Wall Street, the Nazis, and the Crimes of the Deep State |
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The transnationally coordinated response to "Covid-19" witnessed numerous developments reminiscent of the prewar years of the Third Reich, including the suspension of constitutional rights and freedoms, the rollout of draconian legislation, an attempted revolution from above (the "Great Reset"), the censorship of dissent, health surveillance, euthanasia, eugenics, the corruption of science by politics, and the hijacking of conscience. The list goes on.
"Never again!" was the rallying cry after 1945, yet never again is now global. How did we get here? Wall Street, the Nazis, and the Crimes of the Deep State explores the role of Wall Street in promoting the rise of Hitler, funding the Nazi war machine, recruiting and rehabilitating ex-Nazis, and creating a transnational deep state inspired by Nazi methods. Wall Street has long preferred totalitarianism as the regime type most effective in crushing working-class resistance, and as capitalism once more enters a period of acute crisis, the aim is to replace liberal democracy with global technocracy—a novel, biodigital form of totalitarianism whose potential for social control exceeds anything imaginable by Hitler or Stalin.
Wall Street, the Nazis, and the Crimes of the Deep State illustrates how totalitarianism does not spring into existence fully formed. In the case of Nazi Germany, the descent into barbarism took place gradually, over many years. Today, the warning signs from history are flashing red. Unless the global technocratic coup being attempted is put down, we can expect the centralization of power in a New World Order, the return of slavery, the privatization of the global commons, and the transformation of society into a biodigital camp, bringing an end to the rule of law and normalizing the use of eugenics and a systematic mass murder of dissidents.
Dedicated to all who are actively resisting the global technocratic coup
The Emergence of Global Totalitarianism 2
Explaining the Resurgence of Totalitarianism 3
The Seizure of Power 5
Legislating Totalitarianism 6
Revolution from Above 7
The Attack on the Middle Class 8
Gleichschaltung 9
Ausschaltung 10
Propaganda 11
Health Surveillance 12
Euthanasia 13
Eugenics 14
Pseudoscientific Legitimations of “Elite” Rule 15
Hijacking Conscience 16
Ecopolitics 17
Historical Discontinuities 18
Conclusion 19
Wall Street Interest in Germany 21
The Dawes Plan, the Young Plan, and the Bank for International Settlements 22
Sullivan & Cromwell 23
Harriman and Bush 24
Ford 25
Du Pont/General Motors 26
Rockefeller/Chase National Bank 27
Rockefeller/Standard Oil 28
ITT 29
IBM 30
American I.G. 31
SKF 32
US Government Complicity 33
Conclusion 34
Justice the US Way 36
The Bank for International Settlements 37
The Role of the Vatican 38
The Failures of Denazification 39
The Failure of Decartelization 40
Recruiting Former Nazis 41
Experimenting on Human Beings 42
CIA Mind Control Programs 43
Descendants of Nazis in Positions of Power Today 44
Conclusion 45
Wall Street, Kennan, and the Birth of the US National Security State 47
The Dual/Deep State 48
The Transnationalization of the Deep State 49
The Postwar Stabilization of Capitalism 50
Conjuring an Existential Threat 51
Wall Street–Soviet Relations 52
The Cold War and Transnational Class Relations 53
Conclusion 54
Intelligence Crime 56
False Flag Terrorism 57
The Global Strategy of Tension in the Twenty-First Century 58
“Covid-19” and Intelligence Crime 59
Conclusion 60
Building a Totalitarian State 62
The New (World) Order 63
Slavery 67
Ecofascism 68
The Camp 72
Imprisoning Dissidents and Judicial Murder 75
Eugenics 77
Systematic Mass Murder 81
Conclusion 85
What does the Public Really Think? 87
Left vs. Right or Revolution from Above/Below? 88
Finding the Courage to Act 89
Withdrawing Consent 90
Conclusion 91
This book provides analysis of the tectonic shifts that have been taking place in the global political economy since 2020. The information it provides is for educational and research purposes only. Readers must draw their own conclusions from the information it contains and take responsibility for their own actions.
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Copyright © 2024 by David A. Hughes
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available on file.
Print ISBN: 978–1-5107–7985-3 eBook ISBN: 978–1-5107–7986-0
Cover design by David Ter-Avanesyan
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