for the reconstruction of Germany was not humanitarian, but a new Glafia-staged war which was already in preparation: the Cold War (A6.6). The US would use its vassal state Germany as a military base, conveniently close to its former ally the Soviet Union, which was made the new bogeyman. As always, the Big Carrot trick worked wonders for all US companies involved in the reconstruction of Germany's cities and the rebuilding of its industry, which since the economic disaster during the Weimar Republic, had been largely owned by US corporations and banks, who had bought it up dirt cheap, see B25.
The genocide of German refugees
The following words are adapted from Konrad Adenauer's Memoirs:
"After WW2, the over 13 million Germans living since centuries in the "eastern lands" (Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia...) were declared game animals. Nobody who violated or killed them or stole their properties would ever be tried. About 6 million of them disappeared from the face of the earth. Most of the others, mostly women, children and elderly people, managed to arrive in the Western zones of the partitioned Germany. The men were captured and sent to Soviet labor camps. The crimes committed against them were a worthy counterpart to the Nazi crimes."
Haisenko sums up the German death count after the war to 14 million, of which 6 M in Germany under Allied occupation, 6 M refugees from the eastern lands, and 2 M prisoners of war. During the war, an estimated 3 M German soldiers died, and probably 3 M civilians, for a total of 20 million German deaths. At the start of the war, the German population in Europe was about 88 million.
It's all Hitler's fault, many will say
Yes, but only if you believe the official narrative, which we have all been spoon fed day and night since our childhoods, and then seen confirmed in thousands of books and hundreds of movies. Indeed, the official historians and media still propagate this false story, until today.
Yet there is no doubt anymore that Hitler and Nazi-Germany were set up by "The Good Guys", Glafia's American, British, and Zionist proxies, to use him as the bogeyman in their Great Eurasian Slaughter project, with the goal to subdue Eurasia, in order to dominate the whole world. See also B14 (on Nazism) and B15 (on Zionism). This is why these genocidal criminals should be called the Arch-Fascists (B2) they are; and why their lies and scams should be revealed, and the Truth spread via all schools and media, until "snow becomes white again" (B39). And also, why the German people should regain their sense of self-worth.
Around the 1930's, Glafia's machinations first brought them a gruesome misery, so they could then be lured into this horrible trap. The only choices offered to the German people were Hitler and his highly successful economic revival efforts on the one side, and the Communists on the other, whose Red Terror atrocities were well known and feared in Germany. Even so, to the credit of the Germans, Hitler never received more than 33% of their votes.
For a brief history of China, see B3.
The first two Glafia-led Revolutions in China
Early 19th century China, a great and ancient empire, was still the dominant player in the world economy and technology (J. Hobson; Joseph Needham’s Science and Civilization in China). Glafia then placed it on its list of empires to be “normalized” (B24) and severely humiliated China during the 19th century. Just before WW1, in 1912, the Qing dynasty was eliminated in a revolution by Sun Yat-sen (who died in 1925, probably poisoned by a British Glafia agent). According to A. Sutton:
“The best-documented example of Wall Street intervention in revolution is the operation of a New York syndicate in the Chinese revolution of 1912, which was led by Sun Yat-sen. Although the final gains of the syndicate remain unclear, the intention and role of the New York financing group are fully documented down to amounts of money, information on affiliated Chinese secret societies, and shipping lists of armaments to be purchased.”
It will come as no surprise to our readers that shortly thereafter, Sun Yat-sen installed a central bank controlled by the internationalist bankers. Sun wanted to develop China, but as in the case of Russia, Glafia's bankers did not, at least not at that time. Under Chiang Kai-shek and his successors, the Chinese Nationalists were sabotaged by the Americans. That's why, since 1928, they had to govern mainland China from Taiwan. In 1949, the Chinese Communists took over control of the Chinese mainland, and the Nationalists were left with the small island of Taiwan.
Since 1919, Mao Zedong had been in the picture of the “Yale in China” school (a front for a US intelligence network, in collaboration with members of the Skull and Bones Society at Yale University, which had been founded in the 1830s by the US Russell family, opium dealers in China). Under the cover of another staged crisis, WW2, the Russian communist model would be copy-pasted to China: that became the second Glafia-supported Revolution in China, see China Betrayed into Communism by James Perloff.
An important reason for putting China on the communist path was to keep it backward for several decades, the same "refrigerator" trick as applied earlier on in Russia (B4). That eliminated China and Russia as competitors, so the USA, the "champion of liberty and freedom", could have the typical soaring Glafia career it did. It was also an experiment in the creation of the modern, Glafia-controlled totalitarian Chinese state - which it remains until today (for more arguments for the treasonous role that China is expected to play as Glafia’s new hegemon, see the last part of A7.5). Klaus and Justin are big fans of present-day Communist China, and they lovingly show it on YouTube.
Glafia's third Chinese Revolution
When Glafia's US hegemon started to prepare their "China hegemon" project in 1971 (a year of great change, see A6.7), that was because:
- Glafia saw Communism as the best global system for their domination project (see also the Yalta Conference during WW2, in which the Allies gave Central Europe and North Korea away to communism).
- China, with well over one billion clever and hardworking people, had by far the largest economic potential - just as it had shown before 1850.
- China was severely humiliated in the 19th century, which it will never forget, and was only going to participate in Glafia's New World Order as its leader state (as confirmed in this George Soros interview).
In that very same year 1971, the People’s Republic of China, led by the Chinese Communist Party under Mao, was recognized as “the only legitimate representative of China to the United Nations”; with support of Glafia's US hegemon, of course. The representatives of the Republic of China in Taiwan were immediately removed from the UN organization.
After he visited China in 1973 with his devoted collaborator Henry Kissinger, Glafia core member David Rockefeller was very satisfied about this - or should we call it his - experiment:
"Whatever the price of the Chinese Revolution... [this] social experiment in China under Chairman Mao's leadership is one of the most important and successful in human history".
Forty years ago, Antony Sutton prophesied about the development of China by American corporations. As it turned out, he was right - again:
“Bechtel Corporation has established a new company, Bechtel China, Inc. to handle development, engineering and construction contracts for the Chinese government... It appears that Bechtel is now to play a similar role to that of Detroit-based Albert Kahn Inc., the firm that in 1928 undertook initial studies and planning for the First Five Year Plan in the Soviet Union. By about the year 2000, Communist China will be a "superpower" built by American technology and skill...
And who is to say that the Chinese Communists will not make their peace with Moscow after 2000 and join forces to eliminate the super-super-power, the United States?"
The Pentagon’s 2017 budget was the first driven by China and Russia. Presently, another banker's effort to disturb the global balance of powers has entered its harvest time. The case of Germany's build-up was very similar, and started exactly one century earlier, in the 1870's (A5.5).
History has shown that Glafia's bankers have no loyalty to any nation, religion, race, or ethnicity, and presently they see China (assisted by Russia) as the perfect new leader for their multipolar world project (B33), and the best totalitarian model available. At the same time, they are ditching the West (see A7.5, Glafia goes East).
These moves come at a time when the rude and ruthless USA, with its constant see-through lies, has lost its credibility in most of the world (by design), while China has been doing its very best to gain (and buy) global popularity.
As we saw in A3.3, the colonization of all the world's territories was an essential element in Glafia's domination plan. The final goal was to transform all territories into "normalized", fake-sovereign, and fake-democratic nations with central governments and central banks, legal and other necessary systems, so they could be covertly controlled by Glafia, through "subordinate elites" in each nation (also called robber barons, oligarchs, or proxies).
After a first round of colonization by Portugal and Spain in the 15th and 16th century, financed by Glafia, was a tremendous success for them, a second round was started early 17th century, this time mainly by private Glafia tools: the British and Dutch East India joint stock companies, where Glafia core members and associates were the main shareholders. Many other European countries soon joined, like France which took large areas of North America (initially much more than Louisiana and Quebec).
Only in 1895, Japan - in the meantime under Glafia control - started to colonize islands in the Western Pacific and areas in mainland China. That was after the after the Western "coupe" in the 1860’s, in which the British, and later the Americans, corrupted certain Meiji oligarchs to become their proxies, and then assisted Japan in its military build-up (A5.5). Japan lost its colonies after losing WW2, just as Germany did after WW1.
In 1884, large parts of Africa's mainland were still not colonized, and Glafia pawn Bismarck invited the colonial powers to a conference in Berlin, where all remaining uncolonized territories of Africa were assigned to the European powers. The disastrous "Scramble for Africa" was ready in 1914, with Africa divided into 50 countries, all colonies of European states, without ever consulting the Africans. By "coincidence", the First World War was detonated in that very same year.
During the last year of that war, US president Wilson presented his 14 points for world peace to the US Congress. The proposal was coordinated by Wilson’s "adviser and long-time friend", more precisely his Glafia handler, Col. Edward M. House. In 1919, after WW1, Glafia stooge Wilson presented "his" proposal at the Versailles "Peace" Conference. Point 5 was an "adjustment in colonial claims in the interests of both native peoples and colonists", often addressed as self-determination, with the clear intent of de-colonization. Oswald Spengler interpreted it as "a victory for the colored people". At first sight he was right, but it was in fact a new Glafia plan, to strip the European empires off their colonies - and not to transform these colonies into real sovereign and independent states.
Point 14, The League of Nations, was an attempt – and not the first (see the Concert of Europe) - to create a “World Government”. In great Glafia protection racket style, global problems - wars and revolutions covertly staged by Glafia's bankers - were used to convince the people that they needed global solutions: world government, of course covertly controlled by the very same criminal bankers.
In the end The League failed, but after the next war, WW2, the trick was repeated and finally succeeded: in 1945, the United Nations was established in New York. The Rockefellers, "as always committed to great humanitarian ideals", donated the land. The UN, which carried the term self-determination in its charter, would be an essential Glafia instrument in the post-war de-colonization process, in which over a hundred new countries would be formed. Lord Curzon's chessboard was getting crowded!
Glafia ends Europe's colonies
Around 1900, in the world's largest colonial Empire of Britain, the Milner Group (A5.4) and the Fabian Society (B13) started preparing Glafia’s deceptive de-colonization plan (for the earlier, also deceptive de-colonization of Latin America, see A5.3). It was part of a project to end all colonial sea-empires: Portugal, Spain, Holland, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Belgium and Denmark. And the British empire too! The German Empire disappeared already in 1918, right after WW1, when the Kaiser flew to Holland and Germany lost its overseas colonies. All great land empires would cease to exist after the First World War: the Ottoman, Russian and Austro-Hungarian Empires. Imperial China, for 268 years under the Qing Dynasty, had been ended in 1913 by Sun Yat-sen's Glafia-supported revolution (A6.4, B3).
Many sea empires had beneficial trade preferences and tariff reductions with their colonies, which the Bankers disliked: they wanted a completely level playfield. In any case, it would be much easier to control and exploit the colonizers and their colonies by Glafia's planned, 20th century hegemon, the USA, once they were separated. The new, informal US empire would covertly control the new "sovereign and independent" countries through "subordinate elites", by corrupting and blackmailing the new political leaders and making them their proxies. US Presidents Roosevelt, Truman and Eisenhower would call these proxies "sons of bitches, but our sons of bitches!"
After WW2, the colonial sea powers were given US Marshall Aid and a few years to reorganize themselves, before they were pressed to let their colonies go. That pressure came mainly from the UN and related institutions, from the USA, and from independence movements in the colonies. The USA, Glafia's new hegemon, would greatly benefit from the liquidation of the British, Dutch, French and other empires. America’s export-capitalism would quickly expand into the newly "independent" countries, with India and its still organic agriculture (B26) as its main target and market.
Even before the new "independent" states were established, Glafia's 20th century hegemon, the USA, together with the UK, had already guaranteed that most of their subordinate elites, or proxies, were in place. Many of these African and Asian proxies had been groomed and trained in the West, often at the London School of Economics, already founded in 1895 (not with an eye of foresight, but as part of a plan) by the British Fabian Socialists (B13), a Glafia intellectual proxy.
The proxies in the ex-colonies were surely also initiated in techniques of illicit enrichment, and the banksters of course knew how to handle their clients' stolen fortunes discretely and safely, often using offshore tax havens. See documentary The Spider’s Web: Britain’s Second Empire, which mentions the gigantic amounts of money which Africa's national proxies siphon off each year from the "poor continent". This is certainly one way to deliberately keep the African masses poor: to facilitate access by the big players to its resources, to guarantee cheap labor, and also to create a huge pool of migrant pawns for Glafia's End Game (see B31 on immigration).
Seen from the "Predators" perspective, the de-colonization, this "revolutionary reversal, the fastest in human history", this "great revolt against the West", as many - often Marxist - social scientists, historians and observers called it, was a very successful operation. The Soviet Union - also a Glafia pawn - gave important support to de-colonization, which increased its credibility in Leftist circles in the West, who never understood the agenda. Thus, the much-lauded de-colonization was just a Pyrrhic victory for humanity - as were many of the "democratic victories" obtained in the West, like universal suffrage, which makes essentially no difference at all in a fake democracy where oligarchs pull almost all the strings. That also throws a different light on (at least some) independence movements and anti-colonialism heroes. See for example The Real Mahatma Gandhi, by Joseph Lelyveld. Or José Eduardo dos Santos and his Marxist-Leninist MPLA in Angola (see "Daddy’s Girl, How an African ‘Princess’ banked $3 billion in a country living on $2 a day").
Another benefit for Glafia was that the 20th century de-colonization process served as a perfect pretext for the start of mass migration into Europe (B31), in which Britain's Labour Party (covertly steered by Glafia's Fabian Socialists) took the lead.
In the newly "independent" countries, the American Glafiosos would soon start to meddle, interfere, steal, exploit and murder, often working together with the extremely experienced and shrewd British, and later also with the Israelis. A frequent interference was "regime change", after the people had voted democratically for the "wrong" candidate, one who would promote his country's interests, above those of the US/UK/Glafia.
One of the many examples was the coupe against the too independently acting Indonesian president Sukarno, in which about one million "dangerous communists" were killed (in 1965, at the height of the Cold War). All coordinated and prepared by the "free and democratic" Americans and British (see JFK vs Allen Dulles: Battleground Indonesia, by Greg Poulgrain). That was also a blow for the now toothless Movement of Non-Aligned Countries, of which Sukarno was a driving force. For an overview of regime changes after WW2, see Britain's 42 coups since 1945.
From colonization 1.0 to 2.0 - and maybe 3.0?
In the end, the much-hyped victory of de-colonization was a cleverly instilled delusion: the formal, visible colonies of Europe were transformed into informal and invisible neo-colonies of the USA, Glafia's 20th century's global hegemon. As always, the US bragged shamelessly about its great humanitarian efforts in bringing aid, freedom, and democracy to the Third World. Many Western states polished their image by giving "development aid" to the newly "independent" countries, to up to 2% of the national budget. Yet the root problem - exploitation of the weak by the strong, with Glafia pulling the strings - continued: there never was a real de-colonization. Colonialism just went from version 1.0 to 2.0.
And when humanity doesn't wake up in time, it will go to version 3.0, under the China-led multipolar world order (B33), which will mean global colonization, everybody included, except Glafia's core and its nearest proxies (see Who's Who in Glafia, B9).
Fortunately, our story has now arrived halfway through the 20th century: with the World Wars, communist revolutions, and the great economic Crisis of the 1930's already part of the past. Fortunately, because those were getting boring: Glafia invented another global protection racket (B24), this time the Cold War. And again, the media spread the fear, and again, the whole world swallowed it trustingly. "It's very easy", as Hitler's aid Göring said, "just tell them they are being attacked". On the strategy of fear, General Douglas MacArthur, a popular and honest US Marine Corps General, said, already in 1935:
"Our government has kept us in a perpetual state of fear ... with the cry of grave national emergency. Always there has been some terrible evil at home or some monstrous foreign power that was going to gobble us up if we did not blindly rally behind it."
Also in 1935, another US General, Smedley Butler, wrote a pamphlet (B24):
War is a racket... It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives... Only a small 'inside' group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many."
From 1947, their principal bogeyman was communism, especially the version of the Soviet Union, a Glafia conceived and reared creature (B4, A6.2). Yet, Chinese communism was surprisingly left untouched - for an important reason, see A6.4. Remember that the Soviet Union was a crucial and much lauded ally of Glafia's Western proxies, the UK and US, just a few years ago, in the Second World War, when Hitler's Nazi-Germany - unwittingly - played the bogeyman role.
The reasons and methods for the Cold War project are again the same:
- Glafia's global domination project, in which staged fights between capitalism and communism will provide many opportunities for divide-and-rule wars and chaos.
- The Big Carrot trick, to fatten and stimulate Glafia's Merchants of Death: the banks, the war industry and war (bio-)scientists, and the corrupt government officials on key posts.
- The strategy of fear, to make the people easier to control and weaker, while making the governments, as their protectors, stronger.
Just after WW2, there had been Western military plans to wipe out the Soviet Union with nuclear bombs, but these planners had obviously no notion of Glafia's shrewd strategy: the idea was not to destroy the enemy and then go ahead with normal life and peace. It was to prolong the conflict as long as possible, for prolonged profits on the one side, and prolonged fear on the other. Indeed, the Cold War, started in 1947, would be prolonged to 1991.
The Soviet bogeyman didn't fall out of the blue, of course. He was set up, by the Usual Suspects, no surprises here (A6.2). During WW2, the ultra-secret Manhattan project had developed the first American atomic bomb, and the proof was (probably – although there is reason for doubt) delivered in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. However, the Soviet Union didn't have the atomic bomb, and thus wasn't a worthy enemy - yet.
But during WW2, Major George L. Jordan observed and later reported in his book From Russia with Thanks, how atomic secrets and construction materials for atomic installations were air shipped from Great Falls, Montana, to the Soviet Union. At the time (1942), the Manhattan project to create the atomic bomb was supposedly a total secret. Later, Antony Sutton's research showed that this was not an isolated incident at all. His 1986 book, The Best Enemy Money can Buy, proves that the productive and military basis of the Soviet Union was built by American technology (see also B35).
In 1949, the nuclear seeds the Americans had exported came to fruition, or in fact explosion, when a successful Soviet atomic bomb test found place. According to the official Wiki narrative: "A nuclear armed Soviet Union sent its rival Western neighbors and particularly the United States into a state of unprecedented trepidation." That was of course a big lie, as Glafia's US proxies had done their utmost best to make this a reality.
The official historians still hold up the fiction that Cold War was a competition between two opposing political-economic systems. Part of them even engaged in a fake "revisionist theory" that "challenged" the also fake "orthodox view" of the Cold War. They sure know how to distract us!
The merger plan of capitalism and communism
Since the success of the Bolshevist Revolution, Glafia had developed a merger plan for the USA and the Soviet Union, as Norman Dodd found out in 1954 when he interviewed Alain Gaither, director of the Rockefeller Foundation (see B12 on Communism). That plan had started with the banker-caused 1930’s Great Depression problem (FED director B. Bernanke, in 2002: “We did it”), the desperate popular reaction to all the misery, and Franklin Delano Roosevelt's (FDR) New Deal solution (1933-1939).
FDR's New Deal was a clear attempt to establish socialism (B13) in the USA, via the usual trick of a protection racket (see Wallstreet and FDR by Antony Sutton). It was very similar to Hitler's National-Socialist economic recovery plan in Germany and carried out in the same period. Yet Hitler's plan became a success, while FDR's New Deal failed to pull the USA out of its crisis. In the end it was the war economy, during WW2, which managed to set the US back on a track of growth - while causing unspeakable suffering in other parts of the world.
Under FDR, in the 1930’s and 40’s, there was a massive communist infiltration in the US state apparatus (yes, Senator Joe McCarthy was right on FDR and the communists! And the followers of LaRouche are still wrong about FDR's good intentions). That of course fitted the merger bill. And if you have eyes to see our present situation, then the WEF's Stakeholder Capitalism looks exactly the same as Slaveholder Communism (please see the other theses for your fridge door in B44): the planned merger is taking place now! The only difference is that Chinese, and not Soviet, communism is now the role model. If we let Klaus Schwab finish this job, it will get far worse than in Soviet times.
Is the situation in which we find ourselves the fulfillment of Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev's 1959 prophecy (B4)? He pounded his shoe on the United Nations lectern and shouted:
“Your children’s children will live under Communism. You Americans are so gullible. We won’t have to fight you; we’ll weaken your economy, until you fall like overripe fruit into our hands.”
Khrushchev's speech was of course a Glafia script, to fuel the Cold War. All these people are well paid actors, and they rarely make an original contribution – but in this case it was the shoe. Yet there were subversive Soviet activities in the West, see the declarations of Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov in B18.
Independently of the merger plan, the fake Cold War followed in any case, starting officially in 1947. Two years later, it became an excuse to establish NATO, which would become an important tool in Glafia's global control project. Presently, it's one of the Five Horsemen of Glafia's End Game (B32). Officially, the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, and with it, the Cold War. In reality, Glafia just dropped its first large scale communist experiment, with their pawn Gorbachev presiding the transition. The three reasons for that Glafia - not Gorbachev - decision are given in B4.
Already at the Yalta Conference (in 1944, during WW2), Eastern Europe had been betrayed and given to Stalin, just as North Korea had. In Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh’s communist guerrilla fighters were given training by the forerunner of the CIA, allegedly to help defeat the Japanese who had occupied Vietnam during World War 2. With hindsight, it's quite easy to see that all this was done with the next - Cold - War in mind.
Korea and the Cold War
On the destructive war in Korea, officially caused by communist aggressor North Korea, James Perloff (Korean war served Illuminati agenda) writes:
"In 1950, Kim Il-sung, North Korea’s communist dictator, sent his troops to invade South Korea. American forces, fighting under UN authority, came to South Korea’s defense, in a bloody three-year war that ended in stalemate. But how did Kim Il-sung and the communists come to power in North Korea? U.S. foreign policy put them there, in a roundabout way."
Sorry, but the official story of the Good Guys wanting to save freedom and democracy from the Korean communists was just another hoax (or more precisely, a protection racket). And it was by the same people who liberated Europe from Hitler - after they had set him up in the first place. Regrettably, due to our corrupt governments and media, they can play the same old bogeyman trick again and again, combined with the Big Carrot trick for their Merchants of Death, and the Strategy of Fear trick for the common people.
This is how they did it in Korea: Glafia's US and Soviet proxies set up a trap, first by dividing the strategic Korea peninsula in two parts, North and South, and then giving away North Korea to Stalin. That was at Yalta, where Stalin served his American guests copious amounts of vodka. Perloff continues:
"Stalin swiftly established a communist government under Kim Il-sung in North Korea, building a 150,000-man army with hundreds of tanks, hundreds of warplanes, and heavy artillery. When the United States departed South Korea, on the other hand, it left only a constabulary force of 16,000 South Koreans with small arms – they did not have a single tank or even one anti-tank gun."
The logical result of these carefully prepared operations was the horrible Korean war. Today, North Korea still is a Glafia controlled bogeyman, and the perfect alibi for US military bases in South Korea, aimed at ... China. Analyst William Engdahl happened to speak to an insider who told him: “Simply put, at the end of the Cold War, if North Korea didn’t exist we would have to create it as an excuse to keep the Seventh Fleet in the region” (for details, see William Engdahl’s North Korea is a Pentagon Vassal State). If you don’t believe it, have a look here: North Korean rockets are made with Western parts.
Is North Korea financed by the Black Budget from US LaLaLand (B35)? Anyway, the world is being changed fast (B45 , My little crystal ball), and some day North Korea's bogeyman role will be ended under the new paradigm, in which China, aided by Russia, will be Glafia's global hegemon.
Cuba and the Cold War
When Castro took power in 1959, Cuba was not an underdeveloped country. The standard of living of average Cubans was not so far off from their American neighbors (Servando Gonzalez). After quite a bit of research, my conclusion is that Castro's "Revolution" was just another Glafia protection racket: Castro was placed there, at a 90 miles distance from the USA, as an additional bogeyman for the Cold War. And it was the CIA - Glafia's secret service based in the US - which made Castro's "communist revolution" possible. During the time leading up to the "revolution", major newspapers in the US lauded Castro as the (For a quick read on Castro, see The beast is dead by Servando Gonzalez, who has a very good grasp on what really happened in Cuba.)
While the Americans fought a bloody and destructive war in Korea, and later in Vietnam - officially over the great danger of communism at thousands of miles from their coasts - they were apparently unable to stop Castro's communism, on a not too large island a 15-minute flight from Miami. The 1961 USA attack on Cuba in the Bay of Pigs was obviously set up to fail, any other explanation is laughable. And the "hundreds of failed attempts” on Castro's life by the CIA were just more myth making.
As a bogeyman to frighten the West, Fidel Castro was a godsend. He was an excellent actor with great charisma and didn't mince words when it came to condemning the misdeeds of American imperialism, which highly impressed leftist people all over the world (me included). Yet while he fiercely accused Glafia's US hegemon of imperialism, he never addressed the Crime Syndicate behind it, just like gatekeeper Noam Chomsky (B38). On October 12, 1979, Castro gave a short speech at the 34th UN General Assembly, in which he said:
“We want a New World Order based on justice, equality and peace to replace the unfair and unequal system that prevails today.”
That happened to be the very same Glafia jargon as President George H.W. Bush used in his infamous September 11, 1991, speech, when he said:
"Out of these troubled times, our fifth objective - a new world order - can emerge: a new era freer from the threat of terror, stronger in the pursuit of justice, and more secure in the quest for peace."
In reaction to the US placement of missiles in Turkey, Castro allegedly requested from Nikita Khrushchev the placement of Soviet atomic missiles in Cuba. That caused a large and worldwide panic, as a nuclear war seemed on hand.
As an aside, I remember this vividly as it was October 1962, and I was just 10 years old. During this Cuban missile crisis, brochures were spread everywhere in the West, on how to survive an atomic attack, by placing sandbags (from where?) in all windows and taking shelter under the table (our family had 9 members!). I read them daily on the toilet, where the atomic bomb leaflet was hanging, and became afraid, but also angry: how could God allow this?
My conclusion was that there was no God, and so I told my father the reverend (as his eldest son, of seven kids). Our fight stopped 7 years later, when I enrolled in university, in another city. My deep dives into history have completely changed my atheist position, through my rediscovery of this mysterious, gorgeous, enchanted and enchanting world, and the tremendous fraud of Glafia's materialist science, the “Enlightenment” which deliberately caused the "Endarkenment" of our minds.
The Cuban missile story was probably fake. A few years later, in 1969, the same principle, "there's no business like show business!", was applied again, in the US moon landings. Please familiarize yourself with this hoax at
Cynically, Fidel Castro (whose CIA deal probably made him a billionaire), together with another fraud, Che Guevara, became the symbols of the communist revolution in Latin America: "In Peru and Bolivia we will use the "Indiada" to promote the revolution, there are thousands of them and they are easily replaceable" (quote from Ernesto “Che” Guevara, in “Diarios en motocicleta”).
Many Latin American leftists were trained in Cuba, to carry out subversive activities in their countries of origin, providing a welcome excuse to install dictatorial, military governments as Glafia-subordinate elites. Even as critical a thinker as Prof. Michel Chussodovsky (, a brave fighter against globalization, fell for Fidel's charms, intelligence, and charisma. And Margaret Trudeau, the cheerful mother of the lovely Justin, most probably too, but in a different way...
As with all other communist regimes, Cuba was also an experiment for Glafia, on how to run a de-industrialized country - the model they have now in store for the West. A question that I can't find a good answer for is why the regime in Cuba wasn't ended in the 1990's, when all the other communist experiments - except those in China - were stopped? I can only speculate that the Americans know that China will take Cuba some day.
Chinese communism was the only version allowed to continue, but that's easy to explain: with far over one billion hard working and intelligent Chinese, China was earmarked long ago to become Glafia's fifth hegemon (B38, B33, A6.4, A7.5). Glafia made a deal with the Communist elites to develop a totalitarian, Digistopian control system to their liking (on these pages referred to as the Global Digital Prison), in exchange for heavy financing and transfer of Western military and civil technology (just as they did earlier on with the Soviet Union, but now on a much bigger scale), and access by China to the world market.
Vietnam and the Cold war
This is how Claude G. Berube introduces the Vietnam war on
"Ho Chi Minh’s Viet Minh guerrilla fighters, led by future General Vo Nguyen Giap, were allies of the Americans and given training by the OSS, the forerunner of the CIA, in an effort to defeat the Japanese during the waning days of World War II."
Unfortunately, the Vietnam story takes the same dangerous turns as the Korea story and ends even worse. In 1954, Vietnam, while still a French colony, is split into North and South Vietnam. American trained Communists start to support the North. The trucks that bring their supplies are of American technology, made in the Soviet Union!
Because of the Cold War, the “Good Guys” from the USA got involved in the defense of the corrupt South. After a well-documented false flag attack in the Tonkin Bay, in February 1965, U.S. President Lyndon Johnson ordered the bombing of North Vietnam, and the US started sending troops, which mount to 500,000 early in 1968.
Vietnam suffered a tremendous and horrible destruction via phosphorous bombs and other weapons, and large-scale spraying of toxic plant killers, with countless victims, deformities in newborn children included. On the advice of war criminal Henry Kissinger, the useless but very destructive bombings were also used in Laos and Cambodia: it became a truly Apocalyptic and Satanic war.
The US reported 58,000 fatal casualties, and a much larger figure of veterans maimed. The total Vietnamese death count is estimated at 3 million. After more than 20 years of war, on July 2, 1976, North Vietnam and South Vietnam officially reunite and become the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.
Much more could be said on the Vietnam war, the role of the CIA in the Asian drug production and trade (and the drug transport in body bags), and the protests against it in the West, but my role is to give you the global context, something you won't find in the official history books, newspapers and on TV: the Cold War, and the hot wars in Korea and Vietnam and other places all occurred by design, and more precisely, by GLAFIA DESIGN.
It was Glafia which developed communism and supported the installation of the communist regimes in China and Russia via their global UK, US, and Jewish proxies, and who also brought their proxies Japan and Nazi Germany into the global theater. Today, little has changed, and basically the same game is repeated this century, with the earlier wars in the Middle East, and now in the Ukraine. The same set of tricks is repeated over and over, because the mainstream media and the official historians keep covering up the truth, over and over.
It's up to you to stop buying their lies!
Gladio: European state terror during the Cold War
Between the 1960's and 1980's, Italy, Belgium, Italy, and other European countries suffered several terrorist attacks. It was Daniele Ganser who started to research these events, against the advice of his mentors (see the Introduction of this book). For a brief article by him, see "The Strategy of Tension". As Ganser discovered, secret stay-behind armies under NATO and CIA control had been set up after WW2 in all the countries of Western Europe, all part of the Gladio Operation, which then carried out the terrorist attacks.
One of the Italian perpetrators, Vincenzo Vinciguerra, said after his arrest: “You had to attack civilians, the people, women, children, innocent people, unknown people far removed from any political game.”
The purpose of these random terrorist attacks - organized with the knowledge of top government officials - was to discredit the European Communists (Glafia pawns, see A6.2) and to spread maximum fear among the population: the "Strategy of Tension". It was to force the public to turn to the State for providing them greater security - to then intensify state control over the people.
The reader will immediately recognize the now familiar pattern of a classic protection racket. The British press concluded that Gladio, along with its strategy of tension, was “the best-kept, and most damaging, political-military secret since World War II." Going into greater detail is beyond the scope of this chapter, but the Rote Armee in Germany, and other terror groups there and elsewhere, were also connected to this "Deep State". Helmut Schmidt, chancellor of West Germany from 1974 to 1982, admitted it by surprise at a very advanced age (he is quoted under A7.1).
Ganser's 2001 dissertation on Gladio's state-generated terror and fear mongering provided deep insights for truth seekers, which came in very helpful for the analysis of the 9/11 event that same year (A7.1).
During the Cold War, the fake Soviet threat also helped to create the necessary fear to get Glafia's European Union project going (B6). That's part of their multipolar project, for which Henry Kissinger prepared the blueprint, Prospect for America (1961). It speaks of regionalized blocks of nations (like EU, NAFTA) under a world government based on the (Rockefeller/Glafia steered) United Nations, and more, see B33. That plan materialized, and ALL LANDS were brought under control (B23).
That's why they started to prepare their End Game, to bring ALL PEOPLE under individual, digital control, as explained in A7.4.
We were creating the 21st century in 1971.
David Bowie, interview in documentary 1971: The Year That Music Changed Everything
Western Europe has only 20 to 30 more years of democracy left in it; after that it will slide, engineless and rudderless, under the surrounding sea of dictatorship, and whether the dictation comes from a politburo or a junta will not make that much of a difference.
Willy Brandt (1913-1992), German Federal Chancellor, before he stepped down in 1974
The cataclysms which humanity has experienced in the twentieth century are only the beginning of a much more profound crisis - of a radical shift in the course of history.
Igor R. Shafarevich, Russian scientist, in his 1975 book The socialist phenomenon
(In 1983, Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker predicted the collapse of the Soviet Union and a subsequent "globalization" that would lead to unemployment and falling wages worldwide.)
The social systems will collapse due to the bankruptcy of the state. This development is triggered by a speculative [financialized] economy of unprecedented dimensions. To ensure their rule, the "elite" will achieve total surveillance and global dictatorship. The henchmen will be corrupt politicians. To prevent uprisings, the "elite" will establish a new fascism. In order to remain in power, the world population will be reduced through artificial diseases, wars and deliberately induced famines. After the collapse of communism, humanity will see an absolutely ruthless and inhumane regime.
Extract from The Threatened Peace (1983, in German), by the German scientist and philosopher Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker. In 1979 he rejected a candidacy for Federal President. His brother Richard was Federal President of Germany from 1984 to 1994.
What did insiders Willy Brandt, Igor Shafarevitch (more in B13) and Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker know, and why did the media never write about it? You know already what my guess would be: The Predators. What else?
At the time that they expressed their visions of doom, they knew that our Hidden Masters had already decided to end the privileges of the West, which still had prospering economies, social improvements and the illusion of freedom and democracy. For centuries, that had set the people in the West apart from the people at the periphery – the so-called Third World. The latter were often ruthlessly humiliated, suppressed, enslaved, impoverished, exploited or killed.
But the Western privileges wouldn't be eternal: the confidence game was temporary. It broke, pardon me, was broken on purpose by You-Know-Who, when the FED under Paul Volcker took the US dollar off the 1944 Bretton Woods gold standard, in August 1971. That meant that countries with a surplus from international trade (always in US dollars, the official international currency) couldn't buy US gold anymore - only US government bonds (pieces of paper), which meant that they were financing the US state, which was suffering from an ever-larger trade deficits.
The USA, from industrial to finance capitalism
Each cycle of Glafia’s hegemons always had an accumulation phase (the piling up of capital, through industry and trade) and a financialization phase (investing of the piled-up capital). The latter is also the end phase, or as Braudel called it, a “sign of autumn”. At the time, in 1971, probably only the Glafia core understood that the start of the US financialization phase meant the coming end of the fake Glorious American Dream, and China’s comeback as global leader. And someone behind The Beatles (Musical Truth) knew it too, see their 1971 song Imagine, which turns out to be part of our brainwashing:
Imagine there's no countries… And no religion, too… Imagine no possessions… A brotherhood of man… I hope someday you'll join us, And the world will be as one.
I imagine that Klaus Schwab and Harari are great fans of this song!
Coincidentally or otherwise, a month before Nixon’s announcement Glafia agent Heinz Kissinger had made a secret trip to China (B3). That was at the peak of the Cold War, when Russian communism was very bad, but Chinese communism was apparently very good.
As mentioned previously, already by October 25, 1971, the United Nations recognized (with USA support!) the People’s Republic of China, led by the Chinese Communist Party, as “the only legitimate representative of China to the United Nations”. The representatives of the Republic of China in Taiwan were removed from the organization. Yet today, US President Ol' Joe stands squarely, ready to defend them!
In the meanwhile, the US banking system reopened the global casino: banking and debt crises became commonplace, and deregulation, privatization and “free trade” became the new mantras. Capital floated abroad for the highest return and industries were offshored, especially to China. Almost as a copy-and-paste from a century earlier, when during the third cycle of the Glafia project, the British Empire was set on its final course, demanding free trade while making its capital flow abroad, especially to its planned successor, the USA, Glafia's fourth hegemon.
The 1973 oil crisis, with 400% price increases - also orchestrated by Heinz Kissinger, to keep the demand for dollars up - was a major complication for the world’s economy. Yet Heinz’s invention of the "petro"-dollar was a large gift for the US bankers: based on a secret deal with the Saudis, that they would only sell oil in dollars, which kept them in demand. The tremendous Glafia success of the petrodollar for the USA is presently being replayed, but now with the oil-ruble, in heavily sanctioned Russia, yet also currently the world's biggest oil exporter.
Real income from labor started to decrease in the USA (and later everywhere else). However, consumption continued to rise, due to the great friends of the people, the banks, which got us - their debt slaves - more and more by the throats. The banks now even finance the vacations of their personal clients, not only in the West, but also in Latin America, and probably elsewhere too. Once again, indebtedness is skyrocketing.
Ideological underpinnings for the USA's "season of autumn"
By another seeming coincidence, in 1971 Lewis Powell wrote a memorandum (also called The Powell Manifesto) that is now considered as the founding document of neoliberalism: a re-branding of the capitalist ideology to underpin the financialization phase of the u’s hegemon, or Western casino-capitalism.
Powell justified Glafia’s newly planned looting operations in the USA and the rest of the world, sold as “free market competition”; the privatization of state properties “to free the state from its burdens”, by forcing states to sell dear properties cheaply and hiring them back expensively; the buying up by Bill Gates, BlackRock c.s., of assets like farmland, nature reserves, real estate; moving industries abroad (“to benefit consumers and workers”); and opening borders (“diversity is our strength”). Neoliberalism achieved great power under the lengthy administrations of Margaret Thatcher (UK) and Reagan (US), (s)elected in the early 1980’s.
At the same time, in the US the so-called Neoconservatives, or Neocons, were born. Official history (see Wiki) sees them as a spontaneous intellectual movement with roots in Trotskyism, often students of the Machiavellian Leo Strauss, and admit that they are, almost to a man, Jewish. To which we must add that many of them have links with the biggest international Jewish movement, Chabad Lubavitch. So, no grassroots elements in sight: Glafia just tasked the Neocons with the formulation and coordination of the geopolitical protection racket operations needed during the USA's autumn.
With their excellent relations in Israel, the Neocons were instrumental in preparing the next Glafia protection racket, The War on Terror, with its globally televised and theatrical Grand Overture: the 9/11 event (A7.1). One year prior to 9/11, the neoconservative think tank Project for the New American Century (PNAC) had published Rebuilding America's Defenses, a report suggesting that the transformation of American armed forces was “likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor.” On the morning of 9/11, the precooked media story was ready, the incident being quickly and persistently labeled as “our new Pearl Harbor” (more details in B22, on Predictive programming).
They then made Osama bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, Qaddafi, and Assad their bogeymen, so they could use their humanitarian Responsibility to Protect (R2P) principle to invade and destroy these countries, steal their oil and install subordinate elites (The Globalization of War, Prof. Michel Chossudovsky). Additional "advantages" were a large flow of immigrants to Europe (B31), and the emptying of the Middle East for Israel's Oded Yinon plan (B15).
The importance of technology
About 500 years ago, financial technology had enabled Glafia to control whole countries, while shipping, navigation and arms technology had allowed the exploration and colonization of the world. By financing, privileging and enriching the West, not only could the rest of the world be colonized, but advanced technology could be developed, to be used in Glafia's domination project. Thus, 1971 saw the world’s the first computer chip and first e-mail, both developed for military and security purposes, but presented as civil innovations. Recall from previous mention that just a year earlier, top USA advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski had written about (in Between Two Ages):
“a more controlled society ... dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values ... [with] almost continuous surveillance over every citizen ... subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities.”
Journalist Gary Allen probably read this book. In his famous 1971 book None Dare Call It Conspiracy (over 4 million copies sold), he prophetically wrote, over 50 years ago:
“While the insiders tell us we are building a paradise on earth, we are actually constructing a jail for ourselves.”
In the technology needed for Glafia's End Game, its BIG TECH companies play a special role. Jeff B., Mark Z., Elon M., the late Steve J. and the adorable Bill G. are all just figureheads in planted mythologies, such as a genial nerd starting up a company in a garage, and other: cover stories to obscure the role of the military-security-tech-complex in Glafia's Global Digital Prison project (A7.4).
The environmental protection racket
In 1972, the Rockefeller's Club of Rome published The Limits to Growth, another Malthusian thesis, this time based on Garbage In / Garbage Out computer models. Together with Ehrlich's The Population Bomb (1968) and its ridiculously wrong predictions, it prepared humanity for Alexander King's 1991 thesis: "The real enemy, then, is humanity itself" (in his book The First Global Revolution). Not Glafia, the Predators and Destroyers, but we!
Rockefeller protegee Maurice Strong, influencer of Klaus Schwab and the WEF, started his soaring rise to power as Undersecretary of the United Nations in 1971, to become the Godfather of the fraud of human caused climate change (B27), the main pillar under UN Agenda 21, later Agenda 2030. Strong said in 1990:
“Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?”
This environmental racket instilled so much fear in the people of the West, that many have even stopped reproducing (B29), already resulting in excessive "greying" and possible future extinction of Western societies. Even household pets, which have an important social, emotional and spiritual function for their owners, are now on the WEFs list for extermination – as they apparently produce too much CO2, an essential gas for plant life, in a concentration just above the minimum value under which all life on the planet will stop. MIT Prof. Em. Richard Lindzen comments on this madness (full quote in B27):
"It will be remembered as the greatest mass delusion in the history of the world – that CO2, the life of plants, was considered for a time to be a deadly poison."
The same fate, and for the same bizarre reason, awaits livestock animals which play an important role in human nutrition and culture, and in balancing agricultural systems. Glafia's core and helpers will of course continue to regularly consume large grass-fed, organic New York Steaks and Filets Mignon Stroganoff.
Preparing the "traitors within the gates"
To prepare for Glafia's 21st century End Game, Kissinger’s, and Maurice Strong's protegee Klaus Schwab founded the World Economic Forum in that same important year of 1971 (originally called the European Management Symposium). One of its Glafia ordained tasks was the training of Young Global Leaders, which started in the early 1990's. Just as a century earlier, the London School of Economics, founded in 1895 by Fabian Socialists (B13), had prepared the leaders for the future "independent" neo-colonized countries (A6.5), well in advance of the coming global events in the next century. Most of our present "leaders" have been groomed by the WEF, Putin included, to become Glafia's assets: "traitors within the gates", loyal to a Great Foreign Power, and not to their constituency. Klaus openly brags about it: "We penetrate zhe cabinets!"
Finally, American singer Don McLean prophetically sang of torments and loss of spirituality in his 1971 song American Pie:
"The church bells all were broken And the three men I admire most The Father, Son and the Holy Ghost, They caught the last train for the coast… Singin’, this’ll be the day that I die."
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction … between true and false no longer exists.
Hannah Arendt (1906-1975), philosopher/writer, The Origins of Totalitarianism
We’re now facing a situation where a huge number of very powerful organizations and elites at an international and at national levels are calling for policies that are basically a suicide pact. Basically, a death wish of some sort.
Patrick Moore (1947-), founder and ex-president of GreenPeace
The world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.
David Rockefeller (1915-2017), international banker, Glafia leader, in 2011
UN Agenda 21 [=2030] is the action plan implemented worldwide to inventory and control all land, all water, all minerals, all plants, all animals, all construction, all means of production, all energy, all education, all information, and all human beings in the world.
Rosa Koire (1970-2021), in her book Behind The Green Mask: UN Agenda 21
People, governments and economies of all nations must serve the needs of multinational banks and corporations.
Zbigniew Brzezinski (1928-2017), in Between Two Ages (1970)
The cataclysms which humanity has experienced in the twentieth century are only the beginning of a much more profound crisis - of a radical shift in the course of history.
Igor R. Shafarevich (1923-2017), Russian thinker, in The socialist phenomenon
In the entire history of mankind there has never been a political elite sincerely concerned about the wellbeing of regular people. What makes any of us think that it is different now?
Christine Anderson, speech in European Parliament, 2021
Shortly after the year 2000 a kind of indirect prohibition on thinking will emanate from America, a law which will aim to suppress all individual thought.
Rudolph Steiner (1861-1925), German anthroposophical philosopher, in a 1916 prophecy
I suspect that all [gang] terrorism ... is surpassed by certain forms of state terrorism... I really mean what I say!
Helmut Schmidt (1918-2015), chancellor/defense minister of West Germany, interviewed in 2007, well after 9/11, at age 89
There's an organization responsible for more terrorism plots in the United States than al-Qaeda, al-Shabaab and ISIS combined: the FBI.
Trevor Aaronson, investigative journalist, in his TED talk
Just as the 1914 assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo was the Glafia-planned trigger for the First World War (Docherty and MacGregor), the 9/11 Twin Tower event of 2001 was planned to trigger the War on Terror, Glafia's umpteenth protection racket, this time with Osama bin Laden as bogeyman.
WW1 was the overture of Glafia’s 20th century project to subdue Eurasia and to complete their control over ALL LANDS, while 9/11 opened Glafia’s 21st century End Game, to colonize and enslave ALL PEOPLE of the earth individually, through digital technology (see also B23 on Methods for world domination).
We already noted predictive programming for WW1 (B6, A5.4) and for 9/11 (B22). Another parallel is the cover-up. Right after WW1, thousands of US agents were used in a massive cover-up operation, directed by Glafia agent and later “philanthropist” Herbert Hoover – who would be made 31st US president.
In the case of the 9/11 cover-up, the demolition and cleaning of Ground Zero started the morning after, with all steel quickly shipped to China (why?), before any proper forensic investigation could be carried out. After all, all culprits (allegedly 19 Muslims terrorists led by Osama bin Laden) and all clues ("planes" and office fires, causing the partly free-fall collapse of two 400-meter skyscrapers and one 200-meter-high building respectively) had been 99% identified on Day One of this extremely complex event! Yet the FBI never accused Osama bin Laden officially, and the norms for the construction of skyscrapers were never adapted.
As a side note: the best forensic analysis available is Judy Wood's book Where did the towers go? Yet I don't support her conclusions on directed free energy weapons and recommend instead the analysis and views of German physicist Heinz Pommer, although he probably overestimates the size of the nukes (see also Did the Plowshares program set the stage for nuclear terrorism).
Such “miracles” are the rule with Glafia operations, more recently with MH17, Skripal, etc. And even today, very few people understand what really happened in the 20th century (A6), and this problem is worse the further back we go: Glafia's Anglo-American-Zionist proxies always covered it up and got away with it. Yet these hypocritical criminals not only managed to escape trial but got out of the terrible carnage they caused as “heroes of freedom”! Every year since, they have been honored and serenaded, thanks to the manufactured ignorance of the common people (I'm of course not pointing at the many brave soldiers and civilians who unwittingly fought and died in these staged wars).
With the 9/11 event however, there was a sudden and large outburst of awareness. On that same day, a few people already saw through it, such as Andreas von Bülow, former state-secretary in the German Federal Ministry of Defense (resulting in his 2003 book The CIA and 9/11), and others in European and American intelligence services and high ranks of the army (Francesco Cossiga, two times Italian president, is a further example, source Corriere della Sera).
The reasons for 9/11 representing a watershed event into conspiracy realism for many were firstly due to the fact that the event was televised real time by the mass media. On Day 1 there were still some honest reports, but these quickly vanished. Secondly, there were several “impossible physical events”, e.g., the free fall for 2.25 seconds (over 8 floors) of the large steel structure of WTC7, not hit by any plane, officially due to sparse office fires. That had never happened, anytime, anywhere, previously or since. A 4-year study by Alaska Fairbanks University confirmed the falsity of the official WTC7 report - but no mainstream medium ever reported on it. Thirdly, for the first time the internet enabled the fast exchange of information between the many voluntary researchers of the 9/11 truth movement, the latter a completely new (internet) phenomenon.
However, the 9/11 truth movement suffered from the start from “cognitive infiltration”, a term invented by Glafia pawn Cass Sunstein (from his paper Conspiracy theories). The result was that most truth seekers were led on the path of the “inside job” explanation, although it was quickly becoming clear that Israel/Mossad/American Jews had been heavily involved (C. Bollyn, Solving 9/11; Laurent Guyénot; Alan Sabrosky; Kevin Barrett and others).
It’s well documented that Zionists, and later the state of Israel, have carried out many false flag operations which include:
- the SS Patria bombing which killed hundreds of Jewish refugees (Palestine, 1940);
- the King David Hotel bombing, in Palestine, 1946;
- the Lavon Affair (Egypt, 1954);
- attacks on Iraqi Jews, to force them “home”, see N. Giladi's book Ben-Gurion's Scandals: How the Haganah and the Mossad Eliminated Jews, and Avi Shlaim's Three World's: Memoirs of an Arab Jew;
- the JFK/RFK murders (1963/1968, Laurent Guyénot);
- the attack on the US Liberty (1967), killing 34 US crew members;
- the bombing of Israel's own embassies in Argentina, 1992 and London, 1994 (Adrian Salbuchi); and more.
As well protected proxies, they got away with it all. But what motive could Israel have had to perpetrate the 9/11 attack? First, you have to understand that Glafia proxy Israel is a WAR state (B15) whose role it is to destabilize the Middle East and the world, to help advance Glafia's control project. Also important is the fact that Israel’s popularity, which at the start of the 21st century was at an all-time low because of its apartheid and colonization policies, rose overnight with 9/11. Thirdly, Israel's Oded Yinon plan is to own all lands between the Nile and Euphrates rivers, supposedly represented by the two blue lines on the Israeli flag. By "chance", days after 9/11, the US were ready to take out 7 Middle Eastern states in 5 years (US General Wesley Clarke, on YouTube).
These new wars were also great news for the military-industrial-political complex, which would have withered away in a prolonged period of peace: the Cold War had ended ten years earlier, so they were really in need of a few nice, big wars.
Only weeks after the 9/11 event, the 342-page Patriot Act (obviously prepared long in advance) was ready to be pushed through, just as Rudolf Steiner had prophesied in 1916. Not to protect against terror, but, in Steiner's prophetical words, to "suppress all individual thought". And here we clearly see the link with the End Game conspiracy.
It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.
Henry Ford (1863-1947), industrialist and publisher of The Dearborn Independent
In A2.1, the dominant role of the Genoese bankers in Spain from the 14th to the 17th century was discussed. Probably to their own surprise, a handful of Genoese bankers were able to use their financial assistance to the Spanish state as a "remote control" for this powerful global empire. That was done in such a stealthy way that “few historians ever noticed” (F. Braudel).
This Genoese bankers' success became the template for the Glafia project: starting in much smaller nation states (a European specialty, see B6 on the struggle between the Guelphs and the Ghibellines), they would corrupt the local oligarchs (such as the Orange family in Holland, the Cecils and others in England, the Founding Fathers in the US, the Freemasons in France, etc.). Thereafter, they would mold each state to their wishes, so as to have:
- A legal system - to guarantee the protection of private property.
- A financial system - private central bank issuing the state's money, B20.
- An economic system - monopolies with narrow connections to the state.
- And a political system - a fake, "puppets on a string", pseudo-democracy.
A successful project would be sealed off with a Glafia-controlled, private central bank (as in Amsterdam 1608, Hamburg 1619, Stockholm 1668, England 1694, etc.). And from the Glorious Revolution (1688) in England on, also with a "democratic" constitution (A3.2), to obtain the full collaboration of the lower elites, and the common people. Such elected or selected representatives, and later their political parties and trade unions, could easily be corrupted, and became the ideal - and cheap – proxy solution for the bankers.
This system first became established in all Western countries, and today it's gone global. Since 9/11, after theatrically ending a centuries long confidence game, the West - once considered the highest civilization of the world - entered a phase of controlled demolition, just as the towers - once considered the highest buildings in the world – fell on that fateful day. They really like to play with symbols!
Back to Glafia's template: with the banking system in place, all important decisions - on war making, state making and investments in the economy of the "secretly colonized" country - would be taken by Glafia's bankers, through their financing of the state and the issuing of the state's money. The deal was that Glafia would guarantee sufficient money to the government. Glafia-controlled proxies would spin the fake narrative of democracy, freedom, and materialist science in such a repetitive and penetrating way that Joost Meerloo, a Dutch psychiatrist, wrote (in Rape of the Mind, 1956, see B36):
"Any delusion can be instilled... Delusions, carefully implanted, are difficult to correct."
As a veterinarian, I like to compare it with the imprinting of baby animals, who will follow their own mother, but also a foreign one if their own is not available in the critical period, wherever she goes and whatever she does. Wasn't that exactly what happened during Covid, when most people kept following the government - wherever it went, and whatever it did? Anyone tasked with imprinting knows one thing: the younger the better. That principle has been used for centuries in our public and most private schools (homeschooling, and the 1200 Waldorf schools, founded by Rudolf Steiner a century ago, are to be considered an exception, but I have serious doubts about the directions taken by some of the latter).
Presently, that's why there's such an insistence on spreading the perverted woke and climate ideologies to very young children (B29). In the UK, 8-year-old kids can now go to a weekend camp to learn to "create their own drag personas". This is also why the right of the parents to protect their children is being gradually undermined. If no resistance is offered, the day will come that the state will take full control of our children's education, under the pretext of equity, inclusiveness, convenience, and sustainability (for some earlier experiments with state education of children, see B13, on Socialism).
But back again to the private banks: their incredible power, handed over to them by our own corrupt governments, has been known for a long time. A century ago, Reginald McKenna, former British Chancellor of the Exchequer and at the time chairman of the board of the Midland Bank, apparently was in a frank mood when he told its stockholders:
“They who control the credit of the nation direct the policy of Governments and hold in the hollow of their hands the destiny of the people.”
The Power to Control the Destiny of the People
So how does Glafia's banking system control governments and the destiny of the people? Here's a brief discussion of the main ways how Glafia cheats, impoverishes and destroys the world through its banking system:
- The lies of the FED, and other central banks: at its foundation in 1913, the FED promised to prevent the frequent financial crises the US had suffered. Yet, in the 20 years that followed, three new crises appeared, all staged. That includes the horrible Great Depression of the 1930's, which the FED caused, as FED director Ben Bernanke finally admitted almost a century later. Yet, the existence of the FED was never threatened.
- Solemnly, the FED also promised to maintain the value of the dollar, but in the century that followed, 99% got lost: in 1912, the gold price was $20 per ounce, at present (March '24) it's over $2000. After a long period in which the banks kept the gold price artificially down, justly to maintain the value of the dollar, it will soon break never before seen records.
- It's the bankers who decide who's getting money and who's not, be it for economic, technological, or social projects, or for wars and revolutions. Promising projects benefiting the common people - e.g. to develop technologies for free energy, drastic energy savings, or alternative cancer cures - have been denied financing, because they wouldn't benefit the bankers. In fact, in this system it's not the banks serving the economy, but the economy serving the banks.
- The capitalist system (B11), with its private banks determining where the money goes, is indeed very similar to a communist system (B12), where the central planning committees have this task. Once you know that they are both controlled by the very same Predators of Glafia, that's not surprising at all.
- Warfare and war loans (and now also including "germfare and vaccinefare") are since many years a great favorite of the international bankers, because of the large amounts of money involved in the preparation and execution of wars (and "vaccines"), and also in the rebuilding of the countries and their armies. The tears for the victims are exclusively for public consumption. And as the banks always finance both sides, the house always wins. I even found that warring countries often made a deal in which the victor would pay the debts of the loser. Please remember this simple fact:
Without the financing by Glafia's banking system, all Great Wars and Colonizations would have been impossible.
- Legal casinos: since centuries ago, the banksters run - and rig - the biggest legal casinos in the world: the stock exchanges, and more recently the derivatives and securities markets. There, when they win, they win big, but when they lose big the bill is passed to the taxpayers, under too-big-to-fail arguments, via government bank bailouts (= tax money paid for by the common people). That’s the old capitalist trick of “privatizing profits” and “socializing losses”. Nothing substantial has ever been done to prevent this from happening, which can be taken as a solid proof that we live in fake democracies.
- Boom-bust cycles: by adjusting interest rates, the bankers control the amount of money in circulation, which enables them to create economic booms or busts at will. These artificial boom/bust cycles are a tool of plunder, as well as of centralization of wealth and power. The staged Dot Com crash started in 2000, the planned Housing Bubble burst in 2008. And just before Covid, another boom/bust was planted, more below.
- When the banks set the interest rate low, money becomes cheap, and investors can buy up anything they can lay there their hands on. This way, they can also push the house and stock markets further up. At some point, the crisis will be provoked, by increasing the interest rate. Presently a 1% increase in interest hits much harder than before, because the debt we collectively have with the Glafioso banking system is higher than ever. That causes many debtors, including governments, to default on their loans, leading to loss of cars, homes, farms, businesses, and so on. It's not by coincidence that the middle class is the main victim of these criminal policies (see also B25 on Assetization).
- And naturally, the best thing for Glafia and its minions is to buy up cheap during a crisis. As Catherine Austin Fitts said: “Wallstreet first drove Mainstreet into shambles [with climate/Covid/Ukraine measures], and now picks up its assets on the cheap.” Foreknowledge is of course essential in these criminal financial games.
- Through war and other loans, and boom-bust cycles, the banksters have drowned the world in an ever-increasing debt, which has become unpayable, and that's by design. When governments or corporations begin to default on their debts, the banksters tighten the screws. In the 2008 crisis, Argentina and Greece were early victims. If Glafia's present plans to bring the West down can proceed, many others will follow. In the end, the victims are forced to hand over real resources - oil and gas fields, mines, forests, farmlands, motorways, sea or airports, water, and future productivity - in return for “restructuring” the payments of compound interests. More on banker provoked inequality below.
- Assetization by Glafia's elites (see B25): the boom-bust cycles and the present plans of monetizing nature and privatizing cities will facilitate more take-overs and consolidation of corporations and banks into Glafia monopolies. If undeterred by the people, the final stage of this process would be Glafia’s “Farm Earth”, with all obstacles for “efficient farm management” removed, and a level playfield for “techno-feudalism”, with all national and popular resistance demolished.
- The global owners may redesign the money system to their liking, even without democratic consultation, e.g., to create new currencies for their private fiefdom project. Already in 1988, Rothschild’s magazine The Economist announced that from the ashes of a (staged) future dollar collapse a Phoenix would rise: “Get ready for a world currency!” Armstrong Economics commented: “There is no possible way this is happening without the entire world collapsing and a single world government emerges by FORCE. Politics as we know will no longer function.” To which we can add a One World Army to enforce the implementation. And a psy-war on the population to eliminate any dissent, which was intensified in the 21st century under the strategy of fear: first 9/11 (Patriot Act, etc.) and CO2 (the oceans are boiling!), and then the even more successful (for the bankers and their proxies), Covid-19 scam.
- The dollar has been in decline since a century ago, and more and more business with China and Russia is done in their own currencies or gold, which lowers the demand for the dollar, and its value. Under BIS-BRICS supervision, a synthetic international reserve currency (like a Special Drawing Right 2.0, see IMF) will be installed, probably linked to commodities, like gold. This will greatly increase the demand for gold, and its price. China and Russia have increased their gold stocks since many years, and probably have much more gold than they officially admit. Conversely, the gold stocks of the West seem to be low. Presently Glafia's international banking system is steering toward the CBDC, a "slave money" system. Once all money is brought into a central bank controlled digital system, a world currency can easily be enforced.
- The forced introduction of the Euro was a stepping stone in this one world currency game. By design, it took away the monetary sovereignty of the participating EU countries. Previously, weaker countries could lower the value of their own money relative to the world reserve currency (US$), to reduce the price of their exports. At the same time the price of imports would rise, and the trade deficit shrink. With the Euro, the PIGS countries (Portugal, Italy, Greece, and Spain) lost this key tool, and then had to ask for loans, thus entering a downward spiral, during which they were sucked dry by the usual culprits. While the subordinate PIGS elites took large benefits from those loans, their taxpayers were forced to pay the tremendous cost and to suffer the consequences of the banker prescribed austerity programs.
- Since as long as several centuries ago, private banks have been ideally positioned for whitewashing and other illegal activities, e.g., the international drugs and arms trade which Glafia has controlled for at least 200 years (for the illegal drugs trade, see the free e-book Dope, Inc. on While hundreds of billions of dollars go around in these criminal carrousels, individual users are asked many questions when they transfer minor amounts.
- The international bankers are also masters in the discrete management of the fortunes of Glafia’s subordinate elites, via accounts on Swiss and other banks, and increasingly in offshore trust funds, in which The City of London plays a key role (see documentary The Spider’s Web: Britain’s Second Empire, YouTube). The bankers know all the details of the incredible and mostly illegal riches of their clients (recall the $3 billion on the account of the daughter of former longtime president of Angola, Dos Santos), and may of course use this information to blackmail them.
- The latest and greatest boom/bust has been in preparation under the Covid-19 cover. It became first known a few months before the Covid plandemic (Why the U.S. Repo Market Blew Up). But you won't find that explained in your standard newspaper. In 2020 alone, the FED (and central banks elsewhere) gave out trillions of loans to commercial banks and hedge funds they control or are allied with, with low, zero or even negative interest rates.
Today these flames are still smoldering, but with a little fanning, a large fire can be lit any time, and a staged, total bank collapse may follow. That stops all payments and transactions. The few hunter-gatherers and small self-reliant farmers won't notice, but the rest of the world depends highly on this private global banking system, owned by Glafia. In this new protection racket, Glafia will present its Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) as the only solution to cure the crisis, which will indeed be more horrible than ever. According to Anthony Migchels (of, this time the West could go through the same drama as Russia after the demise of the Soviet Union, in the 1990's.
How the money system creates inequality
The plan was the creation of debt as big as possible, as perpetual as possible, in as few hands as possible.
With all countries long since indebted to the banking system, a constant flow of interest money has been siphoned off from the debtors to the creditors (see B20 on how our usurious money system works). As a rule, these interests are compounded, which means paying interest over delayed interest payments. This was a key factor in the soaring rise of the Glafia bankers and their associates. As the saying goes in Germany and Holland, the devil’s always shitting on the biggest heap. Where money is, more money goes. Without a profound and global monetary reform, we will be in debt forever, pay interest forever, and never ever attain sustainability, not to mention equality.
Global debt - of governments, corporations, and individuals - to the Glafia controlled money system rose to an unpayable $350 trillion in 2020: over four times the 2020 gross global product (GDP) of about $80 trillion. The average debt per global inhabitant is quickly rising toward $50,000.
But the profit margin over those $80 trillion GDP is very probably less than 5%. That's a $4 trillion profit, which is insufficient to pay even 2% of interest over the global debt, let alone loan repayments. Just the interest payments likely require over $10 trillion per year. In this situation, a 1% increase in interest rate can already be fatal for many debtors. But in the past years, interest has gone up from 0 to 5%, a sure recipe for disaster. As B20 clearly shows (interests can only be paid through new loans), it's a Ponzi scheme, and the rug on which it stands can be pulled at any time convenient to the criminal banker syndicate.
In other words, the massively indebted global economy cannot support such a high level of interest, which is the root cause of the financial crises we are constantly suffering. During the Covid crisis, the parasitic bankers lowered the interest rate to zero or even negative, to keep their host alive. Again, because The Real Story and our present situation is not known and understood by the public, the inevitable next banker-planned collapse will take the common people by surprise.
Again, the house will win, and the people will lose, but this time it will do more than increase the already gigantic inequality: Glafia's next financial protection racket will propose Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) as the only solution for the new crisis, which will be greater than ever.
The problem with CBDC
By now the reader will understand that we are living in a highly controlled world, where a very powerful organized crime syndicate, Glafia, pulls the strings and has gone over hundreds of millions of corpses to reach its goal to make our planet their Farm Earth.
Technology has always been a key factor in the present domination project. When Glafia started it 500 years ago, apart from adequate shipping, navigation and food preservation technologies for long distance trade and colonization, they also had new financial technologies at their disposal. After fusing their crime syndicate with the machinery of state and the local oligarchy controlling it, they could manage entire countries with their MOBILE CAPITAL. That part of the project has been completed, and all countries are now part of this financial system. That includes not only Iran, Cuba, North Korea, Nicaragua and Venezuela, but also Russia and China! All are playing their paid bogeyman roles in Shakespeare’s global theatre.
More than 50 years ago (A6.7), at Glafia’s behest, new technologies became available, amongst them digital computers and electronic network communication, for "a more controlled society ... dominated by an elite ... with continuous surveillance over every citizen” (Brzezinski). That project, on these pages called the Global Digital Prison (A7.4), of which CBDC is a core element, is now being implemented - although no sane person has ever asked for it. It depends completely on the introduction of the digital identification (Digital ID) of all common inhabitants of the planet.
During the Covid plandemic, we could see how Glafia's proxies in our institutions and governments twisted and turned, under the pretext of health protection, to reach that essential goal: Digital ID. It didn't happen yet, but they will soon try it again, and put us under even greater pressure. To quote Simon Elmer on the great danger of CBDC, in his must-read but long article Contexts for Central Bank Digital Currency:
"CBDC will be an automated form of governance enforced outside of any legislative or juridical mediation. Comply or starve. This is a system of totalitarian control, the likes of which the world has never seen before, and it is being implemented now."
Elmer cites the banking economist Richard Werner, who described the bid for Central Bank Digital Currency to achieve "total control over all economic transactions" as ‘"the greatest concentration of central banking power in history", the aim of which is "an Orwellian dystopia of total control over people and the end of any freedoms". Elmer also warns that once introduced, CBDC is practically irreversible.
I'm not so sure: modern electricity systems with a high input of highly variable "renewable energy", and sophisticated computer networks are not resilient at all, despite all the buzz about resilience. Sabotage may occur (hacking, cyber-attacks, naturally also with false flag attacks), but also man-made or natural EMP events (provoked by the sun, see the 1859 Carrington event which caused fires in multiple telegraph stations around the world). Heavily damaged electronic networks can take months to restore, and all the while buying and selling would be impossible in a CBDC world.
Therefore, CBDC could very well become part of the emperor's new clothes, together with the other unviable technologies of Klaus Schwab's IVth Industrial Revolution. See the Epilogue, where this is described in one sentence:
The Emperor of reductionism, Darwin, AI, Gen Tech, Transhumanism, is naked.
The crystal-clear Catherine Austin Fitts calls CBDC a system of enslavement. Conclusion A8.3 states that "Money will cease to exist, but like Uncle Tom, you'll get CBDC coupons for the ESG-certified Farm Shops." These often virtual Farm Shops will be connected to their global surveillance network, and if you don't behave to their liking, they may refuse you certain products, or decline to attend you at all.
So CBDC isn't honest money, but slave money:
Comply or starve!
The pandemic is a crisis of convenience for the elite who are dictating these policies. It gives them the ability to obliterate the middle class, to destroy the institutions of democracy, to shift all of our wealth to a handful of billionaires, [while] impoverishing the rest of us.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr., at the 2022 Berlin Rally for Freedom and Peace
A protection racket is an old Mafia trick to steal, not by simply robbing a victim, but through a deception. That deception starts with a Mafia-made problem - a bogeyman - so designed that the potential victim will react with fear and ask for a Mafia-provided solution, protection, thus becoming a "client". Glafia's staged wars, state terrorism, fake diseases (B34), and the CO2 caused global warming hoax are all protection rackets, as explained in B24.
As a result of Glafia's protection rackets, the common people are made to pay, through a "strategy of fear", by using a bogeyman like Hitler (WW2), Communism (Cold War), Osama bin Laden (War on Terror), or CO2 (climate crisis). All these organized crime activities are executed through collaboration with traitors in our own governments and institutions!
For a long time, the media has been part of all Glafia rackets, and their participation is even "diagnostic". In other words, if the official and state media support something in unison and trans-nationally, that's solid proof that it's driven by this Global Crime Syndicate, which owns all major media. Because of the propagandistic role of the media, until recently very few people managed to understand these games. The internet has changed this for the first time in history, beginning with 9/11, and now even more pronounced with Covid. No wonder that the net is now under heavy attack by censorship.
Likewise, the Covid plandemic is best explained as a Glafia protection racket. The problem (a virus created in Glafia's labs) was blown up by official fear campaigns, supported by all mainstream media and aimed at mass formation psychosis (Mattias Desmet, B36). About the planning of the Covid protection racket, several comments can be made:
- In 2009, a very similar plandemic, the Mexican swine flu (influenza H1N1), "broke out". Its management by the health authorities was very similar to Covid, including the creation of panic, the unconditional support by the media and the hurried vaccination campaign, which provoked a lot of nasty side effects (like narcolepsy in thousands of children). But strong critical voices, especially that of Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, were able to stop it on that occasion.
- In 2010, the Rockefeller Foundation published a report on future scenarios (“Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development). According to William F. Engdahl, "the first scenario, titled, “Lock Step”, describes a world of total government control and authoritarian leadership. It envisions a future where a pandemic would allow national leaders to flex their authority and impose airtight rules and restrictions that would remain after the pandemic faded". Amazingly, parts of this Lock Step scenario read as a script for what happened ten years later, during the early phases of Covid in 2020. See also Predictive Programming (B22) and Harry Vox's 2014 Lock Step comments on YouTube.
- RairFoundation: "In May of 2009, a year before the Rockefeller Foundation’s “Lock Step” scenario, the infamous Jacques Attali published an essay, “Change, as a Precaution”, in which he expressed the hope that a pandemic would trigger “restructuring fears.” By this, Attali means the kind of fear that would trigger a “restructuring of society.” Attali wrote: “History teaches us that humanity only evolves significantly when it is truly afraid.” (On Glafia stooge Attali, see also B30, Culling the herd.)
- The WEF, like the CIA, was certainly informed about the coming Covid racket. Klaus Schwab's book Covid-19: The Great Reset came out on July 14, just four months after the WHO declared Covid a pandemic. Klaus must have had it ready in an advanced stage, so he could make use of the "rare and narrow window of opportunity" which the (staged) virus offered.
- Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel admitted that he had foreknowledge of the "pandemic" (which thus becomes a "plandemic)", and that he produced the first vaccine batch in 2019. Many other anomalies became known, several related to (much) earlier patents for the virus and the vaccines.
- Several preparatory activities like Event 201, with scenarios that came close to the "life exercise", were organized in 2019.
Covid's IMAGINARY course in a SANE world
Already in February 2020, the first studied Covid outbreaks, on the Diamond Princess cruise ship and after a carnival event in Gangelt, Germany (the latter by Prof. Hendrik Streeck), had shown that only 15 to 20% of the contacts became infected, and that most of the infected people had only mild symptoms. The relatively few fatalities were mainly very elderly people with co-morbidities, dying at a higher average age than normal. In other words, 80-85% of the population was expected to be naturally immune. Of the relatively small susceptible group, few became seriously ill, and even fewer died.
That was no surprise, as corona viruses have been part of the "flu-mix" for a long time. The result was cross-immunity, as described by Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi and Dr. Karina Reiss in their 2020 bestseller Corona False Alarm, for which they were viciously slandered. All the while, the authorities falsely claimed that Covid-19 was totally new. Only three years later, in May 2023, corona cross-immunity was officially acknowledged and published by the German Medical Association.
In March 2020, Dr. John Ioannidis, one of the most influential and cited scientists ever, published an essay in which he argued against school closures, social distancing measures, and lockdowns. In April 2020, he published an infection fatality rate (IFR) of 0.17% (adjusted to 0.15% in 2021), just as for a mild flu (influenza virus), which confirmed the earlier expectations (his 2023 estimates are even significantly lower).
Already in February 2020, an elegant solution had presented itself. Call it serendipity or divine providence, but the Valley View Nursing Home in Toronto, Canada, had a scabies outbreak. 170 patients, but not the staff, were given ivermectin, a very safe and effective anti-parasitic drug in wide use for decades. Shortly thereafter the Home had a Covid-19 outbreak. The strange thing was that staff became much more infected and sicker than the patients. The patients on the 4th floor, all very elderly people with co-morbidities, who had been treated for scabies with a therapeutic dose of ivermectin, had not even one clinical case of Covid! Ivermectin dosing had prevented Covid symptoms.
All other elderly patients had been treated with a preventive (lower) dose of ivermectin, and only a few had mild Covid symptoms. Strangely, the nursing home kept completely silent about this important “natural trial”, while the world’s health authorities would have received its results with open arms, wouldn’t they? Yet, when a relative of one of the patients brought this important news to the attention of the media and politicians, they decided to ignore it completely.
On March 18, 2020, a video conference on the use of another safe, cheap and effective drug for Covid-19, with massive use over many decades, HCQ, was held between medical doctors of Costa Rica and China (HCQ stands for hydroxychloroquine, originally a malaria remedy). The Chinese doctors explained that early HCQ treatment is key, to prevent mild and moderate cases from becoming severe.
The Costa Rican doctors then applied this advice with great success during the following months, until the World Health Organization (WHO) prohibited the use of HCQ. Thereafter, the Covid death rates in Costa Rica became far higher. In a country that often praises itself for being highly democratic and “Pura Vida”, apparently the new-normal is “Befehl ist Befehl”, Hippocratic oath or not!
It should be noted that the WHO is not the public UN institution which it pretends to be, but a tool of Glafia proxies like vaccine tycoon Bill Gates, China and the Pharmafia, who largely finance and control it.
In the meantime, the high efficacy and safety of HCQ was confirmed in two 2020 “battlefield” trials, by Dr. Vladimir Zelenko in New York (699 patients, March 28) and Dr. Didier Raoult in France (1061 patients, April 9). In March 2020, a first trial of ivermectin with 200 front line health workers in Argentina by Dr. Hector Carvallo gave stunningly positive results in Covid prevention, which were confirmed in subsequent trials with many hundreds of participants. Dr. Carvallo cried from happiness. He then got a call: the Argentinian health authorities ordered him to stop the administration of ivermectin. But why? After that call, Dr. Carvallo cried a second time.
Since mid 2020, dozens of peer reviewed publications and empirical proof on medicinal Covid treatments on millions of people in Mexico, Peru, India, etc., have confirmed the high efficacy and safety of HCQ and ivermectin. In a normal, sane, rational, sensible, honest, logical, and science-based world, with this knowledge the Covid outbreak would have been managed by the worldwide application of early treatment based on HCQ and ivermectin, and probably vitamin D and quercetin, and the Covid problem would have dissolved almost instantly.
No more hospital and ambulance capacity problems would have occurred, and the Covid death rate would have dropped to an extremely low level. No draconian lockdowns would have been needed, no billions of dangerous (microplastics in the lungs, etc.) and useless masks (see the Cochrane meta-study 2023), no 1.5-meter distancing, and no millions of virtually useless PCR tests. No psychological operations and fear mongering by governments and media, no curfews, no media attention, no gigantic increase in government (=people) debts. And no school closures and nefarious effects on children either!
No damage to the economy, no big ego’s trying to steal the new show, nor the need to force expensive and highly dangerous experimental "vaccines" on billions of people. No demonstrations and protests, no discriminating Green Passes or QR codes, and no emergency laws. No silencing or cancelling of people with different views, and no suppression of dissent by the tech firms, the media, and the authorities. The word Covid could have been erased from the dictionaries, or at least from the media, the laws, and our daily lives.
The above affirmations have now been proven in numerous studies and also in the Amish communities of the USA, where almost nobody was jabbed, and almost nobody died from Covid, probably due in part to the use of a very familiar product for the Amish, "horse-dewormer" (ivermectin). An offer on Twitter by Steven Kirsch, to pay out $2500 for a list of 5 Amish people who died from Covid, still goes unanswered.
Covid's MAD COURSE in our INSANE world
In a very early stage (March 2020), well before the real magnitude of the "pandemic" could be known, suddenly and in all 193 UN countries, "vaccination" was falsely presented as the one and only solution to free us from this terrible pandemic, caused by a "totally new" virus. Falsely, because:
- Corona viruses were not completely new, as the experts alleged.
- The full impact of Covid wasn't yet known - but the studies of the Diamond Princess and Gangelt carnival event had shown that only the elderly had to be protected.
- Officially, safe and effective vaccines didn't even exist (but as we now know, unsafe and ineffective vaccines had been in secret preparation since long).
- Safe and effective, and also very cheap treatments and preventive medicines (HCQ, ivermectin, quercetin....) and vitamins were widely available.
The bizarre Covid measures enforced by our governments were clearly not to protect our health. The real aim was to undermine our freedom and resistance through fear; to destroy many small and medium sized independent businesses and increase the monopoly control of corporations like Microsoft and Amazon; to acclimatize people to living, working and socializing in digital (and ultimately virtual) spaces in place of real life ones in preparation for the metaverse era, and of course to force digital health passports on us: a key stone for Glafia's Global Digital Prison project (A7.4). Covid was just another protection racket to bring us under control during Glafia's End Game.
Nobody listened to the critical voices of highly respected, independent doctors and scientists. But the great “medical expert”, the adorable “Dr.” Bill Gates, a large-scale investor in the highly profitable vaccine industry, while scattering his money everywhere, was promoting vaccines and being applauded for it. As always, Glafia was applying its Big Carrot Trick, now for the criminal medical-industrial complex, the New Merchants of Death (B34), led by Bill himself. He is a descendent of a family dedicated to eugenics (see the four documentaries on Gates, on
They all became wildly excited to save us from this "Black Death" level problem: a respiratory virus with an infection fatality rate similar to or less than the flu (John Ioannidis), that only left an insignificant, and partly falsified ripple in mortality statistics. If someone died because of a traffic accident while having a positive PCR test, that counted as a Covid death. And most positive PCR tests were false positives (the test doesn't detect intact or infectious virus, while over 40 cycles were used, which makes the results highly unreliable).
In a typical European village with 5,000 inhabitants, about 50 people die each year. In 2020, Covid’s supposedly most deadly year, an extra 5 died, all very elderly. If you lived in such a village, you would hardly have noticed the five extra deaths. The 2021 mortality, under mass jabbing, strangely stayed at the 2020 level. Yet in 2022/23, after several boosters, excess deaths were even higher (10-40% above normal), especially in children and adults under 45, with many sudden deaths, often on sporting fields (suspect of myocarditis and its complications). Since the jabs, some long established life insurance companies are reporting an increase of 40% in their payments for working age deaths, a rise never before seen in history.
In Europe, the three years before 2020 had less than 100,000 excess deaths each (Euromomo). From 2020, we had three years of about 400,000 excess deaths in each of those years. That's strange, because even after only one year of excess mortality, fewer people are expected to die the next year. All risk factors for excess death are now investigated, except the jabs: because we all “know” these are 100% safe and effective! This is irrefutable proof that honest medical science is stone dead. Again, it's remarkable how they got away with all their lies and crimes, this time with so many sworn-in medical doctors in the arena. Covid was just another protection racket to bring us under control during Glafia's End Game.
Eugenics rears its ugly head
Once you understand that "elites" in the West have been bought and led for centuries by Criminals, more precisely the Greatest Arch-Fascists Ever (B2: perpetrators of colonization, all kinds of slavery, World Wars, ecological disasters, 9/11...), it isn't so surprising that under Covid, eugenics reared its ugly head again, after earlier efforts in the USA and then Nazi Germany. In veterinary terms, eugenics can be summarized as 1) culling the unfit and old, an essential measure in commercially held animals, and 2) selective breeding, by allowing only animals with certain characteristics to reproduce. Our would-be cattle owners of Farm Earth see this the very same way for us (B30, Culling the herd).
During Covid, many elderly people, often infected, were thrown out of hospitals into care homes, where quite a few predictably died. Liberal use of Midazolam (in the UK urged by Secretary of Death Matt Hancock, and also by Italian Health Minister Roberto Speranza), also caused many "Covid" victims, as did (often highly subsidized) ventilators. In the UK, non-resuscitation orders were actively spread to the elderly, but also to healthy people with disabilities and learning disorders, including autism. The damage by the harmful lockdowns is still largely unknown.
The criminal prohibition of ivermectin and HCQ, proven to be safe and effective treatments for all Covid variants (although the dose may vary), in peer-reviewed trials and large-scale campaigns with millions of people (Uttar Pradesh, Mexico, Peru, Japan...), caused hundreds of thousands of unnecessary deaths, especially in the West. With these cheap therapies, hospitals and health workers can resume their usual tasks within weeks, with no need whatsoever for immunization. See The War on Ivermectin, by the brave doctor Pierre Kory. Other doctors upholding the honor of the now disgraced medical profession are Peter McCullough, "Zev" Zelensky, Meryl Nass, Simone Gold, Sucharit Bhakdi, Wolfgang Wodarg, Vernon Coleman, Tess Lawrie, Mercola, Aseem Malhotra, and fortunately many more.
However, the biggest medical scandal ever is the massive mRNA "vaccination" campaign, which is still pushed in several countries, even on children and pregnant women, while the short-term effects are covered up and the long-term effects are completely unknown. Voluntary databases like VAERS (US), MHRA (UK) and EMA (EU) have registered tens of thousands of deaths and millions of severe, life altering side effects. In the very recent past, a few dozen deaths could stop the launch of any new medical drug, because the only three rules were: Safety, Safety, Safety.
That changed drastically, and a recent (fall 2022) new generation of Covid mRNA jabs has only been tested on 8 mice, no humans at all, and is yet being distributed by the billions. What could possibly go wrong? Fortunately, the uptake has been very low: most people haven't seen death by Covid in their circle of family and friends, yet many have become familiar with the frequent and often serious side effects, including death, of the jabs.
This proof of sanity is now framed as vaccine hesitancy or declared a mental illness (like the Soviet Union did), those afflicted with such sanity are smeared as anti-vaxxers, granny killers, or even domestic terrorists. In December '22, Peter Hotez, a high ranking WHO official and "advocate in the fields of global health", wrote:
"Anti-vaccine activism ... has now become a major killing force globally."
In the meantime, almost nothing is done to prevent iatrogenic death, caused by medical interventions, the third major cause of death in the West (Prof. Peter Gøtzsche). See also B34 on Pharmafia: The New Merchants of Death. At the same time, very little is done to systematically monitor and study the many dangerous toxins in our food and environment. Why is this? See again B30, Culling the herd: the depopulation agenda.
Some Covid conclusions
In fact, Glafia's fanatic attempt to jab the whole population failed everywhere: in the Americas, Europe, Japan... thanks to the many people stood their ground. Official jab rates are clearly inflated, and the large control groups will at some point blow the lid off the cover->up. Its apparent early success in China (mandatory jabs, lockdowns and green passes) finally blew up. There's also a very large control group in Africa (only 6% jabbed), yet Africa has fared much better in terms of Covid ascribed mortality than the other continents.
Obviously, the whole campaign was rolled out too early and too hurriedly, and a severe blowback may occur. Will the perpetrators be held accountable someday? Or will the Ukraine war or other staged events be used to divert all attention from the carnage? Anyways, we now have the Covid litmus test, a great diagnostic tool, which more and more people pass, although politicians are few amongst them.
Another positive effect of Covid is that it has opened the eyes of many people to the ongoing global fraud, which has given important momentum to the Truth movement (see also Corona Investigative Committee).
A final note on viruses:
Many people are now in doubt about the existence of Covid viruses, or even about viruses in general. But please see Dr. Meryl Nass, advisor to Robert Kennedy Jr., on Meryl Nass Is the virus real? And don’t miss The truth about germ theory controversy, on
Yes, viruses exist, that's why protective clothing works; viruses have an incubation time; they react to anti-viral medicines; and different strains of the Covid virus even require different doses of anti-virals. It is impossible to explain these phenomena with the NO-virus theory. However, some official virus etiologies are false, such as "HIV causes AIDS", or dubious, such as "the only cause of poliomyelitis is a virus", see William Engdahl’s Toxicology vs. virology and Susan Humphies.
Once, men turned their thinking over to machines in the hope that this would set them free. But that only permitted other men with machines to enslave them.
Frank Herbert (1920-1986), American science fiction author
About 500 years ago, Glafia's project of worldwide empire building could start because certain technologies had become available: financial and banking technology to control whole countries covertly and by proxy, and shipping, navigation, and arms technology to explore and colonize the world. After almost five centuries of running a spiritual, cultural, financial, and physical war against humanity, Glafia's proxy system (B9) has become overly complex, with far too many horses, for far too many courses.
In search for a simpler and better control system, Glafia carried out a major effort to develop digital surveillance, data collection and coercion technology, as announced by Brzezinski in 1970 (Between Two Ages). Presently, the WEF calls it the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and it will change many things, not for the benefit, development, and convenience of humanity, as many are falsely led to think, but for the absolute control of all humans on earth. Glafia's core dynasties - long since above the law and out of sight - and its high level proxies are of course excepted from state supervision, as we've already seen during Covid with Boris, Matt Hancock, Neil Ferguson, and many other "elites" partying and brushing the rules aside.
One of the main purposes of Glafia's 21st century End Game (of course without ever using this term) is to implement this new digital control system. The present convoluted control structure (based on deceit of the masses, executed covertly by proxies) will be substituted by a Global Digital Prison (based on digital control technology for individuals, executed by an anonymous “system”). In other words, the earlier Global Mind Control Program (B21) will be gradually substituted by a technology-based control system à la Communist China. Once installed, it will become very hard to resist or dodge this digital variant of feudalism and slavery.
Glafia's grand 21st century scheme for the control of ALL PEOPLE is outlined in The Great Reset (2020), a WEF (B32) operation led by its lovely figurehead Klaus Schwab. It formalizes Glafia’s operations to install a Global Digital Prison. Naturally, that's not the WEF's term: they use all kinds of idealistic and soothing deceptions to lure the people into accepting the profound changes they propose. The Digital Prison is an electronic monitoring and control (=enforcement) system that already works for certain farm animals, like dairy cows or breeding sows, to control their individual movements, (re)production, health, emissions, feed consumption and a culling plan.
That's exactly Glafia's conception of how they will run their private Farm Earth, with us as their digitally controlled cattle. But there's still an obstacle: the increasing awareness and resistance of “the mob”, greatly enhanced by the once unrestricted exchange of information on the internet, but where censorship is now quickly accelerating. A second worry of our Masters is that the global temperature will fall, for natural reasons: we are in an inter-glacial period, in which we already stayed for longer than the average duration between a dozen glacial periods in the last million years. A prolonged cold period, or even worse, a new Ice Age, would collapse Glafia's CO2 hoax, on which a very large part of their policies and popular support depends.
A third factor is that with the current state of information technology, a direct democracy is totally feasible (see also Van der Pijl, in the Introduction), which would be a great menace for the wealthy oligarchs pulling the strings of our present fake representative democracies. It's in fact a miracle that nobody has launched such a system yet - which sure smells like suppression. These three factors surely advanced the launch of Glafia’s present End Game, and the hasty roll out of their Covid plandemic certainly cost them a lot. Happily, that helped to create awareness in a significant segment (perhaps ~25%?) of the population.
Pre-weakening humanity
Just as Eurasia's large empires were pre-weakened before the final Glafia attack on them in the 20th century, presently several operations are running to pre-weaken humanity's resistance to their top-down plans. That's on top of Glafia's centuries long cultural, financial, media and spiritual war on humanity (B18, B19, B36). No wonder that their old and trusted Mafia tool, the protection racket, has been in heavy use during this century. The following are the most important examples of such:
- The 9/11 protection racket (A7.1), the opening salvo for the End Game, was to instill fear for Glafia's newest bogeyman, Muslim terrorism led by Osama bin Laden. The goal was to reduce our freedoms while keeping us under constant fear, and to start the War on Terror to weaken the Middle East. And as usual, to present a very Big Carrot to Glafia's Old Merchants of Death, the military-industrial-political complex.
- The environmental protection racket (Agenda 2030, IPCC climate policies), in which humanity itself is blamed for the disasters caused by the globalist corporations and bankers: we, the commoners, are not green and sustainable enough, and there are far too many of us! We must act rapidly, because the oceans are boiling (Glafia pawn Al Gore, January '22)! With this hoax, Glafia's big corporations are dancing around a basket full of Big Carrots worth far over $100 trillion: the captive, or state-protected, market for energy transition. Meanwhile, the common people who pay for it are being impoverished, the world's resources squandered, while creating enormous waste problems (e.g. disposal of the relatively short-lived windmills and solar panels).
- The financial protection racket (A7.2, B20), which can be triggered any moment because this Ponzi system is totally undermined, by design. When the banking system is made to fail and electronic money stops to work, a tremendous fear will rise, and for many good reasons. Then CBDC will be presented unison as the only solution for this indeed grave problem.
- The Covid protection racket (A7.3), to enforce toxic jabs for population reduction (B30), paired with the forced introduction of a digital ID, a key element for our Global Digital Prison. It came of course with a large dose of terrorizing the population, and a very Big Carrot, this time for the New Merchants of Death, Pharmafia (B34), and its many corrupted and bribed medical doctors (for example through MRNA injection bonus payments).
- The Ukrainian (and future) wars protection rackets (B28), again with the fear trick and the Big Carrot trick. But this time also with the foreseen backlash of the massive sanctions on Russia, which causes impoverishment in Western Europe and the US, due to exploding energy and food prices. Not a policy error, but a planned demolition. At the same time, it increases the collaboration between Russia, China, the BRICS, and other countries, thus sidelining the West and its dollar system, to further Glafia's goal to go East (A7.5).
More weakening methods are used simultaneously with the ones mentioned above, see B23 on How to dominate ALL PEOPLE. Meanwhile, all relevant states, institutions, corporations, and media have been captured (see state capture in Wikipedia) as Glafia’s proxies, whereby "traitors within the gates" implement the globalist policies as defined by WEF, UN, WHO, IPCC, EU, NATO (Figure 1). And again, no Western errors here, but covertly operating pawns executing their Glafia ordained treasonous tasks, in its planned demolition project of the West.
Taken together, it's like the Seven Plagues of Egypt. That could lead to a crisis as severe as the one Russia suffered after the planned collapse of the Soviet Union, where male life expectancy at birth fell by six years between 1991 and 1994. For sure, Glafia’s centuries-long confidence game with the West’s pseudo-democracies is now in its end phase, and the velvet glove is slowly but steadily being removed from the Arch-Fascist fist (B2).
I don't think it's an exaggeration to say that the West's largest man-made crisis in 500 years is coming, and that you'd better prepare for it.
![]() Figure 1. GPPP or G3P
Source: Iain Davis |
What Glafia wants from us: total submission
The Earth is a farm. We are someone else's property. Charles Fort (1874-1932), American writer and cross-thinker
As explained in B9, Glafia's Master Plan is very simple:
To own and run the whole planet, humans included, as a private corporation.
The concept of “Farm Earth”, with “we, the cattle”, represents Glafia's project well, wherein we are housed, managed, fed, jabbed, exploited, and culled as the Farm Owners see fit. That's Fascism in its purest form (B2), where all corporate nation states merge into one Private Corporate Global Estate, which owns everything and everyone.
The cattle of course own nothing: no properties, no furniture, no clothing, no vehicles, and no businesses. They must lease everything they need, and are thus 100% dependent on a regular income, with Glafia's corporations and subsidies as the only source, not only of income, but also of food and water, and other necessities to sustain life.
That's because everything needed by the Farm owners and its cattle will be produced by Glafia's Big Corporations. All independent producers, in fact the whole middle class, will be eliminated (remember the fate of the Kulaks, a century ago in Russia). Just look around, it's already happening with farmers and other medium and small businesses. All money will be digital and centrally controlled, and can only be spend in officially certified (mostly online) Farm Shops, like in Uncle Tom's days. You can check the truth of the above allegations on the WEF website,, although some of the most alarming items have been removed.
Please find out for yourself how they want us all to live in Big Cities, with 15-minute access to all amenities to meet our needs (while hiding the fact that restrictions will also apply on going anywhere else). Idem, the Universal Basic Income or UBI (with the lie that it will be unconditional), a Social Credit System (already in place in China, and starting elsewhere), the CBDC slave money system (A7.2), the Personal Carbon Budget, the Internet of Things, and the Internet of Bodies (with sensors and brain chips for absolute control - if they get their way).
Glafia's "transhumanist" project is a trick to lure the people into these digital slavery systems, with the lie that they will live longer, more interesting and better lives when they are permanently connected to a computer. In reality, all their "revolutionary" projects and theories are failed ones: Singularity, NeuraLink, Blue Origin, Starship, Meta, Artificial Intelligence, and before that, the refuted Big Bang (by NASA's James Webb telescope), the stinky and muddy primordial soup, Darwin’s illusions... although they won't ever admit it.
Their hi-tech machines can indeed do very impressive tricks, some very useful, and some very dangerous ones too, but no technology will ever be superior to the creative and intelligent mind of humans with their God or Tao given talents and capacities, and will to create from these.
As an aside, I recently enjoyed hearing and seeing the Irish English Colombian singer Katie James (El Regreso, 3 minutes): one beautiful woman, one voice, and six guitar strings. Never will a computer match such an authentic artist, simply because no machine can ever have a human soul. Transhumanism is just Glafia’s umpteenth Emperor's new clothes. Any unspoilt and open-minded child can see it.
Glafia's new control technology, here called the Global Digital Prison, is to make us 100% dependent on our Owners, just as micro-managed cattle on an electronically controlled farm. The main reason is that a totalitarian system can never allow dissent, from independently thinking people, who have their own views on how the world should be organized (see B36, Menticide in Totalitaria).
In the Digital Prison, the dissenter, who has lost his/her anonymity and rights, will instantly be detected and deterred by "The System", which is so anonymous that he/she can't even file a complaint. The punishment will include penalty points on their Social Credit record; reduction or cutting off of Universal Basic Income; commercial, distance or other restrictions on your CBDC account; blocking of gates to other areas or public transport, etc. Indeed, it will be the worst prison ever because you're always kept in the dark about the next move of "The System”. And move it will!
What Glafia aims toward are well domesticated slaves in "smart cities", who are fully dependent on social and carbon credits, fake food, mRNA jabs, and "freedom passes". Plus, Universal Basic Incomes, placed in digital wallets or injected chips, to be spent at Farm Earth’s ESG-certified corporations.
In this Tower of Babel 2.0, you’d better obey, shut up and submit yourself to all officially safe and effective treatments, vetted by 97% of $cientists. Otherwise, your regular income may stop, and you can’t pay your monthly rents for housing, clothing, food, or bicycle.
This will be the inescapable scenario if we stay ignorant, silent, and compliant.
Of course, once we find out that we come from ABOVE (B1), and not from BELOW as Glafia's falsified science keeps telling us, and once we learn to know our power (B41), and become aware that WE are many, and start to cooperate, we can make very different choices, to prevent this Digistopia from becoming reality, and to create the kind of society that WE desire (see also B46 and the Epilogue).
As we've seen in A2.1, reputed historians Braudel and Arrighi called the collaboration of the Spanish Empire with the Genoese bankers the first stage of the capitalist world system - here named Glafia’s global domination project. It would soon be developed hand in hand with the creation of a system of powerful, connected national states, as Charles Tilly confirmed (A1.4, B10). Glafia - with a rich experience in multicolor slave trading - then used these European states to inventory and colonize the easiest to conquer parts of the world.
However, for the conquest of the great and still sovereign empires of Eurasia, a much stronger force had to be established: an alliance between Glafia's already fading but still very powerful British Empire, and its rising American Empire (A5.4), plus it's European proxy states. That coalition, in which many Zionist proxies also participated, instigated and executed the Glafia staged World Wars, revolutions and crises, here called The Great 20th Century Slaughter, which affected humanity more destructively and on a larger scale than had ever happened in history.
With ALL LANDS brought under control, and the Global Digital Prison - a control infrastructure developed in China by Glafia - on its way of controlling ALL PEOPLE, that powerful Western-Zionist coalition is no longer needed and is being dismantled, as Glafia brings its next hegemon in position: China, aided by Russia.
China, Glafia's fifth hegemon
To quickly recap: according to Giovanni Arrighi (1994), the world capitalist system developed in four cycles, each led by a temporary hegemon, respectively Spain, Holland, England, and the United States. Each cycle was divided into three phases:
1. An accumulation phase, through trade (piling up of capital).
2. A phase of industrial expansion.
3. A period of financialization (investment, mostly foreign, of capital), dominated by bankers (the earlier merchants lending out their capital).
This last phase is "burning hot and then fading away", or as Braudel called it, “a sign of autumn”. In it, not only the finance era runs its final course, but also the leader state itself. The gradual demise of one cycle would become the gradual birth of the next, on an ever grander and more global scale.
For Glafia's present hegemon, the Arch-Fascist informal empire of the United States of America - officially "the free and democratic USA" – the turning point to autumn can be dated to 1971 (A6.7). When Arrighi wrote about this in 1994, in his book The Long Twentieth Century, he still wasn't sure which state would receive the baton. Yet in his 2007 book Adam Smith in Beijing, he stated that global power would return to Asia, and especially to China.
When we take the recent developments into account, including the war in Ukraine (B28), there can be no doubt: China (B3), and Russia too (B4), will be the new horses pulling Glafia's chariot, this time not in a uni-polar, but in a multi-polar world (B33).
Like probably all meteoric careers since 1522, either of persons or of countries, Communist China's skyrocketing rise after 1971 was Glafia-made (A6.4). Glafia's proxy for this new state-building project was of course its 20th century hegemon, the United States of America. Special roles were given to Henry Kissinger, Rhodes scholar Bill Clinton, and members of Yale's Skull and Bones Society: the latter as US ambassadors to China. The preparations started very early, see B3 for the influence of the Rockefellers in China, who began their oil business and meddling there in 1863, and have continued there meddling there ever since.
The US hegemon started the "China hegemon" project overtly in 1971, when the visible part of the preparations took off, with Henry Kissinger's visit (A6.7). The reasons for this project were given in A6.4:
1. Glafia's core of dynastic families (B9) sees Communism (B12) - which they themselves launched and helped to establish in Russia, and later in China and elsewhere - as the best control system for their global domination project. Under their guidance, China has become the global leader of the "Digital Prison" project. Many Western leaders criticize it, while omitting to mention that their own countries are covertly implementing the same.
2. China, with far over one billion clever and hardworking people, has by far the largest potential for economic capacity - as it already showed during millennia, before 1850.
3. China, which was severely humiliated in the 19th century, was only going to participate in Glafia's New World Order as its leader. George Soros openly admitted this in 2009 (see George Soros interview).
4. The rude, brutish, and ruthless USA, with its constant see-through lies, has lost its credibility in most parts of the world, while China has been doing its best to gain – and buy - global popularity.
China wasn't the USA's first-time big state-making project: it also managed Russia's transformation into a communist empire, the Soviet Union (see A6.2, Russia's Cursed Course). That gave it the necessary experience for the build-up of China, along with its achievements in making all the post-WW2 "newly independent" ex-colonies their dependent proxies, via sub-ordinate elites, or puppet regimes, which they corrupted after the fake de-colonization (see A5.3 for Latin America, and A6.5 for the rest of the world). And in fact, there's no difference in how they "made" the European Union, Japan, etc.: as always, they bribed and corrupted the subordinate elites in those countries, including the mainstream media and academia.
Is China's new role a reason for HOPE?
Will an era of global peace, prosperity and freedom rise with the proposed multipolar order led by China and Russia?
The answer is: Sorry, but NO, and five reasons are given below.
First, the Covid litmus test: China, and Russia too, knew that cheap HCQ and Ivermectin work, as shown on a large scale in China, Uttar Pradesh, Japan, but even so they suppressed their people massively with such crazy measures as genetic jabs (Russia, not China) and lockdowns.
Second, read General Chi's chilling speech (The secret speech of General Chi Haotian). Anthony Hall confirmed this is not a forgery. It leaves you wondering what's really behind China's big smile.
Third, the criminal Triads, who had a role akin to Freemasons in the West, have since long been in cahoots with the Hong Kong tycoons and the Chinese Communist Party, together forming a "Glafia-subordinate gangster elite”.
Fourth, a shocking 2014 article shows how nearly 22,000 members of China’s communist elite b44hold secretive offshore companies in British and other tax havens, which makes them highly dependent on Glafia's banksters. Like all Glafia's proxies, they can never stray from the agenda, because just as Glafia made them, it can also break them. Yes, that’s “autonomous” China!
An important fifth reason is the money system litmus test. Indeed, the whole multipolar effort will be futile if the present usurious money system, fully under control of Glafia's banksters, is maintained, as it is totally incompatible with peace, prosperity, sustainability, and freedom (B20).
There will be no “autonomous” China, or any other "self-reliant" countries or regions, or a "sustainable" world, or a "free" world, as long as Glafia's bankers stay in charge of our money system.
Only if we can create awareness in lots of people (this book is my "grain of sand" contribution), if we re-discover our strength as miraculous human beings, and if we cooperate in an open-minded manner with others seeking the truth, this gigantic problem can be tackled.
To reveal the past, understand the present, and reclaim the future.
motto of, a site worth visiting
Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places...
Ephesians 6: 10-20, written by apostle Paul twenty centuries ago, far before 1522
The powerful in the world – in government, politics, the media and business – are emerging as a global alliance, transcending North-South divides.
Vandana Shiva (1952-), Indian activist
Taking the State wherever found, striking into its history at any point, one sees no way to differentiate the activities of its founders, administrators and beneficiaries from those of a professional-criminal class.
Albert J. Nock (1870-1945), American journalist
A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and he carries his banners openly.
But the traitor moves among those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not traitor, he speaks in the accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their garments, and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of a city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist.
Marcus Tullius Cicero (106-43 BC), Roman statesman, more than 2,000 years ago
In 1848, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels published The Communist Manifesto. It was probably the first non-religious theory on global history. Its simple message made a large and enduring impression on the world, stating that:
- All history is a class struggle between an oppressed majority exploited by a minority (which since feudalism has largely been true). Under capitalism, it’s the bourgeoisie (the possessing class of capitalist industrialists) versus the proletariat (the working class).
- The key to the distribution of power is the ownership of the means of production, the basis of wealth. Thus, private property should be ended. But the materialist communists wanted industrial production, “progress” and “development” to go on, just as in capitalism.
- The class struggle was supposed to progress dialectically. Dialectic means a dialogue between people holding different points of view but wishing to arrive at the truth through reasoned argumentation (Wikipedia).
- The governments of the nation states are “but a committee for managing the common affairs of the whole bourgeoisie”, and their preferred instrument to suppress the proletariat economically and politically.
Yet almost nobody knew that Marx was in the pay of The Predators (B12), and that he had deliberately twisted The Real Story, which he knew well, as proven by his comments on the Venetian thieving system. As Jacques Camatte, a French philosopher who abandoned Marxism half a century ago, wrote: “Communism was [erroneously] affirmed in opposition to bourgeois society, but not in opposition to capital”. All the attention Marx received, and still gets from the media and academia, is a red flag, and even diagnostic: he was a Glafia agent.
The converging and convincing evidence offered in the present book requires therefore a reformulation of Marx’ falsified communist theory, as “The Predator Theory of History”:
- Yes, “there’s a class warfare” (Warren Buffett), but it is between The Predators and The People. Lord Acton correctly called it “the people versus the banks”. By design and for centuries, the usurious money system they imposed on us (B20) concentrated CAPITAL in the bankers’ hands. They then invested their capital in their global domination project, all carried out via proxies: the discovery and colonization of the Third World: the large wars and revolutions to slaughter and control Eurasia; the advanced science and technology; and now their End Game with the installation of the Global Digital Prison.
- The capitalist owners of large industries, the focus of Marx’ false theory, are just a part of The Predators’ gigantic proxy system (B9). As are David Rothkopf’s Superclass and Peter Phillips’ Giants.
- Capitalism, and its twin (neo)liberalism, with their fake freedoms and fake democracies, were just fig leaves, shields or masks for the core of criminal rulers of the world, as Braudel already understood. These Predators are in fact Arch-Fascists (B2) who want to own our God-given planet as their private Farm Earth, and to enslave and cull We, The People, as their cattle.
- Since centuries, their proxy system has also relied heavily on treacherous governments and institutions (first national, later also inter-national). On the lines of F. Braudel: “The [fake democratic and fake sovereign] state is the capitalists’ [Predators] preferred instrument”.
- The hidden Predators play these nations on Lord Curzon’s global chessboard. The pieces seemingly move on their own, in a theater which Shakespeare already described as “All the world’s a stage”. Yet our politicians, media, education and academia, still take it at face value, and thus the public too.
- There was and is absolutely no progress through dialectics, because after 500 years of tremendous deceit, lies and control, the silent war of The Predators against The People is still unknown by most persons. The social victories by The People of the West were just Pyrrhic and part of a centuries long confidence game, now broken to carry out Glafia’s End Game, as Covid recently brought to light.
- The war against The People is not just economic and political, but also spiritual and psychological. But the Predators not only want to alienate and disempower us, to control our minds: they also want to transform us, by genetic hacking, eugenics, AI and transhumanism/genderism, a truly Satanic project. The spiritual war was started in the West with the so-called Enlightenment, but it also spread to the East and South. Only if we rediscover the essence of life and our belonging to the “Universe”, can we stop the Predators and their proxies, and install a truly free system.
Both theories discussed above are deterministic, where certain great forces drive the historical process and determine the outcome. Glafia, on the other hand, likes to spread fake theories of random chance, which include views where environmental factors (geography, topography, biology, culture, race, etc.) randomly favored some societies or civilizations over others.
Thus, books on random chance theories are heavily promoted, such as Jared Diamond’s Guns, Germs, and Steel; the Big History OER Project financed by Bill Gates, “the attempt to understand, in a unified, interdisciplinary way, the history of Cosmos, Earth, Life, and Humanity”; Steven Pinker’s Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress; To Govern the Globe, by Alfred W McCoy.
A good example is Prof. J.C. Sharman of Cambridge University and Kings College (both Glafia bulwarks), who bluntly states “So when it comes to transformations of international politics, perhaps it would be true to say that nothing interesting has happened in Europe for at least the last 500 years” (Empires of the Weak, 2019). Another is “the most brilliant British historian of his generation”, Niall Ferguson, who is in bed with the WEF .
The same goes for Glafia/WEF pawn Yuval Noah Harari, with his historical narrative Sapiens (A1.1, A1.2): “Human history is the next stage in the continuum of physics to chemistry to biology”. When there’s no purpose or design because everything in the Universe and on Earth is caused by random interactions between matter, people have “no free will or a soul”, so "nobody is to blame" and “any complot is impossible” (Harari, NYT 2020). In a YouTube interview with Lex Fridman, Harari further explains why there cannot be an all-powerful “cabal”:
- No small group can control our very complex world: indeed, that’s why the Predators have built up their gigantic proxy system (B9).
- A hidden power can’t be successful, because you need publicity to succeed: indeed, and that’s why the Predators own all the media while they themselves stay out of the limelight and above the law.
- Even competent powers will make blunders – but the “blunders” of the Predators are as a rule part of the theater. E.g., the USA losing wars (Vietnam, Middle East, Afghanistan, Ukraine) is not because of blunders, but a planned strategy to create chaos, while fattening the military-industrial complex, instilling fear in the population, and to ease the hegemonic shift from the West to the East.
A similar view on world history as in the present book can be found in a recent free e-book by Paul Cudenec, Converging Against the Criminocrats: Essays and Talks for the New International Resistance, as well as his important work The Great Racket. The short chapter Criminocracy and its Lies (p.91) of the former summarises his findings in clear terms.
In her upcoming opus magnum, Fathers of Nothingness: On the Delusion of a “Neo-Creation” of the World, Claudia von Werlhof (see also B40) explains how the destruction of our habitat during modern civilization has been caused by a millenarian project to substitute the given natural world by an artificial world created by the “fathers” (patriarchy). The aim is to create a better and higher order than the natural one, where “mothers” (matriarchy) are the source of life. With the recent technological innovations (including geo-engineering and the IVth Industrial Revolution), this development is now reaching a climax; it is on the verge of culminating into an omnicide, into irreversible “nothingness”.
In Claudia’s view, a complete change of the entire civilizational process would be necessary to reach a post-patriarchal civilization in which the natural world and humanity would be honored and respected in their creative vital capacities. At first sight “The Fathers theory” appears to be pointing in a very similar direction, to “The Predators theory”, albeit through a different (feminist) lens, but a definitive comparison can’t be made until the book is out.
As a concluding remark, the study of history is considered only an academic discipline, not a real science. That’s because hypotheses or theories cannot be confirmed or falsified by doing experiments, as history cannot be repeated. Thus, any theory of history is an interpretation.
However, a correct interpretation of history should lead to a conceptual framework that explains present events, and even predicts future outcomes. As a case in point, you may have a look at essay B28 on the Ukraine war, which I wrote almost two years ago, one month after its start in February 2022.
World history: There are two world histories. One is the official and full of lies, destined to be taught in schools – the other is the secret history, which harbors the true causes and occurrences.
Honoré de Balzac (1799-1850), French writer
For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest, neither anything hid that shall not be known and come abroad.
Bible, Luke 8:17
History can’t be falsified in the long run, legends will not stand against scientific research, the dark web will be brought to light and will be torn apart, no matter how artful and subtle it had been spun.
Jacob Ruchti (?), Swiss historian, in Der Ausbruch des ersten Weltkrieges
The individual comes face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst. It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent.
J. Edgar Hoover (1895-1972), director of FBI (USA) for 37 years
The system was never broken. It was built this way.
And the lie has, in fact, led us so far away from a normal society that you cannot even orient yourself any longer; in its dense, gray fog not even one pillar can be seen.
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (1918-2008), Russian writer
This book and the many sources it relies on, provide a large body of evidence to prove that history, as we all got to know it in Plato's Cave, is an enormous pack of absurd lies: The Great Deceit. Let's face it: we've all been fooled and led astray. The Predators that Govern the Globe since centuries have misled us over and over, with full support of our treasonous governments, scientists, and the media, so they could continue to play the same tricks on us.
As insiders have known and told for centuries – evidenced by the many quotes in this book - it's ridiculous to view history as a random process playing out in the open, where honest historians and journalists then analyze and describe it, so that we can all learn the truth about it at school and in the media.
This accidentalist or cock-up view of history is easily refuted by the abundant evidence for conspiracies and covert operations exposed on these pages, which includes:
- The staging of wars, revolutions, crises and (false flag) attacks; the predictive programming; and the ensuing cover-ups.
- The instant release of precooked cover stories for obviously staged events (9/11, MH17, Covid, Ukraine war, Gaza ...).
- The numerous cases of insider foreknowledge on a devious global plot and its programmed events. And the bragging by certain actors, like Klaus Schwab: "We penetrate zhe cabinets!"
- Controlled media and education programs, which never touch the many "third rails" (the truth about wars, 9/11, CO2, Covid jabs...).
- Controlled opposition: such as fake grassroots or astroturfed movements, political parties, influencers and gatekeepers, who never lay the axe at the root.
- Rampant falsification of science: from scientific materialism, Darwin and Malthus to the money system, fake history, agricultural and GMO science, CO2, Covid, vaccines, medicines, the (trans)gender agenda, etc.
- More and more projects and policies bypassing all democratic procedures: EU, UN 2030, WEF, digital ID, 15-minute cities, CBDC...And even by prophecies which came true, from analysts who understood the game, like Antony Sutton, Thorstein Veblen and Rudolf Steiner, and from "conspiracy theorists" such as Gary Allen.
Balzac's "secret history, which harbors the true causes and occurrences" is here presented as a counter-narrative centered on the largest, most ingenious, most deceptive and also the most cruel and destructive domination project humanity has ever seen: The Predators, anno 1522. In comparison, the Greeks, Romans, Mongols and others who made earlier attempts at global domination through blunt force, were just amateurs.
After infiltrating and financing several European countries, Glafia's first global activity was to task these proxies with catching the low-hanging fruit: the merciless colonization of the Third World. The later de-colonization was of course a joke: it was just the USA-led re-colonization 2.0.
Their second global feat was The Great 20th Century Eurasian Slaughter, to crush the high-hanging fruit: Eurasia and its 13 still relatively sovereign empires. Prepared far in advance, this horrific project was executed by Glafia's Anglo-American and Zionist proxies.
Their template was always the protection racket, that very old Cosa Nostra trick. The Glafia-created bogeymen were Germany in WW1, Hitler in WW2, Russian (not Chinese!) Communism in WW3 (the Cold War), Osama Bin Laden and the radical Muslims in the War on Terror, and now also CO2, Covid and the Evil Butcher Putin. During these 20th century wars and related crises and revolutions, the common Eurasian and Jewish people paid the heavy toll of two hundred million of deaths and many more maimed, and enormous poverty, ruin and despair amongst those spared their lives.
Yet, Glafia's criminal Anglo-American proxies managed to come out of this terrible carnage and blood shedding, which they themselves staged and financed, as the greatest heroes of freedom ever, serenaded thusly every year since. In the meantime, Glafia's criminal Jewish proxies, either Zionists or Communists, later also including the proxy State of Israel, succeeded in coming out of this horrible mess as the greatest victims ever, a false designation now protected by law in many countries.
Both the Third World colonization projects and the conquest of Eurasia would have been impossible without Glafia's CAPITAL underwriting them. If justice could be applied to the perpetrators of Glafia's domination project and its crimes against humanity, "stepped responsibility" should be considered. It's the Glafia core that lured their proxies (corporations, aristocrats, oligarchs, institutions, media and politicians) into inciting, committing and covering up these Fascist crimes.
The common people often assisted, but often after brainwashing, bribery or threats. The deceptive patriotic campaigns to recruit soldiers for Glafia's wars is one example. In fact, the common people always were their main victims, not only in all Glafia's wars, revolutions and crises, but also by exploiting them as chattel, wage, sex or debt slaves.
After WW2, the criminal US/UK/NATO went on warring in at least 37 countries, with a death toll of over 60 million people (see On Western Terrorism, by Noam Chomsky and Andre Vltchek). The pretext for these Crimes was always "to protect freedom and democracy", but the real motive was to further Glafia's goal of world domination. As always, Glafia's Big Carrot Trick assured huge profits for the military-industrial-political complex, the Old Merchants of Death, to motivate the hired players in their war theaters. The Big Carrot also worked wonders during the Covid saga, now with Pharmafia, the New Merchants of Death, raking in the profits. The same trick is applied in other protection rackets such as financial crises, CO2, and the war in the Ukraine.
All the while, Glafia carried out the spiritual, religious, and cultural subversion of humanity which it started centuries ago with the "Enlightenment" (which was in fact an "Endarkenment"), lately also adding physical weakening (degradation of the quality of food, environmental toxins, the slow poisons of pharma drugs and vaccines, etc.). The aim was to bring us to our knees during their planned End Game, now in session.
The truth on this Satanic project, to convert our divine and God-given planet into the private Farm Earth of a few dynastic families and their direct proxies, is still being suppressed by historians, governments, educators and the media - who thus share responsibility for the uncountable number of victims and the inestimable damage to humanity and the global environment.
Because the truth is suppressed, the same duplicitous games can be played over and over. In our present century, their End Game started with 9/11 and the War on Terror. Then, in 2020, the same Criminals threw Covid into the global theatre, and in 2022, the completely unnecessary war in Ukraine, where hundreds of thousands of people might be sacrificed in just another proxy war. This time it's Glafia's aim to set up Russia and China as the global hegemons for their "benevolent" multipolar world project, a new global deception which they have been preparing for over 60 years. As famous adage goes:
"Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it."
All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players.
"William Shakespeare" (second half 16th century), in As You Like It (1623)
Technique [technology] has taken over the whole of civilization. Death, procreation, birth, all submit to technical efficiency and systemization.
Jacques Ellul (1912-1994), French philosopher
No one knows where we are going, the aim of life has been forgotten, the end has been left behind. Man has set out at tremendous speed - to go nowhere.
Jacques Ellul
The final battle for Christianity will be over the money problem, and until that is solved, there can be no universal application of Christianity.
Honoré de Balzac (1799-1850), French writer
While the insiders tell us we are building a paradise on earth, we are actually constructing a jail for ourselves.
Gary Allen (1936-1986), in his 1971 book None Dare Call It Conspiracy
The fate of our times is characterized by the rationalization and intellectualization and, above all, by the disenchantment of the world.
Max Weber (1864-1920), German scientist, in 1917
The Great Reset is a project of extermination.
Vandana Shiva (1952-), Indian activist
If you have accompanied me until here, on this voyage of discovery through global history, you will understand that we didn't arrive in the 21st century by democratic procedures, popular will or other acts of self-determination. We will never know the world in which we would be living now if The Predators, anno 1522, had not taken off. Yet it is now clear that events have been directed from above, leading us further and further into an abyss.
Glafia's Western and Jewish proxies, who carried out the colonization of the Third World and The Great 20th Century Slaughter of Eurasia, are still not recognized for what they really are, the Greatest Fascists Ever, parading as Democrats; the Greatest Thieves parading as Protectors; the Greatest Murderers parading as Liberators; the Greatest Terrorists parading as Fighters of Terrorism; and the Greatest Warmongers parading as Peace-keepers.
Because "The Real Story" is not known by most people, they're still wreaking mayhem and havoc under the pretext of "defending freedom and democracy", or "The Great Reset", or a "pandemic health threat". Unfortunately, few people seem to understand or even care what's really going on. The simple truth of these matters is that without the massive financing by Glafia's banking system, neither large scale colonization and global wars, nor the CO2, Covid and Ukraine protection rackets would have been possible.
The same goes for the gigantic scientific, industrial and technological developments, which now threaten the freedom and future of humanity. As a result, Glafia's banking system, to which WEF propagandist Harari paid such a passionate tribute in Sapiens, has now all of us in its devilish grip, at $45K per earth inhabitant. They can collapse this system any time they want, and they will soon do so in the attempt to force their CBDC slave money system on us.
Our "democratic" 21st century international institutions, all hiding behind a shiny rhetoric of peace, people, planet and progress - WEF, UN, WHO, IMF, WB, IPCC, EU, NATO, NGO's, etc. - and the BIG international corporations, all shrouded in green veils and waving rainbow flags, are evidently all fronts for Glafia.
All nation-states (many of which were infiltrated from their onset), national institutions and media, are now willing proxies for this sophisticatedly organized high-crime syndicate, where Cicero's "traitors within the gates" - groomed and trained by the WEF and other globalist institutions, and then elected or appointed by us - implement the globalist policies as defined by Glafia's international fronts.
The globally synchronized Covid policies, which were implemented everywhere without any meaningful public and democratic debate, are indisputable proof of this treason, in which the BIG TECH companies play a special role. Brzezinski already announced it in 1970 as "a more controlled society, dominated by an elite, with continuous surveillance". Unfortunately, too few people realize that while we are savoring the conveniences and novelties of new technologies, we're simultaneously building this prison for ourselves, as Gary Allen warned in 1971. Any time you see the roll out of 5G, CBDC, the Internet of Things or Bodies, Meta or Digital ID, remember that it's not for your health, safety or comfort, but for your Digital Prison!
Actually, the WEF presents Glafia's control project under a shiny new branding, as The Great Reset / Fourth Industrial Revolution, which allegedly will also allow the transformation of humans by genetic and other techniques. That's transhumanism, "a fusion of our physical, digital and biological identity" as Glafia puppet Klaus Schwab defines it. In reality, it's a trick to lure the people into Glafia's digital slavery system.
A better term would be de-humanism, or perhaps sub-humanism, as the obvious goal is to separate humanity even further from its religious and spiritual roots, and from our direct human experiences, our freedom and the future of our birth right. De-humanism will make us cattle on Glafia's Farm Earth. Yet all their projects and theories have failed: Singularity, NeuraLink, Starship, Meta, Artificial Intelligence, Blue Origin, and before that, the Big Bang, primordial soup, Darwin... It's all bluff, and any child can see it, just as in 1837, when Hans Christian Andersen's Emperor showed his new clothes.
On the threatening takeover of civilization by technology, several decades ago a few lone voices called from the wilderness, such as Jacques Ellul and René Guénon, see the above quotes. What's more, almost 2000 years ago the apostle John, exiled to the island of Patmos by the Romans, allegedly wrote the Book of Revelation, about a final struggle between Good and Evil. He foresaw an Apocalypse where "no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name."; and also, that this number of the Beast would be 666, which is now clearly visible in the WEF logo and "6uild 6ack 6etter". They surely know what this is all about!
The apostle Paul wrote that "we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." And 1700 years ago, St. Antony the Great said: "A time is coming when men will go mad, and when they see someone who is not mad, they will attack him, saying: You are mad, you are not like us." Hieronymus Bosch, famous for his apocalyptic paintings, painted both Antony and John.
I conclude that insiders have known for a long time what the inevitable outcome of "Man eating from the forbidden Tree of Knowledge" would be: a totalitarian control by "The Beast". And maybe this Beast is also necessary, because how could we learn and develop our potential for Good on a planet where there's no Evil?
Technological advancement is The Beast's highest goal, primarily to allow the few "elites" to become eternal, transhuman gods - which rest on a shaky belief, system as there is no scientific evidence that this is at all possible. The common people are seen as a cancer to be eradicated. The ones remaining, needed as workers on Farm Earth, will be digitally controlled via implants and "injectable treatments".
As cattle, we won't be allowed any property: we'll have to rent everything from our Feudal Masters. Money will cease to exist, but like Uncle Tom, you'll get CBDC coupons or tokens for the ESG-certified Farm Shops. If we don't stop these criminals, the world will be in shambles, self-reliance a word from a faraway past, while a new "exceptional country", China, will be the owner of most assets in Digistopia.
After five centuries of The Predators, anno 1522, we now live in a world that is not ours, but a travesty of what it was meant to be. Yet most people are still ignorant and complacent, especially in the West with its widespread welfare state laziness, where so many people stopped to think critically and lost their self-reliance.
"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free" wrote Goethe 200 years ago. To which Joost Meerloo added: "Delusions, carefully implanted, are difficult to correct".
May this book help you to find out the truth and take a different path!
If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.
Sun Tzu (544-496BC), Chinese strategist, in The Art of War
If only it were all so simple! If only there were evil people somewhere insidiously committing evil deeds, and it were necessary only to separate them from the rest of us and destroy them. But the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being.
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (1918-2008), Russian writer
The world is not divided into perpetrators and victims. Most of us fall into both classes, in various ways, at various times, because the truth of our interbeing is inescapable.
Charles Eisenstein (1967-), in The Mark of Reason, substack 11/9/2022
Because all six billion members of the culture of maximum harm are striving to maximize their affluence, we shouldn’t be alarmed solely by the one percent who live like lords of the universe. We must be equally alarmed by the other ninety-nine percent who are hoping to live like lords of the universe.
Daniel Quinn (1935-2018), American writer
Man will ultimately revolt even under an absolute dictatorship.
Joost A.M. Meerloo (1903-1976), in Rape of the Mind (1956)
And you will know the Truth and the Truth shall set you free.
Bible (ESV), John 8:32
The centuries old criminal complot to Steal Our Planet, Freedom and Future is dangerously far advanced. ALL LANDS are now under control. Yet it’s not quite going to plan in the next stage, to bring ALL PEOPLE under control.
The resistance against the Covid policies, especially against the experimental jabs, was greater than expected. The official jab rates are probably inflated, and significant control groups remain (including the African continent and the Amish). The damage by the jabs can thus be determined, including the long-term effects: the lid will be blown off the already seeping sewer.
The WEF's "Great Reset", an "Open Conspiracy" as H.G. Wells called it, is presented as a series of "revelations" by Klaus "Master zhe Future" Schwab. Yet they clearly overplayed their hand, and it's now backfiring. More and more people are starting to see Schwab's utopian "Stakeholder Capitalism" and "IVth Industrial Revolution" for what it really is: Digistopian Slaveholder Communism, the umpteenth trick with the emperor's new clothes. Resistance is again growing.
In my view most of their IVth Industrial Revolution rhetoric it is pure bluff: artificial intelligence will never rule the world, because a machine can never become conscious, or "alive". In 2015, Klaus announced generalized use of brain chips for 2025, but that's not going to happen, as Musk's NeuraLink project already failed, just as his Starships and NASA's "new" Artemis moon landings did, meant as an exercise to transport humans to Mars.
I would also argue that the CO2 hoax will implode as soon as a prolonged colder period sets in, which is expected by many experts, as we find ourselves in an extended pause between glacial periods. And Glafia's Global Digital Prison based on digital ID and CBDC will only work as long as the electricity grid is live. One prolonged blackout, due to natural (an EMP event), systemic (extreme oscillations in sun and wind power) or man-made causes (hacking, or one big EMP bomb over the US or Europe, in a real war), and the grid would fail, leaving the affected areas in total disarray and disaster. So much for the resilience they are bragging about.
But let's not proclaim victory yet: they sure have more aces up their sleeves, and more germs in their labs. The proposal to forgive the perpetrators of the criminal Covid measures, and the recent false disclosures to show that it was just a series of "political errors" may trick us into thinking that truth has already prevailed: but never forget that this whole project is drenched in deceit. Stay alert, also for infiltration of opposition movements and wolves in sheep’s clothing who set themselves up as leaders of such (Cass Sunstein’s Cognitive infiltration).
Parallel society
Advocates of projects to create a parallel society, to decrease dependence on the Glafia system, often claim that resistance is useless. That's misleading, for several reasons including what I have argued above. But as Glafia is accelerating its End Game, working out a parallel society is urgently needed. I am very happy to see that my country of birth, Holland, under Glafia control since more than 400 years, where many "traitors within the gates" advanced Glafia's agenda very far, is home to many dynamic initiatives, all aimed at increasing self-reliance and cooperation at community level: from the production of food and other items to health care, communication, "paper news", education, debt-free money and insurance schemes.
Another important field to work on is awareness (which I tried to contribute to with this book), to increase the critical mass needed for change, either through 1) resistance including united non-compliance, 2) parallel projects or 3) revolution, see below. The critical mass is presently larger than ever, in part due to the 9/11 event, and more recently due to the Covid hoax, which had an even bigger impact.
The next attack could have a snowball effect, but never underestimate the enemy, which is changing to a hybrid tactic, as in the Seven Plagues of Egypt: a mix of staged wars; staged shortages of food, medicine and energy; "mysterious" excess deaths; orchestrated financial collapse; maybe with a topping up of lab germs?
The internet was key in waking people up, and no wonder that it's now under heavy pressure to increase censorship. Yet that's all by design: its almost free use was just a trick to lure us in and make us addicted. Its final goal was always to enable the Global Digital Prison, as Brzezinski told us in 1970. Just as the final goal of our fake democracies always was a Fascist/Communist control system, and the final goal of Glafia's global financial system a well-timed, total collapse.
Another already ongoing blowback from the growing critical mass is the fortification of the defense of the perpetrators and their proxies, including new laws. See on the large package of laws being pushed through in the UK, which will very likely happen in many other countries too. This is while the passing of laws still fits the democratic facade, as at some point Glafia will end their centuries long confidence game with the West, and the velvet glove will be pulled from the iron fist entirely.
Survival strategy
That fist is part of the Arch-Fascist body of Glafia and its treasonous and murderous proxies. Their police forces are now heavily armed, and of course not to protect "we, the people", who pay their salaries. In the meanwhile, they've turned the focus of their military and intelligence apparatus to "homeland" security (a term that is courtesy of A. Hitler). Under such a regime, we urgently need to develop a survival strategy which includes keeping a low profile, just as the people living under Russian and Chinese communism once worked out ("Don’t trust, don’t be afraid, don’t ask for anything" - Gevorg Virats). Yet with the rollout of SMART surveillance and data gathering, that is no mean feat.
For anyone working towards a world that will be ours again - with freedom for all and a future where humanity has the upper hand, and technology is just what it's meant for, a tool for human flourishing - it's extremely important to know who the enemy is, and that is the reason why I wrote this book.
Only at the last page of this last A-chapter I'm going to reveal that we have in fact two enemies: THEY and WE. Who THEY are and aim at was told squarely on the previous pages of Part A of this book.
So, who's the WEnemy? Charles Eisenstein just described it very concisely: "The world is not divided into perpetrators and victims. Most of us fall into both classes, in various ways, at various times." Earlier on, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn warned that simply eliminating the evil ones wouldn't work, because "the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being".
The Predators, anno 1522, wasn't just about stealing all the planet’s resources. Its worst impact was the alienation and disempowerment of humanity, especially in the West, through a spiritual war on WE, the people, a menticide that deeply affected our spiritual roots and our human potential.
That project, here called the Endarkenment, made us defenseless against this materialistic system and our own primitive drive for instant ego gratification. This de-humanizing process aims to take away our desire for freedom and our God or Tao given human future, to transform us into unthinking CATTLE on Glafia's private Farm Earth, easily managed and bribed with bread, circuses and distractions.
To set us free after 500 years of spiritual war, a rediscovery of the essence of life is the revolution WE need.
To realize our potential during our unique and short voyage on earth, we need to acquire knowledge and wisdom about two things: our SELVES, and our ENVIRONMENT, which is partially hostile. Sun Tzu said wise things about knowing ourselves and the enemy, see A8.4.
The Ancients already knew that cosmos and humans have a SPIRITUAL origin. We are "transhuman" by birth, our potential comes from the Universe (God, Allah, Tao), not from machines. We do not come from a muddy primordial soup BELOW, we come from the intelligent and loving design of a creator ABOVE. Glafia's 500 years' spiritual war against us has erased these insights in many. We must urgently rediscover the essence of life, and the great strength and potential we unleash in ourselves from knowing our place in it.
The Environment has a natural, and a human-made dimension. What we know about the natural part and its spiritual component is a drop in an ocean. Yet haughty "science" is already violating nature and us humans, pretending to "improve" it all. All we know about the human-made part is totally distorted and false. That includes the official narrative of history and the emperor's new clothes.
Any independent analysis of our history and present reality will clarify that:
- In Plato's Cave, we've all been fooled, and far beyond our imagination.
- The war of The Predators versus The People is steadily ongoing.
- Some ancient people knew already that such Evil was inevitable, and perhaps also necessary.
- Glafia's Power is still hidden for the majority yet has its tentacles everywhere, which includes the new multipolar world order.
- Its Western and Jewish proxies have lent themselves as main executors for their wars, revolutions, crises, and protection rackets like CO2 and Covid.
- China and Russia, the new, fresh horses for Glafia's now multipolar chariot, are eager to pull it.
- As the West has made itself superfluous, unrecognized "traitors within the gates" are now demolishing it.
To fend off this Satanic threat, the five keys are:
Knowledge and wisdom of our miraculous SELVES.
Awareness of our often-hostile ENVIRONMENT.
The Desire and firm Intent to find out the Truth.
Cooperation with Others wanting the Good (without needing to agree on everything!).
Then, if we Trust the Universe, we can move mountains!
Birds born in a cage think flying is an illness.
Alejandro Jodorowsky (1929-), Chilean avant-garde filmmaker
All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.
Arthur Schopenhauer (1788 – 1860), German philosopher
If you want a picture of the future,
imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever.
George Orwell (1903-1950), English author, in 1984
It often takes more courage to change one’s opinion than to stick with it.
George C. Lichtenberg (1742-1799), German physicist and satirist
And we Western people, US and EU, we have been ruling the world because we were the standard setters... If we are no longer setting the standard, we will not rule the 21st century.
Josep Borrell (1947), Spanish politician, EU High Representative, in 2021.
Not only is the Universe stranger than we think, it is stranger than we can think.
Werner Heisenberg (1901-1976), German physicist and pioneer of quantum mechanics
If the Universe, Life and Man cannot be explained by the false materialist/reductionist theories of mainstream science, as argued in A1.1, then what is the explanation for it? I have looked into Tom Campbell’s My Big TOE (Theory Of Everything); Charles Eisenstein’s The Ascent of Humanity; David Chalmers’ The Conscious Mind; Thomas Nagel’s Mind and Cosmos; reports on Near Death Experiences; the bright but politically naive Bernardo "Materialism is Baloney" Kastrup; and Ken Pedersen’s fascinating view of the universe as an intelligently designed multilayered information processing system with a glorious purpose: the birth of Man.
It's very remarkable that the famous German physicist Max Planck (1858-1947) fully denied the materialist explanation:
“As a man who has devoted his whole life … to the study of matter, I can tell you this much: There is no matter as such! All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particles of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together … We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent Mind. This Mind is the matrix of all matter.”
In the end I resonate most with Dr. Wolfgang Smith’s wisdom based on the Traditional Schools of Philosophy, rooted in the work of Pythagoras, Plato, and Thomas Aquinas, but also in the Vedanta, a Hindu philosophical tradition, the oldest in the world. Dr. Seyyed Hossein Nasr has a very similar vision based on (Sufi) Islam.
Naturally, these views do not solve the great mystery, but they provide a conceptual framework in which modern science still has a place, while recognizing a much grander scheme, in which an immaterial, conscious and intelligent Mind is the matrix of the Universe. In these traditional views, the Universe or Cosmos, and Man too, are tripartite, and the three spheres or planes in both are Corpora, Anima and Spirit.
The sphere of corpora (bodies) includes everything that can be perceived through at least one of the five senses. Corpora, including humans, animals, plants, and objects, are bound to time and place. Corpora are more than the sum of their material parts (atoms - which cannot be perceived by the senses): there is an instant and permanent interaction with the spiritual realm that completes corpora (Smith calls it vertical causation) and makes them irreducible wholes, as Smith names them, which can be perceived.
It’s worth noting that modern science sees corpora as sets of atoms (protons, neutrons, electrons, and other embodiments of energy), which can be measured with instruments, but have no qualities which are perceivable through our senses. Since Descartes' theory of radical dualism, which divides the world in two substances, measurable "res extensa" and immeasurable "res cogitans", the official explanation of scientism is that these qualities are invented by our brains. It claims that grass isn't green by itself, we all just think it is.
The second sphere of Spirit(us), also called the spiritual realm, Mind, Tao ("The tao that can be named is not the eternal Tao"), The Universe, The Continuum, or God, is the immaterial, non-measurable, spiritual realm, which is beyond both time and place (everywhere and anytime), and not governed by known physical laws. It's the mysterious Source or Matrix of the Cosmos, Energy, Life, creativity, love, morality and also of Smith's irreducible wholes, such as grass that's green.
The third sphere, Anima or soul is the intermediate sphere connecting the corpus or body to the spirit. It is bound by time, but not by place. In living organisms, that permits Anima to be the orchestra conductor of the thousands, or millions, or even trillions of simultaneous processes of life. How it performs that feat is a great miracle and will probably always remain a mystery.
During life, through Anima we can have – limited - contact with the spiritual realm), see A1.2 for the various kinds of spiritual experiences. After death, our soul continues to be part of the spiritual world, as 99% of grown-up humans knew for 99% of our time on earth. They often encountered these souls on their transcendental “trips”, and also in daily life. Anima also allows us (and animals) to see (and hear) things where they are - and not in our heads, as scientism says (see this fascinating article on visual perception by Wolfgang Smith).
Our “modern” education has instilled the delusion in us that traditional philosophy is based on myths, ancient superstition or “fiction” (Harari), while affirming that modern science is based on objective, hard facts. But there are no hard scientific facts on who defined the laws of physics; or how the Code of Life, the highly complex, specified and elegant DNA information system, “wrote itself” via random interactions between dead matter in some muddy primordial soup; or how brain matter may create consciousness, creativity, morality, love, beauty, symphonies and songs, and free will; and not even on what came first, the chicken or the egg. Or for that matter, DNA and proteins, where DNA ("the chicken") is needed to form protein ("the egg"), and protein to form DNA. As Isaac Newton said: “What we know is a drop, what we don't know is an ocean”.
There is absolutely nothing to support materialism. Rien. Nichts. Nada. We've all been fooled. Corrupted scientism made up its false claims, and created this fake narrative, so it could deny the MYSTERY, and instill surrogate beliefs. Classical physics, with all the explanations it gives for the Universe, Life and Man, is in fact limited to a sub-level of corpora, atoms and their parts - which is the lowest level of the three levels described above.
Quantum physics is even more limited. I leave it to Smith to explain you the limitations of physics and the Quantum Enigma, please see his recent and brilliant little book Physics: A Science in Search of an Ontology. To recap Wolfgang Smith's words, the Universe, Life and Man don't come from BELOW (matter), but from ABOVE (the spiritual realm). We humans, and all other life forms, aren't some refined forms evolved out of a muddy primordial soup, but miracles, a mysterious mix of matter and spirit, explicably created by a Great Mind, God or Tao, which is the matrix of all matter, as Max Planck concluded.
Exactly as a piece of music is much more than a collection of tones, or a poem more than a set of words, or a painting more than an assembly of dyes: in fact all real works of art contain an intelligible, non-material element, which makes them irreducible wholes, and gives them their beauty, charm or even spell, and enables them to appeal to, or interact with our senses and emotions. As the German poet Goethe said: “The artist alone sees spirits. But after he has told of their appearing to him, everybody sees them.”
A random selection of letters can create a text (see the chimpanzee metaphor, in which thousands of chimpanzees, randomly touching keyboards, create a work of literary art in the space of time of infinity). But as there is no driving intelligence behind randomness, the results will always be meaningless.
As for Darwin: if Spirit is indeed the essential Matrix of the Cosmos, his sacred theories based on pure matter are toast. Yet even if it wasn't, Darwin would still end up in the dustbin of history, if only for the fact that Complex Specified Information (like the DNA system) cannot arise from random, natural processes in matter (Demski's theorem), because there's no intelligence behind it. For an interesting background article, see Josh Mitteldorf’s The origin of life, and Peter Borger’s book Darwin Revisited.
Yet during the last centuries and still today, Darwin's and other obsolete theories were sanctified and heavily promoted by circles connected to Glafia, and often with a religious fervor (for instance by the notorious Richard Dawkins, or more subtly, by Neil deGrasse Tyson, both gatekeepers for Glafia's falsified scientism). The Ascendancy of Scientific Dictatorship (also the title of a book by P. & P. Collins) was sponsored by Glafia, to manipulate our minds into accepting their criminal project for a world under totalitarian control, in which “the distinction between true and false no longer exists” (Hannah Arendt).
Indeed, Glafia’s two main long term instruments to control humanity were 1) the usurious global financial system to which we now collectively own the unpayable debt of $350 trillion (B20, A7.2); and 2) the control of our minds (B21, B36, B38, B39), partly through perverted science, bent to fit the narrative dictated by this criminal Global Mafia, to separate us from the spiritual realm, a process which is also called the spiritual war (B19).
By promoting philosophical materialism, atheism, nihilism and relativism, Glafia took away all purpose and meaning from ordinary peoples’ lives, and then filled the "God-shaped void" with deceptive ideologies: from communism, socialism, Nazism, Zionism and consumerism to New Age-ism, climatism, transhumanism, and wokeism (A5.6).
Capitalism only triumphs when it becomes identified with the state, when it is the state.
Fernand Braudel (1902-1985), French historian
Fascism should more properly be called corporatism, since it is the merger of state and corporate power.
Benito Mussolini (1883-1945), Italian Fascist leader and journalist
The world is full of great criminals with enormous power, and they are in a death struggle with each other. It is a huge gang battle, using well-meaning lawyers and policemen and clergymen as their front, controlling papers, means of communication, and enrolling everybody in their armies.
Thomas Merton (1915-68), influential American Trappist Monk, killed by Glafia
Since we left Paradise and the real democracy we had there - because we were all equal (A1.2) - we have been continuously living in a hierarchical world, where the Powerful concentrated Power more and more, at the expense of the common people. About 6,000 years ago (and perhaps much earlier), an unprecedented development of the human potential took off (A1.3), both for the Good (agriculture, certain technologies, science, art, crafts) as well as for Evil (slavery, usury, abuse, wars, certain technologies). Yet for thousands of years, the Powerful didn't have the technological means needed for a global domination project, although some significant attempts were made by Babylon, the Phoenicians (B8), the Greeks, the Romans, the Mongols, and others in Asia and the Americas.
As explained in Part A, about 500 years ago, the technologies needed for a global control project became gradually available: interoceanic transportation, weaponry, the printing press, and finally banking, to "remote-control" the upcoming European and other nation states. Around 1522, a plan for global domination started to take form: Glafia (A2.1) decided it wanted to own and run the whole planet, humans included, as one private corporation, sometimes called Farm Earth. At the time, many territories were still undiscovered, so the world had to be explored and then colonized.
Glafia solved this enormous task by making emerging European states their proxies, under the guise of sovereign nation-states. In each, Glafia's expertise and mobile capital were fused with the machinery of state, creating covertly corporate states - Fascist states if we follow Mussolini's definition. The power of this merger construct had been shown by a handful of Genoese bankers in charge of the finances of Imperial Spain.
The Catholic Spanish Empire, hostile to capitalism, usury and Jews, was sidelined (A2.4) via Glafia's intrigues. Instead, two unlikely candidates, the recently turned Protestant Holland and England, were groomed to become Glafia’s global hegemons (A3). Venetian "fondi" (family capitals) and Jewish capital (A2.3) then flowed to the Atlantic coasts of Europe, as Marx correctly noted, to establish the necessary financial, legal and political infrastructure in both Holland and England.
While these two future Empires were still in diapers, powerful and ruthless private joint stock corporations were given the task of colonization: the East India Companies, mostly owned by Glafia-affiliated shareholders (A3.3). This privatized colonization often meant violent and murderous theft and control of lands. A few centuries later, the colonies would be "de- colonized", which meant they were turned into USA-controlled "independent" states. Today, Glafia controls all nation states in this way, via proxies, also called subordinate elites.
The privileged treatment of Glafia's Western proxy nations during the last 400 years was just a confidence game, for at least two reasons: first, the European nations they controlled (and later the USA too) had to subdue the rest of the world, as to gain control over ALL LANDS, starting with the "low hanging fruit" in the Third World; and second, in a later stage, to further develop science and technology, especially for military purposes and later for digital surveillance of the population, as to control ALL PEOPLE (B23). During this period, the richer and freer the people in the West became, the more they were controlled by covertly colonizing their minds (mind control, B21, and menticide, B36) and hooking them on Glafia- created ideologies (A5.6), with climatism, wokeism and transhumanism the choice items on the menu in today’s world.
Western people's ignorance of this global conspiracy was precisely the reason why Glafia could secretly instigate another criminal operation, to colonize the high hanging fruit in Eurasia, The Great 20th Century Slaughter (A6), with over 200 million deaths. It was basically a series of protection rackets, with Glafia-created bogeymen (see overview in B24): Germany in WW1, Hitler in WW2, Communism in the Cold War, Osama Bin Laden in the War on Terror, CO2 in the climate war, and a lab made virus in the Covid war. In all these cases, all governments and mass media, fully captured by "traitors within the gates", collaborated to instill fear and compliance in their people.
In fact, Glafia's ruthless totalitarian control project is Fascism at its purest, as defined by British Fascist Oswald Mosley ("none" means both nothing and nobody):
"All within the State, none outside the State, none against the State."
When the (covertly corporate) state - officially serving its free people - controls it all, it becomes a corporation owning the nation and its people. Isn't that exactly what we see in our times? Mandates for toxic jabs are a crude example of the state wanting to own and even to destroy our bodies, part of a large effort to erase our freedom and even our lives (B30, B40), in favor of Glafia's domination project. Even eugenics - the state killing the people it allegedly owns - reared its ugly head again during Covid (A7.3).
This 400-year-old Glafia-steered Arch-Fascist corporate state system is now promoted under a new and shiny brand, Stakeholder Capitalism (a euphemism for Slaveholder Communism), by the WEF's Klaus Schwab. That means that Glafia's banks, trust funds, corporations, institutes, foundations, and media are covertly controlling the Crypto-Fascist, corrupt governments running the public theater, which still operate behind a facade of Democracy, Freedom, and other lovely slogans. Today, these "Democrats", who are in fact Glafia-steered Fascists, cynically frame the "right wing" opposition to their democratic theater as Fascist.
If justice could be applied to the perpetrators and their helpers, responsible for this Fascism and its crimes against humanity, "stepped responsibility" should be considered. It was the Glafia core (B9) that set their proxies or "subordinate elites" (corporations, aristocrats, oligarchs, mass media, institutions and politicians) on the trail of these Fascist crimes. The proxies then invited, bribed or coerced others ("the useful idiots") to collaborate - wittingly or unwittingly - in these criminal projects. Note that most Glafia projects are organized on a "need-to-know" basis.
Glafia's core was of course always out of sight and above the law. They never appeared in any trial and weren't even mentioned by the court historians. After WW2, the partisan Nuremberg trial only processed proxies and useful idiots on the side of the losers, cleverly called Nazi-Fascists. whilst simultaneously allowing many Nazi scientists and technicians to escape to the US under Project Paperclip. The trials were just a distraction to shield the real perpetrators. Excuses or compensations for crimes of slavery or colonization centuries ago may well have the same goal.
In the end we, the common people in the West, East and South, black, white or any color in between, were all victims of this same Arch-Fascist domination project, albeit in different ways. Unfortunately, few people understand that we've all been fooled. The people in the South still think it were the Dutch, French or British white people who colonized and enslaved them - as Critical Race Theory claims. The people in the West still think that the German and Japanese people caused The Great 20th Century Slaughter of Eurasia. Yet in all these crimes, Glafia was the driving force and financier, without which these operations could never have happened.
Due to humanity's generalized ignorance, Glafia can now play its Fascist End Game on all of us: we're all going to be colonized and owned as cattle on their private Farm Earth.
If we don't wake up and stop the Arch-Fascists in a joint effort of conscientious common people, everyone everywhere will share the same fate, be it "cattle slavery" (B37) or "cattle culling" (B30).
The nations [US, UK] which are employing imperialism to conquer others, and which are trying to maintain their own favored positions as sovereign lords of the whole world are advocating cosmopolitanism world government, League of Nations, free trade]. If nationalism decays, then when cosmopolitanism flourishes we will be unable to survive and will be eliminated.
Sun Yat-sen (1866-1925), first president of the 1912 Republic of China and the first leader of the Kuomintang, in 1924
The history of Chinese civilization goes back thousands of years, during which it saw many wars and changes. Until the early 1800’s, China was the dominant player in the world economy and technology (J. Hobson; Joseph Needham’s Science and Civilization in China). The ships used in Admiral Zheng’s “charm offensive” in the 15th century to visit India, Arabia, Egypt and Africa were up to 4 times bigger than the European ones. Yet China never colonized the world, probably for philosophical reasons (Confucianism) and because the West had nothing of interest to offer China (G. Arrighi).
In 1863, John D. Rockefeller (just 24 years old) sold his first (lamp) kerosene in China and made his first “disinterested” gift to China missions. In the usual Rockefeller style, he quickly established a monopoly. At the time, China was considered “the sick man of Asia”, due to the devastating opium wars launched at it by the British Empire. In cahoots with the USA, it forced China to accept opium produced in British India (and not bullion) as payment for its exports of luxuries to the West.
The Rockefellers (or their representatives) would never leave China. Across the 20th century their “philanthropic” investment in China’s science, medicine, and higher education officially surpassed one billion dollars. Mary Brown Bullock writes:
"Over the course of the 20th century, several hundred Chinese institutions and many thousands of Chinese scholars and practitioners received Rockefeller philanthropic support. Rockefeller philanthropy’s sustained emphasis on science and medicine transformed and secularized the American cultural role in Republican China. It legitimized an American scientific influence and a tradition of intellectual and professional relationships that transcended Mao’s China and continues to distinguish the bilateral relationship.
Rockefeller philanthropic institutions have long served as a bellwether for the American non-governmental presence in China. Their formative influence on China’s science and medicine defined the post-missionary era in the first half of the [20th] century. Their re-entry into China after Nixon’s [1972] opening was carefully orchestrated by China’s leaders."
By the end of the 19th century, Glafia’s Anglo-American front had made plans to besiege China - and in fact all of Eurasia not yet under their control (A5.4). Japan had been corrupted since the 1860’s by the British (A5.5) and later the Americans (see also Jacob Schiff’s $200M loan to Japan), to serve as battering ram against China and Russia (first, in the 1904-'05 Russo-Japanese war). Japan also served as the base for Sun Yat-sen’s overthrow of China's Qing dynasty in 1912, financed by Wallstreet & The City (A. Sutton). Sun quickly installed a Rothschild linked central bank. Dr. Sun had studied in the US and now wanted the same economic development for China.
But Glafia’s plan was to make the USA their new hegemon. China had to be suppressed, by placing it in the “communist fridge”, under Mao Zedong, together with Russia (in the communist fridge since the 1917 Revolution). Never forget that communism was a Glafia project (B12).
In 1925, Sun Yat-sen was poisoned, probably by the British. But already in 1919, Mao had been earmarked at “Yale in China” school (a US intelligence front, with Yale University’s Skull and Bones Society, founded in the 1830’s by US opium dealers in China). Under the cover of WW2, the USA betrayed China into Communism (see James Perloff China Betrayed into Communism), with a treasonous key role for Gen. George Marshall (again, Sen. Joseph McCarthy was right).
Mao received several Glafia advisors, all Jewish, to assist in the creation of a Glafia-desired totalitarian state. After David Rockefeller visited China in 1973 with his faithful agent Henry Kissinger, he was very satisfied about "this" - or should we say "his" - experiment:
"Whatever the price of the Chinese Revolution ... [this] social experiment in China under Chairman Mao's leadership is one of the most important and successful in human history".
With "whatever the price", Rockefeller coldly referred to the tens of millions of victims of Chinese communism. Ten years later, Antony Sutton prophesied:
“By about the year 2000, Communist China will be a “superpower” built by American technology, [capital] and skill … And who’s to say that the Chinese Communists will not make their peace with Moscow after 2000 and join forces to eliminate the super-super-power – the United States?”
Sutton was right – again. In recent years, it was easy to see how all Western actions against China and Russia – the Ukraine war included – had their unification as its main goal. The Pentagon’s 2017 budget was the first driven by Glafia-created bogeymen China and Russia. Yet another Glafia project to upset the global balance of powers is arriving at its harvest time! History shows that The Evil Powers have no loyalty to any nation, religion or race, and Glafia-supported China is now simply their best totalitarian and hegemonic model.
See the last page of A7.5 for the treasonous role that China is expected to play as Glafia’s new hegemon.
The plan, I think, is the old one of world dominion in a new form. The money-power and revolutionary power have been set up and given sham but symbolic shapes ('Capitalism' or 'Communism') and sharply defined citadels ('America' or 'Russia'). Such is the spectacle publicly staged for the masses. But what if similar men, with a common aim, secretly rule in both camps and propose to achieve their ambition through the clash between those masses? I believe any diligent student of our times will discover that this is the case.
Douglas Reed (1895-1976), British journalist
The history of Russia as a state goes back over a thousand years. Around the same time that Portugal and Spain began their colonizations (in the 15th century), Russia started to incorporate Siberia and southern territories. Under the governance of mixed Russian and German dynasties (since 1613, the Romanovs), the Russian Empire became the largest nation on earth (a bit smaller today, yet still comprising 11% of the earth’s land mass), with incredible resources: energy, minerals, food, wood, and manpower with a high level of education - the feared Russian bear.
After Napoleon's wars, the Rothschilds began pushing for a central banking system to secure their control over Europe. S.M. Goodson:
“Czar Alexander I rejected any such plans and instead created a new Holy Alliance (1815) between Russia, Prussia, and Austria, who were to be pushed into cataclysmic conflict a few generations later... A Russian state bank created in 1860 ... served the people well for decades, with cheap loans ... by the turn of the century most land being owned by the people who worked it. Taxes and debt were the lowest in Europe, and social and labor legislation among the best”.
Christian Russia was betrayed by the Christian West (France, UK) in the Crimean war (1853-'56), part of the preparations for Russia's planned collapse. Contrary to the slander spread by the Glafia-led media (the pogroms included – see prof. John Doyle Klier, A6.2), in the decades before 1914 Russia was rapidly modernizing, at a fast economic growth rate. It threatened to become a strong global competitor, especially in cooperation with nearby Germany, then another power on the rise. However, the USA had already been chosen and groomed as Glafia’s 20th century main battering ram, so something had to be done. You may recall that already in 1853, the book The New Rome (US) outlined that the center of power of the British Empire would move to the US; that a future cooperation between England and America was to take place; that a “world’s war” would be unleashed by a US/UK front to conquer Germany; and that a global struggle between the United States and Russia for world supremacy would occur.
And already in the 1880's, Lord Salisbury was imagining war and revolution for Russia. In 1893, C.G. Harrison spoke in London of “the next great European war” and how the Slavic peoples would “carry out experiments in Socialism ... which would present innumerable difficulties in Western Europe.” That became the First World War and the Bolshevik Revolution, which planted the Soviet Union, "one of the boldest and bloodiest politico-economic experiments in human history” (Terry Boardman).
In a 2015 surprise, STRATFOR's George Friedman revealed how the US had always applied MacKinder’s 1904 heartland theory:
“The primordial interest of the United States over which we have fought wars, the First, Second and Cold Wars has been the relationship between Germany and Russia, because united they are the only force that could threaten us, and to make sure that that does not happen.”
This quote is only partly true, because most Soviet civil and military technology came from the US, nuclear secrets and construction materials included (see Major Jordan, B35, and Sutton's free book The Best Enemy Money can buy).
With the Soviet Union, the banksters also created:
- An important power to assist in the planned destruction of Germany. Yet, from the 1922 Russo-German Rapallo Treaty, until the day before Hitler's Operation Barbarossa against Germany in 1942, the Soviet Union, like the US, assisted in the buildup of its future enemy. Putin forgot to mention it to Tucker!
- A precursor, with many lessons learned, for the later communist experiment under Mao in China.
- A communist solution to the problem of the backward Central European countries, not wanted by the West (the USA giveaway in Yalta, WW2).
- The perfect source for a strategy of fear in Glafia’s future protection rackets: Communism as bogeyman in the Cold War, the de-colonization and the European Union (built on the Soviet model, V. Bukovsky).
- And a subversive force to undermine the West (Y. Bezmenov, B18).
The Soviet Union/USA merger plan (Norman Dodd, Reece Committee, B12, failed. In 1959, Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev pounded his shoe on the United Nations lectern and shouted:
“Your children’s children will live under Communism. You Americans are so gullible. We won’t have to fight you; we’ll weaken your economy, until you fall like overripe fruit into our hands.”
Today, the brainwashed West seems to accept the newest communist scion, the WEF’s Great Reset, where you will own nothing, and have no freedom, and no human future.
The apparent failure of the communist/capitalist merger plan (A6.6), Glafia's decision to go East, and the birth of the Global Digital Prison plan (Brzezinski, 1970) made the Soviet experiment obsolete, and Glafia had its pawn Gorbatsjov finishing it off in 1991. Soon after, Glafia's CIA agent Fidel Castro said: “The next war in Europe will be between Russia and Fascism, except that Fascism will be called Democracy.” Again, no prophesy, just insider information, on a war which is now reality.
Russia was first opened to capitalism via shock therapy (by "Team Harvard" as destroyer, starring leftist Jeffrey Sachs9), ending in planned disaster and looting, from which it was then "saved" by Putin, head of the new "Glafia-subordinate elite”. That and the flat bombings made gangster Putin very popular (see Putin's False Flag, by Iain Davis). Mentor Kissinger surely told Putin long ago that a strong Russia was needed for Glafia’s West-East shift, and that the war predicted by Castro would be the price for his and Russia's meteoric career (just as mentor Bleichröder told Bismarck that war would be the price Germany had to pay). MH17, Skripal, Russia’s Syria role, NATO’s deliberate expansion, it all fits this script.
The strong influence of the Orthodox Church as a purveyor of traditional Russian values is just an official narrative, for public consumption only. If that sounds unlikely, consider that Russia failed the litmus tests for Covid, CBDC, Agenda 2030, its BIS controlled Central Bank, etc.
Please find more arguments at Iain Davis and in Anton Weiss-Wendt’s book Putin’s Russia and the Falsification of History: Reasserting Control over the Past.
“Reasserting control over the past” is of course exactly what Glafia’s other proxies, and especially the UK, the US and Zionism, have been doing for centuries, and my main reason for exposing a counter-narrative in the form of the present book!
It is not Russianism that will bring about the destruction of the earth but Americanism, not just the English but all of Europe has fallen prey to it as it represents modernity in its monstrosity.
Martin Heidegger (1889-1976), German philosopher
That there are men in all countries who get their living by war, and by keeping up the quarrels of nations, is as shocking as it is true.
Thomas Paine (1737-1809), Rights of Man, 1791
The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the large centers has owned the government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson [1830’s].
Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1882-1945), 32nd President of the United States
The real menace of our Republic is the invisible government, which like a giant octopus sprawls its slimy legs over our cities, states and nation… The little coterie of powerful international bankers virtually run the United States government for their own selfish purposes.
New York City Mayor John F. Hylan, New York Times, March 26, 1922
Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people. To destroy this invisible government, to befoul the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics is the first task of the statesmanship of the day.
Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919), 26th President of the USA
The first inhabitants of the Americas arrived probably 130,000 years ago (Graham Hancock in America Before). Before Columbus set foot in 1492, the Americas had been discovered many times, and detailed maps (Piri Reis) of the East Coast were available in the West. Columbus’ trip may have been a cover story for an “America project” by the Venetian/Genoese/Jewish bankers and merchants preparing the global domination plan (see below, and A1.4).
The French claimed a part of North America already in 1535, now Quebec. The British waited until 1607 (until they had enough Protestants to send out?), when the Virginia Company was founded in Jamestown. It was a joint-stock company chartered by King James I, and financed by private investors of The City, London, a prime hub for Glafia.
Fast forward to 1776, when at the kickoff of the American Revolution, Freemason Thomas Paine helped to inspire the Patriots against the Royalists with his influential pamphlet Common Sense (decades later used to further Latin America’s Glafia-overseen “Masonic/converso” independence, A5.3).
Yet the whole USA Independence was a charade, according to Jerry Fresia's book Toward an American Revolution: Exposing the Constitution and Other Illusions. The blatant hypocrisy - even more brazen today, uttered by Ol' Joe, an "empty suit reading a teleprompter" - was built in from the start, and not by accident, as shown below.
The stirring rhetoric of “We, the people” was written by slaveholders and killers of indigenous people: the Founding Fathers. They were all very rich, and all Freemasons (Glafia proxies), their Washington DC headquarters bulging with masonic symbols, while printing “In God We Trust” on their coins and banknotes – yet Freemasons don’t believe in God, but in materialist science. They proclaimed a Republic (without a king or aristocrats), yet all of them were from British peerage families (blue-blooded Glafia proxies). And they were mainly financed by the British East India Company (= The City = Glafia), so their Constitution was focused on the protection of private property.
At his surrender at Yorktown, 1781, British General Cornwallis revealed to General Washington that “a holy war will now begin on America, and when it is ended America will supposedly be the citadel of freedom, but her millions will unknowingly be loyal subjects to the Crown [=The City] … and in less than two hundred years, the whole nation will be working for divine world government.” In a 1956 speech, Senator Joseph McCarthy (yes, the one who was right on communist infiltration) commented: "Cornwallis well knew that his military defeat was only the beginning of world catastrophe that would be universal... What he predicted has come to pass."
The USA’s independence was just a temporary split to prepare all necessary conditions for Glafia’s Eurasia project (A5.4). A striking aspect was the American struggle against the British/Jewish banking cartels. But it wasn’t usury as such they rejected, only foreign usury. Anyhow, in the 1870's the Rothschilds (A5.1) sent in German-Jewish bankers to install an army of robber barons (oligarchs) as their "subordinate elites” (Rockefeller, Harriman, Dupont, Astor, Carnegie...). A private US Central Bank was of course a high priority in their Plot. The split ended in 1897 with a secret Anglo-American deal (E.C. Knuth, The Empire of The City).
German-born bankers of the Jewish Warburg and Schiff families played key roles in the foundation of the Glafia-owned Federal Reserve Bank (FED) in 1913, key to financing WW1 (the first time with the US as global creditor). In October 1914, the Glafia-staged killing of Archduke Franz Ferdinand (Docherty and MacGregor) set off the project to subjugate Eurasia. It was concluded by the staged fall of the Soviet Union, in 1991. Several aspects of this enormous, gruesome 20th century Glafia operation are discussed in A6.
In the end, the “exceptional” USA became another Glafia WAR state, "based on the principle of genocide" (Noam Chomsky). The City, Glafia’s hub, was always present:
- At its birth in 1607, in Jamestown.
- Its passing to adulthood in 1776.
- Its staged bloody, brotherly quarrel in the American Civil War (1861-’65).
- The fraudulent foundation of the Federal Reserve Bank in 1913.
- Its extreme expansionism that killed tens of millions of innocent people standing in its way (US Indians, Filipinos, Koreans, Vietnamese, Iraqis, Afghans, Palestinians, Ukrainians, etc.).
- Its genocidal treason in staging, with the British and Zionists, the conquest of Eurasia, with numerous protection rackets: the World Wars, the 1930 and other financial crises, and the Cold War.
- And also 9/11 & the War on Terror, the wars on drugs, CO2, Covid, etc.
It’s really baffling how these satanic criminals got away with it all, and didn’t end up on the gallows, but are still honored and serenaded as the greatest heroes of freedom ever. That's the tremendous power of Glafia's version of reality projected in Plato's Cave! As a quick aside, it is now proven that the US never went to the moon but faked the moon landings ( - in America, there's no business like show business! See also this 9- minute YouTube video: NASA admits we never went to the moon.
Glafia pawn Samuel Huntington (B22) was only partly right when he wrote, in The Clash of Civilizations:
“The West won the world not by the superiority of its ideas or values of religion ... but rather by its superiority in applying organized violence. Westerners often forget this fact; non-Westerners never do.”
While posing as a humanitarian, Huntington cleverly hid the carnage wrought by US/UK on their European brothers. But why did he write it at all?
Maybe because blackwashing the West helps Glafia to go East, from uni- to multi-polar. They can’t run their End Game without the “Good East”, which has as first task the weakening and scapegoating of the “Evil West”.
At the time of writing, they are doing quite well!
The task of the proletariat is to create a still more powerful fatherland ...the Republican United States of Europe, as the foundation of the United States of the World.
Leon Trotsky (1879-1940), Glafia mercenary in the Bolshevik Revolution
Tens of thousands of years ago, Europe, at the Western side of the Eurasian continent, became gradually inhabited by (Cro-Magnon) people from the Middle East, part of them blond and red haired, some with blue eyes. About three thousand years ago, aristocratic Phoenicians started to colonize coastal zones in the Mediterranean, but also in Scandinavia, England and Northern Germany. They were the first to run multinational companies (B8), and from them descend the Venetians (co-founders of the Glafia project) and most of the European nobles (later acting as “black nobility” in Glafia activities).
Large parts of Europe were once united by the Roman Empire (which ended in 476 AC), which in its final phase adopted Christianity as its official religion. The Holy Roman Empire (800-1806) was officially its successor, with numerous princedoms under control of one monarch, and religious unity under Christianism. Yet the gap between 476 and 800 probably didn't exist, or perhaps there was even an overlap, see A Short History of Civilization by Laurent Guyénot, on Gunnar Heinsohn's convincing theory about the 730 years "missing" in the first millennium. History is Mystery!
But there was no political unity in Europe as a whole, and constant "civil" wars between Christian "brothers" were the rule (European aristocracy had indeed a high degree of kinship). Under the House of Hohenstaufen, which ruled the Holy Roman Empire from 1138 to 1254, starting with Frederick Barbarossa (1123-1190), Duke of the German Swabia (yes, same as Schwab), an attempt was made to unite the whole of Europe, and especially Germany and Italy, in one benevolent Empire which could prevent these constant "civil" wars (800 years later Hitler named his grand attack on Russia "Operation Barbarossa").
That attempt, by what were later called the Ghibellines, was frustrated by the aristocrats related to the House of Guelph, or Welf (from which the present "black" - for their deeds - nobility of Europe stems, including the Windsors and Oranges). These Guelphs, originally from northern Italy (and before that, Phoenicia), were close to the upcoming merchants and bankers, amongst others the Genoese and Venetians. Much later, it was thanks to the victory of the Guelphs, supported by the popes (not for religious, but for worldly power reasons), that Glafia could take over. Another important result was that nation states began to form in the Middle Ages, a European specialty, and Glafia's favorite unit of control. See also The Failed Empire, by Laurent Guyénot.
The “rich trade” between Asia and Europe, via the Middle East, had been partly cut off by the 15th century rise of the Muslim Ottoman Empire. This led the Genoese bankers to finance Spain and Portugal to explore and colonize the Americas, Africa and Asia, which stimulated and in turn partly financed the Glafia domination plan. With it, the center of gravity of the world economy moved from Asia to Europe, and within Europe, from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic: Protestant Holland and England became Glafia's hegemons (A3), and from the 19th century, the USA too (A5.2). Catholic Spain and Portugal were sidelined (A2.4).
During the early Glafia globalization project, many European countries became important proxies for the colonization of the world (B23). Starting in 17th century Holland and England, Glafia’s central banking system spread to all of Europe, but not yet to Russia. Once the British Empire became Glafia/The City’s hegemon (around 1740), it controlled Europe via the “balance of power” (politics, intrigues, wars) and usurious banking/debt. That also included Glafia's interference in the American and French Revolutions. After the Napoleonic wars, which affected many European countries, the Rothschilds tried to install a supra- European body, at the 1815 Congress of Vienna (A5.1).
It failed because Russia created a Holy Alliance with Prussia (pre-Germany) and Austria (1815), which was renewed by Bismarck (Prussia) in 1871. So, a more radical approach was needed, in which not only Prussia and Russia, but also China’s Qing Empire and the Ottoman Empire could be subjugated. The only “solution” was a war, a big war: a world war, to be staged by the Glafia's Anglo-Americans and Jewish proxies (A6). Predictive programming (B22) for it came in 1853 with a book, The New Rome (B4) and later, insider messages (G. Harrison in 1893, Zionist leader Max Nordau in 1903, A5.4).
In 1914, the first world war was detonated. By a "little coincidence", the global colonization scheme had just been completed. At the time, nobody could really explain the reason for the war. Nationalism was often - falsely - blamed (B17). It had indeed been inflamed by the Glafia mass media. Certain official historians still pretend that the world “sleepwalked” into WW1.
A key preparation had been a nation building project started in 1871 with the banker-steered Bismarck (A5.5), to push Germany over the limit, militarily and economically, as to give the Brits an acceptable justification for war. Exactly 100 years later, in 1971 (A6.7), China was also set on a path of rapid growth. Now, 50 years later, another world war is at hand (B28). When nobody understands history because it’s falsified, it’s easy to repeat the old tricks!
In the 1920s, Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi revealed plans for a “PanEuropa” (B31). During WW2, a European Union (EU) was defended by Nazi Germany (largely a Glafia creation, assisted by the US and Stalin). Hjalmar Schacht, Hitler's future Economics Minister, in 1933:
"In three months Hitler will be in power.... Hitler will create PanEuropa! Only Hitler can create PanEuropa!"
The new European Soviet
Soviet dissident Vladimir Bukovsky stated that the EU was based on the Soviet model, and Mikhail Gorbachev spoke of the EU as "the new European Soviet." The present EU is not at all a sovereign "empire", as Barbarossa pursued, but one of the regional blocks for Glafia's multipolar New World Order (B33). See The Prospect for America (A6.6), and C. Story, The EU Collective, Enemy of its Member States.
During the Cold War, the fake Soviet threat helped to create the necessary fear to get the EU project going. The EU fulfilled the wishes of Kalergi, the Nazis and Trotsky by “softly boiling the frogs”. As CIA-led EU founder Jean Monnet pointed out: "Europe's nations should be guided towards a super state without their people understanding what is happening." Voilà, l'UE démocratique! EU chief Juncker (at times ataxic and loose-lipped, santé!) later confirmed this "revelation of the method", without any consequences for his career:
“We decide on something ... and wait and see... If no one kicks up a fuss, because most people don't understand what has been decided, we continue step by step until there is no turning back.”
With the staged Ukraine war, the suicidal sanctions on Russia and the fake climate crisis as their latest protection rackets, Glafia’s “traitors within the gates” are now trying to destroy Europe’s economic, industrial, financial and social base, paving the way to a digital dictatorship under a multipolar world order, led by China and Russia. But regrettably, most Europeans are still asleep.
So please spread the word about The Predators!
The Middle East, also called Near East, and especially its Fertile Crescent, an area between the Nile, Euphrates and Tigris rivers, was an important cradle of civilization, like others in China, India and the Americas. Islam emerged in the 7th century (a misty story, see Suliman Bashear). It always had intriguing links with Judaism, see L. Guyénot's The Arabian Cradle of Zion. Was it also created to weaponize a very large group of people, as with Judaism (B8)?
The Suez Canal (1869) in Egypt greatly increased the Middle East’s geopolitical importance, followed by the 1908 discovery of oil in Persia (today’s Iran). Soon there was another oil find in Mosul, Mesopotamia (today’s Iraq). That would quickly change the fate of the Middle East, and of the world.
Mosul just happened to be in an area where Germany had been granted a 99-year exploitation concession, as part of a deal with the Ottomans on the Berlin-to-Baghdad railroad. Glafia pawn Winston Churchill, soon after he became First Lord of the British Admiralty in 1911, had declared oil - from distant sources - to be of paramount importance for the modernization of the Royal Navy, which till then had used easily accessible British coal.
During WW1, control of the Persian and Mesopotamian oil became a "first-class British war aim”. Mesopotamia was part of the ailing Ottoman or Turkish Empire, the “sick man of Europe”. J. Brewda's "Palmerston launches Young Turks to permanently control Middle East" shows how the British 19th century divide-and-rule policy made the Ottoman Empire "sick".
Lord Palmerston, a Rothschild associate, used a mix of intrigues and deceit to pit the multiple ethnicities against each other – Kurds, Turks, Serbs, Greeks, Armenians, etc. The early 20th century Balkan wars, the revolution in Turkey, and the Armenian genocide were just a few of the “triumphs” of this policy, which had enduring effects. After WW2, "America made Islamic terrorism" (see James Corbett on Alqaeda).
Just before WW1 – Glafia’s prelude to the subjugation of Eurasia – the British drove the Turks into the arms of the Germans. Docherty and MacGregor:
“The French and British alliance with Russia was at the expense of the Turks… Britain and France planned to carve up the oil rich Ottoman Empire. To that end, the Turks had to be pushed into the German camp and defeated.”
In the planned-to-fail (by the UK) Battle of Gallipoli, almost 400,000 soldiers were slaughtered for this aim. Then Britain dedicated a very large part of its military capacity to the capture of Basra, Baghdad and Mosul, and the Ottoman empire collapsed. In 1916, Britain and France (with Russia’s assent) had signed the secret Sykes-Picot treaty, to divide the loot of their joint war of conquest on the Ottomans. They carved up the Middle East (the duplicitous Lawrence of Arabia helped to pave their way) and installed subordinate kings as figureheads, to be proxies for the Anglo-American hegemon. Thereafter, regime change was often carried out (Mosaddeq, the Shah, Saddam, Qaddafi), to install more obedient puppets.
The Rothschilds and Rockefellers, who provided oil and finance to both sides in the First World War, were to profit immensely from the oil concessions that were to be grabbed, while the costs of acquiring that oil would be paid for by the money, lives and suffering of the common people.
But there was more than oil in the Ottoman Empire: a tiny province about the size of Wales, then called Palestine soon became the object of Glafia’s attentions. Already in 1840, Lord Palmerston had asked the Sultan “to encourage the Jews to return and settle in Palestine because the wealth that they would bring with them would increase the resources of the Sultan’s dominions.” The Sultan didn’t swallow that noble lie, and this Glafia project had to wait until 1917. Then, Glafia pawn Alfred Milner gave the "Balfour Declaration" to Lord Lionel Walter Rothschild. The rest is history (B15). Nine decades later, Richard Cohen would write in the Washington Post:
"The idea of creating a nation of European Jews in an area of Arab Muslims … has produced a century of warfare and terrorism”.
That was of course exactly Glafia's plan. By creating havoc and destabilizing the Middle East, these countries could be kept down, and their oil controlled more easily. Many Zionists, and many Muslims too, became Glafia agents. The book The Lost Hegemon by William Engdahl paints a chilling picture of how Glafia (not his term) has been using radical Islam as its power tool, with disastrous consequences for local populations and for the world in general.
Samuel Huntington's claims of a “clash of civilizations” (B22) or a religious war were false. However, the final targets of the present Middle East operations are more and more China and Russia, which increasingly threaten the hegemonic position of the USA. All coldly plotted by the Masters, who are since long preparing to go East (A7.5).
Just consider the CIA/Mossad false flag attack on 9/11; followed by the staged War on Terror with US/UK/Israel supported Wahhabi/Al Qaeda terrorists; the radicalization of the (Muslim) Uyghurs in China; the intrigues of the CIA-linked Muslim Brotherhood (since the 1950’s); the Glafia-staged “color revolutions” in the Middle East and Northern Africa; and the endless problems in Afghanistan and the Russian border states.
And now also the ugly proxy war in the Ukraine.
As shown on these pages, people of all countries and colors, and especially their “elites”, have been used as proxies in Glafia's global domination project. Yet the researcher of this hidden history soon becomes baffled by the extreme over-representation of Jewish proxies. To such a degree that some even conclude that it is a Jewish project. That is quite understandable, as many eminent Jewish leaders, like Nahum Goldman (B18), Rabbi Schneerson (Chabad), Menachim Begin, David Ben-Gurion, David Wolfsohn ... have said so, the list of quotations is long.
J.A. Hobson, in his classic book Imperialism, a Study (1902), >argued that “men of a single and peculiar race, who have behind them centuries of financial experience” formed “the central ganglion of international capitalism.” Today, when honest researchers mention such facts, they are instantly framed as you-know-what.
To analyze this problem, we must go back about 3000 years. Well before classical Greece and Rome, Phoenicia (with the city-states Tyre, Sidon and Byblos, and later also Carthage, in North Africa, and Cádiz, in southern Spain, and many more) got involved in globalization, capitalism, and multinational corporations.
As Phoenician aristocrats were expanding world trade and creating the first multinational business organization on an intercontinental scale, the center of finance and high culture shifted from the East to the West. Although these trends originated in Mesopotamia (Babylon, in turn influenced by Asia), it was the Phoenicians who laid the economic and cultural basis for the Western world (see The Phoenicians and the Formation of the Western World and also A1.3). They even settled on the Atlantic coasts of Europe, including Scandinavia, Britain, and Northern Germany. There’s evidence that they were important ancestors of the Venetian and European aristocracy, or “black nobility”, later often acting as Glafia proxies.
At the time, it was impossible to distinguish between Phoenicians and Jews, as they shared the same language, script (the modern alphabet is based on a Phoenician invention), culture, religion (Baal worship, bull symbolism, and yes, also child sacrifice) and Canaanite or Semitic ethnicity. But around 270 BC that would change, according to research by Russell Gmirkin on the "invention" of the Jewish nation (in his book Plato and the Hebrew Bible):
"It is in the Great Library of Alexandria that the Jewish authors [not Moses], assembled under royal sponsorship [by King Ptolemy II], drew from their sources and drafted the Pentateuch [Hebrew Bible, Torah] ... The theocracy which is established in Judea [southern Phoenicia] ... is modeled on Plato’s model government."
That modeling included Plato's Cave: his advice for creating a new nation was that a myth – a gripping foundation story to forge a powerful sense of national identity - had to be composed, to give its new laws an air of great antiquity and divine origin. The Jews’ ancestors, it must be taught to the commoners, had always kept these laws (kosher, and essential to prevent assimilation), a notion that continues into our times.
The big question is WHY the “people of the Book” were invented and brought under the delusion of being the only chosen people of the jealous god Yahweh, to rule the world someday by conquest and deceit, from Jerusalem ("Thou shalt reign over many nations, but they shall not reign over thee", Deuteronomy 15:9). Or as in Genesis 12:
The Lord had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you: “I will make you into a great nation,and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earthwill be blessed through you.”
Two centuries before, the Jews had been taken to Babylon, which had a highly developed usurious banking system, where many of the Jews became prosperous. comments:
“After the Exile [538 BC], commerce and credit certainly had a place in Eretz Israel ... Jerusalem had a number of wealthy families ... who speculated and deposited their gains in the Temple, which had in some ways the function of a national bank”.
And nearby Alexandria in Egypt, where the “synthetic” Bible was written, was a center of trade between the Mediterranean, Arabian and Asian world, with many Jews (and Phoenicians) engaged in it, as well as in moneylending. Did these bankers use Plato’s model to weaponize a large group of people for their projects? There's another coincidence: the Punic wars between Rome and Carthage started in 264 BC, a few years after the Bible project. That ultimately led to the total destruction of Carthage, in 146 BC.
Were the "people of the Book" created to weaken the Roman Empire, so the Phoenician model could be implemented again (as happened, see the last paragraph of A1.3). Although the eastern part of the Phoenician empire initially flourished under Roman rule, were certain "elites" trying to set up the Jews against the Roman Empire? Indeed, the Jewish-Roman wars were a series of large-scale revolts by the Jews of the Eastern Mediterranean against the Roman Empire between 66 and 135 CE (Wiki). The notorious role as traders and troublemakers of the diaspora Jews in the Roman Empire (and the adoption of Christianism by the latter, is there a relation?) is not, however, within the scope of this book.
Gmirkin’s theory certainly rhymes with Shlomo Sand’s book The Invention of the Jewish People. Sand criticizes the Zionists for spreading the myth of the Jewish People as an ancient race. He states that the Muslims and Christians of Israel/Palestine are closer genetic descendants of the original Jews than the Ashkenazim (East European Jews), a majority in Israel, who probably descended from non-Semitic Khazar people (in what today is Ukraine) who long ago converted to Judaism. Many Zionist founders, historians and bioscientists have asserted much the same (Arthur Koestler is just one of them).
Many “new” Jews went to Iberia (Sepharad) where they did so well (as Sephardim) that they were seen as a danger and expelled (Spain, in 1492; Portugal a few years later). C. Roth: “In defiance of all conventional logic and expectation, that became an occasion for renewed creativity.” Yet a better explanation is that they became proxies, or leaders, in Glafia’s plan. Since long before, Jewish moneylenders and European aristocrats, both having Phoenician origins, had worked hand in glove. The commoners often suffered from it, resulting in enmity, not caused by racial differences, but by misconduct.
The Zionist (B15) and the Hitler/Holocaust projects (B14), both staged by Glafia's bankers (“those of the Synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars”, Revelation 3:9), duped the Jews twice, and gave them updated narratives for their proxy role.
I speculate that the (Genoese) bankers were also behind the great 1492 expulsion of Jews from Spain (A2.4), to forcedly prepare them for future roles in Holland and England, and the colonies they would later make (see also A2.3, on anti-Jewish measures elsewhere, with similar results). There's an uncanny parallel with Hitler, also being financed by Glafia's bankers: he organized emigration of many elite German Jews to Palestine, via the Ha'avara program. Nazi Germany also persecuted and killed the orthodox "Schnorrers", whom the Rothschilds so despised and didn't want in Palestine: both effects greatly benefited the ailing Zionist project.
“Oh, my people! They who guide you lead you astray” (Isaiah 3:12).
In light of the previous revelations the question surfaces: will the multi-duped Jewish people yet again become sacrificial lambs for the bankers (see also B16, The New Jerusalem)?
The Earth is a farm. We are someone else's property.
Charles Fort (1874-1932), American writer and cross-thinker
We have seen that there is another power than that which has its seat at Westminster. The City of London, a convenient term for a collection of financial interests, is able to assert itself against the government of the country. Those who control money can pursue a policy at home and abroad contrary to that which is being decided by the people.
Clement Attlee (1883-1967), UK Prime Minister from 1945-1951
Western democracy is the political weapon of money, and the mass media are the means through which money operates democracy.
Oswald Spengler (1880-1936), in 1918
Only 300 men, each of whom knows all others govern the fate of Europe. They select their successors from their own entourage. These men have the means in their hands of putting an end to the form of State which they find unreasonable.
Walter Rathenau (1867-1922), German businessman/politician, killed 6 months hereafter
[The Controllers of the Invisible Government] would continue to grow in strength, until they had the whole silly world, the whole credulous world, the whole ingenuous world, in their hands. Anyone who would challenge them, attempt to expose them, show them unconcealed and naked, would be murdered, laughed at, called mad, ignored, or denounced as a fantasy-weaver.
Taylor Caldwell, writer, in Captains and the Kings, 1972
The drive of the Rockefellers and their allies is to create a one-world government combining supercapitalism and Communism under the same tent, all under their control... Do I mean conspiracy? Yes, I do. I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in planning, and incredibly evil in intent.
Congressman Larry MacDonald (1935-1983), killed in Korean Airlines 747, shot down by the Soviets (at the request of Glafia/the CIA??)
Glafia's Master Plan is very simple: to own and run the whole planet, humans included, as a private corporation. It has been referred to as the New World Order and World Government, but “Farm Earth” with “we, the cattle” represents it better: where we are housed, managed, fed, jabbed, and culled as the Farm Owners see fit. That’s Fascism at it purest (B2). Glafia's gigantic pyramidal organization, built over five centuries, is a global control system with three layers, or classes:
core / proxies / populace.
On the top sits the core, a few closely knit dynasties with great fortunes (in the order of trillions of dollars) forming a global crime syndicate, here characterized as the Predator class, whose presence and great wealth are largely hidden. The best known are the Rockefellers and Rothschilds (see Dean Henderson’s The Federal Reserve Cartel for more names). Many of them pretend to be Jewish, but that's just to lure in the Jews, who have been prepared since ages as their proxies, see B8 and B16. Revelation 3:9 warns of those:
"... who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars."
Many of them are psychopaths, but not necessarily from birth (I do not support the ponerology theory as the prime cause of the domination project). For centuries above the law and out of sight, the core families don't show up on any Forbes ranking or in public statistics. The people on those lists (Musk, Bezos, Bill...) are merely their errand boys, "just" owning billions.
Glafia's dynasties have a totally Fascist (B2), not to say Satanic worldview: for them, the wealth of the Earth is not a God-given present to all humans, but the exclusive, private property of their families. The populace has to pay for the privilege of using Planet Earth and are considered unable to govern themselves. And if we’re being honest, we may be forced to admit humans often behave as slaves, happy with their "bread and circuses", and to leave the nasty task of governing to corrupted politicians.
The Master Plan of the core is carried out by proxies, forming a giant puppet theater. Old cartoons often show it as an octopus. These proxies or pawns are the always exchangeable assets ("human capital") of the core, they own them. Most play their role unwittingly (most Glafia projects are organized on a need-to-know basis), yet many sold their soul knowingly to the Devil. Here’s a brief overview of said pawns:
- Glafia's global hegemons were Spain, Holland, Britain, and the USA. As I write this, China & Russia's grasp of the baton is becoming firmer and firmer - while Ol' Joe is proposing a railroad crossing the Indian Ocean.
- By now, all national governments and their key institutions: judiciary, legislative, educational, scientific, health, intelligence services, police, army, etc., are captured. These covertly operating Glafia proxies are often called the Deep State (see Sean Stone’s New World Order). The unison and corrupt Covid policies in the 193 UN states were the proof of this global pudding.
- The global criminal banking system; its BIS Bank (Basel) rules over all central banks (see book Adam Lebor). It includes offshore tax & loot havens, see The Spider’s Web: Britain’s Second Empire.
- BIG private corporations, all WEF members: media and industry - military, BIG pharma, BIG agri/food, BIG tech...
- Glafia’s asset managers, such as BlackRock, State Street, Fidelity and Vanguard, now the largest owners in 90% of the 500 biggest Standard & Poor’s companies, and also active in China.
- International (front) institutions: UN, EU, WEF, WHO, IPCC, NATO, WTO, IMF…
- NGO’s, “philanthropic” foundations (Ford, Rockefeller, Billlinda...), thousands of thinktanks (WEF, Round Table, CFR, Trilateral Commission, etc.).
- Many Glafia set-up or hijacked protest movements: BLM, XR/Greta, Amnesty, Human Rights Watch, Trans Rights activists, Avaaz, Greenpeace...
- Zionist Jewry/Israel is a key proxy, with very old, powerful, ruthless, effective and almost immune networks.
- Religions: the Vatican (with a globalist climax under Francis, and a heroic exception in the person of bishop Carlo Maria Viganò), the “green” Church of England, some strains of radical Islam... Independent churches are under heavy pressure, and the "one world church" is since long financed by Glafia.
- Masonic or other secret or societies have been important (e.g. in American & French revolutions), but less so today.
- The aristocracy (often with Phoenician/Venetian/Jewish roots) still plays a real or figurehead role (the Dutch Orange family, the Windsors now with Charly III, Spanish Royal House, etc.).
- The many people whom Glafia allowed to become oligarchs, billionaires or robber barons are a standard element in its “subordinate elites”.
- Organized crime, trafficking in drugs, weapons, animals, organs, people… (Mafia, Chinese Triads, Kosovo, Israel...).
- Mass media and education, great tools for "dumbing down" the populace (B39).
- “Modern” art and cultural institutions, especially the film (Hollywood) and music industries, including purposely ugly visual arts and architecture.
- And finally, the gatekeepers (B38), influencers, fact checkers, and spin doctors, always with “limited hangouts”, who do expose elements of the deception, but stay silent on the core: like Karl Marx, Noam Chomsky, Alex Jones, the list is very long.
After centuries of running a spiritual and physical war against humanity, the proxy system (or the Network, C. Quigley) has become overly complex, with too many horses for too many courses. With the Glafia-led development of digital surveillance and coercion technology (announced by Brzezinski in 1970), now called the Fourth Industrial Revolution, many things will change.
That’s why The Great Reset was launched (A7.4), led by figurehead Klaus Schwab. It formalizes Glafia’s End Game, in which the present convoluted control structure (based on deceit, by proxies) will be substituted by the Global Digital Prison (based on digital technology, by “the system”). It will become very hard to resist this digital feudalism. A large part of the proxies (the exchangeable “useful idiots”) will become superfluous.
Most of the populace in so-called democratic countries is still under the delusion that they are living free lives. That’s not strange at all, even ancient civilizations used myths and falsified narratives to control the people, see Plato's Cave, yet Glafia champions them all.
The dark arts of social engineering and menticide have been perfected in the 20th/21st century (B21, B36).
For a more elaborate description of the Glafia pyramid, see Adrian Salbuchi on The Coming World Government.
Figure 1 shows the top-down policy flow through the proxy system.
Thousands of mainstream historians have been involved in the construction of the false official narrative of global history, and hundreds of thousands of books and movies have been produced to support the lies. As shown on these pages, it's a cock-up version of history, which sees countries as the main actors, with Bad Guys popping up randomly, and the brave Good Guys always joining to defeat them.
Examples of such Bad Guys, in fact Glafia-created bogeymen for their protection rackets (B24), are the Kaiser of Germany (WW1), Hitler (WW2), the Communists in Russia (Cold War), extremist Muslims (War on Terror), CO2 (a "highly toxic gas"), Covid-19 (a "highly deadly virus") and now the Evil Putin in the Ukraine. Since the late 19th century, the Good Guys always included Glafia's hegemons Britain and the US, and more recently NATO.
The only problem is that this version of history is a tremendous lie. In fact, in all these examples the Bad Guys were set up or invented by the Good Guys, who then fight the monsters they themselves created, so they can parade as "heroes of freedom and democracy" and "beacons of liberty".
Most of the counter-narratives are about conspiracies of long duration and serial crimes, which often lean on “controversial” or "unconventional" authors. Authors whose work is always heavily suppressed, by Glafia-led media (including Wikipedia), and often classified as "looney conspiracy theories", racist or anti-Semitic. Yet the present book also relies - and to quite a large extent - on the work of several highly respected mainstream historians, which results in a "convergence of evidence". Here is a shortlist of such persons:
Karl Marx's (1818-1883) "political and philosophical thought had enormous influence on subsequent intellectual, economic, and political history" (Wiki). In this book he is a Glafia pawn (B12). Yet he gave the game away:
“…the Venetian thieving system formed one of the secret bases of the capital-wealth of Holland to whom Venice in her decadence lent large sums of money. So was it with Holland ... lending out enormous amounts of capital, especially to its great rival England... [the] same thing is going on to-day [1860's] between England and the United States" (see complete quote on the Venetian thieving system).
By now you'll understand what the other secret base of capital-wealth of Holland was. Oswald Spengler also understood this game, in which “Western democracy is the political weapon of money, and the mass media are the means through which money operates democracy”, to which he added: “Every Socialist outbreak only blazes new paths for Capitalism.”
Fernand Braudel (1902-1985) is "one of the most important historians of the 20th century". If I'm not mistaken, he was the first person to state that capitalism is not an economic system, but:
“… above this layer [of the transparent market economy] comes the zone of the anti-market, where the great predators [Glafia in this book] roam and the law of the jungle operates. This – today as in the past, before and after the industrial revolution – is the real home of capitalism.”
He often stressed another essential aspect: “Capitalism only triumphs when it becomes identified with the state, when it is the state.” Braudel was the first to discern the cycles in the capitalist, or Glafia's, global control system.
Carroll Quigley (1910-1977) was one of the most respected professors at Georgetown University (US), and "something of a legend". He also worked for the Department of Defense. In his two books Tragedy and Hope and The Anglo-American Establishment, he revealed the existence of a secret Anglo-American Network with the goal to dominate the world: clearly a conspiracy, although Quigley later denied that. Of the seven authors mentioned in this essay, he is the only one who is often quoted in conspiracy literature (see also Carroll Quigley historian and whistleblower).
Charles Tilly (1929-2008) has been described as "the founding father of 21st century sociology" and "one of the world's preeminent sociologists and historians" (Wiki). In his book Big Structures, Large Processes, and Huge Comparisons, he argues that to analyze Western countries over the last few hundred years, one has to take into account two interdependent master processes:
1) the creation of a system of powerful, connected national states and
2) the formation of a worldwide capitalist system.
That dovetails quite nicely with the Glafia theory presented here. But elsewhere, Tilly goes even further:
"... war making and state making ... qualify as our largest examples of organized crime [Glafia protection rackets] ... For the European experience of the past few centuries, a portrait of war makers and state makers as coercive and self-seeking entrepreneurs [= Glafia] bears a far greater resemblance to the facts than do its chief alternatives."
Giovanni Arrighi (1937-2009) was a "renowned authority in the fields of world systems analysis and historical sociology". His impressive book The Long Twentieth Century: Money, Power and the Origins of our Times is a key source for The Predators. As an academic he is very cautious, with comments such as: "this was certainly no random process". He nailed it with this quote:
"The real important transition … is not that from feudalism to capitalism but from scattered to concentrated capitalist power."
He described how that power infiltrated Holland, then England and the US. In Adam Smith in Beijing, he stated that global power would return to Asia.
J.A. Hobson (1858-1940), an English economist and social scientist, is best known for his book Imperialism: A Study (1902). He is cited in B8: "... men who have behind them centuries of financial experience [formed] the central ganglion of international capitalism.” His words are also quoted in A5.1, on the Rothschild led banking syndicate that started in the early 19th century:
"Does anyone seriously suppose that a great war could be undertaken by any European state, or a great state loan subscribed, if the House of Rothschild and its connections set their face against it? Every great political act, involving a new flow of capital, or a large fluctuation in the values of existing investments, must receive the sanction and the practical aid of this little group of financial kings."
Susan George (1934-) is a political/social scientist and activist. I have closely followed her recommendations for research to promote global justice, which are:
1) Study the rich and powerful, not the poor and powerless.
2) Any method yielding results or a fresh perspective should be used.
3) Be more rigorous, lest they will be out to get you.
If you allow for a purely capitalistic society, without any type of regulation at all, you will get one monopoly that will eat all of the smaller fish and own everything, and then you'll have zero capitalism, zero competition - it would just be one giant company.
Serj Tankian (1967-), American artist
Competition is a sin.
John D. Rockefeller (1839-1937), American robber baron
These are the rules of big business ... Get a monopoly; let society work for you; and remember that the best of all business is politics.
Frederic C. Howe (1867-1940), Confessions of a Monopolist, 1906 (free pdf)
There’s class warfare, all right, but it’s my class, the rich class, that’s making war, and we’re winning.
Warren Buffett (1930-), investor, net worth over $100 billion ($100,000,000,000)
A supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.
David Rockefeller (1915-2017), international banker, Glafia leader, in 1994
Capitalism was probably born in Phoenicia (B8), about 3000 years ago, when the Phoenicians controlled the "rich trade" between the West and the East. A good part of the capital they accumulated was invested in ambitious colonization projects in Europe and North Africa (A1.3).
In the Middle Ages, when the globalization of the world economy was already far advanced, Italian merchants, mainly in Genoa and Venice, became very rich in this long-distance East-West trade (A2.1). They found a new investment opportunity in the textile industry of Bruges, Flanders, which then prospered during the 13th and 14th century. However, when better opportunities arose elsewhere, the Italians withdrew their capital. Under the cover story of the silting up of the Scheldt River, the dependence on foreign decision makers killed the textile industry in Flanders. More than two centuries ago, Napoleon Bonaparte said:
“Money has no motherland; financiers are without patriotism and without decency: their sole object is gain”.
In the 20th century, the famous French historian Fernand Braudel (in The Wheels of Commerce) added:
“… above this layer [of the transparent market economy] comes the zone of the anti-market, where the great predators [Glafia] roam and the law of the jungle operates. This – today as in the past, before and after the industrial revolution – is the real home of capitalism.”
Braudel often stressed another essential aspect: “Capitalism only triumphs when it becomes identified with the state, when it is the state.” Today Glafia's domination project is so advanced, that its capital (in banks, asset managers and corporations) controls all nation states, big corporations, and national and international institutions. A century ago, Oswald Spengler (in The Decline of the West) already went further than Braudel ever would:
“Western democracy is the political weapon of money, and the mass media are the means through which money operates democracy.”
Two centuries earlier, Frédéric Bastiat had affirmed:
“When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men in a society [a good definition of Glafia], over the course of time they create for themselves a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it.”
That legal system exists now everywhere, and the glorifying moral code was the fairy tale that capitalism equals freedom, as in free trade, free markets, free enterprise, and (neo-)liberalism. That’s a total myth, maintained by a great army of proxies, e.g.: economists, historians (Harari included), social scientists, lawyers, educators, journalists and politicians.
I here note that Liberalism is in fact the political ideology behind Glafia's capitalism, or more correctly, behind its domination project. As Covid and many other events have shown, it is as fake as all the other ideologies promoted by Glafia.
In reality, important capitalist enterprises are not free, but all owned or controlled by Glafia. Today that goes via its “asset managers” BlackRock, Vanguard, State Street, Fidelity (see Monopoly documentary). These four giants possess over $33 trillion in assets (2x the Gross Domestic Product of the EU) and are the largest shareholders in over 90% of the 500 biggest Standard & Poor companies. They are of course intimately connected to Glafia’s international banking system and its dynastic core shareholders, who are also behind the global money system.
That money system is the “most universal and efficient system of hidden theft and control ever devised” (B20). Total global debts are now over $350 trillion (over four times the annual global gross domestic product), with about $10 trillion yearly interests constantly being siphoned off from the common people’s wealth (this amount is now rising quickly due to interest hikes). That gives the creditors - Glafia's associates - enormous power over the debtors.
Note: this Ponzi system is nearing a planned collapse and will be substituted by Central Bank Digital Currency (A7.2). That would be the end of our freedom, as it can block your “money” anytime, or limit its use geographically, commercially, in time, etc.
More often than not, the mythical “free” capitalist markets are protected or otherwise rigged by the Big Players. Long ago, John D. Rockefeller already said that "competition is a sin." Besides, through their subordinate elites in all governments and institutions, most countries have since long ago sold out their national resources and sovereignty. That includes the assets created by their people through great efforts and sacrifices, like transport systems, infrastructure and health services. Nature reserves are the next assets on Glafia’s menu (see B25 on Assetization).
In the meantime, the old capitalist business trick is still applied: as much as possible, the costs of research, operation, marketing, infrastructure and environmental, health and other damages are “externalized” to the state (we, the taxpayers) and the ecosystem.
A global economic system based on freedom, like capitalism, should lead to economic independence one would think, but it has led to more and more dependence. In our globalist reality that's called interdependence, a euphemism for control of the weak by the strong. Countries able to produce their own healthy food are now importing most of their (often unhealthy) food, which makes them easier to control. In the same vein, small and middle-sized businesses are squeezed out off the market, as to make us fully dependent on Glafia's BIG and dirty corporations.
It is important to understand that capitalism is not an ideology, and that it's not about the economy, or even about profits (Glafia pawn Bill Clinton certainly tried to mislead us with his "it's the economy, stupid!"). It’s just a convenient lightning rod and shield for Glafia’s domination project: as long as Marxists only criticize capitalism and not The Predators, as they have always done, everything is fine! And by the way, Western capitalism was also very important for the development of the necessary war and digital control technology; its role is now being usurped by Communist China.
With the WEF's Stakeholder Capitalism, a corporate/state merger system as Braudel, Tilly, Hobson, and Arrighi described, the many commoners will own nothing and pay rent to the few owners, very similar to communism model as tested and proven in 21st century China. That will return us to the feudal Middle Ages or worse, and its two-tier society, but our digital slavery will be worse than that.
Keep in mind that capitalism as we knew it will disappear, but that the Evil Dynasties behind it are firmly determined to stay at the top of the money-power pyramid.
You must understand, the leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians.
Driven by ethnic hatred, they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. It cannot be overstated. Bolshevism committed the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant of and uncaring about this enormous crime is proof that the global media is in the hands of the perpetrators.
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (1918-2008), Russian writer and Soviet dissident
The modern dictators [under Communism, Nazism] were the deliberate creations of international finance to plunge the world into that chaos out of which alone it would be possible to fashion "One World". It was first necessary to make the people of all the world tractable and obedient to these plans in a successive process.
E.C. Knuth (?), The Empire of The City, 1946
The Russian revolution is possibly the most important event in Jewish history since the race was brought out of slavery [from Babylon].
Jacob Schiff (1847-1920), quoted by B.C. Forbes in Who Are Making America
Capitalism (and liberalism) are the fig leaves of the Glafia project, with the hidden embrace of capital and the state as its top secret. Remember: “Capitalism only triumphs ... when it is the state” (Fernand Braudel). Already in 1848, Marx confirmed this when he wrote that governments are “but a committee for managing the common affairs of the whole bourgeoisie”.
So it’s no coincidence that capitalism, as well as Glafia’s controlled opposition movements, Communism, Socialism and also Fascism, all tried to transfer all power and property to the STATE – while all these ideologies also strived for world government and central banks. As Oswald Spengler noted:
“Every Socialist outbreak only blazes new paths for Capitalism”.
In the capitalist system, bankers - controlling states by financing - decide when, where and what to invest in; in communist systems (state capitalism) that’s the task of the state’s central planning committees. And "similar men, with a common aim, secretly rule in both camps", wrote the insightful Douglas Reed. For recent proof, see the global script of the Covid policies.
Karl Marx was given the Glafia financed task (A. Sutton; Wolfgang Waldner) to underpin the communist project with scientific theory, resulting in Das Kapital, a work heavy plagiarized from Victor Consenant. Marx’s theory was to be a tool to manipulate the world's working class, by using its genuine grievances against capital owners. It was to distract the world from its real problem, the banks versus the people (Lord Acton). For this reason, the Predators theory of history presented in this book is the antithesis to Marx' theory of class struggle between workers and industrialists (see A8.1). For the Predators theory of history.
Though from a rabbinic family, Glafia’s darling Marx was a fierce anti-Semite, for which one might expect he would have been canceled long ago; but his many statues still stand!
Marx well understood the global domination project (see quote on the Venetian thieving system), but instead focused on labor value in industrial capitalism, a verbose and overly complicated theory to explain why workers’ wages were too low; very convenient for the global bankers! It was also illogical: markets, not labor input, define the price of a product. Consequently, his harmless “anti-capitalist” theories were never suppressed, but continuously up until today, highlighted by numerous academia and media – always a clear sign of Glafia involvement.
The first large scale experiment with communism was carried out in Russia. The crushing of the Tsarist Empire by the bankers – cloaked as an anti-capitalist grassroots revolution - to replace it with a banker-friendly regime, had a long preparatory period, from the early 19th century on (A6.2). In the 1890’s, US/Jewish banker Jacob Schiff financed the training of Jewish "revolutionaries" from Russia. In 1904, Schiff boastfully financed the Japanese Empire (recently converted in a Glafia proxy) with a $200 million loan to debilitate Russia via the Russo-Japanese war. That logically provoked an anti-Semitic reaction in Russia, which he successfully used as an argument for unlimited immigration of Russian Jews into the US, where several projects awaited them.
From 1917 on, the mainly Jewish Bolsheviks slaughtered the Christian Russian middle class (Kulaks) by the millions, to leave an easier to control “proletariat” of peasants and laborers. Yet they went on to brutally suppress many peasant and labor uprisings. After the unexpected success of Glafia’s mercenaries in creating the Soviet Union (1922-1991), the initial plan was a merger (A6.6) with the USA (on the synthesis of Western Capitalism & Eastern Communism, see H.G. Wells in World Socialist Government). From a 1954 interview by Norman Dodd (Congressional Reece Committee) with Alan Gaither (director of the Ford Foundation):
"All of us who ... have had experience operating under directives [to] use our grant-making power so as to alter life in the United States that it can be comfortably merged with the Soviet Union".
The banker-caused 1930’s Great Depression problem (B. Bernanke, in 2002: “We did it”), the desperate popular reaction, Roosevelt's socialist New Deal solution (in other words, an economic protection racket), and the massive communist (and often Jewish) infiltration in the US state apparatus in the 30’s and 40’s, under President F.D. Roosevelt, all fitted the merger plan of communism and capitalism.
At Yalta (WW2), Eastern Europe was betrayed and given to Stalin, while Korea was split, all to assure future conflicts. But after WW2, Stalin retracted from further collaboration, and the fake Cold War followed. According to R.K Bolton this suggested Stalin was an independent operator, a claim of which I am heavily skeptical. Officially, the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991. In reality, Glafia just put a stop to its first large scale communist experiment, with their pawn Gorbachev presiding over the transition. Apparently, the coming digital oppression technologies (the Global Digital Prison) had made ideological oppression obsolete.
And there’s China Betrayed into Communism, by James Perloff: after the Glafia financed Chinese revolution in 1913, Sun Yat-sen wanted to develop China, but the bankers did not. Under the cover of WW2, they steered China into communism, to keep it backward for decades. Mao had already been head hunted in 1919 at the “Yale in China” school, a US intelligence front. After his 1973 visit, David Rockefeller wrote: "Whatever the price of the Chinese Revolution ... the social experiment in China under Mao is one of the most important and successful in human history".
In 1983, A. Sutton correctly prophesied:
“By 2000, Communist China will be a "superpower" built by American technology ... the Chinese Communists will make their peace with Moscow after 2000 … to eliminate the super-super-power - the USA”.
Cuba’s turn came in 1959, to monger more Cold War fear and destabilize Latin America, making CIA-asset Castro a billionaire. According to my investigations, Nicaragua and Venezuela are less clear cut, but the fact that the President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, allegedly was Jeb Bush’s driver is very suspect..., as Jeb – who resided years in Venezuela - was the son and brother of two American presidents (see Roger Stone, The Bush Crime Family).
Finally, on the merger plan for communism and capitalism: today, the Five Horsemen of the End Game (B32) are trying to force us into a Chinese communist model.
There is no proletarian ... movement, that has not operated in the interests of money ... and that without the idealists among its leaders having the slightest suspicion of the fact.
Oswald Spengler (1880-1936), in The Decline of the West
Socialism and its twin communism share long and often inter-woven histories. Communism was the revolutionary version: socialism the slow “long march through the institutions” (as proposed by Antonio Gramsci, founding member and one time leader of the Italian Communist party). Both may have started as grassroots movements, by honest workers with justified grievances against the capitalist system, yet both were hijacked by Glafia, to become fronts for Glafia’s trillionaires, as Spengler indicated early on.
Both movements officially strive for equality (also called equity), a noble aim that appeals to many idealists, especially youths. Abolition of private property was always a main goal. Recently, it was reborn under a new brand, in Glafia’s The Great Reset: “You will own nothing … and be happy.” What they mean is of course that they pretend to concentrate all property in the hands of the super-rich.
Education of children in a controlled environment was also on the menu, as in the Israeli kibbutz and the Soviet kolkhoz. Today that may seem a far cry, but see the proposed Schools Bill in the UK (see and a 2022 USA Today article "California should abolish parenthood, in the name of equity", which bluntly states: "If California is ever going to achieve true equity, the state must require parents to give away their children."
For some, socialism started in 1516 with Thomas More’s book Utopia. In 1935 the Vatican canonized him after a career involving being an advisor and secretary to King Henry VIII. Russian scientist Igor R. Shafarevich, in his 1975 book The Socialist Phenomenon, prophetically stated:
“This book is inspired by the conviction that the cataclysms which humanity has experienced in the twentieth century are only the beginning of a much more profound crisis - of a radical shift in the course of history”.
Such a radical shift has just revealed itself during the global Covid regime, when our freedom was drastically curtailed “for health reasons”. On the role of socialism, Shafarevich continues:
"We shall be astonished to find that socialism ... turns out to be a glaring contradiction. Proceeding from a critique of a given society, accusing it of injustice, inequality and lack of freedom, socialism proclaims ... a far greater injustice, inequality and slavery”!
Expanding on this critique, on the many noble proposals for Utopias, he wrote, almost 50 years ago:
“It is enough merely to open these books [on proposals for socialism] to be astonished by the scene: disobedient citizens turned into slaves; informers [snitchers]; work and life … under close supervision; passes that are needed even for a simple stroll; and especially the details of general leveling...”
After Covid, that sounds quite familiar, doesn’t it? Be prepared for more of the same!
In the late 19th century, British popular socialism was hijacked by the Glafia directed Fabian Society (founded in 1884), an elite group which used stealth à la Gramsci: a wolf in sheep’s clothing adorns a stained-glass window at the Fabian founded London School of Economics. There, Glafia’s fake decolonization plan was prepared by - among others - grooming the future leaders of the new, “independent” states (The Milner-Fabian Conspiracy, Ioan Ratiu).
Leading Fabians H.G. Wells and G.B. Shaw were great admirers of Communist Russia. Inside Britain, the Fabians covertly founded and steered the Labour Party, to achieve socialism via nationalization of production and services, state control over society and later also via the stimulation of immigration. And via tax cuts for big corporations!
Outside Britain, the Fabian's ultimate goal was and is a Socialist World Government. During WW1, together with Glafia’s Milner Group, they prepared the League of Nations, a protection racket presented as a global solution for a global problem: both Glafia-created!
After WW2, the Fabian Society established an international network, the Socialist International which openly announced: "The ultimate objective of the parties of the Socialist International is nothing less than world government.” Socialist individuals and parties all over the world parroted this stance, most of them probably unaware of the strings attached. But leading Fabians like Tony Blair, Peter Mandelson, Gordon Brown and Keir Starmer are certainly aware who's pulling those global strings.
In the US, socialism came to the fore under F.D. Roosevelt’s New Deal, a parallel of the Soviet experiment (H.G. Wells, B12). During WW1, when US banker Bernard Baruch (an important but little known Glafia pawn) was chairman of the War Industries Board - where he and thousands of others became (multi)millionaires - many US corporations discovered the sheer beauty of doing business with a “socialistic" state.
Roosevelt’s staff was teeming with (often Jewish) communists, and the plan was to merge the socialistic-capitalist block with the communist block (B12), see also Wallstreet and FDR (A. Sutton). With the start of the Global Digital Prison project (Brzezinski, Between Two Ages, 1970), the merger plan was apparently given up (and the Soviet Union too). A little later, the WEF (founded in 1971) began to prepare the world for the coming digital dictatorship, where the few common people left will be kept as cattle on a computerized farm, again under socialist / communist conditions of down-levelled equality of poverty and severe "sustainability" conditions, while eating insects and toxic industrial food. Nobody (outside the club) will own any property or business.
At the same time, we can envisage Glafia and its closest proxies leading lives of utter luxury, and revel in wild salmon, venison and boar meat from previously confiscated and then "rewilded" farms, and large filets Mignon Stroganoff from the few organic farms left to exclusively serve the Masters.
If this prospect is not of your liking, please wake up and do something about it!
See also B46, What can we do now?
For the Glafia-guided build-up of the Second German Empire (1871-1918), see A5.5. A Communist/Jewish revolt ended it in November 1918, when the monarchy became a republic and Germany had to surrender in WW1. According to Russian historian Nicolai Starikov:
“The same forces that brought down the Russian Empire in ... October [1917] were now ready to bury ... the empire of Kaiser Wilhelm... The artificial collapse of Germany created fertile ground for the Nazis.”
Only a few years later Hitler declared: “When I come to power by legal means, we will create a Nazi court and will avenge the November Revolution, and many heads will legally roll”. By surprise, in 2015 George Friedman (STRATFOR) revealed how Mackinder’s Heartland Theory (1904) had been applied to prevent the domination of the Eurasian “heartland”:
“The primordial interest of the United States over which we have fought wars, the First, Second and Cold Wars has been the relationship between Germany and Russia, because united they are the only force that could threaten us.”
So much for the official slogan of Freedom and Democracy!
After WW1 - the overture of Glafia’s plan to subdue Eurasia - Germany was falsely blamed and severely humiliated. Yet not one Allied shot had been fired on German land. The victors left the interests of its capitalist class untouched – to allow for a repetition. Winston Churchill later exposed the failure: "The campaign of 1919 would have witnessed an immense destruction. Thousands of airplanes would have shattered their cities... Scores of thousands of cannons would have blasted their front. Poison gas of incredible malignity would have paralyzed all life...” (see also A6.3, The Tragedy of Germany).
The British Empire of course feared the fast-rising Germany, but why plan such utter destruction and overkill? Because there was also a dark spiritual dimension to it, as always in Glafia projects. In a 1940 letter, Winston Churchill wrote that “Great Britain was fighting not against Hitler, and not even against National Socialism, but against the spirit of the German people, against the spirit of Schiller, so that this spirit would never be reborn.”
That’s why early on, Glafia had prepared the German cultural elite, which hitherto had been inspired by Schiller, Goethe and others, for an extremist and racist ideology, a future justification to utterly destroy Germany – in a war with Russia, as Thorsten Veblen had prophesied in 1920.
The subversion of the Germans was carried out often via various British or British tied personages: British author Bulwer Lytton (Vril: The Power of the Coming Race, 1871), the British "architect of Nazism" Houston S. Chamberlain, composer Richard Wagner (Hitler’s favorite) who had strong British ties, geopolitician Prof. Karl Haushofer (who assisted Hitler in writing Mein Kampf). There was also US-Russian occultist Helena Blavatsky and the secret Vril and Thule Societies, and US support for Hitler’s eugenics projects. The plan was to destroy Germany, so Communism could expand. For the Fascist Glafia, the Soviet Union was a much more attractive control model than the democratic West – and it still is, but now with the addition of technological control of the people.
American Intelligence (in the person of Captain Truman Smith) spotted and interviewed Hitler already in 1922 and decided that he would be the charismatic leader of their WW2 project: their bogeyman in an enormous Glafia protection racket (B24). For 15 years, until 1937, Hitler was groomed, financed and protected by “art dealer” Ernst Hanfstaengel, an elite American, regular visitor of London and his friend FDR in the White House. “Hitler was a project of the Anglo-American bankers” (R. K. Moore), although he was a dupe, not an agent (Jim MacGregor).
Also in the early 1920’s, Krupp engineers were secretly tasked with a project to design advanced military equipment for a war twenty years ahead (W. Manchester, The Arms of Krupp). During the Weimar Republic’s hyperinflation, American companies had bought up Germany’s prime real estate and corporations for cents on the dollar, and Germany was thrown in a horrible, banker-contrived ruin (see Guido Preparata, Conjuring Hitler: How Britain and America Made the Third Reich).
That and the Communist threat secured Hitler lots of support, both from industrialists and the desperate masses: yet he never won more than 33% of votes. The great powers (including Stalin) could easily have stopped him but allowed him to go East (via the annexation of Austria and Czechoslovakia), to literally pave the way for an attack on the Soviet Union.
Hitler largely faked his anti-Semitism: both Nazism and Zionism wanted a “racially clean” state. Many mostly half or quarter “partial-Jews” (known as Mischlinge) were part of his organization (see Bryan Rigg, Hitler’s Jewish Soldiers). Hitler never named the Jewish bankers, allowed major Zionist opposition activities and strongly backed the Ha’avara migration project for rich German Jews (see Lenni Brenner's Zionism in the Age of the Dictators). Meantime, he prevented that the orthodox and poor Jewish “Schnorrers”, so despised by the Rothschilds, from going go to Palestine (B15); they became special targets in the concentration camps, at some point even persecuted and mistreated by planted Jewish Kapo's (Rabbi Moshe Shonfeld).
Max Warburg, the former spider in Glafia's WW1 web, gave Hitler support until 1938, when he left for the US where he participated in the creation of the UN. Rabbi Moshe Shonfeld, in Holocaust Victims Accuse, concluded that "the Zionist wolf was appointed by beasts of prey [Jewish bankers] to serve as shepherd for a flock of [Jewish] sheep" (on Zionist crimes, see also Ben Hecht's Perfidy).
WW2 advanced Glafia's global project, by weakening the Middle East, Japan, the UK and Europe (to ease future decolonization of Europe's colonies, and to advance the EU project). Glafia deliberately assisted the communist takeover of China, N. Korea, Eastern Europe and East Germany. By wittingly eliminating all these competitors, the “free” U.S. was able to quickly become the world's industrial and military leader. The new WAR state of Israel was another of their "successes" (B15). Nazism was also a trial on how to impose tyranny on a decent people - now applied globally: the parallels are uncanny (see also B36 on Menticide).
After 1945, with all its competitors neutered, Glafia’s new USA hegemon was ready to lead the world. And this it did, aided by the 1,600 top Nazis it had seized via Operation Paperclip! After Germany’s division and disarmament, the US reinstated the Nazi officials and intelligence operatives, as well as the Nazi industrial and banking giants - which US corporations had fully supported during the war (see Trading with the Enemy, Charles Higham; Antony Sutton).
After WW2, Germany would play an important role in Glafia's next protection racket: the fake Cold War. Of the two evil geniuses who had served Glafia so well, Winston Churchill was voted “Greatest Briton of All Times".
But the victors declared Hitler, whom they had duped, and with him all Germans, the Blackest of Black Sheep in History.
Zionism is but an incident of a far-reaching plan: it is merely a convenient peg on which to hang a powerful weapon.
Louis B. Marshall (in 1918), counsel to bankers Kuhn-Loeb, Rothschild USA agents
Zionism is a political program for the conquest of the world... Zionism destroyed Russia by violence as a warning to other nations. It is destroying the United States through bankruptcy, as Lenin advised. Zionism wants another world war if necessary to enslave the people. Our manpower is scattered over the world. Will we be destroyed from within, or will we wake up in time to prevent it?
Henry H. Klein (1879-1955), anti-Zionist Jewish attorney, in "Zionism Rules the World"
Originally, Zionism was a plan to bring ALL Jews from the unsafe diaspora to one safe country. This was true, only at the start. After the suspicious death of founder Theodor Herzl (at 44), 5 years after its first 1897 congress, the Zionist movement was hijacked by the Rothschilds, who indeed had a “far-reaching plan”, see below. They were horrified by Herzl’s idea to bring millions of “Schnorrers” (useless Jewish eaters) to Palestine. Only the young and fit could migrate, the “aged and infirm would have to accept their fate", to be the “grease for the wheels of the Jewish state” (Chaim Weizmann, 1937).
One reason why the Rothschilds would finance Hitler was to solve the problem of the “Schnorrers” they so despised. “The Land”, and not the protection or survival of the European Jews, became the single goal: “One cow in Palestine is worth more than all the Jews of Poland” and "the more slaughter, the easier we'll get the land" (Y. Gruenbaum, 1943). Of all options, Palestine was the craziest, a guarantee for interminable disaster, and at first most Jews and non-Jews opposed it. As an early Zionist mission to Palestine reported: “The bride is very beautiful, but she has already been promised!”
In the early 20th century, the British Empire still was Glafia's hegemon. The “far-reaching plan” named by Marshall was the conquest, by wars and revolutions, of Eurasia, the hardest nut to crack. In the previous pages I have called it The Great 20th Century Slaughter of Eurasia (see A5.4 for the planning, and A6 for the execution). A large revolutionary force, “a powerful weapon”, was indeed required. Probably as the culmination of a project that was started 270 BC in Alexandria, Egypt (B8), the Rothschilds managed to weaponize many of the common Jews, by duping them into their “Zionist/Communist” twin projects.
Chaim Weizmann would threaten opponents with “a destructive power which will overthrow the world”. In October 1917, that revolutionary force was released in Russia, causing a horrid genocide of tens of millions of Russians (see Rabbi Y. T. ben Porat on YouTube, 8 minutes; and Solzhenitsyn's Two Hundred Years Together, Russo-Jewish History).
Coincidentally or otherwise, in that same week the Balfour Letter came out, promising British support for a Jewish homeland in Palestine. With the Suez Canal (1869) and discovery of oil in Persia (1908) and soon Iraq, the fate of the Middle East, and of the world, quickly changed. The Rothschilds, already mayor players in Russian oil, soon convinced the British Empire to put its navy fleet on Middle Eastern oil, instead of coal from Wales. Thus, the control of Suez, Palestine and the Middle East became a "first-class British WW1 war aim”, for which they also weaponized Islam (B7).
Wealthy Jewish financiers had since long been involved in the subversion of Judaism (B19). This time a secular, Masonic/Sabatthean Jewish state became the Rothschild goal. As evidence, the Supreme Court buildings donated to Israel by the Rothschilds are full of symbolism, but zero-Jewish and all-Masonic. Purely for opportunistic reasons, the Zionists, atheists to a man, defended their project by waving the Bible, to gain support of the millions of Christian Zionists (a parallel project which Glafia had started in the early 19th century).
Sir Ronald Storrs, the first British Governor of Jerusalem, understood what a “Jewish homeland” in Palestine meant for the British: “a little loyal Jewish Ulster in a sea of potentially hostile Arabism”. Ulster, in Catholic Northern Ireland, was a classic example of divide-and-rule, the old control trick of empires. A minority group of British Protestants was planted in Ulster, and then privileged over the original Catholic inhabitants, who were discriminated against. The rest is history, as is often said, and a very ugly and violent one, both in the case of Ulster and Israel.
The Zionist ruse was to portray Israel as a legitimate nation, while its prime Glafia task, the aggressive destabilization of the Middle East, was sold as “self-defense” (later lavishly subsidized by Glafia’s US hegemon). That explains for example why settler state Israel created its Muslim enemy Hamas, later propped up by the Saudis and Qatar, officially Israel’s enemies, but secretly playing in cahoots with the Jewish state – all being Glafia’s proxies.
In 1963, when US president JFK tried to end Israel’s secret nuclear project (see Seymour Hersh’s book The Samson Option), he literally paid the head price (L. Guyénot, Kennedy, an Israeli perspective). In 1967, Israel occupied foreign territory in Egypt (until today!) in a false flag operation, the Six-Day War, and also got away with its attack on USS Liberty, killing 34 Americans. In 2001, Israel’s fingerprints were all over 9/11 (A7.1), and the planned War on Terror which followed.
The tiny Israeli proxy state is now the world’s fifth military power. Its illegal nuclear arms were never inspected by the UN. Israel, founded on deceit and terror (see R. Bergman, Rise and Kill First; Thomas Suarez, State of Terror), also against non- or anti-Zionist Jews (see Palestine Hijacked punctures the myths, also by Thomas Suarez), a human shield for the bankers, immune via the anti-Semitism trick, never saw a day of peace. Nor did the Palestinians, who saw their lives, their ancient lands, houses and olive trees, and their freedom and future destroyed.
By design, the “safe country” became unsafe. Jewish culture and religion degenerated into a “cult of the land” (Moshe Menuhin, The Zionist Betrayal of Judaism). Anti-Semitism (B16) was the only justification for the Jewish homeland, which Herzl knew very well: “The anti-Semites will become our most dependable friends, the anti-Semitic countries our allies".
When the Bolsheviks removed anti-Semitism’s main source, Tsarist Russia, “by coincidence” many new sources popped up: the Protocols of the Elders of Zion - which sold the bankers’ plot as a Jewish one - promoted by Henry Ford; the myth (easy to debunk, but kept alive) that the Jews had brought the USA into WW1 in exchange for the Balfour letter; and of course, Nazism and Hitler himself.
In Glafia terms, staged anti-Semitism is a protection racket, where the bully is a Glafia puppet, and Zionism the Glafia-offered solution. See also B16 and K.R. Bolton’s Anti-Semitism: Cui Bono?
To end on a sad note on this enormous tragedy:
If all talents, efforts and capital had been put into an Israeli PEACE state, instead of this Israeli WAR state, not Yinon’s Greater Israel Plan, but a Garden of Roses would now stretch from the Nile to the Euphrates. (my words)
Oh, my people! They who guide you lead you astray.
Isaiah 3:12
Historian Antony Sutton, who deeply studied the role of the American proxies in the Glafia project (see his free e-books books Wall Street and FDR / Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution, and more), once observed:
“The persistence with which the Jewish-conspiracy myth has been pushed suggests that it may well be a deliberate device to divert attention from the real issues and the real causes... What better way to divert attention from the real operators than ... antisemitism?”
After 10 years of trying to understand how the world is operated, I've come to a similar conclusion. Part of my explanation can be found in B8, which describes how the common Jews have been duped three times, with:
- The mythical construct presented in the “synthetic” Hebrew Bible.
- Zionism (B15), which dumped millions of Jews in a WAR state.
- Nazism (B14) which promoted Zionism and reduced the Schnorrers.
In the last two instances, the common Jews were duped by allegedly Jewish bankers, mainly the Rothschilds, to whom Rabbi Moshe Shonfeld in his book Holocaust Victims Accuse referred as "beasts of prey, overseeing the Zionist wolves, to guard the sheep [the common Jews]". The Rothschilds openly showed their non-Jewish colors by adorning the expensive Supreme Court buildings they donated to Israel with Masonic/atheistic symbols. That's called "revelation of the method" (Michael Hoffman): they tell you right in your face that they are almighty, and that you can't do anything about it.
Note: my suspicion is that the Jews were ruthlessly duped a fourth time, with their expulsion in 1492 from Spain and Portugal, by the Genoese bankers corrupting the Inquisition, making it their bogeyman. These bankers had the motive, means and opportunity (B8). The expulsion was a godsend for Glafia's domination project: it weakened Spain (A2.4), which they wanted to sideline, and strengthened their future hegemons, Holland and England, where many of the banned Jews landed. Also worth considering is that recently, the common Jews were abused a fifth time, as Pfizer lab rats, when they became the first population for mRNA injections (“guinea pigs”, in Netanyahu’s words), see below.
So why have the Jews been duped? Sorry, but it seems they were the "chosen people" of certain "Evil Elites" with great global ambitions. Their high educational level, great networks, cosmopolitanism, and strong tribal cohesion made them the ideal international proxies for a global domination project. It's hard to figure out who these "elites" were during the Bible writing project around 270 BC. But it becomes quite clear during the Glafia project, see Rabbi Antelman's books (To Eliminate the Opiate, Part 1 and 2). False messiah Sabbatai Zevi is just one, 17th century example of the perversion of Judaism financed by rich Jews, and apparently is still influential.
The Rothschilds hijacked the Zionist project at a time when many European Jews were happily assimilating, making them unsuitable as Glafia's principal international proxies. The Palestine project, to isolate them (apartheid Israel prohibits sex or intermarriage with non- Jews), almost died in the inter-war period, and was then "miraculously saved" by Glafia's Anglo-American-Jewish staged Hitler project.
That made the conditions in Europe unbearable for the common Jews, and also solved the problem of the "Schnorrers" (poor Jews), whom the Rothschilds so despised, and didn't want in Palestine. Both Zionists and Nazis wanted a "racially clean" state, and behind the scenes they cooperated very well (see also American Pravda: Jews and Nazis).
Forcing millions of Jews into Palestine was a certain recipe for eternal disaster, and at the time almost everybody, Jew or Gentile, understood that very well. Yet that was exactly the aim of the Rothschild's secret plan. In the new ghetto, surrounded by constant threats, their favorite proxies would slowly de-humanize, a term used by Dutch Holocaust survivor Hajo Meyer, who first saw how the Germans in the camps became de-humanized, and then how the same happened to the Jews in Israel. That's how you train fighting dogs, by poking them when they're caged.
Once you understand the enormity of the negative impact these lying bankers had on the Jews, the references to Revelation 3:9 given repeatedly in this book will start to make sense:
"... those of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars.”
For totally opportunistic reasons, these bankers are really Jew pretenders, with no loyalty towards, or identification with, ordinary Jewish people. To further their Eurasia and Palestine project, they fooled - and lavishly financed - the Zionists, who then allowed the common Jews to become sacrificial lambs for Hitler and the Holocaust (B15). Meanwhile, selected Jews were lured or forced into Rothschild's WAR state, where they would never have a day of peace. To cover up the real story, Zionism, Israel and international Jewry are now a third rail, very dangerous to touch, with legal protection in more and more countries (see Disclaimers). That makes Jews the ideal proxies for well visible positions: all critique and critics can then immediately be neutralized, as anti-Semitic or hateful anti-Semites.
As for the silent lambs, why was there such a hurry to turn so many Israelis into Pfizer lab rats? Because lying proxy Jews (Revelation 3:9) heading the Pharmafia, like Albert Bourla, said so? They knew the mRNA jabs didn't work and were very dangerous, yet applied them on a massive scale, see Pfizer Documents Prove Mass Murder, says Naomi Wolf. Wolf calls it the greatest crime in the history of humanity, as it involves billions of real and potential victims. The heroic and humane doctor Sucharit Bhakdi also observed this and had to go to court for the accusation of anti-Semitism (May '23), where he risked two years in prison. As Israeli minister Shulamit Aloni said, "it's an old trick, we use it all the time”. Just as in other Glafia wars, the perpetrators are honored as liberators: Pfizer director Bourla, the "freedom fighter", was given the 2022 Genesis Prize, the "Jewish Nobel Prize"!
Note that in 2012, Henry Kissinger was heard saying: "In ten years Israel will be gone", which a spokesman later denied. For Israel 2.0 plans, see The New Jerusalem (in Kiev!). And former Israeli premier Ehud Barak has expressed concern that Israel will cease to exist before the 80th anniversary of its 1948 establishment ( Why did he express this publicly?
If the "real operators" of the Glafia project aren't really Jews but "beasts of prey" (Rabbi Moshe Shonfeld); if the "Zionists wolves" are their pawns; and if the common Jews are "sacrificial lambs", then anti-Semitism is indeed a charade, as Sutton suspected. Yet it's true (Rabbi Yosef Tzvi ben Porat on YouTube; A. Solzhenitsyn in 200 Years Together) that Glafia's Jewish proxies committed a large and horrid genocide in Russia (1917-) as told in A6.2, and on a smaller scale, through revolutions in Germany (1918), Hungary (1919) and Spain (1936-'9), see A6.3. They were also Glafia's main advisors to Mao's genocidal regime. And let's not forget what they did and still do to the - Semitic - Palestinians, who had been living peacefully for many centuries in their land before the Zionist took it from them.
It's important though to never forget that the common Jews, along with Europeans and Asians, have also been massively slaughtered, in The Great 20th Century Slaughter of Eurasia (A6), staged by Glafia's British and American proxies, with two hundred million deaths and many more maimed, in a gigantic orgy of destruction with colossal profits for the military-industrial-political complex. Not to speak of the hundreds of millions of victims and the misery in the Global South, due to Glafia-led and financed Western and Jewish colonial enterprises.
This century, things are on a course to get worse: we will all be colonized now, as all our own governments, institutions and political parties have been transformed into Glafia proxies (with the unified Covid policies as proof). The real rulers implement a clear depopulation and slavery agenda (B30, B34), so it's pointless to focus only on the Jews. Be wary of alternative media which do so, and I would argue, as yet another red herring, in order distract you from the "real operators".
Nation (or state) building was an important condition for Glafia’s domination project, see also B23 and B24 on how to dominate all lands. It was just impossible to set up suitable proxies in “ungoverned” territories without borders, banking and legal systems.
The lessons learned long ago, by a handful of Genoese bankers determining the fate of Spain and Portugal, were the basis for Glafia’s unprecedented success: the fusion of their expertise and mobile capital with the machinery of state in certain Western nations, and after WW1/2, in all nations. And yes, also in Cuba and North Korea (A6.6), and Iran, Nicaragua, Venezuela, and Russia and China, who all play paid bogeyman roles in Glafia's global theater. It’s not that Glafia necessarily built all nations, but they supported the process wherever they could. That included the colonizing (A3.3) and later the de- and then neo-colonization of the Third World (see A5.3 for Latin America, and A6.5 for the rest of the world).
There’s the intriguing Biblical story of the Tower of Babel, by a haughty people wanting to reach into heaven. God then punishes them with the Babylonian speech confusion, forcing them to spread over the earth to found nations with one language. Gmirkin states that the Bible was written by a committee in Alexandria in 270 BC (B8). Were the people behind the Bible project promoting the nation system as a divine wish, so they could work with nations, not territories?
In the run-up to Glafia’s bloody 20th century Eurasia project, its mass media were ordered to stir up nationalism in Europe and the US (which later also stimulated independence movements in the colonies, and Zionism). A clever trick, as nationalism, and especially Hitler’s National Socialism, would later be falsely blamed for the World Wars, and be used to justify the creation of supranational bodies (League of Nations, UN). For this false reason, the term nationalism is still tainted.
Glafia pawn Arnold Toynbee, a world-famous British historian, revealed in 1931:
"We are at present working discreetly with all our might to wrest this mysterious force called sovereignty out of the clutches of the local nation-states of the world. All the time we are denying with our lips what we are doing with our hands..."
Yet this was an almost perfect lie: Toynbee, an insider of the British Empire, of course knew very well who, since centuries, were really in charge of these "sovereign" nations. In the above quote, he surely referred to the coming Glafia-staged brake-up of the European colonial empires (UK, France, Holland, Belgium, Italy). Already in 1970, Brzezinski gave the clue away:
“The nation-state ... has ceased to be the principal creative force: international banks and multi-national corporations are acting and planning in terms that are far in advance of the political concepts of the nation-state.”
In all Western countries, the merger of Glafia's capital and the machinery of state had occurred far before Toynbee's statement. Todays near identical Covid and fake green policies confirm the capture of all 193 UN nations. As a reaction to the top-down globalist policies - now also supported by the Left - Europe again saw the rise of nationalist, conservative, and populist movements. Here’s Irish activist John Waters' take on the disappointing stand almost all these nationalist movements took in recent Covid times:
“The ultimate truth is that the populist movements of Europe have universally failed the first real test of their effectiveness: the function of speaking truth to power.”
In fact, not only the conservatives, but both parties in the US, Left and Right – and with very few exceptions, all parties in all “democratic” countries, plus all “autocratic” countries – failed the Covid litmus test. Evidently, they’re all led by Glafia proxies now, groomed and bribed to play their scripted roles in our fake-democratic theaters, where "Fascism will be called Democracy" (Castro’s “prophecy”, B4). Others are brought in to distract, like the Glafia-made MAGA Man, the Orange Pied Piper of Mar-a-Lago, who's fully embedded in Glafia’s swampy networks.
As a sidenote: Trump was groomed by Glafia pawn Roy Cohn (B38), and his businesses were financed and saved several times by Glafia's bankers.
Nevertheless, there's still a spectrum of opinions allowed in the media and politics of Plato's Cave, which gives the impression of free speech and thought. It is however a clever Glafia-controlled camouflage: any opinions outside the official ballpark, which would reveal or threaten the global domination project, are systematically ignored or attacked. Subjects like 9/11 truth, CO2, the serious side effects of the Covid jabs, lockdowns, and even "The Great Reset" are like a third rail (like the third electrified metro train rail) which cannot be touched without very nasty consequences.
Among the few anti-globalist, conservative parties in Europe daring to touch third rail subjects are AfD (Alternative for Germany) and the FVD (Forum for Democracy) in the Netherlands (but see Germany’s AfD controlled opposition). Both are also "deniers" of human caused climate change (as is this author, see the “wooden” evidence presented in B27). And both parties are of course framed as conspiracy theorists, ultra-right extremists, racists, Fascists, disinformation agents, or domestic terrorists. Or, of course ... anti-Semites (B16), "the old trick, we use it all the time”. At this point, you'll know who the real Fascists are though (B2).
And by the way, the control of conservative movements is often carried out with Israeli support. No wonder that some European conservatives stir up divisions (divide-and-rule) with anti-Muslim rhetoric, to distract the common people from the real issue, as mentioned by Lord Acton 125 years ago:
The people versus the banks.
Will the Right be set up to lead us into the End Game?
Already before Trump and Covid, a great change was underway: stark polarization, by the average Joe or Jane against the Left’s woke extremism (tolerance! diversity!), including sexualization and even genital mutilation and castration of young children, promotion of pedophilia (B29), and explicit, non-censured calls to kill white people, by prof. Noel Ignatiev and members of Black Lives Matter.
Some, with good reason, see this as a trick to discredit the Left, to allow the Right to prevail in the near future - rightly when many observers expect a run-up to total chaos.
With the possibly staged successes of today’s nationalists, like Meloni in Italy (sorry, but that's another suspect, meteoric career) and potentially Pierre Poilievre in Canada, Trump or another fake nationalist in the US, will the blame for the coming Apocalypse again be put falsely on nationalists, as they did after the World Wars (with the pre-prepared internationalist alternative political future of a “global citizenry” waiting in the wings)?
What I relate is the history of the next two centuries. I describe what is coming, what can no longer come differently: the advent of nihilism. This future speaks even now in a hundred signs; this destiny announces itself everywhere... For some time now, our whole European culture has been moving as toward a catastrophe, with a tortured tension that is growing from decade to decade: restlessly, violently, headlong like a river that wants to reach the end, that no longer reflects, that is afraid to reflect.
Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900), German philosopher, in 1888
The historical mission of our world revolution is to rearrange a new culture of humanity to replace the previous social system. This conversion requires two essential steps: firstly, the destruction of the old established order, secondly, design and imposition of the new order.
The first stage requires the elimination of all frontier borders, nationhood and culture, public policy ethical barriers, and social definitions, only then can the destroyed old {order} be replaced by our new order. All social strata and social formations created by traditional society must be annihilated, individual men and women must be uprooted from their ancestral environment, torn out of their native milieus, no tradition of any type shall be permitted to remain as sacrosanct; ... nothing is good so everything must be criticized and abolished, everything that was, must be gone.
After the destruction of the old order, construction of the new order is a larger and more difficult task... The new order must be forcibly established through people again being divided and differentiated only in accordance with the new pyramidal hierarchical system of our imposed global monolithic new world order.
Nahum Goldmann (1895-1982), Zionist leader, The Spirit of Militarism (1915)
Goldmann's words (but at age 20, was he just a messenger?), also called Goldmann's Protocol, are a clarification of L.B. Marshall's 1918 remark "Zionism is but an incident of a far-reaching plan" (B15). That was Glafia's domination plan, and it included colonization, wars, revolutions, and crises, to subdue Eurasia and the rest of the world, all carried out by its proxies. Yet there was more to it - the subversion of Western civilization - and Goldmann described the recipe for it: ongoing destruction.
That certainly succeeded (see also Huxley’s Brave New World and Orwell's 1984), and we are now watching Glafia's End Game, with the Final Destruction of the West accompanied by a war in the Ukraine, again staged by Glafia's Anglo-American-Zionist proxies. No big surprise, as proxy wars were also staged during previous “changing of the guards” in Glafia's hegemons - yet this is the first time the change isn't within the West, but much more drastic, from the West to the East. The Anglo-American "elites" well know that this change is inescapable. But before it happens, they want to make big money with their Old, and also with their New Merchants of Death: respectively the military-industrial complex for warfare, and medical-industrial complex for germfare. That's why they are now throwing in wars and other plagues.
Who cooked the meals with Goldmann's recipe? There's a whole list of cooks/ crooks, and many researchers agree that the Germany-born Frankfurt Schule (School) is on top, with the British Tavistock Institute probably ranking second. Secret services and postmodernist philosophers like Michel Foucault and Jacques Derrida also played a role.
According to Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov, the KGB also had a heavy hand in it - see Psychological Attack on UKColumn, which states that Bezmenov was correct in all his predictions, and that the KGB plan lead from Demoralization to Destabilization, to Crisis and then Normalization under a communist dictatorship of global scale. Only a few years ago that would have sounded outlandish, but not anymore. In our 21st century, the Crisis Plan is evidently in the hands of the WEF's The Great Reset, with the promise to 6uild 6ack 6etter (= Communist/Fascist Normalization + 666, the symbol of the Beast, see A8.3), now parroted by all Western leaders.
The Frankfurt Schule wasn't a school, but a project that started in the 1920's, just after the First World War, in Weimar Germany. Big names were Marcuse, Horkheimer, Adorno, Habermas, all Jewish, so they had to move in the 1930's, and went to the US. Their "critical theory" seeks:
“… to liberate human beings from the circumstances that enslave them ... to reveal the ideologies of the mechanisms of power and oppression” and also, to "gradually infiltrate their educational institutions and their political offices, transforming them slowly into Marxist entities as we move towards universal egalitarianism" (Max Horkheimer).
That sounds really agreeable, and it was coined political correctness. Yet these men were insiders, and like Marx (see his quote in B10), they must have known that a global domination project was going on; that its mechanisms of power and oppression included the money system (B20) and Plato's Cave (B21); and that the 20th century wars and revolutions had been staged by the same powers (A6).
Despite all evidence for the contrary, they came up with the "authoritarian personality" as the main cause for the success of Hitler's Fascism. A welcome diversion from the real culprits, the Fascist Anglo-American-Jewish Glafia proxies, who had planned, assisted and financed Communism and the Soviet Union, Communist China, the Nazis, Mussolini, Japan, etc. And who also financed the Frankfurt Schule, which then cooperated intensively with the Office of Strategic Services, later renamed Central Intelligence Agency, the USA's secret service.
In the roaring 60's, the Frankfurt Schule assisted in the rollout of the Sex & Drugs & Rock & Roll era. With Flower Power came subversion of the second wave of feminism (women’s liberation), the promotion of homosexuality and the early stages of promotion of transgenderism, all under rainbow flags (B29), also waved by Glafia's BIG and dirty corporations, which as all leftist people know, are always very committed to the downtrodden!
The slippery slope of pseudo-progress today has no end in sight: the fact that "children are born as male or female" is now even seen as an oppression by nature, so puberty blockers are needed until they can decide their gender (or any mix of genders or lack thereof, i.e. “non-binary”) for themselves.
To be sure, it can be argued that some of these social changes have been beneficial and even necessary for minority or discriminated groups, but Goldmann's ongoing Destruction agenda only benefits the global domination project.
The peculiar paradox of technology lies in this: gradually the well-being of the machine … assumes greater importance and value than the well-being of man and mankind.
Joost A.M. Meerloo (1903-1976), in Rape of the Mind (1956)
Glafia’s domination project is not only about stealing and owning all the planet’s material resources, but also about alienating humanity from its spiritual roots and identity, to de-humanize and disempower us, and to take away our natural freedom (our inalienable rights, acquired by birth, not by decree!), and our “human” future. Their main weapon in this five century long spiritual battle is materialist science, or "scientism", which falsely claims that we come from BELOW, from a random process in some muddy and stinky primordial soup (A1.1), while we clearly come from ABOVE, a spiritual or non-material realm.
In plain English, Glafia’s spiritual war is to make us their easy to manage un-thinking cattle on their private Farm Earth - tagged, tracked, jabbed and finally stabbed, as suits the Masters best.
The spiritual realm
All peoples have always understood that there is a mysterious spiritual realm, somehow connected to our material world and the universe. The only exception is modern Western civilization, with its materialist science and philosophy. The specific conceptualization of this spiritual realm of course varies, depending on the culture or religion, which encompasses everything from shamanism to pagan religions, Vedanta, Buddhism, Taoism, Hermetics, Abrahamic religions, New Age-ism, etc. In all these cases, there was always an (exoteric) spiritual explanation for the common people, like the existence of a god, or gods. Initiates had a deeper, often secret (esoteric) explanation.
As touched on previously, Dr. Wolfgang Smith has provided a synthesis based on the traditional schools, in which both the Universe and Man (and in fact Life in general) has a tripartite nature, of Spirit, Anima and Corpus (B1). With this conceptual framework, many enigmas of modern science can be resolved, and many supernatural phenomena can be explained (including those of my own personal experiences).
Why is the West different?
Around 1453, many eastern scholars fled from Alexandria and Constantinople, which had been taken by the Muslim Turks, to the rich Italian city states (like Florence and Venice). With them they brought important esoteric (occult or Hermetic) books on the theme of the spiritual realm, including rituals and incantations for alchemy (to influence chemical or physical reactions) and magic (e.g., to cause hypnosis in humans, or to otherwise influence their (un)conscious minds). This happened to coincide with the run-up to Glafia's oligarchic Plot.
Therefore, in the 16th century Venice started a large effort to alienate and disempower the common people in the West, whom they wanted to control. As Webster Tarpley remarked (in How the Dead Souls of Venice Corrupted Science):
"The Venetian Party knows that ideas are more powerful weapons than guns, fleets, and bombs. In order to secure acceptance for their imperial ideas, the Venetian Party seeks to control the way people think. If you can control the way people think, say the Venetians, you can control the way they respond to events, no matter what those events may be. It is therefore vital to the Venetians to control philosophy and especially science, the area where human powers of hypothesis and creative reason become a force for improvements in the order of nature."
The Venetians developed and spread their materialist science and philosophy, which denied the existence of the soul and a spiritual realm. It's important to understand that this was for public consumption only. It wasn't Glafia's own ideology they were spreading, but an opportunistic, falsified ideology to weaken others. Scientific materialism was later promoted by associated "scientists" in the Dutch, French (Descartes, Voltaire) and the British Empires (Bacon, Hobbes, Newton). Darwin crowned the effort: his long since obsolete theory excludes the spiritual realm, by declaring all life and evolution the result of random processes in matter (see also A1.1, B1).
In 1928, in his book Propaganda, Edward Bernays would write:
"We are governed, our minds molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of."
In the century that followed, the ability to induce a state of collective hypnosis has been observed under many totalitarian regimes, but also in the fake democracies of the West, with 9/11, CO2, wokeism and Covid being relevant examples of such mind control (see also Joost Meerloo, in B36).
One of the few authors who ever made the connection between this hypnotizing effect and magic was prof. Ioan Culianu, in his book Eros and Magic in the Renaissance (another such book is Sorcery by Thomas Sheridan):
"The magician ... is the prototype of the impersonal systems of mass media, indirect censorship, global manipulation, and the brain trusts that exercise their occult control over the Western masses.”
Apparently, Culianu came too close to the occult business of Glafia's elites. At age 41, he was killed by one shot through the head, in a toilet at Chicago University, where he was employed. His murder was never solved.
The disenchantment of the world
Glafia pushed hard to “disenchant the world” (a term invented by Max Weber). The universal spiritual experiences of humanity were framed as hallucinations and superstition (Harari uses the friendlier term “fiction”). All the time, the Masters knew that the spiritual realm is fundamental, and used its potential for Evil extensively in their mind control projects. This is evidenced in the many occult, Masonic & Satanic symbols that adorn their events, buildings, corporate logos, and artists: e.g., the one-eye sign, with Greta and many artists willingly posing (see
Glafia's spiritual war also included attempts to pervert religions, especially Judaism (B8; To Eliminate the Opiate, two books by Rabbi M. Antelman; Sabbathean Frankists), Islam (B7, book by Engdahl) and Christianism (e.g., the massive Scofield Bible project to promote Christian Zionism; the Rockefellers financing the World Council of Churches, and presently the "green" churches, etc.). That also includes the creation of false religions, from Yehovas and Mormons to Scientology, and more.
As discussed previously, Glafia's promotion of atheism, nihilism and relativism deluded many Westerners, especially leftist intellectuals, while taking away all purpose and meaning from them. Glafia then filled the void (also called the "God-shaped hole") with deceptive ideologies (A5.6), often defended with a remarkable religious fervor: from Marxism (B12), Zionism (B15) and consumerism to climatism, LGBT+ (B29), always in support of their plan to steal our planet, freedom and future.
Corrupted scientists became Glafia's priest class, spinning false narratives on the foundations of the universe, on our history and on the present (B21), endlessly repeated in the Glafia controlled mass media and education programs, where "Snow is Black" (B39). As Hannah Arendt wrote:
“The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is ... people for whom the distinction between true and false no longer exists.”
During Glafia's present End Game, technology will be used instead of ideology, not only to control people (Global Digital Prison), but also to transform people: transhumanism. According to Klaus Schwab, that's "a fusion of our physical, digital and biological identity". Harari promotes it while pretending to criticize it (see his book Homo Deus), and sees humans as “hackable animals”, to be greatly improved by a merger with technology and DNA reprogramming. Through improved gadgetry, we'll soon be transhuman gods, happily fused with hi-tech black boxes, living in eternal bliss in the Metaverse, Amen! Until there's a power blackout ...
In this Tower of Babel 2.0 that is being created, your digital twin avatar has unlimited access to Zuckerberg's virtual universe, to interact in exciting virtual ways with all other lovely virtual inhabitants. Meanwhile, the real twin will be permanently enclosed in the real Global Digital Prison, where your Universal Basic Income (UBI) only becomes real if you shut up and submit yourself to all officially safe and effective treatments, vetted by 97% of scientists and Dr. Bill.
You’d better obey, otherwise your UBI will stop, and you can’t pay your monthly rents, for everything you'll need. Be warned: they will own the entire planet, but you'll own nothing and must pay rent for everything, including the air you breathe.
As Harari admits:
“We just don’t need the vast majority of the population, because the future is about developing more and more sophisticated technology.”
The plan was the creation of debt as big as possible, as perpetual as possible, in as few hands as possible.
I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world — no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.”
Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924), 28th president of the United States, from 1913 to 1921
The world is not, in fact, ruled by global corporations. It is ruled by the global financial system.
David Korten (1937-), in When Corporations Rule the World
There is on earth no greater enemy of man, after the Devil, than a gripe-money and usurer, for he wants to be God over all men…. Usury is a great, huge monster, like a werewolf …. And since we break on the wheel and behead highwaymen, murderers, and housebreakers, how much more ought we to break on the wheel and kill … hunt down, curse, and behead all usurers!
Martin Luther (1483-1546), German monk, initiator of the Protestant Reformation
Money is a very practical tool to facilitate the exchange of goods and services. In his book Sapiens, Harari even calls it “the most universal and most efficient system of mutual trust ever devised.” Yet the world’s privately owned money system has been a principal tool in Glafia’s domination project, for centuries. Not only is it the most universal and efficient system of hidden theft and control ever devised, but it also makes a sustainable future unachievable.
Usury is the charging of interest on loans, or in more general terms, paying an unfair rent to powerful people. And USURY is also the motor of our money system: all money in circulation was, and still is created as an interest-bearing debt to the global banking system, either owned or controlled by Glafia. That’s because interest is accumulative, and even a small interest rate (e.g., 5%) can relatively quickly double a debt. Making money with money by speculation is part of the racket, and both were long seen as crimes of parasitic exploitation. As economist Michael Hudson states:
“Historically, no ... government has survived takeover by creditor elites and oligarchs.”
According to natural law, usury is a severe crime against humanity: the ancients well knew that uncurbed usury would destroy the fabric of any harmonious society in a few generations. During its first thousand years, the Catholic Church fiercely condemned and punished it, until the late Middle Ages when the Vatican was infiltrated by popes from the oligarchic Medici family, to gradually silence the Church's opposition, via corruption by the Money Power.
Note: The resistance of the Church to usury was probably also fed by worldly motives: to prevent the emergence of a competitive third power - merchants and bankers.
That was followed by the legalization of usury, first in the Protestant countries Holland and England where Glafia’s Money Power had gained firm control in the 17th century, and by now everywhere. Except in the Muslim countries, where usury is still forbidden - but rest assured, this is in no way linked with the devastation there, after 9/11. Since Holland accepted the Amsterdam Central Bank in 1608, all governments have given away their constitutional right to issue their national money, to a cartel of private banks. That's very strange to say the least, but please, never call it a conspiracy!
In spite of an abundance of historical evidence, in a critical note in his Sapiens book, titled The price of money, Oxford historian Harari completely omits the fact that since Babylon, usury is one of humanity’s biggest problems. And also, that the Jewish religion forbids usury between Jews, but allows it to be used for non-Jews, a double moral standard which was clearly related to the many expulsions of Jews from European lands in the Middle Ages.
Harari's omissions are not exceptional, as the word usury was deliberately airbrushed from our history, science, politics, education, vocabulary and literature. WEF man Harari of course knows why Klaus Schwab’s mentor Henry Kissinger said that “Who controls money, controls the world”, but he used his considerable talents to sketch out a false, although sweeping, narrative of history. In a 2020 NYT article, Harari shows his true colors when stating that there is no, and never can be, all-controlling Evil Elite directing the world’s course.
For a clear explanation of our present usurious money system, please see Joe Plummer’s Ten Humans and a Banker. Here's an excerpt which explains the big trick of usury:
“Ten humans decide to start their own community, but they have no common “money” to build their economy on. A banker … offers to help them out, and they accept. So, the banker prints $100 worth of new money ... loans each person in the community $10 and agrees to accept interest-only payments on the loans at a rate of ten percent (a tiny $1,00 interest payment per person, per year). At the end of the first year, each of the ten people surrenders their $1 interest-only payment, but … all ten of them still owe the banker $10 each. How can everyone pay their debt if the community’s total money supply is now only $90?”
In this example, as in the real world, each year the usury-caused money scarcity gets worse, so new loans are needed to keep the system afloat, only to create more complications, including poverty, bankruptcy, suicide, etc.
Medieval serfs paid 10% to the Church, yet few people know that over 50% of our lifetime earnings end up as interest in the bankers’ vaults, even if we don’t have any loans. Here’s why: in any product chain, indebted companies pass their interest costs to the next link, and finally to the client, where it adds to 40-50% in the case of our daily errands. For capital intensive goods like cars and houses it can be as high as 70% (see also If money rules the world - who rules the money by Margrit Kennedy). That means that we, as unwitting interest slaves, pay 5 times more to our private banking masters than what the medieval serfs owed to the church, which typically was one tenth of the harvest.
The entire money-creation process hinges on loans, and today we collectively own the unpayable debt of $350+ trillion (over $45K/person) to the usurious global financial system (global domestic product is around $90T). Being a Ponzi scheme, it can easily be detonated, and it will be, as soon as Glafia has its Central Bank Digital Currency system ready to enslave us further (A7.2).
When the economy is constantly drained by interest payments, the only way debtors can pay interest is by pushing economic growth and hardening competition. In other words, the built-in money scarcity of the present system makes it mathematically impossible to have a zero-growth economy.
Only a fundamental monetary reform can remove this old and still insurmountable obstacle. Yet strangely enough, this basic and easy to understand fact is never addressed by all those many supposedly goodhearted people, politicians (including all socialists & Marxists!), philanthropists, professors, educators, NGO’s, journalists, governments, institutions, think tanks and foundations, who so glowingly and religiously promote sustainable development!? And also with the new, supposedly benevolent multipolar world order, this will not change!
What could be more sustainable than an economy freed up from the need for incessant industrialization powered growth, thanks to owing no interest payments to private bankers? Yet somehow this idea is off the table.
We do not destroy the heretic … we capture his inner mind, we reshape him.
George Orwell (1903-1950), English author
Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood, let alone believed, by the masses.
Plato (+/- 428-348 BC), Greek philosopher
The chief success factor of the Glafia domination project is not blunt force (overt, hard power) but DECEPTION (covert, soft power). Still, Glafia’s 20th century death count is over 200 million, and the 21st century could be much worse. Its two main deceptions come as control over money (B20), and control over mind – which will be introduced in this essay. Both have seen a gradual advancement over the past centuries, where desired initiatives or ideas were promoted, and the undesired sidelined or eliminated.
In the run-up to the 20th century, with the ambitious project to subdue Eurasia (A5.4), a more active involvement by Glafia made both programs advance to a level of near perfection. The first lines of the book Propaganda (1928) by Edward Bernays’ (Goebbels’ inspirator) read:
“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the ... masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country… We are governed, our minds molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of.”
Large scale mind control experiments were done with ideologies such as Communism, Socialism, and Nazism. Education, mass media, corrupted scientists, think tanks and politicians were integrated in Glafia's Mind Control System (B9), making it far too complex. Thus, from the 1960's, digital technology was developed, for a simpler, centralized control architecture, the Global Digital Prison (A7.4), which is now being rolled out.
The three main fields of Global Mind Control are:
1) False narratives on the foundations of the Universe – the spiritual war
This effort started in earnest with the Enlightenment, the supposed triumph of reason and science over superstition and religion. Its false narrative is that science has definitely proven that the Universe and all it contains is just matter, which randomly organized itself (A1.1).
The direct, unmediated, universal experience of humanity with the spiritual realm (B1, A1.2) is labeled as fantasy, hallucinations or “fiction” (Harari). There are no miracles or mysteries, just matter! Humans are purposeless "hackable meat robots”, without a soul or free will (Harari), which soon will be improved by DNA reprogramming and a merger with technology (transhumanism). This is officially called the Enlightenment, but it would be more accurate to call it the Endarkenment.
The Masters of course know that the spiritual realm is fundamental, and use its potential for Evil extensively in their mind control projects. This is why their spiritual war includes the perversion of the traditional religions, the creation of new false religions and the spread of subversive ideologies (atheism, nihilism, consumerism, climatism, wokeism), to fill the spiritual void - also called the God-shaped hole - they purposely created (more in A5.6).
It also explains the many occult & satanic symbols that adorn their events, buildings, corporate logos and artists (e.g. the one eye sign, see Greta and many other
2) False narratives about the past – fake history
The falsification of history has done more to mislead humans than any single thing known to mankind.
Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778), French philosopher
The Global Mafia knows Rousseau's words well, and also that “it’s the theory which decides what can be observed” (Einstein). So, it pushed and still pushes the cock-up or accidentalist theory of history – through generous financing of leading universities, e.g., Oxford, Harvard, Stanford and many others - that history is a random process, and that the rich and powerful do not conspire.
The result is “fake history”, also known as “history written by the victors” and spread by the media and by the education system, which teaches that "snow is black" (B39). This book presents the burden of proof for a very different view: the Predator theory of history. For a comparison with other theories see A8.1.
3) False narratives about the present - fake news
“The great ability of those who are in control in the modern world lies in making the people believe that they are governing themselves”, wrote René Guénon in 1942.
Indeed, for a few centuries, most people in the “democratic” West thought they were living in relative freedom. But those who questioned the official narratives on the world wars, assassinations (JFK, MLK, etc.), 9/11 or Covid-19, quickly found out that it is dangerous to “touch the third rail”. You may lose your job, reputation, or more.
One of Glafia’s techniques to assure their false narratives about the present is to immediately provide meaning when there is an important event, like 9/11, the downing of the Malasia Airlines flight MH17 in the Ukraine, or a “Covid variant of concern”. Almost instantly, cause and effects are widely broadcast, while no investigation has yet taken place: this because the story on offer is just a cover story. As the false message is endlessly repeated in global unison, with the receivers in a state of fear, its psychological effects are deep and lasting. Providers of alternative views ("dissenters who spread vicious disinformation") are promptly dismissed or canceled. For big, staged events, the public is often made receptive by predictive programming, see B22, the next Highlight.
One exception to the rule of lying media is UKColumn’s brave journalism which has focused on the UK government’s covert operations. In recent years, they concentrated on the mass psychological “mind control” operations around the Covid “plandemic”, with roles played by government officials and institutions, the NHS, the military and the secret services, educators and “independent” mass media (see also Menticide in Totalitaria, B36).
Predictive programming is an essential part of the Global Mind Control project. Some suspect that is has to do with karma: if you announce a misdeed, you won’t suffer karmic retribution. Whether that be the case or not, predictive programming prepares the people’s minds to accept, or even to ask for, great societal changes or big operations or events. Eight years before the 9/11 start of the War on Terror, “court historian” Samuel Huntington published his thesis on “the clash of civilizations” in a 1993 paper.
In Media and Conflict: Escalating Evil, Prof. Cees Hamelink commented:
“The empirical historical data render this thesis very doubtful ... However, worldwide, media gave Huntington´s book The Clash of Civilizations a global podium, transforming it in a convenient construction that helped numerous people believe that the world can be divided in “our” and “their” civilizations and that these two civilizations are at war.
Although the thesis was never taken very seriously by scholars in matters of international and intercultural relations, after 9/11, media incorporated it in their news discourse ... For many influential media around the world, the thesis became the key guide to reporting and interpreting the 9/11 events.
Well known intellectuals like Salman Rushdie … accepted the Huntington thesis, and their positions received prominent media exposure... The danger of Huntington´s thesis is that it assumes that people´s identities are based on civilizations … the thesis very much represents us-versus–them thinking, in which the dangerous “them” are primarily Muslims… Killing the enemy becomes easier when people think of themselves as part of a singular identity, and of others as part of another singular identity”.
Jeff Gates further explained this mind-control program:
“By the time his analysis appeared in book-length form in 1996 as The Clash of Civilizations, more than 100 academies and think tanks were prepared to promote it, pre-staging a "clash consensus" five years before 9-11”.
In a striking 1979 interview, Mossad founder Isser Harel "foresaw" a terrorist attack would be launched against the United States, in New York City, and on its tallest buildings! Undeniably, numerous blatantly predictive 9/11 images and symbols were planted in the mass media, some even 16 years before the event (for example in the movie Back to the Future). In 1997, Zbigniew Brzezinski wrote U.S. geo-strategic plans, stating that it would be hard to achieve such goals “except in the circumstances of a truly massive and widely perceived direct external threat”, which has the familiar smell of a Glafia staged bogeyman, see the essay on protection rackets in B24.
Another 9/11 “coincidence”: the Pearl Harbor attack had its 60th anniversary in 2001, and a movie and several books came out about it. One of these books (by Roberta Wohlstetter) was heavily promoted by Dick Cheney, who would play a key role in 9/11 (as traitor). Prior to 9/11, the neoconservative think tank Project for the New American Century (PNAC) had brought out Rebuilding America's Defenses, a report suggesting that the transformation of American armed forces was “likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor.” On the morning of 9/11, the precooked media story was ready, the incident being quickly and persistently labeled “our new Pearl Harbor”.
The War on Terror was Glafia’s umpteenth protection racket: first create an enemy and demonize it as “the great foe of freedom and democracy”, then, with “Responsibility to Protect” (R2P), do a justified “humanitarian intervention” to “bring the seeds of liberty”, and finally loot and destroy the falsely accused countries and make them your newest vassals. Note that the weaponizing of Islam by the West started in fact more than a century ago, see B7.
In his book Guilt by Association, Jeff Gates wrote: “The known facts confirm that the war in Iraq is the product of a trans-generational syndicate skilled at displacing facts with [false] beliefs. Those masterful at manipulating thoughts and beliefs are also responsible for enabling organized crime to expand to a global scale”.
In the same way, Bismarck’s Germany was built up to be the bogeyman in WW1 (A5.5), and Hitler/Nazism for WW2 (B14). In both projects, UK/US media used predictive programming to demonize the Germans. Prior to WW1, the giant German war industry Krupp was caught red-handed while paying French journalists to demonize the Germans, in France (see W. Manchester's book on Krupp).
In the present world theater, we are being prepared for a more dangerous pandemic, a UFO event (by Pentagon, NASA) or more clashes or a full-blown war of the West and “aggressive” China and Russia.
With recent hindsight, Yuval Harari’s worldwide bestsellers, Sapiens (2014) and Homo Deus, were part of an overture for the WEF’s 2020 Great Reset concert. Then, on the interesting date of 11-11-2021 (numerology is often used in Glafia operations), the lovely Klaus Schwab launched the Great Narrative Initiative. According to the Grand Master of Deception, with a shocking lack of originality, that is:
“a collaborative effort of the world's leading thinkers to fashion longer-term perspectives and co-create a narrative … of a more resilient, inclusive and sustainable vision for our collective future."
No wonder that Yuval Harari is a WEF Agenda Contributor, and that the WEF Book Club and indeed all Glafia mass media have been heavily promoting his books (Sapiens and Homo Deus), with many millions (23!) of copies sold – to prepare your mind for Glafia’s End Game. Another recent example of predictive programming!
On a final note: early July 2023, a very interesting article on the riots in France by Alex Krainer came out, mentioning Marc Devlin's hypothesis of predictive programming (identical to the one of this essay), with two of literally hundreds of examples Devlin had uncovered. These were:
1. A short clip from the 2005 American TV show, The Dead Zone, the plot involved a Coronavirus contagion. The virus originated from China and caused high fever and respiratory infections, necessitated lockdowns, quarantines, mask wearing tracking and tracing of contacts.... (the 2011 film Contagion is based on a similar scenario).
2. The case of the riots in France. Namely, the 2022 Netflix film “Athena”, about a future ethnic civil war in France, which would erupt after the police killing of an Algerian youth. On June 27, 2023, the French police killed an Algerian youth, and massive riots broke out....
The July 2023 event in France is very reminiscent of the Paris student revolt of May 1968, also staged by the hidden hairy hand of the US, in an attempt to bring down then President De Gaulle, who indeed resigned in the next year.
Presently, the French President Macron ("invented" by Rothschild associate Attali) understands which way the wind is blowing and wants to jump on the multipolar bandwagon. That's why the Americans put a spoke in his wheel and organized the coups in Niger and Gabon.
Welcome to Glafia's Global Theater!
The two independent master processes of the [modern] era: the creation of a system of national states, and the formation of a worldwide [criminal] capitalist system.
Charles Tilly, Big Structures, Large Processes... (1984)
During the first phase of Glafia's domination project, discovery and colonization of all lands was a technically and financially feasible goal. It went in two steps, first of the "low hanging fruit" (Third World), and then the "high hanging fruit" (Eurasia). By using the West as their technology incubator, during the 1960's the bases for digital, individual surveillance technologies were established, which allowed the start of a second phase, the control of all people (in the Global Digital Prison).
How to dominate ALL LANDS, a chronological summary:
- The creation of normalized nations, to be used as Glafia's proxies, was essential in its domination strategy. Nation building was sometimes a Glafia initiative, but often they just “jumped on a passing wagon”.
- Setting up Glafia's financial infrastructure in the new states, as an instrument of "remote control", always with legal protection.
- Building proxy states in Europe for the task of colonization: Spain/Portugal, Holland, England, France... Did the - originally German - House of Romanov undertake a secret colonization mission in Russia?
- From 1480 to 1914: colonization (=globalization) of the “low hanging fruit”: the Americas, Asia, Africa, Siberia, by European states, often via East India Companies (EIC's), underwritten by Glafia bankers. Thus, faraway territories were converted into subordinate, manageable “normalized” nations, with governments, borders, languages, (often Christian) religion, infrastructure and institutions for banking, education, legislation, media etc.
- 18th century: the USA (with East India Company assistance) gains “fake independence”; France subdued by similar "revolutionary" forces.
- 19th century: Glafia’s molding of Germany (via Bismarck), Italy (via Mazzini) and Japan (opened by admiral Perry, then British subordination of certain Meiji oligarchs). Weakening of the “high hanging fruit”: China, Russia, Ottomans, Habsburg Empire...
- From the 1820’s: “independence” in Latin America, just before the investments there by the British Empire & The City. British (= Rothschild) capital also starts building up the US hegemon, for Glafia's 20th c. plan.
- 20th century: two World Wars, plus revolutions and crises are needed to terminate the “high hanging fruit”, Eurasia’s 13 empires, incl. Russia, China, Ottoman, Austria/Hungary, Germany... and Britain too. The criminal UK/US/Jewish instigators, creators of Communism and Nazism, come out of it hailed as heroes of freedom.
- After the Bolshevist Revolution, the Soviet Union was made Glafia's Communist hegemon. From there, Communism was spread over the globe, and became dominant in Central Europe, China, North Vietnam, North Korea, and Cuba, and later in post-apartheid South Africa and Portugal's ex-African colonies. For several reasons (see B4), one being the birth of the Global Digital Prison plan (Brzezinski, 1970), the Soviet experiment became obsolete, and Glafia pawn Gorbatsjov finished it off in 1991. Early on, China had been earmarked as Glafia's fifth global hegemon. The (mostly staged?) Sino-Soviet conflicts and split facilitated the American rapprochement with China, which became public with US President Nixon's visit to China in 1972.
- Post-WW2: nominal de-colonization of Africa/Asia, then covert neo-colonization by USA, via local proxies ("Sons of bitches, but our sons of bitches", FDR). Preparing the European Union and other regions as regional blocks under a future Rockefeller designed multipolar world order (B33). Neutralizing the Non- Aligned (Bandung) Movement.
- Creation of supra-national institutions: United Nations (1945-present), after earlier failed attempts with the League of Nations (1919) and the Concert of Nations (Vienna, 1815), all three in a post-war period ("don't let a good crisis go to waste"), and all three underwritten by Glafia's bankers.
- 21st century End Game: the final wiping out of sovereignty in all countries, via debt, regime change, “free” trade, bribery, war, the CO2 hoax, plandemics. Return to territories/city-states, now administered by “Farm Earth” cattle managers.
- Glafia goes East: first it kept Russia/China in the Communist fridge (Russia from 1917, China 1949), then in the multipolar oven (China from 1971, Russia from 1999, under Putin). Meanwhile, the West is demolished.
How to dominate ALL PEOPLE:
- Hard power (violence) was used overtly by the ancient empires. Glafia uses it covertly, always via proxies or bogeymen:
- Staged dictatorships, wars and revolutions. Other violence, torture, murder, concentration camps...
- Geno/democide in wars and campaigns, also via orchestrated famine (tens of millions in Ireland, India, Africa, Soviet Union...).
- After WW2: degradation of soils has created nutritionally deficient foods; toxins in food, water, air, housing, plastics; toxic medicines and “vaccines” (B34); electromagnetic radiation; geo-engineering (B40) and nanotechnology.
- Soft power (deceit), hidden, often cheaper and more effective:
- Mind control, or elimination of dissent on the way to totalitarian rule, where “the distinction between true and false no longer exists” (Hannah Arendt), see also B21 and B36 on mind control/menticide:
- False messages come in three classes: 1) foundations of the universe and life (meta-physics), 2) history, and 3) the present. Scientism becomes the new religion, fake scientists as the new priests (primordial soup, Darwin, CO2, Covid, etc.).
- Treasonous messengers: controlled mass media and education systems (B39), bought politicians and influencers.
- The money/banking system: debt slavery, selective financing, staged boom/bust cycles. It's a Ponzi scheme with programmable collapses.
- Legislation: laws in favor of the global domination project (currently being accelerated, to limit our freedom).
- Distractions galore: fake art, fake news, pornography, sports, drugs, etc.
- Divide and rule: in the West presently critical race and gender identity theories (B29), wokeism, climatism, mass migration, Covid...
- Ideologies & fake religions: to debilitate, distract, dupe, victimize, scapegoat, etc.
- Dependence: reducing self-reliance and independent thinking; creating massive bureaucracy to heavily restrict alternative “off-grid” living and homesteading and farming; inducing “welfare state laziness”; end of ownership, so you'll have to regularly pay rent for everything you need, and you'll depend on Glafia's providers and a regular, Glafia-provided income.
- Smart power (technology), 21st century End Game, an anonymous, ubiquitous force, difficult to resist:
- After centuries of hard and soft power, it’s now the time for smart power, the Global Digital Prison: a centralized hi-tech surveillance and coercion system, with G5, digital ID, IoT (Internet of Things, Bodies, Senses and Services), the metaverse, Central Bank Digital Currency, Social Credits, Universal Basic Income, etc.
- AI and robotization in government services and corporations, incl. health care (humans are just "meat robots" or "hackable animals”).
- Transhumanism: unfree, hi-tech versions of mediated reality and human interaction, to end the free, direct human experience.
A tyrant … is always stirring up some war or other, in order that the people may require a leader.
Plato (428– 348 BC), Greek philosopher, founder of the Academy in Athens
The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.
H. L. Mencken (1880-1956), US journalist
Our government has kept us in a perpetual state of fear ... with the cry of grave national emergency. Always there has been some terrible evil at home or some monstrous foreign power that was going to gobble us up if we did not blindly rally behind it.
General Douglas MacArthur (1880-1964), popular US Marine Corps General, in 1935
War is a [protection] racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives. A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small 'inside' group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes.
General Smedley Butler (1881-1940), in his 1935 pamphlet
How to steal an entire planet, without being called a thief?
A common thief goes out with a mask, an empty bag and a crowbar. If he is caught he will be convicted, because he acted against the law.
When the Mafia plans to steal, it organizes a protection racket, by secretly hiring a criminal "bogeyman" or bully, to threaten its future “clients”. The Mafia then makes them an offer they can’t refuse: “protection”. That’s not considered stealing, but a respectable business carried out by “protectors”, respectable men in neat suits, with Rolexes and fast cars.
The DECEPTION starts with a - Mafia-made - problem, so designed that the potential victim will react and ask for a - Mafia-desired - solution. In conspiracy literature, this trick is often called Problem-Reaction-Solution (PRS). Let’s now investigate the highly sophisticated global Mafia, Glafia, with their old and advanced project to steal the entire planet. After centuries of wars, revolutions, financial crises, assassinations, torture, corruption, threats, bribery and blackmail, they now play all +/- 200 countries on their global chessboard. Only recently I detected that Giovanni Arrighi also had recognized the protection racket pattern in certain post-WW2 actions of US (in Adam Smith in Beijing).
Glafia's main protection rackets to reach this are listed below:
protection racket | Glafia's bogeyman | reaction | Glafia desired solution |
World War 1 | German "Huns" | destructive wars | control over Eurasia, de-pop |
World War 2 | Hitler | destructive wars | control over Eurasia, de-pop |
Cold War | Communism/Gladio | strategy of tension | control over Eurasia |
War on Terror | Osama B. L., Muslims | strategy of tension | control over Eurasia |
climate “crisis” | dangerous CO2 “toxin” | destructive policies | weaken the West, End Game |
wokeism | NATURE as oppressor | phys./social destruction | weaken the West, End Game |
fake diseases | high cholesterol, HIV, etc. | demand for medicine increases | high profits, lower health, etc |
Covid “plandemic” | Covid bioweapon | destructive policies | Global Digital Prison, de-pop |
Ukraine war | Putin attacks “free world” | Sanctions, blowback | West Down/East Up, de-pop |
Thanks to Glafia's mass media, the internal, Glafia-created threat was perceived as external, and uncontrollable. Crime wasn't crime, and they got away with all these rackets. But how did they get there in the first place? The Roman Empire had shown that military force was not a durable solution: more cunning empires would be needed. Three pathways were used to transform the entire planet into a private, Glafia dominion:
1) Creation of global superstructures - for chess play with the nations
Mobile capital, today called international banking, is the most versatile means of global control and theft. Glafia's Italian bankers and ex-Spanish Jews had centuries of experience with it and had added many innovations (often originated in Asia). Their excess capital came from the long-distance East-West trade (spices, silk, bullion, slaves, etc.), also called the "rich trade".
By 1602 they had financed two joint stock corporations, the British and Dutch East India Companies. More would follow: colonization = globalization! Today, Glafia’s tangle of banks & corporations still rules the world and still steals assets, but now under cover of the WEF's Great Reset and UN projects like WHO, IPCC, Agenda 2030. All present international organizations were either set up or taken over by Glafia: UN, WEF, religions, cults, ideologies (Communism, Zionism, Nazism, climatism, wokeism...), Freemasonry, NGO’s, think tanks, scientific and legal institutions, etc (Figure 1 shows the flow).
In some areas, Glafia is above all laws (City of London, Vatican, Washington DC, BIS Bank Basel and related central banks, WEF, Israel (see Laundering with Immunity: The Control Framework, by Corey Lynn).
2) “Normalization” of all lands - to bring all territories under control
Collaboration with their own city-state (Venice) and a nation-state (Genoa/Spain) had been a key factor in the early success of the Italian merchants. To recap Braudel words:
“Capitalism only triumphs when it becomes identified with the state, when it is the state”.
During the transition from open rule by landed aristocrats to secret rule by globalist oligarchs, the aristocrats were either included in the Glafia state system (Holland, England, etc.), or overturned in case of resistance (revolutions in France, Turkey, China, Russia, etc., and more recently, “color” revolutions). After each transition, state legislation was gradually adapted to fit Glafia’s wishes. All states (including China, Russia, North Korea, Cuba, Iran) are now proxies, where subordinate elites, the "traitors within the gates", control the government and the judicial, scientific and other institutions, not to protect the people’s interests, but Glafia’s.
3) “Normalization” of all people – to eliminate all dissent (Totalitaria)
Scientific materialism is an ongoing attempt to disempower humanity by severing us from our spiritual roots: the spiritual war (B19). For the full deception, also called Global Mind Control (B21) and menticide (B36), add the false narratives of past and present, delusive ideologies (to blur personal identity, and truth) and massive fear mongering (wars, terror, CO2, 9/11, Covid, Putin). Systemic weakening also includes toxic food, air, water; radiation, vaccines, medications; the welfare state (more dependence, less self-reliance); consumerism, distractions and addictions; the old trick of divide & rule; and the AI, transhumanism and metaverse scams.
The present End Game is to simplify and tighten the control over humanity, by reducing the population and moving all “new-normalized” individuals into a Global Digital Prison à la China. When the theft of all assets is completed “You’ll own nothing and rent everything”.
That means a global, totalitarian, two-tier society of Haves and Have Nots, and the end of all lesser businesses, independence and freedom.
High time for The Great Freeset!
As always, a group of Indian/Pakistani/Indonesian/Thai women is drenching their buffaloes in the river. The police arrive and threatens to arrest them, because they are stealing the water. Two days ago the river was bought by Coca Cola Company.
From hearsay
About 500 years ago, when the power of the European aristocracy and Church was gradually taken over by capitalist merchants and bankers, the protection of their private properties (including inheritance, vital for dynasties) became essential, and thus was legalized. That also happened after the Declaration of Independence of the USA. Under these new protections for the big players, small and medium businesses also began to thrive: providing the new markets with goods and services, and the oligarchs with ships, food, weapons and so on, for their international theft and war projects. These useful suppliers gradually formed a third tier in society, the middle class. Over the centuries it acquired a considerable portion of the planet’s wealth.
With the ongoing revolution from above, also called the End Game, this old confidence game is now being ended. The project to consolidate all business and trade in heavily AI/robotized mega-corporations, under direct Glafia control, is far advanced. By design, small and medium businesses (including farms) become superfluous, and so the middle class. At some point and under some pretext, their properties will be taken back by the Masters, to make it easier to control the “Kulaks”. When “They” indeed will get their way, a two-tiered techno-feudal society will return, of masters and slaves. Bye bye “Great Progress” and "democracy", back to a darker technified version of the Middle Ages’ feudalism!
To curb potential resistance of the mob, a more effective control architecture is being installed, using the now available technology for a global 24/7-5G-digID hi-tech system of individual surveillance and coercion, incl. the Internet of Things/Bodies/Senses and Services. All sold under catchy buzz words like innovation, sustainability, social justice, health security and inclusiveness. Don’t take my word for it, just look around at how Covid, climate and Ukraine policies are squeezing the middle class partly out of existence. The 1848 Communist Manifesto says: "The theory of the Communists may be summed up in the single sentence: Abolition of private property.” And yes, this has been done before, by the same Powers, remember the fate of the Kulaks in Russia.
Capitalism used to speak about commoditization, which is the process of converting products or services into commodities, standardized, marketable objects, so you can make a profit in production or trade. But recently a book came out on assetization: “how to manage assets - anything that can be controlled, traded, and capitalized as a revenue stream”. Of course, these assets – real estate, natural resources, data, etc - are going to be monopolized.
As in feudalism, the future income model of the few Haves will be based on rents, by leasing assets to the many Have Nots, which fits snugly … into The Great Reset. In Klaus Schwab’s propaganda (now partly retracted), smiling youngsters tell you that they own nothing but are happier than ever!
Apparently, those who fall for the WEF propaganda haven’t figured out yet how leasing everything will make them totally dependent. When they lose their bad paid job or conditional Universal Basic Income, they'll have to drop their leased home, bed, table, chair, bicycle, car, computer, etc. Not exactly a happy outcome!
In assetization, Nature is going to be the BIG PRIZE, with total value estimates reaching $4,000 trillion (Gross Annual World Production is under $90T). The apparently suddenly “green” banking system, BlackRock c.s. and Dr. Bill are salivating, while the left, right and center supporters of UN Agenda 2030, environmental NGO’s, the large investment companies, Klaus and the WEF are already partying. Natural Asset Companies (NAC’s) will be established, and nature reserves will be offered for sale on the New York Stock Exchange, with globalist champion Costa Rica being the first on the chopping block (see, and William Engdahl’s Wallstreet's diabolical plan).
And isn’t it suspicious that mega funds like BlackRock have recently received almost limitless amounts of virtually free FED money to buy up every kind of asset – including masses of residential property, at prices far above the market rate. Likewise, Bill Gates is buying up gigantic areas of farmland, and many similar schemes have been reported, including by the Chinese. Why is this?
Could it be for the same reason for which a similar crowd was massively buying up prime properties in 1920’s Weimar Germany? When the hyperinflation came and German marks became almost worthless, these debtors became owners of big buildings for the price of 1 kg of potatoes.
As the always crystal-clear Catherine Austin Fitts says: “Wallstreet first drove Mainstreet into shambles, and now picks up its assets on the cheap.” Are we going to see a global financial coup with unprecedented transfers of wealth in a near future?
For more details see The Great Taking, with a free e-book and documentary, by David Rogers Webb.
During the American hegemon phase of the Glafia project, roughly since WW2, the main economic innovation was the vertical integration of production and commercialization, where a whole production chain is brought under the control of a BIG Glafia corporation. The vertical chain includes extraction, transport and processing of raw materials, transport and marketing of consumer goods, and credit for each link in the chain.
Such corporations are controlled by large shareholders, today mostly via unregulated financial institutions - asset managers - such as BlackRock, State Street, Fidelity and Vanguard, all Glafia proxies. This consolidation effort started in the 19th century with Rockefeller and Rothschild oil industry monopolies, which then moved into the pharmaceutical industry, using oil as main raw material. From there it went to agri-chemicals (mostly oil-derived insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, fertilizers). By further including seeds, mechanical implements (tractors, machines, harvesters, pumps, etc.) and credit (loans and leasing), world agriculture was monopolized to a very high degree.
In the global South, the roll-out of these monopolies was falsely advertised as the “science-led” Green Revolution, often assisted by Rockefeller (Glafia) funded institutions. Its real aim was to destroy the highly independent, low-input, varied, regenerative and sustainable traditional agriculture, which had been debt-free for millennia. India is a case in point: it had a highly sophisticated, productive and diverse agriculture free of external inputs, toxins and debt. When pioneer Western researchers interested in organic farming, like Sir Albert Howard, studied Indian agriculture, they were highly impressed and used it as a model for their European project (Vandana Shiva).
In its place, Glafia's big corporations established a highly dependent, high-input (of industrially produced fertilizers, pesticides, machines, fuel), mono-culture, and damaging (to the environment, workers, animals, consumers) agribusiness, ridden with debt. Cancer, neurological diseases and even suicide became occupational diseases of farmers and farm workers. Chemical fertilizers lower plants' resistance to disease, and thus increase the need for pesticides: they also bring down the mineral content of plants, with negative effects on consumer health.
The Rockefeller funded GMO crops (Genetically Modified Organisms) caused further and serious systemic damage (see William Engdahl's excellent book, Seeds of Destruction). In most cases these crops (corn, soya, cotton) are genetically manipulated to become resistant against the toxic herbicide glyphosate (the main component of Roundup), so that glyphosate can be used for weed control during the growing season (which would kill any natural crop). Annual global Roundup use rose to an incredible 1 billion kg (125 g/person). Contamination of crops, soil and water by Roundup severely damages the environment and the health of humans and animals. In conclusion, this whole process wasn't led by sound agricultural and health science at all, but by Glafia's goal of world control, this time via monopolies in agrobusiness.
The Big Carrot Trick, which led their Merchants of Death to produce so many wonders in Glafia 's wars, also made the effort to monopolize global agriculture a piece of cake. That human and environmental health was squandered doesn't bother The Greatest Criminals Ever (B2) in the least. On the contrary, it helps them to advance their de-pop plan (B30). Recently, the now fully "green" Glafia instigators of this global disaster started to criticize and even scapegoat the modern agriculture they themselves created: too much land use, too much CO2 production (an essential element for plant growth!) and too much methane emission - while studiously neglecting that it's mostly broken down by soil bacteria when cattle are pastured.
The "innovative" and "sustainable" solutions promoted by Glafia's fronts are:
- Robotized agriculture on mega-farms, with Busy Bill and others buying up the lands.
- Large scale industrial insect or fungus farming.
- Industrial production, by Glafia’s Big Corporations, of hacked human or animal cancer cells, fungi or bacteria cultures, that results in highly processed synthetic/GMO foods.
Note: initial research reports declare that the lab-grown meat industry produces up to 25 times more CO2 per unit than traditional animal husbandry. I've never seen trials to evaluate the long-term health risks of an insect or lab grown meat-based diet. Follow the Science!
In the above scenario, humans are virtually banned from food production: no independent farmers anymore in rural areas - but more dependent inhabitants of "intelligent, resilient and sustainable" cities. Natural foods are substituted by unnatural foods, under the pretext of protecting Nature and the people: another protection racket!
While food shortages threaten the world, large agricultural areas are now given back to nature ("rewilding"), which includes measures like re-introducing wolves in the densely populated Netherlands. Soon the elites can have their hunting parties again!
That also fits well in Amazon billionaire Bezos' dystopian Blue Origin project to make planet Earth a vacation resort for the elites. In the meantime, all commoners not needed as their earthly servants will be sent to space colonies to make the products needed on earth, while having lots of virtual space fun! On the day I was writing this, another Starship exploded at take-off. As any free-thinking child can see, these Emperors have no clothes.
Agriculture as savior?
If a well-designed, regenerative agriculture system (organic, agroforestry, food forest or permaculture) would be implemented globally, to enrich the many soils presently too low in organic matter, all carbon produced by humans in the last 200 years would soon be used up! The oceans (the biggest CO2 sink) would then release CO2 until a new balance is reached.
Nitrogen can be supplied naturally by the many plants and soil bacteria that pluck it from the air (which contains 78% nitrogen). Deep-rooting trees and scrubs will bring up most minerals needed, from the sub-soil. Integration of animal production has many advantages for balancing nutrient cycles: the naturally fertilized soils would produce a variety of healthy foods and medicinal herbs with local availability and low transport costs.
Millions of unemployed people (through usurpation by robotics and AI) could do gratifying work in a natural and healthy environment - including in urban areas - while recovering their health in a natural way and enjoying the increasing biodiversity. Local cooperatives for production), processing and marketing could contribute to restorative community building.
Yet as food dependence, and not food independence, is an essential part of Glafia's designs for our future, they will try to monopolize land ownership (B25), prohibit heirloom seeds (several attempts have already been registered), and force unattainable “climate”, "health" and ESG norms onto small and medium farms, and processing plants.
What historians will definitely wonder about in future centuries is how deeply flawed logic, obscured by shrewd and unrelenting propaganda, actually enabled a coalition of powerful special interests to convince nearly everyone in the world that CO2 from human industry was a dangerous planet-destroying toxin. It will be remembered as the greatest mass delusion in the history of the world – that CO2, the life of plants, was considered for a time to be a deadly poison.
Prof. Em. Richard Lindzen (1940-), Massachusetts Institute of Technology
In the 1990’s, during a wandering in his beloved Alps, respected Swiss geologist Dr. Christian Schlüchter (with 250+ peer reviewed publications to his name) noticed a strange object under a retreating glacier: it was a tree trunk, 4000 years old. Where then the glacier was, once there had been a forest!
It was warmer back then, by about 2° C, the same as the "deadly limit" in the IPCC models. Schlüchter also found that during Roman times (about 2000 years ago) in the Alps:
“The forest line was much higher than it is today [at least 300 to 500 meters, or 2-3° C warmer], there were hardly any glaciers. Nowhere in the detailed travel accounts from Roman times are glaciers mentioned… The mean temperature was one and half degree Celsius above that of 2005. The current development [warming] is nothing new in terms of the earth’s history.”
That’s why Hannibal could cross the Alps with elephants in 218 BC.
Schlüchter then studied the Rhone glacier and proved that “the rock surface had been ice-free for 5800 of the last 10,000 years.” Further work also revealed that cold periods can strike very rapidly. One large forest had died in a single year: “The year of death could be determined to be exactly 8195 years before present. The oxygen isotopes in the Greenland ice [core] also show a marked cooling around 8200”. As Schlüchter concluded from matches with the Greenland and other data sets around the world, the sun is the main driver of climate change.
Both his tree trunk findings and conclusions were a hard wooden thorn in the side of mainstream climate science, which held that the Alpine glaciers had existed since the last Ice Age (which ended about 12,000 years ago), and that they only began retreating around 1850. That was not explicable by CO2, because its modest atmospheric increase came later: one black swan had falsified the theory that all swans are white.
For revealing this inconvenient truth, Schlüchter was violently attacked by the official climate experts, because he “wasn’t supposed to find that chunk of wood.” In an online interview he stated that “our society is fundamentally dishonest” and criticized climate science for its extreme tunnel vision and political contamination.
There is also vine-hard evidence for the Medieval Warm Period (1000-1400 AC), when so many vineyards were established in England that the French wine farmers started to complain. Even southern Greenland became populated, by Vikings producing grain, cattle and sheep. These medieval and other warm periods were fraudulently ignored in Michael Mann’s “hockey stick graph" (see the Climate-Gate Scandal). Without the greenhouse effect, the earth would be 33 °C colder and uninhabitable. This effect is mainly caused by natural water vapor, and less than 10% by CO2, with human CO2 only about 3% of the total, so the idea that human CO2 is the control knob of global temperature is absurd.
Besides, CO2 is not a “dangerous pollutant” but an essential element for plant life, and thus for all life. During most of the Earth’s history it was very high, yet became dangerously low (280 parts per million, or ppm) during the last ice ages (plants stop growing at 150 ppm and prefer 1000+ ppm). Today it’s about 420 ppm. With several persons in a car or narrow space, CO2 levels quickly rise into the thousands of ppm, without anybody noticing.
The theory that human produced CO2 causes life threatening global warming is a scientific fraud based on GIGO (Garbage In / Garbage Out) computer modeling, not on wooden evidence. It's spread by a global mass-psychological operation, through our corrupted governments, politicians and media. Exactly as we have seen in Glafia's other global protection rackets (B24).
The hoax grew out Glafia's Club of Rome’s The Limits to Growth (1972), based on wildly primitive computer modeling. In its follow-up, The First Global Revolution (1991), Alexander King doesn’t mince words:
"In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill … All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy, then, is humanity itself."
So, we the people are guilty, not the industry! He followed this up with the remark:
“Democracy is no longer well suited for the tasks ahead. The complexity and the technical nature of many of today's problems do not always allow elected representatives to make competent decisions at the right time."
Here’s how the climate-war-on-us serves Glafia’s goal of a totalitarian rule:
- Creation of a $130+ trillion captive market for Glafia’s big corporate “scam profiteers”, a total wastage paid for by bleeding the taxpayer.
- Pushing out lesser businesses by setting unattainable business standards (ESG).
- Getting buy-in from the Left through the “do-/be-good” messaging trap, "to save our children's future".
- Further demolishing of the West via energy chaos and de-industrialization.
- A personal carbon budget will be a key element in the Global Digital Prison.
- Dissemination of doom and fear for mind and birth control.
- Blocking development of the Global South.
- Distraction from the real eco-problems.
- And as always, divide and rule: climate saviors against climate deniers.
To end, as journalist Whitney Webb accurately observed (Nov. 2021):
"If you are going to trust billionaires and bankers (who have created the environmental and other crises) to design a brand-new economic system, because you think they care about the environment, you might as well hand them your brain in a bag."
Where the elephants fight, the grass gets trampled. African saying
In the 21st century, for reasons explained in this book, Kabuki theater has become immensely popular. We already saw the 9/11-War on Terror, the Carbon and Covid shows, and now it’s Ukraine-Kabuki, it seems. After Russian troops invaded the Ukraine on February 24, 2022, the Western mainstream propaganda machine went full Monty to project a totally predictable yet false narrative on the walls of our Plato-Caves: a peaceful and innocent democracy was invaded by the cruel army of a bloodthirsty tyrant, and evil forces were again threatening the ever righteous, peace seeking and free West.
Anybody criticizing these views is instantly canceled: the hypocrisy, deception and stupidity are shocking. Few seem to remember how very recently and under false pretexts, US/NATO destroyed Serbia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Libya and Syria, killing and maiming millions.
US experts, like John Mearsheimer, Ray McGovern, Alfred de Zayas and Scott Ritter, tell us a very different story. In the 1990’s, after the fall of the Soviet Union, the Americans guaranteed the Russians safety by declaring that they would not move NATO “one inch eastward”. Yet the US made Poland, Hungary and other Middle-European states members of the EU and NATO. We are then asked to believe that it never occurred to the gullible Russians to ask for a written declaration.
Ten years after the US-organized “Orange Revolution” in 2004 in the Ukraine, the usual culprits, led by Victoria Nuland, organized a second coup (Maidan) and substituted the pro-Russian president with a pro-Western stooge (financed with $5 billion, with another $10B for weapons and general support).
Contrary to the later Minsk agreements (2014), the rights of the many Russians living in the country were curtailed, and the Russian inhabitants of the eastern Donetsk and Luhansk areas have since been under intermittent shelling by Ukrainian military, resulting in about 14,000 deaths - did you ever hear of a Western protest about that? In December '22 Angela Merkel admitted that the Minsk agreement was "to give time to Ukraine ... to become stronger." So the fix was in, the military build-up fully planned, and so it's Kabuki again. And yes, the Russians must have understood this dirty game all along. In the early 1990's, even CIA pawn Fidel Castro "prophesied" about the coming of this war (B4).
Insider Jacques Attali (see also B30), who was a regular guest on talk shows in France, "predicted" in 2014 that World War III would start with Ukraine. However, the predictions of an insider aren't prophecies, but foreknowledge. See also The real globalist mastermind Jacques Attali.
No wonder that since 2017, the Pentagon’s budget has been driven by two enemies: Russia and China. Early '22, NATO issued a provocative affirmation that Ukraine had the right to join it, like Canada or Mexico would supposedly have the right to install Chinese armies and missiles on their US borders. Then, puppet Zelensky raised tensions further by proposing to install nuclear weapons in his country. Only days before the Russian reaction, NATO’s Jens Stoltenberg made another childish provocation: "If Russia wants less NATO at its borders … they will get more NATO".
That gave Russia reasonable arguments to draw a line in the sand. This is the war that the criminal Glafia/NATO wanted, fully in the know that first the Ukraine, and then the West would be its victims. And Russia joined their game! Naturally, the only logical solution would have been a NEUTRAL Ukraine.
The Western sanctions will drive Russia, China and “the South” closer, to create a parallel, multipolar global order, just as Glafia desires. The sanctions will backfire hard on the West, just as Glafia also desires. The already high prices of energy, food and industrial inputs will rise more, scarcity and rationing will occur, industries will collapse or move, and our freedom will be restrained further, and again, just as Glafia desires. That's because of Glafia's End Game, as explained below.
During the 20th century, Glafia used its Anglo-American-Zionist proxies to destroy all sovereign Eurasian empires, killing 200 million people in the process. This time, their grand global chess move aims to end the “unipolar” Western hegemony. This project is sold as the benevolent “multipolar world” where proxies China and Russia will pull the chariot, but it’s conducted by the same old gangsters, now in new suits (B33).
Probably the first sign of this paradigm shift was the West’s quiet acceptance of Russia’s military role in Syria, in 2015. On the day of the 2022 Russian attack, a Dutch professor appropriately declared that Putin is defining a new world order. More recently, Putin said the same.
Besides, "Going East", Glafia's main goal is to weaken the West for The Great Reset and the Global Digital Prison project (A7.4), already partly operational in Glafia's role model, China. As we lately witnessed, Glafia’s latest effort to control us - the introduction of digital ID under the pretext of Covid - met with considerable resistance. That job was carried out by the traitors in the Western governments whom we ourselves elected - they who implement the globalist policies as defined by WEF, UN, WHO, IPCC, EU, NATO (see Figure 1).
The Covid scam has made clear that all relevant states, institutions, corporations and media have been "penetrated" (Klaus Schwab): the newest term for this condition is "state capture" (Wiki). The build-up of Russia and China (A7.5) to take over the West’s hegemony is Glafia’s next attempt to break the resistance. Soon China can be expected to openly join this battle, with Taiwan (“China’s Ukraine”) as its first target. Do you really think that Ol' Joe will defend it?
Indeed, the above proverb should perhaps say: “When the Lion Kings want the grass trampled, they organize an elephant fight”.
The remarkable timing (Covid fear “out”, Putin fear “in”) adds credibility to the Kabuki explanation. With all these new Big Carrots, the Arch-Fascist Western big banks and corporations, long since addicted to war, are celebrating and salivating. Bailouts and money creation are again and urgently needed for the flailing dollar system, and this time Putin will save them, just as Covid fit the bill (excuse the pun) in 2020. Whatsmore, Russia’s neo-Hitler can now be blamed for all the problems of the crumbling West.
You may call me cynical, but the following is the conclusion I have reached:
The Western “elites” know that the East will irrevocably take the baton over (see Macron's 2019 words on the end of Western hegemony), but before that, both parties (both Glafia proxies!) agreed on a bloody theater war to dump their old hardware, test their new weapons, train their armies (Russia) and fill their pockets and vaults to the brim.
Nothing is good so everything must be criticized and abolished, everything that was, must be gone.
Nahum Goldmann (1895-1982), Zionist leader, The Spirit of Militarism, 1915 (full quote under B19)
Transgender is not a type of person. It is the name for an array of [Glafia] corporate pressures which groom children and adults for industrial body dissociation, thus opening humanity to further corporate encroachments into our bodies. It is the colonization of humans, directly targeting the next generation. It is, as renowned transhumanist Martine Rothblatt states, “the on-ramp to transhumanism.”
Jennifer Bilek, Humanity for sale
All higher animals and all humans are the result of the fusion of a microscopic male and female cell, and all are born out of the bodies of females, and none out of males. Yet today, many politicians, government leaders, journalists, judges, professors, teachers, and students, are unable to answer the simple question:
What is a woman?
The short explanation for this bizarre state of affairs is WOKEISM. That is - again - not a grassroots movement to protect the newest downtrodden, the LGBT+ community, but a large top-down Glafia project, launched around 10 years ago, into which billions of dollars are being poured. The massive participation of the media is again "diagnostic", just as during Covid (A7.3). The propaganda they spread is all about the human rights everyone must express - "he/him/she/her/its/their” self-chosen identity - in the need for diversity, tolerance and inclusiveness. That BIG, ruthless, dirty and destructive corporations support this "humanitarian cause” mostly doesn't alarm the fake Left in the least, as it's fully under Glafia's wings since decades (exceptions aside, such as the Real Left in the UK).
And sorry, I hate to hammer the point home, but you knew it was coming: this is again another vicious, global protection racket (B24), now largely focused on our children, and it aims to spread this social contagion worldwide. This time Glafia's bogeyman is NATURE! How in the world did we get there? Glafia's centuries long Endarkenment program first alienated us from our spiritual and religious roots, and from our culture (B18, B19). Could it be that our societies’ dissociated, atomized, alienated and disempowered people are now desperately looking for a foothold?
The TRANS industry project
About 10 years ago, the time was considered ripe to make us believe that Nature is obsolete, and a terrible oppressor at that, which blocks us from expressing who we really are. The most egregious injustice Nature has meted out is assigning us a sex, male or female, without our consent! Some people even accuse Nature of having assigned them the wrong species, because they identify as a "furry". Not only that, but their teachers (in at least one case) also accept that they answer questions with a meow or a bark.
Glafia is now offering these "victims of Nature" protection: transhumanist technology. Just hand over control over your body to the trusted Medical-Industrial Complex and the State, and everything will be alright! Thus, health-destroying puberty blockers are given to pre- pubescent children, until they can decide on their sex: organs for which are then surgically constructed or removed, often with nasty complications (in the case of male to female, we veterinarians call it castration). From then on, Pharmafia will provide you – fingers crossed - with the necessary cross sex hormones, which means a life-long dependency on such drugs (or as long as the body can stand this form of poisoning until it breaks-down).
This is presented as a progressive ideology: as an issue of the right these poor gender confused children “to be who they really are”, which may be why it is defended with such religious fervor (A5.6). Another clear reason for the fervor is that all participants in this new Glafia transgender project are very well paid: the old Glafioso Big Carrot trick.
This well organized and financed global project has several fronts: medical, financial, legal and control of the language. All Glafia's Big Corporations support it: see the 2021 launch of the Partnership for Global LGBT Equality, (in reality “T domination”) whose founding members includes Microsoft, Deutsche Bank and Mastercard.
Not only are women (and men) having their reproductive and sexual functions destroyed, but they are also erased from our language. Saying you are the mother or father of a child is being socially and politically censured: you are just a parent, either parent 1 or parent 2. The current advice in some quarters is not to address a group with "ladies and gentlemen": that is hateful behavior, because it's not inclusive. Etc. Even in an apparently Catholic country like Costa Rica, this project is active, especially in high schools and Universities, where early signs of this gender project became visible in the 1990's.
The first US gender transition clinic opened in 2007: now there are hundreds in the US alone. They need clients to repay their loans and interest, so Glafia's propaganda machine runs full throttle. The many poor kids who land there, after a fateful brush with this social contagion, aren't dissuaded from their transition efforts by responsible and protective doctors, but persuaded to continue on the trans path, by these criminal exploiters. See the video by Jennifer Bilek, Who is Behind the TRANS AGENDA? As you might expect, any criticism is immediately smeared with an ad hom attack on the critic, in this case the label “transphobia”, a serious form of dissent and hate speech, which might cause you to lose your job or spend time in jail.
I often wonder where all these transitioning people get the $100,000+ for the overhaul (and expensive maintenance thereafter) of the nice and good working car (body) they got for free when they were born, to be able to make their voyage of discovery on this miraculous planet (on the car metaphor, and much more, see The Medical Mafia by Ghislaine Lanctot). Many trans people dedicate their whole life to perfecting their new car, with many new trans products poured out by the medical and cosmetic industry. Yet they - and admittedly, many others too - seem to forget that life wasn't about the car, but about the voyage. Thus, to Glafia's satisfaction, fancy and expensive materialism and folly prevail over a meaningful universal human experience and search for truth.
Like so many (socialist) movements with justified grievances against systemic social wrongs (i.e. the patriarchy), Glafia worked to harness the revolutionary feminist energy in favor of its own agendas: amongst others, it brought many more women into the labor market, to compete with men. This benefited corporations, as they could now pay lower wages (first in the US, later also elsewhere). That "progress'' has now reached the point that two wages are necessary to maintain a family, where formerly one would suffice.
Arguments of second wave feminists - regarding divorcing gender roles from biology - were hijacked by the Global Mafia to lay the ideological groundwork for their transhumanist/gender/woke project, which is however fiercely opposed by many feminists. I am waiting for Claudia von Werlhof’s opus magnum which will – hopefully soon - shine new light on 5000-year history and the present implications of the patriarchy.
For now, I will limit myself to the following remarks: the second wave of feminism (1960's to 80's) coincided with the start of Glafia's End Game preparations (A6.7), when the Western welfare state was just past its peak. It is well documented that several of the feminist leaders were Glafia pawns, such as Gloria Steinem (CIA) and Angela Davis (Tavistock Institute, Frankfurter Schule, and commie). With this engineered change in the labor market, the education of children became more and more "outsourced", a clear Glafia objective (see also B13 on Socialism and education by the state, not the parents, and B39, Snow is Black). Although the equality of opportunity was improved, the equality of outcome roughly stayed the same. Even in socialist and "egalitarian" Sweden, most car mechanics are still men, and most nurses are still women (Jordan Peterson).
The right to early abortion (denied by the Catholic Church) was also an essential goal of second wave feminism. The Dutch feminists’ motto was "be boss of your own belly" - nevertheless, during Covid most leftist feminists gave the State jurisdiction over their bodies, by blindly accepting the jabs. The rights of the unborn child were not considered, but the initial laws only permitted abortion in an early phase of pregnancy. Today there is a push in some quarters to lift all restrictions on “abortions”: as long as "it" is in the womb, you may kill it. And voices of some "women" (a word still used although nobody can define them) are already heard saying that "abortion" could be done after birth too, on the first day, or in the first week, or in some cases in the first weeks. Again, the slippery slope. It seems that child sacrifice, practiced in ancient civilizations (like in Phoenicia, the founder of our present system! see B8), is making its comeback!
Humanity for sale (a term by J. Bilek)
Glafia's LGBT+ proxies, in collaboration with UN bodies, NGO's and Dr. Bill's dollars are now being used to press for the normalization and legalization of pedophilia, or sexual abuse of children. There's a similar pressure on the sexualization of children, through early sexual and gender education at schools ("you determine who you are!"), drag queens meeting children, and so on. Yet “drag queen story times”, sometimes funded by the state, have attracted fierce push-back across the anglosphere. Of course, legalization of ex with animals is the next item on the list.
The use of sex in the management (via blackmail) of Glafia's proxies is ancient and well documented: from simple honey traps to vile Jimmy Savile's massive abuse of care home children (apparently under protection of the BBC and the British Royals), to Jeffrey Epstein's sophisticated Lolita Express and island (see One Nation under Blackmail, by Whitney Webb), and much more. The proliferation of free, extreme, misogynistic and violent hardcore in online internet pornography, frequently accessed by children, has created an epidemic of child on child sexual assault, amongst other glaring social problems: who’s benefiting? Meanwhile, the protective role of the parents is being undermined and eroded, especially by new top-down school policies on sexual education.
It's not difficult to see how these patterns fit Glafia's Farm Earth project, where the Owners - if we let them have their way - will be the only ones to decide the fate of their cattle.
If you are not willing to acknowledge the evil that exists in the world, you will be annihilated to the exact same level of your naiveté.
Carl Jung (1875-1961), Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst
The Georgia Guide Stones (depopulation form 8 billion to 500 million people) are no more, so is the plan to cull the herd still in place? Here's advisor to French governments Jacques Attali, a Rothschild-associate, EU bobo, and self-proclaimed "inventor" and mentor of Macron, with his "Nazi" view (L’ Avenir De La Vie, M. Salomon, 1981) and some predictive programming (B22):
"In the future it will be about finding a way to reduce the population. We will start with the old, because as soon as he is over 60-65, man lives longer than he produces and costs society dearly. Then the weak and then the useless who do nothing for society ... and finally the stupid ones... Euthanasia will have to be an essential instrument of our future societies.
Of course, we cannot execute people or set up camps. We will get rid of them by making them believe it is for their own good. We will find something or cause it, a pandemic that targets certain people, a real economic crisis ... a virus that will affect the old or the fat, it doesn’t matter, the weak will succumb to it, the fearful and the stupid will believe it and ask [for] a treatment that will be the solution. The selection of idiots will thus be done by themselves: they will go to the slaughterhouse on their own."
Attali's announcements (denied by Glafia's factcheckers but confirmed here) meant that Glafia’s centuries long confidence game with the West’s pseudo-democracies is ending, and that the velvet glove is coming off the Arch-Fascist Fist (B2). We spent the four decades since 1981 on a slippery slope of increased rates of abortion and euthanasia (the latter first assisted, now moving to insisted). And very recently we saw massive rollouts of experimental Covid mRNA jabs, known to cause serious damage or death, yet given to huge numbers of people, with a cover-up to hide the alarming side-effects and unknown long-term damages (see Naomi Wolf, B16), combined with other, clearly eugenic activities during Covid (A7.3).
While Attali was still suggesting voluntary "treatment", initially limited to the elderly, the mandatory Covid "jab-treatment" was enforced on a massive scale (even in very young children and pregnant women), in a - failed - attempt to eliminate the control group. At the G20 meeting in '22, WHO's main financier and global health chief Bill Gates brought up the idea of death panels (smirking as always) to decide who would be offered treatment and who would be refused.
The desire for depopulation is an ancient aim of Glafia. In his 1798 Essay on the Principle of Population, Thomas Malthus, serving in the British East India Company (=The City =Glafia) argued that population growth would always surpass the increase in food production. As it soon turned out, he was wrong. In 1968, the argument of "too many humans" was repeated in The Population Bomb by Paul Ehrlich, a charlatan of pseudoscience in typical Glafia “inspired”style, with a very weak thesis and ridiculously wrong predictions, but embraced and feted by the media (see James Corbett on Ehrlich).
The cuddly Henry Kissinger wrote in 1974 (NSSM 200 "Kissinger Report"): “Depopulation should be the highest priority of U.S. foreign policy towards the Third World,” arguing that it would be easier for the West to grab their valuable resources. Recently, Harari gave it another brutal twist: “We just don’t need the vast majority of the population, because the future is about developing more and more sophisticated technology.” Yet all continents, except Africa, are on course to suffer the complications of a severe population collapse by the "greying factor".
Since WW2, many silent killers and infertility agents were released to weaken us systemically: it's striking that no country is doing any formal and systematic toxin monitoring, while regulatory, health protection, and research institutions abound – however all now captured by Glafia's proxies. Instead, their exclusive focus is on Glafia-made germs, and an essential gas, "the life of plants", CO2! (See also: Poisoned agriculture depopulation and human extinction.)
Even before Covid, the third cause of mortality was "iatrogenic" (Prof. Peter Gøtzsche, Deadly Medicines and Organized Crime): caused by Glafia's medical-pharmaceutical- vaccine system. That problem has become much worse with the Covid jabs, but it won't be counted as such, since this poisoning is manifesting itself as cancer (remission of cured cases, rare and aggressive forms, see Dr. Ryan Cole), strokes, heart attacks, dementia, liver disease, and so on.
Cultural (B18), spiritual (B19) and psychological (B36) subversion and war are also part of the mix, plus false ideologies (to blur personal identity, meaning and truth), massive fear mongering over the “crisis of the day”, distractions and addictions (pornography, gambling, gaming, drugs, etc.).
With the staged Ukraine war (B28), hunger, poverty, cold, millions of refugees, and extreme social discontent are sure to be added to the list. Combined with the expected financial collapse (B20, B35, A7.2) and more of the already ongoing chronic intoxication (B23) and geo-engineering (B40), the resulting combo looks likely to pale the Seven Plagues of Egypt.
Food quality and quantity will continue to decrease: not for the "elites", mind you, who will continue to eat organic in whichever country their private jet has lately landed. The Davos billionaires now also want unjabbed pilots to fly their planes (source: US Freedom Flyers).
Small and medium scale farming and homesteading will be made difficult or impossible. More and more people will be forced to live in "15 minute" cities where they can only buy fake food from Glafia's technified megafarms and industries, often genetically modified, and always with toxins. And often imported, as to increase the interdependence and control of nations (B26).
Sadly, many people are likely to live significantly shorter, (even) sicker lives than their ancestors: we may be approaching an era of “survival of the wise.” (Sally Fallon, WAP Foundation). Courageous Indian activist Vandana Shiva boldly sums it up as:
"The Great Reset is a project of extermination."
The European Union should do its best to undermine the homogeneity of its member states, because the future prosperity of many EU states depends on them becoming multicultural ... however difficult it may be to explain this to the citizens of those states.
Peter Sutherland (1946-2018), in 2012
Thanks to Peter Sutherland (Irish Glafia pawn, UN's special migration representative), we don't have to speak of a hidden replacement agenda anymore, neither can we be accused of spreading conspiracy theories. He wasn't the first to admit this, Nahum Goldmann wrote in 1915: "The first stage [of Destruction] requires elimination of all frontier borders, nationhood and culture...", see B18.
In the 1920s, EU-hero Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi (from an aristocratic family with Venetian roots) revealed plans for a “PanEuropa”, which would include a new mixed race of Europeans ("the Eurasian-Negroid race of the future"), ruled by a mixed Jewish/European aristocracy (almost certainly with a high proportion of Phoenician genes, see B8). G. Brock Chisholm, as director of the World Health Organization, allegedly stated (see disclaimer on cognitive infiltration):
“What people in all places have to do is to limit birthrates and promote mixed marriages, this aims to create a single race in a world which will be directed by a central authority.”
In 2010, Ms. Barbara Spectre, a big wig in European Jewry, declared:
“At this point in time Europe has not yet learned how to be multicultural ... Europe is not going to be the monolithic society that they were. Jews are going to be at the center of that ... They are now going into a multicultural mode and Jews will be resented because of our leading role ... without that transformation Europe will not survive.”
And in 2016, Germany's finance minister Wolfgang Schäuble, one of the country’s most influential persons, said that sealing off immigration would "break us and let us degenerate into inbreeding. Muslims are an [genetic] enrichment for Germany". More proof could be provided of this "democratic process", but hopefully the above suffices.
The fake political Left, championed by George Soros, has been the great defender of Glafia's "Open Society" policy, attacking any opponents of mass immigration as racist, xenophobic, ultra-rightist and Fascist. They fiercely attacked The Camp of the Saints, a 1973 novel by Jean Raspail, republished as a bestseller in 2011, which depicts the destruction of Western civilization through forced Third World mass immigration.
The same fate befell Renaud Camus with his 2011 book Le Grand Remplacement. which describes recent demographic changes in Europe as a "genocide by substitution" caused by intentional policies advanced by globalist elites. John Waters sees the immigrants as pawns for the powerful, used to dislodge the native population, so the elites can plunder our resources.
Legislation (e.g., on internet hate/harmful speech) is already creating privileged minorities, turning the people who built up those nations into second class citizens. It's basically a repetition of the Ulster trick, played 400 years ago by the British. That was a classic example of divide-and-rule, the old control trick of empires. A small group of British Protestants was planted in Ulster, in Northern Ireland, and then privileged (positive discrimination) over the Catholics. The rest is history, and a very nasty one. The trick has been successfully repeated in Palestine, this time with Jews (B15). For Glafia, that is: the common Irish, Jewish and Palestinian people have suffered tremendously from all the terror and fear these Glafia interventions caused.
Michelle Malkin (herself a migrant) shows, in Open Borders Inc.: Who’s Funding America’s Destruction, how most migration is not spontaneous, but orchestrated by criminal networks which encourage, organize, transport, feed, guide, smuggle, and otherwise facilitate the vast armies of migrants. She sees George Soros as the mastermind and central financier of this mass-migration chaos.
The "refugee crisis", deliberately caused by the Glafia staged wars in the Middle East, is also a step towards the Yinon plan (B15), by emptying lands for future annexation. Netanyahu proclaimed that Israel must become a “world power” (Arutz Sheva, 2015). Could emptying large parts of the Ukraine also be part of that agenda? See The New Jerusalem, B16.
We are all migrants
Let's be honest: we are all migrants, even our native populations. Some time ago, from some other place we emigrated: forced by hunger, slavery or war, or voluntarily, by curiosity or a desire for a better future. In the 19th century alone, over 50 million Europeans left for the Americas.
My paternal Huguenot ancestors came 500 years ago from southern Europe to Holland, after about 70,000 Huguenots were killed in France on Bartholomew Day, 8-24-1572 (my first name derives from "mew"). In 1622, a German mercenary army under Dutch command, financed by Venice, liberated the Dutch city they lived in, Bergen op Zoom, from Spanish rule (that's the version of the victors: many people probably preferred the Spanish over the Orange rule, as is known from other "liberated" Dutch cities, like Den Bosch). My family and I migrated to ex-Spanish Costa Rica in the late 1980’s and became well integrated.
Yet orchestrated mass migration and open borders are disruptive. It's like hanging a sign on your front door: Everybody welcome, no questions asked. Say, millions of Chinese are justifiably fed up with the CCP regime and want to leave their country of birth. They are very friendly and would love to live in your nice house, how many would you welcome? Please listen to African Cardinal Robert Sarah, who says that:
"...globalized humanity, without borders, is a hell... Men become unwitting members of a great planetary herd, that does not think, does not protest, and allows itself to be guided towards a future that does not belong to it... Everything must be done so that people can remain in the countries that saw their birth".
Cardinal Sarah also warns of the consequences for Europe, if mass immigration is permitted to continue. Long ago, Africa's development was deliberately blocked, so birth rates would remain high. That was done by those with the power to do so, via their corrupted and bribed proxies in all "independent" African countries.
The question must be asked whether this policy was to create a huge pool of potential pawns for Glafia's Migrant Plot?
The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it's profitable ... At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive ... they will just take down the scenery … and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.
Frank Zappa (1940-1993), American artist
All our political forms are exhausted and practically nonexistent. Our parliamentary system and electoral system and our political parties are just as futile as dictatorships are intolerable. Nothing is left. And this nothing is increasingly aggressive, totalitarian and omnipresent.
Jacques Ellul, in Anarchy and Christianity (1991)
In apostle John's Book of Revelation, Four Horsemen, with different weapons, play key roles in the Apocalypse. In the present End Game of the Glafia domination project, the main aims are:
- To install a Global Digital Prison, as in China (A7.4)
- To transfer the global hegemony from the West to the East – "Glafia goes East" (A7.5) - while the West is being dismantled.
Such gigantic transitions can only be realized under the cover of WAR and CHAOS. The efforts to bring (nuclear) war, pestilence, famine, financial crises, desperation and death on humanity are led by five principal Glafia controlled international institutions: NATO, WHO, UN, WEF, and BIS.
The NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 1949, presided by Jens Stoltenberg) is a military alliance between the US, Canada and 28 European countries. It wasn't dissolved when the Soviet Union ended (1991), and involved itself in many wars of aggression, naturally "to defend democracy and freedom" (Yugoslavia, War on Terror, etc.). With the CIA, NATO was involved in the secret Operation Gladio (A6.5), to terrorize European civilians: “You had to attack civilians, the people, women, children... The reason was quite simple – to force the people to turn to the state to ask for greater security” - Vincenzo Vinciguerra, Italian Gladio agent.
In the 1990's, after the demise of the Soviet Union, NATO started to push East, toward the Russian border, although they had promised the Russians not to do so. In 2022, these provocations culminated in Russia's special operation in the Ukraine (B28). As previously discussed, apart from the always present Big Carrot trick ($$ billions for the military- industrial-political complex), the war with Russia (and soon China?) fits the Glafia script by weakening the West, especially Europe, with its high dependency on Russian energy.
The WHO (World Health Organization, 1948, a UN agency, presided over by the dubious "Dr. Tedros") is seemingly a public institution, but the medical-industrial-political complex has it firmly in its eugenic/financial grip, with the ubiquitous Bill as its loudest figurehead and main financier.
They failed to pull of the hoped result with the 2009 swine flu pandemic (thanks, Wolfgang Wodarg!), but got quite a bit luckier with the Covid conspiracy (A7.3). Yet the truth is coming more and more into the limelight. Soon, their Covid mRNA jabs will register as the biggest attempt at democide in the history of mankind. In 2021-2, implementing digital "green passes" ("to protect your health!") as a permanent control mechanism met with too much resistance, and they have backed off from installing this key stone of the Digital Prison. They surely have more aces up their sleeves though, and are biding their time until they the next opportunity presents itself.
The UN (United Nations, 1945, presided by António Guterres) and its IPCC is leading the biggest scientific fraud in history: the CO2 caused climate crisis (B27), the pillar under UN's Agenda 2030. The late Rosa Koire stated:
“UN Agenda 21 (=2030) is ... to inventory and control all land, all water, all minerals, all plants, all animals, all construction, all means of production, all energy, all education, all information, and all human beings in the world.”
Well, couldn't that somehow fit somewhere in Glafia's 1522 plan? Maurice Strong added (1990): “Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse?” That's exactly what is happening right now. The UN is a scam with a destructive agenda, see also Oligarchs own the U.N. Quite recently, the UN merged with the corporate WEF in their 2019 Memorandum of Understanding..
The WEF (World Economic Forum, 1971, founded and still presided over by Kissinger’s and Maurice Strong's protegee Klaus Schwab) is "an independent international organization committed to improving the state of the world". And of course, it's "impartial and not tied to any special interests". That supposedly means that almost 1200 of the biggest international corporations pay high fees for WEF membership, just to enjoy the soothing looks and poetic words of Klaus. In reality, the WEF is another elite wolf in sheep's clothing pushing the agenda of the Predators. But Klaus sometimes forgets that and starts howling "we penetrate zhe cabinets" or "you will own nozhing and be happy".
Schwab’s April 2020 book "The Great Reset" must have been already penned by the start of the Covid chaos - "a rare but narrow window of opportunity to rethink, reinvent, and reset our world." Hordes of "global leaders" have been trained by the WEF, for Glafia's End Game. Behind its respectable facade, it plans to take away our freedom and our future as humans, by creating a “global useless class” and "improving" the rest of us with tech gadgetry and genetic messing, falsely promising to make us transhuman gods, while turning us into their Digistopian slaves.
The secretive and immune* BIS (Bank of International Settlements, Basel 1930, led by heavyweight Augustín Carstens) is the apex of the global banking system (including the BRICS countries), and under direct Glafia control. It's Glafia's Central Bank of all the world's central banks. The BIS played a key role in Glafia's Hitler project and will do so again in the coming financial and monetary collapse in the West, and in the Central Bank Digital Currency reform, with the goal of our total enslavement.
* See Laundering with Immunity: The Control Framework, par Corey Lynn
After Venetian and ex-Iberian Jewish merchants and bankers fused their capital and expertise with the machinery of state in Holland and then England, France, etc., in the 19th century they began to prepare the USA as their fourth Western hegemon (A5.2). During the 20th century, Glafia used its Anglo-American-Zionist proxies to destroy the old Eurasian order with its 13 sovereign empires, butchering over 200 million people in the process.
In 1956, the Rockefeller Special Studies Project, directed by Henry Kissinger, started to prepare a blueprint for a multipolar New World Order, Prospect for America (1961). That project (see excerpts in The Rockefeller plan for BRICS) has been materializing. It speaks of regionalized blocks of nations (like the later EU and NAFTA blocks) under a world government based on the (Rockefeller steered) United Nations, including "functional structures" for matters that require management beyond regional boundaries.
Note: the Rockefellers have had a foothold in China since 1863 (B3), while the Russell’s (China opium traders) founded the Skull & Bones secret society (1830) at Yale University, where almost all US Ambassadors to China were once initiated.
The Rockefeller-planned BRICS alliance cuts across such regional lines, as does the International Monetary Fund, which in 1969 introduced Special Drawing Rights, a precursor for a new global reserve currency (to substitute the US$) during Glafia's West to East shift (A7.5). In 1971, Glafia started the end phase of their US hegemon (A6.7). In the following years, Kissinger went to great lengths to spin Prospect for America (without ever naming it) as being in the best interest of the American people.
Kissinger succeeded, and America was duped into sacrificing a large part of its industries and self-reliance, to pull China into the New World Order, where it would agree to participate only as its global leader. In A7.5 on China's history we asked and answered the question:
Will an era of global peace, prosperity and freedom rise with a multipolar order led by China and Russia?
The answer was: Sorry, but NO, and five reasons were given. The fifth reason is extremely important: the money system litmus test with its 100% reliability and 0% false positives. Indeed, the whole multipolar effort will be futile if the present usurious money system, controlled by Glafia's banksters, is maintained, as it is fully incompatible with peace, prosperity for all, sustainability and freedom (B20).
The BRICS alliance was formed in 2006 and sold as the benevolent “multipolar world” led by China and Russia, but it's just the old gangsters, in new suits. Among its advocates are A. Dugin, Pepe Escobar, and Matthew Ehret. The first sign of this paradigm shift was the West’s quiet acceptance of Russia’s military role in Syria (2015). On the day of the '22 Russian attack on Ukraine, Dutch "mainstream" Professor Rob de Wijk appropriately declared that Putin was defining a new - multipolar - world order.
Since, Putin has given declarations in similar terms, and one time he combined it with unusual but true accusations of grave Western misconduct during WW2. Of course, Putin offers a limited hangout of the West's dirty laundry (B38), otherwise the West will open his can of worms (see Putin's False Flag, by Iain Davis). That's the beauty of a global control system where all national leaders are blackmailable gangsters!
The China-mediated Iran-Saudi deal of March '23 is another confirmation of the shift.
Confirmation of the above-mentioned thesis
Recently, the insightful Iain Davis published an excellent four-part analysis Welcome To The New Multipolar World Order, which commendably fleshes out the above introduction. Here's a summary:
Part 1 explains the large corporate influence on the UN, which became a global public- private-partnership (G3P), like the WEF, with which the UN is now associated. Both Putin and Xi mention the UN Charter as the basis for their multipolar project, where the Security Council - with its permanent members China, Russia, France, the UK and the US - is king. Far from defending [the fake] “national sovereignty”, as advertised in the multipolar propaganda, it is the embodiment of the centralization of global power and authority.
Part 2 notes that many “unipolar" stalwarts, including globalist oligarchs, have not only accepted the West-East power shift but also assisted it. Meanwhile, the multipolar leaders have underwritten the WEF policies on industrialization, AI and control of "misinformation". As Iain puts it:
"The ambition of the [Anglo-American] crowd that Quigley called “the Network”, like the ambition of the Rockefellers’ Special Studies Project [Prospect for America] and the ambition of the WEF’s Great Reset and the ambition of the Club of Rome and the ambition of the Council on Foreign Relations and the ambition of the BRICS, is, and always has been, global governance. Mere coincidence, yes?"
Part 3 relates the role of the WEF in the shift towards a multipolar model and refutes the claim that The Great Reset represents a defense of the unipolar order. Klaus Schwab confirmed this at the G20 meeting in 2022.
Part 4 focuses on China and Russia, where national governance is based upon the absolute fusion of the public and private sector (the old Glafia method, see the first sentence of this essay, and previous discussions in this book). This, in tandem with the UN’s new phase as a public-private partnership leader (in a new alliance with the corporate WEF), where Russia and China happen to be the two permanent Security Council members which are taking the lead on the development of the multipolar world order. According to Iain, this must be a coincidence!
For more recent confirmations of the above hypothesis, see:
- Paul Cudenec's BRICS item, which ends with these words: “This is quite clearly the same old system that has been running the show for a very long time now!"
- Edward Slavsquat with a textual comparison between the last BRICS meeting in Joburg and the last G20 meeting, shows a striking similarity.
-, Who wants a multipolar world order, Part 1 and Part 2.
- Edward Slavsquat’s conversation with Iurie Rosca.
There are tales that villagers in ancient China paid their healer only when they were healthy. Sick people were treated but stopped paying. The healthier the people, the better for the healer! And for the people!
from hearsay
Once you accept that [materialist] science is the only source of human knowledge, you have adopted a philosophical position (scientism) that cannot be verified, or falsified, by science itself. It is, in a word, unscientific.
Thomas Burnett, American science writer
Essay B26, on agriculture, explained the US-led project to vertically integrate all major economic activities on earth. Today, the BIG corporations managing such vertical production chains are mainly owned and controlled by asset managers such as BlackRock and Vanguard, both proxies in Glafia's global domination project (B9).
The global health care sector is no exception, and efforts for its vertical integration started in the early 20th century. It was once again the Rockefellers (initially financed and supported by the Rothschilds, A5.2) who developed the modern Pharma (and later also the vaccine) industry, using crude oil as the main raw material. For many years they have controlled the whole health care chain, including academia, research and development, education centers, medical associations and health professionals, media (medical book and journal publishers, but also the corporate media to influence the public), labor unions, health insurance and banking corps, many hospitals, foundations; and even certain "grassroots" patient organizations!
In addition, since decades they have financed and controlled the "independent" regulatory institutions that allegedly protect our health, like the WHO (UN), CDC (US), EMA (EU) and MHRA (UK). And as "competition is a sin" (John D. Rockefeller), they of course tried with all their might to crush all natural and indigenous (often ancient) medicine traditions and related practices (which started with the Flexner report, in 1910), to favor their Medical Monopoly. In cahoots with Glafia's media, their official narrative, said to be based on "science", is fiercely defended. Since Covid, the medical guilds they control stepped up the persecution of "dissenters": free-thinking doctors remaining true to their oaths.
In Glafia's gigantic, vertical global chains, the shareholders of the BIG corporations define the policies. Their business model is diametrically opposed to the Chinese example mentioned in the intro of this section. It doesn't rest on healthy people, but on sick people: the more sick people, the better for Pharmafia's shareholders! And fortunately, there are many stealthy ways to make that happen. What about applying the trusted Cosa Nostra protection racket to medicine?
Inventing diseases as bogeymen is just one option, deliberately spreading toxins in food, medicines, plastics, air, is another. That makes Pharmafia the enemy of our health. Yet by having a greying, good looking doctor with a stethoscope around his neck, claiming that a new, revolutionary Pharma product "follows the science", they convince the brainwashed public (B39, Snow is Black), time after time.
The "high cholesterol causes heart disease" scam, from which only statins can protect us, became the greatest source of profit in the history of Pharmafia (prior to the Covid jabs). Yet the theory is invalid, and statins are dangerous. A classic example of a protection racket! ADHD / Ritalin and pain / Oxycodone are other hits, but not for public health. The "HIV causes AIDS" and "AZT cures HIV" protection rackets, with tens of thousands of casualties, is masterly dissected in Robert Kennedy Jr.'s shocking book The Real Anthony Fauci ("I am science").
If you can't imagine there are people that horrid, or democratic states that wouldn't stop them, consider The Old Merchants of Death - the war industry, owned by the very same people and asset managers - who are the enemies of peace. Remember that it was Glafia's Anglo-American-Zionist proxies who carried out the project to subdue Eurasia, with no scruples over causing the killing of over 200 million people, with many more maimed, just in the 20th century.
Because all these truths were obscured by our scientists, governments and media, recently billions of people could be inoculated to "protect grandma", with experimental Covid jabs never tested for prevention of infection or transmission, nor for long term effects. To add insult to injury, compelling reports on large quantities of DNA in the Covid jabs, and also toxic nanotechnological products and the addition of graphene (highly conductive to electromagnetic radiation) are becoming available (Nanotechnology, Synthetic Biology by Ana Mihalcea). An enormous cover-up of the serious side effects of this protection racket, quite often death itself, is still going on (A7.3).
In his book Medical Nemesis (1975), Ivan Illich famously attacked the medicalization of society. In Murder by Injection (1988), Eustace Mullins explained the wider context of Glafia's attempt to monopolize the global economy. Renowned epidemiologist Peter Gøtzsche's scary book Deadly Medicines and Organized Crime: How Big Pharma Has Corrupted Healthcare (2013) addresses, in evidence-based detail, "an extraordinary system failure caused by widespread crime, corruption, bribery and impotent drug regulation in need of radical reforms."
Medical treatments are now the third cause of death (indicated as iatrogenic) in Western countries. You may still argue that all these drugs are scientifically tested for safety and efficiency, with the results published in respected, peer reviewed journals. That's all true, but the most famous article by the most influential medical scientist ever, dr. John Ioannidis, is titled "Why most [80%] published research findings are false" (2005). (See also Dr. Marcia Angell's book, The Truth about the Drug Companies.)
This also applies to vaccines. The US ranks very high in child vaccinations (70+ jabs for 17+ diseases by age 18), yet its health parameters are among the lowest in the West. Japan ranks low in child vaccinations, but much higher in health scores. See also the unofficial “control group” results from U.S based Amish children. (Zero [unvaccinated] Amish Children Diagnosed with Cancer, Diabetes or Autism.)
As it turns out, 1) the placebos used in vaccine safety studies are not simple saline solutions as prescribed, but vaccines stripped of the antigen, still containing all other, potentially toxic ingredients. And 2) shockingly, NO official long-term studies have EVER been done to compare a group of fully vaccinated children with a control group of unvaccinated children!
Since the 1980's, when vaccine producers were liberated from any liability for their products, the US has paid out over 4.5 billion dollars as compensation for vaccine harms, which is considered a very tiny fraction of the real damage. And by the way, per capita health cost in the US stood at $146 in 1960, and is now close to $15,000, or 100x higher (meanwhile, the gold price rose 47x).
Missing trillions
The day before the 9/11/2001 false flag attack on the World Trade Center (A7.1), Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld mentioned a serious threat to the United States, a "matter of life and death": the Pentagon bureaucracy, which couldn't account for 2.3 trillion dollar (that's with 12 zeros). The next day, the Pentagon offices of the accountancy analysts who studied this problem were hit, officially by a plane, which killed dozens of researchers and destroyed all archives and systems. A similar research center in the WTC7 building was also destroyed, after it collapsed partly in free fall, while not being hit by any plane.
Already in the 90's, the brave Catherine Austin Fitts had blown the whistle:
"... evidence that a very large proportion of US wealth is being illegally diverted since several decades into secret, unaccountable channels and programs ... including covert operations and subversions abroad and clandestine military R&D at home. Public institutions have been infiltrated and taken over by shadowy groups in the service of powerful private and vested interests, often at the expense of the common good."
In 2017, Fitts and Michigan University economist Prof. Mark Skidmore published the disappearance of $21 trillion ($64,000/US person) over 17 years, by the Departments of Defense and Housing alone. Skidmore's newest 2021 amount of missing trillions is $94 T (the Gross World Product is $80-90 T/year). He sums it up as “LaLaLand”: the partygoers are unaware that the stage they're dancing on is hollowed out and set up for collapse.
Hypersonic missiles
In a March 2018 surprise, Vladimir Putin unveiled six game-changing "new generation" weapons including the nuclear powered Kinzhal and Avantgard hypersonic missiles, which left the American military speechless. How could Russia, with its tiny defense budget, beat the "exceptional" Americans with their advanced military technology and practically unlimited resources?
That had happened only once: when American astronauts bragged about their million dollar zero-gravity pen, and their Russian colleague pulled a pencil stub from behind his ear. My speculation is that there is a relation here with the disappearing funds in "LaLaLand". Catherine Austin Fitts postulated that there is a Breakaway Civilization with a Black Budget funded by those missing trillions. Think Area 51, the secret US Air Force facility in Nevada.
Americans giving away military secrets to "archenemies" is not so outrageous as it seems. The US government is a Glafia proxy as shown repeatedly throughout this book, and so was the Soviet Union and now Russia, and China too. And there are precedents: during WW2, the US ran a gigantic military support program for the Soviets, called Lend Lease. Stalin even received a nice present, a dollar press, which allegedly printed him $300 million.
In From Russia with Thanks, Major George L. Jordan describes how atomic secrets and construction materials for atomic installations were air shipped from Great Falls, Montana, to the USSR. At the time (1942), the Manhattan project still was a total secret, supposedly. Later, A. Sutton's research showed that this was not an isolated incident at all. His 1986 book The Best Enemy Money can Buy irrefutably proves that the productive and military basis of the Soviet Union was built by American technology.
At the end of the 20th century, American civil and military technology was also passed to Communist China, on a large scale and often with Israel in an intermediary role (see Iain Davis ). That happened also by admitting Chinese spies. Monica's major role was not to smoke cigars with Bill Clinton in the White House, but to distract us from his real scandal: the many Chinese spies he let in. "Similar men, with a common aim, secretly rule in both camps", wrote Douglas Reed, who understood the game early on.
While Russia, and China too, are enjoying superior military technology, possibly developed with the missing US trillions, the UK and US military suffer setbacks on every corner, while pushing hard on their gender agenda (joke: the Chinese are now training to paralyze US soldiers without the need for fighting, by addressing them with the wrong pronouns). Iain Davis adds:
“The British can’t build ships that function in warm water, and their aircraft carriers can’t sail more than a few nautical miles without breaking down. And no one in the West can build a fighter aircraft that actually works. Yet Russia has taken submarine technology to a new level, and everyone is pretty sure China has developed AI “intelligentized” fighting capability.”
As UKColumn's Brian Gerrish stresses, what we are watching aren't random errors or sudden stupidity, but a war effort by our governments to destroy our own civilization. In October '22, the Heritage Foundation rated the U.S. military for the first time as “weak” and probably unsuited for one major regional conflict. That might be a ruse. Yet, while their proxy war on the Ukrainian front is becoming more and more problematic each day, the Americans are doing their utmost best to irritate China. Not stupidity if we believe Brian, but a deliberate attempt to complicate the future of the West - which is fully in accord with Glafia's plan to go East, see A7.5.
Do UFO's also fit in?
With a few missing trillions, and the best scientists and engineers money can buy, you could probably build vehicles to escape gravity, a technology that was perhaps used by Nicola Tesla or the Nazis (see Joseph Farrell). You could then keep part of humanity mesmerized by another Glafia theater show (in which the faked moon landings are an essential element).
For proof, the UFO scene is riddled with Glafia minions like Laurance Rockefeller and dr. Steven Greer, and even the Vatican, see The Vatican Has Information on Extraterrestrials, with Monsignor Balducci. Most UFO sources are military (Glafia), while the globalist-directed "grassroots" Disclosure Movement is mainly run by the CIA (part of Glafia's intelligence service). See also Wait, are they REALLY going to do a psy-op.
And don't forget: if the mainstream press is unison, that's diagnostic for a Glafia operation. It looks like it's all set up to distract us, I'm afraid.
The totalitarian attempt at global conquest and total domination has been the destructive way out of all impasses. Its victory may coincide with the destruction of humanity; wherever it has ruled, it has begun to destroy the essence of man.
Hannah Arendt (1906-'75), German born American author, in The Origins of Totalitarianism (1948)
If one can isolate the mass, allow no free thinking, no free exchange, no outside corrective, and can hypnotize the group daily with noises, with press and radio and television, with fear and pseudo-enthusiasms, any delusion can be instilled... Delusions, carefully implanted, are difficult to correct.
Joost A.M. Meerloo (1903-1976), Dutch psychiatrist, in Rape of the Mind (1956)
The perfect dictatorship would have the appearance of a democracy, but would basically be a prison without walls in which the prisoners would not even dream of escaping. It would essentially be a system of slavery where, through consumption and entertainment, the slaves would love their servitudes.
attributed to Aldous Huxley (1894-1963)
The masses … are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods.
Adolf Hitler (1889-?), in Mein Kampf
The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those who speak it.
George Orwell (1903-1950), English author
Meerloo's prophetic book Rape of the Mind, published eleven years after World War II and partly based on his interviews with ex-prisoners of war, reads as a description of our present Western world. Free thinking or dissent is now a heresy, and in the new cancel culture the dissenters face retaliation by family, friends or employers, or the state. Our present "democratic" system is threatening or freezing bank accounts to neutralize heretic politicians, political parties or opposition movements (recall Justin and the truckers). In his 2015 book The Globalization of War, Michel Chossudovsky had already compared this with the Spanish Inquisition burning the heretics of Catholicism.
Free exchange of ideas and opinions is more and more obstructed, by:
- Glafia's complete control over the (descending) mainstream media which never touch "third rail" topics.
- Attempts to censor the (ascending) alternative internet media.
By default (and by AI), heretic opinions are declared mis- or dis-information: not based on any truth criterium, but on the basis of their dissenting from the official narrative! They are then blocked from social media like YouTube and Facebook. The respected UKColumn was blocked for a report on a person with serious mRNA jab damage. Respectable and experienced independent doctors and scientists with verified but dissident information are immediately frozen out, while industry-sponsored medical associations are eager to take their licenses away.
Internet search machines are increasingly biased toward the official narrative. Recently, many internet sources (with Google in the lead), as well as critical books on Amazon have been "e-burned". In many countries legislation is underway to end the free exchange of information on the internet, by prohibiting legal but harmful information, where "harmful" is defined case-by-case. If anyone can declare anything "harmful", that would be seriously dangerous to free speech. To paraphrase Klaus Schwab: we're left with "a rare but narrow window of opportunity" to spread the truth.
As proven during the Covid saga, social engineering is done in a scientific way by governments and the media. That leads to a collective psychosis, which Prof. Mattias Desmet calls mass formation psychosis, which induces a hypnosis-like state: targeted people act like robots on reality, only able to react in a binary way, where everything is now labeled, either Bad or Good. That’s “political correctness”.
This is the reason why many doctors didn’t question the Covid narrative, and why people react with bewilderment to others labeled BAD, even if they’re trusted family or friends. Reason and logic are useless in the face of such mass psychosis, as Meerloo states:
“Reason and common human decency are no longer possible in such a system: there is only a pervasive atmosphere of terror, and a projection of the enemy in our midst. Thus society turns on itself, urged on by the ruling authorities.”
“Anti-vaxxers” are a recent example of “enemies in our midst”. Questioning the official narrative on 9/11, human caused global warming, or the Ukraine war are also reasons for cancelation. Meerloo again:
“Totalitaria [a fictitious totalitarian country] is constantly on the alert for social sinners, the critics of the system, and accusation of dissent is equivalent to conviction in the public eye”.
There's now an army of fact checkers - all Glafia paid, see Fact checking 21st Century - to determine who is sinning against the official narrative. The MINDSPACE document (UK, 2010) is just one proof of the scientific approach used in what Meerloo calls menticide:
“Menticide is ... an organized system of psychological intervention and judicial perversion through which a [ruling class] can imprint [their] own opportunistic thoughts upon the minds of those [they] plan to use and destroy.”
As Meerloo already knew, repeated waves of terror are more effective: "Each wave ... creates its effect more easily - after a breathing spell - than the one that preceded it because people are still disturbed by their previous experience." Wasn't that exactly what happened during Covid? A century ago, Pavlov already knew that isolation is important to condition animals. Lockdowns, 1.5-meter, closed pubs and churches, anyone?
The military and secret services played important roles in the Covid campaigns (UKColumn, Mind section). On Menticide 101 (three parts), Dr. Bruce Scott discusses how the state used applied behavioral psychology in the Covid effort, with deliberate tactics to make people more fearful and to encourage people to shame others for not following rules, while breaking the ethical rules for psychologists. He notes striking similarities to domestic physical and psychological abuse. To which we may add the striking similarities with the also Glafia-staged Nazi regime.
Apparently, Meerloo was unaware of who was behind The Great 20th Century Slaughter of Eurasia: Glafia and its Anglo/American/Jewish minions. Anyway, he left us a hopeful outlook:
"Man will ultimately revolt even under an absolute dictatorship".
Freedom is the unrestricted freedom to exercise our inalienable rights. It is the freedom to do all that is right whenever or wherever we choose. No one on this Earth has the authority to deny, remove or redefine any of our inalienable rights. They are immutable and ours from birth.
Iain Davis
The danger of the past was that men became slaves. The danger of the future is that men may become robots.
Erich Fromm (1900-1980), German author, member of the Frankfurt Schule
The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.
Albert Camus (1913-'60), French author
Since the dawn of civilization and hierarchical social structures, first under visible aristocrats, much later under pseudo-democracies steered by hidden, ruthless oligarchs, the freedom of the common people has always been limited. Slavery used to be the norm, an established institution protected by law or religion (as in the Hebrew Bible). Slaves came in multicolor, as did slave traders.
The idea that white people were the only slave traders in history is patently false: since the 16th century, once the Spanish and British colonies in the Americas developed, white slave traders indeed bought black slaves, yet from black slave traders in West Africa. And by the way: “Jewish merchants played a major role in the [Atlantic] slave trade”, wrote Rabbi Marc Lee Raphael (see also Review of The Jewish Onslaught, and Jewish scholarship exterminated by new antisemitism definition). And regrettably, Israel is still a global center for human trafficking (a $150 billion operation).
Long before that, Arab slave traders had been buying millions of black slaves from black slave traders in East Africa. Over a centuries longduration, the Venetians made big money in the trade of white slaves from the lands bordering the Black Sea (e.g., Romania and Ukraine). These slaves were in high demand, especially the women, by Muslims in the Middle East and Northern Africa. Many European sailors hijacked by Barbary pirates also ended up as slaves in Northern Africa. For centuries, the British used the Irish, and also their own poor and prisoners, as slaves in American plantations. See Michael Hoffman's book They Were White and They Were Slaves, and America's Buried History of White Slavery.
The black slave trade for the Americas was a large scale and despicable operation, but it's only the top of the iceberg. How about wage slavery, in the many - also Western - societies where workers were unprotected and heavily exploited, and in the countries where they still are a disposable means of production? Or debt slavery, but not as Wikipedia describes it, as the traditional, small scale debt bondage. No, this is about global debt slavery to Glafia's banking system, with the astonishing and unpayable total amount of $350 trillion, or $45K per earth inhabitant (B20), which Wikipedia doesn't even bother to mention.
For anyone with a basic knowledge of history, the idea of reparation payments, but only for black slavery by whites, is grotesque. To name just a few examples that render the idea absurd: who is going to pay reparations to the Irish, the Palestinians, the Romanians, or the 200 million Eurasians who died and the many more maimed in The Great 20th Century Slaughter, staged by Glafia's UK, US and Jewish proxies?
The idea of offering excuses for slavery, often promoted by leftist do- and be-gooders, is equally spurious. Both proposals do not solve anything but shield the real perpetrators of colonization and slavery (Glafia & its proxies), while blaming and charging the common people, but only the white ones. That's Critical Race Theory, where the pigments in your skin define if you're an aggressive oppressor (white) or a peaceful victim (with some degree of dark pigments).
In Glafia's domination project, two more slavery modes are paramount: mental slavery (mind control, in B21, and menticide and mass formation psychosis, in B36) and a frightening project, on these pages named the Global Digital Prison, or Digistopia, on which Glafia and its proxies of the military-security-Big Tech-complex have been working for over 50 years (A7.4).
While enjoying the stunning benefits and conveniences of modern electronic technology, we have unwittingly been building our own Digistopian Prison. As has become crystal clear after Covid, "vaccination" passports, digital ID, censoring of the internet, and Central Bank Digital Currencies will stay firmly on the global agenda. The term "acceleration" is now often used: the increasing awakening of the common people is rightly worrying them!
In terms of freedom and independence, Digistopia won't bring us back to the slavery of the Middle Ages, but to an all-time historic low: the status of chipped cattle on Glafia's Farm Earth, on a strict jabbing, food and energy ration, totally dependent on services and products provided by Glafia's monopolistic ESG certified corporations (Environmental, Social, and Governance), with no independent producers or providers left. We will have to swallow what "They" serve us, be it toxic food, toxic messages, or toxic "treatments".
Dissent of the slaves will be detected and deterred by digital surveillance up to the level of thought monitoring, and coercion, via UBI, CDBC, and a digital infrastructure in cities, homes, cars, our bodies (implants) and public cattle gates. But this system has its weaknesses and may in the end prove untenable: within days or weeks, electric/electronic failures (by sabotage, accidents, war, natural or bomb caused Electro Magnetic Pulse effects) will be fatal for millions. That's the "new, resilient, zero-carbon society" they brag about!
Let's stop the march towards Digistopia before it is too late!
There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.
Søren Kierkegaard (1813-1855), Danish philosopher
The common influencers in our Plato's Cave, like TV hosts, "experts" and "spin doctors", simply communicate the official narrative ("untruth") of important events to the masses. Untruth includes all types of deceit, but also omission, especially of the necessary context, and also of a solid framework for the interpretation of past and present events (like The Predators’ theory, A8.1). This independent book, like others (see below), tries to unmask those untruths, in an unlimited hangout of the dirty laundry.
In contrast, a gatekeeper is a Glafia controlled influencer targeting a certain group by disclosing part of the truth - in a limited hangout - to prevent that group from gaining more knowledge of truth. Take Karl Marx and his criticism of capitalism. He knew it was a cover for a secret global domination project (see Marx quote in B10), yet he didn't elaborate on this key information. Instead, he focused his theories on the class struggle and labor value (B12). By educating people with genuine grievances against capitalism with a "limited hangout", he barred them from the full truth, the domination plan, turning them into a neutralized or controlled opposition. His Glafia handlers were very happy!
As for today's gatekeepers, once you understand their method of “limited hangouts”, you'll find them on every corner, wherever you go. The eldest living exemplar on the Left is the still influential Noam Chomsky. He does address the proxies and part of their crimes (but not their staging of WW1 and 2), yet he never touches the Glafia core, whose existence he strongly denies. 9/11 became his failed public litmus test, making many people aware of his role as gatekeeper. For proof, see Kevin Barrett on Chomskys ties to Jeffrey Epstein. Still, as the fact that I have used some of Chomsky’s valuable quotes in this book shows, information from gate-keepers can be of value, as long as we keep The Big Picture in mind.
David Icke is very well informed on the global domination conspiracy. Yet he has done serious harm to the truth movement by his penchant for talking about shape shifting, human blood drinking reptilians and aliens, which the public takes as proof that all his statements are nonsense. Psy-ops (psychological operations) like QAnon, Flat Earth, NESARA/GESARA, the NO-virus theory and UFO's, are most probably Glafia-created, and using similar tactics.
We now also have the Covid litmus test, which showed that all governments of the 193 UN countries are on the Glafia side of history. Satirist C.J. Hopkins passes this test with flying colors but seeing him interviewed on Fox News made me frown. It's difficult to give a final verdict, and we must recognize that we all have blind spots. Always be careful, skeptical and discerning!
One of the best kept global secrets is the monstrous role of Glafia's Anglo-American-Zionist proxies, the Arch-Fascists (B2), in staging The Great 20th Century Slaughter of Eurasia, including the Holocaust: yet since the end of WW2, they have been parading as liberators and serenaded every year. The evidence for this accusation is presented by A. Sutton, C. Quigley, Docherty & MacGregor, Guido Preparata, James Bacque, Rabbi Moshe Shonfeld and others.
All these researchers have been completely ignored by official historians and the official, and even the alternative media. Apart from Preparata’s and Docherty & MacGregor, there is NO website defending this thesis. Ron Unz, in his effort to unveil American Pravda, has made condescending remarks on several of these books. For this and other reasons he's a gatekeeper. Yet there is still plenty of interesting material to read in his work and on his website.
There is no denying that international Jewry played and still plays a key role in the Glafia project. But with so many important accomplices, it is illogical and counter-productive to focus only on them (B16). However, many limited hangouts were launched to protect Glafia's Jewish proxies. One such is the John Birch Society (1958), with a focus on a non-Jewish global conspiracy, which was financed by the Rockefeller (allegedly non-Jewish, but who knows?).
Senator Joseph McCarthy was proven right on the huge Communist infiltration in the US government, but he limited his hangout by never naming the Jewish key role: we know now that he had a deal with Jewry to execute this 1950's anti-communist campaign. See also Blacklisted by History, by M. Stanton Evans. McCarthy's Jewish handler was Roy Cohn, right from the "swamp", who in his later years would assist Donald Trump in his rise fame. Small world, isn't it? Roy Cohn figures prominently on the title page of One Nation under Blackmail by Whitney Webb on the Jeffrey Epstein saga.
The LaRouche group & its offspring (incl. G. Edward Griffin, Webster Tarpley, Matthew Ehret) have done some great conspiracy research, but very selective in its scope: very rarely mentioning the Jewish proxies, and always obfuscating the disastrous role of USA, and more importantly, Glafia's bankers behind it. This becomes blatant in the June 2023 documentary The Great Awakening, with Griffin in the lead role, an impressive film, yet one which fails penetrate the root cause. What it says is true, but it goes only halfway. Alex Jones has also kept Glafia and its Jewish proxies out of sight. Stop World Control is also a case in point.
Are critics of the West like Pepe Escobar, Matthew Ehret, and others, dishonest when they declare the multipolar world the "solution for all evil"? Not necessarily, but they would not have to look hard to find Rockefeller's 1961 multipolar design in Prospect for America (and other arguments given in B33), nor to apply the money system and other litmus tests (B20). The gatekeeper network also extends in virtually all political parties. As a rule, all of the opposition parties and movements are controlled, often through their leaders. The British labor party is a clear case, as were the Marxist parties in the West. For more info, see Michael Collin’s Piper’s book The Judas Goats and Rounding the Earth, which uses the term Chaos Agents. And Cicero’s description of “the traitors within the gates” (A8).
With gatekeepers wherever you go, and Google and other search engines hiding more information every day, are there still honest and independent analysts left? Yes, but few and far between.
Apart from the authors mentioned above, my still incomplete list includes James Corbett, Vandana Shiva, Terry Boardman, Kevin Barrett, Whitney Webb, Michel Chossudovsky, the "family", Catherine Austin Fitts, John Waters, Johnny Vedmore, Polly St George, Jennifer Bilek, dr. Mercola, Thierry Meyssan, Cory Morningstar, Michael Hoffman, James Perloff, Joseph Farrell, Paul Cudenec, Iurie Rosca, Naomi Wolf,, Corey Lynn, Ernst Wolff, Charles Eisenstein, Edward Curtain, F. William Engdahl, Iain Davis and Brandon Smith (Alt-Market).
They may differ on several details, and we all have blind spots, but I see them all as forces for good.
Nothing can now be believed which is seen in a newspaper. Truth itself becomes suspicious by being put into that polluted vehicle... I really look with commiseration over the great body of my fellow citizens, who, reading newspapers, live and die in the belief that they have known something of what has been passing in the world.
Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826), third president of the USA
We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.
William Casey (1913-1987), CIA director, as reported by Barbara Honegger
The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum — even encourage the more critical and dissident views. That gives people the sense that there’s free thinking going on...
Noam Chomsky (1928-), American scientist
In a really free society (see opening quote in B37), the education of our children would also be free, and unregulated. Parents and other adults would teach the children how to become free-thinking and respected members of the community. Schooling would include a worldview explaining what the essence of life is, and that we don't come from some muddy soup below, but from above; what our inalienable rights are; ways to become self-reliant; and to prepare children for the threats, conflicts and challenges that might appear on their personal and communal paths.
Our unique human creativity, originating from our mysterious connection to the spiritual realm (and not to computers), would be stimulated as early as possible. When we were still hunter-gatherers, it likely went that way. Rudolf Steiner worked it out for the Waldorf Schools, now numbering over 1200. A free education as just described is of course not what Glafia had in mind for its global domination project. They want obedient and disciplined workers who happily fit into their corporate system, don't ask unpleasant questions and don't join labor unions (which Glafia controls anyhow).
Presently, through their WEF and other minions, they are even taking this a step further, by using the laudable sounding justification of environmentalism to elevate technology to a level where human freedom will cease to exist (B37 on slavery), and where most humans become superfluous (The de-population agenda B30, B40).
During the 20th century, Glafia bent the US education system to their will (the same happened elsewhere). That effort was financed by the Carnegie and Rockefeller Foundations and led by John Dewey, the father of socialist education. Two outstanding persons have unmasked this scandal: John Taylor Gatto (Dumbing Us Down) and Charlotte Iserbyt (The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America).
They describe how changes (some even co-developed with Soviet experts) were gradually brought into the American public education system, which dumbs down and conditions children to become part of the herd of cattle in the coming totalitarian world order. And exactly as Nahum Goldmann had announced in 1916 (B18), the system tries to eliminate the influence of the parents on children, because many in this generation of parents still defend their traditional values. See also the 2022 USA Today article "California should abolish parenthood, in the name of equity", just as communism and socialism had tried before (B12, B13).
The vile Bertrand Russell summed it up nicely in The Impact of Science on Society (1951):
"Education should aim at destroying free will".
That's quite easy once you believe in materialist/atheist science. He then stated that the test of an effective education was to produce in the student the "unshakable conviction that Snow is Black." That level has now been reached in the large number of people who uncritically received instructions as: "Covid mRNA jabs are safe and effective" and "CO2 is the control knob of global climate". And "the war in the Ukraine is to defend our freedom and democracy."
Just follow the - corrupted - Science!
Where education stops, the mainstream media take over, building on the "unshakable conviction that snow is black". In fact, a main goal of controlled education is to create receptiveness for such media, so public consent can be manufactured, and the masses can be reined in (see the Bernays quote in B21). In the same vein, they are taught that voting is a holy duty, to keep the fake democracy going.
For a long time, the most important media have been Glafia-controlled. Already in 1807, Thomas Jefferson wrote that "nothing can now be believed which is seen in a newspaper". John Swinton, editor of The New York Times, said in an 1883 speech:
“The business of the ... journalist is to destroy the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the feet of Mammon... We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes... We are intellectual prostitutes.”
If anything has changed since then, it's for the worse, see Udo Ulfkotte's Bought Journalists. Independent publishers are now virtually extinct, while the controlled media are highly consolidated, and owned by the very same BlackRock & Co. In Plato's Cave, the media always project a positive image of the butchering West and its criminal leaders: that of democracy, free trade and freedom, a righteous and honorable force tirelessly fighting against the many evils of this world. When he’s not on vacation, Ol’ Joe does this act every day.
As for the alternative media, most are also controlled, as described in Gatekeepers wherever you go (B38). The few independent ones are in a danger zone, see also Suggested Reading. The social media platforms cannot be trusted either, as they are increasingly applying censorship, in cahoots with our corrupted governments, to filter out all dissenting views. They are also infiltrated by the military and security services, for "Counter Disinformation" purposes. During the Covid episode, the Dutch anti-terrorism unit coordinated Covid policies, while the British Army had a 20,000-person task force in just the 77th Brigade, many of them supposedly with Covid troll accounts (see Big Brother watch report: Ministry of Truth- the Secret Government units spying on your speech). In the USA, the Pentagon coordinated the Covid effort, making it a military operation, in which Glafia's mainstream media were again vital.
Modern art and culture is also very influential, especially through the film (Hollywood) and music industry (see David McGowan’s Laurel Canyon, and Musical Truth by Mark Devlin). highlights the occult Glafia symbolism used constantly in these industries. The power of the media, as of education, rests mainly on behavioral science and psychology (see B36 on menticide; for a short background article see Meanwhile, the mainstream media are corrupted by millions of dollars from Glafia funding, via Bill Gates, George Soros and others.
But there is also a seldom mentioned occult dimension too it, MAGIC, on which its extraordinary, often hypnotizing effect is probably based. As mentioned previously, the book Eros and Magic in the Renaissance by prof. Ioan Culianu gave away some clues on this connection, and probably cost the author his life (B19).
It is morally reprehensible and an offense against humanity and the Earth to interfere with the normal function of the planetary system – to cause or enhance storms, hurricanes, tsunamis, monsoons, mud slides, draught, flooding, earthquakes or volcano eruptions.
Rosalie Bertell (1929-2012), American scientist and activist, in her 2010 petition
To briefly recap: during the five centuries of its domination project, Glafia has weaponized numerous people and groups, often "elites" and governments, for their purposes. Spain and Portugal were the first countries they weaponized for the colonization of the "low hanging fruit" of the Third World. That was followed by the weaponization of Holland and England (A3), France (A4.3) and the USA (A5.2), so Glafia could play them on Lord Curzon's "chessboard for the great game of the operation to subdue Eurasia's 13 empires, the "high hanging fruit". For the World Wars which Glafia would stage, they weaponized the Communists (B12), Socialists (B13), and Zionists (B15), and also the future Axis powers Germany, Italy and Japan (A5.5).
In the 20th century, they weaponized Nazism (B14), Cultural Marxism (B18), Big Agri business with GMO and pesticides (B26), electromagnetic radiation (G5, G6), climatism (B27), eugenics (B30), immigration (B31), menticide (psy-ops to kill the free mind, B36) and wokeism, including the LGBT+ community (B29), all to serve their domination purposes. In the 20th and 21st century, and even earlier, Glafia also weaponized many Muslims. And let’s not forget the Military-Industrial Complex and the Medical-Industrial Complex (Pharmafia, B34), respectively the Old and the New Merchants of Death. Neither should be forgotten the weaponization of the sciences of life, history, law and economics, and the mainstream media, and education programs (B39, Snow is Black).
Unfortunately, that's not all. The distinguished and award-winning Rosalie Bertell (1929-2012) repeatedly called our attention for Glafia's (not her term) Ultimate Weapon of Geo-engineering. Bertell warned that this technology is turning into a weapon of mass destruction, including wrecking our planet. She urged for geoengineering to be stopped immediately. In the 2021 book Global WAR-NING: Geoengineering Is Wrecking Our Planet and Humanity (, Claudia von Werlhof, who continues Bertell's work, defines it as the "weaponization of Mother Earth":
"Military geoengineering is a macro-technology to influence and to change planetary processes and at the same time a micro-technology to influence our bodies and minds, a mind control technology. But military geoengineering is kept not only hidden from the public... In the meantime, the real geoengineering is, however, violently transforming the planet for military use against us and itself. This means that Mother Earth is “weaponized”, trying to change her into a giant war machine."
However, despite its important development in the last 75 years, geo-engineering is rarely debated, and certainly not at the many COP and other climate conferences. Yet it's very well documented, see here.
That doesn't add up, and you know already why: it's part of The Predators’ project. In contrast, some of geo-engineering's “civil” applications are defined as technologies to rescue the planet, e.g., to lower the temperature of the earth's atmosphere. The attentive reader will smell a rat here: another protection racket, now for the climate? The usual hypocrisy seen in Glafia projects, where war is always defended as an instrument for peace, is present here too.
Yet geo-engineering is clearly part of a military agenda, as is the discovery of space. Both may be co-financed by the Black Budget, mentioned in B35 (Missing trillions...). The US Air Force (USAF doc AF2025 Final Report) confirms the existence of geo-engineering:
“[Weather modification] offers the war fighter a wide range of possible options to defeat or coerce an adversary… Weather modification will become a part of domestic and international security… It could have offensive and defensive applications and even be used for deterrence purposes. The ability to generate precipitation, fog and storms on earth or to modify space weather… and the production of artificial weather all are a part of an integrated set of [military] technologies.”
There's a blanket media silence around this subject, which has become part of the so-called "third rail items" which are too dangerous to touch, a phenomenon we have addressed several times on these pages. Many people think that geo-engineering is used to exacerbate the fictitious climate crisis, by creating artificial tornados, storms, rain, forest fires or drought, as well as artificial rainfall, to then blame it on CO2. The CO2 protection racket is essential for the "green" policies of the EU, the US, and The Great Reset, aimed at the de-industrialization of the West, as part of its controlled demolition. It's also included in the WEF's new Great Narrative Initiative. According to Klaus Schwab's propaganda, that is:
“a collaborative effort of the world's leading thinkers to fashion longer-term perspectives and co-create a narrative … of a more resilient, inclusive and sustainable vision for our collective future."
Contrary to such environmental protection propaganda, let's be clear: NO sustainable world is ever possible while Glafia's usurious banking and corporate systems continue to control and parasitize our planet (B20).
On the WEF's IVth Industrial Revolution, Claudia von Werlhof comments (in the book WAR - NING):
"... the fourth industrial revolution itself is defined by the general application of new technologies that have never been used before on a generalized basis, namely genetic engineering and synthetic biology – the biotechnologies – Artificial Intelligence (AI), nanotechnology, and last but not least, geoengineering! So, whereas this narrative from above has to do with nature in all her aspects, being the source of all energy, life, and matter, we have to ask: What happens to nature in the time of the new industrial revolution?
It happens that nature in her form as matter and life is systematically dismantled down to its cellular, molecular and even atomic structure, and recombined afterwards to a new “creation”, but a creation beyond all its natural forms, limits, evolution and evolutionary boundaries. I call this the “new alchemy” in which the complete dissolution of all matter, its “mortification”, becomes the precondition of a new “creation”, an Opus Magnum beyond nature as we know it.
This revolution ... may be the most decisive ever. It is inventing a completely new world, a mixture of life and the machine... But this revolution has nothing to do with nature, life, and even human life within the natural order on Earth anymore. On the contrary, it wants to supercede and surmount nature in all its appearances, ties, and bonds. The same is true for Mother Earth. “Hacking the planet” by military geoengineering means taking control of its energies and life support systems, and recombining them in the form of a weaponized, giant machinery."
Werlhof's shocking conclusion is:
"This is what most people do not understand:
We, as human beings, are going to be eliminated, if it happens as being planned."
The term "the essence of life" pops up several times in this book, like:
"If we want to regain our stolen planet, freedom and future, a rediscovery of the essence of life is therefore urgently needed."
What "the essence of life" is depends mainly on your worldview. The official, modern worldview in the West, as pushed by Glafia during the last 500 years, and presently by Yuval Harari and other Glafia propagandists, is philosophical materialism, which is:
“... the view that all facts [and events] (including facts about the human mind and will and the course of human history) are causally dependent upon physical processes, or even reducible to them" (
This is the "disenchanted" worldview (M. Weber), in which there exist no miracles, no mysteries, no God, Mind or Tao, and no spiritual realm, because everything that ever happened, and still happens in the universe and on earth can allegedly be explained by random interactions between matter. There's no design, no purpose, and no meaning. All life on earth comes from BELOW, where it once incubated itself in a muddy and stinky soup, where dead matter started spontaneously to interact to form a little biological machine, which through random mutations during billions of years finally evolved into humans, which are nothing more than high-end meat robots.
Thus, it was a mindless process that created great minds! And thanks to the IVth Industrial Revolution, we, the meat robots, can now be improved further through genetic hacking and fusion with high tech gadgetry, to live eternally in the Metaverse, Amen!
The materialistic worldview is associated with materialist ideologies, consumerism, nihilism, hedonism, depressions and burnouts, and our primitive drive for instant ego gratification and lust. In this materialistic worldview, Nature and Life are not treated with reverence and respect (although Glafia and its proxies falsely claim to do so with buzz words like "green" and "sustainable"), but targeted for ruthless exploitation, mainly for the benefit of a small, criminal elite. Since the times of early civilization, 5,000 years ago, these "elites" have tried to outdo, and trans form or trans cend Nature, by financing, developing and using technology, or "The Machine", as their means.
This has ultimately led to trans humanism, also called Directed Evolution (an integral part of Glafia's spiritual war on us, B19), on which Harari makes this baseless claim:
"[Improved] bodies and minds are going to be the two main products in the next industrial revolution. That will make the present humans useless."
Trans genderism, the idea that everybody can freely choose its/their own gender, independently from the one assigned by Nature, is “the on-ramp to transhumanism” (B29). In other words, Nature is the new bogeyman in Glafia's umpteenth protection racket, this time aimed at the destruction of a large part of humanity (B24, B30).
See also the last quote in B40, from Claudia von Werlhof, on the trans-formation of the natural world and the originally matriarchal civilization, into an artificial world, a 5,000-year-old attempt to establish a patriarchal civilization, which should outdo and substitute Nature. In the present book, the latter is referred to as the system of oligarchy, and even as Satanism, as it tries to destroy the divine, God-given, natural world under the pretext to improve it.
In B1, the conceptual framework of an alternative, traditional worldview is described. It rests on views developed thousands of years ago in the Vedanta philosophy of (Hindu) India, in Plato's work, and in certain Christian philosophies. In these views, the great miracles and mysteries which led to the birth of the Universe, Life and Man, were somehow wrought by a Conscious and Intelligent Mind, a Creator, also called God or Tao. In this this tripartite universe, Corpora or Bodies are the lowest level, Spirit(ual realm) the highest, and Anima (soul) the intermediate level.
The modern science of physics, which claims to be the only source of true knowledge, is limited to just a sub-level of the lowest level, Corpora. These are much more than just atoms/energy fields, which as such are imperceptible to us, yet measurable by physics. In A1.1, I have argued that the simplistic, materialist foundations of the Universe, Life and Man, as upheld by modern science, are totally false. It's like a fisherman declaring that the only existing fishes in the ocean are the ones he catches in his net.
The traditional worldview is associated with feelings of awe and wonder, and reverence of the immense beauty and infinite complexity of this mysterious and sacred creation. It has great respect for Life, Motherhood and Mother Earth, which do not come from below, but from ABOVE. This is paired with gratitude for the unique gift given to our human souls - our bodies, or incarnation - so we can make our short voyage on Mother Earth. Not only to experience and enjoy this miraculous planet, but also to discover the Truth behind it, and to care for it with true stewardship.
Broadly speaking, this view exists since pre-history, when we still lived in the Garden of Eden, or the natural world, where we held the belief that all aspects of the world – humans, ancestors, spirits, animals, trees, plants, rocks and rivers – are interrelated parts of a dynamic, integrated whole (A1.2).
"They" are fully in the know of the spiritual realm
An important part of the thesis of this book is that the The Predators know damned well that the Universe, Life and Man have a mysterious tripartite structure, and that the spiritual realm is real, and tremendously powerful, not only for the Good, but also for Evil (B19). For sure, their propaganda specialists are deeply proficient in ancient spiritual and occult knowledge, including alchemy and magic. These are found in the Jewish Kabbalah, and the millenarian Hermetic philosophy (allegedly from Hermes Trismegistus, who lived in Pharaohan Egypt), which are the main occult origins of modern cosmology and science (see Astral Magic: The Occult Religion of Modern Cosmology).
Glafia's ability to induce a state of collective hypnosis has been observed under many totalitarian regimes, Covid included (B36 on menticide), and has undoubtedly a relation with (Black) Magic, understood as the use of the spiritual realm for Evil purposes (see Culianu's work, B19). This is probably related to what the apostle Paul wrote (A8):
"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but ... against spiritual wickedness in high places."
Glafia was often connected to occultists and spiritual agents such as Helena Blavatsky, Bulwer Lytton (B14 on Nazism) and Alistair Crowley, and numerous occult secret societies. It even likes to flaunt its knowledge of the occult to the public, through the frequent use of occult symbols, for example the pyramid with the One Eye on top, on the one-dollar note; the One Eye poses of hundreds of famous artists (Greta Thunberg included, even as a very young child); and the 666 number in the WEF logo (the three O's, each intersected by a curved line) and in its slogan 6uild 6ack 6etter. The first Apple computer (a planned step in the direction of the Global Digital Prison) was sold for $666,66. As Confucius already knew, “signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws”.
The reason why Glafia - fully in the know of the spiritual realm and the supernatural strength it can give to humans - spread the materialistic worldview during the 500 years of The Predators’ war on humanity is clearly not ideological, but totally opportunistic: it's to strengthen their control over humanity, by alienating us from our spiritual roots, in a serious effort to estrange us from our enormous human strength and potential.
Knowing very well that all humans have a strong need to believe in ideas that give them meaning, in "the world they disenchanted", Glafia could easily fill the "God-shaped void" with secular or semi-religious ideologies that support its domination project (examples are given in A5.6 and several B essays). As G.K. Chesterton wrote:
"When men choose not to believe in God, they do not thereafter believe in nothing ... and then become capable of believing in anything."
In conclusion, falsified materialist scientism denying the spiritual realm has been an instrument in the hands of the genocidal criminals who want to turn our God-given and divine planet into their private Farm Earth.
Once you understand the spiritual essence of life (see also B1 and Epilogue), and the Satanic threats we face, this should imbue you with the strength to join with others, to regain our stolen planet, freedom and future!
Truth is stranger than fiction. - Mark Twain
This chapter provides a brief revision of the overview of global history presented in the earlier chapters of this book, from the hunter-gatherer period to modern day. For this purpose, we distinguish four periods in human history:
1. Free natural life in the “Garden of Eden”
For about 500,000 years (and probably much longer) our ancestors lived in small family groups: living simple, fairly harmonious, free and innocent lives with lots of leisure time, and probably lots of laughter, they shared the healthy natural food they collected by hunting and gathering, seen more as play than as work.
Problems, plans and rules were settled in often long discussions, where opinions were harmonized until reaching consensus: it was the only historical period that we had a real democracy. Apart from having great knowledge of their material environment, including food, natural medicines, powerful arrow-head toxins and psychedelics, they were also directly immersed in the spiritual realm (shamanism).
Thus, the pre-historic world was inhabited by highly sovereign people, not dependent on anyone outside their group: only on cooperation and on nature, which was generally abundant, though harsh at times, or dangerous. This may have been our happiest and funniest period, with the best mental health.
2. The early civilizations
By “eating from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil” (officially around 10,000 BC, probably much earlier), an unprecedented development of human potential took off, both for the Good (agriculture, technology, science, art, crafts) as well as for Evil (hierarchy, slavery, usury, abuse, wars).
Since the dawn of crop and livestock farming, feudalism became the rule, with openly hierarchic and enslaving societies where a few aristocrats – always aided by an army - ruled over the many dependent serfs. Early religions, based on the spiritual realm of humans and the cosmos, were designed to serve empires by disciplining the people: a priest class controlled the commoners’ minds (an early example of mediated reality). My impression is that Vedanta (in India) and Taoism (in China), more philosophies than religions, didn't have this worldly function, or had it to a much lesser degree. Besides their religious activities, priests were often in charge of the emerging money systems, where the temple came in handy as a vault.
Soon the treacherous power of usury (interest on loans) revealed itself, capable of destroying the fabric of any balanced society. As Michael Hudson states:
“Historically, no ... government has survived takeover by creditor elites and oligarchs.”
This ancient wisdom led to 1) periodic debt cancelations in the more benevolent empires, which got lost when the Phoenicians moved the system to Europe; and to 2) the prohibition of usury in the much more recent Abrahamic religions: Christianity, Islam and Judaism (in the latter, not applying to non-Jews).
From about 4000 BC on, many powerful empires, such as Babylon, Phoenicia, Persia, Greece, Rome, the Muslims and the Mongols, tried to overtly dominate the globe (the smaller, then known version), often “by the sword”, at times also through trade (Phoenicia). For millennia, China was the world’s economic and technological center (until the 1830’s), but no sole global power could arise yet, due to technological and financial limitations.
Ship building and navigation techniques for long range trade originated in Asia. With it, a global trading system developed since at least 5,000 years ago, first in the Indian Ocean, later also in the Mediterranean basin (3,000 years ago in Phoenicia, 1400 years ago in Venice). Chinese ships probably visited the Americas. South American cocaine was found in ancient Egyptian mummies. On the land, camel caravans on the Silk Routes connected China and the Far East with the Middle East and Europe.
From the 14th century on, the “rich trade” between the East and the West bloomed in Northern Italy (bullion, Asian luxury products, multicolor slaves, etc.). Thus, the skillful merchants of Genoa and Venice, both with large fleets and colonies in the Mediterranean and Black Sea, were able to accumulate huge capitals, and began to search for foreign investment opportunities. From 1500 on, silver brought in by the Spanish from the Americas would give them an extra boost - it was the Genoese bankers who managed the Spanish finances, and discovered how banking can be used to control whole empires. That would become the template for the first covert global domination project.
3. The Glafia domination project (1522-ongoing)
When the only surviving ship (of five) of the Magellan expedition returned to Spain in 1522, after having circumnavigated the globe, to some it became clear that the planet was a sphere and thus limited. That triggered a new plan for world domination, this time as a covert operation, by a coalition of cosmopolitan Venetians-Genoese and ex-Iberian Jewish merchants and bankers, here named Glafia.
Both the Jews and the Venetians/Genoese were descendants of the Phoenicians, who around 1000 BC had laid the first economic and cultural bases for Europe's modern civilization. The Roman Empire, based on hard power, had temporarily blocked them. Around 1522, Venice already had the complete oligarchic control and intelligence infrastructure as we know it today, of Glafia’s now global empire. Not the sword, but mobile capital and deceit would be their main tools, to control "normalized" and "sovereign" nation states with a government, borders, and legislation to protect the bankers and their corporations.
The template of the merger of Glafia's mobile capital (banking) with the machinery of state in certain carefully selected European nations (and later all nations) would be the key to their unprecedented success. But first, the global empire of the traditional, anti-usury and Catholic Spanish Monarchy, which the Genoese had controlled so well, was sidelined. Instead, two unlikely candidates, the recently turned Protestant, pre-capitalist Holland and England, were groomed to become Glafia’s usury- and Jew-friendly, second and third global hegemons.
Glafia’s capital then moved to the Atlantic shores, where it helped finance the Dutch war for independence; then the British (1600) and Dutch (1602) joint-stock multinational East India Companies, and later also the French, Swedish, Spanish, Russian, and other EIC's; the Dutch Bourse and the Bank of Amsterdam (1609); and the Bank of England (in The City of London, 1694). Where the aristocrats were corruptible, they were symbolically left in place (Holland, Britain, Spain, etc.). Where not, they were ousted (the later revolutions in France, China, Russia, etc.).
All these projects were crucial for the huge efforts of discovery and colonization (= globalization!), and wars to bring all the world’s territories under control of “normalized” nation-states, which then could be controlled covertly by Glafia's oligarchs. The colonization went in two phases: first, the easy to catch low hanging fruit in the Third World, finished in 1914; second, the high hanging fruit, the 13 Eurasian empires, an extremely complicated operation of wars and revolutions that started in 1914, but had been in preparation for many decades.
In 1897, just before the start of the Eurasia operation, the planned temporary split between the US and the UK was mended. From the 1830’s, the USA had been groomed as Glafia's next, and fourth, hegemon. It became the destination of its expertise and mobile capital, via a network of newly created “robber barons”, US oligarchs led and financed by Rothschild bankers. Glafia-paid Karl Marx knew this game of “ever stronger hegemonic states”, but he focused on class struggle and labor value instead. That of course pleased his financiers, who always applaud when Marxists criticize the capitalist system.
While the West harshly exploited the East and South with hard power, pseudo-democracy became Glafia's favorite soft power control system for the West: party elites are cheap-to-buy puppets, while the masses are easily deceived. Western pseudo-democracy was just a temporary solution, a centuries long confidence game: totalitarian control was always the goal, as Covid recently demonstrated. The great popular victories like general suffrage, general education, labor parties and labor unions, were all pyrrhic: the oligarchs always determined the main course of these nations.
Eurasia was by far the hardest nut to crack: two staged World Wars, and several crises and revolutions were needed to destroy its 13 empires, all courtesy of Glafia’s Anglo-American-Zionist proxies. Their template was always the protection racket, that very old Cosa Nostra trick, which Plato already knew (B24). The Glafia-created bogeymen were Germany in WW1, Hitler in WW2, Russian (but not Chinese!) Communism in WW3 (Cold War), Osama Bin Laden and radical Muslims in the War on Terror, CO2 in the climate war, Nature as oppressor of our self-chosen gender identity, Covid in the germ war, and the Evil Putin, who viciously attacks our freedom and democracies.
The fake de-colonization of the 20th century (and the earlier fake de-colonization of Latin America) had nothing to do with freedom and self-determination: the underlying motivation was to weaken the European colonizers and to strengthen Glafia's new US hegemon, via exploitation of the new countries for their raw materials and as markets for US industrial products. In all these recently "independent" nations, the USA took the lead of the subordinate elites (“they’re sons of bitches, but our sons of bitches!”). Where those sons of bitches became too independent, the regime was changed, of course always in the name of "democracy and freedom": for example in the case of the Shah of Iran, Sukarno in Indonesia, the War on Terror, many color revolutions, Ukraine 2014, the list is very long.
To allow the meteoric rise of the USA, Glafia had infected Russia and China with communism, to eliminate them as competitors. Glafia was so satisfied with the lovely results obtained with Russian and then Chinese communism (which they both midwifed), that China is now their role model: one of the reasons why they decided to make China their fifth hegemon, now taking over from the US.
Glafia’s secret goal, a Private Farm Earth, where they own us as cattle who can be tagged, tracked, jabbed and stabbed as the Owners see fit, always justified the criminal and genocidal means used by its Arch-Fascist US, UK and Zionist proxies and their Western allies: staged revolutions, staged war- and germfare, financial crises, etc. Such vile acts always come pre-packaged in slick deceit, which never became clearer than in the recent Covid fraud.
After their Great 20th Century Slaughter of Eurasia and the fake de-colonization, only fake "sovereign" nation states were left, Glafia's preferred unit of control. Yet these Fascist perpetrators never ended up at the gallows but instead became, respectively, the greatest liberators ever (the Anglo-American proxies) and the greatest victims ever (the Zionist proxies).
The alienation and disempowerment of the people in the West
With the so-called Enlightenment, materialist scientism was pushed to “disenchant the world” (M. Weber). Glafia-spun or hijacked ideologies could then fill the "God-shaped hole", like consumerism and fake “grassroots" movements like liberalism, communism, socialism, Zionism, Nazism, and more recently climatism and wokeism. For this reason, I prefer the term "Endarkenment".
To control the commoners’ minds, corrupted scientists became the new priest class, spinning false narratives on the foundations of the universe, our history and our present, channeled via Glafia controlled mass media and education programs, where "snow is black". Free will and the soul, the greatest gifts humans have ever received, became illusions, as Harari keeps repeating. “The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is ... people for whom the distinction between true and false no longer exists” - Hannah Arendt.
Conveniently, all Glafia’s hegemons, together with a myriad of proxies around the world, were an effective shield for the criminal oligarchic movers and shakers behind the scenes - while all observers were unwittingly looking at a global puppet theater in Plato's Cave, where Glafia moves their chess pieces (nation states) on Lord Curzon's global chessboard.
4. Glafia’s End Game (2001-ongoing)
All relevant states, institutions, corporations and media have now been captured as Glafia’s proxies, and implement the globalist policies as defined by WEF, UN, WHO, IPCC, EU, NATO (Figure 1). 9/11 and CO2 are showcases, but the final proof came in a 2020 surprise: the globally orchestrated destruction of the economies, social fabric and freedom in almost all 193 UN countries, all under the pretext of Covid-19, the umpteenth nasty flu, which only left a small ripple in mortality statistics.
ALL LANDS are now colonized, and the Masters can’t tolerate the growing popular resistance anymore. To simplify and intensify their individual control over ALL PEOPLE, the earlier ideology-based Global Mind Control Program is now being substituted by a technology-based Global Digital Prison à la Communist China, in preparation since the 1960s (Brzezinski). And that's exactly The Great Reset promoted by the WEF since 2020. "Traitors within the gates” are presently scapegoating and demolishing the West, to break the people's resistance to Glafia's Digital Prison, which aims at bringing all common people under their digital control.
This is their aim: well domesticated slaves, living in "smart, 15-minute cities" will get social & carbon credits, fake food, voxine jabs, freedom passes, plus Universal Basic Incomes transferred to digital wallets, to be spent in Farm Earth’s (ESG certified) shops, like in Uncle Tom's times. "The System" will be on a constant alert for dissenters, who will instantly be spotted by Artificial Intelligence and presented as "the enemy in our midst" (Joost Meerloo). "The System" will instantly cut their social credits and UBI's, and restrict their CBDC, and program its cattle gates as to limit their movements.
In a parallel project, the global power center is being shifted from the unipolar West to the multipolar East, led by China and Russia. This is for two main reasons: 1) to obtain the full collaboration of the world’s most productive country, China, which will only participate as global leader, and 2) to end Western hegemony, now it has completed its Glafia ordained tasks to bring ALL LANDS under the control of subordinate elites in nation states, and to develop the war and surveillance technology needed for Glafia's End Game.
The new China-led multipolar world is sold as benevolent, but it’s led by the same old Predators, in new suits. In 2014, the West’s quiet acceptance of Russia’s military role in Syria signaled this paradigm shift. The China-mediated Iran-Saudi deal of March '23 confirms it. While the USA and Europa are getting closer, they become more separated from the rest of the world - the majority.
The present suicidal sanctions of the West on Russia will bring forward the dollar/euro collapse: our money system, a Ponzi scheme, will deliberately be demolished, and Central Bank Digital Currency will be pushed as the only solution. Lab-leaked diseases, “vaccines”, food and energy shortages, (nuclear) wars and “natural” disasters will all be used to crush resistance and dissent. All this will greatly benefit Glafia's de-population plan.
Meanwhile, the theft of our global commons is being completed: all land, all water, cyberspace, the entire natural world, including our bodies and all data about us, are on Glafia’s wish list, for Agenda 2030/The Great Reset. Glafia’s big banks and corporations will be the new “trustees” in this assetization: the goal is a privately owned globe with a two-tier techno-feudal society, where a few Have Alls charge rents from the many Have Nots: “You’ll own nothing, they will be happy”. It will be the end of all small and medium businesses and farms, and of all freedoms, and in fact, of the natural future of humanity.
Many people have spotted the totalitarian nature of these schemes but haven’t yet a clue as to the “root cause”. To them we dedicate this book!
It is also a surety that all totalitarian regimes will end at some point, maybe this time through “The Great Freeset” (A8.4)?
As previously mentioned, for the purpose of this book, we distinguish four periods in human history, see the scheme below. Each of the 26 rows presents a timeline of a significant aspect of history. The idea is to give you a clear overview of some major historical trends.
Four periods in human history |
Free Natural Life | Early Civilization | Glafia Project | End Game | |
1 | Biblical terms | Garden of Eden, or Paradise | period after eating from the Tree of Knowledge | New Babylon (Book of Revelation) | Mark of the Beast, Armageddon, final battle between Good and Evil |
2 | starting around | 500,000+ BC | 10,000+ BC | 1522 AC (Magellan’s voyage) | 2001 AC (9/11) |
3 | power/wealth distribution | egalitarian/ democratic | hierarchic / un- or pseudo-democratic | ||
4 | attempts at global empire | - | many, and all openly | just one (communism included!), by Glafia, covert and slow but steady and lethal | |
5 | leadership / real power | chosen leader | openly aristocratic | covertly oligarchic/criminal - Glafia and its proxies | |
6 | type of governance | group consensus | feudal: local or empire | in the West: fake democracy | global techno-feudalism: “Farm Earth and human cattle” |
7 | nation building | borderless territories | city states | first nation-states, then their colonies; all proxies now | back to territories, under Glafia’s "cattle farm managers" |
8 | Glafia’s hegemons | - | Babylon, Phoenicia, Rome | Spain, Holland, Britain, USA | Russia & China – West Down, East Up |
9 | Glafia’s proxies | - | - | subordinate elites, bankers, science, media, business, religions, politics... | all national and global governments, institutions, media, NGO’s and big corps have been captured |
10 | Glafia (backed) ideologies | - | - | capitalism, Nazism, socialism, Zionism, communism, occultism, nationalism... | wokeism (cultural marxism), climatism, weaponized religions, Great Reset, Agenda 2030... |
11 | tools to control people | humor, shaming, banning | violence (sword) / priests | + usury, science & media (word) | + Global Digital Prison / “Totalitaria” |
12 | conflicts | rare clashes | irregular wars, invasions | staged wars and revolutions | + staged crises / fear: 9/11, $, CO2, Covid... |
13 | main economy | hunting & gathering | agrarian, labor intensive | industrial, labor intensive | toward robotic/AI, very low labor input |
14 | money system | none - gifts, barter | tokens, coins, usury | global usurious money system | The token economy with “Farm Earth”coupons” |
15 | global trade | - | yes, since 5,000+ years! | ‘rich trade’ primed this Project | generalized (WTO), end of self-reliance |
16 | economic dependence | totally independent | highly independent | growing dependence | totally (inter-)dependent on Glafia’s Big Corporations |
17 | middle class, farmers | none | appearing in cities | growing into a 3-tier society | back to 2-tier: Eradication of the middle class |
18 | property | none or shared | militarily protected | legally protected | “you’ll own nothing, but lease all” |
19 | land ownership | none | part private, part common | common lands are abolished | Glafia's assetization of all global resources |
20 | slavery | very rare | chattel slavery all over | + wage & debt slavery | 99,9% digi/rent-slavery (slave owners “elite” 0.1%) |
21 | law system | natural law | religious/state law | state law | Lawless: chaos under martial/medical law) |
22 | dominant worldview | shamanism- enchanted | religious - enchanted | ideological - disenchanted | technological – transhuman: slavery in disguise |
23 | humans versus reality | direct experience, little mediation | Plato's Cave: mediated by religion | Plato's Cave: mediated by Glafia’s media | Plato's Cave: full media censorship, incl. virtual reality |
24 | mind control | - | by a priest class | by science, state and media | menticide, body implants, genetic messing …. |
25 | social cohesion | very high | high | fast decrease since WW1 | atomized |
26 | final result | our happiest episode? | lots of Good, lots of Evil | all lands under Glafia control!! | all humans and resources under Glafia control? |
1. Never forget that Glafia's Plot is drenched in DECEIT! Stay aware and awake!
2. The Western "Enlightenment" was in fact an "Endarkenment", in which the spiritual baby was thrown away with the religious bath water.
3. Scientism is a superstition! I must use my critical faculties in all instances, as the expert of my own life.
4. In Glafia's Plot, the Greatest Fascists Ever are parading as Democrats; the Greatest Thieves, as Protectors; the Greatest Murderers, as Liberators; and the Greatest Warmongers pretend to be Peace Makers.
5. The WEF's Stakeholder Capitalism is in fact Slaveholder Communism. If we let it happen, it will be many times worse than in the medieval era.
6. Our Glafia controlled usurious money system is the most universal and efficient system of hidden theft and control ever devised. If we don't change it, nothing else will change for the good!
7. The West's fake democracies were just a centuries long confidence game. Glafia's final goal was always a totalitarian control system.
8. The roll out of 5G, CBDC, high speed Internet, Digital ID, etc., is not for your health, safety or comfort: it's for your Global Digital Prison.
9. History is full of unspeakable evil, and Glafia is a case in point. But "the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being" (Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn).
10. After religions, ideologies became the new opium for the people. So far, all new opium has been courtesy of Glafia.
11. The Emperor of the Big Bang, Primordial Soup, Darwin, Singularity, AI and Transhumanism has no clothes. Any child can see it.
12. Since ancient times, all humans have been "transhuman", because we are part of the spiritual realm. Don't believe meat robot Harari: we have a soul, a spirit and a free will, and therefore we can move mountains!
- Global cooling (due to a new Grand Solar Minimum) is to be expected, as we are living in an overdue interglacial period. In a world without mass mind control, that should completely undermine the human caused global warming hoax. But as of yet, the failure of ALL climate doom predictions hasn't led to any correction of this false theory, which shows that Great Powers are involved.
- As Jacques Attali foresaw in his dark Glafia ball in 1981 (B30), excess deaths will continue to rise, by design. Just as after the World Wars, a large-scale cover-up is hiding the real causes: the Covid policies, especially the often repeated, experimental mRNA "vaccinations". The health regulating agencies (MHRA, CDC, etc.) have been captured to become criminal enabling agencies for Pharmafia, even prescribing experimental vaccines to little children and pregnant women. With their "One Health" plans, they're also hollowing out the safety procedures for the testing of new medicines and vaccines (like Bill's CEPI-proposed admission in 100 days, instead of the usual several years).
- The medical profession will continue to play its disgraceful, criminal role in this massacre, just like 90 years ago in a certain Central European country.
- The planned collapse of the West has been mentioned multiple times on these pages. The serial attacks we have endured so far will be replaced by a hybrid war, like the Seven Plagues of Egypt, to bring us to our knees. The grand collapse will only be launched when the Global Digital Prison is ready to receive its inmates, which will probably take a few years more. Much will of course depend on the resistance we'll be giving.
- The Digital Prison includes a completely overhauled banking system, where 1) the separate systems of commercial banks will be substituted by a unified system under Glafia-BIS control; 2) all cash money will be eliminated; 3) the reserve status of the dollar ends, together with the USA's primacy; 4) under BIS-IMF supervision, a synthetic international reserve currency (like a Special Drawing Right 2.0, maybe the Unicoin, pronounce yoo͞′nĭ-kôrn″) will be installed, probably linked to commodities, like gold. This will greatly increase the demand for gold, and its price. China and Russia have increased their gold stocks quite some time, and probably have much more gold than they officially admit.
- No totalitarian regime can allow free thinking, writing and speech, so an iron fist suppression of dissent is unavoidable (see Naomi Wolf's Ten steps to Fascism). Lists of potential inmates can be retrieved from NSA/FBI/MI5 databases, see Brzezinski, 1970. Concentration camps seem to be ready. But will Fascists on a de-population path, with robots doing all jobs, even bother to lock up the dissenters?
- Even without wars, epic failures of the Digital Prison are guaranteed, if only for the rising chances of electric or electronic failures. There's nothing resilient about it! Electric vehicles are part of this problem, as the required raw materials and the necessary grid for a total conversion simply don't exist. In the so-called "resilient" cities - which are in fact extremely vulnerable - sabotage, war or other events may cause millions of victims in weeks (see the 1859 Carrington Electro-Magnetic Pulse event).
- Transhumanism will continue to claim that it will create human gods. Again, children will be the first to call them out.
- Ideological blurring has long been going on. The Left and Right are now identical twins, and very few in the media or politics still speak truth to power. Our already farcical national politics will be further hollowed out, and Farm Earth's cattle managers will assume even greater control over our governments.
- The sacking of most proxies will be a logical result of the structural change in Glafia's control system, from deceit-based to technology-based. Will these insiders become allies in our battle for freedom? Sacking will also apply to certain countries. North Korea's proxy task was to be an alibi for US military bases in South Korea, in reality aimed at China. After their evacuation, North Korea could join South Korea, or both Korea’s could be absorbed by China, see below.
- When its 40,000 US military leave for good, Germany will take an Eastern turn. Cuba's proxy roles in the Cold War and as experimental scarcity economy are long overdue: will Cuba become the Taiwan of the U.S. and be annexed before China takes it? But no, that doesn't make sense, because that would actually reduce tension. So, China will grab Cuba.
- And how about Israel, and the "international" Jews at many strategical levels in the West? Will Glafia consider them exchangeable, as they have repeatedly done before? And what's really going on in Kiev? (The New Jerusalem, B16). Will they create a neutral, de-militarized buffer zone in central Ukraine, which in due course becomes a refuge for Jews fleeing a devastated Israel? Will the Ukrainians become the new Palestinians? Zelensky has openly announced that the future Ukraine is going to be organized as a military state like Israel (Haaretz).
- Chinese expansionism will reveal itself. Ol' Joe said no, but Taiwan will of course be annexed. The idea, based on its relatively pacifist past, that China has no imperial ambitions, will come under heavy pressure once you've read The secret speech of General Chi Haotian. When China becomes the undisputed world leader, it will become as self-righteous and "exceptional" as the USA, and probably worse. Indeed, the short “American Century”, despite its monstrous violence and corruption, will probably be remembered with nostalgia (Alfred W. McCoy, in Endless Empire).
- Ol' Joe will announce that he will be going for a third term.
Once humanity becomes aware that it has been fooled, it will rediscover the essence of life, and fend off this Satanic threat.
Before you read The Predators, you probably knew that we'd all been fooled, not only with Covid, but with much more. Now you've read The Predators, you know WHY we've been fooled and WHO have duped us: Glafia and its proxies. Hopefully, this insight will give you a certain peace of mind, so you can turn your attention to finding ways to regain our stolen planet, and freedom and future.
In A8.4 and B46, some general strategies to recuperate our planet, freedoms and future are addressed. See also the last part of B26, Agriculture as savior? In this essay, the focus is on three factors: capital, technology and deception. As mentioned several times on these pages, capital and technology were important factors in Glafia's early domination attempts of the world, and they still are. They are still going strong, and with the incredible feat that only a small part of the present world population is aware of it. That's because they are the Masters of Large-Scale Deception.
At the start of Glafia's project, the template which the Genoese bankers had developed in Spain - of (mobile) capital and finance - was the key to their first successes. In the first three centuries after 1522, Glafia used its capital, accumulated in the "rich global trade" (including the multi-color slave trade), to make Holland, England and other nation states their proxies for new colonization programs. That made them even richer. As Arrighi stated, "the really important transition ... is from scattered to concentrated capitalist power."
As mentioned on several pages of this book, the present concentration of capital is colossal. I admit that I have no idea how it could ever be redistributed. In theory, our governments could nationalize it, but they themselves are a large part of the same problem. And our governments can only be changed if a significant number of people becomes aware of the dire straits we're in.
With their private Bank of England, set up in 1694, Glafia had a second template at their disposal, the usurious money system, in which all money is issued as interest bearing debt. Through compounded interest, over the centuries enormous amounts of money have been siphoned off the wealth of the nations, to finance Glafia's destructive programs to subdue the planet.
B20 gives a clear explanation of why nothing can change for the better while this system of private, usurious money issuing continues, and why, as long as it is maintained, all talk of sustainability and a multipolar world order is just BS. The planned CBDC slave money will only make things worse. Again, to change the banking system, nationalization will be of no avail (sorry, Ellen Brown and Michael Hudson), because all our governments are filled with treasonous Glafia pawns. Again, awareness is the key.
Simple interest-free money alternatives are readily available but cannot break through if there isn't a large enough critical mass - and that's again because most people aren't aware. So please, find out about the alternative money systems, and spread the word.
And by the way, there is absolutely nothing wrong with paper (or fiat) money per se, as proponents of the Austrian school (to a large extent under Glafia control!) are falsely trying to sell us, see A gold (or any other commodity) based money system will never solve the problem, for the simple reason that the very same bankers control most of the gold.
As said in the Epilogue (and other parts of The Predators), much of the WEF talk about superior technologies making humans superfluous is pure bluff:
"The Emperor of reductionism, Darwin, AI, Gen Tech, Transhumanism, is naked."
Yet many digital technologies are dangerous, as they were developed for the construction of our Global Digital Prison. If we allow them to introduce CBDC, the way back will be severely blocked. On the other hand, a large system failure might be enough to bring back official or alternative cash money: the "resilience" they claim for their new technologies is a total joke.
The problem isn't just technology, but also the fact that it's highly monopolized, and by design. This global train can only be stopped if more and more people stop using the technology with which we are building our own prison, as Gary Allen warned already in 1971. But that's a dilemma, as we are all highly dependent: I admit that I couldn't have written this book without a computer and the internet. Alternative technologies at community level, may exist, but which free alternatives - not dependent on Glafia controlled companies or infrastructure - are available for international communication? That's a real challenge, for which some very inventive people can hopefully find answers. But even if they find the technical solutions, the traitors within the gates can block them ... unless enough people become aware.
As you've noted throughout this book, the whole Glafia project is drenched in deceit. They really practiced what Machiavelli advised five centuries ago: “Never attempt to win by force what can be won by deception.” Glafia's main proxies for their programs of deceit are the mass or mainstream media, science, governments and education programs.
The first thing you can do is to shut off the Glafia owned mainstream media today, and take the helm of information into your own hands. That means the internet or printed alternative media. The wild waters of the internet are difficult to navigate, please find some guidance for trustworthy providers under Suggested Reading.
Falsified science is a tough issue to tackle. It can take months to get to the bottom of where the truth lies on any one subject. But there are some tricks. In the field of history, The Predators gives you a solid framework for a proper interpretation. Please make use of the reading suggestions to confirm this for yourself, and consult other sources too.
If you are satisfied with the wood-hard evidence provided by Dr. Christian Schlüchter (B27), climate science can henceforth be left to others. If not, please provide me with a well- founded critique.
If you followed the brave independent doctors who were risking their license, livelihood, and even life in the Covid debate, you were on track (see a shortlist of honest doctors in A7.3). If you followed Dr. Bill Ionaire and all the others he threw his money at, including the BBC, The Guardian, the "real Dr. Fauci" and Neil "fake model" Ferguson, you were not.
It's absolutely crucial that you understand that the official scientific foundations of the Universe, Life and Man are completely falsified, with far reaching consequences. Lots of arguments and references are given in The Predators. Inform yourself further if you weren't aware of on this particular subject, so that you can reconnect with Nature and the Universe, or if you will, God or Allah. But beware of New Age stuff, because most of it is part of another slimy Glafia tentacle.
All governments and their institutions have now been captured by Glafia, some since centuries, like in Holland, England, Sweden, France and the USA. All newly established nation states claimed sovereignty, but that was always a trick. The pretendence to be democracies was just a confidence game to obtain the support of the common people, and the cheapest and most effective control solution for the bankers. Glafia enriched many countries, especially in the West, but the ulterior motive there was to allow them to develop the technologies they needed for their wars, and later for our Global Digital Prison. Once a proxy has completed his task, he can be evicted. If you presently live in the West, you can see that happening.
As told on these pages, hundreds of respected people saw through this game, and warned of it, but almost nobody listened, and almost nothing changed. At this moment, resistance and parallel developments are the only sensible options. Dialogue and negotiations are useless until the whole puppet theater can be unmasked, and the "traitors within the gates" whom Cicero so vividly described (full quote under A8), who secretly defend foreign interests and not those of their constituency, can be put on the scaffolds.
The education of our children has long since been in dire straits, with each new generation further dumbed down, see B39, Snow is Black. B29 on Sex and gender in the age of wokeism proves the present case: education is now literally destroying our kids, by going so far as to promote physical or chemical mutilation and castration! Previously, many youngsters died or were maimed on the battlefields of pointless, Glafia staged wars. Today they are again weaponized for Glafia's aims and maimed in gender clinics. Let's try to stop this madness!
Education of the disciplines of history, science and philosophy has been a disgrace for centuries, and my hope is that The Predators can serve as a basis for founding a new curriculum in independent schools, home schooling and adult education programs. The idea is to engage more people in this project, especially history teachers and historians, to create a narrative which has a broad support amongst the people striving to regain our stolen planet, freedom and future.
Some guidance for the internet
The internet suffers from information overload, and is full of false tracks, traps and clamps. Never trust just one source, if it's important, try to get confirmation from other sources.
Some trusted sources are: a growing family of experienced, honest and often smiling journalists, covering British and international news and analysis. Three weekly news livestreams, and many important background articles. James Corbett and helpers, with regular news analysis and large archive of excellent videos and articles on important subjects (Big Oil, WW1, Bill Gates, Al Qaeda, etc.)., Signs of the times: daily news and background articles on a variety of subjects., led by the brave Prof. Michel Chossudovsky: daily articles (in 51 languages) by numerous contributors, representing a wide scope of views, including some supporters of the AGW theory. regular high-quality analysis of geopolitical and globalist subjects. Iain is also on substack., Terry Boardman: irregular, but high-quality articles with deep historical analysis, often from an anthroposophical perspective. conservative, sometimes even racist, but with some interesting thinkers (Kevin Barrett), and a treasure trove, American Pravda (by Ron Unz), although not an unlimited hangout (B38). several free and easy to understand e-books, including an executive summary of Quigley's Tragedy and Hope, and a very good explanation of the money system. offers professional journalism Mainly opinion pieces, but also some original research from anti-Great Reset “anti-capitalists” in the UK.
Shortlist of key books
Many, especially older, books can be found for free on or Apart from this shortlist, various other books are mentioned in the text of The Predators.
On WW1:
Hidden History of the First World War, and Prolonging the Agony, both by Gerry Docherty & Jim MacGregor, well written and documented, with proof that the UK/US instigated and delayed the war, not Germany.
On WW2:
Conjuring Hitler: how Britain and America made the Third Reich, by Guido Preparata, very important and therefore totally neglected, yet not an easy read.
On the cycles of the Glafia domination project
The Long Twentieth Century: Money, Power, and the Origins of our times (1994), by Giovanni Arrighi. With a rare wide scope, but not an easy read.
On the Anglo-American banker's and their Plot
Tragedy and Hope (in a short version by Joe Plummer), and The Anglo-American Establishment (1981), by Carrol Quigley. Important academic studies by an insider, providing definitive proof of the banker conspiracy.
Wallstreet and FDR, Wallstreet and the Bolshevik Revolution, Wallstreet and the Rise of Hitler, by Antony Sutton. Important, free, easy to find and easy to read. See also Sutton's books on the USA support in the buildup of the Soviet Union, and on the Skull and Bones Society. See also
The Globalization of War, by Michel Chossudovsky, whose thesis is very similar to The Predators. Mainly focuses on the recent wars in the Middle East.
On Zionism and Israel:
Against Our Better Judgement, Alison Weir, excellent short book. Ten Myths about Israel, by Ilan Pappe. Good short book, but doesn't mention the 11th myth, that the Zionists did this on their own, without the Rothschilds.
The Predators, Glafia (Global Mafia)
A criminal syndicate of dynastic banking families, not bound to any nation, religion, race or ethnicity, mainly operating via our usurious money system, proxies and protection rackets.
The Plot
The 500-year-old conspiracy by The Predators/Glafia, to own all the world (as their "Farm Earth") and humanity (as their "cattle").
A term now deleted from our history and dictionaries, meaning lending money or goods and charging of an unfair rent by powerful people, which will destroy any harmonious society. For centuries it has been the motor of our present money system: all money in circulation was, and still is, created as an interest-bearing debt to the global banking system, either owned or controlled by Glafia.
Proxies (also called useful idiots, subordinate elites or robber barons)
Glafia's always exchangeable or replaceable "human capital" or assets, subcontractors who over the centuries have carried out their projects to first control all countries, and currently all people, via the countries they now control (including China and Russia).
National proxies
The "traitors within the gates", now in all national governments, institutions, business, media etc., who execute Glafia's policies under the guise of (fake) democracy and defending the interest of their constituency.
International proxies
International institutions controlled by Glafia, including UN, NATO, the banking system, all BIG corporations and think tanks, The Vatican, WEF, etc.
Protection rackets
Ancient trick to extort, steal or control, by setting up a bogeyman to instill fear, and then charging a protection fee. Glafia's bogeymen include Germany (WW1), Hitler (WW2), Communism (and the Cold War), CO2, Covid, and Putin.
Control of all lands (completed)
The brutish colonization, via European state proxies, of the Third World (the low hanging fruit) in the first 400 years, and then of Eurasia (the high hanging fruit) by the 20th century's wars, crises and revolutions.
Control of all people
For centuries via ideologies and mind control, which since 9/11 is being substituted by digital technology (Global Digital Prison) tested in China, which is reducing us to cattle on their digitalized Farm Earth.
Global Digital Prison (in process)
A Glafia-designed individual control infrastructure, linking our personal data to the banking system (CBDC or slave money) and other control measures (UBI, Social Credits, Carbon Budget, internet access, etc.).
Glafia goes East (in process)
The newest change of horses for Glafia's chariot, after Spain, The Netherlands, England and the USA as global hegemon, now moving to China/Russia under a "benevolent" multipolar world order.
(Dr.)Bill Bill Gates
BC/AC before/after Christ
BIS Bank of International Settlements, Basel
CFR Council of Foreign Relations, a US think tank
CBDC Central Bank Digital Currency
EIC East India Company
EMP Electro Magnetic Pulse (event or bomb)
ESG Environmental, Social, and Governance (UN certificate)
EU European Union
FDR Franklin Delano Roosevelt, US President
FED Federal Reserve Bank, US central bank since 1913
Greta Greta Thunberg, abused as Glafia's climate pawn
IFR infection fatality rate (% death of total number infected)
IPCC UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Justin Justin Trudeau, WEF pawn, prime minister of Canada
Klaus Klaus Schwab, WEF president
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NGO Non-Governmental Organization
Ol' Joe US "President" Joe Biden, since 2020
UBI Universal Basic Income
UK United Kingdom, former seat of the British Empire
UN United Nations
UNESCO UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
US(A) United States (of America)
WEF World Economic Forum
WHO World Health Organization
WW1/2 First/Second World War
I warmly recommend this extraordinary book.
Iurie Rosca, Moldovan journalist
Wonderful result of some very hard work.
Willem Middelkoop, author of The Big Reset (2015)
The Predators is an important book, a deeply researched and epic account of the terrible mess our beautiful blue planet is in thanks to the appalling legacies, over many centuries, of rich and power crazed individuals. This book sheds a bright, penetrating light on conspiracy fact, not theory, and shows how our world is really run. Meeuwis' work changed my life for the better and on reading his book, it will change yours too.
Dr Jim Macgregor, author of the Foreword of this book
Meeuwis T. Baaijen’s The Predators really is essential reading for anyone (and this should mean everyone!) who wants to understand the world we live in. The breadth of his take is staggering, his clarity is refreshing and his determination to take his analysis right through to its logical conclusion is laudable.
Having already conducted research into some of the issues concerned, I immediately recognized the picture Baaijen paints as a true one, supported by evidence with which I am familiar. And I was delighted to find that, when he explored questions I had not addressed in detail, his conclusions very much confirmed my provisional suspicions as to what was involved.
There is nothing more important to communicate to our fellow human beings than the hidden reality that we are ruled by a global criminal mafia - Glafia as Baaijen calls it - or the "criminocracy" in my own terminology. Such is the threat posed by this entity, which aims to "steal our planet, freedom, and future" as the book's subtitle rightly warns, that large-scale resistance is urgently required.
But how can people be expected to fight against something which they don't even know exists and whose suggested existence they have been brainwashed into regarding as a figment of deluded or ill-intentioned thinking? The Predators provides a solid platform for spreading awareness of the stark reality of the sociopathic Glafia and its domination project.
Its overall vision provides a framework in which other researchers can investigate the thousands of threads that make up the worldwide web of corruption, without ever losing sight of the Big Picture. And this framework of understanding can be the basis of a new movement of international resistance that will go beyond merely identifying the criminocrats and aim to bring their odious rule to an end.
Paul Cudenec is a journalist, essayist and novelist who runs the Winter Oak website and whose books include The Withway, Enemies of the Modern World, Fascism Rebranded and The Great Racket.
After a lifetime of looking critically at events happening around me without really getting to the underlying reality, I read The Predators, and the fog of history disappeared. The curtains that limited my view were drawn wide open. This book has a very high truth content and is really an eyeopener, and it could lead to an acceleration in the struggle of mankind towards a real civilization.
Ir. J. Kuilder, Civil Engineer, teacher and examiner of Mathematics at IB-level in The Netherlands, Zimbabwe, Mozambique and Costa Rica.
The Predators offers us an enormously valuable, condensed historic overview of the main driving forces that have shaped our world for centuries, many of them normally invisible for the most of us. Based on long international personal experience and observation, integrating an enormous selection of referenced, outstanding authors and analysts and on tireless research, an invaluable work of historical reinterpretation is presented.
World history becomes understandable, the workings of hidden powers laid bare, and thus a source of great wisdom. This book arrives at a crucial moment, after events such as 911, the recent Covid-19 episode, mass migrations, gender politics, the nearing financial crisis and the alarming resurging of winds of war, amongst many others.
Hans Austermuhle, Dipl. Ing., top executive in the high tech and capital goods industry, and longtime independent geopolitical analyst
The Predators is dynamite among the treatises on societal organization and governance. It explains the apparently chaotic worldly events since the upswing of the City Republics in Italy around 1500 till the US, China and us today. And it offers a view on the dystopian world that lays ahead. Power and behavior through money, and more power through more money is the central theme.
The Predators is a magistral work. A predicate it already deserves for its numerous supporting quotes and references of earlier great thinkers. I hope it will be available soon and become a global bestseller.
Dr. C. (Kees) le Pair, Knight in the Order of the Dutch Lion, physicist and former CEO of The Netherlands' national research organizations of physics and technology.
Having researched the historical evolution of economics, finance and geopolitics for many years, I had never found a book as explosive and piercing as The Predators. It clarifies the apparent paradoxes and fills in the gaps with a unique, though radical proposition, that unifies the events that have occurred throughout centuries and makes sense of it all.
José Volio, MBA & CFA, retired manager of large investment and public funds for major participants in US financial industries