ebooks index  
  The Adam and Eve Story  

Over 40 years in writing

Never before have facts been dealt with in such a spine-tingling, inspiring fashion; and never have so many secrets been unlocked in one book. This is the most stirring subject, written in the most intriguing and exciting style of any book we have ever seen.

Cataclysms - worldwide inundations such as Noah's flood - discovered in the late 1770's by great men such as Andre DeLuc, Georges Cuvier and Guy de Dolomieu - have remained as unsolved mysteries since their time. Now the Author takes you through thrilling solutions of finding the process of cataclysms, their timetable, and the derivation of their trigger, a 20-year search. Truly, cataclysms leave no one untouched!

He describes the next cataclysm with shocking reality in the first chapter, painting breath-taking word-pictures; solves the age-old question of what language Genesis I, II, and III were originally written in, and retranslates those chapters, based on that original language; reveals how dinosaurs and mammoths disappeared; translates for the first time Jesus' words on the cross; and solves the previously unsolved, enigmatic Bode's Astronomic Law, determining our Solar System structure, plus much more in this book, a remarkable accumulation of new knowledge.


Part I
Chapter 1 ♦ The Next Cataclysm
Chapter 2 ♦ The Great Floods
Chapter 3 ♦ The Story - Enigma... Pursuit... Unraveling...
Chapter 4 ♦ The Event - 11,500 Years Ago
Chapter 5 ♦ Genesis
Chapter 6 ♦ Cataclysms Revisited
Chapter 7 ♦ Conclusion
Part II
Chapter 8 ♦ Our Precursor
Chapter 9 ♦ Evolution
Chapter 10 ♦ Jesus as History
Chapter 11 ♦ Angels and UFOs
Chapter 12 ♦ Jesus and Cataclysms
Chapter 13 ♦ Afterthoughts
Chapter 14 ♦ Postlude
Chapter 15 ♦ Aftereffects
Chapter 16 ♦ Recommended Reading
Chapter 17 ♦ What's Happening to Our Magnetic Field
Avg. Sentence (words)
Avg. word length
Reading Level
Reading Time
Speaking Time
11th-12th grade
2 hrs 13 mins
3 hrs 23 mins
  AIDS, Opium, Diamonds, and Empire: The Deadly Virus of International Greed  

It is a mistake to think that wars only concern armies involved in active engagement. Nothing is farther from the truth. The real forces of evil wage a financial war. The dark princes of debt finance have gained leverage over every important social, economic, and political institution-including the health care delivery system.

In AIDS, Opium, Diamonds, and Empire, author Nancy Turner Banks draws the connections between free market strategies, the destruction of national sovereignty by the process of globalization, and AIDS as one of the health consequences of a neo-Darwinian philosophy. Through meticulous research, Banks found a medicalpharmaceutical- industrial complex that was taken over one hundred years ago by the titans of financial capitalism. Their aim was to create profit, not to conquer disease. This book of social history points to a cauldron of historical events that contributed to the HIV/AIDS crisis.

AIDS, Opium, Diamonds, and Empiretells the dramatic story of a financial ideology that is damaging to everything that it means to be human. It is the story of profits over people. In the end, it is the story of hope and how we can regain our sanity and our health in a world gone mad.


  • Factors Known to Cause False-Positive HIV Antibody Test Results … ii
  • Soft Money Contributions … iii
  • AIDS: A Small Timeline of a Large Syndrome … iv
  1. The Big Lie and the Art of War … 1
  2. Silent, Weapons … 9
  3. The Brothers Flexner, Allopathic Medicine, Lessons Learned from the British East India Company … 16
  4. HIV/AIDS: Sloppy Science or the Art of Deception? … 23
  5. The Deindustrialization of the Economic Core, More Immune Toxins, How China Fits into the Big Picture and the Death Knell for Dollar Hegemony … 32
  6. The British East India Company, Opium is King … 41
  7. Jackic-O’s Men, Drugs, Diamonds, and Oil for Empire, the AIDS Crucible … 49
  8. Maurice Tempelsman, HIV/AIDS and the U.S.—Israeli African Geopolitical Strategy … 58
  9. Kissinger and Nixon: China, Vietnam, Drugs, Cancer, and the HIV Connection … 65
  10. Iran-Contra and the Politics of Neighborhood Destruction and Cultural Disintegration, Oxidative Stressors and African AIDS … 73
  11. SMON, Pellagra, The Eugenics Blueprint for Creating and Sustaining a Medical Crisis … 79
  12. Burroughs Wellcome, the Eye of the Storm, Why Aids Drugs Cause AIDS … 86
  13. Why HIV is not Transmitted Sexually … 92
  14. What You Don't Know About the HIV Antibody Test Can Kill You … 99
  15. What Is Causing Immune Deficiency? … 106
  16. Overcoming the HIV/AIDS paradigm by using “The Secret” … 113
  17. Therapeutic Considerations for HIV Positive and Aids Patients … 121
Avg. Sentence (words)
Avg. word length
Reading Level
Reading Time
Speaking Time
College Graduate
9 hrs 26 mins
14 hrs 25 mins
  The Alien Agendas  

Richard Dolan, one of the world's leading thinkers of the UFO subject, has again offered an original analysis, one that is sorely needed in our time. Despite a new partial openness to public discussions of UFOs since 2017, the most important question continues to be left unasked: who are these beings and what do they want?

This is perhaps the most vexing problem within an already difficult subject. Dolan has gathered together a mass of UFO contact and abduction cases and has tried to make sense of them.

Dolan argues that:

  • The "true" UFOs are not ours.
  • Aliens are here mainly because of our own development as a society and as a species.
  • There is more than one group here, some arriving earlier than others.
  • At least one of these groups operates on an entirely different level than we do, making it difficult to deal with them.
  • At least one of these groups may be a genuine threat to us.

This is because it is humanity's particular development that has drawn in the galactic neighborhood to see what is going on, and perhaps to influence it.


Introduction.................................................................................. v
Prologue: Our Moment In Time.................................................. vi
Chapter 1 ◊ A Fresh Look At Our Origins................................... 1

Were We Enhanced?
Being Monitored, or Controlled?
Humanity’s Revolution
One Final Question About Our Potential Ancient Origins


Chapter 2 ◊ Human-Looking Aliens?.......................................... 5

What Are Our Sources?
The FREE Study
Too Much Variety?
From Humanoid to Human
But Why Would They Look Human?
Early Examples of Human-Looking “Aliens”
Modern Examples of Human-Looking “Aliens”
Strange Encounters with “Infiltrators”
Summarizing The Strange Stories of Human-Looking Aliens
Avatars and Hubrids Among Us?
Final Thoughts on Human-Looking Aliens


Chapter 3 ◊ Grays And Other Alien Groups............................. 16

Why Abductions?
One Person’s Abduction Experience
A Hooded Being Encounter
Telepathy and Low Frequency Brain Waves
Another Encounter with a Possible Tall Gray
The Grays and Their Agenda
Mantids or Insectalins
A Timeline of the Grays and Mantids
Who Were These Beings? Three Classic Abduction Cases
A Reptilian Shadow Being?
Other Types


Chapter 4 ◊ What Are Their Goals?........................................... 30

Delving into Their Agendas
Operating at Another Level
The Argument for Alien Secrecy
The Argument for Alien Secrecy, Part Two
Aliens and Humans in the Transhumanist Era
What Are They Doing?
Why They Could Fear Us
Why They Want To Be Here
What If They Want To Help Us?
A Deep Coverup


Conclusion.................................................................................. 40

Fighting the Lure of Conventional Wisdom
Cover-up, Competition, and Collusion
An Ancient and Advanced Human Group
A Mantid/Gray Group
A Reptilian Group
A Separate Short Humanoid Group (Ebens)
One or More Additional Groups
A Potential Trickster Intelligence
Final Thoughts


Avg. Sentence (words)
Avg. word length
Reading Level
Reading Time
Speaking Time
11th-12th grade
4 hrs 2 mins
6 hrs 10 mins
  The Apocalypse of Yajnavalkya  

Humanity stands on a precipice. The final judgment draws near, when all the works of evil will be destroyed, and the world made new. Wickedness has been present since the beginning of human history but is now more visible than ever; why is civilization being hastened toward this annihilation? Who is guiding this destruction? What can you do to prepare yourself and your loved ones to live well in this tumultuous time?

In The Apocalypse of Yajnavalkya, an ancient sage returns to take you on a four book journey that answers these questions and more. Prepare to be simultaneously enlightened and surprised, challenged and awakened. In considering the truths presented here, you will have the information you need to endure the coming destruction and become a fully actualized, powerful human being in the process.


Introductiom … ii

Book I The Ages Of Man … 1

  • Chapter 1 The Dawn Of Humanity … 2
  • Chapter 2 The Golden Age … 9
  • Chapter 3 The Silver Age … 19
  • Chapter 4 The Bronze Age … 35
  • Chapter 5 The Iron Age … 44
  • Chapter 6 The New Age … 59

Book II The Divine quaternity … 73

  • Chapter 7 Infinity … 74
  • Chapter 8 Eternity … 78
  • Chapter 9 Mind … 83
  • Chapter 10 Matters … 87
  • Chapter 11 Maya … 89
  • Chapter 12 The Eightfold Way … 94

Book III The Shadow of Death … 98

  • Chapter 13 The Ivory Tower … 99
  • Chapter 14 Making a New Man … 106
  • Chapter 15 Defiling the Innocent … 112

Book IV The Path of Righteousness … 120

  • Chapter 16 Feast and Fast … 121
  • Chapter 17 The Power of Breath … 126
  • Chapter 18 Awaken the Sleeper … 131
  • Chapter 19 Personal Apotheosis … 135

Conclusion … 142

Avg. Sentence (words)
Avg. word length
Reading Level
Reading Time
Speaking Time
College Student
5 hrs 32 mins
8 hrs 26 mins
  The Atomic Bomb was a Hoax  

Further evidence supporting the assertion that the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were a hoax – that no atomic bombs were used and that the destruction of the two cities was the result of firebombing. From the text:

The Elders of Zion needed their Zionist State, and wouldn’t you know it, a Second World War had already been offered up on the menu. It’s all too convenient. But to pull it off, because why waste a good psyop on one meal when you can milk the cow for decades, they decided to add a little alchemy in the mix. Therefore, they called upon the physicists. They called upon the chemists. The called upon high-ranking generals. But mostly, they called upon actors and spook occultists, and the rest is history. They called upon one man whom most if not all of us know, but only by one name. OPPENHEIMER

The entire account reads off like a Hollywood movie … They are trying to sell this to us as organic; the results of human ingenuity; Manifest Destiny and all that; when in fact Oppenheimer was selected for his Occultist pedigree, probably groomed for his part long before Knowing what we do now, that the official narrative is a script and all the world is a stage …

Today, an obelisk stands erect [at the Trinity test site in New Mexico] as the lasting memorial to Oppenheimer’s alchemical exercise. … The point of alchemy, as well as the hieroglyphic packaging behind every Trinity here mentioned, is to transmute the nature of the mortal soul into something immortal, which is to say, divine. … Like the Copernican Revolution, the atomic bomb was the ultimate exoteric expression of an age-old esoteric pursuit. – Sun worship.


  • Part 1: Marie-Curie & the Crossroads of Mercury … 1
  • Part 2: Trinity Alchemists Exposed … 4
  • Part 3: Architects of Hiroshima … 13
  • Part 4: Lookout Mountain & the Bikini Atoll … 22
Avg. Sentence (words)
Avg. word length
Reading Level
Reading Time
Speaking Time
College Student
1 hrs 21 mins
2 hrs 4 mins
  The Baby Matrix  

Last Update: 24 July 2022 [see Contents for what’s here]

In the movie The Matrix, the character Morpheus offers two pills to Neo—if he takes the blue pill, he will go on with life as he has before, believing what he has always believed. If he takes the red pill, he will find out what the “matrix” really is, and many of his earlier beliefs will be shattered. When it comes to taking a hard look at a specific set of beliefs about parenthood and reproduction that has driven our society for generations, The Baby Matrix is the red pill.

The Baby Matrix: Why Freeing Our Minds From Outmoded Thinking About Parenthood & Reproduction Will Create a Better World looks at long-held beliefs about parenthood and reproduction, and unravels why we believe what we believe. We commonly think our desire to have children boils down to our biological wiring, but author Laura Carroll says it’s much more than that. Unlike other books on parenthood, The Baby Matrix takes a serious look at powerful social and cultural influences that drive the desire for the parenthood experience, and lays out why we need to be very aware of these influences to make the most informed decisions about parenthood. It examines:

  • the historical origins of beliefs about parenthood and reproduction
  • why many of these beliefs no longer work for society or were never true in the first place
  • why we continue to believe them anyway
  • the prices society pays as a result

The Baby Matrix shows us how we got here, brings to light what is true, which includes knowing about the powerful influence of “pronatalism,” and explains why society can no longer afford to leave pronatalism unquestioned.

“This is not a book about convincing people not to have children,” says Carroll. “I want people to be very aware of the long-held social and cultural pressures, and be able to free themselves from those pressures when making parenthood choices. This will result in more people making the best decisions for themselves, will foster a society in which those who are best suited to become parents are the ones who have children and one that knows what it means to bring a child into the world today.”

This book will make you examine your own intentions and beliefs, will rile you, and might just change your mind. Whether you are already a parent, want to become a parent, are still making up your mind, or know you don’t want children, you’ll never think about parenthood in the same way.

The Baby Matrix is a must-read for anyone interested in psychology, sociology, anthropology, parenting issues, environmentalism, and social justice. But most of all, it’s for anyone, parent or not, who reveres the truth and wants the best for themselves, their families, and our world.


Introduction: Why It’s Time for This Manifesto
Awakening to Pronatalism
The Destiny Assumption
The Normality Assumption
The Marriage Assumption
The Right to Reproduce Assumption
The Offspring Assumption
The Fulfillment Assumption
The Elderhood Assumption
The Transition Has Already Begun
Toward a Post-Pronatal Society
The 7 Post-Pronatal Assumptions
Avg. Sentence (words)
Avg. word length
Reading Level
Reading Time
Speaking Time
11th-12th grade
1 hrs 1 mins
1 hrs 31 mins
  Béchamp or Pasteur?  

This volume contains new editions of two books which have been available only sporadically in the decades since their publication. R. Pearson’s Pasteur: Plagiarist, Imposter was originally published in 1942, and is a succinct introduction to both Louis Pasteur and Antoine Béchamp, and the reasons behind the troubled relationship that they shared for their entire working lives.

Whereas Pearson’s work is a valuable introduction to an often complex topic, it is Ethel Douglas Hume’s expansive and well-documented Béchamp or Pasteur? A Lost Chapter in the History of Biology which provides the main body of evidence. It covers the main points of contention between Béchamp and Pasteur in depth sufficient to satisfy any degree of scientific or historical scrutiny, and it contains, wherever possible, detailed references to the source material and supporting evidence. Virtually no claim in Ms Hume’s book is undocumented – to have access to more material, one would need to be able to read French, and go to the original source material.

The reader will soon discern that neither Mr Pearson nor Ms Hume could ever be called fans of Pasteur or his ‘science’. They both declare their intentions openly; that they wish to contribute to the undoing of a massive medical and scientific fraud. The publication of this present edition of their work is undertaken with complete empathy for that intention.

The text of both books has been comprehensively re-edited – for style more than content – the intention being to make for easier reading than the style of language used in the first half of the twentieth century would otherwise allow. I hope that the end result is an improvement, and that the authors would approve. I think they would.

I intend to publish in due course a collection of modern writings on Béchamp and pleomorphism. Any researchers who wish to be involved in such a project by contributing material or otherwise can make contact via the web site at www.bechamp.org.

David Major
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
November 2006

Book I ♦ Pasteur: Plagiarist, Impostor – The Germ Theory Exploded
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
 Chapter 10
The Prior History of the Germ Theory
Béchamp, Pasteur, and Fermentation
Vinous Fermentation
Béchamp’s Microzymas or ‘little bodies'
Silkworm Disease: Another Steal!
Pasteur also a Faker: Antisepsis
Are Biologicals Injurious?
Animal Serology: Anthrax
Statistics Real Immunity
Real Immunity
Book II ♦ Béchamp or Pasteur? – A Lost Chapter in the History of Biology

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Author’s Preface
Part One: The Mystery of Fermentation
A Babel of Theories
Pasteur’s Memoirs of 1857
Béchamp’s ‘Beacon Experiment’
Claims and Contradictions
The Soluble Ferment
Rival Theories and Workers
Part Two: The Microzymas
The ‘little bodies’
Diseases of Silkworms
Laboratory Experiments
Nature’s Experiments
A Plagiarism Frustrated
Microzymas in General
Modern Confirmations of Béchamp
Part Three: The Cult of the Microbe
The Origin of ‘Preventive Medicine’
The International Medical Congress
and some Pasteurian Fiascos
A Few Examples of the Cult
in Theory and in Practice
Some Lessons of World War I and
a Few Reflections on World War II
The Writing on the Wall
Avg. Sentence (words)
Avg. word length
Reading Level
Reading Time
Speaking Time
College Graduate
7 hrs 14 mins
11 hrs 4 mins
  The Believer  

The Believer is the weird and chilling true story of Dr. John Mack. This eminent Harvard psychiatrist and Pulitzer Prize–winning biographer risked his career to investigate the phenomenon of human encounters with aliens and to give credibility to the stupefying tales shared by people who were utterly convinced they had happened.

Nothing in Mack’s four decades of psychiatry had prepared him for the otherworldly accounts of a cross-section of humanity including young children who reported being taken against their wills by alien beings. Over the course of his career his interest in alien abduction grew from curiosity to wonder, ultimately developing into a limitless, unwavering passion.

Based on exclusive access to Mack’s archives, journals, and psychiatric notes and interviews with his family and closest associates, The Believer reveals the life and work of a man who explored the deepest of scientific conundrums and further leads us to the hidden dimensions and alternate realities that captivated Mack until the end of his life.

“This extraordinary biography reads like a fast-paced thriller. It deftly weaves the detailed richness of John Mack’s genius and complex life through the historical backdrop of the alien-abduction phenomena. Ralph Blumenthal has so beautifully captured the essence of Mack’s soul and his relentless curiosity that by the end of the book I mourned that Mack is no longer with us.”
— Trish MacGregor, coauthor of Aliens in the Backyard: UFO Encounters, Abductions, and Synchronicity

“As a person sane enough to hold a driver’s license, I say, what are we to make of Mack’s findings? Read this gripping, factual account of a mental-health pioneer and truth-seeker by a soundly accredited successful author, veteran New York Times foreign correspondent, and reporter. Decide for yourselves and then tell me!”
— Dan Aykroyd

“Anyone who is intrigued by the involvement of John Mack, a psychiatrist on the faculty of Harvard, or by the interest of psychiatrists in the anomalous in general and UFOs in particular, should not miss reading this book! It is filled with details on the topic, both pro and con, that are not publicly available in any other place that I know.”
— David J. Hufford, author of The Terror that Comes in the Night: An Experience-Centered Study of Supernatural Assault Traditions

“John Mack was one of the few prominent American intellectuals who saw and said what was, and still is, really at stake in the UFO phenomenon—reality itself. And Ralph Blumenthal is the perfect biographer to take up Mack and bring him to life, in all his humanity and complexity, on the page. A major achievement.”
— Jeffrey J. Kripal, author of The Flip: Epiphanies of Mind and the Future of Knowledge


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
 Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
“They Are Telling the Truth”
Terror in the Night
This Budd’s For You
The Mystery of Anomalous Experience
“Have We Visitors from Space?”
The Sources of Suffering
Mack the Knife
A Prince of Our Disorder
“UFO Chiller”
“The Interrupted Journey”
The Peacemaker
Danny’s Gift
“More Activist than the Movement”
“They Put a Hole in My Psyche”
The Turquoise Maiden
“Sane Citizen Sees UFO in New Jersey”
Mack’s Secret
“He’s Got This Glass Jar …”
“The Abduction Syndrome”
Aliens at Harvard
“You Cannot Go Ahead!”
Iron John
Hello, Dali
Aliens at MIT
“Good Evening, Doctor”
“The Whole Bloody Snowsuit”
PEER Pressure
Aliens in Brazil
The Time Bomb
“The Man from Outer Space”
“A Review of Your Work”
Not an Inquisition
“What if You’re Wrong?”
Aliens in Africa
“Have Good Manners!”
“Oh God!”
“We Watch The X-Files”
The Lighthouse
Abduction and Divinity
“Passport to the Cosmos”
A Cosmic Marriage
The Holy Grail
The Rune of Doom
“I Never Knew It Would Be So Easy”
“John Mack Now Knows Everything”
Avg. Sentence (words)
Avg. word length
Reading Level
Reading Time
Speaking Time
College Graduate
6 hrs 49 mins
10 hrs 25 mins
  Blowing the Whistle on Enlightenment  

“Let me tell you why you’re here. You’re here because you know something. What you know you can’t explain, but you feel it. You’ve felt it your entire life, that there’s something wrong with the world. You don’t know what it is, but it’s there, like a splinter in your mind …” ~ Morpheus, in ‘The Matrix’

This web log is for people with the splinter. It’s is a place to examine “what we know that we can’t explain” and start to make it explainable. Everything that promotes understanding what’s wrong and repairing it is fair topic for this blog. That includes examining what’s wrong and right with ourselves.

In the years this blog has been in existence, its focus has tended to center around two things: phony spirituality and the New World Order/Communist/Globalist agenda. There are lots of cult-awareness websites that deal with deceiving spiritual teachers, and lots of conspiracy websites that talk about the global fascist state our leaders are marching us toward, but there aren’t many websites that talk about how these two phenomena relate to each other. This is one such website.


Chapter 1: The Hidden Agenda of Mantra Meditation 2
Chapter 2: Where Have All the Flower Children Gone? – Part One 8
Chapter 3: Where Have All the Flower Children Gone? – Part Two 15
Chapter 4: When Deepest, Cherished Beliefs Come Tumbling Down 21
Chapter 5: Tracking the Crack in the Universe (Loosh 101) 23
Chapter 6: The Forgotten Key to Freedom (Loosh 102) 28
Chapter 7: Enlightenment: From Siphoning to Assimilation 32
Chapter 8: Catching More Flies with Honey: How ‘Love’ and ‘Oneness’ Teachings Are Used to Disempower 35
Chapter 9: Amma, the Mother Saint – Hugging Away Your Personhood 39
Chapter 10: Creating Reality from Thought 44
Chapter 11: Goal of ‘The Oneness Doctrine’: Kill Everything Oneness Cares About 52
Chapter 12: Human Will, the Forgotten Freedom Faculty 56
Chapter 13: The Power of Will (Continued) 61
Chapter 14: Brahman, the Doughnut that Eats Itself 65
Avg. Sentence (words)
Avg. word length
Reading Level
Reading Time
Speaking Time
11th-12th grade
2 hrs 13 mins
3 hrs 24 mins
  The Bodies of Others  

A Review July 14, 2022
By James Kullander

Since the COVID-19 pandemic of feverish fearmongering and planned pandemonium began in earnest in March of 2020, Naomi Wolf’s subversive genius has been exposing the lies from on high and bent on destroying Western Civilization, particularly the United States of America. There’s simply no other way to spin this. The evidence is in and it’s as clear as a bell.

In her blogs, essays, videos, and interviews, Wolf has offered us invaluable insights, much of them based on her years of experience in the world of politics, technology, and the media. In her latest masterpiece, The Bodies of Others: The New Authoritarians, COVID-19 and the War Against the Human, Wolf not only exposes the myriad of ploys and levels of fiendish deceit operating in those highest levels of government, technology, the legacy media, and the pharmaceutical giants. She also lets us in on her own life so we can see how all of this has affected her, even her politics. Which, for her, is no small thing.

A renowned and devoted Democrat with liberal views on all matters having to do with the place of government in our lives—among her more noteworthy achievements is that she was a political advisor to the presidential campaigns of Bill Clinton and Al Gore—she suddenly found herself in an awkward if not bewildering position when the left-leaning politicians, thinkers, media executives, and writers she’d aligned herself with for years suddenly did an about face and turned on her. They attacked her on social media, ignored her, and deplatformed her, all while ushering in a level of autocracy, despotism, and impunity not seen in the United States since the wayward reign of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney. She wrote about this in her 2007 book, The End of America. In that book, she documented the despicable dismantling of the best and highest of American ideals in the post-September 11 years in 10 steps.

In The Bodies of Others,it almost seems as if she picks up where she left off with The End of America. She has recently said on various media outlets that the United States is at step 10, in which the government subverts the rule of law by presidential emergency decree, bypassing congress and opening the door to martial law. “At this stage,” Wolf writes in that book, “shock follows shock so quickly that the civil society institutions start to reel.”

Now, however, things have dramatically changed in terms of who has been implementing these 10 steps. Instead of the right dismantling of those cherish American ideals by Bush and Cheney and others of their ilk, as Wolf had outlined in The End of America, it was now, with rare exception, the left led by Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and their minions, who beginning early in 2020 had suddenly swarmed down upon us like a cloud of locusts darkening the sky from coast to coast. National leaders around much of the world followed suit and unleashed similar swarms.

Indeed, from March 2020 to the present, life on Earth has continued to get more dire with the left’s deceptive rhetoric, with their censoring and silencing and ghosting of those trying to reveal critical truths about the COVID-19 narrative, and with their blatant lies being beaten into us day after day and causing physical and psychological trauma. And all of it in the name of protecting our health and well-being and keeping us safe. Nothing could be further from the truth.

From the first pages of The Bodies of Others, Wolf documents in chilling detail and eloquent language what she sees happening to her beloved America before her very own eyes, from the initial lockdown in March 2020, to the gradual collapse of our educational institutions and consequent intellectual and social impairment of millions of students of all ages, to the eventual closures of thousands upon thousands of small businesses—the sturdy, stalwart backbone of American life that financially supports millions of individuals and families—many of which never reopened because they’d gone bankrupt from having been forced to shutter themselves for too long. All the while, the Big Box stores (which were allowed to remain open throughout the lockdown as “essential services”), Amazon, and the pharmaceutical corporations, were raking it in as never before.

The same thing happened in other countries. And all of it engineered and intentional, Wolf writes, to position nations around the world for what’s being invoked by the World Economic Forum as the “Great Reset,” a one-world government ruled by an unelected, tyrannical, elite cabal that believes they know what’s best for each of us and for humanity at large.

“The real goal had nothing to do with public health,” she writes.

“The real goal is to dissolve and destroy Western and human culture, and to replace it with a techno-fascist culture—a culture in which we have forgotten what free human beings can do.”

About all of this, Wolf writes: “So in 2020-22 a blueprint was put into action to crush Western people, crush Western economies, and steal the assets of the working and middle classes. Added to this was the strategy of utilizing mass vaccination of an incompletely tested substance, as a pretext for imposing a digital identity system that could create a CCP-style surveillance society and generate untold riches in data harvesting for a very few.”

If this weren’t startling enough in its impact on American culture, what happened was personally shocking to her. Of her loss of friends and colleagues here in the United States and elsewhere, she writes: “This was my people, my tribe, my whole life, the progressive, right-on part of the ideological world—and it became more and more uncritical, less and less able to discuss or reason. … It was as if these communities were in the grip of a collective hallucination, like the witch crazes of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Whole understandings and belief systems were abandoned overnight. Intelligent, informed people suddenly saw things that were not there and were unable to see things that were inconvertibly before their faces.”

How could this have happened? Wolf’s answer is as disturbing as the events that led her to this conclusion. And, in a way, it helps to make complete sense of a world in which few things now make any sense at all.

“I had come to believe there was more afoot here than just human vanity, or culpability, or even conventional evil,” she writes. “Here was an infection of the soul, endured by so many in 2020-22. There was the helter-skelter desertion of classical liberalism’s—modern civilization’s—most cherished post-war ideals; the sudden abandonment of post-Enlightenment norms of critical thinking; the dilution of parents’ sense of protectiveness of the bodies and futures of their minor children; the acceptance of a world in which people can’t gather to worship. We were faced with the suddenly manifested structures and their drivers, who erected this demonic world in less than two years and imposed it on everyone else; these heads of state and heads of medical boards and heads of school boards and these teachers; these heads of unions and these national leaders and the state-level leaders and the town hall-level functionaries; all the way down to the men or women who disinvite relatives from Thanksgiving due to social pressure, because of a medical status which is no one’s business and which affects no one. The massive edifice of evil, was too complex and really, too elegant, to assign to just human awfulness and human inventiveness. It suggested a spiritual dimension of evil.”

This startling admission comes after years in which Wolf thought that her “spiritual life” was not that important. “I started to pray again,” she writes. Why this? Why now? At a health-freedom gathering near her home upstate New York, she writes in her book: “Because I had looked at what had descended on us from every angle, using my normal critical training yet found that it was so elaborate in its construction and so cruel, with an almost superhuman, flamboyant, baroque imagination made from the essence of cruelty itself, that I could not conceive that it had been accomplished by mere humans working on the bumbling human level in the dumb political space.”

Much like Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s 2021 book, The Real Anthony Fauci, Wolf’s The Bodies of Others is a detailed yet sweeping exposé as horrifying as it is necessary. Horrifying because we learn how brazenly our government, in cahoots with the pharmaceutical corporations and legacy media, have deceived us for decades. Necessary because what we learn here can save lives, first and foremost. And save what remains of our individual and national sovereignty.

Knowledge is power. In this battle—this mighty spiritual battle—we must arm ourselves with this critical knowledge, stand our ground, go on the offensive when opportunity strikes, and never surrender lest we pass on to those who will come after us a world of people who no longer recognize freedom because they will have never known that such a thing ever existed except in a bygone—long gone—era.

Wolf closes her book with the following lines:

Someday all our kids and grandkids will ask each of us directly: “Why did you stand by? Why did you not help me?” “I could not breathe.” Or, God forbid, “Now I have health problems.”

Or else they will say: “Thank you so much for speaking for me when I was too little to speak.”

“Dad, Mom, Grandma, Grandpa,” they will ask: “What did you do?”

So let me leave you with this question:

What did you do?


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Introduction ... 1
March 2020: “Lockdown” ... 7
“Uniform Safety for Everyone” ... 11
Understanding the Criminals ... 16
Standing Together by Staying Apart” ... 20
The “New Normal” ... 23
How Emergency Policy is Made ... 28
The Unverifiable Pandemic ... 32
“Lockdown” is not “Quarantine”: What “Restrictions” Really Achieve ... 42 
Frozen with Fear: A Cult Takes Shape ... 49
“The Software of Life” ... 56
How Masks Suppress the Human Advantage ... 60
The Tech Bubble: Vast Wealth via Killing Human Competition ... 63
“Vaccine Passports” and the End of Human Liberty ... 67
Switching You Off ... 69
Theft ... 71
Heroes ... 77
Cruelty, Cults, Coercion ... 81
Pandemic Without End ... 88
Evil Beyond Human Imagination ... 90
The New Authoritarians vs. The Individual ... 92
Conclusion: Resistance ... 95
Avg. Sentence (words)
Avg. word length
Reading Level
Reading Time
Speaking Time
College Student
5 hrs 8 mins
7 hrs 51 mins
  The Body Electric  

The Body Electric tells the fascinating story of our bioelectric selves.

Robert O. Becker, a pioneer in the filed of regeneration and its relationship to electrical currents in living things, challenges the established mechanistic understanding of the body.

He found clues to the healing process in the long-discarded theory that electricity is vital to life.

But as exciting as Becker's discoveries are, pointing to the day when human limbs, spinal cords, and organs may be regenerated after they have been damaged, equally fascinating is the story of Becker's struggle to do such original work.

The Body Electric explores new pathways in our understanding of evolution, acupuncture, psychic phenomena, and healing.


Part 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Part 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Part 3
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Part 4
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Dedication … ii
Glossary … iii
The Promise of the Art … v
Acknowledgments … vi
About the Author … vii
Growth and Regrowth … 1
Hydra's Heads and Medusa's Blood …2
Failed Healing in Bone …3
A Fable Made Fact … 4
The Embryo at the Wound … 5
Mechanics of Growth … 6
Control Problems … 7
Nerve Connections … 8
Vital Electricity … 9
The Sign of the Miracle … 10
The Tribunal … 11
The Reversals … 12
The Stimulating Current … 13
Life's Potentials … 14
Unpopular Science … 15
Undercurrents in Neurology … 16
Conducting in a New Mode … 17
Testing the Concept … 18
The Circuit of Awareness … 19
Closing the Circle … 20
The Artifact Man and a Friend in Deed … 21
The Electromagnetic Brain … 22
The Ticklish Gene … 23
The Pillars of the Temple … 24
The Inner Electronics of Bone … 25
A Surprise in the Blood … 26
Do-It-Yourself Dedifferentiation … 27
The Genetic Key … 28
Good News for Mammals … 29
A First Step with a Rat Leg … 30
Childhood Powers, Adult Prospects … 31
Our Hidden Healing Energy … 32
The Silver Wand … 33
Minus for Growth, Plus for Infection … 34
Positive Surprises … 35
The Fracture Market … 36
The Organ Tree … 37
Cartilage … 38
Skull Bones … 39
Eyes … 40
Muscle … 41
Abdominal Organs … 42
The Lazarus Heart … 43
The Five-Alarm Blastema … 44
The Self-Mending Net … 45
Peripheral Nerves … 46
The Spinal Cord … 47
The Brain … 48
Righting a Wrong Turn … 49
A Reintegrative Approach … 50
The Essence of Life … 51
The Missing Chapter … 52
The Constellation of the Body … 53
Unifying Pathways … 54
Breathing with the Earth … 55
The Attractions of Home … 56
The Face of the Deep … 57
Crossroads of Evolution … 58
Hearing Without Ears … 59
Maxwell's Silver Hammer … 60
Subliminal Stress … 61
Power Versus People … 62
Fatal Locations … 63
The Central Nervous System … 64
The Endocrine, Metabolic, and Cardiovascular Systems … 65 
Growth Systems and Immune Response … 66
Conflicting Standards … 67
Invisible Warfare … 68
Critical Connections … 69
Political Science … 70
Avg. Sentence (words)
Avg. word length
Reading Level
Reading Time
Speaking Time
College Student
7 hrs 19 mins
11 hrs 10 mins
  The Book on the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are  

The Book On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are by Allan Watts is a radical piece about the unrecognised but mighty taboo — our tacit conspiracy to ignore who, or what, we really are.

Briefly, the thesis is that the prevalent sensation of oneself as a separate ego enclosed in a bag of skin is a hallucination which accords neither with Western science nor with the experimental philosophy — religions of the East — in particular, the central and germinal Vedanta philosophy of Hinduism.

This hallucination underlies the misuse of technology for the violent subjugation of man’s natural environment and, consequently, its eventual destruction.




About the author

1 Inside Information

2 The Game of Black-and-White

3 How To Be a Genuine Fake

4 The World Is Your Body

5 So What?

6 IT













Avg. Sentence (words)
Avg. word length
Reading Level
Reading Time
Speaking Time
11th-12th grade
2 hrs 40 mins
4 hrs 5 mins
  Can You Stand The Truth?  
Can You Stand The Truth?: The Chronicle of Man's Imprisonment: Last Call!

Parts of THE TRUTH are found fragmented in every viewpoint, religion, aspect, and human ideology. But not a single one of the above can give us the complete picture of IT.

As an example, take Newton’s spinning-disk experiment and the deflection of (white) light into the seven colors of the rainbow. WHITE LIGHT –which contains all colors– is like the ONE TRUTH, which, like a magic picture, lies in front of everyone's eyes. Man, remaining firmly ATTACHED to his personal view (color) cannot compose all colors - aspects - viewpoints and gaze at the ‘White’ color of the TRUTH.

If he can position himself however at a specific “place/point” he will be able TO SEE. Then, everything gets decoded in front of his eyes like a hidden picture that suddenly appears. Who are right then? The evolutionists who believe in Darwin’s theory, or the Church when it claims that god created us?

  • Both! Who is right: Those who believe in reincarnation or those who persistently reject it?
  • Both! Who is right: Those who believe in man’s soul and spirit or those who don’t?
  • Both! Who is right: The eye-witnesses of UFO’s or the scientific community that insists there is no intelligent life on other planets?
  • Both! The contents of this book gradually move the reader through an ascending-spiral process, from a simple position to a complex one, so as to smoothly reposition him to a different dimension, wherefrom he can gaze at a very different world from what he has believed in up to now.
Introduction … i    
  1. Title Page/Cover … i
  2. About this book … ii
  3. Dedication … iii
  4. Table of Contents … iv
  5. Copyright … v
  6. What Does ‘αγαθον’ Mean? … vi
  7. Introduction … vii
  8. Clarifications … viii
Part One: The Chronicle Of Man’s Imprisonmen (i) … 1    
  1. The Quest … 1
  2. The Meeting … 3
  3. The Truth … 5
  4. Justice … 6
  5. Does God Exist? … 8
  6. The Primordial (Original) Sin … 9
  7. Creation … 19
         Hierarchical Table … 24
  8. Oscillation … 25
  9. God’s Bondservants … 28
  10. Self-Knowledge … 33
  11. Emotions – Energy Nutrition – Love … 34
  12. The Other Bodies of Man and the Second Phase of Self-Knowledge … 39
  13. Energy Centers – the Third Phase of Self-Knowledge … 44
  14. Kundalini … 51
  15. Holy Matrimony … 52
  16. The Impotence of the Material Body … 55
  17. Aetheric Body – Aetheric Plane … 58
  18. Lower Mental Body – Lower Mental Plane … 61
  19. Astral Body – Astral Plane … 62
  20. Soul – 2nd Reflection - Paradise (Nirvana) … 65
  21. Higher Mental Body – Celestial Man … 66
  22. Reincarnation … 72
Part Two: The Chronicle Of Man’s Imprisonment (ii) … 76    
  1. The Creation Of The Human Races And The First Fall … 76
  2. The Cause For The Second Fall Of Man … 86
  3. A Different Viewpoint … 92
  4. The Densely Material Plane … 94
  5. The Second Major Fall … 102
  6. De-Symbolization Of The Primordial (Original) Sin … 112
  7. The Material Plane Paradoxes … 117
  8. The End Of The Race Of Heroes … 120
  9. The Iron Race … 130
  10. The Christ Phenomenon … 139
  11. How They Control The World … 149
         After-Death Worlds … 151
         Release from Karma … 159
         Secret Societies of Control … 161
Part Three: The Present … 164    
  1. Today … 164
  2. The Astral Skeptomorphic Threat … 169
  3. (The Process Of) The Return Of The Sacred Archetypes To Their Source … 171
  4. The Side-Effects On Matter From The Departure Of The Sacred Archetypes … 173
  5. Parallel Probabilities … 176
  6. The Plans Of The Dark Powers … 179
  7. The Myth Of ‘Extraterrestrials’ … 181
  8. Requirements To Support The Dark Goals … 185
         1st Requirement: Possession of Consciousness … 185
         2nd Requirement: Positive Thinking and Information Suppression … 186
         3rd Requirement: False Teachers/Masters/Gurus … 187
         4th Requirement: Moral Decadence and Mental Control … 188
  9. Main Goals Of The Dark Power … 191
         (A) Hybrid Bodies – DNA Mutation – the Marking of the Beast … 191
         (B) Ways of Transport to the Parallel Universes of the 5th Dimension … 196
  10. The First Signs … 201
Part Four: the Future … 205    
  1. Compiling the Information … 205
  2. Revelation (Apocalypse) … 207
  3. ‘Matter’ After Consummation … 221
  4. Epilogue … 231
Appendix: Photographs and Drawings … 232    
  • The Story in Pictures … 232
  • The Seven Bodies of Man … 233
  • The End of the Cycle of Reincarnations … 234
  • Holy Matrimony Symbol … 235
  • Reflective Symbol … 236
  • Egyptian Depictions … 237
  • Moses … 238
  • Material, Anti-Material and Parallel Universes … 239
  • The ‘Egg’ of Material Creation [ʘ] … 240
  • Constitution of the Material Universe … 241
  • Space-Time Brane – Membrane … 242
  • Notification … 243
  • The Route of the Soul … 244
  • The Hyperuniverses of True Light … 245
  • Overall View … 246
  • A Photograph of the Antichrist … 247
  • The Number of the Beast … 248
  • South Atlantic Anomaly … 249
  • Chupacabra: the ‘Abomination’ … 250
Bibliography … 251    
  • Translator's Note: … 251
  • Bibliography … 252
  • In Electronic Form … 253
  • Periodicals … 254
  • DVD, Documentaries … 255
  • Web Pages … 256
Avg. Sentence (words)
Avg. word length
Reading Level
Reading Time
Speaking Time
College Student
16 hrs 26 mins
25 hrs 6 mins
  The Case Against the Nuclear Atom  

“It is an unhappy time for theory.”

~ Philip M. Morse, American Scientist

Since the general structure of modern physical theory is to a large extent based on the theory of the atom, the nuclear atom theory must accept a big share of the responsibility for the unsatisfactory state of physical theory in general. It is also apparent that there are major sectors of the field which an adequate atomic theory should cover that are as yet almost completely untouched. For example, a complete theory of the atom must necessarily explain the physical states of matter, yet after nearly fifty years of the nuclear theory Prof. G. Careri found it necessary to open a recent international conference on liquids with the flat statement, “We are still far from having a 'theory' of the liquid state.…”

But the real testing ground for atomic theory today is what is popularly known as “elementary particle physics.” “… the future of physics,” says George Gamow, “lies in further studies and understanding of elementary particles.” Here is a field in which atomic theory should be directly applicable; here is a rapidly expanding field in which the experimental facts are puzzling and confusing, and the help of an adequate theory is urgently needed; and here is a place where the currently accepted nuclear theory, faced with a major test of its capabilities, falls flat on its face.

The term “elementary particle” is in itself a claim to the possession of some knowledge of the structure of the atom, as it is based on the assumption, an integral part of current theory, that the atom is constructed of “parts” and that these parts cannot be further subdivided; thus they are elementary. If the nuclear atomic theory correctly portrays the structure of the atom, then it should be capable of producing the answers to the questions we find it necessary to ask with respect to the elementary particles. This point is commonly recognized, and “elementary particle physics” is classed as a subdivision of “nuclear science.”

How well, then, has modern atomic theory measured up to this, the most significant task now facing it? Let us ask Gamow, whose statement as to the importance of the task has just been quoted. “… for the last few decades,” Gamow replies, “not a single successful step has been made in obtaining these answers.” This very recent evaluation of the situation was already foreshadowed years ago by keen observers who realized that the discovery of so many new “elementary” particles neither anticipated nor explained by the accepted theories raised grave doubts as to the validity of these theories. “Questions like these,” said James B. Conant, “raise doubts as to whether the conceptual scheme of nuclear physics is a 'real' account of the structure of the universe,” and Jones, Rotblat and Whitrow asked the very pertinent question, “… is this multiplicity of particles an expression of our total ignorance of the true nature of the ultimate structure of matter?”

In the light of all of the additional information that has been accumulated since these words were written, there remains little doubt but that this question must be answered in the affirmative, and that present-day atomic theory must be judged wholly inadequate for the tasks that confront it. “The physics of this century has set itself the task of interpreting all observed phenomena in terms of the behavior of atoms and molecules, and the electrical particles-electrons, protons, etc.-of which they are composed,”


  1. Introduction
  2. The Nucleus
  3. The Electrons
  4. Particle Problems
  5. Postulates Unlimited
  6. Other Names for Roses
  7. Electric Questions
  8. Pictures vs. Models
  9. The Philosophical Aspect
  10. Facts and Fancies
  11. The Role of Clear Thinking
  12. Where Do We Go From Here?  
Avg. Sentence (words)
Avg. word length
Reading Level
Reading Time
Speaking Time
College Graduate
3 hrs 28 mins
5 hrs 17 mins
  Children's Oppression, Rights, and Liberation  

This paper advances a radical and controversial analysis of the legal status of children. I argue that the denial of equal rights and equal protection to children under the law is inconsistent with liberal and progressive beliefs about social justice and fairness. I first situate children’s legal and social status in its historical context, examining popular assumptions about children and their rights, and expose the false necessity of children’s current legal status. I then offer a philosophical analysis for why children’s present subordination is unjust, and an explanation of how society could be sensibly and stably arranged otherwise. My first conclusion from this analysis is that age-based classifications should not be presumed to be rational. From this point, the paper suggests an argument for treating children as a suspect class for the purposes of equal protection analysis. The paper further advances the claim that many of the ways children are legally discriminated against implicate their fundamental rights, and that many age-based classifications should therefore be subject to strict scrutiny and found unconstitutional. I then go on to analyze specific legal issues such as voting rights, corporal punishment, runaway children, and due process in juvenile justice using these considerations.

* Graduate student in philosophy at University College London, University of London; J.D. candidate at Georgetown University Law Center. The author is very grateful to Robin West, Gary Peller, Judith Lichtenberg and Alex Koroknay-Palicz for their comments and advice on this paper.


Iɴᴛʀᴏᴅᴜᴄᴛɪᴏɴ … iii

Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ I ♦ Tʜᴇ Iᴍᴘᴀᴄᴛ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ Aᴅᴜʟᴛ/Cʜɪʟᴅ Sᴏᴄɪᴀʟ Hɪᴇʀᴀʀᴄʜʏ … 1

  • Introduction … 1
  1. Denying Children Rights Finds Historical Parallels in the Resistance to Earlier Liberation Movements … 2
  2. Prevailing Attitudes Towards Children … 3
  3. The Social Construction of Childhood … 4

Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ II ♦ Wʜᴀᴛ Wᴏᴜʟᴅ Eǫᴜᴀʟ Rɪɢʜᴛs ꜰᴏʀ Cʜɪʟᴅʀᴇɴ Mᴇᴀɴ? … 5

  • Introduction … 5
  1. Equal Rights Does Not Entail Unlimited Freedom … 6
  2. Equal Rights Does Not Mean Exercising Rights in the Same Way as Adults … 7
  3. How Would Children Make Use of their Rights? … 8

Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ III ♦ Tʜᴇ Lᴇɢᴀʟ Sᴛᴀᴛᴜs ᴏꜰ Cʜɪʟᴅʀᴇɴ … 9

  • Introduction … 9
  1. Interests and Rights … 10
  2. Equal Protection Under the Law … 11
  3. Classifications Based on Directly Relevant Abilities and Characteristics as an Alternative to Discrimination … 12
  4. Rights against Parents and Parents Rights: “Corporal Punishment”, “Runaways”, and Custody … 13
  5. Rights as Citizens: Voting Rights and Due Process … 14
  6. Labor Laws and Contracts … 15

Cᴏɴᴄʟᴜsɪᴏɴ … 16

Avg. Sentence (words)
Avg. word length
Reading Level
Reading Time
Speaking Time
College Graduate
1 hrs 11 mins
1 hrs 49 mins
  Christ’s Ventriloquists  

Christ’s Ventriloquists is a work of investigative history. It documents and describes Christianity’s creation-event, in the year 49 or 50, in Antioch (present-day Antakya, Turkey), 20 years after Jesus had been crucified in Jerusalem for sedition against Roman rule. On this occasion, Paul broke away from the Jewish sect that Jesus had begun, and he took with him the majority of this sect’s members; he convinced these people that Jesus had been a god, and that the way to win eternal salvation in heaven is to worship him as such. Paul here explicitly introduced, for the first time anywhere, the duality of the previously unitary Jewish God, a duality consisting of the Father and the Son; and he implicitly introduced also the third element of the Trinity, the Holy Ghost.

This work also explains and documents the tortuous 14-year-long conflict Paul had had with this sect’s leader, Jesus’s brother James, a conflict that caused Paul, in about the year 50, to perpetrate his coup d’état against James, and to start his own new religion: Christianity.

Then, this historical probe documents that the four canonical Gospel accounts of the words and actions of “Jesus” were written decades after Jesus, by followers of Paul, not by followers of Jesus; and that these writings placed into the mouth of “Jesus” the agenda of Paul. Paul thus effectively became, via his followers, Christ’s ventriloquist.

A work such as this can be documented and produced only now, after the development (during the past 70 years) of modern legal/forensic methodology. Previously, the only available methods, which scholars have used, simply assumed the honesty-of-intent of all classical documents, especially of canonical religious ones, such as Paul’s epistles, and the Four Gospels. Only now is it finally possible to penetrate deeper than that, to reach the writer’s intent, and not merely his assertions, and to identify when this intent is to deceive instead of to inform. Whereas scholars have been able to discuss only the truth or falsity of particular canonical statements, it is now possible to discuss also the honesty or deceptiveness of individual statements. This opens up an unprecedented new research tool for historians, and CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS is the first work to use these new methods to reconstruct, on this legal/forensic basis, not just how crimes took place, but how and why major historical events (criminal or not), such as the start of Christianity, actually occurred.

The author explains: “What I am doing in this work is to reconstruct from the New Testament the crucial events that produced it, without assuming whether what the NT says in any given passage is necessarily true or even honest. Instead of treating the NT as a work that ‘reports history,’ the NT is treated as a work whose history is itself being investigated and reported. Its origin goes back to this coup d’état that Paul perpetrated in Antioch in the year 49 or 50 against Jesus’s brother James in Jerusalem, whom Jesus in Jerusalem had appointed in the year 30 as his successor to lead the Jewish sect that Jesus had started. The Gospel accounts of ‘Jesus’ reflected Paul’s coup d’état – not actually Jesus, who would be appalled at the Christian concept of ‘Christ.’ That concept was radically different from the Jewish concept of the messiah, and Paul knew this when he created it.”


Why Read This – The Topic’s Importance ... 7

Introduction – The Work’s Methodology ... 12

Summary – The Work’s Findings ... 13

Time-Line of Key Events ... 14

The Evidence, Part One: Paul’s Letter to the Galatians … 23

Decoding the ‘DNA’ in what turns out to be the confession of the man who started Christianity ... 23  

1. Paul Prepares His Readers – Analysis up to 2:10 ... 24

Paul’s Opening Greetings to His Friends ... 26

Paul Says His Enemies Should ‘Go to Hell’ ... 31

Paul Says His Former Judaism Made Him Evil ... 32

More of Paul’s Autobiography ... 33

Paul Is Called to Jerusalem ... 35

The Council at Jerusalem ... 36

2. Climax – The Event, 2:11-21 ... 37

The Enormous Challenge Paul Faced ... 40

Paul Faces Even Bigger Challenge Now ... 41

Paul’s Immediate Response to the Challenge ... 42

Describing the Event that Created Christianity ... 43

Evolution of the Resurrection Story ... 45

2:14-21 One Unitary Quotation ... 47

The Fictitiousness of Matthew 16:18, Etc. ... 48

Christianity a Double Hoax ... 49

Christianity as the Solution to Paul’s Problem ... 51

3. The Galatian Context – Analysis of the Rest ... 52

The Tragedy Underlying Christianity ... 54

Scholars’ Refusal to Face Reality ... 56

Why Paul Joined the Romans Against the Jews ... 57

The Centrality of Circumcision ... 59

The Historical Background of Circumcision ... 61

Paul’s Only Other Choice Was Failure ... 62

Paul the Master Salesman ... 67

Maybe? No – Is! ... 68

Paul’s Confession ... 69

Why Scholars Talk about ‘Table Fellowship’ ... 70

Paul’s Key to Success ... 71

Removing the Sugar-Coating ... 72

Legal/Forensic Analysis a Logical Microscope ... 73

Part One Appendix – Text of Galatians through 2:21 ... 75

The Evidence, Part Two: Christianity in Light of Galatians ... 76

4. The Gospels as Pauline Propaganda – How They Followed Paul’s Agenda ... 76

5. Pauline Signs in Mark ... 77

6. Pauline Signs in Matthew, Luke, and John ... 88

7. Paul’s Own Anti-Semitic Blurt ... 94

8. Why Scholars Don’t Know This ... 100

Conclusion: How Scientists Think About History ... 102

Acknowledgements ... 20

References/Sources ... 4

The Author – A Personal Note ... 21






Avg. Sentence (words)
Avg. word length
Reading Level
Reading Time
Speaking Time
College Graduate
8 hrs 26 mins
12 hrs 53 mins
  Columbus and Other Cannibals  

Celebrated American Indian thinker Jack D. Forbes’s Columbus and Other Cannibals was one of the founding texts of the anticivilization movement when it was first published in 1978. His history of terrorism, genocide, and ecocide told from a Native American point of view has inspired America’s most influential activists for decades. Frighteningly, his radical critique of the modern “civilized” lifestyle is more relevant now than ever before.

Identifying the Western compulsion to consume the earth as a sickness, Forbes writes:

Brutality knows no boundaries. Greed knows no limits. Perversion knows no borders. …These characteristics all push towards an extreme, always moving forward once the initial infection sets in. … This is the disease of the consuming of other creatures’ lives and possessions. I call it cannibalism.

This updated edition includes a new chapter by the author.

“Cannibals is a work of philosophy and ideas … A welcome addition to the library of a new generation of scholars and activists who are seeking a philosophical framework for their work in indigenous studies.” — American Indian Quarterly

“An early text that inspired the start of the anti-civilization movement … Writing from a Native American perspective, Forbes maintains a steady and humble tone throughout the text … It is the kind of history one doesn’t need to read twice to absorb it … I think it’s crucial that people read books like this.” — Razorcake


 About this book
 Forward by Derrick Jensen
 About the Author
 Chapter 1 ♦ The Genesis of the Universe and the Creation of Love
 Chapter 2 ♦ Consuming Another’s Life The Wétiko Cannibal Psychosis
 Chapter 3 ♦ Columbus Cannibal and Hero of Genocide
 Chapter 4 ♦ Deception, Brutality, and Greed The Spread of the Disease
 Chapter 5 ♦ The Structure of the Cannibal’s Insanity Arrogance, Lust, and Materialism
 Chapter 6 ♦ Becoming a Predator The Process of Corruption
 Chapter 7 ♦ The Mátchi Syndrome Fascination with Evil
 Chapter 8 ♦ Colonialism, Europeanization, and the Destruction of Native (Authentic) Cultures
 Chapter 9 ♦ Savages, Free People, and the Loss of Freedom
 Chapter 10 ♦ Terrorism A Frequent Aspect of Wétiko Behavior
 Chapter 11 ♦ Male Violence, Female Subordination, and the Perpetuation of Aggressive Violence
 Chapter 12 ♦ Organized Crime Planned Aggression, Planned Predation
 Chapter 13 ♦ If Jesus Were to Return
 Chapter 14 ♦ Seeking Sanity Reversing the Process of Brutalization
 Chapter 15 ♦ Finding a Good Path, a Path with Heart
 The Universe is Our Holy Book
 Credits and Permissions
Avg. Sentence (words)
Avg. word length
Reading Level
Reading Time
Speaking Time
College Student
4 hrs 5 mins
6 hrs 15 mins
  The Committee of 300  

Undoubtedly the “Bible” of conspiracy books, the completely revised and updated Fourth Edition landmark book is filled with information not previously disclosed. It names one of the contenders for the White House who is closely related to one of the oldest “300” families whose fortune was derived from opium trade with China, and no, it is not any of the Bush clan. The origin of the Cᴏᴍᴍɪᴛᴛᴇᴇ ᴏꜰ 300 is described; how it has evolved from an opium trading company with a Royal Charter to become the de-facto secret upper-level parallel government of the United States and the world, with only Russia and China standing in opposition to it.

A highly organized secret society with tentacles reaching into every level of government in the United States and indeed, the world, backed by massive financing and run by men of the highest education and intelligence, with vast resources at their disposal, manages the thousands of major political and economical and contrived situations. In the FOURTH EDITION there is listed some very prominent men who came forward to support the existence of the “300.” One of them predicted twenty years ago that “The United States will be turned into a welfare state” and that “with the exception of Russia all nations would unite in a world alliance (The One World Government).” Perhaps the most startling admission of the existence of the super-secret organization came from President Wilson in the last days of his presidency:

Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacturing, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere, so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.

The “power” Wilson was talking about is the Cᴏᴍᴍɪᴛᴛᴇᴇ ᴏꜰ 300 and Wilson knew he did not dare to mention it by name.


  • Foreword … ii
  • Part 1: An Overview and Some Case Histories … 1
  • Part 2: Institutlons Through Which Control Is Exercised … 22
  • Appendix 1 Past and Present Institutions/Organizations and Those Directly Under Influence of the Cᴏᴍᴍɪᴛᴛᴇᴇ ᴏꜰ 300 … 87
  • Appendix 2 Special Foundations and Interest Groups … 95
  • Appendix 3 Banks … 96
  • Appendix 4 Legal Associations and Lawyers | Accountants/Auditors … 104
  • Appendix 5 Tavistock Institutions in the United Statess … 105
  • Appendix 6 Past and Present Members of the Cᴏᴍᴍɪᴛᴛᴇᴇ ᴏꜰ 300 … 113
  • Appendix 7 Bibliography, Summaries and Notes … 122
Avg. Sentence (words)
Avg. word length
Reading Level
Reading Time
Speaking Time
College Graduate
5 hrs 2 mins
7 hrs 41 mins
  The Contagion Myth  

Sally Fallon Morrell and Dr. Thomas Cowan of the Weston A. Price Foundation published a #1 best-selling book last week called The Contagion Myth: Why Viruses (Including “Coronavirus”) Are Not the Cause of Disease.

Despite thousands of pre-orders for the much-anticipated bombshell, Amazon pulled the item from its virtual shelves a few days before it was released.

The monopolistic seller of books (and all other things) sent customers a message saying “the publishers had chosen to stop publication.”

“That is a lie,” writes medical doctor and Weston A. Price Foundation co-founder Thomas Cowan.  “Amazon chose to cancel carrying the book because it objects to the content, according to an email an Amazon representative sent to our publisher.”

An article summarizing the book’s premise titled “Is Coronavirus Contagious?” makes clear what the mega-corporation finds so objectionable – the paradigm shifting idea that bacteria and viruses are not only NOT responsible for disease, they are aides in disease prevention – paramedics of sorts, responsible for carrying toxins out of the body.

The book details the findings of studies carried out during the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918, which set out to prove a certain bacteria prevalent in flu patients was responsible for causing the flu.

Doctors in San Fransisco and Boston collected mucous secretions from the noses, throats and respiratory tracts of sick patients and transferred them to the noses, mouths and lungs of more than 100 healthy volunteers. Not one of them fell ill.

Additionally, the book points out that the theory of contagion has never once been proven.

When Heinrich Hermann Robert Koch set out to prove tuberculosis was caused by a certain species of bacteria, he came up with a set of criteria for determining whether microorganisms were responsible for causing diseases known as Koch’s Postulates.

Neither Koch nor any researcher since has found proof of contagion using his own postulates!

The book does offer an alternative explanation for the symptoms we refer to in 2020 as “coronavirus” – an explanation that’s been censored by Google, YouTube, Facebook and now Amazon: electromagnetic radiation.

It points to an earlier book called The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life by Arthur Firstenberg, which details how every global pandemic in the last 300 years has been immediately preceded by a major new electrification of the earth:


  Preface by Sally Fallon Morell
  Introduction by Thomas S. Cowan, MD
  About the Authors
  Dr. Cowan Video
  Part I: Exposing the Germ Theory
  Chapter 1 ♦ Contagion
  Chapter 2 ♦ Electricity and Disease
  Chapter 3 ♦ Pandemics
  Chapter 4 ♦ From AIDS to COVID
  Chapter 5 ♦ Testing Scam
  Chapter 6 ♦ Exosomes
  Chapter 7 ♦ Resonance
  Part II: What Causes Disease?
  Chapter 8 ♦ Water
  Chapter 9 ♦ Food
  Chapter 10 ♦ Toxins
  Chapter 11 ♦ Mind, Body, and the Role of Fear
  Part III: Choices
  Chapter 12 ♦ Questioning COVID
  Chapter 13 ♦ A Vaccine for COVID-19
  Chapter 14 ♦ 5G and the Future of Humanity
  Appendix A ♦ Water
  Appendix B ♦ Bio-Geometry and EMF Mitigation  
  Appendix C ♦ What to Eat?
Avg. Sentence (words)
Avg. word length
Reading Level
Reading Time
Speaking Time
College Graduate
3 hrs 45 mins
5 hrs 43 mins
  The Cosmic Serpent  

Some biologists describe DNA as an "ancient high biotechnology," containing "over a hundred trillion times as much information by volume as our most sophisticated information storage devices." Could one still speak of technology in these circumstances? Yes, because there is no other word to qualify this duplicable, information-storing molecule. DNA is only ten atoms wide and as such constitutes a sort of ultimate technology: It is organic and so miniturized that it approaches the limits of material existence.



Chapter 1 ♦ Forest Television

Chapter 2 ♦ Anthropologists and Shamans

Chapter 3 ♦ The Mother of The Mother of Tobacco is A Snake   

Chapter 4 ♦ Enigma in Rio

Chapter 5 ♦ Defocalizing

Chapter 6 ♦ Seeing Correspondences

Chapter 7 ♦ Myths and Molecules

Chapter 8 ♦ Through The Eyes of An Ant

Chapter 9 ♦ Receptors and Transmitters

Chapter 10 ♦ Biology's Blind Spot

Chapter 11 ♦ "What Took You So Long?"

Bibliography | Index


Trickery is the way of war - thus has it always been. But the nuclear trick is the biggest, boldest and baddest-ass scam in all of mankind's ancient and eternal quest for power and profit through mass slaughter. DEATH OBJECT takes you behind the curtain and reveals the empty sound stage. The science, the history, the misery, the mystery - the full hoax is covered.

The DOD and the security agencies all have amply-paid COINTELPRO media staff devoted to jackbooting publications that get the masses a little too 'interested" for their own good. They'll be on here trashing and thrashing this book within an inch of its life. Don't fall for that. You may have to duck, but you don't have to let them cover you with manure. DEATH OBJECT packs more evidential meat into a couple hundred tightly reasoned pages than any existing nuclear hoax website, conspiracy forum, blog series or YouTube video. Every element of the atomic bomb scam, the founding myth of the technological age, is tied to every other, coalescing into an unanswerable exposé.


  • Chapter 1: Fire Last Time
  • Chapter 2: Fire This Time
  • Chapter 3: Born Secret
  • Enemy At the Gates
  • Geek-Out
  • Chapter 4: The Nuclear Secret That Dare Not Speak Its Name  
  • Burn the Sky!
  • Virtual Manhattan Project
  • Checkmate
  • The Secret
  • Chapter 5: Money Shot: TRINITY
  • Something Like an Actor
  • Unit Testing?
  • Jumbo
  • 100-Ton Test
  • I Am Become Death
  • Trinitite
  • Chapter 6: Fool Me Twice: Japan 1945
  • Hiroshima
  • Trickery is the Way of War
  • Nagasaki
  • Downfall
  • Chapter 7: The Mike of the Beast
  • H-Bomb
  • Lookout Mountain Studios
  • Something Fishy: Bikini
  • Photo and Film Checklist
  • Chapter 8: Conspiracy!
  • Chapter 9: Fire No Time: Falsification
  • Acknowledgements
  • Bibliography
  • Other Supporting Articles
  • Michael Palmer, MD
  • Miles Mathis
  • Russ Winter
Avg. Sentence (words)
Avg. word length
Reading Level
Reading Time
Speaking Time
College Student
4 hrs 10 mins
6 hrs 23 mins
  The Deep Hot Biosphere  

Suppose someone claimed that we are not running out of petroleum? Or that life on Earth began below the surface of our planet? Or that oil and gas are not "fossil fuels"? Or that if we find extraterrestrial life it is likely to be within, not on, other planets? You might expect to hear statements like these from an author of science fiction. But what if they came from a renowned physicist, an indisputably brilliant scientist who has been called "one of the world's most original minds"?

In the The Deep Hot Biosphere, Thomas Gold sets forth truly controversial and astonishing theories about where oil and gas come from, and how they acquire their organic "signatures." The conclusions he reaches in this book might be at first difficult to believe, but they are supported by a growing body of evidence, and by the indisputabel stature and seriousness Gold brings to any scientific enterprise. In this book we see a brilliant and boldly orginal thinker, increasingly a rarity in modern science, as he developes a revolutionary new view about the fundamental workings of our planet.

Thomas Gold is a member of the National Academy of Sciences, a Fellow of the Royal Society, and an Emertius Professor at Cornell University. Regarded as one of the most creative and wide-ranging scientists of his generation, he has taughtat Cambridge University and Harvard, and for 20 years was the Director of the Cornell Center for Radiophysics and Space Research.


Foreword by Freeman Dyson



Chapter 1: Our Garden of Eden … 1

  • The Narrow Window for Surface Life … 2
  • Chemical Energy for Subsurface Life … 3
  • A Preview of This Book … 4

Chapter 2: Life at the Borders … 5

  • Energy Deep in the Earth … 6
  • The Ecology of Deep-Ocean Vent Life … 7
  • Other Borderland Ecologies … 8
  • Deep Is Desirable … 9
  • Beneath the Borderlands … 10

Chapter 3: The Deep-Earth Gas Theory … 11

  • The Origin of Petroleum: Two Conflicting Theories … 12
  • Five Assumptions Underlying the Deep-Earth Gas Theory … 13  

Chapter 4: Evidence for Deep-Earth Gas … 18

  • Petroleum Reservoirs That Refill … 19
  • Clues in the Carbonate Record … 20
  • The Association of Helium with Hydrocarbons … 21

Chapter 5: Resolving the Petroleum Paradox … 22

  • The Deep Hot Biosphere Solution … 23
  • Biological Molecules in Non-Biological Petroleum … 24
  • The Upwelling Theory of Coal Formation … 25
  • Evidence for the Upwelling Theory … 26
  • An Exemption for Peat … 27

Chapter 6: The Siljan Experiment … 28

  • Drilling in Swedish Granite … 29
  • Magnetite and Microbial Geology … 30

Chapter 7: Extending the Theory … 31

  • The Origin of Diamonds … 32
  • A New Explanation for Concentrated Metal Deposits … 33

Chapter 8: Rethinking Earthquakes … 34

  • Mud Volcanoes … 35
  • A Challenge to Earthquake Theory … 36
  • Eyewitness Accounts … 37
  • Earthquake Spots and Earth Mounds … 38
  • Upwelling Deep Gas as the Cause of Earthquakes … 39

Chapter 9: The Origin of Life … 40

  • The Habitability of Surface and Subsurface Realms … 41
  • The Enhanced Probability for Life’s Origin … 42
  • Darwin’s Dilemma … 43

Chapter 10: What Next? … 44

  • Microbial Investigations … 45
  • Prospects for Extraterrestrial Surface Life … 46
  • Deepening the Search for Extraterrestrial Life … 47
  • Independent Beginnings or Panspermia? … 48
  • Afterword to the Paperback Edition … 49

Afterword … 50

Avg. Sentence (words)
Avg. word length
Reading Level
Reading Time
Speaking Time
College Student
4 hrs 29 mins
6 hrs 52 mins
  Dr. Mary's Monkey  

Did inoculating millions of trusting schoolchildren with polio vaccines contaminated by monkey viruses trigger an epidemic of soft-tissue cancers?

Was a desperate effort to develop an anti-cancer vaccine diverted secretly into biological weapons?

Is there a link between these covert experiments and AIDS? And do the answers to these vexing questions connect to the intrigues swirling around the assassination of President Kennedy?

More than a spirited page-turner, this riveting fresh look at a cold-case murder mystery is bound to make its own headlines. Here is a book of profound importance that helps us fathom what has really happened in our country. The grisly homicide of a nationally-known surgeon in 1964 New Orleans set the stage for a chilling exposé of scientists and spooks in shadowy hidden laboratories.

What they did then… affects our world today!

When New Orleans native Ed Haslam began his modest investigation into the curious life and shocking death of the brilliant Tulane medical professor Dr. Mary Sherman, he couldn't have imagined that this inquiry would connect some of the city's most prominent citizens to "lone-nut" Lee Harvey Oswald, the Mafia, and to forces high inside the U.S. Government — nor that these new discoveries would ultimately change our understanding of a fateful November day in Dallas. But they have!

Edward T. Haslam is an advertising executive who has represented some of the largest corporations in America. Originally from New Orleans, he has lived in Florida since 2000.


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

By Jim Marrs
The Warning
The Pirate
The Classroom
College Daze
A Bishop in His Heart
Mary, Mary
The Cure for Communism
Dr. O
The Treatise
The Fire
The Machine
That Other Epidemic
The Witness
The Teacher
Judyth’s Story
The Perfect Patsy
Avg. Sentence (words)
Avg. word length
Reading Level
Reading Time
Speaking Time
College Student
6 hrs 16 mins
9 hrs 35 mins
  Escape from Childhood  

This is a book about young people and their place, or lack of place, in society today. It is about the institution of modern childhood, the attitudes, customs and laws that define and locate children in life and determine to a large degree what their lives are like and how we, their elders, treat them. And it is about the many ways in which childhood seems insufficient and inadequate for those who live within it, and how it should and might be changed. The fact of being a “child,” of being wholly subservient and dependent, of being seen by older people as a mixture of expensive nuisance, slave, and super-pet, does most young people more harm than good.

Holt proposes instead that the rights, privileges, duties, responsibilities of adult citizens be made available to any young person, of whatever age, who wants to make use of them. These would include, among others:

  1. The right to equal treatment at the hands of the law, i.e., the right, in any situation, to be treated no worse than an adult would be.
  2. The right to be legally responsible for one’s life and acts.
  3. The right to work, for money.
  4. The right to travel, to live away from home, to choose or make one’s own home.
  5. The right to do, in general, what any adult may legally do.

The changes that Holt urges will certainly not come about all at once. But such changes are necessary so that we don’t deny to young people the possibility of responsible participation in the life of the world around them.


Preface … ii

  1. The Problem of Childhood … 1
  2. The Institution of Childhood … 6
  3. Childhood in History … 13
  4. The Family and Its Purposes … 22
  5. On the Loss of Authority of the Old … 28
  6. The Many “Crises” of Life … 32
  7. The Burden of Having Children … 35
  8. One Use of Childhood … 42
  9. On “Help” and “Helpers” … 44
  10. The Competence of Children … 49
  11. The Child as Love Object … 58
  12. On Seeing Children as “Cute” … 61
  13. How Children Exploit Cuteness … 70
  14. Love May not Cure Everything … 76
  15. What Children Need, We All Need … 83
  16. On the Use of the Word “Rights” … 86
  17. The Right to Vote … 89
  18. The Right to Work … 98
  19. The Right to Own Property … 109
  20. The Right to Travel … 112
  21. The Right to Choose One’s Guardian … 118
  22. The Right to a Guaranteed Income … 126
  23. The Right to Legal and Financial Responsibility … 128  
  24. The Right to Control One’s Learning … 139
  25. The Right to Use Drugs … 145
  26. The Right to Drive … 155
  27. The Law, the Young, and Sex … 157
  28. Steps to Take … 161
Avg. Sentence (words)
Avg. word length
Reading Level
Reading Time
Speaking Time
9th-10th grade
4 hrs 54 mins
7 hrs 29 mins
  The Fight for China's Future  

The Fight for China’s Future throws light on the quintessence of 21st century Chinese politics through the prism of the struggle between the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and China’s vibrant intelligentsia and civil society.

This book examines Xi Jinping’s 24-hour, multi-dimensional, AI-enabled police-state apparatus and explores the CCP’s policy towards civil society. Through exclusive interviews with activists from different provinces, it analyzes the experiences and aspirations of key stakeholders in Chinese society, especially intellectuals, human rights attorneys and Christian worshippers. Providing an examination of recent global trends in relation to CCP policies, including China’s relationship with the U.S., it also goes on to explore the possible trajectories of future change.

Featuring an assessment of Xi Jinping’s leadership style and the opportunities this has given certain groups to promote the rule of law, media freedom and other global norms, this book will be invaluable to students of Chinese politics, society and culture.

Willy Lam’s The Fight for China’s Future presents a sobering picture of China in the era of Xi Jinjing where the forces of enlightenment are locked in an existential struggle with the rule of fear. Its deep insights and analysis illuminate the dynamics animating Chinese politics today. — Minxin Pei, Claremont McKenna College


Chapter 1 ◊ Introduction: The civil society versus Xi Jinping’s police-state apparatus 1

Introduction: how a hard-authoritarian state squeezes freedom of thought and the public sphere
The subjugation of the individual
The party’s subjugation of the civil society
The control mechanism: Xi Jinping’s unparalleled quasi-police state
Conclusion: how the dissident community and the civil society are fighting back

Chapter 2 ◊ Contributions of intellectuals: Emancipating the mind in the midst of ruthless suppression 20

Introduction: irreconcilable contradictions between reform-oriented intellectuals
and the hard-authoritarian party-state apparatus
The traditional role and contributions of intellectuals
The role of intellectuals as serfs in the socialist system
The CCP’s obsession with culture—and its ominous implications for intellectuals
The party’s battle against liberal intellectuals
Intellectuals hit back as best they can
Zhizhuxing versus dangxing
Conclusion: achievements of intellectuals who fought back in 2018 and 2019

Chapter 3 ◊ Human rights lawyers’ struggle against Xi Jinping’s “socialist rule by law” 39

Introduction: which is more powerful—the party or the law?
Xi Jinping’s “rule by law” mechanism
Towards a legalistic control apparatus
The rise of rights attorneys
The July 9 swoop on 309 lawyers, legal personnel and activists
Conclusion: the calling and strategy of rights lawyers

Chapter 4 ◊ A new awakening for China’s oppressed Christians. 66

Introduction: Christians’ fight against the party’s unremitting suppression
Christianity’s perceived threat to the regime
Rationale behind the suppression
The Zhejiang experience: worst religious persecution since the Cultural Revolution
Christians’ baptism of fire—and their pursuit of civil rights
Conclusion: the battle of the century shapes up

Chapter 5 ◊ How the China-U.S. Cold War opens up opportunities for the civil society 86

Introduction: the new Sino-U.S. Cold War has exacerbated contradictions within China
and provided a window of opportunity for the civil society
The China model—and the Xi administration—challenged during the clash between
Western liberal capitalist values and Beijing’s hard authoritarianism
Conclusion: how can intellectuals and civil-society activists speed up political change?

Avg. Sentence (words)
Avg. word length
Reading Level
Reading Time
Speaking Time
College Graduate
6 hrs 43 mins
10 hrs 15 mins
  Flying Saucers Are Watching Us  

New Saucerian is pleased to reprint "Flying Saucers Are Watching Us: An Astonishing New Theory That a Race of Ancient Aliens From Outer Space is the Long-Sought 'Missing Link' in Human Development" by Otto O. Binder, the famous comic book artist and science writer, who often ate lunch with Fortean researcher John A. Keel in New York City. Keel wrote that Binder was the "very first ufologist," because Binder began writing about UFOs and flying discs in the early 1930s.

This book in particular is of note, because it was published BEFORE Erich von Daniken's "Chariots of the Gods," making it the very first "Ancient Aliens" book of all time. Binder wastes no time in getting to the same points we see today on the popular "Ancient Aliens" TV program.

As an artist, Binder was responsible for the creation of characters like Supergirl, Brainiac, and Krypto the Super Dog (as well as the entire "Bizarro" line of comics), and wrote stories for major comics like Superman, Captain America, and The Submariner.

"Flying Saucers Are Watching Us" is a must-have for today's serious UFO/Fortean researcher. The "alien hybrid" topic is still as hot - and unexplored - as it was 50 years ago.


  1. Homo Hybrid, Interstellar Crossbreed … 1  
  2. Sex and the Saucermen … 9
  3. Contactees and Abductees … 17
  4. Earthly “Guinea Pigs” … 25
  5. UFOs Everywhere and Everywhen … 33
  6. Unwritten UFO History … 38
  7. Biblical Saucers … 45
  8. One Million B.C. Saucermen … 53
  9. Fantastic Prehistoric “Engineering” … 60
  10. United Worlds of Space … 72
  11. Earth, Planetary Bio Lab … 83
  12. Evolution Speeded Up … 90
  13. Hybrid Human Clues … 97
  14. UFO Rescue Squad … 106
  15. Colony Under Observation … 115
  16. Earth, Family Property … 127
  17. Colonial Earth’s Destiny … 134
Avg. Sentence (words)
Avg. word length
Reading Level
Reading Time
Speaking Time
College Student
3 hrs 29 mins
5 hrs 19 mins
  The Forgotten Language of Childhood  

In the sixties, a woman with a two-year-old daughter makes a U-turn in her life as single mother in New York City

As her peers choose India as a destination, Lillian Firestone meets the Gurdjieff Work, stays in America, and allows her daughter’s development and education to become a living backdrop and stage upon which her own spiritual development unfolds.

This important book has many beautiful things to show-and-tell, not the least of which is a mother’s love for her child reflected through her own wish to work.

A mother who today has the commonsensical good judgment to use a child’s drawing of an elephant as the dominant cover image for her impeccably designed book.

More than a record of Gurdjieff and his Teaching’s love for children-being-allowed-to-choose-their-fullest-potential by adults who Work and care for them, The Forgotten Language of Children represents a new contribution to the literature of spiritual education and spiritual search.



Chapter 1 — The First Day

Chapter 2 — Houses of Work

Chapter 3 — Methods

Chapter 4 — In the Kitchen

Chapter 5 — Listening … Speaking  

Chapter 6 — Choices

Chapter 7 — Money

Chapter 8 — On the Road

Chapter 9 — Discipline

Chapter 10 — Impressions

Chapter 11 — Games People Play

Chapter 12 — Difficulties

Chapter 13 — Remorse

Chapter 14 — Dawn



















Avg. Sentence (words)
Avg. word length
Reading Level
Reading Time
Speaking Time
9th-10th grade
3 hrs 36 mins
5 hrs 30 mins
  Fruit from a Poisonous Tree  

“This book is a veritable powerhouse that shatters, in one instant, the wall of lies and deceit that took decades to build upon our impressionable minds. Stamper’s ability to explain complex legal and political information in a comprehensive yet concise manner is without equal. Like a master sculptor he has chipped away the ‘Words of Art and Deception’ to reveal the inescapable and undeniable Truth. This book has single-handedly bared Adam and Eve’s shame in the Garden, the cleverly crafted schemes (‘Fruits from a Poisonous Tree’) of a Power-lusting Elite (‘The Serpent’ and his minions).”
Paul Nash, DC, ND, CCN, ACU, Holistic Medicine, Minneapolis

“If only a portion of what this researcher has discovered is verifiable, we as a nation of free people must hang our heads in shame. The future generations will not forgive us or forget the terrible injustice we have let befall them.”
Fred Diaulas, Professor of Ethics, University of North Florida

“As a young Marine officer, I believed without question that my government was infallible and most assuredly on the side of the Angels. Now I know how wrong I was, and I’m angry at myself for not questioning its policies or the continued restrictions on the liberties of its citizens. It took another Marine to uncover it.”
William P. Negron, Lt. Col., U.S. Marine Corp, retired

“In 1954 I began my legal practice as an assistant district attorney in the city of Miami. We switched from common law pleading to statutory pleading and no one asked the question, Why? Now I know the answer to the unasked question, and it depresses me to no end.”
Ralph G. Mitchell, JD, Attorney at Law, St. Augustine, Florida


  • Foreword … iii
  • Introduction … iv
  1. Citizenship Expatriation … 1
  2. Magicians … 23
  3. Collection Agency … 42
  4. The Federal Reserve, Incorporated … 74  
  5. Money … 77
  6. Above the Law … 84
  7. The Swindle … 95
  8. A House for Free … 107
  9. How You Rob a Really Big Bank … 119
  10. Allodial Title … 129
  11. Mirrors of Illusion Broken … 143
  12. War Powers … 156
  13. Another Perspective … 163
  • Epilogue … 169
Avg. Sentence (words)
Avg. word length
Reading Level
Reading Time
Speaking Time
College Student
6 hrs 24 mins
9 hrs 46 mins
  Gold Warriors: America’s Secret Recovery of Yamashita’s Gold  

In 1945, US intelligence officers in Manila discovered that the Japanese had hidden large quantities of gold bullion and other looted treasure in the Philippines. President Truman decided to recover the gold but to keep its riches secret. These, combined with Japanese treasure recovered during the US occupation, and with recovered Nazi loot, would create a worldwide American political action fund to fight communism. This ‘Black Gold’ gave Washington virtually limitless, unaccountable funds, providing an asset base to reinforce the treasuries of America’s allies, to bribe political and military leaders, and to manipulate elections in foreign countries for more than fifty years. Drawing on a vast range of original documents and thousands of hours of interviews, Gold Warriors exposes one of the great state secrets of the twentieth century.

“The reader will walk away from this book astounded and outraged at the immensity of the fraudulent activities that the world’s governments, banks, and spies are engaged in. Gold Warriors is chilling in its accumulation.” —Counterpunch

“Easily the best guide available to the scandal of Yamashita’s gold.” —London Review of Books

“One is swept up in the high intensity story the Seagraves tell.” —Publishers Weekly

“The Seagraves have uncovered one of the biggest secrets of the twentieth century.” —Iris Chang, author of The Rape of Nanking


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Cast of Main Characters … 2
Authors’ Note … 3
Prologue: Buried Alive … 7
Behind the Mask … 19
Rogue Samurai … 26
The Rape of China … 32
Storming the Indies … 40
Hiding the Plunder … 48
The Eyewitness … 55
Down the Rabbit Hole … 63
Dirty Tricks … 71
Heart of Darkness … 79
The Umbrella … 87
Pointing the Way … 95
Sanctifying the Gold … 103
The Paladins … 111
Loose Cannons … 119
Connect the Dots … 127
Conflict of Interest … 135
Grand Larceny … 143
Epilogue: Men in Black … 151 
     Bibliography … 159
     Annotations … 168
     Notes … 169
Avg. Sentence (words)
Avg. word length
Reading Level
Reading Time
Speaking Time
College Graduate
11 hrs 45 mins
17 hrs 57 mins
  The Great Oil Conspiracy  

At the end of World War II, U.S. intelligence agents confiscated thousands of Nazi documents on what was known as the “Fischer-Tropsch Process”—a series of equations developed by German chemists unlocking the secrets of how oil is formed. When the Nazis took power, Germany had resolved to develop enough synthetic oil to wage war successfully, even without abundant national oil reserves. For decades, these confiscated German documents remained largely ignored in a United States where petro-geologists and petro-chemists were convinced that oil was a “fossil fuel” created by ancient decaying biological debris.

Clearly, big U.S. oil companies had no financial interest in explaining to the American people that oil was a natural product made on a continual basis deep within the earth. If there were only so many fossils in geological time, there could only be so much oil. Big oil could then charge more for a finite, rapidly disappearing resource than for a natural, renewable, and probably inexhaustible one.

The Great Oil Conspiracy explains how Stalin at the end of World War II demanded his petro-geologists “dig deeper” when petro-scientists in the United States had determined that the Soviet Union, like Germany, lacked national oil reserves. Russia today has challenged Saudi Arabia for the lead in oil production and exportation. Once oil is understood as an abundantly available resource, there is no reason hydro-carbon fuels cannot indefinitely propel the development and production of cheap energy reserves the United States needs to maintain its dominant position in the emerging global economy.


Preface to the Paperback Edition


Chapter 1: The Nazi Secret of Synthetic Oil

Chapter 2: The Suppressed Science of Abiotic Oil

Chapter 3: Hubbert’s Peak and The Running Out of Oil Scare

Chapter 4: Deep-Earth and Deep-Water Oil

Chapter 5: “Julian Simon Says” – Toward a Comprehensive Energy Policy  

Chapter 6: “Drill, Baby, Drill” – Achieving USA Energy Independence Now

Conclusion: The USA #1 in Oil Production?

Avg. Sentence (words)
Avg. word length
Reading Level
Reading Time
Speaking Time
College Graduate
1 hrs 54 mins
2 hrs 54 mins
  Gurdjieff and Hypnosis  

This book was selected to accompany the two posts above: “Mass Formation and Totalitarian Thinking in This Time of Global Crisis” [LINK] and “Trance-Formation” by Max Igan [LINK]. I could have used only Chapter Four of this book, “The ‘Organ Kundabuffer’ Theory of Human Disharmonization” to accomplish this “other perspective” on Mass/Trance-Formation, but as Gurdjieff noted,

“If you go on a spree then go the whole hog including the postage.”

As time passes and events unfold, I become more and more convinced that what Gurdjieff ‘acquired’ and passed on to posterity was a Limited Hangout by advanced beings/advanced consciousness.

And while I do not necessarily agree with all of what Gurdfieff says about the ‘Organ Kundabuffer’ nor with all of what Tamdgidi writes about in Chapter Four, I do believe there is valid and valuable information for those wanting to learn more about the ‘Human Condition’.


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Philosophy: Ontology of the Harmonious Universe
Philosophy: Psychology of a “Tetartocosmos”
Philosophy: Epistemology of “Three-Brained Beings”
The “Organ Kundabuffer” Theory of Human Disharmonization
The Practice of “Harmonious Development of Man”
Life Is Real Only Then, When “I Am” Not Hypnotized
Meetings With the Remarkable Hypnotist
Beelzebub’s Hypnotic Tales to His Grandson
Gurdjieff’s Roundabout Yezidi Circle
Avg. Sentence (words)
Avg. word length
Reading Level
Reading Time
Speaking Time
College Graduate
8 hrs 8 mins
12 hrs 26 mins

No titles beginning with the letter “H”

  I Ching ♦ The Book of Changes  

The I Ching, or Book of Changes, a common source for both Confucianist and Taoist philosophy, is one of the first efforts of the human mind to place itself within the universe. The oldest of the Chinese classics, it has exerted a living influence in China for 3,000 years, and is an influential text read throughout the world — providing inspiration to the worlds of religion, psychoanalysis, business, literature, and art.

Originally a divination manual in the Western Zhou period (1000–750 BC), over the course of the Warring States period and early imperial period (500–200 BC) it was transformed into a cosmological text with a series of philosophical commentaries known as the "Ten Wings."

After becoming part of the Five Classics in the 2nd century BC, the I Ching was the subject of scholarly commentary and the basis for divination practice for centuries across the Far East, and eventually took on an influential role in Western understanding of Eastern thought.

The I Ching has been translated into Western languages dozens of times. The most influential edition is the 1923 German translation of Richard Wilhelm (1950), later translated to English by Cary Baynes (1967), has been reprinted numerous times. This tabbed page version of the I Ching is from that translation.


Avg. Sentence (words)
Avg. word length
Reading Level
Reading Time
Speaking Time
9th-10th grade
4 hrs 24 mins
6 hrs 43 mins
  Intervention Theory Essentials  

In 1905, a 25-year-old patent clerk named Albert Einstein demolished the 200-year-old certainty that Isaac Newton knew all there was to know about basic physics.

  • In a technical paper only a few pages long, Einstein sent a huge part of his current "reality" to
  • history's dustbin, where it found good company with thousands of other discards large and small.
  • In 1905, though, Newton's discard was about as large as the bin would hold.

Now another grand old "certainty" hovers over history's dustbin, and it seems only a matter of time before some new Einstein writes the few (or many) pages that will bring it down and relegate it to history.

  • And, as was the case in 1905, every "expert" in the world laughs heartily at any suggestion that their certainty could be struck down.
  • Yet if facts are any yardstick — which should always be the case, but frequently isn't — Charles Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection is moving towards extinction.

Please note: This eBook has 230 photos and illustrations (200+ MB). It could take several minutes to load.



By Lloyd Pye

A Basic Guide to the Intervention Theory of Origins
— of the Universe, of Life, of Hominoids, and of Humans.

Version 10.20

© Lloyd Pye, 2011

This eBook is 350 pages in a large font for ease of reading on computers and handhelds. It has 230 photos and illustrations. It contains 40,000 words. Most people read at 200 to 250 words per minute, so this will require about 3 hours.

Those 3 hours will rock your worldview.

“When you seek a path to any new truth, you must expect to find it blocked by ‘expert opinion.’” – Albert Guérard

“An emotional plague afflicts people whose belief systems are so rigid they ignore relevant facts and become enraged if anyone challenges their beliefs.” – Wilhelm Reich

“For every PhD., there is an equal and opposite PhD.” – Gibson’s Law

“Anyone can pilot an improbability, but it takes a special touch to fly and safely land an absurdity.” – Kurt Kuzba

“A genius is someone who aims at a target no one else can see — and hits it!” – Anthony Quinn

“The main purpose of science is to investigate the unexplained, not to explain the uninvestigated.” Dr. – Stephen Rorke

“The supreme arrogance of religious thinking is that a carbon-based bag of mostly water on a speck of iron- silicate dust around a boring dwarf star in a minor galaxy in an unfashionable suburb of (our) supercluster would look up at the sky and declare: “It was all made so that I could exist!”” – Peter Walker

Avg. Sentence (words)
Avg. word length
Reading Level
Reading Time
Speaking Time
College Student
3 hrs 4 mins
4 hrs 41 mins
  Into the Cannibal’s Pot  

Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America from post-Apartheid South Africa is a polemical work anchored in history, reality, fact, and the political philosophy of classical liberalism. It is a manifesto against mass society, arguing against raw, ripe, democracy, here (in the US), there (in South Africa), and everywhere. Into the Cannibal’s Pot follows Russell Kirk’s contention that true freedom can be found only within the framework of a social order. It is a reminder that, however imperfect, civilized societies are fragile. They can, and will, crumble in culturally inhospitable climes. The tyranny of political correctness, so unique to the West plays a role in their near-collapse. Advanced societies don’t just die; they either wither from within, or, like South Africa, are finished off by other western societies. Ilana Mercer delivers a compelling book; it is required reading for thinking people who care about the destiny of western civilization.


Dedication … ii
Publisher’s Note … iii
Abbreviations Used … iv
Preface … v
Introduction: Rambo Nation … vii

1. Crime, the Beloved Country … 1
“Jackrolling” … 2
Adapt and Die … 3
“Apartheid Nostalgia” … 4
Crime Desegregated … 5
Suffer the Little Children … 6
Your Home: the ANC’s Castle … 7
Who’s Killing Whom … 8
     Sexual Subjugation … 9
     Only Filling Their Crime Quota … 10
     White Hot Hatred … 11
An Existential Crisis … 12

2. The Kulaks of South Africa vs. the Xhosa Nostra … 13
     The Lord Saved Her … 14
     “Kill the Fucking Whites” On Facebook … 15
The White Tribe of Africa … 16
     “I am an Afrikaner!” … 17
     “Methods of Barbarism” … 18
     Going For Gold … 19
     From Muldergate to Mandela … 20
Apartheid in Black and White … 21
     A Strategy for Survival … 22
     Up Close and Personal … 23
Land, Language and Landmarks Lost … 24
     Eminent Domain or Domination? … 25
     The Law of the Land ‘Indigenized’ … 26
     Killing God’s Creatures … 27
     Tot Siens (Farewell) To The Taal (The Language) … 28
Intra-Racial Reparations? … 29
Recompense or Reconquista? … 30

3. Dispossession Is Nine-Tenths of the Law … 31
Black Diamonds … 32
     Cops Call Robbers … To Chat … 33
Reverse Apartheid … 34
Affirmative Action À La America … 35
     What Would Martin Luther King Jr. Say? … 36
     Thou Shalt Not Discern … 37
     The UCLA Race Racket … 38
     To Hell with Honky … 39
     Civil Wrongs … 40
Toward a Merit-Based Society … 41

4. Mandela, Mbeki, and Mugabe Sitting In A Baobab Tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G … 42  
One Man, One Vote, One Time … 43
The Che Guevara of Africa … 44
     Rebranding Socialism … 45
Saluting the Alpha Male … 46

5. The Root-Causes Racket … 47
The Colonialism Canard … 48
     Africa BC/AC (Before and After Colonialism) … 49
     From Bauer to Belich … 50
     Slavery: The White Man’s Cross … 51
      Aiding and Abetting Underdevelopment … 52
Culture Counts … 53
     Voodoo for Values … 54
How the Settlers Saved South Africa … 55
Desperately Seeking Bollywood’s Brangelina … 56
Free Will and the Will of the Free … 57

6. Why Do WASP Societies Wither? … 58
A Fighting Faith … 59
     Cross and Crescent Collide on the Dark Continent … 60
     The Hebraic Bond … 61
A House at Peace with Islam … 62
     PAGAD: A Populist Reign of Terror … 63
     COSATU: Carrying the Torch for “Durban I” … 64
     The “Running of the Jew” at Durban I & II … 65
The Pathos and Paradox of the Puritan … 66
     Reconciling Pietism with Power … 67
     Protestant Death Wish vs. Jewish Defiance … 68
Africa Cries Out for Christianity … 69

7. The Anglo-American-Australian Axis of Evil … 70
Betrayed … 71
Sidelined … 72
     Less-Than-Sexy Statistics … 73
Racial Voting Coming to a Polling Station Near You … 74
     “Democracy: The God That Failed” … 75
     Property Rights vs. Political Rights … 76
     Democracy and Prosperity … 77
     The Franchise: A Foolish Fetish on a Good Day … 78
Acorn with Machetes … 79
The Notional Afro-Saxon Nation … 80

8. Conclusion: Saving South Africans S.O.S. … 81
From Fellini-Style Consumption to Puritan-Worthy Production … 82
Emigration … 83
Secession … 84
The Most Precious Thing on Earth … 85

Avg. Sentence (words)
Avg. word length
Reading Level
Reading Time
Speaking Time
College Graduate
5 hrs 19 mins
8 hrs 7 mins
  The Invisible Rainbow  

The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life

Does electricity have any detrimental effects on plants, humans and other animals, and if so how much of a problem is this and why is it not a much bigger concern to us, are the main questions which Arthur Firstenberg aims to answer in his book ‘The Invisible Rainbow. A History of Electricity and Life’. To understand the raison d’etre for writing this book, it is important to realise that its writer, a researcher, journalist and consultant, as well as a practitioner of “several healing arts”, experiences the effects of self-diagnosed electro-hypersensitivity. As such, The Invisible Rainbow, is not only a work of popular science aimed at providing a historical account of the introduction of electricity into society and describing, based on early warnings about side effects of electric shocks and scientific experiments on humans, other animals, and plants, how this may affect biological systems, it is also a campaigner’s warning about the consequences of the ubiquitous presence of electricity for human health and the environment.

The Invisible Rainbow is divided in two parts, entitled ‘From the Beginning...’ and ‘...To the Present’; roughly corresponding to a description of the history of how electricity became ubiquitous in modern society, interwoven with descriptions of historic experiments of effects of electricity on plants and humans in part 1, and a discussion of health effects on humans and the environment more generally, and their alleged associations with exposure to electricity in more modern times in part 2.

The reason I am referring to ‘alleged’ associations in relation to the second part of the book is that it builds the argument regarding the detrimental effects of electricity on human health for a considerable part on work by Dr Milham. His work, described in his book ’Dirty Electricity: Electrification and the Diseases of Civilization‘ (ISBN 978-1938908187) and related peer-reviewed papers, although thought-provoking, is one of correlations rather than causations and relies on weak epidemiological evidence. Although I specifically highlight the link to Dr Milham’s work, because I am most familiar with the epidemiology, and have discussed inherent weaknesses in these data and the analytic method previously (de Vocht and Burstyn 2014), this relates to a broader issue regarding the scientific arguments made in The Invisible Rainbow: evidence is systematically brought together from a wide variety of sources spanning over 200 to 300 years but is of very varying quality. This should not necessarily be a problem, but unfortunately the synthesis of all these studies, anecdotal evidence and other sources of data, relies on supporting the central thesis of the book rather than on the scientific rigour and quality of data. Evidence from rigorous experiments are combined on par with results from studies that are, at best, fringe science, and are supplemented with anecdotes. As a result, it is difficult for readers, especially those unfamiliar with scientific enquiries in general, are new to this field, or who are unfamiliar with adjacent disciplines to their own, to infer how robust the scientific basis is for claims made in the book.

Nonetheless, despite misgivings, Firstenberg expands on Dr Milham’s work significantly in terms of the inference and triangulation of different areas of science and relates the correlations described by Dr Milham to other epidemiological and mechanistic studies to strengthen the argument that electricity may have a part to play in the observed disease trends. This is a considerable strength of this book: whereas much of the work in this area is limited by the absence of credible biological mechanisms that could explain the correlated phenomena, The Invisible Rainbow goes to great lengths to provide explanations of how, at least theoretically, exposure to non-ionising radiation would link to health and environmental effects. Of course, the studies by Milham are also by no means the only evidence on which Firstenberg’s thesis is built, and as such this book is a very detailed and rigorous work and succeeds in advancing the original arguments.

An additional concern with respect to the inference made by Firstenberg, is that many of the studies used to support the book’s central thesis, especially those describing experiments, were conducted several decades (and often over a century) ago. This is not a problem by itself as scientific studies, if not falsified, remain as much scientific evidence as more recent studies; however, here they are generally presented as of equivalent if not stronger evidence than recent studies. Arguably, the scientific method, including accuracy and precision of measurement, has made great leaps forward over that time period.

As a result of these issues, to accept the thesis of ‘The Invisible Rainbow’ the reader has to accept two important preconditions

  1. there have been no significant improvements in the quality of research in the last (at least) 100 years, an
  2. there has been a worldwide conspiracy started soon after the introduction of electricity in society and lasting to present day dedicated to hiding the true impact on health from non-ionising radiation.

Personally, I do not find these two preconditions very convincing, at least not to the extent required to accept the book’s conclusions, but other readers may be more willing to accept these. If you are willing to accept these preconditions, then The Invisible Rainbow is a great book. It is probably one of the most detailed and best researched ones on the topic, and the arguments laid out in the book are clear and concise. If you are however, like me, not that willing to accept these in their totality, this is still a very interesting book on the history of electrification and possible effects on humans and the environment. In addition, it is also very well written.

It is however worth pointing out that although electromagnetic radiation includes a wide spectrum of different types of radiation (including for example Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) and Radio Frequency (RF) radiation, but also visible light) as well as different possible exposure levels and sources – and which have different effects on biological materials – this distinction is rarely made. Electricity is treated as a generic concept throughout, but it is left up to the reader to work out, which is sometimes difficult, whether a specific paragraph refers to ELF, RF or other frequencies. A possible way of working this out is to refer to the original source materials, which are provided in the extensive Notes and Bibliography (169 pages).

Regardless, the writing style is pleasant, the arguments are laid out in a clear and concise manner, and the book is aimed at the general public. So as a work of popular science it deserves a place on the shelves. It is, of course, not just a work of popular science. The Invisible Rainbow is also a call to arms. It is a call to recognise that biology is not just about chemistry, but also about electricity, it is a call to recognise that electrification of society could have effects on humans, animals and the environment more general, and most of all it is a call to arms for the recognition of electro hypersensitivity and to study this more and better. And in these calls to arms, Firstenberg has been very successful.

Frank de Vocht
Population Health Sciences, Bristol Medical School
University of Bristol. Bristol, UK
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

LINK to original posting



PART I From the Beginning …
1. Captured in a Bottle
2. The Deaf to Hear, and the Lame to Walk  
3. Electrical Sensitivity
4. The Road Not Taken
5. Chronic Electrical Illness
6. The Behavior of Plants
7. Acute Electrical Illness
8. Mystery on the Isle of Wight
9. Earth’s Electric Envelope
10. Porphyrins and the Basis of Life

PART II … To the Present
11. Irritable Heart
12. The Transformation of Diabetes
13. Cancer and the Starvation of Life
14. Suspended Animation
15. You mean you can hear electricity?
16. Bees, Birds, Trees, and Humans
17. In the Land of the Blind




About the Author

Avg. Sentence (words)
Avg. word length
Reading Level
Reading Time
Speaking Time
College Graduate
11 hrs 28 mins
17 hrs 30 mins
  The Jesus Hoax  

Jesus of Nazareth is one of the most famous men in history. There are good reasons to believe that he walked the earth some two thousand years ago, and was eventually crucified.

But what about Jesus Christ, son of God? What if he never existed? What if the divine, virgin-born, resurrected Jesus Christ was a myth, a lie—even a hoax? That would have huge implications for modern-day Christianity; it would mean that there is a gigantic falsehood at the core of the religion of some two billion people. The weight of evidence strongly suggests that the biblical Jesus never existed, and that what we read in the Bible is an elaborate scheme, a hoax, regarding a divine god-man who came to earth to save humanity.

In this book, Dr. David Skrbina presents a profound and stunning theory: that St. Paul and a band of friends constructed a 'Jesus hoax.' They took a kernel of truth based on Jesus, the man, and turned him into the divine savior of humanity. They did so as a way to strike back at the hated Roman Empire, and to undermine its strength among the common people. This hoax, which seemed so benign at first, resulted in devastating consequences for Western civilization, even as it did, ultimately, contribute to the collapse of the Empire. The absolute lack of corroborating evidence for the so-called biblical Jesus, and the fact that key documents such as the four Gospels were written decades after his time, all support this theory.

Everyone, regardless of religious belief, needs to be aware of this astonishing story. This is not just ancient history; it has vast implications for many areas of modern life.


Chapter 1: Setting the Stage
Chapter 2: Just the Facts…
Chapter 3: Why the Jesus Story Is False
Chapter 4: One Against All
Chapter 5: Reconstructing the Truth
Chapter 6: Taking Stock, Looking Ahead
Appendix A: 36 Miracles of Jesus
Appendix B: A Critique of Aslan’s Zealot (2013)
Avg. Sentence (words)
Avg. word length
Reading Level
Reading Time
Speaking Time
College Student
2 hrs 11 mins
3 hrs 20 mins

No titles beginning with the letter “K”

  Lost Technologies of Ancient Egypt  

From the pyramids in the north to the temples in the south, ancient artisans left their marks all over Egypt, unique marks that reveal craftsmanship we would be hard pressed to duplicate today. Drawing together the results of more than 30 years of research and nine field study journeys to Egypt, Christopher Dunn presents a stunning stone-by-stone analysis of key Egyptian monuments, including the statue of Ramses II at Luxor and the fallen crowns that lay at its feet. His modern-day engineering expertise provides a unique view into the sophisticated technology used to create these famous monuments in prehistoric times.

Using digital photography, computer-aided design software, and metrology instruments, Dunn exposes the extreme precision of these monuments and the type of advanced manufacturing expertise necessary to produce them. His computer analysis of the many statues of Ramses II reveals that the left and right sides of the faces are precise mirror images of each other, and his examination of the mysterious underground tunnels of the Serapeum illuminates the finest examples of precision engineering on the planet. Providing never-before-seen evidence in the form of more than 280 photographs, Dunn's research shows that while absent from the archaeological record, highly refined tools, techniques, and even megamachines must have been used in ancient Egypt.

CHRISTOPHER DUNN is a manufacturing engineer with 50 years of experience. He has worked primarily in aerospace with an emphasis on precision and laser application. He has published a dozen articles on his theories about ancient technology and is the author of The Giza Power Plant. He lives in Illinois.


Chapter 1 ♦ The Shadows of Luxor
Chapter 2 ♦ The Shadows of Ramses
Chapter 3 ♦ The Ramses Challenge
Chapter 4 ♦ The Shadows of Karnak
Chapter 5 ♦ The Shadows of the Serapeum
Chapter 6 ♦ The Shadow of the Sphinx
Chapter 7 ♦ The Shadows of Denderah
Chapter 8 ♦ Sticks and Stones: Tools of the Trade
Chapter 9 ♦ In the Shadow of an Obelisk
Chapter 10 ♦ In the Shadow of Egyptian Megamachines
Chapter 11 ♦ Walking in the Shadow of William F. Petrie
Chapter 12 ♦ Suspending Disbelief
Avg. Sentence (words)
Avg. word length
Reading Level
Reading Time
Speaking Time
College Student
6 hrs 7 mins
9 hrs 20 mins
  Murder by Injection  

The present work, the result of some forty years of investigative research, is a logical progression from my previous books: the expose of the international control of monetary issue and banking practices in the United States; a later work revealing the secret network of organizations through which these alien forces wield political power — the secret committees, foundations, and political parties through which their hidden plans are implemented; and now; to the most vital issue of all, the manner in which these depredations affect the daily lives and health of American citizens. Despite the great power of the hidden rulers, I found that only one group has the power to issue life or death sentences to any American — our nation's physicians.

I discovered that these physicians, despite their great power, were themselves subjected to very strict controls over every aspect of their professional lives. These controls, surprisingly enough, were not wielded by any state or federal agency, although almost every other aspect of American life is now under the absolute control of the bureaucracy. The physicians have their own autocracy, a private trade association, the American Medical Association. This group, which is headquartered in Chicago, Illinois, had gradually built up its power until it assumed total control over medical schools and the accreditation of physicians.

The trail of these manipulators led me straight to the same lairs of the international conspirators whom I had exposed in previous books. I knew that they had already looted America, reduced its military power to a dangerously low level, and imposed bureaucratic controls on every American. I now discovered that their conspiracies also directly affected the health of every American. This conspiracy has resulted in a documented decline in the health of our citizens. We now rank far down the list of civilized nations in infant mortality and other significant medical statistics. I was able to document the shocking record of these cold-blooded tycoons who not only plan and carry out famines, economic depressions, revolutions and wars, but who also find their greatest profits in their manipulations of our medical care. The cynicism and malice of these conspirators is something beyond the imagination of most Americans. They deliberately mulct our people of millions of dollars each year through "charitable" organizations and then use these same organizations as key groups to bolster their Medical Monopoly. Fear and intimidation are the basic techniques by which the conspirators maintain their control over all aspects of our health care, as they ruthlessly crush any competitor who challenges their profits. As in other aspects of their "behavioural control" over the American people, their most constantly used weapon against us is their employment of federal agents and federal agencies to carry out their intrigues. The proof of this operation may be the most disturbing revelation of my work.

Eustace Mullins
February 22, 1988


Chapter 1 ♦ The Medical Monopoly
Chapter 2 ♦ Quacks on Quackery
Chapter 3 ♦ The Profits of Cancer
Chapter 4 ♦ Death and Vaccination
Chapter 5 ♦ The Fluoridation Conspiracy
Chapter 6 ♦ Whither AIDS
Chapter 7 ♦ The Action of Fertilizers
Chapter 8 ♦ Contamination of the Food Supply
Chapter 9 ♦ The Drug Trust
Chapter 10 ♦ The Rockefeller Syndicate
Avg. Sentence (words)
Avg. word length
Reading Level
Reading Time
Speaking Time
College Graduate
5 hrs 52 mins
8 hrs 58 mins