The predators vs. the people |
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The Predators versus The People, a new downloadable book by Meeuwis T. Baaijen, really is essential reading for anyone (and this should mean everyone!) who wants to understand the world we live in.
The breadth of his take is staggering, his clarity is refreshing and his determination to take his analysis right through to its logical conclusion is laudable.
Having already conducted research into some of the issues concerned, I immediately recognized the picture Baaijen paints as a true one, supported by evidence with which I am familiar.
And I was delighted to find that, when he explored questions I had not addressed in detail, his conclusions very much confirmed my provisional suspicions as to what was involved.
There is nothing more important to communicate to our fellow human beings than the hidden reality that we are ruled by a global criminal mafia – Glafia as Baaijen calls it – or the “criminocracy” in my own terminology.
Such is the threat posed by this entity, which aims to “steal our planet, freedom, and future” as the book’s subtitle rightly warns, that large-scale resistance is urgently required.
But how can people be expected to fight against something which they don’t even know exists and whose suggested existence they have been brainwashed into regarding as a figment of deluded or ill-intentioned thinking?
The Predators provides a solid platform for spreading awareness of the stark reality of the sociopathic Glafia and its domination project.
Its overall vision provides a framework in which other researchers can investigate the thousands of threads that make up the worldwide web of corruption, without ever losing sight of the Big Picture.
And this framework of understanding can be the basis of a new movement of international resistance that will go beyond merely identifying the criminocrats and aim to bring their odious rule to an end.
Foreword … i
Overview of the book … ii
How to read this book … iii
Introduction … iv
Disclaimers … x
Part A Globalism: The Real Story (c.16 stands for 16th century)
A1 From the Big Bang to 1522
A1.1 In the Beginning
A1.2 Prehistory: life in the natural world
A1.3 Early civilizations
A1.4 The globalized world of 1522
A2 c.16 Mediterranean capitalists start plotting
A2.1 The first thread: the city-states of Genoa and Venice
A2.2 The second thread: ex-Iberian Jews
A2.3 Entwining the Italian and Jewish threads
A2.4 Sidelining Catholic Spain, toward Protestant empires
A3 c.17 Going Atlantic: propping up the Dutch & Brits
A3.1 The soaring career of the Dutch empire
A3.2 The English Revolutions: grooming the next hegemon
A3.3 The East India Companies: private colonization tools
A4 c.18 Making Perfidious Albion rule the waves
A4.1 The take-off of the Brutish Empire
A4.2 The American Revolution: a charade
A4.3 The French Revolution: another foreign-managed event
A5 c.19 Anglo-American proxies prepare Eurasia's conquest
A5.1 New leaders for an old banking cabal: the Rothschilds
A5.2 Toward the USA: robber barons, civil war, and a bank
A5.3 Spanish America "freed": revolutions precede investments
A5.4 Planning The Great 20th Century Slaughter of Eurasia
A5.5 Building up the Axis powers: Germany, Italy and Japan
A5.6 Ideologies: the new opium of the people
A6 c.20 The Good Guys stage The Slaughter of Eurasia
A6.1 Staged massacres: the 30-year War to conquer Eurasia
A6.2 Russia's Cursed Course
A6.3 The Tragedy of Germany
A6.4 The sky-rocketing career of Communist China
A6.5 Fake de-colonization: from visible, to invisible
A6.6 The Cold War: another Strategy of Fear
A6.7 1971: the year that (music) changed everything
A7 c.21 End Game: Global Digital Prison, Glafia goes East
A7.1 9/11/2001: the End Game Overture
A7.2 The long planned financial crisis
A7.3 Covid: Glafia's umpteenth protection racket
A7.4 The Great Reset: welcome to the Global Digital Prison
A7.5 The Great Shift: after 500 years, Glafia goes East
A8 Discussion and Conclusions (A&B)
A8.1 Discussion: The Predator theory of history
A8.2 Our Past: The Great Deceit
A8.3 Our Present: The Great Reset
A8.4 Our Future: The Great Freeset?
Epilogue Our future is human
Part B Globalism: 46 Highlights
B1 The Mystery of the Universe
B2 The Arch-Fascists: a global monster with age-old roots
B3 A brief history of China
B4 A brief history of Russia
B5 A brief history of the USA
B6 A brief history of Europe
B7 A brief history of the Middle East
B8 A history of the Jews, and their Phoenician brothers
B9 Who's who in Glafia?
B10 Revealing the truth: support from official historians
B11 Capitalism: it’s NOT the economy, stupid!
B12 Communism: an unexpected Glafia success
B13 (Fabian) Socialism: elite wolf in sheep's clothing
B14 Nazism: definitely, another Glafia project
B15 Zionism: just an incident of a far reaching plan
B16 Anti-Semitism, and the "real operators"
B17 Nationalism, Populism, Conservatism, the Right
B18 Cultural Marxism: the planned subversion of the West
B19 The spiritual war, from shamanism to transhumanism
B20 Global Money Control: usury and debt slavery
B21 Global Mind Control: Plato’s Cave
B22 Predictive programming: prepping us for staged events
B23 Methods for world domination
B24 Protection rackets: a Glafia specialty
B25 Assetization: stealing the global commons
B26 Agriculture: scapegoat or savior?
B27 Wooden evidence: the Tree Trunk Truth on global warming
B28 Ukra-Kabuki: yet another staged war
B29 Sex and gender in the age of wokeism
B30 Culling the herd: the depopulation agenda
B31 Migration: indeed, a replacement agenda
B32 The Five Horsemen of the End Game
B33 The multipolar trap: the old gangsters, in new suits
B34 Pharmafia: The New Merchants of Death
B35 LaLaLand: missing trillions, hypersonic missiles & UFO’s
B36 Menticide in Totalitaria: the land that kills the free mind
B37 From chattel to cattle slavery
B38 Gatekeepers, wherever you go
B39 Snow is Black: media and education
B40 Geo-engineering: The Earth, Glafia's ultimate weapon
B41 Thoughts on the essence of life
B42 The Real Story: a summary
B43 The Real Story: a timeline table
B44 Twelve Theses, to nail on the fridge door
B45 My little crystal ball
B46 What are we to do now?
Recommended sites and reading
List of abbreviations
To all brave people
who tried to denounce
The Predators.
To my beloved Mom and Dad,
who knew we're from Above
(my T. stands for Theodoor).
To brothers lost,
and brothers found.
To my wife of 50 years,
for all her love and patience.
To all the good friends
who gave me help and advice.
To all the birds that sang for me
during this project.
by Jim MacGregor
Meeuwis Baaijen’s first visit to my home in Scotland some 7 years ago was to discuss my research and writing on the First World War. A warm and lasting friendship developed between this rather dour Scottish family doctor and the warm and genial veterinarian and deep thinker. The hand harmonica playing Dutchman and his wife have lived in several parts of the world, working many years in Africa and Latin America as a veterinarian (he) and physical therapist (she). Finally settling on a small farm in Costa Rica, they are now homesteading and sharing the organic fruits of their labor with friends and neighbors, in the age-old bartering way.
Meeuwis' work changed my life for the better and on reading his book, it will change yours too. It is an important book, a deeply researched and epic account of the terrible mess our beautiful blue planet is in thanks to the appalling legacies, over many centuries, of rich and power crazed individuals.
Meeuwis takes us back 500 years to trace the development of a criminal oligarchy - an all- powerful "Global Mafia" or Glafia - that operates behind the curtains in our world. Today, that oligarchy controls the international banking system through its control of the central banks in each country, and organizations such as the World Bank and International Monetary Fund based in Washington DC, and the Bank of International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland. It is vital to understand that these banks are owned and controlled not by nations or their citizens, but by these powerful individuals, and family dynasties that go back centuries. Meeuwis explains how, through control of money, this group controls not merely the banks, but the World Health Organization, the United Nations, NATO, and much more.
And through their control of the central banks and money supply in each country, the bankers and oligarchs are able to control politicians and politics in almost all parts of the world. Such political control does not arise by accident but by design. Promising young politicians are pre-selected, groomed for power, and rendered beholden with promises of rich rewards when they retire from the pantomime that is politics. As the recent Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell scandal clearly demonstrated, many politicians are also rendered beholden to the Money Power through luxurious trips abroad in private jets and the provision of sexual encounters with young people, including children.
The Predators Versus the People contributes new insights to our understanding of a centuries old conspiracy and is a powerful message of warning. It reveals the grim reality in well researched detail, and how these rich and ruthless individuals have, over the centuries, been directly responsible for the colonization of the Third World and the major wars to gain control of Eurasia, including both the First and Second World Wars. For bankers and the military-industrial complex, nothing is more lucrative than war, and the bigger, the longer and bloodier the war, the better.
This book sheds a bright, penetrating light on conspiracy facts, not on fake theories, and shows how our world is really run.
Dr Jim MacGregor, author and co-author of: The Iboga Visions;
Hidden History, The Secret Origins of the First World War;
Prolonging the Agony, How the Anglo-American Establishment Deliberately Extended WWI by Three-and-a-Half Years.
After Covid, millions of people understand one thing: they've been fooled. Yet they are still wondering WHY all these strange things could happen. Many have already figured out that it's very difficult to find the answer on the internet or in books. That's because only a wide and deep analysis of global history can give us the Big Picture of the past, as the necessary framework for a proper understanding of what we go through today, and what we may expect to come.
The Predators versus The People, a clear and engaging book with a deep and independent analysis of history, explains why so many strange things are happening now. It's an honest, logical and no-nonsense narrative of global history, counter to the false official version we've all been spoon fed almost every day of our lives. Currently, the book is split in two parts, Globalism: The Real Story (Part A), complemented by Globalism: 46 Highlights (Part B), a reference work with 46 brief essays on crucial topics. Improvements and additions will be forthcoming.
The Real Story starts with an overview of early global history, including the falsified scientific foundations of the origins of the Universe, Life and Man. It then focuses on the umpteenth attempt for the domination of the world, this time by a Global Mafia, or Glafia. This group of dynastic banking families, not bound to any nation, religion, race, or ethnicity, is here named The Predators. Their Plot took shape around 1522 and was the first based on the power of CAPITAL and DECEIT. Now, five centuries later, it's nearing completion with the WEF’s The Great Reset.
Based on a large body of converging evidence, a good part from highly respected historians, this work provides the burden of proof that the main global events in the last five centuries were driven by these Predators. From the start, Glafia has operated this enormous project through proxies. It made Europe's upcoming "sovereign" nation states its first proxies, which it controlled via usurious central banking and bribery (capital), and fake democracies (deceit). These European proxy states were then tasked and financed to colonize the "low- hanging fruit", the lands and people in the Third World. Centuries afterwards, Glafia organized their fake decolonization.
Eurasia's empires, the "high-hanging fruit", were the hardest nut to crack. A large operation of wars, crises and revolutions was prepared far in advance. It became The Great 20th Century Slaughter of Eurasia, with 200+ million deaths. All bogeymen in its many protection rackets - communism and Hitler included - were set up by Glafia's UK/US/Zionist proxies. Yet, through deceit by treasonous academia and media, Glafia’s British and American inciters of The Great Slaughter are still feted as the greatest liberators ever, while its Zionist proxies still pose as the greatest victims ever. The West was also used as an incubator for advanced science and technology.
During a centuries long confidence game, Glafia corrupted and captured all our 193 fake sovereign and fake democratic governments, which are now acting as "traitors within the gates", with Covid as proof of the totalitarian pudding.
With ALL LANDS under Glafia control, their aim for the 21st century is to control ALL PEOPLE individually, via The Great Reset / IVth Industrial Revolution, the End Game to install their Global Digital Prison (with CBDC, UBI, carbon budgets, etc.).
After earlier cycles of this domination project with Spain, Holland, England, and the USA as Western hegemons, Glafia's new global leader states China and Russia, both groomed since over a century, are now taking the baton over for the fifth cycle. The current shift, the first from the West to the East, is carried out under the cover of military and germ wars, and a new “benevolent multipolar world order”, while the still deceived and dormant West is being demolished.
The explosive revelations about the hundreds of millions of victims in the ruthless Predator projects to colonize the globe, and in the many horrendous wars, revolutions, crises, and other atrocities which they staged and still carry out, are shocking. But that isn't all: their hidden spiritual war on "WE, the People", an Endarkenment masked as the Enlightenment, alienated humanity from Nature and the Universe (God, Tao, Allah), especially in the West. That's why a rediscovery of the essence of life is the revolution WE need.
Please save yourself the huge and confusing hassle of figuring it all out on your own! With the peace of mind which this book brings, you can turn your attention to finding ways to regain our stolen planet, freedom, and future.
Presently, this book has two parts: Globalism: The Real Story (Part A), complemented by Globalism: 46 Highlights (Part B), a reference work with brief essays on crucial topics. This way, the story lines of the chronological narrative in A were separated from the descriptions of the tools and methods used by history's big players, in B. In other words, a part of the trees in the great, dense jungle of history was removed to Part B, so you can clearly see the Big Picture in Part A, as lanes crossing the woods. Thus, The Real Story is literally told in a clear-cut way, as you may note by gleaning the Table of Contents.
Part A, The Real Story, is largely chronological, but some forward and backward jumps are made to show the dynamics of the story lines. It has eight chapters, numbered A1 to A8, and the first section of chapter A1 is numbered A1.1 etc, which keeps the many cross references in the book as concise as possible. A brief Discussion and Conclusions on our Past, Present and Future, and a short Epilogue complete Part A.
The reader of the narrative told in Part A is often referred to the 46 essays of Part B, numbered B1-B46, which is the primary reference work for Part A. That also works the other way round, from B to A. Part B's Highlights, of about 1200 words each, expose the essence of important topics in history, science, business, and ideologies and other methods used in the domination project. The Highlights also contain two summaries of global history, one descriptive and the other a timeline table with 26 important aspects.
The 46 essays of Part B provide rather dense information, not meant for continuous reading. On the flip side, any highlight can be read on its own and in its entirety when you have little time available.
There is a helpful degree of redundancy between the parts, as Part A weaves several threads into one Real Story, while Part B's Highlights focus on one thread or theme at a time. Any person with high school level education should be able to read it, although a little effort will be needed: it's not a book of leisure, but of study.
How to navigate this book
To make the navigation in this large pdf file a breeze, we have installed five types of hyperlinks, most shown in blue:
- In the Click-Table of Contents, be it the numbers of chapters and sections, or the names (where they have no number, e.g., Introduction).
- Many cross references in the text (e.g., A1.4, B23), to chapters and sections.
- In each chapter heading, a click on the red TOC “button” brings you back to the
- Several cross references to a few quotes and the one figure in the text.
- Many hyperlinks to articles and books on the internet.
When you hover the cursor over the hyperlinks or cross references, a little hand appears.
The past is never dead. It's not even past.
William Faulkner (1897-1962), American writer
If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, Infinite. For man has closed himself up, till he sees all things through narrow chinks of his cavern.
William Blake (1757-1827), British artist, The Marriage of Heaven and Hell
The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.
Attributed to George Orwell, I’m pretty sure he would have endorsed it.
We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis, and the nations will accept the New World Order.
David Rockefeller (1915-2017), international banker, Glafia leader, in 1994
Most people are not just comfortable in their ignorance, but hostile to anyone who points it out.
Plato (+/- 428-348 BC), The Allegory of the Cave
Almost 2400 years ago, the Greek philosopher Plato described in an allegory how the common people were living as prisoners in a dark cave, where “reality” is projected as a shadow play on the wall by artists in the pay of the prevailing regime. A prisoner managing to escape is left in shock:
Slowly, his eyes adjust to the light of the sun... Gradually he can see ... the people and things themselves. Eventually … he can look upon the sun itself.
The astonished escapee returns to tell his fellow prisoners about the truth he's found, but they believe he’s gone mad and kill him.
If you've heard about cognitive dissonance, well, this is it, described thousands of years ago.
Westerners consider themselves the most well-informed and free people ever. Yet for a long time, hundreds of prominent scientists, analysts, politicians, and a few journalists and artists, have tried to warn them that they are in fact watching a mass-mediated fake reality controlled by very powerful people – an illusion, or a theater, just as in Plato's Cave. Other metaphors are Punch's and Judy's puppet theater, or Kabuki theater (Japan), where hidden puppet masters make their puppets follow a script. The term Matrix is also used, derived from the Wachowski brothers' fiction film series, with the famous red and blue pills, where taking the red pill will reveal the truth, while taking the blue one will leave the matrix unchanged.
For many people in the Soviet Union, it was crystal clear that they were living in Plato's Cave. They knew that Pravda and the Party told them lies, or propaganda at best. Several anecdotes relate how they were always stupefied and laughing hard when Westerners told them that contrary to Pravda, Western media were always revealing the absolute truth.
Prof. Karel van Wolferen commented on the Japanese situation, where the newspapers reveal tatemae, the official reality, and where honne, the substantial reality, is known by certain journalists but not published due to self-censorship, to prevent career suicide or worse. A similar split exists in Latin America, where I have spent 36 years: ask any of the many streetwise people, preferably in a bar, which families are governing the country from behind the scenes, and they will eagerly tell you the details, although you won’t find that information ever on TV or in newspapers.
In response to the strange policies around the Covid “pandemic”, Dr. Kees van der Pijl, a distinguished political scientist who specialized in international relations, published his book States of Emergency: Keeping the Global Population in Check. Van der Pijl affirms that the official Covid measures to control the virus are a pretext for the implementation of a digital population control system, imposed by a criminal oligarchy.
Already in 1970, Zbigniew Brzezinski, National Security Advisor of the USA, wrote about such a digital population control system (in Between Two Ages: America's Role in the Technetronic Era):
a more controlled society ... dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values ... [with] almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain[ing] up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen ... subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities.
As to Van der Pijl, the increasing awareness and resistance of the populace, now much better informed through the internet, is feared by these extremely rich and powerful “elites”. They are especially afraid that modern IT technology will be used to create innovative systems of direct digital democracy. That way, these “elites” could be forced to share their often illegally obtained riches with most of the people, and to hand in all their privileges.
You might argue that you have never heard of such a criminal oligarchy with global powers as explained by Van der Pijl, not in school, not in books, and neither in the cinema, the newspapers or on TV. Now that’s easy to explain, because if there really was such a sophisticated Global Mafia - much more powerful than the common Mafia – then they would obviously cover their tracks and stay out of sight and above the law.
But wouldn’t some brave journalists or scientists have denounced them and revealed their secrets? In fact quite a few just did that, but havegone largely unnoticed because their publications are always severely suppressed. Such authors are ridiculed, ignored, stigmatized, harassed, threatened, attacked, diagnosed with a mental illness, or even killed or “suicided”. Isn’t that exactly what you would expect when dealing with a sophisticated Mafia?
One of our sources, the remarkably well written and referenced book Hidden History, the Secret Origins of the First World War by Gerry Docherty and Jim MacGregor, has not been given any reviews in the official media. Its literary agent, with forty years in the publishing business, remarked that he had never experienced such determination by the mainstream media to suppress a book.
Guido Preparata’s brilliant thesis Conjuring Hitler: How Britain and America made the Third Reich (also an important source for the present book) suffered the same fate. On the contrary, the many clueless books and fake histories about the World Wars receive huge attention by the mass media, e.g. The Sleepwalkers by Christopher Clark. Prof. Carroll Quigley’s seminal book Tragedy and Hope (1966), in which he revealed a centuries old conspiracy by internationalist bankers, mysteriously disappeared from the shelves of bookshops. Quigley had his even more important first book published after his death in 1977: The Anglo-American Establishment (1981). No mainstream academic historian has ever written a review of this stunning work, in which he named the names.
Similarly, Stanford University prof. Antony C. Sutton wrote several important books on the creation of communism, socialism and Nazism by the Money Powers of Wallstreet and The City, London. Not once were his data or arguments challenged. Yet in his own words, he “was squashed, threatened, harassed, and discarded — for whose benefit?” Insiders surmise he was murdered by the same Mafia. Similarly suspect murder cases are known, officially classified as suicide, yet often described by insiders as “the victim was suicided”.
In addition, numerous respected individuals have left us thousands of warnings about “the elephant in the room”, i.e.: the criminal oligarchy behind a global domination project. You will find many examples in the present book, in which we call this Global Mafia simply Glafia. That's to honor Confucius, who famously said:
Above all it is essential to refer to things by their correct names. If things are not referred to by their correct names, then our language will not reflect reality. If our language does not reflect reality, then our actions will not reflect reality, and will be exercises in futility.
This is about a hidden, inter-generational and criminal organization, and their project is indeed a very old conspiracy. On reflection, this is not surprising, because thousands of years ago, empires like Babylon, Athens, Rome and the Mongols tried to dominate the then known globe, as your history professor will have told you. The main difference is that the earlier attempts were always in the open, while this time its operations are hidden and, in good Mafia style, always “by proxy”, using front organizations (governments, media, institutions, corporations, NGO's, think tanks, etc.).
In fact, in our since long globalized world, with its highly advanced sciences and technologies (transportation, communication, production etc) and the enormous concentration of wealth in a very small number of people, the absence of a global domination effort would be both amazing and illogical. Almost 50 years ago, the dissident French thinker Jacques Ellul foresaw what the inescapable result of unlimited technological development and endlessly concentrated power would be:
In truth, there is one way, but only one: the most totalitarian global dictatorship that could ever exist.
Yet we’ve been spoon fed all our life with the official, traditional view of history: in democracies, people elect their governments which then promote people´s interests (albeit imperfectly). All problems the world faces or has faced were due to our own or our politicians’ stupidity, or to accidents, bad luck, unhappy coincidences, etc. There are no hidden hands, no puppet masters, no scripts, no plans, and no context! It’s all a random process! The past could have taken any turn! Tomorrow everything can be different! Confucius would probably have called this the cock-up version of history.
The great influencer Albert Einstein most probably tried to reinforce this accidentalist view of history when he said: "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." There’s also a more critical version of the traditional view, which admits that elected governments can be influenced or bribed by powerful corporations or other players, to act against the common people’s interests.
However, the official narrative of history strongly denies the possibility of the existence of organized, long term global crime: apparently, rich and powerful people never conspire! As president George W. Bush said two months after 9/11: “Let us never tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories!” In their faked naivety, official historians lean heavily on documents - which sophisticated criminals of course avoid like the plague. Most of these “court” historians consider present documents more important than past occurrences.
As an example, when the Swiss historian Daniele Ganser wanted to study the secret Gladio operation by CIA and NATO, a version of state terrorism which after WW2 committed false flag attacks all over Europe causing hundreds of fatalities, his professors strongly discouraged him because of the lack of documents: no documents, no narrative. Fortunately, Ganser persisted, and his 2001 dissertation provided deep insights in this Glafia operation (not his term). His work proved very helpful in the analysis of the 9/11 event that same year, which had a signature suggestive of Gladio’s.
Although he supported the official narrative, the following Einstein quote explains that any prejudice on how the world is operating will necessarily lead to erroneous conclusions: “Whether you can observe a thing or not depends on the theory which you use: it is the theory which decides what can be observed.” The result of such “narrative fixation” (a term by prof. Edward Fullbrook) by official historians is “fake history”.
For a deeper dive on this subject, see fake history by MacGregor & Docherty.
In the conspiracy view of history, important members of governments and institutions are secretly preselected and groomed (e.g., as WEF “Young Global Leaders”), and then elected or appointed, to work for the aims of the power elite. This way, nations become pawns on the global chessboard (see Lord Curzon’s quote). In the early 1990's, three men took part in a US training course for global leaders: Nicolas Sarkozy, Gordon Brown and Jan Peter Balkenende. Fifteen years later, all three were (s)elected as prime minister in their respective countries: France, the UK and Holland.
The common people are “mind controlled” to believe the official narrative: also called “manufactured consent” by Noam Chomsky, or “perception management”. The conspiratorial analysis of history is indeed more complicated, as it factors in the crucial role of hidden powers, which covertly direct the global puppet theater, using countries and institutions as their Punch’s and Judy’s, or chess pieces.
Cover-ups are a standard part of the operations of these powers, including the destruction of documents and other evidence. During the serious food scarcities in Europa, right after WW1, that happened on a massive scale, when Glafia agent Herbert Hoover (later rewarded with the 31st presidency of the United States) removed many shiploads of documents from all European countries, including Germany and Russia, in exchange for food (all these countries were starving). This document harvest ended up under lock and key in the newly created Hoover Institute at Stanford University, USA.
Were critical documents pertaining the true origins of WW1 destroyed in the process? Nobody knows. Likewise, millions of WW1 documents are still classified in the UK, and gradually disappearing, it seems. To protect whom, more than a century after the war, we might ask? The fact that no official historian has ever protested such bizarre measures is self-explanatory: an independent analysis of these hidden documents would probably contradict the official version of history.
The received history is thoroughly contaminated by the ruling oligarchs, see Quigley's Tragedy and Hope. Russia’s top-intellectual, Andrey Fursov, states that our scientific institutions are similarly shackled by a global Mafia:
I would like to remind you about the research by Andy Coghlan and Debora MacKenzie published in October 2011 on the site of the New Scientist. This group of scholars showed that 147 companies, 1% of all companies, controlled 40% of the world economy. This is very indicative. This means that the modern economy, whose basic unit of analysis is the market, conceals more than it shows. Politics and the nation-state are fading away, and this means that political science, with its basic units of analysis - politics and the state - not only cannot adequately conceptualize, but cannot even merely depict real power relations, especially on the global level.
Secondly, there is another serious problem with political science. Real power is usually secret or semi-secret, shadow power. Conventional political science has neither concepts nor methods, to analyse this type of power. The more democratic the facade of the western society was becoming in the 19th and 20th centuries, the less real power it had. This power was channelled into closed clubs, super-national structures, etc. What I am saying is banal and trivial, but political science in its present condition cannot analyse real power relations.
So, a new social science is needed, studying the real world, and not that which professed scholarship defines as real. A new social science with new disciplines, new concepts, a social force which will be able to create such a new type of scholarship, has the best chance to win in the 21st Century.
In the meantime, power and capital have been concentrated even more (see documentary Monopoly by Tim Gielen), but Fursov’s proposal for a “new social science” has never been implemented in any institution.
Yet far before Fursov proposed it, several brave professional and amateur historians (some already mentioned above) have been using his method. They were often retired, because still employed researchers who dare to touch “the third rail” often find their careers suffering or blocked (“career suicide”): “You may rock the boat, but not the ocean.”
The analysis of conspiracies is a combination of historical research (mainly based on primary evidence: documents) and detective work. To solve a crime, detectives normally don’t concentrate on documents - as there often are none - but on secondary or circumstantial evidence: Cui bono? (Who benefits?); the money trail (“follow the money”); and motive, means and opportunity. These analysts are also alert on cover-ups, pitfalls, falsifications, and false tracks, including “false flags attacks”.
In my initial research on centuries long conspiracies and serial crimes, I mostly leaned on “controversial” or “unconventional” authors. Authors whose work, as explained above, is almost always heavily suppressed by the mainstream media including Wikipedia, or classified as “looney conspiracy theories” or “racist” or “anti-Semitic” (see also Disclaimers). Yet in the last years of my 10-year study, I discovered several highly respected mainstream historians who basically supported the same thesis, although in very different terms, which results in a “convergence of evidence”. Eight of these historians are mentioned in B10.
The resulting book is a counter-narrative to the official lies as told in Plato's Cave. It is based on thousands of books and articles, interviews, and documentaries, analyzed during 10 years of more than full-time research. Its sources are high quality, but as an old Soviet joke goes: “The future is certain; only the past is unpredictable”. The past can never be replayed, but patterns can be discerned. And ideally, a solid, coherent, and logical framework can be formulated in which past and present event can find a place. In this case, that's The Predators theory of history, see A8.1. It's the antithesis of Marx' class struggle, and of capitalism's fake “free trade and competition” theory, and also of the WEF's “Great Narrative”.
When I started this long and winding journey into the discovery of history, I had not the slightest idea where I would end up, and that so many nightmares would be mine. I simply went where the evidence was leading me. My only interest was finding out the truth on how the world really works. And especially, how 9/11 - the event that had triggered me - could have happened.
As a trained veterinarian, I had learned to systematically observe the symptoms of a sick animal or herd, to then examine it methodically. With the preliminary results thus obtained, the veterinarian or medical professional doesn't jump to a diagnosis, but first formulates a list of hypotheses on the possible cause of the ailment: the differential diagnosis. To sort out the final diagnosis, additional examinations are often needed.
My initial differential diagnosis of global history had many hypotheses: Illuminati, Skull & Bones, the Vatican, the Jesuits, the Jews, Phoenicians or Canaanites, Nazis, Freemasons, banksters, but David Icke's aliens and shape shifting reptilians didn't make it to my list. Yet as Poirot concluded in Murder on the Orient Express, “there were too many clues”. As it turned out, Lord Acton had formulated the correct diagnosis already 125 years ago:
The issue which has swept down the centuries and which will have to be fought sooner or later is the people versus the banks.
Acton was seen as “one of the most learned people of his age, unmatched for the breadth, depth, and humanity of his knowledge,” and “one of the most articulate defenders of religious and political freedom” in the 19th century. In brief, it's the globalist banker dynasties plotting to steal our planet, freedom, and future, which they do by proxy, or in other words, by deceit. The others on the list above are just that, their - always exchangeable - proxies.
The intentions of these bankers are the same as those of the Greeks, Romans and Babylonians who established enslaving empires by blunt force. But their methods are far more sophisticated: by proxy, by stealth, and now combined with advanced technology and a 100% coverage of the globe. Their national proxies are people we trust, who behave and speak and look and smile and dress like us, because we elected or appointed them in our “democracies”. Very clever indeed!
On several occasions, I discussed my findings with other independent amateur researchers, all of them retired, over 70, bright, honest, and with a sense of humor and their two feet firmly on the ground. Each one has spent over 25 years undertaking similar studies.
This group comprised: Jim MacGregor, a former NHS General Practitioner in Scotland who grew up at a home for war veterans of WW1 and 2, and who published two important books on WW1; a former Silicon Valley computer expert who was triggered by George Bush Sr. talk of a New World Order on September 11th, 1991; a descendant of an ancient Genoese family who as a financial analyst managed large investment and public funds for major participants in US financial industries; and a close friend who worked at CEO level in technology industries in Latin American countries, where he encountered anomalies which set him on a similar path of study.
Between the five of us we share well over a hundred years of independent historical analysis. Miraculously, from the start there was a large agreement in our findings, which are here presented under the title:
The Predators versus The People.
Born (in 1952) and still a boy, raised under sea level in simple-life rural Holland, I went on to train as a veterinarian. For the last 47 years I have lived and worked in 7 countries on 4 continents, becoming fluent in 5 languages. These experiences of international living have enormously enriched our lives, a perspective further deepened by my wife’s dedication to Taoist Tai Chi. We are now long-time immigrants in Costa Rica, with our own organic homestead.
Our main conclusion is that all humans are spiritual beings, just as my father the Reverend told us: “We’re all children of one [divine] Father.” And our only race is the Human Race. According to National Geographic, my own genes are 16% West Asian (Phoenician? Babylonian? Jewish?), 36% Mediterranean (what's in that mix? Phoenicians for sure), 46% North European and 2% Neanderthal.
Strange? Not at all, this is fairly typical for Dutchmen, Germans or Brits. And where did those North European genes come from? Indeed, from the Middle East, surely again with a good sip of Phoenician and Jewish genes.
Accusations of anti-Semitism are often a trick to shame and discredit truth seekers. “We use it all the time”, said Israeli minister Shulamit Aloni. UNESCO is now expanding “the trick”, in a joint campaign with the European Commission, Twitter and the World Jewish Congress, Think Before Sharing: “… to identify, debunk, react to and report on conspiracy theories to prevent their spread ... to help spread the word that facts matter, and no one is to blame." See also Why was the conspiracy myth created.
Naming - alleged - Jews (see Revelation 3:9) as the Rothschilds or George Soros, or the State of Israel, in an honest historical analysis, as in this book, is now enough to be accused of antisemitism. Obviously, this is part of the cover-up of the Jewish proxy role in Glafia’s domination project. But please, a word of warning to avoid an exclusive focus on the Jews: all nations, political parties, NGO's, colors, sexes, genders, religions and ethnicities now play a proxy role in The Predators.
Eurocentrism sees Europe “as the primary engine and architect of world history, the bearer of universal values and reason, and model of progress and development”, at least for the last 500 years. Many books on this period are Euro- or USA-centric. Here we provide a counter-narrative: Glafia’s global domination project is not European, neither American nor Jewish.
Of the many people and countries Glafia duped, bribed, or forced to become its proxies, the first were indeed Europeans, later also Americans, and yes, many proxies were Jews. They all committed horrific crimes, as will be explained in The Great 20th Century Slaughter of Eurasia (A6).
But with Glafia’s End Game now set in motion, subordinate elites in ALL countries (“we penetrate zhe cabinets everywhere”, Klaus Schwab - WEF) are serving this Evil Power and betraying their own people. If we let that happen, this time we will all be colonized and enslaved.
Left / Right
The author of this book set off on the Left. Actually, I worked for many years as a leftist volunteer, almost one year on the socialist Cooperativa Primero de Mayo in Avis, Portugal, and for over seven years under “Scientific Marxism-Leninism” in Sao Tome y Principe, and in Mozambique (where I narrowly escaped an ambush during the civil war).
Today, with a few exceptions, there’s nothing left of the Left. Most Left leaders sold their souls to the Devil in the recent course of the old Glafia project, as many of the leaders of the Right did earlier on.
During the ten years of study for this book I discovered that “divide and rule” has been a very successful tool of all empires. I also learned that all people, Left or Right, have important things to say. And that we all have blind spots too.
Cognitive infiltration
A recent article by Ron Unz shows that “Cognitive infiltration”, suggested by Cass Sunstein to combat “conspiracy theories”, could be affecting truthers by spreading “false truth” to them – to then accuse them for using it.
This quote, allegedly by George Orwell, may be an example: “The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.”
It seems to have appeared recently, all over the internet. Orwell would certainly have endorsed it, but apparently these aren’t his words. I was going to quote it unreservedly, thus risking an accusation of misquotation by Glafia paid fact checkers. In this one-man book it’s impossible to check everything on such a detailed level. In any case, there’s a large body of evidence for the thrust of The Predators versus The People story told here.
This writer is the only seer, all the others are blind
This book refers to many highly respected people who warned for Glafia's domination project. Even so, it took this not untalented, relatively well-educated author 10 years of continuous hard work at a mature age (60-70) to understand how this stealthy and shrewd domination project really works. Still, in the process of writing this counter-narrative of history, I (a veterinarian, cheese maker and homesteader) had to lift far above my weight.
What I found out is that there is a miraculous "creative process" that assists devoted truth seekers (which, by the way, has long been known in Eastern wisdom such as Taoism). Once a person has a strong intent to find out the TRUTH - any truth, about history, about self-reliance, about alternative money and so on - original ideas will come up out of the blue. Not from the realm of mere matter, as materialist scientism alleges (Harari: "the times of the free will and the soul are over"). Nobody has shown how ideas are generated by molecules or atoms, and thus they can only originate in the realm of the "spirit" (further discussed in A1.1 and B1).
Once you've given such an idea form - in writing or any other way - space is created for receiving newer and even better ideas. Synchronicities will start to appear: like a friend giving feedback or suggestions, an unexpected meeting, happening upon an important book that you had overlooked for years, or a recent article that confirms your thesis: all signs that "the universe agrees". That's why conscious humans don't need Artificial Intelligence or Metaverse: in our connection to the universe, we've always been "transhuman"!
This book is the result of such a co-creative process in partnership with universal wisdom. Its form is a compromise between a scholarly text and a popular work: I simply cannot render the thousands of references in an academic way. Most external references are shown as hyperlinks, and many internal hyperlinks are in place to facilitate navigation.
Biography of the author
Meeuwis T. Baaijen (1952) was born and brought up in simple-life rural Holland, where he developed strong ties with nature. As a veterinarian and later also entrepreneur, he worked in 7 countries on 4 continents, which allowed him a direct experience with different cultures, political systems, languages, and above all, people. His international background served him well when he decided to dig deep into global history, to write his first book, The Predators (and its six translations).
After 50 years as an atheist, this study convinced him that the Enlightenment was in fact an Endarkenment, to alienate us from Nature and the Universe, from which we derive our power to move mountains.
909 B111p
Baaijen, Meeuwis T.,1952- autor(a)
[recurso electrónico]
The predators versus the people / Meeuwis T. Baaijen
– Primera edición –
San José, Costa Rica : M. Baaijen 2024
1 recurso en línea (479 páginas) : pdf ; 869 Kb
ISBN 978-9968-03-700-6
1. Historia Moderna.
2. Globalización - ensayos
3. Guerra Mundial I, 1914-1918.
4. Guerra Mundial II, 1939-1945. II. Título.