Penetration: The Question of Extraterrestrial and Human Telepathy     by: Ingo Swann
Penetration, a nonfiction remote-viewing thriller
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This is a story of how badly the government needed to know some information, and to what extent it was willing to go to get it.

Minimally, this is a story about remote viewing and its use by Mr. Swann to explore the idea of extraterrestrial life.

  • Swann tells of how in the past he interacted with some of the most deeply buried U.S. government intelligence personnel to help them understand the "ET enigma."
  • This is not a story of academic researchers wanting to know if extraterrestrial life is possible.
  • This is a nonfiction drama involving elite elements within the U.S. intelligence community wanting to know more about extraterrestrials whom they knew were operating on and near Earth.

This is the UFO hypothesis turned fully around into a confrontation with reality that destroys more passive "what-if" scientific speculation.

  • From Swann's perspective, it is not a question of whether or not UFOs and ETs exist, or whether or not the U.S. government knows about them.
  • Rather it is a question of how intensely the intelligence apparatus of the government is trying to learn more about the activities of the extraterrestrials without letting the public in on the story.
  • Mr. Swann gets caught in the middle, a middle from which he eventually escapes with the publication of this book.
Challenging those echelons of conventional credibility
 Penetration   (Definitions Of)To pass into or through;To enter by overcoming resistance;To pierce;To see into or through;To discover the inner meaning or contents of;To pierce something with the eye or mind;Having the power of entering, piercing or pervading; The act of entering so that actual establishment
of influence is accomplished.

This small book is divided into three parts. And it is with regard to the first part that I join a very long list of those who have seen and experienced things they cannot prove happened.

The second part is on much firmer ground. It is largely a brief synopsis of spectacular data and facts about the Moon that have achieved exposure elsewhere, and which provide evidence that the Moon is a very interesting place, indeed.

  • I have selected only small portions from all of the unusual lunar information available, but have provided sources in the bibliography for those interested in more copious details.

The third part begins with a presentation of certain social phenomena regarding the problems of telepathy that can be factually identified. These, however, set the background for the strange and surprising scenario they lead into, although the scenario is admittedly speculative in nature.

Some have advised me not to publish this book — on the grounds that it challenges those echelons of conventional credibility that lasciviously get off on deconstructing those unfortunates who experience what they can't prove.

  • I have been mindful of this opportunistic factor for several decades. But my age is advancing and I have become interested in recording and wrapping up my active research into Psi phenomena in order to pursue less stressful vistas.
High strata of societal power — otherwise disinterested in what lesser mortals DO experience
Why it is that governing societal factors need
to deconstruct the provable existence of at least
some vital Psi phenomena is therefore something
that needs to be examined and understood.

As I have discussed in other writings, I've always been interested in Psi phenomena, and beginning in 1970 it chanced that opportunities to extend that interest in depth were made available.

  • Anyone with more than a mere superficial interest in Psi phenomena must of course encounter the rather smelly morass of social resistance whereby the authenticity of those phenomena are methodically deconstructed, thus suspending them in doubt.
  • This social resistance, even if smelly, has largely been successful in destroying all concerted approaches to Psi phenomena. This success is specifically active within high strata of societal power, and which strata are otherwise entirely disinterested in what lesser mortals DO experience along these lines.

Why it is that governing societal factors need to deconstruct the provable existence of at least some vital Psi phenomena is therefore something that needs to be examined and understood.

Prevent Psi development, and keep obscure the actual reasons for doing so
Institutions would feel "threatened" by
developed formats of, say, telepathy,
which might thereafter be utilized to
penetrate their secrets.

Along these lines of inquiry, the existence and methods of the machinations against Psi development can easily be brought to light. But the reasons that govern the implementation of the machinations none the less remain obscured.

Thus, the societal resistance to Psi breaks neatly into two aspects: to prevent Psi development; and to keep obscure the actual reasons for doing so.

One reason for the blanket suppression which has been offered up by many before me is that effective formats of Psi would disturb any number of social institutions. Those institutions would feel "threatened" by developed formats of, say, telepathy, which might thereafter be utilized to penetrate their secrets.

  • There is some rather clear truth in this. Indeed, it is because of this truth that some echelons of humans are at war with the Psi potentials of the human species — because those echelons have motivations they would prefer never to be disclosed via Psi penetration.
  • If this is the case, the chief preventive measure would be to stamp out altogether any real understanding of Psi. Indeed, something like this has taken place.

And there cognizance of the nature of the situation might remain — more or less being defined as: humans in conflict with their own Psi potentials because Psi penetrates secrets.

Indeed, on my part for a long time I assumed that this was the beginning and end of the story regarding the methodical suppression of Psi by high societal echelons — such as represented by government, science, academe and media.

Developed Earthside Psi would be a threat to Spaceside intelligences
The central hypothesis of this book is
that if developed Psi potentials would be
an invasive threat to Earthside intelligences,
then developed Earthside Psi would also be
a threat to Spaceside intelligences.

As it happened, however, the events described in Part One of this book occurred beginning in 1975.

  • These are the events I can't prove. None the less they made somewhat visible another possible aspect that might be factored into the odiferous suppression of Psi that was already familiar to me.

This aspect required that I introduce two unusual terms: EARTHSIDE and SPACESIDE. These refer, of course, to Earthside intelligence and Spaceside intelligence.

The central hypothesis of this book is that if developed Psi potentials would be an invasive threat to Earthside intelligences, then developed Earthside Psi would also be a threat to Spaceside intelligences.

  • After all, in that telepathy, for example, is invasively defined as reading minds, the distinction between reading Earthside minds and Spaceside minds would be very narrow.

The only real problem in considering this is whether or not Spacesiders exist.

I have decided not to enter into the relevant debate about this issue, but direct the reader to the copious literature already existing, with special regard to the weekly UFO ROUND-UP that can be located in the Internet (see bibliography).

Not being offered as evidence about the existence of Spaceside intelligence
One factor that won't be apparent
throughout this book is the large amount
of time (years actually) it took to achieve
the synthesis of the factors presented.

The inclusion in this book of the story I can't prove is not being offered as evidence about the existence of Spaceside intelligence, but because the reader deserves to know why I have concluded there is far more to telepathy than commonly conceived in Earthside terms.

  • In this, the thinking proceeds from actual experience and not from analyzing the information packages presented in the works of others.
  • The works of others, of course, have proved to be valuable in the long run, and they
  • certainly introduce a modicum of authenticity that would otherwise go completely missing.
  • In the end, though, the authenticity of my personal, unprovable, experience probably doesn't need to be considered all that much — because the drift of accumulating information is inexorably leading to establishing the authentic existence of extraterrestrial intelligences anyway.

One factor that won't be apparent throughout this book is the large amount of time (years actually) it took to achieve the synthesis of the factors presented. I tend to be a rather slow thinker, and am sometimes even slower on the up-take.

The article went on to state that UFOs are piloted craft
I had originally intended to include
a lengthy discussion regarding the
probability that telepathy might be
a universal "language" system of
some kind that operates through
consciousness entities everywhere.

I had originally intended to include a lengthy discussion regarding the probability that telepathy might be a universal "language" system of some kind that operates through consciousness entities everywhere.

  • I briefly allude to this in Part Three, but otherwise have decided to include that discussion in another work — because it needs a larger information basis that includes the nature of energy organisms.

But I feel obliged to comment on some of the reasons I decided to go ahead with the book after so many years have passed.

  • In late 1990, I read a well-documented report of a large UFO craft sighted in the former USSR.
  • The report indicated that the sighting was attested to by General Igor Maltsev, chief of the main staff of Air Defense Forces, and published in Tabochaya Tribuna, 19, dated April 1990.
  • The report quoted General Maltsev as saying: "I am not a specialist on UFOs and therefore I can only correlate the data and express my own supposition. According to the evidence of these eyewitnesses, the UFO is a disk with a diameter from 100 to 200 meters. Two pulsating lights were positioned on its sides…"
  • The article went on to state that UFOs are piloted craft and contradicted the suggestion that they are mere atmospheric phenomena. If the sighted craft was indeed 200 meters, it was about 650 feet, or somewhat larger than a football field.
Earthsiders and Spacesiders: not much in common — with the exception of telepathy
I gradually concluded that Earthsiders and
Spacesiders didn't seem to have much in
common — with the exception of telepathy.

Meanwhile, there were other notable sightings elsewhere, and video footage was being obtained regarding a lot of them. Such reports got me ruminating about my 1975 experiences, with the result that I decided to write them down before my memory began deteriorating more than it already had.

  • Between 1976 and 1990, I gradually concluded that Earthsiders and Spacesiders didn't seem to have much in common — with the exception of telepathy.
  • By all contactee and abductee accounts, telepathic capacities seem to be well-developed by the ETs, but remained quite undeveloped Earthside.
  • I expanded the narration of the events to include some fundamental considerations of telepathy, and which theorized WHY development of telepathy is suppressed Earthside.

In due course, I showed the manuscript to my then literary rep, who got excited about it, and thought that its successful publication was a sure and easy thing.

  • Over twenty publishers turned it down — even in the face of the fact that much UFO-ET stuff ranging from bullshit to the sublime fantastic was otherwise being published everywhere.

This blanket rejection on such a large scale remains, as it were, mysterious. Perhaps it can be interpreted as some kind of subtle, large-scale media control.

  • But one possible explanation might be that as outrageous as the tale and telepathic considerations are, something in them moves too close to Someone's comfort.
That the UFOs are driven by Spaceside intelligences must be taken for granted
If they have achieved high technological
control of consciousness that is commensurate
with the high technology of their craft, then
I'll bet they are very good at what
we Earthsiders refer to as telepathy.

In any event, because of frustration, embarrassment, etc., I abandoned this book project. And some more years passed. In about March, 1998, however, certain articles and TV reports centering on ET possibilities began circulating, among which were a few entitled "Astonishing Intelligent Artifacts (?) Found On Mysterious Far Side Of The Moon." [LINK]

  • Then, via a report in the Internet authored by David Derbyshire, dated May 14, 1998, it seems that a "24,000 mph UFO" buzzed Britain on May 13, 1998.
  • THIS craft was tracked by the Royal Air Force and the Dutch Air Force. It was?
  • "triangular" and "as big as a battleship. About 900 feet long." British and Dutch interceptors were sent aloft. The Big Thing left them in the mists —and went who knows where?

Thus, there are recent authentic reports of UFOs, and indeed they seem present Everywhere, and even boldly reveal themselves to the lenses of Camcorders world-wide.

  • That the UFOs are driven or managed by Spaceside intelligences simply must be taken for granted.
  • And if they have achieved high technological control of consciousness that is commensurate with the high technology of their craft, then I'll bet they are very good at what we Earthsiders refer to as telepathy.
Contents         (This book is dedicated to "Mr. Axelrod," wherever and whoever he is.)
  Preface I  
  Part One: Ultra-Secret Goings-On
Involvement in Psi Research
Encountering the Spookiest Spooks
Underground, Somewhere 13 
Psychic Touch-Down on the Moon 24 
Humanoids on the Moon 36
Feedback (Of Sorts) 42
The Event in Los Angeles 47
Grand Central Station 53
Mr. Axelrod's Traveling Plans 62
10  Seeing One 68 
11  UFOs Everywhere – Denials Everywhere, Too 78 
  Part Two: Moon Activities
12  The Moon as a Target for Spin-Doctors 82 
13  The Moon – Earth's Natural Satellite? 87 
14  Situation Moon Rock 94 
15  A Natural Satellite Cannot Be Hollow 98 
16  The Absence of High-Resolution Evidence Regarding the Moon   101 
17  The Matter of Lunar Lights 110 
18  Lunar Water – Lunar Atmosphere 116 
19  Moon-Style Occupational Hazards 123 
  Part Three: Earthside Telepathy Versus Spaceside Telepathy  
20  Information Packages Kept Apart 128 
21  The Problem of Intellectual Phase-Locking 135 
22  The "Telepathic" Connection? 144 
23  Telepathy – The Preeminent Penetration Modality 147 
24  The Earthside Concept of Telepathy 151 
25  Earthside Group-Think 161
26  Is Consciousness Individual or Universal 165 

  Postscript – Lots of Water on the Moon! 176 
  Selected Bibliography   185 
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About the Author

Ingo Swann at

Also by Ingo Swann

Cosmic Art (Editor)

To Kiss Earth Goodbye

Star Fire

 Natural ESP (Everybody's Guide to Natural ESP) 

Your Nostradamus Factor

Purple Fables

The Great Apparitions of Mary

Psychic Sexuality

Secrets of Power, Vol. I

Secrets of Power, Vol. II

The Wisdom Category

Reality Boxes

Courtney Brown | Book Review of Penetration by Ingo Swann

Ingo Swann's book, Penetration, is a nonfiction remote-viewing thriller if there ever was one.

Ingo Swann is one of the more important historical figures in the U.S. government-funded efforts to investigate the phenomenon known as "remote viewing." His participation in highly classified research is now public knowledge and not disputed. Mr. Swann is also somewhat elderly as of this writing, and I can find no reason for him to lie now about what happened to him during his most bizarre interactions with elements of the U.S. intelligence community.

Penetration is Mr. Swann's most riveting book. The first 100 pages of the book is just about guaranteed to keep any reader flipping the pages as fast as the eye can read. In this book, Swann forever banishes the idea that a remote viewer's life need be dull. This is a story of how badly the government needed to know some information, and to what extent it was willing to go to get it. I suspect that most readers will be grateful that Mr. Swann finally decided to tell this most intimate history of his involvement with those in our government whose activities only rarely become visible to the common citizen.

Minimally, this is a story about remote viewing and its use by Mr. Swann to explore the idea of extraterrestrial life. On the surface, this would be interesting enough for many readers to want to hear what he has to say. But Mr. Swann's tale is not of a coolly academic nature. Rather, he tells of how in the past he interacted with some of the most deeply buried U.S. government intelligence personnel to help them understand the "ET enigma." This is not a story of academic researchers wanting to know if extraterrestrial life is possible. This is a nonfiction drama involving elite elements within the U.S. intelligence community wanting to know more about extraterrestrials whom they knew were operating on and near Earth. This is the UFO hypothesis turned fully around into a confrontation with reality that destroys more passive "what-if" scientific speculation. From Swann's perspective, it is not a question of whether or not UFOs and extraterrestrials exist, or whether or not the U.S. government knows about them. Rather it is a question of how intensely the intelligence apparatus of the government is trying to learn more about the activities of the extraterrestrials without letting the public in on the story. Mr. Swann gets caught in the middle, a middle from which he eventually escapes with the publication of this book.

This book is essentially two books in one. The first is about 100 pages long, and it details Mr. Swann's interactions with U.S. spies who study extraterrestrials. This is where the action and drama in this book resides. After this the book shifts gears to more general discussions (and speculations) about the subjects of telepathy, remote viewing, and extraterrestrial life. In all honesty, the latter parts of this book are not as interesting as the first 100 pages. Perhaps some readers will find the later pages helpful not so much because of what is said, but because of who is saying it. Nonetheless, I doubt many readers will criticize Mr. Swann for the later sections of the book given the visceral reward of the first part.

This book will not convince anyone that extraterrestrials exist. Rather, this book is for those who simply want to hear more about Mr. Swann's past. The fact that his involvement with the U.S. intelligence community is already so well documented lends credibility to his discussion in these pages. But this is not the smoking gun that will force the government to reveal all. The story in this book is too wild for the masses to embrace, and it is unlikely that the government would ever confirm what Mr. Swann writes about here, especially if it is true.

My suggestion is that readers take this book at face value, neither accepting it fully nor rejecting it as impossible. This is Mr. Swann's story, his own personal story. It may be true. On the other hand, some may conclude that it is either false or delusional. Since it is impossible for most readers to know for certain one way or the other, it makes more sense to simply accept this story as an honest statement that is as true as Mr. Swann can remember it. At least it does not hurt us to keep our minds open. Mr. Swann has contributed so much to our current understanding of the human psyche and the process of remote viewing, it seems only reasonable that people should give him the courtesy of allowing him to tell this most personal and intense story. As a society, we owe him that much at least. On the other hand, we owe him a lot more if what he writes about in Penetration is a true recollection from his past.

One side note, this book is somewhat hard to obtain since it is self-published. Interested readers may want to go to Mr. Swann's web site to find out how to obtain this book.

GoodReads Review by Owlseyes

He surely may have a point (or many) in his approach to themes like telekinesis, remote viewing, precognition, clairvoyance (and other "siddhis", according to the Sanskrit language).

For many years a “materialistic” science has prevented these phenomena from being properly addressed. At stake: it’s the “scientific method” of “1845” which limits the reality to a physical reality. Obviously, Ingo’s approach admits “multiple dimensions”; and like the old India's traditions: reality has several levels (the realm of desire, the mind,…); the physical one, being just one of them.

He praises Sanskrit language for being an ”experiential” language, unlike English ("a 200 year old vocabulary” that made us “too much trapped in the past”).

Yet science is “changing”. It's been uncovered “more stuff”, well beyond matter: “dark energy”, “dark matter” etc.

jupiter 200

Ingo points to the fact that there are many experienced things that one cannot prove they happened; also, there are other experiences you cannot take into a lab.

The book has got three parts. The first one reports his involvement in the PSI research. Noteworthy and curious I’ve found his initiative of introducing “adventure and enjoyment” in research, with the Jupiter Experiment. Though laughable (“a psychic, mind-trip to Jupiter”! “get there psychically before NASA") an idea, he managed to succeed his remote viewing of a planet, then not so well known in its features.


With proper controls in place, that Saturday of 1973, the raw material obtained was “one page of sketches” and “two and half pages of verbal observations”.

Almost incredible, that in the years ahead several space missions confirmed what was obtained by remote viewing; namely, these features of Jupiter: a hydrogen mantle, tornados and storm winds, high infrared reading, cloud color, temperature inversion, the dominant orange color…. How he did it, it’s not in the book.

The part two concentrates on the Moon; its hollowness, namely. As to the UFO phenomenon, Ingo believes that “there are authentic reports”.

Part three approaches the topic of Telepathy, from the Earth side and from Space side.

Elsewhere I’ve watched Ingo suggesting that remote viewing can be trained

The Crackpot and The Scientist Review of Penetration
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You don’t have to be a mindreader to like the book

If you’ve read about remote viewing, the name Ingo Swann, will probably come to light. He is one of the founding fathers of remote viewing.

If you don’t believe in remote viewing, you would have to wonder why the Russians and the Americans delved into the field for many years. Millions of dollars were spent. For you doubters, I think it would be hard to hoodwink both of these governments for such a long period of time.

This book is divided into three parts, ultrasecret goings-on, moon activities, and earth side telepathy versus space side telepathy.

The first chapter, deals with the initial establishment of a research project at Stanford research Institute funded by the central intelligence agency. It explains, how upon trying to defeat the boredom of practicing normal targets, they tried to view off the earth. Later in 1975 Ingo Swann reveals that he’s approached by a “spook”and hired to remote view the moon. As you can guess, he doesn’t see Swiss cheese.

The second chapter deals with the moon, more specifically scientific problems with the moon that ours place exploration has shown.

The last chapter is sort of a philosophical discussion of how telepathy works.

I found Penetration to be a very interesting book. I believe that the story he tells is true and that he was hired by the government to a remote view the moon. The oddities that our scientific exploration of the moon found tend to reinforce what he states in the book. Even if you’re not a true believer, and you keep a slightly open mind, you will find the book thought-provoking.

— The Crackpot (aka Kenneth Hoffman)

Earth psychics are their only enemies

Ingo Swann is THE 'original' remote view-er. He worked with The Stanford Research Institute, SRI, and many government agencies for years.

Ingo Swann tells of his involvement with a very secret government agency that asked him to remote view the dark side of the Earth's Moon. Swann saw extensive buildings, roads, and human forms digging.

Swann makes it very clear that our government is very much intimidated by these ETs. He says to the government agent: "They've somehow got you by the balls, haven't they? That's why you are resorting to psychic perceptions...They are NOT friendly are they?..."

Swann also describes his encounter with a live alien in a Los Angeles supermarket and confirms that ET civilization has been infiltrating the Earth in humanoid bodies. Swann's friends warn him: "There are alot of THEM, you know, and many of them are bio-androids...they realize that Earth psychics are their only enemies."

People advised Ingo Swann NOT to write this book because " challenges those echelons of conventional credibilty that lasciviously get off on deconstructing those unfortunates who experience what they can't prove."

Ingo Swann understands the perils and pain of being someone who has had "experiences". Many of you, like myself, fall into this category.

He also talks about the fact that DENIAL of the ETs is a "...patent fact. The question is WHY?...Earthsiders [he calls us] as a whole seem to be caught up in some kind of strange but broadly shared amnesia induced..."

I recommend this book as an antidote for what I have frequently called Earth's miasma of amnesia. ---V.Susan Ferguson


Copyright © 1998 by Ingo Swann. All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form by electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording mean or otherwise without prior written permission of the author.

Published in the United States by:
Ingo Swann Books
P.O. Box 2875
Rapid City, South Dakota 57709-2875

Telephone numbers:
(888) 453-4046 (USA, Canada)
(605) 341-5560 (Foreign)
(605) 341-0020 (fax)

Printed in the United States of America.

Cover art by Jim Harter.

ISBN 0-966-7674-0-3  ($18.95)