Flying Saucers Are Watching Us  
Flying Saucers Are Watching Us
FSAWU cover

New Saucerian is pleased to reprint "Flying Saucers Are Watching Us: An Astonishing New Theory That a Race of Ancient Aliens From Outer Space is the Long-Sought 'Missing Link' in Human Development" by Otto O. Binder, the famous comic book artist and science writer, who often ate lunch with Fortean researcher John A. Keel in New York City. Keel wrote that Binder was the "very first ufologist," because Binder began writing about UFOs and flying discs in the early 1930s.

This book in particular is of note, because it was published BEFORE Erich von Daniken's "Chariots of the Gods," making it the very first "Ancient Aliens" book of all time. Binder wastes no time in getting to the same points we see today on the popular "Ancient Aliens" TV program.

As an artist, Binder was responsible for the creation of characters like Supergirl, Brainiac, and Krypto the Super Dog (as well as the entire "Bizarro" line of comics), and wrote stories for major comics like Superman, Captain America, and The Submariner.

"Flying Saucers Are Watching Us" is a must-have for today's serious UFO/Fortean researcher. The "alien hybrid" topic is still as hot - and unexplored - as it was 50 years ago.


It can be predicted with some certainty that the premise of this book will be rejected outright by any scientific authority, or any part of the Establishment. That puts me in good company.

  • Copernicus dared not publish his heliocentric theory of the solar system before he died, for fear of reprisals by the Establishment (then the Church).
  • Galileo was nearly burned at the stake for declaring his pioneering telescope had found craters on the moon, four moons of Jupiter, and spots on the sun (impossible—the sun was perfect).
  • Newton’s gravitational theory did not meet instant acclaim, but was bitterly opposed by the scientific authorities of the time.
  • Darwin’s theory of evolution was still being fought in the courts of Tennessee as late as 1928.
  • Freud’s revolutionary exploration of the mind’s dark regions was labeled “sheer charlatanism” by loud and learned voices for many years.
  • Harvey was castigated for daring to state that blood circulated in the human body, and the authorities peremptorily declared him wrong without even checking on living humans.
  • Pasteur’s “little beasties” invisible to the eye, that caused diseases, were the laugh of the day to every medical expert in the world of that time.
  • Lister’s first antiseptic (to fight Pasteur’s germs when recognized) was called a useless or dangerous devil’s brew.
  • Morton gave the blessing of ether to the world but could not anesthetize himself from the cruel persecutions he suffered at the hands of medical scientists who sonorously said “It is God’s will that man should suffer when ill or undergoing surgery.”

Roentgen’s X-rays, Hertz’s radio waves, Morse’s telegraph, Bell’s telephone, Edison’s electric light, the Wright Brothers’ airplane—and an endless list of other great discoveries—were all, without exception, hooted and howled at by the current authorities who knew what was possible and what was sheer “poppycock.”

This is not to put myself in the company of such great men, nor to unequivocally claim my thesis is correct. It is to point up that entrenched authority opposes all new concepts almost without fail, so that in fact, they do not even admit the reality of UFO’s today, much less consider any theory of their origin and purpose as this book quite boldly brings forth.

Nor will the reaction of the reactionary establishment (if any) concern me personally.

However, it may concern the man on whose brilliant scientific insights this book’s theme is largely based—Max H. Flindt, engineer and scientific researcher. His former posts include that of Senior Lab Technician at the Lawrence Radiation Laboratory in Berkeley, California; technical work for Doctor Seaborg and Doctor Teller (both Nobelists); a position at Lockheed on highly classified space work as a Laboratory Analyst in Research; at present, is in research under Professor Emeritus Percy Baumberger of Stanford University in biological studies such as human blood characteristics.

Max Flindt also has a unique patent to his credit, Magnetic Mercury, which he developed while working for the Atomic Energy Commission.

Flindt’s greatest research project, however, was on his own for a book titled On Tiptoe Beyond Darwin. Briefly, he propounds that mankind is a hybrid product of prehistoric unions between spacemen and early terrestrian primates or humanoids, deliberately bred ages ago in order to establish a future earth colony. And he backs up his revolutionary concept with massive scientific data and brilliant deductions, more than any authority (if he can let down his arrogance) can shrug off.

Flindt does not, be it specifically noted, ever imply in his scholarly work that our ancestral spacemen came in “flying saucers” or that the UFO’s sighted today have any connection with his thesis. All interpolations of “saucermen” and “UFOnauts” in the book are mine, not Flindt’s.

Nor is Flindt in any way responsible for my suppositions, extrapolations, opinions, and conclusions on any phase of my particular earth-colony concept. These are purely my own. This applies also to the many references and quotes from the books and writings of John A. Keel, Dr. Ivan Sanderson, Dr. Carl Sagan, Paul Thomas, Brinsley le Poer Trench, Dr. Jacques Vallee, Aime Michel, Bryant and Helen Reeves, Coral Lorenzen, Brad Steiger, Joan Whitenour, Captain David C. Holmes, Harold T. Wilkins, Gabriel Green, Joseph Goodavage, John Fuller, or any writer for James Moseley’s SAUCER NEWS. If any have been left out, they are credited in this book.

Also, various nationally circulated magazines typified by Saga, or specialty UFO issues put out by Dell Publications, Trend Books, and such from which I’ve quoted, are all likewise exempt from any slightest endorsement of this book’s premise or any of its speculations.

My appreciation to all of the above for the literary borrowings from them, and for which due credit is assigned in the book.

But most of all, my deepest gratitude to Mr. Max H. Flindt, without whose magnificent anthropological, paleontological, and biological research gems, this book could never have been written.

—Otto O. Binder

Table of Contents
  1. Homo Hybrid, Interstellar Crossbreed … 1
  2. Sex and the Saucermen … 9
  3. Contactees and Abductees … 17
  4. Earthly “Guinea Pigs” … 25
  5. UFOs Everywhere and Everywhen … 33
  6. Unwritten UFO History … 38
  7. Biblical Saucers … 45
  8. One Million B.C. Saucermen … 53
  9. Fantastic Prehistoric “Engineering” … 60
  10. United Worlds of Space … 72
  11. Earth, Planetary Bio Lab … 83
  12. Evolution Speeded Up … 90
  13. Hybrid Human Clues … 97
  14. UFO Rescue Squad … 106
  15. Colony Under Observation … 115
  16. Earth, Family Property … 127
  17. Colonial Earth’s Destiny … 134
About the Author
otto binder

Otto O. Binder

was a distinguished science writer, specializing in space and the UFO phenomena. He was the author of ten science books, and wrote many science-fact articles for national magazines. He also wrote under contract for NASA.

He was editor in chief for five years for Space World, a magazine devoted to astronautics. He was the author of the syndicated panel, Our Space Age, a six day a week feature. He was a member of {tip content="National Investigations Committee On Aerial Phenomena"}NICAP{/tip}, Washington D.C., as well as the following: National Aerospace Education Council, Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, American Rocketry Association, National Association of Rocketry, Aerospace Writers Association, among others.


Flying Saucers Are Watching Us

ISBN-13: 978-1532830556
ISBN-10: 1532830556

Tower Publications edition published 1968
Saucerian edition published 1985
New Saucerian edition published 2016

Copyright © 1968 by Otto O. Binder

1 Homo Hybrid, Interstellar Crossbreed

It is One Million B.C. Brooding jungle covers the land, steamy and miasmic. The roars and snarls of fierce predators sound out from time to time. But the air is invigorating, the waters sparkling and clear. It is a good world, inviting life to prosper.

Down from the sky spins a gleaming disk. Miraculously it halts its furious plunge and hovers above the treetops, rocking gently. Then it slowly lowers onto a clearing and tripod landing legs swing out. It comes to rest, its droning internal hum dying away.

A hatch opens. A ramp slides forth smoothly and two men descend from the flying saucer. They are seven feet tall, slender, with bulging heads obviously housing very large brain organs. A crouching saber-toothed tiger springs. Almost disdainfully, one of the men aims a hand tube. Electromagnetic energy whines forth. As if striking an invisible wall, the huge tiger bounces back. Dizzily, the baffled and frightened animal slinks away.

One of the men points a long thin finger. Lurking behind bushes is a shaggy low-browed female creature.

“Primate stock,” radiates one man telepathetically. “The kind that will respond to our universal human interbreeding system.”

“From their type will come a mid-brain species of hybrid humans, below us in mentality but far above any native creature here,” agrees the other man, sweeping his arm around. “This world can be added to our list of choice planets suitable for humanized life.”

The Skymen, Legend or Truth?

Did the aforementioned scene, or something similar, happen in the prehistoric past? Are our ancestors both the apemen of earth and a race of brainy beings from outer space? Are those ancient colonizers still watching over their children, as manifested in the many UFO reports of today?

This bombshell concept is gaining adherents steadily as more and more ancient UFO sightings, disguised as legends and tales but with the ring or truth, are being dug out of obscurity by saucer researchers. The more that early literature and myths are culled, the more evidence keeps appearing that mankind was planted on earth, or created as a crossbred hybrid by saucerian sires who came from a world trillions of miles away and far beyond our solar system.

Are myths and legends pure invention by imaginative man? Or are they historical events distorted by time and overlaid with fanciful details? Scholars now believe that most if not all ancient tales, handed down from time immemorial, are disguised accounts of events that happened.

Among the myths of mankind is a universal one repeated by almost every society and culture on earth, dating back to prehistoric times.

In that widely repeated legend the expression “godlike men descended from the sky” occurs again and again. And they came to create man.

At this point, let the reader forget orthodox religion and think of all this as ancient history in a new form. The views expressed do not really clash with the Bible, but simply offer a new interpretation of scriptural events. The fair-minded reader will not get bogged down with false thoughts of blasphemy but continue reading to see what it all leads to and whether it holds up as a new theory of the origin of life and intelligence on this earth.

To continue, the Biblical story (or allegory) of Adam and Eve is strangely repeated in the sacred books and traditions of other religions and peoples—Aztecs and Incas, Australian aborigines, Hawaiians, Irish, Hindus, Brahmans, Tibetans, Scandinavians, Japanese, and Chinese.

In Greco-Roman mythology, Uranus the sky god consorted with Rhea the earth goddess to produce half-gods and mortals.

This legend is especially significant because it repeats the legend that superior beings from the sky came down to our planet to interbreed with native people and produce the children of earth.

But it is the Bible itself, in one very controversial passage over which theologians still wrangle today, that suggests the strongest evidence of hybridization between sky people and earth people.

Genesis VI-1: “… the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were fair; and they took to wife such of them as they chose.”

Who were the “sons of God”?

The logical answer from evidence which follows in this book—saucermen from space.

Remember that all theologians do not agree that the words God, Jehovah, Elohim and such necessarily all meant the God. It is open to question whether in many cases a nondivine being was meant, a messenger from the sky. Reinterpreting the Bible freely, and more logically, the Adam and Eve story might really be a garbled account of how men in flying saucers landed on earth and intermarried with earthly women of some prehistoric type. Or even more likely, with a subhuman species more than a million years ago.

Mankind, Evolutionary Misfit

Fantastic? Not according to Max H. Flindt and his book, On Tiptoe Beyond Darwin, with the subtitle “Is Man a Hybrid? It is possible one of our ancestors came from outer space.”

In scholarly and scientific fashion, Flindt backs up his startling hypothesis with the following points which Darwin’s theory of evolution has notably failed to answer:

  1. Why did the race of Aurignacian Man (circa 30,000 B.C.) according to his fossil bones, have a brain case 100 cubic centimeters bigger than that of modern man with 1,300 cc capacity? Where did this huge brain case, three times that of a gorilla, come from? And was this large-brained sub-man one of our immediate ancestors, through some unknown biogenetic program of interbreeding with men of space?
  2. Why is man’s brain weight more than triple that of other animals, in proportion to body weight, with a thinking capacity ten times greater than any species of the primates?
  3. Why did man alone, out of hundreds of rival mammalian species, develop this tremendous brain power? All other creatures had just as many millions of years to evolve their nervous systems and brains.
  4. Why does man, uniquely, possess almost no bodily hair, whereas all animals including the primates are hairy? (Even Darwin pondered why man had no fur and never found a satisfactory explanation for it, in accordance with his own theory of evolution.)
  5. Why is it that the fertilized ovum of the human female buries itself in the uterus wall, something that happens with no other creature on earth?
  6. Why does man, unlike all other animals in nature, come in a wide variety of skin colors, statures, cranial shapes, color of head hair, and facial features? Why does man in that sense resemble domesticated dogs, cats and cattle, who have been bred by us into a great variety of types?

None of these riddles is fully explained by the theory of evolution. Max Flindt quotes from Sir Arthur Keith, the great anthropologist, who states that “thirty percent of man’s structural details (of his body) are peculiar to man himself and not shared with any other of the primates.” (From Keith’s book, Man From the Farthest Past).

Flindt quotes from another succinct source of authoritative skepticism: “To the anthropologist, the evolutionary line of descent leading from man’s dark beginnings down to homo sapiens seems physically continuous, held together here only by a segment of skull, there by a crumbling jawbone. Yet the point of man’s emergence as a human being, the threshold he crossed to enter the realm of self-awareness, the moment of his attainment of personality and spirit—these are still shrouded in the shadows of the prehistoric past.” (My italics.)

From the puzzling anomalies above, Flindt draws forth a single and significant answer that solves them all in one stroke—that Man is a hybrid from the union of ancient spacemen and some earthly species of man-ape who existed, according to recent anthropological finds, as long as two million years ago.

It should be mentioned here that Max Flindt does not necessarily tie up his hybrid-human theory with the advent of flying saucers, as I do. They may be our space sires observing us, but whether or not the UFO’s exist has no bearing on Flindt’s theory of spacemen visiting earth in prior ages for their colonization program. Flindt does state, however, that if and when the UFO’s are proven to be real, they would add weight to his concept for it would strongly indicate that some outer space race was deeply concerned over earthly affairs—the same concern a mother hen would show over her brood.

Space Bio-Inheritance

To return to the above points, each is then answered as follows:

  1. Anatomists agree, says Flindt, that future evolution or changes in mankind—besides the disappearance of wisdom teeth, the appendix, etc—will increase the size of his head and his brain capacity to as much as 1,800 cc as compared to 1,300 cc today.

Now, any race of beings able to travel across space must have a superior technology and science born out of super brains of that size or even larger. Hence, such big-brained men—who represent future man—interbreeding with sub-humans on earth long ago could have produced Aurignacian Man with his extra-large amount of grey matter.

  1. Quite obviously, the big-brained aliens mating with small-brained sub-humans would produce something in between—namely, a brain far bigger in proportion to the body than those of other native earth animals.

The ratio of brain weight to body weight, as between humans and animals, is very arresting. No other creature on earth has a brain weighing more than one hundred-fiftieth part of his body (with the sole exception of the hummingbird, oddly enough), whereas man’s brain is one forty-fourth of his body weight. Thus, the human brain is three times bigger, in proportion to the body, than that of any other animal including all the primates and apes.

  1. Here we have the stumbling block that plagued Darwin and other evolutionists. Some 500,000,000 years ago, all species of animal life on earth were at the starting line. Why did only Man win the brain-power race, when the others had equal opportunity? Furthermore, all the findings of “missing links” from ape-man to man-ape to sub-human had thinking capacities ten times less than Man’s. Evolution could hardly jump suddenly to the brilliant human brain in a mere 100,000 or so years while dim-witted Neanderthal and Cro-magnon sub-men still roamed the world.

Some other factor entered this brain race—the donation of the saucerman’s superb brain, via interbreeding.

  1. Hairlessness, as a dominant hereditary trait of the spacemen, would account for man’s naked skin in a world of hairy animals.
  2. Biologically, the fertilized human ovum attaching itself to the uterine wall is a distinct departure from the free-floating ova of all other earth creatures. Why would this phenomenon not occur in all primates, if they are cousins of homo sapiens? Because we are really homo SPACIENS, to coin a term, and obtained the ovum trait from our extraterrestrial forefathers.
  3. This is almost self-explanatory. Wild dogs, cattle, and other domesticated animals were originally all alike in any given species. Man’s breeding experiments alone produced the many varieties in size, coloring, and characteristics. Had mankind been left to develop along normal evolutionary processes, we would be uniformly of one “breed.” In turn, mankind’s wide physical differences almost require the explanation that somebody experimented with the original human or sub-human stock.
Extraterrestrial Genius

Leonardo da Vinci—artist, inventor, mathematician, anatomist, all-around genius. Where did this many-sided intellect gain his mental powers from? Who supplied the age-old genes and chromosomes that at periodic times in human history produce a man so far above the average that he might almost be considered a superhuman?

This again is a living clue to the visitations of the original space colonizers who interbred with primitive humanity to father a human strain of superior quality.

For, as Max Flindt points out, “Apes and chimpanzees never come up with ‘geniuses.’”

An ape da Vinci would be so far above his fellows that he would be able to learn to read and write like humans. This ape genius, who has never yet appeared on earth, would astound science by his feats, such as counting to ten or using a typewriter intelligibly or fixing a broken toy.

The complete absence of such shining intellects among the primates, or any other species of animal—no genius horses or dogs are known either—must make all of us ask with surprise why the human race alone produces outstanding individuals far above the run of the herd.

Only the introduction of extraneous super-intellect genes into the mainstream of human life, long ago, could account for a Ptolemy, Galileo, Newton, Edison, Einstein and all the other great brains that have appeared throughout history.

And only great-brained men from extraterrestrial sources could have injected those super-genes into the racial bloodstream of mankind on earth. Otherwise, science and biology simply have no explanation for genius except to call it a fortunate mixture of genes and chromosomes—a process that does not happen with other animals and which is therefore highly suspect. It goes against nature, as defined by science.

The Bible, again, gives us a brain-teaser that has its roots in some extraordinary biological event in pre-history: “There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bear children unto them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.” (Genesis VI, 2,4.)

If there were giants in those days, the days of early creation, who were they? Where did they come from? And again the mysterious “sons of God” are involved, siring through the “daughters of men” what are called “mighty men … men of renown.”

“Men of renown” would seem to mean genius but “mighty men” refers apparently to superb physical specimens. Remember that all primates and primitive sub-humans were creatures of short stature, never as tall as modern men. The matings with tall starmen would result in giants physically and men of renown mentally.

Anthropology and paleontology add evidence to the one-time existence of giants on earth. The Heidelberg, Sinonthropus, and other fossils are of manlike creatures that stood taller than man—some speculate up to seven or eight feet tall though this is not accepted officially.

Charles Fort, among his documented oddities, cites the stone axe found at Birchwood, Wisconsin, which was twenty-eight inches long and weighed three hundred pounds. What ancient man except a towering giant with fantastic muscles would wield such a stone axe as a weapon or tool?

Mythology of course lends even more support with its vivid legends of Hercules, Atlas, and Thor—mighty men all. The Bible too has its Samson and Goliath.

Earth, Biological Laboratory

Just where this giant strain of crossbred humans enters into the genetic picture with the saucermen is not clear. We will make no unwarranted attempt, in this book, to explain everything that happened in those bygone ages when present-day mankind was being fashioned out of biological crossbreeding experiments by outer-space colonizers.

We can suspect that some of the experiments turned out badly. Perhaps the saucermen tried breeding homo gigantus for a while but found they were sterile and did not reproduce, like the mule that comes out of mating the donkey and horse. Or the giant specimens were pure sports that appeared by chance and were not really planned by the saucermen.

We can speculate even further that monsters were unwittingly produced in some of their bio-experiments. Who knows but what the satyr with goat hooves, the centaur, or other mythological monstrosities were the results of misbreeding programs tried out by the spacemen in order to thoroughly understand the genetic complexities of earthly life-forms. Our biologists today often deliberately breed monster specimens of their guinea pigs merely to explore the mysteries of biogenetic processes. By your mistakes you learn, is an old saying that may be truly old—one that the spacemen have held for millions of years.

When it comes to methods, we can only speculate again how they carried out their bio-experiments in the vast worldwide laboratory with the life-forms of earth as their guinea pigs. Direct matings with early sub-humans seem established, but there may have been other methods used, such as altering genes and chromosomes artificially.

It can be assumed that the saucermen were, and are, masters of biology far beyond the bio-arts known to us. Their repertory probably included drugs overcoming the inhibitions against two different species achieving conception, or subtle radiations that could probe within a living body and change cell cytoplasm at will.

At any rate, whatever their unknown technique, the saucermen had the ability to mold, change, and modify their earth hybrids and condense evolutionary processes into brief periods of time—exactly the way modern geneticists grow generations of fruit flies and guide them into wholesale evolutionary changes.

Humanoid Little Men

Going from the great to the small, were dwarfs as well as giants produced during the saucermen’s experiments? The many legends of gnomes, elves, goblins, kobolds, trolls, pixies, and other tiny people are too persistent and universal to be sheer invention. Then, our present day African pygmies are living proof that some branch of humanity turned small in the remote past—or were made to turn small by the saucermen. Pygmy fossils, though rare, have been found, dating back several hundreds of thousands of years.

Now, dwarfs or midgets show up quite regularly among normal humans today. This would indicate that the saucermen experimented with pygmy hybrids too, long ago, in an attempt to find the ideal colonist crossbreed. Small men might be more deft and nimble. And it is noticeable that dwarfs—whether living humans or fabled characters—have large heads in proportion to their small bodies. Thus, a dwarf’s brain could still be the same size as that of a normal human.

A remarkable coincidence now arises. Most of the UFO landing reports of today, where the occupants step out, involve the well-known “little men humanoids,” averaging about three and a half feet tall.

What is the significance of the dwarf saucermen that are visiting us today? Oddly enough, they sometimes accompany normal-sized humans like us.

One answer is that unlike earthlings, the saucermen on their world have deliberately bred themselves into different types—small humanoids, normal men, powerful giants, perhaps even the monster men reported at times at saucer landings in West Virginia and elsewhere. All of them would have a purpose to serve, in their complex society. The idea of uniformity in the human race as a necessary or desirable thing is simply one of our preconceived prejudices. We may someday, when we can manipulate the human form, also find it useful to try for variety in size and characteristics.

Man, Son of the Stars

The many ways in which mankind veers from the evolutionary scheme on earth, plus his startling brain power and production of geniuses—these are the main biological clues that we are human hybrids, half earthly and half not.

In that case, all of anthropology will have to be reviewed someday, all of history rewritten. Vast activities by the ancient saucermen occurred behind the scenes, of which we know nothing.

We are property. Family property, that is. Our extraterrestrial and current cousins, stemming from the same long-ago sires we did, are today streaking through our skies in amazing vehicles.

We call them flying saucers and UFO’s.

2 Sex and the Saucermen

Temporarily leaving Flindt’s evolutionary bombshell and other ancient enigmas about the human race, we can add another brick to the earth-colony theory by events in modern times.

Probably the last thing anyone expected in the past twenty years, even the most ardent UFO buffs, was that sex would eventually come with the saucers. What with the strange and sometimes repulsive assortment of UFOnauts reported—little men three feet tall, hairy dwarfs with nasty dispositions, human-like men of average height but with wrap-around eyes, tall golden-haired gods, and various giant beings including a one-eyed Cyclops—one would hardly think of any mutual sex desires possible between the earth people and sky people.

To the reader, the idea of UFOnauts seeking sex will bring forth a variety of strong feelings—blank amazement, sheer wonder, guffaws, head-shaking, downright revulsion, and more often a skeptical snort—depending on one’s viewpoint.

Yet let us recall that right here on earth three-foot midgets marry people of normal height, and often have normal children. Also so-called glandular giants, human otherwise, can mate and procreate. We should not out-of-hand disbelieve or discredit reports of matings or attempted seductions between saucer people and humans on earth.

In many of the contactee stories, there runs a thread of implied if not actual sex contact. To define the contactees, they are people who have claimed to see saucers land and beings step forth, with whom they then had conversations, usually by telepathy. Often, the contactee claims he was invited aboard the UFO and given a fantastic ride, sometimes to distant planets where the saucerians came from. And more often than not, the contactee came back with a message for the world with a strongly religious or messianic theme.

Now before we hasten to condemn all contactees, we must remember a peculiar fact. Prior to 1954, nobody credited any reports of landings in which little men stepped forth. Even the UFO believers in those days believed only that the witness was highly gullible.

However, when in 1954 the world wide wave of sightings included some fifty or more reliable accounts of saucer landings where small humanoids stepped out—particularly in France and South America—UFOlogists took a second look at such reports and realized they could not all be fabrications.

Since then, many more small UFOnaut reports have accumulated to the point where a little man story is no longer cast out but given as much credibility as sky sightings. In fact, researchers are now avidly digging through all pre-1954 reports in hopes of uncovering lost records about the short saucerians.

As for reports of giant creatures seven or more feet tall, and of monster men such as the mothman of 1966, even these reports are looked over carefully and soberly now. For example, well-known UFO investigator John Keel spent several weeks interviewing the many (some two hundred and fifty) who reported seeing the “mothman”—also called devil-man, hawkman, etc.—and said he was forced to come to the conclusion that the witnesses were sincere. Nor could that many people all have had hallucinations.

Therefore, for all we know, it may turn out that some—though hardly all—of the contactee stories and their wild claims are true.

At any rate, it is worth citing a few of them to indicate their preoccupation with sex, in a direct or indirect manner.

Sex is Everywhere

At a conclave of contactees in 1960, at Giant Rock in the Mohave Desert of California, a visiting Australian named Sonya Lyubein claimed she met Orthon, a man from Saturn, in 1956 and visited his world in a UFO. After what she allegedly observed on the ringed planet, she told the Giant Rock crowd that she was quite concerned about the “sexual inhibitions” of most earthlings, claiming that the Saturnians are much more “sexually active.”

Howard Menger, another contactee, claims according to Jim Moseley’s Book of Saucer News (Saucerian Books, 1967) first of all to be a reincarnated Saturnian and secondly, that his wife is a reincarnated Venusian girl. Obviously, if his story is true, there is no sexual blockage to intermarriage between any and all kinds of planet peoples.

Most of the contactee books speak very suggestively of the non-earthian women they presumably met aboard flying saucers. Typical of these is the account of George Adamski (deceased 1965) in his book, Inside the Flying Saucers (Abelard-Schuman, 1955):

As I stepped through the doorway into this luxurious lounge (aboard a UFO), my attention instantly was absorbed by two incredibly lovely young women. … Their very presence and extraordinary beauty, the friendliness that was so apparent … were overwhelming.

The shorter of the two women touched my hand in the recognized greeting. … Then the taller and seemingly younger girl leaned forward and touched my cheek lightly with her lips. The first lovely young lady returned. … She was about five feet three inches in height. Her skin was very fair, and her golden hair hung in waves just below her shoulder in beautiful symmetry. …

The other woman was taller and a rich brunette in color. … Both women wore draped garments of a veil-like material which fell to their ankles. …

Every contactee in his book never fails to pause and spread flowery words about each girl or women who enters the picture, be she from Saturn, Venus, or Alpha Centauri. Quite often, coy mention is made of physical attraction between the author and the beauteous extraterrestrine (to coin a phrase). In some cases, more blatant reference is made implying that she bestowed her favors on the gentleman from earth.

Certain contactees maintain there are worlds—unknown to us though they may exist right in our solar system—where sex is much more complicated than on earth, due to the fact that there are more than two sexes. And the third one is not any joke of earth involving homosexual persons or travestites. The third sex in these interesting worlds is something distinct but usually cannot be accurately described out of delicacy. Nor is it ever exactly explained whether three people are required at their nuptials or just how they go about their complicated triple matings. Life seems a bit complex on those planets.

In the book, The Night Has a Thousand Saucers by Calvin C. Girwin (Understanding Publishing Company, 1958), we read what a Venusian mastermind is explaining to his puzzled earth compatriot:

It was decided to send earth a type of animal from Venus that we used to help us in our fields. … Although this animal was unlike man, it walked upright. Also, it could think out things for itself up to a certain point. … So we sent several hundred of them to help settle earth. “The men (Venusian colonists) on earth saw the spacecraft coming and rejoiced, for they thought their women were in them. … We on Venus regretted that the women had not been sent, but it was too late. In loneliness and despair, the earth men (from Venus) had lain with the female animals, even though they were ape-like creatures. …

Their offspring being neither wholly man or animal … were given the name human. …

If your reaction to this is a shocked “ouch”!, be prepared for a serious, scientific speculation that that is just how mankind did arise on earth, though not involving Venusians but starmen. But we will build up to that premise gradually in the chapters ahead.

All in all, the contactees have boldly intimated they carried on various intercourses with the saucerians—social, communicative, and sexual.

They also, almost universally, came back with a great message for mankind, or exciting news that the UFOnauts will deliver us from all evil. In short, there is a religious connotation to their story, even if it be a new religion of their own.

Specimen Hunt

Now, distinguished from such messiah contactees is the one who bears no message and the tale he recites is not salvation but plain down-to-earth seduction and sex, for purposes unknown. If your skepticism is already rising, note that the following case was checked out by South America’s most respected investigator of UFO phenomena.

Dr. Olavo Fontes, the investigator, is Professor of Medicine at the National School of Medicine of Brazil. The man he interviewed was Mr. Antonio Villas-Boas, a young twenty-three-year-old farmer who lived near the town of Sao Francisco de Salles, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil.

Dr. Fontes commented, after his interview:

The sworn evidence transcribed (below) was given spontaneously by Mr. Antonio Villas-Boas in my consulting room. For about four hours we listened to his story and submitted him to close questioning … trying to make him fall into contradictions … to see whether he would get mixed up or fall back on his imagination.

Right from the beginning it was obvious he was no psychopath. He was poised, spoke fluently, didn’t reveal any signs of emotional instability. … He never once hesitated or lost control of his narrative.

When he reached such points (as) might produce incredulity, he answered quite simply ‘This I do not know’ or ‘This I cannot explain!’

When told by Dr. Fontes that most likely his story would be disbelieved when released to the press, Antonio firmly replied:

Those who accuse me of being a liar or crazy I would challenge to come to my home and find out who I am. They would soon find out that I am known as a normal and honorable man.

If you, the reader, wish to call him a liar or psychotic, remember that you cannot judge him unless you accept his forthright challenge. Now for excerpts from the story that the young Brazilian farmer told Dr. Fontes on February 22, 1958:

My name is Antonio Villas-Boas. I am twenty-three years old, and a farmer by profession. I live with my family on a farm which we own. … I have two brothers and three sisters who all live near me …

It all began on the night of October 5, 1957. There had been a party at my house and we had gone to bed a little later than usual, at 11:00. I was in my room with my brother Joao Villas-Boas. Because of the heat, I decided to open the window which looks out upon the corral.

Right in the middle of it I then saw a silvery fluorescent reflection, brighter than the moonlight. … But nothing was to be seen in the sky. …

The second episode occurred on the night of October 14. … I was in a field, plowing it with a tractor when it happened, and my other brother was with me too. We suddenly saw a very bright light … at the other end of the field … and it was big (from the distance) too, about the size of a cartwheel. …

When I began to approach it, it moved suddenly and with enormous speed. …

The next night, which was October 15, I was alone, plowing the ground with my tractor at the same spot. … I suddenly noticed a red star in the sky … flying toward me at a terrific rate of speed. … The object then stopped suddenly and hovered at about 160 feet above my head. … For about two minutes I was kept in a terrible state of mind without knowing what to do next.

Then the bright object dived forward and stopped about 35 or 45 feet in front of my tractor. … I noticed for the first time it was a very strange type of machine. It was rather rounded and was full of little purplish lights all around it and it had a large red headlight in front. …

I began to work the tractor … to make my escape … when the engine died suddenly. … I opened the door on the opposite side of the tractor and jumped out of it. … I had only gone a few steps when my arm was caught.

Human Guinea Pig

My pursuer was a small figure … it only reached to my shoulder … dressed in strange clothes. I later deduced that this was the woman I met inside. At the same time I was attacked by three others, men. …

They took me by the arms and lifted me off the ground. … I noticed that as they were dragging me to the machine my talking had aroused their curiosity and surprised them, for they stopped to watch me closely every time I opened my mouth. …

… (A) ladder had been lowered and unrolled to the ground … I was lifted up to it. Once inside the machine, I noticed we were standing in a small square room. Its polished metal walls were bright with the reflection of fluorescent light. …

We left the little room … and went into another larger and ample one … oval in shape. … For endless moments I stood in that room, both my arms held fast by two of the men while those strange people (several other men) watched me and apparently talked about me.

I say ‘talk’ as a manner of speech, for what they said had no resemblance whatever to human speech … they talked in growls, like dogs do in a way. … After the grunts had ceased, it seemed as if they had all come to a decision, so the five of them caught hold of me again and began forcibly to undress me. …

They stripped me naked. … One of the men got near me (holding something) like a wet sponge and with it he began to spread a liquid all over my skin. … The liquid was clear as water but much thicker and odorless …

The three men who were growling and making signs at me took me to a door at the opposite end (that) led into another smaller room … a moment later the wall (door) opened again … two more men came in carrying in their hands two very thick rubber pipes which were over a yard long.

One of the pipes was fixed into a chalice-shaped glass vessel at one end. The other end had a spout like a cupping glass which was put to the skin of my chin … I did not feel any pain or prick at the time. But later on the spot began to burn and scratch. …

I noticed that my blood was little by little filling the chalice ... the thing stopped working and the pipe was taken off. … (Then) I was left alone for quite a long time, perhaps over half an hour. The room was empty except for a large couch. …

It was then I began to notice an odd smell … like painted cloth burning … I noticed for the first time there were many little metal tubes jutting out at the height of my head … from them there spread tufts of grey smoke. … I hurried to the corner of the room where I was very sick indeed (with vomiting). …

Saucer Seduction

After what seemed to me an enormously long time a noise at the door made me stand up with a start. I turned to look and received a terrible shock … a woman was coming in … entirely naked.

… she was beautiful, though of a different type of beauty compared with that of the (earth) women I have known. Her hair was blond, nearly white … it was smooth, not very thick, with a part in the center, and she had big blue eyes, rather longer than round, for they slanted outward (like those of) Arabian Princesses that look as if they were slit.

… there was no make-up. Her nose was straight, not pointed, nor turned-up, nor too big. The contour of her face was different, though, because she had very high prominent cheekbones that made her face look wide, wider than that of an Indio native. Underneath her cheekbones, her face narrowed to a peak, so that all of a sudden it ended in a pointed chin. …

Her lips were very thin, nearly invisible in fact. Her ears … were small and did not seem any different from ordinary ears. …

Her body was much more beautiful than any I have ever seen before. It was slim, and her breasts stood up high and well separated. Her waistline was thin, her belly flat, her hips well developed, and her thighs were large. Her feet were small, her hands long and narrow. Her fingers and nails were normal.

She was much shorter than I, her head only reaching my shoulder.

The woman came toward me in silence, looking at me all the while as if she wanted something from me, and suddenly she hugged me and began to rub her head against my face from side to side.

At the same time I also felt her body glued to mine and it also was moving … I didn’t notice any perfume on her skin nor on her hair, except for a natural female odor.

The door had closed again. Alone with that woman embracing me and clearly giving me to understand what her purpose was, I began to get excited. …

This sounds quite incredible, considering the circumstances. I suppose the liquid they had spread on me may have caused it (as an aphrodisiac); they must have done so on purpose. I only know that I became uncontrollably excited. …

I ended up by forgetting everything and held the woman close to me, responding to her favors with greater ones of my own.

We ended up on the couch, where we lay together the first time. It was a normal act and she reacted as any other (earth) woman would.

Then we had some petting, followed by another act. … One thing I noticed was that she never kissed me. … A little while after we separated, the door opened. One of the men appeared at the doorstep and called out to the woman, who left the room.

But before leaving she turned to me, pointed to her belly, and smilingly … pointed to the sky. … Then she went away.

The man came back bringing my clothes with him. He beckoned me to get dressed, and I obeyed in silence … I was now feeling altogether calm for I knew no harm would come to me. …

(After viewing the machine outside) my guide pointed to the metal stair and signaled me to go down. (Soon) the machine began to lift slowly straight up. … The strange airship darted off suddenly like a bullet southward, holding itself slightly askew, at such a heady speed that it disappeared from sight in a few seconds. …

Well, there you have a sex adventure that might make all the suave private eyes and men-about-town of fiction turn green with envy—or just turn green. If his tale is not true, he has fooled a sharp man, Dr. Olavo Fontes, who has interviewed hundreds of cases in the past ten years and knows a hoax a mile away. Not to mention a witness, Joao Martins, well-known Brazilian journalist, and a team of doctors and psychiatrists who thoroughly checked Antonio and pronounced him physically and mentally healthy.

Today, Antonio Villas-Boas is married and lives quietly at his farm, having never sought notoriety or gain from his eerie experience, stating over and over that he considered it his duty to report it to the authorities. No UFO witness has ever been more solid or reliable and all the axes at his farm are already ground.

Space Rape

Other cases hinting obliquely at possibly being sex sightings are now coming forth. Some fifty reports are supposed to be on file but are being kept confidential at the insistance of the sex contactees, none of whom seems to have the courage to openly expose his experience as Antonio quite calmly and unashamedly did. No doubt these will be released in due time from the locked drawers of UFOlogy organizations.

However, a few cases in lurid detail have come to public light. The first was featured in The National Tattler, one of the tabloid-sized scandal-mongering weekly newspapers. But it must be remembered that these sensation-filled sheets also carry quite serious and sober scientific articles, glimpses into the space-age future, and such. And despite their shock approach to their regular human-life stories, the cases are based on solid facts.

The headline for the April 2, 1967 issue of The National Tattler proclaimed unabashedly—I WAS SEDUCED BY A FLYING SAUCERMAN!

As the tale goes, a Michigan girl named Jean Sheldon was driving on a beautiful summer night in 1966, and stopped by the roadside for a breath of fresh air. Suddenly she looked up wide-eyed, as down from the starry sky darted a silvery disk about fifty feet in diameter, topped by a reddish dome that glowed.

A hole or hatchway opened in the bottom and some sort of levitation force drew startled Jean up into the saucer, to be greeted by three male humanoids with green eyes. They were some five feet tall—and stark naked.

Telepathic words then resounded in her mind:

My dear earthwoman … we wish to mate with you. It will be easier on your personality if you do this willingly. …

Jean gasped indignantly at the sheer effrontery of their bold request, but she was too stunned to protest as they led her to a bed-like machine. The three alien men undressed her, then made sexual love to her for a good hour, all three of them.

Jean confessed later to having experienced “spasms of unnatural delight mixed with shame and revulsion.” When the first alien took another turn and performed the sex act with her again, the girl recalled that she became highly excited sexually, but at the same time felt ashamed of her inflamed passions.

She was finally told by her humanoid lovers that, by mating with her experimentally, they were certain their two races were compatible, after which she was released without harm. Jean reported that fortunately she did not become pregnant from this “saucer orgy.”

Saucer Don Juan

Another young lady was not so fortunate, according to her story, for Miss Marlene Travers of Melbourne, Australia, states flatly,

Believe it or not, I was held captive in a flying saucer, raped and made pregnant by a man from outer space.

Miss Travers said this shocking event took place on the night of August 11, 1966. She was visiting friends in the country and when the talk turned to UFO’s, she laughed.

I am a practical girl, you see,” she had said to her friends, as she told the reporter later. “Science fiction has always left me cold. Anyhow after supper I volunteered to walk a half mile down to a little crossroads store for some cigarettes. …

I was about halfway there when I heard a strange humming sound and saw a weird light in the sky. … Then all of a sudden it landed, right there in the field, not 30 feet from me. It was a silvery disk about 50 feet across and 10 feet thick …

A sliding door opened and a man—a tall, handsome man wearing a sort of loose-fitting metallic green tunic—stepped out. He stared at me with eyes that seemed to give off light rays. I wanted to run. I wanted to scream—but I was petrified.

The girl said that he spoke to her by telepathy and told her that she had been selected for an honor—that of being the first woman on earth to bear a child by a man from his planet.

Marlene maintained the tall spaceman did not use force. But when he touched her, she felt compelled to obey. He led her inside his flying saucer, where the rape then took place.

Later, when she was released, Marlene says she tripped some kind of switch while going out and the resultant flash of electricity burned her ankle. She passed out. When she awoke she was in the field where the saucer had landed, but it was now gone.

She ran back to the house of her friends, who had been searching for her, and found out she had been missing for seven long hours. Two items seem to bear out her fantastic story. At the spot in the field she pointed out, her friends found a large indentation in the ground as if a great weight had rested there. And consulting a doctor, he treated the burns on her ankle which he said she could hardly have gotten in any other way, there in the open country, than the way she claimed.

Examination by another doctor later proved she was indeed pregnant. Presumably, Miss Travers has had her baby by now but a cloak of silence from Australia hides any news of what that child is like.

Some unkind people had said that her story was just a cover-up for a love affair she had had during which she—an unmarried woman—became pregnant. But assuming she was concealing illicit sex activity, she could just as easily and simply have claimed it was an unknown man from earth who had raped her. Why all the elaborate story about a Don Juan from the stars? In fact, this would only compound the situation for her in other people’s eyes—not only being raped but also going out of her mind.

By all logic, Miss Travers had no reason to relate the tall space tale—unless it really happened.

Earth Breeding Station

Now, what could all this mean—the possible sexual play the Messiah-contactees may have had, and the more reliable non-religious cases of Antonio Villas-Boas, Jean Sheldon, and Marlene Travers, as well as others?

Why would the Little Men and Women from the saucers, usually under five feet tall, want to mate with earth people? The three given cases seemed to be decidedly experimental, not mere alien passions getting out of hand. They had a purpose in the seduction of both an earth male and two earth females. And they seemed to feel it was their right, judging by the matter-of-fact way they carried out the sex episodes in each case.

It would seem to fit quite naturally into this book’s theme—that earth is a colony or a breeding ground originally established by outer-space people.

3 Contactees and Abductees

Are the contactee stories true? That our saucermen sires contact certain earth people at times, taking them on fantastic UFO rides or even showing them the home planet?

Are people spacenapped regularly by the saucer colonizers, never to return to earth? What is their fate?

Are dogs, cows, and other animals snatched away by the saucermen for biological experiments?

Outside of their rare sex escapades, the saucermen apparently carry out the above activities in direct contact with humans. It is part of the pattern that adds up to earth being a long-planned colony of outerspace people. Each facet of this overall “pattern,” as first given, may not seem to bear any direct relationship to the theme of earth colonization until the end of the book, when all the jigsaw pieces will fall into place.

The many reported face-to-face contacts, the abductions, and the kidnap attempts are one piece of the grand pattern.


This will be only a brief review since the contactee stories are well-known, having already been published in most cases. Actually, their credibility is quite low. However, if we assume that some of their tales might be true, one significant thing comes out of all the contactee accounts—their saucermen hosts always proclaim that they have visited our planet for many ages and are usually “watching over earth.”

Among the more celebrated contactees are the following:

George Adamski, the first and most famous of their genre, deceased as of 1965. On November 20, 1952, in the deserts of southern California, Adamski claimed he saw a spaceship land and spoke to its pilot who was from Venus.

He later met beings from Mars and Saturn also, and was favored with several rides to their home planets, including a tour of the moon on the way. The saucerians confided in Adamski that earthly civilization, being young and undeveloped, might get into serious trouble—such as blowing ourselves up in a nuclear war. But the saucer vigilantes were guarding earth to prevent this catastrophe.

Adamski’s revelations and first book launched a series of further contactee claims.

Actually, Daniel Fry was ahead of Adamski but chose not to reveal his story until years later. It was on July 4, 1950, that Fry, an engineer for an aerospace firm, took a walk on the desert and met a hovering saucer. It was unmanned, guided by entities high up out of sight, who spoke to him via intercom apparatus in their earth probe. After several meetings, Fry was invited aboard the saucer and embarked on a hair-raising flight from the West Coast to New York City and back, all in one half hour, at speeds of 8,000 mph.

Most interesting in Fry’s accounts is that his saucer friends claimed to be earthmen from the ancient island of Lemuria where a civilization much superior to ours existed in 10,000 B.C.

The Lemuria legend in general is rife with visitations of men from space, who contributed many secrets of super-science to the earth people—including, apparently, the secret of making flying saucers. In a future chapter, we will hear much more of Lemuria and the space people.

Albert Bender of New Jersey created quite a furor in the world of UFOlogists with his story of the Three Men in Black, in 1952, who silenced him when he discovered their secret base in Antarctica under the ice-pack. His book on the subject reads like the purest science fiction, yet ominously enough, it ties in with a very recent wave of mysterious men claiming to be Air Force officers, FBI men, CIA agents and such, yet disavowed by any of the agencies named. These new “men in black” confiscate UFO photos, intimidate witnesses, and vanish without a trace. More on this baffling subject later.

Other contactee books have been published by Truman Bethurum, George W. Van Tassel, Howard Menger, and a dozen others.

Are their stories inconsistent and contradictory to one another? Yes, to a certain extent. Still, one can find more similarities than differences, particularly the constantly recurring theme that the saucerians are here to guide or uplift us—as colonizers would.

True, the repetitive theme of saucer beneficence seems like a semi-religious or cultist outgrowth of troubled times on earth. And there are messianic overtones to the visiting saucermen. Still, if we switch viewpoints and consider them as long-ago shapers of mankind’s rise, then it becomes quite rational and normal, in fact, for them to show such solicitude over their sometimes faltering step-children on earth.

If some of the contactee tales are true, despite lack of proof, then they add some evidence to the earth-colony theory, even if in a garbled and obscure manner.


Of more substantial weight in the world of reality are the recorded cases of people being kidnapped by UFO’s, some apparently documented. Furthermore, cases of people disappearing go far back in historical annals.

For example, Charles Fort compiled statistics showing that between 1907 and 1913 in London alone, there were 3,260 unsolved disappearance cases. Thousands of people vanish without a trace every year, all around earth. Not all of them have any connection with UFO’s but the following cases do:

Sometime during the reign of Charlemagne (742 to 814 A.D.), as recorded from the 1670 Discourse of Compte de Gabalis, a queer ship descended from the sky and took aboard three men and a woman, forcibly it is surmised. A few years later, the craft returned with the space abductees, who said they had a wonderful story to tell of where they had been on another world. But the medieval-minded peasantry of the time considered them devils for their sky-borne ride and stoned them to death.

Another mass kidnapping is even more bizarre. An entire regiment of British soldiers was kidnapped, or at least vanished, during World War I. In August of 1915, in full sight of twenty-two New Zealand soldiers in a nearby trench, seven strange clouds appeared at dawn, moving purposefully to engulf the marching regiment of Britishers. When the mists cleared, every soldier had vanished. The seven clouds then maneuvered swiftly out of sight, defying the wind and acting as no clouds ever had before.

This is reminiscent of the many authentic sightings in recent years of giant cloud-cigars, which have been observed by sharp eyes or binoculars to be huge long cigar-shaped UFO’s surrounded by mysterious mists. Hence, the moving clouds of the war story can very well be realistic objects rather than the products of vivid imagination.

In 1889 there occurred a single kidnapping but recounted in consistent detail and reprinted widely in many newspapers. On Christmas Eve in Indiana, the Larch family had gathered with friends for Yuletide cheer. It was a white Christmas with plenty of snow outside.

At night, young Oliver Larch, age eleven, was sent out to fetch drinking water from the well. About ten seconds later, those in the house heard the boy scream, “Help, help! They’ve got me!”

The father and guests rushed out, following a trail of footprints that ended abruptly in the snow some fifty feet away. Up above, they heard a faint voice yelling for help, which receded into silence. They saw no craft in the sky. But in 1889 there were no dirigibles or aircraft or other flying machines that could pounce down and pluck a living victim from the face of the earth.

Was Oliver Larch taken away by saucermen, for some unknown check-up on the bio-status of the hybrid-humans they had planted on earth ages ago?

Vanishing People

A more recent but similar case bears the date of November, 1953, as reported by the Saucerian published by Grey Barker.

On a farm near Zanesville, Ohio, Albert Grear was astonished to see his brother James suddenly rise in the air as if by levitation. Albert grabbed for his brother’s legs but missed, and could only watch in horror, along with a hired hand, as the levitating body of James vanished in the sky.

The two witnesses then reported a “blinding flash” that sped northeast—in the same manner that many witnesses today describe a flying saucer that glows intensely bright and is seen high up.

From South America come several kidnap events of recent years.

In 1962 (from the APRO Bulletin of January 1963) Telemaco Xavier was the referee in a soccer match between two small hamlets within the Amazon Jungle region that had been cleared for cattle ranching.

After the game during a celebration, Xavier’s absence was noticed. The next day a witness showed up, a rubber plantation worker. On the previous day he had seen a round glowing object, giving off sparks, descend to the ground where three men jumped off and grabbed a man—namely, Xavier.

The petrified watcher saw the three saucermen drag their unwilling victim into their UFO, which then took off at great speed. Authorities found signs of a struggle where the witness said the abduction had happened.

Dr. Olavo Fontes, mentioned before as a highly respected scientist of Brazil and its foremost saucer investigator for a dozen years, has a curious explanation for Xavier’s seizure. He thought that the saucerians, observing the strange soccer game between earthians, wanted to know more about it. The referee, Xavier, was the logical one to nab and interrogate.

And don’t surmise the saucermen cruelly or callously killed him after extracting the information. Any earth abductee is treated well and lives on, though in another world, according to the following abductee story.

Another Brazilian, but anonymous to protect his reputation, claimed he had been picked up by a saucer crew and taken to an unknown planet for two weeks. He did not know which planet, describing it as cold, dry, cratered, and with such thin air that the UFOnauts lived in special pressurized housings. What with Mariner’s discovery in 1965 of craters on Mars, this seems a remarkably accurate description of the Red Planet.

At any rate, the man said that he was put through a series of rigorous physical tests. He also observed thousands of UFO’s being assembled for a peaceful invasion of earth the next year (1966).

It so happens 1966 featured the greatest wave of UFO sightings in history, which would seem to corroborate the abductee’s remarkable story. And when he showed up back home, his wife and neighbors told authorities he had been missing for two weeks, despite a wide search for him or his body. (Incident reported by Coral Lorenzen in her book Flying Saucers: The Startling Evidence of the Invasion From Outer Space.)

So, we need not feel too badly about Rivalino da Silva of Argentina, who was snatched away before the eyes of his three sons. Da Silva is probably enjoying the wonders of saucer civilization on some other world, and may return alive someday … or may not. Not all abductees do.

It was on August 20, 1962, that young Raimunda da Silva and his two brothers, Fatimo and Dirceu, saw two silvery disks plunge down and hover just above the ground. Then two orange “balls of smoke” rolled from the UFO’s over the ground and enveloped their father, Rivalino.

When the smoke dissipated, the three tearful youngsters screamed futilely for their father. He had utterly vanished, evidently taken away by the two disks that shot away at high speed after the incident.

Police investigators found a cleanly swept area sixteen feet wide, where the boys said the saucers hovered. Also drops of blood in the soil, but nothing else. However, there was a strange aftermath of the story when two friends came forth and told how Rivalino da Silva claimed that three days before he had stumbled on two little men, three feet tall, digging a hole.

Whether there was any connection between this strange sighting, and his later abduction by UFO’s, remained an unknown conjecture. But the likelihood is there, as can be judged from the many cases of attempted abductions in the next chapter when humans inadvertently disturbed little men in their doings down on earth’s surface.


Now we come to the most famous of all cases of a kidnapping, or at least an enforced stay aboard a flying saucer—that of Betty and Barney Hill in 1961.

Briefly, since it has been so widely publicized (particularly in Interrupted Journey by John Fuller) Betty and Barney Hill were returning from a trip via Vermont roads when a saucer followed them and eventually landed when they stopped their car. Under apparent hypnosis, they were then escorted aboard the giant disk and were submitted to a long and thorough physical examination, after which they were released with a post-hypnotic command to forget everything.

Bad dreams and emotional disturbances, some years later, sent them both to a psychiatrist, who used hypnotic regression to uncover their forgotten experiences—namely, everything that had happened after the saucer landed.

Nothing is proven. The doctor intimates that he thinks it was some sort of double-dream hallucination, but the Hills are inclined to believe it all really happened.

From the standpoint of our earth-colony theory, it did happen. Our saucerian sires and colonizers are periodically collecting human-hybrid specimens to check on their general physical and mental condition as of this day and age—as they no doubt have in every century back to the days of old.

Vanishing Ships

Have abductions occurred wholesale at sea?

Decidedly so, judging by the many ships that have vanished utterly in the past few centuries. None has been directly associated with a saucer sighting but the possibility remains that saucermen chose to round up specimens of humanity from lonely ships at sea, where their deed would be least likely to be observed. In fact, this puts a new light on many unsolved sea mysteries.

The most famous, or infamous, case is that of the Marie Celeste, found adrift near the Azores on December 5, 1873. The sails were set and the ship was tacking, but there was not a soul aboard. The ship was in perfect condition. The last log entry of November 25 hinted at not the slightest trouble.

The fourteen crewmen never turned up.

On November 6, 1840, the French ship Rosalie, bound from Hamburg to Havana, was found abandoned with a valuable cargo and not the slightest clue as to what happened to the missing crew.

Then in February, 1921, another “Marie Celeste” was found near Diamond Shoals, North Carolina with not a sailor aboard, yet with the mess tables all set for a meal.

It might have been due to a command from a galactic higher-up to obtain earthling specimens in quantity, for check-up on complete physiological status. They might have been told to observe secrecy in abductions, and not alarm the world.

Missing Planes

The roster of missing planes and vanishing pilots is, if anything, even longer than for ships at sea. Aircraft have flown into the wild blue yonder and never returned again, as if plucked out of the sky.

Going back to earlier years, Charles Fort lists two mysterious cases:

March 7, 1922. In England, pilot B. Holden flew out of the airfield at Chester on what was to be a short flight to Wales. His craft was seen a half-hour later on its return trip toward Chester but it never landed. Over one of the most densely populated areas in the world, Holden and his plane disappeared completely. It would have been impossible for it to land or crash without being detected by numerous people.

Flying saucers had been reported that year in England, at various times, with a seeming concentration over Wales, which might or might not be significant.

July 24, 1924. Flight Lieutenant W. T. Day and Pilot Officer D. R. Stewart flew from a British military airfield in what was then called Mesopotamia (Middle East) for a routine reconnaissance flight over Arab territory.

When the men did not return, a search was launched. The plane was found out in the desert, intact and with gas in its tanks, but the two flyers gone. The tracks of both men were followed forty yards from the plane. “Then, as suddenly as if they had come to the brink of a cliff,” stated the newspaper report, “the marks ended.” The men or their bodies were never found.

The disappearance of a crew but not the aircraft itself occurred again in August, 1942, when two Naval officers, Lieutenant Cody and Ensign Adams, took off in a small blimp. Following the California coast, the L-8 slowly maneuvered north toward San Francisco on submarine patrol. This was soon after Pearl Harbor and the possibility of an attack by Japanese subs was not thought unlikely.

Not far from San Francisco, an oil slick was spotted on the water, which might possibly mean a lurking sub. Several patrol boats and also fishing craft had converged on the scene to see the blimp drop depth charges on the supposed sub.

Instead, to the astonishment of all witnesses, the blimp suddenly shot straight up into the air in a powered maneuver impossible for its low-powered engines. The L-8 was seen to level off at 2,500 feet then drift aimlessly for two and a half hours. Finally, apparently losing gas, it came down at a California beach and fishermen grabbed its mooring lines.

When they checked inside the gondola, everything was in perfect order except for one thing—the two Naval men were missing. None of the previous witnesses, or the watchers along the California shore, had seen the two men jump or fall from the gondola. With the blimp continually in sight all the way, it was simply impossible for the missing men to have left the gondola without detection. Yet they were gone and their bodies were never found.

Atlantic Abduction

The most notorious case is that which occurred on December 5, 1945, right after the war had ended. A squadron of five TBM Avengers with a total crew complement of fourteen skilled airmen left Fort Lauderdale, Florida, on a routine flight over the Atlantic.

Hours later, a panicky radio message from the flight leader said the sky above and the air all around looked strange and that they were lost. Their compasses were unreliable and they couldn’t tell up from down, they said. There was one other garbled report in which some hysterical voice reported “weird aircraft” closing in.

Then silence. No more was heard from the five planes. A huge Martin bomber, superbly equipped with electronic search devices and manned by thirteen men, was dispatched to find the missing squadron.

Not even a radio report came back from this search plane. It too utterly vanished somewhere over the Atlantic. And despite a large scale Naval search with many ships and planes for three days, no trace was ever found of the six missing craft and the twenty-seven airmen aboard them. No wreckage, no bodies, no abandoned rubber rafts or lifebelts—nothing.

However, it was later reported, though officially denied by the Navy, that one airman in a rubber raft had returned, babbling about “weird airships” that had abducted the others and that only he had managed to bail out and escape. This airman was then taken into Naval custody and spirited away—that is, held incommunicado from the public and all reporters.

Certain UFO investigators have followed up leads to this man but seemingly failed to find him, or to get him to tell the full story. And so the mystery remains unsolved to this day, except perhaps for a report hidden away in Naval archives.

If the above indication that UFO’s abducted the squadron—planes, men and all—seems too fantastic to believe, let us take up the strange sighting made by Eugene Metcalf of Paris, Illinois, on March 5, 1955. He saw a jet plane being pursued by a huge, bell-shaped UFO that opened up and literally swallowed the entire jet plane. After churning in the air for a moment, the UFO then sped away, and Metcalf’s horrified eyes could see no trace of the jet plane in the sky. Metcalf swore by his incredible story of this plane-napping.

Serious UFOlogists no longer disbelieve those tales of aerial kidnappings by flying saucers. Too many aircraft—several having been airliners with dozens of people aboard—have vanished like ghosts, wreckage or bodies never having been found.

The weight of evidence is quite strong that UFO’s are indeed capturing planes whole, here and there. Are the pilots chosen for sex duties, as Antonio Villas-Boas was? Or as specimens to be thoroughly examined and observed for a long period of time, to see how well the human-hybrid strain is doing in the earth-colony?

Nobody knows for sure, except perhaps the missing people—if they ever return to tell their tale.

4 Earthly “Guinea Pigs”

Much more numerous than successful abductions by saucermen are the attempted kidnappings that fail. Again, there is a possible sex purpose in the following, involving earth women as the intended victims.

August 13, 1965, Renton, Washington. Ellen and Laura Ryerson, migrant workers, entered a bean field at 7:00 A.M. to pick the ripened crop. They were not alarmed at seeing three other male workers there until they got a good look at them. Then they screamed.

The three saucermen—though their landed saucer was not seen—were just above five feet tall and had repulsive white-domed heads with pockmarked skin and huge protruding eyes. They first pursued the two girls as if to seize them but Ellen and Laura managed to get back to their parked car and speed away. They reported the incident to the State Patrol, but later, there was no sign of the three would-be abductors in the bean field.

July 31, 1966, Erie, Pennsylvania. Douglas Tibbets, Betty Jean Klem, Gerald la Belle, and Anita Haifley had gone to the Presque Isle Peninsula Park around twilight to park at a beach. When their car got stuck in the sand, Gerald went for help. Shortly after, hearing strange sounds from the nearby woods, Douglas went to investigate.

Meanwhile, the two girls were dumbfounded to see a mushroom-shaped UFO as big as a house, and lit with brilliant lamps, descend at Beach Seven. Not long after, one of the girls spied a huge monster approaching through the underbrush, barely visible in the gathering dark. As the creature seemed about to come close to the two girls, Betty Jean leaned on the horn button and kept it up until the unknown being, apparently confused by the loud noise, lumbered away.

Douglas returned with two State Patrolmen he had met, in time to hear the two girls screaming hysterically, barely able to tell their story of the monster-man that had threatened them. Whether the creature had planned to carry them off to the saucer or not was never known, but shortly thereafter the UFO spun off into the sky as if it had no further purpose in staying there.

Kidnap Attempts

September 26, 1954, Chabeuil, France. Gathering mushrooms, Madame Leboeuf saw a scarecrow move. To her horror, it was a shiny “diving suit” three feet tall, waddling toward her with a quick gait. She had the impression of two “bigger than human” eyes staring intently at her.

Since the little man’s objective seemed to be Madame Leboeuf herself, the woman ran off screaming and hid in a thicket. Soon after, she saw a large circular disk rise and whistle off across the wheat fields. Madame Leboeuf was thankful she was not aboard, a prisoner—or perhaps a love slave—of little unearthly men.

August 17, 1965, Lima, Peru. Hilda Santa Cruz heard a knock on her door and upon glancing out the window, she saw what she described as “an extraterrestrial being, presumably a Martian.” Terrified that he would abduct her or molest her sexually, she screamed out the window and neighbors came running. The would-be seducer was gone by then and soon after, they all saw a luminous sphere sail overhead and vanish westward at fantastic speed.

Another planned sexperiment of the saucermen that was never fulfilled?

October 4, 1965, Salta, Argentina. Santos Vallejos and two young girls, Antonia Aparti and Adela Sanchez, were on their way to school when they came upon “several creatures of short stature, greenish skin, and only remotely resembling human beings.”

The little humanoids rushed at the youngsters as if to capture them, but fear lent wings to their feet and they escaped, arriving at school breathless to tell their eerie story. The headmaster did not chide them for telling an imaginative tale, for he had heard of a similar case two years before.

Perhaps the oddest case comes from a Russian report (courtesy of Kenneth Larson, in Flying Saucers magazine). In 1961, a woman parachutist jumped from a height of 9,000 meters (about 28,000 feet). The pilot of her release aircraft saw her float down and he landed to await her. But she never arrived.

She came floating down on her parachute three days later at Saratov. Her explanation was that she had been caught in mid-air by a flying saucer and taken aboard. She was given a thrilling ride far beyond earth out in space. She was then entrusted with a message in a sealed envelope for the authorities (about which nothing further has been heard) but was not molested in any way.

However, we might surmise, as in other cases where a woman was abducted and then released, that she would be extremely reluctant to admit to being forced into sexual relations with any male humanoids aboard the UFO. It is more likely that she invented the story of the message, which she faked perhaps, to cover up what bad possibly really happened—a sex adventure.

In the case of Antonio Villas-Boas, even he, a man, had withheld his story of seduction by a female humanoid aboard a saucer for some five years. Obviously, a sexual union with a non-earthly creature, no matter how close to human, would tend to stigmatize a man with having had sex with a monster. In the case of a woman, the stigma would be far more damaging, especially with the thought that a pregnancy might have taken place which would result in … what? Obviously, almost any woman forcibly abducted by saucermen and made to serve as their sex partner, would want to keep her mouth tightly shut and pretend they treated her politely without molestation. Jean Sheldon and Marlene Travers are the exceptions with their frank stories.

We can only surmise how many actual cases of rape by humanoids has occurred with earthly women—stories that UFO investigators may never hear.

Shanghaied, Saucer Style

When we come to attempted kidnap of men by the saucerians, the cases are more numerous and in most instances, the motives of the UFOnauts were quite plain—to seize them and bring them aboard their craft, though for what purpose is unknown.

December 10, 1954, near Chico, Venezuela. Two rabbit hunters, Lorenzo Flores and Jesus Gomez, saw an object parked off the road from which leaped four little claw-handed men, three feet tall and hairy all over, who seized Jesus and tried to drag him toward their saucer. Lorenzo rescued his friend by clubbing the hairy dwarfs with his rifle butt until they let go and ran back to their ship. Both boys later exhibited bruises and scratches from their scuffle.

November 28, 1954, Caracas, Venezuela. Again, a case involving hairy dwarfs with great strength and claw-like hands. Driving a truck, Gustavo Gonzales and Jose Ponce were waylayed by several hairy humanoids who attacked, apparently wishing to abduct them both. Pulling knives, the two men fought back and eventually scared off the little men. Their wild story was fully confirmed by a physician who happened to be down the street and witnessed the entire affair.

February, 1965, Torren, Argentina. In this small village, saucermen attempted to kidnap people on two different nights. First, two strange beings six feet tall—not small humanoids for a change—landed near a farmhouse and tried to drag off the farmer living there, but other farmers had seen a saucer landing and rushed there in time to save their friend.

The next night when the saucernappers returned, the farmers were waiting for them with guns and spitting bullets. None of the aliens seemed harmed inside their suits but they were discouraged from any further attempts at abduction and left hastily in their saucer.

People are not always met with force, but sometimes by polite invitation from the saucermen.

August, 1953, near Ciudad Valley, Mexico. When Salvador Villaneuva’s taxicab broke down out of town, two humanoids four and a half feet tall appeared, speaking Spanish with a strange accent. They told him they were from another world and led him to their parked saucer, then invited him aboard for a ride—and perhaps lengthy conversation. The taxi driver declined and without protest, the aliens climbed aboard their craft and left.

May 14, 1960, near Paracura, Brazil. A farmer, Raimundo dos Santos, came upon two silvery disks that had landed at a beach. Several undersized humanoids with pale skins beckoned to Raimundo as if to invite him aboard but the farmer fled in alarm.

In the attack cases, and most of the attempted kidnappings, we can assume the men were wanted aboard as biological specimens, and perhaps as sex partners for female humanoids as in the case of Villas-Boas.

Sex Surveillance

Now we come to a case which may again have sexual connotations and which, in fact, may be bound up with the Villas-Boas affair, according to Coral and Jim Lorenzen in their book, Flying Saucer Occupants.

The village of Ceres, Brazil, is only three hundred miles away from the farm of Antonio Villas-Boas. On October 10, 1957, Miguel N. Fernandez and a friend known only as Guido, were driving a truck when they saw a strangely-shaped UFO hovering one hundred and fifty feet over the roadway. The truck’s engine promptly stalled and its headlights went out (a typical electromagnetic effect).

The UFO came down close and out of an open hatchway, seven undersized humanoids with long hair stared at the two men intently. Fernandez later said that he felt as though he were in a trance and had the strange feeling they were interrogating him by telepathy or reading his mind. Finally, the UFOnauts sped away in their craft.

Several items in the Fernandez report were remarkably similar to the story of Antonio Villas-Boas—the ship’s description, the way the hatchway opened, and the general appearance of the little men.

The Lorenzens then summarize their suppositions as follows:

The possibility that the Villas-Boas affair was in actuality a breeding experiment is logical although not emotionally acceptable to most. The case involving Fernandez in October, 1957 preceded the Villas-Boas incident. The two men involved (Fernandez and Guido) were scouted by a ship, then stopped and scrutinized by the crew. …

In the Villas-Boas report the farm was visited at least twice before the (sex) experiment took place. … Did the female part of the experiment pick her (earth) companion? Was she looking for an acceptable mate on October 10 and were Fernandez and his companion rejected? Did the group then scout the Villas-Boas farm and did the woman choose Villas-Boas? Were there other similar incidents in which humans were observed and considered for a part in the experiment? (Such as on November 2, 1954, when Maurilio Brags Godoi entered a flying saucer and was intently scrutinized by three small humanoids but then released).


Hardly less numerous than abductions or attempted kidnappings of people are the cases where animals were the targets. Dogs have been particularly sought after by the saucermen, also cattle and other farm stock.

The most classic case oddly enough, occurred back in 1897, on April 21, near Yates Center, Kansas. It is so thoroughly documented, with sworn and signed statements by the rancher involved plus a dozen distinguished friends, that it cannot possibly be any sort of hoax or hallucination. It really happened.

Alex Hamilton, rancher and former member of the State Legislature (not to be confused with the famed Alexander Hamilton), described his experience in this shortened version:

Last Monday night, about 10:30, we were awakened by a noise among the cattle. … Upon going to the door, I saw to my utter astonishment an airship slowly descending. …

Calling my tenant, Gid Heslip, and my son, Wall, we seized some axes and ran to the corral. Meanwhile, the ship had been gently descending until it was no more than thirty feet above the ground, and we came to within fifty yards of it.

It consisted of a great cigar-shaped portion, possibly three hundred feet long, with a carriage underneath. … It was brilliantly lighted within (and) was occupied by six of the strangest beings I ever saw. There were two men, a woman, and three children. …

It (the ship) seemed to pause and hover directly over a three-year-old heifer. Going to her, we found a cable a half-inch in thickness … in a slip-knot around her neck, one end passing up to the vessel. …

Then we stood in amazement to see ship, cow, and all rise slowly and sail off, disappearing in the northwest.

Dirigibles and motorized blimps had not yet been invented in 1897. Only free-floating round balloons were known but none of them resembled this huge cigar-craft three hundred feet long with a lighted cabin underneath.

This might, incidentally, be the same “airship” sighted all over America, from San Francisco to Chicago and points east, from late 1896 on into early 1898. The two men, one woman, and three children make it seem too much like a family excursion of alien tourists visiting a scenic planet, and seizing fresh food when needed. More likely Hamilton mistook three small adult humanoids for children. They are often reported, in modern sightings, along with normal-sized humans in the same UFO so the two different-sized groups aboard Hamilton’s airship are possible.

Dognappings are typified by these cases:

November 5, 1957, Knoxville, Tennessee. When twelve-year-old Everett Clark let his dog Frisky out of the door, he was surprised to see a cigar-shaped object across the road. Soon, two men and two women came out, and one of them grabbed at Frisky who growled and backed away. Other dogs had also come running and one of the small men picked up one dog, only to get bitten. The humanoid quickly released the dog and the saucermen all got aboard their UFO and flew off.

November 6, 1957, Everittstown, New Jersey. Only a day after the above episode, John Trasco went outside to feed King, his Belgian police dog, who began barking furiously. Mrs. Trasco looked out the window and saw a luminous egg-shaped object some three or four yards long in front of the barn.

Mr. Trasco, a moment later, saw a tiny “gnome” two and a half to three feet tall, dressed like a leprechaun, and with a putty-colored face set with big frog-like eyes. This frightening creature spoke broken English and said, “We are peaceful people. … We just want your dog.”

Angrily, Trasco yelled, “Get the hell out of here!” and even tried to grab the little creature. But he eluded the man’s grasp and leaped into his craft, which shot up into the sky.

There are other attempted snatches of dogs too numerous to list here. Cats, oddly enough, are never mentioned in such reports.

UFO Biologists

But now we come to this statement made by John Keel, noted UFO investigator, in a release for the North American Newspaper Alliance in October, 1967:

A rapidly mounting mass of reports all over the world indicate that many people are now convinced that those elusive UFO’s are busily stealing and dissecting dogs, cows, and horses. … Strangest of all, the blood, bone marrow, and certain vital organs have all been expertly removed from the bodies.

Keel bases his startling conclusion on the following cases:

November, 1966. William Watson of Gallipolis, Ohio, found his missing German Shepherd dog in an isolated field, with every bone in its body crushed. Residents in the area had reported seeing low-flying saucers shortly before the dog’s carcass was discovered.

Earlier in 1966, a registered nurse living alone on a farm near Gallipolis had complained to police and the FBI that mysterious cattle rustlers were slaughtering her cows at night. She had seen strange glowing objects hovering at treetop level and one night she glimpsed a tall male figure dressed in white coveralls. She chased him off with a shotgun, but the depredations continued. The cow carcasses, she said, had been expertly butchered but the bodies were queerly bloodless.

September, 1967, Allentown, Pennsylvania. A baffled veterinarian was called to a farm to examine the bodies of strangely butchered cattle. Part of their hide had been removed, and all of their blood and bone marrow was inexplicably missing.

September 9, 1967, Alamosa, California. Snippy, the pet horse of Mrs. Berle Lewis, was found with flesh stripped from its neck and head, and with all fluids drained from the brain and spinal column, and with its abdominal organs missing.

A Denver pathologist, remaining anonymous, denied any natural death by preying animals, or by lightning, and said the condition of the carcass was unexplainable. The owner of the horse stated her belief that the deed had been done by flying saucer people.

In Italy, three “dwarfs in metallic diving suits” stole one man’s pet rabbits and made off in a cigar-shaped machine. In South America, various UFO reports around Barcelos, Brazil, added up to seventeen chickens, six pigs, and two cows pilfered by UFOnauts.

November, 1966, Doddridge County, West Virginia. Newell Partridge told of his dog, Bandit, barking madly and running toward two glowing red objects in a field. The UFO’s vanished and the dog was never seen again.

Biological Patrol

Multiply this by thousands of cases all over the world, reported or unreported, and we have rather strong evidence that the saucermen are carrying on biological tests of some kind with the native lifeforms of their earth colony. Perhaps it is their duty to periodically examine bio-specimens in earth and check out data previously reported, much as our breeding experts would check specimens on a mink farm or a cattle ranch, to make sure no hoof-and-mouth epidemic or other disease had struck them.

One logical interpretation is that the saucermen are not taking any chances that some unforeseen biological catastrophe wipes out their age-long colony, whose living members they have nurtured and weaned since ancient times.

How do we know but what major epidemics—whether among humans or animals—were secretly stopped by the saucermen before they really got started, and before our medical authorities even suspected the danger? There have been actual cases of budding epidemics that alarmed doctors, only to fizzle out strangely, and miraculously. But of course it is pure speculation that our UFO guardians had anything to do with it. Those abortive epidemics, like cancer remissions, may have died out by themselves.

One thing seems to strike a wrong note—the vicious attacks by hairy humanoids on human specimens, as in previous accounts. This would hardly be the way paternalistic overseers would treat their hybrid earth progeny.

We can only conjecture that perhaps unauthorized aliens from unscrupulous worlds are also on earth, besides the “good guys” who first launched the earth colony. Remember that astronomers estimate the number of habitable worlds in our galaxy at anywhere up to 100 millions. The hairy humanoids, and other monster-men, might represent poachers from pirate planets who for some reason of their own wish to capture human specimens.

In summary, the contactee experiences, the abductions of humans, the attempted kidnappings of others, the animalnappings, and the dissected animal specimens found—all these point in the direction of outer-space biologists keeping check on a colony-world established long ago by far-sighted saucermen. And that without them and their plan, the human race might not even exist today except as a sub-brain ape—man species that had barely discovered fire or how to forge iron weapons.

We will see in future chapters how historical evidence and pertinent legends indicate that time and again, superior mentors from space helped to advance humanity in biological, scientific, and industrial ways. But for those boosts, we might still be sinking through primeval wildernesses with our mental peak and civilization still ages beyond us.

Satellite Abduction

One bewildering abduction item has been left for the last, since it fits none of the previous categories. Quoting Brad Steiger in Saga Magazine (December, 1967), in his article, “Fantastic Key to the Flying Saucer Mystery”:

And just who ‘kidnapped’ the Russians’ communication satellite Molniya-2? When they put the satellite up in October of 1955, the Soviets estimated its orbit life in terms of decades. On April 3rd (1966), NASA confirmed that the second Molniya satellite to be launched had unexplainably disappeared.

‘It’s incredible … contrary to the laws of science,’ was about all that could be garnered by way of comments from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

We might have another answer. Just as they dissect animals, the saucermen may also capture and dissect our satellites, to see what stage of intellectual prowess we have reached.

So far we have dealt with both ancient factors and modern experiences, at two extremes of time, that lend support to the hypothesis. In the chapters ahead, the eras in between will be filled out, for each age in mankind’s history has its own significant evidence to add to the grand picture as a whole—a majestic panorama in which earth is one of thousands or millions of emerging worlds who have gone through a colonial status and are perhaps almost ready for membership among a group of civilized worlds throughout the galaxy.

5 UFOs Everywhere and Everywhen

January 24, 1878. John Martin, a Texas farmer, dropped his tools in utter astonishment to see a dark flying object flashing across the sky “at a wonderful speed.” When directly over him it had the shape of a “saucer.”

Hence John Martin, almost seventy years before Kenneth Arnold, first used the term saucer to describe what he saw. The Texan’s report also shows that UFO’s were seen long before 1947, when Arnold’s report triggered off America’s first big saucer flap.

Astoundingly, as UFOlogy researchers have dug back into old records, dozens and hundreds of reports popped up that could only refer to flying saucers or UFO’s, even though these terms were unknown in those days.

And as the long string of UFO visitations stretches back endlessly into the past, we realize their presence here for ages is no flying-saucer-by-night proposition. Pure exploration of earth would have been accomplished long ago. Why do they keep returning?

Again, the only logical motivation they could have is their interest in human society as it developed and unfolded through the centuries. And why would they be so interested in that unless they had some strong ties with us, in the first place?

Namely, blood ties.

Sightings Without End

Before Kenneth Arnold’s famed sighting of nine disks near Mt. Rainier, on June 24th, 1947, there was a wave of “ghost rockets” reported from Sweden in 1946, right after the war. Literally hundreds of them flew over, night after night, silently and mysteriously.

Prior to that in 1943-44, during the closing days of the war, the equally baffling “foo-fighters” appeared in large numbers. Most of them were too small to be manned—from a few inches to a yard or two wide—and were probably some kind of unmanned reconnaissance probe sent down from orbital mother ships, observing and tabulating earthly military aircraft.

That our allied naval vessels were also being scrutinized is obvious from the silvery disk that, on February 26, 1942, swooped down at the Tromp of the Royal Netherlands Navy. The saucer circled the warship for about an hour, then shot away.

Numerous other UFO’s seen at every theater of war—Europe, the Far East, Northern Africa—indicated that the earthly battling was thoroughly monitored by the spacemen. Since there was no slightest interference in the war, this can be taken merely as watchfulness to see that we did not come up with weapons that might wipe out the human race, such as the atomic bomb. Beyond that, wisely, they had to let us learn our own lesson—the hard way—about the senselessness of warfare.

And they also knew that warfare, by a sad but true irony, spurs scientific discovery and technology immensely, thus greatly advancing civilization during the peacetime period that followed. A costly price to pay for progress, but perhaps that is the only way possible for a society in our primitive state of evolution—which the saucermen, having experienced it all themselves, would know.

In 1941, mountaineers searched for three missing Alpinists in Switzerland and came upon an area of snow where some unknown flying machine had landed. The footsteps of the three missing men went up to the spot—then ended abruptly. The men were never found, which sounds very much like a UFO abduction way back then.

One of the most striking of the pre-Arnold sightings was at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in 1938, where a disk hung motionlessly in plain view, seen by thousands including Pierre Ichac, student of African culture whose word cannot be doubted.

November, 1928. Two cattlemen northeast of Milton, North Dakota, plainly saw an object like a “soup-bowl turned upside down” and made of polished metal “judging by the lights on the vehicle.” No better description of a flying saucer could be made at the present day.

Sightings of Yesteryear

During the early twenties (per Frank Edwards in his posthumous book Flying Saucers, Here and Now!) the first sighting of a UFO from the air was made. Bert Acosta, famed barnstorming aerialist, was flying in the Southwest when he saw a half-dozen “manhole covers” flying off his starboard wing. Again, this is an obvious variation of a flying disk.

UFO’s also made landings in the early days of this century. In the fall of 1917, John Boback of Mt. Braddock, Pennsylvania, saw a “saucer-shaped” (the word again being used before Kenneth Arnold) object resting on railroad tracks only a hundred feet ahead. It had all the appurtenances of some UFO’s today—a platform, rows of lights, and a dome. Also, Boback swore he saw dim forms in the porthole windows.

1913 saw a saucer wave occur in England for three weeks with a long list of sightings over many towns, including Dover, Cardiff, Newport and Neath.

The year 1909 has recorded two colorful reports among others. One was in March in England, of a narrow oblong object with a powerful light that was seen successively in Petersborough, Essex, Midlands, and Wales. In Wales, a witness called it tube-shaped and saw “creatures like monkeys emerge from it.” These may very well be the same hairy dwarfs reported in South America in recent times.

The second report of 1909 is of May 18, when a man named Lithridge of Cardiff, Wales told of seeing a huge tube-shaped structure that had landed outside of town. Out of it stepped two men in heavy “fur overcoats.” When they saw Lithridge, they conversed excitedly among themselves in a “foreign” language, then re-entered their craft and flew away.

February 28, 1904. The U.S.S. Supply gave a lengthy detailed report of three “remarkable meteors” which remained in sight over two minutes. But actual meteors would be gone in seconds and they don’t travel in trios in perfect echelon formation.

But the most famous sighting of this period (1900 to 1947) occurred at Fatima, Portugal, on October 13, 1917. Three children had predicted that the Lady of Light would appear, and to the gasping amazement of some 70,000 townspeople there appeared “a polished silver disk, not blinding bright, with clear-cut edges.” It put on a spectacular show, rocking, looping, darting in zig-zags, then zooming off into the sky straight toward the sun. Seventy thousand witnesses for ten minutes—can anyone deny it was a real UFO, not an illusion?

Curiously enough, this is a clear-cut case of saucermen communicating with earth people (the three children) and fulfilling a promise to manifest their craft on a certain date—a kind of event that happened many times in Biblical days, as another chapter will reveal. Such events can only highlight the close association the saucermen have with mankind, and further bolsters the earth-colony concept.

Altogether so far, over one hundred reliable reports of UFO’s have been unearthed for the period from 1900 to 1947. Now we come to pre-1900 sightings.

19th Century UFO’s

Just about every year of the 19th century had its taste of strange lights and objects in the sky, most of them genuine UFO’s since the witnesses clearly distinguished them from meteors, stars and other astronomical phenomena. And no aircraft at all existed to be mistaken for flying saucers, only a very few free-floating balloons with which everyone was familiar.

Outstanding sightings of that century were as follows:

1893. In Wales, some eight or ten lights were seen at times, gyrating through the sky in astounding fashion, going up and down rapidly, then zig-zagging—all in perfect formation like a fleet of airships.

1887. If a ball of fire falls into the sea, it can be called a meteor. But what if the ball of flame rises up out of the sea? Such was witnessed by the bug-eyed crew aboard the British steamer Siberian on November 12 of that year. The object rose to a height of fifty feet over the water, darted close to the ship, then sped away out of sight.

Ships were a prime source of UFO sightings in the 19th century. One of the most repeated phenomena, reported by two dozen ships or more, was typified by the following account:

May 15, 1879. Commander Pringle of HMS Vulture, in the Persian Gulf, put in his log that two incredible objects were pacing his ship, both submerged but glowing brightly. “On looking toward the east,” he wrote, “the appearance was that of a revolving wheel … whose spokes were illuminated, and, looking to the west, a similar wheel appeared to be revolving, but in the opposite direction.”

The many sea reports also included craft sailing overhead, saucers diving into the water, UFO’s shooting up out of the water, and giant unknowns floating on the surface and slowly submerging like submarines.

It became obvious from these repeated sea sightings that the UFO’s were equally at home in the water or in the air. They seemed capable of plunging right down from the sky into the ocean, apparently instantly changing from aerial propulsion to submarine propulsion.

Why would they sail down into the depths of the sea? Probably to examine sealife just as they examine and kidnap dogs and other land animals. The colonizers of earth would be just as interested in marine species as in land creatures, knowing that mankind—their pet animal—had as an item of their diet fishes of the sea.

Or, another tenable assumption is that they had established undersea bases from which to operate all over earth. With their advanced technology, one can picture a giant sea dome far below, lighting up the dark and murky waters.

At times, a complex water lock would open and out would shoot a flock of saucers, knifing through the water on edge on their way for another survey of earth and mankind. Choosing the sea bottom for their refuge, they would be absolutely safe from being discovered or molested, as they carried on their clandestine, age-long vigil over their human colony up above.

Whatever their true reason, it stands that sea sightings of UFO’s have been numerous enough to indicate that the saucermen had some definite marine mission to perform at times.

Saucer Monitors

1845. Substantiating the above, the brig Victoria on June 18, in the Mediterranean, came upon three luminous bodies that rose silently and mysteriously out of the sea, remaining within sight for some ten minutes in the air in slow maneuvers.

1833 saw an inexplicable phenomenon witnessed by thousands of people on both the Canadian and American sides, as a UFO “shaped like a square table” hovered over Niagara Falls for an hour.

Can it be that the saucermen monitor all sources of water, to be sure normal supplies exist for the crops of mankind? This might well be the reason behind the many sightings of UFO’s over Wanaque Dam, New Jersey during 1965-66. Remember that 1965 was the tail-end of a long five-year drought over the eastern U.S. Can it even be that by taking concerted measures, the saucerians ended the drought somehow, before it took too great a toll? It is a fact that some 30 per cent of the sightings from 1960 through 1967 were of UFO’s hovering over water—rivers, lakes, reservoirs, seashores, and such.

Just how they would end a drought we will not attempt to even conjecture. After all, the technology used by the saucermen for such enormous projects might be something completely beyond our science.

One can venture the vague thought that by controlling cloud formations and manipulating the solar heat budget streaming down on earth, the saucerians finally induced rains, those which came abundantly in 1966 for the first time.

Wishful thinking? In another chapter, we will examine ancient records and legends which show that many times the skymen prevented disasters and natural catastrophes from overwhelming mankind. After all, if you plant a colony on a world, you want it to prosper and not see it wiped out before your eyes.

Another interpretation of why the saucers are so interested in our water comes out of a list of sightings in which the UFO’s were observed to hose up water into their craft. This might mean the water itself is useful to them. It is difficult to believe that they would be hauling water far across space to their home world (which might be suffering a super-drought) but there is another possibility.

If the UFO’s have a base on the waterless moon, they might very well siphon up liquid supplies on earth and easily transport them to their lunar camp. We can assume that water is vital to the living processes of all humanoid life in the cosmos.

But without proof one way or another, it must remain an enigma just why the UFO’s concentrate around bodies of water when flying near earth’s surface.

Back to the 19th century sightings:

May 15, 1811. The people of Geneva, Switzerland gaped at an aerial show never seen before. It was an odd UFO, one that seemed to change shape from a glowing serpent to a horseshoe and to a crescent. The mystery was probably solved when an astronomer said his telescope showed that it was not homogenous but “made of parts.” No doubt what they observed was a fleet of luminous UFO’s changing their formation patterns.

August 10, 1809. John Staveley of London perhaps witnessed the first authentic appearance of a mother ship and its attendant saucers, though he hardly recognized it as such.

I saw many meteors coming around the edge of a black cloud from which lightning flashed. They were like dazzling specks of light, dancing and traipsing through the clouds.

Since meteors hardly dance around, they must have been small saucers associated with a huge cigar-shaped mother ship, which are often in today’s sightings hidden within clouds, of their own making.

6 Unwritten UFO History

The U.S. Air Force is fond of repeating the bald-faced myth that “no astronomer has ever detected a UFO in his telescope.”

If the Pentagon ever took the trouble to check the record, they would be astonished (if they don’t already know) to find that during the 19th century and earlier, a large and puzzled group of astronomers did see UFO’s gliding within their focus.

November 17, 1882. At the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, England, E. W. Maunders was observing an aurora display when a greenish blob crossed his field of vision. Some adjustment of his focus resolved the object into a cigar-shape that passed above the moon.

“It appeared to be a definite body,” Maunder said flatly. The motion was too fast for a cloud but “nothing could be more unlike the rush of a meteor.”

Since there were no zeppelins or other aircraft existing at that time, he could not have confused his UFO with a “conventional object” as the USAF likes to say. In fact, because there were no flying machines of earth at all in that century, nor any modern weather balloons sent up daily, there were few other normal aerial objects that an observer could be fooled by. When they saw a UFO, it had much more chance of being the real thing than objects seen today, which in some 50 per cent to 70 per cent of all sightings are conventional objects. Thus we have to take the pre-20th century sightings very seriously, especially those reported by astronomers who cannot be fooled by ordinary aerial or celestial phenomena.

September 7, 1820. During an eclipse of the moon, several astronomers reported the same thing—strange objects moving in straight lines, evenly spaced, that crossed the face of the moon slowly and made turns in “military precision.

Astronomical UFO Mysteries

October 4, 1866. In the telescope of M. Heis, a dark blob obstructed part of his view of the bright Milky Way. Of a regular shape, he surmised it was some unknown body.

February 23, 1883. An astronomer’s report to the French Astronomical Society told of an astounding bolide near Alpha Orionis that, unlike any fireball, made a double turn in the starfield before it vanished near Sirius.

Obviously this was no star, planet, bolide, fireball, meteor or any celestial object made by nature, but a mind-made craft that was much nearer to his telescope than the stars and was caught accidentally in his field of vision.

August 12, 1883. This is one of the most famous, and most baffling, of all the astronomical UFO’s observed. Professor Jose Bonilla, Director of the Astronomical Observatory at Zacatecas, Mexico, was recording sunspots when suddenly, a small luminous body began crossing the disk of the sun. No sooner had he gotten over his first surprise than another such body appeared; then another, and another, and more. “In the space of two hours,” he said, “I counted up to 283 bodies crossing the solar disk.”

Letting our imagination fly, we can picture an enormous fleet of UFO’s—perhaps a new expedition to bolster the saucermen’s forces on earth—whizzing through space between the sun and Bonilla’s telescope. How far out they were he did not speculate but we can safely assume they were nowhere near the sun but perhaps within a few thousand miles of earth.

This proves it is not true, as the anti-UFO crowd always proclaims, that a telescope’s focus is too far out to pick up images of any in-between objects much tinier than planets. Like a camera set at infinity, anything from a few thousand miles outward will register in an astronomical telescope, even if out of focus.

This is proven by the report of two astronomers, Dr. James C. Watson, Director of the Michigan Astronomical Observatory, and Dr. Lewis Swift, Director of Warner Observatory. In observing a total eclipse of the sun on July 29, 1878, they spied two disk-like objects, red in color.

They were two and a half to four degrees from the sun’s edge but both men knew they could not be 93 million miles away. They calculated that both objects were about a half-mile in diameter, hovering only 20,000 miles above earth.

Yet their telescope was focused on the sun, about 4,500 times further away. So the erroneous statement (usually made by the Air Force and not astronomers) that no astronomical telescope can spy a UFO within short range and that such reports are illusions or lens defects, can be taken for what it is worth. Precisely nothing. Another attempt to hoodwink the public and maintain their grand illusion—that the flying saucers do not exist.

If astronomers who sighted such space riddles had only suspected what their mysterious bodies really were, and had changed eyepieces for sharper tuning, they might have seen the space saucers in sharp clarity and solved part of the mystery.

The Lost Planet

Most intriguing of all is the great hunt for Vulcan, the supposed planet closer to the sun than Mercury, which occupied the time of many hopeful astronomers in the 18th and 19th centuries, before modern giant telescopes proved once and for all no such planet existed.

But for over a century, astronomers in general were sure that there was such an elusive body. Over a dozen eminent stargazers caught sight of an object between Mercury and the sun at various times through the decades, and duly noted down the orbital characteristics, hoping to see it on its next round of the sun.

It never appeared. Why not? From the vantage point of today and the knowledge of UFO’s, we know the answer to the riddle. The planet they saw each time was a UFO that changed course.

Dr. Jacques Vallee in his book, UFO’s: The Anatomy of a Phenomenon, lists the major sightings of the mythical planet Vulcan (its name was all ready for it) made by top astronomers.

June 17, 1777
October 10, 1802
July 26, 1819
1822 to 1837
October 20, 1839
March 12, 1849
March 26, 1859
March 20, 1862
July 19, 1878
De Cuppis

Each of them made observations of the trans-Mercurian planet and mathematicians struggled over how to figure out the precise orbit from these scattered and contradictory factors, coming up with several different answers.

None of those orbits worked. How could they, when the objects seen were simply UFO’s that constantly shifted course on the way to earth from outer space, or vice versa? Note that all the sightings were of a small dot crossing the sun’s disk. Hence, they could be at almost any distance from the observer in near space, and surely no further away than the moon. Only the astronomers’ imagination, and eagerness to discover the new planet, made them project the object way out near the sun some 93 million miles away.

Artificial Planets

This is one of the surest proofs of the existence of UFO’s—that astronomers for centuries tracked unknown bodies in space that did not follow a prescribed solar orbit.

If anything clinches this fact, it is the series of unknown telescopic objects listed by the indefatigable Charles Fort.

August 9, 1762. At Lausanne, France, M. de Rostan was taking altitude measurements of the sun via telescope when he suddenly saw a vast, spindle-shaped object advancing slowly across the solar disk, moving at only half the speed of migrating sunspots. Was it a UFO observing the sunspots, knowing how they affected earth’s weather?

March 8, 1865. An amateur astronomer of Constantinople wrote the famous French scientist, Leverrier, that he had tracked a dark spot across the sun’s disk, timing the total transit at forty-eight minutes. Leverrier calculated that this was four times slower than a planet near the sun, like Vulcan, should take according to inviolable orbital laws.

If no planet could move that slowly, what was it? What else could it be but an artificial body that had the power to ignore celestial mechanics and move as it wished?

Estimates have been made by UFOlogists of the true size of these astronomical UFO’s. Placing them at the distance of the moon, about 250,000 miles away, they would be enormous, even allowing for the expanded or ray-burst effect of a powerful telescope lens—at least a mile and perhaps ten miles wide.

They undoubtedly represent the gigantic interstellar craft that ply between their distant solar system and ours.

Oddly enough, the two moons of Mars are only five and ten miles in diameter, respectively. And they were abruptly discovered in 1877 by the same telescopes that had been used for fifty years back. Dr. Shklovskii (Shklovsky) of Russia, backed up by others, believes the Martian moons may therefore be two huge space stations orbited in 1877. One of them, Phobos, also seems to exhibit orbital decay violating gravitational laws—unless it is hollow.

The “moons” were not necessarily lofted by Martians. More likely Mars has no civilization and it is the outer space saucermen who have a base on Mars, orbiting the two artificial moons as ideal observation stations of the whole solar system, and as take-off spaceports for their earthbound flying saucers.

We can even daringly speculate that earth is not the only colony established in the solar system by the saucermen. They may have smaller colonies going on Mars and Venus, even Jupiter, though none of them would be on as grand a scale as the great earth colony.

But we should not discount the possibility that our astronauts, upon reaching other planets, will find the whole solar system seething with the colonial activities of the saucermen.

Genius Makers

Even though the 19th century astronomers were completely baffled by the unknown objects they saw, an earlier generation of scientists seemed closer to the mark.

A contemporary of the great Galileo, the Italian monk Giodorano Bruno, stated with amazing acumen (circa 1600) that stellar space was “people by innumerable creatures, some of whom stood just as high above man as man himself did above the animals on earth.” A remarkable insight for those dark days of anti-scientific attitudes among authorities.

Other famous men, in their notes or memoirs, (as pointed out by Paul Thomas in his book, Flying Saucers Through the Ages) often wrote about visitations by strange beings, seemingly as a dramatic way to highlight some new scientific discovery. But today, what with UFO landings and contacts known to happen, it is just as likely that they were writing about real experiences.

For instance, Jerome Cardan (widely known for basic mathematical and mechanical concepts) wrote that on August 13, 1491 men dressed in Faustian costumes presented themselves and he had a long discourse with them about scientific matters.

Johannes Kepler, the celebrated astronomer who first devised the tentative circular orbits of planets around the sun, wrote a short fantasy about a space trip. It is astonishingly accurate as to details, involving spaceflight principles entirely unknown in his time around 1600 A.D.

He speaks of the “shock of acceleration,” of “protective suits” worn by the crew, of achieving free-fall in orbit, and of the human body becoming weightless. The whole account smacks weirdly of a contactee story—as if, like George Adamski claimed, Kepler had been taken for an actual ride in a flying saucer.

Cyrano de Bergerac in his imaginative writings around 1650 vividly described a machine propelled by three rocket stages, each of which was jettisoned when its fuel was burned up. He also wrote of “permanently burning lamps” (electric lights), “talking books” (transistor radios, perhaps), and people’s faces seen on a “monstrous pearl” (television).

Such technological insight far ahead of his times seems to put him in the category of a contactee who was visited by saucermen and shown some of their scientific marvels. Or gives him a marvelous precognition.

During the Rennaissance, dozens of less well-known professional people—mathematicians, historians, surgeons, physicians, astronomers—wrote treatises in which visiting beings held conversations with them and aided them in discovering new scientific principles.

Either it was an accepted writing form or literary device of the day, or else that is only our mistaken notion and real saucermen landed and contacted them.

If earth is the saucermen’s colony, the logic is inescapable. After the fall of the Roman Empire, mankind had been thrown into the Dark Ages for a thousand years. The saucermen kept hoping we would pull out of it ourselves, or perhaps what help our star-sires tried to give was rejected as witchcraft and heresy.

After a grave conclave, perhaps the saucermen launched a concerted effort to end the period of unenlightenment before their space-spawned civilization on earth blinked out altogether and degenerated into savagery.

So they began landings en masse, each with a target—some bright man who would listen to them and benefit by the knowledge. Through maybe a century or two, the saucermen had to work hard on key men, giving them the inspirations that made geniuses in history. Galileo, Copernicus, Newton, da Vinci, Pascal, Pasteur, Volta, Hertz, Descartes—any or all of these shining intellects may possibly have had the unseen aid of the starmen, to push science ahead and revive civilization.

Many parts of history, as mentioned in the first chapter, may some day have to be rewritten, if and when our saucer-sires make themselves known and tell of their unheralded doings in human affairs since ancient times.

Early A.D. Sightings

Accounts of what are obviously UFO’s go farther and farther back, though always more obscured by fanciful language and clothed in superstitious embellishments as the years recede.

  • A.D. 1551. Red rods were seen above Lisbon, Portugal, floating and flying through the sky.
  • A.D. 1387. In England, a burning, revolving wheel was seen, also a round “barrel of flame.”
  • A.D. 1254. In the sky appeared a kind of “large ship elegantly shaped (streamlined?) and well equipped and of marvelous color.”
  • A.D. 1168. “A globe of fire” was seen moving to and fro in the air.
  • A.D. 919. A thing like a burning torch cruised in the sky, and “glistening balls” sailed over Hungary.
  • A.D. 577. An object like a lance passed across the sky.
  • A.D. 98. In Italy, another burning torch was observed (probably quite like the flaming red ball-shaped UFO’s seen today).
  • A.D. 12 (?) In old Irish manuscripts, there is one tale very likely based on the truth. In Cloera, Ireland (ancient Eire) an anchor suddenly dropped from the sky and hooked itself into a church steeple. The townspeople then saw a ship in the sky with men aboard. One man climbed down the cable as if to free the anchor, and his motion was like that of a man “swimming in the water.”

Some of the watching men wanted to dash up to the steeple and capture the skyman but the bishop forbade them. The strange being returned to his craft without finishing his job, but they cut the cable and the vessel vanished in the sky.

As pointed out before, many so-called legends are now considered by scholars to be based on some true event, rather than being made up out of whole cloth. The idea of writing fiction for its own sake was an invention of a later time. All early writings were of actual events of one kind or another, with fictions only added in the details.

History’s UFO Parade

And so we see that from One A.D. to present times, there was no let-up of the UFO riddles that have spun through earthly skies for at least 2000 years … and more. The next chapter will go back into B.C. times, back to Biblical days of the Old Testament, which is one of the best documentary sources for UFO’s known.

And there too we will find some very pointed references to people from the heavens or skymen that promote the earth colony theory several notches higher. In fact, the further back we go in time, the stronger becomes the evidence that the saucermen have been with us all through recorded history … and longer.

7 Biblical Saucers

The Bible is the richest source of UFO data we know!

A brazen statement, but one that can be readily backed up. First, to look briefly at a few modern sightings:

September 8, 1958, Offutt AFB, Nebraska. “The glow (of this cloud) was now diminishing and changing to a dull orange, and at the same time the fuzzy appearance gradually took on a solid look, in the distinct shape of a pencil or slender cigar. …”

Then, in October of 1952, the two famed French sightings at Oloron and Gaillac reported “a cottony cloud of strange shape” and a “plumed cylinder,” respectively, that both took the distinct forms of cigar-shaped UFO’s.

Aime Michel in his UFO books devised the name “cloud cigars” for this special type of sighting in that it occurs over and again in modern times.

Plunging now several thousand years back into the past, here are accounts of unique events in Biblical times:

And Moses went up into the midst of the cloud and got himself up into the mount … (Exodus XXIV, 18).

And the Lord descended in the cloud. … (Exodus XXXIV, 5).

And the Lord went before them by day in a pillar of a cloud (pillar understandable as “cylinder”). … Exodus XIII, 21).

Who are these that fly as a cloud? ... (Isaiah LX, 8).

To switch momentarily from the Bible to ancient Sanskrit writings, a Hindu religious work contains this passage:

“The Puspaku Car, that resembles the sun. … That aerial and excellent car, going everywhere at once. … That car, resembling a bright cloud in the sky. … (The Ramayana).”

And a recent sighting is astonishingly similar to both the Biblical and Hindu writings:

February 21, 1965. Several saucers were seen near Chalac, Argentine-Paraguay frontier, and one landed. Some fifty Indians of the Toba tribe stood amazed as three tall beings, enveloped in luminous haloes, descended from the craft. … The Indians knelt and worshipped them in the traditional (because of previous visitations) sun-worshipping ceremony of their ancestors, and heard a voice, coming from the visitors or the craft, saying they should not fear, for the Space People would soon return. … And bring peace to the world. …

The visitors then returned to the machine, bathed all the while in luminous beams emanating from its small wings. As the machine took off, its luminosity became blinding. (From The Humanoids, which notes that a newspaper correspondent of Argentina, and members of the Argentine Air Force, checked the story thoroughly and found it genuine, including alleged photos that had been taken by someone at the scene but never released by Argentine officials).

Note in the above account the luminous haloes of the saucermen, how they were immediately worshipped according to traditional Toba Indian custom, that the Space people spoke “Godlike” words of comfort, and that the craft’s luminosity became blinding as with many lights in the Bible, appearing to prophets and holy men.

Old Testament “Abductees”

Even more significant are the Biblical descriptions of forces or things that come down from the sky. Ezekiel’s vision is the most explicit:

And I looked and behold, a whirlwind came out of the north, a great cloud (sic) and a fire … and their appearance and their work was as it were a wheel in the middle of a wheel. … The appearance of the wheels and their work was like unto the color of beryl. … (Ezekiel 1, various verses).

The other passages are too long to quote in detail, but Dr. Jacques Vallee (UFO’S: Anatomy of a Phenomenon) has listed all the details supplied by Ezekial: That there were four pillars, from each of which projected two wings. The whole set-up formed a cubic body surmounted by a transparent dome. A fiery exhaust issued from the base of the vehicle, if such it was.

Ezekiel was given a ride in this weird device to the Tel Abib mountains, after which he was speechless for seven days, presumably overwhelmed by his breathtaking flight in this ancient flying saucer.

The great St. Paul, who launched Christianity, told of being “caught up” and taken to Paradise for a time. Isaiah too seemed to have been taken on a sky journey in a strange craft.

So far this might remind us of George Adamski and other contactees who were privileged to ride in UFO’s. But several of the Biblical characters were more like Rivalino da Silva and other abducted victims who never came back.

… behold, there appeared a chariot of fire and horses of fire, and parted them asunder (two men), and Elijah went up by a whirlwind to Heaven. … And he (Elisha) saw him no more. … He took up the mantle of Elijah that fell from him. … (II Kings II, 11, 12, 13).

Enoch and several other more obscure personages out of the Old Testament also ascended to Heaven physically in “whirlwinds” or the ubiquitous “clouds,” instead of dying on earth as other mortals do. And of course, Jesus Christ after the Resurrection and after visiting his disciples, also one day arose (the Transfiguration) into the sky in a cloud and vanished forever. A cloud, or a craft? Finally, the body of his mother Mary, after her earthly death, disappeared as if borne away somehow by an unseen vehicle.

All this, as mentioned in an earlier chapter, is simply a new way of interpreting the Bible and is no attempt to undermine religion in any way. How do we know but what God operated through flying saucers and very advanced saucermen, who could simply be the many messengers and angels that constantly appear in the Bible with business on earth? (The Catholic Church, incidentally, has never in its dogma declared the angels to be absolute spiritual beings, leaving it open that they are non-divine.)

Those chroniclers who wrote the Bible, being ignorant of machinery or astronomical science, would tend to clothe the UFO’s in poetic or mystic terms, and believe that all beings who flew down from the sky were angels of the Lord.

Scriptural Saucers

Other writers have previously explored this concept with considerable elaboration and conviction, notably Brinsley le Poer Trench in The Sky People (Neville Spearman, 1960), and Paul Thomas in Flying Saucers Through the Ages (Neville Spearman, 1965).

Trench quite boldly suggests that “The Lord” most often, if not always, meant Captain of a UFO (or spaceship). “Angels” were always men of the flying saucer crews. “Miracles” were super-science feats performed by the saucermen.

Trench also submits some very daring, perhaps shocking, suppositions—that Eden was not on earth but possibly on Mars, and that Christ’s birth, via the Immaculate Conception, was a carefully planned genetic project whereby the “etheric” Galactic Man was combined with the animal-chemical man-species on earth.

There is much more to it than that, however, and one must read Trench’s book in full to garner the true meaning of his complex analysis of life in the universe. Trench is not an atheistic heretic and still places the one supreme God above all. He merely draws a different meaning out of Biblical lore than orthodox religion does.

Paul Thomas perhaps goes even further than Trench in reinterpreting most Bible phenomena as manifestations of starmen helping to shape the human race on earth. The advent of Christ as a “mutant” is also presented in a new way, just as profound and meaningful, if not more so, than in church dogma.

Neither Trench nor Thomas denigrates Christ or his importance. In fact, he is given a much wider role and significance in the pattern of intelligent life in the cosmos. If anything, Christ is elevated to where he, or his kind, have spread God’s word among millions of worlds besides earth, all in accordance with a divine plan that is carried out by non-divine yet saintly beings—the saucermen.

The above may be a poor and inadequate summary of the intricate interpolations both Trench and Thomas have developed out of the Bible. But both of them have placed earth in the category of a colony superintended and periodically inspected by galactic mankind.

In that respect, their concepts and the theme of this book coincide, though we may differ in detail and in viewpoint. Theirs are both strongly intertwined with Biblical lore to a greater extent than my colonization theme, which will be expanded into a much greater scope in pre-Biblical times.

But in this chapter, Biblical data will continue to be cited as evidence that saucermen visited earth many times between 5000 B.C. and One A.D.

UFO “Missionaries”

Like the “clouds,” another key repetitious term in the Bible is the “chariot of fire.” And one verse is almost explicit:

The chariots of God are twenty thousand, even thousands of angels... . (Psalm LVXIII, 17).

And these angels or sanctified ones do not necessarily come from heaven, according to the following:

They (the sanctified ones) come from a far country, from the end of Heaven. … (Isaiah XIII, 5).

Now we come to the most striking and thought-provoking of all Biblical allusions to what are apparently UFO’s, in a series of passages relating to Moses and the Ten Commandments. During the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt, when they stopped near Mount Sinai, there occur these remarkable statements:

And it came to pass on the third day in the morning that there were thunders and lightnings, and a thick cloud (sic) upon the Mount. … And Mount Sinai was altogether a smoke because Yahveh descended upon it in fire. … (Exodus XIX, 16-18).

And it came to pass, as Moses entered the tabernacle, the cloudy pillar (cylinder) descended, and stood at the door of the tabernacle, and Yahveh talked with Moses. … (Exodus XL, 34).

And the Lord came down upon Mount Sinai, on the top of the Mount; and the Lord called Moses up to the top of the Mount. … (Exodus XIX, 20).

And the glory of the Lord abode upon Mount Sinai, and the cloud (sic) covered it six days; and the seventh day he called unto Moses out of the midst of the cloud. … (Exodus XXIV, 15).

The entire account, if stripped of Biblical obscurities of language, seems to definitely describe some sort of cloud-cigar that descended to the tip of Mount Sinai. And as noted before, Yahveh does not necessarily or strictly mean God, but may refer to some sort of superior being bringing godlike laws. The Ten Commandments sound very much like the moral and ethical code by which any highly advanced and truly civilized society from another world would live.

And if earth people—including the wandering Israelites—are part of the colony set up long before by saucermen, our star-sires would quite naturally try to guide the lost people both spiritually and physically. And did not someone lead them out of the wilderness with a “pillar of cloud” by day and a “pillar of fire” by night?

If the universe is filled with millions of other worlds and peoples, the same God we acknowledge must hold sway over them all. And certainly the more advanced a civilization is philosophically and theologically, the closer it will eventually come to perceiving the universal God and following his moral code. So there is hardly anything irreligious in supposing that Yahveh and the messengers and angels were all manifestations of the visits of God-worshiping aliens, rather than the direct intervention of God himself.

It is, in fact, somewhat egotistical, and typical of self-important mankind, to imagine that God himself—with millions upon millions of worlds in his vast domain—pays personal visits to our tiny planet. It is much more likely that under God’s inscrutable plans for the universe as a whole, the wiser peoples will be imbued with the spirit to visit the less Godlike and primitive worlds and uplift them.

A close and candid study of the Bible, with all previous preconceptions discarded and starting with a fresh mind, brings a startlingly new picture in which UFO’s and highly advanced saucermen account for many if not most of the divine events that brought monotheism and religious thinking to earth people.

The earth-colonizers, in other words, played the role of missionaries in order to lift hybrid-humanity from near-animal paganism into spiritual enlightenment.

Saucer “Miracles”

We must again refer to that most significant of all statements in the Bible:

… the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were fair; and they took to wife such of them as they chose.

As we asked before—who were the “sons of God”?

Obviously, they were from Heaven or from the firmament of stars that is filled with millions of other inhabited worlds. This passage seems to be a plain account of saucermen from somewhere coming down to earth in a fleet of UFO’s and intermarrying with earthly women.

Perhaps every few centuries or so, the saucermen interbred with earth’s human species in order to successively improve the stock and insure the mental and intellectual growth of their worldwide colony. Cattle, horses, dogs, sheep—none of these produces the ideal breed with one cross-mating but only after a long series of carefully planned hybridizations that culminate in prize specimens.

But the Bible gives us still further evidence and a wealth of clues that sky people visited earth regularly, such as the guests Abraham had one day:

And the Lord appeared unto him in the plains of Mamre … and lo, three men stood by him … and (Abraham) said, My Lord, if now I have found favor in thy sight, pass not away, I pray thee, from thy servant. … (Genesis XVIII, 1-3).

Now the Lord and his three companions stayed to have their feet washed, and to eat bread, butter, and a roast calf. Why would God himself make this rather pointless appearance in human form, the only other time being (from the Biblical viewpoint) when Jesus Christ was born?

By sheer semantics, The Lord may simply mean a person whom Abraham recognized as his master from space. Abraham uses the terms “my Lord” and “thy servant,” which sound like a less than divine visitation.

Abraham also furnishes us with another biological event probably instigated by the UFO colonizers. For the celestial visitors above brought incredible news to Abraham—that he and his wife, Sarah, both in their nineties and far beyond the procreative period, would have another child.

This miracle came to pass. Was it because the saucermen, being master biologists, gave them rejuvenation pills, or sex stimulant, or even used some form of artificial insemination of Abraham’s seed with Sarah?

The same story is repeated in Luke I about Zacharias and his aged wife, who also were told by an angel that they would have another child, which happened. In both cases, the parents scoffed and were completely skeptical that they could again conceive a child. The saucermen must have had some potent biochemical medications or techniques!

These would seem to indicate again that, just as in the Villas-Boas case and other sex contacts of recent times, the saucermen experimented all through the ages with human fecundity and related sexual factors in their colonists. Remember that if they were in charge of an entire world of human subjects, millions and millions of hybrid-humans, they would have to make many experiments of this sort to keep their complex biological program up to its set goals—to produce and nurture a new community of highly intellectual people.

That the program has covered a span of many thousands or even millions of years, and is not yet completed, should hardly cause wonder. How long would it take us to convert a tribe of monkeys into thinking creatures?

Biblical UFO Feats

Other Biblical miracles have the earmark of nothing more than superb scientific feats, little understood at the time and therefore interpreted as superhuman acts done directly by God.

The parting of the Red Sea, for example, which allowed the Israelites to escape the pursuing Egyptians, could logically have been the use of anti-gravity forces by hovering saucercraft. Many modern UFO researchers, particularly Professor Hermann Oberth (father of the space rocket), believe that the flying saucers are—and always were—driven by gravity-manipulating propulsion systems.

If so, it would have been no great trick for a saucer to utilize gravitic forces as a sort of wedge to drive apart the Red Sea waters and form two high walls of water through which the Israelites went.

Another strong clue to a scientific feat being used, rather than a supernatural power, is the famed tale of Joshua blowing down the walls of Jericho. The story, briefly, was that Joshua and his small army marched around the enemy city once each day for six days. On the seventh day they marched around seven times with the priests blowing trumpets, whereupon the sturdy stone walls of Jericho fell with a resounding crash.

In The Sky People, Brinsley le Poer Trench perhaps has the most intriguing set of speculations as to this amazing feat:

Did the Sky People give the Israelites some vibrationary subsonic secret which enabled them, by sounding the right note, to cause the walls to fall flat? …

Or, did the Sky People hoodwink the Israelites into thinking that they (the Israelites) had caused the walls to fall flat, when all the time the Sky People had directed some powerful force down from the sky? …

Or was there an earthquake which the Sky People knew was coming at that time?

The only thing certain, Trench concludes, is that the Bible assures us that celestial beings contacted Joshua and gave him operational orders that scientifically tumbled down Jericho’s walls.

“Divine” UFO Deeds

Two other scriptural items lend good support to the presence of outside influences—namely, men from space—in the lives of Biblical characters.

First, the amazing longevity of the early Hebrews. Unless their years or calendars were different from ours. Jared lived 962 years, his son Enoch for 365 years, and Enoch’s son Methuselah for an incredible 969 years. Dozens of others, including Noah, were credited with living for many centuries.

If this can be taken literally, it must certainly be something extraordinary that could keep men alive for almost one thousand years. Yet it could not be inherent with them for later on, their descendants lived much shorter and more normal life spans, approximating the traditional three score and ten, or seventy.

It almost seems inescapable that some kind of age-retardant pill or serum was administered to those long-lived ancients. Since there is no mention in the Bible that they had laboratories and mixed these wonder drugs, the potions must have come from some non-earthly laboratory—namely, from another world, brought by the saucermen.

Was this another experiment of theirs, to see if the life span could be extended dramatically? But what happened to make them abandon the experiment later so that no more Methuselahs came about? There is a complete blank in the Bible, leaving this fascinating question unanswered, unfortunately.

The second, and still more telling incident is the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, the wicked cities that were presumably destroyed by God in his wrath. Only Lot and his family were warned in time to escape, and even then his wife paused to look back and turned into a pillar of salt.

On February 9, 1960, an article appeared in a Russian magazine, in which the Soviet Professor Agrest advanced the amazing theory that Sodom and Gomorrah had been destroyed by a nuclear bomb, some 5000 years ago.

To support this revolutionary statement Professor Agrest cited ancient texts found in the grottoes of Qumran, which gave details remarkably similar to the detonation of an atomic device. And from Philo of Alexandria, there is this quote over the destruction of the twin cities of evil:

And when the flames had devoured everything which was on earth, they even penetrated the soil to sterilize it. …

Sterilize? Is that a direct clue that atomic radiation was at the scene? And Lot’s wife turning into salt—might that be because in turning to look back, she was blinded by the searing nuclear fireball and then froze in utter fright to be bathed by rays that crystallized her skin or created whitish lesions?

If so, we at one stroke have incontestable proof that outer space people who were masters of nuclear science were visiting earth as long ago as 3000 B.C., or more.

UFO Bible Boost

To repeat, the Bible is our richest source of UFO data. Most of the above events and Biblical mysteries can be logically interpreted only as visitations by flying saucer colonizers.

The Old and New Testaments are so full of “divine interventions,” visits of “angels,” the workings of “The Lord,” and such that the earth colony in those days must have been in a critical state, requiring the many deeds and behind the scenes activities of the sky people who had set off all this human turmoil on earth, in the first place.

In the next chapter, going back in time even further, we will find the clues strengthening rather than declining, for there are some very astounding evidences of starmen landings in prehistoric times for hundreds of thousands of years, going by certain key archeological and anthropological finds.

Back in the misty beginnings of the human race, even a million and more years ago, the shadows of extraterrestrial beings are thrown across the stage of mankind’s rise out of the primordial slime.

8 One Million B.C. Saucermen

As mentioned in the first chapter briefly, almost every human community around the world since ancient times has recorded legends, either as oral tales or writings, of skymen visiting earth. Most often, these celestial beings are credited with creating life on earth. In that respect, the Biblical version of mankind’s creation is not unique in racial memory, but common to all other non-Biblical accounts from independent societies.

The Indians of North America, for instance, still today repeat an ancient story which Longfellow immortalized in his poem Hiawatha, of a Red Swan that was also like a sun that descended to earth and brought the Son of the Evening Star, (i.e., a spaceman) who created humanity.

On an Egyptian papyrus, the Pharaoh Thutmose III (circa 1504-1450 B.C.) had his scribes write down that witnesses saw:

a circle of fire that was coming down from the sky. … Its body was one rod long and one rod wide. …

Several days later, the account goes on, the objects became numerous in the sky, shining more brightly than the sun (as daytime UFO’s often do). The full text, too long to be included here, gives the distinct impression that they were observing glowing or fiery craft maneuvering in the sky.

Many scholars and writers believe that the Grecian and Roman gods of Olympus were in reality skymen (spacemen) whose supernatural powers were really super-scientific in nature, and that these tales go back untold thousands of years to when the skymen came to earth to create and nurture the human race.

It was already mentioned how out of the union of Uranus and Rhea—a god and an earthly creature—came mortals. However, too many of them turned out monstrosities (biological sports or failures of genetic breedings?) such as the fabled Minotaur (half-bull, half-man) and other “abominable creatures.” These had to be destroyed in order to make a new start.

Then, there landed a fresh team of gods (spacemen) led by dynamic young Zeus or Jupiter, who could “throw lightning bolts” (ray-guns?). Jupiter brought with him such illustrious skymen and skywomen as Mercury, Saturn, Neptune, Apollo, Mars, Venus (Aphrodite), Athene, Hestia and many others, and from their unions with earthly mates (prehuman anthropoids?) sprang the human race.

Brinsley le Poer Trench (Men Among Mankind) states that “mythology is shorthand. It is condensed history. …”

He has the novel thought that the constellations of the zodiac were not merely named for the mythological creatures, but clearly symbolized their descent from the sky and the gifts they brought with them to incorporate into mankind—Hercules for his strength, the Lion for his nobility, the Griffon’s bird-like head for wisdom or intelligence, and Orion whose halo meant he brought down sun powers or sources of energy. Furthermore Argo is a ship and originally meant ark, which could easily mean a huge flying saucer with a large crew of the many Olympic saucermen.

Egyptian hieroglyphics as far back as 4500 B.C. credit their God, Osiris, for coming down from an “island in the sky” and teaching agriculture to struggling, nomadic mankind, so that stable civilization could begin.

The Bible again adds to this general colonization concept by interweaving, into the Adam and Even story of humanity’s origin, the “Tree of Knowledge,” which sounds like superior knowledge brought down by the skymen.

Fabled Flying Saucers

But even more ancient and significant are the legends of other peoples around earth besides those of the Judean-European culture.

A Soviet scholar of archeology, Vyacheslav Zaitsev, in the magazine Sputnik, reviews a remarkable find in the mountains at the Tibetan-Chinese border. It consists of 716 (so far) stone disks covered with Chinese hieroglyphs.

These ancient writings, dating from perhaps 12,000 B.C., were partially deciphered to cite a sensational fact—that spaceships landed on earth in antiquity.

One disk produced this information about the Dropas or “sky-people”:

The Dropas came down from the clouds in their gliders. Our men, women, and children hid in the caves (but) when at last they understood the sign language of the Dropas, they realized the newcomers had peaceful intentions. …

Significantly, the present-day Ham tribes who claim descent from the Dropas are frail little men averaging only four feet two inches in height. And fossil bones found in caves along with the disks were declared by Chinese scientists to have oversized craniums on tiny bodies. Were the original Dropas the same little men humanoids reported so often in current UFO landings?

Other disks indicate that the Ham tribe of old built their own spaceships with Dropa aid, but the whole fleet was wrecked one day trying to land in the high mountains, and no more were built.

A certain lama in Tibet, interviewed by archeologists, recited an ancient tribal tale in which the skyman were inhabitants of distant stars, who rode down in flying steel birds (or sometimes iron serpents) that belched fire and smoke.

Chinese Taoist records, that go back into the misty past for untold millennia, relate that Chen Jen or the Perfect Man:

was borne on the wings of the wind, seated in the clouds of Heaven (a la the Biblical clouds) … (and) he travels from one planet to another. …

From India and its civilization of 5000 B.C., Sanskrit writings prove a fertile source of UFO-oriented legends, which are divided into mythical or factual (Manusa) events. Among the Manusa scripts is this straightforward passage:

By means of these machines, human beings can fly in the air and heavenly beings can come down to earth.

Could anything be more plain?

Other ancient legends, which seem to refer to the fabled Atlantis, describe a vimanas craft:

The beautiful car-celestial possessed the radiance of fire. …

Peruvian legend allegorically claims that their first people were born from bronze, gold and silver eggs which had fallen from heaven. Many UFO’s sighted today are egg-shaped and shine like metal.

Carved UFO’s

Drawings and carvings of what look like astronauts in spacesuits, plus their rocket-like craft, have startlingly come to light at various ancient sites around the world.

In 1959, a joint Soviet-Chinese archeological expedition into the vast unexplored Gobi Desert came upon a distinct impression of a shoeprint on ancient sandstone, left there long before civilization rose on earth.

The Soviets have been particularly active in archeological and paleontological pursuits of late, and their diggings in the Middle East uncovered Etruscan cameo-like paintings dating back several thousand years. One of them is remarkably like a man in a diving-suit or a “being in a spacesuit” as the Soviets put it.

How would the Etruscans of B.C. times, barely out of the Stone Age, know anything about elaborate protective suits for either deep-sea diving (and they were nowhere near the ocean) or high-altitude pressure suits?

Even more unexplainable are the Tassili Frescoes brought back from the heart of the Sahara Desert by a French expedition. These not only show spacesuited men, again, but with hermetically sealed helmets clearly depicted. The helmets are definitely attached to the necks of the suits as if for breathing purposes.

The leader of the French scientific party, Henri Lotte, was so impressed by their astronautical appearance that he called the enigmatic figures Martians, as if that was what the Tassili tribe had drawn.

Then, halfway around the world in Japan, spacesuited figures once more turned up but this time in the form of figurines or statuettes, not mere paintings. These dogu (in Japanese) are numerous and apparently were modeled after some kind of human or anthropoid-like being in spacesuits complete with helmet headgear.

On the helmets, in some cases, were visible marks denoting glassy eye-slits, breathing filters, antennae, hearing aids, and even night-sight devices.

Vyacheslav Zaitsev states that such carved figurines and rock-wall pictures of spacemen are far from uncommon throughout the world, other specimens being known on cave walls in the Swiss Alps, in Australia, and in Soviet Central Asia.

The widespread distribution of such oddly suited figures, among wholly separated cultures in different eras of prehistoric or early historical times, are a telling piece of evidence that our colonial masters have been visiting their hybrid-human wards throughout the ages.

Apocryphal Sightings

Turning to another Biblical item, Zaitsev points out that in the Apocrypha (scriptural writings banned by early church decree as heresy) the Star of Bethlehem strangely moved around, not like a star but like a vehicle. It hung over Mount Vans for a whole day and once alighted on the mountain “like an eagle.”

The text also claims—and remember that these writings were made by early Roman Christians—that Christ came down from that star. The star-vehicle is further described as having wings and many long rays behind it. As with Paul Thomas and Brinsley le Poer Trench, those long-ago Latin writers seemed to consider Christ a sort of galactic teacher who visited many worlds to bring the divine word of God to all struggling young civilizations.

As recently as 1964, singular frescoes were found in the forgotten archives of the Dechany Monastery in Yugoslavia, dating back to the original Eastern Orthodox Christian Church. The fresco drawings depict flying objects remarkably similar to sputnik satellites, also the interiors of spacecraft in which sit several astronauts. Even the control machinery is depicted.

Yet these beings are labeled angels and saints—without any slightest sign of halos or flowing white robes—as if the messengers of the Bible are not Divine creatures at all, but instead godlike spacemen from highly advanced worlds in outer space.

In short, were the Biblical angels really missionaries from spiritually mature civilizations?

Ancient Artifacts

Now we come to much more concrete evidence, tantamount to proof, that spacemen visited earth not merely in prehistoric times but back through pre-human Cambrian times as long as 200 million years ago.

These are a large group (and still growing) of ancient artifacts found in geological layers of rock or coal that go back millions of years. Artifacts mean things made or manufactured that by no stretch of reasoning could have been devised by nature.

Ivan T. Sanderson, noted zoologist and UFOlogist, calls them OOPTH’s, for Out of Place Things and more specifically OOPART’s for Out of Place ARTifacts.”

The list of such geological anomalies is impressively long and the most outstanding items are as follows:

  • As reported in the Scientific American in 1851, rock was being blasted apart in a New England community. Among the shattered stone debris was found a metallic vessel broken in two. When placed together, they formed a bell-shaped chalice about four and a half inches high and six and a half inches wide, made of zinc impregnated with silver. There are intricate flower designs all over it in inlaid silver. It came from fifteen feet down in solid rock, which could not have been deposited or formed less than several million years ago.
  • Reported in 1845 (and still existing) is a nail of obvious manufacture that was found in a stone block from the Kindgoodie Quarry in North Britain. The nail was half embedded in stone, half in till (or tillite) which is the crumbly matter churned up by the glacial ages. If the nail originally rested in the solid stone, it is millions of years old. But even if part of the till, it is a minimum of 10,000 years old. And where did they have plants manufacturing nails in 8000 B.C.?
  • Again in a quarry in 1844, near Tweed in England, workmen discovered a gold thread encased eight feet below the surface of the stone bed. This would also date back for geological ages, not mere historic or prehistoric periods of time.
  • In 1851 another cut-iron nail, six-penny size and only slightly corroded, fell out when a man dropped a piece of auriferous quartz he was examining, dating back at least one million years.
  • In 1833 (Historical Sketches of Norfolk) well borers found a coin thirty feet deep in the ground, about the size of a shilling. Despite long burial, the markings were distinct, representing a warrior or hunter of Roman appearance. But no Roman coins of that type were ever struck.
Geological Visitations

Artifacts (or OOPART’s) found in coal beds are the most difficult of all for scientists to explain away. Coal from the Carboniferous Era was laid down up to 270 million years ago, while Miocene coal cannot be less than 12 million years old. Those are the ranges. So now we come to these cases:

  • In 1891, Mrs. Culp of Morrisonville, Illinois, was shoveling coal into her kitchen stove when a large lump broke in two. Exposed to her astonished view was an intricate gold chain as finely worked as anything jewelers can make today. What prankster—if a hoax were suspected—would go to the trouble of slicing apart a lump of coal, putting in a valuable gold filigree chain, then carefully seal it up and slip it into Mrs. Culp’s coal supply?
  • In Salzburg, Austria (and now in a museum) a block of coal of the Miocene strata (12 to 26 million years old) yielded a perfectly machined cube of steel with slightly convex but symmetrical top and bottom sides, and with a cut groove running precisely all around its middle. Examined by dozens of scientists, technicians, and steel experts, all of them declared it could not possibly be natural and was positively artificial—an artifact made by hands, human or otherwise.

The late Dr. Maurice K. Jessup, scientific authority on UFO’s and the author of several flying saucer books, stated that he had examined steel implements found in Tertiary strata which were “shaped by intelligent instrumentation at least 300,000 years ago,” long before even the conjectured civilizations of Atlantis, Lemuria, or Mu existed. Hence, he concluded, extraterrestrial beings were here on earth and accidentally left behind those mind-made artifacts that are so puzzling today.

Dr. Jessup also believed those visitors were a pygmy race quite similar to the little humanoids stepping out of flying saucers today.

As orthodox and entrenched scientific authority too often does, when confronted by things that don’t fit their pet theories, such damning finds as age-old artifacts are simply ignored. Science has not yet even attempted to find a reasonable non-UFO explanation, simply because there is none.

If they delve into the origin of artifacts at all, they know they will be forced to concede either million-year-old human technology as good or better than ours, or the visitations of outerspace technologists of the same calibre.

Through the above artifacts, another link in the chain of evidence is quite obviously forged for the earth-colony theory, for it almost certainly places saucermen on earth millions of years ago. Whether they were here to colonize and experiment with producing hybrid-humans will have to be determined by other factors in the chapters ahead.

There are other iron-clad clues that somebody aided the earliest primitive societies of humans in many mysterious ways, who are recorded in legend as the ubiquitous skymen. The following account is a clincher if there ever was one.

How to Build a Flying Saucer

There is in existence a document telling precisely how to construct a flying saucer. Was this blueprint left here recently by a saucerman? Or was it somehow sent back through time from a future age, when humanity had learned from the saucermen how to build the remarkable UFO’s they fly in?

The truth is even more astonishing. The document is some 7,000 years old.

It is one or two of the most amazing written relics from ancient times, which both speak quite casually about “flying ships of space.” And instead of mythological fancies, they present down-to-earth details of the technology and construction of spacecraft (data from an article by Y. N. Iban A’haron, authoritative scholar in many areas of ethnology, archeology and early civilization; as presented in Jim Moseley’s Book of Saucer News).

One is in the Halkatha or set of laws of the Babylonians, which contains this translated passage:

The privilege of operating a flying machine is great. The knowledge of flight is among the most ancient of our inheritances, a gift from Those From Upon High. We received it from Them as a means of saving many lives.

“Saving many lives” probably refers to the various disasters of nature that, for some reason, were concentrated in a period of Biblical times, including Noah’s flood.

But even more fantastic is a Chaldean work, the Sifr’ala, which runs to about 100 pages when translated into English. It tells in technical detail how to build a flying saucer.

Included are such freely translated words as phrases as:

  • Equilibrium
  • Three vibrating spheres
  • Copper coils
  • Gliding capacity
  • Stability
  • Graphite rod
  • Crystal indicator
  • Wind resistance
  • Stable angles
  • Rear assemblies
  • Calibration

One section explains how the “crystal control” will change color during flight maneuvers—a well-known characteristic of present-day UFO reports by the thousands.

What can we make of this 5000 B.C. treatise from one of the earliest civilizations that, according to conventional authorities, only had fire, the wheel, bronze, iron, rudimentary wooden plows, and pottery making?

That the airplane was invented by a pair of primitive Wright Brothers that long ago is preposterous.

The only sensible answer—the secret of making UFO’s was given to them by UFO visitants. However, it is doubtful if the non-technological Chaldeans were able to benefit from the gift and actually build flying saucers. The possibility is that the saucerman planned to train the Chaldeans how to make saucers, but perhaps some event interrupted this project and only the blueprints were left, useless without the skymen’s help.

We shall hear much more in the next chapter, however, of how the saucerman aided other ancient backward peoples in achieving remarkable engineering feats that we would have difficulty duplicating today, with all our vaunted technical skills.

9 Fantastic Prehistoric “Engineering”

Did the saucermen, or knowledge of their principles aid Edward Leedskalnin in modern times? For between 1925 and 1951 when he died, this man weighing 125 pounds constructed—all by himself—Florida’s famed Coral Castle composed of 500 tons of stone blocks. (Data from Jim Moseley’s Book of Saucer News, Saucerian Publications 1967).

How could he do it without cranes, derricks, or machinery of any kind? Leedskalnin never let visitors watch him at work on his ten-acre plot twenty-five miles south of Miami. When he died, only simple carpentry tools were found in his workroom.

He made the cryptic claim at times that he had rediscovered the secret of levitation which, he said, had been used to build the Egyptian pyramids. He wrote one booklet about magnetism being the key to this great power, but never told just how it could be manipulated.

Yet he must have manipulated something unknown to modern science—some enormous force that enabled this frail man to erect a coral-stone obelisk weighing twenty-eight tons in the grounds around his castle.

The rest of the place is still more fantastic. The castle itself is surrounded by a wall eight feet tall, composed of five-ton stone blocks. The castle’s tower contains one hundred sixty tons of stone. Within the grounds are numerous items of stone furniture, all huge showpieces weighing from one ton to fifteen tons.

An eccentric immigrant from Latvia in 1925, Edward Leedskalnin apparently built this incredible castle for a girl back home he hoped to marry—who never showed up.

But this unfulfilled bridal castle remains today as an enigma more baffling than the great pyramids, or Stonehenge, or the giant stone statuary of Easter Island. Engineers who looked over Coral Castle after Leedskalnin’s death shook their heads in disbelief when told that he had never used a single crane, bulldozer, hoisting machine, or any other modern type of apparatus. He had apparently single-handedly quarried and cut the coral stone on his place into blocks weighing from one ton to one hundred sixty tons each, lugged them hundreds of yards, and piled them up to construct a three-story castle with a tower, not to mention all the Gulliver-sized stone furniture outside.

Saucerian Levitation

The only believable answer is levitation—some secret force like anti-gravity that could make stone light as a feather. And this force may be the only answer to many other stone structures around the earth that were built in antiquity, when prehistoric man, according to current archeological theory, had no better tools than stone axes and simple pottery wheels.

The Establishment’s view that pure slave labor did it is far more difficult to believe than the simple thought that our saucer colonizers have, since ancient times, helped mankind achieve super-engineering feats.

Dr. M. K. Jessup—astrophysicist, astronomer, mathematician, archeologist and anthropologist, a many-faceted scientist—stated in one of his UFO books that after excavating gigantic stone ruins in Central America, he was convinced they could only have been constructed by spaceships from another world, using levitation techniques unknown to present-day science.

The list of Gargantuan structures of antideluvian times is long and impressive.

  • Stonehenge. A series of concentric circles of huge shaped stones, each many tons in weight, located in England and believed to date from Neolithic times about 12,000 years ago.
  • Carnac. A serpentine temple in Britany winding along for eight miles, containing some 10,000 big stones, 300 of which are over fifteen feet in height. Also dating back into prehistory.

In England alone, there are over one hundred fifty similar ancient temples and stonework formations, as if the so-called primitives spent all their time hauling giant stones around.

  • Sacsahuaman Fortress, in the high Andes of Peru. It was built in pre-Inca times out of several hundred stone blocks weighing from 20 tons up. The largest are 200 tons each, twelve feet square at the base and twenty feet tall.

The remarkable thing about this gigantic stone structure is that its altitude is at 12,000 feet, over two miles above sea level. How did the ancient Peruvians hoist 200-ton stone blocks into the clouds and thinning air—without some kind of levitation?

All this, as Alice said in Wonderland, becomes “curiouser and curiouser,” when trying to fit it with the conventional picture of aborigines with only primitive tools.

  • Easter Island statues. On this island off the west coast of South America exist several hundred huge carven stone faces, from twelve to thirty-three feet tall. Where the stone itself was hauled from, and how it was painstakingly chiseled into grotesque faces, are two complete and impossible mysteries never solved by orthodox archeology.
  • Baalbeck Platforms, in Syria. This is a colossal group of temples, dominated by the Temple of the Sun. Fifty-four enormous pillars, that are eight feet wide and ninety feet tall, support tremendous flat stone slabs that form the roof, estimated to weigh 1,200 tons each.

Twelve hundred-ton stone slabs raised ninety feet in the air—by block and tackle, or ramps up which they were dragged by thousands of toiling slaves? Those are the lame theories of archeologists. Yet modern engineers will admit that no present day derrick known could lift such incredible weights made of solid stone without collapsing.

But an even more massive stone block is known.

Super Structures
  • Black Pagoda, in India. This temple is an unbelievable 228 feet high, looking somewhat like a giant silo. On top is a single stone slab, twenty-five feet thick, that is estimated to weigh 2,000 tons.

Two thousand tons, four million pounds. Even archeologists and engineers boggle and fall silent at the thought of primitive people—no matter how many thousands—succeeding in raising such a Brobdingnagian object off the ground one foot, let alone 228 feet.

Even this may not be the ultimate. Dr. M. K. Jessup believed that the granddaddy of all such monoliths—now cracked or crumbling to dust—weighed some 8,000 tons. No primitive levers or pulley systems could ever budge this weight one inch.

  • Zimbabwe Ruins, in Rhodesia, Africa. Though constructed out of smaller stones, this ancient temple is still imposing in its statistical construction work. The granite blocks used are about six by six by twelve inches, but over one million were needed, for a total weight of 100,000 tons.

Still more staggering is the fact that no quarry rock or granite exists within hundreds of miles of Zimbabwe. Where did the ancients find the stone needed and how did they transport them perhaps 500 or 1,000 miles?

Again, any theory chosen by archeologists stretches our credulity, such as long lines of people tramping 1,000 miles, lugging a couple of granite blocks on their shoulders, an endless parade for ten, twenty or fifty years.

The alternate vision arises of giant flying saucers loading up with the granite, after cutting it with precision tools, and transporting it with ease 1,000 miles to the temple site, probably bringing all the stone blocks needed in a week or a month. Then no doubt they also utilized anti-grav levitators to lift the stones within reach of the local earth tribe and its bricklayers who fashioned the walls.

Mighty Mounds

These are a different and specific kind of ancient structure. The mounds seem to be huge piles of dirt, gravel, and general debris, low in height but covering enormous areas. Their purpose is variously interpreted as sites for sacred ceremonies, burial places, or simply monuments to old and forgotten gods.

America itself is filled with mounds left by the prehistoric Indians, Ohio alone containing some 10,000 of them, and some occurring in almost every other state.

  • Great Cahokia Mound, near East St. Louis, is 100 feet high with square sides measuring 500 feet one way, 700 feet the other. The flat top extends 200 by 450 feet.
  • Pyramid of the Sun, thirty miles northeast of Mexico City. Though called a pyramid, this is actually a mound built of packed rubble estimated at a million cubic yards in volume. It stands 200 feet high and is 700 feet wide at the base. Nearby are a dozen more mounds of lesser dimensions but all covering five to ten acres of ground—giant piles any way you look at it. And hauling a million cubic yards of stone rubble to make a mound, often for dozens of miles, is not much less of an engineering feat than the stone structure above.

The pyramids, however, are far more magnificent edifices of awesome grandeur, and are found not only in Egypt but all around the world, particularly in Central and South America. But those in the Americas are dwarfed by the titanic pyramids built by the Pharaohs of ancient Egypt, dating from about 3000 B.C. to 1500 B.C.

Altogether there are eighty Egyptian pyramids, some of which have crumbled to mere piles of stone dust. But more than half still stand sturdily as if defying eternity and the leveling effects of time.

The pyramids rank among the greatest of all engineering feats of the ancients in non-technological times. The classic picture of teams of men roped together and pulling the huge stone blocks up the ramps, tier by tier, is perhaps feasible. But it calls for some very unlikely figures—such as 100,000 slaves toiling for twenty years to build one pyramid.

Could any governing agency, no matter how tyrannical and all-powerful, ever conscript that many workers over that long period of time without A) causing a revolt, B) draining off too much manpower from other tasks, notably raising food, C) being unable to sell the populace on why the pyramid was necessary in the first place.

Built openly as tombs for dead Pharaohs in which to live on after death, would not even the most cowed and oppressed people question how worthwhile this goal was? Especially when brothers, fathers, neighbors, friends were whisked away in chains and brutally whipped while dragging at the ropes, so that most of them died within a few years from sheer overwork? How much utter cruelty of this sort could even the most revered or powerful Pharoah inflict on his people without being deposed?

It would seem that modern archeologists and sociologists are assuming gross errors in mass psychology, when they blandly state that each pyramid was built at the cost of 100,000 lives, without protest. In ancient Egypt, their populations of only a few millions could hardly stand that fearful drain of numbers for long periods of ten or twenty years. It all smacks of unrealism and violations of human nature.

Alien Pyramid Builders

For that reason, a dozen scholars and researchers into antiquity have flatly rejected this fanciful conjecture, and instead postulate the only other reasonable assumption—that saucermen wielding energy and power incredible even to 20th century technology, pitched in and helped build the mighty pyramids in a far shorter time and with a minimum of earthly manpower needed.

Why? Perhaps simply to stave off collapse of the early civilizations, when they could not change the minds of the stubborn Pharaohs who wanted an eternal resting place.

But the pyramids were not built merely as tombs. There is clear evidence that they were astronomical repositories, built in such a way that the shifting shadows, as the earth swung around the sun, would mark the main events of the year—the Spring and Fall Equinoxes (halfway points in earth’s solar orbit), the positions of the North Star and other key stars, where the planets would be at any given time in the sky, and also marking off standard measuring units—by their precise base dimensions—that determined the distance of various cities and even the circumference of the earth.

So in the interests of advancing human knowledge, the saucermen would have good cause to lend their levitation or anti-gravity forces in erecting the great pyramids. The largest pyramids are as follows:

  • Great Cheops Pyramid, 481 feet high, 756 feet wide at each side of its square base, covering thirteen acres, built by the Pharaoh Cheops circa 2800 B.C. Discounting the Empire State Building and other numerous skyscrapers of the U.S., Cheops is the ninth tallest structure in the world today.

It is estimated that approximately 2,300,000 million stone blocks went into this stupendous structure, each weighing an average of two and one-half tons. The total weight of 5,750,00 tons is equal to seventy-two ocean liners of the Queen Elizabeth class.

Inside, the sepulchral chamber was forty-six by twenty-seven feet in length and width, and ten and a half feet high hewn out of solid stone. It was reached by a passageway three hundred twenty feet long from the north entrance of the pyramid. There are many other chambers and passageways, plus huge stone doors that originally could be raised and lowered by counter-weight systems but are today out of order.

  • Khafre and Mycerinus, also built in the Giza Desert near Cheops, forming a triumvirate. Khafa is again gigantic, about 706 feet on a side and 442 feet high, covering twelve acres. But Mycerinus is smaller, 346 feet each way and 215 feet tall.
Primitive Paradox

Another feature near Cheops in Giza is the famed Sphinx, a carven mass of stone comparable in dimensions and intricacy to the Great Stone Faces of four presidents blasted out of the Black Hills of South Dakota in modern times.

Again, with the Sphinx, one wonders how such a massive stone object was carved without blasting powder, pneumatic hammers, and all other power-driven tools we use in our stone sculpturing of cliffsides. If our engineers and workmen had been handed bronze chisels and iron hammers and stone wedges—presumably the tools the Egyptians used—and told to hack the Great Stone Faces out of solid rock in twenty years, they would undoubtedly quit on the spot and declared the task impossible.

In total, the ancient monuments, temples, mounds, pyramids, stone faces, statues, and fortresses, add up to an inconceivable tonnage in the millions. It might take America and its 200 million people a century or two to duplicate them all—without modern power-tools and an army of construction machines.

Can we really believe that the prehistoric savages—as all archeologists insist they were—and early historical peoples with hand tools only, built all those magnificent structures around the world?

Or is it far easier on our common sense to suppose that our saucerian colonizers, mankind’s watchdogs for ages before and after, stepped in with the implements and techniques of super-horsepowered apparatus, doing the job that puny man himself could never accomplish?

Even scientists, pondering this ancient riddle, have been forced to concede that perhaps, just perhaps, skymen did descend in flying-saucer spaceships to launch and aid this grand era of creating super-architecture in stone.

In his UFO book, Dr. Maurice K. Jessup had this to say, emphatically:

Levitation is the only feasible answer. I believe that this lifting engine was a spaceship, probably of vast proportions; that it brought colonists to various parts of earth … and that it supplied the heavy lift-power for erecting great stone works. … Such a hypothesis would underwrite all of the monuments of stone over which archaeologists and engineers have pondered.

UFO Visitations

One of those pondering scientists, and an eminent one, is Dr. Carl Sagan of the University of Utah, an all-around expert in astrophysics, exobiology (life beyond earth), geology, archeology, and several other disciplines. He is acknowledged to be one of America’s brightest new scientific stars, so much so that the world-famed Soviet scientist, Dr. Iosef S. Shklovskii, agreed to collaborate with him on a jointly-written book, Intelligent Life in the Universe (Holden-Day, Inc., 1966).

This tremendous volume, extrapolating upon sound scientific and astronomical principles, builds a new and breathtaking picture of a universe very likely abounding, in fact, crammed with other worlds by the countless millions. And the majority of them, say the authors, are more advanced than earth.

Speculating as to how or whether such super-technological civilizations have sent their exploratory star-ships throughout the cosmos, they come to no set conclusion that interstellar travel is possible but certainly leave no block that would forbid it. Without mentioning flying saucers or UFO’s directly they imply the probability—not just the possibility—that starmen did visit the earth in the past—and some 5,000 times since life first proliferated on earth 500 million years ago.

If 5,000 times takes your breath away, remember to divide it into 500,000,000 and you get one visitation each 100,000 years. So at that rate the saucermen have hardly been frequent visitors.

However, Dr. Sagan qualifies this by saying he believes the visitations were probably much more frequent, perhaps each 1,000 years or less.

Now we come to his most remarkable supposition—that there is something close to evidential proof that superior beings from outer space did come to earth at one certain time, at least. Namely, some 6,000 to 10,000 years ago in ancient Sumeria, the earliest recorded civilization on earth at the end of the Neolithic Era of prehistoric cavemen and nomads.

Sumerian Peace Corps

Writes Dr. Carl Sagan in a section authored by him without his collaborator’s aid:

Taken at face value, the legend (of Sumeria) suggests that contact occurred between human beings and a non-human civilization of immense powers on the shores of the Persian Gulf. …

Dr. Sagan then quotes from translations of Ancient Fragments of Sumerian-Akkadian writings and says:

The preceding four fragments from ancient writers present an account of a remarkable series of events. Sumerian civilization is depicted by the descendants of the Sumerians themselves (Akkadians) to be of non-human origin. A succession of strange creatures appears over the course of several generations. Their only apparent purpose is to instruct mankind. Oannes and the other Apkallu (strange creatures) are described variously as ‘animals endowed with reason,’ as ‘beings,’ as ‘semi-demons,’ and as ‘personages.’ They are never described as gods.

Dr. Sagan then quotes from an expert on Sumeria at Harvard, who reviewed archeological evidence which indicated that for many thousands of years in prehistoric times, there was only the most primitive kind of animal-like existence among the early humans.

“But with the advent of the Proto-literate period,” the Harvard authority continues, “the picture changes. Overnight, as it were, Mesopotamian civilization crystallizes. The fundamental pattern … flashes into being, complete in all its main features.”

Dr. Sagan then turns to the Sumerian pictograph carvings and points out the startling fact that they depicted planets revolving around the sun, an advanced astronomical concept that was rediscovered by Copernicus and Kepler only 500 years ago. One picture actually shows nine planets around the sun, plus two smaller ones far to the side—do they remain to be discovered by us?

In true scientific caution, Dr. Sagan puts in the usual disclaimer (to protect himself from being suspected of having imagination, frowned upon by his colleagues) and states:

I do not claim that (the above) is necessarily an example of extraterrestrial contact, but it is a type of legend that deserves more careful study.

We might suspect that in private, Dr. Carl Sagan is much more prone to believe what he has said than he dares to admit in public.

He has, in effect, corroborated one facet of the earth-colony theory—that the saucermen (or sky people, spacemen, starmen, et al.) have moved behind the scenes far back in prehistory, prodding and uplifting their home-grown colonist humans from ignorant savagery to civilized life.

B.C. Cosmology

There are other scattered but arresting clues that much of human knowledge and the tools of civilization were taught and produced by advanced beings.

In the Annals of Scientific Discovery of 1853 (per Charles Fort), an object of an “incredible nature” was reported found in the ruins of Nineveh’s treasure-house—a crystal lens. Not just a roughly shaped lens but one of perfect form and precision, such as might be found in a small telescope.

Orthodox science can only hem and haw again, as with all other misplaced artifacts, and ignore its profound implication. How could a B.C. people without science, and some 2,500 years before Leeuwenhoek invented the lens, have such a precision-made device along with wooden plows, clay pottery, and flintstone tools?

We can roll back time and picture a scene where the excited people of Nineveh (a city of Biblical times) watched a starman step out of his saucer with a smile, setting up a small telescope on a tripod, letting them look through it in awe to see the craters on the moon and the rings of Saturn.

Galileo, in 1610, was only re-enacting that long ago event when he invented the first telescope and saw the craters on the moon.

Dr. Maurice Jessup (UFO: Unidentified Flying Objects) lists other optical lenses and mirrors found in a submerged city on the coast of Ecuador. Further glass lenses turned up in archaic ruins of Central America, apparently of pre-Incan and pre-Andean vintage going back to prehistoric times.

Then, as mentioned in Chapter One, the Chaldeans (stemming from Sumeria) had a calendar more accurate than ours today. Not only that, but it has long been a puzzling phenomenon of archeology that many other peoples—including the ancient Hindus, American Incas and Aztecs, the early Chinese—had remarkably accurate charts of the movements of the planets in the sky, and forecasts of eclipses, which only an advanced knowledge of astronomy and celestial mechanics could make possible.

Furthermore, the Chaldeans even knew that besides the five easily visible planets— Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn—there was a sixth, Uranus. Now Uranus is so dim, being sixth magnitude or at the limits of sight by the naked eye, and moves slowly and inconspicuously in the star-field, that it was not discovered until 1781 by the powerful telescope of William Herschel. To spot it with the naked eye as a moving planet, as distinguished from a fixed star, is almost impossible.

Then how did the ancient Chaldeans know of it several thousand years ago—without a telescope? The only reasonable answer is they had telescopes, a gift from the saucermen, perhaps manufactured on some distant world around another sun.

Besides the super-engineering reviewed before, the ancients had many aspects of super technology that could only be attributed to outside aid—outside the earth, that is.

Ancient Steel Industry

Three more isolated fragments of evidence of saucermen visitations are to be noted. First, Flying Saucers magazine (Palmer Publications) of July, 1962 reveals that Amerindian folklore spoke often of heavenly visitors who among other things “taught people how to forge iron.” This would account for another misplaced artifact of huge size—the famous iron pillar erected near the ancient tower of Kutb-Minar in Delhi, over 1,500 years ago.

The casting and forging of steel beams, girders, and other massive iron implements was hardly the exclusive outgrowth of modern technology of the past century as we fondly believe, if similar construction material was used in 500 A.D. And probably long before that. But iron and steel objects, notoriously subject to rust, would rarely survive as proof of a thriving metallurgical industry in the far past, launched by the saucermen.

Which brings up the odd thought—how much of all civilized products and processes that appeared on earth in the past was imported from the stars? Was the first plow, and wheel, and iron hammer forged in blast furnaces trillions of miles away on another world?

Martian Moon Mystery

The second telling incident has been an astronomical riddle for centuries. The two tiny moons of Mars were first seen in 1877 in Asaph Hall’s telescope. Yet back in 1726, when telescopes were far too small and crude to find such tiny bodies, Jonathan Swift in Gulliver’s Travels, stated there were two tiny Martian moons. The sizes he gave and their distances from the mother planet were amazingly close to the real facts, as later found out. Furthermore, he even stated the closer moon was so low that it revolved faster than Mars rotated, so that it would rise in the west and set in the east—which is exactly what Phobos does.

Did Swift guess all this 140 years in advance by sheer coincidence? Or did a saucerman let him peek through a powerful telescope and see the Martian moons for himself?

If this book has a running theme, it could be a statement made before—that history may someday have to be completely rewritten in the light of UFOlogy, which may become a new and accepted science.

Past-Age A-Bombs

A third and last clue to saucermen visitations comes from a peculiar discovery of modern times. In Palestine, buried sixteen feet under desert sands, startled archeologists in 1952 unearthed a layer of green glass a quarter-inch thick but widely spread several hundred feet. It was unmistakably fused quartz or sand with green discolorations—exactly like the glassy fused substance found at Alamogordo in 1945, when the world’s first nuclear bomb was exploded.

“First”? Then what tremendous high-temperature phenomenon fused sand, long ago?

Again in the Book of Dzyan, (ancient writings predating even the Bible) Dr. Jessup in one of his UFO books cited this significant event: Beings from a spaceship ruled the humans for a while but became angered at numerous tribal wars among them. The spacemen then rose in the air in a shining metal vessel. While still many leagues from the city, they launched a great “shining lance” that rode on a beam of light.

When it burst over the city, a great ball of flame shot up into the heavens and all those in the city were horribly burned. And those who looked upon the ball of flame were blinded forever. Those who later entered the city became ill. and died (from radiation sickness).

That could be almost an exact description of nuclear-blasted Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan.

Finally, as noted before, the Bible itself may have recorded a true atomic bomb burst when the wicked cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed.

Super-engineering … super-technology … nuclear bombs … almost overwhelming concrete evidence that in the dim past, the teachers, technologists and scientists of a faraway world, or worlds, flew down to earth to help mankind and introduce new knowledge and devices, good or bad, that came with civilization and the conquest of nature.

History rewritten … wholesale. …

10 United Worlds of Space

Having established valid evidence if not final proof that saucermen were visitants to earth farther back than the existence of the human race itself, we now come to several crucial questions.

  • Just who are our galactic colonizers?
  • Where did they come from?

The answers of course will be highly speculative, and various investigators into UFO phenomena have their own concepts of who the sky people of legend are that dropped in on us all through history and prehistory.

Only one thing seems reasonably certain—that they are extraterrestrial beings, but not necessarily from one world. Among scientific authorities, despite their aversion to mentioning the verboten flying saucers or UFO’s, nevertheless they speculate on purely astronomical or cosmological grounds about other-world civilizations and earth’s place in this vast community of intelligent life interspersed throughout the galaxy.

Dr. Fred Hoyle, for instance, England’s internationally famed astronomer, soberly speaks of an Interstellar Club of civilized worlds which earth will someday be invited to join when we have attained the proper intellectual status.

Another quotation from Dr. Fred Hoyle (Of Men and Galaxies) is even more vivid:

You are all familiar with an ordinary telephone directory. You want to speak to someone, you look up his number, and you dial the appropriate code.

My speculation is that a similar situation exists, and has existed for billions of years in the Galaxy … that an interchange of messages is going on, on a vast scale, all the time, and that we are as unaware of it as a pygmy in Africa is unaware of the radio messages that flash at the speed of light around the earth.

My guess is that there might be a million or more subscribers worlds to the galactic directory. Our problem (on earth) is to get our name into that directory.

Dr. Ronald Bracewell, scientist at Stanford University, has suggested that some types of unmanned messenger probes have been used by superior worlds to spread intergalactic culture. There might, he surmised, be federations of intelligent beings from many solar systems, and that this central authority would allocate various sectors of the galaxy to be explored by certain worlds or world-groups for signs of intelligence or civilization.

Most scientists who spend any thought on these grandiose matters agree that given a period of five or more billion years for worlds to develop and evolve thinking creatures, civilized technology will inevitably produce star-ships and Columbuses and Magellans who explore sister worlds—millions of them. And that, also inevitably, they will join in some sort of galactic community, which might be loosely called the United Worlds. They might even have a central headquarters where they periodically meet to discuss galactic affairs and pool their common knowledge of the universe.

Among its complex organization would be various committees and agencies, including a “Galactic Colonization Headquarters.” This UW authority would then systematically send spaceships to explore every possible habitable world, to see if intelligent life is budding there. All worlds in the hinterlands of the universe would in time be visited.

Galactic Gathering

This United Worlds could have been organized what to us is an unthinkably long time ago, because thousands of worlds would have reached the space-faring stage millions of years ago. Hence, the UW may have existed actively far back in geological times long before mankind appeared on the scene. Dr. Hoyle before spoke of a “galactic directory” existing for billions of years

As Dr. Carl Sagan puts it (my italics):

Some 25 million years ago, a Galactic survey ship on a routine visit to the third planet of a relatively common G-dwarf (star) may have noted an interesting and promising evolutionary development: Proconsul. … A notation would have been made in some central information repository, perhaps at the Galactic center. If the emergence of intelligent life on a planet is of general scientific or other interest to the Galactic civilizations (organization), it is reasonable that with the emergence of Proconsul, the rate of sampling our planet (visitations) should have increased. …

By Pronconsul (anthropological term for the “missing link”) Dr. Sagan means some species of ape-man or man-ape, whichever you prefer, who showed promise of evolving into a large-brained thinking creature.

However, Dr. Sagan drops it there, suggesting that the Galactic surveyors returned only every few thousand years to see how much further that creature’s cranial development had gone by itself.

This book’s premise, based on all the foregoing evidence and more to come, is that the visitors possibly from a Galactic Colonization Headquarters intervened much more directly in earthly affairs and promoted mankind’s debut as a species, through a long series of inter-breeding processes.

Universal Man

But what if the beings from a million other worlds of the UW are a million kinds of monstrosities, none of them human? Although this possibility exists, and perhaps the natives of some worlds are intelligent dragons or brainy centipedes, the general consensus among exobiologists is that the human form, or something close to it, may be almost universal. That humanoids, or near-men, are the common rule, not the exception.

This is based on sound reasoning, as thoroughly outlined recently by two well-known science-fiction writers who are also science-fact writers—Willy Ley and Sprague de Camp. Between them, they worked out a logical schemata that evolution—no matter on what world—will most likely follow. Briefly, two eyes giving stereoscopic vision are better than one, but three eyes add nothing. Ditto regarding two ears and two legs. As for arms and hands, these are much superior to tentacles, claws, talons, paws, fins, or any other appendage of animals and hence would be favored by universal evolution.

It goes on in this manner to the final details of skin, hair, internal organs, and all the rest of human physiology, with the final conclusion that a warm-blooded, bioptic, nerve-networked, bipedal (two-legged) species constructed in man-like form is the most efficient possible type of body for carrying a class-A thinking brain.

Also in size, the range becomes limited by pure logistics. Any creature shorter than about three feet could not support a big enough head or brain to be intelligent (note that this includes all the little men humanoids reported in recent saucer landings). Conversely, any being more than about eight feet tall (on a world of comparable gravity with earth) would be too heavy a weight for his bones to support. The only allowances are that on a light-gravity world (like Mars), the human form might reach ten feet high without difficulties. And on a high-gravity world (like Jupiter), the beings would have to be dwarfs.

Thus, it is highly probable that throughout the universe, on countless thousands of livable worlds, the blind (and set) forces of evolution have produced some form of humanoid, or man-like creature, displaying only minor differences from earthly humans.

Therefore, interbreeding between the saucermen colonizers and earth’s proconsul types would be possible and could have resulted ages ago in the hybrid known as Homo sapiens. In the next chapter, we will go into the striking evidence that makes this kind of interbreeding almost a necessity, an evolutionary boost, if we want to account for mankind on earth at all.

Unearthly Saucermen

We might mention here briefly several offshoot theories different from the United Worlds concept.

One is that original mankind (the very same species we are) arose on some primary planet staggering ages ago, the first to evolve and reach intelligence and scientific technology. Then, their spacecraft spread through all the galaxy and seeded the other propitious worlds with colonies of their own people. This would mean that all inhabited worlds stemmed from one primal source and that earthmen are really the direct descendants of the starmen colony planted here in prehistoric times, and not a native species of earth.

Another idea is that humanity first arose right here on earth and migrated out into the universe, when great disasters overwhelmed this planet. Then, when it settled down again, the expatriates returned to their home world.

Max H. Flindt proposes that original man’s home world, long ages ago, was destroyed or grew barren, whereupon they migrated from world to world, living on each until they too became undesirable. Finally, reaching earth, they planned a colony of crossbred colonists but with the Keepers of Knowledge remaining aloof somewhere out in space, in order to retain the original knowledge and records of their unthinkably old race.

Others are rather weird concepts—the UFOnauts coming from a parallel dimension, or that they are creatures of a higher vibration rate (of their atomic structure), or that they are invisible etheric creatures who only adopt human guise to visit us and watch over us.

However, most of those concepts lack the one thing that usually determines the final truth about anything—simplicity. When you have to go to tortuous lengths to even explain where your outre non-human, non-material, inter-dimensional beings come from, the chances are that they are molded purely out of subjective twists of the theorizer’s mind.

The simplest answer is that the universe is crammed with earth-like worlds which spawned a thinking animal quite like man, either indigenously or through programs of interbreeding.

Ubiquitous Humanoid

But we have something more than sheer speculation to back up this contention. We refer to Max H. Flindt’s research studies (On Tiptoe Beyond Darwin). He presents several evolutionary clues to the fact that changing environment does not necessarily change any given species, and that certain dominant forms of life exist in essentially the same form under widely varying conditions.

  1. The coelacanth was thought to be an ancient fish that became extinct 60 million years ago. However, in recent years two live specimens of this strange armored fish were found. These two “living fossils”, and whatever other specimens lurk in the sea today and breed, had survived unchanged for a geological age.

Says Flindt (Italics mine):

In the intervening 60,000,000 years, the salinity of the oceans changed and the temperature changed, but the coelacanth changed very little during this time. If different planetary environments can produce entirely different types of thinking organisms (as some people argue), then it follows that these same organisms will undergo local changes on their planet in response to changing conditions.

But the unchanging coelacanth, surviving 60 million years of drastic changes and upheavals in earthly climate, belies this theory. Flindt empahsizes:

It happens, that … many other animals show tremendous capacity for adapting to drastic changes in their environment, without incurring any physical change to themselves.

  1. Flindt cites the common rat, living and prospering all over earth from the tropics to the arctics, all of the strains very much alike in size, form, and characteristics. It is likely, Flindt concludes, that on planets with temperature, oxygen content, intensity of sunlight, and other factors even remotely approximately earthly standards, rats have evolved. Rats with four legs, long tails, beady eyes, cunningness—in short, earth-like rats.
  2. The lowly lichen, a primitive plant which is really a symbiotic or parasitic relationship between a plant cell and fungus spore, grows all over earth under unbelievable extremes of weather. Experimentally, it has been grown and has thrived in bell-jars under 7 per cent of the normal air pressure with oxygen down to 2 per cent (instead of 21 per cent), and with temperatures at sub-zero ranges—conditions exactly like those on Mars.

Thus, the green vegetation that grows each summer on Mars and fades away to brown during the Martian winter may very well be the hardy lichen, as much at home on Mars—and perhaps a million other worlds—as on earth.

  1. Still more to the point is Flindt’s example of small monkeys evolving independently both in South America and Africa. The conditions in both those continents may he broadly similar but there are innumerable distinct differences in vegetation, amount of rainfall, humidity, elevations of land, and other factors that should seemingly preclude similar species.

Yet evolution produced two kinds of very similar animals—the chattering monkeys so alike in form, habits, foods eaten, temperament and all else—in those two far-apart continents.

Flindt has good reason to state at the end that:

If the different environments of South America and Africa can evolve a common-to-both monkey from entirely different mammalian ancestry, then it is easy to see that man could have evolved on another planet (or many planets). This would be true even though the conditions upon that planet might be somewhat (or more than somewhat) different from those existing on earth.

Countless Planets

When it comes to the possible existence of those planets, orthodox science does not clash so strongly with the taboo subject of UFO’s and the possibility that they are spaceships from far-flung galactic worlds. Astronomical statistics supply good support, grudgingly given or not, for the existence of saucermen explorers and colonizers.

The following data are taken from The Search For Life on Other Worlds by Captain David C. Holmes, USN, who has played a key part in our government’s space program and future exploration of the solar system.

First, an important definition—a light year is the distance light travels in a year at the rate of 186,300 miles per second, or approximately six trillion (6,000,000,000,000) miles.

Out of the 200 billion stars in our Milky Way Galaxy, about half are binaries, or double stars, which would practically preclude the presence of a system of planets, or any planets with a stable climate.

Out of the remaining 100 billion suns, about half would be F, G, or K stars (an alphabetical arrangement according to temperature and size). Our sun is G. F and K stars are hotter and cooler, respectively. Of the 50 billion non-binary (single) stars, most of them would (by the very nature of accepted star and planet formation) be solar systems with anywhere from one to twenty-five planets revolving around the central luminary.

However, planets must orbit in the biosphere range, not too close or not too far from their sun or else they won’t have liquid-water seas or the proper temperature range for life, human or otherwise (from about 100° below zero to 150° above zero, F.)

In our solar system, only Earth and Mars exist within this life zone, with Venus a borderline case and probably too hot.

Therefore, our 50 billion Sol-like suns would on the average give us a total of say 500 billion planets, of which only 50 billion (one per sun) would be in an earth-like orbital range.

The rest is astronomical caution, the usual leaning over backwards to be ultra-conservative (and thereby unrealistic) and display no wild suppositions.

They assume that nine out of ten of those possible living planets are really uninhabitable—no oceans, or the wrong poisonous atmosphere, or lack of life-giving elements in the soil, and such.

That leaves five billion planets. But again they divide by ten or even a hundred on the supposition that for some reason (which they never define) life never starts on the majority of life-suitable planets.

That cuts it down to a mere 500 million planets, or at the worst, 50 million. Still, some super-conservative cosmologists will keep cutting and slashing away under any slightest excuse, until they’ve exhausted any conceivable objection to a planet bearing life.

One Million Earths

But no matter how they slice it, they reach an irreducible minimum of one million planets in our galaxy that not only have life but intelligent beings, having gone through the same evolutionary processes earth did—and which most bio-experts now consider inevitable. That is, life can’t start on an earth-like world under all favorable conditions and then just stop with one-celled organisms, or primitive worms. It must go on and up the scale of complexity from invertebrates to fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals—and man, or semi-man.

Like all else in life, evolution is dynamic and moves onward.

And by simple arithmetic, dividing the age of the galaxy by the number of suns and earths, the majority of them must be further advanced than we are. Earth and its sun are not among the older group of stars formed during stellar creation.

Though Holmes is primarily concerned with interstellar communication between civilized worlds, rather than physical visitations, his figures for how many such planets are within easy reach of radio signals apply equally well to spaceship travel between them.

  • There are 7,000 stars within a hundred light-years of earth.
  • Of the 100 nearest stars, 48 are single suns that are likely to have a family of planets.
  • Within 10,000 cubic parsecs (a parsec is 3.26 light-years) of earth, or a radius of forty-four light-years in any direction, there may be 12,000 earth-sized worlds, and 60,000 Mars-sized planets—both types capable of supporting life.
  • Taking the least optimistic ratios, we might find only ten technical civilizations (more advanced than earth) within a thousand light-years.
  • By the law of averages, then, the nearest such super-civilization would be some three hundred light-years away.
  • However, more optimistic mathematical calculations indicate that within sixteen light-years (practically in our stellar backyard) are 46 possible suns shining down on cities and human-like people of high scientific ability, who conquered space long ago.

Holmes goes on to point out that two of the most likely stars with living planets are only about eleven light-years off—Tau Ceti and Epsilon Eridani. These are the two stars that Professor Hermann Oberth has stated are probably the source of the UFO’s we have been seeing for twenty years, if not for ages.

Faster Than Light

But regardless of whether the nearest super-technical worlds are eleven light-years or three hundred light-years away—or even 30,000—they would account for UFO visitations. For it would not necessarily take dozens of lifetimes to cross these vast gulfs of space, as earth theory stipulates according to Einstein’s relativity based on the speed of light, which is presumably the fastest thing in the universe.

Science on earth has already made a breech in this wall of misconception. Cherenkov radiation (named after its Soviet discoverer) travels at twice the speed of light through water. And in the electronics field, when two radar waves meet in feed tubes, a compression wave is generated that travels some one and one-half times faster than light. There is a longer list of small, but significant, anomalies in the propagation of electromagnetic radiation (which includes light) which cast serious doubt on the belief that the light-speed is the velocity king of the universe.

Ivan Sanderson has pointed out (The Uninvited Visitors) that despite experimental proof to the contrary, there is still a popular fallacy about the light-speed barrier among many scientists. But the clincher is if we go back to the master himself. Quoting Sanderson who knew Einstein personally.

As a matter of fact, Einstein himself stated shortly before he died—and I have a tape recording of this—that he had never said that the speed of light was ultimate; but he did say that at around 180,000 miles per second mass would become infinite—that your backside would become your frontside and time would come to a stop.

Sanderson then says (Italics mine):

In other words, there is no reason, theoretical or otherwise, why that particular speed cannot be exceeded

In the past, it was solemnly stated that we could never fly a heavier-than-air machine, that the sound barrier could never be broken, that the atom would never be split, that rockets would never reach space. The “never” scientists, who arrogantly take upon themselves the godlike insight of knowing everything for all eternity ahead, will undoubtedly prove wrong again. The sacred cow of speeds beyond that of light being impossible will be desanctified.

Someday, on earth, the light-speed barrier will be broken—as it was millions of years ago by outer-space propulsion technologists.

In fact, it may be broken in a startlingly dramatic way, by instant space travel or teleportation. Coined by Charles Fort, the term means instantaneous transfer of solid objects from one place to another, at any distance, from one mile to a googol miles (googol is a mathematical term for one followed by 100 zeroes).

It would be, in a sense, a short-cut through ordinary space-time that covers any given reach of space in zero time.

Instant UFO’s

Fantastic? Then why is our government researching this concept, quite seriously and soberly, calling it ITF (instant transference)? This term was originally coined by Ivan Sanderson, who ran across some baffling evidence in the tropics that huge queen ants of the mound-building species inexplicably vanish from the nest and suddenly appear in a new nest miles away.

Even more lurid is the uncanny story of a Navy ship that during World War II experimented with creating a unified force field around itself, based on Einstein’s last master formula for the universe. This was for the purpose of turning the ship invisible, which succeeded. But unexpectedly, the destroyer abruptly teleported itself from the Philadelphia Navy Yards to Newport News, Virginia—then back again. Both times in the blink of an eye.

Unsubstantiated by the Navy or other authorities but allegedly reported by newspapers, this weird story came out of the “Allende Letters” written to Dr. M. K. Jessup, before he died in 1959. One Carlos Allende (or Carl Allen) wrote two long rambling—and yet scientifically consistent—letters to Jessup explaining what happened during the Navy’s invisibility experiment, alleging that though it was a success as far as the ship went, the crew mostly went mad over their invisible condition with complications of freezing in space and being unable to move, sometimes for hours. Allende claimed he could help continue the experiments until both the problems of invisibility and teleportation were under control, obviously giving the U.S. Navy a major advantage over any other power on earth.

Apparently Dr. Jessup did not follow up this offer, or else was unable to locate Carlos Allende (nobody knows for sure because Dr. Jessup himself was quite a mystery-man) so that this whole stupendous matter is left hanging in limbo.

But open-minded scientists like Ivan Sanderson do not close the door on such possibilities as invisibility and teleportation—which are the very attributes the UFO people seem to display in many strange sightings.

Galactic Government

One more item which might or might not constitute further proof of UFO’s using teleportation comes from Bryant and Helen Reeves in their book, Flying Saucer Pilgrimage.

Making the rounds and interviewing UFO witnesses over much of Mexico and the United States, the Reeves also contacted Mark Probert, well-known psychic medium and ESP experimenter. The Reeves asked if he had ever picked up telepathic messages from the saucermen.

Somewhat reluctantly, because in psychic circles it is thought that dealing with UFO’s was damaging to their reputations, Probert revealed a long series of ESP messages he had purportedly picked up—quite involuntarily, without seeking the contact—from saucermen.

One part of the transmitted message stated in detail that teleportation was used to create a null zone around a spaceship on their home world, with the dial set for earth. A surge of time-space energy and presto—the spaceship and all its crew materialized in earth’s atmosphere, in the wink of an eye.

The Reeves then asked the saucermen, via Probert in an ESP trance:

Is there an interplanetary government of our solar system?

The UFO communicant quickly replied:

Most definitely. There is what is called a hierarchy throughout the entire solar system—throughout the entire galaxies and island universes. Certain groups of individuals are assigned to certain planets (to watch over them).

This sounds very much like our hypothetical Galactic Colonization Headquarters. In fact, another UFO message to the Reeves called earth a space colony which had been set up ages ago, which was constantly watched over by the flying saucers through the centuries.

UFO’s By the Millions

The most surprising revelation—if true—was that there were no less than five to ten million UFO’s, or spacecraft, around earth at all times, as the Reeves were told.

But then, if we remember that the habitable worlds would total anywhere from an ultra-conservative 1,000,000 to perhaps a more realistic 100 million member planets, each capable of turning out, say, a million UFO-craft by itself, then the GCH authorities would have countless millions of spacecraft to assign to duty among the thousands of worlds they have colonized.

We are dealing here with quantities of a galactic magnitude, far exceeding any resources available on a piddling little world called earth. Ordering five million flying saucers to earth would be no more to them than the U.S. assigning a squadron of jets to patrol a distant island.

And in fact, as in Mark Twain’s humor classic, Captain Stormfield’s Visit to Heaven, it might be that when a ship reports back to GCH about earth, the commander would frown and say “Wart? Just where is it?”

There may even be a faction in the GCH that constantly growls,

Earth is a marginal colony. Always has been. Stupid, arrogant, bickering people, blind to everything else in the universe except their unimportant mini-world. We’re draining resources with no hope of success. Civilization, the real thing, is still out of their reach. Take them off the list and be done with it.

Proud man, on earth, may have a lot of crow to eat, someday.

11 Earth, Planetary Bio Lab

It is time now to plunge far back into the past, for hundreds of thousands or even millions of years, to try to trace the earliest series of the saucermen’s breeding experiments in a vast biological laboratory called earth. The following data come from Max H. Flindt.

The Age of Fishes (Paleozoic) before any land creatures appeared is known, from fossils, to have spanned an immense period of 375,000,000 years. The Age of Reptiles (Mesozoic) in which the mighty dinosaurs roamed the earth stretched out for 155,000,000 years. The Age of Mammals (Cenozoic) began 60 million years ago.

It took millions and millions of years for various species of fish, of reptiles, and of mammals to evolve from the simplest to the highest forms.

Now we are to suddenly believe, in vivid contrast to this slow motion evolution, that mankind or Homo sapiens derived from his earliest primate ancestry in perhaps 10,000,000 years—a snap of the fingers in geological time. And that his sub-species first appeared on the scene only some 2,000,000 years ago. A dozen progressive or intermittent species—Australopithecus, Pithecanthropus, Heidelberg, Neanderthal, and such—held brief sway in those 2,000,000 years but yielded to Cro-Magnon, our direct ancestors, only 50,000 years ago.

The voice of Vyacheslav Zaitsev, noted archeologist and science writer of Russia, is added to Flindt’s when he states:

According to myths, man’s initial evolution took place on some other planet of the Universe. After the formative period, man reached the earth where he continued to develop and change.

Zaitsev then turns from myth to science (my italics):

Some scientists maintain that our planet is not old enough for intelligent beings to have spontaneously developed on it, from the protozoa to the present-day species (of man).

If not spontaneously, then how? The implication is plain, that in accordance with myth, man’s heritage lies partly in the vast depths of outer space.

In short, there simply was not time enough for mankind to arise suddenly on earth, through no agency but Nature. It is telescoped evolution, violating the infinitely slow process of natural selection as Darwin laid it out. For the awesome brain of man—and it is awesome in comparison to all other creatures—to suddenly appear in that brief time on the stage of evolution is incredible and totally inconsistent.

As stated before, Darwin himself admitted at times that mankind in small ways fitted his evolution theory the least, of all creatures. Alfred Wallace, his contemporary formulator of the theory of evolution, was even more emphatic and forthrightly said that man was an exception to the orderly operation of biological laws, and that natural selection could not have operated in his case. What the true answer was, he hazarded no guess.

Man’s Imported Brain

All the above was brought out by Max H. Flindt in his previously mentioned revolutionary book on evolution, On Tiptoe Beyond Darwin. And Flindt does give the answer that Wallace was unable to find, as a succinct question:

Is it because man’s brain is an import?

Namely, that man appeared so suddenly on the scene because he was a planned hybrid, a cross between super-intelligent starmen and sub-intelligent two-legged creatures on earth.

Flindt has an even better concrete proof that man could not have evolved by himself in the brief time alloted for him in the traditional evolutionary scale.

Except for man, the best that nature could do on land was to develop three great ape families. This means that it took nature 500,000,000 years to develop one billion neurons (the maximum capacity of an anthropoid brain). At this rate,” Flindt goes on inexorably, “one neuron was developed every six months … (and) man, with his ten billion neurons, should have taken ten times as long as the apes in order to develop his fantastic brain.

Ten times 500 million years is five billion years.

Yet man and his superb thinking organ, they would have us believe, came out of the evolutionary pot in a mere two million years.

Obviously, nature did not create man’s brain. The skymen did, in an ancient breeding experiment or a series of them.

Mentality Jackpot

How big was the brain of the space colonizers? Flindt calculates about 3000 cc capacity, as contrasted to man’s 1300 cc today. An interbreeding program between starmen and earlier sub-men of about 800 cc capacity would logically have produced the in-between brain of modern man. It may not have been so simple, however. It may have taken various periods of crossbreedings to achieve a satisfactory result.

We have mentioned Aurignacian Man with a brain larger than homo’s but who was apparently not the final answer. Also, Neanderthal Man’s brain capacity was 1400 cc, again greater than ours, as was Cro-Magnon’s, our immediate progenitors of the Neolithic era.

Apparently none of these brains, however, was as developed or as efficient as the spacemen wanted. Size was not the sole criterion but also in what manner and with what rapidity the neurons (individual brain cells) interacted with one another, quite like the capacity of an electronic computer being rated according to the number of bits or basic mathematical operations it could carry out each micro-second.

Various interbreeding programs carried out by the starmen—who were obviously master biologists and geneticists—finally produced homo sapiens with a highly functional 1300 cc brain.

Admitting his figures to be sketchy, Flindt calculates (from the rise or fall of sub-humans) that the last hybridizing visit of the spacemen occurred up to 10,000 years ago, preceded by one around 150,000 years ago. Evidence indicates an earlier crossbreeding program one million years ago.

Undoubtedly, somewhat like a repeated Adam and Eve, only one couple mated—a starman with whatever sub-human species was available at the time. Such a couple would then give rise to a population or tribe of 125,000 individuals in some three hundred years. The saucermen had to wait at least that long, each time, to see how the new hybrid progressed and what civilized tendencies he showed.

UFOnaui Diversity

However, there is a somewhat different picture of how this all came about, promoted by other writers and researchers. Yet all of them have one thing in common—that man’s ancestors on one side were the UFOnauts from outer space, intent on establishing a hybrid colony on earth. The differences are in method, by whom, and for what purposes or aims.

We have wondered perhaps why the present-day landings of saucermen include such a diversity of types—little humanoid dwarfs about three and one-half feet tall, normal-sized humans, extra-tall men seven or eight feet high, and monster-men of various types but still all humanoid (manlike).

Ivan Anderson has a shrewd answer to that:

Just imagine what would happen on some other planetary body if one of our space-probes was manned by (1) a middle-aged Bushman woman (four feet tall), (2) a six-foot, six-inch Nigerian … with his near-black skin and his flowing white robes and turban, (3) a blonde, buxom Swedish girl (4) a blue-black-skinned Melanesian with a full mop of branching red hair, (5) a Japanese child (with yellow skin and slant eyes), (6) a Neapolitan man with shiny black, wavy hair and an ivory skin.

Concludes Sanderson:

I can imagine, the inhabitants of such a planet … going into near hysterics and their authorities immediately locking up anyone who said they had encountered such a coterie coming out of a space vehicle and collecting plants and domestic animals.

Brilliantly, Sanderson has pointed out that the human race itself is far from homogeneous, and that weird crews indeed could be gotten together that on other worlds might seem like distinct species of unrelated creatures.

Similarly, for all we know, worlds in outer space may have both dwarf and giant humanoid specimens among their people, and also a few monster-like men, all of whom however are of the same high intelligence and therefore comprise mixed crews when sent to earth.

Pygmy Progenitors

Some investigators, notably the late Dr. Jessup, were inclined to the belief that our star-sires, and our earliest earth hybrids, were of the little men or pygmy types.

In The Expanding Case For the UFO, Dr. Jessup states:

Pygmy man is known to have existed since Miocene times, a period of approximately 33,000,000 years (an astonishing antiquity). He is not a missing link, but a fully developed human race—although not related (his italics) to other races through any known genetic connection.

Again he notes:

At a very remote time there were Pygmy tribes in North America. In 1885 their bodies or bones, it is reported, were found in various burial grounds … (such as) in the Cumberland Valley, not far from the Ohio Mound Builder area.

Dr. Jessup also claimed that the ancestry of the pygmies in both Africa and New Guinea is unknown today; that there is evidence of a dwarf race inhabiting ancient Europe and giving rise to the legends of elves, goblins, gnomes, and such little men who were odd-looking humanoids; that the myths of all pygmy communities, scattered widely over earth, speak of heavenly lands and sky people; and that the rootstock of pygmy languages is never related to other earthly languages.

Dr. Jessup rather vaguely ties this up by suggesting that the original colonizing pygmy-men from space, by interbreeding with larger ancient primate species, produced oversized mutant types that eventually resulted in modern-sized mankind.

Paul Thomas, in Flying Saucers Through the Ages points out that an old Tibetan record tells of the first ancestor coming down from the sky, accompanied by six dwarfs.

Charles Fort cites the many pygmy flints, tiny tools made of stone, found in every part of the world and of such antiquity that nobody can guess their age.

The consensus seems to be that between 20,000 and 40,000 years ago, pygmy humans flourished widely on earth, and may even have had a high degree of civilization comparable to Biblical times, but that some natural disaster wiped out most of them except for the remnant tribes known today.

Giant Humanoids

When it comes to prehistoric giant men, the evidence is also very plain and very disturbing—to orthodox Darwinist scientists, that is.

Charles Fort listed stone and copper tools so big and heavy only an eight-foot giant could wield them; also footprints left in ancient sandstone that are eighteen to twenty inches long.

In Frank Scully’s book (Behind the Flying Saucers) we find that Paxton Hayes, archeologist, stumbled on buried mummies in Tibet of men seven feet tall, plus records indicating they came from space and set up an underground civilization in caves nine thousand feet below the surface. This sounds very much like the saucermen colonists digging in to weather one of those worldwide upheavals that have seemingly occurred more than once in ancient times.

Harold T. Wilkins (Flying Saucers on the Attack) reveals an old Peruvian legend about giants that “from the knee down were as tall as ordinary men” (probably an exaggeration). They built great stone houses and sank sturdy wells into the ground, that were reportedly still yielding clear water when the Conquistadores came in 1535.

It is also mentioned, significantly, that these sky giants had unnatural amours with the women of Peru—unnatural in that their sex organs were oversized in keeping with their bodies. It is not told what kind of progeny resulted from these unions, but it may all represent another sexual breeding experiment carried on by the saucermen. They may have paired both their dwarf and giant humanoid people with earth females in shaping the final human race they had planned.

And the Bible, of course, gives us Goliath, as well as that verse:

… and there were giants in those days.

Monster-Men Mutants

In the case of monster men, these may have been the bad side effects of some matings in the ancient bio-experiments.

Max Flindt cites how modern scientists, through carefully controlled cross-matings, have produced one-eyed chickens with the eye in the middle of the forehead—quite like the legendary Cyclops. Flindt believes the Cyclops actually existed as the product of something gone wrong with the genetic program of the spacemen colonizers.

Flindt also points out that we have fossil evidence of giants—Java Man, Aurignacian Man, and Heidelberg Man—all of them considerably bigger than modern man, though less intelligent (despite large brains which were inefficient), who would probably look like monsters to us, in the flesh.

Mentioned before were the mythological specimens of monstrosity—the minotaur, harpies, satyrs, centaurs, and various other extreme hybrids with human parts grafted onto animal bodies.

Much more substantiated is a six-toed giant humanoid who left fossil footprints thirteen inches wide at the heel and three and a half feet long—a towering creature, whatever it was. These prints were found at the headwaters of the Tennessee River in America.

At Bear Creek, Montana in 1926, coal miners found two huge human molars in anthracite coal dating from 30 million years ago, (consistent with Dr. Carl Sagan’s visits of 25 million B.C.), which gives some inkling of how long ago the saucermen may have started their breeding experiments.

However, a still more impressive incident is the very recent discovery of a living Abominable Snowman right here in America, but locally called the Sasquatch or Bigfoot. It was found in the Sierras in the northern part of California.

At 1:30 P.M. on Friday, October 21, 1967, Roger Patterson of Yakima, Washington, and Bob Gimlin were riding their horses in the Bluff Creek area, when around a bend they suddenly came upon a giant humanoid creature eighty or ninety feet ahead. At least six and a half to seven feet tall, it was hairy and had long dangling arms like a gorilla but had a distinctly human-like head and face.

Patterson managed to yank his movie camera out of the saddlebags and shoot thirty feet of colored film. These pictures were later examined by Dr. Ian McTaggart, zoology professor; John Green, editor of Advance; Mike Crammond, outdoors expert of the Vancouver Province; Henry Allison of the Los Angeles Herald-Examiner; Dr. Don Abbott, anthropologist; Frank Beebe, naturalist; and a parade of other authorities, great or small.

Not one of them denied the evidence of the film outright, expressing only guarded opinions that though the pictures looked genuine, more study would be needed—and preferably, a live specimen.

Not a dead specimen, however. Frank Beebe probably voiced all their thoughts when he said:

If I were out in the mountains and I saw a thing like this, I wouldn’t shoot it. I’d be too afraid of how human it would look under the fur.

Again, expectedly, there is a great big silence from the top authorities, who should certainly be agog over this find and scientifically eager to find out more. Instead, because it won’t fit their worshipped dogmas about evolution which preach the nonexistence today of any prehistoric “living fossils” that resemble mankind, they are doing what they have done with UFO’s, psychic phenomena, and any other new and devastating idea that has come along—shelved it.

One of our greatest government funded costs must be the enormous and continuous supply of sand required for the 315,000 scientists in America to bury their heads in, day after day.

But as the adage says, the one thing nobody can fight, in the long run, is a new and true idea. The Bigfoot Sasquatch of Sierras will haunt scientists until they one day admit his existence and then try patching up their badly mutilated theories of man’s origin and all its unknown side-issues.

Be that as it may, the actual capture on movie film of a present day subhuman giant lends much more authenticity to the reputed giants of old, who are not myths but part of the anthro-biological experiments of the spacemen in their ancient brain-breeding program on earth.

12 Evolution Speeded Up

Oddly enough, cave carvings in Tibet depict giant men, or humanoids, battling almost on even terms with dinosaurs. It is just possible that a few remnant dinosaur species survived the wholesale (and unknown) extinction of those giant reptiles some 60 million years ago and lived on to 25 million B.C.—to battle the Gulliver humanoids of the saucermen.

And just why the dinosaurs vanished so suddenly and inexplicably is one of paleontology’s greatest riddles. But this, too, may be answered by the saucermen. This is sheer speculation by myself, but suppose the galactic colonizers visited earth 70 million years ago (civilized worlds can date back a billion years in galactic terms) and deliberately exterminated the giant reptiles in a great dinosaur hunt.

Why? Because they knew that the earliest mammalian species of sloths and lemurs, existent then, would eventually lead to the primates and men. They were therefore clearing the field for their later experiments in the biological genesis of mankind, when evolution would give them mating stock to work with.

This could place UFO’s on earth at least 70 million years ago, in their staggeringly long-range plans for colonizing earth. Yet to a civilization that began a billion years ago, such multi-million year programs would be nothing extraordinary. Cavemen probably planned only one hour ahead. Modern man plans his lifetime, usually. And governments today look ahead and lay the ground work for the next century.

The long-existing saucer people—of one or many worlds—simply encompass larger segments of times in their galactic plans for colonization.

Sky Bio-Labs

The possibility of dinosaurs being exterminated by the saucermen brings up another and opposite way in which they could have interfered with earth’s normal evolutionary processes, for the good of their colony—namely, by introducing new and beneficial species.

This is an enlarged picture of their great colonization program, not only improving the human stock through interbreeding but doing the same with other creatures, making earth one vast biological laboratory indeed.

There is one repeated phenomenon through the ages that adds cogently to this possibility. Charles Fort lists dozens of cases of small creatures falling from the sky at times, in huge quantities—frogs, fish, newts, worms, crustaceans, and whatnot. There are even falls of organic matter as such, in the form of what seems fleshy material or basic protoplasm.

There are far too many documented cases of these dumpings from the sky to be ignored. They can never be traced to whirlwinds, tornadoes, hurricanes, or other storms that might conceivably pick up batches of creatures and dump them miles away.

Besides the above-mentioned items, Dr. M. K. Jessup listed the incredible variety of other unlikely sky-dumped materials that have been reported and documented—ashes, sand, algae, iron chunks, gelatinous matter, seeds, red and edible stuff, mud, dust, powders, vegetation, soot, coke, charcoal, coal, earthly minerals, black water and other colored rains (out of clear blue skies), ice chunks, small gadgets, and glues.

These falls of creatures, organic matter, or debris occur on bright, sunny days without any wind and usually in enormous quantities. There was no natural vehicle that could transport them long distances. Where else, then, could they come from but some high-flying vehicles?

Ivan Sanderson finds great significance in this mystery, as related to the colonization of earth, and says that one theory:

envisages some UAO’s (Unidentified Aerial Objects) as laboratories for biological or other researches. The idea here is that the falls of fish, frogs, meat, blood, and so forth are the unwanted items of freezing, canning, or butchering procedures (on the one hand), or the results of breeding or other experiments carried on in nearby space (on the other hand) …

UFO Arks of Life

Max H. Flindt adds strength to this concept by bringing up the greatest unsolved mystery of evolution—the advent of life itself on earth (my italics):

Paleontologists still wonder why, fossil evidence of life on earth appears abruptly in the rocks of the Cambrian Period 500 million years ago. Why are there so few traces of life in the Pre-Cambrian which lasted 1.5 billion years?

He goes on to cite the sudden appearance of species of sponges, sea lilies, starfish, worms, water fleas, brine shrimp, clams, and many other sea-creatures:

These genera, appear suddenly in the sedimentary record. No fossils have been found that reflect their step-by-step evolutionary development.

Very rudimentary and basic proto-life forms alone—some algae, lichens, protozoans—existed for over a billion years on earth. Then, out of nowhere, in the next half-billion years, a tremendous variety of sea creatures spring up, not in their most primitive possible forms but already evolved into most of the primary classifications known today.

Flindt marshals further evidence in detail, then comes to his well-founded conclusion:

… the concept of man as a hybrid and colony is broad enough in its total implication to provide an adequate answer … visits by unknown persons from outer space make it easy to postulate that the same explanation (hybridization of man) holds good for the mystery of the sudden appearance (of the “missing fossils”).

Flindt envisions giant arks of space, loaded with huge tanks of the sponges, starfish, clams, and a thousand other marine specie, landing on earth and seeding the seas.

Always careful to back up his theories as much as possible, Flindt points out that:

The four most numerous Cambrian animals (crustaceans like crabs, brachiopoda oyster family, annelida worms, and gastropoda snails) were creatures that could survive the jolts, shocks, and high 5-forces of space travel with the greatest of ease.

But not only sea species were introduced by the saucermen.

Flindt then inquires as to the:

complete lack of fossil remains of the present living desert flora and fauna. While all other tropical, semi-tropical, temperate, and arctic species of plants have left their record in geological strata, not one single desert plant has left its fossil skeleton. … (With one lonely exception).

In addition to that, Flindt rams home a final point based on another baffling riddle:

… the rather astonishing basic difference in structure that exists between desert plants and most other earth plants.

We all know how the spiked and spiny cacti and other desert growths look out-of-this-world as compared to the usual flowering plants and grasses.

So, besides the human—hybridizing visits to earth by the sky biologists, Flindt states:

… it is not unreasonable to further assume that on one of these fairly recent visits (meaning within the past few million years) our outer-space ancestors brought desert forms of plants to earth.

Accelerated Evolution

We now have a breathtaking vista of the truly grand scope of the colonization plan blueprinted by the starmen, and geared to cover more than one-half billion years. For all this pushes the first arrival date far far back from what we previously conjectured. It could go something like this.

The United Worlds agency finds earth is in the pre-Cambrian Period and only the most elementary one-celled plant life and a few amoeba-like beasties inhabit the seas. The lands are utterly barren.

But earth is a ripe world, just begging for life-forms that wriggle, crawl, swim, fly, or run freely and widely. Slow motion evolution might cause a species explosion in time, but why not hasten that day?

So the saucermen’s follow-up ships are gigantic arks of life. Sea creatures from their own world are dumped into their briny new home in earth’s oceans, to proliferate rapidly. The master UFO biologists know that this will bring forth the amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals by the set law of general evolution.

Undoubtedly, in between, they dumped down new loads of those higher species too, to fill out the roster of life forms and create a rich Garden of Eden for unborn mankind.

It is even more likely that they interbred and crossbred various species in their huge bio-labs in orbit above earth, which is Ivan Sanderson’s thought to account for the present-day life falls that rain down from the sky. Even today, perhaps, the UFOnauts are carrying on super-biological breeding experiments to improve the stock of animals on earth.

And did the saucermen dump coelacanth, the “living fossil”, into our seas as another experiment, to see if an ancient armored fish 60 million years out of date could still survive and thrive?

At any rate, going back again into pre-mankind days, they next saw how barren our deserts were, not a thing growing at all in those vast areas of sand and scrub.

Memo to GCH:

It is recommended to ferry across space sufficient shiploads of desert-type flora to seed earth’s barren lands and cause them to flourish into hardy plant species. It will significantly add to the oxygenation of earth’s atmosphere, vital to the support of breathing land creatures.

This, too, is done. Then in the sea, on the land, and in the air—all over earth—there is hardly a spot that does not surge with life. A side program may even have been inaugurated to do something about those other deserts—the bitter Arctic and Antarctic regions. The saucermen would then unload ancestral seals, penguins, skua gulls, frost-proof insects, hibernating plants, and all other tenacious lifeforms that could battle frigidity and make the polar regions blossom and come alive.

Then the task was done. Mankind’s home was ready for him.

Hybrid Mankind’s Debut

Meanwhile, the human-hybrid specialists had been at work, carefully selecting the proper primates and anthropoids for crossbreeding. When hominids (non-human anthropoids) eventually gave birth to the first humanoid (manlike) species, the saucermen began direct matings between themselves and the ancestors of man, or perhaps used artificial insemination techniques, or even intricate manipulations of genetic coding within the genes and chromosomes.

Condensed into a mere million or two million years was the most rapid evolutionary process known, possible only with saucermen aiding or bypassing nature. From ape—men to true men, from a microcephalic brain to a cranium of 1300 cc volume, from hairy brutishness to smooth-skinned intelligence—all manipulated in masterful fashion by the biogenetic experts from the stars.

Proudly, then, saucerman looked upon his handiwork—Homo sapiens. Mankind’s debut on earth was far ahead of time in the cosmic scale.

Maybe William Jennings Bryan was right, at the famed Scopes Trial. Mankind did not descend from the apes. At least, not entirely. He also descended from the starmen. All those who are repelled at the thought of our brutish ancestry should now be joyful, for our sires on one side were a species of man a million years ahead of earthmen, just as we are a million years ahead of the apes.

UFO Mating Problem

One final point remains to be explored. In the case of direct matings carried on between the saucer people and earthly denizens, which way would be better? Saucermen plus earthly females, or vice versa?

Two writers have an interesting point to present on this matter. Coral Lorenzen writes in one of her UFO books:

If an alien race bent on contact and possible colonization, were to reconnoiter this planet, one of their prime tasks would be to learn if the two races could breed. To do this, they would need a human subject.

Either sex would be all right, but it would be much more efficient to pick a (human) male.

If a human female subject were used, the chances of no conception, or conception followed by miscarriage, would be great, due to the considerable nervous strain of removing that female subject from her familiar surroundings to a completely foreign location. …” (as would be necessary for the saucermen to keep track of her and the resultant birth product).

Coral Lorenzen’s considered conclusion:

The ideal situation, then, would be for the experimenters to pick their own female subject … and proceed exactly as the strange UFO occupants apparently did with Villas-Boas.

Requested “Rape”

This is seconded by Brad Steiger and Joan Writenour in their book, Flying Saucers Are Hostile:

The authors have on file the claim of a young California woman that she was raped by an occupant of a UFO. There is also a deposition by her doctor who testifies to having treated the young woman for a premature delivery of a stillborn baby that seemed to have been the product of a highly dubious mixed breeding. …

The fact that the woman’s highly distraught condition was responsible for her miscarriage points up a very real factor which the UFO-breeders might have considered, in their plan of mixing races (terrestrial and extraterrestrial).

Not many earthwomen would have the emotional strength to undergo the trauma of rape by an alien creature, and then calmly nurture its seed (in pregnancy). … To bring her aboard (their spacecraft) for her nine-month gestation period would accomplish no more than a speedy mental collapse.

No, it would be far more effective to operate a program of interbreeding as the aliens did with Antonio Villas-Boas. Bring a female, whose egg is ready to be fertilized. The nature of the male sexual response being what it is, the aliens need only provide a woman of their species who would most nearly correspond to an earthman’s ideals of feminine beauty, and douse the man with a powerful aphrodisiac (as was apparently done with Villas-Boas) to help him overcome any innate shyness and fear.

Presto, the whole problem of interbreeding becomes much easier to accomplish.

The logic in this is undeniable. The Villas-Boas case may have been repeated thousands of times in the far past, when saucerwomen enticed earth males into the sex act in their crossbreeding program.

On the other hand, the Bible is on record with its plain statement:

And the sons of God … took unto themselves wives from among the daughters of earth.

Which way was it? Or was it both ways? The end result, of course, would be virtually the same—a new and vigorous hybrid-human race that would inherit the earth, colony world of the stars.

13 Hybrid Human Clues

Man is an evolutionary maverick, in many ways that deviate from all other native creatures on earth. Max H. Flindt has prepared a formidable list of these physical and mental attributes peculiar to human beings alone. If they are no extraterrestrial traits infused into humanity by non-earthly colonizers, one wonders what other possible answer there could be.

Not only does Mr. Flindt list these peculiarities of Homo sapiens but he also extrapolates why they came to us from our outer-space progenitors when they interbred with pre-humans long ago. They are, of course, purely conjectures but with a canny logic and scientific coloring to them that is hard to refute.

Some of the points listed below have been briefly presented before in Chapter One, but are repeated here to show the wide divergence of mankind from animal’s kind on earth.

One factor looms largely in Flindt’s reasoning. As mentioned in the previous chapter, he envisions an original human race that through an enormous stretch of history found worlds aging and dying under their feet, forcing them to become planet-hoppers. This factor enters into some of the alien traits. But more important is the vast time period in which they had already climbed the evolutionary ladder and had achieved civilization, perhaps encompassing millions of years compared to earthman’s paltry 10,000 years.

Human Uniqueness

The human trait in the following list is in normal typeset, referring to the acquired human aberration that does not fit evolution’s mold. The alien trait will be in italics, referring to the assumed conditions and attributes handed down to us, biologically speaking, via hybridization.

(1) Only man cries. No other primate on earth can shed tears copiously.

During the planet-hopping of our star-sires, each world that eventually died probably reached the stage where water dissipated into space, leaving a dry, dusty world (like Mars) where the starmen’s human eyes would develop the tear-shedding mechanism for protection of these sensitive organs.

(2) Man’s unique head-hair. Only man, among the primates, has busby hair on top of his skull.

Through their enormous racial history, the aliens perhaps found that continuous wearing of head-coverings contributed to a partial decline in mental ability. This is based on known medical data of today, for in cold weather, an additional supply of blood is needed in the scalp to keep the brain warm and nourished. By furnishing protection from cold, artificial head-coverings would—in a sufficient length of evolutionary time—lower the scalp’s capacity to increase blood-flow and this would reflect in a lowering of brain activity (something the human race on earth may have to deal with in time).

(3) Man’s super-sensitive skin. None of the lower animals, by actual tests, have the fine sense of touch that men have. Much more information is sent to our brains by our skin’s reaction to stimuli than obtains with any other creature—and by a very large proportion.

Quite plainly, just as man’s hands are smooth-skinned compared to the rough-skinned paws of apes, a multi-million-year stretch of time was long enough, even for true slow motion evolution, to transform the starmen’s skin into a super-sensitive organ of touch.

(4) Man swallows slowly. It takes about six seconds for food to be transported down our gullets to our stomachs, whereas all other animals have practically zero transit time. Food is actually shot from a dog’s esophagus into his stomach. Why? Because in dog-eat-dog nature, every animal must bolt his food as fast as possible lest he become food himself to a predator, and also to eat his fill before hungry scavengers came around.

As for starman, as Flindt puts it, “… we see at once that millions or billions of years of peaceful existence (without competition against animals for food) ... could produce this slow esophagal transit time.” We might add that when there is no need for an organ or body reflex, evolution will eliminate that organ or reflex. With never a sign—for a million years—of anyone to snatch away his food, starman had no need for high-speed gulping and his swallowing reflex slowed down. (Man on earth, living under such food-security conditions for the relatively short period of a few thousand years at most, has had no time under evolution’s molasses-slow tempo to achieve leisurely swallowing by himself. It can only be an inheritance from his starman ancestry.)

Star-Borne Traits

(5) Man lacks tooth-gaps. All other animals and primates have diastemata or spaces between certain teeth, usually important fangs or chewing teeth. Man is the only known species without these gaps at birth and through his prime (until advancing years bring gum troubles). And very significantly, the early fossils of sub-men do display diastemata, sharing this dental phenomenon with the animals. Obviously, starman’s crossbreeding with early man was what eliminated our teeth-gaps.

To account for starman not having teeth-spaces, Flindt surmises that long development of his dental apparatus closed the gaps, but does not state why that should be. However, we can ourselves surmise that in order to prevent food particles from wedging between teeth and causing decay, evolution closed the gaps and thus improved starman’s eating tools.

This is the whole basis of evolution, that operating through long ages, it improves the species in countless ways. And to make it clear, Flindt does not deny the process of evolution at all, firmly believing it operates in nature. He only denies that evolution, by itself, produced modern man on earth. This is his entire theme, that mankind cannot be accounted for by classical evolution, and that therefore his non-earthly attributes must have been derived from star-people through interbreeding).

(6) Man lacks a penis bone. All other mammals and creatures have a firm bone that rises within the penis before and during the sex act. There are several reasons for this: wild animals often have to mate rapidly as they are helpless at the time and open prey to predators; the male in many cases must force his attentions on the female; the male in almost all species has to battle rival males to win the female and is so weary that if he did not have a penis bone to achieve a firm erection, the sex act might never be consummated and the species would die out.

In the case of starman, the lack of all the above hazards, plus the human female’s ready cooperation during sex, would inevitably, through evolutionary laws, eliminate the need for a stiffening penis bone and allow more blood to flow into the penis and thus increase its pleasure response—the bone taking up space and having no sensitivity that would contribute to orgasm. Hence, when sans penis bone starman mated with prehistoric earthly species, he genetically transmitted this same attribute to the hybrid human race that was to follow.

(6a) Man’s oversized penis. Another fact not mentioned by Flindt is well-known to all zoologists—the human male’s penis in erection is larger and longer than that of any other primate. Even the mighty gorilla has a penis only half as long as man’s. This is immediately astonishing for one would almost automatically assume that the gorilla—often attaining a length of ten feet with arms outstretched and weighing up to five hundred pounds—would have proportionately larger genital organs than puny man. This becomes another telling point that indicates the human male’s sexual apparatus was not aquired from the “missing link” on earth but from our absent link among the stars—namely, the starmen.

As to why the starman should have developed such a large sex organ, there is an interesting but complex explanation relating to why in the first place man’s penis is larger than the ape’s. Only man has developed a pleasure for pleasure’s sake attitude toward sex, aside from its reproductive function. This could only come from a superior brain which can reason in the abstract and follow new lines of endeavor unknown to anthropoids. And by improving the relationship between man and wife, via heightened sexual enjoyments, the family unit concept greatly advanced civilization. It is a mixture of intellectual, physiological, and sociological improvements that came along with increasing sex-for-fun activities as presumably practiced by the starpeople for long ages. And because this was an evolutionary improvement too (for the race), the humanoid penis gradually became larger and longer to where it far out-shadowed the limited organ of primates. By the time the skymen reached earth, an age ago, they already possessed their outsized organs, which probably precluded direct matings with the earthly pre-human females. Hence, either artificial insemination was used or (much more unlikely) the saucer-women consorted sexually with cavemen. But in either case, the starmen’s large penis, as a dominant trait, was transmitted genetically into the hybrid-human race, accounting for why a 150-pound man today has a sex organ twice the size of a 500-pound gorilla though they both (according to anthropogists) stemmed from the same rootstock of hominids.

Master Brain

(7) Man’s super brain. As reviewed before, there simply was not enough evolutionary time for man’s enormous brain (in ratio to body weight) to develop in a mere few million years. The elephant and whale have larger brains than humans—about eleven pounds and twenty-two pounds, respectively, compared to three pounds for a man. Even the dolphin, a species of the whale family, has a brain somewhat larger than a man’s.

Now all of these oversized animal brains have more grey matter to sheer bulk than the human brain. Then why aren’t they smarter than man?

Obviously, something besides mere weight makes the difference—namely, the number of neurons. The large-brained three—whale, elephant, and dolphin—have neurons too, so that the total of these individual brain cells is lower than in the human brain.

And therein lies the whole story. With his unmatched quantity of ten billion tiny neurons, man’s brain is more powerful. Also it is more efficient, because of the rapidity with which its nerve impulses are handled by the control switchboard. Another factor is how many convolutions (folds) exist around the surface of the brain. In some obscure way, the greater number of convolutions in the human brain increases its thinking power.

To indicate what a supremely superb device our brain is, a neurologist has calculated that to make any electronic computer duplicating the full range of man’s thinking abilities, would take all the workingmen in industry, all over the world, to do the wiring job—in not less than one year. Each single human brain is more complex than all the world-wide networks of radio, television, telephone, telegraph, and orbiting satellite relays combined.

All this was packed into one vibrant organ no bigger than a melon by Nature—or by the biogenetic blueprint of our starmen colonizers. That Nature did not do it becomes apparent in the following corollary factors associated with the comparison of human brain versus animal brain:

  • If apes and the first man-ape were at the same starting line a few million years ago, why did only one species win the brain race?
  • If having free hands not needed for walking gave early man on two legs the ability to make tools and thus sharpen his brainpower, what happened to the kangaroo and tryannosaurus rex? Both of them walked erect, leaving their front paws free, for up to 100 million years—yet neither developed a first-class brain.
  • Why does the ape IQ remain static, never improving? It is well known how human IQ can be improved by superior environmental factors if present in childhood. No matter how much favorable and intellectual environment chimps are given by human masters, their IQ simply does not change one point up or down.
  • Why (as asked before) are there no ape geniuses far ahead of their fellows, as in the human race?

Relating these brain factors to the starmen, Flindt suggests that their brain size may run anywhere from 2000 to 3000 cc, double or triple earthman’s brain. This would make them such super-intellects that even diluted with earth’s stock of small-brained sub-men, the outcome is a master brain not possible to any animal in earth’s comparatively short evolutionary span. The outer-space humans might have taken billions of years to appear via evolution alone, from the first sea creature, on the starmen’s home planet. Only 500 million years have passed on earth since sea life proliferated in the Cambrian Period. Hence, only starmen’s magnificent brain, biologically programmed into earthman, could give him the hybrid brain boost that left him still inferior to starmen’s intelligence but infinitely advanced beyond all other earth creatures slogging slowly through the mire of evolution.

Cranial Phenomena

(8) Man’s variable brain. Mental capacity in any species of animal is rigidly uniform, few rising even slightly above the herd. But in mankind, we have a series of remarkable mental attributes and widely variable abilities that set our cranial organ apart from those in all other species of earthly life:

  1. Only man, as noted, produces geniuses, which in the case of Einstein with an IQ of 200, makes him double the normal in thinking capacity.
  2. Man also produces what Flindt calls double throwbacks—men who seem to inherit the brutish outward ugliness of our apelike ancestors plus the superior brains of a genius. Socrates, Samuel Johnson, Lincoln, Steinmetz and Irwin S. Cobb are examples of these physical ugly ducklings who nevertheless possessed beautiful brains of great mental power.
  3. Only man produces another kind of one-sided genius, brilliant in one narrow direction but actually moronic (below 100 IQ) in all other areas. Various mathematical prodigies are well known, who can perform unbelievable calculation—such as naming what day of the week each date was for a century in the past and a century into the future—yet flunk out in school and often become public wards because of their low mentality.
  4. Schizophrenia is an exclusively human disease, (not occurring according to many biological experiments) in any other creature. This mental illness manifests itself as the split personality plus withdrawal into a fantasy world in the patient’s own mind. Schizophrenia strikes almost 1 per cent of the American people. It is today controllable by wonder-drug tranquilizers in some 45 per cent of cases. The cause for this illness is as yet completely unknown and is one of the most baffling known to medical science.
Imparted Mentality

All of the above points are explained by Flindt’s human-hybrid theory as follows:

  1. Starman’s general IQ must have been staggeringly high, say 500. Through matings with low-IQ pre-humans on earth, this resulted in an average rating of 100 for the present-day human race. But a lucky combination of genes and chromosomes can, at rare times, produce a brain with a higher proportion of the super-thinking ability from the starmen. Result—an Einstein.
  2. Similarly, by what Flindt calls simultaneous regression, an individual appears now and then who inherits the physical characteristics of our prehistoric brute ancestors, and an extra share of the lofty mental power of our stepfather starmen. And, as Flindt points out, if our ancestry purely and solely went back to primitive brutes, any throwback would have to be both physically and mentally retarded. Only if on one side does mankind have a brilliant-brained ancestor can these mixed throwbacks occur.
  3. The moronic genius is also easily traced back to man’s double ancestry. The lightning calculator ability was probably normal to all our starmen sires, and by an accidental twist of genetic coding, this one single super-brain attribute pops out in an otherwise feebleminded person. The feeblemindedness, naturally, is donated by the dim-brained aborigines who formed half of the genetic team that produced hybrid humanity. In the laboratory, breeding fruit flies or mice, biologists today often have a batch or litter go wrong, displaying some hidden fault or aberration inherited from specimens many generations back.
  4. Flindt makes perhaps his most brilliant deduction here—that through racial memory of an original home-world far out in space, lurking in the subconcious, the schizophrenic finds himself living in two worlds and is torn and tormented within by his fantasies. Also, his split personality can be simply a lack of integration of his double ancestry, so that he partakes of two personalities that came from the earth primitives and the non-earth starmen. Under the theory of hybrid origin for humans, schizophrenia becomes not a mystery but a clear-cut interplay of clashing glandular and nervous-system forces within the victim from two entirely different strains of parentage in the far past.
Child of Starmen

Actually, each new point of Max Flindt’s genetic anomalies of the human race cements his human-hybrid theory more firmly. The miraculous ease and logic with which man’s crossbred heritage explains all these physical and mental mysteries—admittedly so among scientific authority today—makes one feel that his concept is a sheer stroke of genius (which came from guess where?). But the list is not yet ended.

(9) Population explosion. As horticultural and biological breeders know very well, the hybrid product of crossbred plants or animals is often of greater vigor than either parent of the original stock. High yield corn, giant zinnias, huge juicy apples, white mice, guinea pigs, pedigreed cats and dogs—all of these bio-created specimens are far more prolific than the original stock created by nature. As one example, all the luscious apples known today came from one lowly, bitter-tasting crabapple.

In their earth-wide and centuries-long mating and interbreeding experiments on earth, the starmen strove for all good factors—efficient brain, healthy body, and reproductive vigor. No pre-human race ever grew to great numbers. And no other creature through hundreds of millions of years—insects, rats, snakes, birds—ever multiplied to the point of running all other species off the earth, as mankind is now doing. Perhaps, to their dismay, looking down from their UFO scout ships, the starmen see they bred too much vigor into their hybrid colonists!

(10) Man and ape can’t interbreed. When such diverse and distinct species as the chicken and turkey, horse and donkey, cow and buffalo, can breed together and produce the turken, the mule, and the cattalo, why can’t humans and first-cousin primates mate successfully? Many such attempts have been made, through artificial insemination of ape females, with zero results, as if humanoids and anthropoids are really as far apart as the deer and elephant.

This fertility incompatibility between man and ape becomes self-evident, when we realize that man is a hybrid with alien blood flowing in his veins, subtly charged with non-earthly enzymes and star-born gland products. This sets man apart from all other earthly life and precludes mating with even his seemingly closest relatives—the primates.

This may bring up a question in the reader’s mind. If ape and man are incompatible sexually, then how could alien humanoids possibly breed with species of early man?

Max Flindt again provides the answer, pointing out that when horticulturists wish to change sterile hybrid plants into breeding types, they simply use certain chemicals (colchine is one) which overcomes the sterility inhibition, much as surgeons use special drugs to help prevent grafted skin or transplanted organs from being rejected by a patient.

Mentioned elsewhere in this book, it is worth repeating here that the starmen must have been master biologists to whom the normal sterility factor between hybrids would be a minor hurdle to overcome. A powerful drug, a penetrating radiation, a genetic probe—who knows what miraculous ways the starmen achieved mutual fertility between themselves and their earthly mates?

Remembering how fantastically superior their flying saucer craft are to our cumbersome flying machines, we must not limit the saucer super-biologists to the breeding barriers we know.

(Incidentally, as a side issue, Max H. Flindt proposes that his hybrid-human theory be tested in two ways. By attempting pregnancies [via insemination] between an ape and a microcephalic human, or “pinhead,” who probably is a direct throw-back to a small-brained prehuman ancestor. Secondly, that the Australian aborigine seems primitive enough to also produce a successful crossbreeding with an ape. Of course, the female in these proposed experiments would always be the ape. The product of these unions might give sharp clues or something close to proof that man is a hybrid, not a purebred product of earthly life and evolution.)

Super - Brained Fossil

Mr. Flindt’s most imposing argument for humans being star-crossed hybrids remains for the last.

He points out that two major attributes in the fossil skeletons of primates determined how far they had climbed in the evolutionary scale—not only the enlarged size of the skull and therefore more room for the brain, but also where the spinal column joined the skull. In the dog for instance, the spine joins the very back of the skull. In the primates, the spine is part way toward the front of the skull, at their juncture. In the successively more advanced man-apes, the spinal column keeps moving forward from the rear base of the skull.

This is a rigid, unvarying rule, a true yardstick of how much brain power a species had. For the bigger the skull and brain, the more nearly centered it had to be for the neck to support the increased weight of the cranial organ.

Now, one ancient Negroid race in Africa—Boskop Man—has left fossils that are startling. The point where his spine joins the base of his bony cranium is further forward than modern man’s, almost at the dead center of the skull.

Furthermore, the fossil Boskop skulls are huge, with a brain capacity of no less than 1800 cc, 500 cc more than mankind.

Baffled anthropologists have lamely laid this to an abortive mutant spawned by blind evolution, a freak that had no staying power and quickly died out. But they’ve never explained the enormous jump in his brain weight to almost double that of any prehistoric race known.

Flindt gives the answer again, with supreme simplicity—Boskop Man was one of the hybridizing experiments of our stellar colonizers. Starman’s 3000 cc brain plus sub-man’s 1000 cc brain or thereabouts, yielded Boskop’s 1800 cc.

Just why Boskop Man did not survive as the ideal new human hybrid is something that even Mr. Flindt cannot be expected to explain. The reason lies in the remote past, obscured by time.

Man, Extraterrestrian

It is worthwhile summing up this chapter, for Max H. Flindt’s scholarly data and genetic researches are solid evidence for this book’s premise—that mankind is a half-earthly, half-starborn hybrid, deliberately created as a colony.

Homo sapiens exhibits these traits peculiar to his species alone, on earth:

  • shedding of tears
  • super-sensitive skin
  • lack of tooth-gaps
  • overweight brain
  • production of moronic genius
  • subject to schizophrenia
  • infertility with apes
  • head hair
  • slow swallowing
  • lack of penis bone
  • oversized penis
  • production of genius
  • production of double throwback
  • explosive hybrid vigor
  • Boskop Man anomaly

Further points, some mentioned briefly in Chapter One (but too long and abstruse to go into) or left out altogether, are:

  • Fertilized ovum attaches to uterus wall.
  • Human infant’s head much larger proportionately than newborn of animals.
  • Prevalence of Cesarian operations today a result of oversized infant brain from starman heritage.
  • Long childhood of humans, exceeding animal weaning by far, indicating long-lived ancestry from starmen.
  • Imagination unique to human mind; no discernible signs in any animals.
  • Hybrid man not sterile, like mule, indicating mutant manipulation impossible to natural evolution.
  • No new species of mammals for millions of years, except man.
  • Giants like Heidelberg and Java Man, always occur in hybridization experiments in today’s labs.
  • The major focal point for several waves of ancient man’s appearance occurring in the Middle East (near Palestine), whereas random evolution should work equally all around earth.

Two other fascinating points—feelings of destiny and of religion in man—will be dealt with in the final chapter.

But undeniably, Mr. Flindt has gone a long step in proving that the riddle of mankind being a misfit in evolution does have an answer—in the stars

14 UFO Rescue Squad

Did fabled Atlantis and Mu (Lemuria) actually exist? According to legend, these two land masses or continents were supposed to exist in what are now the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Some unknown cataclysm of world dimensions sank them both beneath the sea.

With the advent of recent deep sea bathyscaphes and motorized submarines that can dive to the lowermost depths of the sea as far as seven and a half miles down, some startling subsea discoveries have been made.

In April of 1956, off the island of Bimini in the Bahamas, a father-and-son scuba-diving team, seeking sunken treasure, came upon an unexpected archeological treasure at a depth of seventy feet—a row of huge marble columns with sheared-off tops, obviously man-made and ancient.

Was it part of Poseid, reputed to be the third and last remnant of Atlantis that sank about 9,500 B.C.?

More evidence came in as the deep-sea vessel, Archimede, and similar undersea research vessels found sunken statuary, broken stone walls, and various carven blocks in waters near the Azores, Iceland, Aruba, and in the Mediterranean (which may have been part of the Atlantic in the far past).

Then, in the Pacific in April of 1966, Dr. Robert J. Menzies of Duke University’s ocean research facility, lowered his underwater cameras from the deck of his ship, off the coast of Peru. He was looking for rare marine life.

What his camera film showed later was astoundingly different—a series of stone pillars two feet in diameter, sunken in the ooze near huge rectangular blocks—as if they were ruins. Some were engraved in a totally unknown language.

To some open-minded archeologists, this was the first concrete evidence that ancient Mu, or Lemuria, did exist ages ago in what is now the Pacific Ocean.

Doomed Atlantis and Mu

Some 2,500 years ago, Plato first wrote in detail about Atlantis, a legendary land beyond the Pillars of Hercules at the mouth of the Mediterranean Sea, now called Gibraltar that sank beneath the sea. Since then, over three thousand books have been written about Atlantis, with scholars digging up references from hundreds of sources, gradually revealing that this legend was undoubtedly based on fact.

This ties in with and makes sense out of the OOPART’s (out-of-place artifacts) of a previous chapter. For in all accounts and reconstructions of ancient Atlantis, it was credited to be a science technology civilization even more advanced than we are today.

UFO researchers are not at all startled. The incredibly long history of flying-saucer visitations, stretching back 25 million years or more, allows plenty of room in geological time for the rise of many hybrid-human civilizations that were unfortunately destroyed.

By what? Here the speculations vary—sudden ice ages, the shifting of earth’s poles, great world-wide floods, or major geological shifts of earth’s precarious crust. All of these are accepted by orthodox science.

Dr. Immanuel Velikovsky, in his controversial books (Worlds in Collision and Earth in Upheaval) states that the traditional picture of gradual geological changes on earth through eons of time is wrong. He preaches, with an immense amount of documented references, the catastrophic view of both geological history and of evolution, in which wholesale disasters periodically overwhelmed the entire earth.

A Great Flood, which may have been Noah’s, has been dated from a remarkable number of independent studies to have occurred around 13,000 B.C.—when the second great portion of Atlantis sank.

The first portion of the mighty Atlantean continent (also thought to be three huge islands) presumably went down about 25,000 B.C.

Whether Mu in the Pacific was an older civilization than Atlantis is still debated. Some researchers believe Mu flowered as long as 270,000 years ago. Others claim it was contemporary with Atlantis and that the two lordly civilizations fell out and had a devastating war in which nuclear bombs and even laser death rays were used, and that this man-made catastrophe was what wrecked them both.

However, it seems much more likely that natural catastrophes ended these magnificent civilizations of old.

Fantastic Piri Re’is Map

Have we any proof or solid evidence that Atlantis existed?

We have, in the form of the amazing Piri Re’is map. Found in Istanbul in 1929, it was a map drawn by the Turkish Admiral Piri Re’is in 1513.

The astounding thing about this map was that it showed the coastlines of North and South America in detail, when Columbus had barely discovered America and long before the later explorations revealed what the New World really was like.

But even more incredible, this 16th century map showed a large portion of Antarctica—which wasn’t discovered until 1820. Furthermore, cartography experts found that the Piri Re’is map had accurate latitude and longitude markings, and was based on spheroidal (global) measurements proving the exact diameter of earth was known—all this some 350 years before modern surveying instruments were even known.

One scientist, Professor Charles H. Hapgood of the United States Air Force Cartographic Section, made a determined hunt for the origin of the fantastically accurate Piri Re’is map. Private papers of Admiral Re’is claimed he, in turn, had copied his map from ancient maps of the Ptolemy period of Egypt, circa 332 B.C. Further clues in classical Greek documents traced the maps back to the ancient Phoenicians, but since their writings never mentioned devising maps of their own, where did they get the information?

One staggering clue remained as to the true antiquity of the original map-makers, whoever they were. On the Piri Re’is map, the coastline of Antarctica is shown in land detail with rivers, mountains, and valleys—with no ice sheet over them.

Now, since science places the formation of the Antarctic ice-cap around 6000 B.C., the original map-makers must have surveyed that polar continent at least 8,000 years ago.

Another declaration was made by the cartographic experts who examined the Piri Re’is map. It showed elevations, winding rivers, and all geological formations in true spherical perspective that was based on great-circles of the earth—which could only be done by aircraft.

The orthodox, anti-saucer element among scientists are stunned at this mind-numbing mystery. But why should we be? The answers are as simple as U-F-O.

UFO Map Makers

Not just 8,000 years ago, but probably a million years ago, the saucermen may have surveyed and mapped earth where their earth colony had been established. With civilization rising in Atlantis and Mu, halfway around the world from each other, there was direct need for an accurate world map, so the earthmen’s ships could carry on mutual trade without getting lost on those long journeys.

It was some remnant of this ancient earth map made by our UFO colonizers that was preserved through the ages and fell into the hands of Admiral Piri Re’is in 1513.

Nor does the Piri Re’is map stand alone. There are, in fact, several dozen musty maps rescued from forgotten libraries, each of which shows some surprising detail of earthly topography long before the instruments or mathematics had been devised to produce such precision chartings.

The 1531 map of Fine (or Finaeus) shows an astounding amount of charted land areas, also including the Antarctic continent in pre-glacial times, or from 6,000 to 10,000 years ago.

Maps made by the super-cartographers in flying saucers must have circulated widely in some pre-Sumeria civilization of which we know nothing. Only a few fragments and partial copies survived through the millennia since then—but enough to put a solid brick of concrete evidence into the theory of UFO visitations to earth since unthinkably early times.

But still more concrete evidence exists that ancient civilization existed all over earth, at one time or another, perhaps even before Atlantis or Mu.

Ancient Saucer-Ports

From about 1950 on, a hitherto unknown phenomenon began to be reported by high-flying planes, at various scattered places on earth. Down in the Nasca Valley sand-flats of Peru is a gigantic “drawing board” that can only be seen from a height of a thousand feet or more. Below, before the pilot’s eyes, there suddenly springs forth a fantastic series of lines, loops, curves, spirals, triangles, and many other geometric figures.

Then, another blink of the eye reveals that these combine to make up gigantic figures of birds, beasts and fish. Again, like the super-engineering projects of the ancients, such leviathan configurations stretching dozens of miles could not have been made by primitive stone age people. They would have no way of cutting these lanes now overgrown with weeds and half-buried in rubble (which is why they can only be detected in full detail from the air) without the most elaborate earth-moving machinery such as we use today to build huge airfields.

A dozen other such sites are known around the world, with another prominent one in England, as described by Brinsley le Poer Trench in The Flying Saucer Story. An enormous network of Old Straight Tracks has been traced out, also called leys. These are ancient paths set off by all kinds of markers—odd shaped rocks, clumps of trees, mounds—that go straight on for dozens or even hundreds of miles.

Some of them converge at one central point. Eleven leys, for instance, converge on the town of Warminster, a recent site of many saucer sightings. From the air, these lines again spring out in startling clarity as a vast geometrical design that would be visible from a tremendous height.

Dr. M. K. Jessup in The Expanding Case For the UFO states that these country-spanning designs would be visible twenty-five to a hundred miles high, and that they were obviously markers designed by the saucermen as guideposts to their earthly saucer-ports where their saucercraft landed and departed daily. Such saucer-fields were probably far busier and handled much more UFO traffic than the biggest airports known today, with literally thousands or perhaps millions of spacecraft descending continuously, year after year, with important business on earth—the business of colonization among the hybrid-humans they had genetically created.

When the sunken areas of Atlantis and Mu are thoroughly explored some day by deep sea Columbuses, undoubtedly equally huge saucer-fields will be uncovered. And we may not have to wait until deep sea diving ships go down there, according to the late Edgar Cayce, called the “sleeping prophet.”

Will Atlantis Rise Again?

Besides his famed readings and cures of illness, and his reincarnation seances, Cayce also clairvoyantly explored the dim past and built up a sizable history of Atlantis, corresponding to a significant degree with all other independent researches from Plato on.

But he went everyone a step further and predicted the rising of sunken Atlantis. This was tied in with a world-wide series of geological changes to come—shifting polar ice-caps, realignment of the earth’s axis, and vast cave-ins of land which were to start in 1957 or 1958 and rise to a crescendo by the end of the 20th century, after which it would be a new world.

One of the changes, Cayce stated, would be that Atlantis would once more bubble up above the waves, while great portions of eastern North and South America would be inundated. New York City is slated for total oblivion, and California for a series of city-wrecking earthquakes.

Cayce died in 1945. His predictions stated that starting in 1957, there would be the first signs of changes in the Atlantic ocean floor with portions of the sea bottom rising spectacularly.

Oddly enough, some quite startling events have occurred in the Atlantic recently. In fact, in 1957, a long dead volcano erupted in the Azores, and the islands suffered the most severe earthquakes in memory.

Also, the ships that dredge up transoceanic cables between America and Europe have reported that various portions of the Atlantic floor have risen anywhere from a hundred feet to two miles.

Some geologists, not even knowing about Cayce or his predictions, have sounded warnings in recent years that a big something was going on in the Atlantic. This was based on reports that the Atlantic ridge—a chain of undersea mountains—was shifting with collapses here and there. Also, a well-known fault or crack in the Atlantic—which is connected to a gigantic undersea crevasse that circles the earth—has widened in some places into a yawning chasm fifteen miles across.

All these are signs, if the alarmists are right, including prophetic Cayce, that Atlantis may rise grandly into sight some day, a vast continent stretching (according to Cayce) from the Bahamas to the Azores, and including the Sargasso Sea.

If so, it will expose to view the mud flats and ooze layers under which may lie all the ruins of ancient Atlantis, the first or perhaps only one of a long string of human-hybrid civilizations fostered by the saucermen colonizers.

Unfortunately, of course, the rising of drowned Atlantis will also mean the tragic submergence of many coastal lands of the Americas, as well as western Europe and Africa.

But even though Cayce’s prediction did not specifically mention them, maybe that is why the UFO’s have massed on earth in recent years. Maybe the saucermen are here as a UFO Rescue Squad, to see that their cherished earth colony is not wiped out in wholesale fashion.

This concept, ominously enough, has been included in most of the contactee books. Almost unanimously, the contactees report that their mentors and hosts hinted at or openly stated, that great disasters lay ahead for mankind on earth. In some cases the danger was not nature but man himself, who might commit mass suicide in a nuclear holocaust. In other cases, earth was in a state of imbalance which would burst forth as world wide natural disasters threatening to wipe out all life.

In either case, the saucermen comforted their contactee guests and calmly avowed they were here to see that their brothers would be rescued or saved, in part at least.

Parade of Civilizations

Let us try to fill out a broader and more inclusive picture of ancient earth civilization and the part the saucermen played.

Many UFO researchers—Paul Thomas, le Poer Trench, George Hunt Williamson, Dr. M. . Jessup, Harold T. Wilkins, Bryant and Helen Reeves, among others—believe or suggest that the sky people super-scientists started visiting earth at the dawn of human or thinking life and aided earthmen to achieve not one but many vanished civilizations.

Atlantis, Lemuria, Sumeria, Egypt, Babylonia are only the more relatively recent ones. Before them, even more spectacular civilizations may have flourished on earth for a time, some being ancient pygmy cultures (Jessup), others settlements of the sky people themselves (Williamson), still others empires of earth people ruled by the wise and superior starmen (le Poer Trench).

As a matter of fact, as the first fossil finds of the earliest man-ape get pushed back by scientists themselves to 500,000, then one million, now some 2,500,000 years, it is more than likely that man’s true antiquity is still unknown and may stretch back 10 million or 25 million years.

There is the distinct likelihood, too, that not all of these early civilization builders were human. That is, not Homo sapiens human like us.

Some may have been Aurignacian-Saucermen hybrids, or Heidelberg crossbreeds, both of giant size—eight feet tall. Pygmy-plus-alien breeds may have reigned in some instances (as per our previous mention of Dr. Jessup’s pygmy race of 33 million years ago). A dozen or more of the various species of pre-homo humanoids—Pithecanthropus, Sinonthropus, Gigantoerectus, Zinjanthropus, Neanderthal, and others listed by anthropologists—may have been tried out as mating stock by the starmen breeders.

Each resulting hybrid, in turn, was infused in part with starmen mentality, and then went in the next 10,000 years or so from the fire and wheel to nuclear science and electronics, only to be doomed by an earth upheaval—or by some dormant defect in their genetical makeup that marked them as the wrong kind of crossbred mutants.

Pygmies, giants, perhaps monster-men, were among the unsung and unknown predecessors of homo-hybrid-humans, in the scale of bio-experiments tried by the indefatigable breeders of brains from the stars.

We are the latest version of “homo spaciens”—but are we necessarily the best? Perhaps some self-dooming quirk or insurmountable bio-fault lies within us, that like handwriting on the wall has already destined us to be just one more abortive brain-hybrid without survival value.

And is that why the UFO’s are here, to observe our racial demise with sad and haunted eyes?

Nonhuman Earth-Hybrids

That unpleasant thought to the side, let us envision a panorama of the guinea pig civilizations that probably number dozens if we go back 25 or 50 million years. In recorded times alone, a mere 6,000 years, we already know of dozens of civilizations and empires that appeared on the stage of human history, only to fall.

Between 25 million B.C. and Atlantis of 25,000 B.C., there may have been a similar number of peaks of civilization that also went into limbo.

Some of those human or a-human hopefuls may have fallen by the wayside through decadence, others through gigantic wars with each other, and the rest as victims of colossal natural disasters.

Which brings up the point that it has been no easy job for our saucer sires to keep their earth colony from being a total loss. Obviously, through a stretch of millions of years, they had to be a rescue squad and save whatever they could from each holocaust that laid low the then current civilization.

But will this continue forever? No, for most likely, just as the saucermen probably achieved full mastery of nature—both human nature and external nature—they foresee the day when humanity will finally mature, spiritually as well as technologically, to where it becomes safe from all further catastrophe.

With a patience geared to a multi-million-year stretch of time, our UFO protectors will continue, as they have in the remote past, to nurture and rescue humanity until the day comes when their children have been weaned and reach true adulthood.

Once we have become masters of the outward and inward worlds—nature and human nature—we will then be invited to take our place in the United Worlds. But more on that in the final chapter.

Somewhat corroborating the rise and fall of many civilizations on earth of great antiquity is another ESP contact allegedly picked up by Mark Probert (the medium) from Yada, the high priest of a Himalayan cultural center called Yuga that thrived 500,000 years ago. There were also hints that this was not the oldest of terrestrial civilized peaks and that they stretched back in time beyond telling, for millions of years.

Repeated History

Oddly enough, the telephone may have been invented a hundred times in the past, in each new civilization that reached a technical stage. Inventions we have on our drawing boards only—laser ray-guns, supersonic transport planes, manned Mars spacecraft—may have been in common use 10 million years ago. Marvels we only dream about—anti-gravity ships, teleportation, worldwide ESP communication networks—were possibly flowering in some unthinkably ancient time.

The saucermen may have seen innumerable Shakespeares, Rembrandts, Beethovens, and other cultural geniuses make life worthwhile for civilizations that are dust today, sunken in time’s trackless sands without a trace.

How many earth upheavals did the saucerman sadly photograph in vivid three-D color pictures, from on high in their spacecraft? How many continents did they see sink, while new ones rose? How often did the UFO Rescue Squad plunge down to pick up miserable survivors from a world-wide flood? Or a salvo of a million erupting volcanoes? Or earthquakes that threatened to split the earth in half?

How many times must their hearts have sunk, at the thought of nursing their human-hybrid colonists through one disaster after another, only to see the next come along?

How many super-conflicts of war-mad earthlings tore their souls to shreds?

And is there any assurance that this latest civilization in the 20th century will not go down into oblivion like the rest?

15 Colony Under Observation

Leaping from the remote past to the present, the signs that the saucermen are still here observing us, and in greater numbers than in the past, are very numerous. Yet they do not necessarily travel back and forth from some headquarters hundreds of thousands of light-years away. They may have nearby bases.

In the past two years, Russian and American lunar probes have raised more mysteries than they have solved. In November 1966, Lunar Orbiter 2 (USA) took photos showing strange spires on the moon, described by one National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) scientist as being shaped like the Washington Monument. Another scientist said it looked like an “array of antennae.”

Other pictures show a remarkable series of domes of perfect shape, which appear to be about 1,500 feet high and two to ten miles wide. In 1953 an astronomer, John O’Neil, saw a fantastic bridge across the Mare Crisium, also reported by others in their telescopes.

In the 350 years that the moon has been under telescopic observation, hundreds of mysterious lights have been reported by astronomers, also queer moving clouds, unnatural shadows, and unknown bodies (or UFO’s) crossing the moon’s disk.

All of these astonishing riddles indicate that the moon may be more alive than we suspect—alive with saucermen, that is. What could be more convenient for them, in their watchdog activities over their earth colony, than to have bases on the moon, only 240,000 miles away? We are striving to make our first lunar trip but to them this would be a mere hop done regularly and with ease, compared to the enormous trip from their home star.

Other UFO Bases

Mars may also be a handy base for the saucermen, with conditions somewhat closer to earthly standards than the stark and airless moon. Through the centuries, astronomy has similarly compiled many Martian mysteries—blinking lights, mysterious clouds and mists, large areas turning green that were brown before, apparent eruptions, spangled “searchlight beams”—all of them much more like man-made phenomena than nature-made.

Mars is an average of 45 million miles from earth at its closest point but this, too, would be nothing more than a local trip to the saucermen, who are used to traveling 45 million million miles or more from their original home base.

Coral Lorenzen in her book, Flying Saucers: Startling Evidence of Invasion From Outer Space, makes an interesting point, referring to the fact that the two tiny moons of Mars were so suddenly discovered in 1877, where they did not even seem to exist before that. Lorenzen says:

Two huge interstellar ships, may have come in from outside the solar system in 1877, unloaded men and material to the surface of Mars and left the empty shells of the ships in orbit. These may be the two ‘new,’ strange, and unexplained ‘moons’ of Mars. …

In short, artificial satellites set up by the saucermen.

Even Venus could be a useful campsite for flying saucers, close to earth (in their terms) and having a convenient cloud cover hiding all signs of their existence there—if there is need for such secrecy.

Then, it is seriously suggested that the saucermen, unwilling to risk having a surface camp on earth raided by their unenlightened and warlike colonists, may maintain undersea bases in our vast oceans with even less chance of detection than on the moon.

Marine scientists have detected fast-moving mystery shapes below the Gulf Stream. A one-man sub operator, working for Dr. Jacques Piccard in an undersea project, reported that beneath schools of fish there “loomed a pear-shaped object” that was far too fast to be a shark or whale. Most startling was a photograph taken from the Elatnin, a military ship, which seems to show a complex radio antenna jutting up from the sea-bottom at a depth of some 13,500 feet. It is also conjectured that the ill-fated submarine Thresher was struck by an unknown undersea object or a diving saucer.

Super Invasions

In any case, whether the interstellar UFO craft coming in from outer space land at a base on the moon, Mars, Venus, or underseas—or all four—their purpose is to have easy access to earth in order to observe their colony of human hybrids.

From such bases they could mount their various waves of UFO’s that periodically appear in overwhelming numbers over different areas of earth, and frighten timid souls into believing an invasion has begun from outer space.

It is interesting to note the estimate Dr. Jacques Vallee made (UFO’s: Anatomy of a Phenomenon) regarding the size of the operation during any single wave:

… we would have to conceive of the 1954 French wave, for example, as an event involving an amount of planning and control equivalent to that of the landing in Normandy by the Allies in 1944.

A fascinating comparison, but he goes on to the truly gigantic magnitude of UFO operations by adding:

The entire 1954 wave, on a planetary scale (the largest wave up until the record breaker of 1965-66), including transportation of the expedition from its place of origin (moon, Mars, etc.) to the environment of the earth, would represent something of the amplitude of World War II.

In other words, the logistics, fueling, flight plan, landings, and all other facets of the 1954 worldwide wave involved an effort on the part of the saucermen equal to the entire Allied and Axis war effort through five years of World War II.

And the saucermen are able to mount these expeditionary waves, large or small, perhaps half a dozen times each year, for there are some six waves taking place annually in different parts of earth. As for the truly tremendous earth-wide wave of 1965-66—with major massed sightings in the USA, Europe, Africa, South America, Australia, and Asia—it probably represents a hypothetical war effort by all nations on earth combined (if they had an enemy to fight). Or it might be compared to a world-wide project for launching manned spaceships to the moon, Mars, and Venus, by the dozens and all at once.

The previous figure of 5,000,000 UFO’s constantly circulating around earth (as presumably obtained by ESP from the saucermen themselves) does not seem so shockingly great now. To the flying saucer people, this is serious business, watching over their earthly flock of semi-civilized, struggling humans.

Alien Eyes in the Sky

But what are their precise missions and motives? It seems to be a complex mixture of several major projects or programs:

  • Observations, scientific and biological.
  • Gathering of earthly specimens of life: plant, animal, and human.
  • A guard watch against impending disaster, man-made or natural.

Observations. These consist of a variety of operations. The well-known cloud-cigars and other mother ships are seen to release smaller scout craft that then sail below to perhaps photograph and radar-observe all movements on earth.

Fleets of UFO’s, from a half-dozen to sometimes a hundred or more, are at times seen winging across earth, which might well be world mappers or weather-data gatherers or whatever.

Included in this general category are the people watchers and vehicle chasers, and cases of these have steadily risen in the past few years. The typical report from the victim is of a UFO chasing his car in a wild race over hills and highways, often at high speeds as the panicky driver tries to elude his enigmatic pursuer.

Then there are the saucers that descend over farms and homes, hovering as if observing the humans there, for anywhere from five minutes to half a day, and thoroughly frightening the families involved. Yet no deliberate harm is ever done, except for some electromagnetic side effects such as burned skin, watering eyes, and pimples appearing later.

UFO’s have consistently chased cars, trains, ships and other vehicles for miles. But aircraft are the most observed vehicle of all. The reports since 1947 have been literally crammed with people aboard planes—small or large, civilian or military—suddenly seeing one or more huge UFO’s darting at them as if on a collision course, only to miraculously stop on a dime in mid-air, then pace the aircraft through the skies for harrowing minutes or hours.

It at times seems like a test of the performances of all our earthly vehicles, as if to analyze our technological progress and report what stage of scientific skill we had reached.

This seems even more pertinent in the case of one other type of vehicle that the UFO’s constantly chase—our space vehicles and rockets.

Right from 1947 on, UFO’s were seen chasing our V-2 rocket launches at the White Sands missile range in New Mexico. Time and again in theodolites (tracking telescopes), scientists, engineers, and trained technicians—the most reputable witnesses possible—would see one or two shiny disks suddenly appearing and chasing a rocket into the air, usually flying rings around it and then shooting upward faster than our rockets.

Orbital Pursuit

But what happened later in the 1960s has really been standing NASA on its ear (whether admitted or not)—that UFO’s have followed every manned spaceflight, either during launch or in orbit.

John Glenn reported his famous fireflies, which might be some manifestation of UFO propulsion. Astronaut Cooper in his sixteen orbit Mercury flight of 1963 was forbidden by NASA to talk about the greenish UFO that had crossed his trail in space, above Australia, which he had reported over the public radio pickup before NASA was able to cut off his words. They were later deleted from his tape re-run for TV.

On April 8, 1964, when the first unmanned Gemini test capsule was hurled into orbit, radar revealed four UFO’s escorting it once around earth—two above, one behind, and one below.

The Air Force, in its typical dunderheaded manner, explained this as the jettisoned booster from the launch vehicle, quite forgetting their public report that the booster and capsule came down as one unit. They never separated, so the booster could not be the UFO sighted.

In June of 1964, astronauts Ed White and James McDivitt also reported a strange object with wide wings crossing their orbit at an angle. NASA promptly announced it was the winged Pegasus satellite, but retracted this with a red face when tracking data showed the satellite was 1,200 miles away at the time.

Also the USAF test pilots who daringly flew the X-15 rocket-plane to amazing new speed and height records (over five thousand mph and up to sixty-seven miles altitude) were not immune from the UFO Peeping Toms of space.

Robert White reported strange objects like “sheets of newspaper” up in the rarefied heights of semi-space, figuring they were far away by perspective and therefore huge. Joe Walker had even more specific and unsettling news, that he had been followed by five disks flying in echelon formation.

On the Gemini-12 mission of November 23, 1966, astronauts James Lovell and Edwin Aldrin reported four unidentifieds near their orbit, all lined up in a neat row.

UFO’s were also sighted during the Gemini-10 flight by John W. Young and on the GT-7 mission by Frank Bormann. The other Gemini pilots also spied UFO’s, but NASA managed to clamp down on their sightings and keep them from public channels—but not from leaks and tips that came from NASA personnel.

Cosmonaut Trailers

Going back as far as Sputnik 2 in November of 1957, Dr. Corrales of Caracas, Venezuela, photographed the Russian “dognik” in orbit and caught the image of a second object right behind it. The Soviets, as usual, denied everything and have not as yet officially admitted any of their spacecraft, manned or unmanned, being trailed by the unknown Sherlock Holmes UFO’s of space. However, well-substantiated rumor reveals that their vehicles, too, were paced by orbital unknowns, and that this may have caused the Russians to postpone another manned flight for almost three years now.

One of their manned missions, placing Belyayev and Leonov in orbit in March 1965, was announced by Moscow at the launching as a prolonged mission of perhaps two weeks or more. But they ran into some strange trouble for they were forced down after only eighteen orbits (one day) and landed 873 miles away from their scheduled touchdown point, in a snowbank. It took three days to reach and rescue them with snowshoes.

The two cosmonauts publicly stated they had seen a satellite they couldn’t identify, which Moscow tried to claim was one of their own spy satellites whose orbital path for security reasons had not been revealed before. But USA tracking stations know every Soviet spy vehicle and know that none of them came near the pair of cosmonauts. They had obviously seen a UFO.

It is also rumored, though officially denied, that in a Russian press conference (not released to the world) the three-man flight into orbit of October 1963 was literally surrounded by a UFO fleet, and that super-magnetic fields had jerked the Soviet spacecraft jarringly (a saucerman experiment?) and had nearly caused a fatal ending to their mission.

Behind all that smokescreen, put up by both the USA and USSR, there must be fire. Without much doubt, UFO’s patrol space in earth’s vicinity so that no single launch into orbit can escape their notice, and their observational pursuit.

Nations continue to wrangle over who owns the space above earth, not knowing or recognizing the true owners—the UFO’s.

Earth Under Scrutiny

Aside from the relatively few cases of abductions of people, the vast majority of the people-chasing UFO’s never molest their quarry in the least. It seems to be a vast, never-ending, world-wide game of observing humans under all kinds of conditions and situations. Perhaps the saucermen have some kind of emotion gauge or maturity meter which registers just how much fear or panic rises in humans at the sight of something unknown, as a guide to how much our intellect controls instinct—or vice versa.

To what degree reason would hold in check blind emotion would be a telling measurement of just how mentally strong their hybrid-humans had become, since the old days when they were nearer to the witless apes.

Humanity’s mass IQ may very well be in the process of tabulation for all three billion people on earth. This would be important for the saucermen to know before they openly revealed themselves and told us the mind-staggering truth of our age-old status of colonialhood—an announcement that might drive a mentally underequipped world stark mad. And that would be the last thing our star-sires would want to do after a geological life-time of bringing us up.

UFO Collectors

Specimen gathering. This has seemingly been going on steadily, most often by night-landing saucermen who are relatively safe from detection by sleeping humans. The several hundred cases of people stumbling on landed saucers and UFOnaut humanoids stepping out are probably only a minute portion of the actual unseen landings that occur.

There seems little doubt that one type of sighting, repeated over and over by people all around earth, is true. As a typical example, Ivan Sanderson gives the story of a woman (The Uninvited Visitors) who, on a farm, saw four children in the garden, pulling up onions, lettuce, and other vegetables. But then she saw them wearing odd uniforms like “Buck Rogers” and after chasing them away with a broom, she heard an unearthly humming in the woods as if a machine were taking off. It was the little-men humanoids leaving in their saucer. It was then she collapsed, in realization.

In case after case, the witness tells of humanoids picking flowers, specimens of grass, bark from trees, moss, even various kinds of stone and soil. In my own recent book (What We Really Know About Flying Saucers, Fawcett, Gold medal) I’ve listed other cases of saucermen—almost always small dwarf-sized humanoids—collecting living things, also such odd items as silk stockings hanging on a wash-line, a bag of fertilizer, and various farm tools.

These widespread cases, growing rapidly in volume, leave no room for doubt that one of the saucermen’s activities is a cataloguing of earthly life forms and artifacts down to the minutest detail. Undoubtedly insects, worms, and bacteria rest in rows of jars up in some huge mother ship, being meticulously examined by starmen bio-experts.

The analogy may be painful, but it is quite like an entomologist studying an anthill and gathering any and all bits of things relating to their life, feeding habits, and daily chores.

The gathering of human specimens alive, reviewed before, is part of this program of cataloguing earth.

Anti-Disaster Squad

Guard watch. This is the most fascinating and much the more important function the saucermen are here to perform, going by past performances extracted from ancient records and clues.

In their book, Flying Saucer Pilgrimage, Bryant and Helen Reeves (among others) have purportedly examined ESP messages telling how our saucer Samaritans in Biblical times and before, furnished us “great teachers, instructors, and leaders” to guide the “wayward, egotistical, and backward children” of earth.

Another message, as paraphrased by the ESPer receiving it, states that:

They (the saucermen) understand the long-time cycles of planetary evolution … they also know how and why various civilizations of man have failed.

Atlantis is one example, along with Mu, which according to one viewpoint became decadent, after reaching a high peak, and then wiped each other out in a super-war with deadly weapons even greater than our nuclear bombs today.

One major service performed by our saucer guardians is revealed in another message:

The Guardians are doing all they can under cosmic law (which forbids direct interference) to help men of earth. They send these great balls of light into the atmosphere to help neutralize dangerous atomic radiations (from our nuclear tests as of before the test ban).

The authors make a wry comment:

Our scientists poisoning the earth—and the spacemen, our elder brothers, neutralizing the poison!

Another and grimmer viewpoint of this aspect is that of Brinsley le Poer Trench (The Sky People):

The long period of quarantine and regeneration in which the earth still finds itself has begun in earnest.

Quarantine! Trench’s supposition is that we are not so much being guarded as guarded against, for fear that like children with a dangerous toy, we will use our arsenal of nuclear bombs some day to not only sterilize earth, but perhaps send lethal clouds of fallout through the nearby universe, endangering other innocent worlds.

Presumably, at the first moment we attempt to launch an atomic war (between Russia and America, of course) the saucermen would descend and in some unfathomable way prevent this suicidal holocaust.

It is, in a way, a comforting thought. But whether we can really depend on the watchdog saucermen to step in and prevent an insane nuclear war … well, who knows?

If cosmic law forbids any interference in human affairs on the basic assumption that each world must learn its own way, even if the hard way, then they may just sadly watch the blossoming of fireballs all over earth and wearily make plans to save the pitiful survivors and start the whole process of nursing along a colony all over again.

UFO Samaritans

Various UFO researchers, going by legendary and hieroglyphic clues, believe that the saucermen have in past ages performed many major services for humanity—helped Noah survive the Great Flood, aided prehistoric cavemen to last out the Ice Ages, gave pre-Atlantis civilizations great science secrets, even fought fantastic space battles to prevent evil aliens from conquering earth as a slave colony.

It is likely, from the innumerable ancient legends of sky people descending and giving aid, that many more such UFO Rescue Squad feats were really performed, perhaps millions of years ago and all through the ages to this very day.

And also, that they are on guard against other disasters in the future besides atomic war—natural disasters that we would be helpless to prevent or escape from. Among those listed by various contactees, and ESPers who claim to receive direct messages from the spacemen, are the following:

  • To carry on a huge Red Cross mission of mercy when the polar flip occurs and earth’s axis shifts drastically as it has in the past (admitted by orthodox science). Ominously, a majority of the contactees and communicants (including Edgar Cayce) place this polar reversal as coming soon—before the end of this century.

Such a polar shift, which might place the new north pole in the heart of America and bestow equatorial heat through the present Arctic and Antarctic, would of course practically decimate the human race through the concomitant upheavals of earthquake, flood, roaring hurricanes, and stupendous lightning storms.

Hopefully, a fleet of UFO rescue ships is standing by for this event, committed to saving some core of their hybrid-human colony to re-launch civilization.

  • Earth, in its travels through space with the sun and other planets, is heading for a deadly cosmic cloud that might do such dire things as drench earth in a radioactive downpour or set the world on fire.
  • An upheaval of the earth’s crust could suddenly (as in Immanuel Velikovsky’s theory of cataclysmic evolution) send continents adrift and cracking apart, while whole new continents smashed their way to open air from the bottom of the sea (predicted by Edgar Cayce to occur before 1999 A.D.).
  • The magnetic poles of earth could switch polarity or shift position, or both, and even if the geographic poles stayed put, enormous electromagnetic forces would clash and again rend the earth violently.
  • The Antarctic’s colossal ice-cap might melt, due to sudden increased heat radiation from the sun, and swell the oceans whose general level would rise some six hundred feet, thus inundating all coastal areas on earth and flooding all lowlands with only mountainous areas sticking above the universal sea.
When UFO-Day?

It is rather chilling to know that many contactees and receivers of ESP from saucermen link two factors together—the sudden increase of sightings, and therefore of UFO’s, since 1947, and the imminence of a world-wrecking disaster. This may not be coincidence, they say, but that the saucermen saw the signs twenty years ago and know that earth is doomed, or at least the life upon it, unless aid and rescue are at hand.

This may be a baseless assumption. The truth may be much less disturbing, merely that the saucermen are carrying on their age-old and routine duties as benign observers over their long-range earth colony. And that modern civilization and the mentality of their hybrid-human wards may at last be approaching the level where we can be told of the grand brotherhood of worlds awaiting our debut into the cosmic community.

It may take ten more years, or twenty-five or a century. On the other hand, it might be tomorrow.

Evidence that something big is impending is at hand. John A. Keel, noted UFO investigator, reported that 1966 saw the greatest total of saucer sightings since 1947, with at least 10,000 reports coming from around the world. There were an estimated 5,000 in the U.S. alone, of which the Air Force listed only 1,060 (mostly because people no longer notify the USAF for fear of ridicule).

A new high in landings was reported, some 7.4 per cent of the total, more than any other prior year.

Yet to all indications. 1967 sightings were even greater. The buildup that began in 1964 and steadily increased each year is still holding good. As Keel puts it:

Since 1964 the sightings have multiplied so dramatically that UFOlogists find the incoming data unmanageable.

1967 sightings started right out in January with a coast to coast wave in America, which was largely ignored as usual by the big city newspapers but not by the rural and small town papers. These, in the month of March alone, published two thousand sightings across the land.

April brought a wave to the mid-western states. The team of scientists investigating UFO’s, under Dr. Edward Condon of Colorado University (under USAF contract), were harried as they rushed from one wave area to the next—Pennsylvania, Missouri, New England, and upstate New York. In the fall of 1967, Elmira, New York reported no less than two hundred saucers in a period of two weeks.

1967 World UFO Wave

Europe was in an even greater frenzy over swarming UFO’s (which was also ignored by our overseas wire services, who seem to have given up their pledge to give the people “all the news from all the world”). England had a particularly big rash of saucers in the summer of 1967, while from June through July the flying disks, cigars, domed pie plates, and what-have-you ranged all over from Italy to Scandinavia.

South America reported successive waves in 1967, with very short lulls in between, that covered every square foot from the Panama Canal down to the southern tip of Argentina.

The Russians tried to keep mum as the waves spilled over the Iron Curtain, too. But in November, 1967, an alarmed Kremlin publicly announced that Major General Porfiry A. Stolyarov would head an official Soviet UFO Study Project, with all stops pulled out. The last word was that twenty top Russians scientists had already been recruited.

Since this far exceeds the official U.S. scientific effort to hunt down the elusive UFO, this writer can make the probable prediction that by the time this book comes out, there will be a UFO race on, quite as grim and serious as the space race.

Dr. J. Allen Hynek (scientific consultant on UFO’s for the USAF for twenty years and now head of the invisible college of independent scientific investigators) put it ominously—that we cannot afford to let the Soviets pull another Sputnik on us and be the first nation to contact the UFO pilots, whoever or whatever they are. If they turn out to be the suspected super-technologists from another world, the secret of their saucer propulsion—if gained by Russia—would give her domination of earth overnight.

I doubt, under the earth-colony concept, that the saucermen would allow this to happen and thus doom their hybrid-human race to rule by force. However, it still stands that for prestige alone, the U.S. must strive to beat Russia in being first to just contact the saucermen and welcome them.

Whether the saucermen are yet ready to land on the White House lawn and oblige us, is another story. It will depend on whether their civilization gauge shows that human society collectively is yet worthy of being contacted, or even capable of accepting the truth without a world-wide trauma that mankind could never recover from.

Therefore, the meaning of the ever-multiplied sightings from 1964 on, with landings and low-level flights increasing enormously, is not yet known.

Non-Mythical Spacemen

Two significant scientific statements have come out that bear on the whole subject.

Dr. Carl Sagan estimates that by now, 1 per cent of the entire human race around the world has reported seeing flying saucers—thirty million people, in short.

Dr. Jacques Vallee (colleague of Dr. Hynek in the invisible college of UFO investigators) has been feeding sightings from all over the world in the past twenty years into a computer. Though not revealing the exact results, he has for the first time come out with this unmodified statement:

The time has come to give serious consideration to the space hypothesis about the UFO’s, by accepting that the objects observed are space ‘sondes’ (devices for testing conditions on earth) from other worlds. It is possible that they are piloted by intelligent beings or by ‘thinking cybernetic machines’ (intelligent computers).

And perhaps his own “thinking cybernetic computer” electronically added up the inexorable data to come to this conclusion.

If so, the earth-colony theory has received its biggest boost, for almost all scientists previously thought it a very remote possibility that people from another faraway star and planet could ever cross the immense gulfs of space to earth while limited by the relatively slow-crawling speed of light.

The possibility looms more and more on the horizon that the super-scientific saucermen, unfettered by any erroneous earthbound relatively restrictions and physics rules, speed a million times faster than light through the void, so that they were able to visit earth with ease, and regularly, for ages past—as this book maintains.

And they brought with them biogenetic magic that transformed earth’s native tribes of low-browed beastmen into the big-brained hybrid—humans we are today.

At any rate, it would seem that the expanding series of saucer sightings in waves, from 1964 to date, is all building up to a crescendo, as if the saucermen are conditioning earth people to seeing saucers, and gradually forcing even the most recalcitrant scientists and government authorities to realize the sightings are not figments of imagination, but real.

It may be the prelude to the big day when, knowing that their presence will now be accepted without panic or fear, our cosmic colonizers will face us, like a father to a son, and say:

Sons of earth, it is time for you to know the facts of life—galactic life, that is. …

16 Earth, Family Property

In ancient times, especially the Biblical era, the saucermen apparently not only observed us but lived among us. Many of the legends of the sky people or the angels tell of them mingling with mankind as teachers, leaders, and wise men.

If so, does the same thing go on today? Do the UFO’s sometimes land quietly and unseen at night, in some isolated area, and deposit one or more of their agents among us, so human in appearance that they can pass for our brothers? In short, are they infiltrating among us?

This brings up several recent sightings that at first glance seem hoaxes or practical jokes. One man solemnly reported seeing a hovering UFO discharge six Chevrolet cars to the ground. Then six humanlike beings drove them away in different directions.

Men in Black Mystery

In recent years, there has been a flurry of stories regarding the men in black (called MIB’s for short). The term goes back to a contactee’s story, Albert K. Bender of New Jersey, and his book, Flying Saucers and the Three Men. The three men, dressed completely in black, threatened and coerced Bender into silence over what he knew or had discovered about the saucermen.

Throughout 1965 and 1966, more MIB’s seemed to show up but not dressed in black. Instead, they often impersonated Air Force officers, FBI men, even CIA agents. Showing up after a significant sighting, they would intimidate witnesses (so the stories go) or demand the negatives of any photos taken. Cowed, the people often complied.

John A. Keel has some evidence that perhaps thousands of key witnesses all over the world have been thus silenced, afraid to speak out for fear of retaliation of some sort from the dreaded MIB’s.

The possible conclusions drawn from all this are that the saucermen do not want the UFO’s to be accepted as real, and are striving to create confusion and doubt. It remains to be seen whether this motivation or these MIB confrontations have been misreported or misinterpreted in some way. Or that the MIB’s are in actuality government men.

As to whether saucermen live among us secretly, for years or for a lifetime—as some claim—it seems unlikely that it could happen in any well-ordered nation like America today. The lack of birth certificate (or any forgery), draft record, income tax data, and all the rest of the many documents that various files hold on each person would almost certainly expose any bogus citizen who had slipped out of a saucer one night. Also, to suggest that some saucermen exist in high places—government officials, Pentagon chiefs, men of finance—is quite unrealistic and hard to conceive.

Why Earth Colony?

Summing up the grand concept of earth being a deliberately implanted colony of hybrid humans, in a galactic project going back millions of years, the following points of evidence stand out strongly:

  • The many ancient legends, all over earth among widely separated peoples, of sky men descending like gods and benefiting humankind.
  • The fact that man himself is a misfit in the scheme of Darwinian evolution.
  • The vast prevalence of dwarfs and other little men in myth and literature, in context with the many reported landings today of little humanoids three feet tall.
  • The Villas-Boas sex seduction story, and those of other men and women, indicating bio-sexual experiments or tests carried out today by the saucermen.
  • The many contactee stories, if taken at face value, in which the saucermen often claim to have been visiting earth for untold thousands of years, back to Atlantis and further.
  • The sizable number of saucernappings in which people and animals are seemingly spirited away by UFO’s.
  • The ships and planes that have mysteriously vanished, crews and all.
  • The many semi-contact reports in which small humanoids tried to seize people, or in other cases tried to communicate with gestures or even language.
  • The long and endless list of saucer sightings going back to One A.D., with reports (even if clothed in obscured language) in every century.
  • The unsolved astronomical sightings since the 17th century of gigantic objects in space, crossing the disks of the sun and moon and disobeying the laws of celestial mechanics (proving they are artificial and not natural objects).
  • The remarkable series of stories about strange super-intelligent beings visiting early scientists—Newton, Kepler, de Bergerac, et al.—and tipping them off to great new science discoveries.
  • The Bible, richest source of flimsily disguised UFO visitations by messengers and angels, plus all the miracles of what could be super-science feats performed by saucermen (such as Joshua causing the walls of Jericho to fall down).
  • As much-repeated phrases, the innumerable “chariots of fire” and “glowing clouds” that seemed to fairly fill the sky in those days, in which prophets and other great men were given rides.
  • The single significant Bible statement: “The Sons of God took into themselves wives from the daughters of earth.”
  • The Sodom and Gomorrah “atomic bomb.”
  • Writing, hieroglyphs, and carvings dating back into prehistoric antiquity, more than 10,000 years ago, that tell of or depict spacemen and spacecraft.
  • The incredibly ancient artifacts (OOPTH’s and OOPART’s) dating back hundreds of thousands or millions of years.
  • The fantastic feats of prehistoric engineering—pyramids, colossal stone temples, giant statues—that seem impossible for early mankind to build without levitation or some other aid by saucermen and their advanced technology.
Cosmic Evidence
  • The sudden emergence of Sumeria, the first civilization (that we know of) out of prehistoric primitiveness, plus their clear-cut writings about “men from the stars” (per Dr. Carl Sagan).
  • The highly-advanced astronomical knowledge and calendars of the ancient Chaldeans and others, impossible without telescopes supplied by saucermen.
  • A galactic survey ship (again per Dr. Carl Sagan) perhaps visiting earth 25 million years ago and discovering proconsul—the earliest prototype of apemen.
  • The biological evidence that the human form would be almost universal on any other world, through evolution, and thus that the saucermen are humanoid and not monstrous and were able to interbreed with pre-human humanoid species on earth.
  • Max H. Flindt’s separate and scientific argument that an efficient species (like man) can arise and exist in many diverse environments, whether on earth or among the stars.
  • The one million earths in our galaxy conceded by astronomical authority almost unanimously, leading to the inevitable postulate that thousands of those other planets bear superior civilizations (which could come to earth and carry out colonization).
  • The possibility of faster-than-light speeds for UFO’s, or instantaneous travel via teleportation.
  • Flindt’s point-by-point analysis of how slow motion evolution could not conceivably have produced big-brained man on earth, by itself, in so short a time.
  • Flindt’s exposition of how giants, dwarfs, and monster-men could all be abortive results of the spacemen’s inter-breeding experiments on earth.
  • The organic falls of fish, worms, even flesh, from the sky—all through history— as if from UFO bio-labs high in our atmosphere.
Earthly Evidence
  • Flindt’s challenge as to why diverse and full-blown species of life appeared so uddenly within 500 million years (Cambrian era) whereas the prior stretch of 1.5 billion years (pre-Cambrian) were almost barren. (Answer—the import of widespread species by spacemen).
  • Flindt’s further point that desert fauna and flora have left no fossils, and have no evolutionary history, as if introduced here deliberately, from another world.
  • Flindt’s long and impressive list of human attributes that are unique or alien to all other animals on earth, which can be explained in great simplicity by one answer—interbreeding with the alien spacemen and thus receiving by genetic coding the genes of those unique non-earthian qualities.
  • The Boskop Man anomaly (Flindt), again misfitting classical Darwinian evolution.
  • The legend of Atlantis and the part played by saucermen.
  • The startling Piri Re’is map, copied from ancient cartographic specimens that only flying machines could have made, at least 8000 years ago.
  • The giant saucer landing fields and space markers, seen only from aircraft at high altitudes, dating back into remote prehistoric times.
  • The references in legend and mythology to many previous civilizations on earth, each vanished or destroyed, and of which no slightest sign remains today out of the sheer passage of obliterating time (a parade of civilizations sponsored by the undiscouraged colonizing saucermen).
  • Moon and Mars mysteries, through telescopes, indicating the saucermen may very well have bases there, or even undersea on earth, for easy and secret reconnaissance of their earth colony.
  • The enormous logistics of UFO waves, in their observations of earth, which would hardly be for mere scientific curiosity purposes but because the saucermen have an invested interest in mankind, their hybrid offspring.
  • The pattern of world-wide observation by UFO’s, including people watching, vehicle chasing, astronaut pursuit in orbit, and human abductions (for bio-genetic tests).
  • The pattern of specimen gathering of plants, soil, animals, and other items of earth, by the ubiguitous small humanoids who land often at night.
  • The pattern of a guard watch over earth, as with many natural disasters in the past, and presumably to aid humanity when future catastrophes strike; plus a likely quarantine monitoring to see that nuclear war does not break out.
  • Four-year wave of saucer sightings in 1964-1967, and continuing into 1968, which may be the prelude to conditioning earth people for the dramatic day the saucermen reveal and announce themselves to their unaware colonists.
Sense of Destiny

There are three further points presented by Max H. Flindt that have been left to the last for their philosophical significance, perhaps solving age-old mysteries of mankind.

First, why is mankind so ambitious in general?

This may seem like an inane question, but only because we take the ambitious characteristics within ourselves for granted. Yet a moment’s thought will bring before you the fact that no other animal exhibits ambition in any shape, manner, or form. Animals are content to live, eat, procreate, and die—all without any thought of bettering themselves or improving their lot.

Only man, from somewhere in the reaches of his hybrid brain, siphons up involuntary and very powerful forces which make him constantly strive for more than Nature provided—in individual families as well as nations.

Flindt’s point is that this strange and wondrous quality of ambition is simply a dominant trait handed down to us by our space ancestors, who had the supreme ambition, through perhaps millions of years of civilization, to better the lot of humanity throughout the universe.

The small bio-leakage of this sublime endeavor has come down to us as what we label ambition though no psychologist can tell you why we’re built that way. Not unless he accepts the inheritance of this cosmic ambition force from our star-sires.

Second, going a step further, Flindt asks why do humans universally have a sense of destiny?

Why does man seek to find a purpose for his existence? None of us really believes, even the greatest cynic among us, that mankind is only here on earth to endlessly continue the age-old struggle of feeding himself and carrying on wars and suffering in countless degrading ways.

We all, if we will admit it, yearn in our deepest souls for a better life for our children and grandchildren. And we most often feel we are part of some grander scheme that has not yet been revealed to us.

Again the most plausible answer is that we have a lurking bit of racial memory from our space ancestors, who planned a tremendous destiny for their earth colony someday—joining the great galactic brotherhood of worlds.

That too has been bred into our genes, into our very bones, that our destiny is something beyond what we ever knew. And though most people never realize what it is, their sense of destiny is aimed at the stars because of the biogenetic urge instilled into us by our starmen forefathers.

Their conscious goal is our subconscious goal—to become part of the Grand Family of the universe, as Flindt so aptly expresses it.

If man were descended only and solely from the monkeys, as Darwinian evolution teaches, it is difficult to see how we could ever conjur up that sense of destiny that is inborn within all of us. Even if not individually, we have a racial feeling—implicit or explicit in all philosophy—that “man cannot live by bread alone.”

Cosmic Religion

Third, and certainly most important, why has the dominant force in human life, since the dawn of time, been religion?

Alfred R. Wallace, Darwin’s co-discoverer of evolutionary laws, knew that man had desires that were never observed in the minds of other animals (experimentally proved today through brain-wave patterns denoting their lack of imagination or abstract thinking). And one of man’s desires is to achieve immortality in some way, beyond the death of the earthly body.

And he was given hope of this great and shining fate, as clearly recorded in the Bible and all other religious works, by the dramatic appearances of angels or gods from on high. The skymen, in short. Their mysterious comings and goings, their seeming magical powers in flying down from the heavens, inculcated in primitive man the early belief that there was another celestial realm he might someday attain.

But even more importantly, the religious instinct was bred into the hybrid—human race. We can assume (see ahead) that our spacemen sires, far from being irreligious with their godlike technical and mental powers, are probably truly religious, standing humbly before the great first cause that started the entire universe.

And with a multimillion-year-old civilization behind them, the skymen’s spiritual nature must have developed into a universal super-religion more profound and meaningful than any our fragmented and bickering sects on earth have ever reached.

Though the awed primitives called them gods, the spacemen knew that they were only the emissaries and missionaries of the God. The God of the macro-cosmos from infinity to eternity.

And think of this—quickly becoming lord of earth, master of all other creatures and conquerer of harsh Nature herself, why did rising mankind feel the need for any kind of superior power to appeal to? He needed no help.

The thought came only from a grander sense of ultimate Godhood implanted genetically in our hearts by those who knew there was a God and followed an age-long system of what we would call being Christians, but what more accurately would be called Cosmians under a Golden Rule applied in universe-wide terms.

Those three very special attributes of earthbound humanity—ambition urges, the sense of destiny, and religious insights—that seem to reach out to the stars, could only come from … the starmen themselves.

17 Colonial Earth’s Destiny

The last chapter’s imposing list, to say the least, cannot in many respects seem to have any other interpretation than the earth-colony concept, though of course this conclusion is not guaranteed.

However, by sheer logic, and by the scientific principle of sorting out theories and picking the most plausible, it almost dictates that we choose the supremely simple hybrid-human explanation for all the evolutional, historical, and mythological mysteries about mankind.

The earth-colony concept can be stated in one sentence:

Because, by cosmic laws of probability, there are millions of earthlike planets in outer space inhabited by humanoid-type thinking beings and civilizations, at least half of which would be superior to earth’s status, a galactic group of worlds was formed and instituted colonization, using interbreeding techniques throughout space.

Hardly any other of the complex and way-out theories of why the UFO’s are here, and have been for ages, can be summarized in less than a page, or ten pages, or sometimes a book!

The inferential proof can also be stated concisely:

Age-old and unexplainable artifacts, the universal legends of sky men, the sudden emergence of civilized man out of prehistoric ignorance, the incompatibility of man’s big brain with evolutionary theory, and the age-long prevalence of UFO visitations up to the present day all add up to ALIEN INTERVENTION in earth’s broad history since geological times.

Colonial Future

Now, we come to the crucial question—What does the future hold for this earth colony in which we unwittingly live? What destiny, great or small, lies ahead? What will be the events, beneficent or otherwise, that befall us as a result of colonization by superior saucermen from outer space?

Here, of course, not knowing the inner thoughts or motivations of the starmen, we must resort to pure conjecture. Yet again, it can follow the line of plausibility or economy of theory that has the greatest chance of hitting near the truth.

First, to make some cogent premises. Unless all human history of rising out of brutehood to the cultured 20th cenutry is a farce, we can surmise that as any race gets older, it gets wiser. Just as the caveman gave up beating everybody in sight for today’s respect for individual rights by law, so too must we eventually outlaw warfare (which no one can possibly condone for any valid reason) and make progress toward a society without poverty, malnutrition, injustice, racial prejudice, or unenlightened government.

We can then surmise with some safety that a race a million years older than ours will have reached some lofty plateau of human culture, achievement, and philosophy in which none of the base pursuits of earth—war, money-grabbing, privilege-seeking, power politics, the Napoleonic urge—will be known except as vague memories of their long-ago history.

We can, in short, imbue the saucermen with the highest of motives and noblest of intentions toward us, not treating us as the traditional colonists—which is just a convenient and inadequate term used in this book—but planning for us equal status in the brotherhood of worlds. In short, our colonizers are not only human beings but humane beings.

Saintly Saucermen

As proof of these angelic qualities in the skymen, we can cite these well-known aspects of the UFO’s seen flitting around in our skies for the past twenty years (the period we can vouch for best):

  • They have not deliberately or knowingly caused one death among humans, aside from certain undocumented allegations by various UFO theorizers.
  • Despite practically filling our skies and darting about at breakneck speeds, violating all air traffic rules, the accident rate of collisions with our aircraft is possibly zero, and if all dubious cases are counted, cannot be more than a mere handful, probably by sheer accident only, not intention.
  • The saucermen have not meddled in our affairs in the least—either our private lives, the public arena, or in government areas. Their policy is strictly hands off.
  • With every UFO outflying any plane on earth, and with electromagnetic forces at their disposal of probably awesome power, the saucermen could have conquered us even twenty years ago with ease—but never have to this date.
  • Outside of a few maverick cases, the vast majority of humanoids stepping out of landed saucers have been notoriously shy, almost always dashing back into their craft, when seen by humans, and vanishing at great speed.

Does this sound like an aggressive, or warlike, or conquering race seeking a world to enslave? The saucermen have, in fact, been supremely unobtrusive, apparently going out of their way not to inconvenience us in the slightest way.

And they are so shy and self-effacing that after twenty years of sighting saucers by the millions, we still do not even know if they exist (as far as solid proof goes).

One can interpret all this as exquisite discreetness, extreme thoughtfulness, and the Golden Rule applied 100 per cent to a world-sized situation … which we would expect from a wise, mellowed, super-intelligent race. One that is benign and wouldn’t step on a flea, much less a human being.

In all the contactee tales, and also in the more earthy experiences like those of Villas-Boas, the humanoids were always polite, non-dictatorial, expressing solicitous feelings for the individual they had accosted, and for the human race in general. If any of the contactee stories are true, then we have first-hand proof that the saucermen are here to benefit earth and would be horrified to think that we expected them to do anything else.

Terrestrial Turmoil

Based on the above plausible premises, we can now go into two things. First, what changes would come over earth if the skymen openly declared themselves and dropped the bombshell revelation of our being an earth colony. Secondly, what are the future plans of the saucermen for earth and its people?

Assuming that on UFO-day, the saucermen land all over earth at every capital or seat of authority, and tell who they are and who we are (hybrid humans) what are the possible results in human minds? Unless the saucermen know what they are doing (which seems likely) it could be disastrous or at least traumatic, in certain ways:

  • The shock of knowing we are not the only civilized world in space (and this would adversely affect many overly religious or hidebound people who never believed, or do not wish to believe, otherwise).
  • The ego-smashing shock of being mentally inferior to beings who may be twice or ten times more intelligent than we are (which might affect scientists most of all, who are used to thinking they are the best minds on earth or anywhere, and which may account for their stubborn refusal to take UFO’s seriously).
  • Then the big shock, of finding out we are a colony and not even bona fide earth humans, but a crossbreed with half of our racial parentage from the stars.

There would be more tangible results and dislocations in human life also:

  • No doubt the world stock market would, as with any unusual news, take a bad fall.
  • The aircraft industry would be most shaken and might even go bankrupt overnight, with the thought that all our flying machines are now totally obsolete, in comparison to the super-fast, silent, turning-on-a-dime miracle-maneuvering UFO’s.
  • Riots would very likely rise here and there on earth, and massive suicides, as maddened minds failed to encompass the enormity of the new thought of a galactic community of worlds, galactic colonization, and galactic horizons ahead of all humanity.
  • The nations of earth might instantly react, perhaps through a United Nations which every country would join, with the thought of forming an all nations pact to pool military forces and battle off the invaders.
  • Saucermen might be scorned, reviled, even lynched, if caught alone and defenceless (which is probably 100 per cent impossible, for they would be well prepared against such savage instincts arising in humans).

The list could go on and on, to any flight of fancy we wish. But one thing is sure and dead certain, as per the motto of this book—history would have to be rewirtten from scratch, classical evolution would be scrapped, and even geological history would have to be modified beyond all recognition back to 500 million years ago.

The Cosmic Dawn

However, I’ll make my own assumption here that the saucermen, with a million-year development of psychological fundamentals, would well know the aforementioned calamities might overwhelm or even blast civilization apart. Therefore, they will have some way of preventing or at least minimizing, these adverse effects. How? Your guess is as good, or as worthless, as mine.

At any rate, we can leave the above negative aspects and go on to the positive factors—what benefits will the saucermen bring us, out of their incomprehensible wisdom that flowered through a million or more years? The following seem the most obvious, or at least plausible:

  • We will be guided, like Sumeria, into leaping overnight from the 20th to the 50th or 100th century, so that crime, poverty, urban decay, air pollution, famines, and all the other social ills of humanity will be solved far quicker than if we had to muddle through ourselves.
  • Most if not all diseases will be conquered, with advice from the UFO medical geniuses; and perhaps old-age will be staved off until we all live to 250 or 1,000 years, in vigor and in health.
  • The flying saucer propulsion system—whether it be electromagnetic, anti-gravity, or meson metastisis—would give us a superb, world-spanning transportation system undreamed of today.
  • Other great technological secrets from the saucermen might give us super-automation all over earth, universal ESP or a telepathy network to replace cumbersome telephones, a way to tap solar power directly and eliminate coal or even atomic power stations, and many more marvels beyond present-day guesswork.

Then as we officially are invited into the vast community of galactic worlds, the following grandoise events would come about:

  • Earth would be installed, (perhaps as member-world #44-X-966) in the “United Worlds,” and send delegates to the UW Galactic Council at the center of the Milky Way, some 75,000 light-years away.
  • Warfare would then be banned on earth, by galactic law, with interstellar UFO vigilantes standing by to halt any illegal outbreak of fighting among humans.
  • Here on earth, national boundaries would dissolve into states to form a glorified new U.N. with all mankind under one government, modeled after world-wide governments of other experienced planets.
  • We would probably take part in the periodical voting at the United Worlds electoral convention, to choose a new President of the Milky Way Galaxy.
  • Earthmen will hop into flying saucers and take vacations on Mars, Jupiter, or Tau Ceti and Beta Sirius, ranging as far away as six quintillion miles (6,000,000,000,000,000,000,) or 100,000 light years.
  • In turn, the intelligent denizens of other worlds may flock to earth as vacationers and tourists—giants, dwarfs, monster-men, and such—but mainly humanoids quite like us.
  • As earth-people become more galactopolitan, they may even apply for emigration to another world, that they liked very much during a vacation visit. Conversely, aliens from other planets may become immigrants and settle in earthly deserts and wildernesses, which super-science will turn into gardens of Eden.
Identified Flying Objects

We will cut off this pleasant imagery before it gets out of hand. Since perfection is indubitably unknown anywhere in the universe, there will be problems and difficulties, too, in adjusting to galactic life and all its mind-staggering ramifications. There will be thorns in this bed of cosmic roses.

All we can impute through the logic of plausibility is that by and large earth people will inherit wonders more magnificent than any psychedelic dream under mind-expanding drugs

Galactic life in a macro-society of a million worlds and a million billion other humans will be the ultimate in mind-expanding experience.

With past history on earth completely rewritten, future history will go on to the majestic fate awaiting this earth colony of hybrid-humans.

And there will be more, not fewer UFO’s in our skies each night—no longer Unidentified Flying Objects.