Who Built the Moon?     Source


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For most people the suggestion that the Moon could be artificial is about as sensible as saying that it is made of green cheese.

This is a perfectly reasonable response based on everything that we know about the world we live in, where there are just two kinds of objects: those that are here because the random forces of the Universe - that we call 'nature' - caused them to exist; or because they were manufactured by human hand.

However super-rational our scientific community considers itself to be, there are still huge numbers of people who believe things that are not proven by empiric means. In a recent poll it was found that no less than ninety-two per cent of Americans say they believe in God - and other surveys indicate that many millions of people are equally convinced that aliens have visited our planet.

God may well exist, and so too might aliens for all we know, but this book will only concern itself with hard, scientific facts. And, unlike so many of those trapped in the politically correct world of academia, our published findings will not be constrained by the demands of current convention.

The information we put forward here is clear, testable and, we believe, irrefutable.

Despite the fact that the Moon is almost certainly 4.6 billion years old, we will demonstrate beyond all reasonable doubt that Earth's Moon cannot be a natural object.

And then we shall explain in detail how the agency that manufactured the Moon left a series of detailed messages of what had been done and for whom it had been undertaken.

So, here is our challenge. Put aside your natural incredulity and read this book with an open mind, check out the evidence then ask yourself 'Who built the Moon?'

We have cited three possibilities but maybe you can think of more. However, the last of our suggestions appears to us to be increasingly likely. It is a worrying, staggering, exciting and completely awesome concept.

And, if there is even an outside chance that this could be the answer, the world has a major new challenge ahead of it.