AIDS, Opium, Diamonds, and Empire 
AIDS, Opium, Diamonds, and Empire: The Deadly Virus of International Greed

It is a mistake to think that wars only concern armies involved in active engagement. Nothing is farther from the truth. The real forces of evil wage a financial war. The dark princes of debt finance have gained leverage over every important social, economic, and political institution-including the health care delivery system.

In AIDS, Opium, Diamonds, and Empire, author Nancy Turner Banks draws the connections between free market strategies, the destruction of national sovereignty by the process of globalization, and AIDS as one of the health consequences of a neo-Darwinian philosophy. Through meticulous research, Banks found a medicalpharmaceutical- industrial complex that was taken over one hundred years ago by the titans of financial capitalism. Their aim was to create profit, not to conquer disease. This book of social history points to a cauldron of historical events that contributed to the HIV/AIDS crisis.

AIDS, Opium, Diamonds, and Empiretells the dramatic story of a financial ideology that is damaging to everything that it means to be human. It is the story of profits over people. In the end, it is the story of hope and how we can regain our sanity and our health in a world gone mad.

  • Factors Known to Cause False-Positive HIV Antibody Test Results … ii
  • Soft Money Contributions … iii
  • AIDS: A Small Timeline of a Large Syndrome … iv
  1. The Big Lie and the Art of War … 1
  2. Silent, Weapons … 9
  3. The Brothers Flexner, Allopathic Medicine, Lessons Learned from the British East India Company … 16
  4. HIV/AIDS: Sloppy Science or the Art of Deception? … 23
  5. The Deindustrialization of the Economic Core, More Immune Toxins, How China Fits into the Big Picture and the Death Knell for Dollar Hegemony … 32
  6. The British East India Company, Opium is King … 41
  7. Jackic-O’s Men, Drugs, Diamonds, and Oil for Empire, the AIDS Crucible … 49
  8. Maurice Tempelsman, HIV/AIDS and the U.S.—Israeli African Geopolitical Strategy … 58
  9. Kissinger and Nixon: China, Vietnam, Drugs, Cancer, and the HIV Connection … 65
  10. Iran-Contra and the Politics of Neighborhood Destruction and Cultural Disintegration, Oxidative Stressors and African AIDS … 73
  11. SMON, Pellagra, The Eugenics Blueprint for Creating and Sustaining a Medical Crisis … 79
  12. Burroughs Wellcome, the Eye of the Storm, Why Aids Drugs Cause AIDS … 86
  13. Why HIV is not Transmitted Sexually … 92
  14. What You Don't Know About the HIV Antibody Test Can Kill You … 99
  15. What Is Causing Immune Deficiency? … 106
  16. Overcoming the HIV/AIDS paradigm by using “The Secret” … 113
  17. Therapeutic Considerations for HIV Positive and Aids Patients … 121
About the Author
Nancy Turner Banks, MD, MBA [Source]
Nancy Turner Banks
Nancy Turner Banks, M.D.

Dr. Nancy Banks is a graduate of Hunter College and Harvard Medical School. As a senior medical student she was awarded a scholarship from the American College of Surgeons to study surgery and tropical medicine at the Benin Medical College in Benin, Nigeria. She completed her internship and residency in general surgery and obstetrics and gynecology at St. Luke’s and Mt. Sinai Hospital and Medical Center. She was a Galloway Fellow in gynecological oncology at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. Dr. Banks has a master’s degree in finance from Pace University.

Dr. Banks spent twenty-five years practicing general obstetrics and gynecology during which she was also the director of outpatient gynecology at The North General Hospital in Harlem, New York and served as an attending physician at not only North General, but Nyack Hospital in Nyack, New York, the Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center and the Mt. Sinai Hospital and Medical Center. She felt that it was an honor and a privilege to attend to the thousands of women who trusted her with their care as their primary care physician or as their obstetrician or their surgeon.

During her years of practice Dr. Banks was daily confronted by a caravan of drug representatives in her office and at medical conferences. She became aware of not only how the pharmaceutical industry controls the practice of allopathic medicine but specifically how the industry targets women and increasingly their children. This industry more through propaganda than science has cleverly medicalized normal life processes and transitions and has promoted the use of drugs when additional non-patentable nutrient replenishments are indicated. By reading original journal reports she learned how the industry used its money and its might to suppress countless medical discoveries. Had these discoveries not been suppressed we would not be facing the terrible current health challenges and skyrocketing costs of the insurance industry. Finally, she became acutely aware of the deception and fraud in the deliberate suppression of information about the adverse effects of their products to physicians and by extension to the public.

After being challenged with two back-to-back life threatening illnesses, Dr. Banks realized that she would have to look outside of her own discipline of allopathic medicine to learn how to heal. This was her personal “dark night of the soul”. It was a journey that gave her the courage to question the fundamental assumptions and mythologies of western medicine. Her passion has become supporting others in their search for health knowledge that is both consonant with the laws of nature and life affirming. She does this by lecturing and writing on current health, social, political and economic topics. She at one time was host of her own radio program called “Connect the Dots”.

Dr. Banks wrote AIDS, Opium, Diamonds and Empire as a tool for all Americans to gain insight into the historical events that were planned to lead this country and indeed the global economy to the enormous social upheavals and economic crisis being currently experienced. She shows how the HIV/AIDS crisis developed from the consequences of global financial decisions made at the highest levels as the result of the Bretton Woods Agreement following WWII and the doping of America following Vietnam. She shows how these changes were planned and developed in plain sight by a “secret” high cabal. But more than anything, the book is dedicated to Africans, Africans of the diaspora and survivors of the Maafa in hope that they will at long last begin to understand the world and their place in it from a longer historical perspective than four hundred years and that the only way to take command of your future is to take control of your history--not with hesitancy, but with conviction.

Another MD Busts AIDS Clerics [Source]

Since 2006, Mexican cartels have killed 28,000 men, women and children in drug-related violence. As troubling as these numbers are, those deaths and injuries represent a fraction of those who are negligently killed or injured by US doctors and drug companies every year. Based upon admissions information, 3,607,000 patients suffered adverse drug reactions in 1994 alone.

Unlike the Mexican police forces that stage captured suspects and their profits before the international media, the pharmaceutical industry routinely pays off regulators, prosecutors and victims for their silence. Since 2004, companies like GlaxoSmithKline, AstraZeneca and Pfizer have paid $8 billion to settle thousands of criminal and civil complaints after killing or injuring millions. But when a drug like Seroquel generates $4 billion/year, a $520 million fine becomes nothing more than a business expense.

To facilitate America’s progressive eugenics, drug companies pay basketball players and actors to push deadly drugs – especially in black and gay communities. But when licensed investigators and scientists question those efforts, PharmaSluts like and Jeanne Bergman rent their unused diplomas to give legitimacy to the criminal enterprise while attacking real scientists and reporters with harassing letters, gay porn and meritless complaints.

Unfortunately for Bergman and her peers, another real doctor has broken ranks with what Shannon Brownlee (author of Overtreated) identifies as drug whores.

Unlike Bergman, Nancy Turner Banks MD has actually practiced medicine and treated patients for 28 years. The Harvard Medical School graduate trained in surgery, obstetrics, gynecology and gynecological oncology and has practiced general obstetrics and gynecology for twenty-five years. She also earned an MBA in finance.

In her recently published book AIDS, Opium, Diamonds and Empire, Dr. Banks exposes the AIDS religion for the pseudoscience that it is:

It is a great mistake to think that wars only concern armies, regulars or guerillas, involved in active engagement—blowing people and things to smithereens. In today’s world, nothing could be farther from the truth. The real forces of evil wage another kind of warfare. This warfare is principally financial. The dark princes of debt finance have gained practically unopposed leverage over every important social, economic and political institution, including and especially the health care delivery system.

As a result, death by iatrogenic medicine kills more people in a year than either cancer or heart disease. The demons of capital and “free market” ideology have gained control of the pharmaceutical industry, the teaching of physicians, the major media, including medical journals and the flow of research dollars. They control a clandestine intelligence agency, the Epidemic Intelligence Service that has silently infiltrated every major health department, hospital, newspaper and medical journal across the nation enabling the control of information and the mounting of a consolidated response on a moments notice. These dollars determine if there is going to be a “war on cancer” or a “war on AIDS.”

These wars are planned and mounted with the same organizational strategic planning as the Pentagon. What this ultimately leads to is the development of bad science and toxic drugs that are created ostensibly to fight cancer and AIDS, but in effect cause more cancer and more AIDS—and that is the point of the war. People die in war and the profiteers substantially increase their wealth and power.

Dr. Banks draws the connections between free market strategies, the destruction of national sovereignty by the process of globalization, and AIDS as one of the health consequences of a neo-Darwinian philosophy. Through meticulous research, Banks found a medical-pharmaceutical- industrial complex that was taken over one hundred years ago by the titans of financial capitalism. Their aim was to create profit – not to conquer disease. This book of social history points to a cauldron of historical events that contributed to the HIV/AIDS crisis.

AIDS, Opium, Diamonds, and Empire tells the dramatic story of a financial ideology that is damaging to everything that it means to be human. It is the story of profits over people. In the end, it is the story of hope and how we can regain our sanity and our health in a world gone mad.

Nancy Banks MD: Vaccines “Totally Useless” 2 Jan 2 2012 [Source]

After years of additional academic research, Dr. Banks published AIDS, Opium, Diamonds, and Empire, which later earned top honors as “the most progressive health book,” by the Independent Publisher Book Awards.

She recently sat down with Gary Null Ph.D. to discuss unresolved questions about vaccines, autism, allergies, HPV, immunity, and the history of pharmaceutical warfare.

Copyright © 2010 by Nancy Turner Banks

AIDS, Diamonds, and Empire: The Deadly Virus of International Greed

Nancy Turner Banks, M.D.

iUniverse, Inc.
New York Bloomington

Copyright © 2010 by Nancy Turner Banks

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