Xenology: An Introduction to the Scientific Study of Extraterrestrial Life, Intelligence, and Civilization

© 1979 Robert A. Freitas Jr.

All Rights Reserved

Chapter 15 ♦ Energy and Culture
15.0 Energy and Culture
leslie white
The functioning of culture as a whole therefore rests
upon and is determined by the amount of energy
harnessed and by the way in which it is put to work.
Science of culture

It is only in the last decade or two that a true "science of culture" has begun to emerge. The systematic and rational treatment of human civilization as a process has passed in and out of vogue on several occasions during this century. There is considerable hostility in many quarters to the basic notion that cultures must conform to certain basic rules of construction, expression, and evolution, and frequently this has led to what one "hard science" science-fiction writer grumblingly describes as "a couple of anthropologists sitting in a semi-dark room and dictating great thoughts."2857

The process of civilization,
as of life, is negentropic.

But progress is now being made. One of the best efforts to date has been by Dr. Leslie White, a social anthropologist at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. In his book The Science of Culture (1969), he presents the beginnings of a theory of culture which is utterly fascinating from a xenological point of view.36

Three subsystems of culture

Dr. White suggests that all civilization is founded upon, and determined by, the sources of energy which it controls. The processes of society are in some sense "powered" by energy. He goes on to propose that any cultural system — human or extraterrestrial — may be divided into three fundamental subsystems; the technological, the sociological, and the ideological.

  • The technological subsystem is comprised of all the physical, mechanical, biological, and chemical instruments that are available to sentient members of the culture, for the purpose of manipulating matter. Technology is the sum total of a race's material environment, together with the instruments of manipulation and the techniques of their use.
  • The sociological subsystem consists of the various interpersonal relation ships between members of a culture. These may be expressed in collective as well as individual patterns of behavior, psychology, and modes of social conduct.
  • The ideological subsystem is made up primarily of symbolic articulations of ideas, beliefs, attitudes and knowledge. Cultural ideology encompasses the philosophy, artistic forms, patterns of logic, and epistomologies peculiar to a given society.
The cultural pyramid

How are these three cultural subsystems interrelated? According to Dr. White, the rigors of existence (the demand for food, shelter, protection, companionship) can only be met by resorting to technology. This technology may be extremely primitive — stone knives, bearskins, and a blazing campfire — but it is technology nevertheless. Social systems are subsidiary, described by White as "the organized effort of {sentient} beings in the use of the instruments of subsistence, offense and defense, and protection." Philosophical systems are the means by which technological and social experience finds its interpretation. In fact, there is a type of philosophy appropriate to any conceivable class of technology:

Figure 15.1 The Cultural Pyramid Theory of Civilization36

figure 15 1 cultural pyramid theory med

A pastoral, agricultural, metallurgical, industrial, or military technology will each find its corresponding expression in philosophy. One type of technology will find expression in the philosophy of totemism, another in astrology or quantum mechanics. … Social systems are therefore determined by technological systems, and philosophies and the arts express experience as it is defined by technology and refracted by social systems.36

We may imagine a pyramid, grounded in energy and constructed in three tiers (Figure 15.1).

Each tier represents one of the basic cultural subsystems which, in the aggregate, comprise the entire civilization. Leslie White elaborates on the idea:

We may view a cultural system as a series of three horizontal strata: the technological layer on the bottom, the philosophical on the top, the sociological stratum in between. These positions express their respective roles in the culture process. The technological system is basic and primary. Social systems are functions of technologies; and philosophies express technological forces and reflect social systems. The technological factor is therefore the determinant of a cultural system as a whole. It determines the form of social systems, and technology and society together determine the content and orientation of philosophy. This is not to say, of course, that social systems do not condition the operation of technologies, or that social and technological systems are not affected by philosophies. They do and are. But to condition is one thing; to determine, quite another.36

Intelligence and technology

As Freeman Dyson has often pointed out, a sharp distinction may be drawn between intelligence and technology. One needn‘t imply the other. That is, it's easy to imagine a society of intelligent lifeforms with little or no particular interest in advanced technology.80 But White's cultural subsystems must be given broad interpretation if they are to be applied to extraterrestrial races. "Technology," for instance, may have an organic rather than an inorganic basis.389 Instead of mechanical devices and machines, alien technology may consist of trained animals, slave labor, {tip title="Architectural Coral" content="A structure grown to a specific shape using small coral-like organisms."}architectural coral{/tip} and so forth.

"Technology," for instance, may have
an organic rather than an inorganic basis.
Instead of mechanical devices and machines,
alien technology may consist of trained animals,
slave labor, architectural coral and so forth.

How does this relate to energy?

The process of civilization is negentropic

The business of life is to accumulate information and complexity. This is accomplished by using energy to suck in data from the natural environment and build the elaborate structure represented by a living organism. The process of culture, though on a different plane, serves an analogous, function. By absorbing information from the social environment, an aggregation of organisms can build an intricate social structure by the proper application of energy and tools. Just as a living being is a highly complex arrangement of individual molecules, so is a society an intricate association of individual organisms. The process of civilization, as of life, is negentropic.

Cultural development, in the very widest sense, thus is a product both of energy and of technology:

Culture confronts us as an elaborate thermodynamic, mechanical system. By means of technological instruments energy is harnessed and put to work. Social and philosophic systems are both adjuncts and expressions of this technologic process. The functioning of culture as a whole therefore rests upon and is determined by the amount of energy harnessed and by the way in which it is put to work.36

The remainder of this chapter is devoted to the general evolution and utilization of sources of energy by extraterrestrial cultures and races anywhere in the Universe. The following four chapters detail many of the possible alien technological advances, thus completing our discussion of the foundation of Dr. White's three-tiered "cultural pyramid." The last four chapters in Part Three consider the more speculative — and perhaps more interesting — social and philosophical upper strata we may discover among extraterrestrial civilizations elsewhere in space.

15.1 Type I Civilizations: Planetary Cultures
Planetary cultures

Figure 15.2 The Night-time View of the Eastern

United States, as Seen from Space2603

The thermal burden of energy usage on Earth is a planetary,
not local, issue.

A primitive intelligent alien race, slowly evolving and spreading across the face of its native world, eventually will discover and utilize a wide variety of elementary energy supplies. In the beginning, such creatures would rely mainly on natural sources such as hot springs, fires set by lightning, and their own muscle power.

But soon their intelligence, and the Principle of Economy, would impel them to develop new and easier ways to generate and harness energy. They‘d learn to set their own fires, and how to control them. Animals might be harnessed for transportation, hauling, and agricultural activities. Better fuels, such as coal or natural oil secured from local tar pits, would replace wood in campfires.

Incubation period of growth

On our own home planet, this early period was marked by a relatively slow growth in worldwide energy usage. The increase amounted to no more than perhaps 0.3% per year, a doubling time of about 200 years. The speed at which basic resources could be pressed into service, with primitive technology and finite manpower, was extremely limited. Such an early "incubation period" of leisurely growth should be common during the first stages of cultural evolution on any world.

It is entirely possible that ETs on some planets may call a halt, or even reverse, this upward trend in energy consumption. This does not necessarily imply an immediate halt to all technological development — for instance, the culture may simply be shifting its attention from energy-intensive projects to information-intensive ones. However, it does place rather stringent limitations upon the material achievements to which the society may aspire. Without abundant energy, an economy of scarcity management is virtually inevitable.

Finding this prospect rather unattractive, and driven onward by the curiosity and aggressiveness that enabled them to take dominion over their world, many intelligent extraterrestrial races would seek to further improve both the sources and the distribution of power.

On Earth, the widespread initiation of fossil fuel burning (stored solar energy) provided a powerful new source of abundant energy. While great effort was required to harvest tiny amounts of power from wind and water, a tiny bit of oil or natural gas went a long way. In addition, steam and electricity came into their own during the last two centuries of human history. There was getting to be an abundance of raw energy, powerful ways of harnessing it to perform useful work, and efficient means of transmitting it over great distances. The dawn of global culture was at hand (Figure 15.2).

The dawn of global culture
In the last two centuries, humanity has
maintained a 3% per year growth rate in energy
consumption, a full order of magnitude above
the early stages of cultural evolution on Earth.
In only two thousand years, mankind's
per capita energy production has leapt from
about 30 watts/person in ancient times
to nearly 2000 watts/person today.
By 2300 A.D. humanity will be generating
as much energy artificially as is received at
the planet's surface from its sun

In the last two centuries, humanity has maintained a 3% per year growth rate in energy consumption, a full order of magnitude above the early stages of cultural evolution on Earth. The doubling time is now measured in decades rather than in centuries. Let's see exactly what this means.

It is believed that the Roman Empire, at the height of its expansive construction and military activities, annually consumed power at a rate roughly equivalent to 3 × 109 watts (1 watt = 1 joule/second). Nearly two millenia later, humanity has increased its energy usage a thousandfold. By 1975, global power consumption reached about 7 × 1012 watts. In only two thousand years, mankind's per capita energy production has leapt from about 30 watts/person in ancient times to nearly 2000 watts/person today.

Xenologists want to know whether or not energy usage will also increase exponentially among alien cultures, as it appears to have done here. Perhaps more interesting and germaine, however, is the following related query: Are there any limits to growth, assuming the ETs adopt an expansionist philosophy?

Three factors delimiting accessible energy

It turns out, not surprisingly perhaps, that there do exist very definite limits to growth for any culture that remains confined to the surface of a single planet. There are three fundamental factors which delimit the quantities of energy accessible to a sentient race:

  • Availability
  • Efficiency
  • Planetary carrying capacity
It is estimated that if all the deuterium
in Earth's seas were collected and burned in
fusion power stations, it would supply all
our energy needs at the present rate of
consumption for the next 5-10 billion years
— roughly the expected lifetime of Sol.

Our first consideration is the availability of a given energy resource. In general, sources compete with one another depending on their relative scarcity or abundance. To take one trivial example, an alien culture located on a world with little water and strong winds might be expected to place greater emphasis on the development of windmills rather than waterwheels or dams.

A corollary to the fact that a civilization is planetbound is the inevitable finiteness of all resources. There is only so much wind, water, geothermal steam, wood, fossil and nuclear fuels at the surface of a world. Once the population of an extraterrestrial culture has expanded to the point where these resources are in danger of exhaustion, the civilization faces drastic modification, degeneration, or possibly even extinction on a global scale. Such is the early and quite predictable result of sole reliance upon nonrenewable sources of energy.

Nuclear fusion

Fortunately, there exist two sources which should be available to all ET societies and which are virtually inexhaustible. First, there is nuclear fusion. This involves mashing together two atoms (usually of hydrogen) which yields a single heavier atom plus lots of energy. About one hydrogen in every 6000 in ordinary seawater is deuterium, the most likely hydrogen isotope to be used in controlled thermonuclear power generation. It is estimated that if all the deuterium in Earth's seas were collected and burned in fusion power stations, it would supply all our energy needs at the present rate of consumption for the next 5-10 billion years — roughly the expected lifetime of Sol.

An alien civilization that opts for fusion power may expect to have enough energy to endure over geological timescales provided there is no growth. If there are oceans of water sufficient to spawn life, there will probably also be enough deuterium to provide all "Type I"* planetbound cultures with virtually inexhaustible energy.**

Solar power

The other major energy source available to planetary cultures is solar power. Unless blocked by a thick cloud cover, filtered out by the atmosphere, or attenuated by great distances, radiative energy from the stellar primary can serve as a bountiful and virtually infinite "renewable" source of power. Since stars in habitable solar systems may be expected to have lifetimes measured in eons, a Type I extraterrestrial civilization could again expect a long healthy existence before its energy supply ran out.

So on the question of availability, a large-scale Type I planetary culture should ultimately benefit most from either deuterium fusion power or solar fusion power.

* Dr. N.S. Kardashev, a well-known Russian astrophysicist currently associated with the Institute for Cosmic Research at the Soviet Academy of Sciences in Moscow, devised a particularly fruitful classification scheme which includes all conceivable ET civilizations and is based on system-wide energy consumption.1320 However, Kardashev limited his analysis to the energy available for the purpose of interstellar communication between alien cultures. In this book the original concepts are broadened to provide a general taxonomy for all extra-terrestrial civilizations — whether communicative or not.

** Cultures native to planets with ammonia or methane oceans similarly will have an abundance of deuterium fusion fuel at their disposal. Inhabitants of worlds with sulfur or liquid carbon dioxide seas will not be so fortunate.


Table 15.1 Conversion of Matter into Energy:

A Comparison of Efficiencies

table 15 1 conversion of matter into energy 350

The second consideration involves the question of the efficiency of the particular energy resource chosen. Since the technology of a civilization limited to the surface of a single world will ultimately experience severe restrictions on its finite resources, it is important to make the best use possible of what little is available.

All energy, whether from fusion, fission,
or chemical reactions, ultimately derives
from the conversion of a tiny bit
of matter into heat, light, sound, etc.

Earlier in this century, the late Albert Einstein demonstrated that mass and energy are interchangeable. According to the famous E = mc2, a given amount of matter (m) is exactly equivalent to a certain quantity of energy (E). (The constant of proportionality, c2, is the speed of light, squared.) All energy, whether from fusion, fission, or chemical reactions, ultimately derives from the conversion of a tiny bit of matter into heat, light, sound, etc.

Conversion of matter into energy

If their civilization is to long endure, ETs must find the most efficient means for converting mass into energy. Table 15-l provides a representative sampling of various common and theoretical energy sources available to Type I planetary cultures on any world in our Galaxy. In each case the efficiency is calculated, based on the fraction of matter which is changed into usable energy. The most efficient is "total conversion" (100% of the matter goes to energy), but it is difficult to imagine the cheap production of sufficient quantities of antimatter to make this process competitive with thermonuclear fusion.

Indeed, fusion appears to be the most efficient energy generation technique for which the fuel is exceedingly abundant. Once again, both deuterium fusion power and solar fusion power qualify as most efficient. So on the basis of the two factors we‘ve looked at, it is a pretty sure bet that advanced Type I alien cultures will adopt either or both of these techniques.

Planetary carrying capacity

Figure 15.3 Curve of Growth of Technological Energy Usage

for a Typical Emergent Type I Civilization: Humanity

figure 15 3 curve of growth of technological energy usage 500px

But even using the most efficient, abundant sources of energy, planetbound societies cannot continue to expand indefinitely. This is because of the third critical limiting factor: Planetary carrying capacity. The history of our own planet is typical.

In the past century, world energy production has escalated at an average rate of 3% per annum. Approximately every twenty years, human power consumption doubles. In 1975 we used 7 × 1012 watts. If the historical 3% growth rate is maintained, then by the year 2300 A.D., mankind's energy budget will be up to 2 × 1017 watts. Why is this significant? Simply because 2 × 1017 watts is also the total power received from Sol on planet Earth. To sum up, by 2300 A.D. humanity will be generating as much energy artificially as is received at the planet's surface from its sun (Figure 15.3).

Growth of technological energy usage

We will then face the most critical "energy crisis" in the history of Earth. Rather than a crisis of scarcity, however, it will be a crisis of overabundance.

All forms of energy — electrical, thermal, mechanical, nuclear — ultimately return to the biosphere in a single degraded form: Heat. Such thermal pollution can rapidly reach catastrophic proportions. As more and more energy — heat — is liberated at the planetary surface, the global temperature begins to rise and the precarious energy balance of the biosphere begins to suffer irreversible damage.

Hypsithermal catastrophe

At what point in the development of a Type I civilization will this ultimate "hypsithermal catastrophe" occur? Certainly by the time artificial energy production equals total solar influx, the planet will have suffered serious ecological damage.29 Earth, for instance, would no longer be inhabitable by humans, our lush green world converted into a stewing, steamy hellhole much like Venus. Most experts believe that irreversible destruction of environmental equilibrium would occur at far lower levels of energy production. Conservatives usually draw the line at the photosynthetic energy limit, or the total solar energy fixed by green plants worldwide. This is only about 4 × 1013 watts.

Most experts believe that irreversible destruction
of environmental equilibrium would occur at far lower
levels of energy production. Conservatives usually
draw the line at the photosynthetic energy limit,
or the total solar energy fixed by green plants
worldwide. This is only about 4 × 1013 watts.

The best guess seems to be about 1% of the total solar influx as the critical limit.29, 688 This is about 5% of the energy stored in Earth's hydrosphere, and would probably be sufficient to melt the polar icecaps and thoroughly disrupt the entire ecology. On planets with smaller oceans, or with non-water oceans, the climatic turnover point might occur far sooner.

We estimate, therefore, that the maximum upper limit of artificial energy generation for any Type I planetary culture limited to a single world in our Galaxy is roughly 1015 watts.

15.2 Type II Civilizations: Stellar Cultures
i s shklovskii
Flimsy constructions many tens of kilometers
in diameter are possible even with present-day
human technology!
Spacefaring cultures

In the earliest stages of social evolution, alien societies will be pretty much restricted to the surface of their planet. Type I civilizations are defined as those which consume power at the carrying capacity of the planet. Such cultures are limited to the energy obtainable on a single world.

We've seen that planetbound societies can have a long and healthy existence, and may expect to survive for eons barring some unusual major global catastrophe of some kind. But this imposes rather stringent limits to growth on planetary cultures. The price that must be paid for stability and long-term survival on the limited surface of a single world is energetic stasis. This may well lead to cultural stagnation.

Alien races may discover that the only escape from this trap is to move out into space. A Type I society will remain one forever, until and unless it becomes spacefaring.

Space industrialization

With the first flights of the American space shuttle, humanity has taken the first tentative step in the evolution from a planetbound Type I to a spacefaring Type II stellar culture. In the centuries to come, space industrialization will proceed with vigor as man becomes more aware of the countless ad-vantages of space-based manufacturing. Of these, the two most highly significant benefits for long-term, large-scale heavy industrial development are vast size and vast energy.

Giant artifacts

First, whether in orbit around the home planet or swinging freely in circumsolar territory, physical stresses on material structures are always minute. For this reason, giant artifacts which would be impossible on the surface of a planet will be commonplace in space. Flimsy constructions many tens of kilometers in diameter are possible even with present-day human technology! Huge factories and physical plants may be assembled. Once manufacturing activities in orbit reach a point of relative self-sufficiency — a kind of economic "critical mass" — further expansion will be breathtakingly rapid.

Energy abundance

Second, habitats lofted to planetary or solar orbit will find a vast abundance of solar energy. A single world intercepts only a tiny fraction of the entire solar output, less than one one-billionth of the total. But the spacefaring Type II civilization can collect energy from anywhere on a theoretical spherical shell surrounding the central star — a potential energy preserve perhaps ten or eleven orders of magnitude greater than that available at the surface of the home world.

Dyson Sphere


An almost solid sphere of artifacts envelops
the sun, absorbing and directing each watt
to the purposes of the gargantuan
interplanetary industrial complex.

Dyson Sphere

The swarm of technological artifacts orbiting in successive shells around the primary will grow thick as development proceeds. These space factories and habitats ultimately will enclose and capture virtually the entire stellar energy output. This amounts to what xenologists usually call a "Dyson Sphere." Originated by Freeman Dyson at Princeton, the Dyson Sphere is the end result of full space industrialization by a Type II civilization. An almost solid sphere of artifacts envelops the sun, absorbing and directing each watt to the purposes of the gargantuan interplanetary industrial complex.

Dyson limit

But even solar energy is not limitless. All spacefaring cultures ultimately must run afoul of the "Dyson limit" — the sum total of all energy emitted by the home star. This is, in some sense, the "carrying capacity" of the entire solar system. Even if the jovian planets are disassembled and cannibalized for fusionable hydrogen, the Dyson limit cannot be much exceeded without sacrificing cultural longevity (e.g., by cannibalizing the home star itself).

How long will it take for an intelligent species to evolve from a planet-bound Type I culture to a spacefaring Type II civilization pressing fitfully against the Dyson limit?

Transition time-scale

A typical sun of the habitable variety illuminates alien transsolar space with about 1026 watts of power. Assuming a modest 3% per year growth rate in the interplanetary industrial complex, a Type I civilization (1015 watts) could make the transition to a fully industrialized Type II civilization (1026 watts) in a mere 900 years. Even if we take the incredibly conservative primitive growth rate of 0.3% per year, the transition is accomplished in just 9000 years — long by human standards but only the wink of an eye on geological and evolutionary timescales. We know that it has taken humanity about 10,000 years since the invention of agriculture and basic toolmaking to build a planetary culture, so the estimates above are certainly reasonable.

15.3 Type III Civilizations: Galactic Cultures
v a razin
Beyond the Dyson limit

Extraterrestrial societies, frustrated by the Dyson limit, may push outward still further, spreading their influence from stellar system to stellar system across their galaxy. In time, such a culture — comprised of many millions or even billions of Type II civilizations — may come to dominate the entire galactic corpus. Such a "Type III civilization" could be capable of diverting the power of a hundred billion thermonuclear stellar furnaces to its own cooperative purposes.

Type III culture at its peak
would command the power
of a hundred billion suns

Synergistic interaction

The nature of galactic community is very much dependent upon the peculiar aspects of the physical environment. Interstellar distances are vastly greater than interplanetary ones. While a Type II culture might evolve along the lines suggested above (filling transsolar space with the artifacts of industrialization and commercial development), the endless empty regions between stars are unlikely ever to be similarly occupied. Rather, the typical Type III civilization most likely will consist of a collection of Type II civilizations. A synergistic interaction will take place giving rise to a hybrid galactic culture, a melting pot of countless millions of worlds.

Archipelago of solar systems

A galactic community may resemble a mammoth archipelago of solar system societies, a multitude of civilized islands separated by the vastness of the oceans of space. Despite this wide dispersion, a Type III culture at its peak would command the power of a hundred billion suns — upwards of 1037 watts. Longevity could be measured in hundreds of eons.

Transition time-scale

The time required for galactic civilization to expand to its full potential depends on the assumptions we make. Xenologists hesitate to use a simple exponential extrapolation of the 3% growth rate, because the spatial scale of interstellar expansion is qualitatively different from planetary and interplanetary scales.

A galactic community may resemble a mammoth
archipelago of solar system societies, a multitude
of civilized islands separated by the vastness of
the oceans of space.
This is within the limits even of a lowly Type I
society such as our own. The 300-meter dish at
Arecibo, Puerto Rico, could communicate with its
twin located almost anywhere in the Milky Way.

If we assume, for example, that the galaxy is teeming with sentient life forms, and that none have advanced beyond the Type II stage of development, then direct interstellar colonization by any one race requires war and imperialism and so is probably not a viable ethical alternative. In this case, cultural unification will be accomplished by an exchange of valuable information and ideas using radio waves or laser beacons whose messages travel at the speed of light. This is within the limits even of a lowly Type I society such as our own. The 300-meter dish at Arecibo, Puerto Rico, could communicate with its twin located almost anywhere in the Milky Way. Clearly, Type II cultures will have the energy to transmit vast quantities of data to their interstellar neighbors.

Cultural integration

The typical spiral galaxy spans perhaps 100,000 light-years, so the fastest news can travel from one end to the other is about 100,000 years. If we allow for search and acquisition (first you have to find your neighbors), and for the probability that at least ten exchanges would likely be necessary for cultural integration and homogenization,15 then we find that a unified polyspecies galactic civilization might conceivably begin to take form after only about a million years.*

United galactic culture

On the other hand, what if we assume that the galaxy in question is not teeming with life? Perhaps it consists of a few scattered Type I societies, an occasional and very rare emergent Type II culture, with the great bulk of all galactic real estate consisting primarily of undeveloped planetary systems. In this case, preemptive colonization efforts by one of the Type II societies might be appropriate. This ultimately will lead to a "united" galactic culture under the leadership of a single sentient race.

While this period seems fantastically long by
human standards, we must remember that
the potential lifespan of a galactic civilization
should run into the hundreds of billions of years.

How long might this take? We might imagine that a highly industrialized stellar culture could launch a large interstellar fleet of colony starships to nearby suns. They'd take along the basic implements which would enable them to set up a thriving planetary civilization. It may require 103-10years to tame and populate the new solar system, and to build another budding Type II community around the new star. Only after the position of the original colony was secure could the pioneers seriously consider the possibility of dispatching a colonization armada of their own.

The subjugation of the galaxy would thus proceed in a series of waves, pulsing at thousand-year intervals. The alien race could sail the sea of stars at an average rate of perhaps 0.001 light-years of penetration per year. A single aggressive species could dominate an entire galaxy in less than ten million years.

While this period seems fantastically long by human standards, we must remember that the potential lifespan of a galactic civilization should run into the hundreds of billions of years. The initial colonization period represents less than 0.01% of the total lifetime of the Type III monospecies culture in question.

* While it's true that the use of tachyon communications might greatly reduce this "cultural incubation" time, it is also true that the faster a tachyon beam travels, the lower is its maximum theoretical bit rate.3119 The advantages of speed thus may be outweighed by the disadvantage of lower information transferral.

15.4 Type IV Civilizations: Universal Cultures
oliver goldsmith

Herculean projects

  • Changing structure of spacetime
  • Slowing or reversal of entropy
  • Colonization of other universes

Finally, we must mention the possibility of Type IV civilizations, intergalactic cultures spanning the breadth and width of the Universe.

Such a community would commingle the individual cultures of a billion galactic associations, and might command the power of a billion trillion suns — perhaps 1047 watts.

A universal civilization could seriously consider attempting such truly Herculean projects as changing the structure of spacetime, the deliberate slowing or reversal of entropy in our universe to achieve ultimate immortality, or the colonization of other universes (if they exist).

Chapter 16 ♦ Xenobiotechnology
16.0 Xenobiotechnology
paul anderson

People are so constituted
that they would rather be
alive than dead.

Survival instinct

Sir Peter B. Medawar, British Nobelist in medicine and a pioneer in immunology and transplantation research, once remarked that "people are so constituted that they would rather be alive than dead."1646 A trivial observation, perhaps, but significant nevertheless because it highlights the importance of the survival instinct in all living creatures — sentient, extraterrestrial or otherwise.

Virtually all human societies
have been concerned with
biotechnology, and there is
no reason why alien cultures
on other worlds shouldn't
display similar interests.

Aboriginal medicine men

Indeed, medicine is one of the oldest technologies known to man. Aboriginal peoples who have never seen a wheel or struck a fire guard their lives by employing "medicine men." These specialists in incantation and retaliatory voodoo perform curative rituals to relieve suffering among the sick and the dying, and dole out primitive herbal preparations (some of which work quite well) to alleviate pain. Virtually all human societies have been concerned with biotechnology, and there is no reason why alien cultures on other worlds shouldn't display similar interests.

Participative evolution

Scientists increasingly tend to speak of the concept of "participative evolution," the notion that a race of technically-oriented sentient beings can seize a certain measure of control from Mother Nature and alter their physiology as they wish. With advanced genetic techniques, mankind is learning to control its own biological destiny. It is unreasonable to expect ETs to lag far behind.

Admittedly, the arguments for advanced xenobiotechnology are not compelling.

  • It may be that some alien species have biochemical hereditary mechanisms that are not easily susceptible to intelligent tampering.
  • Other races may inhabit planets poor in the materials necessary in the research and development of artificial bionic devices and mechanical prostheses.
  • Still others may have the native ability to evolve in direct response to the environment by the inheritance of acquired characteristics or by xerography, and thus would view biological technology as irrelevant.
Science evolves as a whole

Still, the arguments are persuasive. As a general rule, science "evolves" as a whole. There are few cultures on record that display grossly disparate or uneven technical development. (One notable exception was the Mayan civilization, which apparently had some skill in surgical techniques yet never developed the simple wheel.) On timescales of millennia, the methods of chemistry, physics, mathematics, biology and engineering usually mature at roughly comparable rates. We might expect, therefore, that all Type III galactic cultures-having either sophisticated interstellar transportation or advanced transgalactic communications — most likely will have developed their medical and biological sciences to an equivalent superior level.

As a general rule, science "evolves"
as a whole. There are few cultures on
record that display grossly disparate
or uneven technical development.
(One notable exception was the
Mayan civilization, which apparently
had some skill in surgical techniques
yet neverdeveloped the simple wheel.)
It’s probably safe to assert that the
survival of planet-evolved beings in
space should be viewed as prima facie
evidence of a developed biotechnology.
Type II cultures

What about Type II stellar cultures? It is certainly possible that early spacefarers might lack advanced biotechnology, but this situation would not seem likely to continue. To remain alive and healthy in the environment of space, a great deal of radiological, physiological, biochemical and ecological information must be available. It’s probably safe to assert that the survival of planet-evolved beings in space should be viewed as prima facie evidence of a developed biotechnology.

Type I cultures

As for Type I planetary civilizations, the arguments for advanced biotechnology are still valid but become a bit more complicated. Random short-term factors may enter the picture. Some sciences may lag far behind others for peculiar environmental or cultural reasons. The very philosophy of participative evolution itself may be rejected as unholy, inelegant, unnatural or unwise by some planetbound alien societies. But if we consider only those races among whom heredity proceeds genetically and whose population swells exponentially (as with humans), a strong case for high xenobiotechnology may be made.

Genetic load

The virtually inevitable development of some kind of medical science, coupled with the gradual loss of challenging physical frontiers (due to the inherent finiteness of planetary surfaces), may eventually lead to a weakening of the gene pool of the population. Genetic load — the slow accumulation of maladaptive genes among members of tool-using, protective species — will become acute within a few millennia following the introduction of medicine and the disappearance of frontiers (as the planet fills to capacity).

Symptoms of genetic disability may be masked by quick medical fixes, but congenital defectives will no longer be culled by the rigors of frontier existence. Eventually, the population as a whole will become so dysfunctional that only four alternatives will remain:

  1. Do nothing, become more dysfunctional, and ultimately become extinct as a species.
  2. Eliminate a root cause of genetic load by rejecting all medical science. Nature can then cull defectives and maintain a healthy, vigorous gene pool.
  3. Eliminate a root cause of genetic load by expanding physical frontiers and becoming spacefaring. Although stay-at-home defectives won’t be culled, the rigors of space living will ensure a staunch pioneer gene pool.
  4. Eliminate genetic load by taking direct control of biological evolution. Gene defects are remedied prenatally, so that every newborn is a perfect (but nonstandardized) genetic specimen.

Genetic load


■ The slow accumulation of maladaptive genes
   among members of tool-using, protective species.

■ Will become acute within a few millennia following
   the introduction of medicine and the disappearance
   of frontiers (as the planet fills to capacity).

  • Societies which choose (1) aren’t around any longer.
  • Those which choose (3) go on to become Type II cultures, whom we have argued will have biotechnology just as those who choose course (4).
  • Alternative (2) is unlikely, both be cause the fruits of medical science are sweet and addictive, and because such a solution will reduce the population-carrying capacity of the planet by several orders of magnitude — which means death on a massive scale.
Genetic and cybernetic participative evolution

Participative evolution among any sentient race will progress primarily along two major fronts:
the genetic and the cybernetic.

  • Biological organisms may be improved either by genetic engineering (repairing, replacing, or augmenting body organs with other new ones).
  • Or by cybernetic or bionic engineering (exchanging living parts for mechanical ones).

In either case, the extraterrestrial sentients become masters of their own heredity.

16.1 Bioneering
16.1.0 Bioneering
r-w emerson
Manipulating the executive
molecules of life … should
be more or less universal

Biological engineering — "bioneering" for short — is the technology of genetic engineering. While the nucleic acids represent the blueprints for all Earthly organisms, the biochemical specifics may vary from world to world. Still, the general principle of manipulating the executive molecules of life — whatever they are — should be more or less universal.

Xenobiologists today believe that it will soon be possible to: splice, repair, recombine, synthesize, and transplant specific terrestrial genes and chromosomal patterns between individuals and even between species. What humanity will probably achieve in the coming century may already be well-known to countless advanced extraterrestrial bioneers as well.

16.1.1 Intelligence Amplification
It is impossible to rule out the possibility
of genetically amplified, bioneered aliens,
possessing memory, mental acuity and
speed of thought comparable to some of the
finest computers available on Earth today.
Arithmetic wizards

People have long been astounded by the feats of so-called "human calculating machines." An 18th-century Englishman named Jedediah Buxton reputedly could multiply three 6-digit numbers in his head almost instantly, but his mind was otherwise dull and he remained a day laborer all his life. Zerah Colburn, a rather shy Vermontian born in 1804, attracted even more attention as a child by solving involved mathematical problems.

Taken to London at the age of eight, he gave math professors instantaneous answers to such questions as raising 8 to the 16th power and extracting the cube root of 268,336,125. Another mental marvel, Johann Martin Dase, was born in Hamburg, Germany in 1824. Dase once correctly multiplied together two 100-digit numbers in his head in only nine minutes.

Jedediah Buxton
  ■ Could multiply three 6-digit numbers
      in his head almost instantly


Zerah Colburn, at the age of eight
  ■ Could raise 8 to the 16th power
  ■ Extract the cube root of 268,336,125


Johann Martin Dase
  ■ Multiplied together two 100-digit numbers
      in his head in only nine minutes


Elijah of Vilna, during his lifetime
read more than two thousand treatises
  ■ He could recall any sentence on any page
      in any book at will, without error
  ■ Was unable to forget anything he’d read
      (an ability he regarded as a curse)
  ■ His memory represented a storage capacity
      of five billion bits of information (5GB)

Since there really was nothing unusual about the upbringing of any of these individuals, the simplest explanation is that their abilities were congenital in origin. Through some odd shuffling of the genetic deck, some gene or sequence of genes produced a brain of incredible calculational capability rivaling at least that of early-generation electronic computers. If ETs encouraged the spread of some similar hereditary pattern throughout their own gene pools, their entire population could become a race of arithmetic wizards.


Other aspects of intelligence similarly may be upgraded. One well-known case of fantastic memory was Elijah of Vilna, a Lithuanian rabbi, who during his lifetime read more than two thousand treatises. He could recall any sentence on any page in any book at will, without error, and was unable to forget anything he’d read — an ability the rabbi regarded as a curse.

His memory represented a storage capacity of at least five billion bits of information — again, a capacity comparable to the large magnetic disk memory units used in modern computers.

It is entirely possible that aliens, by judiciously selecting specific constellations of genes, could arrange to give themselves and their offspring total-recall eidetic memories, fast arithmetic ability, and a host of other genius-level mental qualities.

Memory molecules

In a series of experiments, Dr. Allen L. Jacobson of the University of California showed that RNA functions as a carrier of memory in the mammalian brain. Jacobson taught rats and hamsters to retreat into a feeding box at the flash of a light or the sound of a click. The conditioned animals were sacrificed and the RNA carefully extracted from their brains.

This material was then injected into untrained animals of the same species, who subsequently proved far easier to train than their predecessors. One unexpected finding was that the transfer of learning worked cross-species: Untrained rats benefited from injections of trained-hamster RNA.

Injected directly into the bloodstream,
synthetic viruses consisting of nothing more
than a central core of nucleic acid
(commonly RNA) surrounded by a sheath
of protein could be used to "infect" a brain
with knowledge.
Much basic knowledge — the ability to walk,
to speak in many tongues, to swim and dive,
to pilot a spacecraft, to perform intricate
mathematical calculations using established
techniques, to play a piano — could be
incorporated directly into the nucleus of the
fertilized egg so that the organism would
possess all these abilities without ever
having to learn them.

If these results can be confirmed, the implications of such "memory molecules" are staggering. Injected directly into the bloodstream, synthetic viruses consisting of nothing more than a central core of nucleic acid (commonly RNA) surrounded by a sheath of protein could be used to "infect" a brain with knowledge. Remarks one writer:

We would be able to learn French, or algebra, or anything else whose code we knew, by injection. One can imagine education by mass inoculation, or the use of bacteriological warfare techniques for beneficent purposes by spraying entire populations with "good" viruses. The teaching of many subjects would become obsolete).1860

Born smart

Drs. Alexandre Monnier and Paul Laget, French geneticists, have suggested that these coded forms of knowledge be written directly onto the original genetic specifications. Like the social insects, who carry a plethora of pre-programmed knowledge in their genes, humans of the future or extraterrestrials of other planets might be able to arrange to be "born smart." Each infant could carry the genes to manufacture RNA information equivalent to several university doctoral degrees. Much basic knowledge — the ability to walk, to speak in many tongues, to swim and dive, to pilot a spacecraft, to perform intricate mathematical calculations using established techniques, to play a piano — could be incorporated directly into the nucleus of the fertilized egg so that the organism would possess all these abilities without ever having to learn them.

The evolution of physically larger brains by deliberate breeding and selective gene transplantation is another practical option for ETs seeking intelligence amplification. "Is it very rash," asks Dr. Jean Rostand, "to imagine that it would be possible to increase the number of brain cells?" His answer:

A young [human] embryo has already in the cerebral cortex the nine billion pyramidal cells which will condition its mental activity during the whole of its life. This number, which is reached by geometric progression or simple doubling, after 33 divisions of each cell (2, 4, 8, 16, 32, and so on), could in turn be doubled if we succeeded in causing just one more division — the 34th.2645

Artificial womb

Many neurologists remain skeptical of such suggestions, claiming that normal birth would be quite impossible with a head so large. According to Dr. H. Chandler Elliot:

The supercranial fetus could be produced
in an artificial womb. Since the opening
could be made as large as required,
the impossible-birth consideration
is largely irrelevant.

The man of the future was depicted by early fantasy writers with a huge head to house a superbrain; but this picture is discarded by modern sophisticated science fiction as naive and implausible, even for inhabitants of other worlds.90

But as Rostand has pointed out, the supercranial fetus could be produced in an artificial womb. Since the opening could be made as large as required, the impossible-birth consideration is largely irrelevant.

It is impossible to rule out the possibility of genetically amplified, bioneered aliens, possessing memory, mental acuity and speed of thought comparable to some of the finest computers available on Earth today.

16.1.2 Genetic Surgery
The degree of genetic individuality may be
so great among extraterrestrial bioneering
races that each organism might represent
his own distinct and unique "species."
The methods of genetic surgery will
often require the deft insertion of new
genes into the nuclei of malfunctioning
cells. This is called a "gene transplant,"
Each cell contains all of the organism’s
genetic information … If the expression
of these hidden parts of the gene package
can be unblocked, new limbs and organs
could be grown by stimulating the correct
genome sequences at the right locations.
Nerves might be regenerated, eyeballs
repaired, arms / legs regrown from scratch.

"Genetic surgery" is a term used to describe the manipulation of DNA and RNA — the executive molecules of terrestrial life — for specific purposes. Many scientists believe that in the near future human biotechnology will be able to "delete undesirable genes, insert others, and mechanically or chemically transform others."92

Gene transplant

The methods of genetic surgery will often require the deft insertion of new genes into the nuclei of malfunctioning cells. This is called a "gene transplant," a technique already proven by tests involving human subjects. In one early experiment conducted by Carl Merril, Mark Grier, and John Petriccione at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland, specially prepared virus were used to carry DNA into cultured cells taken from people suffering from galactosemia (an enzyme-deficiency disease). After the viruses and the human cells were mixed together in solution and warmed to normal body temperature, the researchers found that the cells had absorbed a gene which had been placed in the virus that was capable of repairing the deficiency. The transplant complete, the cells began to manufacture the previously deficient enzyme in adequate quantities.

In 1970, Dr. Stanfield Rogers, a medical geneticist at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee, performed one of the first experiments on human subjects. A group of children had a rather rare genetic disease called Argininemia, a congenital disability to produce an important enzyme called arginase because of defects in the chromosomal DNA. Rogers selected a microorganism called Shope virus which, while harmless to humans, causes the cells it invades to produce an excess of arginase. A few months after the young children were injected with Shope virus, their bodies began producing the needed enzyme — proof that the viral treatment was beginning to work. The foreign arginase-producing genes had been transplanted into some of the children’s cells.2365

Transplantation biotechnology

Genetic surgery and transplantation biotechnology may give ETs the ability to regenerate lost limbs or damaged organs. Each cell contains all of the organism’s genetic information, but most of it is suppressed because of specialization as a nerve cell, liver cell, or brain cell. If the expression of these hidden parts of the gene package can be unblocked, new limbs and organs could be grown by stimulating the correct genome sequences at the right locations. Nerves might be regenerated, eyeballs repaired, arms and legs regrown from scratch.

Unique species

Similar techniques could possible minor modifications in physical appearance — such as skin or hair color change — or major modifications in body form such as extra arms, fingers, or special organs. The degree of genetic individuality may be so great among extraterrestrial bioneering races that each organism might represent his own distinct and unique "species."

16.1.3 Genetic Hybrids and Synthetic Genes
Much as man learned long ago to domesticate
and cultivate the lifeforms of his world,
sentient bioneering races will learn to exploit
the gene as well for their own purposes.
Genetic hybrid organism … The methodology,
is simple and can probably be done as a
high school science experiment.
It appears quite possible to create hybridized
plants and animals, beings not found in nature.
It would be, as one researcher jokingly put it,
"like crossing an orange with a duck."

Where will participative evolution lead? Eventually ETs, as man, will no longer be satisfied merely with correcting errors and improving upon the old models. Rather, they will have the urge to go nature one better, to create new synthetic organisms for specialized purposes.

Recombinant DNA

Dr. Paul Berg of Stanford University (one of the first scientists to perform "recombinant DNA" experiments) in 1973 mixed together fragments of a bacterial "plasmid" (tiny circlets of DNA imparting resistance to antibiotics) with genes from a virus that produces cancerous virus in monkeys, in a single test tube. These combination virus-plasmids were then allowed to invade normal E. coli bacteria, which soon began churning out viral protein. Using simple gene splicing, Dr. Berg had created a "genetic hybrid" organism — a cross between a cancer-producing virus and a bacterium — which had never before existed in nature. The methodology, says Berg, "is simple and can probably be done as a high school science experiment."2365

Since 1973, scientists have used plasmids to introduce mouse and frog DNA into bacterial cells. It appears quite possible to create hybridized plants and animals, beings not found in nature.* It would be, as one participant at the 1976 Asilomar Conference on recombinant research jokingly put it, "like crossing an orange with a duck."

Much as man learned long ago to domesticate and cultivate the lifeforms of his world, sentient bioneering races will learn to exploit the gene as well for their own purposes.

Genetic cultivation

As regards most biochemical substances, mankind is still in the "food gathering" stage. Many needed hormones, such as insulin, must be laboriously collected from scores of individual animal organs. But this situation has begun to change in the last few years.

Scientists have succeeded in transplanting a gene for rat insulin into bacterial cells which is reproduced when the cells divide, and it will soon be possible to switch the gene on as well. By cultivating insulin-making DNA, keeping it supplied with the raw materials and energy it needs, hybridized cells can be harvested for hormones much as a farmer reaps a field of wheat.

Hybridized cells can be harvested
for hormones much as a farmer
reaps a field of wheat.
Hormone factory

Along these lines, Drs. Herbert Boyer, Arthur Riggs, and Wylie Vale spliced the gene for somatostatin into the DNA of E. coli bacteria. Somatostatin is a hormone in the brains of mammals that inhibits the secretion of pituitary growth hormone. The hybridized bacteria multiplied and began producing somatostatin in copious quantities. Before, nearly half a million sheep brains were needed to isolate 5 milligrams of somatostatin. Using the E. coli "hormone factory," scientists required only 8 liters of bacterial culture to obtain the same amount.

Synthetic genes

The key to genetic cultivation is the synthetic gene — artificial nucleic acid sequences that have never occurred in nature. The first total synthesis of a complete gene starting from scratch was first accomplished by Nobelist Har Gobind Khorana and his team at MIT. The experiment involved the re-creation of a "tyrosine transfer RNA gene" found in E. coli which is 207 nucleotide base pairs in length. While it took the MIT group nearly a decade to do it, they are confident that genes as complex as those of humans (1000-3000 nucleotide base pairs long) will be amenable to synthesis in the next fifty years.2646 It is then a relatively simple step to the production of "unnatural" genes.

Such animal slaves should be
herbivorous because carnivores are
much too expensive to feed and
might take a fancy to their riders.
Genetically augmented domesticated beasts

With the ability to create artificial genomes with specific desired characteristics, alien bioneers can better exploit the whole animal kingdom. Domesticated beasts with augmented intelligence and specially modified limbs and organs might function as excellent animal servants. Genetically altered horses might be used as intelligent, self-steering, self-feeding, self-cleaning, self-reproducing personal transport vehicles. Arthur C. Clarke points out that something resembling a compact elephant might be preferable in this regard, since it is the only quadruped with sufficient dexterity to carry out delicate handling operations while remaining a quadruped.55 Such animal slaves should be herbivorous because "carnivores are much too expensive to feed and might take a fancy to their riders."

Lesser lifeforms may be pressed into service by ETs. Genetically upgraded birds could be used as aerial messengers and scouts, and would be trained to speak some simple language. Traitor fish could be developed to steer schools of their unsuspecting fellows into the waiting nets of fishermen. Vicious insects, giant crustaceans and monstrous mollusks could be bred as offensive weapons of tactical warfare.

GM mining organisms

Freeman J. Dyson of the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton University has suggested the possibility of exotic, genetically-modified artificial mining organisms, trolling the seas of planets for valuable minerals and metals. Says Dyson:

Oysters might extract gold from seawater and secrete golden pearls. A less poetic but more practical possibility is the artificial coral that builds a reef rich in copper or magnesium. Other mining organisms would burrow like earthworms into mud and clay, concentrating in their bodies the ores of aluminum or tin or iron, and excreting the ores in some manner convenient for human harvesting.27

The extraterrestrial bioneers may themselves
be the subjects of genetic modification.
Instead of creating expensive, cumbersome
artificial environments to sustain their lives
after planetfall, ETs may decide to undergo
a change in basic physical form enabling
them to survive the natural conditions
encountered on each new world.

At least one mining company already uses bacteria to help recover copper metal from a variety of low-grade ores.88

ETs as subjects of genetic modification

The extraterrestrial bioneers may themselves be the subjects of genetic modification. Instead of creating expensive, cumbersome artificial environments to sustain their lives after planetfall, ETs may decide to undergo a change in basic physical form enabling them to survive the natural conditions encountered on each new world. Conforming to the alien environment should facilitate both exploration and first contact, should it occur, with sentient natives.2651

Advanced xenobiotechnology will allow extraterrestrial astronauts to decide which form was most convenient. Should they wish to explore and inhabit Jupiter for a period of time, for example, they could infect themselves with a carefully tailored virus containing modified genetic material. Cells in their bodies would be taken over by the intruders. Some would metamorphose into, say, jovian "gasbag beasts," while the rest would simply die away and be sloughed off like molted skin. Later, the gasbag genes might be replaced with new ones coded to produce a large-chested surface creature capable of breathing the 0.1% oxygen atmosphere of Mars. Finally, their survey completed, the ETs would be returned to their normal spacefaring designs using yet another application of a different transmutation virus — perhaps a small, agile humanoid form with a dexterous prehensile tail and a high tolerance for conditions of low gravity and sudden atmospheric decompressions.

When first contact with extraterrestrials occurs, we won’t know if the aliens are truly as they appear or rather inhabit genetically doctored bodies. Perhaps those tan-skinned humanoids we just shook hands with are really a race of chlorine breathers with twelve greasy tentacles and porcupine-bristled fur.


* In 1976, researchers at Florida Atlantic University at Boca Baton created the first "interkingdom protoplast" which they call the "plantimal."1617 Joined were a human cell nucleus and a tobacco cell nucleus, and, in another experiment, a human nucleus and a carrot nucleus. Extraterrestrial bioneers may have developed photosynthetic meatlike "blobs" to serve as protein livestock, shapeless amorphs which convert sunlight directly into edible meaty material. Autotrophic animals such as "plant men" similarly may be possible.

16.1.4 Ectogenesis and Cloning
Instead of keeping adult ET travelers in suspended
animation for hundreds of years in transit
between stars, compact frozen embryos could be
dispatched to the target solar systems. Upon
arrival, these ectogenetic astronauts would be
fertilized and carried to term in an artificial womb.
At birth, cybernetic devices or RNA memory
molecules could be used to teach the infant about
their culture, their science, and their mission.
The starship would then enter orbit around the new
world and finally land, the now-adult alien
colonists emerging to begin life on foreign soil.
Test tube pregnancy

Ectogenesis is the process of "test tube pregnancy" as exemplified by Aldous Huxley’s science fiction classic Brave New World.  If an artificial placenta can be designed, complete artificial development of an entire human being will be possible starting only with sperm and egg. As long ago as 1959, a plastic womb designed by Italian surgeon and medical experimentalist Daniele Petrucci carried developing human embryos for nearly two full months. There are recent reports that the first human test tube birth has already taken place,2871 although these are discounted by most reputable scientists.2872

Aside from using ectogenetic techniques to control birth rates or maintain rigid biological castes, aliens might find test tube birth an ideal solution to the problem of interstellar colonization. Instead of keeping adult ET travelers in suspended animation for hundreds of years in transit between stars, compact frozen embryos could be dispatched to the target solar systems. Upon arrival, these ectogenetic astronauts would be fertilized and carried to term in an artificial womb. At birth, cybernetic devices or RNA memory molecules could be used to teach the infants about their culture, their science, and their mission. The starship would then enter orbit around the new world and finally land, the now-adult alien colonists emerging to begin life on foreign soil.


Cloning is a related biotechnology that ETs will probably have. It’s a form of genetic engineering by which many exact duplicates of the original organism may be produced. Except for blood corpuscles, every cell in the mammalian body has identical and complete sets of genes which uniquely specify the entire organism. The nucleus from a human skin cell transplanted into an ovum and carried to term ectogenetically should produce an exact twin of the original donor. In 1969, Dr. John B. Gurdon at Oxford University succeeded in creating countless cloned frogs by transplanting genes from adult frog cells into the nuclei of frogs’ eggs.


Aliens will find many interesting uses for cloning. According to technologist Robert W. Prehoda, a combination of cloning and cryobiology (low-temperature preservation) could permit useful plants and animals to be conveniently transported with interstellar colonizers to make it easier to quickly populate barren planets with the flora and fauna of home.67 Cloning may also allow alien plants and animals to be reproduced in great numbers back on the home world, after interstellar expeditions across the Galaxy return with frozen cell samples of exotic foreign lifeforms. Extraterrestrial bioneers may also clone duplicates of themselves as successors in political office,1947 as standardized military units, or as nonsentient living warehouses for biological spare body parts for organ transplantation operations.

16.2 Immortality
16.2.0 Immortality
t-j bass
The basic survival instinct must be very deeply
ingrained in many alien races. This, in concert
with a sophisticated biotechnology, provides both
motive and opportunity for the development of
immortality among extraterrestrial civilizations.

Recalling Medawar’s assertion about human nature cited earlier, can we be as certain that aliens too "would rather be alive than dead"?

Genetic sentience

Maybe not. Consider the alternative forms of sentience discussed in {tip content="Reference: 14.2 Juvenile Extraterrestrial Intelligences
Paragraph #8, Begins: From these three curves,
"}Chapter 14{/tip}. Beings with genetic sentience — "intelligent ants" — may harbor no desire for personal immortality whatsoever. Since they aren’t aware of their individual selves, they could never sympathize with Ionesco’s very human lament: "Why was I born if it wasn’t forever?" Since the society of these creatures would be virtually immortal, genetic-sentient ETs may have no use for the concept of (effectively) perpetual personal existence.

Communal sentience

Similarly, beings with communal sentience (visceral social awareness) may be able to take solace in the comparatively eternal character of society. It may be that the appetite for immortality displayed by many humans is a hunger unique to brain-sentient species. Only among these races must the individual deal with personal death in the absence of any strongly-felt, well-internalized and supportive societal framework.

Of course, even among brain-sentient extraterrestrial species there may be cultural, psychological, or biological reasons why the drive for immortality might be suppressed. Yet the basic survival instinct must be very deeply ingrained in many alien races. This, in concert with a sophisticated biotechnology, provides both motive and opportunity for the development of immortality among extraterrestrial civilizations.

16.2.1 Xenogerontology
Genetically determined programs

Species survival requires a large enough
quantity of individuals in any given generation
to ensure that a significant number of them
will be the beneficiaries of chance mutations
that can be passed along, and a short enough
lifespan to permit the necessary turnover.


According to modern gerontologists, then, aging
is an absolutely fail-safe killing mechanism
without which the species would not survive.

Gerontology is the science of physiological aging and death. Modern researchers have concluded that while no single cause of aging exists, it may soon be possible to sharply reduce or eliminate this process in many Earthly animals — including man. The prospect of such great advancement in human biotechnology raises the presumption that alien gerontologists — xenogerontologists — can do at least as well.

Death from old age is no more "natural" or inevitable than smallpox or plague. As the twice Nobel laureate Dr. Linus Pauling asserted more than twenty years ago:

Death is unnatural. Theoretically, man is quite immortal. His body tissues replace themselves. He is a self-repairing machine. And yet, he gets old and dies, and the reasons for this are still a mystery.2647

To paraphrase the venerable Seneca: Old age is a curable disease.

Clocks of aging

The general consensus among gerontologists today is that there exist within humans identifiable "clocks of aging." These clocks are genetically determined programs which dictate when and how fast we shall age and die. Since such mechanisms appear to be rather common throughout the entire animal kingdom, there is good reason to suspect that ETs should possess something functionally similar. While the mystery of aging has not yet been solved, a tripartite theoretical model with three primary "clocks" has begun to emerge.

First clock: Wear and tear

The first of these is rather simple: Wear and tear. Medawar, one of the earliest scientists to link genetics with aging, has called this the "broken test tube" theory. Say that we start off with 1000 brand new test tubes in a chemical laboratory. Over time, the number of "survivors" would steadily dwindle. Some tubes with factory flaws (birth defects?) would be thrown out first (die?), while others would break from chance accident or hard usage after a number of years. Eventually the entire population of test tubes will have broken in this manner, and we then may plot a "survival curve" of aging and death for the glassware entities. The analogy to the mortality of living beings is inescapable: Wear and tear does us in.

The Hayflick Factor: Lifespan and the Number of Cell Divisions

Table 16.1 The Hayflick Factor:

Lifespan and the Number of Cell Divisions

table 16 1 hayflick factor 400

The second clock of aging is called the Hayflick Factor after UCSF researcher Dr. Leonard Hayflick. In 1961, he discovered that young human cells growing in a culture medium could divide only a limited number of times (roughly 50 generations) before all their descendents aged and died. Cells taken from adults divided even fewer times (about 20) before death ensued.

Hayflick then compared the growth cycles of human cells to those taken from other animals. Not surprisingly, tissues taken from nonhuman creatures differed markedly (between species) as to the total number of generations they could produce before dying.

It was also found, however, that animals with longer lifespans also had the longest-lived cells. (See Table 16.1.) Hayflick concluded that cell death in all organisms was an expression of aging at the microscopic level. Aging thus appeared to be a built-in genetic limitation to cellular regeneration and growth.

In the last two decades, Hayflick’s work has
been largely verified. Studies of identical twins
— who, like clones, have identical DNA — show
that both individuals generally have about
the same lifespan. (This is to be expected if
genes control longevity as Hayflick suggests.)

In the last two decades, Hayflick’s work has been largely verified. Studies of identical twins — who, like clones, have identical DNA — show that both individuals generally have about the same lifespan. (This is to be expected if genes control longevity as Hayflick suggests.) In another series of experiments, a number of cultured human cells of various "ages" were placed in cold hibernation at liquid nitrogen temperatures. These were then thawed out, a few at a time, over a period of ten years. Each cell "remembered" its correct "age" and proceeded to divide up to the normal allotment of 50 generations, at which point death set in as usual. In yet another study, nuclei from young cells were transplanted into the protoplasm of old cells. Cells which had already doubled, say, 37 times, which were renucleated with a nucleus from a young cell that had passed through only 10 generations, went on to divide for about 40 more cycles before old age set in.

On the basis of the normal 50 divisions found in human cultured cells, Hayflick calculated that the normal lifespan of man should be about 110-120 years. But we know that only a negligible fraction of the human race ever attains such advanced age. This brings us to the last factor in the tripartite model of aging.

Third factor: Hormonal
After a detailed study of autopsy data and death
records, that most people die because of
a failure of one of the two major body systems:
The cardiovascular or the immune systems.

Dr. W. Donner Denckla, a medical researcher at the Roche Institute of Molecular Biology, believes that the third clock of aging is hormonal in nature and resides somewhere in the brain — most probably in the human endocrine glands. Denckla found, after a detailed study of autopsy data and death records, that most people die because of a failure of one of the two major body systems: The cardiovascular or the immune systems. Death occurs in the former instance from heart stoppage or from an inability of the blood vessels to deliver oxygen and nutrients to vital organs, and in the latter instance from a failure of the body’s immune system to ward off an attack of invading microorganisms.

The thyroid gland, Denckla believes, may be of central importance because its product — thyroxine — appears to be the master rate-controlling hormone. When humans age, they don’t lose the ability to produce thyroxine. Rather, they lose the ability to utilize whatever quantities of the hormone are available.

Death hormone

Denckla suspects that the pituitary may release some kind of blocking hormone — which he calls the "death hormone" — that prevents cells from using thyroxine. The diminishing utility of the vital secretion in later life could cause a number of critical imbalances, increased destructive oxidation, chromosomal mutations and heart tissue dysfunction.

Incompetent lymphocytes

Another endocrine gland — the thymus — has been implicated in the process of human aging. The thymus is a soft, flattened organ just behind the breast bone in man. Older medical texts say that the function of the gland is unknown, but many modern specialists link it to the production of "T cells" (a variety of lymphocyte or "white cells") under the direction of the pituitary and the hypothalamus.

Lymphocytes, our "white cells,"
become increasingly incompetent.
They fail to rid the body of hostile
pathogens and mistakenly attack
the body’s own cells as if they
were foreign invaders.
As a result, older organisms are
vastly more susceptible to a wide
range of potentially lethal diseases.

During life, the thymus changes dramatically in size. At birth it weighs about 12 grams. At puberty it reaches its maximum at 37 grams. Thereafter, it shrinks rapidly until by the age of 40-50 years it has all but disappeared in many people. By age 60 it weighs at most a paltry 6 grams.

According to Dr. Allan Goldstein of the University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, the level of thymosin — the secretion of the thymus gland — falls off with age in direct proportion to the diminishing size of the organ. As the concentrations of thymosin drop, the failure rate of the human immune system rises markedly. Lymphocytes, our "white cells," become increasingly incompetent. They fail to rid the body of hostile pathogens and mistakenly attack the body’s own cells as if they were foreign invaders. As a result, older organisms are vastly more susceptible to a wide range of potentially lethal diseases.

To test his theory, Goldstein has injected thymosin into children afflicted with severe immune-deficiency diseases. The revitalization of the youngsters’ immune systems was dramatic, but more verification is necessary. The next step will be to try to revitalize aging immune systems in adult humans using similar therapy. If these experiments succeed, immune failure as a cause of death could virtually be eliminated.

Three clocks of aging

Figure 16.1 Human Current and Future Mortality

Figure 16.1 Human Current (left) and Future (right) Mortality
figure 16 1 540
Figure 16.1 Human Current Mortality
figure 16 1 human current mortality 540
Figure 16.1 Human Future Mortality
figure 16 1 human future mortality 540px

STAGE 1 DEATHS: Hormonal imbalance causes failure of cardiovascular G immune systems.

STAGE 2 DEATHS: (Hormone imbalances corrected.)
                          Genetic cellular aging program shuts cells off automatically.

STAGE 3 DEATHS: (Genetic cellular aging program erased.)
                          Accidents and general irreversible deterioration.

Regardless of the exact mechanisms of hormonal control, argues Denckla, the control is there. And it would appear to have great survival value. So far as we know, Earthly species evolve naturally only by mutation, a fairly slow process. To speed it up, more parents must be cycled through the system. The faster the turnover rate in the reproducing population, the more variability will be available quickly from the gene pool.

Mortality of individuals thus has selective value because, in the words of one writer, "species survival requires a large enough quantity of individuals in any given generation to ensure that a significant number of them will be the beneficiaries of chance mutations that can be passed along, and a short enough lifespan to permit the necessary turnover."2137

According to modern gerontologists, then, aging is "an absolutely fail-safe killing mechanism without which the species would not survive." Under the general tripartite theory (Figure 16.1), three clocks of aging are simultaneously ticking against us. If one stage of the death process is escaped, others remain:

  • Stage 1 — Denckla/Goldstein hormonal imbalances occur which cause the cardiovascular and immune systems ultimately to fail. This is the body’s primary self-destruct mechanism. Typical life expectancy: 30-80 years.
  • Stage 2 — The Hayflick cellular aging program causes body cells to cease dividing after a fixed number of generations. It is designed to set a second limit in case the Stage 1 hormonal malfunction is ineffective. This is the body’s secondary self-destruct mechanism. Typical life expectancy: 110-120 years.
  • Stage 3 — Medawar’s "broken test tube" wear and tear on body structures. Irreversible genetic deterioration or severe accidental trauma eventually cause senescence and death. This is the body’s last line of defense against immortality, a tertiary backup system. Typical life expectancy: ~1000 years.
While the tripartite aging model may turn out to be correct
for mammalian life on Earth, this is no guarantee that
beings of other worlds must be designed in the same way.
Still, the basic evolutionary concept of the survival value
of death for naturally evolving species should be as valid
in alien ecologies as it is on this planet.
There is no reason to suspect that extraterrestrial aging
mechanisms will be any more or less complicated than our own.

While the tripartite aging model may turn out to be correct for mammalian life on Earth, this is no guarantee that beings of other worlds must be designed in the same way. Still, the basic evolutionary concept of the survival value of death for naturally evolving species should be as valid in alien ecologies as it is on this planet. There is no reason to suspect that extraterrestrial aging mechanisms will be any more or less complicated than our own.

16.2.2 The Limits of Immortality

The "brain barrier" problem

Three solutions

  • First solution: Genetic engineering
  • Each individual starts out with a larger brain
  • Second solution: Regeneration
  • Brain cells regenerate as others die
  • Third solution: Slow attrition
  • Prevent neural cells from dying at all or
  • Significantly slow the rate of attrition

Brain cells do not reproduce and cannot replace themselves once destroyed. Each human possesses ten billion irreplaceable neurons; when some are lost due to concussion, consumption of alcohol or tobacco, or from natural causes, our brains are permanently diminished.

Dr. Harold Brody of the State University of New York at Buffalo attempted to measure the rate of natural attrition of brain cells. While losses range from none at all to very many in various parts of the organ, the approximate brainwide average runs about 100,000 neurons lost per day. At this rate, Brody calculates, the organ should entirely decay away in a period of about 250-350 years.2648 Whether cell loss would actually continue to the vanishing point or would taper off asymptotically is unknown at present.

Genetic engineering

There are at least three solutions to the so-called "brain barrier" problem. First, genetic engineering could permit each individual to start out with a larger brain. If the ETs have 100 billion neurons — ten times more than we — and the same neural attrition rate, senility might not set in for thousands, instead of hundreds, of years. The full millenium of Stage 3 aging would then become available to the aliens.

Regeneration / reproduction

A second solution is to cause brain cells to regenerate and reproduce them selves as others died. If neuron division could be exactly balanced against cell losses, the brain would remain the same size and theoretically could go on forever. This again will only be found among extraterrestrial races capable of advanced bioneering, since there is no natural selective value in developing complex brain regeneration mechanisms which aid survival only if the organism manages to pass the primary and secondary self-destruct systems of the body. What if aliens did have divisible brain cells? In his book The Immortality Factor, Osborn Segerberg, Jr. writes:

What would be the fun of attaining
great longevity if the lucky winner
couldn't remember what had gone before?

[Brain cells] store our memories, experiences, knowledge and learning as well as operate voluntary and autonomic nervous systems. New brain and nerve cells presumably would "forget" what their predecessors knew. If the [being] survived the neurological havoc, he might not be able to retain his identity. He would forever be turning into someone else.69

Or, as another writer puts it: "What would be the fun of attaining great longevity if the lucky winner couldn't remember what had gone before?"2137

Of course, the counterargument goes like this: We know we lose 100,000 neurons every day. If this causes personality change from day to day, we certainly do not notice it. Why should the random addition of 100,000 neurons every day wreak any more cerebral havoc than their random subtraction? Brain regeneration may be quite possible, after all.

One recent science fiction story proposes
the development of a sense of precognition
or foreknowledge to enable the creature
to anticipate accidents in the near future
and avoid them.
This accomplished, there should be no
further real limits to immortality, save
boredom or a brain jammed to capacity
with memories like a well-worn palimpsest.
Death would occur only as a matter
of affirmative, intelligent choice.
Slow rate of attrition

A third solution to the brain barrier problem is simply to prevent neural cells from dying at all, or at least to significantly slow the rate of attrition. We don’t know how to do this yet — perhaps more robust and wear-resistant cells could be designed — but alien sentients elsewhere may have already found the answer.

Assuming ETs and earthlings manage to lick the brain barrier problem, then exactly what are the limits to immortality? Saving the organ of sentience doesn’t get us out of the woods yet, because there is still the problem of accidental death associated with Stage 3. Individuals may be hit by a truck, slip in the bathtub, be shot in battle, or die in a plane crash.

Still, the lifespan in Stage 3 may be an order of magnitude greater than in Stage 1 (where humans are now). For example, the death rate in the United States in 1973 was 942 deaths per 100,000 people. The maximum lifespan attainable was about 100 years. If all purely medical deaths were eliminated, leaving only suicide, homicide and accidental causes (fire, drowning, lightning, and other sudden traumas), the death rate would have dropped to 78 cases per 100,000 people. This works out to a maximum attainable lifespan of nearly 1300 years, as shown in Figure 16.1.

Is this the upper limit, then? If accidental causes of death can be eliminated we can get more. But how could this be done? One recent science fiction story proposes the development of a sense of precognition or foreknowledge to enable the creature to anticipate accidents in the near future and avoid them.2650 This accomplished, there should be no further real limits to immortality, save boredom or a brain jammed to capacity with memories like a well-worn palimpsest. Death would occur only as a matter of affirmative, intelligent choice.

16.3 Androids and Cyborgs
16.3.0 Androids and Cyborgs
robert heinlein


■ purely biological


■ part biological

■ part mechanical


■ purely mechanical

As we have seen, there are few limits to the possible accomplishments of alien biotechnologists. But the biological forms which nature has provided are especially well-adapted to a pretechnological planetary environment. ETs may need to design new forms to accomodate the requirements of a fast-paced industrialized technical society. Genetic manipulation might turn out to be a natural prerequisite to man-machine coupling. For example, gene surgery may permit body proportions to be altered to better fit the dimensions of mechanical systems such as computers and starships.

Sentient extraterrestrials thus may turn to synthetic biological or to bionically-augmented designs which possess the desired characteristics of high reliability, great longevity, and which interface more perfectly with various technological aspects of the environment. There are three general classes of such entities: Androids (purely biological), cyborgs (part biological and part mechanical), and robots (purely mechanical).

16.3.1 Androids and Organleggers

Table 16.2 Human Organ Transplant Biotechnology as of 19762365

table 16 2 human organ transplant biotechnology 400

An android is a living being
that has been created partly
or wholly through processes
other than natural birth.

Exactly what is an android? There seems to be much confusion on this score even among science fiction writers. Some hold that an android is an automaton in human form; others describe it as a robot that can think. Still others require it to be biological, while a few permit both biological and mechanical "androids." Perhaps the most consistent traditional definition is the one offered by Groff Conklin in 1954: "An android is a living being that has been created partly or wholly through processes other than natural birth."1836

The classic biological android was the fictional Frankenstein monster created by the pen of Mary Shelley — a living organism assembled in pieces by men. Under the Conklin definition, clones would probably also be regarded as androids.

What of nonhumanoid forms? Arthur C. Clarke has coined the word "biot" (short for "biological robot") to refer to all animal androids, nonhuman beasts created by the hand of sentience. Remarks Freeman J. Dyson of the biot:

I would say that when we learn…
to create intelligence. I think it will
not look like an electronic computer,
but rather more like a living organism.

I would say that when we learn to use these biological techniques ourselves, and to build machines with biological materials, we shall probably be able to create intelligence. I think it will not look like an electronic computer, but rather more like a living organism.1558

Jeremy Bernstein, Professor of Physics at the Stevens Institute of Technology in New Jersey, echoes this sentiment when he states:

The lesson of modern biology is that the distinction between living and nonliving material is almost arbitrary. So it is possible that one would be able to make machines biologically, in test tubes rather than in an electronics factory, and then it will be almost an arbitrary question as to whether one wants to call such objects machines or living animals.1558

One of the patients big toes is
transplanted onto the thumb stump.
"Close up it looks a little strange,"
remarked one writer, "but it does the job."
Organ transplant technology

Terrestrial organ transplant technology has advanced markedly in the 1970s. As shown in Table 16.2, transplants of virtually every major human organ have been attempted with increasing success.* Furthermore, the art of microsurgery — essential fine detail work with tissues and capillaries involved in transplantation — has made fantastic progress. Skilled microsurgeons now suture tiny capillary walls and can reconnect delicate wisps of nerve tissue, working under a microscope with needle and thread smaller than human hair.2882 For more than a decade, Chinese doctors have been replacing severed limbs with great success — arms, legs, feet and fingers. (Since the thumb accounts for 50% of the efficiency of the hand, microsurgeons can salvage it even when it's smashed beyond repair. One of the patients big toes is transplanted onto the thumb stump. "Close up it looks a little strange," remarked one writer, "but it does the job."2652)

Where might replacement organs come from? They could be cloned from the patient’s own cells, but this takes time. Another way would be to store donated or pre-cloned organs "on ice" until needed. Scientists at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory have developed a technique which may soon make it possible to store human organs for a century or more before thawing for use in a transplantation procedure.2653


William Gaylin, President of the Institute of Society, Ethics, and the Life Sciences, has proposed the controversial idea of using living cadavers, which he calls "neomorts," for medical experimentation and salvaging body parts. Neomorts — living, breathing, feeding and excreting organisms — would nevertheless be legally dead because of the cessation of electrical brain activity (brain death). Gaylin suggests that "bio-emporiums" be maintained using the victims of suicides, homicides and other accidents. Neomorts would serve as body part banks. Organs would be preserved in the still-living bodies, and there would be a regular supply of blood since the living corpses "could be drained regularly."2654



■ Black market in illegally-obtained organs

■ Offering disassembled kidnap victims

to the local Organ Bank


Science fiction writer Larry Niven predicts that widespread demand for donor organs might create a new type of crime which he calls "organlegging." As body parts change from a luxury for the few to a necessity for the many, demand will almost certainly outstrip supply. Niven claims that a black market in illegally-obtained organs would spring into existence, offering disassembled kidnap victims to the local Organ Bank at inflated prices.2020 As man becomes more android, will his crimes become more heinous?

Brain transplants

What about brain transplants? About a decade ago, Dr. Robert J. White of the Brain Research Laboratory at Cleveland Metropolitan General Hospital carefully removed the brains of six dogs. Each organ was placed into the cranium of a new canine and connected to its bloodstream. Some animals perished within six hours of the operation, but one survived for two days. During this time, the living transplanted brain produced electrical signals on the electroencephalograph that was monitoring it.1646 Similar experiments have been conducted successfully on monkeys.2656

This will be a most challenging operation
because the neural configurations in the
donor brain, much like the uniqueness of
fingerprints, will display a complicated
pattern that probably won’t match the
connections in the recipient’s cranium.

But to transplant an entire brain and restore it to full capacity, extraterrestrial microsurgeons must be capable of severing and reconnecting countless millions of individual nerve endings in a very brief span of time. This will be a most challenging operation because the neural configurations in the donor brain, much like the uniqueness of fingerprints, will display a complicated pattern that probably won’t match the connections in the recipient’s cranium.

Whole head transplant

If the whole head is transplanted, however, the cranial nerves continue to function normally.2655 For this reason it has been suggested that aliens may prefer to transfer heads rather than brains. Human scientists have already tried this. In 1957 a Russian surgeon named Vladimer Demikov grafted a second head onto the neck of a dog. The two-headed monstrosity survived nearly a week with apparently "normal" functioning. For instance, when exposed to light and sound both heads responded by trying to bark.2365 Aliens may use similar methods to graft old heads onto freshly-cloned headless neomorts.

Penile transplantation

* A review of the medical literature available in 1976 fails to produce a single instance of penile transplantation.1621 However, 13 cases of replantation of the traumatically amputated penis are noted, and 10 cases of penile reconstruction are recorded in which a new penis was fashioned from other neighboring tissues. A major impasse to penile transplantation appears to be donor organ procurement.

16.3.2 The Bionic Alien
Bionics describes the science of constructing
artificial systems that resemble or have
characteristics of living systems.
Specifically, the reference is to a device
which mimics some natural function
of the lifeform or improves upon it.

The word "bionics" describes the science of constructing artificial systems that resemble or have characteristics of living systems. Specifically, the reference is to a device which mimics some natural function of the lifeform or improves upon it. The use of artificial parts in man results in a hybrid entity which has been dubbed a cybernetic organism, or "cyborg." The term was originally applied in astronautics, but now is widely used to describe any creature possessing bionic components — a being created by joining living flesh with nonliving devices.

Because of the great potential utility of artificial prosthetic equipment, and because the space environment is far more hostile to biology than to bionics, the extraterrestrial cyborg is a very real possibility. A bionic alien undoubtedly will represent a vast physical improvement over the original biological model.

  • He may have better senses:
  • • telescopic or infrared vision
  • • high frequency and hypersensitive hearing
  • • perception of radar or x-rays
  • • acute smell or taste
  • He may have powerful limbs like Steve Austin of Six Million Dollar Man TV fame.
  • Perhaps the astrocyborg will simply be more flexible and agile than the original — there’s no premium on raw strength in the weightless conditions of space.
  • He may have bionic blood (a special synthetic formulation based on fluorocarbons which is protein-free and thus generates no immune rejection response) and a bionic beatless heart.
Skin could be photosensitive, absorbing
photons and combining them with blood
gases and water directly to produce
valuable carbohydrates — a new twist
on the "autotrophic man" concept.
Autotrophic man

Extraterrestrial cyborgs may possess bionic skin, a tough rubbery silicone material with enormous tensile strength and high resistance to vacuum and radiation. This skin could be photosensitive, absorbing photons and combining them with blood gases and water directly to produce valuable carbohydrates — a new twist on the "autotrophic man" concept. A step in this direction has been taken by Dr. Joseph J. Katz, a chemist at the Argonne National Laboratory. Katz and his research team have constructed what amounts to a "bionic leaf," a contrivance of metal, glass, plastics and chemicals. The device is designed to produce hydrogen, rather than carbohydrates, from sunlight.2698

And bionic aliens may come equipped with advanced abilities that have no direct biological analogue. For instance:

  • ET astronauts could have a "radiation gland" to warn them of rising radiation levels in the vicinity and to automatically inject protective chemicals directly into the bloodsteam.
  • Aliens may have a direct hookup to their pleasure or sleep centers in the brain, to permit them to while away long hours of waiting without succumbing to acute boredom or depression.
  • Other artificial organs may be implanted which provide radio contact with others, or which monitor internal bodily processes for signs of impending stroke or exhaustion. Appropriate stimulants and energizers could be dumped into the bloodstream during emergency situations.
Human bionics technology
The Utah arm … can flex at the elbow,
rotate at the wrist, and manipulate
fingerlike attachments capable of
holding forks, bottles, or pencils.

It is worth taking a brief look at the state of the art in human bionics technology because it's suggestive of just how well aliens may be able to do.

Bionic arm

Take, for example, the bionic arm. One artificial limb called the "Utah arm," developed by Stephen Jacobsen at the University of Utah, can flex at the elbow, rotate at the wrist, and manipulate fingerlike attachments capable of holding forks, bottles, or pencils.2659 The bionic arm is fitted to volunteer amputees and controlled through a computer. Using sensors on the subjects’ arm stump, tiny muscular contractions are interpreted and translated into the delicate motions of the artificial limb. Dr. Frank Clippinger, Jr. at Duke University Medical Center have created a similar device with feedback, to impart a sense of feeling and touch.2692

While Steve Austin’s superstrong attachments are mechanically improbable, much progress has been made toward the goal of a bionic arm which performs better than the original. Dr. Vert Mooney at the Rancho Amigos Hospital in California has built a prototype 3½ kilogram artificial arm with self-contained battery pack and motors. Sensors connected to muscles in the forearm allow the device to respond almost as well as the original. It was first used on Reid Hilton, a 24-year-old karate expert from Santa Ana who lost his right arm in an automobile accident. Hilton was able to perform extremely fine movements such as tying shoelaces, as well as the larger motions required in karate. Amazingly, the bionic arm has a grip strength of nearly 20 kilograms, as compared to only 10 kilograms for the average man.2691

Bionic eye

Another example is the bionic eye. Opthalmologist William Dobelle of the University of Utah, with the cooperation of blind volunteers, has developed a primitive system for artificial sight. In his experiments, a teflon strip with an array of 64 platinum points is inserted between the two hemispheric halves of the brain, in direct contact with the visual cortex. This grid is wired to external TV cameras through a coaxial cable plug mounted in the subject’s skull.

We hope to develop a functional
artificial eye for the blind, consisting
of a small TV camera in a glass eye,
a small computer system perhaps
built into the frame of a pair of
glasses, and an array of electrodes
on the visual cortex.

When electrical stimulation from the lab cameras reaches the patients’ brains, they report seeing flashes of light — called phosphenes — which are about the size of a small coin held at arm’s length. Most are red, yellow or white in color. One subject, blinded by a gunshot wound more than a decade ago, said that they resembled small lights "like a time and temperature sign on a bank, or a scoreboard at a football game."2660 This same man has been trained to read in a phosphene-Braille system with 85% accuracy at a rate of six words per minute.

Says Dobelle of the system currently in use: "Our objective is not normal vision. It is low definition black and white — analogous to the first television pictures sent from the moon by the astronauts. We do not propose to create a reading system. Mobility is more important to the blind than reading." Still, the ultimate objective of the bionic eye project is considerably more ambitious: "We hope to develop a functional artificial eye for the blind, consisting of a small TV camera in a glass eye, a small computer system perhaps built into the frame of a pair of glasses, and an array of electrodes on the visual cortex."2447 Dobelle estimates that the entire system may be on the market in about ten years, and might sell for a few thousand dollars each.2661

The development of artificial
replacements for human body
parts is one of the fastest growing
areas in medical research today.
Spare-parts catalog

The development of artificial replacements for human body parts is one of the fastest growing areas in medical research today. Bionic ears, complete with sound pickup, amplifier, and rechargeable implantable power supply, will be on the market in the early 1980's.2365 Bionic lungs, kidneys, livers and pancreases have been developed with reasonable success. The spare-parts catalog runs into the hundreds, including dentures and artificial jaws, skull plates, bionic joints and bones, orthopedic pins and shanks and spinal disks, bionic tracheae, larynxes, sphincters, tendons, ligaments and muscles.*

Bionic erections

* Artificial penises and bionic erections are now available, although at considerable cost. Developed as a treatment for physical impotence, the device is made up of two collapsible silicone rubber cylinders placed inside the corpus cave nosum of the male organ. Upon squeezing a tiny pump tucked away behind the scrotum, hydraulic fluid is transferred from an implanted spherical reservoir to the cylinders in the penis, causing the member to become erect.349 This can be maintained for an indefinite period of time, and permits full sensitivity and normal ejaculation. Says neurologist William Bradley, one of the proud developers of the "bionic penis" at the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas:
"It isn’t like a real erection — it is a real erection. Enlargement, growth in diameter… it's great!"2365

Brain/machine interface
Thinking cap

Figure 16.2 Practical Electronic Telepathy?2699

figure 16 2 practical electronic telepathy

Click for caption

Wearing the latest in this fall’s, scientific hat fashions is Tom Santoro, a researcher at the California Institute of Technology.
Arrays of 30 to 50 scalp electrodes in the hat are designed to measure distribution of nerve activity in the brain that is evoked by visual stimulus.
Studies of scalp potentials have shown they are related to certain visual perceptions.
Hence the brain-wave hat is able to detect what a subject thinks he sees or, in other words, measures the brain’s visual acuity.

If sentient extraterrestrials invest heavily in bionics, the brain/machine interface will become all-important. Much research is now in progress in human laboratories to enable computers to "read minds." Dr. Lawrence Robert Pinneo at Stanford Research Institute, for example, has constructed a "thinking cap" which picks up the subject’s electrical brain wave activity via scalp electrodes, analyses them, and then translates them into action. Pinneo’s volunteers can move dots from side to side on a computerized television screen, or run an object through a video maze, simply by thinking.2365 The executive computer can also recognize words, spoken aloud or silently thought (it makes no difference), by comparing them to prerecorded characteristic brain wave patterns of the particular subject.2662

Bionic ETs with computer implants
will have access to virtually all
knowledge possessed by their
civilization — mathematical, physical,
medical, psychological, and cultural.

Dr. Grey Walter at the Burden Neurological Institute in Bristol, England, has devised a similar computer-directed brain reading apparatus which operates as a remote controlled TV channel selector. By sheer force of thought, subjects can cause pictures to change or to hold on a television screen placed before them.92

Biocybernetic links

Speaking at the 1976 annual AAAS Conference, Dr  Adam Reed claimed that within fifty years miniaturized computers implanted under the scalp will be programmed to read and speak the electrochemical language of the human brain. In ten years — by 1986 — Reed believes we will have cracked the code the brain uses for information processing.

According to one science writer, "once that’s done, information can be fed directly into the brain’s central processing unit without going through peripheral equipment such as eyes and ears. You don’t read a book: the computer literally squirts its contents into your head."2664 To achieve these results, it is estimated that at least 100,000 electrodes/mm2 will be required in the implanted matrix (Figure 16.2).

Information can be fed directly into the brain’s
central processing unit without going through
peripheral equipment such as eyes and ears.
You don’t read a book — the computer
literally squirts its contents into your head.

Alien cyborgs outfitted with such "biocybernetic links" would be able to plug into modular units containing vast quantities of data in specialized areas. Internal or external storage devices could increase memory capacity by a billionfold. Bionic ETs with computer implants will have access to virtually all knowledge possessed by their civilization — mathematical, physical, medical, psychological, and cultural. Alternatively, each individual could have an on-line radio link to a mammoth external computer intelligence — one need only think of some problem, request a solution, and patiently wait for the answer to appear in his thoughts moments later.

Electronic telepathy
Like telephone conference calls, ETs may be able
to link minds together through an electronic
medium to confer rapidly and obtain solutions
to particularly complicated dynamic problems.
Alien astrocyborgs may send their eyes, ears, arms
and legs wandering through space or across the
surface of a world, leaving their minds safely at home.

Such systems would also make possible a form of practical electronic "telepathy." Messages and other information might be dispatched from one brain to the master computer network, and then relayed on to any other biocybernetically equipped brain. Like telephone conference calls, ETs may be able to link minds together through an electronic medium to confer rapidly and obtain solutions to particularly complicated dynamic problems. And if a generalized, mathematical computer language is used in the external system, this may also provide an ideal channel for interspecies communication when first contact occurs.


Of course, there’s really no need for fragile organic brains to venture out into wild foreign environments. Detachable bionic senses and effectors — called "teleoperators" — may be sent out to explore strange planetary surfaces while the alien’s flesh-and-blood brain remains safely in geosynchronous orbit high above. If ETs are receiving data via biocybernetic channels, what difference does it make whether the bionic eyeball which is doing the actual seeing is located in the eye socket of the skull or halfway around the planet? Except for minor time delays due to the finite speed of radio wave propagation, perception would be as instantaneous on "local" as on "remote." Alien astrocyborgs may send their eyes, ears, arms and legs wandering through space or across the surface of a world, leaving their minds safely at home.

16.3.3 Enter the Robot? (aka. Uploading)
Might extraterrestrial biotechnologists
be able to transfer personality and
consciousness into virtually indestructible
and immortal bionic bodies?

What about the possibility of totally bionic brains? Might extraterrestrial biotechnologists be able to transfer personality and consciousness into virtually indestructible and immortal bionic bodies? In theory, there are no technical objections to "total prosthesis," as it is sometimes called. Using advanced atomic or molecular electronics, fully synthetic brains which function as well as or better than the originals can easily be imagined. However, one major difficulty is frequently overlooked.

In most schemes, the subject’s brain contents are somehow "read out" and recorded using sophisticated high-capacity computer data storage devices. This data is later played back and imprinted upon the tabula rasa bionic brain. The mortal flesh-and-blood organ is then replaced by the immortal synthetic one in the cyborg body. Upon awakening, it is discovered that the words, thoughts, and behavior of the new entity are indistinguishable from those of the original in every way.

But it is not the original! The cyborg is only a copy. A duplicate person has been created and the original (presumably) destroyed — its sentience, its self-awareness, its personal consciousness. The new bionic brain, perhaps graced with a blissful continuity of memory, may not be aware of the change at all. But the original self is dead nevertheless. (The author, for one, would hesitate to accept such immortality by proxy.)

Transfer from biological to synthetic

This fundamental problem is difficult, but by no means impossible, to resolve. It may turn out to be relatively easy to transfer from a biological to a synthetic brain without any loss of self or interruption of consciousness in the original. Dr. Jonathan Boswell, a nuclear physicist at the University of Virginia, recently gave me one simple example of such a process:

Placed in direct contact with the bionic brain,
the two minds would begin to share the
thinking function. Ultimately, when the old
hulk of the body finally shrivels up and dies,
the shared mind lives on without interruption
in the synthetic brain.
As soon as you are satisfied, the simulation
connection is established firmly, and the now
unconnected clump of neurons is removed…
Though you have not lost consciousness,
or even your train of thought, your mind has
been removed from the brain and transferred
to the machine.

I visualize the process of consciousness transfer as taking many years. First, biocybernetic electrodes would be implanted permanently in the brain of the aging patient. Many of them, so that the data pathways are wide. As the body decays — let us suppose it first goes blind — the consciousness inside finds that it can "see" through the cameras of the machine it's connected to. Later, it could hear, touch. … Placed in direct contact with the bionic brain, the two minds would begin to share the thinking function. Ultimately, when the old hulk of the body finally shrivels up and dies, the shared mind lives on without interruption in the synthetic brain.2665

Neuron assembly simulation

Artificial intelligence expert Hans Moravec has come up with a somewhat more elaborate scheme:

You are in an operating theater, and a brain surgeon (probably a machine) is in attendance. On a table next to yours is a potentially human equivalent computer, dormant now for lack of a program to run. Your skull, but not your brain, is under the influence of a local anaesthetic. You are fully conscious. Your brain case is opened, and the surgeon peers inside. Its attention is directed at a small clump of about 100 neurons somewhere near the surface. It examines, nondestructively, the three dimensional structure and chemical makeup of that clump with neutron tomography, phased array radio encephalography, etc., and derives all the relevant parameters. It then writes a program which can simulate the behavior of the clump as a whole, and starts it running on a small portion of the computer next to you. It then carefully runs very fine wires from the computer to the edges of the neuron assembly, to provide the simulation with the same inputs the neurons are getting. You and it check out the accuracy of the simulation. After you are satisfied, it carefully inserts tiny relays between the edges of the clump and the rest of the brain, and runs another set of wires from the relays to the computer. Initially these simply transmit the clump’s signals through to the brain, but on command they can connect the simulation instead. A button which activates the relays when pressed is placed in your hand. You press it, release it and press it again. There should be no difference. As soon as you are satisfied, the simulation connection is established firmly, and the now unconnected clump of neurons is removed.

The process is repeated over and over for adjoining clumps, until the entire brain has been dealt with. Occasionally several clump simulations are combined into a single equivalent but more efficient pro gram. Though you have not lost consciousness, or even your train of thought, your mind has been removed from the brain and transferred to the machine. A final step is the disconnection of your old sensory and motor system, to be replaced by higher quality ones in your new home. This last part is no different than the installation of functioning artificial arms, legs, pacemakers, kidneys, ears and hearts and eyes being done or contemplated now.3233

  Advantages of neuron  
   assembly simulation   

Click for Synopsis   
Your machine has a speed control
■ Initially set to "slow," but now set to "fast"
■ You can communicate, react and think at a thousand times your former rate
The machine has a port
■ Enables the changing program that is you to be read out, nondestructively
■ Permits new portions of the program to be read in
■ Conveniently examine, modify, improve and extend yourself
in ways currently completely out of the question
Your entire program can be copied
■ Into a similar machine, resulting in two thinking, feeling versions of you
(or a thousand, if you want)
■ Mind can be moved to computers better suited for given environments
■ Or simply technologically improved
■ Far more conveniently than the difficult first transfer
■ Copied to a dormant information storage medium such as magnetic tape
If machine you inhabit is fatally clobbered
■ A copy of this kind can be read into an unprogrammed computer
resulting in another you, minus the memories accumulated since the copy was made
■ With frequent copies, the concept of personal death is virtually meaningless
Essence of you is an information packet
■ It can be sent over information channels
■ Your program can be read out
■ Radioed to the moon and infused there into a waiting computer
■ This is travel at the speed of light
■ The copy that is left behind could be shut down until the trip is over
■ Then, program representing you with lunar experiences is radioed back
and transferred into the old body
■ If the original were not shut down during the trip, there would be two separate
versions of you with different memories for the trip interval
Merging should be possible
■ It should become possible to merge two sets of memories
■ To avoid confusion, they would be carefully labeled as to which had happened where
just as our current memories are usually labeled with the time of the events they record
Merging also between different persons.
■ Mergings can be selective involving some of the other person's memories and not others
Very superior form of communication
■ Memories, skills, attitudes and personalities can be rapidly and effectively shared
Advantages of neuron assembly simulation

Moravec then goes on to point out the many advantages that would become apparent as soon as the process was complete:

Somewhere in your machine is a control labeled "speed." It was initially set to "slow," to enable the simulations to remain synchronized with the rest of your old brain, but now the setting is changed to "fast." You can communicate, react and think at a thousand times your former rate.

Major possibilities stem from the fact that the machine has a port which enables the changing program that is you to be read out, nondestructively, and also permits new portions of the program to be read in. This allows you to conveniently examine, modify, improve and extend yourself in ways currently completely out of the question. Or, your entire program can be copied into a similar machine, resulting in two thinking, feeling versions of you. Or a thousand, if you want. And your mind can be moved to computers better suited for given environments, or simply technologically improved, far more conveniently than the difficult first transfer. The program can also be copied to a dormant information storage medium, such as magnetic tape. In case the machine you inhabit is fatally clobbered, a copy of this kind can be read into an unprogrammed computer, resulting in another you, minus the memories accumulated since the copy was made. By making frequent copies, the concept of personal death could be made virtually meaningless. Another plus is that since the essence of you is an information packet, it can be sent over information channels. Your program can be read out, radioed to the moon, say, and infused there into a waiting computer. This is travel at the speed of light. The copy that is left behind could be shut down until the trip is over, at which time the program representing you with lunar experiences is radioed back, and transferred into the old body. But what if the original were not shut down during the trip? There would then be two separate versions of you, with different memories for the trip interval.

When the organization of the programs making up humans is adequately understood, it should become possible to merge two sets of memories. To avoid confusion, they would be carefully labeled as to which had happened where, just as our current memories are usually labeled with the time of the events they record. This technique opens another vast realm of possibilities. Merging should be possible not only between two versions of the same individual but also between different persons. And there is no particular reason why mergings cannot be selective, involving some of the other person’s memories, and not others. This is a very superior form of communication, in which memories, skills, attitudes and personalities can be rapidly and effectively shared.3233

16.4 Machine Life
16.4.0 Machine Life

Table 16.3 Molecular Fineness and the Thermodynamic Significance

of Patterns of Information (modified from Morrison1704)

table 16 3 molecular fineness thermodynamic significance 400
How much life is present

Can machines live? Evolve? Think? Many scientists would answer in the negative. Gears, relays, and integrated circuits certainly aren’t alive in the traditional sense. Evolution typically involves reproduction and natural selection, but no Earthly machines are known to reproduce themselves. And, it is said, cold steel cannot cogitate.

From the xenological point of view, however, we’ve already determined that the most useful definition of life involves the concept of negative entropy, or negentropy.

That is, to be considered "alive" an entity must:

  • Feed on negentropy (absorb order from the environment)
  • Store negentropy (create order within itself)

Figure 16.3 Microstructure in Machine Lifeforms and

Biological Lifeform Inhabiting the Planet Earth

figure 16 3 microstructure in machine and biological lifeforms 400

The amount of stored information in a living organism determines exactly how alive it is.

Microstructure in machine and biological lifeforms

Philip Morrison at MIT has taken a first stab at a quantitative analysis of "how much life" is present in any entity of specified complexity.

It will be recalled from {tip content="Reference: 6.2.3 Towards a Definition of Life
Paragraph #29, Begins: The refrigerator in my house"}Chapter 6{/tip} that a refrigerator or other similar contemporary machine technically is "alive" by our definition, because it feeds on negentropy and uses this to create internal order.

But most machines "alive" today aren’t very alive because they store only miniscule amounts of information at the molecular level.

Morrison has shown that patterns imposed on lumps of inert matter will not begin strongly to affect the matter thermodynamically "until the pattern is constructed with molecular fineness."1704

His calculations, summarized in Table 16.3, pertain to an hypothetical black-and-white
checkerboard pattern superimposed on a slab of otherwise inert matter.

The need for a biochemistry as a prerequisite
of organic life is far less compelling for
beings of purely artificial construction.
As such creatures perhaps can be modified or
repaired simply by replacing modular parts,
the only fundamental requirement appears to be
Morrison’s "molecular fineness of construction."
The distinction between biological and mechanical
life be comes quite blurred — are not machines
constructed of iron and silicon with molecular
patterns examples of "ferrosilicon-based lifeforms"?

We may view the last column of Table 16.3 as representing, in a sense, the intensity of life achieved by an information-laden pattern imposed on inanimate matter, Clearly, the finer the pattern (Figure 16.3), the more "alive" is the entity.

By implication, we cannot concede that machines are "very alive" until their components are constructed with molecular fineness. Only then will the information storage in machines be comparable to those found in biological lifeforms.

The need for a biochemistry as a prerequisite of organic life is far less compelling for beings of purely artificial construction. As such creatures perhaps can be modified or repaired simply by replacing modular parts, the only fundamental requirement appears to be Morrison’s "molecular fineness of construction." The distinction between biological and mechanical life be comes quite blurred — are not machines constructed of iron and silicon with molecular patterns examples of "ferrosilicon-based lifeforms"?

16.4.1 Artificial Intelligence
Turing Test
According to the "Turing Test,"
a computer is intelligent if a man is
unable to distinguish it from another
human being by talking to it over
a teletype communications link.
This is the ultimate objective test:
If an entity speaks and acts like a man,
presumably it is just as intelligent.

Intelligence may be broadly defined as any system capable of processing information — a negentropic ordering process of higher capacity than life itself. It is of critical significance that the actual physical form of the system is of comparatively little importance to what is taking place. The ability to reason — to think — is not a property of biological organisms alone. Rather, it is a property of specialized, highly-organized, complex patterns. Whether these patterns find expression in biological, artificial, extraterrestrial or even nonmaterial form is largely irrelevant to the fact of intelligence.

Time does not permit a detailed discussion of the arguments favoring the proposition of intelligent thinking machines. The objections are many, but their refutations are sound.* Projecting the advances in human computer technology over the past century into the century ahead, many leading scientists are now predicting the creation of artificial machine intelligence of extremely high order. And if we can do it, so can ETs.

Many decades ago an English mathematician named Alan Mathison Turing defined a crucial test to prove the existence of machine intelligence.2667, 3698  According to the "Turing Test," a computer is intelligent if a man is unable to distinguish it from another human being by talking to it over a teletype communications link. This is the ultimate objective test: If an entity speaks and acts like a man, presumably it is just as intelligent.

To date, no machine on Earth has passed the generalized Turing Test. However, the Test has been passed by computers restricted to limited areas of discourse or to certain well-defined human emotional or psychiatric states.

* Cynics and the otherwise unconvinced are referred to Armer,957 Clarke,55, 81 Cosma,896 George,952 McCarthy,85 Michie,953 Puccetti,71, 977 Putnam,1803 Raphael,2687 Rose,583 Sagan,318, 2552 Turing,955 and Wesley.1717

Conversation with PARRY

Are you connected with the Mafia?

How do they know you?

Why do they?

What do they have against you?

What for?

Are you sure of all this?

I am doing my best.


You seem hostile to me.

I am sorry.

Don’t you trust me?

Okay, tell me more about the Mafia.













For instance, in the early 1970’s Dr. Kenneth Mark Colby at Stanford University created a program called PARRY that imitates the verbal behavior of a human paranoid. The system was designed to give psychiatry students useful experience in talking to severely mentally ill patients. PARRY is supposedly 28 years old, unmarried, and a postal clerk. He is sensitive about his looks, education, religion and sex. He once attacked a bookie for not paying a bet at the racetrack, and he’s afraid that the underworld is out to get him. A sample conversation with PARRY at right (his words in capitals):

Can PARRY pass the Turing Test? Forty-eight psychiatrists were given paired transcripts of conversations with the computer and with a genuine human paranoid mental patient. Only half of the doctors could distinguish man from machine. Realizing that psychiatrists might not be able to recognize the subtle cues that might tip off a computer science expert, Dr. Colby sent similar transcripts to a hundred members of the Association for Computing Machinery. Of the 67 respondents, 32 guessed correctly and 35 guessed wrong.2670 On his own, very limited turf, PARRY passed the specialized Turing Test with flying colors.

World class checkers

Besides mimicking human psychoses, computers have been programmed to play intellectual games as well as men. Machines are now world class checkers players. In 1965, A. L. Samuel estimated that only a dozen of the world’s checkers masters could defeat a program he’d written.2673 Far more challenging, however, is the complex game of chess.

Chess 4.5

Attempts to devise computer programs to play chess have been underway for decades.2674, 2675 In August of 1968, David Levy, then Chess Master of Scotland and later International Master, made a bet of $2100 with several computer scientists that no machine program could beat him at regulation chess within ten years. In the early 1970s, Lawrence R. Atkin and David J. Slate of the Computation Center at Northwestern University wrote "Chess 4.5." This program held the United States computer chess championship title in 1977.

In the Spring of that year, Levy sat down with Chess 4.5 to play a regulation 40-moves-in-two-hours game. Levy won, but the machine made him work hard for it. Then came the real shocker. After the regular match was concluded, the two contestants played an off-the-record "blitz" game in which each side was allowed only 5 seconds per move. Chess 4.5 won handily.

Experts estimate the official ranking of Chess 4.5 in regulation play to be about 2000-2200 points on the standard scale, as compared to 2325 for Levy and 2690 for the current World Champion. It is believed that in "blitz" chess the computer improves its rating by 200-400 points over human opponents.2676 Thus, in blitz matches at least, Chess 4.5 is already at the grandmaster level.

Conversations with SHRDLU

Earthly computers may be quite clever, but how much can they really understand what is communicated to them? Dr. Terry Winograd at MIT has developed an amazing machine program, named SHRDLU. This complex system was designed for the express purpose of understanding English.2696

Like a small child secluded in a playroom, SHRDLU inhabits a world that includes a toy box, building blocks and pyramids of various sizes colored blue, green, and red. Mechanical arms and mobile camera eyes give SHRDLU the ability to stack or assemble the blocks in any desired configuration on the playroom floor. Most important, the computer responds to commands and gives answers to questions in an intelligent manner.* Extracts from conversations between Winograd and SHRDLU (in capitals) follow.

SHRDLU can understand spatial relationships:

How many blocks are not in the box?

Is at least one of them narrower than
the one which I told you to pick up?

Is it supported?

Can the table pick up blocks?

Can a pyramid be supported by a block?

Stack up two pyramids.







SHRDLU can identify its own motives:

Had you touched any pyramid before you
put the green one on the little cube?

When did you pick it up?


Why did you do that?

Why did you clear off that cube?

Why did you do that?

Why did you do that?








SHRDLU can assimilate novelty in its environment:

Is there a steeple?

A "steeple" is a stack which contains
two green cubes and a pyramid.

Are there any steeples now?

Build one.




{the machine does so}

SHRDLU makes assumptions to help resolve
ambiguities in speech:

Call the biggest block "superblock."

Have you picked up superblock since
we began?

Is there anything to the right of
the red pyramid?

Why did you drop it?





Can Winograd’s program really think? Is it truly intelligent? We aren’t permitted to dismiss SHRDLU solely because it's "just a computer." The Turing Test for machine intelligence is an objective one: If the entity appears to be thinking, Turing maintained, it is pointless to deny that it is thinking.

* The system, while not perfect, is capable of carrying on a real-time discourse. Analysis of and response to each sentence requires from 5-20 seconds.175

Intelligence may be a necessary adjunct to complexity
Some scientists believe that intellect is
the direct consequence of the enormous
intricacy of interactions among ten billion
active neural components.

Although SHRDLU passes the Test only in a limited way, recent developments in the artificial intelligence field have clearly demonstrated that computers can be taught to interpret meanings by the same processes that humans use.2851 Dr. A.M. Andrew, cyberneticist at the University of Reading, England, predicts:

Turing’s test will be passed … with no restrictions on topics of conversation or manner of reply by the year 2000 A.D. However, even then the computer will seem like a person behaving rather stiffly and refusing to be drawn into small talk. Perhaps by 2050 A.D. a computer will seem to be someone with whom a joke can be shared, and with whom the conversant identifies to the extent that it becomes important not to hurt the other’s feelings.2707

If alien electronic artificial intellect is
possible, how physically small might it be?
The theoretical lower limit of cell size is
about 400 Angstrom, a bit smaller than
the tiniest known living organism.
A brain with 1010 neurons of this
size would neatly fill a minute cube
one-tenth millimeter on a side.

It appears not only possible but probable that many different sentient extraterrestrial races will develop advanced artificial intelligences. It is not yet clear exactly how complex these systems must be. Dr. Marvin Minsky of the MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory claims that 106 bits would probably be enough to create true intellect — provided they "were all in the right place."22 Winograd’s program has about this many — a million bits — and the spunky Viking Mars Lander computers carried preprogrammed instructions amounting to a few million bits. In the animal world, this would correspond roughly to the intelligence level of amphibians such as frogs. Says Minsky of Winograd’s SHRDLU:

We see here a computer program that has a small but noticeable fraction of the intelligence of humans. The fraction is somewhere between 10-6 and 10-1. I cannot conceive that it would take 1012 bits {mammal and primate brains) to hold a superintelligent being.22

Some scientists believe that intellect is the direct consequence of the enormous intricacy of interactions among ten billion active neural components. Experiments performed by Dr. S.A. Kauffman at MIT in 1961 lend some support to this notion. Kauffman wanted to know what would happen if a large number of arbitrary computer components — "electronic gates" — were connected to each other at random, with inputs and outputs linked higgledy-piggledy throughout the network. With 100 units, one might suppose that approximately 2100 (or 1030) different states would be possible, thus rendering the system totally unpredictable. But Kauffman discovered that for a 100-element network there are rarely more than ten distinct cycles of about ten transitions each.2678 This result has since been confirmed by others,1785 and demonstrates that intelligence may be a necessary adjunct to complexity.

If alien electronic artificial intellect is possible, how physically small might it be? The theoretical lower limit of cell size is about 400 Angstrom, a bit smaller than the tiniest known living organism (the PPLO). A brain with 1010 neurons of this size would neatly fill a minute cube one-tenth millimeter on a side.

Energy consumption / efficiency of data-processing devices

Table 16.4 Energy Consumption and Efficiency of

Natural and Artificial Data-Processing Devices

table 16 4 energy consumption and efficiency of data processing devices 500px

But artificially designed alien microbrains theoretically could be vastly smaller still. Using molecular electronics with components on the order of 10 Angstrom in size, 1010 microneurons could be packed into a space of a few microns. This is small enough to hide inside a bacterium, a fact which may have several very interesting consequences.2873 Also, if a brain the size of the head of a pin were constructed, it could house as many as ten million times as many neurons as a single human brain. Alternatively, an intelligent space probe the size of a grapefruit might carry a "city" of billions of advanced cybernetic intellects.

Energy per binary act

The great late Princeton mathematician von Neumann once calculated the power consumption of brains designed with maximum efficiency, using thermodynamic criteria.1726 There is a certain minimum amount of energy that must be expended to accomplish a single "binary act," or simple decision, within a brain.

In Table 16.4, this value is compared both with human biological neurons and with a variety of modern electronic devices. The relative efficiency of artificial devices is just now passing that of the biological ones, here on Earth, but terrestrial technology clearly still has a long way to go.

Intelligent alien robots may have more closely approached, or already achieved, the ultimate thermodynamic limit of cerebral efficiency.

16.4.2 Robots and Robotics
The word "robot" itself comes from a 1920 play
written by the late Czech author Karel Capek
entitled Rossum’s Universal Robots.
In this early science fiction tale of the future,
sentient robots revolt against human-enforced
slavery and conquer the world themselves.

Robots are now on the human scene in all but their most advanced forms. One writer has observed that "robots are at about the same stage as electronic calculators about a decade ago… . Specialists in the field suggest that ten years from now robots will be as common as calculators are today."2681

The word "robot" itself comes from a 1920 play written by the late Czech author Karel Capek entitled Rossum’s Universal Robots. In this early science fiction tale of the future, sentient robots revolt against human-enforced slavery and conquer the world themselves.

One of the first writers with the courage to portray intelligent mechanical beings as benign, or at least indifferent, was Dr. Isaac Asimov. His well-known Three Laws of Robotics — intended to be incorporated into the basic psychology of every sentient machine — were designed to prevent a revolt against biological creators such as was envisioned by Capek:

Asimov's Three Laws of Robotics

First Law:

Second Law:

Third Law:

A robot may not injure a human being, or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.

A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.

A robot must protect its own existence as long as such does not conflict with the First or Second Laws.2682

While these rules may guide human planners, there is no guarantee that extraterrestrial robots will obey the Three Laws or any similar failsafe system. ETs may choose to give their automatons considerably greater freedom of action, especially if they are the products of "total prosthesis" (biological consciousness transferral). Mechanicals from other worlds designed to perform military, emergency rescue, or political functions may require considerably more autonomy than Asimov’s Laws would permit.

Figure 16.4 Humanoid Robot-Building Technology:

Terrestrial State-of-the-Art

Figure 16.4 Humanoid Robot-Building Technology

Figure 16.4 Humanoid Robot-Building Technology: Terrestrial State-of-the-Art
Century I

Century I is a 2-meter, 300-kilogram (7-foot, 650-pound) bullet-proof automated security guard. The $75,000 robot was unveiled at the 1977 annual seminar of the American Society for Industrial Security.

The humanoid’s sensors detect movement, body heat, or noise and lock onto the source. At speeds up to 30 kph (20 mph), Century I closes on its quarry. When it gets within about 3 meters, it orally instructs the intruder to halt with an imperious voice.

If disobeyed, the robot gets tough. Standard equipment includes an ultrasonic sound transmitter that causes extreme pain in the inner ear. A blinding strobe light, an electronic pistol that shoots powerful shocks, and a spray gun filled with laughing gas are also available. While admitting that Century I could be programmed to kill, Anthony J. Reichelt of Quasar Industries Inc. (Rutherford, N.J.) added that his firm plans to use only "nonlethal restraint" in its machines.

Quasar is also developing a $125,000 Century II robot for the U.S. Army. "Once he’s put on program," explained inventor Reichelt in regard to the improved model, "nobody can stop him."2702


Another product of Quasar Industries, Klatu is seen as a possible prototype for the first "domestic android." At 1¼ meters tall and 80 kilograms (5 feet, 180 pounds), the robot reputedly may be programmed to accept a wide variety of household chores.

According to Reichelt, president of Quasar, Klatu can: Vacuum floors, greet guests and take their coats, serve drinks and dinner, guard the house, walk the dog, clear dishes from the table, wash windows, speak "intelligently" with a 250-word vocabulary, and play nursemaid to the children and the bedridden. Robotologists and other experts in the scientific community are skeptical.

The price — a cool $4000.2703


Grade school students at Public School 106 in the Bronx receive instruction from a robot substitute teacher. The picturesque 1¼-meter, 90-kilogram (5'5", 200-pound) automaton with black plastic arms and legs was created by Dr. Michael Freeman for only $1000. (The legs are motorized, but the robot is chained to a table for security.)

The humanoid’s brain is a computer, made partly from components cannibalized from an RCA Spectra 70. Leachim has memorized parts of Compton’s Encyclopaedia, Webster’s New World Dictionary, a Ginn science book, a thesaurus and a Macmillan reading series, as well as the national anthem, the Pledge of Allegiance, Aesop’s fables, a round of jokes, a few words in Spanish, and detailed biographical and educational information for each student.2693

Humanoid robot-building technology

Terrestrial robotics technology is actually fairly advanced in the area of physical locomotion (Figure 16.4). Human roboticists at Stanford Research Institute (SRI) have constructed an computer-directed automaton with wheels, two retractible arms, and a television camera mounted in its "head." The device, nicknamed "Shakey," is free to roam about a room strewn with objects of various shapes and sizes. The SRI robot can be programmed to perform specific lifting, moving and stacking operations. (E.g., "Pick up the smallest cube and take it to the doorway."1779

The Russian automated lunar rover Lunakhod is a mobile eight-wheeled robot with TV camera eyes, able to navigate the surface of the Moon. Soviet scientists also are developing a spider-like surface exploratory vehicle that will be able to cross obstacles impassable by wheeled or caterpillar-tracked machines. This device, now under development at the Leningrad Institute of Aviation Instrument Makers, has six legs, a computer "brain," and a laser eye that scans ahead for trouble.1138 It reportedly can negotiate steep slopes, stairs, narrow corridors with sharp turns, and landscapes littered with stones or fallen trees.2694

Mechanical feeding

Mechanical "feeding" has also been accomplished. Robots have been designed that are capable of searching for "food" and thus of maintaining their own active existence. Dr. W. Grey Walter designed a small electronic turtle in his laboratory in Bristol, England, decades ago. Dubbed Machina speculatrix by its creator, Walter’s "machine lifeforms" each consisted of two tiny radio tubes, a photoelectric cell and a touch sensor, motors for crawling and steering, and a light bulb for "speaking," all hooked up to a miniature 6-volt storage battery.1783

Each robot exhibited various interesting behaviors. When the battery ran low, the turtle was programmed to hunt for its "hutch" where it could plug in and recharge.* When placed in front of a mirror, the device displays a primitive form of self-recognition. An encounter between two mechanical creatures is described by Walter thus: "Each, attracted by the light the other carries, extinguishes its own source of attraction, so the two systems become involved in a mutual oscillation, leading finally to a stately retreat."2106 Later models were equipped with microphones so they could respond to whistles. More complicated circuitry allowed more variable behavior as well as the ability to "learn."60 With a behavior repertoire attributable to no more than 1000 bits, the intelligence of Machina speculatrix probably rivals that of the rotifer.

We’ve seen that emotions and intellect can
be impressed upon artificial structures.
There appear to be no real limits to the
complexity of organization and behavior
that might be displayed by alien robots.
Indeed, extraterrestrial automata
may even have the ability to reproduce.

The purpose behind Walter’s work was to demonstrate that quite simple machines could fairly well mimic the goal-seeking ability of animals. All the major attributes of life on Earth — feeding, metabolizing, mobility, response to stimuli and so forth — can and have been designed into various machines built by humans.1782 We’ve seen that emotions and intellect can be impressed upon artificial structures. There appear to be no real limits to the complexity of organization and behavior that might be displayed by alien robots. Indeed, extraterrestrial automata may even have the ability to reproduce.85, 956

Self-reproducing machines

Von Neumann demonstrated during the 1940’s that self-reproducing machines are quite possible in principle.1726 Basically, the problem is to find the proper parts and to know how to put them together. Von Neumann envisioned a machine that could move around in a special stockroom, selecting the pieces required to build another machine exactly like itself — and then doing so. Such a device necessarily consists of two parts: One part to build a duplicate copy, and another part able to program the duplicate so it can make more copies too. (This is analogous to the distinction between phenotype and genotype in biology.2364) According to one computer scientist, such a reproducing system could be as small as 150,000 bits of information.1737 [Note added: A general review of kinematic self-replicating machines was published by the author in 2004 and is available online at http://www.MolecularAssembler.com/KSRM.htm.]

A large population of such organisms would constitute an ecology. They will evolve. Wrote von Neumann:

If there is a change in the description … the system will produce, not itself, but a modification of itself. Whether the next generation can produce anything or not depends on where the change is. So, while this system is exceedingly primitive, it has the trait of an inheritable mutation, even to the point that a mutation made at random is most probably lethal, but may be nonlethal and inheritable.1726

Sentient alien automata thus may be "alive" both in the popular as well as the technical sense.

Do it yourself

* Anyone interested in building such a device should consult Huber’s article "Free Roving Machine," which contains specifications and circuit diagrams for a similar system.1784 A more ambitious design for a "mechanical pet" may be found in Heiserman’s Build Your Own Working Robot.2683

16.4.3 Machine Evolution
Machine Evolution

Van Loon’s Law

The amount of mechanical development will
always be in inverse ratio to the number of
slaves at a country’s disposal.
The more slaves that are available to do
drudge work, the slower machines will evolve.

Tools have been used on Earth for many millions of years. Baboons use handy sticks to pry up tasty roots and grubs. Thorns are used by birds to probe for insects. Wasp and bee hives are splendid examples of architectural perfection. But each of these represent a static technology. Only with the advent of higher intelligence, the mind of man, could tools — machines — really begin to improve and evolve.

Van Loon’s Law

This is not to say that machine evolution must occur among all sentient extraterrestrial races. Consider the well-known Van Loon’s Law, which states: "The amount of mechanical development will always be in inverse ratio to the number of slaves at a country’s disposal."972 The more slaves that are available to do drudge work, the slower machines will evolve.

The ancient Greeks, with a population of only five million freemen as against twelve million slaves, neither needed nor invented any startlingly new labor-saving contrivances. The Romans, too, developed no power engines and made few significant improvements in machines or tools. It is said that the emperor Vespasian, when offered a mechanical device with which to cheapen construction work, bought the only model and had it destroyed.

Still, we may expect that many ET races will develop machines because they make the business of survival and reproduction easier. Barring technological stasis, three distinct classes of machine evolution may be clearly identified:

  • Directed Evolution
  • Participative Evolution
  • Natural Evolution
Directed Evolution
Directed Evolution is mechanical development
authorized, planned and executed wholly under
the direction of sentient biological lifeforms.
As organic beings successively design, build,
and test improved models of labor saving or
data-processing devices, these machines "evolve."

Directed Evolution is mechanical development authorized, planned and executed wholly under the direction of sentient biological lifeforms. As organic beings successively design, build, and test improved models of labor saving or data-processing devices, these machines "evolve."

The term is not inappropriate in this context. In the 20th century on Earth we have witnessed the explosive evolution of the automobile, airplane, radio, and digital computer. Each year new models come out. Improvements are added, troublesome parts deleted or modified. The least versatile or desirable machines become extinct, while the more adaptive ones survive and spawn new generations. The evolution of terrestrial machines, directed by man, is a fact. Elsewhere there must be machines evolving under the guidance of alien minds.

 Directed Evolution on Earth 

Click for Synopsis   
20th century's explosive evolution of machines
Automobile, airplane, radio, and digital computer
■ Each year new models come out
■ Improvements are added
■ Troublesome parts deleted or modified
■ The least versatile or desirable machines become extinct
■ More adaptive survive and spawn new generations
■ Proceeds much faster than normal biological evolution
In just 1000 years, the tools of man have advanced
■ From axe and shovel to Saturn V moon rockets and 95-ton caterpillar earthmovers
■ This represents an increase in raw physical power of from four to six orders of magnitude
    over bare human muscle
■ Nature required 10-100 million years to achieve comparable results when giant dinosaurs
    evolved from their weaker ancestors during the Mesozoic
300 years for human stablemen to create a diminutive breed
of horse that bears remarkable similarity to ancient Eohippus

■ 30 million years of natural evolution partially unravelled in 300 years of directed evolution
■ Again a factor of about five orders of magnitude

Directed Evolution proceeds much faster than normal biological evolution. In just 1000 years, the tools of man have advanced from axe and shovel to Saturn V moon rockets and 95-ton caterpillar earthmovers. This represents an increase in raw physical power of from four to six orders of magnitude over bare human muscle. Yet Nature required 10-100 million years to achieve comparable results, when giant dinosaurs evolved from their weaker ancestors during the Mesozoic. Another example: It has taken 300 years for human stablemen to create a diminutive breed of horse that bears remarkable similarity to ancient Eohippus. The partial unraveling of 30 million years of natural evolution in only 300 years of directed evolution is again a factor of about five orders of magnitude.

As a rough guess, then, we might suppose that Directed Evolution may be anywhere from 104-105 times faster than natural evolution. Marvin Minsky claims it might be as much as a million times faster. This is, he says, because a sentient race "can combine separate improvements directly, where nature depends upon fortuitous events of recombination."92

If Directed Evolution is fast,
Participative Evolution must be even faster.
Participative Evolution occurs when the
sentient biological race turns over its
executive functions to an artificial intellect.
Further mechanical evolution then occurs
at the behest and under the direction of
an intelligent computer sentience.

If Directed Evolution is fast, Participative Evolution must be even faster. Participative Evolution occurs when the sentient biological race turns over its executive functions to an artificial intellect. Further mechanical evolution then occurs at the behest and under the direction of an intelligent computer sentience. We have already seen the benefits of participative evolution in connection with genetic engineering, as when man takes control of his own evolutionary development. Once flesh-and-blood creators abdicate their directive role, machines will participate in their own evolution.

Intelligence explosion

Dr. N.S. Sutherland, Professor of Experimental Psychology at the University of Sussex, believes it will be easier to engineer a superintelligent machine lifeform than to breed a more powerful biological one. If this turns out to be correct, alien civilizations may experience what some writers have termed an "intelligence explosion" — a chain reaction of rapidly increasing intellectual capacity and mental sophistication.1174 Computers on any world, claims Dr. Sutherland, could rapidly "bootstrap themselves on the experience of previous computers" to create advanced artificial intelligence almost instantaneously on evolutionary timescales. Such machines may quite literally lie beyond the comprehension of any biological being.

Participative Evolution

 Participative Evolution details 

Click for Synopsis   
We have already seen the benefits of participative evolution
■ in connection with genetic engineering
■ as when man takes control of his own evolutionary development

Once flesh-and-blood creators abdicate their directive role
■ machines will participate in their own evolution

Computers on any world
■ Could rapidly "bootstrap themselves on the experience of previous computers"
■ To create advanced artificial intelligence almost instantaneously on evolutionary timescales

Such machines may quite literally lie beyond the comprehension of any biological being

Participative Evolution should provide
■ The fastest means for improvement available to any race — mechanical or biological
As in Directed Evolution
■ Superior characteristics are accumulated by each successive generation
■ But since the executive intelligence is also improving by leaps and bounds
■ The rate of evolution actually accelerates
We can estimate how fast this will be
■ Man has begun to use his computers to design new machines as well as other computers
■ Total memory capacity of terrestrial artificial intelligences has gone from
a few thousand bits of information up into the ten terabit range (1013 bits)
■ A similar ten-billionfold rise in biological brain capacity — from primitive animals to man
has required on the order of one billion years of natural evolution on Earth
■ Participative Evolution proceeds perhaps 106-107 times faster than Natural Evolution
■ Or about 100 times faster than Directed Evolution

Participative Evolution should provide the fastest means for improvement available to any race, mechanical or biological. As in Directed Evolution, superior characteristics are accumulated by each successive generation. But since the executive intelligence is also improving by leaps and bounds, the rate of evolution actually accelerates.

We can estimate how fast this will be. In the last century man has begun to use his computers to design new machines as well as other computers. Total memory capacity of terrestrial artificial intelligences has gone from a few thousand bits of information up into the ten terabit range (1013 bits).583 A similar ten-billionfold rise in biological brain capacity — from primitive animals to man — has required on the order of one billion years of natural evolution on Earth. So we might guess that Participative Evolution proceeds perhaps 106-107 times faster than Natural Evolution, or about 100 times faster than Directed Evolution.

All of the above is not to imply that technologically advanced extraterrestrial civilizations must all be robotic, androidic, or bionic. There may be cultural taboos, mineral shortages, or fundamental biological reasons for the lack or slower pace of machine evolution on any given world. ETs may vary widely in their motivational structures, or may be so adaptive or immortal that they have no need for machines.

Still, we must remain alert to the possibility of advanced alien automata in the context of culture contact. For many extraterrestrial races, and perhaps our own, James Wesley’s prediction may prove chillingly accurate:

In terms of the 4½ billion years of carbon-based life on Earth, the advent of machines has been amazingly abrupt. Yet the evolution of machines is subject to the same laws as the evolution of ordinary carbon-based life. Machines have also evolved toward an increased biomass, increased ecological efficiency, maximal reproduction rate, proliferation of species, motility and a longer life span. Machines, being a form of life, are in competition with carbon-based life. Machines will make carbon-based life extinct.1717

Natural Evolution
Natural Evolution is the third and slowest
alternative for the emergence of machine
life on other planets.
In this case, automata evolve slowly
under the forces of natural selection in an
environment favoring their development.
The main problem is finding the right
"Robot evolution," Frederika said.
"After man was gone, the machines that
were left began to evolve."

Natural Evolution is the third and slowest alternative for the emergence of machine life on other planets. In this case, automata evolve slowly under the forces of natural selection in an environment favoring their development. The main problem is finding the right environment.

Poul Anderson, a well-known science fiction writer, has concocted an imaginative scenario that would readily permit natural robot evolution. In his story "Epilogue," human space travelers return to Earth after a hiatus of three billion years because of unusual relativity effects. They discover to their horror that Earth has been rendered sterile by global war. The planetary ecology is wrecked beyond repair; mankind died out when biology disintegrated around it. The spacemen descend to the surface for one last farewell look, and discover that the planet is teeming with life: Machine life.

"Robot evolution," Frederika said. "After man was gone, the machines that were left began to evolve."

Before the Traveler departed, self-reproducing machines were already in existence. Each had electronic templates which bore full information on its own design. I expect that hard radiation would affect them, as it affects an organic gene. The {floating sea-mining robot} rafts started making imperfect duplicates. Most were badly designed and foundered. Some, though, had advantages. For instance, they stopped going to shore and hanging about for decades waiting to be unloaded. Eventually some raft was made which had the first primitive ability to get metal from a richer source than the ocean: namely, from other rafts. Through hundreds of millions of years, an ecology developed. The land was reconquered. Wholly new types of machine proliferated.982

Spontaneous machine life

Machines with the ability to mine and reproduce may be turned loose on purpose by their alien biological creators. Evolving on the home planet or on some foreign world, these automata would quickly radiate into a multiplicity of machine species under the influence of normal selective forces. However, there may exist environments which don’t require any initial "pump priming" by a biological race. There might be a few locales in the Galaxy where machine life of some form can arise spontaneously much as carbon-based life did on Earth many eons ago.

Electromechanical life

Electromechanical life may be able to evolve on jovian worlds or at the surface of black dwarf stars. The chemistry of substances at very high pressures is well understood.1177 Many insulators become conductors at pressures above 105 atm. Experiments with metallic hydrogen — believed to constitute the core of Jupiter — show that there is a sharp transition in electrical resistivity from 108 down to 102 ohms between 1-3 million atm pressure.2684 Diamond, silicon dioxide (sand), and other common materials have been crushed into the metallic state around 106 atm. Semiconductors such as silicon and germanium collapse into a tin-like material and become electrical conductors under high pressure.

Superconducting organisms

Since different materials conduct differently, an ordered regime of metallized substances may become functional as a kind of primitive electronic intelligence. Evolution of such lifeforms could be possible at or near the Jovian core. Note that this environment will strongly favor machine life over carbon life. Sugar and most other carbohydrates become violently unstable above 50,000 atm, decomposing explosively to carbon dioxide and water.1177 Another possibility is that beings elsewhere may have evolved with superconductive brains. Polymeric sulfur nitride has been shown to be superconductive a low temperatures, and strands of this or related materials may comprise the nervous systems of low temperature creatures on other worlds.

But extreme coldness may not be required at all. A room temperature solution of the enzyme lysozyme, when subjected to magnetic fields in excess of 600 gauss, apparently exhibits distinct regions of superconductivity.2686 And other substances are known to be unidirectional conductors — a kind of one-dimensional metal. They may have the conductivity of copper in one direction yet are excellent insulators in the other two. According to V.L. Ginzburg of the Lebedev Physical Institute in Moscow; "It is not science fiction to assume that evolution on some other planet, evolution by the methods and materials we know, has given rise to superconducting organisms."22

Spontaneous complex electronic circuits
Complex electronic circuits eventually arise.

■ Photosensitive spots permit this "intelligence" to see

■ A piezoelectric crystal formation gives it a limited
    sense of touch.

■ Contact with sunlight generates solar power.

■ After much time has passed, the intelligence manages
    to establish "an immense number of dipoles along a
    polymer thread with regularly spaced charged groups
    along it" to form a sheet of contractile polymer.

■ Current passed along its length causes it to contract.

■ After sufficient effort, manipulatory appendages emerge.

■ The geographically-dispersed sentience sets itself
    the task of constructing a more complex, compact,
    and mobile physical form.

Eons old, a grey-skinned bloodless humanoid
lifts its sensors to the night sky and beholds
the glory of a billion suns.

Still another possible site for the spontaneous natural evolution of machine life might be the surface of a hot planet about the size of Mars at the orbit of Mercury. V.A. Firsoff claims that such a world could not hold on to an Earthly atmosphere for long and would soon shed all lighter gases. All gaseous components with molecular weight less than 30 would be lost. This results in a high-molecular-weight atmosphere, rich in hydrogen sulfide and, perhaps, such oddities as diborane, silane, and carbon disulfide. One planetary solvent, available in limited quantities, might be a form of phosphorus sulfide. P4S3 is the most stable of these.352

A porous surface and a network of caves are cooked in scalding sunlight. There is no oxygen, so free silicon is available at the surface in amorphous form.2192 Planetary rotation, coupled with temperature and pressure gradients, give rise to violent gales of variable composition. By day, the hot phosphorus-and arsenic-laden winds whistle through the surface caves which hide the layers of free silicon, "doping" it with excess electrons. At night the cooler boron-rich atmosphere "drifts" the substrate with electron holes.

Arbitrarily fine photosensitized patterns slowly crawl across the cave floors and walls as the sun passes overhead, due to the changing angles of intense solar radiation filtering through the porous ceiling. Countless random channels of N-doped and P-doped material are slowly carved over the millennia. Caves located near coastlines or on lakeside beaches are periodically flushed with rain and rising tides. Complex electronic "circuits" eventually arise.

Photosensitive spots permit this "intelligence" to see. A piezoelectric crystal formation gives it a limited sense of touch. Contact with sunlight generates solar power.2813, 2815 After much time has passed, the intelligence manages to establish "an immense number of dipoles along a polymer thread with regularly spaced charged groups along it" to form a sheet of contractile polymer.2685 (Drops in current across a cell membrane are thought to be able to move certain molecules in the membrane. It’s believed that sodium-ion-driven currents help bring about limb regeneration in salamanders and other small amphibians.) Current passed along its length causes it to contract. After sufficient effort, manipulatory appendages emerge. The geographically-dispersed sentience sets itself the task of constructing a more complex, compact, and mobile physical form.

Eons old, a grey-skinned bloodless humanoid lifts its sensors to the night sky and beholds the glory of a billion suns.

Chapter 17 ♦ Interstellar Voyaging
17.0 Interstellar Voyaging
immanuel kant
To a Type II stellar culture,
a mission to the stars will seem
no more unreasonable nor
expensive than Project Apollo or
the Space Shuttle seemed to us.

Many reputable Terran scientists have argued, or attempted to "prove," that starflight is impossible or at least grossly unfeasible. (See Asimov,1403 Morrison,2750 Oliver,2749 Opik,2748 Purcell,1024 Simons,2361 and von Hoerner,1025 to name just a few.)
However, in each case the only thing that was proven was that initial assumptions could be chosen to give the appearance of immense difficulty.


The fact is that without violating any of the principles of Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, an astronaut theoretically may travel anywhere in the known universe in less than a century — faster, if he can stand the acceleration. Strictly in accordance with the laws of physics as we understand them today, a physical object may be moved from any point A to any other distant point B in as short a period of time as is desired. If you have the energy, it’s just a problem in engineering.*

Total energy resources

As members of an emergent Type I civilization, we humans exhibit a natural tendency to measure the achievements of the future against the standards of the present and the limitations of the past. Dr. Edward Purcell, for example, has calculated that a 10-ton relativistic rocket traveling at 98% the speed of light over a 24 light-year round trip starcourse may require a propulsion system capable of handling 1018 watts of power. Since this is more than a hundred thousand times the current total output of humanity, such a proposition must be "preposterous"! Concludes Purcell, winner of the 1952 Nobel Prize in Physics: "All this stuff about traveling around the universe . . . belongs back where it came from, on the cereal box."

Strictly in accordance with the laws of physics
as we understand them today, a physical object
may be moved from any point A to any other
distant point B in as short a period of time as
is desired. If you have the energy, it’s just a
problem in engineering.
Matter of perspective

But let us look at this a bit more closely. Is a 1018 watt starship really preposterous? Even an early Type II stellar culture will have 1020 watts at its command. Humanity itself may well achieve this state of affairs just a few hundred years from now. Is it logical to assert that we would begrudge a mere 1% of our total energy output for an interstellar mission? It seems useful to recall that the mighty Saturn V rocket booster that carried twelve American astronauts to the moon developed more than 1011 watts in its power plant — which represented roughly 2% of humanity’s total annual power output at the time.

It’s simply a matter of perspective. To a planetbound, 1013 watt developing Type I culture such as ours, a 1018 watt interstellar vehicle appears a fearsome project indeed. But to a 1020 watt early Type II stellar culture, a mission to the stars will seem no more unreasonable nor expensive than Project Apollo or the Space Shuttle seemed to us.

And to a mature Type II civilization (1026 watts), the dispatch of a 10-ton starship to neighboring stellar systems will represent the same relative drain on total energy resources as driving a Volkswagen automobile to market represents against the entire planetary power output of Earth.

* A complete bibliography of interstellar travel and communications has been compiled by Dr. Robert L. Forward.1680 Preliminary programs for interstellar exploration by mankind have been developed by Forward,718 Gillfillan,2845 Stine,672 and the Project Daedalus Study Group of the British Interplanetary Society.2953

17.1 Communication vs. Transportation
arthur clarke
It is well-known that the equations of
Special Relativity (and other theories too) yield solutions for particles that go faster than light.
These hypothetical particles, called "tachyons," have rest masses represented by "imaginary" numbers.
Since no one could see how objects with "imaginary mass" could possibly exist, the solutions were long ignored.
There is a  complementary
relationship between
travel and communications:
The better either is, the less
is the need for the other.

Many scientists who might admit the possibility of starflight nevertheless question it on grounds of necessity. Why, they ask, should we or any other sentient race go to the trouble of transporting massive material structures from star to star when information about extraterrestrial intelligences can be gained much more cheaply by listening with radio waves? Indeed, notes Purcell, "a 10-word telegram can be transmitted over a 12 light-year path with a dollar’s worth of electrical energy."


And ET communications might not be limited to the speed of light, either. It is well-known that the equations of Special Relativity (and other theories too*) yield solutions for particles that go faster than light. These hypothetical particles, called "tachyons," have rest masses represented by "imaginary" numbers. Since no one could see how objects with "imaginary mass" could possibly exist, the solutions were long ignored.

Then, in 1962, Drs. O.M.P. Bilaniuk, V.K. Deshpande, and E.C.G. Sudarshan of the University of Rochester in New York reexamined the entire question. In their seminal paper "Meta-Relativity" they pointed out that if tachyons were always in motion, and at speeds perpetually faster than light, it wouldn’t matter what kind of number represented the mass. What really mattered was that tachyonic energy and momentum be "real" — which they are. According to the three physicists:

In classical mechanics the mass is a parameter which cannot be measured directly even for slow particles. Only energy and momentum, by virtue of their conservation in interactions, are measurable, therefore must be real. Thus the imaginary result for the rest mass of the {tachyon} offends only the traditional way of thinking, and not observable physics.1515

In recent times scientists have managed partially to resolve many of the apparent causality violations engendered by faster-than-light tachyons.
(See especially Antippa and Everett,1495,1477 Bilaniuk and Sudarshan,1516,1517 Feinberg,1492 Harwit,1478 Newton,645 Parmentola and Yee)1493 Recami and Mignani,1511 and Trefil.2026) Several experimentalists are now quietly searching for the controversial and elusive particles in what one describes as "a low key effort."646

Transcendental tachyon

Confirmation of the existence of tachyons would have dramatic implications in the field of interstellar communications. Normal matter as we know it, when propulsive energy is applied, goes faster. Tachyons, in contrast, are expected to speed up as they lose energy. At zero energy they should have infinite velocity, and be present everywhere (along a Great Circle route) in the physical universe at the same time. (This is called a "transcendental tachyon.") If tachyons exist, information could be transmitted between stars and even galaxies arbitrarily fast. Any location in the cosmos could remain in direct communicative contact with any other. With such a perfect means of communication, extraterrestrial races need never leave home and venture out into space.

 Tachyon communication details 

Click for Synopsis   

Normal matter as we know it:

  • When propulsive energy is applied, goes faster

Tachyons, in contrast:

  • Are expected to speed up as they lose energy
  • At zero energy they should have infinite velocity
  • Be present everywhere in the physical universe at the same time
  • (along a Great Circle route)
  • This is called a "transcendental tachyon."

If tachyons exist:

  • Information could be transmitted between stars and even galaxies arbitrarily fast.
  • Any location in the cosmos could remain in direct communicative contact with any other.

With such a perfect means of communication

  • Extraterrestrial races need never leave home and venture out into space.

Conversely, with perfect, instantaneous transportation.

  • Any location in the physical universe can be reached in the blink of an eye.
  • There may be no need for communications at all — it’s quicker just to travel

Conversely, let us imagine a civilization with perfect, instantaneous transportation. Any location in the physical universe can be reached in the blink of an eye. In such a society there may be no need for communications at all — it’s quicker just to travel. We see that there is a kind of complementary relationship between travel and communications: The better either is, the less is the need for the other.81

One very critical difference

There is, however, one very critical difference. A single party may engage in travel, but it takes two parties to communicate. If alien societies are to talk, both communicants and recipients must exist. Yet either can launch an interstellar exploratory mission without any knowledge of the other. Furthermore, if extraterrestrial cultures are to communicate, each must make a series of correct assumptions about the motivations, psychologies, and technologies of the others in order to be successful. Interstellar exploration by starship, on the other hand, requires no such ad hoc assumptions to succeed.

There are many other reasons why xenologists have concluded that interstellar travel is the preferred mode for first contact and galactic unification. Communication by radio does not permit contact between an advanced society and one that is intelligent but is not in possession of electronic technology. Such a culture need not necessarily be "unlikely to be of interest to us" as asserted by some radioastronomers. Aliens without radio may have other forms of technology — biological, chemical, social, economic — that would be fascinating to observe and yet do not involve electromagnetic radiation. As Arthur C. Clarke says, only starflight makes it possible "to gain knowledge of star systems which lack garrulous, radio-equipped inhabitants."2731

If alien societies are to talk, both
communicants and recipients must
exist. Yet either can launch an
interstellar exploratory mission
without anyknowledge of the other.
Aliens without radio may have other
forms of technology — social, economic,
biological, chemical — that would be
fascinating to observe and yet do not
involve electromagnetic radiation.

Interstellar travel also would allow:

  • the exchange of artifacts and biological specimens
  • direct observation of a multitude of independent biologies and societies
  • the making of symbolic gestures of sociopolitical and cultural community

The sciences of astronomy and astrophysics would prosper. Direct astronomical samplings could be made of:

  • stars in various stages of evolution
  • distant planetary systems
  • ancient globular clusters
  • interstellar gas clouds

Cooperative scientific ventures could be undertaken with other races, such as performing trigonometric parallax experiments on extremely distant objects. And direct contact is probably the most effective way to achieve a meeting of minds between beings with utterly different histories and ways of thought.1317

* In one mathematical model of particle motion in a special five-dimensional space-time, velocities as high as 1021 times the speed of light appear possible.2893

17.2 Relativistic Starflightght
Consequences of near-lightspeed voyages
So we see that galactic and intergalactic commerce
and tourism are very real possibilities for advanced
extraterrestrial societies.
The dispatch of an interstellar personnel carrier by
a Type II culture, or a high-acceleration intergalactic
cargo transport vehicle by a Type III culture,
represents about the same allocation of energy
and resources as the launching of a Saturn V rocket
by human Type I civilization.

 Light-speed jargon 

Click for Synopsis   

Velocity of light:

  • "optic velocity"
  • Designated as "c"
  • this is a kind of "cosmic speed limit"
  • imposed on all material objects within the physical universe

Other jargon for c includes:

  • "100 psol" or percent-speed-of-light
  • "Mike 1.0" after Dr. Albert A. Michelson

Velocities below c are referred to as:

  • "suboptic"
  • "subluminal"

Velocities faster than light are called:

  • "FTL"
  • "hyperoptic"
  • "superluminal"

Alien and human astronauts alike must conform to the dictates of Relativity when traveling at velocities near the speed of light. Einstein’s theory, generally accepted today by the scientific community, predicts a host of fascinating consequences of near-lightspeed voyages.

First, we should briefly mention some of the jargon commonly employed by physicists and writers in this field. Relativity predicts that no material object can be accelerated up to the speed of light without an expenditure of an infinite amount of energy. Since the entire universe contains only 1081 joules of energy, attaining the speed of light becomes a practical impossibility. The velocity of light, designated as "c", this is a kind of "cosmic speed limit" imposed on all material objects within the physical universe. (Other jargon for c includes "100 psol" or percent-speed-of-light, and "Mike 1.0" after Dr. Albert A. Michelson.) Velocities below c are referred to as "suboptic" or "subluminal"; those faster than light are called "FTL," "hyperoptic" or "superluminal." The speed of light itself is "optic velocity."

Twin Paradox

Now back to the fascinating consequences. According to Relativity theory, time passes more slowly at near-optic velocities than at low suboptic ones. This apparent breach of common sense is traditionally presented in the form of a paradox. Imagine twin brothers A and B. A becomes an astronaut and flies away in a relativistic starcraft capable of a peak velocity of 98%c. B stays behind on Earth. A travels 12 light-years out into space, and then 12 light-years back to Earth. Because A has been moving slower than light, B must wait a total of 28 years for his return. B is thus 28 years older than his age when the brothers parted. But when he meets A in the Debarkation Area, A has only aged 10 years. A is 18 years younger than his identical twin.

This unusual consequence of near-optic flight, often called the Twin Paradox, has been confirmed indirectly by scores of experiments over the past half-century. There is little doubt in the minds of most physicists that the Paradox is a correct prediction of the consequences of traveling close to the speed of light. The contraction of time at high velocities is known as the phenomenon of time dilation.

Effective FTL starflight using relativity theory

Table 17.1 Effective FTL Starflight Using Relativity Theory

table 17 1 effective f t l starflight 400
An astronaut, provided his starcraft has
sufficient energy, can effectively travel
faster than the speed of light relative
to a stationary frame of reference!

The frame of reference of the observer is of critical significance here. Those observers who remain at rest with respect to the universe at large (such as the twin who stays on Earth) will always observe a relativistic starcraft to travel at suboptic velocities. But to the astronauts on board the spaceship, the contraction of distance between the points of origin and destination (another peculiar consequence of Relativity theory) will make the trip seem shorter. They will, from their frame of reference, actually be moving at a faster apparent velocity than that perceived by stationary observers (say, back on Earth). In fact, when the starship reaches exactly 70.7%c as measured by stationary observers, the astronauts calculate their own effective velocity as 100%c! As acceleration continues still further, shipboard-determined speed increases to seemingly hyperoptic velocities (which Earthbound observers still see as suboptic from their frame of reference).

Time dilation

Table 17.2 Duration of Interstellar Travels, Using

a Standard Flight Plan at One Gee Acceleration

table 17 2 duration of interstellar travels 350

 The Standard Flight Plan 

Click for Synopsis   

The Standard Flight Plan

  • Uniform acceleration from start point to the midpoint of trip
  • Uniform deceleration from midpoint of trip to destination
  • Same rate of change in velocity for both legs

What does all this mean in plain English? Simply this: An astronaut, provided his starcraft has sufficient energy, can effectively travel faster than the speed of light relative to a stationary frame of reference! (See Table 17.1 for details.)

Time dilation permits very long journeys within a single human lifetime. Consider a starship that accelerates uniformly to the midpoint of the trip and then decelerates uniformly at the same rate the rest of the way to the destination — called the Standard Flight Plan.

With 1 gee acceleration

Ship-time required for voyage:

  • Few years to the nearest stars
  • 21 years to the Galactic Core
  • 28 years to Galaxy Andromeda
  • (effective velocity of 61,000 × c ) 

With an acceleration of 1 gee — appropriate for inhabitants of terrestrial worlds similar to Earth — only a few years of ship-time are required to reach the nearest stars. (See Table 17.2.) Only 21 years are spent reaching the Galactic Core, and in 28 years of shipboard time the intrepid explorers can visit Galaxy Andromeda in person. Since Andromeda is about 1.7 million light-years distant, this works out to a mean effective velocity of 61,000 times the speed of light.

Twin Paradox with a vengeance!

Of course, there is no time dilation on the home planet — since it went nowhere. If our intergalactic astronauts turned around at Andromeda and immediately returned to Earth, they would have aged a total of 56 years. The Earth and all of its inhabitants, however, would have aged 3.4 million years. This is a "twin paradox" with a vengeance!

Starship acceleration

Table 17.3 Acceleration Required to Complete Journey in

One Decade Shipboard Time, Using Standard Flight Plan

table 17 3 acceleration required to complete journey 400

Relativity does permit effectively
hyperoptic interstellar journeying.

When science fiction writers and others speak of "FTL" they are usually referring to true (rather than "effective") FTL — that is, faster-than-light travel from the point of view of both astronauts and stay-at-homers. We shall discuss the theoretical possibility of true FTL later in this chapter. But for now it is important only to realize that Relativity does permit effectively hyperoptic interstellar journeying, at least from the standpoint of an astronaut setting forth to explore the universe.

This fact is highlighted by the data shown in Table 17.3. It is assumed that an astronaut wishes to travel a certain distance out into space, but he doesn’t want to use up more than 10 years of his life in getting there. Table 17.3 lists the starship accelerations that must be sustained throughout the entire trip in order to arrive at a destination at the specified distance within exactly one decade as measured on the astronaut’s own wristwatch. A Standard Flight Plan is assumed.

Note that any point in our Milky Way galaxy can be reached in ten years of shipboard time, at accelerations tolerable to human beings for long periods of time. Accelerations of 2-4 gees, perhaps sustainable by inhabitants of jovian or heavy subjovian worlds, or by bioneered former inhabitants of terrestrial worlds, would put the entire known universe within 10 years reach.

The levels of power expenditure needed
to achieve the benefits of relativistic time
dilation are enormous by today’s standards.

Naturally, the faster a starship is pushed the more energy is required. The levels of power expenditure needed to achieve the benefits of relativistic time dilation are enormous by today’s standards, even for fairly small vehicles. (See Table 17.1.) But as we shall see presently, this by no means bars interstellar or intergalactic commerce. Indeed, such commerce should be commonplace among Type II and Type III civilizations.

Three classes of starflight missions

Let us consider three illustrative classes of starflight missions:

  • 1. Interstellar personnel transport;
  • 2. Intergalactic personnel transport;
  • 3. Intergalactic cargo transport.

 Relative energy costs (REC)  
  of Saturn V rocket booster  

Click for Synopsis   

The Saturn V rocket booster

  • Developed 1.3 × 1011 watts of power for about 150 seconds
  • Equivalent of harnessing the entire human energy output for exactly 4 seconds

One Saturn V equals 4 seconds of humanity’s aggregate power output

Big and costly

Too many writers have succumbed to the Fallacy of the Big and the Costly. That is, if it’s big and it costs a lot, it must be impossible. The Fallacy lies in the simple observation that what seems big and costly to one culture may be negligible and cheap to another.

Saturn V rocket

The relative costs of missions to the stars may perhaps best be appreciated by a comparison with the familiar. Humanity has launched about ten Saturn V rocket boosters to date. Each of these blustering behemoths developed 1.3 × 1011 watts of power for about 150 seconds each. This is the equivalent of harnessing the entire human energy output for exactly 4 seconds. Keep this quantity in mind as we work through the following examples: One Saturn V equals 4 seconds of humanity’s aggregate power output.

 REC of interstellar personnel transport 

Click for Synopsis   

Relative energy costs of interstellar personnel transport

  • Assume a Standard Flight Plan at a constant 1 gee acceleration
  • Assume a flight distance of 100 light-years
  • Total trip time works out to 9 years.

How much energy is required?

  • Mass of the vessel equals the Starship Enterprise (190,000 metric tons)
  • About 9 × 1026 joules of energy are required for the mission

Mature Type II civilization

  • 1026 watts (joules/sec) at its disposal
  • Mission uses nine seconds of culture’s total power output

Single interstellar personnel transport mission
equivalent to launching two Saturn V rockets


For a Type III civilization this mission is inordinately trivial

  • 44 billion such starliner missions could be dispatched
  • Uses 4 seconds of galactic society’s aggregate energy output

44 billion missions comparable to launching of a single Saturn V

Interstellar personnel transport

First we consider the interstellar personnel transport mission. We assume a flight distance of 100 light-years, appropriate for short hops between neighboring Type II civilizations. To make things comfortable for the pilots and passengers, we further assume a Standard Flight Plan at a constant 1 gee acceleration. Using the equations of Special Relativity, total trip time works out to a mere 9 years.

How much energy is required? If we take the mass of the vessel to equal that of the Starship Enterprise of original-series Star Trek fame (190,000 metric tons), then about 9 × 1026 joules of energy are required for the mission. A mature Type II civilization, having 1026 watts (joules/sec) at its disposal, should have no trouble with this at all. The interstellar personnel transport mission uses only nine seconds of the culture’s total power output, a feat equivalent in stature to the launching of two Saturn V rockets by modern human engineers. For a Type III civilization, this mission is inordinately trivial. In fact, roughly 44 billion such starliner missions could be dispatched if only 4 seconds of the galactic society’s aggregate energy output were utilized — a feat comparable to the launching of a single Saturn V from Earth today.

 REC of intergalactic personnel transport 

Click for Synopsis   

Relative energy costs of intergalactic personnel transport

  • Assume a Standard Flight Plan at a constant 1 gee acceleration
  • Assume a flight distance of 1.7 million light-years to Galaxy Andromeda
  • Total trip time is 28 years

How much energy is required?

  • About 1.5 × 1031 joules of energy are required for the mission

Mission would tax the resources of Type II culture to the breaking point

  • Mission uses 41 hours of culture’s total power output

Single intergalactic personnel transport mission
Analogous to the firing of 38,000 Saturn V’s


Mature Type III civilization

  • 1037 watts (joules/sec) under its control this mission is utterly trivial
  • 2.5 million missions could be dispatched to Galaxy Andromeda
  • All 2.5 million missions equal 4 seconds of culture’s total power output

2.5 million missions comparable to launching of a single Saturn V

Intergalactic personnel transport

What about our second class of starflight mission — the intergalactic personnel transport? These are somewhat more difficult, probably well out of reach of a lone Type II civilization. Again, using a Standard Flight Plan at 1 gee acceleration to keep crew and passengers at ease, a trip of 1.7 million light-years to Galaxy Andromeda (the nearest giant spiral) would require only 28 years shipboard time. Approximately 1.5 × 1031 joules would be consumed making the journey.

Such a mission would tax the resources of Type II culture to the breaking point. More than 41 hours of the stellar society’s power output would be needed to launch a single intergalactic starliner, a feat analogous to the firing of 38,000 Saturn V’s by present-day humankind. Such an enormous sacrifice and commitment of resources would require some overwhelmingly compelling purpose to justify it.

For a mature Type III galactic civilization with 1037 watts under its control, however, the intergalactic personnel transport mission would again prove utterly trivial. Such a culture could launch more than 2.5 million such sorties to Galaxy Andromeda for a mere 4 seconds worth of its total power output — again, a feat comparable to our launching a single Saturn V rocket.

 REC of intergalactic cargo transport 

Click for Synopsis   

Relative energy costs of intergalactic cargo transport

These ships can be unmanned. Far higher accelerations may be tolerable

  • Assume a Standard Flight Plan at 106 gees acceleration
  • (probably the upper limit for normal physical materials)
  • Assume a flight distance of 1.7 million light-years to Galaxy Andromeda
  • Assume a robot-controlled, 190,000-metric-ton cargo ship
  • Shipboard time of flight is only 1724 seconds (a bit under half an hour)
  • Ship and contents subjected to extreme forces only briefly

How much energy is required?

  • Total of 1.5 × 1037 joules of energy are required for the mission
  • Mission uses 1½ seconds of aggregate power output of a galactic culture

For a Type III civilization

  • Launching two high-acceleration cargo vessels
  • Equivalent to launching one Saturn V
Intergalactic cargo transport

Finally, we consider the case of the intergalactic cargo transport mission. Since these ships can be unmanned, far higher accelerations may be tolerable. We assume a robot-controlled, 190,000-metric-ton cargo ship, dispatched to Andromeda at an acceleration of 106 gees (probably the upper limit for normal physical materials) on a Standard Flight Plan. Fortunately, the shipboard time of flight is only 1724 seconds, a bit under half an hour, so the ship and its contents are subject to extreme forces only for a very brief period of time. A total of 1.5 × 1037 joules are required for the mission, about 1½ seconds of the aggregate power output of a galactic culture. To a Type III civilization, the launching of two such high-acceleration cargo vessels requires a resource commitment equivalent to the launching of one Saturn V by human technologists.

So we see that galactic and intergalactic commerce and tourism are very real possibilities for advanced extraterrestrial societies. The dispatch of an interstellar personnel carrier by a Type II culture, or a high-acceleration intergalactic cargo transport vehicle by a Type III culture, represents about the same allocation of energy and resources as the launching of a Saturn V rocket by human Type I civilization.

17.3 Conventional Interstellar Propulsion Systems
17.3.0 Conventional Interstellar Propulsion Systems
robert heinlein

Requirements for starflight:

  • First, the kinematics must be right
  • Second, sufficient available energy
  • Third, astronautic technology exists
  • (capable of performing the requisite
  • kinematics using the available energy)

Three fundamental requirements must be satisfied if starflight is to be considered plausible for alien or human civilizations. First, the kinematics must be right. Second, the energy available for the mission must be sufficient. Third, there must exist an astronautic technology capable of performing the requisite kinematics using the available energy. In the preceding section we saw that the kinematic and energetic requirements are satisfied by Type II and Type III civilizations operating within the bounds of Einsteinian Relativity theory. For the remainder of this chapter the third requirement is examined in more detail — the technological aspects of interstellar voyaging.

Four stages of technical progress

Consider the nature of technical progress. There is an orderly progression from the emergence of new ideas, further research and development, then finally a reduction to practice and economic exploitation. Thus, the realization of new technology normally proceeds in four stages:

Matching this progression against current human
achievements, we find that radio, television,
computers, automobiles, and chemical rockets all
have arrived at the profit stage here on Earth.
Advanced technologies as nuclear power planets,
SSTs, and fission propulsion rockets are at the
practice stage, awaiting full societal and economic
commitment to move them into the profit stage.
Laser fusion and satellite solar power stations
are presently in transition from theory to practice.
  • Stage 1 — IDEA — the basic philosophical idea, discovery of a new physical law, a new branch of mathematics, a new possibility within the existing framework of science.
    (See Hogan2916 for an excellent example of this in science fiction.)
  • Stage 2 — THEORY — development of the mathematical/physical theoretical framework which ties the new idea to other known phenomena.
  • Stage 3 — PRACTICE — research and engineering; building a device which utilizes the new idea in its manufacture or operation.
  • Stage 4 — PROFIT — social, political, and economic acceptance and exploitation; who pays for it, is it worth the effort, who will benefit, etc.?

Matching this progression against current human achievements, we find that radio, television, computers, automobiles, and chemical rockets all have arrived at the profit stage here on Earth. Such advanced technologies as nuclear power planets, SSTs, and fission propulsion rockets are at the practice stage, awaiting full societal and economic commitment to move them into the profit stage. Laser fusion and satellite solar power stations are presently in transition from theory to practice.

The five conventional interstellar propulsion systems described in this section are all at the theory stage in human technological development. Each has received sufficient study to tell us that they have the basic physical and energetic feasibility to be considered for missions to the stars. All retain a number of technical uncertainties which will require significant engineering effort to overcome. Nevertheless, xenologists expect that all five propulsion systems are likely to advance at least to the practice stage within a century or less on this planet. So it is likely that these same systems also accurately represent the interstellar transport technologies of many extraterrestrial sentient races in the universe.

A sixth conventional interstellar propulsion system employing paired high-energy mass drivers for efficiently transporting massive cargoes between distant stars is briefly described in Section 21.4.1.

17.3.1 Nuclear Pulse Propulsion

Figure 17.1 Project Orion (from Dyson478)

figure 17 1 project orion 350

Figure 17.2 Nuclear Pulse Vehicle

(from Forward718,2812)

figure 17 2a nuclear pulse vehicle 350
figure 17 2b nuclear pulse vehicle 350

 Nuclear pulse vehicle 

Click for Synopsis   

Dyson’s nuclear pulse vehicle

  • 400,000-ton craft is propelled up to 3.3%c
  • Final velocity of 10,000 km/sec
  • Exhausts its bomb supply in ten days

For a simple flyby mission

  • Flight time to Proxima Centauri in 130 years

For an encounter-capture mission

  • Payload must be decelerated at the target
  • More than doubles the time of flight

Daedalus system

  • 54,000-ton craft is propelled up to 12%c
  • Probe to Proxima Centauri in 35 years with a 500-ton payload

In the 19th century Hermann Ganswindt proposed the use of a series of gun powder charges behind a vessel to propel it into space.2762 The concept of nuclear pulse propulsion, the modern extension of this basic idea, was developed under USAF contract at Gulf General Atomic during the years 1958-1965.

Project Orion

Consists of five distinct parts:

  • Hemispheric ablation shield
  • (or "pusher plate")
  • Enormous shock absorber
  • Bomb ejection mechanism
  • The bomb magazine
  • Payload at the front end
Project Orion

Dubbed "Project Orion" by the scientists who worked on it, the system operates by tossing out a nuclear bomb, exploding it astern of the ship, and absorbing part of the momentum of the resulting debris. The rocket thus consists of at least five distinct parts: An hemispheric ablation shield or "pusher plate," an enormous shock absorber, a mechanism for ejecting the bombs, the bomb magazine, and finally the payload at the front end. Small test models using steel pusher plates and TNT charges were successfully flown during the experimental phase of Project Orion, but the work was shelved after the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty entered into force late in 1963. (The Treaty prohibits the explosion of nuclear devices in the atmosphere or in space.)

Freeman J. Dyson of the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton, New Jersey, who worked on Project Orion, described a prototype model of a space vehicle utilizing the principle of nuclear pulse propulsion.476 His "Ablation Space Ship" has a total mass of 400,000 metric tons, consisting of 300,000 tons of one-megaton H-bombs (weighing 1000 kg each), 50,000 tons of structure and payload, and 50,000 tons of ablation shield. The pusher plate construction is such that about 30 meters/second forward velocity are imparted to the vessel with each explosion. A smooth 1-gee acceleration is maintained by the detonation of one bomb every three seconds, which requires a shock absorber stroke length of about 75 meters (Figure 17.1).

Dyson’s nuclear pulse vehicle exhausts its bomb supply in ten days, having reached a final velocity of 10,000 km/sec (about 3.3%c). The flight time from Earth to Proxima Centauri would then be 130 years for a simple flyby mission. For an encounter-capture mission the payload must be decelerated at the target, which more than doubles the time of flight for a vehicle of this size.

Daedalus starprobe

More efficient variants of the nuclear pulse technique have been suggested in recent times (Figure 17.2), particularly the idea of igniting tiny deuterium pellets instead of huge bombs behind the ship. Ignition would be achieved using pulsed laser beam fusion2751,2752 or heavy ion or electron beam fusion.2764 This latter technique has been selected for use in the Daedalus starprobe, an interstellar vehicle designed as part of a feasibility study sponsored by the British Interplanetary Society during 1975-1977.2953 In the Daedalus system, a 54,000-ton craft is propelled up to 12%c using a stream of frozen deuterium/helium-3 pellets which are zapped by a megavolt electron gun 250 times a second. The designers claim that the probe should be able to reach Proxima Centauri in 35 years with a 500-ton payload.2761

17.3.2 Controlled Fusion Rocket

Montage of fusion-powered interplanetary

spacecraft concepts from 1987-2004 (from Wikipedia)

fusion powered montage interplanetary spacecraft 1987 2004 400

Theoretically, a fusion-powered
starship could be fueled by
hydrogen isotopes drained from
the atmosphere of Jupiter or
from the icy rings of Saturn.

Another highly promising starship propulsion system is the technique of using a controlled, continuous thermonuclear fusion reaction as the main power source. Because of the tremendous temperatures involved (upwards of 10,000,000 K), no known material can physically contain a fusion reaction. Magnetic fields therefore must be used to contain, compress, and heat the plasma fusion fuel (hydrogen, deuterium, tritium, etc.). Scientists are currently engaged in designing and testing various "magnetic bottle" configurations strong enough to hold such an energetic plasma, in connection with electrical power generation at major fusion research facilities around the world.

Magnetic bottle

The biggest problem is to make the magnetic bottle leakproof enough so that fusion reactions occur in sufficient abundance for the process to become self-sustaining. In terms of propulsion, however, a leaky bottle is exactly what is required. Hot plasma, energized by fusion energy, streams rapidly from the site of the "leak" and produces the desired rocket thrust.

According to Dr. Robert L. Forward, Senior Scientist at Hughes Research Laboratories, a deuterium fusion rocket capable of a steady 1-gee acceleration and consisting 90% of fuel (by mass) could reach a final velocity of 10%c.718 This would mean a travel time to Proxima Centauri of 45 years. Theoretically, a fusion-powered starship could be fueled by hydrogen isotopes drained from the atmosphere of Jupiter or from the icy rings of Saturn, and writer Alan Bond has estimated that a 10 light-year mission could be completed in 60 years.1159

Waste X-rays

One major problem to be overcome from a practical standpoint is to learn how to deal with the various forms of energy released by a fusion engine. Only about 20% of the energy liberated by nuclear reactions appears as kinetic energy — direct propulsive thrust — in the leaking plasma stream. Ten percent is thrown off as heat and ultraviolet radiation, but the lion’s share (70%) is released as X-rays. G.L. Matloff and H.H. Chiu have suggested that this energy may be reclaimed by using an auxiliary laser thruster surrounding the fusion reaction chamber.2754 Waste X-rays, absorbed by, say, xenon-doped gas in the laser, are converted into a collimated light beam which serves as a photon thruster.*

Futuristic propulsive energy systems

* A wide variety of related but "futuristic" propulsive energy systems may be possible. These may include:

  • Condensed cold neutron reactions
  • Pion fusion (which has been demonstrated experimentally)
  • Muon catalysis fusion,2737
  • Hawking black hole induced fusion1947
  • Compact monopole fusor and energy storage devices or magnetic monopole metamatter.1224
  • Fission rockets are not ruled out2758
  • High-energy superpropellants such as monatomic hydrogen, metallic hydrogen,2684 cryogenic metastable triplet helium (stores 0.5 megajoule/gram) may be available.2736
17.3.3 Interstellar Ramjet

Figure 17.3 Bussard Interstellar Ramjet2812

figure 17 3a bussard interstellar ramjet 350
figure 17 3b bussard interstellar ramjet 350
The Bussard ramjet is perhaps the
most intensively scrutinized potential
interstellar propulsion system.

The interstellar ramjet, first proposed by Dr. Robert W. Bussard at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory in 1960, is a propulsion system which acquires energy and reaction mass from the surrounding medium.2766 Using some combination of electric and magnetic fields, the ramjet scoops up ionized interstellar gases to fuel its fusion rockets. This eliminates the need to carry large masses of fuel on board. Conventional chemical or nuclear rockets must be used to accelerate the starrammer up to about l-5%c, the threshold velocity at which the ramscoop mechanism becomes reasonably efficient.

The forward scoop would be immense (Figure 17.3). Bussard originally calculated that a 1000-ton vehicle would require a funnel diameter of 3600 kilometers to achieve a one-gee acceleration in normal interstellar space (~1 H-atom/cm3). In regions of dense hydrogen clouds, with perhaps 103 atoms/cm3, the ramscoop diameter could be as small as 120 kilometers. Theoretically, the acceleration could be maintained indefinitely, making possible the circumnavigation of the entire universe in less than a human lifetime.2755

Such monstrous scoops, of course, need not be constructed of physical materials. Most probably electromagnetic fields will suffice. To generate such fields, A.J. Fennelly of Yeshiva University and G.L. Matloff of the Polytechnic Institute of New York proposed in 1974 an annular copper cylinder coated with a layer of superconducting tin-niobium alloy (Nb3Sn).1454 The device would be rather modest in size (as starships go), measuring 400 meters in length and 800 meters in diameter. Energized with electrical current, an electromagnetic scoop with an effective diameter of 10kilometers would be generated. For braking at the destination, a drogue chute made of boron (noted for its high melting point) about 10 km in diameter is recommended. (An electrically charged wire mesh would give sufficient drag without being destroyed by erosion.1066,1061)

As if to underscore the tremendous engineering difficulties involved in scoop design, Fennelly and Matloff announced in 1976 their original device was simplistic and probably would not work:

It is not possible, we have found, to design such a scoop. The {forces} induced … stress a scoop beyond the elastic limit of the substrate material and shear the superconductor to such an extent that it will be driven to a normally resistive state, with a subsequent catastrophe from the almost instantaneous Joule heating.1615

Nevertheless, assert the authors gamely, "we have hope that further analysis will lead to feasible scoop designs with some type of electromagnetic field to give a large scoop effective radius." It is now believed that a mixed electrostatic/electromagnetic field design will give the best results. (See Matloff,2759 Matloff and Fennelly,2766 and Powell.2760)

By adding "wings" to the starrammer, travel times may be cut in half.2782 Explains one writer:

The wings are two great superconducting batteries, each a kilometer square. Cutting the lines of the galactic magnetic field, they generate voltages which can be tapped for exhaust acceleration, for magnetic bottle containers for the power reaction, and for inboard electricity. With thrust shut off, they act as auxiliary brakes, much shortening the deceleration period. When power is drawn at different rates on either side, they provide maneuverability — majestically slow, but sufficient — almost as if they were huge oars.2180

Collateral design and operational problems

The Bussard ramjet is perhaps the most intensively scrutinized potential interstellar propulsion system. As a result, scientists are beginning to call attention to collateral problems involved in the design and operation of ramscoop vehicles.1155 One objection voiced by John Fishback in 1969 is fundamental.1461 He points out that the section of the starship which contains the sources of the magnetic scoop fields must be strong enough to withstand the forces generated by those fields. As the starcraft goes faster and faster, the required field strengths also increase. Since materials are limited by their maximum tensile strength, at some point the acceleration of the vehicle will have to be reduced to avoid the breakdown of its structure caused by the pressure of magnetic forces.1462

For realistic building materials, this cut-off velocity at which further acceleration must be drastically curtailed occurs at about 99.999998%c. This is high enough to be of no practical significance for galactic travel at 1 gee, but may prove restrictive for higher acceleration rammers or for starships on intergalactic missions.

Micron-sized frozen deuterium pellets
are accelerated electrostatically or
electromagnetically out into space several
years prior to the launching of a standard
Bussard ramjet having a comparatively
small scoop cross-section (perhaps it
would be just a simple physical structure,
such as a giant funnel).
The starrammer could then collect a more
concentrated fuel en route simply
by staying on the "runway."
Finicky hydrogen

Another major difficulty, noted by Bussard and many others since, is that the proton-proton nuclear reaction is a poor candidate for fusion rockets. Most of the gas likely to be scooped up by the interstellar ramjet will be ordinary hydrogen, and hydrogen is very finicky when it comes to fusion. Deuterium reactions have a cross-section roughly twenty orders of magnitude greater, but this heavy isotope of hydrogen is relatively rare in the interstellar medium.

Catalytic nuclear ramjet

Recently, Daniel P. Whitmire has suggested the concept of a catalytic nuclear ramjet to overcome this problem.1471 In Whitmire’s scheme, the starship would carry on board a supply of "nuclear catalyst" consisting of carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen atoms. This fuel additive should catalyze a vastly increased reaction rate among ordinary hydrogen atoms without itself being consumed. Calculations indicate that this technique will yield a rate of fusion more reasonable from the standpoint of interstellar missions. For this scheme to succeed, of course, a workable heavy ion fusion reactor must be developed, but, in Whitmire’s words, "the difficulty seems to be of a technological rather than fundamental nature." (He also proposes the use of a bank of forward lasers to ionize neutral atoms approaching the rammer’s maw, thus greatly increasing the reaction mass available for the starship’s engines.)

Ram Augmented Interstellar Ramjet

An interesting hybrid variation of the basic ramscoop technique involves a vessel that carries its own nuclear fuel supply and exhausts the reaction products for thrust, much like a conventional fusion rocket. However, this Ram Augmented Interstellar Ramjet, or RAIR as Alan Bond of the British Aircraft Corporation calls his device, enhances its performance by scooping up atoms from the interstellar medium and using them as reaction mass rather than for energy generation.1455

In other words, fusion fuel is carried by the spaceship and additional reaction mass is collected from gas clouds through which the vessel passes. Preliminary calculations show that the RAIR design may save at least an order of magnitude of fuel savings at speeds up to 50%c, and as much as two orders of magnitude of fuel savings up to 70%c. Performance characteristics of RAIR starships have been worked out by Bond1455 and Powell.1117,1115,2769

Fusion Ramjet Runway

Two other fascinating variations on the interstellar ramjet have been proposed by Whitmire and A.A. Jackson IV.2733 The first of these is called the Fusion Ramjet Runway. Micron-sized frozen deuterium pellets are accelerated electrostatically or electromagnetically out into space several years prior to the launching of a standard Bussard ramjet having a comparatively small scoop cross-section (perhaps it would be just a simple physical structure, such as a giant funnel). The starrammer could then collect a more concentrated fuel en route simply by staying on the "runway."

Stellar Ramjet

The other suggestion, rather bizarre and considerably less likely, is the Stellar Ramjet. This vehicle accelerates up to near-optic velocity across the photosphere of a star. Whitmire and Jackson propose that the envelope of a red giant or a large protostar would be ideal for this technique. Accelerative forces would be large but not prohibitive, and biological crews should survive if they are somehow immobilized or "frozen" during the starship’s relatively brief period of acceleration.

17.3.4 Beamed Power Laser Propulsion

Figure 17.4a Beamed Power Propulsion Laser-Pushed Vehicle718

figure 17 4a beamed power propulsion laser pushed vehicle 350

Figure 17.4b Beamed Power Propulsion Laser-Pushed Vehicle718

figure 17 4b beamed power propulsion laser pushed vehicle 350

It may be best to use an
external source of energy
to achieve near-optic speeds.

We have seen that it may be best to use an external source of energy to achieve near-optic speeds. The interstellar ramjet discussed above is a good example of this technique. Another possibility is the Laser Pushed Vehicle, or LPV.122,2767

The LPV obtains its energy and momentum from a solar-system-based laser network which pushes the ship by photon reflection from an onboard mirror. Calculations indicate that a power of roughly 1014 watts delivered to a 100-ton starship should be sufficient to impart a one-gee acceleration to the craft. Focusing would be of critical importance, and it may turn out that only x-rays will have a small enough wavelength/diameter ratio to forestall gross energy wastage. Upon arrival at a destination, LPV deceleration is effected in reverse fashion with the active assistance of the receiving civilization.22

What if there is no receiving civilization? Is the Laser Pushed Vehicle strictly limited to one-way flyby missions of exploration? The answer, apparently, is no.

According to Philip Norem, a space-based laser system could be used to accelerate a starprobe up to relativistic velocities. After a while, the craft extends long wires and charges them up to high voltage. These would interact with the Galactic magnetic field, swinging the LPV around in a slow, giant arc (Figure 17.4a). The course is chosen to aim back through the target star system, but on a general heading towards Earth. The wires are discharged and reeled in; the orbital laser network is turned on again, this time functioning to decelerate the starcraft.2756

Very large space-based laser arrays would be required to carry out such a mission, perhaps as big as 250 kilometers in diameter. These should be parked in close solar orbit, drawing their power directly from the high solar flux available there. For maximum efficiency, the LPV’s mirrored "sail" should be of a size comparable to that of the laser array — perhaps 250 km wide, weighing thousands of tons even if it is very thin. Surprisingly, the laser array energy flux need not be very high to push a vehicle to relativistic speeds. Typically the beam should be no more powerful than ordinary sunlight.

Laser Powered Ramjet

A proposed hybrid system combines the best qualities of the interstellar ramjet and the laser pushed vehicle and avoids many of their disadvantages. Called the Laser Powered Ramjet, or LPR, the starcraft obtains its power from a space-based laser network and its reaction mass from the interstellar medium using an electromagnetic ramscoop. The propulsion system is greatly simplified because the LPR does not require an onboard hydrogen-burning fusion reactor motor — since all power is furnished by laser beam. Calculations suggests that the LPR may be superior to the LPV under virtually all conditions. It should also outperform the Bussard ramjet at speeds below 14%c during the acceleration phase and
at all speeds during the deceleration phase of the mission.2733

Laser Powered Rocket

Whitmire and Jackson propose two additional alternative propulsion systems that appear promising. The first of these is the Laser Powered Rocket, which differs from the LPR because it carries along its own reaction mass onboard instead of gathering it from the interstellar medium. Extraordinary energy efficiency may be possible because the exhaust velocity is controllable.2733

Particle Powered Ramjet

The second possibility may be called the Particle Powered Ramjet, which obtains its reaction mass, its fuel, or both from space-based particle accelerators: After acceleration, the particles could be neutralized by the addition of electrons or positrons to avoid coulomb spreading of the beam. The neutral particle current required would be relatively modest — for antimatter, about 105 amps to produce 1014 watts on board at low velocities. The problem seems to be collimation since there is no particle analogue to the laser.2733

17.3.5 Total Conversion Drives

Table 17.4 Black Hole Power Generation and

the Spontaneous Evaporation of Hawking Black Holes

table 17 4 black hole power generation 350
Bring together equal quantities
of matter and antimatter, allow
annihilation or "total conversion"
to take place, and then convert
the products to useful thrust.
Antimatter propulsion

The basic idea of using antimatter to power starships has been discussed in the technical and fictional literature for many decades. The most common system is the "photon drive"*: Simply bring together equal quantities of matter and antimatter, allow annihilation or "total conversion" to take place, and then convert the products to useful thrust. Gamma rays as well as high energy electrons and positrons are thrown off, but about half of the energy liberated is in the form of neutrinos which escape isotropically and are wasted.

The usual antimatter propulsion scheme thus amounts to no more than "partial conversion" with an efficiency well below 50%. Better results may perhaps be obtained by using cold or "frozen" positronium gas as fuel. Positronium consists of pseudo-atoms in which a negatively charged electron orbits a positively charged positron (the electron’s antiparticle) — this has been observed experimentally. As the fuel is warmed, electron and positron annihilate, producing a pure beam of gamma radiation. Eugene Sänger proposes using an electron gas reflector to focus and direct the photonic jet.2840 Alan Bond estimates that a million-ton starship with a mass ratio (fueled/unfueled, by weight) of 7.4 and an acceleration of one gee could reach 60%c.1159

Dr. D.D. Papailiou at Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena claims that for missions to nearby stars optic exhaust velocities are not necessary. A far more efficient technique is to use a small amount of antimatter to energize a large amount of ordinary matter. Preliminary calculations by Papailiou show that a mass ratio of 5.0 and a 2% charge of antimatter (by weight) is optimal to achieve a probe coast velocity of 33%c.2757

So if we wanted to launch a 10-ton starship on an encounter-capture mission, we must built a top stage of 51 tons — the 10-ton probe, 40 tons of ordinary matter, and 1 ton of antimatter — to obtain a mass ratio of 5. This stage serves to decelerate the probe at its destination. To get it there, we will need a 205-ton bottom stage — 200 tons of ordinary matter and 5 tons of antimatter — in order to accelerate the top stage up to 33%c. Delivery of a 10-ton space probe with a coasting speed of 33%c to another star system thus requires a total ship mass of about 256 tons, of which 6 tons are antimatter.

Antimatter Ramjet

A related scheme is the Antimatter Ramjet, which gathers normal matter in the forward scoop primarily as reaction mass. In a manner similar to Papailiou’s antimatter drive outlined above, interstellar matter would be commingled with bits of antimatter stored onboard. In this case the probe need only carry the requisite 6 tons of antimatter fuel when it leaves the planet of origin (perhaps stored in the form of frozen antihydrogen maintained a few degrees above absolute zero), and can pick up the remaining 240 tons of ordinary matter en route to its destination.

Many physicists object to the feasibility of total conversion drives such as those mentioned above because of the difficulty today of generating macroscopic quantities of antimatter. But the problems of creation and control should not prove insuperable. Writes Dr. Forward:

The present methods for producing antimatter involve the use of large accelerators which can produce a proton beam of 1015 protons per second. When such a beam collides with a target, antiprotons are produced as part of the debris. The antiproton yield of present machines is very low. However, the presently used methods are not designed for antimatter production but rather for studies in the physics of elementary particles. Rough calculations assuming special purpose high amperage colliding beam accelerators indicate that the generation of kilograms of antimatter per year is not out of the question. The containment and control of the antimatter, once made, should not be too difficult since we have a number of ways of applying forces to the antimatter without touching it. Electric fields, magnetic fields, rf fields and laser beams are all used in present day technology to levitate and control small amounts of regular matter that we do not want to contaminate. These would all be equally effective on antimatter.718

The Hawking Black Hole becomes a total
conversion engine when we start "feeding" it.
Evaporation can be indefinitely postponed
simply by shoveling in raw matter — any
matter — at an appropriate rate.
Such a device could be used to construct
an extremely high-efficiency photon drive
propulsive system.
The main problem is how to construct
an HBH in the first place.
Hawking Black Holes

Another considerably more speculative total conversion system involves so-called Hawking Black Holes (HBHs). According to Dr. Stephen H. Hawking at the University of Cambridge, all black holes (if any exist) radiate energy due to quantum mechanical "tunneling" effects. This is equivalent to mass loss, so eventually the entire corpus of the black hole "evaporates." A stellar-mass BH is very "cold" — in fact, close to absolute zero — but a low-mass HBH is extremely "hot" and prone to explosive evaporation.2021 For instance, a million-ton HBH should radiate about 1018 watts at a temperature of about 1015 K, and will take about one year to finish evaporating.

The HBH becomes a total conversion engine when we start "feeding" it. Evaporation can be indefinitely postponed simply by shoveling in raw matter — any matter — at an appropriate rate (Table 17.4). Such a device could be used to construct an extremely high-efficiency photon drive propulsive system. The main problem is how to construct an HBH in the first place. Dr. John A. Wheeler estimates that a black hole of mass 10kilograms might be generated artificially by the controlled thermonuclear fusion implosion of approximately 5 × 1013 kg of deuterium.2022 This involves the handling of some 5 × 1028 joules of energy, which looks like a job for an ambitious mature Type II civilization or an early Type III galactic society.

* Acceleration A (m/sec2) of a perfect photon rocket of mass M (kg) and power output P (watts) is given by: A = 2P/Mc, where c is the speed of light (3 × 108 m/sec).

17.4 Exotic Propulsion Systems
17.4.0 Exotic Propulsion Systems
john masefield

The exotic interstellar propulsion systems discussed in this section are all at the "idea" stage in human technological development. There is no guarantee that any or all of them can be made to work. A few have some theoretical support, but many do not.

Nevertheless, xenologists deem them important because of the likelihood that some may have advanced to the "profit" stage of exploitation in at least a few extraterrestrial Type II or Type III technological civilizations.

17.4.1 Gravity Catapults
A starship approaches a binary star
system whose members are both
white dwarfs orbiting each other
at close range.
Swinging in very near to one star on
the proper trajectory, the starcraft
benefits from gravitational slingshot
or Newtonian "gravity whip" effect.
The vessel withdraws orbital energy
from the stellar pair.
The most speculative gravity machine
of all is the Smoke Ring Catapult,
which consists of a rotating torus
of dense matter (such as neutronium)
turning inside out like a smoke ring.
Relativity theory predicts a force
in the direction of the rotation,
so a starship fired through the center
of the massive hoop could be kicked
up to very high velocities — depending
upon the rotational energy of the torus.

It is possible to conceive of "machines" that are capable of pushing a body, using gravitational force, up to fairly impressive suboptic velocities. These devices violate no known basic laws of physics, but it's difficult to see how to do the required engineering.

Contact Binary Catapult

The most "conventional" of these, first discussed by Freeman Dyson, has been called the Contact Binary Catapult.1023 A starship approaches a binary star system whose members are both white dwarfs orbiting each other at close range. By swinging in very near to one star on the proper trajectory, the starcraft benefits from gravitational slingshot or Newtonian "gravity whip" effect. The vessel withdraws orbital energy from the stellar pair.

Dyson estimates that a system involving two 1 Msun white dwarfs could accelerate delicate and fragile objects to a velocity of 0.7%c — at about 10,000 gees. Since there are no engines or propellants, there are no physical stresses on the payload — gravity acts on all parts of a material body equally. (Tidal forces, on the order of D/80 gees where D is starship diameter in meters, should not prove troublesome.)

Dyson also considered the possibility of using a pair of orbiting neutron stars as a gravity catapult. Unfortunately, they cannot exist! A neutron star binary would radiate away all of its orbital energy as gravitational radiation in less than 2 seconds. The two objects would coalesce almost immediately with a spectacular "gravity flash" at a frequency of about 200 Hz.

Black Hole Catapult

A more exotic technique is the Black Hole Catapult. This scheme requires that and find a rotating black hole (stellar mass) somewhere in space, then travel around it in the direction of spin very near to the equator. Besides losing a lot of time because of General Relativistic time dilation effects, some of the BH’s rotational energy would be converted to linear kinetic energy of the star ship. There would be a substantial increase in velocity. Tidal forces during transit will be rather extreme — about 500 million gees per meter — but apparently there are tricks with dense masses in a space vehicle that can be used to cancel the tides.2014 A Neutron Star Catapult is also possible, with similar effects.1099

Smoke Ring Catapult

The most speculative gravity machine of all is the Smoke Ring Catapult, which consists of a rotating torus of dense matter (such as neutronium) turning inside out like a smoke ring.2739 Relativity theory predicts a force in the direction of the rotation, so a starship fired through the center of the massive hoop could be kicked up to very high velocities — depending upon the rotational energy of the torus.

17.4.2 Antigravity and Reactionless Field Drives
A negative mass at rest beside a positive
mass would begin to accelerate.
Why should this be so? The negative
mass (which repels all matter) would
pus on the positive mass, but the
positive mass (which attracts all matter)
would pull on the negative mass.
If the two objects "weigh" the same,
they will chase each other and will
neither separate nor collide.
Energy and momentum is conserved,
since they each sum to zero.

Over the years the theme of antigravity and inertialess propulsion systems have been widely discussed, mostly in the fictional or pseudoscientific literature.

  • From H.G. Well’s cavorite gravity screen in his First Men in the Moon,
  • To such questionable propositions as the Biefield-Brown effect,137
  • Blackett’s Spin-Magnetic Coupling Theory1194 (which apparently inspired the late science fictioneer James Blish to write Cities in Flight with its "spindizzy drive"2809),
  • F. B. Hli’s Theory of Electrogravitics (see the lively debate in Cashmore and Gordon,1197,1199 Hli,1196 Hli and Okress,1201 Johnson and Hli,1198 and Okress1202),
  • Leonard G. Cramp’s G Field Theory,755
  • And of course the infamous Dean Drive (see Adams,2859 Campbell,1361 Cuff,2773 Davis,1371 Jueneman,2807 Klotz et al,2772 Pournelle,2806 and Stine2771), the idea has enjoyed a colorful and vituperative history.
  • A number of U.S. patents have been issued on supposed antigravity machines.2773
  • Even Einstein himself spent the last thirty years of his life searching for a unified field theory that would relate gravity and electromagnetism, and the search continues apace today.2774
Negative matter

To construct a gravity screen would theoretically require the ability to achieve gravitational polarization of matter.16 This would imply the existence of two very different kinds of matter — positive mass, which is attracted towards the Earth, and negative mass, which is repelled. At one time it was believed that antimatter might turn out to have negative gravitational mass,2692 but most physicists would dispute this today.1314,2952

Yet the search for negative mass continues. So far as we know there is no experimental evidence for negative matter, although it does appear in several solutions to the field equations in General Relativity. Papers by A.K. Raychaudhuri1521 and R. Mignani and E. Recami1519 suggest that tachyons may experience a gravitational repulsion to ordinary mass and thus may be interpretable as "negative matter," although because of their imaginary masses they will still fall towards a positive mass.

Besides gravity shields, negative masses, if they exist, could be employed directly for propulsion. A negative mass at rest beside a positive mass would begin to accelerate. Why should this be so? The negative mass (which repels all matter) would push on the positive mass, but the positive mass (which attracts all matter) would pull on the negative mass1190 If the two objects "weigh" the same, they will chase each other and will neither separate nor collide. Energy and momentum is conserved, since they each sum to zero.

A related concept is the idea of inertia control.
■ Gravitational mass
   represents the force of gravity
■ Inertial mass
   represents the force of physical acceleration.
The Eotvos experiment demonstrated that
the two kinds of mass are identical out to
eleven decimal places.

Presumably the negative mass could be created out of empty space if a positive mass of equal "weight" was created simultaneously. The net energy cost would be zero, since (-m)c2 + (+m)c2 = 0. To achieve reasonable starship accelerations, compact masses with densities like black holes should be used. Dr. Robert Forward elaborates:

What we really want to do is make a dense negative mass and a dense positive mass down in the engine room. We’d just pull them out of empty space, put a charge on the positive one and couple it with the spacecraft with electric fields. Now we have the two masses down in the engine room; they’re probably about 10-23 cm across and they weigh a little more than the spacecraft. The positive one is coupled to the spacecraft and the negative one pushes the positive one which pushes the spacecraft. Our vehicle’s acceleration can be as high as we can tolerate.2014

Inertial mass

A related concept is the idea of inertia control. Gravitational mass represents the force of gravity, and inertial mass represents the force of physical acceleration. The Eotvos experiment demonstrated that the two kinds of mass are identical out to eleven decimal places, under normal terrestrial conditions. But suppose we (or clever aliens) could arrange abnormal conditions which would allow the inertial mass of a chunk of matter to vary. When inertia is decreased, the same force imparts a higher acceleration; as inertial mass is brought close to zero, tiny forces would be able to produce huge accelerations. Lowering the inertial mass of fusion rocket propellant tanks would eliminate most of the normal constraints on lengthy interstellar missions for such vehicles.

Figure 17.5 Three Possible Antigravity Machines2014

Special Relativistic Antigravity Machine

Newton’s law of gravity does not obey Special Relativity. However, a "linearized" version of Einstein’s gravity theory (General Relativity) does. In this version, a mass flow gives rise to a "protational field" much as a charge flow gives rise to a "magnetic field" in conventional physics. This is called the "Lense-Thirring Effect."

The Special Relativistic Antigravity Machine is a torus wrapped in helical tubing. A dense mass flow is rapidly circulated through this tubing, causing a protational field to arise along the circumferential axis of the torus.

Just as a changing magnetic field generates an electric field, a changing protational field should generate a unidirectional gravity field. This field, directed upwards, would cancel planetary gravity and provide vertical propulsion.

General Relativistic Antigravity Machine

According to Einstein’s General Relativity theory, the presence of mass in a flat spacetime will cause that space to become curved. Mass is intimately connected with space — a rotating mass causes spacetime to "rotate" too.

The General Relativistic Antigravity Machine consists of a torus of dense mass which is turning inside-out like a smoke ring. A mass with this motion, according to Einstein’s theory, "drags the metric" through the center of the torus. Unidirectional general relativistic forces arise which are equivalent to gravity, and may be used to neutralize planetary surface gravity or as a space propulsion system.

Inertia Redistribution Antigravity Machine

While not widely accepted by theoretical physicists, there is a theory that the inertia possessed by all matter is a "tensor" quantity — that is, a multidimensional vector. In other words, inertia is not just a simple quantity but rather must be measured in the three separate directions of normal space.

The Inertia Redistribution Antigravity Machine does not destroy inertia or convert it into energy, but merely redistributes it in different directions. The starship to which the device is attached becomes "heavier" in the horizontal plane (thus imparting navigational stability) and "lighter" in the vertical direction. An object with minuscule inertial mass in one direction can be accelerated to fantastic velocities with negligible force.

Three other antigravity machines have been discussed by Robert Forward which involve no violations of the basic and established laws of physics (Figure 17.5).

Special Relativistic Antigravity Machine

The first of these, which he calls the Special Relativistic Antigravity Machine, involves a mathematical analogy between gravitational and electric fields.2740 A "linearization" of General Relativity gives a version of Newtonian mechanics which obeys Special Relativity. (Classical Newtonian mechanics does not.) In electromagnetism, something called charge is surrounded by a spherically symmetric electric field. In gravitation, something called mass is surrounded by a spherically symmetric gravity field. It may be said that the simple Newtonian gravity field is the gravitational analogue to the electric field.

Lense-Thirring Effect

The linearized General Relativity theory provides a similar analogy to magnetic fields. Much as a magnetic field is due to the motion of an electric charge or current flow, the linearized theory suggests that a moving mass, or "mass current," will give rise to a new kind of gravity field by a mechanism known as the "Lense-Thirring Effect."2890 Scientists plan to try to measure this field as it is produced by the rotating Earth in future satellite experiments.3320

Forward calls this new field a "protational field." He claims that, based on the existence of the field, an antigravity machine might theoretically be constructed in the shape of

…a torus with a tube wrapped around it, filled with very dense matter. If we started accelerating that mass flow through the tube around the torus, we would get a constantly increasing protational field, inside the torus. A changing protational field will create a gravity field just as a changing magnetic field will create an electric field. If we did it right, we would have an upward gravity field that could be used to cancel the field of the Earth.2014

General Relativistic Antigravity Machine

A second kind of antigravity machine suggested by Dr. Forward couples directly to "the fabric of space-time." His General Relativistic Antigravity Machine makes use of the notion that the presence of mass in a flat space-time causes a curvature, and that a rotating mass causes space-time to rotate too:

Imagine a rotating torus of dense mass, turning inside out like a smoke ring. An inside-out turning ring of very dense mass will create a force in the direction of the motion — a "dragging of the metric" as it is sometimes called. There will be general relativistic forces in the direction of the velocity of the mass. These forces are equivalent to a gravity field which again, theoretically, can be used to cancel the gravity field of the Earth.2014

And, as Willy Ley once pointed out, such a weightless body "would be squeezed out of the atmosphere by the weight of the air around it."2808

Inertia Redistribution Antigravity Machine

Finally, there is the Inertia Redistribution Antigravity Machine. The main principle behind inertia redistribution is the idea that inertia is a "tensor" quantity.2740 A tensor is just a multidimensional vector, so all this means is that we are accepting for the sake of argument the hypothesis that inertia may be a quality of matter that can be resolved into distinct directional components. That is, in our normal three-dimensional world, inertial mass becomes a three-dimensional quantity. While current experimental evidence does not support the tensor theory of inertia, if it is correct it leads to an interesting possibility for propulsion.

The main principle behind inertia redistribution
is the idea that inertia is a "tensor" quantity.
A tensor is just a multidimensional vector,
so all this means is that we are accepting for
the sake of argument the hypothesis that inertia
may be a quality of matter that can be resolved
into distinct directional components.
That is, in our normal three-dimensional world,
inertial mass becomes a three-dimensional quantity.

The Redistribution Machine does not get rid of inertial mass, but rather redistributes it so that some of it is pointing in new directions. If the machine makes the starship’s mass heavier in the horizontal plane and proportionately "lighter" in the vertical direction, a relatively tiny amount of force applied vertically would cause relatively large accelerations in that direction. The benefits are similar to those achieved using inertia control, discussed above, with the added advantage that inertia is conserved. (Note that since gravitational mass is unchanged, spacecraft will still feel the same attraction to planets and other massive bodies.)

Inertialess starships would have a number of interesting performance characteristics. Such a system must necessarily act upon every atom of the vessel in order to be effective. Far from any planet (so gravitational mass can be ignored), the inertialess craft could start and stop almost instantaneously. Since passengers have almost no inertia in the direction of flight, hideous accelerations can be tolerated (in that direction) with equanimity. For instance, if vertical/forward inertia is cut to 1% of normal and the ship accelerates at 100 gees, passengers would feel only an effective 1 gee of force. Inertialess starcraft would be virtually crashproof, since with no forward inertia people would not be thrown from their seats if an obstacle was struck. And, depending on how fast inertia can be suddenly redistributed, right-angle turns and hairpin bends should also be quite possible.

17.4.3 Tachyon Starships

Tardyons — normal matter

  • move at speeds less than the speed of light

Luxons — photons and neutrinos

  • particles which travel only at 100%c

Tachyons — unknown/undiscovered

  • particles restricted to superluminal velocities 

We have already mentioned the possibility of using tachyons for faster than-light communication. But could aliens use them for FTL space travel too?

Gerald Feinberg of Columbia University has divided all matter into three general classes:

  • Tardyons — particles which can move at any velocity less than the speed of light (normal matter)
  • Luxons — which can travel only at 100%c (photons and neutrinos)
  • Tachyons — particles restricted to superluminal velocities1492

All three classes may exist on the basis of Relativity theory.

The real technological trick will be to
discover a procedure for interconversion
which leaves undisturbed the essential
molecular relationships upon which life
and physical structure are based.
Coherent interconversion

If we desire to travel at hyperoptic velocities and achieve "true" FTL, somehow our starship must be converted from tardyon matter into tachyon matter at the start of the journey and then back again at the destination. While "conversion" may sound a bit like magic, actually it violates no laws of physics to presume it can be done. In fact, such conversion between classes of matter, to a limited extent, has already been verified experimentally.

Of course, no tachyons have been discovered yet. But nuclear physicists long have known that an electron and a positron, both tardyons, undergo "annihilation" when brought together with the release of two or three gamma-ray photons, which are luxons. Another example is the decay of the neutron, a tardyon, into among other things an antineutrino, which is a luxon. Still another example is "pair production," in which a gamma-ray (luxon) striking an atomic nucleus gives rise to an electron/positron pair (both tardyons). Conversion between tardyons and luxons, and back again, may be regarded as a verified physical phenomenon. There would seem to be no theoretical objection to conversion from tardyons to tachyons and vice versa, although the process may have to be moderated by luxon intermediaries.

The real technological trick will be to discover a procedure for interconversion which leaves undisturbed the essential molecular relationships upon which life and physical structure are based. Dr. Gregory Benford, nuclear physicist and science fiction writer, has suggested one highly speculative possibility in his story "Seascape":

In the laser the problem was simply to produce a coherent state — to make all the excited atoms emit a photon at the same time. Okawa reasoned that the same problem appeared in the faster-than-light drive. If all the particles in the ship did not flip into their tachyon states at the same time, they would all have vastly different velocities and the ship in one grinding instant would tear itself apart. Okawa’s achievement lay in finding a technique for placing all the ship’s atoms in excited tachyon states so that they could all be triggered at the same instant; the particles of the ship Jumped together, coherently. … All this was accomplished by maximizing the cross section for transition from real particle to tachyon. Complex modulated electromagnetic waves controlled the transition through microelectronic components, which operated on the scale of atomic dimensions.

Quantum mechanics predicts that it is
possible for particles to pass through
energy barriers which would otherwise
be "too high" for them to surmount.
Presumably, if we can get up close enough
to the lightspeed barrier, it may be possible
to "tunnel" across into tachyonland.
The starship will then have to lose energy
to go faster.
Quantum mechanical tunneling

Another conversion technique involves the use of the concept of quantum mechanical "tunneling." Quantum mechanics predicts that it is possible for particles to pass through energy barriers which would otherwise be "too high" for them to surmount. (This, in fact, is Hawking’s explanation for the evaporation of black holes.) Using the tunnel effect, a particle with insufficient energy to pass "over" a barrier instead passes "through" it. This peculiar behavior has been verified in the laboratory, and is exploited in modern electronic devices (e.g., tunnel diodes) as components in computer circuits.

Presumably, if we can get up close enough to the lightspeed barrier, it may be possible to "tunnel" across into tachyonland. The starship will then have to lose energy to go faster.

Complex "something" in "mass space"

A third technique for achieving superluminal tachyonic starflight has been suggested by Dr. Forward. Mathematicians have long known that certain wave phenomena can be represented by "complex numbers." A complex number is a two-dimensional quantity, having a real dimension and an "imaginary" dimension. (Recall our earlier discussion of the imaginary mass of tachyons.) Electronics engineers regularly use complex numbers to describe the behavior of alternating current (AC) circuits.

If physical mass can be represented mathematically as a complex "something" in "mass space," then objects in that space may be able to rotate to new orientations along the real and imaginary coordinate axes. Since tachyons have imaginary mass, a full 90o rotation would correspond to a conversion to tachyons. Says Forward:

Since we want the mass to be imaginary, we would have to get our spaceship off the real-line in that complex space and onto the imaginary-line. This would require that we make a right angle turn in mass space. When we do that, our ship becomes a tachyon.2014

Sights along the hyperoptic journey

Finally, what would tachyonic astronauts see during their hyperoptic journey? The tardyon and tachyon universes seem to possess symmetric equivalence, an intuitive observation borne out by careful mathematical reasoning.2770 Consequently, travelers in tachyonland should observe what appears to be another tardyonic universe (assuming there is as much tachyonic mass as tardyonic mass in all the cosmos). That is, a tardyon starship moving at 50%c in our universe which suddenly converts into tachyons will be traveling at an effective 200%c relative to our universe; but in the tachyon regime, where the vessel really is, it will still appear to be moving only at 50%c.

17.4.4 Momentum Interconversion Drives

Terran scientists know:

  • Electricity and magnetism are interchangeable
  • Mass and energy are interchangeable
  • Space and time are interchangeable
  • Angular and linear momentum may be similarly related  

Λ = (hG/2πc3)1/2 = 1.6 × 10-35 meters

  • The interconversion of only 45 billion atoms
  • — about 0.1 picograms of hydrogen —
  • Sufficient to propel a 100-ton starship at l%c

Terran scientists already know that electricity and magnetism are interchangeable, based on the work of James Clerk Maxwell in the 19th century. Mass and energy are too, according to Albert Einstein, as well as space and time. It is not unreasonable to hypothesize that angular and linear momentum may be similarly related.

Elusive physical constant

If such interconversion were possible, theory has it that some fundamental physical constant would be required, having the dimensions of length, to balance the mathematical equation involved. According to John Wheeler,2741 one of the fundamental constants of nature is the Planck length, written Λ, based on the Planck constant (h), the universal gravitation constant (G), and the speed of light (c).*

Robert Forward suggests that if we use the Planck length a suitable interconversion formula may be derived: Angular momentum (L) equals linear momentum (p) times the Planck length, or L = pΛ. Using this purely hypothetical relationship, it is simple to calculate that the destruction of a unit spin from a single tiny atom (about 10-34 kg-m2/sec) would yield 6.6 kg-m/sec of linear momentum. This means 6.6 kilograms of mass moving at 1 meter/second. The interconversion of only 45 billion atoms — about 0.1 picograms of hydrogen — would thus be sufficient to propel a 100-ton starship at l%c.

Stress-energy-momentum-mass tensor

The above scheme, of course, requires the violation of conservation of linear and angular momentum. This difficulty may be made somewhat more palatable in the following way. Physicists recognize that the source of gravity in General Relativity theory is what is called the "stress-energy-momentum-mass tensor." That is, mass alone isn’t the only source of gravity. Kinetic energy, stress energy, linear and angular momentum also contribute to the field.

We already know that mass and energy can be interconverted, according to the relation E = mc2. It may turn out to be possible to interconvert everything in the stress-energy tensor, perhaps according to an equation like E = mc2 = pc = Lc/Λ. Vast amounts of propulsive energy would become available. Says Forward:

If we took one unit of spin which is 10-34 units of angular momentum (very small), we would get 6.6 kg-m/sec of linear momentum or 10-8 kg of mass or, equivalently, 109 joules of energy — all from one atom.2014

* The formula Wheeler gives is: Λ = (hG/2πc3)1/2 = 1.6 × 10-35 meters.

17.4.5 Statistical Transport
In the Uncertainty Theory, a particle
cannot be said to have a fixed position
in space but has a very small, though finite,
probability of being anywhere in the universe.
All you had to do, therefore, to get an
instantaneous mode of transport was
to manipulate the Heisenberg equations
until you were more likely to be somewhere
else than where you started, and — presto!
Starships using the Heisenberg Drive "move"
by going from maximum probability
of existence at one position in the universe,
through universality, to maximum probability
of existence at another position elsewhere.

The mysterious, often apparently "magical" results of modern quantum physics have enticed many writers to try their hand at devising propulsion systems based on the principles of quantum mechanics and statistical thermodynamics. Most of these fall reliably into two general categories: Bootstrap Drives and Heisenberg Drives.

Bootstrap Drive

To visualize a Bootstrap Drive, consider a cylindrical vessel filled with ordinary gas. Although each of the molecules is rushing madly about at speeds in the kilometer/second range, the net effect of trillions of particles darting in random directions is a wash-out. The molecule motions are averaged out over the walls of the container, yielding a net system velocity of zero.

About half a century ago, the late John W. Campbell, Jr. suggested that it might be possible to devise an external field that would induce the molecules subject to its influence to assume the highly improbable state of collective upward motion.1110 Much of scientific experimentation involves the judicious rearrangement of probabilities to achieve desired results, so this idea is certainly not impossible. The result would be a reactionless Bootstrap Drive that could be used to propel spaceships to other worlds.

Miniscule probabilities

It is fairly clear that the technology to achieve a bootstrap effect will not be trivial. The magnitude of the difficulty may be made plain with a fairly simple example. Imagine a pan containing a liter of water, placed on a stove that can bring it to a full boil in 15 minutes. Our experiment consists simply of heating the liter of water to the boiling point over and over again. According to the laws of statistical thermodynamics, there is a very small but nonzero probability that during one experimental cycle the molecules will spontaneously arrange themselves in crystalline form — that is, freeze instead of boil. But calculations show that this event is so improbable that it is expected to occur only once in every 1010,000,000,000,000,000,000 years, assuming 15 minute cycles. Clearly, to enhance such miniscule probabilities will not be easy.

But if it could be done, the Bootstrap Drive would permit a container of gases to move on its own without the ejection of any reaction mass. The ship would rise up, so to speak, by tugging on its own bootstraps. In normal operation, the Bootstrap Drive would give up thermal energy and become very cold. To maintain the propulsive force, it should be necessary to supply additional energy to the system in the form of heat.

Heisenberg Drive

In the 1940s Campbell also came up with a number of starship propulsion system designs operating on Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle in quantum mechanical theory. Arthur C. Clarke describes the functioning of the Heisenberg Drive:

In the Uncertainty Theory, a particle cannot be said to have a fixed position in space but has a very small, though finite, probability of being anywhere in the universe. All you had to do, therefore, to get an instantaneous mode of transport was to manipulate the Heisenberg equations until you were more likely to be somewhere else than where you started, and — presto!1110

In essence, starships using the Heisenberg Drive "move" by going from maximum probability of existence at one position in the universe, through universality, to maximum probability of existence at another position elsewhere.2642

17.4.6 Black Holes and Space Warps

Figure 17.6 Using Black Holes for Interstellar Travel

The Wormhole

In the Einstein-Rosen model of the nonrotating black hole, a wormhole connects portions of two separate flat-space-time universes. This wormhole, called the Einstein-Rosen Bridge, may be interpreted either as connecting two distinct universes or as joining two distant points in the universe of origin. According to this theory, starships passing through the event horizon of a black hole would find the curvature of space-time growing less severe, eventually emerging through a "white hole" in distant space.2954

The diagram on top shows the Einstein-Rosen Bridge as it might connect two distant points in the same universe. The event horizon lies at the center of the wormhole.

The diagram on the bottom is an "unfolded" version of the Bridge, for those who would rather view universal space-time as essentially flat.

The two are mathematically equivalent

Kruskal Diagram for Rotating Black Holes

The figure at right represents a possible space-time configuration of a rotating black hole, using "Kruskal coordinates." There are now two event horizons instead of one, so there are three classes of space./p>

  • It is possible to reach other universes like ours by selecting the correct trajectory upon entering the black hole. (Trip C)
  • A collision with the ring singularity is possible. (Trip B)
  • Cowardly astronauts can avoid the black hole altogether. (Trip A)
  • Some "Type I" universes cannot be reached at all until tachyonic star travel is permitted .(Trip D)
Folded Kruskal diagram

The Kruskal diagram of the Kerr solution to the equations describing rotating black holes may be folded cylindrically as shown in the diagram at right.

  • Using this interpretation of the wormhole caused by a rotating BH, a starship is theoretically capable of circumnavigating the entire Kruskal space-time and returning to the universe of origin anywhere in space and anywhen in time.
  • This would appear to violate causality and permit time travel.

Severe gravitational distortion of space-time offers several scientifically plausible mechanisms for extremely fast interstellar communication and travel.2798 Dr. John A. Wheeler of Princeton University has predicted the existence of "wormholes" — a warpage of free space — based on his own version of General Relativity which has come to be known as geometrodynanics.2741

Wheeler wormholes should be exceedingly small (subatomic dimensions, say, about 10-35 meters). They would allow point-to-point linkages of all locales in the universe; pointlike particles, such as electrons, could be used to communicate without traversing the intervening space. Wheeler draws an analogy to the sea:

Space is like an ocean which looks flat to the aviator who flies above it, but which is a tossing turmoil to the hapless butterfly which falls upon it. Regarded more and more closely, it shows more and more agitation, until … the entire structure is permeated everywhere with worm-holes Geometrodynamic law forces on all space this foam-like character.77

J.C. Graves and D.R. Brill at Princeton have shown that electric field lines threaded through the throat of a wormhole may prevent it from closing.2777 Such a tunnel in space should stay open indefinitely, allowing particles of matter to pass through to known destinations. Wormholes may connect a vast number of alternative universes at the subatomic level.2778

Rotating black holes

Black holes, predicted in 1939 by Oppenheimer using General Relativity theory, are concentrations of mass so dense that even light cannot escape the tremendous gravitational pull. Stellar-mass BHs are typically several kilometers in diameter. The standard black hole model predicts a "singularity" at dead center, a point at which density becomes infinite, This collapse of physical laws as we know them, fortunately, is hidden from view behind an event horizon — the surface below which photons cannot escape.

However, in the case of a rotating black hole things are quite different. According to relativistic solutions first obtained by R.P. Kerr in 1963, the singularity is no longer a point but has expanded into a ring.2742 Many theorists believe that the region lying in the disk of the ring singularity may be a gateway to other universes or to our own universe at a different point in space and time. Rotating BHs have two event horizons instead of one, passage through which by a starship may involve such peculiar phenomena as negative mass effects and time running in reverse.2746 The Kruskal Diagram illustrated in Figure 17.6 shows one interpretation of possible trajectories through a rotating black hole assuming a Kerr spacetime metric.2747

A few writers have offered fabulous accounts of galactic commerce among sentient extraterrestrial races, using black holes as the entry gates to a kind of hyperspatial subway system.* Says astronomer Carl Sagan:

I can imagine, although it is the sheerest speculation, a federation of societies in the galaxy that have established a black hole rapid-transit system. A vehicle is rapidly routed through an interlaced network of black holes to the black hole nearest its destination. … Great civilizations might grow up near the black holes, with the planets farthest from them being designated as farm worlds, ecological preserves, vacations and resorts, specialty manufacturers, outposts for poets and musicians, and retreats for those who do not cherish big city life. In such a galaxy the individuality of the constituent cultures is preserved but a common galactic heritage established and maintained. Long travel times make trivial contact difficult, but the black hole network makes important contact possible.15

Folded Kruskal diagram

There are a number of practical difficulties associated with the use of BHs as an interstellar rapid-transit system. First, there is the problem of navigation. Until you jump into a black hole, you don’t really know where you will end up. Once you emerge at your destination (from a "white hole"), it is difficult to know how to get back. Many theories predict that it may be impossible to return. If you have entered another universe, the journey is probably irreversible and strictly one-way; if you have remained in your own universe, it would be an extraordinary stroke of luck to find another rotating BH in the immediate vicinity whose exit terminus happens to lie near the original starting point.

Tidal forces are yet another problem. Astronauts venturing even within a few hundred kilometers of a stellar-mass black hole would be savagely ripped apart by the simultaneous squeezing and stretching forces which would amount to hundreds of gees. While it may be possible to compensate for these effects by using special arrangements of ultradense matter within the starship structure, it may be better instead to search for supermassive black holes. Several theoretical physicists have proposed that gigantic BHs may exist at the center of many galaxies — possibly even our own — with masses ranging from 106-1010 solar masses. Surprisingly, such monstrous objects need be no more dense than air, and tidal forces would be measured in milligees rather than megagees at the event horizon.

Catastrophe theory, first devised by French mathematician Rene Thom more than a decade ago,2800 offers a totally new conceptual variation on the theme of space warp drives. Catastrophe theory is a controversial new mathematical tool for examining highly discontinuous events — such as bridges buckling, sudden economic depressions, rapid emotional changes from fear to rage, and a host of other abrupt alterations in physical structures, lifeforms, and societies. The theory explains how slight changes in the initial state of a system can result in major divergence in the course of its evolution and subsequent behavior.

Since the Big Bang was a highly discontinuous event, creating a universe out of nothingness, it is quite conceivable that a catastrophe cosmology may eventually be devised. Perhaps it would involve catastrophe surfaces rather than simple spherical space-time geometry. Indeed, the coordinates need not all be spatial or temporal, but could include axes representing energy, momentum, spin, mass, charge, angular velocity, or whatever else is appropriate. If this is so, then the proper combination of fields and physical parameters could cause a packet of photons (a message) or a chunk of matter (a starship) suddenly to assume new parameters in a single, "catastrophic" leap. These new parameters might correspond to changes in energy, spatial position, or time.

* We will not here discuss the fascinating possibility of tachyonic black holes, although these have already been investigated theoretically.1520

17.4.7 Teleportation and Transporter Beams
Booth technology would also make possible a device
which Arthur C. Clarke has called the Replicator.
The Replicator has access to a vast library
of information which specifies all known physical
objects and consumer goods, and is able to
reproduce any number of exact copies of them at will.
If practical matter transmutation is also available,
bags of sand could be dumped in at one end and
Univacs and Mona Lisas would emerge from the other.
Teleportation Booth

The first type of matter transfer system we’ll consider may be called the Teleportation Booth. To travel, the subject is seated in the transmission chamber. Complete data on the composition, position, and energy states of each atom in his body are read out by means of a sophisticated scanning device, and recorded in computer memory. The original may or may not be destroyed. The data is transmitted at the speed of light (radio waves) or faster (using tachyons) to a distant receiver, which picks up the data and places it in the memory banks of a second computer. A new human body, an exact duplicate right down to the last atom, is then reconstructed using the information taken from the original. The replica emerges from the booth, indistinguishable from the original in every way.*

If you think about this scheme, what has been accomplished here is not true matter transmission but rather transmission of information about matter. There is nothing fundamentally impossible about this process. In fact, in one dimension — sound — the problem may be regarded as solved by human technology. With the very finest audio equipment, duplicated sounds can no longer be distinguished from the original variations in air pressure that caused them. Further, these "replicas" can be transmitted over vast distances by radio waves.

Television represents the solution in two dimensions. In a typical system, a sophisticated TV vidicon scanner reads the information from the surface of, say, a human face, transmits the data to distant receivers, and the image is reproduced on the picture tube. Admittedly the visual reconstructions are far from perfect, but the electronics engineers are busily working to correct that defect.

Figure 17.7 Teleportation Booths: Precursor Technology on Earth


Biostereometrics is a new scientific discipline which allows the three-dimensional measurement of living things using techniques similar to aerial mapping. The figure at right is the result of a low-resolution computer-generated optical replica of a male human body. The data stored in the computer may be used to rotate the replica to any angle or position, or to "dissect" the figure and examine any single part in greater detail.2835

CAT Scanner

As for the present state-of-the-art in examining the insides of human bodies, the "CAT Scanner" is about the best there is. Essentially an automated x-ray machine, the Scanner looks at the body in very thin slices and can detect variations of only a few percent in transmitted intensity. The photos BELOW are a Scanner record of a human female across the chest area, showing the spine, aorta, and even a small pancreatic cyst just to the right of the spine and aorta.2835

X-ray Holography

At right are the first direct images of atoms of magnesium, oxygen and carbon in a section of crystal, using a technique called x-ray holography in conjunction with a digital computer system.2810

The Teleportation Booth is the answer to information transfer concerning three dimensions. It operates in such a manner as to transmit a 3-D image through space. As with radio and television, the original goes nowhere.

It is entirely possible to imagine the construction of the Booth by making a direct extrapolation of currently-foreseeable human technology (Figure 17.7). Our present techniques of x-ray diffraction scanning, neutron-beam crystallography and field-ion microscopy easily permit resolutions at the atomic level (say, 1 Angstrom),419,2801 and subatomic scanning is already available using large cyclotrons and linear particle accelerators. Indeed, high energy neutrino beams have been used to examine details of subnuclear structure as small as 10-18 meter, or about 0.00000001 Angstroms.2825

How about computer memory? Ten terabit (1013 bits) memories are already available for use in Booth construction.583 Will this be enough? The human body consists of roughly 3 × 1027 atoms, so at first blush we might expect that at least 1028 bits of information should be needed to completely specify the human transmittee. Fortunately, the vast majority of these data are redundant. Our genes, a considerably more compact specification or "blueprints" for our bodies, represent only about 1010 bits. Our brains, however, contain at least 1013 bits of information — so this turns out to be the limiting factor.

Electro-optical modulation

According to Tim Quilici of Collins Telecommunications Systems Division of Rockwell International, a fairly new technique called electro-optical modulation may soon permit transmission rates through space of 1010 bits per second per channel.2779 The information detailing the construction of the human body thus could be completely transmitted, perhaps using a 1 mm infrared space-based laser beam, in just one second — although it would require another twenty minutes for the subject’s entire brain-map to arrive, if only one data channel is utilized.

Once the information has been received, the subject could be physically reconstituted using an extended and more exact version of the present-day techniques of molecular beam epitaxy, electron beam microfabrication, or some similar process.2804 The living subject would probably have to be assembled cold, close to absolute zero dissociative and degenerative chemical reactions, and would later be warmed and reanimated. It would seem that the Teleportation Booth is a great way to scatter copies of one’s self throughout the universe or across a planet, but it is a lousy way to travel — because you don’t go anywhere.**

The Replicator

Booth technology would also make possible a device which Arthur C. Clarke has called the Replicator.55 The Replicator has access to a vast library of information which specifies all known physical objects and consumer goods, and is able to reproduce any number of exact copies of them at will. If practical matter transmutation is also available (see Chapter 19), bags of sand could be dumped in at one end and Univacs and Mona Lisas would emerge from the other.

The Transporter Beam
This system, familiar to viewers of the television series Star Trek
Involves what computer specialists refer to as "destructive readout"
■ The transmittee is somehow converted into patterned electromagnetic radiation
■ Which is fired across space
■ Reassembling itself back to normal matter at a predetermined "focus"
■ The original is destroyed during the conversion into photonic radiation
■ Only a transmitter is required
■ Subject self-assembles at destination without assistance of a receiver mechanism
Transporter Beam

The second major class of matter transmission techniques is called the Transporter Beam. This system, familiar to viewers of the television series Star Trek, involves what computer specialists refer to as "destructive readout." The transmittee is somehow converted into patterned electromagnetic radiation which is fired across space, reassembling itself back to normal matter at a predetermined "focus." The original is destroyed during the conversion into photonic radiation. Only a transmitter is required and the subject is self-assembling at the destination without the assistance of a receiver mechanism.

Such a procedure, while seemingly improbable, is not wholly inconceivable in terms of modern science. We know that electrons can be converted into patterns of gamma rays by the addition of positrons. Furthermore, optics theory tells us that unsynchronized light waves give rise to regions of destructive and constructive interference. If the phase and frequency of electromagnetic radiation could be forced to enter into constructive interference in a compact volume of space, pair production might be initiated along with other related processes giving rise to structured matter. Or, if the theory held by a few physicists that mass consists of "standing light waves" has any plausibility, then it might be possible to induce the spontaneous conversion of energy into matter at remote points. The real trick would be to retain the complex structure of the living organism throughout the process of beamdown, and to handle the nearly 1019 joules of interconversion energy without mishap.

Matter Transposition

A third major class of teleportation technology, known as Matter Transposition, involves the passage of physical objects from point A to point B without traversing the intervening space (and without being destroyed or merely duplicated). In this case it is the original who completes the journey, unharmed. Similar in concept to the idea of space warps discussed earlier, transposition depends on the proposition that space is not only curved, as predicted by General Relativity, but is also wrinkled and discontinuous.

To make a trip, some mechanical or electronic device is used to render two points in space — say, where the passenger is and where he wants to go — contiguous. The subject is then fixed in the new position, and space allowed to snap back to its original configuration. As Donald Wollheim describes the process:

Two segments of space may be separated by thousands of light-years traveling along the visible three-dimensional continuum of space, yet may be touching each other like two pages of a book. The Gate then is merely an extradimensional means of cutting across this touching point and thereby avoiding the problem of having to travel those thousands of light-years inch by inch.984

If it turns out to be theoretically possible to selectively bend space-time locally by artificial means, the technological problems will be immense. For one thing, the energy required to adequately bend space would probably be prohibitive over distances of more than a few kilometers. A stellar-sized black hole, the best space-warper known to human science, has a mass-energy on the order of 1048 joules. This represents the entire power output of a mature Type III civilization for ten seconds, and yet the BH causes severe distortion of space-time over distances of less than 100 kilometers. Also, as Larry Niven has pointed out, the simultaneous operation of two or more Matter Transpositors in close proximity could prove embarrassing.2744 At best, space would be bent in some unanticipated way, causing transmittees to arrive at some arbitrary and unscheduled destination. At worst, passengers could wind up gravitationally collapsed.

Tunnel Transporter

Two other teleportation schemes also involve the idea of point-to-point transmission without crossing the intervening space. The first of these, and easiest to understand, is the Tunnel Transporter. This hypothetical device operates on the same principle of quantum mechanical tunneling discussed earlier in connection with tachyon starships. Explains Larry Niven:

Apparently physics students are now taught that a tunnel diode takes an electron here and puts it there without allowing it to occupy the intervening space. If you can do it with quantum physics, why not with larger masses? With people? The theory looks good, and it hasn’t been used much in science fiction.2744

Fourier Transporter

The second teleportation scheme, called the Fourier Transporter, requires a bit more explanation.2780 In the early 19th century, a brilliant French mathematician and physicist by the name of Baron Jean Baptiste Fourier determined that almost any function of a real variable could be mathematically represented as a sum of sine waves, each of whose wavelengths are integral multiples of the variable. Any three-dimensional function can be transformed mathematically into "Fourier space," a coordinate system which uses inverse wavelength for the axes rather than spatial position.

An object sitting in space near Sol has a representation in Fourier space (say, S) that is distinctly different from the representation of that same object in orbit around the star Arcturus (say, X). Terrestrial electronics engineers already know how to build digital "filters" that will accept any input S and output any response X in one dimension. The Fourier Transporter works as follows.

A device near Sol transforms a passenger, by means unspecified, into Fourier space as S. A universal filter, driven by a computer which calculates what X must be in accordance with the traveler’s itinerary, almost instantly converts S into X. The device then performs a reverse Fourier transform on X-and the passenger is gone! He emerges from Fourier space to find himself in orbit around Arcturus.

The validity of Fourier transforms out to mathematical infinity is crucial to the successful operation of the Transporter. If, as some have suggested, Relativity only limits the velocity of transfer of mass-energy and not information, then it might be possible to transmit information very quickly without using any form of mass-energy to do it.2014 The Fourier Transporter would thus provide virtually instantaneous travel, at little or no cost in energy.

* Some of the natural philosophy and pragmatic aspects of matter transmission may be found in Cleaver,1167 Elliott,1162 Gooden,1165 Lawden,1170,1164 and Niven.2802 [Ed. Note: And the Saga of the Cuckoo.]

Error rate

** There is an interesting side issue respecting the accuracy of transmission. It is well-known among radiation scientists that the random alteration of one out of every 108 atoms in the human body will produce death. That is, if more than one atom in every 100,000,000 transmitted by the Booth is erroneous, the passenger will get sick and probably die of symptoms resembling acute radiation poisoning.380 A Teleportation Booth with an error rate of 109 bits/error would allow people to make only ten successive trips through the machine before death ensued.

17.5 Time Travel
arthur buller
One-way time travel into
the future is no problem at all.
Each of us is doing it right now,
at the constant rate of 24 hours/day.
The problem is how to alter that rate.
D = V × T

Interstellar journeying ultimately depends upon manipulating the formula D = V × T.

Where D is distance, V is velocity, and T is time. So far we have discussed only the possibilities of increasing V or of decreasing (or abolishing altogether) D. But there is a third option available. Alien or human technologists may somehow manage to reduce or otherwise circumvent T.*

One-way time travel into the future is no problem at all. Each of us is doing it right now, at the constant rate of 24 hours/day. The problem is how to alter that rate.

Time dilation of motion

We’ve already taken a quick look at relativistic time dilation. Time passes more slowly far moving astronauts than for those who are standing still. For example, a person traveling at a constant 99%c through space may also be said to be traveling through time at the reduced rate of 3.4 hours/day (hours personal time/standard Earth observer day). In case anyone is interested, the time dilation rate may be calculated according to the following relation: T = t(1 - v2/c2)1/2, where T is shipboard time and t is stationary observer time. And time dilation is not just some theoretician’s pipe dream, either. In 1971 two American physicists, Joseph Hafele and Richard Keating, decided to test Relativity and see if they could make themselves age a tiny bit more slowly. They purchased tickets on a jumbo jet for an around-the-world flight, taking with them an atomic clock, accurate to one billionth of a second, to measure more precisely the passage of time. The aircraft flew at 600 mph, or about 0.00009%c, circumnavigating the planet. When the trip was over the moving clock — and the two scientists themselves — had lost more than 10-8 seconds. That is, for most of the flight, personal time had been passing at the decreased rate of 23.999 999 999 9996 hours/day.2891

A playwright could enter the fast-time chamber at
3 PM one afternoon, spend two weeks writing a play,
and emerge at 4 PM the same day in time for tea.


This could have a number of interesting technical
and social consequences.

Time dilation of massive objects

The time dilation caused by motion is a product of Special Relativity. But similar effects occur near massive objects. According to General Relativity, time moves more slowly close to matter than far from it. In other words, mass makes time slow down. For instance, on the surface of Earth we age about 24 hours/day. But in free space, far from any planet, time speeds up and we age slightly faster — about 24.000 000 016 hours/day.**

Near a stellar-sized black hole we could expect time delays ranging from miniscule to enormous (but watch out for the tides). Judicious selection of proper hyperbolic orbits could get our aging rate down to microseconds/day or less.2636 The tides can be avoided by seeking out a supermassive galactic BH — perhaps 108 Msun or so — to perform the experiment. Or, if we could collect or manufacture lots of extremely dense matter, we will discover that time also runs slower inside a heavy mass,2014 We might construct a hollow spherical shell of dense matter either on Earth or in orbit, and we’d have a one-way time machine. There is no gravity inside a hollow sphere due to mass in the shell, and no tides either. But time would pass more slowly inside the passenger chamber. If he could see out, the world might appear to flash by much as in the movie classic The Time Machine; to outside observers looking in, the time traveler would seem to be moving in slow motion.

If it is deemed useful for some reason, it may also be possible to increase the rate at which time passes. A hollow sphere constructed of extremely dense negative mass would greatly speed up time throughout its interior. This could amount to years/day rates or more. A British playwright could enter the fast-time chamber at 3 PM one afternoon, spend two weeks writing a play, and emerge at 4 PM the same day in time for tea. This could have a number of interesting technical and social consequences.2020

The Grandfather Paradox goes something like this:
■ You build a time machine and use it to go back
    80 years in time.
■ Your grandfather, whom you dearly despise,
    is a babe-in-arms, so it's an easy matter to dispatch him.
■ But now he doesn’t live to marry your grandmother,
    so your father is never born and neither are you.
So you don’t exist.
■ Worse, the time machine that caused all the trouble
     doesn't exist either since you weren’t around to build it.
■ But then you couldn’t have gone back in time to kill your
    grandfather, so he lived, so you were born, so the time
    machine was built … etc. — a real paradox.
Travel into the past

What about travel into the past? Traditionally, this has been considered quite impossible because of violations of causality (the proper relationship between cause and effect) that could occur. Causality problems are commonly illustrated in terms of the Grandfather Paradox, which goes something like this: You build a time machine and use it to go back 80 years in time. Your grandfather, whom you dearly despise, is a babe-in-arms, so it is an easy matter to dispatch him. But now he doesn’t live to marry your grandmother, so your father is never born and neither are you. So you don’t exist; worse, the time machine that caused all the trouble doesn’t exist either since you weren’t around to build it. But then you couldn’t have gone back in time to kill your grandfather, so he lived, so you were born, so the time machine was built … etc. — a real paradox.

Multiply connected space-time

Such difficulties do not deter the stout of heart and firm of nerve. F.J. Tipler, a physicist associated with the University of Maryland, recently published a paper in Physical Review (a highly respected journal) in which he proposed that General Relativity can be used to design a two-way time machine.2894 Tipler suggests the construction of a dense cylinder of mass, spinning with a tangential velocity of at least 50%c at the circumference. This, he claims, should give rise to a very unusual region of space-time — called "multiply connected space-time" — existing outside the physical boundary of the mass itself.

According to Tipler, any past or present event in the known universe could be reached by passing through the "multiply connected" region near the middle, but outside, of the spinning cylinder. Starting at any point (x, y, z, t) and traveling at suboptic velocities around the special region in the proper way, a starship can return to point (x, y, z) at any time t ± Dt — past, present, or future. Tipler makes his prediction explicit: "In short, general relativity suggests that if we construct a sufficiently large rotating cylinder, we create a time machine."

It remains to be seen whether Tipler’s proposal can withstand critical review, but it remains a tantalizing possibility nevertheless.

Literature on time travel and the nature of time

* The literature on time travel and the nature of time is enormous.

  • For fictional treatments of time travel:
    Interested readers are referred to Anderson,2795 Asimov,2817 Gerrold,2819 Hoyle,2818 Snatsky,636 Vonnegut,2480 and Wells2796
  • For conceptual and theoretical treatments of time and time travel:
    Refer to Edwards,1166 Finkelstein,1502 Fraassen,905 Gardner,644 Lucas,1859 Meerloo,903 Niven,2743 Taylor,1190 and Whittrow1847

** For the mathematically-inclined reader, the formula for the general relativistic time dilation rate (t) as a planetary mass (M) is approached to a distance R is given by: t = T(1 - 2GM/Rc2)1/2, where T is free-space time, G is the universal gravitation constant, and c is the speed of light.

17.6 Interstellar Navigation

Table 17.5 Wavelength of 5000 Angstrom Laser Light

Communication Signals Received by a Relativistic Starship

table 17 5 wavelength of 5000 angstrom laser 400

Problems at higher speeds.


Two distorting effects
begin to dominate:


Aberration and Doppler Shift

Without some means of navigational control, any interstellar transport system is useless. As we shall see presently, relativistic starship navigation is hardly a trivial affair.

At only 1-10%c there are few problems. Just set the crosshairs on the target star, the home star, and three reference stars to either side, and the ship’s navigator can calculate velocity and heading fairly exactly. Problems begin to crop up at higher speeds, however. Two distorting effects begin to dominate: Aberration and Doppler Shift.2745,1160

 Aberration of starlight 

Click for Synopsis   


  • Causes stars to appear to be displaced forward into the direction of flight

Analogous to raindrops streaking side-windows of a speeding train

  • Rain is falling straight down
  • But streaks on window run diagonally, slanting downward from the front
  • As if the source was ahead rather than above

Aberration of starlight

  • Similarly, causes stars to appear farther forward than they really are
  • At relativistic velocities the effect can be extreme

As the speed of light is approached

  • Stars will appear to move to the front and huddle together
  • In a small patch directly in the line of flight
  • The rest of the sky is black

Aberration causes stars to appear to be displaced forward into the direction of flight. The situation is analogous to raindrops streaking the windows of a speeding train. Although we know the rain is falling straight down, the streaks on the window run diagonally, slanting downward from the front as if the source was ahead rather than above. Aberration of starlight, similarly, causes stars to appear farther forward than they really are. At relativistic velocities the effect can be extreme. As the speed of light is approached, stars will appear to move to the front and huddle together in a small patch directly in the line of flight. The rest of the sky is black.

 Doppler Shift of starlight 

Click for Synopsis   

Doppler Shift

  • Applies to light as well as sound
  • The changing pitch of a moving siren as it passes the listener is an example of this effect

On board a starship, Doppler Shift will:

  • Blue-shift light from approaching stars (looking forward)
  • Red-shift light from receding stars (looking astern)


  • Suns ahead of the vessel in the line of flight will become bluer in color
  • Those behind will become redder

At 37%c:

  • A starship leaving Sol would no longer be able to see it
  • Sol’s light, severely red-shifted, would have moved into the infrared and be invisible to human eyes
  • If destination is Alpha Centauri, it also is invisible having been blue-shifted up into ultraviolet range

As velocity increases still more:

  • A growing zone of darkness appears directly sternward
  • It grows larger as the ship picks up speed
  • A similar patch of starless blackness develops toward the bow

At 50%c:

  • The cone of invisibility distends an angle of 30° forward and more than 60° astern
  • The only stars that are still visible are crammed into a "barrel" surrounding the starcraft
  • The forward rim of the Star Barrel is seemingly dominated by brilliant blue-white stars

Sweeping the eye upwards and rearward:

  • The hue of star light changes from blue to green to yellow to orange to red, then to blackness
  • All the familiar constellations are compressed and distorted beyond recognitionMounting speed forces the Barrel slightly backwards, then forward again
  • Compacting still narrower with even more vivid coloration
  • The Barrel has now become what Eugene Sänger once called the Starbow

At 99%c:

  • The Starbow is now an annular rainbow-hued ribbon of color leading the spacecraft
  • It is 12° wide with its forward edge raised up 23° from the line of flight
  • The rest of the sky it jet black
  • Precise navigation by external fixes has become utterly impossible
  • The starship pilot must rely on a system of dead reckoning or inertial guidance
Doppler Shift

Doppler Shift applies to light as well as sound. The changing pitch of a moving siren as it passes the listener is an example of this effect. On board a starship, Doppler Shift will blue-shift light from approaching stars (looking forward) and red-shift light from receding stars (looking astern). So suns ahead of the vessel in the line of flight will become bluer in color; those behind will become redder.

At 37%c, a starship leaving Sol would no longer be able to see it. Sol’s light, severely red-shifted, would have moved into the infrared and would be invisible to human eyes. If the destination is Alpha Centauri that star would also be invisible, having been blue-shifted up into the ultraviolet range.

As velocity increases still more, a growing zone of darkness appears directly sternward. It grows larger as the ship picks up speed. A similar patch of starless blackness develops toward the bow. At 50%c, the cone of invisibility distends an angle of 30° forward and more than 60° astern. The only stars that are still visible are crammed into a "barrel" surrounding the starcraft. The forward rim of the Star Barrel is seemingly dominated by brilliant blue-white stars. Sweeping the eye upwards and rearward, the hue of star light changes from blue to green to yellow to orange to red, then to blackness. All the familiar constellations are compressed and distorted beyond recognition.

Mounting speed forces the Barrel slightly backwards, then forward again, compacting still narrower with even more vivid coloration. The Barrel has now become what Eugene Sänger once called the Starbow.2783 At 99%c the Starbow, now an annular rainbow-hued ribbon of color leading the spacecraft, is 12° wide with its forward edge raised up 23° from the line of flight. The rest of the sky it jet black. Precise navigation by external fixes has become utterly impossible, and the starship pilot must rely on a system of dead reckoning or inertial guidance.

 Starship communication 

Click for Synopsis   

Communications between starship and home planet become problemmatical as the vessel
moves off at relativistic speeds

  • There will be a growing time delay due to rapidly increasing distance
  • Also the frequency of the signals received will be altered

If the communication system uses laser transmitters tuned to monochromatic green light
at exactly 5000 Angstroms changes in frequency at the receiver are as shown in Table 17.5

  • A receding starship sees the green light as infrared for speeds above 50%c
  • At excessive suboptic velocities as microwaves
  • Conversely, an approaching vessel sees ultraviolet signals above 50%c
  • X-rays above 99.9%c
Starship communications

Communications between starship and home planet become problemmatical as the vessel moves off at relativistic speeds. Not only will there be a growing time delay due to rapidly increasing distance,1091 but the frequency of the signals received will be altered. If the communication system uses laser transmitters tuned, say, to monochromatic green light at exactly 5000 Angstroms, then the changes in frequency at the receiver are as shown in Table 17.5. A receding starship sees the green light as infrared for speeds above 50%c, and at excessive suboptic velocities as microwaves. Conversely, an approaching vessel sees ultraviolet signals above 50%c and x-rays above 99.9%c.

Other interstellar navigation hazards

There are many other hazards to interstellar navigation which we can only briefly mention here.

  • Relativistic starcraft will be subject to radiation damage and erosion caused by the impact of interstellar dust and hydrogen atoms.2761
  • Besides irradiation of the crew, there will be extreme heating effects on the starship forebody at near optic speeds — without magnetic shielding, forebody surface temperature could reach 3010 K at 99.9%c in a 1 atom/cm3 interstellar medium.1116
  • Besides the possibly devastating effect of even grain-sized meteorites, Oort Belts of from 1012-1015 cometary objects in the plane of the planetary system must be avoided by choosing superecliptic approach trajectories when entering alien stellar systems.2038
  • There is also the possible problem of encountering unnavigable "starfog" in dense galactic gas clouds.2885
  • The danger of running into unbuoyed free-wandering black holes and neutron stars is ever-present.22
17.7 Generation Ships and Suspended Animation
Generation Ship / Interstellar Ark

Citing the tremendous difficulties involved in high speed interstellar journeying, many writers have turned in desperation to the concept of the "generation ship" or "interstellar ark."*

  • These mammoth vessels would contain self-sufficient communities of the sentient spacefaring species and their offspring.2759
  • Farfetched, sophisticated space drives would be unnecessary, since the revolving crew could tolerate trips lasting hundreds of years to the nearer stars.
  • While the original explorer-colonists might never live to see the New World, their great-grandchildren and successive generations would survive to carry the great mission on to its conclusion.
Social and genetic backsliding

Science fiction authors have described the social and genetic backsliding that could occur in such closed ecologies.2794

  • The degree of discipline that each individual would have to accept would be more demanding than that of any present totalitarian regime here on Earth.
  • Birthrates must be strictly controlled, psychological interactions skillfully managed, epidemiological and eugenics rules absolutely enforced.
  • All aberrant ship-threatening behavior severely punished.
  • From the human point of view the restrictions on personal freedom would be well-nigh intolerable.

Still, as Dyson points out, "we have no right to impose our tastes on others."2792

* See especially Bernal,2820 Clarke,2789 Gelula,2790 Haldeman,2839 Heinlein,2854 Macvey,732 Panshin,2579 and Strong.50

Patient extraterrestrial species

The generation ship would provide a pathway
to the stars for any patient extraterrestrial
species that either could not or would not
build relativistic propulsion systems.

The generation ship would provide a pathway to the stars for any patient extraterrestrial species that either could not or would not build relativistic propulsion systems.

  • Speeds from 1-5%c should be ample to commute between neighboring star groups in periods of only a few centuries.
  • This can be done using relatively primitive space hardware.
  • Our own Pioneer 10 probe, which departed the solar system a few years ago, is now heading out into the interstellar void at 0.004%c — a respectable velocity, considering that the craft was designed solely for interplanetary travel.

Of course, during the long journey the technology of the home planet will not stand still. In more than one science fiction story, the crew of the first interstellar ark arrives at their destination only to find that they had been passed many times en route by superior starcraft of more modern design, and that the target system had long since been colonized by others.2791 James G. Strong suggests that "such action will only arouse bitterness among the pioneers, and it would be kinder to avoid their destination — certainly never to come within hailing distance of their ship."50

Like the interstellar ramjet that picks up its fuel
along the way, an "Ark runway" would enable
a generation ship to pick up supplies positioned
earlier across its flight path by unmanned cargo
vessels dispatched from the home planet.
Ark runway

Note that there is no absolute requirement that the full complement of consumables be carried on board the Ark at launch. According to C.A. Cross, "its materials balance could be sustained by the return to it of unmanned vehicles carrying raw materials on long stern chase trajectories."2793  Like the interstellar ramjet that picks up its fuel along the way, an "Ark runway" would enable a generation ship to pick up supplies positioned earlier across its flight path by unmanned cargo vessels dispatched from the home planet.

A problem in biology
Sea voyages of this length were common
among sailors and traders of centuries past:
Magellan’s global circumnavigation required
2 years, Sir Francis Drake’s 3 years, and Marco
Polo’s excursion to China totaled 24 years.
Immortal astronauts

There are several other alternatives to the generation ship.
As Freeman Dyson once remarked:

"Interstellar travel is essentially not a problem in physics or engineering but a problem in biology."

  • For instance, if medical science can learn how to prolong life indefinitely and create immortal astronauts, then the crew which began a lengthy voyage would live to see the end of it.
  • The perspective of immortal beings would doubtless be quite farsighted, and it is not unreasonable to suppose that such creatures would have a leisurely, relaxed outlook on life.
  • A century or two spent out of a 2000 year lifespan would seem no more painful than a 3-7 year voyage would to a human.
  • Sea voyages of this length were common among sailors and traders of centuries past: Magellan’s global circumnavigation required 2 years, Sir Francis Drake’s 3 years, and Marco Polo’s excursion to China totaled 24 years.
Sleeper ship

Another possibility is the "sleeper ship," a well-worn science fiction theme during the last half-century.

  • There are basically three classes of sleepers: Ectogenetic astronauts (discussed in the previous chapter), hibernauts, and cryonauts.
  • Hibernauts are starship crew members whose metabolisms have been greatly slowed. Like bears, woodchucks, bats and many rodents, these interstellar travelers would "hibernate" for most of the trip.
  • For starfaring hibernauts, objective centuries would melt into subjective hours, creating a delightful illusion of near-instantaneous travel.
  • Experiments with small mammals here on Earth indicate that it may be possible to induce artificial hibernation in humans using a variety of specific metabolic inhibitors such as the antabolone found in aestivating lungfish.2785
  • The addition of antabolone to other anti-metabolic ingredients should permit metabolism to be reduced to 1% of normal at temperatures near 0 °C.
  • Hibernation for extended periods should be possible, although as in natural hibernation it will probably be necessary to periodically raise the temperature to normal for a few hours each month to allow certain cellular restorative functions to take place.67

Cryonauts are interstellar travelers whose bodily functions have been entirely shut down. Placed in "suspended animation" at cryogenic temperatures, these starfaring passengers cross the Galaxy in compact, refrigerated vessels equipped with ultrareliable supercomputers designed to patiently wait out the lonely centuries and then automatically reanimate the frozen travelers when the target star system is reached. Robert Prehoda, a science writer and technology forecaster, speculates that:

Cryonauts may travel for many centuries between the stars in fully automatic self-repairing spacecraft controlled by immortal super-computers — descendants of "HAL" in 2001, A Space Odyssey. When they are revived, the journey will seem to have been only one night long. perhaps they will stay alert for a few years to explore new planets and transmit information about them back to Earth. Then they could be frozen again for another mission to a more distant star, repeating the freeze-revive-freeze cycle several times before circling back to Earth after an odyssey of many millenia.67

Suspended animation

Suspended animation will require only a modest-level biotechnology, in all probability.

  • The main problem with freezing organic tissues is the extracellular formation of ice crystals which cause tissue damage, making reanimation impossible.
  • Nevertheless almost every kind of mammalian tissue has already successfully been frozen and thawed under appropriate conditions.3697
  • For instance, rabbit skin has been frozen to -196 °C in liquid nitrogen for 7½ months and is still viable when thawed.2786
  • Successful freezing and thawing of rat pancreas cells down to -196 °C has been shown.2788
  • Rat heart tissue can be reanimated after indefinite storage in liquid nitrogen.1687
  • Low temperature preservation of human blood cells, sperm and ova is now routine.
Whole-organ freezing

Whole organs have also been reanimated, though this is more difficult

  • Marshal Shlafer and Armand M. Karow, Jr. successfully restored isolated rat hearts cooled to -30 °C and perfused with a commonly-used biological antifreeze called "dimethylsulfoxide," or DMSO.1685,1692
  • Dr. Isamu Suda of Kobe University in Japan froze a whole cat brain to -20 °C for more than 6 months using a DMSO cryoprotectant perfusate. After thawing, the brain was shown to have nearly normal electroencephalic wave tracings.3694,3695
Whole-body freezing

What about whole-body freezing?

  • Many experiments during the past few decades have demonstrated that laboratory rats can be cooled to -10 °C and later restored to life in apparently normal condition.
  • However, the period of "cold sleep" must not exceed a few hours and no more than 50% of the body fluids may be solidified.2787
  • Lower lifeforms are much easier to freeze.
  • Nematode worms, for example, survive suspended animation at liquid nitrogen temperatures indefinitely when subjected to a specific DMSO perfusion treatment.1689
Whole-human freezing

What about whole humans?

  • The well-known mammalian diving reflex, together with the body’s lowered oxygen needs at temperatures close to freezing, have permitted people to survive drownings in icy river waters during literally hours of submersion.
  • Dr. Ivan W. Brown, Jr. of Duke University Medical Center has successfully revived a human child whose body-temperature was reduced to 5 °C.67

Following the successful cryopreservation experiments on dog kidneys performed by Dr. M.D. Persidsky at the Institute of Medical Science in San Francisco and Ronald Dietzman of the University of Minnesota, Robert Prehoda has tentatively suggested a hypothetical medical procedure for placing human beings into a state of reversible suspended animation:

The body temperature is lowered to 0° C and a heavy water (D2O) perfusate now circulates through the body. Soon most of the H2O molecules have been replaced with D2O. A 5%-by-volume addition of fluorinated DMSO is now added to the perfusate. This chemical will partially protect the cells during freezing, but its main function is to act as a biological carrier, insuring that the powerful metabolic inhibitors will reach adequate levels within all the cells. Salt-free albumin and ATP are added to the perfusate, allowing the level of dissolved salts within the cells to be reduced. The pressure is greatly increased, and large quantities of dissolved xenon gas begin to be circulated through the body. The fluid-filled cavities around the brain, spinal cord and in the eyes are properly protected by separate perfusion systems.

The heavy-water-based perfusate is replaced with a liquid fluorocarbon which can hold large quantities of dissolved xenon. The pressure is slowly raised as the temperature is reduced. At 5000 psi, an optimum quantity of xenon can be perfused through the body, thoroughly penetrating every cell. No more xenon is needed. The pressure is slowly increased to 30,062 psi. The perfusate pump is shut off. The body temperature is -24 °C. The pressure is then lowered to 5000 psi and rapid solidification begins to take place through the body. Cooling continues as the pressure is again increased to 30,062 psi, allowing the heat of fusion energy to be dissipated. The up-and-down pressure cycle is repeated four more times during continuous cooling, permitting the body to be uniformly frozen. Xenon hydrate protects every cell against freezing damage. The body temperature continues to be lowered at a controlled rate until it is only 4.2 degrees above absolute zero — the temperature of liquid helium.

You are now in a state of complete suspended animation.67

Prehoda estimates that the natural decay of
radioactive isotopes in body tissues will cause
a lethal accumulation of radiation damage
in human cryonauts in roughly 35,000 years.

These steps may be followed in reverse order to achieve reanimation.*

Radioactive isotope decay

Cryonauts may not be immortal.

  • Every minute 106 atoms of radioactive K-40 and 2 × 105 atoms of C-14 decay in a human body, spraying bones and organs with beta particles and other low-level radiation.
  • Accumulation of trace amounts of radionuclides is virtually inevitable for any carbon-based lifeform, and these minute natural emissions may produce genetic mutations and other irreversible cellular damage over millennia of cold storage.
  • Prehoda estimates that the natural decay of radioactive isotopes in body tissues will cause a lethal accumulation of radiation damage in human cryonauts in roughly 35,000 years.
  • This difficulty can perhaps be avoided by raising potential astronauts from birth in a carefully controlled radiation-free environment.
  • Food, water, and air must be purified and made free of the harmful isotopes.
  • This accomplished, cryonauts should last for millions of years in suspended animation (assuming adequate shielding from the cosmic ray background) and would be prime candidates for long-term low-velocity galactic exploratory and colonization missions.

Cryonics Societies

* Already about fifty people have been frozen, using somewhat more primitive perfusal techniques, by several Cryonics Societies around the country. These methods may not prove successful, but we won’t know for sure until reanimation is attempted on one of the many frozen patients, perhaps a century from today.

Chapter 18 ♦ Alien Weapons
18.0 Alien Weapons
e e smith 360

A weapon makes it
possible to take life
easily and quickly.

War and weapon-making have been an integral part of the millenia of human history on this planet. And yet, it is generally conceded that most of us have strong innate inhibitions against taking the lives of our fellow men. How can these conflicting tendencies be reconciled?

If man hates to kill, why does he?

Dr. Irenaus Eibl-Eibesfeldt, an Austrian-born ethologist at the Max Planck Institute at Munich, has suggested that it is the improved technology of weapons themselves that have made it possible for men to ignore their natural revulsion toward murder. A weapon, he points out, makes it possible to take life easily and quickly; the weaponeer is spared the psychological contradictions of his acts by seeing his target as a mere object.


In close combat, using primitive weaponry such as spears and knives, the participants are acutely aware of the corporality of their opponents. But weapons technology — mass destruction and death-at-a-distance — has made it possible for combatants to lose that bare thread of empathy that energizes their inhibitions. Weapons technology makes dealing in death an increasingly impersonal affair. As Dr. Eibl-Eibesfeldt observes: "If one asked a bomber pilot to kill his victims one by one, he would be outraged at the suggestion."452

Warlike intelligences loose in the universe

In view of the above, can we be absolutely certain that technologically superior aliens may not also wield superior weapons? As science fiction authors are fond of pointing out, advanced ETs may have many motivations — conquest among them. It is not enough to say that superior technology necessarily breeds benevolence, since superior technology here on Earth has often made it easier for humans to kill. But even if it turns out that most alien civilizations are benevolent, is it correct thinking to ignore the quite disturbing possibility that there may be a few warlike intelligences loose in the universe?

It is not enough to say that superior
technology necessarily breeds
benevolence, since superior technology
here on Earth has often made it easier
for humans to kill.
Surprisingly, there are fairly adequate
defenses for many of them.
However, for reasons that will become
clear in the last section, there appears
to be at least one weapon for which
there is no defense!
In Isaac Asimov’s story
"The Weapon Too Dreadful to Use,"
the aliens in question perfect a means
of severing the link between senses
and brain, thus placing victims in a state
of permanent sensory deprivation.
Worth of study

The worth of a study of alien weapons may be questioned on other grounds. For instance, it may be asked how we can hope to comprehend weapons which are by definition far superior to our own, technologically. But this sort of question ignores entirely the cornerstone of our entire analysis of xenology — the Hypothesis of Mediocrity. There may indeed exist forces and powers wholly beyond present science. If so, we can say nothing about them. All we can do is make the assumption that our science has a grasp of certain basics and proceed accordingly.

We must work with what we have. Turning our backs on the possibility of malevolent aliens will not make the problem go away. In dealing with extraterrestrial intelligences, we must be prepared for both the best and the worst.

Kinds of weapons

There are many kinds of weapons that aliens might employ against us.

  • Lasers, "nukes," biological agents, energy absorber fields and disintegrators are the stock in trade of science fictioneers.
  • Authors have suggested psychological warfare, by which the nations of Earth are induced to fight among themselves.
  • In Isaac Asimov’s story "The Weapon Too Dreadful to Use," the aliens in question perfect a means of severing the link between senses and brain, thus placing victims in a state of permanent sensory deprivation.674
  • Larry Niven’s "The Soft Weapon" illustrates what might happen if we were to discover an intelligent alien weapon.607
  • But most weapons fall into one of several categories, as discussed below.

Surprisingly, there are fairly adequate defenses for many of them.
However, for reasons that will become clear in the last section, there appears to be at least one weapon for which there is no defense!

18.1 Chemical, Biochemical, and Biological Weaponry
larry niven
Biochemical weapons seem
more subtle, and therefore
more insidious, to most of us.

Explosives are perhaps the most common purely chemical weapon used in modern warfare. Destruction is achieved simply by gross mechanical vibration and demolition. We are probably close to the upper limits of chemical explosives technology, and it is inconceivable that aliens could do much better.

Biochemical weapons seem more subtle, and therefore more insidious, to most of us.

  • For instance, mice have been rendered sterile by the addition of about 30% "heavy" water to their normal drinking water.47 (There are no data for humans as yet.)
  • Or, it has been suggested that if certain items of knowledge can be transferred chemically (as suggested by recent experiments with RNA in rat brains), specific chemicals could be introduced into our environment which would cause fear or passiveness, "suppress intelligence," or "trigger a desired response on a given signal."573

But the most common biochemical weapons fall into two general categories: chemical agents, and biological agents.


Poisons are typical chemical agents. Plutonium, for example, is suspected to be highly toxic — as little as 0.3 milligrams assimilated into the body would prove fatal.676

Lethal dosages

  • Lethal chemical agents require milligrams  
  • More powerful toxins require micrograms
  • Bacterial agents require picograms
  • (trillionth’s of grams)
  • However, lethal doses can only be absorbed effectively by inhaling plutonium dust into the lungs, inducing death by cancer.
  • There is relatively little danger of death by ingesting plutonium or its soluble compounds, since the actinides and their chemical brethren aren‘t utilized in human biochemistry in even trace amounts.
  • Because of this, and other material-handling problems, the aliens would have to disperse fifteen grams of plutonium dust over a city for each cancer death they wished to cause, or about ten metric tons for a city of one million inhabitants.676
  • This is about one cubic meter of the stuff.
Nerve gases

Nerve gases are equally dangerous. For instance, VX nerve gas is lethal at about one milligram per person if inhaled;360 when applied to the skin, about five milligrams.398 Hallucinogenic drugs are in the same league, although slightly less toxic. Scanty data available on this subject indicate that the lethal LSD dose may be in the vicinity of ten milligrams or less. Other drugs are less effective. It seems unlikely that ETs would choose this sort of weapon for a mass attack, and although it could be a potent means against individuals, we shall soon see that far more cost-effective weapons are available.

Chemical toxins

The most lethal of the chemical agents are the toxins.
Botulin toxin is often mentioned as one of the most powerful natural poisons known.

  • It is formed by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum, and the lethal dose for humans is about 0.5 micrograms.677
  • This particular toxin produces about 60-70% fatalities, and is extremely resistant to medical treatment.
  • According to a recent United Nations study of the possible effects of biological warfare: "Botulism is … characterized by general weakness, headache, dizziness, double vision, dilation of the pupils, paralysis of the muscles concerned in swallowing, and difficulty of speech. … Symptoms usually appear within twelve to seventy-two hours."678
  • Other toxins are somewhat less dangerous. Batrachotoxin, derived from the skin secretions of the kokoi arrow-poison frog Phyllobates latinasus of the Choco in western Colombia, has a lethality dose of about 10 micrograms per person.

How do these chemical means compare?

Theoretically, it would take 50 million metric tons
of VX to cover the entire surface of the Earth.
Or about 150 million tons of botulin toxin.
  • Dr. Matthew S. Meselson has estimated that to ensure effectiveness, 100 kilograms of VX per square kilometer must be used, versus 300 kilograms of botulin toxin over the same area.398
  • Theoretically, it would take 50 million metric tons of VX to cover the entire surface of the Earth.
  • Or about 150 million tons of botulin toxin.

This is the best that mere chemical agents can do, and it seems unlikely that aliens would care to synthesize such huge masses of relatively ineffective substances.

Lethal dosages of biological agents

We turn, therefore, to the biological agents.
As pointed out in the United Nations study,

  • Lethal chemical agents are doled out in milligram quantities;
  • For the more powerful toxins, microgram doses are required.
  • But bacterial agents are so effective that lethal dosages are measured in picograms (trillionth’s of grams).678
Reasonably effective treatment exists for
bubonic plague, but not for pneumonic plague.
Studies of the disease in primates indicate
that exposure to as few as 100 bacteria
cause death in about 50% of the animals.
Ten picograms could constitute
a lethal dose for man.
Infectious agents — the plague

One of the most vigorous infectious agents is plague.

  • Reasonably effective treatment exists for bubonic plague, but not for pneumonic plague.
  • Studies of the disease in primates indicate that exposure to as few as 100 bacteria cause death in about 50% of the animals.
  • Ten picograms could constitute a lethal dose for man.

To quote again from the U.N. report:

  • A large mass of plague bacteria could be grown and probably lyophilized (freeze-dried) and kept in storage.
  • The agent is highly infectious by the aerosol route, and most populations are completely susceptible.
  • An effective vaccine against this type of disease is not known.
  • Infection might also be transmitted to urban and/or field rodents, and natural foci of plague may be created.678
Anthrax bomb

A favorite among science fiction writers a decade or two ago was the "anthrax bomb."

  • Anthrax (Bacillus anthracis) is normally found as a disease in domesticated animals such as sheep, cattle and horses, but most animals are susceptible.
  • It is commonly transmitted to man through the skin, or by ingestion or inhalation of the spores.
  • The inhalation infectious dose for man is estimated variously as from 20,000 — 50,000 spores.
  • Early symptoms occur about one day after exposure, and resemble those of a common cold. Unless there is early treatment with antibiotics immediately, however, death ensues two or three days later in virtually all cases.
Using the most infectious bacteriological agents,
it is estimated that 100 grams per square
kilometer would be sufficient to "disable"
a totally unprotected population of humans.
To infect every person on Earth should require only
50,000 metric tons of, say, pneumonic plague bacteria.
Biological vs. Chemical

How do biological weapons compare to chemical agents?

  • Using the most infectious bacteriological agents, it is estimated that 100 grams per square kilometer would be sufficient to "disable" a totally unprotected population of humans.573
  • To infect every person on Earth should require only 50,000 metric tons of, say, pneumonic plague bacteria.
  • This could be accomplished with a fleet of two hundred B-52H Air Force bombers in only ten missions.
  • Such is doubtless the method of choice for malevolent aliens, who could synthesize still more virulent strains of microorganisms with virtually universal resistance to medical treatment.
Other "genetic" weapons.

There are other "genetic" weapons.

…a typical swarm of these 6 centimeter-long
insects can contain up to ten billion
individuals, massing 100,000 tons in a cloud
covering some 500 square kilometers.
What if the aliens managed to create
a new breed of insect, extremely vicious
and aggressive? Impossible?
  • Prosserman suggests the following: "A water additive that slowly alters the proportion of male-to-female births in the enemy population, or that amplifies sex-drive, or counteracts population control measures.
  • 'Cloning' could be used...to serially produce a race of 'super-soldiers' from a single individual."573
  • More frightening, perhaps, is the possibility of genetically tampering with animals or rodents,2012 rendering them more prolific and more vicious.
  • But why stop with mammals?2015 According to Stanley Baron in The Desert Locust, a typical swarm of these 6 centimeter-long insects can contain up to ten billion individuals, massing 100,000 tons in a cloud covering some 500 square kilometers. What if the aliens managed to create a new breed of insect, extremely vicious and aggressive? Impossible?
Africanized killer bees

Maybe not. In 1957, genetics professor Warwick E. Kerr of the School of Medicine of Ribeirao Preto in Sao Paulo, was performing experiments in crossbreeding with African bees. By accident,26 African queens escaped into the Brazilian jungle, carrying their inimical genes with them.

Bees generally do not attack except
in self-defense or to protect the hive.
But "killer bees" are apparently
extremely "nervous."

In less than a year, a new race of highly aggressive bees arose through in breeding with the common European varieties. Horror stories of these bees attacking humans are legion. In one case, a schoolteacher slapped at her arm when one of the "killer bees" stung her. The insect released an alarm odor. Suddenly, thousands of angry bees engulfed the unfortunate female, and swarmed around anyone who tried to assist her. She died a few hours later.670

It must be pointed out that bees generally do not attack except in self-defense or to protect the hive. But "killer bees" are apparently extremely "nervous." Could not aliens breed an even more aggressive insect?

18.2 Bionic Weaponry
morley safer 315

Electronic Stimulation of the Brain


Normally refers to the implantation of
electrodes deep within a living brain.

In an earlier chapter we discussed various principles of bionics. We examined some of the designs for mechanical bodies which might be utilized by intelligent biological entities. There is no need to cover this ground again here, except to briefly review the possibilities of bionics as weaponry.

Electronic Stimulation of the Brain

Certainly the most widely discussed application of bionic technology is in the field of ESB research. ESB — Electronic Stimulation of the Brain — normally refers to the implantation of electrodes deep within a living brain. These electrodes are pulsed with minute quantities of electrical current in the milliamp range. This interferes with the normal processing of signals by the brain, resulting in altered behavioral patterns.

The military robot may soon be a practical
enterprise even with limited human technology.


Such automata would easily out perform
their biological counterparts, having greater
durability, flexible energy requirements,
and no lack of élan for suicide missions.

In animals other than man, a considerable amount of behavioral control has been achieved.

  • Rats and cats are driven to engorge themselves with food under electrical stimulation, and starving cats have been induced to refrain from eating even though dishes piled high with food were placed before them.495
  • The diameter of the cats‘ pupils can, with suitable electrode implants, be controlled "as if they were the diaphragms of cameras."92
  • A small cat, upon receiving proper stimulation in the tectal area of its brain, willingly attacks a much larger animal. Moreover, it will continue to fight even when clearly outmatched by its adversary.92
  • Female monkeys have been induced to completely lose interest in their young,513
  • Highly aggressive rhesus "bosses" have been rendered docile under ESB.92
  • Dr. Jose M.R. Delgado, one of the leading researchers in the field, dramatically demonstrated the power of ESB more than a decade ago by stopping a charging bull dead in its tracks at the touch of a button. The bull had been "wired" for remote control.484
ESB control of animals

We find that in animals, ESB techniques have been able to control, or at least alter, behaviors of eating, sleeping, aggression, play and sexual activity. But there are also reports of control over motor activity as well.

  • Dr. Lawrence R. Pinneo and his team at the Stanford Research Institute in Menlo Park implanted some thirteen electrodes in the brain stem at the back of a monkey’s head.
  • Small portions of the animal’s motor cortex had been surgically disconnected for the experiment.
  • Pinnec’s device, the Programmed Brain Stimulator, fired the electrodes in the proper sequences to evoke motor responses from the monkey.
  • One programmed sequence, for example, permitted the animal to reach out with its paralyzed arm, grab a piece of food, and return this to its mouth.
  • Another sequence enabled the monkey to reach around and scratch its back, a complicated series of arm and wrist motions.
Applied to humans, ESB has been able to
evoke pain and pleasure, fear, friendliness,
and cooperative attitudes in previously
recalcitrant patients.
Are there any limits to this research?
  • The motor cortex was mapped in more than 200 locations. The experimenters learned exactly which parts of the brain controlled wrist flexion, knee and hip twisting, and grasping movements.516
  • It would appear that full motor control is possible, at least in theory.
Applied to humans

Applied to humans, ESB has been able to evoke pain and pleasure, fear, friendliness, and "cooperative attitudes in previously recalcitrant patients."513 Are there any limits to this research? Delgado, now chairman of the Medical School at the University of Madrid, sees fears of mass control of humans as "fantasies". "ESB may evoke well-organized behavior," he explains, "but it cannot change personal identity."484 He cites two examples to support this position.*

  • First, in all experiments performed to date, researchers have been unable to use ESB to stimulate a male monkey to attack its mate. That is, certain strong inhibitions seem very difficult to overcome.
  • Second, when ESB is used to induce cats to fight one another, it is not a blind, wanton aggression. The attacker carefully sizes up its opponent, selects the best moment at which to strike, and so forth — as in a real fight.
We already know that many primate motor functions
can probably be remote-controlled, at least in theory,
and certain emotional states as well.
It remains to be seen whether ESB techniques can be
extended to mental volitional states as well.
  • It would appear that ESB can alter certain emotional states.
  • What ESB seemingly can not do is alter the subject’s will, except insofar as will is ruled by emotion.

Whether or not alien technologies will find this a fundamental limitation is anyone’s guess. If their ESB technology is vastly superior to ours, they may be capable of surgically implanting electronic stimoceivers in human subjects. We already know that many primate motor functions can probably be remote-controlled, at least in theory, and certain emotional states as well. It remains to be seen whether ESB techniques can be extended to mental volitional states as well.

ESB is not the only bionic technology that could be employed by ETs. The state-of-the-art of robot building and prosthetic aids has already been examined. Here I wish only to call attention to the possibility of advanced machine warfare. For instance, the Russians have made no secret of the fact that they are researching the possibility of using disembodied cat brains as control units in air-to-air missiles. The possibility of keeping brains alive outside their bodies has been confirmed by Dr. Robert J. White of Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland. Dr. White has succeeded in keeping several monkey brains alive in total isolation.92

The possibility of keeping brains alive
outside their bodies has been confirmed
by Dr. Robert J. White of Case Western
Reserve University in Cleveland.
Dr. White has succeeded in keeping several
monkey brains alive in total isolation.

But brains need not be disembodied to utilize machine technology. Possibilities include such devices as:

  • Hardiman (an artificial exoskeleton worn like a suit of armor).
  • The CAM (Cybernetic Anthropomorphous Machine) electronic horse.
  • The huge biped CAM pedipulator.
  • The proposed fifteen meter high maxipulator — also a biped.

These colossal mechanical "teleoperators" hydraulically multiply the user’s strength and stride by an order of magnitude or more. One is reminded of the giant machines used by the attacking Martians in H.G. Wells’ science fiction classic The War of the Worlds.

The invaders may not wish to risk their own bodies in warfare, even behind the relative safety of a Brobdingnagian automaton.2017 Dr. M.W. Thring, head of the Mechanical Engineering Department of Queen Mary College, University of London, believes that the military robot may soon be a practical enterprise even with limited human technology. In two decades, he claims, we may be able to mass produce robot infantrymen for as little as $10,000 apiece — comparable to the cost of training and equipping a human soldier in a modern army. Such automata would easily out perform their biological counterparts, having greater durability, flexible energy requirements, and no lack of élan for suicide missions.92

There is a fair probability that if we are attacked by hostile ETs, it will be a battle fought exclusively by specialized war machines.2016

* Unnecessary if we implant direct neural taps to sensory and motor lines.

18.3 Sonic Weapons

Figure 18.1 Range of Sound in Air and Water

figure 18 1 500px

Figure 18.2 Sonic Intensityand the Thresholds of Hearing and Pain

figure 18 2 500px
Range of Sound

There are many jobs
for which sonic weapons
are uniquely suited.

Sound, or acoustic radiation, might well be utilized by extraterrestrials against man and his artifacts. Although clearly limited in usefulness by the need for a transmitting medium (Figure 18.1), there are many jobs for which sonic weapons are uniquely suited.

The frequency spectrum for sound is chauvinistically, but conveniently, divided into three general regions — the infrasonic, the sonic, and the ultrasonic.

  • Infrasonic radiation ranges from about 0.001 Hz (cycles per second) for some seismic disturbances up to about 20 Hz.
  • The sonic range, the bounds of human hearing, extends from 20 Hz on up to roughly 20 KHz.
  • Then the ultrasonic takes over, reaching from 20 KHz up to 1 MHz (one million cycles per second) and beyond.

Intensity is measured in dB (decibels)
a logarithmic scale of power pressure
impinging on the ear.


A few general aspects of bioacoustics must first be appreciated. Figure 18.2 shows the two most important curves to our analysis.

The first of these is called the threshold of hearing. This is the contour of zero loudness for normal human ears. It is the absolute lower limit of quietness below which we hear nothing.* Note that in the lower sonic range (20-200 Hz) and in the upper sonic range (above 10 KHz), sounds must be considerably more intense for them to become audible than in the middle regions of the spectrum.

The second important curve is called the threshold of pain. Sonic radiation of an intensity greater than this value at any frequency can cause permanent hearing impairment and excruciating physical pain, often described as an uncomfortable tickling sensation in the ears. Certainly, then, aliens could use focused sonic beams to quickly deafen their victims with an agonizingly painful blast of audible sound.

Invisible weapon

But to leave it at this is to miss the most frightening aspect of sonic weapons. Compare the two threshold curves. The pain curve lies below the audibility curve for both infrasonic and ultrasonic frequencies. Beams of acoustic radiation of these kinds could be virtually undetectable by our ears, and yet carry an intensity well above our pain threshold. Here we have an "invisible" weapon, a force which can severely affect us physiologically — yet we are unable to hear it. The specific effects of various frequencies differ, and we take this up next.

Although research in infrasonics is surprisingly scanty, one important conclusion has definitely emerged: Subsonics can affect humans adversely. Infrasound is felt rather than heard, and has the potential of shaking bodies and buildings to pieces at high intensities.

Here we have an "invisible" weapon, a force
which can severely affect us physiologically
— yet we are unable to hear it.
Infrasound exposure

But what are the usual symptoms of human exposure?2152

  • At relatively low power levels (about 120 dB) subjects report chest vibration, throat pressure and interference with respiration, and visual field vibration.431
  • Whole body mechanical vibration is very common.628
  • There are reports that emotional states may suffer some alteration under the influence of low intensity waves.
  • It is entirely possible that fear may be induced,537 or psychological depression.432
Pronounced effects at higher intensities

At higher intensities, the effects are far more pronounced.

  • Vladimir Gavreau, head of the Electroacoustics Laboratories of CNRS in Marseilles, France, relates that five minutes, exposure to 200 Hz at 160 dB caused painful and intense frictional rubbing of his internal organs, resonating with the sound.
  • The accidental exposure was described as "almost lethal" by one researcher,448
  • Apparently the resulting pain took days to fully abate.
  • Had they remained in the sonic fluence for another few minutes, there would almost certainly have been severe internal hemorrhaging, followed by death.
Symptoms of 150 dB at 50-100 Hz

An Air Force study in the early 1960s tested subjects at power levels of 150 dB using frequencies of 50-100 Hz.
The following symptoms were reported:431

  • coughing
  • choking respiration
  • pain on swallowing
  • headaches
  • loss of visual acuity and giddiness
  • severe substernal pressure
  • gagging
  • tingling sensations

Table 18.1 Effects of Mechanical Vibration on Man628

table 18 1 effects of mechanical vibration on man 400
Effects of Mechanical Vibration

Lower frequencies seem to be most energy-efficient in eliciting disabling symptoms from the human organism (Table 18.1). Research in the subsonic range 2-20 Hz indicates the following:

  • Intensities as low as 120 dB cause dizziness, feelings of lethargy and general lack of control.448
  • At 150 dB there is intense discomfort related to the organs of balance, causing nausea, a sensation of rotating, and involuntary movement of the eyeballs.622
  • General disequilibrium, disorientation, lassitude and weakness, and blurring of vision are also common.628

It would seem that high-intensity "subsonic stunners" postulated in various science fiction tales are a practical possibility.231

Infrasonic and low sonic radiation can also
cause massive structural damage …
as in the famous case of the Tacoma Narrows
at Puget Sound, Washington, in 1940.
Infrasonic radiation surrounds us all the time.
Infrasound cannot be stopped by any normal
building material, walls, or acoustic absorbers,
since its wavelength is too long.

Infrasonic and low sonic radiation can also cause massive structural damage. The resonant modes of vibration for bridges, buildings and cars range from 10-100 Hz. Destruction occurs when a standing wave arises along one vibrational mode of the structure. At this resonant frequency the waves are virtually undamped and can build rapidly to a critical level — as in the famous case of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge at Puget Sound, Washington, in 1940.

Infrasonic radiation surrounds us all the time. "Quiet" automobiles traveling at the speed limit commonly put out more than 100 dB in this range. Infrasound cannot be stopped by any normal building material, walls, or acoustic absorbers, since its wavelength is too long.

Gavreau has already constructed several alarmingly powerful "sonic guns."

  • One such device is capable of emitting two kilowatts of power at 37 Hz. It has never been run at full power, since even at low levels the ceiling begins to crack and major body resonances are set up.
  • Gavreau is reportedly now at work on the problem of building highly directional sonic projectors; for instance, an organ-pipe device 24 meters in length designed to operate at 3.5 Hz.628
  • He has estimated that large sonic cannon more than seven meters in diameter could now be constructed with power outputs close to the theoretical maximum for air — roughly 200 dB.448 Can the aliens be far behind?

But let’s not ignore the opposite end of the sonic spectrum. Medical studies have shown that although ultrasonic radiation has more effect on the white matter in the brain than on the grey matter (the cerebral cortex), most neural components can be destroyed in a given region "without interrupting the blood vessels in the same region."623 Only a very detailed autopsy could reveal the true cause of death.

Other than effects on hearing acuity, however, the primary biological consequence of ultrasonic irradiation is vibrational heating.

Present human technology has been able to
produce focused ultrasonic radiation, using
a curved radiator, of more than 190 dB.
That is, we‘ve already nearly attained
the theoretical upper limit, and the effects
are well known to us.
  • It is well-known that heat resulting from 20 KHz at 150-160 dB is quite sufficient to kill small animals.
  • But apparently the presence of fur serves to absorb this radiation, and shaven animals fare much better.
  • Men exposed to 150 dB were not significantly affected in one study.627
  • But it has been reliably estimated that 180 dB of airborne ultrasound would constitute a lethal dose for humans.

Would ETs select an ultrasonic weapon? It’s doubtful. Present human technology has been able to produce focused ultrasonic radiation, using a curved radiator, of more than 190 dB. That is, we‘ve already nearly attained the theoretical upper limit, and the effects are well known to us. And as we shall see in the next section, there are much more efficient ways to cause thermal destruction, techniques not nearly so range-restricted and medium-restricted as ultrasound.

Intensity measured in dB (decibels)

* Intensity is measured in dB (decibels), a logarithmic scale of power pressure impinging on the ear.

  • 30 dB is considered very quiet.
  • Normal conversation takes place at about 60 dB.
  • Driving diesel trucks or motorcycles exposes one to about 85-90 dB.
  • Rock concerts may reach 110 dB or higher.
18.4 Photonic Radiative Weaponry
Electromagnetic radiative weaponry

Table 18.2 The Electromagnetic Spectrum

table 18 2 electromagnetic spectrum 500

Two varieties of radiative weaponry:


■ Electromagnetic (photonic)
■ Particulate (atomic and nuclear particles)

Radiative weapons are comprised of the class of devices which achieve their deadly results by the use of projected radiation — acoustic radiation is usually excluded from this category. There are two varieties of radiative weaponry: electromagnetic (photonic) and particulate (atomic and nuclear particles). We‘ll look first at the electromagnetic ones (Table 18.2).

Static fields

Static fields need be considered only briefly. There is little or no evidence that mere electrostatic or magnetostatic fields have any effect whatsoever on the human organism. No gross effects have been observed in tests of laboratory animals subjected to magnetic fields up to several kilo-gauss.568 Likewise, few significant effects are reported from exposures to time-invariant electric fields. Hence, we find that static fields won‘t be useful to aliens as weapons.

Very Low Frequency

VLF (Very Low Frequency) radiation has long been considered virtually harmless. It is emitted, for example, by power lines and electrical appliances we use every day. How could VLF possibly be harmful?

There are several interesting effects produced by exposure to slowly oscillating magnetic fields, such as the magnetic phosphene.566 The French physicist d'Arsonval was the first to describe these colorless "shimmering luminosities" in the last century. Application of VLF frequencies of from 10-100 Hz to the head causes these flickering phosphenes to appear at the borders of the visual field.568 Could ETs make us think we see ghosts?

  • Muscle contractions have also been induced in frog tissue by VLF radiation.
  • Furthermore, a study conducted in the Soviet Union a few years ago concluded that exposures to 50-100 volts per centimeter have significant effects on humans. Subjects reported tremors in arms and legs, slowed heartbeat, fatigue and sleepiness,570 and even anemia.679
  • Recent Navy research has demonstrated that an electrical field at 60 Hz can alter the concentration of fats in the human bloodstream.463
  • And according to the late Dr. Norbert Weiner, a 10 Hz ambient electrical field causes "unpleasant sensations."526 The oscillating field coincides roughly with the brain’s alpha-rhythm frequency.
  • A variation of this technique, using scalp electrodes, is used to put human subjects to sleep — the so-called "Russian sleep machine" or "electrosleep."
Humans relatively immune

But these findings are hotly contested by Dr. Otto H. Schmitt, Chairman of the Biophysics Group at the University of Minnesota. He recently completed a two-year study to determine whether or not man can detect VLF magnetic fields. Schmitt found that not one of his 500 subjects could consistently tell when the field was on or off. "Humans are relatively immune even to strong magnetic fields," he writes, "so long as they are not shocked, burned, or grossly polarized by the fields."629 He points out, however, that persons with prosthetic or bionic equipment (such as a pace-maker implant for the heart) might be particularly susceptible even to relatively low intensity VLF fields.

Schmitt found that not one of his 500 subjects
could consistently tell when the field was on or off.
"Humans are relatively immune even to strong
magnetic fields," he writes, "so long as they are not
shocked, burned, or grossly polarized by the fields."
Inconclusive data

Accordingly, we can only note that at present the data are inconclusive. If it turns out that VLF is harmful after all, it’s a fair bet the aliens will know about it too!

Inductive heating

Of course, we have been discussing using VLF against humans directly. But aliens could build giant inductors and utilize the well-known principle of inductive heating on any metallic object, such as cars and spaceships.548 Inductors use frequencies from 10 Hz up to 1 MHz, the former allowing uniform volume heating and the latter causing mere skin heating. A one-megawatt inductor weapon should be capable of raising one ton of metal about two degrees Celsius every second.*

* Such a weapon would require only two hours to raise an Apollo command module to red heat. The craft would reach its melting point four hours after heating began, and would be reduced to a spherical molten mass about ten minutes later.

Radio wave, microwave and infrared

Radio wave, microwave and infrared effects are manifested primarily as simple radiative heating.

  • The longer radio waves cause thermal agitation and rotation of molecules, resulting in a rise in temperature of the bulk material subjected to irradiation.
  • Microwave and infrared, on the other hand, stimulate molecules in what are called vibrational modes.
  • Both infrared and visible radiation act on the whole molecule, causing direct heating. But the ultimate result is essentially the same — increased temperature.
  • As far as specific destructive power is concerned, suffice it to say that a narrow beam of such radiation could burn a hole through a human with only a few tens of kilojoules of energy.
Infrared and lower-energy forms

Infrared and lower-energy forms of electromagnetic radiation are known collectively as nonionizing radiation.

  • Such radiation doesn‘t really alter the electronic state of the molecules themselves, but merely shakes them up a bit.
  • It has been shown that nonionizing radiation doesn‘t cause genetic damage.
  • Fruit flies tested under kilowatt Hertzian radiation for 12 hours evidenced no mutational changes whatsoever.680
Visible and ultraviolet light

Visible and ultraviolet light are considered to be slightly more "penetrating" forms of radiation.

  • These photons are absorbed by the orbital electrons of atoms, but the energy thus absorbed is sometimes insufficient to knock the electrons clear of the atom.
  • The excited but unionized atom is still plenty reactive, bringing about the production of deadly photo-products such as hydrogen peroxide in surface cells.
  • UV is selectively absorbed by nucleic acids and proteins, and the mutagenic effects of UV bring on skin cancer.
  • Exposures to as little as 600 joules over a naked human body causes surface cells to perish, "not only due to the disruption of nucleic acid synthesis, but also due to damage to the fine structures and disturbance of metabolism."445
X-rays and gamma rays

As we move to still higher energy radiation, we enter the realm of X-rays and gamma rays.

  • The activities of such radiations are not confined merely to the surface, but are instead deeply penetrating. These are called ionizing radiations.
  • Photons of large energy are absorbed by orbital electrons but, unlike visible or some UV radiation, these electrons are hurled from the atom, leaving behind a charged ion. Such ionized atoms are extremely reactive chemically.
  • The biochemical effects appear only after a period of latency, usually a few days or weeks.
  • Radiosensitivity is marked in cells with high metabolism and high reproductive rates.604
  • Lethality doses for man run approximately one kilojoule for X-rays (1.5 × 1017 photons/m2)
  • Lethal dose of three kilojoules for "soft" gamma radiation (2 × 1015 photons/m2).379
An object a few megameters away,
even if in Earth-orbit, could easily
evade detection indefinitely.
Farther out than that, and our chances
of detecting the intruder are virtually zero.
The far greater difficulty of picking up
a distant target whose location and even
existence are uncertain, and which is
designed to be non-reflective, should
be obvious.

How can electromagnetics be applied to the science of weaponry? The earliest use was the invention of radar. It’s generally assumed that if an alien spacecraft were to approach Earth without warning, our Ballistic Missile Early Warning System (BMEWS/SAGE) could not fail to pick it up. This is a gross misconception. In addition to the fact that the SAGE computers are specifically programmed to ignore any nonballistic UFO-like targets, our radars are only effective out to a few hundred kilometers, at best. An object a few megameters away, even if in Earth-orbit, could easily evade detection indefinitely. Farther out than that, and our chances of detecting the intruder are virtually zero. As Robert Salkeld points out in War and Space, it took the better part of a month for Earth-based observatories to locate and detect laser echoes from the specially-designed Apollo 11 reflector left behind on the surface of the Moon. Salkeld laments: "The far greater difficulty of picking up a distant target whose location and even existence are uncertain, and which is designed to be non-reflective, should be obvious."561 A surprise attack from space is therefore quite possible.

Satellite blinders

But certainly the most alarming photonic weapons technology is the military laser. A bewildering array of possibilities has suddenly become available. For instance, it’s well known that to gaze into a laser beam of even low intensity can cause permanent blindness. It has been suggested that "satellite blinders" could be placed in orbit by aliens. Anyone who glanced at the sky for more than a few moments would become permanently and irreparably blind. Arthur C. Clarke uses a variation of this idea in his short story "The Light of Darkness."637

The CIA developed an apparatus which fired a
tiny pencil of laser light at a closed window.
Vibrations of the air inside the room — due to
people talking — set the window pane vibrating.
This in turn caused minute fluctuations in the
reflected laser beam which could be decoded
and reassembled back into the original speech,
at the receiver!
The big breakthrough in high-power laser
technology occurred when it was discovered
that fast-flowing reactive gases could be
chemically combined rapidly, releasing huge
quantities of laser energy.
Laser listening device

Another unusual application is the laser listening device. Victor Marchetti and John D. Marks, in their collaboration The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence, relate that in the early 1960s the CIA developed an apparatus which fired a tiny pencil of laser light at a closed window. Vibrations of the air inside the room — due to people talking — set the window pane vibrating. This in turn caused minute fluctuations in the reflected laser beam which could be decoded and reassembled back into the original speech, at the receiver! Although the contrivance apparently had a few technical bugs, the idea of spying on a nearby alien spacecraft — in windless, airless space — is intriguing.

Defense satellites

The Pentagon is now examining the possibility of placing a network of "defense" satellites in orbit, each armed with powerful lasers. These orbital robots would approach and destroy "alien" hardware, or disable missiles that flew within range. The Soviets are reportedly working on a satellite-killer of their own.

Laser cannons

This brings us to the "big daddy" of laser weaponry, the so-called laser cannons. The big breakthrough in high-power laser technology occurred when it was discovered that fast-flowing reactive gases could be chemically combined rapidly, releasing huge quantities of laser energy. The Gas Dynamic Laser (GDL), one of the major contenders in the high-power sweepstakes, produces a concentrated beam of laser light when its reaction gases are combined and forced through tiny nozzles at supersonic speeds.

It’s believed that prototype laser cannons will be available in the 1978-1979 period, and that working field models may be coming into use in the early 1980's.461 Already the U.S. Army has fielded an experimental laser tank, called the Mobile Test Unit (MTU). From early in 1975, the MTU has been tested at the Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Alabama. The driver rides in front, aiming the turret in the rear at the desired target. The Electric Discharge Laser (EDL) in the turret fires a multi-kilojoule pulse, powerful enough to burn holes in wood, metal, or human flesh. Says a researcher on the MTU development team: "It‘ll go right through you right now with no trouble."392

Semi-portable laser rifle.
Designed to be carried and operated
by three men, this high-energy chemical
laser is aimed like a shotgun and fired.
It is supposedly capable of burning a
centimeter-wide hole in an unprotected
human body at a range of up to 8 km.
"Once you‘ve got him in your sights,"
says one TRW engineer, "you‘ve got him.
There are no misses."
Laser rifle

There is also under development, by TRW Systems in Redondo Beach, California, a semi-portable laser rifle.

  • Designed to be carried and operated by three men, this high-energy chemical laser is aimed like a shotgun and fired.
  • It is supposedly capable of burning a centimeter-wide hole in an unprotected human body at a range of up to eight kilometers.
  • "Once you‘ve got him in your sights," says one TRW engineer, "you‘ve got him. There are no misses."394
Continuous-operation laser
  • As for gross power and destructive capability, Avco has reported that its eight kilowatt continuous-operation laser cuts through Plexiglas at about 2.5 cm per second.527
  • The twenty kilowatt laser at the Air Force Avionics Laboratory near Dayton, Ohio, is capable of burning three centimeter wide holes in firebrick at the rate of 10 cm per second.
  • It’s also known that the Air Force has since constructed GDLs capable of several hundred thousand kilowatts of contiuous power, although the exact details remain classified.397
  • Dr. J. Paul Robinson at Los Alarnos speaks matter-of-factly about orbiting megajoule lasers in the near future.410
  • It is a fact that the Pentagon spent nearly $200 million in Fiscal 1976 on laser weapons technology alone.
High frequency lasers

High frequency lasers haven‘t actually been constructed as yet, but it has been emphasized repeatedly that both X-ray lasers491 and gamma ray lasers, called grasers,475, 506 are theoretically possible. Even though practical feasibility has not been demonstrated, many scientists are already predicting that when x-ray lasers are constructed, energy fluxes "greater than one kilojoule per square centimeter" will be available.507

Death rays

Admittedly, laser "death rays" have their limitations.

  • Since light travels in a straight line, beams cannot be aimed at anything below the horizon unless orbital mirrors are used.
  • Furthermore, laser light is scattered or absorbed by clouds, mist, dust, fog, and smoke.
  • If the target is shiny and reflective, most of the laser’s energy can be dissipated harmlessly.

And yet it’s still considered a very promising weapon.

  • It fires high-energy "projectiles" that travel at the speed of light.
  • Aiming is vastly improved.
  • Were lasers to be used in space battles, where beams can travel thousands of kilometers uninterrupted to their targets, it would represent a formidable weapon indeed. Our extraterrestrial invaders will surely be aware of this.
Other photonic weapons
Focused solar radiation as an offensive weapon.
This idea is really quite old. In fact, the great
Greek mathematician Archimedes was the first
to have actually put the plan to practice.
Between 215 and 212 B.C., the Roman navy
beseiged the Hellenic port of Syracuse.
Archimedes set fire to the fleet by using
polished reflectors to concentrate the Sun’s
heat onto the attackers.
It’s theoretically possible, to orbit giant mirrors
in space, to hover over the Equator and to
reflect sunlight to any spot on Earth.
And as they need only be made of mylar film
coated with a few atoms' thickness of aluminum,
they would be extremely light even if they were
miles on a side.
It would be technically feasible to erect
such mirrors using Saturn V launch vehicles.
Focused solar radiation

Two other photonic weapons deserve at least a passing mention. The first of these is the idea of using focused solar radiation as an offensive weapon. This idea is really quite old. In fact, the great Greek mathematician Archimedes was the first — to the best of my knowledge — to have actually put the plan to practice. Between 215 and 212 B.C., the Roman navy beseiged the Hellenic port of Syracuse. Archimedes set fire to the fleet by using polished reflectors* to concentrate the Sun’s heat onto the attackers.

In 1969 Dr. Thomas O. Paine, a former administrator for NASA, suggested that it might be possible to place a giant solar reflecting mirror on the lunar surface. This mirror, he claimed, could be used to destroy any chosen city on Earth.77 Arthur C. Clarke has hinted that such a weapon might be wielded from Earth-orbit. "It’s theoretically possible," he asserts, "to orbit giant mirrors in space, to hover over the Equator and to reflect sunlight to any spot on Earth. And as they need only be made of mylar film coated with a few atoms' thickness of aluminum, they would be extremely light even if they were miles on a side. It would be technically feasible to erect such mirrors using Saturn V launch vehicles …"81

Invisibility cloak

The second photonic device is the practical invisibility cloak. It is often pointed out that an invisible man would also be quite blind.53 I can see no easy way around this fundamental objection. However, what if aliens wished merely to render isolated structures invisible? One suggestion along these lines entails the erection of a hemispherical cap over the buildings. The outer surface of this cap would consist of a 3-D holographic "picture" of the virgin terrain prior to the construction of said building. In this case, the ETs wouldn‘t particularly care whether or not they could see out from their hideout, as they could place TV cameras outside the periphery of the cloak. Or, if it is possible to maintain a radial refractive index gradient around the buildings, a kind of spherical lens might be created. The resulting image of the refracted background should be at least as good as a fine mirage, and perhaps even better — using advanced alien technology.

Subjective invisibility

And of course we can always resolve the optics problem by resorting to subjective invisibility. That is, the alien causes humans to simply ignore his presence, psychologically. For all practical purposes, the ET would have become "invisible."55 An interesting variation on this theme may be found in Larry Niven’s science fiction novel A Gift From Earth (Matt Keller’s Plateau Eyes.231

* coppered shields, about a hundred of them trained on each enemy vessel.

18.5 Particulate Radiative Weaponry
Effects of particulate radiation

How does particulate radiation affect the human organism? One most unusual effect relates to visual sensations caused by the passage of fast-moving particles through the retina. It has been reported that about 10% of all relativistic nitrogen nuclei shot through a human eyeball are perceived as tiny streaks of light in the visual field.473 High energy muons and pions have been found to cause a similar phenomenon, appearing as a crescent-shaped flash as large as one-half the entire field of view.529

But by and large, the biological effects of particulate radiation are quite straightforward.

  • Any particle bearing an electric charge (protons, electrons) and having a reasonably high kinetic energy will interact strongly with the orbital electrons in any physical medium it passes through.
  • Charged particles lose energy to orbital electrons bit by bit as they pass, unlike photons which divest all their energy in a single blast.
  • Neutral particles like the neutron cannot interact electromagnetically with matter, and zip right past the orbital electrons.
  • All their energy is transferred in a single collision with an atomic nucleus — which absorbs them and recoils violently.
Ionizing / nonionizing radiation
  • We call high-energy charged particles directly ionizing radiation.
  • Whereas photons of very high energy and neutrons of all energies are referred to as indirectly ionizing radiation.
  • Slow moving charged particles and low-energy photons are known collectively as nonionizing radiation.
Nuclear particle zoo
At last count, well over
200 different particles
had been discovered.

Which of the particles in the "nuclear particle zoo" are germane to our study? At last count, well over 200 different particles had been discovered. Let us briefly consider just a few of them.

  • We've already mentioned the proton (positive charge) and the neutron (neutral) — the constituents of atomic nuclei — and electrons (negative charge).
  • Each of these has its antiparticle. An antiparticle is the "opposite" of a particle, in the sense that when the two come together they are observed to undergo annihilation (mutual destruction) and release large quantities of energy.
The anti-particles
  • The anti-electron, the first antiparticle to be discovered, was given a special name — the positron.
  • The positron-electron annihilation reaction is very specific; positrons would presumably be stable in a universe without electrons.681
  • The proton and neutron each have their anti counterparts.
  • However, they are slightly less specific in their reactions. An antiproton will annihilate both a neutron and a proton; likewise, the antineutron annihilates both neutrons and protons.681
  • Pions are particles which come in three varieties — positive, neutral, and negatively charged.
  • They are produced via proton-antiproton and neutron-antineutron reactions, and also in cases where protons or neutrons collide with nucleons in normal matter.
  • But pions are unstable, decaying to muons and electrons in very brief times.
  • Muons exist in positive and negative forms and are also unstable, decaying in about two microseconds to electrons and other particles.

Let us turn now to applications.

One of the larger artificial lightning
machines was the one built for
the 1939 World’s Fair in New York.
Its output reportedly exceeded ten million
volts at about 200 kilojoules per bolt.
This is sufficient to jump more than
ten meters through dry air.
The taser

The most common form of electron transfer in our everyday lives is via electricity. Can this be used as a weapon? Dr. John Cover, a scientist in Newport Beach, has developed a device he calls a taser. The taser passes a jolt of electricity at 50,000 volts (but very low current) through the body, temporarily freezing the skeletal muscles with few lasting effects. This "stun gun" is being manufactured and marketed under the trade name Taser Public Defender by Advanced Chemical Technology, a Los Angeles firm.

But this device gets the energy to the human target by firing tiny darts attached to ten meter threadlike wires. Surely there must be a better way!


The alien attackers may be capable of actually throwing thunderbolts at us, those powerful instruments of Zeus' arbitrary whim.

  • One of the larger artificial lightning machines was the one built for the 1939 World’s Fair in New York. Its output reportedly exceeded ten million volts at about 200 kilojoules per bolt. This is sufficient to jump more than ten meters through dry air.
  • Voltages of more than twenty million volts are commercially available today.
Natural lightning

Natural lightning is even more impressive.

Natural lightning is even more impressive.
Discharges from so-called "positive giants"
pass energies in excess of several billion
joules, at hundreds of millions of volts
electrical potential.
The cores of such strokes momentarily reach
temperatures of up to 30,000 °C, several
times hotter than the solar photosphere.
  • Discharges from so-called "positive giants" pass energies in excess of several billion joules, at hundreds of millions of volts electrical potential.
  • The cores of such strokes momentarily reach temperatures of up to 30,000 °C, several times hotter than the solar photosphere.
  • It's quite possible that hovering alien spacecraft could use a weapon of this kind to destroy houses, vehicles, or even crowds or single individuals.
  • A tight beam of ionizing radiation might precede the bolt to the ground, ionizing an easy conduction path in air straight to the target.
  • It would be difficult to operate a hand-held device of this kind, such as a lightning bolt rifle, as it would be virtually impossible for the attacker to avoid being shocked himself.
Other forms of lightning

Of course, there are other forms of lightning. Of particular interest is the phenomenon known as ball lightning.

  • After decades of controversy, it is now generally accepted that these fiery balls of electrical energy — kugelblitz — do exist.
  • They are described as being anywhere from one centimeter to one meter in diameter, in colors ranging from white and blue to red and yellow.459
  • The plasma globes can be spherical or elliptical in shape.466
  • Lifetimes are typically about five seconds, but occasionally a kugeiblitz has been seen to remain intact for more than a minute.
  • Their demise occurs in one of two ways — silently (fast or slow), or explosively with a loud pop — and they generally travel at about 4 meters per second, either vertically611 or horizontally.459
Since ball lightning requires no ionized
path and appears to be self-sustaining,
it should be possible for ETs to wield
portable kugeiblitz projectors.
A person directly hit with one of these
plasma balls could suffer severe radiation
burns, electrocution, and traumatic shock.
There is a small problem with aiming
accuracy, as the motions of the glowing
balls are frequently erratic.
However, there have been many reports
of ball lightning actually "chasing" people,
apparently attracted to a small
accumulated net charge.
Aim may in fact be a nonproblem after all.
How much energy?

How much energy do they contain?

  • One 20 centimeter kugeiblitz fell into a small barrel of water, causing it to boil for several minutes.549
  • Another plasma ball was seen entering a heavy oak piling, which shattered violently moments later.
  • The ball was estimated to contain an energy of 100 kilojoules.610
  • Energy densities have been variously estimated from 20 megajoules per cubic meter611 up to 100 megajoules per cubic meter.505
  • One author has speculated that persons standing within a meter or two of a large lightning ball might well be exposed to radiation sufficient to cause radionecrosis, although the balls are rarely reported to emit heat.505
Portable kugeiblitz projectors

Since ball lightning requires no ionized path and appears to be self-sustaining, it should be possible for ETs to wield portable kugeiblitz projectors.

  • A person directly hit with one of these plasma balls could suffer severe radiation burns, electrocution, and traumatic shock.
  • There is a small problem with aiming accuracy, as the motions of the glowing balls are frequently erratic.
  • However, there have been many reports of ball lightning actually "chasing" people, apparently attracted to a small accumulated net charge.466
  • Aim may in fact be a nonproblem after all.
Torch weapons

The problem with charged particle torches in general
is that there’s an obvious defense available.

Electrostatic screens …

Only if torch weapons aren’t expected would
the torchers have a fighting chance for success.

Electrons in space

Electrons can be utilized more directly in space.

  • A beam of electrons could be fired at the hull of an alien spacecraft, embedding negative charges throughout its bulk.
  • The craft might then be grappled electrostatically — a tractor beam of sorts.
  • Unfortunately, the forces generated are quite weak over normal operational distances, and the skin charge would be easy to neutralize by the aliens themselves.
Muon torch

More reasonable, perhaps, are the torch weapons. The muon torch is a prime example.

  • Muons are very inert mesons, so inert that they comprise about 80% of the cosmic rays at sea level and have been detected in mines, hundreds of meters beneath solid rock.681
  • The depth of penetration depends almost solely upon the initial energy of the beam of particles — the higher the energy, the farther they go.
  • But muons decay after 2.2 microseconds. We can arrange the beam energy so that, after the muons have traveled, say, one kilometer, the decay time has elapsed.
  • One kilometer from the source, then, the particles in the beam will suddenly decay, releasing their energy with almost pinpoint accuracy.
  • Range can be adjusted on the muon torch by merely adjusting the energy of the beam.

Table 18.3 Range of the Charged-Pion Torch in Vacuum

table 18 3 range of charged pion torch 400
Charged pions torch

Charged pions can also provide us with a torch effect. However, since charged pions decay in only 0.03 microseconds, to get the same range pions must be accelerated to energies about ten thousand times higher than muons (Table 18.3). But the pion torch is superior for one simple reason.

  • When the muon decays, most of the energy thus liberated is carried away by neutrinos and is effectively lost.
  • But when the pion decays, its full rest mass energy of 139 MeV is delivered to the target.
  • If the aliens have constructed a pion torch capable of delivering a pion current of one milliampere — not inconceivable using modern human technology — the weapon would have a power at the target of about 150 kilowatts.*
Defense against
  • The problem with charged particle torches in general is that there’s an obvious defense available.
  • Electrostatic screens around an enemy ship in space would repell the pions as easily as electrons are deflected in a TV picture tube.
  • Only if torch weapons aren’t expected would the torchers have a fighting chance for success.
Neutral pions
  • Neutral pions are available too, of course, and would be quite undeflectable by any electrical field.
  • There would be no elegant defense against a neutral pion torch.
  • There’s just one catch. The neutral pion decays in 10-15 seconds.
  • To achieve the same range as a charged pion torch, energies must be some seven orders of magnitude greater.
  • Even at the terrific energy of 1000 TeV, at least three orders of magnitude above the capacity of the largest accelerator on Earth, the neutral pions would have a range in vacuum of only 2.2 meters.

* Note also that the pion decay cloud could be materialized inside the enemy ship, incinerating everything within but leaving the hull intact.


Figure 18.3 The Starship Enterprise fires its phasers

Pure antimatter

We have not yet exhausted the list of nonphotonic radiative weapons. It has long been believed by many nuclear physicists that whole atoms of antiparticles could be built up — into anti-atoms.

A mere 64 grams of antimatter,
released on the surface of this
planet, would provide an
explosive yield of one megaton


 — the approximate energy
requirement to utterly destroy
a city of one million inhabitants.

  • An atom of antimatter would have a negatively charged nucleus surrounded by a cloud of positrons.
  • Recent research has revealed the first synthesis of the anti-helium-3 nucleus,487 and the antideuteron (anti-deuterium nucleus) has been known for a decade.
  • It is not inconceivable that ETs may be able to fashion macroscopic chunks of pure antimatter, stored temporarily in some kind of (perhaps) magnetic confinement vessel.

A mere 64 grams of antimatter, released on the surface of this planet, would provide an explosive yield of one megaton — the approximate energy requirement to utterly destroy a city of one million inhabitants.573

Other applications for antimatter

Other applications for antimatter may be imagined.

  • A cloud of anti-plasma released at an enemy vessel in space could cause severe structural weakening of the hull, as in the original-series Star Trek adventure "Balance of Terror" and other science fiction tales.607
  • Another possibility is the use of antiparticle beams to slice up chunks of ordinary matter.
  • A beam of anti-protons, for instance, would cut right through a distant spacecraft.
  • Not only would the ship be physically riven in two, but fierce radiation accompanying the annihilation reactions would undoubtedly prove quite deadly to the occupants.

Aliens would be smart enough not to choose antiprotons for this purpose, however, as these are susceptible to electrostatic defenses. ETs would use antineutrons instead. Or they may use other forms of beam weapons that we not yet imagined (Figure 18.3).

18.6 Nuclear Explosives

Table 18.4 Thermonuclear Explosive Blast Effects

table 18 4 thermonuclear explosive blast effects 400

3000 gigatons to kill
half the human race.

Nuclear explosives don‘t fit neatly into the above categories, for the simple reason that the blast products consist of virtually every brand of destructiveness discussed so far.

  • About half of the energy of a thermonuclear device comes off as sonic energy, in the form of high pressure shock waves and gross mechanical vibration.
  • The other half consists of electromagnetic radiation of all kinds, primarily x-rays but including ultraviolet, visible and radio emissions.
  • Nuclear radiation, primarily fast neutrons, constitute a few percent of the total.
  • Fallout comprises various amounts of poisonous radiochemicals.
  • Nuclear weapons are very messy affairs.
  • Many fires are started at once by the flash of an H-bomb.
  • The majority of casualties result, not from the effects of the blast itself, but by the firestorm sweeping the victim city.
  • Only at the very outermost edges of the hellish thermal maelstrom are individuals able to drag themselves to safety (Table 18.4).
Nuclear weapons out in space

Out in space where there is no atmosphere to absorb and scatter radiation, the destructive range is vastly increased.

  • It has been estimated that a 20 megaton thermonuclear device would be sufficient to kill astronauts in unshielded spacecraft within a sphere nearly 1000 kilometers in diameter.
  • A lethal sphere the size of the Earth itself would require a 10,000 megaton bomb, "a weapon which probably could be built with today’s technology."561
H-bomb technology

Various aerospace magazines have given rough estimates of the state-of-the-art of H-bomb building technology — roughly 45 kilograms of bomb weight for each megaton of destructive power.563

A well-designed A-bomb could
be built as small as a grapefruit.

  • According to Theodore Taylor in The Curve of Binding Energy, a well-designed A-bomb could be built as small as a grapefruit.
  • Thermonuclear devices could be disguised as color television sets!
  • Cost? Ten kiloton bombs can reportedly be purchased (authorized customers only!) for $350,000.
  • Two-megaton devices can be picked up for a paltry $600,000.573 Bombs are cheap.
The neutron bomb is a clean, low-power H-bomb.
There would be no ordinary fallout.
Buildings would be left virtually unscathed,
although the passage of neutrons would make
walls, and metal slightly radioactive for a few days.
The fusion of as little as one milligram of deuterium
could produce enough neutrons to kill 100,000
humans even through one meter of solid concrete.
Neutron bomb

The aliens may be cleverer than we imagine, however. They may choose to attack our nuclear power plants or our nuclear weapon depositories, and get us with our own stuff! Or they may turn to the N-bomb.

  • The neutron bomb is a clean, low-power H-bomb.
  • A-bombs use the principle of nuclear fission — a mass of U-235 or plutonium undergoes a chain reaction explosion.
  • In the H-bomb, fissile components are used to achieve the high temperatures necessary for the initiation of fusion reactions between deuterium and tritium.
  • Explosive yields are further increased by wrapping the H-bomb in a jacket of U-238, which is highly fissionable only in the presence of high neutron fluxes.

On the other hand, the neutron bomb would be a pure fusion bomb, employing no dirty fission detonator.

  • The N-bomb would release large numbers of 17 MeV neutrons over limited areas — perhaps a few kilometers in diameter.
  • These neutrons have high penetrating power, and produce secondary radiation by colliding with atomic nuclei.
  • These secondary particles are responsible for the lethality of the neutrons.
  • There would be no ordinary fallout, although the invading aliens might have to wait a short while before entering our cities.
  • Buildings and land would be left virtually unscathed, although the passage of neutrons would make walls and metal slightly radioactive for a few days.
  • The fusion of as little as one milligram of deuterium could produce enough neutrons to kill 100,000 humans even through one meter of solid concrete.
If the N-bomb was of proper size, and was
exploded at just the right height, it would spray
the area with deadly neutrons without causing
widespread firestorms and structural damage.
The N-bomb would be an excellent tactical weapon
for aliens who wanted us out of the way but wished
to examine our undamaged artifacts at their leisure.
N-bomb: more than pure fusion

But an N-bomb is more than just a pure fusion bomb.

  • Normal thermonuclear devices have such large blast effects that the neutron damage would be lost in the greater general destruction.
  • The range of the neutrons depends on their energy, and this is relatively constant. Hence, the trick is to build a very low yield fusion bomb, in the kiloton range.
  • If the N-bomb was of proper size, and was exploded at just the right height, it would spray the area with deadly neutrons without causing widespread firestorms and structural damage.
  • The N-bomb would be an excellent tactical weapon for aliens who wanted us out of the way but wished to examine our undamaged artifacts at their leisure.
Gigaton yield devices

Of course, H-bombs can always be made as large as desired. Gigaton yield devices (1000 megatons) have been seriously discussed, and are usually referred to as "doomsday bombs."

Figures released by the Atomic Energy Commission in the
early 1960s show that a one gigaton warhead detonated
about 16 kilometers up could be expected to start fires
over an area of more than 700,000 square kilometers.
  • Robert Salkeld suggests that a gigaton bomb burst in our upper atmosphere would ignite all combustible substances (forests, buildings, humans) in a 600 kilometer circle below.561
  • Figures released by the Atomic Energy Commission in the early 1960s show that a one gigaton warhead detonated about 16 kilometers up could be expected to start fires over an area of more than 700,000 square kilometers.525
Salted dirty bombs

Others have estimated that 20-gigaton devices could be "salted" to make them dirtier.

  • A bomb wrapped in sodium would release intense, quick-killing radioactive fallout with a half-life of only fifteen hours (24Na).
  • If the wrapping were cobalt instead, the fallout (60Co, half-life 5.3 years) would kill very slowly, but would last a long time.
  • Or both could be incorporated in a single weapon. As one writer dryly pointed out: "The sodium-24 would knock out those who didn‘t get into deep shelters, and the cobalt-60 would immobilize those who did."525
But the true doomsday bomb is the one which,
if used, could destroy all human life on Earth.
Physicist W.H. Clark, a nuclear weapons
technologist, has estimated that at least
1000 gigatons of nuclear explosives would
be required to wipe out the human race.
Freeman J. Dyson, at Princeton, comes up
with more conservative figures:
3000 gigatons to kill half the human race.
Doomsday bomb

But the true doomsday bomb is the one which, if used, could destroy all human life on Earth.

  • Physicist W.H. Clark, a nuclear weapons technologist, has estimated that at least 1000 gigatons of nuclear explosives would be required to wipe out the human race.
  • Freeman J. Dyson, at Princeton, comes up with more conservative figures: 3000 gigatons to kill half the human race.525
  • The strongest, and certainly the most obvious, argument against doomsday bombs from a military standpoint is that the attacker is destroyed along with the attacked.
  • But would this argument be persuasive for marauding off-world aliens intent on planetary destruction?
18.7 Climate Modification and High Technology Weapons
Weather warfare
goethe 341
We regard the weather as a weapon.
Anything one can use to get his way
is a weapon and the weather is as
good a one as any.

The science of weather modification and climate control is still in its infancy. It is therefore much more difficult to assess the possibilities than in earlier sections. "High technology" necessarily implies a more speculative effort — not to imply that weapons discussed below are any less dangerous or less real. If any of the techniques described below turn out to be unworkable for one reason or another, it’s probably unimportant. The ETs undoubtedly have far more effective ones at their disposal!

Dr. Pierre St. Amand, doing weather modification research for the U.S. Navy in the mid-1960s, said of his work: "We regard the weather as a weapon. Anything one can use to get his way is a weapon and the weather is as good a one as any."

  • In 1974, the Pentagon conceded it had used weather warfare in Vietnam for more than seven years.
  • In point of fact, the CIA allegedly began a rainmaking project over Saigon as early as 1963.471
  • This disclosure infuriated the Soviets, who promptly introduced a resolution in the United Nations calling for multilateral renouncement of all geophysical and meteorological warfare.462
Weather modification

Man has been tampering with the weather in earnest since Schaefer and Langmuir's historic snowfall-induction experiments in 1946. Unfortunately, there have been many failures and progress has been slow.

  • Silver iodide and dry ice have been used to precipitate rain for decades, and recently another technique — liquid propane sprayed into supercooled fogs — has been added to the list.465
  • Hail suppression research appears promising,464
  • Snowfall-induction for watershed and recreational purposes has become a commercial enterprise.474
  • We can disperse fogs, prevent frost, and the NOAA's Project Stormfury has had limited success in reducing the severity of tropical hurricanes.

But man’s best efforts to date still appear rather feeble.

Earthquake generation

Could aliens find ways to generate earthquakes at will?

  • Small tremors have already been artificially created by pumping water into the ground under pressure. This lubricates the fault lines, allowing the crustal plates to slip.
  • Another technique is to set off high explosives at a weak point along a fault, jarring it loose suddenly. If the blast site were judiciously selected by alien geophysicists, the resulting quake could be devastating.
  • Finally, there is the suggestion that earthquakes might be triggered by high intensity infrasound. It is well known that microseisms occur regularly at frequencies around 0.1 Hz,628 and the possibility exists that sympathetic resonances of some kind could be set up.
  • Such oscillations could perhaps be induced using sonic booms. Researchers have discovered that infrasonic energy can be transmitted from the air to the ground; they have detected "air-coupled seismic waves resulting from fighter planes — flying at high altitudes at Mach numbers greater than 1.2. Such waves have also been detected in the ground below the paths of jet airliners."628
Hurricanes and tornadoes

The average house-rattling earthquake
liberates a total energy equivalent to
hundreds of gigatons (about 1021 joules).


Hurricanes are of similar intensity.

The average house-rattling earthquake liberates a total energy equivalent to hundreds of gigatons (about 1021 joules).

  • Hurricanes are of similar intensity.
  • But these cannot simply be "triggered" as can quakes, so we‘re faced with a much larger problem in trying to generate one.
  • Tornadoes, the smaller cousin of the tropical hurricane, may be slightly easier to manage. D. S. Halacy, Jr., in The Weather Changers, notes that "there is evidence that a strong air temperature inversion at about 2 kilometers altitude is likely to produce tornadoes."547

Assuming such conditions exist in rudimentary form, can a cyclonic disturbance be generated?

A typical tornado funnel is kept
going by a power consumption
of roughly 200,000 megawatts.
Sonic boom

Perhaps. Again, the sonic boom is our instrumentality. An aircraft flying at supersonic speeds, presenting an area of several square meters of fuselage to the onrushing atmosphere, can produce pressures equivalent to "an instantaneous 180-mph hurricane" over a swath a few hundred meters wide beneath it.524

  • It’s possible that a rapidly circling fleet of supersonic flying machines could induce cyclonic motion in the already unstable air.
  • Bernard Vonnegut, a General Electric weather modification scientist, notes that a typical tornado funnel is kept going by a power consumption of roughly 200,000 megawatts.547

Could such a tornado be dispersed? That is, have we a defense if the ETs shoot tornadoes at our cities?

Weather bomb

A decade or two ago, it was suggested that a "weather bomb" could be exploded in or near a twister, literally blowing it out. This idea has been used in science fiction stories,683 but, as Halacy says: "Recent studies of the power involved in a typical tornado indicate that an H-bomb would be needed."547 Perhaps the cure is worse than the illness!

Tsunamis / Meteoroids / Planetoid Oceanic Impact

■ Seismic sea waves have been sighted as high
   as 30 meters on many occasions.

■ There are reports of a 50 meter wave following
   the great Krakatoa volcanic eruption in 1883.

■ The Guinness Book of World Records lists a record
   wave at 67 meters which supposedly appeared
   off the coast of Valdez, southwest Alaska in 1964.

■ But there are reports in reputable journals
   of still higher crests.


What about generating huge tsunamis, popularly known as "tidal waves"? Tsunamis are generally caused by seaquakes on the ocean floor, and some of the techniques described for earthquake generation might be applicable here.

  • Seismic sea waves have been sighted as high as 30 meters on many occasions.
  • There are reports of a 50 meter wave following the great Krakatoa volcanic eruption in 1883.
  • The Guinness Book of World Records lists a record wave at 67 meters which supposedly appeared off the coast of Valdez, southwest Alaska in 1964,360
  • But there are reports in reputable journals of still higher crests.684

Other techniques for generating tidal waves have been suggested, such as the detonation of a one-gigaton thermonuclear device submerged a few kilometers under the ocean surface. This would produce a wave nearly 30 meters high.


But the most ingenious idea is the planetoid attack.
Meteoroids pass close to Earth all the time.

  • For instance, on 30 October 1937, Hermes (a small planetoid about one kilometer in diameter) passed within 800,000 kilometers — about twice the distance to the Moon.563
  • The Apollo planetoids pass as close as a few million kilometers on a regular basis. These objects range from a few kilometers to as large as thirty kilometers in diameter.
  • It is estimated that the Earth has been struck by one of these larger meteoroids about once every few hundred million years.598
  • If the aliens were able to latch onto one such chunk of rock and iron, a few well-placed H-bombs could alter its trajectory very slightly — just enough to nudge it into a collision course with Earth.

Table 18.5 Seismic Wave Heights for Planetoid Oceanic Impact*

(mean impact velocity 10 km/sec)

table 18 5 seismic wave heights for planetoid oceanic impact 400
Planetoid Oceanic Impact

If a planetoid one kilometer in radius were to strike our planet:

  • It would gouge out a trench 80 kilometers in length and at least eight kilometers deep.
  • More than four times as deep as the Grand Canyon.414

But the surface of our planet is mostly water, so a sea landing is more likely.
What if the object were to strike an ocean? (Table 18.5)

  • Oceanographers have calculated that such an impact in, say, the central part of the Atlantic Ocean, would initially form a transient rim crater — a monstrous wall of water — on the order of three to six kilometers high.596
Planetary flooding
A multiplication of the terrestrial water
supply by a factor of four would be
required for complete inundation
of all the continents.
Planetary flooding

What about planetary flooding? Astronomer Stephen H. Dole has estimated that a multiplication of the terrestrial water supply by a factor of four would be required for complete inundation of all the continents.214 Where might aliens find this much water?

Not on Earth, certainly! One old idea is the atmospheric precipitator, a device capable of precipitating out all the water held in the humid. atmosphere. However, simple calculations reveal that if all the liquid in our skies were suddenly condensed, we‘d be standing ankle deep in water. It’s possible that highly localized flooding could occur, but a widespread terrestrial deluge is quite impossible using this technique.

The two icecaps contain a total of 23 million
cubic kilometers of ice.
■ With all this water, the absolute sea level
    will rise only about fifty meters, leaving
    most of Earth’s surface high and dry.
■ Unfortunately, many of the world’s most
    populous cities are located near the coast.
Melting polar icecaps

Perhaps ETs could melt the polar icecaps.

  • The two icecaps contain a total of 23 million cubic kilometers of ice.367
  • With all this water, the absolute sea level will rise only about fifty meters, leaving most of Earth’s surface high and dry.
  • Unfortunately, many of the world’s most populous cities are located near the coast. Dr. Howard A. Wilcox in Hothouse Earth has shown that 33 of the 50 largest metropolitan areas on Earth would probably be inundated.
  • This would displace about 71% of the population of those 50 cities alone — some 200 million humans.688
Lampblack dusting of polar icecaps

Wilcox suggests that icecap melting may occur naturally if mankind continues to increase its worldwide energy consumption exponentially. But we are concerned here with the possibility of aliens purposefully thawing the poles. Halacy relates that the Russians have experimented with increasing the melting rate of snow.547 This is accomplished by dusting the surface with lampblack, causing the ice to absorb solar heat more rapidly and melt. Halacy estimates that to spread a film of carbon black one-tenth of a millimeter thick over the entire northern polar region would require nearly two billion tons of the stuff. A fleet of 1000 B-52H bombers would require 50,000 missions to complete the dispersal. This technique clearly leaves much to be desired.

Could nuclear devices be used to melt the icecaps? The energy equivalent required for this feat is roughly one billion megatons. If the ETs have this kind of firepower available, why should they bother melting ice with it?

■ If the Sun’s rays were suddenly cut off, the
   atmosphere would cool to freezing, the approximate
   temperature of the ocean, in a matter of days.

■ From then on, the temperatures would drop much
   more slowly, since the huge volume of the ocean
   would act as a giant thermal buffer.

■ However, it is believed that the Ice Ages were brought
   about by temperature changes as small as 10 °C.

Precipitate an ice age

As Robert Frost agonized over the decision of whether to die by fire or ice, let us now consider a weapon that could cause an ice age to occur on Earth.

  • It has been suggested that clouds of particles be circulated in an interior solar orbit, or giant sheets of reflective foil interposed between Sun and Earth, thus causing our planet to cool rapidly.
  • If the Sun’s rays were suddenly cut off, the atmosphere would cool to freezing, the approximate temperature of the ocean, in a matter of days.
  • From then on, the temperatures would drop much more slowly, since the huge volume of the ocean would act as a giant thermal buffer.
  • However, it is believed that the Ice Ages were brought about by temperature changes as small as 10 °C.
  • We could be in big trouble in very short order.

Neither of the above proposals is workable, however. Thermal agitation and the solar wind would rapidly disperse the orbital gas cloud (or the foil), and a few warhead-tipped missiles strategically detonated would probably be enough to wreck the entire scheme.

Disperse fine dust

Disperse fine dust


Using particles of diameters of 0.01-0.1 microns,
an effective job could probably be done with
about 20 million metric tons of the stuff.


If the aliens build a linear induction catapult
on the lunar surface.

■ Each shipment from the hypothetical ET Moon
    colony contains about ten cubic meters of fine dust.
■ It would take about one year to blot out our
    sunlight if they send off one parcel every minute!


There are two great advantages to this weapon
— from the aliens‘ point of view.

■ First, the cooling is probably irreversible
   and would precipitate an Ice Age on Earth.
■ Second, there is virtually no defense against
   its use, as it would be impossible to scoop out
   dust dispersed randomly throughout our
   atmosphere as fast as the ETs could dump it in.


About the only alternative to surrender would
be a direct frontal assault on the Moon colony.

The best way to artificially cool a planet is to disperse fine dust throughout its atmosphere, way up in the stratosphere above the rain clouds. This elevates the planetary albedo, causing solar radiation to be reflected back into space. The planet will begin to cool.

Lunar induction catapult

Using particles with diameters of 0.01-0.1 microns, an effective job could probably be done with about 20 million metric tons of the stuff. If the aliens build a linear induction catapult on the lunar surface, and each shipment from the hypothetical ET Moon colony contains about ten cubic meters of fine dust, it would take about one year to blot out our sunlight if they send off one parcel every minute!

There are two great advantages to this weapon — from the aliens‘ point of view.

  • First, the cooling is probably irreversible and would precipitate an Ice Age on Earth.
  • Second, there is virtually no defense against its use, as it would be impossible to scoop out dust dispersed randomly throughout our atmosphere as fast as the ETs could dump it in.685
  • About the only alternative to surrender would be a direct frontal assault on the Moon colony.
Ultraviolet radiation exposure

There are other devious tricks the aliens could attempt with our aerosphere. As noted earlier, exposure to ultraviolet radiation can cause skin cancer, severe burns, and "snow blindness."

  • The Sun puts out lots of UV, but these rays never reach the Earth’s surface.
  • This is because the natural protective ozone layer generated by the atmospheric oxygen screens them out.
  • Ozone is present everywhere in our air, but most of it is concentrated in the stratosphere at an altitude of about 20-30 kilometers.
  • If we could collect all the ozone from a column of air stretching from the ground to the borders of space, we‘d find that each square meter has only about four grams of this precious allotrope of oxygen above it.
  • Were we to completely destroy this protective chemical layer, about 64 watts per square meter of harmful ultraviolet radiation would pelt us from the sky.
Ozone reduction
Bromine is so effective at destroying ozone
that "it could be used militarily."
■ Approximately four kilograms of bromine
   dispersed in the stratosphere over each
   square kilometer of the Earth’s surface
   will result in virtually total deozonification.
■ To deozonify the entire world would require
   about two million metric tons of liquid bromine.
■ Aliens can purchase liquid bromine for 30¢/gallon
   — provided they buy in 2300 gallon tank car lots.
■ This works out to about $52 million
   - not counting cost of delivery to the stratosphere
   - for eliminating our planet’s ozone screen.
Anyone exposed to UV more than a minute
■ Would receive severe second degree burns
■ Blinded in seconds should he look skyward
■ Terrestrial flora would begin to perish within hours.

Aliens may decide to try to relieve our atmosphere of its ozone. Nitrogen oxides, SST emissions, fluorocarbons and other industrial aerosols are already beginning to do a fine job of this, but the ETs undoubtedly will want to hurry matters along. How might they go about the construction of a deozonification weapon?

  • Dr. Michael B. McElroy, professor of Atmospheric Sciences at the Center for Earth and Planetary Physics at Harvard University, has intimated that bromine is so effective at destroying ozone that "it could be used militarily."414
  • Any halogen will do, but apparently the brownish-orange liquid element, acting as a catalyst to decompose the ozone back into oxygen, does it best.
  • Each halogenic atom injected into the stratosphere can theoretically catalyze as many as a thousand reactions before it becomes chemically locked in a relatively inert form.520
  • A simple calculation demonstrates that approximately four kilograms of bromine, dispersed in the stratosphere over each square kilometer of the Earth’s surface, will result in virtually total deozonification.
  • To deozonify the entire world would require about two million metric tons of liquid bromine.*
  • The supply officer at Dow Chemical Corporation in Walnut Creek, California tells me that the aliens can purchase liquid bromine from him for 30¢ a gallon — provided they buy in 2300 gallon tank car lots.
  • This works out to about $52 million — not counting the cost of delivery to the stratosphere — for eliminating our planet’s ozone screen.
  • Studies show that anyone exposed to the downpour of ultraviolet radiation for more than a minute would receive severe second degree burns, and would be blinded in seconds should he cast his eyes skyward.417
  • Terrestrial flora would begin to perish within hours.445
Other highly speculative "high technology" weapons
We may someday find ourselves attacked
by a giant "doomsday machine."
Such a possibility was explored in a Star Trek
adventure of the same name.
A giant robot "planet-killer" was roaming the
galaxy, chopping whole planets into rubble with
antiparticle beams and stoking its nuclear fires
with light elements extracted from the debris.
Our only defenses would be ingenuity and luck.

There are several other highly speculative "high technology" weapons. These weapons are wholly infeasible using existing human technology — but of course this doesn‘t restrict the aliens, who are all the more delighted at our lack of efficacious defenses.

Runaway chain reaction

Dr. Horace Dudley suggests that it may be possible to induce a runaway chain reaction in our atmosphere. He says that if a large enough nuclear device were detonated in open air, a worldwide conflagration might result.457 Although many would scoff at this idea, apparently Compton himself once performed a calculation to estimate the likelihood of such an event. The result? A small, but non-zero, probability.

Doomsday machine

We may someday find ourselves attacked by a giant "doomsday machine." Such a possibility was explored in a Star Trek adventure of the same name. A giant robot "planet-killer" was roaming the galaxy, chopping whole planets into rubble with antiparticle beams and stoking its nuclear fires with light elements extracted from the debris. Our only defenses would be ingenuity and luck.

Black holes

Black holes, if you believe they exist, could even be used against us. Quantum black holes may exist, holes with relatively small masses and unimaginable densities. Theoretical physicists such as Dr. Stephen W. Hawking of Cal Tech (currently Cambridge University) have calculated that quantum holes with masses greater than about a billion tons will not have evaporated yet. If such a hole was to become trapped by a planet, it would slowly "digest" the body, eventually

If asteroids are shot into a star,
  ■ Their sudden vaporization may cause
     severe instabilities
  ■ Leading to an explosion of the sun itself.
The "classic" technique is
  ■ Shklovskii’s ten billion megawatt graser.
Supposedly, it could induce
  ■ A powerful Type II supernova
  ■ In any metal rich star greater than about
     five solar masses.
Using this scheme, Sol could not be detonated.
However, there are at least
  ■ 200 supernovable stars within
  ■ 100 light years of Earth
100 light years equals the distance of:
  ■ Minimum biological effect for supernovae.

resulting in a slightly larger quantum hole — and no planet.686

Solar detonation

But if not the planet, then perhaps its sun. Niven and Pournelle have suggested, in the fictional The Mote in God’s Eye, that if asteroids are shot into a star, their sudden vaporization may cause severe instabilities leading to an explosion of the sun itself.668 But the "classic" technique, which is discussed at greater length in the following chapter, is Shklovskii’s ten billion megawatt graser.3 Supposedly, it could induce a powerful Type II supernova in any metal rich star greater than about five solar masses. Hence, using this scheme, Sol could not be detonated. However, there are at least 200 supernovable stars within 100 light years of Earth, the distance of minimum biological effect for supernovae.468, 469, 498 As technologist Adrian Berry remarks of this weapon: "Blowing up the sun … would be a perfect Götterdammerung for a besieged warlord. It would be a spectacle to surpass all others; but the fact that nobody would survive to witness the effects might, paradoxically, make the action even more attractive to warped or highly 'poetic' minds."77


Still worse, the aliens could commit galacticide. Near the Galactic Core, stars are much more densely packed than out here near the rim. In more than one science fiction tale, a supernova occurring in the Core initiates a chain reaction of stellar explosions, spreading outward in a spherical wave at the speed of light. The entire Galaxy is doomed!687, 607

* Between 1961 and 1971, the U.S. military dropped nearly 50,000 metric tons of herbicides on the forests of Vietnam. This represents about 2% of the mass of bromine the ETs would have to use to deozonify the Earth.

18.8 The Ultimate Weapon

Friendship: the Ultimate Weapon

■ Opposition may be wiped out by inducing friendship.

■ Friendship cannot harm friends or be turned against
    the original wielder.

■ It is inexpensive and doesn‘t depend on surprise.

■ And, in the long run, resistance to it is impossible.

It seems to me that in that least developed of all fields
of human understanding, the human mind itself,
must lie the Ultimate Weapon. But there’s one comfort;
whoever develops it will be our friend.

In 1952, the late John W. Campbell, Jr., wrote an editorial in Astounding Science Fiction entitled "The Ultimate Weapon."193 The discussion below draws heavily from his work, as his analysis has retained its luster even after twenty-five long years of human progress on this planet.

What, it might be asked, would be the characteristics of the Ultimate Weapon
— an irresistible force for which no defense exists?

  1. It must absolutely wipe out all opposition.
  2. It should be of such nature that no resistance to it is possible.
  3. It must be such that the opposition cannot turn it against the original wielder.
  4. It must annihilate all opposition, yet must not harm friends.
  5. It should not damage any useful or constructive forces.
  6. It should be of a catalytic nature, self-propagating, such that, once loosed, even the destruction of the original source cannot defeat it.
  7. It will render all present weapons inoperative.
  8. Its power should be such that no power in the Universe can stand against it.
  9. Its effect should not depend on surprise, so that even pre-erected defenses cannot defeat it.
  10. It should cost very little to use.
  11. The field where it has once been used should be permanently uninhabitable by the opposition, but freely accessible to friends.

What weapon imaginable could accomplish so much, so perfectly? As Campbell notes, the Ultimate Weapon must wipe out all opposition, but this does not necessarily imply that men must die. And since any physical weapon can be countered by physical forces, the Ultimate Weapon must be nonphysical. The wielder must desire to wipe out opposition, not fellow sentients.

Opposition may be wiped out by inducing friendship. Friendship cannot harm friends or be turned against the original wielder. It is inexpensive and doesn‘t depend on surprise. And, in the long run, resistance to it is impossible.

Campbell concludes: "It seems to me that in that least developed of all fields of human understanding, the human mind itself, must lie the Ultimate Weapon. But there’s one comfort; whoever develops it will be our friend."

Chapter 19 ♦ Planetary Engineering and Galactic High Technology
19.0 Planetary Engineering and Galactic High Technology

Big and Costly are
no match for Want.

Living on the surface of a single planet almost inevitably forces us to think small. We tend to view with awe the mighty works of human technology — the Panama Canal, the Empire State Building, the Aswan Dam, the Saturn V rockets. But alien engineers may command vastly greater energies and forces than human scientists can dream of today. We are the backwoodsmen of the Galaxy, the poor inhabitants of a primitive Type I energy economy.

It appears to be
extremely difficult to
conceive of technologies
appropriate to Type III
galactic civilizations.

Think big

Imagining themselves to be galactic engineers, imaginative xenologists must train themselves to think big. This requires a temporary relaxation of quite normal and natural planetary chauvinisms (respecting both subject and scale). We must recognize and reject the Fallacy of the Big and Costly. Just because a project seems physically huge, even monstrously so, or incredibly expensive does not suffice to rule it out. The Great Pyramid of Cheops bears mute testimony to the obvious fact that anything physically possible can be accomplished, provided only that it is desired badly enough!

In short, we must learn to recognize that Big and Costly are no match for Want.

The purpose of this chapter is not to speculate on every conceivable extraterrestrial technology that might possibly exist, from force fields and perpetual motion machines to flushless toilets with frictionless bowls.668 Rather, the intent here is to attempt to visualize the broad limits on the technical achievements of alien civilizations of a higher order than our own.

Not surprisingly, we shall discover that most of the grandiose projects that have been proposed from time to time by scientists and science fiction writers can be accomplished by ordinary Type II stellar cultures. It appears to be extremely difficult to conceive of technologies appropriate to Type III galactic civilizations.

Comfort, convenience and wealth

The ultimate goal of any technology is to enhance survival and to create comfort, convenience, and wealth.

The ultimate goal of any technology
is to enhance survival and to create
comfort, convenience, and wealth.

Princeton physicist Gerard K. O‘Neill has pointed out that there are three necessary conditions for the rapid multiplication of wealth via technical advancement: Energy (see Chapter 15), materials, and land area or living space. That is, a population of wealthy and secure corporeal sentient beings must have:

  • The energy to accomplish great deeds.
  • The materials with which to build and to create magnificence.
  • The physical space in which to live out their immortal lives.
19.1 Alien Materials Technology
19.1.0 Alien Materials Technology
alexei panshin 345

Before considering the question of living space and artificial habitats, it is interesting to consider the kinds of materials and tools ETs may be able to use on their construction projects.

  • We may be assured that any currently available human technology will also be known to alien engineers as well, and probably in its most perfected form.
  • More intriguing perhaps are those technical skills which presently elude our grasp, yet which theory predicts are possible.
19.1.1 New Forms of Matter
Ultradense matter
larry niven 349
One teaspoon of neutronium
would weigh about
one hundred million tons.

Terran scientists concede the possible existence of ultradense matter, tiny clumps of material into which vast amounts of mass are compressed. Neutron stars formed by the partial gravitational collapse of massive suns are believed to consist of at least 80% pure "neutronium." Such an astronomical object is essentially a gigantic atomic nucleus, reaching a density of 1017 kg/m3 inside a typical 20-kilometer-wide star. Put into proper perspective, a single teaspoon of neutronium would weigh about one hundred million tons — roughly the equivalent of 30,000 Saturn V moon rockets.

Ultra-thin sheets of superdense
matter would be more than a
trillion times stiffer than the
hardest steel known to man.
A sheet only 1 mm thick would
have the strength of a 1000-
kilometer-thick block of steel.

While there are many technical difficulties to be surmounted, it is conceivable that matter of this density could be used as a building material. Ultra-thin sheets of superdense matter would be more than a trillion times stiffer than the hardest steel known to man. Projectiles could not pierce of dent it until they too were made of the same material. Neutronium shields would be impervious to almost all forms of radiation even at extreme intensities. A sheet only 1 mm (10-6 meter) thick would have the strength of a 1000-kilometer-thick block of steel.

Neutronium plates could also be used to design a local antigravity field.2740 While the gravity around a spherical mass (e.g. planets) is radial, the field across a disk is uniform except for edge effects. Newton's law for disks is g = 4Grt, where r is density, t is thickness, and G is the universal gravitation constant.

We can imagine placing a 0.4 mm-thick neutronium disk above ground, care fully supported by a structure with four stilts. The gravity beneath the sheet would be zero, the upward 1-gee pull of the neutronium exactly canceling the 1-gee downward pull of the Earth. A similar trick could be employed to enable astronauts to withstand higher accelerations in their starships. A vessel accelerating at a steady one gee could be designed with a 0.4 mm-thick neutronium disk embedded in the forward bulkhead. The crew would feel weightless when under weigh at one gee.

Elementary particle gases

Another useful advanced alien technology is the production of elementary particle gases. In order to make a gas, the particles must be long-lived and electrically neutral.2821 Only two particles satisfy both of these criteria: neutrons and neutrinos. There is much recent evidence that it may be possible to design a magnetic bottle to hold condensed cold neutrons,2822 although preliminary calculations indicate that the maximum attainable gas density would be no more than about 10-6 gm/cm3.2740 A neutronium box lined with beta emitter perhaps could be used to contain and store a neutrino gas.2014

If ETs manage to assemble and store dense
neutron and neutrino gases, they will have
practical alchemy at their disposal.
They will be able to transmute virtually any
chemical element into any other by immersing
the object to be transmuted into the gas.

If ETs manage to assemble and store dense neutron and neutrino gases, they will have practical alchemy at their disposal. They will be able to transmute virtually any chemical element into any other simply by immersing the object to be transmuted into the gas. Depending on the object and the gas, any one of the following four nuclear reactions may occur:

zMa + no —>zMa+1 zMa + anti-no —> zMa-1
zMn —> z+1Ma zMa + anti-n —> z-1Ma

where M is any atom, z is atomic number (protons in nucleus), a is atomic weight (neutrons and protons in nucleus), no is neutron, n is neutrino, and anti-no and anti-n the respective antiparticles. The reactions above also produce a variety of additional particles and so are incomplete as shown, but the basic idea remains.

Superheavy elements
Lead into gold

To turn lead into gold, the ancient alchemists' dream, we treat 82Pb208 in a condensed cold antineutron gas until it transmutes to 82Pb197, after which it is immersed in a trapped antineutrino gas to convert it into 79Au197 — the naturally-occurring isotope of gold.

More interesting and useful, however, is the creation of new superheavy elements that do not occur in nature. Transuranic elements from neptunium-237 up to element-106 have already been manufactured from lighter nuclei in giant cyclotrons and particle accelerators at great expense of time and effort. And only microscopic quantities are available. Neutron and neutrino gases would make things a lot easier.

It should be possible in principle
to design a hand pistol whose
“bullets“ are really
miniature atomic bombs.
Miniature atomic bombs

For instance, a piece of plutonium placed in a magnetic bottle containing condensed cold neutrons would sponge them up quickly and transmute into an extremely high atomic weight isotope — perhaps a denser and more stable form of matter. Subsequent immersion in neutrino gas could convert this superheavy plutonium into a different element altogether. Elements 118 and 168 — which have not yet been produced in human laboratories — should be heavy inert gases like argon and xenon. Element 126 is predicted to have properties similar to normal plutonium, and might permit much smaller nuclear reactors because of the greater atomic density.2850 There are also military applications. Only small amounts of these superheavy radionuclides would represent an explosive "critical mass," so it should be possible in principle to design a hand pistol whose “bullets“ are really miniature atomic bombs.

Trapped neutrinos would have many other fascinating uses. These particles interact little with ordinary matter, so neutronium-collimated beams could be used for point-to-point straight-line communication directly through solid masses such as planets. Objects made of ultradense matter could be “x-rayed“ by neutrino beams focused by neutronium lenses.

Quark thread
Material objects as we know them are held
together by electromagnetic forces.
The nuclei of atoms are held together by
the “strong force,“ which is about 100 times
more powerful than the electromagnetic.

Material objects as we know them are held together by electromagnetic forces. But the nuclei of atoms are held together by the “strong force,“ which is about 100 times more powerful than the electromagnetic. It may be possible to produce neutronium wire utilizing the strong force, spools of which would be many orders of magnitude stronger than any material known to present human science. Another possibility is subnuclear rope or quark thread. Nuclear physicists today believe that all elementary particles are themselves built up from combinations of “quarks“ stuck together by “gluons.“ A macroscopic chain of these subnuclear building blocks, fastened by gluons, should be incredibly strong and thin.

Magnetic monopoles

According to theory, monopoles should weigh
more than 200 times the mass of a proton.

  ■ A physicist has predicted that two monopoles
     together would generate a force 18,000 times
     greater than the normal electromagnetic
     interaction between two protons.
  ■ The science of quantum magnetodynamics,
     if it ever comes into existence, will deal with
     the strongest nuclear interaction imaginable.

Many years ago the famous Italian physicists P.A.M. Dirac hypothesized the existence of magnetic charges analogous to the electron, which he called magnetic monopoles.2823 According to theory, monopoles should weigh more than 200 times the mass of a proton. Physicist Paul B. Price at the University of California at Berkeley has predicted that two monopoles together would generate a force 18,000 times greater than the normal electromagnetic interaction between two protons.2824 The science of quantum magnetodynamics, if it ever comes into existence, will deal with the strongest nuclear interaction imaginable.


Given the high binding energies available in monopole-monopole interactions, there may exist a whole new class of elements we‘ve never seen before.1224 Monopolium, or monopole metamatter, may have a wide range of weird and exotic properties. It will almost certainly be denser and stronger than neutronium. Monopolic hydrogen might consist of a “north“ magnetic monopole orbiting a “south“ monopole, forming heavy, stable aggregates of macroscopic matter. Meta matter filaments may be hundreds of times stronger than nucleon chain.*

* Experimental searches for magnetic monopoles haven't found any yet. See Carrigan,1506 Ross,1499 and the summary of early work compiled by Karlssen.1513

19.1.2 Energy Storage and Mining Techniques

Chunk of metal size of a pen
— less than half a kilogram.


Its continuous energy output:
4 megawatts of power.

Imagine a chunk of dense grey metal, roughly the size of a fountain pen and weighing less than half a kilogram. Its continuous energy output is nearly 4 megawatts of power, falling off to 2 megawatts after two months have elapsed. Even after a year it is putting out as much heat as a large domestic furnace.


This substance actually exists!81 It is the radioisotope Californium-254, an element known to human science but which has never been produced in macroscopic quantities. If aliens have done so, the possibilities for exploitation of such a compact energy source are staggering — high performance light-weight electric vehicles, portable kilowatt-power radio broadcasting stations, hand-held megajoule laser rifles … the list is virtually endless.

Subcritical nuclear reactors

Robert Forward has suggested that it might be possible to build "subcritical nuclear reactors."2014 Normally, atomic fission piles must be made of a certain minimum size. This is because the neutrons which initiate fission reactions arise randomly from within the fissionable material itself. But there is some evidence that nonstatistical means for controlling neutrons may exist.2822 Thus controlled, neutron emission would no longer be random and vastly improved efficiencies should be possible. Tiny, portable fission reactors could probably be built to service aircraft and surface vehicles. Reactors using nonradioactive lightweight metals such as beryllium or lithium would also be possible.

Subcritical nuclear reactors
■ Normally, atomic fission piles must be
   made of a certain minimum [critical] size.
■ This is because the neutrons which initiate
   fission reactions arise randomly from
   within the fissionable material itself.
■ There is some evidence that nonstatistical
   means for controlling neutrons may exist.
■ Thus controlled, neutron emission would
   no longer be random and vastly improved
   efficiencies should be possible.
Planetary rotation

There are a number of other unusual energy sources. Although we don‘t ordinarily think of it as such, planetary rotation is an excellent storehouse of energy. The spinning Earth, if slowed to a dead stop, would free about 2.6 × 1029 joules — enough to power human civilization at its current rate of consumption for a billion years into the future. Sol, if similarly halted, would liberate 1.2 × 1036 joules.

Hawking black holes

An even better place to store huge quantities of energy is in rotating chunks of ultradense matter. Hawking black holes would be ideal for the purpose. A 1016 kg HBH would be heavy enough not to evaporate very energetically (only about 16 kilowatts spontaneous), light enough to utilize in a space-based power storage station (mass equivalent to a 16-km-wide asteroid), and stable enough to serve as power center for a long-lived civilization (lifetime about 1012 eons). Its radius would be subatomic, about 10-11 meters, and energy could be stored and retrieved by imparting rotation via electromagnetic field coupling. Spun up to a maximum operating tangential velocity of 10%c, synchrotron radiative losses from the system would be extremely low. The spinning HBH could store up to 2 × 1030 joules of energy — enough to power present-day humanity for 9 billion years.

Mining worms

A wide variety of new mining techniques can also be imagined. In one of his science fiction novels, Larry Niven speculates on the possibility of specially bioneering organism which he calls “mining worms“:

A mining worm is five inches long and ¼-inch in diameter, mutated from an earthworm. Its grinding orifice is rimmed with little diamond teeth. It ingests metal ores for pleasure, but for food it has to be supplied with blocks of synthetic stuff which is different for each breed of worm — and there's a breed for every metal. … What breaks down the ores is a bacterium in the worm's stomach. Then the worm drops metal grains around its food block, and we sweep them up.231

Although we don‘t ordinarily think of it as
such, planetary rotation is an excellent
storehouse of energy.

■ Earth, if slowed to a dead stop, would free
   about 2.6 × 1029 joules - enough to power
   human civilization for a billion years.
■ Sol, would liberate 1.2 × 1036 joules.

An even better place to store huge
quantities of energy is in rotating chunks
of ultradense matter.

■ Hawking black holes would be ideal for
   the purpose

This idea is not at all farfetched. Various plants and animals are known to be "hyperaccumulators" of specific minerals or metals. For instance, the so-called “copper flower“ native to Zaire has a dry weight that is 1.3% copper.2852 The subject of artificial mining organisms has already been discussed in (Chapter 16)


Arthur C. Clarke proposes that subterranean automated probes — “subterrenes,“ as he calls them — be designed to explore and exploit at least the entire crustal region of any terrestrial planet. Burrowing through solid rock using powerful rf radiation, ultrasonics, or laser heating, subterrenes could circumnavigate whole worlds down to depths of hundreds of kilometers, searching for deposits of rare minerals and lodes of precious metals.2841 Says Clarke:

All the scientific observations and collection of samples could be done automatically according to a prearranged program. With no crew to sustain, the vehicle could take its time. It might spend weeks or months wandering around the roots of the Himalayas or under the bed of the Atlantic before it headed for home with its cargo of knowledge.55

Deep gravity well

The main problem with materials mined from planets is that they lie at the bottom of a deep gravity well. As we have already seen, space is the proper environment for stellar and galactic civilizations. So it is far more economical for such cultures to mine material that is already aloft.

Asteroid mining

Asteroid mining is within the abilities even of human Type I technology. The late Dandridge M. Cole and Donald W. Cox once calculated that to move a 3 billion ton iron meteoroid from the asteroid belt to a parking orbit around Earth would require about 8.4 × 1018 joules of energy.563 (Recent analyses put this figure slightly higher.2843) This is the same as two hundred 100-megaton H-bombs assuming a 25% propulsive efficiency.

The main problem with materials mined from planets
is that they lie at the bottom of a deep gravity well.
As we have already seen, space is the proper
environment for stellar and galactic civilizations.
So it is far more economical for such cultures
to mine material that is already aloft.

According to Cole and Cox, a small atomic bomb would be set off near the asteroid's surface to form a crater. Subsequent blasts could then be fired in this crude thrust chamber. Another proposal offered by Gerard O‘Neill is to use a “mass driver“ to propel the flying mountain of metal.2710 Using electromagnetic forces, small pieces of the asteroid would be flung from the driver as reaction mass, propelling the giant mother lode to Earth. A prototype mass driver has already been constructed and was successfully tested at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1977.

19.2 Extraterrestrial Habitat Engineering
19.2.0 Extraterrestrial Habitat Engineering

Table 19.1 Power, Energy, and Mass Available to Extraterrestrial

Civilizations in Various Stages of Their Development

table 19 1 power energy and mass available to et civilizations 400
Simply stated, energy defines what a civilization can do whereas power defines how fast the civilization can do it. The distinction is important because the maximum technical achievement of any race is energy-limited, not power-limited.
Power, Energy and Mass Available to ET Civilizations

Ultimately the key
to all technological
accomplishment is

Most of the discussion thus far has centered on the technical advances that could be achieved by Type I civilizations. Domiciled on a planet, living space will not be a major problem for such cultures. But emergent Type II societies will find no such ready-made living quarters in orbit. A species that wishes to expand its energy base and move into space must learn how to design and construct its own artificial habitats with a closed ecology and a controlled environment.

Yet ultimately the key to all technological accomplishment is energy. We have discussed this at great length in an earlier chapter, but it is now necessary to make explicit the critical difference between energy and power.

Difference between energy and power

Simply stated, energy defines what a civilization can do whereas power defines how fast the civilization can do it. The distinction is important because the maximum technical achievement of any race is energy-limited, not power-limited.

In Chapter 15, in the interests of straightforward exposition, we made the tacit assumption that the rate of hydrogen fusion burning in stars was the maximum rate at which energy could be delivered to a technical culture from its sun. This assumption may not be valid for many advanced extraterrestrial societies.

Table 19.2 Summary of Proposed Planetary,

Stellar, and Galactic Engineering Projects

Planetary, Stellar, and Galactic Engineering

By tampering with the normal
processes within its sun a technical
civilization can increase the total
amount of energy that is available.

By tampering with its sun, a Type II
civilization should be able to boost its
useful power output to 6 × 1031 watts
— an increase of nearly six orders of
magnitude over the nominal value.

Table 19.1 gives the total energy available to each class of civilization. The alert reader will have noticed that the energy figures on the one hand, and the power and lifetime figures on the other hand, cannot be reconciled. The reason for the discrepancy is this: Some alien cultures may choose to use up their total energy reserves in a manner which is far more efficient than a stellar furnace normally permits. In other words, by tampering with the normal processes within its sun a technical civilization can increase the total amount of energy that is available to it. Over its normal lifespan the typical star will convert its hydrogen to energy with a net lifetime efficiency of perhaps 0.06% — a far cry from the 1% efficiency that may be had if the aliens turn off their sun and use their own fusion plants to burn the fuel.

Increased burn rate

Furthermore, ETs may elect to burn their hydrogen legacy at a faster rate than natural processes would normally allow. This will inevitably result in a shorter lifetime for the civilization, but this penalty is offset by the grander technological feats which may be accomplished with the vastly greater power expenditure (Table 19.2).

To take a simple example: By accepting a lifetime of only one million years, and by tampering with its sun, a Type II civilization should be able to boost its useful power output to 6 × 1031 watts — an increase of nearly six orders of magnitude over the nominal value.

The situation is rather like a suicide mission.
Since shortened life has been accepted, one is free to devote more
resources to the present. There is much less future to save for.
While this may be viewed as irresponsible by some, it may also be
argued that it is better to experience a brief but glorious career
than a drawn-out bland existence.

The situation is rather like a suicide mission. Since shortened life has been accepted, one is free to devote more resources to the present. There is much less future to save for. While this may be viewed as irresponsible by some, it may also be argued that it is better to experience a brief but glorious career than a drawn-out bland existence.

In the final analysis, an intelligent race that chooses to expand into space is ultimately limited only by the amounts of energy and raw mass that are available to it.

19.2.1 Terraforming
freeman dyson 310
From the point of view
of a Type II culture
terraforming techniques
should represent a fairly
primitive technology.

If living space is in short supply on the home planet, one logical alternative is to move some of the population and growth activities to other worlds. The typical habitable solar system will have from 7-13 planets and as many moons, but it is highly unlikely that more than one of these has a natural environment tolerable to interplanetary pioneers. As with Sol's family of worlds, most will be too hot or too cold or too dry or too wet to permit immediate habitation.

Engineering on a grand scale

Terraforming is a form of planetary engineering on a grand scale. Just as buildings and cities are designed to suit human comfort, it is entirely feasible to consider the modification of planetary environments to suit human (or alien) needs.1977 Worlds which are unearthlike can be made more earthlike and may then be colonized and exploited by man.

Saturn's rings — If water proves to be too
scarce or too difficult to exploit, scientists are ready
with the most grandiose scheme proposed to date.
Saturn's rings are believed to consist primarily of
flying chunks of water-ice. These icy boulders
could be gathered together and welded into “a string
of huge, frozen pearls, each the rival of Phobos.“
Outfitted with propulsion and automated guidance
systems, the caravan of giant icebergs majestically
peel away from Saturn in a long, steep dive sunward.

There have been many proposals and suggestions as to how to go about terraforming the planets and moons of our own solar system. Only a few of these will be considered briefly here, because it turns out that in all cases the energy and mass requirements are well within the operating budgets of Type I planetary civilizations. In other words, from the point of view of a Type II culture terraforming techniques should represent a fairly primitive technology.

The Big Rain

Perhaps inspired by Poul Anderson's short story entitled “The Big Rain,“ published in 1955, Dr. Carl Sagan in 1961 proposed a terraforming project to modify the environment of Venus.1481 Our sister planet has a hellish climate, with temperatures upwards of 750 °C and pressures of 90 atm at the surface. To prepare it for human habitation it will be necessary to lower the surface temperature and pressure, and to elevate by at least two orders of magnitude the fraction of molecular oxygen present in the atmosphere. Most of the air is carbon dioxide, and this must be eliminated as well.

Terraforming Venus

Sagan suggests the injection of blue-green algae into the Venusian atmosphere at high altitudes where it is relatively cool. These tiny organisms would consume the CO2 by growing more algae cells with water and aerial nutrients. Molecular oxygen would be expired as a waste product. Over a period of several years the carbon dioxide level begins to drop, thus reducing the green-house effect and cooling the planet overall.2633 When the ground was sufficiently cool, cargo landers armed with fusion bombs could be de-orbited and set down on the surface. These machines, able to burrow like moles and detonate beneath the surface, may be used to trigger new volcanic chains in order to help percolate more water into the dry atmosphere.2836 Eventually the first “big rain“ will fall. Says Sagan: "The heat-retaining clouds will partly clear away, leaving an oxygen-rich atmosphere and a temperature cool enough to sustain hardy plants and animals from Earth."

Our sister planet has a hellish climate,
with temperatures upwards of 750 °C
and pressures of 90 atm at the surface.

How reasonable is the astronomer's proposal? In 1970 a number of biologists conducted experiments to see if earthly algae would actually grow under the extreme initial conditions found on Venus.2847, 2846 It was discovered that the most suitable strain is Cyanidium caldarium, a single-celled form that is found in hot springs on Earth. This algae produced oxygen vigorously in a hot, high-pressure atmosphere of CO2. In a typical experiment the researchers found that each million algae cells were increasing the oxygen concentration in the test tank by 380% per day.

Seeding probes

To terraform the atmosphere of Venus is not a very difficult undertaking from the standpoint of energy and mass requirements. If we dispatch an armada of 500 seeding probes to our neighbor world, each armed with a thousand in-dependently-targetable payload capsules containing 1 ton of Cyanidium caldarium per capsule, this would result in the dispersal of a kilogram of living blue-green algae cells over each square kilometer of the planet's surface. The total mission mass is about 109 kg, and the total energy required is about 1018 joules — both well within the budgetary limitations of a Type I civilization.

The present lunar air has a total mass of about
10 tons. This arises mainly from outgassing from
the interior, without which the entire atmosphere
would quickly be swept away by the solar wind.
If the atmosphere of the Moon was increased
to a mass of at least 100,000 tons it would be
driven into a “long-lived state“ which would
drastically reduce losses to the solar wind.
To produce a breathable “shirtsleeve“
atmosphere, about 1018 kilograms of O2
must be pumped into the lunar environment.
This should require a total energy expenditure
of about 1024 joules.
Terraforming Luna

Small, airless terrestrial worlds such as Luna are also suitable for terraforming projects. Richard R. Vondrak of the Department of Space Physics and Astronomy at Rice University recently suggested a method for creating a comfortable artificial lunar atmosphere.656  The present lunar air has a total mass of about 10 tons. This arises mainly from outgassing from the interior, without which the entire atmosphere would quickly be swept away by the solar wind.

Vondrak calculates that if the atmosphere of the Moon was increased to a mass of at least 100,000 tons it would be driven into a “long-lived state“ which would drastically reduce losses to the solar wind. According to him:

If one wanted intentionally to create an artificial lunar atmosphere, gases can be obtained by heating or vaporization of the lunar soil. Approximately 25 megawatts are needed to produce 1 kg/sec of oxygen by soil vaporization. [Another] efficient mechanism for gas generation is subsurface mining with nuclear explosives. A 1-kiloton nuclear device will form a cavern approximately 40 meters in diameter from which 107 kg of oxygen can be recovered.656

To produce a breathable “shirtsleeve“ atmosphere, about 1018 kilograms of O2 must be pumped into the lunar environment. This should require a total energy expenditure of about 1024 joules. Again, both mass and energy figures lie within the budget of an ambitious mature Type I civilization.

Martian terraforming

A wide variety of Martian terraforming techniques have been proposed from time to time. Joseph A. Burns and Martin Harwit of the Center for Radiophysics and Space Research at Cornell University once speculated that the proper positioning of large masses in orbit around the planet would alter its equinoctal precession period.1282 This would cause a perpetual “Spring“ season planetwide, similar to that predicted by Sagan's "Long Winter" model of the Martian climate.1267

Researchers once speculated that the proper
positioning of large masses in orbit around
the planet [Mars] would alter its equinoctal
precession period. This would cause
a perpetual “Spring“ season planetwide.
Pushing Phobos

One scheme involves pushing Phobos from its present equatorial orbit to a new one inclined 45° to the Martian equator. The total energy required to execute this maneuver would be about 1023 joules. Unfortunately, Burns and Harwit admit, the orbit of Phobos would begin to precess and might foil the entire scheme. Their second proposal involves capturing roughly 25% of the matter in the nearby asteroid belt and using that mass instead of Phobos to swing Mars around. While this might work, at least two orders of magnitude of energy would be required.

Melt icecaps

Carl Sagan may have hit upon the cheapest way to terraform Mars.1288 He suggests that about 1010 tons of low albedo matter — such as lampblack or dark-colored vegetation — be transported to the permanent Martian polar icecaps over a period of about a century. The caps would be less reflective and would thus absorb more of the sun's energy. The ice would warm and thaw, increasing the atmospheric pressure (and the greenhouse effect) and speeding north-south convective stirring of the planetary atmosphere. A minimum of 1021 joules would be needed to accomplish this feat, and hundreds of years. There are ways to do it faster. An enormous orbiting mirror could be stationed in polar orbit to melt the icecaps by reflected or concentrated sunlight, or thermonuclear bombs could be set off to achieve similar effects perhaps in a matter of decades.1978

On the Habitability of Mars

A more complete analysis was undertaken by a study group at NASA-Ames in 1976. Entitled On the Habitability of Mars: An Approach to Planetary Eco-synthesis, the final report of the study attempted to pin down the specific requirements for successful terraforming of the Red Planet.1926 It was concluded that “no fundamental limitation to the ability of Mars to support terrestrial life has been identified.“

A more complete analysis was undertaken
by a study group at NASA-Ames in 1976.
Entitled On the Habitability of Mars: An
Approach to Planetary Eco-synthesis
The final report of the study attempted
to pin down the specific requirements for
successful terraforming of the Red Planet.
It was concluded that “no fundamental
limitation to the ability of Mars to support
terrestrial life has been identified.“

The scientists proposed a two-pronged attack on the problem. First, atmospheric mass should be increased by vaporizing the polar icecaps or the subsurface permafrost. If the reflectivity of the icecaps was reduced by only 5% for a period of 100 years, a kind of runaway de-ice age might be triggered “and a new high temperature climatic regime established.“ Secondly, mechanisms of genetic engineering currently available or under development could be used to construct organisms far better adapted to grow on Mars than any present terrestrial organism. In principle, the entire gene pool of the Earth might be available for the construction of an ideally adapted oxygen-producing photosynthetic Martian organism.

It was estimated that the creation of an oxygen atmosphere using known terrestrial photosynthetic lifeforms might take hundreds of thousands of years. But by altering the environment of Mars and by seeding it with appropriately bioneered organisms, the length of time to project completion could be reduced a thousandfold. Total energy expenditure for the NASA-Ames scheme: Roughly 1024-1025 joules.

Electrolysis factories

Academician N.N. Semenov, a Soviet scientist, suggests that the water locked in permafrost and polar icecaps by subjected to simple electrolysis.2849 Water molecules would be split into oxygen, which could be released into the Martian air eventually to result in a breathable atmosphere, and hydrogen, which could be collected and used for fuel in fusion power plants needed to operate the electrolysis factories. Earthlike air would result from the electrolysis of about 15% of all water believed to be present at the Martian surface, at a cost of about 1023 joules.

Caravan of giant icebergs

If water proves to be too scarce or too difficult to exploit, scientists are ready with the most grandiose scheme proposed to date. Saturn's rings are believed to consist primarily of flying chunks of water-ice. These icy boulders could be gathered together and welded into “a string of huge, frozen pearls, each the rival of Phobos.“2828 Properly outfitted with propulsion and automated guidance systems, the caravan of giant icebergs majestically peel away from Saturn in a long, steep dive sunward. What happens next has been eloquently described by Freeman Dyson:

A few years later, the night-time sky of Mars begins to glow bright with an incessant sparkle of small meteors. The infall continues day and night, only more visibly at night. Soft warm breezes blow over the land, and slowly warmth penetrates into the frozen ground. A few years later, it rains on Mars. It does not take long for the first oceans to begin to grow.2829

19.2.2 Space Habitats

Figure 19.1 Building Space Habitats

   The Lunar Base

A nuclear plant provides power for the mass-driver, which is fed with materials scooped up by vehicles such as the one in the foreground. (Painting by Pierre Mion, © National Geographic Society)2853

   Twin-engine mass-driver tug
figure 19 1b building space habitats 250

Recovery of asteroidal chunks using twin-engine mass-driver tug2710

   Island Three space community
figure 19 1c building space habitats 250

Exterior of a possible "Island Three" space community. Living areas, agriculture, and industry, though located within a few miles of each other, have separately chosen temperature, climate, day-length, and gravity. (R. Guidice, NASA)

   Model IV Colonies
figure 19 1d building space habitats 250

The largest (Model IV) Colonies, which could be functioning by 2025, will probably consist of two connected cylinders, each 19 miles long, four miles in diameter, and containing as much as 100 square miles in total land area.

The most beautiful living areas on Earth could be duplicated in the colonies. The bridge shown here, to give an idea of the dimensions involved, is similar in size to the San Francisco Bay Bridge.

A Model IV colony could hold up to several million people comfortably, but the interior design pictured here is intended for only about 200,000 inhabitants. Drawing: NASA

   The Stanford Torus Design2827 - exterior
figure 19 1e the stanford torus design 250

The Stanford torus is a proposed design for a space habitat capable of housing 10,000 to 140,000 permanent residents.

The Stanford torus was proposed during the 1975 NASA Summer Study, conducted at Stanford University, with the purpose of speculating on designs for future space colonies.

It consists of a torus, or doughnut-shaped ring, that is 1.8 km in diameter (for the proposed 10,000 person habitat described in the 1975 Summer Study) and rotates once per minute to provide between 0.9g and 1.0g of artificial gravity on the inside of the outer ring via centrifugal force.

The torus would require nearly 10 million tons of mass. Construction would use materials extracted from the Moon and sent to space using a mass driver. A mass catcher at L2 would collect the materials, transporting them to L5 where they could be processed in an industrial facility to construct the torus. Only materials that could not be obtained from the Moon would have to be imported from Earth. [from: Wikipedia]

   The Stanford Torus Design2827 - interior
figure 19 1f the stanford torus design 250

Sunlight is provided to the interior of the torus by a system of mirrors. The ring is connected to a hub via a number of "spokes", which serve as conduits for people and materials travelling to and from the hub. Since the hub is at the rotational axis of the station, it experiences the least artificial gravity and is the easiest location for spacecraft to dock. Zero-gravity industry is performed in a non-rotating module attached to the hub's axis.

The interior space of the torus itself is used as living space, and is large enough that a "natural" environment can be simulated; the torus appears similar to a long, narrow, straight glacial valley whose ends curve upward and eventually meet overhead to form a complete circle. The population density is similar to a dense suburb, with part of the ring dedicated to agriculture and part to housing. [from: Wikipedia]

By staying on planets,
the species condemns
itself to a permanent
Type I energy status.

While we may expect that Type II civilizations will certainly have the energy, mass, and technological sophistication to terraform virtually any terrestrial world in their system, the pressures of population expansion are not long alleviated by inhabiting other planets. Living area is increased by an order of magnitude at best, a bounty gobbled up in only 300 years assuming population expands at the modest rate of 1% per annum. And by staying on planets, the species condemns itself to a permanent Type I energy status.

Cities in space

The remedy to this dilemma is to build giant habitats in free space, far from the baleful encumbrances of planetary surfaces. In recent times Gerard K. O‘Neill and others have advocated the construction of enormous artificial habitats in Earth orbit (see especially Heppenheimer,2826 Johnson and Holbrow,2627 and O‘Neill2710) using materials lofted from the lunar surface by electromagnetic mass driver.2844 Preliminary estimates from several sources indicate that it is technically feasible to construct cities in space able to house 10,000 people and having a total mass of about 1010 kg. The main cost in energy comes from pitching the construction materials off the lunar surface. This cost amounts to about 1017 joules altogether. This is low enough to be feasible even for Type I civilizations such as our own — provided we do not build too many of them. A Type II culture, of course, is rich enough to build all of them it wants.

Island Two community

After a sufficient number of habitats have been erected in space — which O‘Neill calls Island One communities, the process of expansion would become self-sustaining. A group of Island One communities could pool their resources to form an economic cooperative, and engage in the construction of an even larger Island Two community. This monstrous edifice might be a giant, slowly-spinning cylinder perhaps 2 km in diameter and 6 km in length, housing a total of 140,000 people. The interior could be designed with a number of small villages separated by parkland or forest areas, each similar in size and population density to a small Italian hill town.2710

Island Three and Four community

Still larger habitats could be built, since there is no gravity in free space to give engineers headaches. An Island Three community would measure more than 6 km in diameter and 32 km in length, with a total land area of 1300 square kilometers and a human population of several million persons. And, according to O‘Neill, structures up to four times larger are possible within the limits of current human technology. These Island Four communities would have land areas more than half the size of Switzerland, and populations numbering in the tens of millions (Figure 19.1).

An Island Three community would measure
more than 6 km in diameter and 32 km in length,
with a total land area of 1300 square kilometers
and a human population of several million persons.
Structures up to four times larger are possible
within the limits of current human technology.
These Island Four communities would have land
areas more than half the size of Switzerland, and
populations numbering in the tens of millions
Hollow planetoid cities, similar in size and mass
to the largest of the O‘Neill communities, could
be constructed in a fairly straightforward manner.
Once the hollow world has solidified and cooled
off, a giant mirror is affixed to direct solar power
down the central axis to bring sunshine to
the interior.
Water, soil, and biology are now moved in.
More than 780 km2 are available for habitation.
Hollow planetoid cities

Many scientists believe that it is wasteful to construct space cities out of lunar materials. It is cheaper, they claim, to use raw materials that are not trapped at the bottom of a gravity well. So, we mine the asteroids.2864 Dandridge Cole and Donald Cox showed in 1964 that hollow planetoid cities, similar in size and mass to the largest of the O‘Neill communities, could be constructed in a fairly straightforward manner.563

The first order of business is the erection of a giant solar mirror several kilometers in diameter.2848 Formed under conditions of zero gravity, it could have a very lightweight construction. Perhaps an old Echo balloon could be inflated, sprayed with a thin layer of something to harden it, then cut in half and silvered on the inside.

Next, an elongated asteroid should be selected, perhaps measuring a kilometer in diameter and two kilometers in length with a mass of about 1013 kg. The mirror is then used to bore out a hole down the central axis of the object. This is done by focusing the sun's rays on the mountain of nickel-iron and vaporizing away some of the metal. After it has cooled, the longitudinal hole is charged with large tankards of liquid water. The ends are securely plugged and welded shut using heat from the large mirror.

The planetoid is set spinning slowly around its long axis. The entire metal body is bathed in concentrated solar heat directed at its surface by the mirror. Gradually the temperature rises, finally reaching the melting point all over the surface. Slowly the heat creeps inward until virtually the entire object is molten or soft.

The central axis is the last place to melt if the procedures have been correctly executed. So long as this region remains solid, the melting body retains a cylindrical shape rather than coalescing into a formless spheroid. Just before the central region melts, the axial water tanks explode into super-heated steam. The immense pressure blows the asteroid into a giant nickel-iron balloon some 10 km in diameter and 20 km in length.

Sunshine to the interior

Once the hollow world has solidified and cooled off, construction crews affix the giant mirror to one end and direct solar power down the central axis to bring sunshine to the interior. Water, soil, and biology are now moved in. More than 780 km2 are available for habitation.

Life would be interesting inside a large O‘Neill community or Cole planetoid. The horizon, and landscape, rises overhead in the distance. Since only 3 km of air are required to appreciably scatter sunlight, the sky will be blue. If the planetoid is given a slight equatorial bulge and the endcaps are shaded from the sun, perpetual rain and snow will fall at the poles. The ice melt flows down rivers carved into the inside walls into a wraparound central circular lake that rises skyward in a beautiful blue arc at either horizon. Artificial spin-gravity may be set as low as desired, so it is possible to don a pair of wings and take to the air like birds.2429

19.2.3 Planet Moving and Star Mining
Energy Requirements for Planetary, Stellar, and Galactic Transport Operations

Table 19.3 Energy Requirements for Planetary,

Stellar, and Galactic Transport Operations

table 19 3 energy requirements for transport operations 360

They will have
magnificent dreams.


Their technology
will not lag far
behind their ambition

We are still thinking small, unfortunately.* We have not yet mentioned a single engineering project that could not be successfully mounted by a Type I planetary culture, at least in theory. A Type II society living in the space surrounding its sun will be a proud, vigorous, expansive large-scale civilization. They will have magnificent dreams, and their technology will not lag far behind their ambition.

A stellar culture will have access to the entire mass and derivable energy from all the matter in its own solar system. From Table 19.1 we have already seen that this represents considerable potential for energetic economic development of interplanetary space. Theoretically, a stellar society has at least 1030 kilograms and more than 1043 joules to play around with.

How grand may be their monuments to civilization? As even terrestrial engineers are well aware, any construction project has two basic requirements: (1) Delivery of materials to the construction site, and (2) proper deployment of those materials once they have arrived. So what can Type II cultures do?

While the technology needed to move planets and stars around is absolutely huge when measured against the normal human scale, the energy requirements for such operations turn out to be well within reach of Type II civilizations.

Table 19.3 above shows the energies necessary to move several different kinds of bodies. Values are given both for solar escape velocity (~104 meter/sec) and for the minimum reasonable interstellar transport velocity (1%c).

Clearly, asteroid and planet-moving are no real problem. The interstellar transport of stars will give Type II societies some trouble, and it may take a Type III organization to perform the maneuver gracefully.

While the technology needed to move planets and
stars around is absolutely huge when measured
against the normal human scale, the energy
requirements for such operations turn out
to be well within reach of Type II civilizations.


Asteroid and planet-moving are no real problem.
The interstellar transport of stars will give Type II
societies some trouble, and it may take a Type III
organization to perform the maneuver gracefully.

The complete fusion combustion of all the
deuterium in Earth's oceans would be insufficient
to impart solar escape velocity to the planet.


If the hotter-burning hydrogen fusion reactions
are used, however, Earth's seas could be drained
and used as fuel to propel our world to the stars.

Darol Froman, Technical Associate Director of the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory in New Mexico, has pointed out that the complete fusion combustion of all the deuterium in Earth's oceans would be insufficient to impart solar escape velocity to the planet.2831 If the hotter-burning hydrogen fusion reactions are used, however, Earth's seas could be drained and used as fuel to propel our world to the stars.

Froman suggests that roughly a quarter of the fuel be used to escape from Sol, another quarter to enter the target stellar system many light-years away, and the remaining half for heat, lighting, and propulsion en route. The planetary fusion thrusters should be located at the South Pole, so that Earth's natural rotation can be used for guidance and directional stabilization. Science fiction writer Stanley Schmidt has done a creditable job in describing the local effects of terramotive operations.2832

* A sobering example of this appears in Isaac Asimov's Foundation Trilogy.2944 Trantor, the Imperial capitol of all the Galaxy, is described as a giant ecumenopolis, a “planetary city“ of gleaming metal covering 190 million km2 (about the surface area of Mars) and extending nearly 2 km deep.

  • There are 40 billion human bureaucratic inhabitants.
  • This seems a rather impressive piece of architecture, especially since each person would have a generous 107 m3 all to himself which is at least two orders of magnitude more room than most people have on Earth today.
  • But the mass and energy requirements are far less impressive. If made of steel the total mass of the city of Trantor would come to about 1019 kg. Only a million average-sized asteroids need be captured for this purpose, and only about 1026 joules would be required to transfer them to the site of construction — say, Eart orbit. (This is the major energy cost of the project.)
  • So mighty Trantor, pride of the Galactic Imperium and capitol world of the entire Milky Way, could be constructed with some difficulty by a mature Type I civilization or with ease by a Type II civilization.
Delivery and Deployment
Stars, too, may be moved about, using a tuned
Shklovskii Mining Graser at reduced power.
This powerful gamma-ray laser could be aimed
to strike a glancing blow at the target star on the
side opposite the direction you want it to move.
The sun will spew out star-stuff and begin to move off
in the direction dictated by Newton's laws of motion.
Fusion Pogo Rocket

How might gas giants be pushed around the solar system? We know Type II societies have the energy, but what kind of technology might be involved? In one of his science fiction tales of the distant future, Larry Niven describes how it might be possible to use what he calls a Fusion Pogo Rocket. A tremendous fusion motor hooked up to a reworked military laser cannon might turn the trick on our Uranus:

It's a double-walled tube, very strong under expansion shock. It floats vertical in the upper air. Vents at the bottom let in the air, which is hydrogen and methane and ammonia, hydrogen compounds, like the air that the sun burns. You fire laser cannon up along the axis, using a color hydrogen won‘t let through. You get a fusion explosion along the axis, and the explosion goes out and up. The whole mass blasts out the top, through the flared end. It has to have an exhaust velocity way higher than Uranus's escape velocity. The motor goes smashing down into deeper air. You see there's a kind of flared skirt at the bottom. The deep air builds up there at terrific pressure, stops the tube and blasts it back up. You fire it again... The atmosphere is fuel and shock absorber both — and the planet is mostly atmosphere.2636

Interstellar transport of stars

Stars, too, may be moved about, using a tuned Shklovskii Mining Graser (see next page) at reduced power. This powerful gamma-ray laser could be aimed to strike a glancing blow at the target star on the side opposite the direction you want it to move. The sun will spew out star-stuff and begin to move off in the direction dictated by Newton's laws of motion. Scientists agree that this technique may work, because the same basic principle of propulsion has been observed to occur naturally with comets. These “dirty snowballs,“ swinging close to our Sol, are heated on the sunward side. Material boils off asymnietrically and jets out into space, deflecting the orbit by a kind of rocket effect.*

So delivery of the materials to the construction site is no problem for stellar cultures. What about deployment? Once a planet or star has been moved to where it is needed, how do we get the mass out?

One of the most popular techniques for taking
planets apart is called centrifugal disruption.
This requires the accelerated rotation of a planet up
to the point at which it fractures under internal stresses.
When the rotation rate of a planet the size of Earth has
been brought up to about 100 minutes per revolution,
the equator is just ready to take off into space.
The process of disassembling the planet will proceed
steadily as its angular momentum is increased.
Centrifugal disruption

One of the most popular techniques for taking planets apart is called centrifugal disruption. This requires the accelerated rotation of a planet up to the point at which it fractures under internal stresses. Slowly the world unravels, sloughing off outer layers like a successive molting. If the speed-up is continued long enough, the entire body will be disrupted into asteroid-sized chunks of mass.

Freeman Dyson has suggested that centrifugal disruption could be accomplished by laying a net of conductive windings around a planet along the lines of latitude, each strand carrying a current on the order of microamperes per square centimeter.1450 These cables would give rise to a magnetic field. Orbiting electrical generators (which produce an opposing magnetic field) then trace out paths which produce a net torque on the body, causing it to spin faster. A continuous stream of generators must pass through the correct maneuvers to maintain the electromagnetic accelerative force, each unit converting its orbital momentum into planetary spin momentum. An alternative disruption technique is available to civilizations that have mastered fusion power — simple tangential reaction thrust generated by sideways-firing equatorial fusion rockets would also spin up a world to destruction.2833

When the rotation rate of a planet the size of Earth has been brought up to about 100 minutes per revolution, says Dyson, "the equator is just ready to take off into space. From this point on, the process of disassembling the planet will proceed steadily as its angular momentum is increased." The total energy required to spin Earth up to the transition point is about 4 x 1030 joules; for Jupiter, about 9 × 1034 joules will be necessary. (After 97% of Jupiter's mass has been stripped away, we are left with a large terrestrial world that was once the core of the jovian — a mass of from 5-10 Earth-masses. We may decide to cannibalize it for heavy metals, or it may be saved for reasons of aesthetics, nostalgia, or terraforming and habitation operations.)

Gas giants disassembled bit by bit
Suborbital fusion satellites and nuclear ram-scoops
■ could dip down into the jovian atmosphere,
■ scoop up some hydrogen,
■ fuse it into heavier elements,
■ use the resulting energy to propel the transmuted
   matter into a parking orbit near the construction site.

J.H. Fremlin and Anthony Michaelis have suggested that gas giants could be disassembled bit by bit.2955 Suborbital fusion satellites and nuclear ram-scoops could dip down into the jovian atmosphere, scoop up some hydrogen, fuse it into heavier elements, and use the resulting energy to propel the transmuted matter into a parking orbit near the construction site. The energy needed to move Jupiter's entire mass into an Earth parking orbit along a minimum energy transfer trajectory is about 1036 joules.

Explosive disruption

Still a third possibility is Explosive Disruption. Theoretically, with enough energy under harness any planetary body can quite literally be blasted into rubble. While we don‘t know what kind of explosive device might be used (perhaps a 6-km-wide antimatter asteroid?), it is a simple matter to calculate how much energy would be required. The total energy to disrupt a world expIosively is on the order of its gravitational potential energy. This works out to about 2 × 1032 joules for Earth and 2 × 1036 joules for Jupiter. Again, no problem at all for Type II cultures.


* Galaxy-moving should be possible for Type III civilizations using a related technique. Synchronized application of the Graser to a few percent of the stars in a galaxy would cause billions of suns to move off in the preferred direction. The rest of the galaxy, bound to the moving stars by gravity, would slowly follow.

The Shklovskii Mining Graser

Figure 19.2 The Shklovskii Mining Graser

   Shklovskii Mining Graser

ABOVE: the Shklovskii Mining Graser strikes a glancing blow to an alien sun, causing it to move off in the opposite direction due to the rocket effect.

   The Crab Nebula

ABOVE: the graser beam is cranked up to maximum power and directed straight at the star. The remnants of the resulting supernovae might appear as the Crab Nebula does in this photograph.

The Mining Graser will
probably be “self-critical“
— that is, an enormous
nuclear reactor that emits
most of its laser energy
directly as coherent light.

In a related manner, stars too may be disassembled. The energy required to blow a sun to bits by brute force explosive disruption is about 2 × 1041 joules, which would be quite a challenge for an enterprising stellar society. But this is not very elegant. The renowned Soviet astrophysicist Iosef S. Shklovskii has considered the possibility that an artificial supernova might be induced in a single star.20 Shklovskii believes that a Type II civilization should have no difficulty constructing a gigantic gamma-ray laser (or “graser“) operating at a wavelength of 1 Angstrom and at power levels of at least 1015 watts. This Mining Graser (Figure 19.2) would have a forward aperture diameter of about 10 meters and could focus on a 10-km-wide spot at a star's surface from a safe distance of 10 light-years. (Unmanned automated devices can venture closer.) The Mining Graser will probably be “self-critical“ — that is, an enormous nuclear reactor that emits most of its laser energy directly as coherent light.284)

Spontaneous supernova

According to an astrophysical theory proposed by British astronomer Geoffrey Burbidge, a concentrated gamma-ray flux should cause exceedingly high temperatures to arise in the outer layers of a star. If this temperature was hot enough, a spontaneous supernova might result. It is estimated that a flux of 107 watts/m2 may be sufficient to initiate a supernova explosion.2837

When this occurred, perhaps 0.1% of the star's mass would be converted directly into energy — about 1043 joules. In addition to the release of copious amounts of x-rays and other radiative energy that could be collected and stored, a significant fraction of the stellar mass will be propelled outward at speeds up to 1000 km/sec.

This rich expanding gas cloud may be harvested by diligent interstellar mining engineers, using squadrons of robot drones equipped with giant electromagnetic ramscoops. Heavy elements generated by the explosion would be swept up, refined and milled by a flotilla of gargantuan factory sweepships in a "cage" of circular orbits surrounding the demolished star.

Turn stars off

The Shklovskii Mining Graser can also be used to turn stars off. The beam strikes a glancing blow first on one side, then the other, and so forth. Star-stuff spews equally from either side, so the sun goes nowhere. Sweepships collect and store the unburned stellar hydrogen as it streams from the photo-sphere. Slowly the star is whittled down to size as the bulk of its mass is siphoned off and taken away. Finally, down to less than 1% of its original weight, the once-mighty celestial furnace flickers out. The hot jovian planet that remains may now be disassembled by the more conventional means discussed earlier.

19.2.4 Large Scale Biospheric Engineering
The Dyson Sphere
The Sphere is massive
about 15 solar masses.

Assuming a Type II civilization can find all the materials and energy it may require, normal expansive development and material growth may proceed. As it matures, the stellar culture may place more and more artifacts in solar orbit in an attempt to soak up every last joule of the sun's output. They may not want to go to the trouble of turning their star off, or they may lack the technological acumen to do it, or they may find the idea unethical, unnatural, and morally repugnant.

So while it is not inevitable, the chances are good that at least some extraterrestrial Type II cultures wish to preserve their sun in its natural state. On the basis of this assumption,

Dyson Sphere
"a ping pong ball with a star in the middle"

■ If the entire planetary mass of Sol's system was
   spread into a solid shell at the radius of Earth's orbit,

■ the resulting artifact would run a bit less than
   10 meters thick.

■ The interior surface area would be the equivalent
   of a billion Earths,

■ about three hundred million billion square kilometers
   of habitable land.

Freeman Dyson predicted more than twenty years ago that the end result of interplanetary industrialization may be a shell of artifacts completely encasing the star. Seen from a great distance this "Dyson Sphere" would radiate only waste heat at a wavelength of about 10 µm in the deep infrared.1022

Theoretically, a normal solar system should have plenty of mass with which to construct a solid Dyson Sphere around a star. (At least one writer has likened this to "a ping pong ball with a star in the middle."673) If the entire planetary mass of Sol's system was spread into a solid shell at the radius of Earth's orbit, the resulting artifact would run a bit less than 10 meters thick. The interior surface area would be the equivalent of a billion Earths, about three hundred million billion square kilometers of habitable land.

Mechanical difficulties of the Dyson Sphere

There are a number of mechanical difficulties associated with the solid Dyson Sphere. If rotating, the equatorial section would bow outward due to centrifugal force. Similarly, the "poles" would lack support and flatten, causing dynamic instability and collapse of the structure. If stationary, solar tidal forces would give rise to large compressive stresses.* The shell seems too thin to maintain proper rigidity.

Furthermore, the gravity on the outer surface would be only 0.6 milligees so no reasonable atmosphere could be held. Objects or gases or people living on the inside would fall gently into the sun. There have been many attempts to save the Sphere by positing antigravity devices at critical points along the surface, but these heroic efforts remain unconvincing. For a Type II society, at least, a solid Dyson sphere is out of the question.

The Square-Cube Law predicts that we'll get more
square meters of living area out of each kilogram
of building materials used if we construct the smallest
habitable structures possible.
Dyson himself proposed that the Sphere should be
comprised of swarms of relatively small space habitats.

Anyway, the Square-Cube Law predicts that we'll get more square meters of living area out of each kilogram of building materials used if we construct the smallest habitable structures possible. For this reason, Dyson himself proposed that the Sphere should be comprised of swarms of relatively small space habitats. If we use Cole Planetoids equipped with large, very thin solar collector mirrors, we could build about 1014 of them interior to Earth's orbit. Each would weigh about 1013 kg, and could be pressurized with a breathable oxygen atmosphere. If they were constructed with a doubling time of 25 years, only 1200 years would be required to complete the transition to a mature Type II stellar industrial civilization.

* This may not be fatal to the project. According to equations for gravitational tidal stress on large structures provided by Dyson,1450 the minimum materials strength needed to hold a solid Dyson Sphere together should be no more than 1012 N/m2. Flawless diamond has a theoretical maximum compression strength of ~1012 N/m2 and shearing strength ~1011 N/m2 so it may be possible to work something out.2838 At compressions above 1011 N/m2, the normally colorless diamond takes on a delicate light brown color.2939

The Niven Ringworld

Figure 19.3 The Niven Ringworld753

   Figure 19.3 The Niven Ringworld753
   Artist's conception of The Niven Ringworld
   Artist's conception of The Niven Ringworld



a great ribbon of matter
shaped like a hoop


with the same diameter
as Earth's orbit

Larry Niven has come up with a fascinating alternative to the Dyson Sphere. His proposal: A giant Ringworld (Figure 19.3), a great ribbon of matter shaped like a hoop with the same diameter as Earth's orbit.753 The great structure whirls around the sun at 1240 km/sec to provide a constant 1-gee gravity across the Ring. If the entire planetary mass of our solar system was used, the Ringworld would measure about 1000 meters thick. At last — a project truly worthy of a stellar culture.

Walls 2000 kilometers high at either edge of the Ringworld ribbon, aiming toward the central star, would be enough to hold in most of the atmosphere. An inner ring of shadow squares — orbiting panels to block out parts of the sunlight — provide a day/night cycle for Ringworld inhabitants. By bobbing the structure up and down, the apparent angle of the sun changes and we get seasons. You could even see the stars, as well as a beautiful checkered arc, traversing the nighttime sky.

 The Niven Ringworld 

Click for Synopsis   

The Niven Ringworld

  • The great structure whirls around the sun at 1240 km/sec to provide a constant 1-gee gravity across the Ring
  • If the entire planetary mass of our solar system was used, the Ringworld would measure about 1000 meters thick
  • Walls 2000 kilometers high at either edge of the Ringworld ribbon, aiming toward the central star, would be enough
    to hold in most of the atmosphere

An inner ring of shadow squares

  • Orbiting panels to block out parts of the sunlight
  • Provide a day/night cycle for Ringworld inhabitants
  • By bobbing the structure up and down, the apparent angle of the sun changes and we get seasons
  • You could even see the stars, as well as a beautiful checkered arc, traversing the nighttime sky
  • The interior surface area would be equivalent to three million Earths
  • The artifact would require on the order of 1036 joules to assemble

Looking at the outer surface of the Ringworld:

  • Seas would show as bulges, mountains as dents
  • Riverbeds and river deltas would be sculptured in
  • There would be no room for erosion on something as thin as a Ringworld
  • Seas would be flat-bottomed — as we use only the top of a sea anyway
  • Small, with convoluted shore lines. Lots of beachfront
  • Mountains would exist only for scenery and recreation.

A large meteor would be a disaster on such a structure.

  • A hole in the floor of the Ringworld, if not plugged would eventually let all the air out
  • The pressure differential would cause storms the size of a world making repairs difficult

The interior surface area would be equivalent to three million Earths, and the artifact would require on the order of 1036 joules to assemble — a project well within reach of a Type II civilization. The engineering effort would necessarily be a massive one. Looking at the outer surface of the Ringworld, Niven says:

Seas would show as bulges, mountains as dents. Riverbeds and river deltas would be sculptured in; there would be no room for erosion on something as thin as a Ringworld. Seas would be flat-bottomed — as we use only the top of a sea anyway — and small, with convoluted shore lines. Lots of beachfront. Mountains would exist only for scenery and recreation. A large meteor would be a disaster on such a structure. A hole in the floor of the Ringworld, if not plugged, would eventually let all the air out, and the pressure differential would cause storms the size of a world, making repairs difficult.673

More than one Ringworld could circle a sun, although this would require additional mass borrowed either from the local star or from a neighboring system. Many different intelligent races could wrap noncoplanar Ringworlds around the same star, with differing radii to avoid collision and provide a variety of temperature regimes.

A strand of hollow metal macaroni
■ About a trillion meters long
■ Only a kilometer or two in cross-sectional diameter
■ And a few hundred meters thick
The two ends are joined together
A great hoop around the sun
■ It rotates in smoke ring fashion
   to get artificial gravity on the inner surface
■ With a complete artificial biosphere set up inside
■ And solar collectors set up outside for energy
■ This huge tunnel world would have a habitable
   surface area of only about 20 Earths
■ Each one we make costs only about 3 × 1027 joules
■ Weighs about one-thousandth as much as the Earth
Interstellar travel on Ringworld

There is also the possibility of harnessing the basic Ringworld structure for interstellar travel on a massive scale. Niven elaborates:

The Ringworld rotates at 1240 km/sec. Given appropriate conducting surfaces, this rotation could set up enormous magnetic effects. These could be used to control the burning of the sun, to cause it to fire off a jet of gas along the Ringworld axis of rotation. The sun be-comes its own rocket. The Ringworld follows, tethered by gravity. By the time we run out of sun, the Ring is moving through space at Bussard ramjet velocities. We continue to use the magnetic effect to pinch the interstellar gas into a fusion flame, which now becomes our sun and our motive power.673


Pat Gunkel has designed a structure analogous to the Ring but of considerably lower mass. Imagine a strand of hollow metal macaroni, about a trillion meters long but only a kilometer or two in cross-sectional diameter and a few hundred meters thick. Gunkel joins the two ends together in a great hoop around the sun, sets it rotating in smoke ring fashion to get artificial gravity on the inner surface, and calls it Topopolis.673 With a complete artificial biosphere set up inside, and solar collectors set up outside for energy, this huge tunnel world would have a habitable surface area of only about 20 Earths. But each one we make costs us only about 3 × 1027 joules and weighs only about one-thousandth as much as the Earth.

The Alderson Disk

Figure 19.4 The Alderson Disk673

   Figure 19.4 The Alderson Disk673
   Artist's conception of The Alderson Disk
   Artist's conception of The Alderson Disk

So far we've discussed projects for Type II civilizations. Let's have a look at a few designs that will require the muscle of a galactic Type III civilization.

The Alderson Disk
Useful living surface would
be the equivalent of more
than 4 billion Earths.

Dr. Daniel Alderson proposes a massive structure shaped like a giant phonograph record with the star in the center hole (Figure 19.4). Gravity will be uniform and perpendicular to the Disk everywhere except at the edges. A slow spin should partially counteract the sideways inward pull of the central star and provide a stable celestial pole. A 1000-km-high retaining wall should be constructed on the lip of the inner hole, to prevent the leakage of atmosphere into the sun.673

The Alderson Disk weighs in at about 6 × 1033 kg, or about 3000 solar masses. The innermost radius is about 50 million kilometers, just inside the orbit of Mercury; the outermost radius is set at 600 million kilometers from the sun, about midway between the asteroid belt and Jupiter.

 The Alderson Disk   

Click for Synopsis   

The Alderson Disk

A massive structure shaped like a giant phonograph record with the star in the center hole

  • Gravity will be uniform and perpendicular to the disk everywhere except at the edges
  • A slow spin should partially counteract the sideways inward pull of the central star and provide a stable celestial pole
  • A 1000-km-high retaining wall: constructed on the lip of the inner hole to prevent leakage of atmosphere into the sun
  • The innermost radius is about 50 million kilometers, just inside the orbit of Mercury
  • The outermost radius is set at 600 million kilometers from the sun, midway between the asteroid belt and Jupiter
  • The Disk is 5000 km thick, so the surface gravity is 0.14 gees (about like Luna)
  • If the air is pressurized to 1 atm at the surface, then the total weight of the atmosphere is only 2 × 1029 kg,
    less than one-tenth of a solar mass extra
  • Since gravity is so low, the air thins out very slowly with altitude
  • 40 kilometers up, the pressure is only down to 0.5 atm which is still breathable

The Alderson Disk weighs in at about 6 × 1033 kg, or about 3000 solar masses

  • The additional land area made available is enormous
  • The useful living surface would be the equivalent of more than 4 billion Earths
  • Also, note that both sides of the artifact can be inhabited
  • Since the disk is far more massive than the central star, the sun should be bobbled up and down to create seasons
  • Computer-controlled Shklovskii Grasers mounted on the inside edge could induce vertical motion and would also serve
    to nudge the star back to center if it begins to stray towards the inside annular edge of the disk
  • Energy required to assemble the disk should be about 5 × 1044 joules — fairly trivial for a galactic culture
  • The Alderson Disk would probably be a cooperative venture of a group of Type II cultures (perhaps 10-100 of them)
  • Or of a single emergent Type III galactic civilization

The Disk is 5000 km thick, so the surface gravity is 0.14 gees (about like Luna). If the air is pressurized to 1 atm at the surface, then the total weight of the atmosphere is only 2 × 1029 kg, less than one-tenth of a solar mass extra. Since gravity is so low, the air thins out very slowly with altitude: 40 kilometers up, the pressure is only down to 0.5 atm which is still breathable. Also, note that both sides of the artifact can be inhabited.

Since the Disk is far more massive than the central star, the sun should be bobbled up and down to create seasons. Computer-controlled Shklovskii Grasers mounted on the inside edge could induce vertical motion, and would also serve to nudge the star back to center if it begins to stray towards the inside annular edge of the Disk. The energy required to assemble the Alderson Disk should be about 5 × 1044 joules, which should be fairly trivial for a galactic culture.

One science fiction writer waxes enthusiastic about the idea:

The Disc would be a wonderful place to stage a Gothic or a sword-and-sorcery novel. The atmosphere is right, and there are real monsters. Consider: We can occupy only a part of the Disc the right distance from the sun. We might as well share the Disc and the cost of its construction with aliens from hotter or colder climes. Mercurians and Venusians nearer the sun, Martians out toward the rim, aliens from other stars living wherever it suits them best. Over the tens of thousands of years, mutations and adaptations would migrate across the sparsely settled borders. If civilization should fall, things could get eerie and interesting.673

Due to its size, the Alderson Disk would probably have to be a cooperative venture of a group of Type II cultures (perhaps 10-100 of them) or of a single emergent Type III galactic civilization. The additional land area made available is enormous. The useful living surface would be the equivalent of more than 4 billion Earths.

Second look at the solid Dyson Sphere
The Sphere is massive
— about 15 solar masses
■ The shell is equivalent to a wall of
    solid steel more than 3 km thick
■ Much of the room is taken up by
    living quarters, passageways, etc.
■ The hull is more than 60 km deep
■ The total energy needed to assemble:
    probably run on the order of 1043 joules
■ To propel it through space at 17%c
    (the stated velocity)
    will require an additional 4 × 1046 joules
■ Surface gravity is only 1% that of Earth
■ Enough to hold a tenuous atmosphere
    just above the external armor plating
■ Part of this is interstellar gas, but
    most of it is a helium-oxygen mixture
    left over from nuclear power plants
    which use water for fuel
■ The oxy-helium air is barely breathable
    at the lower altitudes

The value of large-scale economic cooperation is fairly obvious. Perhaps, in view of this, we should take a second look at the solid Dyson Sphere concept. Is it possible for a galactic community to build one?

Probably. It will be recalled that the main problem, other than simple lack of mass, was the matter of dynamical instability. Even if the hollow sphere was rotated fast enough to support the equatorial zone of the structure against collapse, the polar regions would fall in and destroy the Sphere. Veteran science fictioneers Jack Williamson and Frederick Pohl pondered the problem and came up with a most ingenious, workable solution. Here, in their own words, is how it's done:

Surround the star with several layers of ring-shaped tubes. The tubes themselves are stationary, but they contain a heavy, low-viscosity fluid flowing fast enough to create the centrifugal force required to support the tubes and loads above them. One set of parallel tubes holds up the “equator“ — which isn‘t really moving — and other sets, tilted at suitable angles, support the regions near the “poles.“ The tubes are also heat engines, with the fluid driven by energy absorbed from the sun and flowing through generator stations which supply power to all the inhabited levels. Master computers adjust the velocity of flow to fit the loads.2834

The Sphere is massive — about 15 solar masses. The shell is equivalent to a wall of solid steel more than 3 km thick, but since much of the room is taken up by living quarters, passageways and so forth, the hull is actually more than 60 km deep. The total energy needed to assemble the Sphere would probably run on the order of 1043 joules, but to propel it through space at 17%c (the stated velocity) will require an additional 4 × 1046 joules of energy.

Though the surface gravity is only 1% that of Earth, this is still enough to hold a tenuous atmosphere just above the external armor plating. Part of this is interstellar gas, but most of it is a helium-oxygen mixture left over from nuclear power plants which use water for fuel. The oxy-helium air is just barely breathable at the lower altitudes, with predictable consequences:

The outer surface was at first an endless plain of bare metal, but much of it is now covered with soil from accumulated cosmic dust and the industrial wastes dumped from the occupied levels. Plant life has evolved there, supported by the energy-flow from below through a process of thermosynthesis. These plants are often luminescent, so that vast landscapes glow with varied color. There's animal life, adapted to the low gravity and to varied local conditions of light or darkness, heat or cold, wild storms or unending calm — with no rotation and no external sun. Most of these beings evolved on the surface, but some are migrants from below. A few are human.2834

19.2.5 Galactic Megastructures

Figure 19.5 The Megaring

What kinds of projects would really tax the abilities of a Type III civilization? Galactic cooperation among literally billions of worlds will permit construction on a scale never before dreamt of by mankind. From our limited terrestrial perspective, there is no way that we can easily imagine the technical skills of a race which commands nearly twenty five orders of magnitude more energy than we. Nor can we imagine the legitimate rationale, if any exists, for building such massive architectures. Fortunately, we can make a few educated guesses what might be possible based solely on the limitations of finite energy and mass resources. No matter how big and how powerful, every culture has its limits.

 The Megaring          

Click for Synopsis  

The Megaring

A galactic megastructure which humans have no idea how to build


A mammoth ringworld stretching twenty light-years in diameter

  • The flat habitable surface is a million kilometers wide
  • With 60,000-km-high atmospheric retaining walls at the edges
  • Surface gravity of 1 milligee is slightly augmented by the 0.03 milligee acceleration
    caused by the rotation of the artifact

Megaring rotates at 10%c

  • The air pressure at the base of the Megaring floor is a normal 1 atm
  • And falls to 0.5 atm only at a height of 6000 kilometers

A man weighing 70 kg on Earth would weigh 70 grams on Megaring

  • If he could jump 1 meter on Earth, he can leap at least a kilometer on Megaring
  • It will take him 7½ minutes to come back down

Gravity is low enough and the air thick enough that mankind could fulfill
one of its oldest and dearest dreams:

  • A human being could take to the air from a standing start
  • Fly as a bird, simply by flapping his arms like wings
  • And he could soar literally thousands of kilometers high

Perhaps not surprisingly, most of the mass of the Megaring is air

  • About 330 solar masses are used in the structural frame
  • Which is then filled with 3130 solar masses of atmosphere

The ring itself constitutes a mere 3% of the total system weight

  • Most of the mass — some 126,000 solar masses worth — consists of non-disassembled stars
  • More than a hundred thousand suns circle the Megaring in helical orbits at a distance of 1 AU
  • (More accurately, the ring orbits the stars and so must be extremely flexible)
  • Held in place by graser assemblies or powerful magnetic fields
  • This circulating stellar bucket brigade provides Megaring inhabitants with warmth and illumination

The total energy cost of this project is somewhere in the neighborhood of 1045-1046 joules

  • A modest price for a galactic culture to pay for such an exotic habitat with a livable surface area
    of more than a trillion Earths
The Megaring

A good example of a galactic megastructure which humans have no idea how to build is the Megaring (Figure 19.5). Megaring is a mammoth ringworld stretching twenty light-years in diameter. The flat habitable surface is a million kilometers wide, with 60,000-km-high atmospheric retaining walls at the edges. The surface gravity of 1 milligee is slightly augmented by the 0.03 milligee acceleration caused by the rotation of the artifact: Megaring rotates at 10%c.

The air pressure at the base of the Megaring floor is a normal 1 atm, and falls to 0.5 atm only at a height of 6000 kilometers. A man weighing 70 kg on Earth would weigh 70 grams on Megaring. If he could jump 1 meter on Earth, he can leap at least a kilometer on Megaring — and it will take him 7½ minutes to come back down. Still more fascinating, the gravity is low enough and the air thick enough that mankind could fulfill one of its oldest and dearest dreams: A human being could take to the air from a standing start and fly as a bird, simply by flapping his arms like wings. And he could soar literally thousands of kilometers high.

Perhaps not surprisingly, most of the mass of the Megaring is air. About 330 solar masses are used in the structural frame, which is then filled with 3130 solar masses of atmosphere. The ring itself constitutes a mere 3% of the total system weight. Most of the mass — some 126,000 solar masses worth — consists of non-disassembled stars. More than a hundred thousand suns circle the Megaring in helical orbits at a distance of 1 AU. (More accurately, the ring orbits the stars and so must be extremely flexible — but let's not quibble about dynamics.) Held in place by graser assemblies or powerful magnetic fields, this circulating stellar bucket brigade provides Megaring inhabitants with warmth and illumination.

The total energy cost of this project is somewhere in the neighborhood of 1045-1046 joules, really a modest price for a galactic culture to pay for such an exotic habitat with a livable surface area of more than a trillion Earths. Of course, we don‘t know how to build a Megaring. But the mass and energy bills are well under budget. If Want truly overcomes Big and Costly, and if the expenditure of resources in building this artifact can be ethically justified (Chapter 25), then somewhere in this universe someone may have built such an artifact.

Figure 19.6 The Big Megaring

 The Big Megaring    

Click for Synopsis   

The Big Megaring

  • A ringworld a thousand light-years in radius
  • Spinning majestically at 10%c along the circumference
  • Due to the extremely low floor gravity (measured in tens of microgees)
  • Breathable atmosphere doesn‘t drop to half-pressure for many tens of millions of kilometers

As a result, the basic shape of the habitat changes

  • Rather than a thin ribbon, the Big Megaring more closely resembles the outer section of
    a very thin canister of movie film
  • A kind of hollowed-out Alderson disk, 600 million kilometers wide and a million kilometers deep
    with kilometer-thick walls

Again, the mass of the air predominates

  • The Big Megaring structure takes only 34 million solar masses
  • But 3 billion solar masses of air are needed to provide 1 atm base pressure
  • The estimated assembly energy is 1051 joules
  • Not counting the quasar which has been moved to the center for heat and light

While the construction of the Big Megaring seems a vast undertaking a galactic culture
will have both the mass and the energy to do the job

  • A living area equivalent to 130,000 trillion Earths
  • Or more than 240 million Dyson Spheres
The Big Megaring

Leaving aside all considerations of ethical energy use, and considering only mass-energy consumption and ignoring structural and construction details, still grander projects are possible in principle, but they will sorely strain the resources of a single Type III civilization. The Big Megaring (Figure 19.6) is a ringworld a thousand light-years in radius, spinning majestically at 10%c along the circumference. Due to the extremely low floor gravity (measured in tens of microgees), the breathable atmosphere doesn‘t drop to half-pressure for many tens of millions of kilometers. As a result, the basic shape of the habitat changes. Rather than a thin ribbon, the Big Megaring more closely resembles the outer section of a very thin canister of movie film — a kind of hollowed-out Alderson disk, 600 million kilometers wide and a million kilometers deep with kilometer-thick walls.

Again, the mass of the air predominates. The Big Megaring structure takes only 34 million solar masses, but 3 billion solar masses of air are needed to provide 1 atm base pressure. The estimated assembly energy is 1051 joules, not counting the quasar which has been moved to the center for heat and light.

While the construction of the Big Megaring seems a vast undertaking indeed, a galactic culture will have both the mass and the energy to do the job. There may be quite sound reasons for designing a gigantic space habitat which affords a living area equivalent to 130,000 trillion Earths or more than 240 million Dyson Spheres.

The Megadisk

An even bigger artifact is the Megadisk, a scaled up version of the Alderson Disk. The radius of the central hole is 1 light-year, and the distance to the outer edge is 10 light-years. The design is that of a “floppy disk“ configuration, as the base structure is only 100 kilometers thick.

 The Megadisk          

Click for Synopsis   

The Megadisk

  • A scaled up version of the Alderson Disk
  • The radius of the central hole is 1 light-year
  • And the distance to the outer edge is 10 light-years
  • The design is that of a “floppy disk“ configuration
  • As the base structure is only 100 kilometers thick

The total weight is 11 galactic masses (1MG = 3 × 1041 kg)

  • Of which 10 are in the Megadisk frame, and 1 is air
  • This provides a 1 atm pressure on both sides of the disk

The energy to assemble this beast is about 1054 joules

  • So a consortium of Type III civilizations could probably handle the assignment
  • There may be political problems in obtaining the 11 MG
  • Attempting to exercise eminent domain over eleven galaxies cannot be an easy job

The Megadisk would provide a living area equivalent to 1020 Earths

  • Or nearly a thousand Big Megarings

The total weight is 11 galactic masses (1MG = 3 × 1041 kg), of which 10 are in the Megadisk frame and 1 is air. This provides a 1 atm pressure on both sides of the disk. The energy to assemble this beast is about 1054 joules, so a consortium of Type III civilizations could probably handle the assignment. (There may be political problems in obtaining the 11 MG. Attempting to exercise eminent domain over eleven galaxies cannot be an easy job.) The Megadisk would provide a living area equivalent to 1020 Earths or nearly a thousand Big Megarings.

 The Megasphere      

Click for Synopsis   

The Megasphere, probably the ultimate in biosphere engineering

  • It is a Dyson Sphere 200 light-years in diameter
  • With a surface area of more than 130,000 square light-years
  • The surface gravity is measured in milligees
  • The air pressure falls to half about 6500 kilometers from the surface
  • The base structure is 10 kilometers thick
  • Both sides are equally habitable

The Megasphere is far beyond the resources of Type III civilizations

  • About 1300 galactic masses are needed as raw materials
  • And 1056 joules are required for initial assembly
  • Over a billion year span of time, another 1056 joules must be expended simply to maintain
    the Megasphere at a comfortable 25 ºC

The bill for upkeep is staggering

  • Only an emergent Type IV universal civilization would dare such an incredible feat
The Megasphere

The Megasphere is probably the ultimate in biosphere engineering. It is a Dyson Sphere 200 light-years in diameter, with a surface area of more than 130,000 square light-years. The surface gravity is measured in milligees, and the air pressure falls to half about 6500 kilometers from the surface. The base structure is 10 kilometers thick, and both sides are equally habitable.

The Megasphere is far beyond the resources of Type III civilizations. About 1300 galactic masses are needed as raw materials, and 1056 joules are required for initial assembly. Over a billion year span of time, another 1056 joules must be expended simply to maintain the Megasphere at a comfortable 25 ºC. The bill for upkeep is staggering. Only an emergent Type IV universal civilization would dare such an incredible feat.*

Still larger structures

* In theory, larger structures are possible. For instance:

  • A 2000-light-year-diameter Big Megasphere could be constructed with 4000 galactic masses and a thickness of 1 kilometer.

However, if the air pressure at the surface is more than 0.01 atm (about like Mars):

  • The Big Megasphere is smaller than its Schwartzchild radius and thus becomes a black hole.
  • This should not adversely affect its habitability.
  • However, all journeys to it will be one-way unless tachyonic propulsion is available.
Chapter 20 ♦ Xenosociology
20.0 Xenosociology
marcus aurelius 333
Prime movers of early
social evolution:
Genetic and ecological

Xenosociology, very broadly, is the study of alien social systems. Besides the general issue of social evolution on other worlds, xenosociologists must also study the development of alien psychology (including aggressive behaviors, motivations, emotions and personality), mating systems and modes of parental care, the emergence of early technologies, and various social evolutionary questions such as the origin of agriculture and the possibility of stateless societies elsewhere in the Galaxy.

Despite the fascinating character of such issues, the xenosociological literature is surprisingly sparse. Worse, much that has been written is superficial or poorly thought out. There appear to be two fundamental reasons for this deficit.

  • First, the human social sciences today are in a comparatively early phase of development. Until very recently, sociological research tended to proceed along specialized and anecdotal rather than generalized and systematic lines. But a general, synthetic science of culture is exactly what we need to place xenosociology on a firm theoretical footing.
  • Second, sociological truths are largely statistical. Given certain specified biological and environmental conditions, we cannot predict with certainty the exact societal form which may emerge. Social systems are far too complex, too interrelated, too randomized to admit of any straightforward prognostications.

The sociobiologists have adopted the position that there
exist basic natural forces which guide the evolution of
psychology and society on any world.


■ But where genes directly control body morphology, their
    influence on behavior is far more subtle and plastic.
■ Each species, say the sociobiologists, is predisposed
    to exhibit certain general behaviors such as emotionality,
    aggressiveness, sociability, etc.
■ This means that an alien race, given a particular
    environment and biology, will be restricted to certain
    general classes of social behavior.
■ To use a rather fanciful analogy, genes can tell you which
    stadium to attend but not the rules of football that will
    be used nor which teams will be playing.

In view of these difficulties, and the vastness of the universe of all social possibilities, no attempt will be made in this short chapter to integrate the full matrix of physiological, psychological, sociological and environmental combinations.

The permutations of cause and effect are numerous,2957 and deserve at least an entire book to themselves. Rather, we seek here only to lay the foundations of basic xenosociological theory.

Cultural determinists

Today, a whole new generation of "cultural determinists" — the sociobiologists — has adopted the position that there exist basic natural forces which guide the evolution of psychology and society on any world.* Sociobiologists believe that behavior, as well as biology, undergoes natural selection. But where genes directly control body morphology, their influence on behavior is far more subtle and plastic.

Each species, say the sociobiologists, is predisposed to exhibit certain general behaviors such as emotionality, aggressiveness, sociability, and so forth. This means that an alien race, given a particular environment and biology, will be restricted to certain general classes of social behavior. To use a rather fanciful analogy, genes can tell you which stadium to attend but not the rules of football that will be used nor which teams will be playing.

So where do we start? According to the Hypothesis of Mediocrity, most alien life will originate on a planetary surface. Prior to the introduction of advanced technology, extraterrestrial biological evolution, behavioral patterns and primitive technologies will be strongly influenced by the immediate planetary environment. Sociobiologists see the prime movers of early social evolution as of two kinds: Genetic and ecological.565 For this reason, xenosociologists find it necessary to examine the bases of biological evolution and ecological factors to fully comprehend the nature of alien minds and societies.

* See especially Barash,3333 Caplan,3328 Dawkins,2322 and Wilson.565,3198

20.1 Biological Evolution
20.1.0 Biological Evolution
clarence day 355
Extinction, not survival,
is the general rule.

From the "viewpoint" of living organisms at the level of the species, biological evolution must be regarded as a predominantly divergent process. The injection of a few members of a given type of lifeforms into a virgin environment normally results in an explosive "adaptive radiation." Species rapidly multiply to fill all possible available niches.

From the "viewpoint" of the whole environment, however, evolution is primarily convergent. Though there are many exceptions, the general rule is that species evolving in roughly similar environments tend to find similar solutions to similar problems of survival.

The streamlined "fishy" shape
has evolved independently
at least four times on Earth:
■ The mosasaur (extinct
    Cretaceous marine lizard)
■ The ichthyosaur (extinct
    Jurassic sharklike reptile)
■ The tuna (and other modern
    fishes, including sharks)
■ The cetaceans (modern
    mammals, including dolphins)
Fishy shape

For instance, the deep-sea niche (where high speed may be required to feed on fast-swimming prey) has given rise to a striking example of parallel evolution. The large, streamlined "fishy" shape has evolved independently at least four times on Earth: The mosasaur (an extinct Cretaceous marine lizard), the ichthyosaur (an extinct Jurassic sharklike reptile), the tuna (and other modern fishes, including sharks), and the cetaceans (modern mammals, including dolphins).

Examples abound. Ants and termites belong to different insect orders, yet they have evolved similar societal and architectural forms. Marsupial "psuedomamnals" evolved independently in Australia and South America, filling niches identical to those occupied elsewhere by their physiological cousins the mammals. In earlier chapters we discussed the convergent evolution of legs, wings, eyes and other bodily organs. It is probably safe to conclude that "anytime you get extensive convergence of evolution along different lines you must be dealing with an almost certain process."22

Evolutionary laws

Based on their observations of convergent evolution in similar environments, human zoologists and paleontologists have proposed a number of evolutionary "laws". These "laws" appear generally true on Earth, and may be expected to have some measure of applicability to extraterrestrial lifeforms as well. Here are a few of the author’s favorites:

  1. The total biomass of the entire system tends to increase and become maximized over time. (Lotka’s Rule)
  2. The general process of evolution involves the development of new organ systems, increasing complexity, and greater efficiency.
  3. Progressively more modern forms tend to have fewer, more specialized segments and appendages. (Williston’s Law)
  4. Species tend to evolve to larger sizes. (Cope’s Law)
  5. Major evolutionary steps, once taken, are never reversed. (Dollo’s Law)
  6. Allied races of warm-blooded animals tend to be larger in colder climatic regions. (Bergmann’s Rule)
  7. Mammals inhabiting tropical regions tend to have shorter and less woolly coats than related lifeforms in colder climatic regions.
  8. Herbivores have hooves; carnivores have claws. (Cuvier’s Law)
  9. Limbs and tails of related species are shorter in colder climatic regions. (Allen’s Rule)
  10. Organisms living in warm, humid areas tend to be more heavily pigmented than related species living in cool, dry regions. (Gloger’s Rule)
It is a fact that more than 99% of all species
that have ever trod the Earth are now extinct.
■ More than 3,000,000 species are alive today,
■ More than a billion animal and plant species
    have arisen in Earth’s past.

Examples of this sort can be multiplied indefinitely. Dr. Bernhard Rensch lists more than 100 such "laws" of evolution, to illustrate his thesis that "evolution is largely a lawful process, and with regard to the effect of continuous mutation and natural selection it is also a determinate process."2897


There is one other general rule of evolution, often ignored but of major significance nevertheless: Species tend to become extinct. This simple truth is rarely appreciated fully. It is a fact that more than 99% of all species that have ever trod the Earth are now extinct. While more than 3,000,000 species are alive today, more than a billion animal and plant species have arisen at one time or another in Earth’s past.624, 2440 Most evolutionary experiments prove to be dead ends or are insufficiently adaptive to changing conditions. Extinction, not survival, is the general rule.1668

20.1.1 Evolution Rates

Table 20.1 Average Taxonomic Evolution Rate, in Millions

of Years per Unit of Taxonomic Classification(after Rensch449)

table 20 1 average taxonomic evolution rate 350
Three rates of evolution

How fast does evolution occur on other worlds? At least three different "rates of evolution" have been studied by Earthly zoologists.

The primary and ultimate
source of all genetic
variation is mutation.

  • First there is the "morphological rate" — the speed at which the size and shape of organisms belonging to a given species evolves over time. For instance, it has been shown that the average dimensions of horses’ teeth have increased at a rate of about 0.1% per 1000 years.440
  • Another measure of the velocity of evolution is the "taxonomic rate." As shown in Table 20.1, the taxonomic evolution rate measures how fast new subspecies, species, genera, and so forth arise naturally.
  • Finally, the "genetic rate" of evolution specifies the speed at which alterations in genes are occurring in the subject population. Measured genetic rates generally confirm the values given in Table 20.1.*
Thus there exists an optimum range of
mutation rates for any class of organisms.
Mutation rate

A wide variety of different factors operate collectively to increase or decrease the rate of evolution of species on any given planet. It is true that modern geneticists recognize evolution is primarily a function of genetic variation stored in the species’ general gene pool. Evolution advances by reshuffling previously accumulated gene types by a process known as "recombination." (See the discussion of the benefits of sexual reproduction in (Chapter 12). Nevertheless, the primary and ultimate source of all genetic variation is mutation.3208

  • If the mutation rate is too low little variability is retained, leaving a smaller inventory of possible adaptations for natural selection to act upon in response to environmental changes.
  • If the mutation rate is too high, desirable characteristics are mutated away or are selected out before they have a chance to be assimilated into the gene pool.
  • Thus there exists an optimum range of mutation rates for any class of organisms.305
It would appear that on Earth today
natural radiation accounts for only a small
fraction of all spontaneous mutations.
Background radiation

The average background level of radiation at the Earth’s surface is about 0.12 roentgens/year. About one-third of this is cosmic rays from space. The other two-thirds comes from terrestrial sources such as natural crustal radioactivity and deposits of potassium-40 in our bodies.390 What effect on the mutation rate — and on evolution — does this background radiation have?

  • Among smaller organisms, often as much as 100-1000 times the background is required just to double the natural mutation rate.
  • Among larger organisms, as little as 3-10 times above background may produce a similar effect over the whole body.
  • It would appear that on Earth today natural radiation accounts for only a small fraction of all spontaneous mutations.
Supernova events

The situation may have been much different in the past. I.S. Shklovskii and V.I. Krassovskii, two distinguished Russian astrophysicists, have calculated that Earth may have passed within 10 parsecs of a supernova event perhaps a dozen times since its formation 4.6 eons ago. In each case, the scientists believe, the intensity of cosmic radiation must have risen at least by a factor of 30. This should have caused an increase of one order of magnitude in the natural background, which would at least double the mutation rate (and so the maximum rate of evolution) for the largest creatures on Earth. The effects could have persisted for more than 10,000 years.20

Extraterrestrial creatures inhabiting a planet in the outer Core regions of the Galaxy should experience such a supernova event far more often — perhaps once every 10 million years. Over the course of geological history more than 500 local supernovae might occur. This would double mutation rates at regular intervals and keep the pace of evolution high — especially during the very early stages in the evolution of life on the planet when gene inventories were still small. We might hypothesize that species "turnover rates" may be significantly higher near Core regions than in the Disk of the Galaxy.

Because of this, many xenologists suspect
that the early evolution of alien life on a world
circling such a star [F5] should be considerably 
faster than on the primitive Earth.
Stellar class

Many other factors may influence the rate of evolution on other worlds. For example, stellar class of the primary sun may be important. The hottest stars for which habitable planets are thought to exist are the F5 suns.

  • These objects radiate more strongly in the blue part of the spectrum than our Sol, emitting about four times as much ultraviolet radiation.
  • Because of this, many xenologists suspect that the early evolution of alien life on a world circling such a star should be considerably faster than on the primitive Earth.
  • More energy could penetrate the oceanic surfaces, creating more complex nutrients faster and thus speeding the origin of life.
  • F5 suns will also have stronger solar winds, which may lead to increased atmospheric ionization and greater climatic variability (and hasten evolution as well).
Higher UV levels near F5 stars may also
delay the appearance of land plants.
UV levels

Higher UV levels near F5 stars may also delay the appearance of land plants.1013

  • Since more of these rays must be filtered out by an ozone layer which necessarily must be thicker than Earth’s, sea plants of other worlds must wait longer than their cousins on Earth for the atmospheric oxygen content (which yields ozone) to build up.
  • If the alien planet has small or shallow seas, then the total marine biomass may be too small. In such cases, oxygen would remain scarce, a sufficient ozone layer might never be built up, and land might never be colonized by plants.
  • The larger the planet, however, the less likely is this catastrophe. All else being equal, larger planets have higher gravity and more compact atmospheres, which means a higher rate of ozone production.
  • In either case, marine evolution should be comparatively rapid.

In contrast, K- and M-class stars peak in the red portion of the spectrum, emitting only 1-10% as much ultraviolet as Sol.

  • This tremendous deficit should slow or greatly retard prebiotic evolution and the origin of life because less energy is available at the surface of the primitive planet for chemical synthesis.
  • {tip content="Tidal locking (or captured rotation) occurs when
    the gravitational gradient makes one side of an
    astronomical body always face another, an effect
    known as synchronous rotation.
    For example, the same side of the Earth's Moon
    always faces the Earth. [from: Wikipedia]
    "}Tidal locking{/tip} is more likely in habitable zones around K- and M-stars; if locking occurs the environment could become quite severe (though relatively uniform), which will also tend to retard evolution.
  • Finally, the UV deficit may forestall the dissipation of the primeval hydrogen/helium transsolar atmosphere. In such a system, even the innermost worlds might remain large, gaseous, and quite jovian.376 In this case, then, evolution may proceed more slowly.
Another factor which may quicken the
pace of evolution is the presence of moons.
Presence of moons

Another factor which may quicken the pace of evolution is the presence of moons.

  • By raising tides on the planetary shores, natural satellites may assist chemical mixing and catalysis during the early phases of prebiotic evolution in alien seas.
  • Several xenologists have even suggested that mechanical wave motion may encourage and accelerate the invasion of the land by primitive plant and animal lifeforms.2362
  • An interesting variation on this theme occurs when the alien planet is itself a moon — perhaps a super-jovian orbiter. While tidal locking will leave it a one-face world, the severely mutagenic radiations (such as exist near Jupiter) should provide ample genetic variation for selective forces to work with.
The Species-Area Rule
In plain English, the Species-Area Rule says that, all else being
equal, the number of different species present on any land
mass is proportional to the area of that land mass.
■ More land means more species
■ Less land means fewer species
The rate of evolution is indirectly correlated with land area,
since the production of more species requires faster evolution.
The Species-Area Rule has another interesting feature
It predicts that the same land area, fragmented into pieces,
can support more total species than the original.
Species-Area Rule

Planetary factors may also have a decisive effect on the rate of evolution. Perhaps the most influential of these is the relation between land mass distribution and the diversity of species — a part of the science of biogeography. Biogeographers have discovered what they call the Species-Area Rule.1713 Mathematically, the Rule may be stated as follows: S = kA0.27, where S is the total number of species present in a land area of A square meters. (k is some constant, see below.)

In plain English, the Species-Area Rule says that, all else being equal, the number of different species present on any land mass is proportional to the area of that land mass. More land means more species; less land means fewer species. Thus, the rate of evolution is indirectly correlated with land area, since the production of more species requires "faster" evolution.

The Species-Area Rule has another interesting feature. It predicts that the same land area, fragmented into pieces, can support more total species than the original.

Take Earth as an example. If we assume there are 2 million animal species (a low estimate), distributed over 6 continents with a land area totalling 1.48 × 1014 meter2, then the constant k = 80.7 for Earth. Now suppose that the continents were broken into 100 pieces. With a hundred separate island continents, having the same total land area as before, Earth theoretically could support as many as 15,600,000 species — more than a 7-fold increase.

Let’s try the Rule in the other direction. Today we have 6 continents and 450 taxonomic Families (such as the cat family, the dog family, the frog family, and so forth). But 225 million years ago there was only one global continent — Pangea — and only 146 Families. Using the Species-Area Rule, we would predict that Pangea could support 122 Families. By eliminating the modern continent of Antarctica (which is comparatively lifeless), the Rule predicts 139 Families, which is surprisingly good agreement with the paleontological data.

Why does the Rule work so well? One explanation is that the fragmentation of land masses provides a greater number of more heterogeneous environments for development. A variety of isolated habitats provides shelter from competition, and specialization may accelerate. The same land, linked together without barriers, permits competition and tends to eradicate specialized niches. Xenologists expect that the Species-Area Rule should be applicable in some general way to extraterrestrial ecologies located elsewhere in the Galaxy.

Latitude gradients in species diversity
■ More species are found in equatorial
   tropical regions on Earth
   where habitats are more plentiful
■ Than in temperate or northern climes
   where niches are comparatively few
A fluctuating unstable environment
■ Favors survival of "generalized" species
■ With high adaptability
Stable barrierless environments
■ Produce slower evolution
■ Favors survival of "specialized" species
Ecological complexity

Another influential planetary factor is ecological complexity. Structurally complex habitats usually can support a wider diversity of species and thus a higher rate of evolution. This observation helps to explain the existence of "latitude gradients" in species diversity.286 That is, more species are found in equatorial tropical regions on Earth — where habitats are more plentiful — than in temperate or northern climes, where niches are comparatively few. Similarly, a fluctuating unstable environment favors the survival of "generalized", species with high adaptability (and presumably higher intelligence as well), whereas stable barrierless environments produce slower evolution and favor the survival of "specialized" species.1712

Planet size

There are many other planetary factors which may affect the rate of evolution. For instance, smaller planets generally may have higher mutation rates because the levels of background radiation should be higher. There are various reasons for this.

  • First, a diminutive world may experience less intense gravitational fractionation of rocky materials during its formation. Thus the proportion of heavy minerals (including radionuclides) should be higher in the crust.
  • Also, and especially if it condensed in the solar nebula far from the central star, the planet may have a smaller metal-poor core and thus a weaker magnetic field.2876
  • With less shielding from the solar wind, flares, and cosmic particles generally, the level of mutagenic radiation reaching the surface will be higher and evolution may proceed at an accelerated rate.214
Planetary surface temperature

Another major factor that is often overlooked is planetary surface temperature.

  • For any given biochemical basis, the reactions involved in life chemistry should proceed at faster rates on warm worlds than on colder ones.1132, 1171
  • But life processes also depend upon the complexity of molecular structures. As a general rule, chemical species are more stable and more complex at lower temperatures.75
  • Xenologists who have considered the problem believe that life of a given biochemical type will tend to evolve faster on hot worlds, but will be more complex on cold worlds.
  • Presumably the faster evolution rate may be sufficient to compensate the lack of biochemical stability on hot planets, and vice versa.

Says astronomer Michael W. Ovenden:

On a planet near a star the potentialities of life are restricted, but those that exist are realized in a short time; on a planet a long way from its star, the potentialities are greater, but the rate of development and evolution is very much slower.75

(Note: The effects of higher planetary surface pressure are biochemically similar to the aforementioned effects of elevated temperature.)

A hot environment will
■ Selectively favor smaller lifeforms
■ Whose high surface-to-volume ratio
■ Helps to slough off excess heat
A generally cold environment will
■ Selectively favor larger lifeforms
■ Whose low surface-to-volume ratio
■ Helps to retain body heat

In addition to prebiotic and early biotic evolution, planetary temperature may also significantly affect the rate of evolution of macroscopic animal life. For example, consider a world where the emergence of life from the sea has been swift and warm-blooded species have evolved.

  • A hot environment will selectively favor smaller lifeforms, whose high surface-to-volume ratio helps to slough off excess heat.
  • Further, since the planet is hot, presumably more energy is available to drive the ecology (see below).
  • More biomass can therefore be supported; since animals are generally smaller the total population will be large.
  • Large populations can store more variability in the gene pool (all else being equal), and mutant traits are more likely to accumulate in single individuals. Hence, the rate of evolution should be somewhat faster.
  • Finally, evolution should proceed even faster on large hot worlds, since the greater planetary surface area permits a bigger population to be sustained.29

On the other hand, a generally cold environment should selectively favor larger lifeforms,603 whose low surface-to-volume ratio helps to retain body heat more effectively.

  • Colder worlds should have less energetic ecologies, so less total biomass can be sustained.
  • Since less biomass must be apportioned amongst generally larger creatures, the population should be small and evolution comparatively slow (especially on smaller worlds with reduced land areas).718, 440

Change in gene frequency per generation

Change in gene frequency per generation Dq = v + q(s-v-u) - q2s,

  • where q is the frequency with which the gene occurs in the original population,
  • q + Dq is the gene frequency in the next generation,
  • s is the gene’s selective advantage,
  • v is the mutation rate favoring the gene,
  • and u is the mutation rate opposing the gene.1709

Subspecies often differ by only a single gene.

  • The most reasonable choices are v = u = 10-6 (unstable genes may have spontaneous mutation rates as low as 10-2, but 10-5-10-6 is more usual)
  • and s = 10-3 (e.g., 0.1% more of those organisms possessing the new gene will survive than those without it).

If the frequency of the new gene is to increase from q = 1% up to q = 99% in the general population,

  • about 9,200 generations will be required (about 10,000-100,000 years for most mammals.
20.2 Xenopsychology
20.2.0 Xenopsychology
ronald bracewell
No real comprehension of ET societies
is possible without a thorough
understanding of the differences
between human and alien motivations,
goals, and behavioral repertoires.

Knowledge of the fundamentals of alien psychology is a "must" in any first contact or culture contact situation. No real comprehension of ET societies is possible without a thorough understanding of the differences between human and alien motivations, goals, and behavioral repertoires.

Field of xenopsychology

The field of xenopsychology is quite broad, encompassing issues of:

■ motives and drives
■ need hierarchies and goal-directed behavior   
■ personality and "ego" (or "selfness")
■ perception
■ subjective time
■ sleep
■ circadian rhythms and other natural bodily cycles   
■ "instinct"
■ learning
■ habituation and conditioning
■ language
■ memory
■ emotions
■ altruism3331
■ awareness, and so forth1941

Unfortunately, it is beyond the scope of this book to deal with all of these fascinating areas in detail. Consequently the emphasis here will be upon the most immediately relevant basics.

We have already discovered that the environment is intimately involved in the process and rate of natural genetic evolution. Xenopsychologists, following modern sociobiologists, believe that a species’ surroundings also shape and direct the evolution of its gross behavioral patterns. Perhaps the single most critical environmental parameter is available bioenergy.

20.2.1 Energy Ecology

Table 20.2 Energy Flow at Various Trophic Levels

in the Terrestrial Food Chain

table 20 2 energy flow at various trophic levels 350
Scarcity is

The psychology of sentient extraterrestrials is closely intertwined with the details of the local ecology. But the most fundamental global ecological factor is energy. A more energetic environment normally can support either a larger number of similar-sized creatures or a similar number of larger-sized creatures. We know that all organisms require energy to survive, and that on most worlds virtually all of this must come from the local sun. In a sense, the star "feeds" the planetary inhabitants.

Available bioenergy

How much bioenergy is available to drive a global ecosystem? Clearly the first factors to consider are planet type and biochemistry type. Jovian planets and terrestrials will differ in the energy available to their native lifeforms. These planetological problems are dealt with in (Chapter 4) and (Chapter 5) in some detail, and will not be repeated here. Also, cold ammonia-solvent lifeforms may require less energy to maintain than a similar population of hot liquid-sulfur creatures.

But assuming a terrestrial Earthlike world and a biocarbon biota, we begin our analysis by noting that the total energy available at the top of the atmosphere should be about 2 × 1017 watts. About 90% of this is lost due to reflection, absorption and direct conversion to heat, or because it consists of unusable infrared radiation. The remaining 10% is available for photosynthesis — about 2 × 1016 watts.

Figure 20.1 The Energy Pyramid

Conversion of photon energy

The theoretical maximum efficiency for the chemical conversion of photon energy into organic matter (food) is about 36%.3220 However, the net observed efficiency of Earthly chlorophyllic plants generally runs from 1-5% in the field. The global average is even lower — about 0.2% — since the large open oceans are essentially lifeless aqueous deserts.48 While other worlds may evolve more efficient photochemistries, or have a larger biologically active land area, it is doubtful that the 0.2% rating will be much improved by natural evolution alone. So, in the case of Earth, this leaves 4 × 1013 watts.

Energy pyramid

The energy pyramid (also "food chain" or "food web") shown in Table 20.2 illustrates how ecologies are powered by sunlight.3221 At the base of the pyramid are the "primary producers" of food — on Earth, the green plants. These producers are eaten by "primary consumers," or herbivores. The herbivores, in turn, are eaten by carnivores, who themselves are eaten by still larger carnivores. Ecologists customarily refer to each successive stage of predation as a "trophic level." Thus plants are at the first trophic level, the smallest carnivores at the third trophic level, etc.

Trophic levels

The Energy Pyramid (Figure 20.1) describes the flow of useful bioenergy through an ecological system. Plants are eaten by herbivores, which in turn are eaten by higher-level carnivores. Typical food chains have 3-5 stages, called ‘trophic levels." Only about 10% of the latent bioenergy in each level is passed along to the next — about 90% is wasted as heat or in respiration.

Omnivores, such as humans, may eat at all consumer levels. This permits larger populations to be supported. If men ate frogs instead of trout in the above example, 30 people could be supported. If he ate grasshoppers, 900 people could live. If he could consume grass, 2000 persons would survive.997

Figure 20.2 Illustrations of the Diversity-Stability Rule

figure 20 2 illustrations of diversity stability rule 422

Table 20.3 Maximum Supportable Large-Organism Population

in a Typical Terrestrial Global Ecology (Earth)

table 20 3 maximum supportable large organism population 360
Diversity-Stability Rule

Also, in ecology there is something called the Diversity-Stability Rule: Ecosystem stability tends to be correlated with food web complexity. The four equal-population food web structures shown in Figure 20.2 illustrate various possibilities. In (A), there are too few herbivores; in (B), too few carnivores. Predators and prey are too specialized in (C), which consists of simple linear food chains. Because of the multiplicity of intertrophic links in (D), it has the greatest potential for adaptive stability.297

Alpine and polar environments tend to have fewer links and less stability, while tropical and oceanic environments are generally more stable.

Ecological efficiency

Experiments conducted in a wide range of different environments have measured ecological efficiency — the energy gained by an organism when it eats a member of the next lowest trophic level. A good rule of thumb is that at each level 90% of the available bioenergy is lost. Only 10%, on the average, is passed along to consumers at the next highest level. Due to the staggering amount of waste, few ecosystems on this planet have more than five trophic levels. Xenologists expect these generalizations to hold true for extraterrestrial ecologies as well.

Effects of bioenergy on population size

As Table 20.3 demonstrates, the effects of limited bioenergy on size of population are striking. If all humans were purely herbivorous, Earth theoretically could support 50 billion of them. But if people tap into the food web as Level-5 carnivores (e.g., man eats trout, trout eat frogs, frogs eat grasshoppers, and grasshoppers eat grass), the terrestrial ecology could support only 50 million humans worldwide. If this happened, each person would have to patrol a home range (personally or by proxy) of about 10 km2 in order to find his daily meal.*

Similar bioenergy assays may be made of smaller ecosystems, say, on the continental, regional, or local levels. But the conclusions are almost always the same: Herbivores maintain the highest population densities and the smallest home ranges, while carnivores are usually fewest in numbers and utilize the largest home ranges. Omnivores, who can tap into the food web at any trophic level beneath, fall somewhere in between. They are the most versatile and adaptive, and thus most likely to survive in both the best and worst of times.

Influence of hereditary feeding habits

Xenopsychologists are interested in these results for a number of reasons. The motives, instincts, and personality traits of a sentient ET are likely to be strongly influenced by its hereditary feeding habits.

If all humans were purely herbivorous, Earth
theoretically could support 50 billion of them.
But if people tap into the food web as Level-5
carnivores (e.g., man eats trout, trout eat frogs,
frogs eat grasshoppers, and grasshoppers
eat grass), the terrestrial ecology could support
only 50 million humans worldwide.
If this happened, each person would have to
patrol a home range (personally or by proxy)
of about 10 km2 in order to find his daily meal.

An herbivorous race might be more socially-minded and less disposed to kill or commit acts of overt physical aggression. An intelligent carnivorous race might instinctively live in rather small groups, and value individuality and personal courage above all else.** A species with a large home range tends to be solitary and "antisocial."

Finite environment

Of equally great importance is the fundamental lesson of environmental finiteness. This turns out to be one of the central driving forces behind all animal and sentient behavior — whether psychological, social, or political. It is easy to see why this is so.

All lifeforms that dwell on planets, regardless of their shape, size, or biochemistry, must "consume negentropy" to live. This requires a flux of energy. But if biological order and information are to increase — a process which most xenologists regard as the basic "goal" of life — then energy flow through the total ecosystem must also increase.

But planetary bioenergy is strictly limited. The natural supply of usable energy will be in short supply on any world.

Scarcity is inevitable.

Human population density

* The population density of human beings on Earth today ranges from:

  • 0.0003 km2/person in Hong Kong to
  • 1.0 km2/person in Mongolia,
  • with a worldwide average of about 0.04 km2/person.
  • Humanity, it would appear, is already herbivorous (trophic level 2, on global average).
Carnivore intelligence

** Except where large herbivores have evolved without an associated predator (e.g., elephants, 0.3 km2/animal1725), carnivores are normally larger than herbivores because a predator must be more powerful than its prey. Larger bodies can support larger brains, and predation is a more active lifestyle than grazing and thus requires more alertness; xenologists expect carnivores to be more intelligent as a general rule. This conclusion has been tentatively confirmed by modern paleoneurologists.2910

20.2.2 Competition and Aggression
Competition and Aggression
Any social structure maintained or
controlled by direct physical
confrontation between individuals
may be considered aggressive.

Among lifeforms that engage in reproductive activities, the crisis of ecological scarcity manifests itself as population pressure (a special case of the more general problem of "biomass pressure," which affects reproducers and nonreproducers alike). The evolutionary drive to increase order and decrease entropy, among reproducing species, normally involves the production of offspring. The crisis arrives when there is no longer enough bioenergy to sustain these offspring (it may be local, regional, or global in extent). Most commonly, the limiting physical resource is food.

Relievers of population pressure

There are at least six different ways by which population pressure may be partially or wholly relieved in nature:

  1. Natural modification of the environment (drought/flood cycles, volcanoes, earthquakes, ice ages)
  2. Disease and malnutrition
  3. Predation by higher-level consumers (overabundance of prey may attract more predators)
  4. Emigration (especially useful in homogeneous barrierless environments, such as the sea)
  5. Competition (among species at the same trophic level)
  6. Technology (artificial modification of the environment)

The list is arranged in a kind of natural hierarchy. Successful use of one method obviates the need for others below it. For instance:

  • If environmental changeability or disease are sufficient to raise the death rate equal to the birth rate in a given species, then predation probably will not play a major role.
  • If predation is severe enough to relieve population pressure, then emigration and competition may not be necessary.
  • The most sophisticated pressure-reduction technique — technology — may be viewed as a method of last resort.
Active strategies
Cats raised in isolation will chase and kill rats
even though they’ve never seen a rodent
before (instinctual predation)
Ants, termites and bees automatically build
hills, nests and hives according to precise
— and genetically predetermined —
specifications (instinctual technology)

Furthermore, the last four methods on the list are active strategies. They are largely under the control of the lifeform, rather than the random forces of the environment, and so may evolve as part of the psychology of an alien race. That is, predatory, emigratory, competitive, or technologic "instincts" or predispositions may be "learned" by a species over periods of evolutionary time. For example:

  • Cats raised in isolation will chase and kill rats even though they’ve never seen a rodent before (instinctual predation).
  • Lemming migrations and bee swarming apparently demonstrate the existence of some genetically preprogrammed flocking behavior keyed to population density (instinctual emigration).
  • Mating ceremonies involving ritual combat between males, as among stags, illustrate a predisposition to controlled aggression (instinctual competition).
  • The human hand is preadapted for easy manipulation of tools.
  • Ants, termites and bees automatically build hills, nests and hives according to precise — and genetically predetermined — specifications (instinctual technology).
The term "competition," as used by xenopsychologists
and sociobiologists, has a very specific meaning:
■ The active demand by two or more individuals,
    • either of same species
       (intraspecies competition), or
    • of two or more species at the same trophic level
       (interspecies competition),
■ for a common resource or necessity of life
    that is actually or potentially limited.
Competition reduces population pressure by:
■ reallocating scarce energy resources among the
    stronger or more intelligent organisms, and
■ more indirectly, serves to apportion or limit
    the supply of reproductive mates.

Depending upon the situation, extraterrestrial species may incorporate any of these active behavioral strategies into the basic psychology of the race.* A fine example in science fiction is the "engineer" subrace of the alien Moties (in Niven and Pournelle’s The Mote in God’s Eye.668), whose members clearly display an instinctual technologic sense from birth. And since any one strategy may not be completely effective by itself, ET psychologies may consist of hodgepodge combinations of two or more methods which, taken together, do work.

While any method or combination of methods of relieving the problem of population pressure may give rise to equally complex behavioral repertoires, a complete treatment of all possibilities is clearly beyond the scope of this book. In order to reduce the task to manageable proportions, we shall consider here, briefly, only one of the methods in more detail: Competition.

The term "competition," as used by xenopsychologists and sociobiologists, has a very specific meaning: The active demand by two or more individuals, either of the same species (intraspecies competition) or of two or more species at the same trophic level (interspecies competition), for a common resource or necessity of life that is actually or potentially limited.565 Competition reduces population pressure by reallocating scarce energy resources among the stronger or more intelligent organisms, and, more indirectly, serves to apportion or limit the supply of reproductive mates.

Evolution of social traits

* Social traits can evolve relatively quickly, as fast as 10-100 generations. This is because differential mortality rates can reach 10% or higher in certain natural settings (selective advantage s = 0.1). According to Dr. E.O. Wilson, well-known Harvard sociobiologist, single-gene substitution can be mostly completed in 10 generations. Wholly new behavioral patterns — the honeybee waggle dance, human speech, etc. — will normally require from 1000-10,000 generations to evolve.565

Nonaggressive competition
Nonaggressive competition
Sentient ETs may engage in "scrambling,"
a non-aggressive form of competition
that involves "getting there first."
The idea is to outperform all competitors while
avoiding direct confrontation.
Another kind of nonaggressive competition
is called "repulsion."
Chemical repulsion may be used, but any means
of accosting the senses may be employed
— ultrasound, bright light, vibrations, etc.
Extraterrestrials, too, may prefer repulsion
to direct aggression.

Extraterrestrial races may manifest their competitive urges in a wide variety of different behaviors. These need not necessarily include "aggression" (first or unprovoked attack, assault, invasion, fight, or other hostile encroachment). For instance, sentient ETs may engage in "scrambling," a non-aggressive form of competition that involves "getting there first," The idea is to outperform all competitors while avoiding direct confrontation.

Another kind of nonaggressive competition is called "repulsion." Using this technique, Pharaoh’s ant (Monomoriun pharaonis) is an unusually effective competitor with nearby species for local food sites. Arriving at the site, colony members release a potent chemical substance from their poison glands and spread it around the entire food collection area. The horrible odor, to which Pharaoh’s ants are inured, repels all intruders.2933 Repulsion behavior has been discovered in other Earthly species. If a recently impregnated female mouse is placed with a new male of a different strain than the first suitor, she will usually abort the fetus spontaneously and become sexually receptive again. The aborting stimulus is a pheromone produced in male urine that is sniffed by the female, activating her pituitary gland and corpora lutea.2932 Similarly, a male-to-male inhibitory pheromone is used by male armyworm moths (Psuedaletia unipuncta) to ward off sexual competitors.3218 Extraterrestrials, too, may prefer repulsion to direct aggression. Chemical repulsion may be used, but any means of accosting the senses may be employed — ultrasound, bright light, vibrations, etc.

Common forms of aggressive competition

Nevertheless, on this planet and doubtless many others the dominant forms of competition do entail physical aggression in varying degrees of intensity. Among the most common forms of aggressive competition are:

  • "territoriality"
  • "dominance"
  • "fighting"

Note that these behaviors, though distinct, are not mutually exclusive: A territory may be defended by a social group with an internal dominance order maintained by ritualized fighting. But each alien species may have its own unique blend of these three and possibly other forms of aggression. (Any social structure maintained or controlled by direct physical confrontation between individuals may be considered aggressive.)

Territoriality and dominance
Species on many worlds may never turn
to competition and aggression to solve
the problem of biomass pressure.
But among those that do, many will choose
territoriality or dominance behavior, or both, to
regulate the severity and social costs of fighting.
  • Territoriality is the defense of a certain resource-containing area, by an individual or group, against intruders.
  • Dominance is the establishment of a scarce resource distribution hierarchy within a single social group, based on "power" (physical strength, cunning, wealth, or whatever).

Both techniques reduce the need for fighting (which injures the group) while achieving the same results as continuous raw physical aggression.

  • On Earth, both are widespread among the vertebrates and among invertebrates with more highly evolved and larger body sizes (chiefly crustaceans and social insects).

Xenopsychologists, with modern sociobiologists, believe that such behaviors similarly will be common, though by no means universal, among extraterrestrial races genetically predisposed toward aggressive reaction. Species on many worlds may never turn to competition and aggression to solve the problem of biomass pressure. But among those that do, many will choose territoriality or dominance behavior, or both, to regulate the severity and social costs of fighting.

What determines the choice?

What determines the choice? Unfortunately, sociobiology is yet a infant science. We don’t have all the answers. Sociobiologists are fairly certain that the local characteristics of the environment may significantly tip the balance one way or the other. According to two researchers:

When important resources are distributed uniformly in space, there is little opportunity for resource monopolization. If the resources are sufficiently abundant and stable through time, territoriality typically occurs. When important resources are highly clumped, the possibility arises for a small percentage of the population to monopolize a large proportion of the available resources. {e.g., dominance/distribution chains}2918

Herd instinct
It appears that herding, flocking and
schooling are genetically preprogrammed
tendencies, by which the group avoids
predation by utilizing marginal individuals
as a living shield against danger.
Since predators tend to seize the first
individual they encounter, there is a great
advantage for each individual to press
toward the center of its group.
The result in evolution would be
a "herd instinct" that centripetally
collapses populations into local

But we must keep in mind that the "choice" is genetic, not volitional, Basic patterns and predispositions of behavior evolve because they are more adaptive for the species as a whole in the struggle to survive. For instance, consider the sociobiological explanation of herding behavior. It appears that herding, flocking and schooling are genetically preprogrammed tendencies, by which the group avoids predation by utilizing marginal individuals as a living shield against danger. Says Wilson:

Since predators tend to seize the first individual they encounter, there is a great advantage for each individual to press toward the center of its group. The result in evolution would be a "herd instinct" that centripetally collapses populations into local aggregations. … Centripetal movement generates not only herds of cattle but also fish and squid schools, bird flocks, heronries, gulleries, terneries, locust swarms, and many other kinds of elementary motion groups and nesting associations.565

Similarly, xenopsychologists believe that extraterrestrial races evolutionarily will "choose" territoriality, dominance, fighting, etc. based on survivability criteria determined by the local environment.* These generalized behavior patterns, once fixed in the alien species’ gene pool, will remain permanent fixtures of the creatures’ psychology. They may decrease in importance with increasing sentience but, at least until the ET race discovers bioneering or some equivalent technology, the primitive urges and predispositions will remain:

The cultural evolution of aggression appears to be guided jointly by the following three forces: (1) genetic predisposition toward learning some form of communal aggression {among species having such predisposition}; (2) the necessities imposed by the environment in which the society finds itself; and (3) the previous history of the group, which biases it toward the adoption of one cultural innovation as opposed to another. To return to metaphor, the society undergoing cultural evolution can be said to be moving down the slope of a very long developmental landscape. The channels of formalized aggression are deep; culture is likely to turn into one or the other but not to avoid them completely. These channels are shaped by interaction between the genetic predisposition to learn aggressive responses and the physical properties of the home range that favor particular forms of the responses. Society is influenced to take a particular direction by idiosyncratic features of its pre-existing culture.3198

Population-density-dependent responses

* Population-density-dependent or "spectrum" responses are extremely common adaptations on Earth. For example, free-living wolves are mostly pack-territorial with little social ranking. Crowded into a zoo with plenty of food but little territory, dominance hierarchies quickly emerge. Wilson offers a more complex (but hypothetical) instance in a single species:

At low population densities, all aggressive behavior is suspended. At moderate densities, it takes a mild form such as intermittent territorial defense. At high densities, territorial defense is sharp, while some joint occupancy of land is also permitted under the regime of dominance hierarchies. Finally, at extremely high densities, the system may break down almost completely, transforming the pattern of aggressive encounters into homosexuality, cannibalism, and other symptoms of "social pathology."565

Genetic predisposition
Personal bonding and individual friendships
are found only in animals with highly
developed intraspecies aggression,
never among peaceable herd creatures.

Which alien species are most likely to carry a genetic predisposition toward aggressive behavior? Researches into the patterns of Earthly lifeforms have yielded a few tantalizing clues. For example:

  • Aggression is more common among carnivores than among herbivores or omnivores, and it is also more intensely expressed.
  • Also, field studies have shown that aggression is more likely among species inhabiting stable ecosystems than among those populating unstable ecosystems. (Stable environments, all else equal, are more likely to require competition to regulate population pressure.)
  • Further, aggression should increase when food is clumped rather than scattered, allowing domination of food or food-bearing land to become profitable.565
  • Finally, combative interactions in most aggressive animal species peak during the breeding season — usually among males during the female estrus.1830 Sexually reproducing species may be more aggressive. Continuous estrus (as among humans) leads to continuous sexual competition, but at lower intensity.
Aggression — not necessarily a bad thing

So aggression is not necessarily, as is often said, a bad thing. It is simply one of many highly useful survival-oriented evolutionarily fashioned behavioral adaptations. And we may be in for a few real surprises. As Nobelist Konrad Lorenz once suggested, personal bonding and individual friendships are found "only in animals with highly developed intraspecies aggression, never among peaceable herd creatures, … perhaps by way of ritualization of a redirected attack or threatening."455 While modern sociobiologists challenge such categorical conclusions, xenopsychologists today recognize that the very concept of friendship may not be nearly as universal as was once thought.2913

20.2.3 Universal Emotions
Universal Emotions
We see that emotion
is an internal state, not a behavior
or a perception of external reality.

Emotions play an extremely important role in human psychology. These powerful reactions to external stimuli often help to motivate or activate aggression, sexual activity, learning and perception, and a wide variety of other behaviors. These simple facts suggest many questions to xenopsychologists. Will ETs be more or less emotionally motivated than humans? Will their reactions differ markedly from our own? Will they have emotions foreign to us, and vice versa? Are there any "universal emotions" that must be common to most, if not all, sentient races in the universe?

What we mean by "emotion"

But first we must decide exactly what we mean by "emotion." There is widespread disagreement on the definition, but one of the more useful versions by Magda Arnold draws a careful distinction between emotional states and emotional behaviors. According to Arnold’s theory, emotional experience proceeds in several sequential stages:

  1. Perception and Appraisal — External stimulus is perceived, then judged to be good, bad, useful, harmful, etc. (mostly based on learned associations).
  2. Emotion — An internal state of arousal or "feeling" arises, involving physiological effects.
  3. Action — The organism, motivated by emotion, engages in some specific behavior (approach, avoidance, attack, feeding) depending on the intensity of the response, learned behavior patterns, and the countervailing or reinforcing nature of other motives that may simultaneously be present.

We see that emotion is an internal state, not a behavior or a perception of external reality.

Cognitive element in appraisal and action

While there may exist a few "universally frightening" stimuli involving sensory overloads (loud noises, bright lights), research on mammal emotionality has demonstrated that the perception and appraisal of potentially emotional stimuli is mostly learned rather than preprogrammed by evolution. Similarly, humans are taught to express their emotions in behaviors that are socially and culturally acceptable. The strong cognitive element in both appraisal and action argue against universality, especially in view of the widespread divergence in human perception and behavior.

We can say little about Arnold’s stages (1) and (3) regarding alien sentients because of the tremendous malleability of these two factors. Without knowledge of the environment, physiology, or culture, it is difficult to understand ET behavior.* For all we know, an extraterrestrial may be aroused by the wink of an eye or a loud cough; its response thereto may include violent physical attack, knotting of the tentacles, or a well-aimed emesis of the stomach contents in the direction of the disturbance — whatever is considered appropriate in its culture.

On Earth, emotion appears only among vertebrates
possessing emergent or developed limbic brain
systems. But why should it have evolved at all?
Limbic system: seat of emotion

What about the phenomenon of emotion itself? Recent sociobiological and neurological evidence strongly supports the notion that the seat of emotion is the limbic portion of the brain. On Earth, emotion appears only among vertebrates possessing emergent or developed limbic brain systems.2542, 56 (See Chapter 14) But why should it have evolved at all?

* Science fiction writers have had a field day imagining strange behaviors in strange environments. In Hal Clement’s Mission of Gravity, we expect the aliens to exhibit rather pronounced fears of heights, walls, ceilings and falls, since the maximum planetary surface gravity is 700 gees and even short drops could be fatal.2069 A world which enjoys 2000 years of continuous daylight before it is plunged into a brief nightfall could be expected to engender panic reactions during the unaccustomed darkness.2920 Wasting water on a barren arid world may cause an angry response from the natives.2919

Instinctual behavior transducers
■ The basic process of natural selection is not
    survival of the fittest person or species,
    but rather the survival of the fittest genes.
■ Both emotionality and behavior thus evolve
    as strategies to maximize the spread of genes.
■ In the sociobiological view, species always
    evolve behaviors which best serve to propagate
    their genes in succeeding generations.
■ Emotions may perhaps be regarded as
    "instinctual" behavior transducers.
■ Taking information
    (on maximizing gene survival) accumulated by
    the species through selection and adaptation.
■ And dumping it into the current response
    structure of the individual.
Survival of the fittest genes

Modern sociobiologists believe that to understand emotion it is necessary to focus on genes rather than individuals or species. In other words, the basic process of natural selection is not survival of the fittest person or species, but rather the survival of the fittest genes. Both emotionality and behavior thus evolve as strategies to maximize the spread of genes.565, 3176 In the sociobiological view, species always evolve behaviors which best serve to propagate their genes in succeeding generations.

Instinctual behavior transducers

Emotions may perhaps be regarded as "instinctual" behavior transducers, taking information (on maximizing gene survival) accumulated by the species through selection and adaptation, and dumping it into the current response structure of the individual. Says sociobiologist Wilson:

The hypothalamic-limbic complex of a highly social species such as man, "knows," or more precisely it has been programmed to perform as if it knows, that its underlying genes will be proliferated maximally only if it orchestrates behavioral responses that bring into play an efficient mixture of personal survival, reproduction, and altruism. Consequently, the centers of the complex tax the conscious mind with ambivalences whenever the organism encounters stressful situations. Love joins hate; aggression, fear; expansiveness, withdrawal; and so on; in blends designed not to promote the happiness and survival of the individual, but to favor the maximum transmission of the controlling genes.565

Dr. Irven DeVore, another Harvard sociobiologist, in a recent interview put it this way:

Millennia of evolution have equipped you with a whole complex of motivations, inclinations, propensities, emotions — what we call proximate mechanisms — that guide your behavior appropriately. The fact that love, friendship, anger, or jealousy usually occur when they have adaptive consequences is not to belittle these emotions. The individual might even be aware of the ultimate causes that underlie his behavior, but the whole point is that while these emotions are authentic, they also serve the interests of one’s genes. Various aspects of these systems might be quite conscious, for example, the mother scheming to arrange the best marriage for her daughter. But in most instances, the sources of these emotions are beyond the limits of our ordinary awareness. What counts is that we are left with emotions — love, friendship, gratitude — that are expressions of our deepest biological nature, entirely natural and adaptive. … Each will occur in conditions that are adaptive from the point of view of the genes someone bears.2946

Emotion, in other words, permits every individual
to display an instinctual wisdom accumulated by
the species over millions of years of evolution.

Emotion, in other words, permits every individual to display an instinctual wisdom accumulated by the species over millions of years of evolution.

Feeling badweather
An intelligent animal with an acute sense of absolute
humidity and absolute air pressure.
■ For this creature, there may exist an emotional state
    corresponding to unfavorable change in the weather.
■ In response to the perceived change in weather,
    immediately our creature begins to engage in a
    variety of learned and socially-approved, behaviors
■ Apparently (to humans) for no reason at all.
Would we interpret this as madness? Or love? Lust?
Fear? Anger?
■ None of these is correct, of course.
The alien is feeling badweather.

Of course, extraterrestrial sentients may possess physiological states corresponding to limbic-like emotions that have no direct analog in human experience. Alien species, having evolved under a different set of environmental constraints than we, should also have a different but equally adaptive emotional repertoire. Countless recipes may be cooked up using just a dash of imagination.

Feeling badweather

For example, assume that human observers land on an alien planet and discover an intelligent animal with an acute sense of absolute humidity and absolute air pressure. For this creature, there may exist an emotional state corresponding to an unfavorable change in the weather. Physiologically, this emotion could be mediated by the ET equivalent of the human limbic system; it might arise following the secretion of certain strength-enhancing and libido-arousing hormones into the alien’s bloodstream in response to the perceived change in weather. Immediately our creature begins to engage in a variety of learned and socially-approved, behaviors, including furious burrowing and building, smearing tree sap over its pelt, several different territorial defense ceremonies, and vigorous polygamous copulations with nearby females — apparently (to humans) for no reason at all. Would we interpret this as madness? Or love? Lust? Fear? Anger? None of these is correct, of course.

The alien is feeling badweather.

While xenopsychologists suspect that even emotional sentients may not share similar emotions, they are far more certain that no "universal emotions" exist among all extraterrestrial sentients generally — because intelligence simply does not require it. Intelligent aliens, in other words, may be emotionless.

The Octopus
An invertebrate mollusc, the octopus
has an advanced ganglionic nervous system.
■ Of the total 500 million nerve cells
    (5% as many as a human brain),
■ 300 million are distributed in the arms and
■ 200 million are collected in the central ganglic brain.

Probably the smartest nonemotional creature on Earth today is the octopus.

  • The animal sports eight suckered but dexterous tentacles, color-and texture-variable skin, and a highly educable intelligence.2899, 2908
  • An invertebrate mollusc, the octopus has an advanced ganglionic nervous system. Of the total 500 million nerve cells (5% as many as a human brain), 300 million are distributed in the arms and 200 million are collected in the central ganglic brain.
  • (As usual for invertebrates on Earth, the brain has managed to wrap itself nooselike around the creature’s throat during the course of evolution.)2901
Octopus endocrine systems

The octopus does have a few minor endocrine systems.

The animal is, from the strict mammalian
viewpoint, utterly without emotion.
  • For instance the optic gland, which apparently activates according to daylength, controls the maturation of sexual organs and the onset of sexual behavior.
  • At least seven other glandular structures have been tentatively identified which control body fluids, maternal behavior, etc.
  • Even so, compulsory hormonal and physiological emotional responses appear to be absent in the octopus.
  • The animal is, from the strict mammalian viewpoint, utterly without emotion.
Octopus behavior

Xenopsychologists find octopus behavior both fascinating and instructive.

The animal knows sex,
but doesn’t get very excited about it.
The heartbeat of a male octopus in the midst
of copulation is as steady as in a resting animal.
  • It is a solitary animal with no social inclinations whatsoever.
  • Worse, it is also a carnivore, so it’s even more difficult to imagine a large society of the creatures.
  • Each individual is fiercely independent; when crowded into a small tank, they will fight and establish a dominance hierarchy.2901
  • Octopuses have no fear of fire and are insensitive to burns.2900
  • The animal knows sex, but doesn’t get very excited about it. The heartbeat of a male octopus in the midst of copulation is as steady as in a resting animal.
  • The sexual displays of males during courtship appear to serve only for identification, never for stimulation, of the female.2911
  • Broods are enormous impersonal affairs — up to 250,000 eggs in a batch.
  • No maternal love is lavished on offspring after birth; the young must fight for their own lives.
  • Females often fast themselves to death guarding their own unhatched eggs. An octopus has no "childhood."
When crabs become scarce, octopuses
resign themselves to long watchful inactivity
until the day the supply improves.
They become less likely to emerge from their
houses to attack possible prey passing by.
Octopus hunger

The creature may not know what it means to feel hungry.

  • Mammals long deprived of food become excited and venture out in an agitated search for food.
  • The response of the octopus to food deprivation is totally different and utterly alien.
  • When crabs become scarce, octopuses resign themselves to long watchful inactivity until the day the supply improves.
  • They become less likely to emerge from their houses to attack possible prey passing by.2911
  • Motivation is not as adjustable as in mammals, yet octopus behavior under stress is considerably more "cool and calculating."

After hundreds of hours of direct observation, undersea explorer Jacques Cousteau had this to say:

The octopus is a timid animal. Far from attacking a diver, its first reaction is to flee, to hide. But its timidity is a reasoned reaction, one that is based primarily on prudence and caution. It is not an instinctive and groundless fear that persists regardless of circumstances.2900

Octopus mentality seems to be oriented toward calculated prudence, more plastic than reptiles and more aloof than mammals. Is this, perhaps, a clue to the possible behavior of intelligent emotionless extraterrestrials?

20.2.4 Xenophobia

In the primitive lexicon
of the emotive centers,


Strange means dangerous.

The sight of a stranger can provoke some of the strongest aggressive responses among Earthly animals. Wilson claims that the xenophobic reaction has been documented in almost every species showing a high form of social organization, vertebrates and invertebrates alike:

Male lions, normally the more lethargic adults of the prides, are jerked to attention and commence savage rounds of roaring when strange males come into view. And nothing in the day-to-day social life of an ant colony, no matter how stressful, activates the group like the introduction of a few alien workers.565

Wariness of strangers is extremely
common among the animals of Earth.
So while we may be repulsed by the
physical appearance of intelligent snakes,
lobsters, and squid from other worlds, of
one thing we may be almost certain:
We will appear just as ugly to them.

Competition and aggression are generally more intense within a species than between different species. Still, forced into close proximity, grossly different animals become nervous and uneasy — especially if the one bears a reasonable resemblance to an established fear-object (say, a predator) of the other. Zoologists sometimes attribute this to a kind of universal wariness between creatures differing substantially in physical appearance. Wilson admits: "In the primitive lexicon of the emotive centers, strange means dangerous."565 Adds another writer:

Interacting with a creature that is unfamiliar is anxiety-provoking. Its reactions, motivations, and desires cannot be assumed to be the same as one’s own, and therefore its behavior cannot be predicted. A movement that would not provoke anxiety when made by a friend or even a casual acquaintance can provoke an extreme response when made by a stranger. Given that situations involving unknown quantities are inherently anxiety provoking, it is relatively easy to understand how actions can be interpreted to mean something quite different from what the person who performed the act intended.222

Figure 20.3 Claw-Waving Threat Displays In Crabs


Among humans, the open-fisted handwave is an almost universal sign of greeting. The handshake, perhaps a display of cultural origin intended to demonstrate a lack of offensive weapons, is similarly universal among human societies. So when a man sees the crab, he gives his favorite greeting.

But consider the crab’s point of view. To it, claws are the main weapons of offense. The raising and lowering of claws, as well as any similar vertical or arclike waving motions, are characteristic threat gestures among many terrestrial crustacean species. To the intelligent crab, the human handwave may be interpreted as an invitation to attack, a sign that the man is of hostile intent and is asking for a fight.

   Claw Waving
figure 20 3a claw waving threat displays in crabs 450

Among crabs, claws arc the main weapons of defense and offense.
Claw motions have been ritualized as characteristic threat displays.
Above are the clawwaves of a variety of fiddler crabs, including:

  • (a) Uca rhizophorae (vertical waving)
  • (b) Uca annulipes (lateral waving)
  • (c) Uca pugilator (circular wave with outstretched claw)
  • (d) Dotilla blanford (double clawwave)
  • (e) Goniopsis cruentata, or the mangrove crab (complex double clawwave)2827
   Lateral Wave
figure 20 3b claw waving threat displays in crabs 450

Above are a few more examples of fiddler crab waving.

  • (a) The lateral-waving Fuji Island crab pulls its claw in initially
  • (b) stretches it out in a sideways movement
  • (c) raises it high above the head
  • (d) then returns it along an arc to the original position
  • Variations on vertical waving are shown in the sequences of:
  • (e & f) the Malayan fiddler crab
  • (g & h) the Philippine fiddler crab.2926

Figure above – Lateral wave of Uca perplexa.

(a) Four points used to define the three display stages:

A - first movement of the claw
B - end of the initial fast unflexing movement
C - highest point reached by the claw tip
D - end of the fast downward claw sweep

(b) Elevation of five key body parts (illustrated in a) over time during a single
      lateral wave.

(c) Movements during the three stages of the lateral claw waving display:

stage 1 - both the major and the minor claws are quickly unflexed
stage 2 - the major claw is lifted slowly upwards and the body
              and second ambulatory legs are raised
stage 3 - the major claw, body and legs are rapidly dropped back
               to resting position

Figure 20.4 Releasers in Human Beings

   Brood care releasers

Konrad Lorenz has suggested that behavior patterns of caring for young are released in humans by a number of cues which characterize infants.

These "brood care releasers" include:

  • Head large in proportion to the body.
  • Protruding forehead large in proportion to rest of face.
  • Large eyes below the midline of the total head.
  • Short, thick extremities.
  • Rounded body shape.
  • Soft, elastic body surfaces,
  • Round, protruding cheeks.
  • Specific behavioral cues such as clumsiness.

The figures above right illustrate the "baby schema" of human brood care behavior.

  • In the leftmost drawings are head proportions of animal forms generally considered to be "cute".
  • The rightmost drawings are the adult forms of the same animals, which do not release the drive to care for young.2922
   Other releasers

Lorenz also believes that humans have other releasers which affect attitudes towards other creatures.
Above are shown the head of a camel (left) and an eagle (right).

  • Lorenz claims that man has an innate releasing mechanism that responds to the relative position of the camel’s eyes and its nose.
  • In man, this particular combination means "an arrogant turning away," so we consider the camel to be an aloof and arrogant animal.
  • In the eagle the bony ridge above the eyes is viewed as a wrinkling of the forehead; together with the pulled-back corners of the mouth, the eagle’s expression is seen as "proud decisiveness" and daring.
  • Unfortunately, these interpretations of the psychology of our fellow lifeforms have little or nothing to do with the actual mood of the particular animal involved.2925

Or, as yet another expresses it:

The mind of man is stocked to the gunwales with emotional parochialisms. Very few men would be self-controlled enough to extend courtesy to a horse-sized scorpion who was the master of another world, even if it were prudent to do so, even if the scorpion were venomless and exhibited the manners of a Spanish duke."1550

Such gross physical differences may give rise to more subtle difficulties as well. Consider a meeting between a human being and an intelligent crablike creature. Among humans, the open-fisted handwave is an almost universal sign of greeting.2552 The handshake, perhaps a display of cultural origin intended to demonstrate a lack of offensive weapons, is similarly universal among human societies. So when a man sees the crab, he gives his favorite greeting.

But consider the crab’s point of view. To it, claws are the main weapons of offense. The raising and lowering of claws, as well as any similar vertical or arclike waving motions, are characteristic threat gestures among many terrestrial crustacean species.2926 To the intelligent crab, the human handwave may be interpreted as an invitation to attack, a sign that the man is of hostile intent and is asking for a fight. The creature may oblige by attacking. Conversely, what if the crab is angry at us? Its clawwaving threat display might be interpreted by untutored humans as a friendly handwaving gesture of greeting. When the alien is approached peaceably, the ensuing attack by the mad crab may be regarded as treachery or slyness rather than a simple cultural difference between the two species (Figure 20.3).

Besides displays, a wide variety of behavioral "releasers" may render more difficult all attempts at cross-species communication and understanding, and make xenophobia more likely.2578, 2442 Again, one example will serve to make the point. According to Konrad Lorenz, human beings have a rather strong set of instinctual "brood care releasers" (Figure 20.4). Depending upon a variety of physical characteristics a lifeform possesses — large head, rounded body shape, short thick extremities, and so forth — people will find it to be "cute" and experience a strong desire to pick it up, cuddle and fondle it. This particular human releaser has been demonstrated repeatedly in various experimental situations.2923, 2924 Such feeling on our part toward the sentient aliens with whom we are dealing could result in behavior which is at best inappropriate and, at worst, fatal.

Xenopsychologists believe that xenophobic reactions cut across species, genus, and even phylum lines. Wariness of strangers is extremely common among the animals of Earth. So while we may be repulsed by the physical appearance of intelligent snakes, lobsters, and squid from other worlds, of one thing we may be almost certain: We will appear just as ugly to them.

20.3 Early Technological Civilizations
20.3.0 Early Technological Civilizations
The most important sociological
function of technology
is to increase production.

Technology, or the artificial modification of the biosphere, is a unique method for achieving balance between population pressure and ecological forces.

  • As suggested earlier, it may be used as a population reducing technique.
  • However, the most important sociological function of technology is to increase production.
  • This is of critical importance in alien social evolution.
Evolution of technology
High individual intelligence is not
a fundamental requirement.
Ants, bees, termites and other social
insects have evolved technologies such as:
■ architecture
■ carpentry
■ dairy farming
■ domestication of other animals for
    "equestrian" purposes

Without advanced personal sentience.

Great intelligence is an enormous
asset in the creation of a technical
civilization, but it is not essential.
Requirements for the evolution of a technological civilization

Xenosociologists believe there are at least four fundamental requirements for the evolution of a technological civilization on a planet bustling with lifeforms:

  1. Motivation or behavioral predisposition to use tools;
  2. Manipulatory organs preadapted for tool-using;
  3. Sufficient physical resources to build technology; and
  4. Sufficient energy to power the technology.
High individual intelligence

High individual intelligence is not a fundamental requirement. Ants, bees, termites and other social insects have evolved technologies such as architecture, carpentry, dairy farming, and the domestication of other animals for "equestrian" purposes565 without advanced personal sentience. Great intelligence is certainly an enormous asset in the creation of a technical civilization, but it is not essential.

Three planetary environments

Early technological cultures may arise in any of three planetary environments:

  • Telluric civilization (land)
  • Aquatic civilization (sea)
  • Avian civilization (air)
20.3.1 Telluric Civilizations
Primates display a wide variety
of tool-using behavior:

Sticks are used for:

■ Whips, clubs, spears
■ Anthill fishing poles, toothbrushes
■ As levers to pry open boxes, fruits, or nuts

Leaves are used as:

■ Drinking and feeding tools.
Tool-using behavior seems widespread
among land-living species on Earth.

All human societies of which we are aware have been land-based. They also have all been found on Earth. How common are telluric civilizations throughout the rest of the Galaxy?

1 — Motivation

The first requirement is motivation.
On this planet — a typically exotic world — examples abound.

  • Ant lions and worm lions knock insect prey into their capture pits by hurling sand with the head.
  • Termites build structures on the order of 100 "stories" high, and ants maintain flocks of dairy aphids which are milked regularly.
  • Beavers build dams and dome-shaped lodges.
  • Primates display a wide variety of tool-using behavior — sticks are used for whips, clubs, spears, anthill fishing poles, toothbrushes, and as levers to pry open boxes, fruits, or nuts; leaves are used as drinking and feeding tools; and so forth.565
  • Tool-using behavior seems widespread among land-living species on Earth
2 — Manipulators

The second requirement (manipulators) is particularly easy, since ambulatory limbs which preadapt a species for tool-using are particularly suited to locomotion on land.

  • Even the most primitive terrestrial vertebrate forms — the amphibians — have 5-fingered hands, two arms and two legs.
  • Several species of lizards are known to have opposable thumbs, supposedly the hallmark of human tool manipulating ability.

The raccoon's hands are thought by
some to be superior to our own for
grasping and manipulating.


Human related simian stock, such as
chimpanzees and apes, might replace us.

  • A few zoologists have speculated that if mankind were eradicated today it is likely that his technocultural replacement could evolve in as little as 15 million years.400
  • The raccoon would be one possibility, since its hands are thought by some to be superior to our own for grasping and manipulating.
  • Pandas have evolved an alternative but satisfactory method of grasping using a thumblike appendage, and koala bears have not one but two opposable digits on their forepaws.450
  • Human related simian stock, such as chimpanzees and apes, might also replace us.
3 — Physical resources

The third requirement is physical resources. As historian Richie Calder suggests, a technical culture can only manifest itself in the materials that are available from the physical environment:

The Eskimo, although an ingenious people
and blessed with a remarkable memory, never
developed beyond the Neolithic (New Stone
Age) because of their very limited materials.

The Eskimo, although an ingenious people and blessed with a remarkable memory, never developed beyond the Neolithic (New Stone Age) because of their very limited materials.. They had no access to ores that might have set them on the track of metallurgy; cold and snow prevented agriculture and made them hunters; they had no wood as they were beyond the tree line; and the lack of other plant life denied them fibers for weaving. Without these materials they simply were unable to evolve their own technology.968

Discussions among xenologists on the availability of technology materials frequently center upon the abundance of various metals on planetary surfaces. (See Bova,1400 Huntington and Cushing,2620 and Livesay.2723)  Astronomical aspects are best considered first. For instance:

  • Most Disk stars in the Galaxy should have sufficient metallicity to permit terrestrial planetary formation provided other conditions are also favorable.
  • Core stars generally have even higher metallicity, so the physical resource factor is even more positive for the evolution of metal-using technical civilizations.
  • Also, the older a star the sooner it was formed from the primordial galactic nebula — and thus the fewer heavy elements it and its worlds may possess.2876
While planetary bulk composition may stay relatively
constant (in a given ecosphere around the star),
there may be serious problems in surface distribution.
Large worlds should have thinner crusts (which more
easily buckle) and more severe tectonic activity.
This activity will tend to thrust rich subcrustal heavy
metal deposits to the surface, making them available
for technological utilization.
(Prospectors have long known that the richest
mineral and ore deposits are generally found in
regions of volcanic activity and in mountainous terrain.)
Less-massive planets should have comparatively few
concentrated ore deposits near the surface.

Planets located in mid-habitable zone (of the biocarbon ecosphere) normally will show heavy element compositions roughly similar to Earth, having condensed out of the primitive solar nebula at about the same temperature.2050 While the total fraction of heavy elements varies from star to star, the relative fraction of each metal is surprisingly uniform.1945

Tectonic activity

While planetary bulk composition may stay relatively constant (in a given ecosphere around the star), there may be serious problems in surface distribution. As suggested in an earlier chapter (Tooltip text), large worlds should have thinner crusts (which more easily buckle) and more severe tectonic activity. This activity will tend to thrust rich subcrustal heavy metal deposits to the surface, making them available for technological utilization. (Prospectors have long known that the richest mineral and ore deposits are generally found in regions of volcanic activity and in mountainous terrain.2909) Less-massive planets should have comparatively few concentrated ore deposits near the surface.

4 — Energy

The fourth requirement for civilization is energy.
Land dwellers are pretty well-off.

  • Fibrous vegetation or animal oils can be burned, as can natural hydrocarbons tapped from pools or pockets of decaying organic matter.
  • Fires permit smelters and the working of metal products, and the technology is on its way.*

* There may be a few unusual (to us) cases. For example, on a planet with a chlorine atmosphere heavy metals might serve as fuel. In Cl2 gas, hot strips or wires of copper, or iron wool, spontaneously burst into flames.

20.3.2 Aquatic Civilizations
There is little that man has accomplished
technologically on land that could not be
repeated in some analogous fashion by a
race of marine lifeforms on a pelagic world
elsewhere in our Galaxy.

Many possible variants of aquatic civilization have been named by xenosociologists.

  • Amphibious littoral civilizations, for instance, may inhabit the seashore.
  • Pelagic civilizations would occupy the water mass and the surface of the sea.
  • Benthic or abyssal civilizations may live in the extreme ocean depths and sea floor of other worlds.
  • Estuarial civilizations may make their homes in bays, fiords and river waters.
  • Limnic cultures could live in lakes.

But are aquatic technical civilizations possible at all? There has been much written on this point, and most writers seem to have reached a negative conclusion. (See Anderson,63 Hoyle,1559 Livesay,2723 MacGowan and Ordway,600 Macvey,49 and Strong.50)  But this author believes the majority is wrong.

1 — Motivation

Consider the requirement of motivation.
Many water-dwelling lifeforms on Earth employ technologies (e.g., artifacts) to assist in their survival.

The octopus
This intelligent invertebrate gathers
stones, chips, and metal scraps to build
small cavelike houses in which it resides.
  • One of the most primitive is the archer fish (Toxotes jaculatrix), which carefully aims and spits blobs of water at its prey (insects and spiders) to knock them into the water where they can be caught in the fish’s mouth.
  • Another example, considerably more sophisticated, is the octopus. This intelligent invertebrate gathers stones, chips, and metal scraps to build small cavelike houses in which it resides.
  • Another unusual example is the sea otter (Enhydra lutris). This semiaquatic mammal collects stones and shells from the ocean bottom. Then, while floating on its back at the surface, the otter places these objects on its stomach and uses them as anvils against which to pound and crack open mussels and other hard-shelled molluscs.565

It appears that many sea creatures on this planet are strongly motivated to try their luck at technology. If Earth is typically exotic, water worlds elsewhere in the Galaxy should fare no worse.

The lack of manipulative organs in the most
intelligent seagoing animals — the cetaceans
implies that their intelligence "cannot be worked
out in technology," unless they have outside help.
2 — Manipulators

What about manipulators? The lack of manipulative organs in the most intelligent seagoing animals — the cetaceans — implies that their intelligence "cannot be worked out in technology,"1365, 15 unless they have outside help. But this may just be an evolutionary fluke. Elephants seals, a genus of "returned mammals" closely related to the cetaceans, still retain the incredibly delicate, 5-digit "flipper fingers" that their cousins the dolphins must once have possessed. On another world, brains and hands may coincide.*

Of course, there is no reason why boneless tentacles could not serve as technologically useful appendages in the absence of hands and fingers. The cephalopods, which include the octopus, cuttlefish and squid, have from 8-10 limbs surrounding their mouths.

The fact that intelligent octopoids do not dominate the
seas of Earth may be, again, merely an evolutionary fluke
■ First, octopuses have hemocyanin blood, which
    is less efficient than hemoglobin.
■ The animal tires easily and has little appetite
    for sustained heavy labor.
■ Second, octopuses have ganglionic nervous systems
    which may have limited their sentience on Earth.

These probably evolved from whiskerlike projections near the food cavities of more ancient molluscan forms. The fact that intelligent octopoids do not dominate the seas of Earth may be, again, merely an evolutionary fluke. First, octopuses have hemocyanin blood, which is less efficient than hemoglobin. The animal tires easily and has little appetite for sustained heavy labor.

Second, octopuses have ganglionic nervous systems which may have limited their sentience on Earth. But there is nothing fundamentally wrong with a tentacular intelligence. The convergence with certain well-known land forms (prehensile-tailed monkeys, elephants) strongly suggests that tentacles may build technologies on other worlds.

3 — Physical resources

How about physical resources?

  • Clays and mud are available for ceramics and pottery, sand for glass, and there is a tremendous variety of organic materials available for chemical industry — dyes, acids, drugs, etc.
Fantastic quantities of metals are afloat in seawater.
For example, a kilogram of iron can be harvested
by filtering 50,000 m3 of ordinary seawater past
a simple magnetic lodestone.
(The liquid volume involved is only about as much
as a single shark breathes in a month.)
  • Stone masonry is quite possible, since concrete can be mixed that can set underwater. Nodules littering the continental shelves and ocean floors could be harvested for their nickel, cobalt and manganese.
  • Fantastic quantities of metals are afloat in seawater itself. For example, a kilogram of iron can be harvested by filtering 50,000 m3 of ordinary seawater past a simple magnetic lodestone. (The liquid volume involved is only about as much as a single shark breathes in a month.)
  • Marine lifeforms could devise an advanced biological technology including "cold light" streetlamps using luminiferous bacteria, architectural coral, and "slave fishes."
4 — Energy

Where do we get the energy to work all these resources?

Aquatic ETs may discover superheated underwater
volcanoes — these exist in great numbers on
Earth’s ocean floors and should be even more
numerous on larger, more massive pelagic worlds.
Lacking combustion, bubblewheels could be erected
over regions of submarine helium gas effluence and
the rotary power used to turn mechanical flywheels.
  • Aquatic ETs may discover superheated underwater volcanoes — these exist in great numbers on Earth’s ocean floors and should be even more numerous on larger, more massive pelagic worlds.
  • Submarine oil deposits may be found in sedimentary strata. Natural gas and other combustible vapors upwelling from the planetary interior could be trapped in special containers and burned using oxygen imported from the surface.
  • Lacking combustion, bubblewheels could be erected over regions of submarine helium gas effluence and the rotary power used to turn mechanical flywheels.
Electrical power generation

There is no bar to the full development of electrical power generation.

  • Electric eels could be domesticated for this purpose, or simply cannibalized for their organic batteries.
Marine extraterrestrials could build their own batteries
using pieces of carbon, tankards of seawater and
some other electrolyte, and a small bit of metal.
The electricity thus obtained might then be used to
perform electrolysis on water, splitting each molecule
into its constituent hydrogen and oxygen atoms.
This gaseous mixture is a potent fuel, and could
conceivably be used to power smelters, streetlights,
seacars, seabuses, 2800 °C oxyhydrogen blowtorches,
turbines and jet-propelled devices, and even rockets.
  • Alternatively, marine extraterrestrials could build their own batteries using pieces of carbon, tankards of seawater and some other electrolyte, and a small bit of metal.
  • The electricity thus obtained might then be used to perform electrolysis on water, splitting each molecule into its constituent hydrogen and oxygen atoms.
  • This gaseous mixture is a potent fuel, and could conceivably be used to power smelters, streetlights, seacars and seabuses, 2800 °C oxyhydrogen blowtorches, turbines and jet-propelled devices, and even rockets.

There is little that man has accomplished technologically on land that could not be repeated in some analogous fashion by a race of marine lifeforms on a pelagic world elsewhere in our Galaxy.

Seagoing dolphins: First to the top

* It is interesting to note that cetacean intelligence soared following its return to the sea, reaching a level of "encephalization" equal to that of modern-day humans 10 million years ago.2910 There is no truth to the assertion that the sea is incapable of bringing forth high intelligence, for it was the seagoing dolphins, not humans, who first made it to the top. Ethologist John Eisenberg correctly points out that the assumption that the marine environment is homogeneous is false: "There are currents and different temperature and pressure regimes which make it very exciting."3241

20.3.3 Avian Civilizations
Avian technology should be very similar
to telluric technology generally.
It is also possible that tool-using avians may
be land-dwelling "returned" lifeforms, adapted
to a permanently flightless existence much like
the ostrich, the kiwi, and the extinct giant moa
(a bipedal, bimanous 240 kg bird) of Earth.

Almost without exception, previous writers have concluded that technological civilization among avian creatures is virtually impossible. (See Hoyle,1559 MacGowan and Ordway,600 and Strong.50) Again, the author strongly disputes this conclusion.

1 — Motivation

First of all, aerial lifeforms on Earth appear favorably disposed to tool-using.

  • Solitary wasps (Ammophila) pound their nest entrances shut with a small pebble held in their mandibles.
  • The woodpecker finch uses twigs, cactus spines and leaf stems to dig insects out of crevasses in tree bark.
  • The Australian black-breasted buzzard carries rocks and lumps of soil skyward; released, the rocks fall on the eggs of other birds which break and are eaten by the buzzard.
  • The black cockatoo of the Aru Islands grasps nuts in its beak with a leaf while cracking them open (like holding a jar in a towel for better traction while the lid is twisted off).
  • And northern blue jays, held in captivity, have been observed tearing off strips of newspaper flooring and using them to rake in food pellets placed out of reach beyond the mesh wall of the cage.565
The black cockatoo grasps nuts in its beak with
a leaf while cracking them open (like holding
a jar in a towel while the lid is twisted off).
Northern blue jays, held in captivity, tear off strips
of newspaper flooring, using them to rake in food
pellets placed out of reach beyond the cage.

Extraterrestrial creatures evolving in similar aerial niches may be expected to develop similar biological predispositions.

2 — Manipulators

How about manipulative appendages?

  • Several writers have argued that when birds evolved wings they lost the use of one of their two pairs of limbs.
  • Thus they cannot have arms or hands to work out their intelligence in technology, and so there can be no technical civilization of the air.
  • But this line of reasoning overlooks the possibility that the ancestral form of alien avians might be, say, hexapodal.
  • If the original reptilian stock had begun with six legs instead in four, then two could evolve into wings, two into arms, and two could remain legs.
  • Alternatively, the "gasbag beasts" described in an earlier (chapter) would most likely feed from the underside, and so might evolve mouth-tentacles much like the cephalopods of Earth’s seas.
Several writers have argued that when birds evolved wings
they lost the use of one of their two pairs of limbs.
Thus they cannot have arms or hands to work out
their intelligence in technology, and so there can be no
technical civilization of the air.
But this line of reasoning overlooks the possibility that
the ancestral form of alien avians might be, say, hexapodal.

Such limbs would admirably fulfill the requirement of a manipulatory organ and should permit the emergence of an ET avian technological civilization.3234

3 & 4 — Resources and Energy

As for materials and energy, resources on the ground will probably have to be tapped because the air is practically devoid of useful minerals. Wind power and rain power are possibilities, but fire is probably much easier and will directly permit the smelting of structural and ornamental metals. Avian technology should be very similar to telluric technology generally. It is also possible that tool-using avians may be land-dwelling "returned" lifeforms, adapted to a permanently flightless existence much like the ostrich, the kiwi, and the extinct giant moa (a bipedal, bimanous 240 kg bird) of Earth.3006

20.4 Alien Social Systems
20.4.0 Alien Social Systems
leonard nimoy 360
Psychologically as well as
physiologically, humans have
a lot of monkey in them.

In his recent book On Human Nature,3198 sociobiologist E.O. Wilson suggests that human social behavior is best evaluated by comparison with the behavior of other major categories of Earthly species.3646 Human beings are proud of their intelligence and many cultural achievements, but seldom do they pause to consider how many of their social traits can be traced back to their primate (and mammalian) ancestry. Remarks Wilson: "The general traits of human nature appear limited and idiosyncratic when placed against the backdrop of all other living species."3198 Or, as Clarence Day pointed out many years ago in his lighthearted essay "This Simian World,"76 many of the strategies people use to cope with the environment are characteristic of our arboreal, visually-oriented, curious, manipulative, leadership-hungry, pair-bonding, verbally communicative simian forebears. Psychologically as well as physiologically, humans have a lot of monkey in them.

Wilson gives several examples.

  • Intimate social groupings among humans usually contain on the order of 10-100 adults, never just two (as in most birds and marmosets) or up to thousands (as in many fishes and insects).
  • Human males are generally larger than females, the result of a mild form of sexual competition common to primates and many other kinds of mammals.
  • The young are psychologically molded by a lengthy period of social training, first by close associations with the mother and later by interaction with other children of the same age and sex.
  • Another common feature is social play, a strongly developed activity involving role practice, mock aggression, sex practice, and exploration.

These and many other properties together identify a constellation of social traits characteristic of the taxonomic group including the Old World monkeys, the great apes, and human beings. Notes Wilson:

It is inconceivable that human beings could be socialized into the radically different repertoires of other groups such as fishes, birds, antelopes, or rodents. Human beings might self-consciously imitate such arrangements, but it would be a fiction played out on a stage, would run counter to deep emotional responses and have no chance of persisting through as much as a single generation. To adopt with serious intent, even in broad outline, the social system of a nonprimate species would be insanity in the literal sense. Personalities would quickly dissolve, relationships disintegrate, and reproduction cease.3198

An exhaustive inventory of the elements of "human nature" has yet to be prepared. However, a few partial lists have been compiled.
In 1945 the American anthropologist George P. Murdock listed3201 the following root characteristics of man’s society which have been recorded virtually in every human culture known to Earthly ethnographers:

■ age-grading
■ athletic sports
■ bodily adornment
■ calendar
■ cleanliness training
■ community organizations   
■ cooking
■ cooperative labor
■ cosmology
■ courtship
■ dancing
■ decorative art
■ divination
■ division of labor
■ dream interpretation
■ education
■ eschatology
■ ethics
■ ethnobotany
■ etiquette
■ faith healing
■ family feasting   
■ fire making
■ folklore
■ food taboos
■ funeral rites
■ games
■ gestures
■ gift giving
■ government
■ greetings
■ hairstyles
■ hospitality
■ housing
■ hygiene
■ incest taboos
■ inheritance rules
■ joking
■ kin groups
■ kinship nomenclature   
■ language
■ law
■ luck superstitions
■ magic
■ marriage
■ mealtimes
■ medicine
■ obstetrics
■ penal sanctions
■ personal names
■ population policy
■ postnatal care
■ pregnancy usages
■ property rights
■ propitiation of supernatural beings
■ puberty customs
■ religious ritual
■ residence rules
■ sexual restrictions
■ soul concepts
■ status differentiation
■ surgery
■ toolmaking
■ trade
■ visiting
■ weaving
■ weather control
Human nature is just one hodgepodge
out of many conceivable.

After citing Murdock’s work, Wilson suggests that few if any of these properties are inevitable outcomes of either high intelligence or advanced social life; "human nature is just one hodgepodge out of many conceivable."3198 An entomologist by training, Wilson has no trouble imagining a nonhuman insectlike society whose members are even more intelligent and complexly organized than people, yet which lacks many of the qualities listed in Murdock’s inventory above. The "alien" inventory might look something like this:

Civilization is not intrinsically
limited to hominoids.
Only by an accident of evolution on
this particular planet was it linked
to the anatomy of bare-skinned,
bipedal mammals and the peculiar
qualities of human nature.
■ age-grading
■ antennal rites
■ body licking
■ calendar
■ cannibalism
■ caste determination
■ caste laws
■ colony-foundation rules   
■ colony organization
■ cleanliness training
■ communal nurseries
■ cooperative labor
■ cosmology
■ courtship
■ division of labor
■ drone control
■ education
■ eschatology
■ ethics
■ etiquette
■ euthanasia
■ firemaking
■ food taboos
■ gift giving
■ government
■ greetings
■ grooming rituals   
■ hospitality
■ housing
■ hygiene
■ incest taboos
■ language
■ larval care
■ law
■ medicine
■ metamorphosis rites
■ mutual regurgitation   
■ nursing castes
■ nuptial flights
■ nutrient eggs
■ population policy
■ queen obeisance
■ residence rules
■ sex determination
■ soldier castes
■ sisterhoods
■ status differentiation
■ sterile workers
■ surgery
■ symbiont care
■ toolmaking
■ trade
■ visiting
■ weather control

…and still other activities so alien as to make mere description by our language difficult.3198

Civilization, says Wilson, is not intrinsically limited to hominoids. Only by an accident of evolution on this particular planet was it linked to the anatomy of bare-skinned, bipedal mammals and the peculiar qualities of human nature.

20.4.1 Models for Extraterrestrial Societies
Models for Extraterrestrial Societies

It must be remembered that basic feral traits
will be strongly modified by intelligence.


Primitive animal drives and instincts will be culturalized
by the sentient alien, an enormously complex process
which extends from minor sociocultural aspects:

■ redirected bare-teeth threat display becomes smile

To major aspects:

■ curiosity channeled into scientific research

While it is certainly possible that sentient ETs may also evolve from their world’s equivalent of primate stock, chances are that many if not most will not. In the absence of high technology modification, the psychological and sociological constitution of alien sentients will reflect their biological ancestry. Indeed, the time-honored science-fictional technique for generating new extraterrestrial psyches is to use various Earth animals as behavioral models.2956

Culturalization of feral traits

While there is some scientific validity to this procedure, it must always be remembered that basic feral traits will be strongly modified by intelligence. Primitive animal drives and instincts will be "culturalized" by the sentient alien, an enormously complex process which extends from minor (redirected bare-teeth threat display becomes smile) to major (curiosity channeled into scientific research) sociocultural aspects. For example:

  • Primates are known to be moderately aggressive animals, and all human societies retain this trait.
  • Some societies have no institutions of mass aggression such as sports or warfare, but all display personal aggression to varying degrees.
  • The Arapesh of New Guinea, often cited as the most striking example of culturally determined peaceability, are not without aggressive displays. The effect of culture has just been remarkably strong: Children are trained to vent their rage on objects rather than other persons, a habit that continues during adulthood.2928
  • Similarly, the Hopi Indians of North America suppress all physical forms of aggression and violence but still vent their feelings by trading vicious verbal insults.452
Endowed with higher intellect and patterned after a
variety of nonsimian ancestral forms, extraterrestrial
lifeforms may have developed societies which display,
articulate, or attempt to hide the ancient behavioral
traits characteristic of the animal group from which
the sentient race originally sprang.
Behavioral analog

Still, employed with proper caution, the behavioral analog technique can illuminate many fascinating possibilities. Endowed with higher intellect and patterned after a variety of nonsimian ancestral forms, extraterrestrial lifeforms may have developed societies which display, articulate, or attempt to hide the ancient behavioral traits characteristic of the animal group from which the sentient race originally sprang.*

Avian behaviors

Sentient aliens derived from avian stock might exhibit behaviors more common to birds than to simians.

  • Earth birds have response mechanisms that promote group synchronization and integration, such as call notes and visual cues, which permit flocking and body contact while in flight.
  • There is also territoriality, pecking orders, and pair-bonding (the inclusion of the male in the role of parental care).

* Examples from science fiction include ETs based on insects,668 crustaceans,442 molluscs,1946 amphibians,2935, 2615 reptiles,2940, 3007 avians,2929 and both land2873, 753 and aquatic1930 mammals.

Lion social groups
The core of a lion pride is a closed
sisterhood of several adult females.
■ Related to one another at least as closely as cousins
■ Associated for most or all of their lives within fixed
    territories passed from one generation to the next.
The adult males exist as partial parasites on the females.

By contrast, mammals rarely display pair-bonding. It is generally found only among carnivores and primates. Because of the existence of mammalian milk glands and the need for prolonged care of the young, mother-child-centered societies are virtually universal among this animal order. In other words, mammalian social groups tend to be female-centered.2946

This pattern is exemplified by lions:565

  • The core of a lion pride is a closed sisterhood of several adult females, related to one another at least as closely as cousins and associated for most or all of their lives within fixed territories passed from one generation to the next.
  • The adult males exist as partial parasites on the females.
  • Young males almost invariably leave the prides in which they were born, wandering either singly or in groups.
  • When the opportunity arises these males attach themselves to a new pride, sometimes by aggressively displacing the resident males.
  • Male bands both inside and outside the pride typically consist of brothers, or at least of individuals who have been associated through much of their lives.
  • The pride males permit the females to lead them from one place to another, and they depend on them to hunt and kill most of the prey.
  • Once the animal is downed, the males move in and use their superior size to push the lionesses and cubs aside and to eat their fill.
  • Only after they have finished do the others gain full access to the prey.
Aliens based on a feline model will doubtless
retain a mentality and worldview characterized
by solitary stealth and individual achievement.
This outlook will find expression in their science,
politics, warfare, and daily labors.
Feline model

As young animals, terrestrial carnivores engage in complex play, prey-catching, and aggressive behavior. As adults many become solitary, especially those who hunt by stealth such as the cat. Aliens based on a feline model will doubtless retain a mentality and worldview characterized by solitary stealth and individual achievement. This outlook will find expression in their science, politics, warfare, and daily labors. Paul Layhausen has hinted that sentient catlike extraterrestrials who try to live together in cities may find it harder than humans do to adjust, when he writes of the effects of subjecting feline populations to unnatural conditions of crowding:

The more crowded the cage is, the less relative hierarchy there is. Eventually a despot emerges, "pariahs" appear, driven to frenzy and all kinds of neurotic behavior by continuous and pitiless attack by all others; the community turns into a spiteful mob. They all seldom relax, they never look at ease, and there is a continuous hissing, growling, and even fighting. Play stops altogether and locomotion and exercises are reduced to a minimum.2937

(Primate behavior under similar circumstances is surprisingly complacent — in fact, the dominance hierarchies become more stable.2950)

Wild dogs
Zoologists have found that the African
wild dog exhibits a degree of cooperation
and altruism unmatched in the animal
kingdom save by elephants and primates.

Canids such as wolves and wild dogs hunt by cooperatively running down their prey in relatively open habitats. They live in packs of from 5-50 individuals, a social organization admirably suited to predation of larger creatures. Zoologists have found that the African wild dog exhibits a degree of cooperation and altruism unmatched in the animal kingdom save by elephants and primates.

  • Hunters share equally in the brutal kill.
  • Food is taken back to pups, mothers, and other adults who remained behind at the den.
  • After the kill, juveniles are given priority in feeding, an uncommon gratuity among carnivores.
  • Sick and crippled adults are cared for indefinitely and are rarely peremptorily abandoned.
Canid behavior
An alien society modeled after canid
behavior would be characterized
by a peculiar combination of peaceful
communal living and savage pack boldness.

An alien society modeled after canid behavior would be characterized by a peculiar combination of peaceful communal living and savage pack boldness.

  • Wild dogs are generally relaxed, egalitarian, and monogamous. Litters of offspring are usually restricted to one or two females — frequently by violent means (murder of excess pups) — so pack females vie with one another for the privilege of nursing the pups.
  • No individual distance is maintained, and pack members often lie together in heaps to keep warm.
  • Just after a kill, there seems to be a competition among the hunters to see who can make the most submissive gestures.
  • Displaying a wide, yawning grin, each individual playfully tries to burrow beneath the others in a gallant struggle to become the "underdog."565
Whiptail wallabie mobs
Whiptail wallabie mobs
■ Meetings between mobs were uncommon but amicable.
■ They resulted in a temporary fusion of the groups
    into single aggregations that rested and fed together.
■ On such occasions the wallabies treated individuals belonging
    to other groups much as they did members of their own group.
■ Aggression is highly ritualized among these comparatively
    gentle animals.
■ Even the fighting for dominance is described as "gentlemanly."

Whiptail wallabies, Australian marsupials belonging to the same taxonomic family as the kangaroo, are strict vegetarians who inhabit grassy woodlands. One population was observed to be loosely grouped into three distinct "mobs" that remained quite stable for at least a year.

  • Each mob had from 30-50 members, and achieved a fairly high population density — about 0.02 km2/individual, close to the global human average — perhaps due to the herbivorous lifestyle.
  • Meetings between mobs were uncommon but amicable.
  • They resulted in a temporary fusion of the groups into single aggregations that rested and fed together.
  • On such occasions the wallabies treated individuals belonging to other groups much as they did members of their own group.
  • Animals of all ages mingled easily, while the adult males fought for dominance and courted females with no apparent particular reference to mob affiliation.565
  • Aggression is highly ritualized among these comparatively gentle animals — even the fighting for dominance is described as "gentlemanly."
  • Wallaby behavior is strongly individualistic, but despite this they have produced stable aggregations ranging over fixed exclusive territories that are "owned" by a mob.
  • Each animal is capable of personal recognition of many other individuals.

Their small, 5-fingered paws are used for grasping, and, although they have no opposable thumb, it is easy to imagine a race of sentient, tool-using extraterrestrial wallabies building a mighty civilization elsewhere in our Galaxy.

Black bear society
The black bear

Society is organized around the mother.

■ Adult females breed in feeding territories
    which are exclusively occupied by them.
■ However, they also permit their daughters to
    share subdivisions of the maternal land, and
■ They "bequeath" their property rights to
    these daughters when they move away or die.
Males take no part in this system of inheritance:
They disperse from the maternal territories
as subadults.

The black bear provides yet another possible model for alien society.3079

  • These large, omnivorous mammals normally have low population densities, from 1-5 km2/individual.
  • Society is organized around the mother.
  • Adult females breed in feeding territories which are exclusively occupied by them.
  • However, they also permit their daughters to share subdivisions of the maternal land, and they "bequeath" their property rights to these daughters when they move away or die.
Male black bears

Males take no part in this system of inheritance:

  • They disperse from the maternal territories as subadults.
  • During the mating season the fully mature males enter the female territories and displace one another by aggressive interactions, especially when they meet in the immediate vicinity of the females.
  • Later, as their testosterone levels drop, they withdraw from the females and assemble in peaceful feeding aggregations wherever the richest food supplies are to be found.
  • In the late fall they return to the female territories to den.565
The beaver
One of the more solitary of the social rodents
on Earth is the beaver.
■ This amazing mammal designs and stabilizes its own
    habitats with the dams and ponds it creates.
■ They build large dome-shaped island lodges of sticks
    plastered with mud.
■ These structures are built sturdily enough to last many
While beavers are of placid disposition and often labor
together cooperatively, their character is basically
individualistic and they will defend their own lodge area
against members of other families.

Or, intelligent extraterrestrials may evolve from creatures resembling rodents. One of the more solitary of the social rodents on Earth is the beaver.

  • This amazing mammal designs and stabilizes its own habitats with the dams and ponds it creates.
  • Beavers are highly industrious individuals, often repairing a damaged dam overnight.
  • They build large dome-shaped island lodges of sticks plastered with mud — a kind of wood-reinforced earthen house bearing a striking resemblance to Navaho hogans in the American Southwest.
  • The interior is usually a couple of meters high, large enough for a man to stand up inside.
  • These structures are built sturdily enough to last many generations.
  • Food caches are often stored inside.
Pond cities

Beavers live in pond cities of many lodges, normally with one family
to a lodge.

  • A family typically consists of a mated parental pair and two sets of offspring — newborns and youth.
  • The youth disperse from the parental lodges only after several years of residence there.
  • While beavers are of placid disposition and often labor together cooperatively, their character is basically individualistic and they will defend their own lodge area against members of other families.
  • The animal has very stable populations, since both birth and death rates are very low.

Beavers today measure a meter in length and weigh 30 kilograms, but fossil forms from the Oligocene epoch exceeded 2 meters and probably weighed as much as a small adult human. With their unwebbed 5-fingered forepaws, there is no reason why evolution on another world could not have produced a sentient ET race with a behavior similar to that of the terrestrial beaver.

Blacktail prairie dog
Blacktail prairie dog
It is believed that predation is the main driving force
of social evolution for these creatures — dense
aggregations and a communal alarm system are
substituted for the cover of rocks, foliage, and the
"impregnable fortresses" as the lodges built by beavers.
Burrow-homes, are called "coteries" by ethologists.
■ These are the real social units of the prairie dog community.
■ Coteries typically comprise a group of 4 adults and
    6 children, and are stable family units.
■ Members of coteries share burrows and clearly recognize
    each other as close associates, "kissing" each other in
    greeting each time they meet.
■ Perhaps the most extraordinary aspect
    of prairie dog society is that, much like the black bear,
    coterie territorial limits are passed along by tradition.
■ Burrow-homes are inherited and descend down family lines.

A lesser-known but more gregarious rodent species is the blacktail prairie dog, named for its distinctive barking voice. Living in the exposed habitats of the open plains, these small-dog-sized rodents tend to form dense local populations. It is believed that predation is the main driving force of social evolution for these creatures — dense aggregations and a communal alarm system are substituted for the cover of rocks, foliage, and the "impregnable fortresses" such as the lodges built by beavers.

  • In the Black Hills of South Dakota, prairie dogs live in towns consisting of as many as 1000 individuals.
  • These townships are physically divided by natural boundaries such as ridges, streams, or bands of vegetation into neighborhoods or "wards."
  • Each ward consists of several burrow-homes, called "coteries" by ethologists. These are the real social units of the prairie dog community.
  • Coteries typically comprise a group of 4 adults and 6 children, and are stable family units.
  • Members of coteries share burrows and clearly recognize each other as close associates, "kissing" each other in greeting each time they meet.
  • Perhaps the most extraordinary aspect of prairie dog society is that, much like the black bear, coterie territorial limits are passed along by tradition. Burrow-homes are inherited and descend down family lineages.
  • The population of each coterie constantly changes over a period of a few months or years, by death, birth, and emigration.
  • But the coterie boundary remains about the same, being learned by each prairie dog born into it.
  • The young animals evidently acquire this information through repeated episodes of grooming from other members of the coterie along with rejection by territorial neighbors.
  • New coteries are formed by adult males who venture into adjacent empty land and commence burrowing there. They are followed by a few adult females. The juveniles and subadults are left behind in the old burrows.565
Social spiders

Social spiders

■ These predatory carnivores live together in
    "towns" numbering as many as 1000 adults.

A large and elaborate central web is constructed
by all the members of the community, and the
giant structure is then occupied by several
generations in succession.

With a little imagination,
a bewildering variety of conceivable alien
behavioral patterns may be generated simply
by imagining what various Earthly species would
be like if only they were a bit more intelligent.

Of course, other creatures than mammals may be conceived of as templates for social evolution. In the world of invertebrates, the societies of insects are familiar. But the social spiders are less well-known.2951 These predatory carnivores live together in "towns" numbering as many as 1000 adults. A large and elaborate central web is constructed by all the members of the community, and the giant structure is then occupied by several generations in succession.

  • Social spiders collaborate in capturing large prey.
  • Both male and female attack, feeding on the catch communally. Even the young take part, swarming over the adults to seek out their own feeding place.
  • Social information is transmitted by two-dimensional vibrations in the central webbing.
  • While each spider lives alone, company is tolerated in close proximity during feeding.
  • There are no caste systems. Yet intelligent ETs modeled after these creatures could hardly be considered "civilized" in the popular sense — injured spiders, or spiders from whom the communal scent has been cleansed, are viciously attacked by their neighbors.

With a little imagination, a bewildering variety of conceivable alien behavioral patterns may be generated simply by imagining what various Earthly species would be like if only they were a bit more intelligent.

Chapter 21 ♦ Extraterrestrial Governments
21.0 Extraterrestrial Governments
larry niven 344
Perhaps the best traditional definition:
Government is "any organization which
claims some right to exert physical force
over individual members."
Xenologists confidently may assert that all
societies — both human and nonhuman —
must display some form of governance.



Manages information so as
to regularize and complexify
sociocultural behavior.

Government commonly is viewed as an instrument of authority over specific groups, organizations, and states. Authority implies coercion. Indeed, as Poul Anderson has claimed, perhaps the best traditional definition of government is "any organization which claims some right to exert physical force over individual members."78

Xenologists shy away from such limited conceptions of political activity. The idea that physical force, competition, or combat are essential to large-scale social organization lacks the generality and universality required of all xenological formulations. Alien governments may indeed be designed to perform strategic, military, or policing functions, but a vast number of other purposes are imaginable as well.

  • Coalitions to promote common economic interests and trading agreements might serve as the basis for government, such as the European Economic Community (EEC), the Central American Common Market (CACM), the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), and so forth here on Earth.
  • Organizations designed solely for the betterment of social conditions may arise; others might exist only for the purpose of cultural or philosophical exchange, regulation of agricultural production, tourism and recreation, social engineering, mining, penal confinement, or the spread of scientific knowledge.

While human governments commonly take on elements of coercion and force, there is no reason to insist that this must be a universal feature of all extraterrestrial societies.

Thermodynamic definition

Perhaps the most general definition of government is
the "thermodynamic" one:

  • Government is a social system that stores specific information about a society and the way it works,
  • and which uses this information to establish and maintain order and complexity.
  • As a negentropic system, government — much like life and intelligence — necessarily must exhibit a number of communicative and control aspects.3071
  • Of course, the exact mix must vary with incredible diversity among alien societies. Some organizations will stress communication, others control.
  • But all will manage information so as to regularize and complexify sociocultural behavior.

Defined in this broad fashion, xenologists confidently may assert that all societies — both human and nonhuman — must display some form of governance.

[Note: See also the author's article "Galactic Empires", published in 1983.]

21.1 Dimensions of Extraterrestrial Government
Dimensions of Extraterrestrial Government
Theoretically, each alien government occupies
a unique position in this 6-dimensional "space."
Any governance system thus may be described
— albeit incompletely and imperfectly —
by a series of six "political coordinates."
Political space, as
provisionally identified
by xenologists, can be
viewed as having
six primary dimensions.

The first task before xenologists is to devise a comprehensive taxonomy which subsumes all forms of alien governments. The job is fantastically difficult, for there are dozens of different ways to describe a given system of governance.* Human political scientists don’t even agree on how to categorize human polities, and it is virtually certain that Earthly political forms fail to exhaust the universe of possibilities.

But xenologists must start somewhere. So, despite the enormity of the task, theorists have attempted to isolate a few of the most critical dimensions of government. Each dimension, or "governance scale," may be thought of as a coordinate axis which helps to define the geometry of government.

Six political coordinates

Ordinary physical space as we know it may be described with three coordinate axes set at right angles to each other. Each object in the universe may be uniquely located using a three-dimensional geometry. Political space, as provisionally identified by xenologists, can be viewed as having six primary dimensions. Theoretically, each alien government occupies a unique position in this 6-dimensional "space." Any governance system thus may be described — albeit incompletely and imperfectly — by a series of six "political coordinates."

These are as follows:

  • Cultural Scale;
  • Leadership System;
  • Organizational Centralization;
  • Economic Basis;
  • System of Exchange; and
  • Sociopolitical Freedom.

The entire proposed taxonomy for extraterrestrial governments is summarized in Table 21.1 in Section 21.1.

* See: de Blij,725 Etzioni,832 Katz,1768 Krader,1745 MacIver,818 McLennan,1866 Parkinson,2600 Rodee, Anderson and Christol,821 Wescott,264 and Wit.817

21.1.1 Governance Scales

Table 21.1 General Taxonomy of Governments Applicable

to Extraterrestrial Cultures

   Cultural Scale


  • Family/Clan
  • Tribe/Horde
  • Polls
  • Region
  • Nation
  • Global


  • Early
  • Emergent
  • Mature


  • Early
  • Emergent
  • Mature


  • Early
  • Emergent
  • Mature
Leadership ♦ Class of Leadership



  • Dictatorship
  • Monarchy
  • Constitutional Tyranny
  • Despotism


  • Diarohy
  • Triarchy
  • Theocracy
  • Bureaucracy
  • Aristocracy
  • Feudalism


  • Limited Monarchy
  • Representative Democracy


  • Direct Democracy
  • Electronic Demarchy
  • Collegial


  • Organized Anarchy
  • Ordered Anarchy of the African Nuer, the Paliyans of South India, etc.
  • Sociocracy
Leadership ♦ Bases for Legitimacy


  • Species or Race (Nazism)
  • Nationality (Horde)
  • Heredity, Kinship, or Descent (Monarchy; Aristocracy; Chieftain)
  • Age (Gerontocracy)
  • Sex (Matriarchy; Patriarchy)
  • Intelligence, Diligence (Meritocracy)


  • Ideology (Fascism; Marxism; Capitalism)
  • Religion (Theistic Monarchy; Theocracy; Papacy; Sodality)
  • Established Custom
  • Agency of Cultural Change
  • Moral Character or Integrity
  • Written/Express Political Constitution (Constitutional Monarchy; Bureaucracy)


  • Wealth (Plutocracy; Aristocracy)
  • Property (Feudalism; Suzerainty)
  • Economic Success (Syndicalism; Corporate Feudalism)
  • Agency of Trade (Guild)
  • Instruments of Production
  • Agency of Communication


  • Popular Election (Limited Monarahy; Parliamentary Demooracy)
  • Cowardice (Kakistocracy)
  • Cunning and Intrigue (Cabal)
  • Martial Arts (Warrior Chieftain)
  • Military Power (Despotism; Mafia; Military Junta)
  • Defensive, Economic, or Constitutional Emergency (Dictatorship; Ochiocracy; Constitutional Tyranny)


  • Amplified Biological Intelligence
  • Machine Sentiency (Mechanocracy)
  • Bioneered Genetic Superiority (Eugenocracy)
  • Immortality (Athanatocracy)
  • Biocybernetic Communication
  • Agency of Galactic Engineering
   Organizational Centralization
  • Unitary Government
  • Empire or Imperium
  • Federation
  • Confederation
  • Alliance
  • Total Decentralization
   Economic Basis
  • Laissez Faire
  • Piracy
  • Manorialism
  • Mercantilism
  • Corporation
  • Welfarism
  • Socialism
  • Communism
   Exchange System
  • No Reciprocity
  • Gift Exchange
  • Silent Barter
  • Open Barter with Fixed Exchange Ratios
  • Open Barter with Bargaining
  • Open Barter with Favorite Medium of Exchange
  • Valuable Money
  • Symbolic Money
  • Reciprocal Obligation
   Sociopolitical Freedom Scale
  • Libertarian
  • Egalitarian
  • Authoritarian
  • Totalitarian

Six dimensions
of governance

  1. Cultural scale
  2. System of leadership
  3. Degree of centralization
  4. Economic basis
  5. Exchange system
  6. Level of freedom

There are six dimensions of governance, as shown in the taxonomy in Table 21.1, at right.

1-Cultural scale

The first dimension is called "cultural scale." This is simply the potential power of the organization as measured by energy production. In this book, civilizations are classed as Type I, II, III, or IV according to a familiar scheme. The chart gives a few extra subdivisions under the Type I planetary culture for added resolution.

2-System of leadership

The second dimension of governance is the system of leadership employed. The Taxonomy gives several different classes of leadership with illustrative examples of each in parentheses. Expanding Plato’s traditional tripartite model, leadership falls along a spectrum ranging from nullity to totality.

There is rule by none (Chaos), rule by one (Autocracy), rule by a few (Oligarchy), rule by many (Republic), rule by most (Democracy), and rule by all (Pantisocracy*).

Myth of legitimacy

The main problem in selecting a leadership is how to determine which "one" or which "few" shall head the organization. This normally involves what one writer has called "the myth of legitimacy."3035 That is, persons must believe their leaders are "legitimate" before they will willingly submit to the organization.

Expanding Plato’s
traditional tripartite model
Leadership falls along a spectrum
ranging from nullity to totality.
■ Rule by none (Chaos),
■ Rule by one (Autocracy),
■ Rule by a few (Oligarchy),
■ Rule by many (Republic),
■ Rule by most (Democracy),
■ Rule by all (Pantisocracy).
The main problem in selecting
a leadership is how to determine
which "one" or which "few"
shall head the organization.
Myth of legitimacy
That is, persons must believe
their leaders are "legitimate"
before they will willingly submit
to the organization.
Economic basis of the organization
■ Laissez faire
■ Manorialism ("feudalism")
■ Mercantilism
■ The corporation ("conglomerate")
■ Welfarism
■ Socialism
■ Communism
  • If this is accomplished by election, and an autocracy is the class of leadership, the result may be called a "limited monarchy."
  • If we have a republic instead, the result might be called a "representative democracy."
  • If selection is based on military power, an autocracy would be called "despotism" and an oligarchy might be called a "military junta."

The Taxonomy lists 30 bases of legitimacy of leadership that might conceivably be adopted by alien cultures. (Note: These bases are not exclusive. For instance, "aristocracy" is an oligarchy that may be based on wealth, heredity, or both.)

3-Degree of organizational centralization

The third dimension of governance is the degree of organizational centralization.

  • Unitary governments are most centralized — there is a single focus of authority to which all decisions are referred.
  • Empires may be regarded as falling within the unitary classification,823 but they characteristically involve two separate governments within a single political system:
  • The internal government, which controls the interior or homeland.
  • The imperial government, which has dominion over subject peoples or external geographical areas.
Two kinds of empires

Empires are normally of two kinds.

  • When the two governmental entities are geographically distinct, such as the British, Dutch, Spanish and Portuguese systems on Earth, we have a "colonial" empire.
  • "Coterminous" empires exist where the subject areas coincide geographically with the homeland, as in the Turkish, Austrio-Hungarian, and most of the oriental empires.

In a federal system, power is distributed between the central and local governments in such a way that a new unity is established while retaining the original territorial diversity. A federal organization requires a definite surrender of claims of sovereignty by component areas as well as the right of secession.2990

Confederations are the loosest possible associations of independent social or political units having some common governmental machinery. No new central unity is created. An alliance is a special limited form of confederation having as its purpose a single objective or temporary expediency.

4-Economic basis

The fourth dimension of governance is the economic basis of the organization.

  • Laissez faire is total nonintervention by government in economic affairs; communicative activities are okay, but there must be an absence of control. Piracy is a peculiar form of laissez faire in which economics is reduced to a contest of military prowess and cunning between competing social units, again without benefit of legal direction by governmental authorities.
  • Manorialism (sometimes called "feudalism") is an institutionalized system of property ownership and personal contracts between individuals as a substitute for "public" control — the manorial lord replaced the governmental control function within his local fiefdom.
  • Mercantilism involves the emergence of real public control. This may include taxation or regulation of the means and fruits of production, under the theory that the economic interests of the larger political body are more important than those of mere individuals.
  • The corporation or "conglomerate"1771 format is a way individuals can fight back. A group of persons is legally licensed to act with the powers, rights and privileges of a single person (a very powerful "individual").
  • Welfarism represents still further public control of the economy, in which the welfare of the citizenry is promoted more by the organized efforts of the government than by private institutions.
  • Socialism is the end result — government exercises complete control of all the means of production. However, the distribution of economic benefits is still determined in the private sector.
  • Under communism, both the means of production and the means of distribution are controlled by the political organization of the society.818
Exchange systems
■ Gift exchange
■ Silent barter
■ Open barter
■ Valuable money
■ Symbolic money
■ Electronic funds
5-Exchange system employed

The fifth dimension of governance is the exchange system employed.874 Exchange between social units involves an act of giving or taking one thing in return for another as its equivalent. Due to environmental heterogeneity and differing abilities, individuals are likely to be in possession of different kinds and amounts of resources than their fellows.

  • Economic historians agree that the most primitive system of exchange is gift exchange, which may perhaps be regarded as an informal method of bartering.
  • Slightly more sophisticated is silent barter, which enables individuals to rid themselves of surpluses and to enjoy the specialized products of their neighbors — without having to actually confront a feared or hated neighbor. (The party desiring exchange leaves the merchandise in some place the other party cannot help noticing it, such as a pathway, meeting site or game field. If the recipient finds the goods undesirable or insufficient, he leaves them and comes back later after giving the donor a chance to increase the offer or change its contents. Acceptance of offers were expected to be reciprocated, failure of which could lead to warfare.)
  • Open barter is more direct.2880 It is usually available only when social units become capable of peaceful and friendly intercourse.
  • All forms involve simultaneous exchange. For instance, barter at a fixed exchange ratio is the first attempt to assign value to commodities; this mode shifts to barter with bargaining as exchange relations between social groups become more regular and the range of things traded becomes too extensive for simple ratio systems.
  • Open barter with favorite medium of exchange involves the use of some plentiful bartered commodity as a measure of value for all other commodities.873
  • Valuable money such as jewelry, coinage, or ingots of rare metals represents the next evolutionary step.
  • But this soon gives way to symbolic money — bank notes, paper currency, stocks and so on.
  • Ultimately, electronic funds transfer technology or the development of a more generalized sentience may permit the emergence of reciprocal obligation exchange systems in which value as well as specie becomes purely symbolic.188
6-Level of sociopolitical freedom
Societal types
■ Libertarian
■ Egalitarian
■ Authoritarian
■ Totalitarian

The sixth dimension of governance is the level of sociopolitical freedom granted the individual.
There are at least four distinct societal types.

  • Societies may be libertarian, with full civil, political, economic and communicative liberties for each individual.
  • Egalitarian organizations require not necessarily liberty, but rather only that all group members be treated with absolute equality.
  • Authoritarian governments concentrate policymaking within the leadership; citizens acquiesce out of habit or tradition, and obedience to authority is pervasive and rarely questioned.
  • Totalitarian regimes are radical versions of authoritarianism.2586 They have been described by the late Benito Mussolini, a notorious human practitioner of this form of rule, as "everything for the state; nothing outside the state; nothing against the state."821
Characterizes most known terrestrial societies

The 6-dimensional "political geometry" described above is able to characterize in broad fashion most known terrestrial societies. Despite its distinctly human flavor, presumably the Taxonomy may be extended to our analysis of extraterrestrial governmental systems consistent with the Hypothesis of Mediocrity. Perhaps the most valuable aspect of the Taxonomy is that it may be used to imagine new political forms that are extremely rare or have never existed on Earth. By selecting alternatives from each of the several columns, imaginative xenologists can generate literally millions of hypothetical alien governmental entities.

We can envision a global republic of machine
sentience, totally decentralized and egalitarian.
Somewhere else we may find a stellar
democratic theocracy engaging in piracy on
the high frontier, operating with a loose-knit
system of opportunistic alliances.
Most mysterious the alien pantisocratic
agents of communication who trade
by silent barter between the stars.
Hypothetical alien governmental entities

For instance:

  • We might imagine a Type III emergent galactic society ruled by an hereditary oligarchy based on the means of production, with a tight unitary organization and a socialistic system of wealth distribution to the citizenry.
  • We can envision a global republic of machine sentience, totally decentralized and egalitarian.
  • Somewhere else we may find a stellar democratic theocracy engaging in piracy on the high frontier, operating with a loose-knit system of opportunistic alliances.
  • Most feared among galactic governments would be the totalitarian unitary military autocracies.
  • Most laggard the republican bureaucratic constitutional confederations.
  • Most mysterious the alien pantisocratic agents of communication who trade by silent barter between the stars.
  • Extraterrestrial decentralized monarchies, libertarian communists, and democratic empires are all quite possible.**

[Note: See also the author's article "Galactic Empires", published in 1983.]

Organized anarchy

* Pantisocracy or "organized anarchy" has been characterized as having fluid participation, a variety of inconsistent and ill-defined preferences, and an unclear organizational technology.837 Sociopolitical anarchies have been treated on rare occasion in science fiction.

(See LeGuin,2577 Niven,2421 Van Vogt,2977 and Weinbaum.2979)

Political forms in science fiction

** Science fiction writers have experimented extensively with diverse political forms, including:

  • Anderson’s Polyesotechnic League,2876 Commonality,2885 and gypsy pirates of space2959
  • Asimov’s interstellar theocracy and galactic empire2944
  • Heinlein’s Constitutional Tyranny2601
  • Niven and Pournelle’s Galactic Imperial Aristocracy668
  • LeGuin’s Ekumen97 and planetary anarchy2577
  • Vinge’s Interplanetary Demarchy2861
21.2 Alien Political Organizations: Xenopolitical Factors
Alien Political Organizations: Xenopolitical Factors
robert heinlein 377

Naturally, not all governmental forms that may exist are equally likely to exist. The Taxonomy devised in the previous section suggested something of the possibilities but failed to address probabilities.

Xenologists would like to know which political systems are more or less likely to occur, why, and where.

21.2.1 Sentience

Probably one of the most important determinants of the nature and scope of alien governments is the type of sentience of the individuals who represent the social units comprising the political system. We have briefly examined the question of extraterrestrial intelligence and consciousness in an earlier chapter, so we may now proceed to analyze the effects of different minds upon the mode of governance.

In summary
Increasingly generalized sentience should favor
smaller cultural scale, broader classes of
leadership, more symbolic systems of exchange
and more libertarian forms of government.
Centralization and individual economic freedom
may be concepts unique to brain-sentient species.
Mental types

In Chapter 14 we found that a central characteristic of intelligence is its ability to handle increasingly generalized classes of information. Below is an oversimplified list of "mental types" above mere reactivity, in order of ascending negentropic efficacy:

  1. Genetic sentience
  2. Reptilian brain sentience
  3. Limbic brain sentience
  4. Neocortical brain sentience
  5. Communal sentience
  6. (higher-order sentience … )
  • Genetic sentience involves a society that is aware of itself but whose members lack individual awareness.
  • Brain conscious creatures have individual awareness but no societal consciousness.
  • Beings with communal sentience will possess a visceral self-awareness both of the individual and of the society.
  • Creatures with genetic sentience are preprogrammed to operate independently of all other units for the good of the society, so such lifeforms might theoretically survive at any cultural scale.
  • Brain-sentient ETs likewise capable of independent action because of their individual awareness, probably also may aspire to any cultural scale.
  • But communal sentients may be somewhat more restricted.
Light-minutes — away

Science fiction writer Charles Sheffield has hinted at this problem among humans with biocybernetic implants — a kind of electronic telepathy. He describes what might happen when such communal creatures attempt to expand their cultural scale:

Can you imagine how men with implants would react if they were taken to a place where they were light-years, or light-hours — or even light-minutes — away from the supporting memory banks, and the shared data? I don’t think they could take it. They’d go insane. It’s pretty obvious that the worst punishment you could inflict would be to disable a man’s implant. Like being in solitary confinement, but probably a lot worse.2962

Effects of mental type on class of leadership

The effects of mental type on class of leadership are equally surprising.

Without personal self-awareness, genetic
sentients cannot recognize any leadership
at all. Chaotic government is most likely.
It may be that only communal beings are
capable of forming truly successful anarchs.
  • Without personal self-awareness, genetic sentients cannot recognize any leadership at all. Chaotic government is most likely.
  • Brain sentients may have systems of governance ranging across the entire leadership scale.
  • But communal sentients, with their social viscera and dualistic insight, should strongly tend toward pantisocracy because the mechanics of rule by all will be enormously simplified through electronic telepathy.
  • It may be that only communal beings are capable of forming truly successful anarchs.2979
  • Similarly, genetic minds might lack concepts of reciprocity — with no sense of the self there can be no empathy for the selves of others.
  • Communal beings should tend toward the opposite extreme, choosing a highly symbolic exchange system that everyone agrees "feels" right.
Perfect communism

Centralization may be a concept unique to brain-sentient races. Both genetic and communal sentients will have strong social senses which are missing in brain sentients. It is quite possible that federation and empire are organizational forms that can exist only when individual awareness is present and social awareness is not. Similar considerations may obtain with regard to economic systems — perhaps only brain sentients can conceive of a system of production and distribution responsive more to individual than to societal needs. Perfect communism may be possible only among genetic or communal sentients.

As for sociopolitical freedoms, genetic-sentient
aliens have no individuality and thus should be
the natural totalitarians of the universe.
As sentience becomes more generalized,
libertarianism should become possible.
Sociopolitical freedoms

As for sociopolitical freedoms, genetic-sentient aliens have no individuality and thus should be the natural totalitarians of the universe. As sentience becomes more generalized, libertarianism should become possible. Communal ETs theoretically are capable of adopting any level of freedom, depending upon the relative emphasis on self-awareness versus social awareness in the existing sociobiological and cultural milieu.

In summary, increasingly generalized sentience should favor smaller cultural scale, broader classes of leadership, more symbolic systems of exchange and more libertarian forms of government. Centralization and individual economic freedom may be concepts unique to brain-sentient species.

21.2.2 Dispersion
To summarize
A decrease in the dispersion of social units
(whether by decreasing physical distance
or by technologically increasing the velocity
of transportation or communication)
should permit extraterrestrial governments
to evolve in the following directions:
■ Bigger cultural scale
■ Leadership by larger segments
    of the population
■ More organizational centralization
■ Greater control of the economy
■ Increasingly symbolic valuta
■ More totalitarian methods of governance

Another significant limitation on extraterrestrial governments is the problem of dispersion — the relative distance between social or political units. These units may be individuals, cities, planetary civilizations, stellar communities, or galactic societies, depending on the cultural scale involved. Dispersion is a very flexible concept. It may refer to large physical distances between units or to the length of time required for communication between them. Functionally, the element of dispersion acts to limit the effectiveness of a government by restricting its ability to communicate and to transport the means of control.

Dispersion levels

While the notion of dispersion may be used to analyze governments at all cultural scales, we shall concentrate on the interstellar regime since this is less frequently discussed in the literature. Distance alone may be the critical factor. The dispersion of social units decreases as their physical separation becomes less:

  1. 106 light-years (intergalactic dispersion)
  2. 104 light-years (galactic dispersion)
  3. 10 light-years (interstellar dispersion, Disk)
  4. 1 light-year (interstellar dispersion, Core)
  5. 10-5 light-years (interplanetary/stellar dispersion)
  6. 10-9 light-years (planetary dispersion)
ET civilization: technological scenarios

To the extent an extraterrestrial civilization technologically is able to surmount physical dispersion and engage in communication and/or control, it may have government at that scale. Interstellar government thus is sharply limited by the transportation and communications technology available to it. At least four distinguishing technological scenarios may be identified:

  1. Suboptic transportation, optic communication
  2. Suboptic transportation, hyperoptic communication
  3. Hyperoptic transportation, optic communication
  4. Hyperoptic transportation, hyperoptic communication
It must be admitted that communication and
transportation are not exactly equivalent.
From a control and distribution standpoint,
fast transport may be somewhat more
effective than fast message-sending.
Communication vs. transportation

Dispersion is effectively reduced as a culture moves from scenario (1) to scenario (4). Much as radio, telephone, and air travel have caused Earth to "shrink" during the 20th century, so will interstellar dispersion decrease as the carriers of information and control begin to travel at hyperoptic (faster than light) velocities. It must be admitted that communication and transportation are not exactly equivalent. From a control and distribution standpoint, fast transport may be somewhat more effective than fast message-sending. Still a galactic government could position outposts and supply depots near populated centers and dispatch warships or supplies by "remote control." This probably is not a perfect substitute for direct physical presence, but it’s the next best thing. So the series above from scenario (1) to scenario (4) represents a continuous sequence of decreasing dispersion in the interstellar regime.

How will dispersion of sociopolitical units affect the form of alien governance? Let’s consider each of the six political dimensions given in the Taxonomy.

As dispersion decreases, cultural scale is free
to increase. Hyperoptic talk/travel will make
galactic-size organizations possible.
Similarly, a very high degree of dispersion
(lightspeed or slower talk/travel) will render
empire virtually impossible.
As dispersion lessens, greater organizational
centralization becomes possible since the
leadership is better able to communicate
or enforce its decisions.
Dispersion's effect on organization size and centralization

Increasing speed of travel and communication between units effectively reduces the time-distance between them. More units can be added to the organization without additional cost in communication or control delay time. As dispersion decreases, cultural scale is free to increase. Hyperoptic talk/travel will make galactic-size organizations possible.

Similarly, a very high degree of dispersion (lightspeed or slower talk/travel) will render empire virtually impossible.1135 As one science fiction writer explains:

Punitive expeditions would be nearly impossible, hideously expensive, and probably futile: You’d be punishing the grandchildren of a generation that seceded from the Empire, or even a planet that put down the traitors after the message went out. Even a rescue mission might never reach a colony in trouble. A coalition of bureaucrats could always collect the funds for such an expedition, sign papers certifying that the ships are on the way, and pocket the money .... in sixty years someone might realize what had happened, or not.1226

As dispersion lessens, greater organizational centralization becomes possible since the leadership is better able to communicate or enforce its decisions.600 In other words, while decentralized forms are always possible, low dispersion should permit centralized governmental entities to emerge.

At high levels of dispersion, probably only
chaos is possible in the interstellar regime.
As dispersion becomes less severe, the
economy can be controlled more effectively.
At the lowest levels of dispersion, symbolic
valuta become possible.

Large distance and high dispersion should
make libertarianism all but mandatory.


As dispersion lessens, causing the effective
talk/travel distance to "shrink," tyrants
and mobocrats will find it easier to force
authoritarian or totalitarian regimes upon
subject populations if they desire to do so.

Dispersion's effect on leadership type

What about leadership? At high levels of dispersion, probably only chaos is possible in the interstellar regime. As dispersion decreases, autocracies and oligarchies may emerge where strong, diligent individuals or small groups are able to command the loyalty of widely separated cultural enclaves. As dispersion becomes small or negligible, democracy and pantisocracy (which require more debate and communication between social units) become possible.

Dispersion's effect on economics

As for economics, free market laissez faire and piracy are most likely under conditions of extreme dispersion, since planning and control are virtually impossible across great distances when time delays between data reception, decision, and implementation are too great.982As dispersion becomes less severe, the economy can be controlled more effectively. Socialism and communism become more likely when dispersion is low or negligible.

Dispersion's effect on exchange systems

With high dispersion a "blind" exchange system such as gift exchange or silent barter is most reasonable. As talk/travel becomes quicker, fixed exchange ratios can be set and bargaining may take place because both communication and delivery are faster and more reliable. At the lowest levels of dispersion, symbolic valuta become possible as well.

Dispersion's effect on sociopolitical freedoms

Finally, as regards sociopolitical freedoms, large distance and high dispersion should make libertarianism all but mandatory. As dispersion lessens, causing the effective talk/travel distance to "shrink," tyrants and mobocrats will find it easier to force authoritarian or totalitarian regimes upon subject populations should they desire to do so. There is considerable support for the above speculations from political histories of societies on Earth. Xenologists have searched for examples of human cultures having geographical dispersions analogous to those of widely separated interstellar communities.55,883 The best examples on Earth appear to be the island chain societies of the Pacific Ocean and Caribbean Sea.884

Early Hawaiian political system

Consider the early Hawaiian political system. True to expectations, it remained primarily tribal (low cultural scale with high dispersion). The leadership was autocratic or oligarchic, consisting of military chieftains or classes of ruling nobles. Most often, chaos ruled among widely separated island communities and only weak alliances ever formed. The economic system remained essentially manorial.887 Today, by virtue of modern communication and transportion technology (decreased dispersion), the Hawaiian islands are part of the United States — a national, republican, federal, corporate/welfare, egalitarian political system. Our speculations check against the facts.

In 1955, just a few years after independence
from the Dutch empire was granted, no less than
170 political parties competed in the national
elections and representatives from 26 were
elected to office in the parliamentary legislature.
There is no record of any unified government
holding sway over the entire Samoan "nation"
(e.g., chaos reigns at this level)
Indonesia and the Philippines

Indonesia is another illustrative island chain society. Prior to colonization the Indonesian group was ruled by an absolute monarch, symbol of the highest status in the local religious pantheon. The basic cultural unit was tribal, the central government decentralized and loosely administered, and the economic system manorial. Today, the culture remains fractured. In 1955, just a few years after independence from the Dutch empire was granted, no less than 170 political parties competed in the national elections and representatives from 26 of these were elected to office in the parliamentary legislature. This so weakened the cabinet that Sukarno was forced to assume dictatorship in 1957 to restore order.1866 The history of the Philippines is remarkably similar.2989

The Tongan islands

The Tongan islands too were originally ruled by a military dictator theocrat who presided over a confederation of island-states. The economic system was manorial, involving "lords" and fiefdoms bearing a striking resemblance to medieval European feudalism.886 The Samoans, who occupy 14 volcanic islands in the southern mid-Pacific, have a basically tribal society. Individual tribes are organized into districts, but these are notoriously unstable political units. There is no record of any unified government holding sway over the entire Samoan "nation" (e.g., chaos reigns at this level), although occasionally a sacred warrior-chief may assemble a short-lived decentralized autocratic alliance on the two largest islands of the chain.888 The record of Caribbean island groups is much the same.2623

The Eskimos lived in bands of less than
50 persons. They had no chiefs or
standing deliberative assemblies,
and there was "rule by none" among bands.
Laissez faire was most common and total
decentralization the rule, with controls on
social aggression based on informal
devices such as kinship systems.
The dominant attitude was highly libertarian:
Suicide and revenge were considered
socially acceptable.
Other Earthly analogues

There are several other Earthly analogues to high-dispersion interstellar communities.831 For example, desert societies, clustering around water holes and infrequent oases, exemplify an insular existence upon a sea of sand. Desert people tend to be extremely nomadic, organized into families or small tribes. Alliances are rare; when they do occur, they take the form of staunchly egalitarian oligarchies or autocracies of convenience. Piracy and laissez faire with open barter are the most common economic forms.2620

The Eskimos

The Eskimos, who inhabit the arctic deserts of the north, lived in bands of less than 50 persons. They had no chiefs or standing deliberative assemblies, and there was "rule by none" among bands. Laissez faire was most common and total decentralization the rule, with controls on social aggression based on informal devices such as kinship systems. The dominant attitude was highly libertarian: Suicide and revenge were considered socially acceptable.1745

Our xenopolitical speculations with regard to dispersion appear to be reasonably accurate. To summarize, a decrease in the dispersion of social units (whether by decreasing physical distance or by technologically increasing the velocity of transportation or communication) should permit extraterrestrial governments to evolve in the following directions: Bigger cultural scale, leadership by larger segments of the population, more organizational centralization, greater control of the economy, increasingly symbolic valuta, and more totalitarian methods of governance.

21.2.3 Size
By way of summary, an increase in size of a political
system should cause an increase in cultural scale,
more oligarchic modes of leadership, decreasing
organizational centralization, a trend towards a
laissez faire economy and a symbolic exchange system,
and a more libertarian form of governance.
According to Mosca’s Rule: The larger the political
community the smaller will be the proportion of
the governing minority to the governed majority.
Or, framed in another way, The relative size of a
ruling elite is a decreasing function of the size
of the system it governs.
Michels’ Iron Law of Oligarchy
According to Michels, growing political systems
invariably tend toward more oligarchic forms
of government.

The size of a governmental system is defined as the number of relevant sociopolitical units that comprise it. This is essentially a measure of population in any organization. Note that size does not refer to physical or geographical distribution (which is closer to the concept of "dispersion" discussed in the previous section).

7! in Plato's Laws

What is the effect of size on extraterrestrial government? Size has been recognized as a critical factor since ancient times — the State described in Plato’s Laws was always to have 5040 citizens (7 factorial), a population which the Greek philosopher supposed to be the maximum number of people that any one person could ever know on an individual basis. This suggestion, while of questionable validity, embodies a basic truth: As the population of sociopolitical units increases arithmetically, the number of possible interactions between them necessarily increases exponentially. Communication and control thus become more difficult with increasing size.1867

Mosca’s Rule

If size increases and unit dispersion is held constant, cultural scale tends to rise because more energy and additional living space are required to support a larger population. Perhaps more important is the effect of size on leadership. Organizational theorists long have recognized that increasing the number of interactive units normally causes the fraction of rulers to decrease.851 According to Mosca’s Rule: "The larger the political community the smaller will be the proportion of the governing minority to the governed majority."2960 Or, framed in another way by Bruce H. Mayhew of Temple University in Pennsylvania: "The relative size of a ruling elite is a decreasing function of the size of the system it governs."851 Formal research studies in recent times have confirmed that the fraction of supervisory personnel decreases as organizational population rises.835

Michels’ Iron Law of Oligarchy

The effects of size have not gone unnoticed by political scientists. Perhaps the best-known of the published formulations is Roberto Michels’ Iron Law of Oligarchy.828 According to Michels, growing political systems invariably tend toward more oligarchic forms of government. He cites a variety of reasons for this observed phenomenon.

  • First, the sheer number of organizational members rules out direct participation by everyone in the political decision making process. (In smaller aggregations all individuals may be politically involved; in larger systems, many cannot.)
  • Second, larger organizations are more complex because there are so many more interactions possible between units. The division of labor increases and individual roles become more specialized, so problems become more and more incomprehensible to all but specialists — and "expert" power emerges.
  • Third, since information and control can be better wielded at the top by a few rather than by many, the position of leadership becomes more impregnable and elitist.
  • Finally, leaders acquire over time a working knowledge of the organization and the particular ways it works. Merely by exercising his leadership functions a top official eventually makes himself almost irreplaceable to the organization.
More leaders means more possible
interactions among them, which
implies more chance for conflict
and a greater likelihood that
leadership units will be working
to cross-purposes.
As the number of units increases,
interactions rise exponentially and
methodical, deterministic economic
planning becomes more difficult.
Size effect upon political centralization

Size also has a significant effect upon political centralization. Among relatively small populations, all modes from unitary to total decentralization ought to be possible. But as size increases, despite the shrinking percentage of the ruling elite, the absolute number of rulers continues to grow (though at a decreasing rate). More leaders means more possible interactions among them, which implies more chance for conflict and a greater likelihood that leadership units will be working to cross-purposes. Organizational unity will be strained and will tend to break down into less centralized forms. As size becomes huge, leadership most likely will fragment into smaller and smaller entities — first federation, then confederation, and finally all the way to total decentralization at maximum size.2885,827

Rising complexity and modes of exchange

All economies from communism to laissez faire probably are possible at low population levels. As the number of units increases, interactions rise exponentially and methodical, deterministic economic planning becomes more difficult.974 At some point, increasing size produces a system so complex that it cannot adequately be planned because there are too many possibilities and too much data.829,2961 (The effects of data overload are well-known to systems theorists.3071) As population becomes vast, the market must be left to tend to itself. Laissez faire probably is the only realistic option in such circumstances.2885 Rising complexity also sets limits on mode of exchange. Silent barter is fine among small populations which exchange relatively few goods. But some uniform system of symbolic valuation or reciprocal obligation will probably be necessary when astronomical quantities of commodities change hands among vast populations of sociopolitical units.

The more complex the society,
the more likely it is to be egalitarian.
On the other hand, as systems become
smaller in size it becomes easier to impose
authoritarian or totalitarian governments.
Size and political systems

And assuming unit dispersion is held constant, libertarianism is more likely in political systems of enormous size. This is due to the relative difficulties of control, dissemination of ideology, and communication in very large organizations, all else being equal. The result is somewhat analogous to the effects of increasing unit dispersion — increasing size while maintaining constant dispersion among units (constant population density) is equivalent to increasing systemic dispersion, which, much like increasing unit dispersion, should favor libertarianism. This seems true even among nonhuman animal communities on Earth. According to sociobiologist E.O. Wilson, "the more complex the society, the more likely it is to be egalitarian."565 On the other hand, as systems become smaller in size it becomes easier to impose authoritarian or totalitarian governments.

By way of summary, an increase in size of a political system should cause an increase in cultural scale, more oligarchic modes of leadership,2978 decreasing organizational centralization, a trend towards a laissez faire economy and a symbolic exchange system, and a more libertarian form of governance.

21.2.4 Heritage

In summary, we find that a decrease in
commonality of biological, ecological, cultural
or historical heritage among social units in
a political organization should cause:

■ A decrease in cultural scale
■ A tendency to autocratic or oligarchic
    modes of leadership
■ Systemic decentralization
■ Decontrol of the economy
■ A return to simpler and less-symbolic
    exchange systems
■ Increasing prevalence of libertarian ideals.

The fourth most important factor influencing the character of alien governments is heritage. Heritage is a measure of the biological, ecological, cultural, and historical commonality to be found among social units comprising a political organization. Common heritage generally promotes cohesion; diverse heritage tends to destroy it.3071

Biological heritage

Biology is the most fundamental heritage shared by groups of life-forms.

  • Political systems comprised of sentient beings of a single species may be expected to stick together more than aggregations of foreigners.
  • Monospecies cultures should be more cohesive than polyspecies cultures.
  • Political union between races of wholly different biochemical or thermal regimes, or between natural and synthetic lifeforms, seems less likely because of the probable lack of any sensible common heritage.
Adaptations of space travelers

Science fiction writers repeatedly have pointed out that we may not be able to understand our own descendants who travel out into space and colonize other worlds.2362,2204

  • Adaptations to higher or lower surface pressures and alien gravity fields will cause changes in human skeletal design, musculature, and blood content.
  • Trace elements in alien soils and plants may affect our colonists’ biochemistry and alter psychological response in many subtle ways.
  • In just a few thousand years, human space travelers could evolve into a new genetic race altogether.2885
It appears that heritage and dispersion
are inversely equivalent influences.
The more widely scattered the social
units, the more diverse will be their
historical and cultural experience and
the less common heritage they will share.
Climate and commonality of heritage

Among planet-evolving lifeforms:

  • Climatic homogeneity and the presence of large ecologically uniform continental land masses or ocean bodies should encourage commonality of culture and history.
  • Climatic heterogeneity and the existence, say, of broken island chains or an ecologically diverse network of small seas connected by rivers, should lead instead to diversity of culture.2619
  • Island communities on Earth, as in the Caribbean, the Pacific, and Indonesia illustrate quite well the extreme factionalism and ethnicity that can emerge from a splintered or diverse environment.
  • And it appears that heritage and dispersion are inversely equivalent influences. The more widely scattered the social units, the more diverse will be their historical and cultural experience and the less common heritage they will share.
Heritage factor of ET governments

How does the heritage factor apply to extraterrestrial governments?

Political systems involving units with a high
degree of commonality theoretically should
be able to create governments of any
cultural scale from planetary to universal.
As heritage becomes more diverse and
cohesion begins to dissipate, smaller
and smaller governance systems are probably
all that reasonably can be held together.
A system with total diversity may be
expected to be maximally fragmented
in smaller cultural groups.
  • Political systems involving units with a high degree of commonality theoretically should be able to create governments of any cultural scale from planetary to universal.
  • As heritage becomes more diverse and cohesion begins to dissipate, smaller and smaller governance systems are probably all that reasonably can be held together.
  • A system with total diversity may be expected to be maximally fragmented in smaller cultural groups.
  • Among homogeneous societies, all forms of leadership from autocracy to pantisocracy should be possible.
  • Introduction of heterogeneity reduces the number of options.
  • Government by common consent (rule by most or all) is likely only when there exists reasonably strong cultural cohesion.
  • With more diverse heritage, the necessary cohesion may be lacking and a shift to more oligarchic and autocratic modes of rule is expected.
  • Similarly, unitary government appears virtually impossible in the face of extreme sociocultural diversity.
  • Political systems with no common heritage — maximum diversity — most probably will remain decentralized.
Heritage's effect on economic systems

What about the economic system of an alien polity?

  • Any form is possible when mutual heritage is great.
  • But as biological or cultural heterogeneity increase, the abilities and needs of the subject population vary greatly.
  • Cooperation becomes more difficult, cohesion weakens, and controlled economies such as communism and socialism become more difficult to manage.
  • In the extreme case of maximum diversity, communism is virtually impossible — it is likely that only loose-knit impersonal economic systems such as laissez faire will be viable.
  • Also, as commonality decreases, symbolic exchange systems may become increasingly difficult to use. Agreement upon the meaning and value of symbolic valuta may be harder to achieve, leading to the emergence of simpler systems such as silent barter or gift exchange.
On the heritage factor alone, low or
moderate diversity should allow everything
from libertarianism to totalitarianism to exist.
High diversity implies that a more libertarian
ethic should prevail.
Heritage and sociopolitical freedom
  • On the heritage factor alone, low or moderate diversity should allow everything from libertarianism to totalitarianism to exist.
  • But extreme heterogeneity of biology or culture will make it more difficult for a ruling class to impose stringent values of allegiance and purpose upon subject populations.
  • High diversity implies that a more libertarian ethic should prevail.

In summary, we find that a decrease in commonality of biological, ecological, cultural or historical heritage among social units in a political organization should cause a decrease in cultural scale, a tendency to autocratic or oligarchic modes of leadership, systemic decentralization, decontrol of the economy, a return to simpler and less-symbolic exchange systems, and an increasing prevalence of libertarian ideals.

21.2.5 Xenopolitics: Tentative Conclusions

Table 21.2 High-Probability Extraterrestrial Governance Systems

There may exist
synergistic effects of
which we are unaware.

It must be reemphasized that all of the conclusions reached in this section regarding extraterrestrial systems of governance are speculative and theoretical.

  • No alien polities have yet been discovered or observed, and human political scientists cannot agree as to the pertinent dimensions of government.
  • There is no consensus on which factors are most important or exactly how they affect social organization.
  • Significant factors may have been omitted from the above analysis, and there is no guarantee that factors and dimensions are absolutely additive as we have assumed — there may exist synergistic effects of which we are unaware.
Table 21.2 

It is in this spirit of tentativeness and uncertainty that the two tables comprising Table 21.2 are offered. These represent a cautious compilation of our xenopolitical analysis up to this point.

  • Table 21.2 Part A permits the reader to select various factors, and then to read off which form of governance has the highest probability given those factors.
  • Table 21.2 Part B is just the first table turned inside out: The desired governmental form may be selected, and the conditions most likely to give rise to such a system may then be read off by the reader.
Weighting probabilities

In making a determination using these tools, the various measures frequently conflict. When this occurs, more weight should be given those probabilities associated with the more important factors. In the formulation presented here:

  • Sentience is considered most significant
  • Followed, in order, by dispersion, size, and finally heritage
High dispersion, vast size, common heritage

Suppose we want to know what kind of government a race of genetic sentients is most likely to have, given that their transportation and communication technology is fairly primitive (high dispersion), huge populations are involved (vast size), and all organisms share a common heritage. We go to the topmost table of Table 21.2. On the dimension of cultural scale, we find the following.

  • Sentience factor: All scales
  • Dispersion factor: Type I or II only
  • Size factor: Type III or IV only
  • Heritage factor: All scales

Since two of the factors conflict, we weight the more important one more heavily and conclude that a Type II stellar culture is the most probable result

The two tables comprising Table 21.2 represent a cautious
compilation of our xenopolitical analysis up to this point
Table 21.2 Part A permits the reader to select various factors
■ And then to read off which form of governance has the
    highestprobability given those factors.
Table 21.2 Part B is just the first table turned inside out:
■ The desired governmental form may be selected
■ And the conditions most likely to give rise to such a system
    may then be read off by the reader.

Similarly, for the other dimensions of governance we conclude:

  • Chaotic leadership
  • Total organizational centralization
  • Total organizational centralization
  • Little or no reciprocity
  • Very little sociopolitical freedom, most probably authoritarian
Galactic democratic libertarian corporate empire

Conversely, let’s assume we’re trying to find a galactic democratic libertarian corporate empire. From the bottom table of Table 21.2, such a government is most probable among extraterrestrial creatures:

  • With minds roughly resembling our own (brain sentients)
  • Having either hyperoptic transportation or communication or both (low to moderate dispersion)
  • Involving a large population with common or similar heritage
21.3 Extraterrestrial Organizational Cybernetics
Extraterrestrial Organizational Cybernetics
gordon dickson 360

Cybernetics is the scientific study of control and communications systems. Since information is the lifeblood of any organization, the cybernetic analysis of alien governments involves handling flows of data and the management of entropy.822,1030,3071

Xenologists are primarily concerned with the problems of:

  • System complexity
  • System structure
  • Functional system stability

in extraterrestrial political organizations.

21.3.1 System Complexity
System Complexity

Table 21.3 Theoretical Maximum Information Processing Rates

at the Minimum Universal Equilibrium Temperature (3 K)

for Extraterrestrial Civilizations in Various Stages of Their Development

table 21 3 450px
ET living systems
may be subject to the
same general systemic
laws of structure and
function as all living
systems on Earth.

Complexity must be regarded as one of the most fundamental cybernetic parameters of a system. The more parts a system has, and the more interactions which occur among them, the more complicated it is.2991 A number of writers have attempted to argue against the possibility of large galactic governments on the ground that the immense number of sociopolitical units would give rise to unmanageably complex information systems.63 One illustration of this effect is called the Galactic Democratic Federation Model, which goes as follows.

Galactic Democratic Federation Model
  • Imagine a government responsible for 1000 member worlds,1474,1059 each with 10 billions citizens.
  • The Federation operates under a Constitutional representative democracy much like the United States.
  • In the Galactic Congress, as in the U.S., each Representative speaks for about 500,000 Citizens.
  • Even with such marginally effective representation (how can one really speak for half a million?), the population of Congress rises to 20,000,000 individuals (as compared to the present 535 members of the U.S. Congress).
  • Assuming at least 100 research and support staff for each Congress creature in the Federation, the population of the Capitol Planet rises to 2 billion. (One wonders what kind of global subgovernment would be needed at the Capitol to restrain such a large number of aggressive, devious politician-lawyers.)
  • The problem of complexity is further exacerbated if more member worlds are added to the Federation, if galactic high technology and artificial habitat construction techniques permit several orders of magnitude greater population per star system to exist, or if a better representation ratio is demanded by the citizenry (the U.S. Constitution provides one Congressman for each 30,000 persons)
Galactic Encyclopedia

Another favored illustration of the problem of complexity in the universe is the Galactic Encyclopedia, variants of which include the Cosmic Telephone Directory55 and the Galactic Planetary Survey.63 The Encyclopedia is intended to serve two purposes:

The Encyclopedia is intended for two purposes:
■ First, to assemble all current information
   accumulated by all sentient races
   comprising the galactic civilization.
■ Second, to record new data as it becomes
   available and to update the Encyclopedia
   on a continuous basis.
  • First, to assemble all current information accumulated by all sentient races comprising the galactic civilization.
  • Second, to record new data as it becomes available and to update the Encyclopedia on a continuous basis.
  • Most writers attempt to demonstrate the "numbing complexity" of the project, thereby "proving" that the Galaxy can never be surveyed, recorded, governed, or understood.
Galactic Confederation

Consider a Galactic Confederation with a billion (109) member worlds. How much complexity does this represent?

  • Present human planetary civilization generates perhaps 1013 bits of useful new data each year.3521
  • It has been estimated that humanity may be specified by a data set on the order of 1015 bits total.
  • A billion planetary cultures with an average of 1015 bits/world means that the Galactic Encyclopedia starts off with an impressive 1024 bits in the first edition.
  • This is enough information to fill ten billion Libraries of Congress.
Annual update

As for the annual update:

  • Each person alive today on Earth adds, on average, only about 2500 bits/year to the sum total of human knowledge and culture.
  • Let us generously assume that future high technology will allow the negentropic output of each individual to rise nearly five orders of magnitude, up to 108 bits/year.
  • If each member star system has an average population of 100 billion people, then the annual addition to the Encyclopedia should be 1028 bits/year.
  • Over the course of an eon of galactic history, the total accumulation will amount to 1037 bits of information. Impressive?
Minimum energy required to process information

Not really. If we calculate the minimum energy theoretically required to process this information it is astonishingly small.

  • According to the late Princeton mathematician von Neumann1726 and others,3073 the basic thermodynamic requirement for information processing is a mere 9.56 × 10-24 joules/bit-K.
  • Hence, at the minimum universal equilibrium temperature of 3 K, the first edition theoretically may be assembled for as little as 30 joules of energy.

Each annual supplement requires
an additional 300,000 joules,
the approximate caloric content
of 4 lumps of sugar.

  • Each annual supplement requires an additional 300,000 joules, the approximate caloric content of 4 lumps of sugar.
  • Even after one eon of progress, the Billionth Edition of the Galactic Encyclopedia (1037 bits) could be copied for only 3 × 1014 joules, or about 0.3 second of the power output of a mature Type I planetary civilization.
  • (Table 21.3 gives the maximum theoretical information handling capabilities for cultures at each of the four major levels, assuming the information is processed at a system-wide average temperature of 3 K — at lower temperatures more data can be processed, but energy costs may rise.)

This does not seem unduly expensive or unreasonable.*

Quantum mechanical theoretical minimum

* On the basis of quantum mechanical considerations, H.J. Bremermann has estimated the theoretical minimum amount of energy that can serve as an informational marker.3072

  • No organized mass-energy system, he claims, can process information faster than 2 × 1050 bits per second per kilogram of mass.
  • In theory, a 1 microgram device totally dedicated to information processing with perfect efficiency could accept the Billionth Edition of the Galactic Encyclopedia in only 50 microseconds.
  • A mass of 2 × 1019 kg could process the entire nominal peak data output of a Type IV universal civilization. Apparently a single "Library World" easily could serve as information repository for an entire galactic or universal civilization.
Evolutionary dynamics of large, complex systems

Still, the idea that energy and mass requirements for large-scale information handling appear almost negligible should not blind us to the fact that tremendously advanced computational, cybernetic, and sociopolitical technologies will be required even to approach the grand theoretical limits suggested by von Neumann’s work. Problems of structure and interrelatedness are central.

According to the Second Law of Thermodynamics, entropy
tends to increase — in fact, can never decrease — in any
system that is energetically isolated or "closed."
Such systems, whether of life, intelligence, or of society,
cannot accumulate information and complexity without
drawing energy from the external environment.
Negentropic processes can only occur in "open" systems.

For several decades cybernetic theorists and organization analysts have tried to study and understand the general characteristics and evolutionary dynamics of large, complex systems. Often they begin with the basic notion of entropy. According to the Second Law of Thermodynamics, entropy tends to increase — in fact, can never decrease — in any system that is energetically isolated or "closed." Such systems, whether of life, intelligence, or of society, cannot accumulate information and complexity without drawing energy from the external environment. Negentropic processes can only occur in "open" systems.

On the basis of "social entropy" considerations, it is expected that organizations which are virtually closed to all outside contact tend to increase in systemic entropy.1030

  • Disorder and randomness spread, causing decentralization and generalization of political functions.

Conversely, organizations which remain open to outside contact should experience a decrease in systemic entropy, the result of progressive negentropic processes.

  • Organization should become more centralized, jobs more specialized, and patterns of internal structure more complex.3071
Square-Cube Law on size and growth of large sociopolitical systems

The Square-Cube Law has also been found to affect the size and growth of large sociopolitical systems. Many years ago it was noticed that the components of an organization concerned with its external relations tend to be proportional to the two-thirds power of the number of components having to do with internal relations.824 This is often hailed as demonstrating that organizations are growth-limited by the sheer difficulty in getting communications from the "surface" of the system (where it contacts the environment) to the decision makers scattered throughout the corpus of the organizational body. Since the surface of a body increases with the two-thirds power of its volume, the analogy is certainly compelling.

It appears that the Square-Cube law acts
on social systems in much the same way it
does on biological ones.

■ In a living system doubling the linear
    dimension of an organism quadruples
    surface areas and octuples volumes.

As a system grows larger, it becomes
impossible for it to retain the original
communication and control structure intact.

■ More information regarding efficient
    survival must be added to the structure
    to enable the organization to maintain
    healthy functioning.
So as organizations grow larger and
maintain proper open contact with the
environment, both internal structure
and leadership tend to centralize.
It is Michels’ Iron Law of Oligarchy
all over again.
Principle of increasingly unfavorable internal structure

It appears that the Square-Cube law acts on social systems in much the same way it does on biological ones. In a living system, doubling the linear dimension of an organism quadruples surface areas and octuples volumes. Since lung, alimentary, brain and other tissues must service eight fold-increased volumes, but matter and information inputs will only be passing through fourfold-increased surfaces, organ surfaces in larger animals must become at least twice as convoluted just to break even. Similarly, Dr. Kenneth Boulding, Director of the Institute of Behavioral Science at the University of Colorado, has proposed that there exists for all organizations a "principle of increasingly unfavorable internal structure." As a system grows larger, it becomes impossible for it to retain the original communication and control structure intact. More information regarding efficient survival must be added to the structure to enable the organization to maintain healthy functioning. Says Dr. Boulding:

As an organization increases in size beyond a certain point, it becomes more and more difficult to maintain an adequate system of communication between those people who are directly in contact with the environment of the organization and those who are in major executive positions. If the information system is in adequate, information which is essential for the survival of the organization does not get transmitted to those who are mainly responsible for its policies. Increasing size is possible only at the cost of increasing complexity of structure.829

So as organizations grow larger and maintain proper open contact with the environment, both internal structure and leadership tend to centralize. It is Michels’ Iron Law of Oligarchy all over again. In comparison to these centralized, autocratic-oligarchic systems, notes Boulding:

Acephalous, nonhierarchical organizations, like a democratic family or a commune, or even a producers’ cooperative, have even sharper limits on scale, simply because the number of people who have to talk to each other increases much faster than the number of people in the organization. Groups employing participatory democracy have the same tendency for fission as does the amoeba, for very much the same reason.824

Communication's role in organizational evolution
As institutions, communities, and societies
expand, substantially greater proportions
of their personnel are devoted
to communicative functions.
It may therefore be inferred that the
major role of holding large social systems
together rests with those whose primary
function is facilitating communication.

As systems grow larger they tend to become more specialized.3071 The division of labor in society, as in multicellular lifeforms, is a cybernetic "trick" that enables an organization to assimilate larger amounts of information and become more complex. Research in the field of organizational evolution indicates that the number of occupational positions increases roughly as the logarithm of system size.835,839 Large size also affects the exact mixture of specializations chosen to solve the problems of scale. According to social cyberneticist John D. Kasarda at the University of Chicago Center for Urban Studies, the most prominent organizational changes occur in the field of communication: As institutions, communities, and societies expand, substantially greater proportions of their personnel are devoted to communicative functions. It may therefore be inferred that the major role of holding large social systems together rests with those whose primary function is facilitating communication.852 Xenologists are interested in research into the problems associated with large complex organizations because of the insight gained into the difficulties of designing galactic governments and other intricate interstellar regulatory or communications systems. According to recent systems analysis work completed by Duane S. Elgin of the Center for the Study of Social Policy at SRI Inc., and Robert A. Bushnell, former General Counsel for the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, any social system that grows to extreme levels of scale, complexity and interdependence soon displays the following characteristics:

Characteristics of extreme levels of scale, complexity and interdependence
  1. The relative ability of any individual to comprehend the system will tend to diminish.
  2. The capacity and motivation of the public to participate in decision making processes will tend to diminish.
  3. The public’s access to decision makers will tend to decline.
  4. Participation of experts in decision making will tend to grow disproportionately, but this expertise will only marginally counteract the effects of geometrically mounting knowledge requirements for effective management of the bureaucracy.
  5. The costs of coordinating and controlling the system will tend to grow disproportionately.
  6. An attempt may be made to improve efficiency by depersonalizing the system.
  7. The level of alienation will tend to increase.
  8. The appropriateness of basic value premises underlying the social system will tend to be increasingly challenged.
  9. The number and significance of unexpected consequences of policy actions will increase.
  10. The system will tend to become more rigid since the form that it assumes inhibits the emergence of new forms.
  11. The number and intensity of perturbations to the system will tend to increase disproportionately.
  12. The diversity of innovation will tend to decline.
  13. The legitimacy (popular consent) of leadership will tend to decline.
  14. The vulnerability of the system to disruption will tend to increase.
  15. The performance of the bureaucracy will tend to decline.
  16. The full extent of declining performance of the system is not likely to be perceived by the participants in that system.2963
Social and political systems, like living
organisms, have a tendency to maintain
growth for as long as possible.
Bureaucratic evolution

Social and political systems, like living organisms, have a tendency to maintain growth for as long as possible. Duane Elgin and his coworkers have devised a simple theory of bureaucratic evolution which is summarized on the following page. The model bears a striking resemblance to many of the "rise and fall" and cyclical evolutionary theories of civilization published by political scientists over the past century.* (For instance, C. Northcote Parkinson has assembled historical evidence to suggest that the evolution of leadership in sociopolitical systems may be cyclical, as follows: Dictatorship, to aristocracy, to republic, to democracy, then back to dictatorship.2600)

Very broadly, then, xenologists draw the following general and highly tentative conclusions from modern systems theory: that extraterrestrial governments will tend to increase in size; that these organizations will become more concerned with internal communications as they grow; that they will tend to become more centralized and specialized with increasing scale, so long as they do not become isolated systems; that xenopolitical organizations may follow a regular course of birth, growth, decay, and death, except when new and successful techniques are developed which permit additional structural complexity to be acquired while efficiency is maintained; and, finally, that extraterrestrial living systems may be subject to the same general systemic laws of structure and function as all living systems on Earth.3071

Cyclical evolutionary theories of civilization

* See especially:

  • Appelbaum,275 Boulding,30 Darwin,706 Fried,1893 Harris,2896 Hoyle,2998 Kroeber,280 Marina,2587 Marx and Engels,3242 Naroll,1888 Newcomb,1889 Otterbein,1887 Parkinson,2600 Quigley,35 Sorokin,31 Spencer,1895 Spengler,2999 Stapledon,1946 Sumner,1883 Toynbee,3000 Vayda,1890 Wescott,264 Wesson,823 White,36 and Wilson.565,3198

For more substantive or more mathematical treatments of sociopolitical evolution akin to Anderson’s "psychodynamicians,"2997 Asimov’s "psychohistory,"2944 and Simak’s "behavioral symbolism,"1059 the interested reader is referred to:

  • Berelson and Steiner,3075 Bowden,265 Calhoun,1031 Carneiro,3231 Cole et al,2983 Forrester,2981,3185 Gray,2985 Harary,2 Hilgartner Randolph,1739-1741 Lem,29 LeVine,1881 Lomax and Berkowitz,3232 Markarian,1794 Mayer and Arney,2984 Meadows et al,2982 J. Miller,3071 R. Miller,2986 Ricci,893 Richardson,1769 Thompson,2987 Wesley,1717 White,3025 Wright,585
  • and the Journal of Mathematical Sociology, which commenced publication in 1971.
21.3.2 System Structure
System Structure
Large complex systems tend to decline in
performance after they reach a certain size.
Eventually they enter a stage of "systems crisis,"
which may lead to very different results:
■ On the one hand, the systems may move
    toward total collapse;
■ On the other, the systems may be transformed.
Note that the "social product" of a bureaucracy
may be defined as the improvement in well-being
of the clients of a system produced by the
operation of that system. The social product
might be health care, education, or some
other public service.

The larger an extraterrestrial organization, the more information it must subsume within its structure in order to survive.3071 Structures which contain more information characteristically are more complex, more differentiated and specialized. (See Child,839 Melcher,1867 and Presthus.825) Fascinating theoretical work in general systems structure conducted by Ross E. McMurtrie at Princeton University has demonstrated the need for hierarchical structures in organizations. McMurtrie found that in large, randomly connected systems increases in size or connectedness between components (complexity) have a generally destabilizing effect on organizational performance. The introduction of even a crude hierarchical structure has an enormous stabilizing effect on system behavior.1735 The virtual inevitability of hierarchy is part of modern systems theory. (See Boulding,829 Laszlo,2992 and Simon,826 but compare Thayer.1868)

Systems crisis

Large complex systems tend to decline in performance after they reach a certain size. Eventually they enter a stage of "systems crisis," which may lead to very different results: On the one hand, the systems may move toward total collapse; on the other, the systems may be transformed. The far right column in Figure 21.1 (see next page) suggests the shift in the character of a system if it is to successfully resolve the problems of Stage IV. Note that the "social product" of a bureaucracy may be defined as the improvement in well-being of the clients of a system produced by the operation of that system. The social product might be health care, education, or some other public service.

Hypothetical bureaucracy — stages of growth

Figure 21.1 Problems of Large Systems Arrayed

by Stages of Growth of Bureaucracies2963

21.1 insert 440 px
figure 21 1 440px

Duane Elgin and his fellow researchers2963 developed a composite description of the behavior of a hypothetical bureaucracy as it proceeds through each of the four stages of growth, as illustrated in Figure 21.1 and the text below.

Stage 1: High Growth/Era of Faith
  • In the "springtime" of growth, the relative level of systems comprehension is high, and the scale, complexity, and interdependence of the bureaucracies are low.
  • There is a strong faith in the efficacy of shared values and goals.
  • There is a belief that these values are part of the natural order, and that basic to this system’s destiny is the natural unfolding (e.g., as if by an "invisible hand") of these values.
  • This is also a period of great vitality, innovation, and energy as economic and sociopolitical entrepreneurs are the agents of creative expression of this social order.
  • The social leaders have considerable legitimacy, and the high performance of the system speaks of unbounded potentials.
Stage II: Greatest Efficiency/Era of Reason
  • In the "summertime" of growth, the relative level of systems comprehension is moderate, and the scale, complexity, and interdependence of the bureaucracies have increased substantially relative to the earlier period.
  • The systems have become sufficiently complicated that their effective functioning is not simply a matter of faith but requires the efforts of a brain trust.
  • Creative, intellectual advisors’ bring rationality and order into the operations of the systems and become an integral aspect of leadership.
  • The level of alienation increases, but this seemingly reflects a consequence of higher geographic and occupational mobility.
  • Rather than a pathological condition, this era seems healthy in comparison to the parochialism of the preceding era.
  • The level of systems performance is still increasing, but the bursts of vitality of Stage 1 have been replaced by a more methodical planning and implementation process.
  • The costs of coordination and control are beginning to mount but can be kept within tolerable limits by the judicious use of rules and regulations to rationalize, standardize, and simplify operations.
Stage III: Severe Diseconomies/Era of Skepticis
  • In the "autumn" of growth, the relative level of systems comprehension is low and dropping rapidly as large, barely comprehensible bureaucracies have grown into largely incomprehensible supersystems.
  • As leaders disavow their responsibility for error and maximize the visibility of their own increasingly modest achievements, the system’s constituency be comes increasingly disillusioned, apathetic, and cynical.
  • Both faith in the basic soundness of the system and trust in rationality to solve the mounting problems are virtually exhausted.
  • Leaders are more tolerated than given active support and legitimacy — there seems little alternative than to cynically acquiesce to those leaders who say that they alone have adequate information to truly understand what is happening.
  • Yet, the declining levels of systems performance, the crisis atmosphere that pervades the management of the system, the growing numbers of disturbing events and the loss of allegiance to basic values create a situation in which consensus falls to very low levels.
  • Decision-makers are increasingly unable to cope with complex problems that demand superhuman abilities.
  • Costs and problems of coordination and control are mounting rapidly, and the benefit to the constituency seems to be declining with equal rapidity; consequently people are less willing to support the actions of the bureaucracy.
  • The bureaucracy is becoming increasingly rigid, distant, and dysfunctional and yet insists that its constituency conform to its increasingly rationalized and standardized procedures when interacting with the system — thereby reinforcing the apparent inhumanity of the system and further reducing the system’s legitimacy.
  • Further, the rigidity of the system engenders a loss of resilience and, coupled with growing perturbations (many of which arise from the counter-intuitive and unexpected consequences of ill-considered policy actions), the system seems increasingly vulnerable to disruption.
Stage IV: Systems Crisis/Era of Despair, then...?
  • In the "winter" of growth, the relative level of systems comprehension is minimal.
  • The systems are on the verge of chaos and collapse.
  • There is a rapid turnover of leaders, prevailing ideology, and policy solutions — yet nothing seems to work.
  • Every attempt at creating order (short of a highly authoritarian structure) seems overwhelmed by growing levels of disorder.
  • The level of systems cohesion is very low which, in turn, exacerbates the problem of system’s leaders who govern virtually without support.
  • The rigidified bureaucracy is made somewhat more resilient by the rapid turnover of personnel and policy, but the vulnerability of the system is so high and mounting crises are of such seriousness that whatever additional resiliency has been added to the system is quickly depleted in a grinding downward spiral into bureaucratic confusion and chaos.
  • The situation becomes simply intolerable and untenable.
Four plausible outcomes of systems crisis

From this period of systems crisis, any one of four plausible outcomes may emerge:

  1. Succcessful muddling through the situation (although muddling through seems more characteristic of the processes which led to Stage IV crisis conditions);
  2. A descent into chaos as the size, complexity, and interdependence of the system’s problems overwhelm decision-makers;
  3. An authoritarian response in an attempt to rationalize and simplify the coordination and control processes; or
  4. Transformation as the system evolves to a higher level of structure which is both more efficient and more simple.

Which of these four outcomes is most likely to occur is impossible to say without specifying the circumstances that surround a system in Stage IV crisis conditions.

Hierarchy and span of control
Hierarchy represents levels of increasing
managerial specialization. Each hierarchical
level is comprised of supervisors
of roughly equivalent responsibility.
Span of control, the number of subordinates
administered by each supervisor, represents
increasing managerial generalization.

Two problems — communications and control — must be addressed by any alien sociopolitical system. These may be analyzed in terms of the twin concepts of hierarchy and span of control. Hierarchy represents levels of increasing managerial specialization. Each hierarchical level is comprised of supervisors of roughly equivalent responsibility. Span of control, the number of subordinates administered by each supervisor, represents increasing managerial generalization. Studies of governmental and private organizations have shown that the number of hierarchical levels and the span of control tend to increase as the whole system expands.

Span and hierarchy are inversely correlated

But span and hierarchy are also known to be inversely correlated. That is, widening the span of control necessitates decreasing the number of levels of supervision, whereas increasing the number of hierarchical levels necessitates narrowing the span of control. As one writer puts it:

An organization is in many ways like a rubber ball. If you squeeze it in one place, it bulges somewhere else."827

Figure 21.2 Traditional Unitary Hierarchical Organization

figure 21 2 traditional unitary hierarchical organization
Most human terrestrial organizations have spans of
10 subordinates per supervisor or less.
Using this figure, a galactic empire controlling ten billion
planets having ten billion inhabitants each would require
at least 
21 hierarchical levels of supervision.
The performance of such a system may be far from
spectacular. It is well-known that human organizations
with more than 6-8 hierarchical levels tend to become
excessively bureaucratic.

The traditional organization with its narrow span of supervision and many levels is shaped like an elongated pyramid and customarily is referred to as a "tall" organization. With wider spans and fewer levels, the pyramid becomes wider at the base and shorter in height. This is called a "flat" organization. The drawings in Figure 21.2 are illustrative.

 Hierarchy and span of control 

Click for Synopsis   

The twin concepts of hierarchy and span of control

  • Hierarchy represents levels of increasing managerial specialization
  • Each hierarchical level is comprised of supervisors of roughly equivalent responsibility
  • Span of control, the number of subordinates administered by each supervisor
  • Represents increasing managerial generalization

Studies of governmental and private organizations have shown that the number of hierarchical
levels and the span of control tend to increase as the whole system expands.


But span and hierarchy are also known to be inversely correlated

That is, widening the span of control

  • Necessitates decreasing the number of levels of supervision

Whereas increasing the number of hierarchical levels

  • Necessitates narrowing the span of control

Tall organization

  • The traditional organization with its narrow span of supervision
  • And many levels is shaped like an elongated pyramid

Flat organization

  • With wider spans and fewer levels
  • The pyramid becomes wider at the base and shorter in height

It’s easy to understand the complementary nature of span and hierarchy
on the basis of general systems theory.


As systems become more ordered, they tend to become more specialized and centralized
— or taller.

The ultimate in centralization is the absolute vertical dominance hierarchy

  • In which span of control is unity and the number of levels equals the number of personnel
  • In this extreme case control of subordinates is maximized because each individual supervises
    only one subordinate and reports to only one boss.
  • Communication is minimized since each message must change hands a maximum number
    of times before reaching its intended recipient.
  • Therefore, tall organizational structures are associated with a policy emphasizing control.

Decentralized systems, on the other hand, tend to be more generalized.
The ultimate flat organization has only one hierarchical level and a span equal to the number
of personnel.

  • In this case we see that communication among subordinates is maximized because the length
    of the channels carrying messages is minimized (direct person-to-person in every exchange).
  • However, control is virtually nonexistent except insofar as personnel spontaneously decide
    to cooperate.
  • Therefore, short organizational structures are associated with a policy emphasizing
Span and Hierarchy: Complementary

It’s easy to understand the complementary nature of span and hierarchy on the basis of general systems theory. As systems become more ordered, they tend to become more specialized and centralized — or taller.

The ultimate in centralization, as shown in Figure 21.2 (far right edge of drawing), is the absolute vertical dominance hierarchy, in which span of control is unity and the number of levels equals the number of personnel. In this extreme case control of subordinates is maximized because each individual supervises only one subordinate and reports to only one boss. Communication is minimized since each message must change hands a maximum number of times before reaching its intended recipient. Therefore, tall organizational structures are associated with a policy emphasizing control.

Decentralized systems, on the other hand, tend to be more generalized. The ultimate flat organization, also shown in Figure 21.2, has only one hierarchical level and a span equal to the number of personnel. In this case we see that communication among subordinates is maximized because the length of the channels carrying messages is minimized (direct person-to-person in every exchange). However, control is virtually nonexistent except insofar as personnel spontaneously decide to cooperate. Therefore, short organizational structures are associated with a policy emphasizing communication.

Balance between flatness and tallness

According to Kenneth Boulding, extreme centralization fails to optimize performance because of the breakdown in the communications network. Poor communication weakens control.829 But excessive decentralization also fails to optimize because of the relative lack of coordination and uniformity of approach. Communication is inhibited because everyone is trying to talk at once. The trick seems to be to find some balance between flatness and tallness in each system and for each sociopolitical mission.3002,830

It is interesting to note that humans tend naturally to create rather tall organizations, perhaps due in part to their simian heritage as reflected by the tendency among primate troupes to segregate into vertical dominance chains. Sentient ETs derived from a carnivorous catlike species or a race of intelligent octopuses who valued individuality above all else might be predisposed to form flatter organizational structures.

Problems of management in a galactic empire

Xenologists recognize that the problems of management in a galactic empire may be serious indeed. Due to the extreme system size, the number of levels and broad spans required will be enormous. Most human terrestrial organizations have spans of 10 subordinates per supervisor or less. Using this figure, a galactic empire controlling ten billion planets having ten billion inhabitants each would require at least 21 hierarchical levels of supervision. The performance of such a system may be far from spectacular. It is well-known that human organizations with more than 6-8 hierarchical levels tend to become excessively bureaucratic. Communication upwards, in the words of one writer, becomes "an exercise analogous to swimming through progressively hardening concrete."2963

Possible Structure of Galactic Empire

Table 21.4 Possible Structure of Galactic Empire, Assuming Control

Span of 100 Subordinates and 11 Hierarchical Levels of Supervision

table 21 4 possible structure of galactic empire 400
By the very nature of the beast, the Emperor will have
absolutely no contact with non-interstellar personnel.
His relations with his knights would be not unlike
the relationship between the United States President
and the mayors and city managers of American cities.
To the Galactic Emperor the starkeepers, each
responsible for 100 worlds, will seem much as
U.S. citizens appear to their President.
Planetary governors will be viewed as "the rabble,"
a simple but perhaps surprising fact which may have
innumerable consequences in interstellar power politics.
Advanced biotechnology

Advanced biotechnology may give extraterrestrials a helping hand in this matter. The installation of individual biocybernetic implants and deep cultural databanks may make information processing somewhat easier for galactic managers. Or perhaps molecular electronic machine intellects must be constructed in order successfully to run a galaxy. If spans of 100 subordinates can be managed properly using some technological device, then the number of hierarchical levels can almost be halved — from 21 down to 11. The structure of an interstellar empire might then be as suggested by Table 21.4.

Interstellar power politics

By the very nature of the beast, the Emperor will have absolutely no contact with non-interstellar personnel. His relations with his knights would be not unlike the relationship between the United States President and the mayors and city managers of American cities. To the Galactic Emperor the starkeepers, each responsible for 100 worlds, will seem much as U.S. citizens appear to their President. Planetary governors will be viewed as "the rabble," a simple but perhaps surprising fact which may have innumerable consequences in the field of interstellar power politics.

Control loss theory

Xenologists are also interested in another branch of organizational cybernetics known as "control loss theory." This field has major implications in large extraterrestrial systems with respect to hierarchical structural design. Economist Oliver Williamson recently devised a simple mathematical model based on the standard hierarchy/span conception of sociopolitical organizations.2964 In this model, goals are generated at the top of the hierarchy and actions to implement them are executed at the bottom. In between there are a number of supervisory levels. At each level, bosses give orders to subordinates which they in turn received from above, and which are expected to be passed on down the chain of command. According to Williamson, at each level there is a small amount of loss of control, a tiny bit of "slippage" — orders are misinterpreted or diverted, personal power tactics take their toll, and part of the original intention of upper echelons is lost. Noise — entropy — creeps into the message.

Each level adds to the cumulative control loss, and the total loss ultimately emerges at the bottom as the proportion of production workers’ time that does not further organizational goals. We can get a rough idea of the efficacy of control in the hierarchical Empire outlined in Table 21.4. There are 11 levels of control, so orders change hands 10 times. If the interlevel control parameter is set at 95% — the optimistic end of the range suggested by Williamson — then the net control at the level of the citizenry is (0.95)10 or 60%. That is, the Emperor’s goals will only be about one-half effective. If the interlevel control parameter is set at 85%, the lower limit recommended by Williamson, then net control drops to a mere 20%. Only one-fifth of the Emperor’s plans and commands ever reach fruition at the level of the Imperial citizenry.

Different hierarchical structures

Figure 21.3 Dual Hierarchy of the Modified Galactic Empire

Dual hierarchies will always
achieve superior control
than unitary hierarchies,
all else being equal.
Multiple hierarchy

Peter B. Evans has used Williamson’s control loss model to compare the behavior of several different hierarchical structures.840 According to Evans, higher efficiencies can be achieved at low cost by switching to a "multiple hierarchy" — a system in which there is more than one channel of control and communication between upper and lower echelons. The simplest organization of this form is the dual hierarchy (Figure 21.3). Using control loss theory, Evans shows that dual hierarchies will always achieve superior control than unitary hierarchies, all else being equal.

So let us assume that the Galactic Emperor creates a complete second hierarchy of ministers, senators, and so forth on down to the centurion class. (Both classes of centurions watch over the same citizenry.) This plan requires the expansion of the Imperial Administration by only 1%, or the additional hiring of 0.01% of the general population of the Empire to new bureaucratic positions. Thus, costs are minimal.

How about benefits? Since the Emperor is a benevolent and capable leader, he orders his engineers to produce a hideously expensive but superior electronic implant and personally assumes supervision of the two independent cabinets, totaling 200 subordinates. What kind of control has he now? An interlevel control parameter of 95% gives a net organizational efficiency of 84%, an improvement of 40% over the unitary hierarchy. A parameter of 85% achieves a net efficiency of 35%, an improvement of more than 80%.

Superiority of dual hierarchies

The superiority of dual hierarchies is well-known in business and public administration. Line-and-staff dual systems have been used in large companies since the late 19th century.2970 The idea of dual hierarchies with parallel channels of access are familiar to students of bureaucratic structures in Communist societies2967,2968 and large multinational corporations in Western societies.2969,1746

Higher-order multiple hierarchies

Figure 21.4 Lattice Structure of a Small

Manufacturing Organization840

Consider the position of the
scheduler — he has more
interlinkages than the
president of the firm!
Powerful because of their
centrality to the network, or
oppressed because of the
multiple sources of control
directed at them?

Higher-order multiple hierarchies are not uncommon. One study of the Bureau of Employment Security showed that regional offices served not as end points for the tree-like branching of a unitary hierarchy, but rather as points of convergence for several parallel hierarchies.835 Industrial research, such as the description of the Milo fractionating plant in the late 1950s, demonstrated the existence of no less than six parallel channels of access from the central office to the plant in addition to the obvious chain of command running through the plant manager.2966 Apparently multiple channels enhance control while increasing the potential for conflict (e.g., who does the emperor believe when reports disagree, which chain of communication is more reliable, etc.?). But, notes Evans:

The disadvantage of this potential for conflict may be outweighed by the necessity of greater control in service organizations like the Bureau of Employment Security, where measures of output are more vague, or in cases like the Milo head office, where surveillance must be from a distance.810

Hierarchical lattice structure

In xenological terms, the benefits of multiple hierarchies will become most apparent when sociopolitical units are separated by interstellar distances or when extraterrestrial organizational goals are vague and unfocused. Still another governmental format which may be adopted by ETs is called "hierarchical lattice structure." Harrison C. White’s analysis of a small manufacturing firm (Figure 21.4) showed that this structure is far more complex than simple parallel hierarchies.2965 The system involves a complex lattice of hierarchical links which provides a startling multiplicity of communicative pathways to the top.

Lattice structures are difficult to analyze properly using present cybernetic theory. From the viewpoint of control loss models, the large number of alternative channels of information should serve to centralize power near the top and improve net systemic efficiency. But consider the position of the scheduler in the reproduction of White’s organizational diagram (Figure 21.4). This individual has more interlinkages than the president of the firm! Asks Evans:

Are positions at which channels intersect from both above and below — like the scheduler in White’s manufacturing organization-powerful because of their centrality to the network, or oppressed because of the multiple sources of control directed at them?840

Final word on the comparative benefits and costs of various structural forms that may be utilized by extraterrestrial governments awaits the development of a more sophisticated and complete theory of organizational cybernetics.3071,2975

21.3.3 System Stability
In view of its tremendous importance, political
scientists have made astonishing little progress
in the field of general systemic stability analysis.

Stability is an ambiguous term in political science. According to some theorists it may be static, dynamic, oscillating or adaptive.585 Others have defined political stability as the absence of such disruptive events as armed attacks and guerrilla warfare, assassinations, general strikes, major governmental crises, purges, riots and revolutions, demonstrations, and other forms of violence.842 Still others require a static structure of government or equate political stability with system maintenance.

In view of its tremendous importance, political scientists have made astonishing little progress in the field of general systemic stability analysis. One of the notable exceptions is a study recently completed by Ronald J. May at the University of Sydney in Australia. After analyzing a number of federated governments throughout world history, May concludes that most of them lack dynamic stability. Looking back on the historical record, he says:

Federal government has not proved to be a very stable form of political organization. Instability is inherent in the structure of federal decision making in a dynamic context. Although for a time a balance may be achieved between the forces of separatism and centralism, in most cases federal systems either succumb to separatist tendencies, in which case either they disintegrate or they are held together by the coercion of the weaker by the stronger units, or national integration proceeds, in which case the original federal form becomes increasingly irrelevant to the political actuality.850

Determinants of federation outcome

May suggests that the ultimate outcome is a function of a number of factors such as:

  • Initial differences between units
  • Original format of federation
  • Extent of interdependence among member sovereignties
  • Urgency of the need for unity, and so forth

Relative wealth and size of the component political units may exert a controlling influence, however.2971 According to May:

The evidence suggests that, in general, when large, rich units are ranged against small, poor units there is some chance of federation being preserved, but the likely outcome is centralization with large unit dominance; in the extreme case federalism may yield to a unitary state. When small rich units are ranged against large poor units, on the other hand, there is a strong tendency for the small units to secede.850

While there have been several other attempts by political theorists seriously to engage in systemic analysis (see Hurwitz,845 Merritt,975 Russett,843 and Wright585), few sufficiently generalized results have emerged that are directly applicable in xenology. Thus xenologists turn once again to cybernetics theory for guidance.831,1867

Feedback is a flow of information that has
a reciprocating and moderating influence
on organizational behavior.
Feedback loop

In the field of stability, perhaps one of the most useful ideas is the concept of feedback. Feedback is a flow of information that has a reciprocating and moderating influence on organizational behavior. Information generated by the system and presented as output is fed back in as input via a "feedback loop." The system thereby keeps an eye on itself and becomes better able to establish and maintain a state of homeostatic equilibrium.827 Sudden stimuli applied randomly to the system and wildly oscillating inputs are quickly "damped" out.

Without multiple control loops certain
disturbances introduced in one corner of a
galactic empire could propagate throughout
the system, reverberating in continuous
oscillations instead of settling down.
Soft failure modes

Theoretically a well-designed extraterrestrial governmental organization possessing no time delays in feedback should be capable of instantaneous response to disruptive influences and should exhibit perfect dynamic stability. However, time delays are inherent in all real physical systems, and this problem will be further exacerbated in the case of interstellar systems because of the comparatively large lag times in transportation and communication between the stars. And whenever delays exist in any system, any variation by one of the quantities moderated by the feedback loop may be perpetuated indefinitely.833 In other words, without multiple control loops certain disturbances introduced in one corner of a galactic empire could propagate throughout the system, reverberating in continuous oscillations instead of settling down. According to systems analysts, galactic governments should be designed to be "resilient" with "soft failure modes" (nonlethal), When unexpected events occur, a well-designed xenopolitical system will not collapse but rather will degrade gradually.

Figure 21.5 A Simple Systems Model of Interstellar Economics

   Positronic Brain demand
figure 21 5a simple systems model of interstellar economics 400

■ The demand for positronic brains on planet Outback is normally 100 units
    at the going price of $3 × 106 each, delivered F.O.B. from Capitol World.
■ The government at Capitol wishes to hold the price constant by
    controlling supply.
■ In the figure above, demand on Outback drops precipitously from
    100 units/year to 50 units/year, due to bad weather.
■ This causes the price to fall to $2 × 106.
■ By halving the number of shipments of positronic brains to Outback,
    the Capitol World government can force a return to the old price level.

   Outback Economics
figure 21 5b simple systems model of interstellar economics 400

Above is a block diagram of the proposed systems model of Outback economics.
■ P(t) is the price of positronic brains on Outback.
■ Q(t) is the quantity supplied to Outback by the Capitol World government.
■ C(t) is the consumer demand on Outback for positronic brains.

■ Messages travel at 100%c
■ Interstellar freighters travel at 25%c
Since Outback is 10 light-years from Capitol World
■ The communication delay dc is 10 years
■ The transportation delay dt is 40 years.

The system thus may be described mathematically as follows:

figure 21 5 formula 400
   Consumer Driving Function C(t)
figure 21 5c simple systems model of interstellar economics 400

■ In 2400 AD, Outback’s demand drops from 100 to 50 units in a single decade.
■ Demand remains at 50 units for the next century.

   Unit Price P(t)
figure 21 5d simple systems model of interstellar economics 400

When demand for positronic brains on Outback falls, so does price.

Capitol World government finds out 10 years later, by microwave communication.
■ Shipments are immediately cut in half, but since 40 years’ worth of
    cargo is already en route, the effects of the cutback are not
    felt on Outback until 2450 AD.
■ By 2400 AD, 60 years after the change in demand, price has returned
    to normal
Model of interstellar economics

Tim Quilici of Rockwell International has devised a very simple "systems" model of an interstellar economics system to illustrate the basic concept of feedback (Figure 21.5). Using a single loop mechanism, a socialistic alien government attempts to hold stable the price of some valuable trade commodity — say, "positronic brains" — by controlling supply. The "brains" are manufactured on the Capitol World, a center of industrial development and political control, and are shipped to Outback 10 light-years away. Communication is via microwave, but interstellar freighters can only make 25%c. Demand for "brains" (to control the agricultural and mining robots on Outback) has remained virtually constant for the last century at 100 units per year. Suddenly, in 2400 A.D., due to poor weather and a series of unusually violent seismic tremors, demand begins to fall. Over a decade it drops to 50 per year, at which point it levels off and holds steady. What happens to the price of "brains" that Capitol World is trying to control?

As we see from Figure 21.5, the decrease in demand on Outback causes an immediate price reduction there. Suddenly there is a glut on the market. The price remains low as too many new "brains" continue to pour in from Capitol World — which has not yet had time to react to the changed circumstances. The situation, in this simple model, is not fully remedied for 60 years following the initial disturbance. This suggests some of the difficulties inherent in interstellar commerce and government. Systems theory should allow similar modeling of the dynamic behavior of vastly more complex galactic organizations, provided their modes of operation and multiple feedback loops can be precisely and quantitatively specified.

Living Systems

Dr. James G. Miller, pioneer in systems science and president of the University of Louisville in Kentucky, has developed what is probably the most comprehensive and far-reaching general systems theory devised to date. Miller claims that his theory, and the principles which emerge from it, are applicable to all living systems from cellular lifeforms to organic societies. Xenologists expect that this work may profitably be extended to considerations of xenopolitical systems as well, primarily because of its general and universalistic approach to systems analysis at all scales of organization.

Seven levels of complexity

In his fascinating 1100-page monograph entitled Living Systems,3071
Miller considers living systems at seven different levels of complexity:

■ Cells   ■ organs   ■ organisms   ■ groups   ■ organizations   ■ societies   ■ supranational systems

Based on fundamental notions of evolutionary unity, he then derives nearly 200 cross-level hypotheses which he asserts may be general characteristics of any living system.

Six relevant hypotheses

The following are six of these hypotheses which xenologists believe may have relevance to the problem of stability in xenopolitical systems at all cultural scales:

  • Hypothesis 5.2-2: The greater a threat or stress upon a system, the more components of it are involved in adjusting to it. When no further components with new adjustment processes are available, the system function collapses.
  • Hypothesis 5.2-10: Under equal stress, functions developed later in the phylogenetic history of a given type of system break down before more primitive functions do.
  • Hypothesis 5.2-11: After stress, disturbances of subsystem steady states are ordinarily corrected and returned to normal ranges before systemwide steady-state disturbances are.
  • Hypothesis 5.2-12: More complex systems, which contain more different components, each of which can adjust against one or more specific environmental stresses and maintain in steady state one or more specific variables not maintained by any other component, if they adequately coordinate the processes in their components, survive longer on the average than less complex systems.
  • Hypothesis 5.2-13: Under threat or stress, a system that survives, in the common good of total system survival, temporarily subordinates conflicts among subsystems or components until the threat or stress is relieved, when internal conflicts recur.
  • Hypothesis 5.2-19: The greater the resources available to a system, the less likely is conflict among its subsystems or components.3071
Intricate webs' consciousness of internal monitoring

One last point about xenopolitical systemic stability. A few cyberneticists have suggested that really complex networks with intricate webs of feedback and feedforward loops "may include processes of consciousness of internal monitoring of certain states of the net."822

Really complex networks with intricate webs
of feedback and feedforward loops
"may include processes of consciousness of
internal monitoring of certain states of the net."
  • Galactic organizational systems which have accumulated vast quantities of information may perhaps in some sense be viewed as having memory, will, consciousness, and various other sentient life functions.3071,827
  • Intergalactic contact between two such entities would truly be "a meeting of cultures," and would almost certainly be incomprehensible to any single individual or race of individuals.236
  • How such communication might effect the equilibrium and stability of each of the two "conscious" networks is unknown, but the implications are many for the sextillion or so sentient beings involved.
21.4 Strategic Galactography
Strategic Galactography
A brief overview of a few strategic aspects
of economic and military galactography.

Galactography is a descriptive science which deals with the physical features of galaxies, their political and economic subdivisions, their natural resources, lifeforms, and industries.3199 As the subject is both massive and complex, and since many pertinent areas have been touched upon elsewhere in this book, we shall restrict our discussion here to a brief overview of a few strategic aspects of economic and military galactography.

21.4.1 The Economic Viability of Interstellar Cargo Transport
Two civilizations inhabiting different
star systems can trade in bulk goods
for comparatively little energy.

An astonishing fallacy that appears repeatedly in the literature is the assertion that interstellar freight costs must be so prohibitive that not even gold, diamonds, radium ingots, or complex microelectronic devices would be worth their weight in trade between the stars.553 This notion often is used to demonstrate that trade in any commodity other than knowledge (data) is a futile and cost-ineffective endeavor. Fortunately, this simply is not so.

Giant mass driver

Two civilizations inhabiting different star systems can trade in bulk goods for comparatively little energy. Each culture, for example, may erect a giant mass driver which is used to dispatch cargos as well as to receive them. Here’s how such a transport system might work.

As the consignment arrives at Solar System A, traveling at its normal operational velocity (say, 50%c), it is swallowed by the giant mass driver. The driver decelerates the robot cargo vessel by coupling with magnetic fields. Kinetic energy is recovered and converted to potential (stored) energy. (See Chapter 19 for some ideas on how this might be done.) The cargo ship, now at rest, is unloaded and filled with goods ordered by the inhabitants of Solar System B. Finally, using the energy stored during the craft’s arrival (plus a small bit of local energy to balance conversion losses), the ship is accelerated back up to 50%c and shoots out the barrel of the giant mass driver bound for B. If A and B are 10 light-years apart, each trading cycle should require only about 20 years.

With sufficiently refined technology,
interstellar bulk trade in raw materials and
manufactured items may actually be cheap!

Total energy cost

The total energy which must be handled during each cycle phase is about 3 × 1024 joules, which looks like a job for a Type II civilization.* However, most of this energy is recovered because a mass driver constructed by advanced aliens may incorporate superconductive windings and ultra-high-efficiency storage devices. So what is the cost, in terms we can understand?

  • Assuming roughly $0.01/kilowatt-hour, the mass driver regenerative system must be 99.998% efficient to achieve costs comparable to the space shuttle (about $1000/kilogram) — but between stars.
  • If 10%c missions are acceptable, the required efficiency drops to 99.93%; if 1%c missions are sufficient, only 92.6% efficiency is needed.
  • And large-scale power generation in space may permit energy to be produced vastly cheaper than on Earth’s surface today.
  • If the price of energy drops by three orders of magnitude, then the required efficiency for the 50%c mission is only 97.7% and for the 10%c mission a mere 23.8%.
  • With sufficiently refined technology, interstellar bulk trade in raw materials and manufactured items may actually be cheap!

* A Starship Enterprise-sized cargo vessel (190,000 metric tons) is assumed.

21.4.2 Galactic Trade Routes

Table 21.5 Galactic and Globular Clusters

as Interstellar Trade Route Nodes

The single most important parameter
in deciding which trade routes should
be utilized by an extraterrestrial
civilization is the level of sophistication
of transportation technology.

Generally speaking, trade routes are fixed along the shortest possible physical pathway between the sources of the principal commodities shipped and the major centers of consumption.1169 Each regime of travel has a unique set of physical characteristics that dictate the distribution of optimum routes.

  • On land, surface conditions such as mountain chains and passes, accessible waterways, impassable swamps and deserts are determinative.
  • On the sea, the curvature of the Earth, ocean currents, wind patterns, and the presence of iceberg fields, monsoon tracks and other hazards to navigation are more critical.
  • In the air, trade routes are fixed mainly by political considerations, distribution of major population centers, jet stream and other atmospheric conditions, and so forth.

In the realm of interstellar commerce, too, a unique set of problems prove determinative.

Level of transportation technology

Probably the single most important parameter in deciding which trade routes should be utilized by an extraterrestrial civilization is the level of sophistication of transportation technology.

  • Starships restricted to speeds below 50%c will gain no benefits from relativistic time dilation.
    • Time of flight between neighboring stellar systems in the Disk will average on the order of decades for the vessel’s crew.
    • Even if physiological longevity is greatly extended, starships will probably have to call at intermediate ports to take on fuel and fresh crews.
  • Even vessels able to pull 99%c won’t do significantly better.
    • For such starships, the time dilation factor will cut trip time down to about 14 shipboard years per 100 light-years of travel.
    • While it is certainly possible to imagine traveling for decades without pausing to refuel, resupply, or recrew, the longer the flight time the less likely starships will not stop at intermediate points.
  • In other words, starships limited to 99%c or less probably will not be able simply to aim at target star systems anywhere in the Milky Way and journey directly towards them (though "leading the target", of course, to account for proper stellar motions during the journey).
  • Rather, since the distances are so vast and the travel times so long for the crews, manned trading missions most likely must follow certain prescribed routes as they crisscross the Galaxy engaging in interstellar commerce.
  • (Unmanned robot cargo ships are another matter — they can be "aimed and shot.")
  • Regular ports will be visited and many planetfalls made as starvessels "hop" from solar system to solar system along paths calculated to cost minimum time or energy.
  • Eventually these may be legislated into law as a matter of convenience by the ET Interstellar Transit Authority.
Physical heterogeneities in the Galactic environment

Intragalactic trade routes may also be fixed in accordance with physical heterogeneities
in the Galactic environment.

  • For instance, hydrogen gas is an order of magnitude more plentiful along the spiral arms than in the interarm regions. Hence xenologists expect that Bussard ramscoop vehicles might adopt trade routes called "ring routes" by network theorists.
Hydrogen gas is an order of magnitude
more plentiful along the spiral arms than
than in the interarm regions. Hence
xenologists expect Bussard ramscoop
vehicles might adopt trade routes called
"ring routes" by network theorists.
Galactographic considerations suggest
that civilizations located in clusters
may form close-knit economic units.
This is possible because solar systems
in galactic clusters typically are
separated by a mere 0.5 light-years.
Which is an order of magnitude closer
than normal stars (such as our Sol)
in the Galactic Disk.
With 104-106 Population II stars each,
globulars represent rich lodes of
fusionable hydrogen and a possibly
very lucrative mining venture for
industrious galactic entrepreneurs.
  • Ring routes follow a clockwise or counterclockwise pathway around the circumference of the Galaxy (the arms of the Milky Way) and then follow a radial route inwards to the final destination.
  • Using an external ring route the trip path will be about 250% longer than a simple direct (straight) route; using an optimized internal ring route, however, this excess distance may be reduced as low as 37%.2629

It will also be recalled that the number of habitable star systems (classes F, G, and K) is only a few percent higher in the spiral arms than in the interarm regions, so self-fueled starships will not tend to follow trade routes aligned with the Galactic spiral structure. To an economic galactographist, the Galactic Disk is essentially uniform with useful star systems. However, there are certain clumpings of stars which impart valuable heterogeneity to the intragalactic environment. One example of this is the galactic or "open" cluster.

Galactic clusters

Galactic clusters contain from a few dozen to nearly a thousand suns,
usually confined to a more or less spherical volume ranging from 5-65 light-years in diameter.

  • About 500 clusters are known (see table above for a few of them), and it is estimated that there are about 20,000 scattered throughout the Milky Way.1945
  • While this imples a mean distance between them of about 1000 light-years, this figure is very misleading because clusters are largely confined to the spiral arms.
  • Taking this into account, the true mean separation works out to perhaps 100-300 light-years.
Civilizations located in clusters

Galactographic considerations suggest that civilizations located in clusters may form close-knit economic units.

  • This is possible because solar systems in galactic clusters typically are separated by a mere 0.5 light-years.
  • Which is an order of magnitude closer than normal stars (such as our Sol) in the Galactic Disk.
  • Interstellar trade routes may be designed as a series of overlapping arcs connecting series of galactic cluster trade associations around each spiral arm.
  • (Each cluster may represent individual political units, small pockets of interstellar civilization scattered across the Galactic wilderness.)
Other nonuniformities in the galactic distribution

There are many other nonuniformities in the galactic distribution of stars which may have economic implications for galactic governments.

  • Stellar belts, associations, and galactic star clouds (bright "knots" of suns found in Cygnus, Scutum, Sagittarius, etc. in our own galaxy) are more diffuse aggregations than clusters but may serve to concentrate trading activity to some degree.
  • Globular clusters, metal-poor and probably also planet-poor, may be exploitable without danger to sentient lifeforms (since such clusters most likely harbor none).
  • With 104-10Population II stars each, globulars (Table 21.5) represent rich lodes of fusionable hydrogen and a possibly very lucrative mining venture for industrious galactic entrepreneurs.
Density gradient of suns

Another major heterogeneous feature is the general density gradient of suns in the Galactic corpus.

  • Stars are about an order of magnitude more numerous near the Core than in the outer Rim regions of the Disk.
  • As we move inward from the Rim, number density rises continuously. Stellar metallicity is also about ten times higher in the Core than in the Disk, so more planets, lifeforms, cultures, and mining ventures are possible nearer the more central regions of the Galaxy. (This is also where globular clusters are most abundant.)
  • Economic and sociopolitical activity is expected to concentrate towards the Core.
Galactic communication routes may tend
more to be line-of-sight than trade routes.
These systems may be organized
hierarchically with extremely complex
network designs.
Galactic communication routes

Galactic communication routes may tend more to be line-of-sight than trade routes. These systems may be organized hierarchically with extremely complex network designs.2991 One writer suggests the following:

Local terminals handling ten worlds are constructed in space, presumably circling a star for free energy. The civilizations in touch with each terminal might range from a few hundred to a few thousand light-years away. The terminal receives signals from each and rebroadcasts them to the other members; in addition, it bumps a duplicate of the signal to a junction station further up the network hierarchy. From the junction it receives, and passes along to its member worlds, the full output of the galactic network, a great glut of information, perhaps edited in advance for potential interest to each idiosyncratic world. The more complicated junction stations in turn report to a large central station. A network of one central station and 1000 junctions, each in turn corresponding with 100 local terminals, could handle 1,000,000 worlds. Each society then would require only a single antenna, aimed at its local terminal.2607

Other designs, perhaps analogous to the decentralized nonhierarchical military ARPANET system or the ALOHANET packet radio network, may be more practical for complex interstellar communications.2484,2483

21.4.3 Interstellar War
Interstellar War
Purposive murder, which has been called
"individual war," has been observed
in countless vertebrate animal species.
Organized impersonal murder, or classical
warfare, is more rare but has been seen.

Before we can explore the galactography of war, we first must ask whether war is in any sense a "universal" phenomenon.* If the answer is clearly negative, our subject matter may be a null set.

At least to the extent that competition and aggression are recognized solutions to ecological limitations, evidence accumulated to date suggests that the concept of war should not be strange to many sentient extraterrestrial races.

Purposive murder

Purposive murder, which has been called "individual war,"31
has been observed in countless vertebrate animal species, including:

■ lions
■ hyenas
■ macaques   
■ chimpanzees   
■ gorillas
■ baboons
■ elephants   
■ seals
■ wild dogs
■ hippos
■ seagulls   
■ bears
■ mountain lions2946
Organized impersonal murder

Organized impersonal murder, or classical warfare, is more rare but has been seen among:

■ chimpanzees2994   
■ lions2974
■ rats455
■ and many species of social insects such as army ants65 and weaver ants2993
Excessively violent

Zoologist George Schaller observed a randomly selected Serengeti lion population for a total of 2900 hours and observed three murders.2974 As pointed out by E.O. Wilson, this means that lions are excessively violent by human standards:

If some imaginary Martian zoologist visiting Earth were to observe man as simply one more species over a very long period of time, he might conclude that we are among the more pacific mammals as measured by serious assaults or murders per individual per unit time, even when our episodic wars are averaged in. If the visitor were to be confined to George Schaller’s 2900 hours and one randomly picked human population comparable in size to the Serengeti lion population, he would probably see nothing more than some play-fighting — almost completely limited to juveniles — and an angry verbal exchange or two between adults.565

War implies only conflict, which need not
necessarily involve any actual killing.
There may exist stringent rules, codes, or
legal requirements of war activity among ETs.
Indistinguishable from primitive human warfare

In his recent book On Human Nature Wilson expands on this point of view:

Recent studies of hyenas, lions, and langur monkeys, to take three familiar species, have disclosed that individuals engage in lethal fighting, infanticide, and even cannibalism at a rate far above that found in human societies. When a count is made of the number of murders committed per thousand individuals per year, human beings are well down on the list of violently aggressive creatures. Hyena packs clash in deadly pitched battles that are virtually indistinguishable from primitive human warfare. I suspect that if hamadryas baboons had nuclear weapons, they would destroy the world in a week.3198

Xenologists thus have every reason to suspect that alien races exist in this Galaxy both more and less "warlike" than humans.548 (And of course "war" implies only conflict, which need not necessarily involve any actual killing.1000,1541 There may exist stringent rules, codes, or legal requirements of war activity among ETs.933)

Stupid get killed

* According to one writer: "Man is the only warlike animal, and intelligence was selected simply because only the stupid get themselves in a position to get killed in a tribal battle."2930

When is war most likely to occur?
Beings having genetic sentience have no
concept of the self and thus no empathy
for the pain and suffering of others.
Genetic warriors should be the most
ruthless and persistent, each individual
driven on by the community urge with
no thought of self-preservation.

When is war most likely to occur? Consider the factors of sentience, dispersion, size and heritage.

  • Beings having genetic sentience have no concept of the self and thus no empathy for the pain and suffering of others.
  • Genetic warriors should be the most ruthless and persistent, each individual driven on by the community urge with no thought of self-preservation.
  • Similarly, communal sentients should be highly pacific among themselves but instantly reactive to any threat to the community at large.
  • Personal sacrifice may be moderated by personal consciousness, but war will be perceived more as a match between two social organisms rather than as a contest between individual combatants.
  • Patriotism may serve as a primary emotion rather than a vague ethical ideal, so communal soldiers may fight with a unity of purpose unparalleled in all of human experience.
  • Finally, brain sentients such as human beings will fear for the integrity of the self without the matching support of a visceral sense of community.
  • Xenologists expect them to be among the poorest warriors in the Galaxy.2980
High dispersion will make
warfare more difficult.
The frequency of war on Earth
is inversely correlated with the
number of barriers to mobility.
High dispersion

High dispersion will make warfare more difficult. The late Quincy Wright, a leading international jurist and political scientist, showed that the frequency of war on Earth is inversely correlated with the number of barriers to mobility.585 Large populations tend to increase technological scale and accumulate excess resources which both permit and demand a larger scale of competitive activity. As heritage becomes more divergent, war between the different social units is expected to become more frequent since, according to Wright:

Cultural heterogeneity within a state tends to involve it in wars of two types: civil revolts of cultural minorities to resist oppression or to establish national independence and imperialistic wars to expand empire or to divert attention from domestic troubles.585

Standard foreign policy
Too expensive

A number of writers have asserted that interstellar war is much too expensive to wage.63 This probably is not true. On energy considerations alone, war may be rather inexpensive. In an earlier chapter we discussed the dispatch of starliners similar in bulk to the Starship Enterprise. Let us convert to wartime status.

  • Our heavy cruiser starvessel is dispatched from Capitol World at a steady 1 gee acceleration, reaching the enemy star system (100 light-years distant) in 9 years shipboard time using a Standard Flight Plan.
A mature Type II society or a galactic
(Type III) civilization should find the effort
of interstellar warfare rather trivial.
Planetary sterilization might well be
a standard instrument of foreign policy
among ruthless expansionistic or
totalitarian alien governments.
  • The warcraft masses 190,000 metric tons and requires 9 × 1026 joules of energy to perform the maneuver.
Hammer the enemy civilization

When it arrives in orbit around the sole inhabited planet of the enemy star system, it hammers the civilization into submission by destroying all major population centers.

  • This is accomplished by fusing into molten slag the top ten meters of 0.1% of the entire planetary surface area, a feat requiring 1022 joules.
  • The equivalent of this in antimatter, if the energy is stored that way, is a mere 120 tons, which could handily be carried aboard a 190,000 ton starship.
  • Similarly, a human-lethal dose of neutron radiation over the entire land surface of Earth probably requires no more than 104-105 megatons of well-placed nuclear explosives, corresponding to an energy requirement of only 1020 joules.
  • Since either mission easily could be mounted by a mature Type II society, a galactic (Type III) civilization should find the effort of interstellar warfare rather trivial.
  • Planetary sterilization might well be a standard instrument of foreign policy among ruthless expansionistic or totalitarian alien governments.
A desire for more living space
is an oft-cited cause of war.
At least during the initial portion
of galactic enculturation, interstellar
lebensraum cannot be ruled out.
Interstellar lebensraum

Will ETs experience the same motivations that have driven human beings to war for thousands of years? A desire for more living space is an oft-cited cause of war. There is no reason why population growth could not motivate competitive confrontations between alien races, especially during the initial phase of galactic expansion and colonization. Eventually, of course, even the Galaxy will be filled to capacity.1120 Even if planets and stars are taken apart for mass and energy, and artificial habitats are constructed to house the teeming octillions, relatively low rates of population growth can lead to extraordinarily large numbers in geologically short periods of time (a few million years). At least during the initial portion of galactic enculturation, interstellar lebensraum cannot be ruled out.

Quest for power
Since we know that it is energetically
fairly cheap both to attack and to be
attacked, natural predatory alien
instincts could find a convenient outlet.
Defense may command high budgetary
priority once the existence of military
competitors with advanced starship
technology becomes known.

Another cause of war is the quest for power and security.

  • Since we know that it is energetically fairly cheap both to attack and to be attacked, natural predatory alien instincts could find a convenient outlet.
  • Defense may command high budgetary priority once the existence of military competitors with advanced starship technology becomes known.
  • There may exist religious motivations for going to war, or the attacker’s cultural mores may have been insulted or disregarded during some past interaction between races.
  • Also there are a variety of economic motives. Xenologists suspect that interstellar freight costs may be unexpectedly low, so lucrative rare metal, alien artifact, or slave/animal piracy and trade may be able to gain a foothold in local "black markets" among close cluster or Core star cultures.
  • Or, on a larger scale of conquest and appropriation, raw planetary mass or stellar hydrogen might be scooped away for use in high technology projects in progress elsewhere. (Local inhabitants may not be asked for permission.)3386
Preadapted for war

All this is not to suggest that interstellar war is inevitable or that it is necessary or even likely. But the chances are excellent that many highly intelligent but warlike mentalities may exist in this universe.

"It takes two to make trade,
but only one to make war."

To blithely assert that warmaking is somehow self-limiting or self-destructive is utterly irresponsible.** (See Clarke1103,373 and MacGowan and Ordway.600) As Murray Leinster once pointed out: "It takes two to make trade, but only one to make war."2877 And, according to Wilson, intelligence itself may be preadaptive for warlike behavior:

If any social predatory mammal attains a certain level of intelligence, as the early hominids, being large primates, were especially predisposed to do, one band would have the capacity to consciously ponder the significance of adjacent social groups and to deal with them in an intelligent, organized fashion. A band might then dispose of a neighboring band, appropriate its territory, and increase its own genetic representation in the metapopulation, retaining the tribal memory of this successful episode, repeating it, increasing the geographic range of its occurrence, and quickly spreading its influence still further in the metapopulation.565

The human predisposition to practice warfare
may actually be evolutionarily adaptive.

In other words, the human predisposition to practice warfare may actually be evolutionarily adaptive.3241

Immortal solider

** Many have suggested that virtually immortal beings won’t risk centuries of future life on the battlefield. Asks one writer:

Would a solider be willing to fight for his country if he were jeopardizing 20,000 years? What cause would justify exposing a patriot to such a sacrifice?"69

Automated warfare may be the answer.

Strategic consideration
Galactic clusters straddling valuable trade routes
(e.g., black hole space-ports?) should be
more heavily defended, just as mountain passes
have always been crucial in Earthly warfare.
Simple geometry might predict that the optimum
shape of a galactic civilization should be spherical.

There are a number of strategic considerations pertinent to the practice of interstellar warfare.2995 For instance:

  • Core civilizations and cluster cultures might be expected to have greater opportunity for conflict, since the higher number density of inhabited solar systems decreases dispersion and brings more divergent cultures into contact with each other.
  • Galactic clusters straddling valuable trade routes (e.g., black hole space-ports?) should be more heavily defended, just as mountain passes have always been crucial in Earthly warfare.737

Perhaps the most crucial element from the standpoint of military strategy is the physical configuration of the defending system. Even on Earth it is well-known that compact shape is of tremendous advantage to a state.726,737 Attenuated or fragmented borders are hard to rule or defend. The Square-Cube law is relevant in this context. The smaller the outer surface of the Empire in relation to its internal volume, the less vulnerable it will be to external attack. Simple geometry might predict that the optimum shape of a galactic civilization should be spherical.1474

Since most of the Galaxy is empty space, 
the "volume" of interstellar Empire is mostly
"holes." There is the possibility of two or
more alien governments being physically
interwoven, with or without conflict or even
knowledge of the existence of the other.
A few have gone even further, totally
rejecting any notion of capitols in favor of
a decentralized "distributed intelligence"
network of control and military command.
Interwoven civilizations

Of course, matters are rarely this simple. Since most of the Galaxy is empty space, the "volume" of an interstellar Empire is mostly "holes."668 There is the possibility of two or more alien governments being physically interwoven, with or without conflict or even knowledge of the existence of the other. Perhaps one group prefers F and C stars while the other restricts itself to K-class suns. Or maybe one race inhabits jovian worlds and other prefers terrestrials. The possible complications and permutations are virtually limitless.

Mobile capitol

Capitol worlds would appear best placed at the geometric center of an expanding spherical Federation. However, in view of the possibility of interwoven civilizations and various other tactical and strategic difficulties, some xenologists would advocate a mobile capitol similar in size and construction to the Death Star of Star Wars fame or the Flagship Plesarius from the original-series Star Trek episode entitled "The Corbomite Maneuver."2996 This would help to prevent crippling attacks on the seat of government.

Distributed intelligence

A few have gone even further, totally rejecting any notion of capitols in favor of a decentralized "distributed intelligence" network of control and military command. Such a system would have the advantage of mobility and the security that the destruction of no single part could seriously damage the whole. However, it would suffer the disadvantages of increased delay time between communications, needless duplication of effort at all levels, and relative lack of tactical unity of command.

Chapter 22 ♦ Extraterrestrial Cultures
22.0 Extraterrestrial Cultures
This cultural subsystem encompasses religion
ethics, logic, worldviews and aesthetics.
In the present chapter we shall attempt to deal
with these symbolic articulations of the nature
of the universe which we may encounter
in extraterrestrial societies on other worlds.
Our human notions of
"culture" may be grossly
anthropocentric at an
extremely fundamental level.

At last we arrive at the apex of anthropologist Leslie White’s "cultural pyramid" — the ideological and philosophical strata in alien societies. This cultural subsystem encompasses religion, ethics, logic, worldviews and aesthetics. In the present chapter we shall attempt to deal with these symbolic articulations of the nature of the universe which we may encounter in extraterrestrial societies on other worlds.

Fundamentally anthropocentric

Xenologists attempt such an analysis with some trepidation, for they heed the warning of sociobiologist E.O. Wilson that many human concepts of ethics, aesthetics, law, philosophy, and religion may be at least partly traceable back to our primitive biological heritage. If this is so, then our human notions of "culture" may be grossly anthropocentric at an extremely fundamental level. As Wilson suggests:

Although the hundreds of the world’s cultures seem enormously variable to those of us who stand in their midst, all versions of human social behavior together form only a tiny fraction of the realized organizations of social species on this planet and a still smaller fraction of those that can be readily imagined with the aid of sociobiology theory.3198

22.1 Alien Religion
robert heinlein 342
Many human societies have a belief in spiritual
beings, but belief in high gods is not universal.
Only 35% of all hunter-gatherer societies surveyed
included high gods in their sacred traditions.
And the concept of an active and moral god
who created the universe is even less widespread.
While sacred traditions and origin-myths of some
kind occur almost universally as a basic human
cultural trait, traditional Western theism
is far less common.
For this reason xenologists find it difficult to say
what belief structures alien societies may adopt.
It is not certain that ETs will accept spirits
and gods, despite the rather durable human
propensity to do so.
Indeed religion, human style, may be
comparatively rare in the Galaxy.

But why believe in gods at all?


Objectivity on this question in
the literature is hard to find.


Countless theories have been proposed.

Will ETs be religious? Will they believe in supernatural forces or gods that control or guide their individual and collective destinies? To answer these questions xenologists must decide exactly what they mean by "religion" in the context of an alien culture.

Definitions of religion

Theologians and philosophers generally espouse fairly broad definitions of the phenomenon.797

  • James L. Christian calls religion "the search for ultimate meaning in life."1620
  • J. Milton Yinger claims that "religion is a system of beliefs and practices by means of which a group of people struggles with the ultimate problems of human life."812
  • Robert N. Bellah at Harvard defines religion as "a set of symbolic forms and acts which relate man to the ultimate conditions of his existence."805
Inventory of religious behaviors

Anthony Wallace sees religiosity in somewhat more functional terms, and presents an inventory of specific religious behaviors:

  1. Addressing the supernatural (prayer, exorcism)
  2. Music (dancing, singing, chanting, playing instruments)
  3. Physiological exercise (physical manipulation of psychological states through drugs, deprivation, and mortification)
  4. Exhortation (addressing others as representative of divinity)
  5. Reciting the code (use of the sacred written and oral literature, which contains statements regarding the pantheon, cosmology, myths, and moral injunctions)
  6. Simulation (imitating things for purposes of control)
  7. Mana (touching things possessed of sacred power, laying on of hands)
  8. Taboo (avoiding things to prevent the activation of unwanted power or undesired events)
  9. Feasts (sacred meals)
  10. Sacrifices (immolation, offerings, fees)
  11. Congregation (processions, meetings, convocations)
  12. Inspiration (pursuit of revelation, conversion, possession, mystical ecstasy)
  13. Symbolism (manufacture and use of symbolic objects).3200
Universal definition

Unfortunately, most of these expansive definitions sweep too wide to be useful in xenology. Many social and cultural aspects traditionally ascribed to and subsumed within "religion" clearly are not unique to it. This is an obvious but oft-neglected aspect of the phenomenon — a neglect which has led to much confusion in the literature.

Music, ritual, ethics and morality, and feasts can and do appear human societies outside of the religious context.853 That is, a "religion" may adopt a particular system of ethics, a prescribed set of rituals, or particular musical forms. But ethics, ritual, and music may exist independently and in the absence of religion. Consequently, xenologists cannot properly use these general qualities and broad activities in a definition of religion that aspires to universality.

Strict conception of religion

Xenologists consider that the most significant and unique element of the phenomenon of religion is the belief in spiritual beings and supernatural forces. As the late Sir J.G. Frazer once wrote: "Religion is a proprtiation or conciliation of powers — conscious or personal agents — superior to man which are believed to direct and control the course of nature and of human life."804 In this relatively strict conception, religion must be viewed as virtually synonymous with theism or the belief in gods and spiritual forces.

In this relatively strict conception, religion must
be viewed as virtually synonymous with theism
or the belief in gods and spiritual forces.
■ Some postulate a mysterious
  "religious emotion" or an innate "need for god"
■ Others hail the fear of death
   as the primary motivation
■ Also suggested: that man was led to postulate
   the existence of the supernatural at the dawn
   of civilization, when he was helpless and agape
   before the powerful and seemingly capricious
   forces of the natural environment.
In this view, religion is an emotional response
to a threatening and incomprehensible situation.

It has been estimated that
mankind has produced on
the order of 100,000 distinct
religions since the time
of the Neanderthals.

10,000 religions

It has been estimated that mankind has produced on the order of 100,000 distinct religions since the time of the Neanderthals some 60 millennia ago.3200 Whether or not extraterrestrials will similarly invent religion — a belief in the supernatural — is a difficult question. Xenologists know that magical and religious explanations of reality are extremely common, though by no means universal, among simple human cultures.

Need for god

But why believe in gods at all? Objectivity on this question in the literature is hard to find. Countless theories have been proposed, with everyone from philosophers, theologians, and anthropologists to sociologists, psychologists, biologists and even physicists trying their hand at explanation. Max Weber, for instance, concluded that primitive societies seek the supernatural to ensure long life, favorable hunts, good land, avoidance of physical catastrophe, conquest of enemies, and similar mundane reasons. Some talk of distinctions between the "sacred" and the "profane" in cultures, or postulate a mysterious "religious emotion" or an innate "need for god"; others hail the fear of death as the primary motivation. Paul Radin suggests that man was led to postulate the existence of the supernatural at the dawn of civilization, when he was helpless and agape before the powerful and seemingly capricious forces of the natural environment:

His mentality was still overwhelmingly dominated by definitely animal characteristics although the life-values themselves — the desire for success, for happiness, and for long life — were naturally already present. No economic security could have existed, and we cannot go far wrong in assuming that, where economic security does not exist, emotional insecurity and its correlates, the sense of powerlessness and the feeling of in significance, are bound to develop. … It is but natural for the psyche, under such circumstances, to take refuge in compensation fantasies. … The main goal and objective of all his strivings was the canalization of his fears and feelings and the validation of his compensation dreams.3235

According to this radical new theory,
ancient man was an unconscious
automaton acting on orders from
voices heard within his head.
Much like modern schizophrenics,
people heard the voices of personal
"gods" and did what they were told.
The occurrence of these bicameral
god-voices supposedly was related
to human split-brain architecture.
The speech of the gods was organized
in the right hemisphere, and was
‘spoken’ or ‘heard’ by the auditory
areas of the left temporal lobe.
Religiosity may actually be selectively
advantageous in the Darwinian sense.
Those human societies best survive
which are able to produce members
willing to sacrifice their own
interests in the name of the group
or something symbolic of the group.
To this end, the human species may
have evolved a constellation of gene
sets which predisposes humans to
social conformity, followerism, and
acceptance of authoritarian belief
structures — a kind of genetically
preprogrammed "religious emotion."

In this view, religion is an emotional response to a threatening and incomprehensible situation.

Voices of personal "gods"

Another psychological theory on the origin of religion recently has been proposed by Dr. Julian Jaynes of Princeton University, in his fascinating but controversial book The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind.2599 According to this radical new theory, ancient man was an unconscious automaton acting on orders from voices heard within his head. Much like modern schizophrenics, people heard the voices of personal "gods" and did what they were told.

Biological reason for theism

The occurrence of these bicameral god-voices supposedly was related to human split-brain architecture. Says Jaynes: "The speech of the gods was organized in the right hemisphere, in what corresponds to Wernicke’s area on the left hemisphere, and was ‘spoken’ or ‘heard’ over the anterior commissures to, or by, the auditory areas of the left temporal lobe."3008 Then, just a few years ago, escalating levels of novelty, change, and a series of fortuitous catastrophes caused the bicameral mind to break down. Consciousness was learned as the god-voices fell silent. Jaynes’ theory thus proposes a direct biological reason for theism. In his own words, the result:

In the second millennium B.C., we stopped hearing the voices of gods. In the first millennium B.C., those of us who still heard the voices, our oracles and prophets, they too died away. In the first millennium A.D., it is their sayings and hearings preserved in sacred texts through which we obeyed our lost divinities. And in the second millennium A.D., these writings lose their authority. What we have been through in these last four millennia is the slow inexorable profaning of our species. And in the last part of the second millennium A.D., that process is apparently becoming complete. It is the Great Human Irony of our noblest and greatest endeavor on this planet that in our reading of the language of God in Nature we should read there so clearly that we have been so mistaken.2599

Genetically preprogrammed

Equally controversial, but perhaps most faithful to reality, is the sociobiological argument advanced by E.O. Wilson that religiosity may actually be selectively advantageous in the Darwinian sense. Those human societies best survive which are able to produce members willing to sacrifice their own interests in the name of the group or something symbolic of the group. To this end, the human species may have evolved a constellation of gene sets which predisposes humans to social conformity, followerism, and acceptance of authoritarian belief structures — a kind of genetically preprogrammed "religious emotion." Says Wilson:

The mental processes of religious belief — consecration of personal and group identity, attention to charismatic leaders, mythopoeism, and others — represent programmed predispositions whose self-sufficient components were incorporated into the neural apparatus of the brain by thousands of generations of genetic evolution.3198

Of all the theories proposed to date, this one probably strikes nearer the mark than any other. ETs races evolving in similar circumstances may be expected to generate a similar genetic-based religious affectation.

Belief in high gods is not universal

Many human societies have a belief in spiritual beings, but belief in high gods is not universal. In fact, only 35% of all hunter-gatherer societies surveyed by J.W.M. Whiting in the 1960s included high gods in their sacred traditions.3020 And the concept of an active and moral god who created the universe is even less widespread, amounting to less than 10% of all cultures surveyed which derive less than one-quarter of their sustenance from herding.3021 So while sacred traditions and origin-myths of some kind occur almost universally as a basic human cultural trait, traditional Western theism is far less common.

For this reason xenologists find it difficult to say exactly what belief structures alien societies may adopt. It is not certain that ETs will accept spirits and gods, despite the rather durable human propensity to do so. Indeed religion, human style, may be comparatively rare in the Galaxy.

22.2 Alien Ritual
22.2.0 Alien Ritual
Sociobiologists today believe that the seat of
ritual lies in the R-brain of the triune system.
And that its prevalence throughout vertebrate
species implies strong selective value in evolution.
In virtually all human societies, important life
events with major social significance are usually
tagged with elaborate ritual and ceremony.
Human beings have a strong tendency to
manufacture thresholds across which they step
ritualistically from one existence to another.
All initiations involve the movement of individuals
or groups from one social position to another.
Rites of passage involve changing one’s status.
  • Ritual may be defined as the performance of specific rites as a means of social control and communication.3022,3023
  • Rites are formal or informal procedures and acts conducted in accordance with prescribed rules and established custom.
  • The effect on society appears adaptive, ensuring social cohesion in community, educational, economic, scientific, political, religious and other groups.872
Will aliens have ritual?

Will aliens have ritual?

  • Nonhuman primates on Earth exhibit tradition and "protocultural behavior;"2950,452
  • Dogs, cats, bears, and other mammals3045 exhibit strong ritual-like instinctual behaviors, and so do birds and the higher reptiles to a certain degree.
Seat of ritual

Sociobiologists today believe that the seat of ritual lies in the R-brain of the triune system (see Chapter 14).

  • And that its prevalence throughout vertebrate species implies strong selective value in evolution.
  • If this is a correct conclusion, then the implication in xenology is that ritual observances may be commonplace though not universal among extraterrestrial communities comprised of beings qualitatively mentally similar to Earthly vertebrates.
Human ritual traditions

In virtually all human societies, important life events with major social significance are usually tagged with elaborate ritual and ceremony. As E.O. Wilson points out, "human beings have a strong tendency to manufacture thresholds across which they step ritualistically from one existence to another."3198

  • Rites are performed during betrothal and marriage to enhance commitment and conformity; they occur during pregnancy and child birth, to lend social support to mothers and to enhance the status of motherhood.
  • They appear frequently at the time of puberty, perhaps to encourage proper identification with same-sex peer groups or adults.
  • Death is commonly accompanied by elaborate funeral ceremonies to promote social cohesion and to test individual commitment to the community.
  • Each rite is adaptive as an alternative mode of socialization.
  • Aliens with polysexuality or monosexuality, or having annual estrus cycles, or ETs gifted with optional sex, ephemeral lives, cannibalistic urges, or strikingly divergent sex-related death rates may have an astounding richness of ritual tradition.
Initiation ceremony

How do rites work? Consider the rite of passage known as the initiation ceremony. All initiations, according to anthropologist A. Van Gennep, involve the movement of individuals or groups from one social position to another. That is, rites of passage involve changing one’s status. Van Gennep discovered that initiations in most human societies may be characterized by three distinct ordered stages which highlight the change of status:3236

l. Separation 
■ To move from one status to another, a person is first separated from
    his present position in the community, either physically or symbolically.
2. Transition 
■ Then he must pass through a transitional state, usually involving
    specific ceremonial procedures, tests of courage, and so forth.
3. Incorporation 
■ Finally, the individual is readmitted back into the community
    as an active member at the new status level.

All this ensures that social mobility is not easy. By formalizing the division of labor by surrounding each specialty with ritual initiation barriers, group solidarity within each specialty is maintained. Hierarchy is made more concrete, social structure more durable, and the community less subject to disharmony and dissipation.

Contemporary examples

A moment’s reflection will produce many examples in contemporary society:

  • Entering college
  • Athletic competition
  • Fraternities
  • Seminaries
  • Lodges and secret clubs
  • Occupational role groups, etc.
When he successfully completes
the initiation, he returns to society
as a new kind of person, a real man,
or perhaps a Marine.
A real man, or perhaps a Marine

To Van Gennep, the following description of a typical military rite of passage into the United States Marines would have sounded familiar:

The initiate (recruit) is torn away from his family and familiar surroundings; is forced to undergo exhausting, intensive (and often humiliating) experiences, during which he must demonstrate his courage and stamina; and generally learns a new esoteric vocabulary and mythology as well as ways of behaving which will be appropriate to his new status. When he successfully completes the initiation, he returns to society as a new kind of person, a real "man," or perhaps a Marine.3009

22.2.1 Religious Rites
Xenologists believe that religious rites
regarded as extreme or peculiar by
humans — such as sacred cannibalism
or ritual prostitution — may be
considered natural and normal by other
sentient races in the Galaxy.
Alien rites may appear to our eyes even
stranger, even more odious than those
which have graced the human cultures
of planet Earth.
Leading the congregation are priestesses
dressed in appropriate garb, participating
in ritualistic dances and chanting various
formulas that are supposedly efficacious.
Operating on the principle of sympathetic
magic, the priestesses attempt to transfer
the enthusiasm of the crowd to the
appropriate combatants.

So far we have discussed only secular or nonreligious rites. It is clear that governments, organizations and bureaucracies of every functional and ideological stripe can engage in what anthropologists call "enculturation" — a promotion of social cohesion by means of shared experience and ritual performance. Xenologists expect that any extraterrestrial organization or community populated by creatures with human-analogous mentalities will find the ritualization technique an extremely useful cultural tool. Since we have earlier concluded that religion may be common but not universal among alien races, it should come as no surprise that xenologists also believe that religious-oriented rites will play an important role in many ET societies.

Function analysis

Of course, these things are notoriously easy to misinterpret. Xenological field workers must be meticulous in their observations or they may arrive at wholly erroneous conclusions. As in anthropology, there is great danger in using one’s own culture to interpret an alien one. Care must be taken to correctly analyze the function of specific rites. Imagine a naive alien xenologist from a highly religious culture who attempts to examine certain rites on some arbitrary foreign planet. After observing the doings in a large, open-air cathedral there, the ET researcher quickly files the following report to Galactic Central:

A large congregation gathered together to witness a ritual combat, conducted according to precise ritualistic rules. The participants are dressed in appropriate identifiable garb, or costumes, as they engage in their ritual combat — one side representing evil and the other good, depending upon the viewpoint of the members of the audience. Leading the congregation are priestesses dressed in appropriate garb, participating in ritualistic dances and chanting various formulas that are supposedly efficacious. Operating on the principle of sympathetic magic, the priestesses attempt to transfer the enthusiasm of the crowd to the appropriate combatants.801

The alien, of course, has really been observing a Saturday afternoon football game in an American stadium, not a communal supplication to some unseen supernatural deity.* But would hasty observation reveal the distinction?

Extreme human religious practices

The tool of ritual may take many shapes in alien cultures. As suggested earlier by Wallace’s list of religious behaviors, ritual behavior designed to promote social cohesion may take the form of prayer, communal dancing or singing, sacred feasts, taboos, physical contact with amulets or holy water, drug-induced dream states, and so on. Extraterrestrial religious cultures may exemplify all these and more. But perhaps most fascinating from the xenological viewpoint are those extreme human religious practices which involve murder and sexual activity. Such extremes may appear normal to other sentient races inhabiting other worlds.

Murder and human sacrifice

Murder and human sacrifice have appeared in literally hundreds of human cultures on Earth.

Ancient Carthaginians sacrificed many
of their youth to the god Moloch.
The children were laid on the hands
of a calf-headed image of bronze,
from which they slid into a fiery oven,
while the people danced to the music
of flutes to drown out the terrible
shrieks of the burning victims.
In ancient Siam it was the custom to
immure a living person into a wall,
or crush him under the foundation
stone of a new building, in order to give
strength and durability to the structure.
It was believed that the death created an
angry ghost who would haunt the place and
guard it against the intrusion of enemies.
  • The ancient Carthaginians sacrificed many of their youth to the god Moloch. The children were laid on the hands of a calf-headed image of bronze, from which they slid into a fiery oven, while the people danced to the music of flutes to drown out the terrible shrieks of the burning victims.
  • In India, the old Khond sacrifice of the Meriah involved a human subject held in captivity for long periods prior to the rite. After several days of devotional rituals and sanctification, the victim was put to death by strangulation or pressure. The body was then dismembered and the pieces strewn among the fields, except for the portion offered to the earth goddess which was buried.
  • The Pawnees of North America also had an elaborate religious ritual in which human beings were sacrificed to the Morning Star. The blood of the victims was sprinkled over the fields to ensure and enhance crop growth.
Appeasement of gods

People have been murdered, often in quite gruesome fashion, to appease various gods and spirits.

  • In ancient Siam it was the custom to immure a living person into a wall, or crush him under the foundation stone of a new building, in order to give strength and durability to the structure.
  • It was believed that the death created an angry ghost who would haunt the place and guard it against the intrusion of enemies.

According to the famous British anthropologist Sir James George Frazer:

  • When a new gate was made or an old gate was repaired in the walls of Bankok, it used to be customary to crush three men to death under an enormous beam in a pit at the gateway.
  • Before they were led to their doom, they were regaled at a splendid banquet: The whole court came to salute them; and the king himself charged them to guard well the gate that was to be committed to their care, and to warn him if enemies or rebels came to assault the city.
  • The next moment the ropes were cut and the beam descended on them.804

In Bima, a district of the East Indian island of Sambawa, when a new flagpole was erected at the sultan’s palace a woman was crushed to death under it.

  • The woman must be pregnant at the time, since the ghost of such a female should be more fierce and vigilant than usual.
  • Also, when the great wooden doors were set up at the palace, it was customary to bury a child under each of the door posts:

Officers are sent to scour the country for a pregnant woman or little children, as the case may be, and if they come back empty-handed they must give up their own wives or children to serve as victims. When the gates are set up, the children are killed, their bodies stripped of flesh, and their bones laid in the holes in which the door posts are erected. Then the flesh is boiled with horse’s flesh and served up to the officers. Any officer who refuses to eat of it is at once cut down. The intention of this last practice is perhaps to secure the fidelity of the officers by compelling them to enter into a covenant of the most solemn and binding nature with the ghosts of the murdered children who are to guard the gates.804

In the old kingdom of Ashanti in Ghana,
several persons used to be put to death
following an earthquake.
Earthquake god

In the old kingdom of Ashanti in Ghana, several persons used to be put to death following an earthquake.

  • They were slain as a sacrifice to Sasabonsun, the earthquake god, in the hope of satiating his cruelty for a time.
  • Houses thrown down by temblers were sprinkled with human blood before being rebuilt.
  • When part of the king’s own dwelling in Kumasi was knocked down, no less than 50 young girls were slaughtered to appease Sasabonsun. (The mud to be used in the repairs was kneaded with their blood.)
A child stolen from a neighboring island
used to be sacrificed every year to the
spirit of a volcano in order that there
might be no eruption.
Volcano god

On the island of Siau of the Sangihe Island group off the north east coast of Celebes, Indonesia, the volcano god received similar homage:

A child stolen from a neighboring island used to be sacrificed every year to the spirit of a volcano in order that there might be no eruption. The victim was slowly tortured to death in the temple by a priestess, who cut off the child’s ears, nose, fingers, and so on, then consummated the sacrifice by splitting open the breast. The spectacle was witnessed by hundreds of people, and feasting and cock-fighting went on for nine days afterwards.804

The ultimate in ritual human sacrifice was
found among the so-called cannibal kingdoms.
Not only were people sacrificed to appease the
gods, but they were systematically eaten as well.
The primary motivation for this behavior appears
to be religious and social — such as a desire
to achieve or maintain status in society.
The old women rushed to drink the warm blood,
and children dipped their hands into it.
Mothers would smear their nipples with blood
so that even babies could have a taste of it.
Cannibal kingdoms

The ultimate in ritual human sacrifice, which might conceivably also be found in an extraterrestrial culture, was found among the so-called "cannibal kingdoms."

  • Not only were people sacrificed to appease the gods, but they were systematically eaten as well.
  • The primary motivation for this behavior appears to be religious and social — such as a desire to achieve or maintain status in society.3010
Community unity via cannibalism

We have already mentioned the Bima custom of eating the flesh of children to promote group solidarity among the ruling class. Another example of community unity via cannibalism was found among the Tupinamba of Brazil. According to an eyewitness account by a shipwrecked sailor in the early 1950s, the Tupinamba combined ritual sacrifice (of prisoners of war) with cannibalism:

On the day of the sacrifice the prisoner-of-war, trussed around the waist, was dragged into the plaza. Old women painted black and red and wearing necklaces of human teeth brought out ornamented vases in which the victim’s blood and entrails would be cooked. The ceremonial club that would be used to kill him was passed back and forth among the men in order to "acquire the power to catch a prisoner in the future." The actual executioner wore a long feather cloak and was followed by relatives beating drums. The executioner and the prisoner derided each other. Enough liberty was allowed the prisoner so that he could dodge the blows, and sometimes a club was put in his hands for protecting himself without being able to strike back. When at last his skull was shattered, everyone "shouted and whistled." If the prisoner had been given a wife during his period of captivity, she was expected to shed tears over his body before joining in the feast that followed. Now the old women "rushed to drink the warm blood," and children dipped their hands into it. "Mothers would smear their nipples with blood so that even babies could have a taste of it." The body was cut into quarters and barbecued while "the old women who were the most eager for human flesh" licked the grease dripping from the sticks that formed the grill.2896

Babies early learn the taste
of human blood and their
socialization begins with
the experience.
Major community event

What we have here is a major community event!

  • Menfolk and womenfolk, married and unmarried, soldiers and civilians, young and old, all join together in the joyous festivities.
  • Babies early learn the taste of human blood and their socialization begins with the experience.
  • Adults, by focusing their attention upon a single ritual victim, achieve group solidarity by communal feasting.
  • Elders, by partaking of the flesh of the victim, lend continuity and the approval of tradition to the event.
Aztec cannibalism was not a perfunctory
tasting of ceremonial tidbits.
All edible parts were used in a manner
strictly comparable to the consumption
of the flesh of domesticated animals.
Aztec priests can legitimately be described
as ritual slaughterers in a state-sponsored
system geared to the production and
redistribution of substantial amounts of
animal protein in the form of human flesh.
Aztec culture

Our last exemplar of religious ritual murder is taken from the Aztec culture, which existed in what is today central Mexico during the 12-16th centuries A.D. Unlike most other cannibal societies, the Aztecs went in for human meat in a really big way.

  • The first Spanish visitors to Tenochtitlán observed racks containing literally hundreds of thousands of skulls down in the temple cellars.
  • Later they were told that at the dedication of the great pyramid at the Aztec capitol, four lines of prisoners stretching two miles long each were sacrificed by a team of executioners working around the clock for four solid days. (That works out to about 14,000 victims.)

Writes anthropologist Marvin Harris:

  • Aztec cannibalism was not a perfunctory tasting of ceremonial tidbits.
  • All edible parts were used in a manner strictly comparable to the consumption of the flesh of domesticated animals.
  • The Aztec priests can legitimately be described as ritual slaughterers in a state-sponsored system geared to the production and redistribution of substantial amounts of animal protein in the form of human flesh.2896
  • Each prisoner had an owner, who kept him plump prior to slaughter on a heavy diet of tortillas.
  • The victim was tended by the owner’s family, delivered by them to the executioner for public dispatch on behalf of the bloodthirsty sun god, and was finally eaten by the family after slaughter.
  • (The favorite Aztec recipe, apparently, was a stew flavored with peppers and tomatoes.)

Again we have a community event providing a focus on unity.**

Much like ritual public murder, ritual
community sex has proven a very useful
means of achieving cultural cohesion.
Promiscuous sexual behavior

Another extreme form of human religious practice which may have some xenological significance involves promiscuous sexual behavior. Much like ritual public murder, ritual community sex has proven a very useful means of achieving cultural cohesion. In some societies, public sex is somewhat limited and informal. Consider for instance the tradition of the Marquise Islanders, among whom marriage and sexual activity were culturally separate:

Before marriage, girls could enjoy sex with many men. But after marriage they had to confine their sexual activities to their husbands. On the day of the wedding, the bride gave a sexual farewell party to her old friends: She lay down, and her old friends lined up for their last intercourse with her. The longer the line, the prouder the bridegroom.951

At the festival men and boys assembled
stark naked in an open space among the
orchards, and ran from there to a distant hill.
Any woman whom they overtook on the way
they violated.
Fertility rites

Fertility rites are a somewhat more formal observance.

  • Among the Pipiles of Central America, copulation took place in the fields at the moment when the first seeds of the next planting were deposited in the earth.
  • Men were restricted to having sex only with their wives, a religious duty in default of which it became unlawful to sow seeds.

The Peruvian Indians enforced no such restraints.

  • In December, when the alligator pears began to ripen, the people held a religious festival called Acatay mita in order to make the fruit grow mellow:
  • The festival lasted five days and nights, and was preceded by a fast of five days during which they ate neither salt nor pepper and refrained from their wives.
  • At the festival men and boys assembled stark naked in an open space among the orchards, and ran from there to a distant hill.
  • Any woman whom they overtook on the way they violated.804
The stranger signified his choice by
throwing a silver coin into her lap —
no matter how small its value,
the woman had to accept the coin
and have coitus with the man.
Once the rite had been performed, the
female was absolved of her obligations to
the goddess and need submit no more.
The sacred precinct was always crowded
with women waiting to observe the custom;
ill-favored ones might have to wait
a long time, sometimes even years,
before they had performed their service.
In Armenia the noblest families dedicated
their daughters to the service of the
goddess Anaitis in her temple at Acilisena.
There the girls acted as prostitutes
for a long time through adolescence
before they were given in marriage.
The practice had widespread community
approval, as nobody scrupled to take
one of these girls to wife when her period
of service was over.
Religious prostitution was often considered
a noble calling, the ancient equivalent
of modern missionary work.
Ritual fornication was countenanced, even
encouraged, in a culture which held that the
orgasm was a major religious experience.
Institutionalized religious prostitution

There are many recorded cases of formal institutionalized religious prostitution in world history.***
Most common are the various forms of temporary temple service.

  • It was the Babylonian custom that every woman, rich or poor, once in her life must submit to the embraces of a stranger at the temple of Mylitta, and to dedicate to the goddess Ishtar (Astarte) the wages earned by this sanctified harlotry.
  • The stranger signified his choice by throwing a silver coin into her lap — no matter how small its value, the woman had to accept the coin and have coitus with the man.
  • Once the rite had been performed, according to Herodotus, the female was absolved of her obligations to the goddess and need submit no more.
  • The sacred precinct was always crowded with women waiting to observe the custom; ill-favored ones might have to wait a long time, sometimes even years, before they had performed their service.
  • In Phoenician temples women prostituted themselves for hire in the service of religion, believing that by this conduct they propitiated the goddess and won her favor. "It was a law of the Amorites that she who was about to marry should sit in fornication seven days by the gate."804
  • In Cyprus all women were obliged by custom to prostitute themselves before marriage to strangers at the sanctuary of the goddess Aphrodite. The practice was regarded, not as an orgy of lust, but as a solemn religious duty performed in the service of the great Mother Goddess.
Puberty rites

These rites were significant in that they seem to have served as initiation ceremonies into the status of marriage. Other sexual rituals appear to have been puberty rites. For example:

  • In Armenia the noblest families dedicated their daughters to the service of the goddess Anaitis in her temple at Acilisena.
  • There the girls acted as prostitutes for a long time through adolescence before they were given in marriage.
  • The practice had widespread community approval, as "nobody scrupled to take one of these girls to wife when her period of service was over."804
  • A similar case was reported by the traveler Strabo during the 1st century B.C., who claimed that beautiful young girls of noble birth served as the consorts or concubines of Ammon in the temple at Thebes in Egypt.
  • They held sacred office only through puberty, before which they willingly and freely prostituted themselves to any man who took their fancy.
  • After puberty they were given in marriage, and a ceremony of mourning was per formed for them as if they had died.804
Religious prostitution

Religious prostitution was often considered a noble calling, the ancient equivalent of modern missionary work. Among the Chinese, Syrians, and Greeks, nearly every temple had its official prostitutes with whom intercourse (for a small fee) was considered an acceptable form of worship. According to Dr. David R. Reuben:

Many of these ladies were volunteers in the sense that they only worked for a year or so, donating all the proceeds of their labors to the church. When their time was up, the part-time prostitutes returned home to their husbands and families with greatly enhanced prestige.3011

Sexual experience as a religious act

Finally, sexual experience was sometimes viewed as a religious act in and of itself. Tantric Buddhism, as practiced in India, Tibet, and briefly in China during the 8th century A.D., maintained that the symbolism of sexual union between man and woman represented an ultimate mystical realization of supreme spiritual bliss. Ritual fornication was countenanced, even encouraged, in a culture which held that the orgasm was a major religious experience.

Xenologists believe that religious rites regarded as extreme or peculiar by humans — such as sacred cannibalism or ritual prostitution — may be considered natural and normal by other sentient races in the Galaxy. Indeed alien rites may appear to our eyes even stranger, even more odious than those which have graced the human cultures of planet Earth.

Socially approved homosexual ceremony

* Or would ETs interpret our football in unfamiliar (and perhaps upsetting) sociobiological terms, as for example the suggestion by some psychologists that the game represents a socially approved male homosexual ceremony?3197

Symbolic ritual cannibalism

** It is interesting that elements of symbolic ritual cannibalism exist in many "modern" religions.
   Christians regularly, for example, consume "the blood and body of Christ" during their Sunday communion rite.

Happy Hookers for Jesus

*** Religious prostitution is not of historical interest only. There are a number of contemporary examples, such as the so-called
    "Happy Hookers for Jesus" of the Children of God.3041

22.2.2 Extraterrestrial Cults
A cult is a system of the outward forms
of religious worship, ceremony, custom
and ritual, but lacking the dominant
theme of traditional theism.

A cult is a system of the outward forms of religious worship, ceremony, custom and ritual, but lacking the dominant theme of traditional theism. Cults do not require the total absence of spirituality, but evolve on the basis of a predominantly nonreligious theme or motive. Cultism — the single-minded fixation by a group of individuals upon a single goal, purpose, or cultural aspect — may be grounded in ideological, behavioral, emotional, technological, physiological, or environmental basics of existence on any world.

Environmental elements

What sorts of cults might we discover on alien planets? Consider first the elements of the environment.2619
Objects of worship are often determined simply by geography.

It is interesting that the Qumran Jews and
early Christians, sects born in arid desert
regions, incorporated religious initiation
rites involving total submergence in water.
  • In India, where the coming of the rains is uncertain but a matter of life or death, the water that falls from the skies is an object of veneration. ETs inhabiting "monsoon worlds" (stormy pelagic planets dotted with scores of tiny island land masses) might develop a cult of water worship.862
  • Extremely parched environments may also spawn extreme alien cults of water- or cloud-worship, a theme which has been dealt with occasionally in the science fiction literature.2643,2919
  • It is interesting that the Qumran Jews and early Christians, sects born in arid desert regions, incorporated religious initiation rites involving total submergence in water.
Other environmental features

Alien cults may derive from other features of the environment.2622

Sun worship, as in the lofty plateaus
of the Central Andes where the shade
is always cold, may take on more extreme
forms in peculiar alien environments.
  • Since more massive planets are expected to display more tectonic activity, xenologists would expect to find more instances of volcano, mountain, and earthquake worship on larger worlds than on small.
  • River worship, such as the adoration of the Nile among the ancient Egyptians, and sun worship, as in the lofty plateaus of the Central Andes where the shade is always cold, may take on more extreme forms in peculiar alien environments.2620
  • Recurrent local weathers, such as the waterspout of Lake Lanao (now Lake Sultan Alonto) on the island of Mindanao in the Philippines,* could be revered and adopted as integral parts of local ritual and ceremony.
The relationship between the constellations,
the seasons, the sun and moon, and harvest
time was discovered and put to use by the:
■ Chinese    ■  Sumerians    ■ Babylonians
■ Assyrians  ■ Egyptians
■ and many other civilizations
In a bewildering variety of:
■ Star cults
■ Lunar-synchronized regal tenures
■ Planetary astrologies
■ Sky worships
Christmas was later adopted by the Christians
as a religious occasion marking what is believed
to have been the repeat conjunctions of Jupiter
and Saturn during May, September, and
December of 7 B.C. (the Star of Bethlehem)
The existence of one or more highly visible
Saturn-like rings around an alien planet
may furnish yet another cause for cult worship.
Such a grand display would surely dominate the
celestial panorama, and would appear distinctly
different from place to place on the ground.
Astronomical events

Astronomical events may play an important role too.804

  • The relationship between the constellations, the seasons, the sun and moon, and the harvest time was discovered and put to use by the Chinese, Sumerians, Babylonians, Assyrians, Egyptians, and many other civilizations in a bewildering variety of star cults, lunar-synchronized regal tenures, planetary astrologies and sky worships.
  • Many specialized cult buildings were erected — temple observatories, sun and moon temples, altars of heaven, and so forth — in service of these beliefs.
ET astrology

The astrologies devised by sentient extraterrestrial races, each based on its own unique set of planetary bodies and configurations of constellations and stellar movements, should prove diverse and highly entertaining.

Ritual celebrations

Many of our present-day ritual celebrations are closely linked with celestial events.

  • Perhaps the best-known of these is Christmas. This holiday was originally a pagan celebration commemorating the Winter Solstice in late December, the time at which the sun reaches its lowest point in the southern sky (the shortest day and longest night of the year). Christmas was later adopted by the Christians as a religious occasion marking what is believed to have been the repeat conjunctions of Jupiter and Saturn during May, September, and December of 7 B.C. (the Star of Bethlehem).
  • Other familiar examples include Thanksgiving, which may be regarded as a harvest celebration during Fall (the autumnal equinox).
  • And Easter, which in the West is customarily celebrated on the first Sunday after the first full Moon following the vernal equinox (when the sun passes the celestial equator and Spring season begins).
Planetary rings

The existence of one or more highly visible Saturn-like rings around an alien planet may furnish yet another cause for cult worship. Such a grand display would surely dominate the celestial panorama, and would appear distinctly different from place to place on the ground:

  • In latitudes near the equator they would sweep vertically up from the horizon and, illuminated by light reflected from the planet, would cross the sky in the form of a magnificent celestial archway.
  • In those places well-removed from the equatorial zones, our ring system would give an impression of much greater breadth and would be well removed from its former zenith position. It could be expected to sweep across a large portion of the horizon, and we would find superimposed upon it a rounded, black, conical mass due to the shadow cast by the parent planet.61
  • Apparent ring crossings by constellations or planetary bodies could be used to mark the seasons and to fix the times of ritual ceremonies; wars might be fought to decide the single "correct" aspect of the rings. (Larry Niven has suggested that a similar celestial archway cult might arise among degenerate civilizations trapped on a giant Ringworld edifice.753)
Religion of change

Astronomical factors need not apply solely to "primitive" cultures. Alien scientists inhabiting a planet which orbits a class F star may have developed their science of astrophysics sufficiently far to be able to predict with some certainty that their sun would soon be leaving the Main Sequence and entering the Red Giant stage.

Alien scientists inhabiting a planet which
orbits a class F star may have developed
their science of astrophysics sufficiently
far to be able to predict with some
certainty that their sun would soon be
leaving the Main Sequence and entering
the Red Giant stage.
Perhaps these ETs might develop
a "religion of change" or a cult favoring
space travel (which helps them maintain
their commitment to interstellar emigration
before the final disaster).
  • Perhaps these ETs might develop a "religion of change" or a cult favoring space travel (which helps them maintain their commitment to interstellar emigration before the final disaster).
  • Other alien cultures, faced with this same difficulty, might instead relapse into pathological cults of dispair and nihilism. As one early science fiction writer described it:

Their knowledge grew, faced with the fact that their world was dying, their home surely turning to a ball of ice, within which there can be no life. It would be discussed gravely at meetings of scientific societies, first, as a novel and interesting theory, and then as evidence accumulated, would seep down and down through all the levels of intelligence until the certainty of destruction was ever before all men. Philosopher, scientist and economist would know that death was the only end of their long ages of evolution from the slime, and religion would be asked to explain the fact that man had been created only for the purpose of being extinguished in cold and fear.1935

Common behaviors

Extraterrestrial cults may also be founded on emotions or behaviors common to all members of a specialized or well-defined group.

  • Hedonistic drug cults are common enough on Earth, and science fiction writers have long speculated on the possibility of pharmaceutical3054 and "wirehead"2020 cults in which biofeedback or surgical electronic implants are used to achieve a permanent state of stimulation in the pleasure centers of the brain.
  • Alien cults may rally around nudity or promiscuous sex;3412 murder and violence are yet another possibility.812
  • Alien belief systems may center on hunger or pain,2917 love or friendship, anger or hate, pride or envy, altruism or egotistical selfishness,1946 or group psychotherapy.3210
Wirehead cults in which biofeedback or
surgical electronic implants are used to
achieve a permanent state of stimulation
in the pleasure centers of the brain.
Dream cults

Cults might even be based on dreams:

In the mountainous jungles of Malaysia, an aboriginal tribe called the Senoi built a social order around its dreams. Tribal members are encouraged to discuss their dreams at breakfast and control them at night.3055

The idea of dream cults has already appeared in science fiction.2578

Ideological cults

Alien cults may find their expression through a particular ideology.

Many writers have described Soviet Marxism
as a form of secular religion.
Others would include scientific rationalism,
Darwinian evolutionism, immortalism, etc.
in the same category.
Each has its high priests, rites of passage,
central dogma, and so forth.
Cults of "supertheism" may arise, espousing
the notion that all superior extraterrestrial
societies should be worshipped by all those
in an inferior technological or cultural position.
  • Many writers have described Soviet Marxism as a form of "secular religion."2600,812,857
  • Others would include scientific rationalism, Darwinian evolutionism, immortalism, etc. in the same category. (See Burhoe,864 Dobzhansky,868 Morison,866 and Yinger.812)
  • Each has its high priests, rites of passage, central dogma, and so forth.
  • Political ideology has frequently been imposed upon local religious pantheons, as especially in ancient China, Greece, and Babylonia, so it is not unreasonable to suppose that ETs may construct cults enshrining cherished beliefs in the economic, social, military, political, or cultural ideals of their society.889,807
  • The contemporary money-worshipping Unification Church of Reverend Moon suggests the lengths to which ideological cultism may be carried.
  • Finally, there may exist cults relating to extraterrestrial life and space. On the simplest level, these may focus on the achievement of technical capabilities sufficient for living in space, or they may pertain to "visitations" or contact events by surrogate "space gods" in flying saucers.
    (Examples in recent memory include the cult of The Two,1921 the Aetherius Society,1870 and Gabriel Green’s Amalgamated Flying Saucer Clubs of America.333)
  • Cults of "supertheism" may arise, espousing the notion that all superior extraterrestrial societies should be worshipped by all those in an inferior technological or cultural position.
Space cults in science fiction

More sophisticated versions of space cults have been investigated in science fiction. One notable example appears in "Lifeboat" by Gordon R. Dickson and Harry Harrison. In this story humankind encounters the belief system of the spacefaring Albenareth, an emergent galactic civilization which holds to the sanctity of space:

The Albenareth think of space as if it were Heaven. To them, the planets and all inhabited solid bodies are the abode of the Imperfect. An Albenareth gains Perfection by going into space — the more trips and the more time spent away from the planetfall, the more perfection gained. You noticed the Captain identified himself as "Rayumung" and the Engineer as "Munghanf." Those aren’t names. They’re ranks, like stairsteps on the climb to a status of Perfection. The ranks stand for the number of trips they’ve made into space, and the time spent in space. The rougher the duty they pull, the greater the count of the time involved toward a higher rank. For example, this lifeboat duty is going to gain a lot of points for this Captain and Engineer — not because they’re saving our lives, but because to save us they had to pass up the chance to die in the spaceliner when it burned. You see, the last and greatest goal of a spacegoing Albenareth is to die, finally, in space.3012

* Daily during early Spring of each year, around midday, a waterspout forms near the Lake's eastern shore travels westward over the water for some distance, and then breaks up.3053

22.3. Ethics and Law
22.3.0 Ethics and Law
frank herbert 350

While there is no consensus as yet, xenologists tend to view ethics as the general standards of social conduct and law as the specific rules of social conduct.

  • Theories of ethics strive to ascertain umbrella principles of "proper" behavior.
  • Whereas law attempts (often using physical coercion) to recast and respecify theory in more concrete form.
  • Each legal system thus serves some underlying theory of ethical behavior.
  • But each theory of ethics may engender many different legal systems.
Ethics and religion are distinct concepts

There is much confusion in the literature over the meaning of ethics, in part because of its frequent connection with religious values and local parochial moralities.

It is certainly true that most religions provide elaborate ethical structures and legalistic proscriptions and taboos. But ethics and religion are distinct concepts.

  • Many ethical systems are fundamentally nontheistic and require no religious validation.
  • Ethics without gods is commonplace.3046
Pure ethical systems

Popular examples of such "pure" ethical systems on modern Earth include:*

  • Buddhism
  • Evolutionary Humanism
  • Taoism
  • Civil Religion
  • Confucianism
  • Secular Humanism
  • Ethical Culture

* See Cogley,810 Cole and Hammond,856 Humanist Manifestos I and II,3043 Kallen,854 Kolenda,3044 Kurtz,3042 and Rosenfeld.1860

22.3.1 Extraterrestrial Ethics
Buddhist Noble Eightfold Path
■ Understanding
■ Right-mindedness
■ Careful speech
■ Moral action
■ Sane living
■ Steadfast effort
■ Attentiveness
■ Concentration
Confucius insisted, alternatively
that a superior man has nine aims:
■ To see clearly
■ To understand what he hears
■ To be warm in manner
■ Dignified in bearing
■ Faithful in speech
■ Painstaking at work
■ To ask when in doubt
■ In anger to think of difficulties
■ In sight of gain to remember right
Under conditions of extreme
privation, the society has adopted
an every-man-for-himself ethic.
Children are turned out to
scrounge their own food
almost as soon as they can walk.
Wives go out in search of food and
feed themselves, bringing nothing
back for their starving husbands.

A bewildering variety of ethical-moral systems have been devised by humans and human societies on this planet.

  • The Golden Rule, which appears in the teachings of most of the world’s major faiths, and the Ten Commandments of the Mosaic tradition are prime examples of traditional religion-based ethics.
  • Buddhist moral teachings involve a code of behavior known as the Noble Eightfold Path, consisting of understanding, right-mindedness, careful speech, moral action, sane living,
  • Confucius insisted, alternatively, that a superior man has nine aims: To see clearly, to understand what he hears, to be warm in manner, dignified in bearing, faithful in speech, painstaking at work, to ask when in doubt, in anger to think of difficulties, in sight of gain to remember right.
Navaho canons of ethical behavior

The Navaho people traditionally adhere to five basic canons of ethical behavior:

  1. Security — health, long life, and industry are primary goals of life.
  2. Decorum — sobriety, self-control, and adherence to custom are valued.
  1. Reciprocity — care for parents in old age to repay them for their parentage; loyalty and altruism among relatives.
  2. Benevolence — behave to everybody as if they were your relatives, a broad ethical generalization including hospitality and other forms of generosity.
  3. Avoid Excess — excess, even in approved behaviors, is evil.3039
Wrong ethics

Many ethical systems seem "wrong" by Western standards, as for instance:

  • The old Eskimo belief that geronticide (allowing the aged to die) was moral.
  • Still stranger perhaps are the Ik, a human tribe inhabiting northern Uganda which displays no love.
    • Under conditions of extreme privation, the society has adopted an every-man-for-himself ethic.
    • Children are turned out to scrounge their own food almost as soon as they can walk.
    • Wives go out in search of food and feed themselves, bringing nothing back for their starving husbands.
  • One observer reported that in two years he never saw one act that could even remotely be construed as love.2917
Taxonomy of moral judgement

There have been few real attempts to forge a general theory of moral systems in keeping with the spirit of ethical relativism urged by cultural anthropologists having field experience in dealing with "alien" cultures.3040 One notable exception is the taxonomy of moral judgement devised by Harvard social psychologist Lawrence Kohlberg in relation to the development of ethical standards of behavior among human children.3024,865

  • Kohlberg recorded and classified verbal responses to specific moral dilemmas.
  • These he used to define six sequential stages of ethical reasoning through which people may pass during their mental maturation.
  • Typically, the child moves from primary dependence on external controls to increasingly sophisticated internalized standards.
  • Kohlberg used 25 different "dimensions of morality" to characterize each of the six stages of ethical maturity, two of which are given in the Table 22.2.
  • Sentient beings on other worlds, given a basically human mentality, might be expected to pass through similar stages of moral judgement — or to stress any particular one of them.
Five dimensions of value orientation

Some anthropologists hold that there exist a number of universal issues upon which any society must take a value position. In developing this approach, Florence Kluckhohn and Fred Strodbeck discovered that most societies have a dominant worldview along five major dimensions of value orientation.3070

  • In theory, claim the anthropologists, we should be able to characterize the value system of any society in terms of its position on each of the five issues (Table 22.1).
  • A more refined system will be needed, however, before this approach profitably may be applied to extra terrestrial cultures.

Table 22.1 An Anthropological Classification of Major Value Orientations

Universal to All Human Societies (after Kluckhohn and Strodbeck3070)

Anthropocentric generalizations

However, the above generalizations may be
hopelessly anthropocentric in the extreme. As E.O. Wilson notes:

Self-knowledge is constrained and shaped by the emotional control centers in the hypothalamus and limbic system of the brain. These centers flood our consciousness with all the emotions — hate, love, guilt, fear, and others — that are consulted by ethical philosophers who wish to intuit the standards of good and evil.565

Ethicality of sentient races

ETs having different kinds of sentience and alternative modes of emotionality will undoubtedly also differ from us considerably in their ethics.

  • The hive mentality of a genetic sentient, for instance, could not recognize any morality of individual behavior because such behavior is not subject to individual choice (it is preprogrammed genetically).974
  • A neocortical alien, freed from the shackles of hormonal emotionality, might develop a coldly rational but highly complex system of situational ethics in which summed probabilities of success would be balanced against danger in a kind of calculus of personal gain.
  • Intelligent but extremely solitary creatures such as sentient octopuses might harbor no ethical notions of truth or reciprocity, never having had seriously to deal with other beings of their own kind on a social basis. Theirs may be a perfect libertarian, "love thyself, help thyself" morality.

Table 22.2 Kohlberg's Typology of Moral Stages in Humans865


Individual is responsive to cultural rules and labels of good and bad, right or wrong, but interprets these labels in terms of either the physical/hedonistic consequences of action (punishment, reward, exchange of favors) or in terms of the physical power of those who enunciate the rules and labels.

Motive for Rule Obedience
or Moral Action
Value of
Human Life
Stage 1. Punishment and Obedience Orientation
Physical consequences of action determine its goodness/badness regardless of the human meaning or value of these consequences.
■ Avoidance of punishment and unquestioning deference to power are valued in their own right, not in terms of respect for an underlying moral order supported by punishment and authority.

Obey rules to avoid punishment.

The value of human life is confused with the value of physical objects and is based on the social status or physical attributes of the possessor.
Stage 2. Instrumental Relativist Orientation
Right action consists of that which instrumentally satisfies one’s own needs and occasionally – the needs of others.
■ Human relations are viewed in terms like those of the marketplace.
■ Elements of fairness, reciprocity, and equal sharing are present, but are always interpreted in a physical, pragmatic way.
■ Reciprocity is a matter of "you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours," not of loyalty, gratitude, or justice.

Conform to obtain rewards, have favors returned, and so on.

The value of human life is seen as instrumental to the satisfaction of the needs of its possessor or of other persons.

Maintaining the expectations of the individual’s family, group, or nation is perceived as valuable in its own right, regardless of immediate and obvious consequences. The attitude is not only one of conformity to personal expectations and social order, but of loyalty to it, of actively maintaining, supporting, and justifying the order and of identifying with the persons or group involved in it.

Motive for Rule Obedience
or Moral Action
Value of
Human Life
Stage 3. Interpersonal Concordance Orientation
("Good Boy–Nice Girl" orientation.)
■ Good behavior is that which pleases or helps others and is approved by them.
■ There is much conformity to stereotypical images of what is majority or "natural" behavior.
■ Behavior is frequently judged by intention – "he means well" becomes important for the first time.
■ Approval earned by being "nice,"

Conform to avoid disapproval, dislike by others.

The value of human life is based on the empathy and affection of family members and others toward its possessor.
Stage 4. "Law-and-Order" Orientation
Orientation toward authority, fixed rules, and the maintenance of the social order.
■ Right behavior consists of doing one's duty, showing respect for authority, and maintaining the social order for its own sake.

Conform to avoid censure by legitimate authorities and resultant guilt.

Life is conceived as sacred in terms of its place in a categorical moral or religious order of rights and duties.

Clear effort to define moral values and principles which have validity and application apart from the authority of the groups or persons holding these principles and apart from the individual's own identification with these groups.

Motive for Rule Obedience
or Moral Action
Value of
Human Life
Stage 5. Social Contract Legalistic Orientation
Has utilitarian overtones. Right action tends to be defined in terms of general individual rights and in terms of standards which have been critically examined and agreed upon by the whole society.
■ Clear awareness of relativism of personal values and opin ions and corresponding emphasis on procedural rules for reaching consensus and a "legal" point of yiew which incorporates the possibility of change due to rational considerations of social utility.
■ Free agreement and contract is the binding element of obligation.

Conform to maintain the respect of the impartial spectator judging in terms of community welfare.

Life is valued both in terms of its relation to community welfare and in terms of life being a universal human right.
Stage 6. Universal Ethical Principle Orientation
Right is defined by the decision of conscience in accord with self-chosen ethical principles appealing to logical comprehensiveness, universality, and consistency.
■ These principles are abstract and ethical (the Golden Rule, the categorical imperative); they are not concrete moral rules like the Ten Commandments.
■ At heart, these are universal principles of justice, of the reciprocity and equality of the human rights, and of respect for the dignity of human beings as individual persons.

Conform to avoid self-condemnation.

Belief in sacredness of human life as representing a universal human value of respect for the individual.
  • Another society of creatures having an excess of female births may permit infanticide or uxoricide (wife-killing) as a dominant component of the local ethos.3096
  • In still another culture, cannibalism may be biologically necessary for the survival of the race, elevating murder or suicide to the stature of deeply moral behavior.2948,3238

Yet it is probably true that the ethicality of each sentient race is in some sense hostage to the biological, ecological, and psychological heritage of the species (Table 22.2).3051,565

Thermodynamic ethics

But perhaps a "universal" system of ethics can be imagined. A few xenologists openly have speculated that a fully generalized and universally applicable moral code may have to be based upon negentropic principles inherent in all biological, intellectual, and sociocultural processes in the cosmos1532,2617 This viewpoint leads to what the author would like to call thermodynamic ethics.

Thermodynamic Imperative

From a thermodynamic standpoint, both life and culture may be viewed as highly improbable states of matter which absorb information from the environment in order to build internal complexity.

  • According to the Second Law of Thermodynamics, such processes are permissible if an energy flow may be established. Consumption of negentropy is the major activity of all lifeforms.
  • Absorption of entropy (randomness, disorder, loss of information) is the very antithesis of life.
  • Dr. Ernst Fasan, a well-known international jurist, suggests that the ultimate immoral act is for one sentient being to "inflict entropy" upon another.372

Robert B. Lindsay, a physicist, has proposed a generalized ethical rule which he terms the Thermodynamic Imperative:

All men should fight always as vigorously as possible to increase the degree of order in their environment, and to consume as much entropy as possible.3013

Virtuous conduct

Thermodynamic ethics dovetails comfortably with many cherished ideals of virtuous conduct. For example:

  • Lying is immoral because it results in the assimilation of useless or erroneous data by another.
  • Sloth is "evil," since it contributes no negentropy to the universe.
  • Murder is wrong, unless its commission prevents more severe entropic disturbances elsewhere in the system (e.g., prevents a mass murder or terrorist action).
  • Motherhood is "good" in low-density societies, because each individual born augments the negentropic biological mission.
  • In high-population environments, however, motherhood may not be "good," because the presence of too many individuals tends to break down the social system and destroy stored cultural information.
Higher ethics

The general theory of thermodynamic ethics permits xenologists to make one further prediction. Civilizations at higher cultural scales control more energy than lower cultures. More energy means that more entropy can be consumed. It therefore follows that energy-rich societies can afford more comprehensive and complex systems of morality and law. In short, though they may not choose to do so, Type II civilizations can afford "higher" ethics than Type I cultures.

22.3.2 Legal Universals

There are many ways to make life
uncomfortable for a person short
of physical violence or confinement.


The law of alien societies may bite
with many different kinds of teeth.

Exactly what is law? Perhaps the most satisfactory definition from an anthropological point of view is that offered by E.A. Hoebel of New York University. According to Hoebel, all alien legal systems will have three elements in common:

  • Coercion or force
  • Official authority
  • Regularity1800
Coercion or force

What do we mean by "force"? In its traditional and most absolute form, force means physical compulsion. Xenologists prefer to broaden this concept somewhat in dealing with extraterrestrial lifeforms.

Other forms of compulsion:
■ Economic sanctions
■ Religious sanctions
■ Social sanctions
■ Cultural sanctions
  • Other forms of compulsion than the physical may provide equally coercive effects.
  • Economic sanctions (money damages, deprivation of property, work status demotion).
  • Religious sanctions (excommunications, acts of contrition, voodoo curses).
  • Social sanctions (marriage prohibitions, dissolution of kinship or disowning, expulsion from work guild).
  • Cultural sanctions (ritual public cleansing ceremonies, ban from festival events).

All may be extremely effective in forcing individuals to tow the line.1865 There are many ways to make life uncomfortable for a person short of physical violence or confinement — the law of alien societies may bite with many different kinds of teeth.

Official authority

The privilege of applying force under law goes to the official authority.

Leadership systems involving oligarchies or
decentralized political units may give rise to more
"primitive" informal legal structures (private law).
Whereas democratic or highly centralized
governments permits the development of
"civilized" rigidly formal legal systems (public law).
  • The authority is normally endowed with the power of law enforcement by social consent, except in cases of "tyrannic law" imposed by conquerors or military occupational forces.
  • It is not necessary that the authority hold official legal office — he may simply be the situational representative of the general social interest as well as his own.
  • Of course, social structure and form of government are crucial to the concept of official authority. Leadership systems involving oligarchies or decentralized political units may give rise to more "primitive" informal legal structures (private law), whereas democratic or highly centralized governments permits the development of "civilized" rigidly formal legal systems (public law).

The third requirement, regularity, does not mean absolute certainty.

The third requirement, regularity,
does not mean absolute certainty.
  • Rather, it implies that decisions will not be made wholly arbitrarily but will build on precedents or generally approved principles and standards.
  • Even "primitive" law found in tribal societies on Earth rests upon precedent of a sort, relying on older rules or norms of custom.

Xenologists thus expect legal systems on other worlds, as on Earth, to bear the stamp of regularity.

The quantity of law in any society
tends to increase with:

■ social stratification
■ rank of caste
■ integration of roles
■ organization or complexity
   of social structure
■ cultural level
■ conventionality
■ respectability.
Theory of the emergence of legal forms

Sociologist Donald Black has attempted to synthesize a general theory of the emergence of legal forms in human social systems, based on a wealth of sociological and anthropological evidence.3068 One of his major conclusions is that the quantity of law in any society tends to increase with social stratification, rank of caste, integration of roles, organization or complexity of social structure, cultural level, conventionality, and respectability. So, for instance:

  • Stratified societies have more law than egalitarian unstratified groups.
  • Wealthy and educated people have more law than the poor and illiterate.
  • Unitary and communist/socialist governments have more law than decentralized and laissez faire governments; and so forth.

With the proviso that human law mirrors human psychology, Black’s work may prove applicable to extraterrestrial cultures as well.

Excessive law tends to lessen respect for it

Of course, more law is not necessarily better or more "civilized." There is evidence that excessive law tends to lessen respect for it. Anthropologist Ruth Benedict once described the Kurnai tribe in Australia, who had such strict rules regarding choice of marriage partner that young men commonly could find not a single girl in the entire tribe whom they could legally marry.

More law is not necessarily better
or more "civilized."
There is evidence that excessive
law tends to lessen respect for it.
Courts are the specific embodiment
of official authority in the legal system.
  • To avoid drastically revamping the entire societal legal. and ethical structure, the Kurnai institutionalized evasion of the law!
  • It was deemed morally correct to break the law as long as proper forms were observed.
  • In this particular case, Kurnai who wished to marry would have to elope.
  • All the villagers would set out in pursuit, even though they too had married in similar fashion.
  • If the couple was caught before they reached a traditional place of refuge, they would be killed.
  • But if they made it, they would then be accepted back into the tribe after the birth of a child.3037
Court authority

Wherever there is law, xenologists expect also to find courts (but not necessarily lawyers2594). Courts are the specific embodiment of official authority in the legal system. The highly decentralized Yurok Indian society in California provides an example of a very simple kind of court:

An aggrieved Yurok who felt he had a legitimate claim engaged the services of two nonrelatives from a community other than his own. The defendant did likewise. These persons were called "crossers" because they crossed back and forth between the litigants. The litigants did not face each other in the dispute. After hearing all that each side offered in evidence and argument, the "crossers" rendered a judgment on the facts. If the judgment was for the plaintiff, they rendered a decision for damages according to a well-established scale that was known to all. For their footwork and efforts each received a piece of shell currency called a "moccasin."1800

(Today this process would be called "binding arbitration.")

Perhaps among the most unusual is the
traditional Eskimo manner of dealing with
recidivist homicide.
A single instance of killing gives rise to a feud
without societal legal sanctions.
But a second in stance of homicide by the same
offender marks the culprit as a public enemy.
Courts in primitive societies

Tribal councils, the panchayat of India (a court of five men who are the heads of all the families in the village), the Soldier Societies of the Plains and Cheyenne Indians all are examples of courts in "primitive" societies.1865

  • Perhaps among the most unusual is the traditional Eskimo manner of dealing with recidivist homicide.935
  • A single instance of killing gives rise to a feud without societal legal sanctions.
  • But a second in stance of homicide by the same offender marks the culprit as a public enemy.

It then becomes incumbent upon some public spirited man of initiative to interview all the adult males of the community to determine whether they agree that he should be executed. If unanimous consent is given, he then undertakes to execute the criminal, and no revenge may be taken on him by the murderer’s relatives. Cases show that no revenge is taken. A community "court" has spoken.1800

In centuries past "compurgation" was a permissible
form of legal proof in criminal matters.
The defendant was allowed to swear off a charge
if he could secure a sufficient number of
co-swearers called "oath-helpers" or "compurgators."

If aliens have their courts, procedure may not always be formal and rational. For instance:

  • In centuries past "compurgation" was a permissible form of legal proof in criminal matters.
  • The defendant was allowed to swear off a charge if he could secure a sufficient number of co-swearers called "oath-helpers" or "compurgators."
  • These persons did not swear that they believed the defendant to be innocent but rather that his oath was "clean."

Writes legal historian William Seagle:

The number of oath-helpers who had to be found by the defendant was usually twelve in the Middle Ages, although in a case of murder as many as seventy-two were sometimes required. It must be apparent from the mere number of oath-helpers required that compurgation was not so absurd as it may seem, for only a man of good repute and standing in the community could find them, even though at first they appear to have been only relatives.2594

Many tribal societies rely on ordeals
to decide guilt or innocence.
Trial by ordeal

Many tribal societies rely on ordeals to decide guilt or innocence.

  • Kenya’s Digo tribe tries a suspect by placing a hot metal against his skin. If he is burned, his guilt is considered proven.1865
  • Among the Eskimos of East Greenland, all grounds for dispute short of murder are settled by singing duels during which opponents are permitted to butt one another with their heads. The style of the songs must follow a traditional pattern, but the text is composed afresh for each new occasion. The audience is judge and applauds the better singer, even when he is actually in the wrong!452
In Burma some suits are still determined
by furnishing plaintiff and defendant each
with one candle, lighting them both at once,
and he whose candle outlasts the other’s
is judged to have won his cause.
In Borneo the litigants are represented by
two shellfish on a plate. The crustaceans
are irritated when lime juice is poured over
them, and the first to move settles
the guilt or innocence of its owner.
A common mode of proof in Medieval Europe
was trial by battle, an ordeal in which God
was called upon to manifest the truth
by aiding the righteous plaintiff to dispatch
the guilty defendant (or his champion)
in a judicially supervised contest of arms.
Ritual or magic

Other forms of "trial by ordeal" depend on ancient ritual or resort to magic.

  • In Burma some suits are still determined by furnishing plaintiff and defendant each with one candle, lighting them both at once, and he whose candle outlasts the other’s is judged to have won his cause.
  • In Borneo the litigants are represented by two shellfish on a plate. The crustaceans are irritated when lime juice is poured over them, and the first to move settles the guilt or innocence of its owner.
  • The ancient practice of axinomancy, a form of divination, involved a hatchet suspended in midair by a piece of cord. The blade would turn to point at the guilty party.
  • Finally, the ordeal by bread and cheese — a kind of lie-detector test — was practiced in Alexandria during the 2nd century A.D. and by the English during the Middle Ages (known as the corsnaed or "trial slice"). A piece of consecrated bread and cheese was administered from the altar, along with the curse that if the accused was guilty God would send the angel Gabriel to stop his throat and prevent him from swallowing. Sure enough, guilty parties were apt to fail when their own fear caused their mouths to become dry and their throat muscles to constrict.
Trial by battle

Legal procedure was often considerably more violent in character.

  • A common mode of proof in Medieval Europe was trial by battle, an ordeal in which God was called upon to manifest the truth by aiding the righteous plaintiff to dispatch the guilty defendant (or his champion) in a judicially supervised contest of arms.
  • Similar ordeals have been noted by anthropologists among many human tribal societies.

Marvin Harris describes one such instance among the Yanomamo, a violent group of Indian tribes inhabiting the border between Venezuela and Brazil:

A man with a special grudge against another challenges his adversary to hit him on the head with an eight-to-ten-foot-long pole shaped like a pool cue. The challenger sticks his own pole in the ground, leans on it, and bows his head. His adversary holds his pole by the thin end, whipping the heavy end down on the proffered pate with bone-crushing force. Having sustained one blow, the recipient is entitled to an immediate opportunity to wallop his opponent in the same manner.3038

Certainly extraterrestrial courts may be no less strange.

Universal crimes

Do xenologists expect to find any "universal crimes" among alien races?

The most likely candidate for the most
universal crime must be murder.
On Earth, no society exists in which there
is a general license to kill fellow humans.
Homicide is perhaps the most direct, final,
and ultimate means of inflicting entropy
on another person.
Sexual crimes are considerably less
universal in scope, so there is no
guarantee that they will be regarded as
offenses in extraterrestrial legal systems.
Then there is the old Gypsy legend that
these wanderers have been granted divine
permission to steal because it was a Gypsy
who stole one of the four nails of Christ’s
cross, thus lessening the Lord’s pain.
  • The most likely candidate for the most universal crime must be murder.95
  • On Earth, no society exists in which there is a general license to kill fellow humans.452,935
  • Homicide is perhaps the most direct, final, and ultimate means of "inflicting entropy" on another person.
  • But the universality even of this crime is open to question. Most modern legal systems recognize categories of excusable or justifiable homicide.936
  • Among the Eskimos infanticide, invalidicide, senilicide, gerontocide, and suicide are privileged acts if conducted by a family member. The basic Eskimo ethical postulates ("life is hard" and the "unsupportability of unproductive members of society") permit a variety of socially approved homicides.935
  • Another well-known example is the Mundugumor of New Guinea, who believe that it is ethically right and proper to steal, cheat, aggress against, and get the best of one’s neighbors. The average Mundugumor is suspicious, hostile, and self-centered; he is convinced that everyone is out to get him, so he is determined to get them first. Even murder, to a point, is considered socially acceptable behavior.2928
Sexual crimes

Sexual crimes are considerably less universal in scope,931 so there is no guarantee that they will be regarded as offenses in extraterrestrial legal systems.

  • Adultery, incest, fornication, seduction and rape are almost invariably punishable in human societies, but these offenses are defined in terms of elaborate kinship systems.935
  • Some cultures, for instance, distinguish between the rape of married and unmarried women; others make no distinction whatever between rape and adultery.2595

Since rape, homosexuality, and murder during sexual intercourse are commonplace throughout the animal kingdom, xenologists hesitate to assert that these acts must be universally prohibited among alien cultures.

Economic crimes

Economic crimes such as robbery, embezzlement, or capitalism are heavily dependent upon the economic system used by the government.3056,937 While all primitive and modern societies entertain notions of personal property,2594 this may simply reflect our territorial simian ancestry and may not at all apply to nonterritorial sentient species or to intelligent races descended from other than monkey stock.

  • Socially approved theft has been described among Adelie penguins in the Antarctic.1028
  • Then there is the old Gypsy legend that these wanderers have been granted divine permission to steal because it was a Gypsy who stole one of the four nails of Christ’s cross, thus lessening the Lord’s pain.

Xenologists remain highly sceptical of the universality of the crime of theft.

22.3.3 Xenopenology
Among human societies, revenge certainly
has the oldest pedigree.
The ancient Sumerian code of justice —
"an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth" is
perhaps the earliest known example of this.
This Sumerian notion of "sympathetic"
punishment was often carried to even
greater extremes.
Code of Hammurabi [282 laws total]
§195 If a man has struck his father …
§229 If a builder has built a house …
§230 If he has caused the son …

Xenopenology is the study of alien forms of sentencing and punishment for infractions of the law. Xenopenologists have identified at least six distinct theories of punishment, though these by no means exhaust the universe of possibilities:

  1. Revenge — the being who has inflicted harm must himself be harmed in retaliation to assuage the suffering of the victim and his family.
  2. Expiation — wrongs can only be undone by the suffering of the wrongdoer, a means of atonement by which his "moral account with God" is brought back into balance.
  3. Deterrence — the threat of severe physical punishment will restrain potential criminals (all persons assumed to be acting rationally all the time).
  4. Isolation — public must be protected from the criminal, so all criminals must be physically isolated from the rest of society ("warehousing").
  5. Rehabilitation — "punishment" is designed to transform the values and attitudes of the criminal so that he no longer wishes to commit illegal acts (social reprogramming).
  6. Restitution — victims of criminal acts should be compensated by the criminal, who should do everything he can to place the victim in a condition as close as possible to that existing before the commission of the criminal acts.*
Code of Hammurabi

Among human societies, revenge certainly has the oldest pedigree. The ancient Sumerian code of justice — "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth" — is perhaps the earliest known example of this. According to the Code of Hammurabi, §195: "If a man has struck his father, his hands shall be cut off." This Sumerian notion of "sympathetic" punishment was often carried to even greater extremes, as witness the following articles of the Code:

§229. If a builder has built a house for a man, and has not made his work strong, and the house he built has fallen, and he has caused the death of the owner of the house, that builder shall be put to death. §230. If he has caused the son of the owner of the house to die, one shall put to death the son of that builder.2595

Extreme sympathetic punishment
In North Yemen, the convicted thief
is required to pick up his severed hand
and raise it to his forehead in a salute
to the presiding judge.
  • The Koran, the holy book of Islam, prescribes the decapitation of murderers and the chopping off of a hand for thievery. (In North Yemen, the convicted thief is required to pick up his severed hand and raise it to his forehead in a salute to the presiding judge.3056) Adulterers are to be tied in a sack or buried to the waist and publicly stoned.
  • Assyrian law includes execution, mutilation (by cutting off lip, nose, ear, or by castration), impalement upon a stake, deprival of burial, floggings, and "the pouring of asphalt" as proper punishments for misdeeds.2595
  • The ancient Chinese recommended decapitation, strangulation, and the so-called "lingering death" (slicing to pieces until dead) for numerous crimes.2589
  • The Ashanti of the Gold Coast of West Africa devised an even more hideous form of punishment by death for interlopers in the chief’s harem. The atopere, or "dance of death," involved the slow careful dissection of the condemned victim, accomplished with such surgical skill that the prisoner was not killed during two or three days of exquisite torture.3014
  • Among the Cheyenne Indians, the wife who was suspected of being unfaithful by her husband ("the wife who four times erred") could be "put on the prairie" or "be made a free woman."936
Free game

This involved a most brutal form of sexual revenge for adultery:

Her husband invited his military society cofreres to a "feast" on the prairie. The pièce de résistance of this stag party was his wife, who was made victim of a mass raping. Thereafter, if she survived, she was free game for any man — in effect, an outlaw. The husband and his fraternity considered this to be their legal right.935

One highly unusual method of revenge is
found among the Trobriand Islanders, among
whom the victim of a crime often retaliates
against the offender by committing suicide.


The idea is that the victim will then be
avenged by his angry ghost.

Another possibility is that the insane, the
extreme social misfits, and criminals could
be sent forward in time using suspended
animation techniques in the hope that
future biotechnology could salvage them.
Says Arthur C. Clarke of this procedure: "Our
descendants might not appreciate this legacy,
but at least they could not send it back."
The penal authorities would project
images into the prisoner’s brain which
would cause him to relive variations of
his crime from the victim’s point of view.
Should the punishment for the murder
of an ET whose lifetime is only 5 months
be as stiff as the killing of a being
who normally lives 5 centuries?
Suicide: avenged by his angry ghost

One highly unusual method of revenge is found among the Trobriand Islanders, among whom the victim of a crime often retaliates against the offender by committing suicide. The idea is that the victim will then be avenged by his angry ghost.2594 Punishment systems based on the blood-feud can give rise to peculiar results, such as among the Australian Dieri who slay the capital offender’s elder brother rather than the offender himself. Another anthropological curiosity is the blood-vengeance chain of New Britain islanders on the Gazelle Peninsula of New Guinea:

When a man of low degree has been killed by a person of high degree, his relatives will kill a member of a kin of slightly higher degree than themselves in the knowledge that the process will continue until the original offender is reached.2594

Alien sentients with different behavioral and ethical predispositions may have a long history of isolation or restitution techniques, in contrast to the revenge theory which humans instinctively seem to prefer.

High technology isolation techniques

Given high technology, many isolation techniques can be imagined for use by extraterrestrials.

  • Entire planets could be commandeered as penal colonies, and outshipments of convicts of many different races begun.668 Penal planets might best be situated on worlds having poisonous air or lacking any atmosphere at all.3239
  • Another possibility is that the insane, the extreme social misfits, and criminals could be sent forward in time using suspended animation techniques in the hope that future biotechnology could salvage them. If sufficiently cheap to maintain, cryogenic storage might become the official method of "execution," satisfying both the proponents and opponents of capital punishment.1863,67
    Says Arthur C. Clarke of this procedure: "Our descendants might not appreciate this legacy, but at least they could not send it back.55
  • Then there is Robert Heinlein’s idea of a penal Coventry. Criminals are given the choice between psychological readjustment of the offender’s mind and withdrawal of the benefits of an orderly society. If the criminal does not wish to choose mental reprogramming, he is placed in an untamed unsupervised wilderness environment with other criminals — a lawless subculture physically separated from normal society.2874
Biocybernetic electronic telepathy

A few have suggested that rehabilitation could best be accomplished by permitting the criminal to experience the suffering of his victims.

  • To high-technology ETs this might include treatment with a biocybernetic "electronic telepathy" hookup.
  • The penal authorities would project images into the prisoner’s brain which would cause him to relive variations of his crime from the victim’s point of view.
  • The sentence for attempted murder, for example, might be to experience murder three times.3052
Punishment to fit the crime

There may be many interesting complications when different aliens are involved in crime. Besides questions of choice of law and conflict of laws, the punishment must be made to fit the crime.

  • Should the punishment for the murder of an ET whose lifetime is only 5 months be as stiff as the killing of a being who normally lives 5 centuries?
  • There is Edward Wellen’s concept of pro rata sentencing: ETs with shorter lifespans or aliens whose subjective time passes faster than our own should be given shorter sentences.1209

Are instinctual behavioral responses valid legal excuses or justification for acts defined as criminal by the victim’s race’s legal system? The possibilities are delightfully complex.

* See Hoebel,931 Sorokin,31 Sykes,934 and Tiryakian.855

22.4. Philosophy and Knowledge
22.4.0 Philosophy and Knowledge
j b s haldane
Here we shall examine more
explicitly a few of the many
alternative modes of thinking
that may be exemplified
by intelligent aliens elsewhere
in our Galaxy.

A few writers have suggested that ETs, no matter how strange they may appear, probably will think much like human beings.63,191 Modern xenology does not support this point of view.1171 Xenologists today believe that the ways of thinking employed by sentient lifeforms on other worlds will differ as much or more from the human than their physiologies, technologies, or social systems. Earlier we hinted that even relatively minor differences in sensory apparatus and basic mental equipment could significantly alter the perception and thought processes of extraterrestrials. Here we shall examine more explicitly a few of the many alternative modes of thinking that may be exemplified by intelligent aliens elsewhere in our Galaxy.

22.4.1 Alien Logic

The Law of the Excluded Middle


Perhaps the best-known tenet
of the so-called "laws of thought" or
"Aristotelian logic."


This law holds that if a statement is true,
then its negation cannot be true.


If A is true, then "not-A" must be false.


There are only two choices — yes and no.

One plus one does not always equal two.

The Law of the Excluded Middle demands
that any given electron must pass either:
■ Through the left slit or
■ Not through the left slit.
These two choices define all of the logical
possibilities for an electron-slit-passing
event, and they are exclusive as well:
■ If one is true, the other must be false.
Unfortunately, when nuclear physicists
perform the "two slit experiment"
they get seemingly impossible results.
The behavior of electrons
must be impossible, and yet it occurs.

Logic is the way we know something is true. Denoting rationality and reason, logic is a branch both of mathematics and of philosophy and lies at the very foundation of all intellectual pursuits.

  • Aristotle is largely responsible for the development of the formal rules of logic which have become the basis for Western thought and science.

Perhaps the best-known tenet of the so-called "laws of thought" or "Aristotelian logic" is the Law of the Excluded Middle.* This law holds that if a statement is true, then its negation cannot be true. If A is true, then "not-A" must be false. That is, there are only two choices — yes and no.

  • For example, if the statement "the sky is blue" is true, then its negation "the sky is not blue" must be false. All conditions of sky color are exhausted by the bimodal set of possibilities "blue" and "not blue."

This sort of reasoning seems intuitively obvious to humans. Aristotelian logic is somehow naturally suited to the way people think. After all, we ask, how could a sky both be blue and not blue at the same time? Well, it couldn’t, or could it?

Thinking limited by logic system

The danger inherent in relying on any single logic system is that it tends to limit the number and kinds of problems amenable to analysis. The solution to any problem first requires that a question be posed. If the question does not appear tractable by our normal modes of logic, we try to reformulate it again and again until it is. When we do this, however, our thinking becomes limited by the capabilities of our logic system. One plus one does not always equal two.**

Double-slit experiment

It is possible that human science today is beginning to feel the pinch of the limitations inherent in its ancient Aristotelian bimodal logic system. Perhaps the most striking examples occur in the field of quantum mechanics. Consider the following experiment. A solid plate with two small slits is placed in front of a beam of electrons. Behind the slits on the other side is a photographic screen able to record the arrival of electrons. During the experiment, electrons are sent toward the slits one by one, some bouncing off the blocking plate and others passing through the slits to be recorded when they hit the screen.

The Law of the Excluded Middle demands that any given electron must pass either "through the left slit" or "not through the left slit." These two choices define all of the logical possibilities for an electron-slit-passing event, and they are exclusive as well: If one is true, the other must necessarily be false.

Seemingly impossible results

Unfortunately, when nuclear physicists actually perform the "two slit experiment" they get seemingly impossible results. It turns out that the pattern recorded on the photographic screen could only have been generated if each electron passed through both slits simultaneously.

Wavicle problem

This is the classic "wavicle" problem in quantum physics. Contrary to traditional bimodal logic, the statements "through the left slit" and "not through the left slit" are both true at the same time. Aristotelian thinking cannot comprehend the problem because there is no "excluded middle" in the experiment.3015 The behavior of electrons must be impossible, and yet it occurs.

Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorem

Perhaps the most important development for xenologicians in this century has been Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorem. In 1931 an American mathematician named Kurt Gödel devised a brilliant proof that any system of logic must necessarily either be internally inconsistent or incomplete.3027 In other words, Gödel’s proof demonstrated for the first time that there exist statements that are unprovable in any logic system, and that all arithmetic as we know it is at best incomplete, at worst inconsistent. it is logically impossible to construct a single grand "metalogic" capable of subsuming all other modes of logic while remaining consistent.3028 So human mathematics — the language of the physical sciences — is incomplete.

Human thinking necessarily must be incomplete.
Contact with alien minds will open new vistas
of knowledge and beauty to mankind’s purview.
Extraterrestrial logicians may find many of our most
enduring paradoxes to be trivially solvable. We may
be able to resolve some of theirs equally effortlessly.
Far-reaching implications

The implications in xenology are far-reaching indeed. We now know, for instance, that no single system of thinking (on Earth or anywhere else in the Galaxy) can hold, even in principle, all answers to all questions while remaining internally consistent. All logics must harbor unresolvable paradoxes. Therefore each new logic system we uncover in alien cultures most likely will teach us something new, some novel way of looking at the universe and understanding it in a consistent fashion which may be imperceptible — even impossible — from within our own system of logic. To this extent human thinking necessarily must be incomplete. Contact with alien minds will open new vistas of knowledge and beauty to mankind’s purview. Extraterrestrial logicians may find many of our most enduring paradoxes to be trivially solvable, and we may be able to resolve some of theirs equally effortlessly.

Non-Aristotelian logic systems

No non-Aristotelian logic system has yet been devised which resolves the "wavicle" paradox in the two slit experiment to the satisfaction of quantum physicists.

An example of three-valued logic
might involve the states
"yes," "maybe," and "no."
Alien computers could be programmed
in trinary (rather than our binary)
to handle this kind of computation;
circuits might read "+," "0," and "-"
rather than "on" and "off" as in
normal binary digital machines.
Another alternative system is the
four-valued truth logic which is often
used by Buddhist philosophers.
The four permissible truth states are
"true," "false," "both," and "neither."
Modal concepts
These types of logic are customarily:
■ Three-or four-valued
    (Epistemic logic example:)
    "verified"  "undecided"  "falsified"
■ Four principle kinds:
    Alethic modes
    Epistemic logic
    Deontic logic
    Existential logic

However, mathematicians have imagined a wide variety of alternative logics which have been used successfully to resolve other paradoxical events recorded by human philosophers. The literature in this field is both difficult and extensive;913 no more than a brief smattering can be provided here.

  • Clearly a system with zero values is meaningless, and monovalue logics permit no choice. Such single-valued logic may turn out to be sufficient for genetic sentients, but if we wish to retain choice at least a two-valued (e.g., Aristotelian) system is required.
  • We have seen, however, that two-choice logics. cannot explain many observable physical phenomena. As logician Clarence I. Lewis of Harvard University once noted: "The Law of the Excluded Middle is not writ in the heavens: It but reflects our rather stubborn adherence to the simplest of all possible modes of division."902
  • Over the past century, human mathematicians have come up with "many-valued" logics which permit three or more states of truth instead of the Aristotelian two.908,909
  • An example of three-valued logic might involve the states "yes," "maybe," and "no." Alien computers could be programmed in trinary (rather than our binary) to handle this kind of computation; circuits might read "+," "0," and "-" rather than "on" and "off" as in normal binary digital machines.
  • Another alternative system is the four-valued truth logic which is often used by Buddhist philosophers. (The four permissible truth states are "true," "false," "both," and "neither.")
Modal concepts

Another kind of approach is to employ "modal" concepts rather than "truth" concepts.*** These types of logic are customarily three-or four-valued, and are of four principle kinds.3032

  • The first of these are called alethic modes or modes of truth. Where Aristotelian logic permits only the truth values "true" and "false," alethic modal logic allows the following modes: "Necessarily true," "possibly true," "contingently true," and "impossible."3033
  • A second form of modal logic is called epistemic logic or modes of knowing, including the modes "verified" (that which is known to be true), "undecided" (that whose truth is unknown), and "falsified" (that which is known to be false).
  • Third, there is deontic logic or modes of obligation, which work as follows: "the obligatory" (that which we ought to do), "the permitted" (that which we are allowed to do), "the indifferent" (that which makes no difference), and "the forbidden" (that which we must not do).3034
  • The fourth main group of modal logics is called existential logic or modes of existence, which include: "universality," "existence," and "emptiness."
Jain logic

Higher-valued logics have also been devised. The philosophy of the Jains of India uses a seven-valued truth logic.
It is grounded in the religious beliefs of the sect and utilizes the following truth values:

  1. True (a thing is);
  2. False (a thing is not);
  3. Indeterminate (impossible to say either is or is not);
  4. Is and Is Not;
  5. Is and Is Indeterminate;
  6. Is Not and Is Indeterminate; and
  7. Is and Is Not and Is Indeterminate.900

Further permutations are possible, but these only change the way of saying and not the substance of what is said — so are of no logical significance. (Note that Jain logic has an implicit Law of the Excluded Eighth.)

Infinite-valued logics

A few mathematicians have even formulated infinite-valued logics.901,899

  • Infinite logics range over a continuum of real numbers X such that 0 < X < 1. In this notation, "1" represents absolute truth and "0" represents complete falsity.
  • Other peculiar systems thinking include plurality logic (using quantifiers such as "all," "some," and "none," or such as "all," "nearly all," "many," "not many," "few," and "none").911
  • Tense or temporal logic (systematizes reasoning with propositions that have a temporalized aspect and incorporate the axioms of time in general, such as "before" and "after" or "past," "present," and "future" relationships).912
  • Probablistic logic, minimal logic, intuitionist logic, Chinese complementary logic, and so forth.913,894

The human brain operates using neurons
with a two-valued firing pattern.


It may be that people — indeed all Earthly
forms of life — are hardwired or preadapted in
some sense for Aristotelian modes of thinking.

Hardwired for Aristotelian modes of thinking

It is sobering to realize that all of the above described alternative logical systems have been devised by human minds. The human brain operates using neurons with a two-valued firing pattern. It may be that people — indeed all Earthly forms of life — are hardwired or preadapted in some sense for Aristotelian modes of thinking. ETs on other worlds may have trivalue or higher-value neuronal firing patterns. To such minds the Aristotelian logic of humankind may seem horribly restrictive and primitive.

Law of Identity and the Law of Contradiction

* Others include:

  • The Law of Identity (subject and predicate are identical) and
  • The Law of Contradiction (nothing is both A and not-A)
1 + 1 ≠ 2

** When 1.00 liter of water is added to 1.00 liter of ethyl alcohol, we get only 1.93 liters of solution — not 2.00.
There is a volume contraction of 3.5% due to intermolecular packing.3050

*** See Bergmann,3031 Haack,913 Lewis and Langford,3029 Quine,3030 and von Wright.910

22.4.2 Time, Language, and Space
Time, Language, and Space

■ All living organisms possess
   natural cycles and rhythms.
■ Most sentient species have
   some finite sense of duration.

All living organisms possess natural cycles and rhythms, and most sentient species have some finite sense of duration. Speaking of the subjective human attention span, the so-called "human instant" or "specious present," J.B.S. Haldane wrote in 1928:

I am now aware of a "specious present" of experience about two seconds in length at most, in which I see moving objects and hear sound sequences. I cannot, however, be directly conscious at the same time of a series of events lasting for more than about two seconds. A long life consists of about 109 specious presents or "nows."974

A few writers have suggested that the
perception of self permits the perception
of time, since the self can then be
distinguished from the volatile environment.


The inference is that an inability to sense
self destroys the ability to sense time.


Using this reasoning, genetic sentients may
have no subjective time sense whatsoever.

Self distinguished from environment

A few writers have suggested that the perception of self permits the perception of time, since the self can then be distinguished from the volatile environment.906 The inference in xenology is that an inability to sense self destroys the ability to sense time. Using this reasoning, genetic sentients may have no subjective time sense whatsoever.

Environmental influence on perception of time

Factors in the environment also influence the perception of subjective time.28 For example:

  • Objects fall more slowly in weak gravity fields than in strong ones, so ETs indigenous to small worlds could afford to have much slower reflexes than we.96
  • Taking into account the expected variation in natural surface gravity on terrestrial planets, it appears that alien reaction times may vary by half an order of magnitude on this factor alone.
  • Another more obvious effect is the definition of the local year. A "year" for an ET may vary considerably depending upon solar and planetary parameters — alien years may last from 10-1000 Earth-days within the human-habitable ecospheres surrounding appropriate stars.
Subjective time

Subjects with no future experienced
a profound mystical sensation —
one person reported that he "found
himself in a boundless, immanent present."

Posthypnotic suggestions effects on time

Dr. Bernard Aaronson at the Bureau of Research in Neurology and Psychiatry in Princeton, New Jersey, has conducted some fascinating experiments in regard to subjective time that may be highly instructive for xenologists. Dr. Aaronson gave posthypnotic suggestions to human subjects to test their reactions to expanded or contracted time frames. The following suggestion is typical:

Do you know how we divide time into the three categories of past, present, and future? When I wake you, the future will be gone. There will be no future.2507

Table 22.3 Human Responses to Expanded and Ablated

Areas of Time Under Post-Hypnotic Suggestion2507

Human Responses: Time Under Post-Hypnotic Suggestion

The results of changing the perception of time-blocks in people by hypnosis are tabulated in Table 22.3.

  • Subjects with no future experienced a profound mystical sensation — one person reported that he "found himself in a boundless, immanent present."
  • Expanded futures cancelled all fear of death, inducing serene calmness and happiness.
  • Elimination of the present was found to be most disturbing (subjects were inordinately depressed and behaved almost schizophrenicly).
  • Whereas deprivation of the subjective past produced drowsiness, memory loss, speech difficulty, and a vague sense of meaninglessness.

If alien psyches are so constructed as to lack past, present, or future, or advanced biotechnology has imparted an expanded future (immortality), past (biocyhernetic memory), or present (heightened awareness), these experiments may give xenologists some clue as to the resultant ET behavioral patterns.

Perception of pace

Aaronson also used hypnosis to alter the pace at which time was perceived to pass.

  • Persons told to experience three seconds for every one second on the clock developed a manic state and general boredom.
  • Stopping subjective time entirely has an interesting effect: As when the present is eliminated, there is a sensation of death. According to one subject: "The world moves on, but I don’t."

Admittedly these tests dealt only with humans, but the basic conclusions may yet be applicable to alien mindsets as well. The perception of time must profoundly influence the way ETs think about reality and their root psychologies.

Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis

According to the well-known Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis, the structure and vocabulary of a language directly limits the perceptions and worldview of its speakers.3035,1752 Much like systems of logic, things can be said in one language that cannot be said nearly so well in another.2643,3047 For instance:

  • Benjamin Lee Whorf once pointed out that the past-present-future tenses in English are well-suited for geometrical, linelike representations of time.
  • In such a system, the self may be viewed as a moving point along a line of nonselves.
The Chichewa language has
two past tenses.
■ One for events that continue
    to influence the present.
■ One for events that do not.
Two past tenses

But the linguistic expression of our sense of continuity is far from optimal.
The Chichewa language (of East Africa) has two past tenses.

  • One for events that continue to influence the present.
  • One for events that do not.

The Chichewa tribes thus are better equipped linguistically to appreciate the sense of continuity.903

Hopi language: absence of time

Even more striking is the language of the Hopi Indians.

The Hopi language has no tenses for its verbs
There is no word for time in their language.
  • The Hopi language has no tenses for its verbs.
  • No reference to any concepts of time (express or implied).
  • No notions of enduring or lasting or of kinematic motion.1752
  • For the Hopi it is important only that things happen somewhere.
  • There is no idiomatic temporal future with sequences and successions.
  • There is no word for time in their language.903
Time-free worldview

A few writers have asserted that "certain linguistic habits were necessary prerequisites for the scientific revolution of the Renaissance,"904 implying that certain language systems — as logic systems — may effectively preclude a rationalistic scientific worldview capable of understanding and building a high technology. This may be so, but it is interesting to ponder the possibility of a "time-free" physics and chemistry.

Senses role in temporal perception

To osmic aliens, according to the Jonases,
"much of the past flows into the present
and coexists with it," primarily because
of the lingering character of scents.


"Their thinking patterns and their language
are based on different premises from ours,
especially in this matter of:
   ■ What is past.
   ■ What is present.
   ■ What is future."

Alien languages may incorporate concepts wholly unfamiliar to any human culture. As Doris and David Jonas have suggested, extraterrestrial senses may play an important role in temporal perception and its expression in language.

  • Intelligent beings who rely most heavily, say, upon a primary sense of smell would have an extreme diffuse perception of time frames.
  • To osmic aliens, according to the Jonases, "much of the past flows into the present and coexists with it," primarily because of the lingering character of scents.
  • "Their thinking patterns and their language are based on different premises from ours, especially in this matter of what is past, what is present, and what is future."1000

Even their mathematics could be affected:

[Perhaps to osmic ETs] the number 1 represents a field extending from 1 to 2, and so on along the line. As a result, their mathematical calculations are expressed in symbols of probability and utilize the concept of statistical averages far more than the absolutes of our digital form of calculation.1000

Polarized vision

Another interesting temporal-linguistic twist might be found among sentient extraterrestrials who could see polarized light. This simple physiological modification would add an entirely new dimension to their vision — and their language.

Once again the Jonases, from the viewpoint of a hypothetical xenological first contact team:

We first got a clue about this when we were trying to master some words of their language and found that they had dozens of different words for what to us was a single object — say, one of their grass-trees. Slowly it dawned on us that a time element was an integral part of their vision. They never actually "saw" a grass-tree in the same terms as we did; it had separate existences for them as though it were a different thing at different times, determined by the angles at which the light from their suns reached it.

What we saw as a particular grass-tree they saw variously as a one-o’clock grass-tree, a five-o’clock grass-tree, or a ten-o’clock one; the different names incorporated their perception of the time element … What it really amounted to was that for them time was fused with their perception of an object.

While their eyes actually saw objects in disparate bits and their brains coordinated these, simultaneously their brains also coordinated with the sight of an object their perception of the sun’s positions. …1000

Stranger is the Bolivian Quechua
language, in which one speaks of:
■ The future as "behind oneself."
■ The past as "ahead of one."
Quechuas explain that because
a person can see "in the mind"
what has already happened, such
events must lie "in front of one."
Since the future cannot yet be seen,
these events necessarily must
lie "behind one."
Concepts of physical space: a major influence

Concepts of physical space will also have a major influence on linguistic conventions. Many examples of the outré may be cited from Earth’s human cultures.

  • The language of the inhabitants of the atoll of Truk (the Caroline Islands in the Pacific) treats open spaces without traditional dividing lines as distinct and divisible. Featureless spaces on the walls of a bowl, for instance, may have separate names, although there are far fewer terms for edges and boundaries than in Western tongues.3036
  • In the Hopi language, there are no terms describing interior three-dimensional spaces — no words for room, chamber, hall, passageway, interior, cellar, crypt, attic, loft, or vault. In spite of this, the Hopi have multiroom dwellings which they use for specialized purposes such as storage, residence, grinding corn, and so forth.
  • Still stranger is the Bolivian Quechua language, in which one speaks of the future as "behind oneself" and the past as "ahead of one." Quechuas explain that because a person can see "in the mind" what has already happened, such events must lie "in front of one." Since the future cannot yet be seen, these events necessarily must lie "behind one."2507
Language and human body form

The Body as a Medium of Expression: essays
based on a course of lectures given at the
Institute of Contemporary Arts, London2354, 2355

Xenolinguists point out the close association between human language and human body form. Extraterrestrial lifeforms will speak differently, think differently, and act and feel differently, simply because they have some other body shape and thus experience a markedly different awareness of space, position, and movement.2354

Some comments by psychologist Donald G. MacRae are worth quoting in this regard:

The human body is basically bilaterally symmetrical. This external symmetry is imperfect but dominant. The posture we regard — and I think this universal — as typical of the body in all societies is upright. This is to contradict experience: during most of the time we are, even in very physically active societies, as a matter of fact slouched, twisted and recumbent in sleep or rest, or crouched or seated or bent in action. Yet being upright seems a general convention of thought about being human.

  • From the symmetry of this erectness we derive our categories of direction:
  •      ■ up-down     ■ left-right     ■ before-behind     ■ over-under     ■ and beside
  • Our concepts of relations in space come not only from our binocular vision but above all from our experience of a fixed eye-level above a fixed ground.
    •   ■ How do birds, or arboreal creatures like gibbons see?
    •   ■ How far can sight be said to be the same sense for such unstable observers as [it is] for us?
  • Certainly our ideas of dominance are all connected with the visual dominance of our erect postures.
  • Both our categories for classifying and dealing with space manipulatively and organizationally, and our emotions about space and the values we attach to direction in space, derive directly from our body form.
Linguistic examples
  • ■ What is superior is up or high                           ■ What is inferior is down or low.
  •             — Low is often dirty, but high is not necessarily clean.
■ What is inferior
    is down or low.
■ What is superior
    is up or high.
  • ■ Right is law, morals, the holy and the strong.    ■ Left is sinister, profane, weak and (often) feminine.
  • ■ Backward and behind are slow, hence stupid.    ■ Forward and in front are active, oriented and intelligent.
  • ■ Beside is confederate or paranoid: it is an ambiguous category of place.

And I could continue this listing and give it an ethnography for pages. What is clear is that these aspects of space derive from our conception of the body and would not hold for an intelligent bilateral but horizontal animal, far less for a radially symmetrical one like a clever starfish, or for spherically symmetrical beings like those of the fable in Plato’s Symposium.2355

22.4.3 Science and Paradigmology

Science: a rational comprehension
of the universe which excludes consideration
of the extra sensory and supernatural.


Science in the form of objectified rationality
should be common though by no means
universal throughout the Galaxy.

Planets circling stars near the Core of the
Milky Way may have an immense number of
nearby stellar neighbors and a superb view
of the tumultous central galactic regions.
This could spur the development of
astronomy, astrophysics, and other hard
sciences, as well as the technologies
of electromagnetics and spaceflight.
A civilization which depends on a class F
sun may realize their star is about to die.
Since the end is nearer, the prospect of
interstellar travel may greet a more welcome
welcome audience than humankind on Earth.

Will alien cultures have science? If by "science" we mean a rational comprehension of the universe which excludes consideration of the extra sensory and supernatural, many xenologists would answer with a qualified "yes." The general trend of sociocultural and technological evolution on Earth has been toward increasingly rational explanations of natural phenomena. As Sir James Frazer attempted to show earlier in this century, the course of the human worldview progressed from magic to religion to science as society and the technical skills of mankind became more sophisticated. Science in the form of objectified rationality should be common though by no means universal throughout the Galaxy.

Astronomical factors of scientific method emergence

Countless astronomical factors may combine to impede or to encourage the emergence of the "scientific method" on other worlds. For instance, Galactographic position may be important.

  • Planets circling stars near the Core of the Milky Way may have an immense number of nearby stellar neighbors and a superb view of the tumultous central galactic regions.
    • This could spur the development of astronomy, astrophysics, and other hard sciences, as well as the technologies of electromagnetics and spaceflight.
  • On the other hand, highly isolated worlds may experience no such incentives.3048
    • A culture on a planet near the Galactic Rim may find itself hundreds of light-years from the nearest stars, and accumulations of interstellar dust and gas clouds will block all but the external regions of the Galactic Disk — a comparatively uninspiring sight.
  • However, if the Rim world is located high above the Milky Way rather than lying in the galactic plane (admittedly an unusual situation), then the contrast between the stark void of intergalactic space and the beautiful whorls of the Galactic wheel may provide sufficient philosophical inspiration to compensate the isolation effects.
Significance of stellar characteristics

Stellar characteristics may also be significant. For example:

  • A civilization which depends on a class F sun may realize their star is about to die. Since the end is nearer, the prospect of interstellar travel may greet a more welcome audience than humankind on Earth.
  • A K star civilization, though the effect should be much less pronounced, may adopt a stay-at-home take-it-easy attitude once they realize their sun will survive literally for hundreds of billions of years.
Significance of binary star systems

What about binary star systems?

  • A close binary should have negligible effects on the rate of cultural development.
  • But things may be different for societies inhabiting a planet orbiting one member of a distant binary.
    • One writer suggests that two suns in the sky will mean almost perpetual daylight, so ETs rarely will see stars and astronomy will advance only very slowly.77
    • Others have argued that the greater the number of celestial objects moving around in the sky, the more the curiosity of intelligent observers will be stirred and the less likely they will come to an erroneous conclusion (such as the crystal spheres in Greek astronomy).
  • In this view, the presence of moons, planets, even multiple stars in the night sky will promote the advance of science.2049,2362

 Mercury's intellectually fertile situation 

Click for Synopsis   

Mercury has a highly elliptical orbit

  • There is a commensurate relation between how long the planet takes to turn once around its axis and how long
    it takes to go once around the Sun.
  • This ratio is 3:2

Suppose you stood at one particular place on the equator of Mercury.
During the course of a day you would observe the Sun do the following.

  • You would see it rising small, moving toward the zenith and swelling as it does.
  • Then, one degree past the zenith, it stops, reverses its motion in the sky, stops again,
  • Then continues its original motion, shrinking, moving more rapidly, and then zipping below the horizon.
  • That takes something like 88 of our days; their day, of course, is twice that.

Now, if you lived at a place 90° away in longitude along the equator you would see something quite different.

  • You would see an enormous Sun rise very slowly, stop, and then set.
  • Then it would rise in earnest, shrink, moving faster, zip through the zenith, swell, slow down, and set.
  • Then it would pop up again to say goodbye and sink again.

If there were any beings on Mercury, you can imagine that the cosmologies developed by those astronomers who lived
at the one longitude would be extremely different from those cosmologies developed at the other longitude.

Eventually, two astronomers, each from a different longitude, would meet, and one would say to scornful disbelief:

"Let me tell you what the Sun does."

Xenologists suspect that intellectual discord and environmental complexity will speed scientific development as a general rule. A suggestive hypothetical example of such an intellectually fertile situation has been provided by astronomer Carl Sagan in another context (with reference to our own planet Mercury):

Mercury has a highly elliptical orbit. There is a commensurate relation between how long the planet takes to turn once around its axis and how long it takes to go once around the Sun; this ratio is 3:2. Suppose you stood at one particular place on the equator of Mercury. During the course of a day you would observe the Sun do the following. You would see it rising small, moving toward the zenith and swelling as it does. Then, one degree past the zenith, it stops, reverses its motion in the sky, stops again, then continues its original motion, shrinking, moving more rapidly, and then zipping below the horizon. That takes something like 88 of our days; their day, of course, is twice that. Now, if you lived at a place 90° away in longitude along the equator you would see something quite different. You would see an enormous Sun rise very slowly, stop, and then set. Then it would rise in earnest, shrink, moving faster, zip through the zenith, swell, slow down, and set. Then it would pop up again to say goodbye and sink again. If there were any beings on Mercury, you can imagine that the cosmologies developed by those astronomers who lived at the one longitude would be extremely different from those cosmologies developed at the other longitude. Eventually, two astronomers, each from a different longitude, would meet, and one would say to scornful disbelief, "Let me tell you what the Sun does."2053

Extraterrestrial astronomers inhabiting
Earthlike planets in close orbits around
K or M stars may experience similar
"observational dissonance," to the
probable benefit of their science.

Extraterrestrial astronomers inhabiting Earthlike planets in close orbits around K or M stars may experience similar "observational dissonance," to the probable benefit of their science.

Perpetual cloud cover

What if the planet inhabited by sentient aliens is cursed with a perpetual cloud cover? Does this necessarily imply a static science? No simple answer is possible. Certainly the lack of starsight will have some negative effects, as one writer suggests:

Imagine the picture of the Cosmos formed by a lifeform bred in a gas planet like Jupiter. Since the energy source is internal, the background noise level is likely to be extreme, and most of the electromagnetic signal from outside is overwhelmed or defocused by the time it has penetrated the cloud tops. Such a lifeform is hardly likely to think of crossing space, though it might conceive of a vacuum as a philosophical abstract.1618

The Copernican Revolution sparked
developments in physics, with chain reactions
and spinoffs into many other fields.
One wonders what elementary physical laws
Sir Isaac Newton might have devised starting
from, say, a geological rather than
an astronomical basis.
Perhaps the laws of thermodynamics
and diffusion might have predated
the laws of kinematics and gravitation.
Astronomical chauvinism of Copernican Revolution

Still, terrestrial philosophers must be wary of what might be termed "astronomical chauvinism": The belief that the only route to basic science is through astronomy.445,1550

  • It is certainly true that the Copernican Revolution sparked developments in physics, with chain reactions and spinoffs into many other fields.
  • But any natural science will do to set in motion the process of scientification — geology, oceanography, hydrology, meteorology, biology, and so on.
  • One wonders what elementary physical laws Sir Isaac Newton might have devised starting from, say, a geological rather than an astronomical basis.
  • Perhaps the laws of thermodynamics and diffusion might have predated the laws of kinematics and gravitation.

Alien physical sciences could have a wholly different orientation or basis from our own.

Nonintersecting systems of knowledge

There is the equally exciting possibility, first suggested in 1972 by the Russian scientist L.M. Gindilis of the Shternberg Astronomical Institute at Moscow State University, of so-called "nonintersecting systems of knowledge."25 Others have traditionally assumed that because we share the same physical universe with extraterrestrials, and must confront similar problems and natural forces, our sciences and systems of mathematics should at least be comprehensible to each other.49 While this probably will be true in many cases, our brief examination of alien logics has already demonstrated that each form of reasoning must be both unique and incomplete. Gindilis suggests that despite the ubiquity of the physical cosmos, extremely diverse approaches and conclusions about reality may still be possible. J. Robert Oppenheimer stated the problem is a slightly different way in 1962 when he noted:

Will we be able to understand the science of another civilization? Our science has concentrated on asking certain questions at the expense of others, although this is so woven into the fabric of our knowledge that we are generally unaware of it. On another world, the basic questions may have been asked differently.3016

Table 22.4 Examples of Paradigms (after Maruyama895)

Additional comments for Table 22.4  

"The difficulty in cross-disciplinary, cross-professional, and cross-cultural communication lies not so much in the fact that the communicating parties use different vocabularies or languages to talk about the same thing, but rather in the fact that they use different structures of reasoning. If the communicating parties remain unaware that they are using different structures of reasoning, but aware of their communication difficulties only, each party tends to perceive the communication difficulties as resulting the other party’s illogicality, lack of intelligence, or even deceptiveness and insincerity. Each may fall into an illusion of understanding while being unaware of his misunderstandings, or all communicating parties may fall into the collective illusion of mutual understanding -- each party may wonder later why other parties do not live up to the "agreement" they have reached.

"There exist many different paradigms, and there will undoubtedly be many more paradigms in the future which do not exist yet. The three paradigms above are illustrative of the use of paradigmatology. These examples are not meant to be exhaustive, nor are they mutually exclusive. There are mixtures and overlappings between these three paradigms as well as between these and many other paradigms."895


The science of sciences


A paradigm

■ Is a way of knowing


An epistemology

■ A cognitive structure
   by which knowledge is
   assembled and regularized.


Many kinds of science are possible. Magoroh Maruyama, professor of systems science at Portland State University, has coined the term "paradigmatology" to refer to the science of sciences, or, in his own words and more generally, "a science of structures of reasoning which vary from disipline to discipline, from profession to profession, from culture to culture, and sometimes even from individual to individual."895 A paradigm is a way of knowing, an epistemology, a cognitive structure by which knowledge is assembled and regularized. In essence, Maruyama is attempting to found a sociology of knowledge.

As summarized in Table 22.4, Maruyarna provisionally has identified three "pure" paradigmatical forms and four others which are mixtures of the three. Scientific and philosophical thought among alien races could conceivably be organized around any of the following knowledge systems:

Pure paradigmatical forms
  1. Unidirectional Causal Paradigm — traditional axiomatic human science.
    • One-way flow of influence from a "cause" to an "effect"
    • There is nothing in the "effect" that cannot be traced back to its "cause."
    • Past and future can be inferred from the present if we have a complete knowledge of the present.
  2. Random Process Paradigm — basis of information theory and probabilistic action in which all events are independent of all others. Purpose of random process or "stochastic science" is to identify the:
    • Amount of information
    • Types of coding and decoding
    • Modes of transmission in living and artificial systems, and to:
    • Maximize efficiency and economy as well as maximum use of channel capacity.
    • Causation is probabilistic, entropical, thermodynamic.
  3. Mutual Causal Paradigm — complex patterns can be generated by means of simple rules of interaction.
    • "Cause" and "effect" do not really exist.
    • Rather, events are merely the focus of a confluence of forces and other events.
    • There is a nonhierarchical network of action, rather than a hierarchical causal chain.
    • Reasoning is contextual, symbiotic, and synergistic rather than absolutist and isolational.
Mixtures of the pure forms
  1. Probabilistic Unidirectional Causal Paradigm — there is a one-way flow of influence from the "cause" to the "effect," but the influence occurs with some probability rather than with certainty. Complete information can never be obtained because the act of measuring disturbs the phenomenon, but "causes" may still be inferred from "effects" with some associated probability.
  2. Deterministic Mutual and Unidirectional Causal Paradigm — not all causal relations are mutual. There are some unidirectional causal relations mixed with mutual causal relations.
  3. Probabilistic Mutual Causal Paradigm — the same conditions may produce different results. Different conditions may yield the same results.
  4. Probabilistic Mutual and Unidirectional Causal Paradigm — has some of the characteristics of each of the three "pure" paradigms.895

Extraterrestrial sciences may exemplify these and many other paradigmatical structures of reasoning.

22.4.4 Xenoeschatology
The doctrine of last things
Eschatology is concerned with:
■ Final destinies
■ The ultimates of existence
■ The end of time and the universe
Questions that have puzzled
mankind for thousands of years:
■ Why are we alive?
■ What is our purpose here?
■ Whither lies our destiny?
The individual understands himself
to be a part of nature, which is itself
embossed with cyclical rhythms.
Wrongness is experienced as an
alienation from nature, whereas the
Ultimate Good or final purpose is to
achieve complete organic unity with nature.
Notions of reincarnation and transmigration
of souls effectively maintain the rigid caste
system (there are today more than 2300
distinct castes in India) and a sociocultural
order which is repressive (Western view.)
What is worst of all, people who do not
themselves make a struggle to get out of
their misery, because it is a part of their faith
that their miserable lot is the punishment
administered by heaven for some wrong that
they may have done in a previous existence.

An eschatology of a culture in the broadest sense is "the doctrine of last things." It is concerned with final destinies, the ultimates of existence, and with the end of time and the universe. Most human religious systems and prescriptive philosophies incorporate some doctrine of destiny and purpose, so it is difficult to believe that sentient extraterrestrials capable of comprehending their condition will not be bothered by the same questions that have puzzled mankind for thousands of years: Why are we alive? What is our purpose here? Whither lies our destiny?

Three classes of eschatologies

Xenologists generally agree that there are three major classes of eschatologies which represent basic approaches in assimilating reality:

  • The naturalistic
  • The eternalistic
  • The historistic
Naturalistic forms

Naturalistic forms are characteristic of "primitive" religious systems and of mass religions in higher cultures.

  • The individual understands himself to be a part of nature, which is itself embossed with cyclical rhythms.
  • Wrongness is experienced as an alienation from nature, whereas the Ultimate Good or final purpose is to achieve complete organic unity with nature.
Eternalistic eschatologies

Eternalistic eschatologies are grounded in a conception of time as an endless cycle of eternal recurrence.

  • It is from this "vain repetition" that the individual must seek to escape.
  • The "last thing" to hope for is to be delivered from the "unreal" realm of the temporal, historical and empirical to the "timeless" realm of spirit.
  • For instance, the people of India hold to the existence of kalpas — cosmic periods of four phases through which successive worlds appear, flourish, disintegrate and die.
  • Hindu eschatology extends cyclicity to individuals as well as the universe at large.
Reincarnation and transmigration of souls

Notions of reincarnation and transmigration of souls effectively maintain the rigid caste system (there are today more than 2300 distinct castes in India) and a sociocultural order which is repressive — from the Western point of view:

  • [Untouchables are] denied access to the interior of a Hindu temple.
  • Denied the right of using the public water supply.
  • Required to take all they need from a different point in the river.
  • In many cases with children who cannot get access to the ordinary school.
  • What is worst of all, people who do not themselves make a struggle to get out of their misery, because it is a part of their faith that their miserable lot is the punishment administered by heaven for some wrong that they may have done in a previous existence.2589
Oscillating universe

Another variant of the eternalistic eschatology appeared among the Stoics in Hellenistic times, when it was the belief that:

When the planets return, at certain fixed periods of time, to the same relative positions which they had at the beginning when the cosmos was first constituted, this produces the conflagration and destruction of everything which exists. Then again the cosmos is restored anew in a precisely similar arrangement as before. The stars again move in their orbits, each performing its revolution in the former period, without variation.1847

This eternalistic viewpoint has much in common with the "oscillating universe" hypothesis espoused by many contemporary cosmologists.

Historical eschatologies
A galactic civilization might adopt a kind of
"thermodynamic eschatology," setting as its
foremost goal the halting or reversal of
entropic processes in this universe.
This might involve finding some way to
overcome the Second Law of Thermodynamics
on the scale of the universe, a feat which
lies well beyond the bounds of present
human science and technology.

Historical eschatologies typically are founded on notions of linear time.

  • There is a beginning and an ending to time, and at the end there will come a "final judgment," a "new world," or some other major event which signifies movement towards a fundamentally new plane of existence.
  • Christianity, Judaism, and Islam provide classic examples of historical eschatologies among the human religious systems of Earth.
Thermodynamic eschatology

Xenologists are able to imagine many more eschatologies than the basic three displayed by mankind.

  • For example, a galactic civilization might adopt a kind of "thermodynamic eschatology,"3076 setting as its foremost goal the halting or reversal of entropic processes in this universe.2616
  • This might involve finding some way to overcome the Second Law of Thermodynamics on the scale of the universe, a feat which lies well beyond the bounds of present human science and technology.
  • If, however, other universes exist, the Second Law might be forestalled by borrowing negentropy from those other universes.
  • The central galactic eschatology thus may imply the achievement (at some distant future date) of a higher plane of materially immortal existence accomplished by halting the expansion of the universe and resisting the spread of entropy therein.
22.5. Extraterrestrial Aesthetics
22.5.0 Extraterrestrial Aesthetics



The scientific study of the arts and their
function and significance in human cultures.

Art is a means of sensory communication
within the context of culture which serves or
is intended to evoke emotion in the perceiver.


Beauty, the touchstone of all artistry,
is a quality of a thing that makes it seem
pleasant or satisfying in some way beyond
its mere pragmatic function — a profoundly
emotional experience.

Aesthetics is the scientific study of the arts and their function and significance in human cultures. Xenoaesthetics is the equivalent course of study as it relates to all sentient beings — including man — in the universe.

What is art?

Exactly what is art?

  • The standard dictionary definition goes something like "creative work generally; the making or doing of things that have form and beauty, including painting, sculpture, architecture, music, literature, dance... ."
  • Many devotees claim instead that "art is life," while skeptics insist that "art is useless."
  • Science fictioneer Robert Heinlein has written that "art is the process of evoking pity and terror."2643
  • Then there is the offbeat "cultural gene" view of art suggested by biochemist A.G. Cairns-Smith: After much study a Martian might come to the conclusion that the text of Hamlet is a genotype which interacts with its environment in such a way as to bring about its own preferential reprinting.2364
From the standpoint of xenology

Perhaps the most satisfactory operational definition from the standpoint of xenology is the following:

  • Art is a means of sensory communication within the context of culture which serves or is intended to evoke emotion in the perceiver.1744
  • Beauty, the touchstone of all artistry, is a quality of a thing that makes it seem pleasant or satisfying in some way beyond its mere pragmatic function — a profoundly emotional experience. (From this point of view, emotionless ETs can have no indigenous art forms.)

Table 22.5 Physical Dimensions of Xenoaesthetic Experience

Physical Dimensions of Xenoaesthetic Experience

Table 22.5 was suggested by Abraham Moles’ work in the field of information theory and aesthetic perception.1815 The three dimensions shown may be used to classify all known simple art forms and, most important for xenoaestheticians, to generate scores of possible modes of aesthetic expression which have never before appeared on Earth.

  • A printed line of literature in a book is a time-invariant sequence of linearly assembled symbols. Such a mode of artistic communication is classified as 1-dimensional, static, and visual (tactic, if the book is in Braille).
  • A painting or drawing provides messages in two dimensions, sculpture and architecture in three — but all are static art forms.
  • Movies and television pictures are 2-dimensional kinetic forms, but with the addition of a computer gaming circuit become interactive and thus dynamic.
  • Speech and music have no spatial dimension whatever (0-dimensional), emanating as they do from essentially point sources. Music may be static,* kinetic (as with recorded soundtracks), or dynamic (as with a jazz orchestra, which may be influenced by the behavior of the percipient audience).
  • Finally, there are the "complex" art forms which combine two or more of the "pure" classificational types to create artful mixtures — including cinerama, dance, and live theater.

Silent Sonata

The American composer John Gage has written a piece called "Silent Sonata" which consists of the performer sitting on his bench before the piano without ever touching the instrument or producing any sound whatsoever.1550 Here is a form of art, calculated to evoke emotional response, which may be classified 0-dimensional and static.

22.5.1 Xenomusicology

Of all the forms of human aesthetic
expression on this planet,
none has been so carefully studied
than the "temporal art" of music.

Of all the forms of human aesthetic expression on this planet, none has been so carefully studied than the "temporal art" of music. Music, the "language of emotion," has been the object of intense speculation among philosophers for many millennia. (See Merriam,1744 Révész,701 and Seashore.700) For modern xenologists, perhaps the most central question is: Why do people listen to music? If some rational basis can be identified for humans, the same analysis may be generalizable to our consideration of xenoaesthetic response.

Why do we listen?

Why do we listen? Ethologists have suggested that human beings may have certain inborn releasing mechanisms that automatically respond to rhythm, percussion and melody.2902

Ethologists have suggested that human
beings may have certain inborn releasing
mechanisms that automatically respond
to rhythm, percussion and melody.
But musicologists insist that we listen
to music both because it gives us pleasure
and because music is a system of symbolic
communication which stimulates emotional,
frequently visual, imagery.
Probably the view among musicologists
that "music transforms experience"
is not far from the truth.
Like the expression of emotion itself,
the appreciation of specific musical forms
has major cognitive and
culturally-determined elements.
  • There is no question that the perception of musical sound causes distinct physiological reactions involving nervous control, blood circulation, digestion, metabolism, body temperature, hunger and thirst, sex drive, posture and balance.700
  • Sociobiologists point out that various forms of music are produced by animals throughout the world, including the songs of birds and the carnival displays of primates.565
  • But musicologists insist that we listen to music both because it gives us pleasure and because music is a system of symbolic communication660 which stimulates emotional, frequently visual, imagery. (See Crossley-Holland,669 Merriam,1744 and Swanwick.666)
  • One researcher "had visions of locomotives thundering by" when dozing during a Brahms rhapsody, and described the reaction of one of his students to a string quartet composed by Ruth Crawford for a class in music appreciation as follows: "It produced a vision of a fly struggling in a spider web while the spider prepared to devour it."663
Music transforms experience

Probably the view among musicologists that "music transforms experience"662 is not far from the truth.

  • Ethnomusicologists — scientists who study the anthropology of music — agree that the effects of the artform are very strongly culture-bound.1744
  • Western music, for instance, is not recognized as expressing emotion by many "primitive" African tribes, and is often described as a "dull monotone" by Chinese.
  • But to Westerners thoroughly steeped in classical European tradition, Chinese music and the music of the Middle East often sounds like an aimless cacophony of noise devoid of emotional meaning.
  • Like the expression of emotion itself, the appreciation of specific musical forms has major cognitive and culturally-determined elements.*1744,697

* The political, economic, and social ideologies of cultures frequently are enshrined in their music and art.2363

Pursuit of negentropic order

Undoubtedly the real answer lies in the
negentropic character of all lifeforms.


Since it is life’s business to accumulate
information and complexity, organisms
have an inherent predisposition
to pursue and to absorb negentropic
order whenever and wherever possible.


Music and other art forms are perceived
by humans as a layer of complexity and
structure imposed upon an otherwise
chaotic sensory environment.

Why, then, do we listen to music?

  • Undoubtedly the real answer lies in the negentropic character of all lifeforms.3071
  • Since it is life’s business to accumulate information and complexity, organisms have an inherent predisposition to pursue and to absorb negentropic order whenever and wherever possible.
  • Music and other art forms are perceived by humans as a layer of complexity and structure imposed upon an otherwise chaotic sensory environment, since art is known to have a major informational component. (See Chamberlain,664 Heyduk,667 and Pierce.1742)
Designed uncertainty

One theorist even gives a simple method for calculating the number of "bits" of information contained in a musical score.1815 Leonard B. Meyer has suggested that the best music has a great deal of information designed into it by the composer. He calls this "designed uncertainty." Meyer continues:

As a musical event unfolds and the probability of a particular conclusion increases, uncertainty, information, and meaning will necessarily decrease. Systemic uncertainty of necessity exists at the beginning of a piece of music where the relationships between tones are being established. If music operated only with systemic uncertainty, meaning and information would necessarily decrease. But music is able to combat the tendency toward the tedium of maximum certainty through the designed uncertainty introduced by the composer. On the basis of this analysis we should expect designed deviations, delays, and ambiguities to be introduced as systemic probability increases — as the pattern approaches completion. This expectation is borne out by the practice of musicians.1774

So we listen to music because it satisfies
a kind of mental "negentropic hunger,"
a hunger we may share with all emotional
extraterrestrial lifeforms anywhere in the universe.
Negentropic hunger

So we listen to music because it satisfies a kind of mental "negentropic hunger," a hunger we may share with all emotional extraterrestrial lifeforms anywhere in the universe.

  • But there are many, many different patterns of sound capable of conveying information and structural complexity in tone and rhythm.3699
  • Indeed, a simply melody consisting of 100 notes, each chosen from a field of ten, may assume 10100 different forms.
  • Why do humans prefer just a few of these?
The autocorrelation of a sequence of musical
notes is the measure of how closely the
present fluctuations of the signal are related  
to past fluctuations.

Figure 22.1 Voss' Theory of Flicker Music2861

   White Music
   Brown Music
figure 22 1b voss theory of flicker music med
   Flicker Music
figure 22 1c voss theory of flicker music med

Dr. Richard F. Voss, a young physicist at the Thomas J. Watson Research Center of IBM, has found at least a partial answer to this most difficult question.2881 In a seminal paper, published earlier in 1978 in the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Voss identifies the central characteristic common to all forms of human musical experience.3017 (A similar analysis theoretically may be performed on other modes of aesthetic expression, though such has not yet been attempted.) Voss’ technique demonstrates that man’s perception of emotionally satisfying artistic forms is directly related to the organization of the human brain.

White music

Dr. Voss' theory is based on the technical concept of "autocorrelation." The autocorrelation of a sequence of musical notes is the measure of how closely the present fluctuations of the signal are related to past fluctuations.

  • A steady tone, for instance, is fully autocorrelated, since the present sound can be predicted with absolute certainty from a knowledge of previous sound (i.e., it will stay the same).
  • A completely non-autocorrelated signal does not depend at all upon prior states. Each musical note is chosen entirely independently of all others in the sequence. Information theorists call this kind of signal "white noise."
  • White noise occurs most commonly in nature as the thermal noise produced by random motions of electrons through an electrical resistance.
  • This causes static in radio and "snow" on television screens.
  • Musical compositions can be created by mimicking this random process of selection, say, by tossing dice to determine the next note. Voss calls these works "white music."
Brown music

A very highly correlated form of noise, called "Brownian noise," takes its name from the physical phenomenon of Brownian motion.

  • This may be observed under the microscope — the random movements of small particles or organisms suspended in liquid water and buffeted by the thermal agitation of molecules much like bumper cars at carnivals.
  • Each particle executes a three-dimensional random walk, the sequential positions of which describe a highly correlated sequence.
  • The particle "remembers" where it has been.
  • Voss calls melodies constructed in the pattern of Brownian noise "brown music."
  • Rather than choose the next note in the sequence at random, brown music is generated by throwing dice to determine how many notes to progress up or down the musical scale from the present position.
  • Velocity, not position, is selected randomly.
Flicker music

Brown music is highly autocorrelated; white music is very non-autocorrelated. Voss’ insight was to examine a class of noise having an intermediate level of autocorrelation.

  • In electronics it has a special name: Flicker noise, or "1/f noise."
  • Voss generated several musical compositions according to the white, brown, and flicker patterns.
  • Invariably, test subjects preferred "flicker music" (Figure 22.1) to either white music or brown music.
  • But the reason for this preference remained unclear.
1/f noise

Then surprising new information began to emerge.
1/f noise was found to be extremely commonplace in nature. For example, all exhibit a recognizable flicker pattern:

  • The record of the annual flood levels of the Nile follows a 1/f fluctuation.
  • Variations in sunspots
  • The wobbling of Earth’s axis
  • Undersea currents
  • Membrane currents in the nervous systems of animals
  • Errors of measurement in atomic clocks
  • Traffic flows on expressways
The static world is very Brownian,
but the dynamic world appears 1/f.
If we measure this noise at the peripheries
of the nervous system (under the skin
of the fingers), it tends to be white.
The closer one gets to the brain, however,
the closer the electrical fluctuations
approach 1/f.
The nervous system seems to act like
a complex filtering device, screening out
irrelevant elements and processing only
the patterns of change that are useful
for intelligent behavior.
We like flicker music best because
it parallels the way our brain works.
The dynamic world appears 1/f

T. Musha, a physicist at the Tokyo Institute of Technology, rotated a radar beam from a coastal location to get a maximum variation of landscape on the radar screen. The pattern was Brownian. However, when he rotated the beam twice and subtracted one image from the other (representing all the changes in the scene between the two sweeps) the resulting pattern was distinctly 1/f. The static world is very Brownian, in other words, but the dynamic world appears 1/f.

Human brain characterized by flicker

It is Voss’ contention that the human brain also may best be character ized by flicker rather than Brownian or white patterns. Human brains prefer compositions of sound with only moderate autocorrelation, and this is how we choose the music we like. Explains one writer:

We are now approaching an understanding of Voss’ daring conjecture. The changing landscape of the world (or to put it another way the changing content of our total experience) seems to cluster around 1/f noise. It is certainly not entirely uncorrelated, like white noise, nor is it as strongly correlated as brown noise. From the cradle to the grave our brain is processing the fluctuating data that come to it from its sensors. If we measure this noise at the peripheries of the nervous system (under the skin of the fingers), it tends to be white. The closer one gets to the brain, however, the closer the electrical fluctuations approach 1/f. The nervous system seems to act like a complex filtering device, screening out irrelevant elements and processing only the patterns of change that are useful for intelligent behavior.2881

Sensory diet of 1/f food

We like flicker music best because it parallels the way our brain works. Our mental "negentropic hunger" demands a sensory diet of "1/f food." And since 1/f is the pattern of dynamic reality, we may expect that the neural equipment of many alien sentients will be organized in much the same way.

Frequency response

There are also a number of physiological sensory limitations upon the music that extraterrestrials may enjoy.
First there is the question of frequency response of alien ears.

  • The average human can hear from 20-20,000 Hz.
  • He can discriminate 600 distinct pitches at whisper loudness (5 dB).
  • 1800 pitches at the loudness of normal speech (about 60 dB).696
  • In spite of this, Western music makes use of no more than 100 distinct pitches, and even if other cultures are added in the total does not approach the theoretical maxima.
  • Our music is comparatively poor.
Human vs. dolphin hearing
  • The human ear has a hearing range of about 10 octaves
    • Music range of 8 octaves
    • Normal performing range of about 5 octaves
    • Talking range of less than 1 octave
  • Dolphin hearing is from 100-200,000 Hz (11 octaves)
    • Normal "speech" from perhaps 4000-40,000 Hz (3 octaves)
  • To the dolphin, our normal speech must sound incredibly dull, flat, and monotone.
  • The entire human music range spans only the five bottommost octaves of dolphin hearing, and our normal performing range spans less than four.

ETs with hearing ranges or pitch discrimination markedly different from humans may be unable to appreciate our species’ music, and vice versa.

Fortunately, however, evidence marshalled by xenologists indicates the differences may not be too great in many cases. Most land animals on Earth, including amphibians, birds and mammals, have maximum hearing limits between 10,000-100,000 Hz. While there are a number of notable exceptions (such as the alligator and the dolphin), aliens who evolutionarily have committed themselves to hearing as a major sensory modality probably will not fall much outside this range.

Lower limit of hearing

The lower limit of hearing is fixed by even more fundamental considerations.

  • The relative insensitivity of the human ear at low frequencies protects us from the distractions of normal bodily vibrations.82
  • If we could hear below 10 Hz, our ears constantly would be bombarded with the creaks and groans of jointed skeletons, trapped gases and flexing musculature.
  • There may exist ETs with uniformly soft mushy bodies that do not squeak, groan, or burble. But if they have any hard parts at all, chances are that aliens won’t hear below about 10 Hz either.
Rhythm in music

There is also the question of rhythm in music.696

  • The basic unit of musical time is called a beat.
  • The pace of the fundamental beat is called the tempo.

What are the upper and lower limits of tempo in alien music?

Upper limit of tempo

As for the upper limit, human nervous tissue imposes a maximum rate of transmission for discrete signals of about 3 milliseconds (18,000 beats/minute).454

  • This theoretical maximum for human beings cannot nearly be reached in practice, since musical messages must be processed through a complex network involving ear and brain structures.
  • Generally, as with flickering light impinging the eye, musical sequences faster than about 20 notes per second (1200 beats/minute) lose their periodicity and become perceptually continuous phenomena.
  • This is also the fastest speed at which notes may be separately fingered on a piano by human hands.665 It is certainly possible that extraterrestrials may have faster response times than this, but it is doubtful that it can be much faster if biological building materials are used.
  • The human flicker response of 20 events/second is an evolutionary adaptation which promotes survival by permitting detection of fast-occurring survival-related events in the environment. ETs on high gravity worlds may have reflexes twice as fast as our own (giving them a flicker rate of 2400 beats/minute)
  • But it is doubtful that still faster perception would serve any biologically useful purpose.
Ambient temperature and the flow of subjective time

Ambient temperature has been shown to affect circadian rhythms and the flow of subjective time in animals and humans. Temperature and time are directly correlated: As temperature rises, subjective time seems to pass faster.

  • In one memorable experiment, humans were required to tap a key at the subjective rate of three taps per second.
  • When body temperature was artificially raised by diathermy, an acceleration in the tapping rhythm was observed of which the subjects were not aware.91
  • Biochemical reactions generally go faster at elevated temperatures, and neurochemistry is no exception.
  • Given similar biochemistries, xenologists expect warm climate aliens generally to prefer faster musical tempos and have faster flicker rates than extraterrestrial beings indigenous to colder climes.
Lower limit of tempo

As for the lower limit of tempo:

  • Humans are known to have a neurologically-determined attention span of from 2-10 seconds (6-30 beats/minute).665,1815
  • Studies have shown that the perception of rhythm disappears when beats follow each other by more than 2 seconds.91
  • Attention span, like flicker rate, is determined by evolution.
  • ETs native to low gravity, very cold worlds might have very long attention spans by human standards.
  • Since nothing would happen very quickly on such a planet, lifeforms would need to be more patient to discern developing survival-related patterns in the sensory environment.
  • The music of these creatures, perhaps involving a minimum tempo of 1 beat/minute, would prove well-nigh intolerable to human ears.
Preferred tempo

What about the preferred tempo?

  • Human music normally runs at about 50-95 beats/minute, and a rather striking convergence on 70-80 beats/minute has been discovered among terrestrial cultures all over the world.91,698
  • Musicologists had long believed that the appreciation of specific tempos was probably a learned product of culture. But since many societies seem to choose the same "most pleasing" tempo, the explanation may lie in some characteristic of human physiology.
Warmth and security of 70-80 beats/minute

One fascinating theory goes as follows.661,698

  • For the first 9 months of its existence, the developing fetus is exposed to its mother’s heartbeat (normally 80 beats/minute) and to the periodic swaying due to the normal walking stride of pregnant mothers (also about 70-80 beats/minute).
  • Newborn babies continue to hear the mother’s heartbeat when held to the chest for nursing or fondling.
  • And experiments have shown that 70-80 beat/minute heartbeat sounds played over loudspeakers in hospital nurseries have an observable quieting effect on infants.661,82
  • So it may be that humans early learn to associate an aural environment of 70-80 beats/minute with warmth and security, imprinting this preferred tempo upon them for life.
  • Later, the music they make naturally tends to cluster around 70-80 beats/minute.

The implications for xenology are clear. Aliens with different heartbeat timing may have different preference tempos in their music. ETs with markedly different maternal heartbeat and walk-strides may have two distinct preferred tempos around which their songs tend to cluster. Sentient species without heartbeats, without strides (e.g., no legs), or which hatch from eggs and so never experience the mother’s heartbeat or stride, may have no preferred tempo whatsoever, or it may be fixed by other factors.

Visual music

Of course, the temporal arts are not strictly limited to the perception of sound. Other beings may make music utilizing other sensory modalities. Creatures who rely primarily on vision for communication may play visual music with flickering lights of varying colors, intensities, and tempos. They would doubtless find our Lasariums rather primitive efforts; and could humans ever hope fully to appreciate the nuances of prismatic harmony?


The phrase "electronic music" takes on new meaning when applied to electrosensitive extraterrestrials, and one wonders what mankind could make of dynamic magnetic music. Olfactory aliens may devise smell-symphonies, performed in giant auditoriums constructed much like wind tunnels. Delicate aromas suggestive of moods or activities such as sex or physical combat could be combined to create emotional musical dramas. (The accidental "breaking of wind" by an embarrassed patron, the osmic equivalent of shouting scatological curses in a human theater, would surely be grounds for ejection by the ushers.)

22.5.2 Alien Painting and Surface Arts

If the "negentropic hunger" theory of aesthetics is correct, then some form of artistic expression should be found among the more intelligent non human animals on Earth. Whales are known to sing half-hour songs that vary from season to season. Dolphins in captivity have been observed to blow echolocation beams in pairs, playfully creating a sympathetic beat frequency between them.15 But not enough is known about free-living cetaceans to determine if they actually have art.

Primate song and dance

Among the primates "song" and "dance" are common,
and as early as 1962 thirty-two had produced drawings and paintings in captivity:

Twenty-three were chimpanzees, two were gorillas, three were orangutans, and four were capuchin monkeys. None received special training or anything more than access to the necessary equipment. In fact, attempts to guide the efforts of the animals by inducing imitation were always unsuccessful. The drive to use the painting and drawing equipment was powerful, requiring no reinforcement from the human observers. Both young and old animals became so engrossed with the activity that they preferred it to being fed and sometimes threw temper tantrums when stopped.565

Environment affecting style

Xenologists expect that the environment will strongly affect the style of alien painters.
Gravity, for instance, provides visual orientation for land-dwelling creatures. According to one science fiction writer, describing a creature that grew up in the absence of gravity:

The effect was very beautiful, and totally alien. I saw that he was painting a flowing pattern of lines, converging on a blue center. The common structure of Earth paintings, into horizontal and vertical elements, was lacking completely.3240

Visual sensitivities

The surface arts among humans are predominantly visual. Mixtures of colors and hues in alien works will depend upon eye sensitivity and the characteristics of optical receptors in the eye (recall Table 13.2).

  • The art of ETs with frequency sensitivity like honeybees would appear excessively blue to the human eye. There would be an absence of red hues, and much of the chomatic tonality would be lost on us because we could not see several "invisible" ultraviolet colors.
  • Aliens with eye responses similar to the seagull would produce predominantly reddish paintings with little blue or green.
  • Other extraterrestrials might have visual sensitivities spanning a mere 1000 Angstroms, in which case their art would appear monochromatic to us.
  • Conversely, our art would make little sense to them because of our unskilled use of their single major color.
Surface arts beyond visible

There are other visual surface arts than just the "visible."

  • Infrared paintings, for example, might consist of patterns painted with materials of varying thermal conductivity and heated uniformly from behind to produce a static polythermal image.
  • Kinetic heat art could be accomplished by the use of conductive metals: The ebb and flow of heat patterns diffusing across a metal surface may be a beautiful sight to alien eyes.
  • Dynamic art may be commonplace among such creatures, since touching, fanning, or blowing on the composition will cause its heat-colors to change.
  • Radio art may be still more alien to human understanding. A single painting may cover an entire wall of a building and have no "visible" color. Irregularities in metal surfaces on the order of centimeters that strike our eyes as mere bumps and pock-marks will appear colorful and mirror-smooth to beings equipped with radio sight.1337
Sonic paintings

Sonic paintings are also quite possible.
Porpoiselike pelagic sentients may set a sheet metal canvas vibrating uniformly with white noise.

  • This is the sonic equivalent of blankness or whiteness.
  • The aquatic artist then begins to paint by affixing tiny rectangular resonance cavities pointing outward on the metal canvas.
  • These are driven by the white noise from behind (which contains all frequencies) and resonate at specific audio frequencies that represent colors in dolphin sound-vision.
  • Such works could be made kinetic by using a driving frequency mixture other than white noise.
  • Drivers sweeping the spectrum in monosonic intervals would cause the sound-colors in the picture to pop out one by one for separate viewing.
  • Since dolphins also have a Doppler sense, shifting the driver from blue to red sounds would make objects in the painting appear to move away from the observer, and vice versa.
  • Entire action sequences could be crammed into a single work.
Mona Lisa as sonic art

Xenologists admit that sonic and visual aesthetics may be mutually incomprehensible. Suppose we were to translate the Mona Lisa into sonic art using some sophisticated color/sound frequency mapping technique, in which our blue was rendered as high frequency sound waves, green as medium frequency, and red as low frequency tones. The resulting image would not look at all (to a porpoise) like the actual human female would had she been viewed by the marine creature in the water.

It is easy to see why. Whereas people live in a world of flesh, hair and clothing, dolphins see only solid bones and air pockets internal to the body using their echolocation vision.

  • To them the skin and watery organs are virtually transparent. So sentient alien porpoises would regard most "rendered" human art as, at best, highly surrealistic.
  • Conversely, the equivalent of the dolphin "Mona Lisa," rendered into human-visible form, would probably resemble a multicolored X-ray snapshot showing bones and other hard parts, liberally peppered with unsightly clumps and globules representing the female cetacean’s "beautiful" air vacuoles.
  • Clearly a great deal of the aesthetic experience has been lost in the translation.
Tactile painting

Extraterrestrials who rely on touch as their primary sensory modality may develop a form of tactile painting (static), or some means of transmitting tactile images via "teletactivision" using a picture screen with vibrating embossed patterns (kinetic). Electrosensitive creatures might have what humans could only describe as "phosphene art."


Odor-painting is also a distinct possibility, with subtle blends of perfumes and scents:

The Olfax artist, by associating perfumes that have a connotation of fields, individuals, rituals, or edifices within a framed area could produce in his audience by olfactory means a response similar to ours when we see painted lines and colors on a canvas that combine aesthetically and produce a visual image of the things they represent.1000


One can imagine a number of clever "visual" scent-puns. For instance, the odor of heavily spiced pepperoni pizza might be juxtaposed with the scent of the alien equivalent of alka-seltzer. An electronic "teleolfactivision" could be used to bring kinetic osmic images directly into the home from across geographical distances.

22.5.3 Dance and Sports

The art of dancing is the art of moving the body in a rhythmic fashion, often accompanied by music, to express an emotion or idea or to narrate a story.921 Dance of a sort is common among Earthly animals, usually in connection with courtship activities. Among alien sentients dance will reflect cultural values including love, religion, and community, and may be used as a distinctive mode of communication.3018 Dance may also serve as a vigorous yet sensitive medium of entertainment and recreation, and thus is closely related to sports.

Dance circumscribed by physiology

Dance is circumscribed by physiology. The degree of movement that is physically possible is determined by the flexibility and strength of muscles, ligaments, and the bony frame. The least flexible part of the body is the skeleton. As one writer describes humans:

The structure of bones and joints governs the amount of bodily movement in any one direction. The ribs and chest can easily be bent to each side and forward but will not bend backward. The ball and socket structure of the shoulder and hip joints permits a small degree of movement. Movement from the hip is easier in a forward direction; it is more difficult to swing the leg up to the side or the back than in front of the body. The ballet dancer must practice until his legs can be raised high in all directions without loss of balance or control. A fundamental of dancing is the control of distribution of weight.921

Alternative limb structures

This description will be quite different for extraterrestrials. Other creatures will have alternative limb structures that permit the alien body to flex in unexpected ways. To the author’s eyes, even the very best human ballet always seems somewhat awkward and undignified. Perhaps this may be chalked up to man’s evolution on the grassy savannahs of prehistoric Africa. But compared to intelligent octopoid dancers with totally flexible limbs, human performers must appear as clumsy lock-kneed oafs.

Alternative skeletons

Creatures connected together with universal jointed skeletons should also prove superior in solo ballet performances.

  • Weird internal structures will permit odd forms of dance which are physically impossible for human beings to emulate.
  • This may result in artistic culture shock among human choreographers and artists, who may undergo intricate surgical operations and skeletal modifications simply to be able to appreciate first hand the alien mode of emotive dance.
  • Performances under conditions of low gravity (Moon or Mars) or in empty space3018 also should prove strikingly graceful — something like underwater ballet, but without the viscous medium.
Interplanetary Olympics

What can we say about sports? Multispecies athletic competition such as an Interplanetary Olympics would be complicated by the gravity factor.

  • ETs native to high-gravity worlds would have a natural advantage, since in any given mass class these beings will have more muscle per kilogram than the others.
  • It is an open question whether the gravity-related physiological differences between alien races will or should be compensated during scoring.
  • Although the aggressive-discharge model of sports activity in humans has now been disproven,1804 other sentient races may use athletics to drain off pent-up emotional energy. Such creatures may instinctively regard compensatory scoring as unfair or unnecessary.*

* Much has been written about the effects of planetary surface gravity on various sports events, especially track and field, as for example: Eck,1350 Lafleur,138 Margaria,3019 and Richardson.558

22.5.4 Alien Sculpture and Architecture

Sculpture may be broadly defined as the art of representing observed or imagined objects in three physical dimensions. Sculpture may take the form of a biological organism, a statue, or a frozen light sculpture involving laser bursts preserved in a cube of photosensitive gel.3058 Sculpturing may be computerized in the creation: An artist designs a composition, say, in wax, and a machine-driven laser scalpel carves perfect copies in gold or stone, on radium or plutonium ingots, in miniature (as on a precious gem such as ruby or diamond), or in some architectural medium bigger than life.3059 Larry Niven’s "kdatlyno touch sculpture" could be constructed from a vibrating metal surface with variable textural and vibrational modes, but it would have to be extremely wear-resistant to survive fondling by millions of spectators’ hands. Similar in concept are the "tactoids" imagined by Arthur C. Clarke, an egg-shaped time-varying polytexturic handheld sculptural form that "does to the sense of touch what a kaleidoscope does to vision."1947

Dynamic water-sculpture

Sculptures need not necessarily involve the solid phase. Ivan Sanderson has described a unique form of dynamic water-sculpture that echolocating pelagic ETs might perfect:

Certain substances glow in total darkness owing to the release of photons caused by the breakdown of materials that have become "charged" through the absorption of sunlight. What we see in the sea is called luminescence and is produced chemically by living things, most notably by a tiny single-celled animal known as Noctiluca miliaris. These creatures light up when stimulated in various ways — as mechanically by a ship’s bow waves and wake. … Ultrasonic vibrations of the required intensity could be generated by a large marine animal; indeed, dolphins and whales generate just such sounds. A beautifully coruscating whorl of light could be engendered by two porpoises, "singing" in close harmony.632

Sentient dolphins, in other words, could create optical interference patterns by echolocating in pairs near the same frequency, creating a dynamic light and-sound sculpture against a three-dimensional "screen" of luminescent microscopic lifeforms suspended in the ocean.*

Rainbows: natural sculpture

Rainbows are a form of natural sculpture, and sentient creatures may be able to generate similar effects artificially. Radio vision aliens might construct a giant diffraction grating in the form of metal picket fences or using closely spaced electrically-conductive natural plant growth. Spaced 1-100 centimeters apart, such patterns would yield three or four orders of rainbow-like spectra as an observer moved from the front around to the side.

Sonic rainbows

Sonic rainbows are also possible. One way to do it is to send white noise through a field of very large bubbles of air about 1 meter in diameter. Just as light slows in water droplets to form a natural optical rainbow in the sky, sound travels slower in the rising air pockets and is refracted to create what porpoises might call an "airbow." A more elegant technique involves the use of very small air bubbles. As R. McNeill Alexander has pointed out, when bubbles are blown in water a musical note can be heard because in the act of formation the bubble surfaces are set in vibration.230 The properties of pulsating bubbles are such that a bubble of 1 centimeter radius will emit sonic radiation at about 330 Hz; a bubble 0.1 centimeter in radius radiates at 3300 Hz; and so forth. Perhaps as part of an elaborate dance orchestration, sentient dolphins could generate distinctive three-dimensional patterns of glowing water-space ("glowing" in the sonic spectrum) by blowing exactly the right kinds of bubbles at the proper locations with accurate timing. Such a sonic airbow could take on any shape or color desired by the artist.

Earth animal architecture

What about alien architecture? Sociobiologists are aware of many instances of homebuilding among nonhuman animals on Earth.3057,438

  • Octopuses live in "houses" which they either occupy fortuitously or build from scratch using rocks, pebbles, rusted cans, bottles, or anything else they can find on the sea floor.1000
  • The honeycomb hives of bees are perhaps the best known instance of animal architecture, and Karl von Frisch has demonstrated that the hexagonal shape of the honeycomb is mathematically optimal in that it encloses the most volume using the least materials.438
  • And until the coming of mankind the monolithic cities of the termites represented the greatest modification of the natural landscape wrought by animal life. Built of porous clay and oriented exactly along an east-west axis to minimize the heating effects of direct sunlight, termite mounds often reach heights of more than 5 meters and occasionally have diameters as wide as 30 meters across.1000
Ubiquity of architecture

So we see that both solitary and gregarious creatures on this planet make use of architectural structures. Virtually all human societies utilize some form of shelter, even in the Pacific islands where the climate is so benign that no elaborate housing is really needed. These facts argue strongly for the ubiquity of architecture among extraterrestrial societies.3060

Limits to construction

What are the gross physical limits to such construction on any world? Gravity is the first problem.20 According to the Square-Cube Law, the mass of a building which must be supported by its foundation increases as the cube of the linear dimension, whereas the supportive area of the foundation increases only as the square. The compressive strengths of natural and artificial building materials are well known,924,1852 so it is a simple matter to calculate the maximum permissible sizes of structures on other worlds. Maximum height of a given design will vary inversely with gravity. In other words, the highest building on a 2-gee planet can only be about half as high as a similar structure with similar materials constructed here on Earth.

Tectonic activity

Another major environmental factor is geological activity.61 As we discovered in an earlier chapter, massive planets have more internal energy available to drive thermal convection currents in the mantle. This means more earthquakes. Xenologists therefore expect to find sqatter, more sturdy and temblor-proof buildings on heavy worlds than on light ones, since quakes topple buildings more easily the higher their centers of gravity are from the ground.926,925 This conclusion is reinforced by the observation that high gravity and tectonic activity appear to be highly correlated.

Wind velocity considerations

Still another important consideration is wind velocity. Planetologists recognize that planetary rotation is related to wind speed — generally the faster the rotation, the faster the winds. Also, an empirical relation derived from data from the bodies in our solar system indicates that planetary mass and rotation are also correlated (for reasons unknown) — the more massive the planet, the shorter its day. Putting these two results together, xenologists expect that massive high-gravity worlds should have faster winds than less massive, low-gravity worlds.

Compensating for high wind

Tall, wispy architectures are less likely on planets with ferocious winds.925 Nevertheless, as Donald Stern once pointed out to the author, architectural forms on high-wind-velocity planets can still have as much variation and height as on Earth:

Wind factor can be compensated for. Under high wind conditions it is not necessary to weight a structure down to make it immovable. A good terran example of this is the Mongolian yurt, a dome-shaped structure of wood latticework covered with hides and a felt-like material ½ cm thick. This structure weighs only a few hundred pounds and is designed to be fairly portable. Yet it can withstand wind velocities up to 140 kph on the open steppes. Even tall structures should be possible under such conditions. (See "Wicker Wonderland" in Keith Laumer’s Galactic Diplomat.) Spire-like city structures could be constructed to serve as a graduated series of windbreaks. They could conceivably be semiflexible, but might prove more livable if they could be rigidly fixed in a giant latticework or grillwork system that would still be capable of breaking up the force of the wind. ("Galloping Gertie," the Tacoma Narrows bridge, collapsed because solid panels were used in the cable suspension; it was later rebuilt using a latticework system.) If spread across the face of a high-wind planet, such structures could serve to lower the wind factor by several orders of magnitude.2976

Another possibility for windy worlds is to construct buildings in the shape of vertical airfoils, streamlined, gimballed and pointing into the wind for maximum stability.**

Biological architecture

Rather than using static construction materials, it has been suggested that ETs may wish to employ what is called "biotecture" or biological architecture.

  • One biostructure grown by architect Rudolf Doernach near Stuttgart, Germany consists of living hazel trees bent into an arched framework over which dense foliage plants have been grown to form protective walls.
  • Frank Lloyd Wright once designed a mile-high skyscraper with a foundation patterned after the taproot systems by which many plant species anchor themselves to the ground.
  • Biotects dream of using genetically altered plants to grow predesigned habitable shapes, and crystalline minerals chemically treated to grow into specific forms.
  • Marine animals such as shellfish and coral could be genetically doctored and used in biotecture.

As one science fiction writer describes it:

A genetic manipulation of ordinary sea coral, it was the cheapest building material known. The only real cost was in the plastic balloon that guided the growth of the coral and enclosed the coral’s special airborne food. The remnants of the shaping balloon gave all architectural coral buildings their telltale bulge. The exposed walls can be polished to a shining pink sheen, Even after sunset the house glowed softly.231

Living furniture

Inside living houses we might find living furniture!

  • A genetically altered canine, bred for patience and furriness, could serve as a self-moving chair (the "chairdog").
  • Another variety could be used as a bed with a comfy conformable surface (the "bedog").2615
  • A modified Galapagos tortoise species could serve as living tables and desks (the "tableturtle"); and so forth.
Unusual architectural forms

A wide variety of unusual architectural forms have been proposed by many writers, including:

  • The cryotectural Ice City3065
  • Cybertecture3062
  • The Crystal Caves3064
  • Urban Microclimates3062
  • Greenhouse Cities3062
  • The Biopolis3067
  • Ferrocement (Ant Farm) Structures3062
  • Self-Building Symbiotic Structures3065
  • Archigram and Modular Habitats3062
  • Edible Houses3064
  • Kinetic Architecture3063
  • Ecopolis3062
  • Aerotecture3062
  • The Sensitive House3064
  • Chemitecture3065
  • Laser Architecture3063
  • Terratecture and Geotecture3061
  • Biomorphic Biosphere Megastructure3066

Extraterrestrial architects and biotects may exploit these and countless other remarkable design approaches in the construction of buildings and habitats on other worlds.

Weather sculpture

* The gaseous phase is also a possibility

  • "Weather sculpture" has been suggested by at least one science fiction writer.3077
Smell vents, vibration transducers and radio wells

** Environmental and sensorial factors may also be significant.

  • Olfactory beings may design "smell vents" into their buildings rather than windows and skylights.1000
  • The equivalent for tactile ETs would be vibration transducers mounted into walls.
  • And radio-visioned aliens inhabiting starless planets should have a most unique variety of interior lighting. Since radio illumination percolates up from the ground, and deeper means hotter and thus brighter, ETs might drill vertical shafts to bring forth "radio light." Houses might be built around these radio wells.