Can You Stand The Truth?

Can You Stand The Truth cover

Parts of THE TRUTH are found fragmented in every viewpoint, religion, aspect, and human ideology. But not a single one of the above can give us the complete picture of IT.

As an example, take Newton’s spinning-disk experiment and the deflection of (white) light into the seven colors of the rainbow. WHITE LIGHT –which contains all colors– is like the ONE TRUTH, which, like a magic picture, lies in front of everyone's eyes. Man, remaining firmly ATTACHED to his personal view (color) cannot compose all colors - aspects - viewpoints and gaze at the ‘White’ color of the TRUTH.

If he can position himself however at a specific “place/point” he will be able TO SEE. Then, everything gets decoded in front of his eyes like a hidden picture that suddenly appears. Who are right then? The evolutionists who believe in Darwin’s theory, or the Church when it claims that god created us?

  • Both! Who is right: Those who believe in reincarnation or those who persistently reject it?
  • Both! Who is right: Those who believe in man’s soul and spirit or those who don’t?
  • Both! Who is right: The eye-witnesses of UFO’s or the scientific community that insists there is no intelligent life on other planets?
  • Both! The contents of this book gradually move the reader through an ascending-spiral process, from a simple position to a complex one, so as to smoothly reposition him to a different dimension, wherefrom he can gaze at a very different world from what he has believed in up to now.

Children’s Oppression, Rights, and Liberation

oppression of the child
(image added, not included in original PDF)

This paper advances a radical and controversial analysis of the legal status of children. I argue that the denial of equal rights and equal protection to children under the law is inconsistent with liberal and progressive beliefs about social justice and fairness. I first situate children’s legal and social status in its historical context, examining popular assumptions about children and their rights, and expose the false necessity of children’s current legal status. I then offer a philosophical analysis for why children’s present subordination is unjust, and an explanation of how society could be sensibly and stably arranged otherwise. My first conclusion from this analysis is that age-based classifications should not be presumed to be rational. From this point, the paper suggests an argument for treating children as a suspect class for the purposes of equal protection analysis. The paper further advances the claim that many of the ways children are legally discriminated against implicate their fundamental rights, and that many age-based classifications should therefore be subject to strict scrutiny and found unconstitutional. I then go on to analyze specific legal issues such as voting rights, corporal punishment, runaway children, and due process in juvenile justice using these considerations.

* Graduate student in philosophy at University College London, University of London; J.D. candidate at Georgetown University Law Center. The author is very grateful to Robin West, Gary Peller, Judith Lichtenberg and Alex Koroknay-Palicz for their comments and advice on this paper.

Fruit from a Poisonous Tree

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Fruit of the Poisonous Tree

Fruit of the poisonous trees is a doctrine that extends the exclusionary rule to make evidence inadmissible in court if it was derived from evidence that was illegally obtained. As the metaphor suggests, if the evidential “tree” is tainted, so is its “fruit.” The doctrine was established in 1920 by the decision in Silverthorne Lumber Co. v. United States, and the phrase “fruit of the poisonous tree” was coined by Justice Frankfurter in his 1939 opinion in Nardone v. United States. The rule typically bars even testimonial evidence resulting from excludable evidence, such as a confession.

Like the exclusionary rule itself, this doctrine is subject to three important exceptions. The evidence will not be excluded:

  • if it was discovered from a source independent of the illegal activity;
  • its discovery was inevitable;
  • or for evidence found as a result of excludable, voluntary testimony from the defendant.

Further, if the primary evidence was illegally obtained, but admissible under the good faith exception, its derivatives (or “fruit”) may also be admissible.

“This book is a veritable powerhouse that shatters, in one instant, the wall of lies and deceit that took decades to build upon our impressionable minds. Stamper’s ability to explain complex legal and political information in a comprehensive yet concise manner is without equal. Like a master sculptor he has chipped away the ‘Words of Art and Deception’ to reveal the inescapable and undeniable Truth. This book has single-handedly bared Adam and Eve’s shame in the Garden, the cleverly crafted schemes (‘Fruits from a Poisonous Tree’) of a Power-lusting Elite (‘The Serpent’ and his minions).”
Paul Nash, DC, ND, CCN, ACU, Holistic Medicine, Minneapolis

“If only a portion of what this researcher has discovered is verifiable, we as a nation of free people must hang our heads in shame. The future generations will not forgive us or forget the terrible injustice we have let befall them.”
Fred Diaulas, Professor of Ethics, University of North Florida

“As a young Marine officer, I believed without question that my government was infallible and most assuredly on the side of the Angels. Now I know how wrong I was, and I’m angry at myself for not questioning its policies or the continued restrictions on the liberties of its citizens. It took another Marine to uncover it.”
William P. Negron, Lt. Col., U.S. Marine Corp, retired

“In 1954 I began my legal practice as an assistant district attorney in the city of Miami. We switched from common law pleading to statutory pleading and no one asked the question, Why? Now I know the answer to the unasked question, and it depresses me to no end.”
Ralph G. Mitchell, JD, Attorney at Law, St. Augustine, Florida


Escape from Childhood

escape from childhood

This is a book about young people and their place, or lack of place, in society today. It is about the institution of modern childhood, the attitudes, customs and laws that define and locate children in life and determine to a large degree what their lives are like and how we, their elders, treat them. And it is about the many ways in which childhood seems insufficient and inadequate for those who live within it, and how it should and might be changed. The fact of being a “child,” of being wholly subservient and dependent, of being seen by older people as a mixture of expensive nuisance, slave, and super-pet, does most young people more harm than good.

Holt proposes instead that the rights, privileges, duties, responsibilities of adult citizens be made available to any young person, of whatever age, who wants to make use of them. These would include, among others:

  1. The right to equal treatment at the hands of the law, i.e., the right, in any situation, to be treated no worse than an adult would be.
  2. The right to be legally responsible for one’s life and acts.
  3. The right to work, for money.
  4. The right to travel, to live away from home, to choose or make one’s own home.
  5. The right to do, in general, what any adult may legally do.

The changes that Holt urges will certainly not come about all at once. But such changes are necessary so that we don’t deny to young people the possibility of responsible participation in the life of the world around them.

The Committee of 300

Cᴏᴍᴍɪᴛᴛᴇᴇ ᴏꜰ 300

Undoubtedly the “Bible” of conspiracy books, the completely revised and updated Fourth Edition landmark book is filled with information not previously disclosed. It names one of the contenders for the White House who is closely related to one of the oldest “300” families whose fortune was derived from opium trade with China, and no, it is not any of the Bush clan. The origin of the Cᴏᴍᴍɪᴛᴛᴇᴇ ᴏꜰ 300 is described; how it has evolved from an opium trading company with a Royal Charter to become the de-facto secret upper-level parallel government of the United States and the world, with only Russia and China standing in opposition to it.

A highly organized secret society with tentacles reaching into every level of government in the United States and indeed, the world, backed by massive financing and run by men of the highest education and intelligence, with vast resources at their disposal, manages the thousands of major political and economical and contrived situations. In the FOURTH EDITION there is listed some very prominent men who came forward to support the existence of the “300.” One of them predicted twenty years ago that “The United States will be turned into a welfare state” and that “with the exception of Russia all nations would unite in a world alliance (The One World Government).” Perhaps the most startling admission of the existence of the super-secret organization came from President Wilson in the last days of his presidency:

Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacturing, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere, so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.

The “power” Wilson was talking about is the Cᴏᴍᴍɪᴛᴛᴇᴇ ᴏꜰ 300 and Wilson knew he did not dare to mention it by name.


The Jesus Hoax

jesus hoax

Jesus of Nazareth is one of the most famous men in history. There are good reasons to believe that he walked the earth some two thousand years ago, and was eventually crucified.

But what about Jesus Christ, son of God? What if he never existed? What if the divine, virgin-born, resurrected Jesus Christ was a myth, a lie—even a hoax? That would have huge implications for modern-day Christianity; it would mean that there is a gigantic falsehood at the core of the religion of some two billion people. The weight of evidence strongly suggests that the biblical Jesus never existed, and that what we read in the Bible is an elaborate scheme, a hoax, regarding a divine god-man who came to earth to save humanity.

In this book, Dr. David Skrbina presents a profound and stunning theory: that St. Paul and a band of friends constructed a 'Jesus hoax.' They took a kernel of truth based on Jesus, the man, and turned him into the divine savior of humanity. They did so as a way to strike back at the hated Roman Empire, and to undermine its strength among the common people. This hoax, which seemed so benign at first, resulted in devastating consequences for Western civilization, even as it did, ultimately, contribute to the collapse of the Empire. The absolute lack of corroborating evidence for the so-called biblical Jesus, and the fact that key documents such as the four Gospels were written decades after his time, all support this theory.

Everyone, regardless of religious belief, needs to be aware of this astonishing story. This is not just ancient history; it has vast implications for many areas of modern life.

We are the children of the stars

children of stars

This groundbreaking book from the early 1970s presents scientific evidence to prove that mankind could not have possibly evolved naturally. Binder and Flindt explore the very real possibility that we are direct descendants of ancient starmen who came from other planets to Earth millions of years ago.

We Are the Children of the Stars reveals:

  • Earth has been visited more than 5,000 times by creatures from other planets!
  • Evidence that starmen deliberately hid any “Missing Link” human fossils in order to keep mankind from knowing it was a colony!
  • Evidence that the starmen were the “Angels” of the Bible, carrying on a “Divine” mission to bring human life to Earth!

Space researcher Max H. Flindt was the first to scientifically document, from biological evidence, the possibility that mankind may be a hybrid from a prehistoric union of terrestrial humanoids and starmen.

Otto O. Binder was science fiction author who also worked on comic books including writing forsuch characters as Captain Venture, Golden Arrowand widely popular Captain Marvel. He was also aneditor at Space World. Binder died in 1974.

Max H. Flindt served as Senior Laboratory Technician under Nobelists Dr. Edward Teller, Dr. Glenn Scaborg, and Dr. Melvin Calvin at Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, Berkely, California; and Laboratory Analyst in Research at Lockheed, where he engaged in highly classified space research.


Flying Saucers Are Watching Us

FSAWU cover

New Saucerian is pleased to reprint "Flying Saucers Are Watching Us: An Astonishing New Theory That a Race of Ancient Aliens From Outer Space is the Long-Sought 'Missing Link' in Human Development" by Otto O. Binder, the famous comic book artist and science writer, who often ate lunch with Fortean researcher John A. Keel in New York City. Keel wrote that Binder was the "very first ufologist," because Binder began writing about UFOs and flying discs in the early 1930s.

This book in particular is of note, because it was published BEFORE Erich von Daniken's "Chariots of the Gods," making it the very first "Ancient Aliens" book of all time. Binder wastes no time in getting to the same points we see today on the popular "Ancient Aliens" TV program.

As an artist, Binder was responsible for the creation of characters like Supergirl, Brainiac, and Krypto the Super Dog (as well as the entire "Bizarro" line of comics), and wrote stories for major comics like Superman, Captain America, and The Submariner.

"Flying Saucers Are Watching Us" is a must-have for today's serious UFO/Fortean researcher. The "alien hybrid" topic is still as hot - and unexplored - as it was 50 years ago.

The Apocalypse of Yajnavalkya


Humanity stands on a precipice. The final judgment draws near, when all the works of evil will be destroyed, and the world made new. Wickedness has been present since the beginning of human history but is now more visible than ever; why is civilization being hastened toward this annihilation? Who is guiding this destruction? What can you do to prepare yourself and your loved ones to live well in this tumultuous time?

In The Apocalypse of Yajnavalkya, an ancient sage returns to take you on a four book journey that answers these questions and more. Prepare to be simultaneously enlightened and surprised, challenged and awakened. In considering the truths presented here, you will have the information you need to endure the coming destruction and become a fully actualized, powerful human being in the process.


The Deep Hot Biosphere


Suppose someone claimed that we are not running out of petroleum? Or that life on Earth began below the surface of our planet? Or that oil and gas are not "fossil fuels"? Or that if we find extraterrestrial life it is likely to be within, not on, other planets? You might expect to hear statements like these from an author of science fiction. But what if they came from a renowned physicist, an indisputably brilliant scientist who has been called "one of the world's most original minds"?

In the The Deep Hot Biosphere, Thomas Gold sets forth truly controversial and astonishing theories about where oil and gas come from, and how they acquire their organic "signatures." The conclusions he reaches in this book might be at first difficult to believe, but they are supported by a growing body of evidence, and by the indisputabel stature and seriousness Gold brings to any scientific enterprise. In this book we see a brilliant and boldly orginal thinker, increasingly a rarity in modern science, as he developes a revolutionary new view about the fundamental workings of our planet.

Thomas Gold is a member of the National Academy of Sciences, a Fellow of the Royal Society, and an Emertius Professor at Cornell University. Regarded as one of the most creative and wide-ranging scientists of his generation, he has taughtat Cambridge University and Harvard, and for 20 years was the Director of the Cornell Center for Radiophysics and Space Research.

The Great Oil Conspiracy

At the end of World War II, U.S. intelligence agents confiscated thousands of Nazi documents on what was known as the “Fischer-Tropsch Process”—a series of equations developed by German chemists unlocking the secrets of how oil is formed. When the Nazis took power, Germany had resolved to develop enough synthetic oil to wage war successfully, even without abundant national oil reserves. For decades, these confiscated German documents remained largely ignored in a United States where petro-geologists and petro-chemists were convinced that oil was a “fossil fuel” created by ancient decaying biological debris.

Clearly, big U.S. oil companies had no financial interest in explaining to the American people that oil was a natural product made on a continual basis deep within the earth. If there were only so many fossils in geological time, there could only be so much oil. Big oil could then charge more for a finite, rapidly disappearing resource than for a natural, renewable, and probably inexhaustible one.

The Great Oil Conspiracy explains how Stalin at the end of World War II demanded his petro-geologists “dig deeper” when petro-scientists in the United States had determined that the Soviet Union, like Germany, lacked national oil reserves. Russia today has challenged Saudi Arabia for the lead in oil production and exportation. Once oil is understood as an abundantly available resource, there is no reason hydro-carbon fuels cannot indefinitely propel the development and production of cheap energy reserves the United States needs to maintain its dominant position in the emerging global economy.


The Atomic Bomb was a Hoax

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Further evidence supporting the assertion that the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were a hoax – that no atomic bombs were used and that the destruction of the two cities was the result of firebombing. From the text:

The Elders of Zion needed their Zionist State, and wouldn’t you know it, a Second World War had already been offered up on the menu. It’s all too convenient. But to pull it off, because why waste a good psyop on one meal when you can milk the cow for decades, they decided to add a little alchemy in the mix. Therefore, they called upon the physicists. They called upon the chemists. The called upon high-ranking generals. But mostly, they called upon actors and spook occultists, and the rest is history. They called upon one man whom most if not all of us know, but only by one name. OPPENHEIMER

The entire account reads off like a Hollywood movie … They are trying to sell this to us as organic; the results of human ingenuity; Manifest Destiny and all that; when in fact Oppenheimer was selected for his Occultist pedigree, probably groomed for his part long before Knowing what we do now, that the official narrative is a script and all the world is a stage …

Today, an obelisk stands erect [at the Trinity test site in New Mexico] as the lasting memorial to Oppenheimer’s alchemical exercise. … The point of alchemy, as well as the hieroglyphic packaging behind every Trinity here mentioned, is to transmute the nature of the mortal soul into something immortal, which is to say, divine. … Like the Copernican Revolution, the atomic bomb was the ultimate exoteric expression of an age-old esoteric pursuit. – Sun worship.

  • Part 1: Marie-Curie & the Crossroads of Mercury … 1
  • Part 2: Trinity Alchemists Exposed … 4
  • Part 3: Architects of Hiroshima … 13
  • Part 4: Lookout Mountain & the Bikini Atoll … 22


no nukes

Nuclear disarmament and a nuclear free world begins in your mind. To rid the world of the scourge of nuclear weapons takes only the courage to free your mind of it's indoctrination that they exist. There are no nukes. The world is a safe and beautiful place. Welcome to Nuke Hoax, mind over fear.

Below is “My Atomic Bomb Findings The grand manipulation 1945-2023” by Anders Björkman – comprising over 15,000 words, 100+ images and over 800 links (nine parts).

“Nuclear weapons were in 1945 and are in 2023 just fake news and propaganda! Imagine how easy it has been to fool the whole world with nuclear bombs that never existed nor exploded during 78 years. I explain how and why below.” –Anders Björkman


Escape from Childhood

escape from childhood

This is a book about young people and their place, or lack of place, in society today. It is about the institution of modern childhood, the attitudes, customs and laws that define and locate children in life and determine to a large degree what their lives are like and how we, their elders, treat them. And it is about the many ways in which childhood seems insufficient and inadequate for those who live within it, and how it should and might be changed. The fact of being a “child,” of being wholly subservient and dependent, of being seen by older people as a mixture of expensive nuisance, slave, and super-pet, does most young people more harm than good.

Holt proposes instead that the rights, privileges, duties, responsibilities of adult citizens be made available to any young person, of whatever age, who wants to make use of them. These would include, among others:

  1. The right to equal treatment at the hands of the law, i.e., the right, in any situation, to be treated no worse than an adult would be.
  2. The right to be legally responsible for one’s life and acts.
  3. The right to work, for money.
  4. The right to travel, to live away from home, to choose or make one’s own home.
  5. The right to do, in general, what any adult may legally do.

The changes that Holt urges will certainly not come about all at once. But such changes are necessary so that we don’t deny to young people the possibility of responsible participation in the life of the world around them.

The Apocalypse of Yajnavalkya


Humanity stands on a precipice. The final judgment draws near, when all the works of evil will be destroyed, and the world made new. Wickedness has been present since the beginning of human history but is now more visible than ever; why is civilization being hastened toward this annihilation? Who is guiding this destruction? What can you do to prepare yourself and your loved ones to live well in this tumultuous time?

In The Apocalypse of Yajnavalkya, an ancient sage returns to take you on a four book journey that answers these questions and more. Prepare to be simultaneously enlightened and surprised, challenged and awakened. In considering the truths presented here, you will have the information you need to endure the coming destruction and become a fully actualized, powerful human being in the process.


Escape from Childhood

escape from childhood

This is a book about young people and their place, or lack of place, in society today. It is about the institution of modern childhood, the attitudes, customs and laws that define and locate children in life and determine to a large degree what their lives are like and how we, their elders, treat them. And it is about the many ways in which childhood seems insufficient and inadequate for those who live within it, and how it should and might be changed. The fact of being a “child,” of being wholly subservient and dependent, of being seen by older people as a mixture of expensive nuisance, slave, and super-pet, does most young people more harm than good.

Holt proposes instead that the rights, privileges, duties, responsibilities of adult citizens be made available to any young person, of whatever age, who wants to make use of them. These would include, among others:

  1. The right to equal treatment at the hands of the law, i.e., the right, in any situation, to be treated no worse than an adult would be.
  2. The right to be legally responsible for one’s life and acts.
  3. The right to work, for money.
  4. The right to travel, to live away from home, to choose or make one’s own home.
  5. The right to do, in general, what any adult may legally do.

The changes that Holt urges will certainly not come about all at once. But such changes are necessary so that we don’t deny to young people the possibility of responsible participation in the life of the world around them.