The Silent Revolution in Cancer and AIDS Medicine  

Note from the Author

The knowledge that this book conveys may revolutionize cancer and AIDS therapy in the coming years. After having read this book, no responsible doctor should continue to provide such harmful therapy to the patients in his/her care and trust. This book will inform them about the fatal mistakes of their previous therapies, of which until now they were the unwitting victims.

Additionally, this book is indispensable reading for the patient afflicted with cancer or AIDS. Herein for the first time, the exact reasons are revealed to the world why neither cancer nor AIDS must inevitably result in death. These two illnesses are the natural result of a systemic imbalance, which not only can be halted, but can also be healed.

Dedicated to the memory of my teacher and friend:

Prof. Dr. med. Alfred HÄSSIG (1921-1999)

As a long-standing head of the central laboratory of the Swiss Red Cross, Professor of Immunology at Berne, Advisor to the World Health Organization in all continents, President of the International Society for Blood Transfusion, and Chairman of the Study Group for Nutrition and Immunity, Alfred Hässig was an eminent pioneer in the field of hematology, immunology and stress-medicine.

With an exemplary medical ethic, he tirelessly and courageously made clear the uncertainty of the so-called HIV test and the fatal consequences of toxic AIDS and cancer therapy. In spite of legal persecution up until his death, he imparted the practical alternatives of biological regulation therapy.

Patients around the world will owe their survival to the doctor and researcher Alfred Hässig, who has liberated them from the fatal mistakes of HIV/AIDS medicine. His impressive reminder—that the service to health must always take priority over profit from illness—remains a lasting legacy and lesson, not only for his friends and colleagues but also for his opponents, who are as skilled and resourceful as they are stubbornly misinformed.

Examining all the major research data since the 1940s, this book challenges two orthodox medical models: HIV as the cause of AIDS, and random genetic mutations as the cause of cancer. Based on the recent findings from Evolutionary Biology and Nitric Oxide research, it presents a fundamentally new understanding of the human cell, its double genome split between the cell nucleus and the mitochondria, and the role of energy production and signal modulation for immune reactions and carcinogenesis. Finally, it explains the concept of a new Cell Symbiosis Therapy® for the treatment of all chronic diseases, including cancer. Now available in English for the first time, this book is a must-read for doctors, patients and anyone following the cutting edge of biology and immunology. With the blasting open of such doors of knowledge, the medical world will never again be the same.

Heinrich Kremer, MD, Medical Director Emeritus was, from 1968-1975, head of social therapy for addicts, sexual offenders and people with personality disorders at the Berlin Tegel prison which was the pilot project for the reform of the German penal system. In 1988 he resigned as medical director of a model clinic specializing in youth drug addiction due to differences on medical ethics regarding the HIV test and AIDS therapy. From 1993-1999 as collaborating member of the Study Group for Nutrition and Immunity (Bern) he investigated together with Prof. Alfred Hässig the mechanisms occurring in AIDS defining illnesses and in cancer. Since the publication of this book in German in 2001 he has been in demand as a lecturer on the treatment of chronic diseases, working today as senior consultant in a growing medical network for Cell Symbiosis Therapy®. [Source]


From: Alive and Well

Heinrich Kremer is a Doctor of Medicine, Psychiatry and Neurology, with postgraduate studies in sociology, psychology and political science; Professor and Medical Director emeritus specializing in psychosomatic rehabilitation.

From 1968-1979 he oversaw the Berlin-Tegel penal reform project, a German federal pilot program of social therapy for addicts, sexual offenders, and those with personality disturbances.

From 1981-1988 he was Medical Director of a clinic for young-adult drug addicts which covered Berlin, Bremen, Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein and Lower Saxony. He retired due to philosophical differences on medical and professional ethics in regard to pharmaceutical and AIDS policy.

Since 1988 he has been involved with fundamental research on cancer and AIDS. From 1995-1999, Kremer worked with Prof. Alfred Hässig (now deceased) as a cooperative member of the Study Group Nutrition and Immunity in Berne, Switzerland. In 1996 along with virologist Dr. Stefan Lanka, Kremer also formed the group REGIMED (REsearch Group for Investigative MEDicine and journalism), a watchdog group on ethical problems related to medical research.

Kremer has also published magazine articles on the dangers of Ritalin, and the nontoxic orthmolecular alternatives.

The Silent Revolution

In 2001, Dr. Kremer published a groundbreaking book called “The Silent Revolution in Cancer and AIDS medicine,” which covers non-toxic AIDS therapy and the fundamental aspects of the disease as an imbalance in mitochondrial symbiosis. Now printed in it's third German edition, first Italian edition, (and soon to be English edition!) major topics include:

  • The evolutionary endosymbiosis between the mitochondria and the animal cell
  • The vital role of sulfur in the maintenance of the animal organism
  • The dual nature of eukaryotic energy production, in light of endosymbiosis and the archaic subgenome (OXPHOS vs. glycolysis)
  • The similarity between fetal and cancer cells (archaic fermentation via the Protistan subgenome)
  • The susceptibility of the mitochondrion to antibiotics due to phylogenetic similarity to pathogenic organisms; enzymatic asphyxiation
  • The disruption of the mitochondrial symbiosis (Warburg Phenomenon) and its implications
  • The how's and why's of cancerous cellular transformation; why people with AIDS are also at risk for cancer; why muscle wasting (cachexia) occurs in late-stage cancer and AIDS
  • The true nature of the “HIV particles” and how/why they are produced
  • Why “HIV seropositivity” is pathognomonic for glutathione insufficiency
  • The role of endogenous nitric oxide (NO) gas in the regulation and counterregulation of the immune system
  • Glutathione as "gas mask" for the immune cell, and protection of the mitochondria
  • The role of glutathione in the Th1-to-Th2 immune switch
  • The relationship between the outbreak of homosexual AIDS and the abuse of nitrate inhalants (poppers) and antibiotics
  • The true nature of AIDS chemotherapy: short-term antimicrobial effect vs. long-term cellular damage; exhaustion of the thiol pool and exacerbated Type-2 counterregulation
  • Misleading T-cell counts in the bloodstream, due to Th2 redistribution after pharmatoxic disruption of the bone marrow
  • How reverse transcription of RNA into DNA is part of normal repair mechanisms
  • The “viral load” PCR test, and how it relates to genetic damage and chemopoisoning
  • How stress hormones steer the immune system (cortiol vs. DHEA)
  • Nontoxic orthomolecular therapies for reversing the pathophysiology of AIDS and cancer
  • Biomarkers for therapeutic success vs. disease progression
  • ...and more!

Today, Kremer continues to teach seminars around Europe, now primarily focusing on his Cancer Cell Redifferentiation Therapy.

The basic goals of Kremer's non-toxic AIDS therapy are as follows:

  • Minimization of prooxidative stress
  • Replenishment of the thiol lack
  • Balancing the amino acid dysregulation
  • Liver protection to lighten the burden of systemic thiol deficiency
  • Modulation of Type-II counterregulation
  • Micronutrient replenishment
  • Fortification of the extracellular matrix
  • Mitochondrial revitalization
  • Attenuation of stress hormones
  • Fear reduction and psychological assistance

Below are presented some more of Kremer’s writings. (Some of the articles need more editing as the translation is a bit rough.)

Other writings based on Kremer's work:



[Heinrich Kremer M.D. was Medical Director of the Federal Clinics for Juvenile and Young Adult Drug Offenders for five German counties, including Berlin, Bremen, and Hamburg.]

Answers to the Questions of President Mbeki by Heinrich Kremer

[2003] Depopulation and HIV by Jon Rappoport

See:  Blood

In the beginning, of course, some of the publications of Peter Duesberg helped me a lot, because he was an authority who questioned a lot of things, and that helped me. I translated some of this articles into German and published them in a small publishing house. But then, with time, I learned about other specialists, among them Heinrich Kremer, the well-known German medical doctor, former medical director of the Federal German Drug Abuser Clinics, who helped me to understand what was really going on.
    Because he was in charge of the introduction of hepatitis B vaccine into Germany, and used it in his patients, Dr. Kremer checked out the hepatitis B vaccines on the market. He found that the American vaccine, hepatitis B vaccine, was produced with the sera donated by men in the Gay scene in New York City between 1978 and 1980. So, as he knew, there was a lot of sex going on in a minority of these men, and therefore they had had a lot of sexually transmitted diseases. So he was afraid of using this vaccine, and instead he used the French vaccine, which was produced from blood donations by the general population in France.
    But in 1983 the German government forced him not to use this vaccine anymore. They said the French vaccine is poisoned by the "AIDS virus" -- at the time when nobody was positively speaking about an "AIDS virus" -- but the American vaccine was O.K. He knew, or he was warned, that this had nothing to do with the science, but it had to do with the fact that the German medical system, in parts of Germany, is virtually a colony of the American system.
    Soon after, in 1984, he was told to deliver frozen blood samples of his patients to Berlin, to the newly founded AIDS Center, to be tested for the "AIDS virus." Before he let his blood out, he checked what's the evidence for the accuracy and reliability of the HIV antibody test, and he realized that this test is not able to detect the virus. It is not able to say yes or no, you are or are not infected. It is only able to say that you have a higher or lower amount of antibodies. That's how the HIV antibody test was and is designed.[1995] Interview Stefan Lanka

Dr. Kremer knew this already by 1984. He was very worried about the fate of his patients, because in 1984 the politicians asked him to put these already stigmatized "HIV-positive" patients into quarantine, which means to separate them from the other ones. He said no, because there's no infectious entity out there. He knew everybody who went through chronic active hepatitis or had the hepatitis B vaccine would test "HIV-positive." So he knew that there is no infection in his hospital.
    He informed the mass media, who went to his hospital to inform themselves, in great detail. He told them all the evidence. And the very same journalists, in talk shows, in Der Spiegel [one of Germany's largest and most popular magazines] for example, published just the contrary. So he knew that it was intentional from the very beginning. They played war. They all wanted to have a blood and sex plague, contrary to the evidence which he presented to them. So he knew that AIDS was built up on misconceptions. He was dealing at the top political level. They told him, off the record, that they knew, they didn't care, it was about how to deal with the drug problem and with the homosexuals.
    They even tried to kill him, and this didn't succeed. He had a good intuition and got out of his car before the tire blew out. Then he learned from a minister who had a deep respect for him, because of his work with prisoners and drug abusers, that the German government was carrying out a secret psychological investigation, trying to prove that he was mentally ill and being kept in his job only because they considered him in danger of committing suicide. So when he learned this, he left his very highly-ranked position because he was not able to be silent on this. That would not fit his ethics.
    I also met Professor Alfred Hässig of Switzerland. He founded Swiss blood-donation system and was one of the first to take out products from the blood in order to make plasma to treat chronic disease. By becoming a colleague and a very close friend of his by now, I learned a great deal about the whole blood-producing industry and the criminal energy behind it. In March of 1996 in Berne [capital of Switzerland], Hässig, Kremer and I met for the first time.
    It became clear, also, what's happening in the field of hepatitis. They are not dealing with a virus. Of course, there's a possibility to enrich certain kinds of proteins in blood products, which then cause severe autoimmune reactions, but only in very stressed-out people, never in non-stressed people. When they learned to take out these proteins from the blood products, or dilute them, there are not hepatic problems anymore. I learned this through him.[1995] Interview Stefan Lanka

"So he [Kremer] knew [after his rejection by the mass media] that it [the AIDS scam] was intentional from the very beginning. They [the higher-ups, politically, in Germany and, by implication, elsewhere] wanted to have a blood and sex plague...He [Kremer] was dealing at the top political level. They told him off the record, that they knew [about the fraud], they didn't care, it was about how to deal with the drug problem and with the homosexuals."
    The meaning of this is clear. Drug users and certain areas in the gay community were experiencing high levels of Hepatitis B – and added to this, the Hepatitis B vaccine was also used widely in these groups. The result was a falsely positive HIV test – leading to the domino effect of death I've described above. It's called depopulation.
    Lanka continues, "They even tried to kill him [Kremer], and this didn't succeed. He had a good intuition and got out of his car before the tire blew out...the German government was carrying out a secret psychological investigation, trying to prove that he was mentally ill...and in danger of committing suicide..."

Copyright © 2012 by Heinrich Kremer; Barcelona (Spain) and by David Lowenfels, San Francisco (USA)
for “The Dual Strategy of the Immune Response”

ISBN: Ebook 978-1-4771-0419-4

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

Editor: Felix A. de Fries, Zürich, Study Group AIDS Therapy, Zürich (Switzerland)
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Translator: Jamie Mc Intosh, Freiburg (Germany)
Proofreading: David Lowenfels and Dorion Sagan, San Francisco (USA)

German edition: Heinrich Kremer: Die stille Revolution der Krebs—und AIDS—Medizin Ehlers Verlag, Wolfratshausen (Germany) 2001

Italien edition: Heinrich Kremer: La Rivoluzione Silenziosa della Medicina del Cancro e dell’ AIDS, Macroedizioni, Diegaro di Cesena (Italy) 2003

We would like to thank Monique Altmann, Benglen (Switzerland) for her sponsoring of the English edition of this book and the Macroedizioni Publishing House for permission to use the illustrations made for the Italian edition.

To order additional copies of this book, contact: Xlibris Corporation
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  • Chapter I — A Disastrous Decision
    20 years of abusing nitric gases for sexual enhancement—the seemingly mysterious consequences … 1
  • Chapter II — The Sensational Discovery
    Gaseous Nitrogen Monoxide as bioenergetic regulator within and between living cells——the gas war between humans and microbes … 8
  • Chapter III — The AIDS Mystery
    Why the AIDS diseases were misinterpreted—inhibition of the gaseous defense is the cause of acquired immune cell weakness … 19
  • Chapter IV — AIDS is not a Contagious Disease
    Opportunistic infections and Kaposi’s sarcoma were well known long before the AIDS era—a variety of causes trigger the same immune response, as programmed by biological evolution. … 32
  • Chapter V — Challenging the Previously Valid Immunity Theories
    How acquired immune cell impairment actually develops … 60
  • Chapter VI — The Most Successful Fusion in the History of Evolution
    How the micro-Gaian milieu functions—the vital role of the mitochondria … 88
  • Chapter VII — Collective Tunnel Vision
    Why “HIV characteristics” are the outcome of evolutionary biological programming, and are not specific causes of strong and/or continuous immune stress—what the “HIV test” really measures. … 123
  • Chapter VIII — The Solution to the Cancer Puzzle
    Why normal cells become cancerous—the degeneration of cancer cells back to an embryonic state is programmed by evolutionary biology, and is the result of mitochondrial inactivation. … 137
  • Chapter IX — HIV/AIDS Medicine Run Amok
    Why AIDS drugs cause cancer, degenerative changes in muscular and nervous cells, and even AIDS itself-the explanation of how AZT, Bactrim/Septra, and their ilk actually work. … 179
  • Chapter X — The Daunting Task of Reconsideration
    The fundamental malpractices of AIDS and cancer medicine—why patients die by chemotherapeutic poisoning … 204
  • Chapter XI — The Lifesaving Knowledge of Healing
    On the practice of diagnosing, preventing, and treating AIDS, cancer, and other systemic diseases—rebalancing instead of eradication … 260
  • Chapter XII — Resistance against Mass Poisoning in Africa
    The international initiative of President Mbeki—answers from the South African government’s open discussion: on the causes of AIDS in the West and developing nations, on the nontoxic prevention and therapy for AIDS, on AZT’s true mechanism of action, and the global terror epidemic spread by physicians and the media—the international HIV cartel’s refusal to join the discussion, and the disinformation campaign it launched. … 292
  • Appendix A — The Secret of Cancer: “Short-Circuit” in the Photon Switch
    Change in the medical world-view of tumorology—The rational Cell Symbiosis Therapy concept … 300
  • Appendix B — The Concept of Cell Symbiosis Therapy
    The Way Out of the Therapeutic Dead End … 305
  • Appendix C — The Dual Strategy of the Immune Response
    A Review of Heinrich Kremer’s Research on the Pathophysiology of AIDS, Cancer, and Other Chronic Immune Imbalances … 311
  • Bibliography … 319
  • Tables … 343

Chapter 4:

  • Table I The pathogenesis of AIDS according to the retroviral theory … 343
  • Table II Actual clinical manifestations … 344

Chapter 5:

  • Table III The double strategy of the immune response … 345

Chapter 6:

  • Table IV Diagram of the fusion between an archacum and a proteobacterium … 346
  • Table V The alternating switch between OXPHOS and aecobic Glycolysis … 347
  • Table VI Compensated/decompensated oxidative and nitrosative Stress … 348
  • Table VII Cellular symbiosis and dyssymbiosis subject to NO and ROS production … 349
  • Table VIII Clinical examples of cellular dyssymbioses … 350

Chapter 7:

  • Table IX The phantom “HIV” … 351
  • Table X The experimental findings of the Montaigner team as counter-evidence to the “HIV causes AID and AIDS” theory … 352
  • Table XI The experimental findings of the Gallo team as counter-evidence to the “HIV causes AID and AIDS” theory … 353

Chapter 8:

  • Table XII Diagram of the mitochondrial channels … 354
  • Table XIII The channel rhythm in mitochondrion … 355
  • Table XIV Programmed cell death in metastatic tumor cells after the transfer of a functional iNOS gene … 356
  • Table XV Programmed cell death in metastatic tumor cells after repeated injection of synthetic lipopeptides and induction of the iNOS enzyme for the synthesis of iNO … 357
  • Table XVI Examples of the progressive decline in disease and mortality rates via infectious illnesses from 1838-1970 … 358

Chapter 10:

  • Table XVII Typical Laboratory findings in cumulative wasting syndrome … 359
  • Illustration 1 Diagram of some important interactions of nitric oxide (NO) and the effects of NO as physiological messenger and cytotoxic agent … 27
  • Illustration 2 Immune and non-immune cells that synthesize cytotoxic NO gas … 28
  • Illustration 3 Type 1 and Type 2 cytokines and other factors that activate of inhibit NO synthesis … 29
  • Illustration 4 Pathogenous agents and tumor cells receptors of NO gas attacks … 30
  • Illustration 5 Mechanisms of NO gas attack on tumor cell … 31
  • Illustration 6 NO gas attack of an immune cell … 31
  • Illustration 7 Cover of the German medical journal “Deutsches Arzteblatt” … 56
  • Illustration 8 Type C RNA tumor virus isolated from a cell culture of acute human myeloid leukemia … 56
  • Illustration 9 From the ’50s, so-called retroviruses have been isolated in sarcoma cells (connective tissue tumor cells) of guinea-pigs and birds using an electron microscope … 57
  • Illustration 10 An electron microscope photo of a banded and purified HIV … 58
  • Illustration 11 Banded and purified HIV … 58
  • Illustration 12 According to the researchers, the photos show that “most of the material in the density gradient is of cellular nature” … 58
  • Illustration 13 Diagram of the purification of the retroviral particles … 59
  • Illustration 14 Well-being and health depend on the balance between body and mind … 80
  • Illustration 15 Pattern of hematic and immune cells … 81
  • Illustration 16 Computerized pictures of a dendritic cell, a T-cell and a phagocyte … 82
  • Illustration 17 Antigen-presenting cells … 83
  • Illustration 18 Diagram of the T immunocyte population … 84
  • Illustration 19 The three main reinforced T cells produce several effector molecules … 85
  • Illustration 20 Interaction between T-4 cells and B cellls … 86
  • Illustration 21 Pattern of the interaction between a macrophage and a T-4 activating cell (Th1) or a T-4 inhibiting cell (TH2) and the polar cytokines … 86
  • Illustration 22 Typical antibody molecules … 87
  • Illustration 23 Antibody is composed of repeated domains … 87
  • Illustration 24 The development of the first organisms up to human beings … 109
  • Illustration 25 Diagram of the three domains of life … 109
  • Illustration 26 Diagram of the present classification of the domains … 109
  • Illustration 27 Diagram of the anaerobic synthesis of ATP in proto-eukaryotes up to the synthesis of prevailing acrobic ATP in humans … 110
  • Illustration 28 Diagram, of the main features of mitochondrial ultrastructure … 111
  • Illustration 29 Electron microscope photo of a mitochondrion … 111
  • Illustration 30 Enlargement of Illustration 29 … 112
  • Illustration 31 Diagram of the inner and the outer mitochondrial membranes … 112
  • Illustration 32 Diagram of a typical animal/human cell and a vegetable one … 113
  • Illustration 33 Human mitochondrial genome … 114
  • Illustration 34 Diagram of a cell and an electron microscope photo … 115
  • Illustration 35 Catabolism of food in the cytoplasm and in mitochondria during the three stages of cellular respiration … 116
  • Illustration 36 The visually similar structures of adenosinetriphosphate (ATP) and the main molecules for the transfer of electrons and hydrogen ions (NADH, FAD, coenzymes) … 117
  • Illustration 37 Catabolism of glucose and the transfer of hydrogen ions to NADH and enzymatic ATPase … 118
  • Illustration 38 Transfer of hydrogen ions to NADH and FADH2 in the citric cycle of the mitochondrial respiratory chain … 119
  • Illustration 39 Fluorescent dyeing’ of the mitochondria of a fibroblast … 120
  • Illustration 40 Diagram of the complexes of the respiratory chain in the inner mitochondrial membrane … 120
  • Illustration 41 The Directions for the synthesis of the protcic sub-groups of the enzymatic complexes of the respiratory chain … 121
  • Illustration 42 The electrochemical potential between the outer mitochondrial membrane and the inner one for the feeding of the ATPase … 122
  • Illustration 43 The types of tumor frequently found in human beings … 163
  • Illustration 44 Stages of the development of a carcimomna … 164
  • Illustration 45 Stages of development of a carcinoma (to be continued) … 164
  • Illustration 46 Formation of a metastasis … 165
  • Illustration 47 Formation of a metastasis (to be continued) … 165
  • Illustration 48 Picture of the spread of metastasis along the extracellular matrix and the blood … 166
  • Illustration 49 Picture of the cycle of celldivision … 166
  • Illustration 50 During the mitosis phase the chromosomes become visible … 167
  • Illustration 51 Schematic description of the effects of cytostatics in the phase of the cycle of cell diviston … 167
  • Illustration 52 Description of the phases of mitosis during the cycle of cell division … 168
  • Illustration 53 Electron microscope photos. The process of transformation into a tumour is illustrated with an unusual distinctness … 169
  • Illustration 54 The effects of the chemotherapeutic agents to the synthesis of DNA, RNA and proteins … 170
  • Illustration 55 Effects of some chemotherapeutic agents … 171
  • Illustration 56 Oncogenes and suppression of tumors … 172
  • Illustration 57 Comparing between fetal and tumour cells as well as adult cells in relation to the enzymatic and oxididative ATPase … 173
  • Illustration 58 Description of the programmed cell death by means of the release of a cytochrome C from mitochdondria after a high pro-oxidative stress … 174
  • Illustration 59 First and last stage of the synthesis of mitochondria (up) … 175
  • Illustration 60 The forced splitting of the heme … 176
  • Illustration 61 Block of the chain of electron transportation in the iV complex of cellular respiration in the mitochondrion by means of CN, CO and tje nitrogen Group … 177
  • Illustration 62 The attack to the cells of the inner vascular walls following the inhalation of nitrate gas … 178
  • Illustration 63 Formula of the structure of Trimethoprim (up) and that of sulfamethoxazole … 199
  • Illustration 64 Rate of prescription of antibiotics in surgeries and clinics in Germany administered during 1995-1996 … 200
  • Illustration 65 The “anti HIV" medicine most frequently prescribed … 201
  • Illustration 66 Structural formula of the AZT … 201
  • Illustration 67 The heap of “anti-HIV” substances. Daily dose of the available antiretroviral agent … 202
  • Illustration 68 Artist of Survival “A professional pill consumer” for the “HIV”-AIDS-medicine … 203
  • Illustration 69 Various kind of factors that damage the mitochondria … 285
  • Illustration 70 The glutathione molecule in its reduced (left) and oxidized (right) form … 285
  • Illustration 71 The glutathione molecule takes part in all the main processes of cellular biology … 285
  • Illustration 72 Description of the mechanism of reduced glutathione … 286
  • Illustration 73 Glutathione controls the equilibrium of the immunocytes TH1/TH2 in antigen presenting cells … 287
  • Illustration 74 Some structural formulas of the polyphenols (flavanoids) … 287
  • Illustration 75 The anthocyans support for the glutathione system … 288
  • Illustration 76 Excessive amounts fatty oils promote the formation of toxic acetaldchyde … 289
  • Illustration 77 Some sources of essential fatty oils … 290
  • Illustration 78 Omega-3 fatty oils promote the production of prostaglandins … 291

Kary Mullis – Defeating AIDS

The Nobel Prize winner for Chemistry in 1993, American research scientist Kary Mullis, gives an account of his experiences while searching for scientific references for the disease theory that “HIV is the probable cause of AIDS”. His account is a astonishing document of contemporary history, and highlights the mass psychological staging of “the most devastating epidemic of the 20th Century”

See pages 123-124 in Chapter VII: Collective Tunnel Vision

Cellsymbiosis Therapy – Heinrich Kremer

[This video is in German. To view translated subtitles, first click the “Closed Captions” (CC) icon in the video’s toolbar, then go to “Settings” icon in the toolbar and choose “Auto-Translate" then choose English. It may make reading the subtitles easier by changing the video speed to 50% (also in the Settings menu).]

Cellsymbiosis Therapy® according to Dr. Heinrich Kremer is a coherent and biological therapy concept. It combines the latest research findings with insights into the evolutionary biology of cell formation and offers extremely successful diagnostic and therapeutic options, especially for chronic diseases.

It is now scientifically proven that almost all chronic diseases are based on mitochondrial damage or dysfunction.

As a logical consequence of this knowledge, Cellsymbiosis Therapy® regulatively addresses the mitochondrial structure and function of the affected cells.