The Great Oil Conspiracy 
The Great Oil Conspiracy: How the U.S. Government Hid the Nazi Discovery of Abiotic Oil from the American People

At the end of World War II, U.S. intelligence agents confiscated thousands of Nazi documents on what was known as the “Fischer-Tropsch Process”—a series of equations developed by German chemists unlocking the secrets of how oil is formed. When the Nazis took power, Germany had resolved to develop enough synthetic oil to wage war successfully, even without abundant national oil reserves. For decades, these confiscated German documents remained largely ignored in a United States where petro-geologists and petro-chemists were convinced that oil was a “fossil fuel” created by ancient decaying biological debris.

Clearly, big U.S. oil companies had no financial interest in explaining to the American people that oil was a natural product made on a continual basis deep within the earth. If there were only so many fossils in geological time, there could only be so much oil. Big oil could then charge more for a finite, rapidly disappearing resource than for a natural, renewable, and probably inexhaustible one.

The Great Oil Conspiracy explains how Stalin at the end of World War II demanded his petro-geologists “dig deeper” when petro-scientists in the United States had determined that the Soviet Union, like Germany, lacked national oil reserves. Russia today has challenged Saudi Arabia for the lead in oil production and exportation. Once oil is understood as an abundantly available resource, there is no reason hydro-carbon fuels cannot indefinitely propel the development and production of cheap energy reserves the United States needs to maintain its dominant position in the emerging global economy.

Preface to the Paperback Edition

In the two years since this book was first published, many of the predictions made in the 2012 first edition have been realized.

The US Energy and Information Administration has now confirmed that US net imports of oil were down to 40 percent of total US oil consumption in 2012, continuing the downward trend noted when the book was first published, with US net imports of oil declining in a straight line from 60 percent in 2006, to 40 percent in 2010. Oil imports have decreased from 12.55 million barrels per day in 2005 to 7.45 million barrels per day in 2012. Initial estimates of oil imports in 2013 suggest the trend is continuing, with the US importing only 32 percent of total consumption in 2013. The Energy and Information Agency concluded simply, “Our dependence on foreign petroleum has declined since peaking in 2005.”1

What we have seen since 2005 is nothing less than a repudiation of the “peak oil” assumption that by now the United States would have expended all domestic petroleum reserves so that we would literally be “out of gas.” The reversal has been so stunning that several peak oil websites have simply shut down. Despite this, peak oil theorists were so confident that the United States had entered an irreversible oil depletion cycle that they stayed with their junk science to the very end, deriding in the most strident terms any and all skeptics.

Peak oil has gone the way of the Flat Earth Society2 because the adherents of the failed theory neglected an argument central to this book: peak oil ideologues failed to appreciate that technological innovations, including those permitting the current tripling of US shale oil output,3 would dramatically impact estimates of petroleum reserves, while crude oil alternatives such as natural gas have developed rapidly to become an increasing part of the United States’ total energy consumption. “Contrary to what most people believe, oil supply capacity is growing worldwide at such an unprecedented {evel that it might outpace production,” predicts Harvard’s internationally recognized oil industry expert Leonardo Maugeri.4

The next step will be for a cutting edge of oil industry experts to break away from the traps of traditional science to acknowledge publicly that oil, contrary to politically correct notions, is not a fossil fuel. The core thesis of this book is that oil is an abiotic natural product of the earth that is manufactured even today on a continuing basis in the mantle of the earth. What the German chemists in the Weimar Republic discovered, and the Nazis proved by utilizing the Fischer-Tropsch equations to produce synthetic oil, is that no dying dinosaur or ancient forest was ever needed to produce the oil we now know the earth manufactures abundantly.

What we have not learned yet is that oil is a natural product of the earth that can be consumed by human beings committed to “clean energy” technologies such that toxic pollution need not result, nor will the climate be adversely affected. Currently, the Obama administration has chosen to keep the price of oil artificially high by limiting the development of oil technology innovations including deep-sea offshore drilling and the development of pipelines to transport oil within the United States. Instead, the Obama administration has chosen to wage a “War on Coal” by authorizing the Environmental Protection Agency to bypass Congress and issue a series of regulations that will result in closing down many coal-burning power plants throughout the nation.

With turmoil intensifying in the Middle East, the United States may experience an economically catastrophic increase in energy prices unless the lessons of this book are taken to heart, examined honestly, and applied to form a comprehensive national energy policy that makes sense. As this book demonstrates, the United States is the Saudi Arabia of coal, of shale oil, and of natural gas. An intelligently formulated comprehensive national energy policy would allow for the safe development and use of these valuable natural resources.

Jerome R. Corsi, PhD
June 2014

1 US Energy Information Administration, “How dependent are we on foreign oil?” Published on, May 10, 2013,

2 Colin Sullivan, “Energy Policy: Has ‘peak oil’ gone the way of the Flat Earth Society?” E&E News, E&E Publishing, LLC, March 22, 2013, 1059978294.

3 Leonardo Maugeri, Associate, Environment and Natural Resources Program/Geopolitics of Energy Project, “The Shale Oil Boom: A U.S. Phenomenon,” Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, June 2013,

4 Leonardo Maugeri, Associate, Environment and Natural Resources Program/Geopolitics of Energy Project, “Oil: The Next Revolution – The Unprecedented Upsurge of Oil Production and What it Means for the World,” Discussion Paper 2012-10, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, June 2012, 253A +belfer% 252Ftransportation+(Belfer+Center+for+Sciencet+and+International+Affairs++Transportation.


When I grew up in the 1950s during Dwight Eisenhower’s presidency, my father bought a two-door Plymouth coup for the family car.

I remember even then being told as a child that the United States was running out of oil, having supplied the Allies in World War II with the oil needed to fight a war on two fronts and defeat simultaneously the Nazis in Germany and Imperial Japan.

What did not make any sense to me at the time was why President Eisenhower wanted to build an interstate highway system of freeways if we were running out of oil? Clearly, President Eisenhower and the major oil companies had to know something I was not being told.

Then I remember reading in a science magazine at the public library that the Russians had found oil thousands of meters below surface of the earth.

How did all the dinosaurs get that deep within the earth? Besides, how many dinosaurs exactly did it take to make a barrel of oil? For these questions, I found no satisfactory answers.

The purpose of this book is to expose to readers in the United States the Nazi secret of synthetic oil and the suppressed truth that oil is abiotic, not organic in nature.

The goal here is to attack the myth that hydrocarbon fuels are scarce, when the truth is that proven reserves of oil and natural gas worldwide are greater today than ever in human history, despite increased demand from emerging economies in countries such as Brazil, Russia, India, and China – known together under the acronym of “BRIC” countries.

Moreover, non-traditional oil production is making great strides as the United States learns to make oil from the nation’s abundant shale supply and offshore oil exploration and production has never been more robust. Off every major continent today, oil and natural gas are being discovered at deep-water and deep-earth levels.

Though most Americans have been indoctrinated by the politically correct media to believe we have nearly depleted our continental resources of oil and natural gas, the truth is that the United States on its way to energy independence could take major strides in the next few years to surpassing Saudia Arabia and Russia as the world’s leading oil and natural gas producer.

This scope of this book will not permit a thorough debunking of two other politically correct myths advanced by the enemies of hydrocarbon fuels. Yet, with co-author Craig Smith, we tackled these subjects when collaborating in 2006 in writing Black Gold Stranglehold: The Myth of Scarcity and the Politics of Oil, showing there:

  • There is no definitive proof global warming is occurring, or that human activity in consuming hydrocarbon fuels contributes to any statistically significant “greenhouse gas” effect; and
  • There is no definitive proof that consuming hydrocarbon fuels is inherently detrimental to the environment, not if adequate precautions are taken in developing and producing energy resources and a determination is made by industry to develop and exploit “clean energy,” including clean coal.

Evidence in these pages will prove Nazi scientists understood the fundamental chemical equations that explain how hydrocarbon fuels are produced without the assistance of any dead and decomposing living organism.

Evidence in these pages will also prove the United States still today has available hydrocarbon fuel resources today, in both traditional and non-conventional reserves now being accessed through technological advances, not only to be energy independent, but also to be once again the world’s leading producer of oil and natural gas once again.

Breaking the regulatory grasp government has created over decades and encouraging independent energy industry innovation and entrepreneurship are critical if energy prices in the future are going to remain affordable such that the U.S. economy can resume robust growth.

The United States government and major oil companies have perpetuated the fraud, encouraging the American people to incorrectly understand that oil and natural gas are “fossil fuels” that will soon be depleted worldwide. The point here is that hydrocarbon fuels properly understood are renewable fuels naturally produced by the earth on a continuing and abundant basis.

Table of Contents

Preface to the Paperback Edition


Chapter 1: The Nazi Secret of Synthetic Oil

Chapter 2: The Suppressed Science of Abiotic Oil

Chapter 3: Hubbert’s Peak and The Running Out of Oil Scare

Chapter 4: Deep-Earth and Deep-Water Oil

Chapter 5: “Julian Simon Says” – Toward a Comprehensive Energy Policy

Chapter 6: “Drill, Baby, Drill” – Achieving USA Energy Independence Now

Conclusion: The USA #1 in Oil Production?


The Great Oil Conspiracy: How the U.S. Government Hid the Nazi Discovery of Abiotic Oil from the American People

By: Jerome R. Corsi, Ph.D.

Paperless Publishing
New York, New York

Paperless Publishing, LLC.
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New York, NY 10014

Copyright © 2012 Jerome Corsi, Ph.D.

All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever. For information address Paperless Publishing, 609 Greenwich Street, New York, NY 10014

First Paperless Publishing eBook edition April 2012

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ISBN 978-1-62087-162-1